After Ten Years
After Ten Years
Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Congregation Founded 1889/5649 • Incorporated 1891/5652 Rabbi: Moshe Kletenik • President: Larry Russak• Acting Editor: Larry Altose 5145 South Morgan Street, Seattle, Washington 98118 • Phone: 206-721-0970 • Fax: 206-723-0679 October-November, 2011 • Tishrei-Cheshvan, 5772 After Ten Years Deadline: Oct. 26, 2011 Inside Highlights President’s Message ............... 2 From the Rabbi ........................3 Programming news .............. 4-5 With our members........... 7 & 15 9-11 ..................................... 8-9 Capitol Hill Minyan ................. 10 Science and Torah ................ 12 Yom Tov Schedule ................ 14 Donors .................................. 16 Luach .................................... 20 BCMH member Yoni Goldstein stands at attention to lead saluting congregants in the National Anthem during a commemorative ceremony on the 10 th anniversary of the tragic 9-11 attacks on the United States. The memorial preceded an “Elul Learn-in” which attracted more than 100 community members, who participated in classes and workshops on preparing for the Yom Tov season. Additional photos on pages 8-9. TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Bikur CholimMachzikay Hadath Rabbi Moshe Y. Kletenik President Larry Russak First Vice President Ezra Genauer Second Vice President Dan Birk Treasurer Rachel Polsky Secretary Richard Berger Board of Directors Aaron Alberg Adam Balkany Debbie Barber Kathy Brockman Arthur Elbling Zev Feuer Ari Hoffman Marlene Kaplan Ariella Margolese Jana Miller Dorothy Roer Harry Rubin Heather Spiro Kent Swigard Rabbi Richard Toban Lynda Wegodsky Mordy Weinberg Josh Willner Lifetime Directors Joshua Gortler Marshall Hartholz Past Presidents Eli Genauer Etzion Genauer Cliff Godwin Andy Jacobs Jonathan Jacobson Rabbi Raphael Katsman Dr. Scott Pollock Skip Rosen Sheldon Steinberg Louis Treiger Program Director Julie Greene Office Staff Dee Wilson Bookkeeper Roland Kipfstuhl Seattle Jewish Chapel Chaim Goldgrab 2 President’s Message As we approach the High Holidays it is incumbent upon us to reflect on what we have accomplished since this time last year. Our shul has celebrated its 120th anniversary. When I tell people around the country that our shul has had three minyanim a day for 120 years they can't believe it. We have been servicing the Seattle community and many others in the Northwest officially since 1891, but it is known that minyanim were held by our founders on a regular basis as early as 1888. We continue to provide Larry Russak addresses BCMH for all of the life-cycle needs of our members at the annual meeting congregants. Not only is the shul on June 19th, 2011. there for us every day but so are the Mikvah, the Keilim Mikvah, the Tahara facility and chapel services, our youth building, day camps, and let's not forget the services provided by the head office by Dee and Roland as well as the availability of the Rabbi to answer halachic questions and deal with day-to-day issues affecting our community. We currently are working on a project to beautify the front of the shul on the Morgan Street side and to provide security barriers to prevent vehicle access to the front of our building. The Board has approved a project to have new landscaping done, planters installed as well as four new benches for seating. Marlene Kaplan and Richard Berger took the lead in planning our Project Elul program to provide our community with the opportunity to prepare for the High Holidays by attending classes and practical workshops focusing on the holiday season. Well-deserved thanks also go to: Kathy Brockman has taken the lead along with a large group of volunteers to assure that we have a weekly Kiddush. Debbie Barber and Eva Genauer have worked tirelessly for the Shiva Committee to provide services and logistical support for families sitting Shiva. Sasha Mail and Connie Kanter have agreed to take over the reins of the Sisterhood. Many volunteers worked so hard this past summer to provide a wonderful summer camp experience to our children. Our Board recently met to discuss project priorities and it is clear that we are going to have to do something in the near future about the (Continued on page 4) TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 From the Rabbi’s desk: Our Shul-A New Year and a New Opportunity Holidays often embrace several themes. Rosh Hashana reflects more than one moment in time. Rosh Hashana is the day on which Adam, the first man, is created. It is the day of the births of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. Rosh Hashana is the day on which the prayers of Sarah, Rachel and Chana are answered with the births of their children. The Talmud tells us that it is on Rosh Hashana that Yoseph is released from prison and appointed ruler over Egypt. Finally, Rosh Hashana is the day on which Avraham is prepared to make the most supreme sacrifice, the day of the Akieda, the Binding of Yitzchok. What does the convergence of all of these seemingly disparate events teach us? What is the message for us? Is there a common thread that ties all of these together? The creation of Adam marks the beginning of a new world. The births of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov herald the dawn of new epochs in human history. The Avos, Patriarchs, bring spiritual renewal and knowledge of God to the world. All of these events embody concepts of rebirth and renewal, characteristics of teshuva and repentance. Despite years of frustration and disappointment, Sarah, Rachel, Chana and Yoseph