BR Buzz May 27, 2016 - Bridgewater


BR Buzz May 27, 2016 - Bridgewater
May 27, 2016
We Are B-R
Mr. Swenson, Superintendent of Schools
On Tuesday May 24, 2016, I had the privilege of attending the 2016 Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School’s Academic Awards
Night. This is always one my favorite evenings of the year, because the event honors our students for all their hard work and educational
accomplishments. Our new National Honor Society inductees were recognized and graduation cords were presented to our senior National
Honor Society members. Grade 9-12 students with were also acknowledged for their academic achievements and received departmental
I had the personal honor of presenting the Superintendent’s Award to the Class of 2016’s Valedictorian, Miss Jacqueline Berolini. Jacqueline
earned this honor with a grade point average of 4.84. While at B-R, Jacqueline was a member of the National Honor Society, a peer leader, a
member of the Student Council, part of the Model United Nations Club, and the Youth Environmental Social Society Club. Jacqueline has
also received many awards and accolades during her years at Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School including, the Principal’s Award,
Math Department Award, and Science Department Award, all for high academic achievement. Outside of school, Jacqueline has played club
soccer as a member of the Blackhawks Soccer Club and she also campaigns for Bridgewater Town Politics. Jacqueline will be attending
Quinnipiac University in fall with the goal of becoming a Physician’s Assistant. Congratulations, Jacqueline on all of your accomplishments.
We are very proud of you and all our award recipients. You have all brought great pride and honor to our District.
Although the evening was about recognizing all our students’ for their efforts, it was also be about celebrating all of the efforts of their wonderful parents, guardians, family members, and educators. For it is their established foundation, their inspiration, and their motivation that
has driven these remarkable students to these academic pinnacles. We cannot thank you enough for all that you have done, in raising and in
educating such incredible kids. I hope you all know that I am so incredibly proud to be your Superintendent of Schools.
The following are BRRSD educators were nominated this year by seniors as teachers who had a great impact on their lives. We are so incredibly proud of these individuals and all of our incredible BRRSD educators for their tireless efforts in positively impacting the lives of our
students. Congrats to our winners Ms. Dalrymple – RMS & Mrs. Holbrook – GMES and all our nominees. Great job everyone!
Ms. Dalrymple, nominated by Emily Lundberg
Mrs. Holbrook, nominated by Caroline Sweeney
Ms. Handricken by Heather Reid
Mr. Clark by Ryan Koczela
Mrs. Hartsel by Natalie Prisco
Mr. Kaliff by Cierra Sheerin
Ms. Phaneuf by Zachary Ferretti
Mrs. Holmes by Emily McClanahan
Mrs. Buckingham by Sarah Kruger
Mrs. Chiocca-Carey by both Andrew Thorson and Chris Newman
As always, if you have any questions and/or concerns please feel free to
contact me at 508-279-2140 ext. 113 or via email at Thank you everyone and enjoy your much
deserved weekend with family & friends!
“One Team, One Family”
Mr. Powers, Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Swenson and I had an opportunity to join
the Merrill School kindergarten students at recess
on their newly painted blacktop. A big thank you to
the ECPO. You have given our students a fantastic
space to play!
Ms. Kate Dyer, president of the BRRSD SEPAC,
organized the annual Disabilities Fair at the Laliberte Elementary School this past week where students
participated in activities that gave them greater
awareness and acceptance of disabilities. Thank
you to Ms. Dyer and all of the volunteers that
helped organized such an impactful event!
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Memorial
Day weekend.
Congratulations to our May Students of the Month: Ada Chhay
and Bradley Oliveira from grade 5, Amber Silva and Christopher
Gregory from grade 6, Lauren Coursey and Kaleb McCauley
from grade 7, and Jordan Marden and Ryan Zarrella from grade
8. A breakfast celebration was held on Friday May 27th to
acknowledge our winners.