realize their dreams on Rosh Hashana. Through his faith, Yoseph finds the strength to persevere through years of suf- The Synagogue Tribune is published by Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Congregation for the benefit and education of its membership. Nonmembers may subscribe by sending an $18 donation annually to cover publication and mailing costs. To submit items other than advertising for publication: Please email the acting editor, Larry Altose, at Advertising: Please contact the shul office. Ads are subject to review prior to approval for publication. BCMH also provides a weekly email newsletter. Please contact the shul office for subscription and submission information. fering and humiliation. On Rosh Hashana, Yoseph begins a new life in which he actualizes his enormous potential. To do teshuva we must be able to overcome many obstacles. Perhaps most challenging is the sense of futility we often experience as we attempt to Rabbi Kletenik speaks at 10th anniversary commemoration of reshape our lives the 9-11 tragedies. and re-order our priorities. These Biblical personalities model for us the courage it takes to overcome adversity. Finally, the Akeida takes place on Rosh Hashana. The Akeida highlights the value of sacrifices necessary to obtain spiritual objectives. Not merely supreme sacrifices, but more importantly, the smaller sacrifices confronting each of us every day of our lives. This historic event represents more. A perplexing issue of the Akeida is why does Hashem subject Avraham to this trial? Ramban explains that Hashem knew that Avraham would pass the trial. The purpose of the Akeida, then, was to allow Avraham to actualize the potential that Hashem knew was within him. On Rosh Hashana we must all strive for spiritual renewal through teshuva. Despite the difficulties that may confront us, if we persevere we will succeed. Each of us must attempt to attain our maximum goals based upon our individual talents and strengths. We owe it to ourselves to be the best we can. Rosh Hashana is the time for assessment and (Continued on page 7) 3 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Program Director’s Report Hi everyone! Summer came and left and came back again. BCMH hummed along quite nicely from the end of June to middle-end of August. Children filled the youth buildings for the summer day camps, Kol Rena, Gan Shalom and Yavneh, (so love that time of year!). A big crowd enjoyed all-night learning on Shavuos. We welcomed one fabulous speaker after another, Rabbi Rakefet, Rabbi Weil and Mrs. Shani Taragin, and put on Shabbos luncheons for two of these. The three Seward Park synagogues co-hosted a joint summer barbecue. We hosted a farewell shalosh seudos for the beloved Jacobson Family., held two summer Youth Programs gave an infant-child CPR class (everyone passed!) Israel Bonds gave a parlor meeting. And, just this month: our first ever Elul Learn-In! Yes, BCMH has been jumping! Plans for the Torah Dedication are still in the works as well as other exciting programs for the fall Teen Events: including a pre-Selichos program coming up on Saturday, September 24th at BCMH. Seattle NCSY has already sprinted out of the starting gate with their “Freshman Weekend,” which included an over the top oneg, trip to Puyallup Fair and barbecue at Alki Beach. Teen lounges have started up, as well as Hebrew High which kicked off in style with guest speaker, rapper D. Black! The BCMH Cub Scout pack is up and running and events held this summer were well-attended and lots of fun. Our young men looked quite handsome decked out in their uniforms! Other programs on the horizon: a babysitting and/or infant/child CPR class, annual Succah hop, Adults Only Night at Teen Lounge and so much more! Stay tuned for more updates… On behalf of the entire Greene clan, I want to wish you all a L’Shana Tovah. May it be a good year for all of us. See ya in shul! -Julie Greene President’s Message (Continued from page 2) Sep. 24 – Whirlyball Nov. 11-13 – Seattle Con NCSY Ongoing at Yavneh: Junior NCSY Teen Lounge, Wednesday evenings NCSY Teen Lounge Thursday evenings 4 Yavneh Building. We have other projects in the pipeline, as well, including re-carpeting the sanctuary, upholstery repairs, new lighting and possibly a seating re-configuration in our sanctuary. We also hope to dedicate our new Sefer Torah during the holidays, possibly on Simchas Torah, or Chanukah at the latest. It has been a very busy and productive year. We have been joined by many new member families (including two in August) and have also had friends and neighbors move to Israel or move on to other locales. There have been births and there have been deaths. The life-cycles for which we provide services go on unabated as we continue the work begun by our founders over 120 years ago. May we all have a year of good health; a year in which we can provide for our families and community and constantly strive to improve and grow. -Larry Russak TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 3 Shul Barbeque! EB, SBH, BCMH Daniel Alhadeff, picnic co-chair from EB, 2nd Vice President Dan Birk and Daniel Swedlow help as greeters at the annual three-shul picnic this past summer. The SBH social made a great spot to avoid the rain that stayed late into the season. Mikayla Berretta, whose family attends Shevet Achim on Mercer Island, enjoys a dash down an inflatable slide set up for the annual three-shul picnic this summer. Sara Green with NCSY whips up cotton candy at the three-shul picnic this summer. The youth group provides refreshments at many community events. Yael Genauer (lower left) keeps a sharp eye on the sweets. The Cubs visited a riding stable this summer, and scout Jonah Hoffman was one of the lads to enjoy some tall-inthe-saddle time. Cub Scouts Shmuel Wren and Ezra Simon take directions from a Scout leader. BCMH Youth Program Proudly sponsors Pack 613. 5 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Lulav and Esrog Orders Orders and full payment due at shul office by Sep. 28, 2011. Charter Members are entitled to one Deluxe set at no charge. Pickup dates between Yom Kippur and Succos will be announced as soon as possible. Name:_____________________________________ Charter Member Phone number: __________________________________________ Email:_____________________________________ Member NonMember Regular Esrog & Lulav $45 $55 Deluxe Esrog & Lulav $55 $65 Super Deluxe Esrog & Lulav $60 $70 Child’s Esrog & Lulav* $30 $40 Qty. Item Heavy Duty Zippered (reusable) Lulav Bags $5 $10 Schach 1 (per 25-lb. bundle) $25 $35 Schach 2 (per 25-lb. bundle) $45 $55 Bamboo mats (8’x12’) $100 $110 *Only with regular, deluxe or super deluxe sets 6 Total Enclosed: Total Elul - Time For By Tova Tatel Portowicz, Beitar Illit, Israel Elul- a time of conclusion, Yet a time of inauguration; A time of application, And a time of calculation. Time to set things straight, Hurry before it’s too late; Forgiveness to initiate, Now’s the time, don’t wait. Time to show your dedication, Daven with more concentration; Use it for self transformation, In this time of purification. Time for all debts to pay, Be extra careful with what you say; Make the most of each day, Give in, don’t insist on your way. It’s almost time for the coronation, When we give our affirmation; Hearing the Shofar with the congregation, Showing we are the King’s nation. So now is the time to prepare, Put in your effort, show you care; Depending on this is your welfare; When everything is still up in the air. Hashem gives this time of elevation, Of your loyalty give confirmation; For judgment it’s the preparation; Before the anniversary of creation. TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 With our members September Anniversaries 09/01 Allen & Tama Wolf 09/01 Alvin & Carole Pearl 09/02 Shlomo Goldberg & Karen Treiger 09/03 Ezra & Aliza Genauer 09/04 David & Debbie Grashin 09/04 Michael & Esther Friend September Birthdays 09/02 Menachem David 09/02 Harry I. Rubin 09/03 Noam Posner 09/03 Isser Rubelow 09/04 Allan Lawson 09/06 Shana Cohen 09/06 Amy Shayne 09/06 Chasya Sarah Walsh 09/07 Devra Fox 09/07 Ruth Hyman 09/07 Jim Willner 09/08 Miriam Klitzner 09/10 Esther Friend 09/10 Zachary Grashin 09/10 Elisabeth Siegelbaum 09/10 Irwin Treiger 09/11 Herbert Bridge 09/11 Rabbi Yehoshua Pinkus 09/12 Yossi Notik 09/13 Lawrence Black 09/13 Shoshana Rosencrantz 09/14 Beth Shana Balkany 09/15 Moshe Avrohom Spinell 09/16 Erez Davy 09/16 Ariel Prizont 09/16 Aviva Samter 09/16 Sarah Strassman 09/17 Jennifer Anches 09/17 David Salzberg 09/18 Rebekka Barber 09/18 Shifra Levin 09/19 Sarah Brody 09/19 Jeremy Voss 09/20 Devorah Chana Basya Michelson 09/20 Lynda Wegodsky 09/21 Naomi Fichtenberg 09/21 Aviva Raizel Jaffee 09/22 Richard Berger 09/22 Hanni Fox 09/22 Nicky Post 09/23 Chava Basilyan 09/23 David Kogut 09/06 Phillip & Dayna Klitzner 09/06 Josh & Rachel Russak 09/07 Dr. Marc & Marlene Kravette 09/10 Lee & Nechama Michelson 09/11 Sol & Ann Birulin 09/22 Eric & Elana Rosencrantz 09/23 Jacob Earl Friedman 09/23 Andrea Levin 09/24 Noam Gundle 09/25 Robin Alberg 09/25 David Roer 09/25 Kent Swigard 09/25 Rabbi Chaim Weiss 09/27 Jamie Gorasht 09/27 Paul Pariser 09/27 Neomi Rapoport 09/28 Yekusiel Allen 09/28 Shaindel Bresler 09/28 Mimi Broches 09/28 Aron Shlomo Druxman 09/29 Aviva Bresler 09/29 Michelle Goldstein 09/29 Richard Rosen 09/29 Rachel Catallo-Russak 09/29 Chana Uslan 09/30 Solomon Feder 09/30 Aaron Michael Spiro October Birthdays 10/01 Mayer Grashin 10/02 Jonathan Weisberg 10/03 Hadar Katsman 10/04 Ann Birulin 10/04 Kendra Godwin 10/04 Samuel David Jacobson 10/04 Chava Rochel Meyers 10/04 William Robins 10/05 Ethan Harrison Birk 10/07 Nathaniel YitzchokIsak Cramer 10/07 Jonah Alexander Hoffman 10/07 Jenna Kaufthal 10/08 Shmuel Treiger 10/10 Ariana Sarah Raizel Balkany 10/10 Mark Bondi 10/10 Megan Druckman 10/11 Alex Twersky 10/11 Dena Twersky 10/12 Aaron Anches 10/12 Rabbi Yehuda Bresler 10/12 Sarah Leibert 10/12 Kenneth Rodan 10/13 Ilan Birman 10/13 Rabbi Bernie Fox 10/13/1989 Alexander Groysman 10/13 Binyomin Levin 10/13 Lee Michelson 10/14 Kaden Miriam Balkany 10/14 Arnold Pollak 10/15 Aryeh Feinberg 10/15 Shayna Finegold Coover 10/15 Stanford Payzer 10/16 Alex Voss 10/17 David Ross 10/17 Tzippy Twersky October Anniversaries 10/05 Skip & Liz Rosen 10/17 David & Amy Shayne 10/18 Isser & Chava Rubelow 10/27 Jeremy & Elisheva Allen 10/28 Martin & Charla Soriano Jaffee 10/28 Rafael & Anya Zimberoff 10/19 Susan Dershowitz 10/19 Isaac Varon 10/20 Rafael Asia Finegold 10/20 Jo Anne Greene 10/20 Michalie Landes 10/20 Zvi Landes 10/20 Steven Phillips 10/20 Shayna Skaist 10/21 Sara Traub 10/22 Karen Jassen 10/22 Nurit Genauer 10/23 Larry Altose 10/23 Penina Hyman 10/23 Rabbi Raphael Katsman 10/23 Carole Pearl 10/23 Tzur Shupack 10/24 Ruthie Voss 10/25 Raizel Miriam Druxman 10/26 Eric Rosencrantz 10/27 Jeremy Allen 10/27 Bill Dershowitz 10/27 Aaron Greene 10/27 Esther Friend 10/27 Ann Weinberg 10/28 Hanna Dershowitz 10/28 Dr. Michael Gundle 10/29 Jackie Fast 10/30 Danya Swigard 10/31 Rachel Allen 10/31 Nancy Potash 10/31 Alexander Spivak From the Rabbi’s Desk (Continued from page 3) renewal as a community as well. A new year is a new opportunity. It is a time for fresh