The 1st Annual Senior Walk will take place in the morning on
Tuesday, May 31st. Graduating BRRHS Seniors will parade
through their former stomping grounds to enjoy the
congratulations and best wishes from current students and staff.
The RMS band and chorus will be performing for grades 5 and 6
on Wednesday, June 1st during school time, and at 7pm for
families and the community. We hope you can all join us for a
delightful spring performance. The band and chorus will also be
performing at the Great East Festival in Westfield, MA and later
visiting Six Flags on Friday, June 3rd.
The Scholastic Book Fair starts Tuesday, May 31st and runs
through Tuesday, June 7th. Please stop by the library to shop on
the night of the Spring Concert. There are sure to be lots of
great summer reading titles available for sale.
Grade 5 and 6 RAVE CAST visits will take place on Thursday
morning, June 2nd. We would like to thank all of the RAVE
volunteers for all they do for our school and students.
The School Council Parent Survey has been
posted on the BMS website. Please take the
time to fill out the survey as the results will be
used to help shape our future School
Improvement Plan.
The Band and Chorus concert was held this
past Thursday evening, and I would like to
congratulate all members for an outstanding
This week both the 7th and 8th grade attended
an enrichment program called “Grooversity”,
which featured a Brazilian drumming group.
Thank you to our parent group, FOW for
sponsoring this event!
Spring pictures were taken this past
Just a heads-up that all permission slips and
payments for the 8th grade end of the year
activities are due on Friday, June 3rd.
We have finally finished with Statewide
assessments! Now for the final leg of the school
A Word from
Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School
Our Annual Academic Awards and National Honor Society Night was a huge success! This past Tuesday
evening, we inducted 76 Juniors into the National Honor
Society and 70 Senior National Honor Society Members
received their cords for graduation. In addition, many
students received Academic Awards, Community Service Awards and other honors. It was so nice to see so
many families and friends at this annual celebration! Our students work so hard and are so deserving of
such a wonderful evening. A special THANK YOU to
Mrs. Norman, the NHS Advisor and Mrs. Sue Kinney,
the head of the Academic Awards Committee!
Don’t forget to check out the Brockton Enterprise each
Check out the photos of Academic Award and NHS Night
Friday, when they publish the “We are B-R Round Up,”
which is a FULL page of articles written by BR students
about BR happenings!
The B-R Guidance Dept. hosted a College Admissions - Essay Preparation Workshop for the entire junior class. Mr. Ken Dunbar, Admissions Rep at Wheaton College, shared tips on essay writing and
the college application procedure. The Junior class of 2017 soon to
be the new seniors at B-R came to guidance during their assigned English classes to listen to this wonderful presentation.
On May 31st at 9:30, seniors will leave BR in their caps
and gowns and be transported back
to their elementary and middle
schools. There, they will be
greeted by the Principal of the
school and marched through the
halls. Students and teachers will
line the halls cheering for the
graduating seniors! Not only will
our seniors benefit from having the
opportunity to walk their old hallways and see their
former teachers, but our younger students will be able to
see our graduating seniors and know that one day, they
too, will be walking these halls in their caps and
The Grade 5 Ruby Team had a very successful trip to the
Capron Park Zoo. It was a hot summer-like day and the students
enjoyed their time outside.
Thank you to the Friends of Williams for the wonderful assembly
this past Thursday. Grade 6 was treated to an awesome
presentation entitled “The Art of Inspiration”. The completed art
pieces will be on display soon in the building.
We are continuing to take donations for Red, White and
Blue-oon Day, otherwise known as the Assistant Principal Water
Balloon Beat Down. This event will take place on June 10th and
is always a big hit with the students. If it’s a hot day, it will also
be a big hit with Mr. Clark and Mr. Riordan.
The 1st Annual Senior Walk will take place on Tuesday, May
31st. Graduating Seniors will parade through their former
stomping grounds to enjoy the congratulations and best wishes
from current students and staff.