starts. Recent weeks have been marked by the resolve of a few leaders within our community to energize the shul and bring a new spirit of innovation with the initial goal of creating an enhanced awareness of the meaning of the days of Elul and the upcoming Yomim Tovim. The opportunities created by their efforts were greeted enthusiastically by our members who participated in hours of learning and in sharing personal stories and reflections in a joint endeavor to help one another focus on being better prepared for the Yomim Noraim. We must seize the moment. Let us build on this by stretching our imagination and conceive new ideas and projects that we can implement together. This is our shul and only a joint effort of all of us working together can make it the best place it can be to pray, learn and come together as a community. There is such enormous potential. Let us all actualize it. Rivy joins me in wishing you and your families a K’siva V’chasima Tova. -Moshe Kletenik 7 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Elul Learn-in BCMH made constructive use of the tenth anniversary of the 9-11 attacks on the United States by devoting several hours to learning in preparation for the High Holy Days. Special thanks to Richard Berger (right) and Marlene Kaplan (left), who developed the idea and arranged the special event. They engaged eight speakers, who presented attendees with four periods of concurrent classes, stretching into the early afternoon. The kitchen committee set out a breakfast buffet following the second Sunday morning Minyan. Rabbi Kletenik gave an overview of the day’s upcoming events and shared reflections on the tragic events of that day. In honor of the armed forces and other uniformed services, Yoni Goldstein was invited to recite a prayer for the armed forces and to lead the National Anthem (photo, page 1) and Hatikvah. The congregation thanks the following members and friends who gave Torah classes, making this a very meaningful and inspiring day for all: Rabbi Moshe Kletenik, insights into the Machzor (lower right) Rabbi Dovid Fredman, Seattle Kollel, fundamentals of Rosh Hashana (center left) Rabbi, Simon Benzaquen, Sephardic Bikur Holism, insights into the “journey” of tefillah (upper left) Rivy Poupko Kletenik, insights into Psalm 27 (center right) Rabbi Ben-Ami Meyers, Ezra Bessaroth, ben adam l’chaveiro (upper right) Rabbi Mark Spiro, Living Judaism, the unique spiritual opportunity of Rosh Hashana (lower left) The shul also appreciates the presenters of three very practical pre-Yom Tov workshops: 8 Larry Russak, shofar blowing Rabbi Chaim Tatel, selecting arba minim Carol Azose and Rena Berger, preparing and understanding the Rosh Hashana simonim. TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 9 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Capitol Hill Minyan News Reminiscences as the Minyan marks its 40th year By Barry Aaronson ders of the congregation, including original Minyan founders were gone Morrie, his brother Burton Steinberg, but not forgotten. In the Nissan edition of The Syna- Edward Baronsky and others began Without ever meeting them, I regogue Tribune we began a journey meeting in a classroom at Temple De- call often hearing their names menthrough the four decade history of the Hirsch-Sinai. Soon the congregation tioned in very respectful tones, often Capitol Hill Minyan, mining the many outgrew the classroom, filled the base- preceded with an honorific Mister – layers of memories included in the ment space below, and eventually be- Michel Ketzlach, Reuben Kadaner, Ben shtenders, books, plaques, and other gan to meet in the temple’s historic old Bridge, Irving Anches, and Max dedicated artifacts around our sanctu- sanctuary at the corner of 15th and Un- Boguch among others. ary. Many of the same Just as we were daveners made the delighted then to celetransition to the Counbrate the 90th birthday cil House space when of our sole remaining the old Temple sanctufounding member of ary fell into disrepair. I the Minyan, so must we think of Bill Rashkov, now commemorate the warmly remembered passing of our beloved for his longtime service Morris Steinberg, z”l. to both the Minyan and Morrie will be sorely the BCMH Men’s Club. missed, as he was one Abraham Sambol was a of our spiritual pillars Council House resident, and a unique link to the and learned scholar past. His absence is who set a long-time keenly felt each Shabprecedent for being bos morning as we try there to open and close to fill in for the resoour doors for every serMorrie Steinberg touched the sofer’s arm at a dedication for a new Sefer nant vocal harmonies he vice and kiddush. Torah at Capitol Hill Minyan a few years ago, as the scribe completed let- Regulars included Isaoffered as part of our ters in the longtime Minyan leader’s honor. joint davening, and the dore Bender, often our recitations he led each week. This com- ion. baal tephilah for Pesukei d’Zimra, and ing holiday season, for the first time in On a typical shabbos there, after his brother Max whose stronger voice recent memory, we will not have him the Torah reading, congregants would was better suited for a Musaf. Sol Bito lead the Yiskor services. Maishe, as hear a drash read by Ed Baronsky, or rulin was often there to blend voices he was affectionately known, was listen to Norman Davis recall, in drawith Berel and Maishe Steinberg in niftar in mid July, and we marked the matic anecdotal fashion, some perharmonies fine-tuned for the old Bikur sh’loshim at the Minyan with study ses- sonal encounter with a famous Jewish Cholim Choir; up until this last sumsions and Kaddishes in his memory. scholar or artist. mer Maishe and Steven Hartholz kept Even as we enter this new era, Mr. Davis later established the spe- that choral tradition alive for many with first-hand recollections now in cial Edward and Sybil Baronsky Enparts of the Shabbos and holiday serthe realm of precious memories, we dowment fund in 1990, a part of the vices. can look back in pride at the growth of BCMH endowment, dedicated specifiGussie Stusser is credited with our Minyan since its humble begincally to benefit the Capitol Hill Minbringing grandson Steve to the (Continued on page 11) nings in 1971. At that time, the founyan. By this time, a number of the 10 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 (Continued from page 10) neighborhood, as well as providing major support to our sister Capitol Hill institutions, the Seattle Hebrew Academy and the Summit at First Hill. Other Minyan roles would be filled by our resident Kohanim, Dr. Hyman Kohen, Dr. Joseph Cohen, Isadore Isbin, Moe Marx, and our elder levi’im, Jacob Wiengarten, David Shwartz, Sidney Lenine, and Harry Horowitz. The tribe would later be augmented greatly by our “Kohen Gadol”, Dr. Max Katz, who made sure to wear orange socks on days he would be called upon to duchan. He brought us his sister Bess Kremen, a’h, and nephew Ken Kremen, who has become a valued steadfast member who organized our kiddushes for many years, and now administers our finances. Ken took over from Jack Berg – who took over from Ed and Burt – in managing our kiddush funds. Jack, as an actively retired Boeing engineer, built many of the bookcases and other furnishings at our Council House space. This is of course in addition to the many cabinets and other projects incorporated in the Seattle Hebrew Academy’s historic building, and the countless repairs made to the BCMH facilities in Seward Park. Jack spent many, many volunteer hours providing transportation and other needs for the aforementioned medical sojourners and their families. He built countless sukkahs that he donated to the schools’ supporters for fundraising events. We’re grateful that he still attends services nearly every week now that he resides close by at the Summit. Some of our first bookcases were built by Milton Freeman who was an early and active member who also helped keep decorum during high holiday services. Other regulars included Dr. George Swimmer, Carl Marshin, Chaim Walker (Bill Rash- kov’s father-in-law), and Russian immigrants Nachum Slutsky, Shmuel Plittman and Mayer Shaknovich. In the early days, Flora Frankel was a colorful resident of the neighborhood, and her son Richard often provided vocal entertainment during Kiddush. Members of Ed Baronsky’s extended family included wife Sybil, sisters Slata and Ann Boguch, and cousin Ruth Bloch; Phil Boguch was on hand for most holidays to hear uncle Ed’s speech and Berel Steinberg’s davening. I recently found a tiny five volume chumash on our shelves that was inscribed at the turn of the (19-20th) century in Yiddish/Hebrew (with some Russian) as belonging to Rev. Menachem Mendel Baronsky, zt’l, and was later inscribed as belonging to his son Yitzchak (Edward). It seemed fitting to restore it to the family, so it was given as a Bar Mitzvah present to Jacob Green, son of Beth and Richard Green, and grandson of Bob and Bobbie Baronsky, who remain supporters of their father’s Minyan – a five generation linkage not uncommon to this community. Who can forget the many ladies who populated their side of the michitza at the Council House: Mrs. Moses Wenkert, Florence Goldberg, Fannie Goldsmidt, Muriel Brill, Sofie Molowsky, and Nana Boxer, who lived later on at Kline Galland well into her 100’s. Eva Mirsky was a later arrival to Council House from South Africa and her family remains in the community. Now the Jewish residents of Council House are few in number, but among the most active in recent years have been Sol and Irene Feder, who moved here from Tacoma. They have become a welcome and essential part of our synagogue, to which their numerous mentions in these columns can attest. A lot of chesed in this community was supported by Morris Pollack, zt’’l, who loved to attend the Minyan. Among his many admirers, he came to kibbitz with his good friend Isaac Burstyn, a”h, who, with sons Uri and Yaron, became an indispensable part of our Minyan. Isaac was one of our last real spiritual links to the vanishing generation of pre-war European Jewry; his wide ranging knowledge and wisdom in both secular and Judaic realms added a welcome intellectual spark and irreplaceable old-world charm to our small kehillah. In looking over the many names, the reminiscences are endless. Certainly we will have missed mentioning all too many at this time as a result of a spotty memory or incomplete notes. Even as the wooden shtenders are inevitably replaced, and the yellowing and tattered documents are dispersed, one can hope that the memory of these many neshamos will go on to provide the color, the highlights and shading, which illuminate the continuous scroll that makes up the history of this Minyan. In any case, we see a pattern that springs from long-established roots, growing and branching through the past and present, and blossoming with hope for the future. As a symbol of that renewal, in June we celebrated the birth of another healthy baby boy, the fourth since the beginning of the year. Ezra Moshe, firstborn son of David and Danielle Kogut had his Brit Milah just after Shavuos, with an overflow crowd of congregants, friends, colleagues from SHA, and family from Montreal. Mazel Tov to the proud