The Senior Citizens Pen Pal Breakfast will take place in the
Williams café on Wednesday, June 1st. Students in Ms.
O’Hara’s class will meet their pen pals and enjoy breakfast and
make a craft for them to keep.
The Grade 3 Orientation will take place on Thursday morning,
June 2. Students from the Mitchell will walk over to the Williams
take a tour, sit in a grade 4 classroom, attend an informational
assembly and hear a few selections from our band.
On Friday, June 3rd our band will be competing in the 6 Flags
Music in the Park Festival. Last year we made out very well
winning several awards and I am sure this year will be as
As the warm weather approaches, please take time to review the
dress code policy in our Student Handbook, which can be found
Tickets are now on sale for the drama production “Quest for the
Throne”. This 6th and 7th grade play will take place on Thursday,
June 16th and Friday June 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the high school
auditorium. Tickets are $5.00 and will be sold in the main office,
during lunches and at the door.
Please remember there is no school on Monday, May 30th
in observance of Memorial Day.
Reminder, the last day of school is June 22nd
and release time is 11:25.
A Look at LaLiberte Elementary
Grade 4 students had a wonderful time participating in the BRSEPAC Disability Fair. Students got to visit various stations and complete
hands-on activities experiencing an array of disabilities. Thank you to Kate
Dyer, the BR-SEPAC, and the many volunteers that made this event a success
for our students!
Grade 4 students traveled to Providence to see the play “The Lightning
Thief”. This was a follow-up activity as the entire fourth grade read the book
earlier in the school year. The students looked amazing dressed in their theatre
clothes. A special thank you to the LPO for paying the admission fee for all
Grade 2 students traveled to New Bedford this week to visit the Whaling
Museum. Students enjoyed learning about whales and the history of whaling in
New Bedford. Thank you LPO for paying for the buses.
Today, we had School Spirit Day - “Switch Day!” The students dressed as
teachers and the teachers dressed as students. Everyone looked amazing!
Tomorrow, Raynham will be celebrating Memorial Day with a parade. Those
students who signed up to walk with LaLiberte in the parade should arrive at the
school at 9:15a.m. We encourage everyone walking to wear something Red,
White, and Blue. Thank you!
Next Tuesday, May 31st ALL Grade 3 students will be traveling to Plymouth
Planation for their field trip. Thank you LPO for paying for the buses.
Merrill Moments
Our back parking lot was seal coated and painted last week. It looks
amazing!!! Student now have 4-square and hopscotch games and many
engaging math games to play at recess. We cannot thank the ECPO
enough for their continuous effort and generosity for providing our
students with a fun and safe play area.
This past Tuesday we held our Kindergarten Writer’s Breakfast. Parents
and students enjoyed the special time they had together as they read
their child's writing while having breakfast. Thank you to the kindergarten
teachers for planning this event and to our wonderful kitchen staff, Deb,
Stacy and Jessica,, for providing us with a delicious breakfast.
Raynham Memorial Day Parade will be Saturday, May 28th @ 10:00 am.
All are welcome to join us walk or ride on the Merrill float in the parade.
Please be at the school for 9:15 am. We encourage everyone to wear
red, white and blue.
Kindergarten screening will take place next week on May 31st,June 1st
and June 2nd.
Marine biologist, Michael Glaser, will come and visit Grade 1 next
Wednesday and Thursday.
C.A.S.T. (Seniors and Children Working Together) will take place next
The Mitchell
Elementary Minute
Family Math Night was a great
success. Thank you to all the teachers
who once again volunteered their time to
plan a fun night for our Mitchell Families.
Students were engaged in playing place
value games, finding the perimeter of
various shapes, estimating the amount
of objects, finding the difference and
sum and creating three dimensional
shapes. The hands-on math games
were fun for all and can be played at
home too.