grandparents [____]. Ezra will join a quartet of promising young playmates at Capitol Hill, the class of 2029, that includes Oren Dov Sternberg, born to Josh Sternberg and Danielle Reiss in January; Shmuel Chaim Aaronson born later in January (Continued on page 13) 11 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Science and Torah: “If you knew Susie, like I know Susie…” By Morris Engelson Pretty much everybody is familiar with the melody and lyrics of this song. Nevertheless, it turns out that I don’t know the sound-alike SUSY all that well, and neither does anybody else, apparently, because SUSY does not fit the expected profile, if she exists at all. I discussed SUSY (the SUper SYmmetry theory) and implications to Torah in the last issue. Here I would like to provide additional information, in view of the many comments to a posting on this matter. (Please see “SUSY versus the Creator: An Update” on on April 10, 2011.) I may not have clearly explained a number of matters connected to SUSY and its intersection with Torah. I would like to pursue important and useful factors raised in some of the comments. I recommend that you see Science and Torah in the previous Synagogue Tribune, on the BCMH website,, for some background. SUSY introduces a set of new, symmetrical, fundamental particles (sparticles) that solve a number of fundamental problems in physics. Among these is the so-called fine-tuning problem where various fundamental constants take on highly precise, but apparently, arbitrary values. This finetuning has a number of implications to physics, but I am addressing here only the philosophical question: “How did this fine-tuning come about?” One answer is that G-d made it happen. And this connects SUSY to Torah. There are people who try to use fine-tuning to “prove” the existence of G-d. This “proof,” in my opinion, is not absolute. In fact, I believe that it is not possible to scientifically prove that G-d exists. Likewise I hold that it is not possible to prove that G-d does not exist. There are a number of arguments against this alleged proof via fine-tuning: One position is that this is a “G-d of the gaps” type argument, where “G-d” is removed from the world at large and relegated to the gaps in nature that science does not yet explain. G-d keeps shrinking as these gaps are filled till there is nothing left in the end. Another argument is from evolution. We fit within this fine-tuned world not because the world was tuned to permit our existence, but rather because we evolved to fit the world as it is. The fine-tuning of the world to fit our needs is an illusion, because we adapted to whatever random world we found. Yet another argument is based on the weak anthropic principle. This principle in its various manifestations is a big topic. The basic factor in the weak version that is of interest to us is that we exist in this universe and not some other universe. This is the only place that we can observe, so why do we consider it remarkable that we do, indeed, observe this universe, including the various constants which we erroneously claim to be fine-tuned? We could make the same claim that it is remarkable at whatever other universe and “apparent” fine-tuning result we might have gotten. Another answer that we discussed several times in The Synagogue Tribune is to argue for a many worlds position, namely the multiverse. There is nothing remarkable about any fine-tuning if you have a very large, perhaps infinite, number of possibilities to choose from. “What, then remains of our argument for G-d?” 12 (Continued on page 13) TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Science and Torah (Continued from page 12) lutely no effect on what we believe, because it is Torah Finally, the best and most powerful answer is to and not science that informs our position. But that is get rid of the fine tuning entirely and that is what not the case for those who do not accept the Torah. SUSY does. But SUSY is in trouble so perhaps this anWe have considered previously the statement by swer is not available to us. physicist Stephen Hawking that if fine-tuning is not There are people in the Torah world who argue explained scientifically then, “it would be very diffistrongly for Torah on the basis of the fine tuning, and cult to explain why the universe should have begun in other like arguments. Detractors argue equally just this way, except as an act of a G-d who intended strongly against this. There are a number of objections to create beings like us.” but perhaps the primary one is that science is not a Hawking is not my rabbi and his conclusion some finished product. If SUSY fails then something else of twenty-five years ago that maybe there is a Creator like kind will come as a replacement, because science does not strengthen my belief in Torah. Neither is my must have an explanation for the various fundamental belief weakened now that he has publicly embraced issues that I did not discuss. Hence it is quite likely the multiverse to get rid of this Creator. But we, who that fine-tuning will one day be explained “naturally” are Torah observant, do not exist in isolation. by SUSY or something else. Not only Hawking, but millions of Jews, find the What, then remains of our argument for G-d? results of science compelling in how they perceive beSurely our belief cannot be determined by changeable lief in Torah. This is backwards to be sure, because the science? If that is so, then why should we care about Torah came first and the universe is a reflection of SUSY, and the difficulties that SUSY is now experienc- what the Torah teaches. Either way, however, there is ing? Why waste our time discussing this at all? These a connection between Torah and science. SUSY is cutare cogent arguments that I agree with. Nevertheless, ting-edge science. I think that it is not a “waste of our time,” and we I don’t know about others, but I am very intershould keep up with the results as science learns more ested to see whether SUSY survives or not, and what about SUSY. will replace SUSY if the answer is “not.” Whatever the The Torah-observing Jew accepts the Torah with answer, it is sure to have a connection to Torah. or without SUSY. Whether SUSY survives has abso- Capitol Hill Minyan News (Continued from page 11) here from Queens, N.Y. Steve came here to serve as the IT guru for the carto Rabbi Ben and Ruthie Aaronson, diology group at Virginia Mason, and and Moshe Yehudah Friedman, son of Jodie is looking to resume her paraleMiriam and Jon Friedman, whose bris gal career here as well. Steve fit right was on Purim morning. in as he personably welcomed the Proud new father David Kogut has seemingly endless summer parade of been serving as Gabbai for the last cou- guests visiting Seattle from all corners ple years, and has recently consented of the globe. It’s always fun to play to chair the CHM Planning Council for Jewish geography with these wanderthe coming year. While he was away ers, usually finding that people we pursuing graduate studies this sumnever met turn out to be close to somemer, David turned over his Gabbai one we know very well. It’s a small duties to newcomer Steve Bunin, who Jewish world, and a promising one. with his wife Jodie recently moved The scroll continues to be written, with new names and narratives added year in and year out. At this writing, plans are under way to celebrate the Capitol Hill Minyan’s 40th year, with renewal of our sanctuary space, numerous dedications and tributes, and a special Sunday morning Chanukah brunch hosted at the Minyan for all of BCMH and our many friends throughout the community. Hope to see you there! Wishing all our families many blessings for a happy and healthy Shanah Tovah. 13 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Yom Tov Schedules Selichos I Sat. night, Sept. 24 ......................................... 11:00 pm Mon., Sep. 26 ................................................... 6:10 am Tue., Sep. 27 .................................................... 6:20 am Wed, Sep. 28 .................................................... 5:30 am Erev Rosh Hashanah, Wed., Sep. 28 Make eruv tavshilin..............................Before Yom Tov Candle Lighting ................................................ 6:37 pm Mincha .............................................................. 6:45 pm Rosh Hashanah, First Day, Thu., Sep. 29 Shacharis .......................................................... 7:45 am Torah Reading .....................................approx. 9:40 am Sermon ..............................................approx. 10:15 am Shofar Blowing ..................................approx. 10:40 am Mussaf ...............................................approx. 11:00 am Mincha .............................................................. 6:25 pm Tashlich .............................................. following Mincha Candle Lighting for second day ...............after 7:38 pm Rosh Hashanah, Second Day, Fri., Sep. 30 Shacharis .......................................................... 7:45 am Torah Reading .....................................approx. 9:40 am Sermon ..............................................approx. 10:15 am Shofar Blowing ..................................approx. 10:40 am Mussaf ...............................................approx. 11:00 am Mincha .............................................................. 6:30 pm Candle Lighting for Shabbos Shuva ................ 6:33 pm Tzom Gedaliah, Sun. Oct. 2 Latest time to eat: ............................................ 5:28 am 5:28 am is the latest time to begin to eat food – due to the prohibition on eating before Shacharis – but you may drink and continue to eat food until the fast begins at 5:57 am Fast begins ....................................................... 5:57 am Selichos/Shacharis, early Minyan .................... 7:00 am Shacharis, late Minyan ..................................... 9:00 am Mincha .............................................................. 6:20 pm Fast ends .......................................................... 7:29 pm Selichos II Sun, Oct. 2 ........................................................ 7:00 am Mon., Oct. 3 ...................................................... 6:00 am Tue., Oct. 4 ....................................................... 6:10 am Wed., Oct. 5 ...................................................... 6:10 am Thu., Oct. 6 ....................................................... 6:00 am Fri., Oct. 7 ......................................................... 6:40 am Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre, Fri., Oct. 7 Selichos ............................................................ 6:40 am Mincha .............................................................. 3:00 pm Fast commences, Candle Lighting .................. 6:19 pm Kol Nidre ........................................................... 6:20 pm Sermon ............................................................. 6:50 pm Yom Kippur, Shabbos, Oct. 8 Shacharis .......................................................... 8:00 am Torah Reading ................................................ 10:45 am 14 Sermon ........................................................... 