All students at Mitchell attended the Kids
on the Block presentation on Tuesday,
May 24th. This year’s presentation
focused on visual impairments. Students
were exposed to the various challenges
of being visually impaired, and students
received the Braille Alphabet and a
pamphlet. We at Mitchell would like to
thank Kate Dyer for her contribution in
planning this worthwhile presentation.
Grade 2 students enjoyed their field trip
to the New Bedford Whaling Museum.
They learned about the anatomy of the
whale and the history of the whaling
industry in New Bedford.
Thursday, June 2nd will be the Third
Grade Recorder Concert. There are two
times 5:30 PM and 6:45 PM. If you have
any questions, please email Mrs.
Craven at
Danielle Niles, a meteorologist from
WBZ, will be conducting a weather
presentation on Wednesday, June 1st
for all second grade classrooms. She
will be talking about clouds,
temperature and precipitation to
connect to the second grade science
Grade 3 students will be walking to the
Williams Intermediate School on
Thursday, June 2nd. Students will have
an opportunity to tour the school and
learn about the expectations of 4th
Kindergarten field trip to the Roger
Williams Zoo will be on June 1st and
June 2nd. Please be sure that students
dress comfortably for walking and pack
a lunch.
Don’t forget to check the lost and found
before the last day of school! There are
still many winter jackets, sweatshirts,
and hats that have not been claimed.
Any items left at the lost and found will
be donated over the summer.
Preschool children and staff would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Memorial weekend
and that everyone take some time to remember not only our veterans, but loved ones as well.
Play is our brain's
favorite way of learning.
Diane Ackerman
Contemporary American
The Fourth Annual Raynham Memorial Day Parade will step off at
10:00 sharp on Saturday, May 28th, from the Merrill School
parking lot at 687 Pleasant Street. The three-mile route will
continue along Pleasant Street through the four-corner intersection
by the Stone Church, where American flags will line the streets,
and proceed onto South Main Street and over to King Philip Street.
There, at the Gazebo Park, a memorial service will be held, including a traditional flag-folding ceremony to honor our fallen heroes.
Veterans of all ages and current members of the military are
cordially invited to participate as guests of honor, and everyone is
invited to line the parade route and attend the memorial service.
Anyone who is interested in participating in the parade or
entering a float or walking unit should contact RAVE at or Sandy at 508-272-7245.
Bridgewater Public Library on June 7th @ 6:30
p.m. to discuss “Gridiron Conspiracy”.
Gridiron Conspiracy is a book for all tastes. It
delves into the world of sports related drama with
everyday aspects of suspense, thrilling action, and
science fiction. Whether you enjoy the drama of
real life situations or the imagined world of science fiction, Gridiron Conspiracy is for you.
Come join Chris Strong in his relentless pursuit to
become a professional football player while finding out the world he thought was real is nothing
more than a smoke screen. Find out how Chris
and company go up against a corporate giant in
order to find the truth, but yet find the truth not
what they thought it would be. This book contains twists and turns around every corner. You
will find yourself not able to put this book down.
In the end your mouth will be left open wondering how you could have not seen the end coming.
Check out our April meeting minutes
MET ON MAY 18, 2016
Student Advisory Council presented their final report for the 2015-2016
school year.
The School Committee presented the group Certificates of Appreciation
to the students for providing the BRRHS news and events each month.
Best wishes and congratulations go out to seniors Brett Lowder and Kitty
Raynwater Players were recognized for their outstanding
performance of Oklahoma!
We hope Nicole Driscoll, Andy Rose, Sam Magee, enjoy their summer
and join us for the 2016-2017 School Committee meetings.
Several students surprised the School Committee by
performing a snippet from the show!
A special thank you to Lucini Bus Lines for donating buses for
our first annual SENIOR STROLL.
The Middleboro Lodge of elks No. 1274 – gifted
dictionaries to all third grade students attending the
Mitchell at the Middle Elementary as part of the “The
Dictionary Project “ .
June 15, 2016 in the Lecture Hall of BRRHS
Meeting begins at 7pm