11:30 pm Yizkor.............................................................. 12:00 pm Mussaf Commences ...................................... 12:15 pm Mincha .............................................................. 5:05 pm Ne’ilah ............................................................. 6:15 pm Fast Concludes ................................................ 7:20 pm Erev Succos, Wed., Oct. 12 Make eruv tavshilin ............................. Before Yom Tov Candle Lighting ................................................ 6:09 pm Mincha .............................................................. 6:15 pm Succos, First Day, Thu., Oct. 13 Shacharis ......................................................... 8:45 am Mincha .............................................................. 6:15 pm Ma’ariv: ............................................................. 7:05 pm Candle Lighting for second day ............... after 7:10 pm Succos, Second Day, Fri., Oct. 14 Shacharis ......................................................... 8:45 am Mincha .............................................................. 6:10 pm Candle Lighting for Shabbos ........................... 6:05 pm Shabbos Chol HaMoed, Oct. 15 Shacharis ......................................................... 8:45 am Latest Shema ................................................. 10:11 am Mincha .............................................................. 6:00 pm Ma’ariv .............................................................. 7:01 pm Conclusion of Shabbos.................................... 7:06 pm Chol HaMoed, Sun. Oct. 16 Shacharis .............................................. 7:30 & 9:00 am Mincha .............................................................. 6:05 pm Chol HaMoed, Mon.–Tue., Oct. 17–18 Shacharis .............................................. 6:30 & 7:30 am Mincha .............................................................. 6:05 pm Hoshanah Rabbah, Wed., Oct. 19 Shacharis .............................................. 6:21 & 7:30 am 1st Minyan in Beis Midrash, 2nd in main sanctuary Prepare eruv tavshilin ......................... Before Yom Tov Candle Lighting ................................................ 5:56 pm Mincha .............................................................. 6:05 pm Shemini Atzeres, Thu., Oct. 20 Shacharis ......................................................... 8:45 am Koheles ............................................... approx. 9:45 am Yizkor................................................. approx. 11:15 am Mincha .............................................................. 6:00p.m Ma’ariv, followed by Hakafos........................... 6:52 pm Candle Lighting for Simchas Torah........ after 6: 57 pm Simchas Torah, Fri., Oct. 21 Shacharis ......................................................... 8:45 am Kline Galland Center Hakafos ........................ 5:15 pm Candle Lighting for Shabbos ........................... 5:52 pm Mincha .............................................................. 6:00 pm TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 With Our Members Mazel Tov To: Sherry & Moshe Feuer on the marLeah Tatel on the engagement of Barry & Susan Aaronson and family riage of their niece, Eva Willner to their nephew on the marriage of their son Daniel Nuriel Mizrahi Rabbi Rob & Jocelyn Raish Toren and to Frieda Smason, and to the bride's Josh & Sarah Gortler on their 50th Ahava & Gary Goldwater on the family, Rabbi Ze'ev &Chani Smason wedding anniversary marriage of their children, Benjamin Larry & Anita Altose and family on Moshe & Rochel Miriam Gottlieb on Toren & Gavi Blaszka on Sunday, the engagement of their son Morde- the engagement of their son Dovid August 14 cai to Leah Guggenheim, daughter to Chayitty Adler, daughter of Rabbi Rabbi Chaim & Sara Weiss on the bas of Dr. Mark & Susan Guggenheim, & Mrs. Avrohom Adler of Cleveland, mitzvah of their daughter Yael all of Jerusalem Ohio Eliana Weiss on the engagement of Rabbi Avrohom & Rooksie David on Roger & Renee Hirsch on the engageher daughter Hadassah to Nesanel the bar mitzvah of their son, Ezriel ment of their daughter Renate to Zhivalyuk of Newtown, PA Micah & Megan Druckman on the Debi & Jim Willner on the engageJustin Zimmerman of Dallas, Texas, ment of their son Josh to Piera birth of a baby boy and to Lore Hirsch on the engageMiller and to the grandparents, Ben ment of her granddaughter & Cecilia Willner and Allan & Rita Levis & Rochelle Kochin and Barnett Lawson BCMH expresses its condolences & Francine Rattner on the marriage Josh Willner on his engagement to to the families and friends of the folof their children, Beth Kochin & Alex Piera Miller, daughter of Dr. Shelby and the Hon. Adrienne Miller of Barnett lowing members of our community: Berkeley, CA Rabbi Ron-Ami & Miriam Meyers on Phillip Klitzner and family on Lou Willner on the marriage of his the birth of a grandson born to the loss of his beloved brother, Jefdaughter Eva to Nuriel Mizrahi and Noach & Yocheved Meir (Meyers). to the grandparents, Ben & Cecilia frey Klitzner Michael & Lei Philbrick on their recent Willner Family and friends of Morris marriage Dee Wilson on the graduation of her Steinberg daughter Jeannie from Thomas JefMelvin Tatel on the engagement of Larry Altose on the loss of his ferson High School his grandson, Yehuda Tatel, son of Rafael & Anya Zimberoff on the bas beloved sister, Barbara Rosenwald Rabbi Eliyahu & Ronna Tatel of mitzvah of their daughter Yoela Lakewood, NJ to Meira Young, BCMH also extends its condodaughter of Rabbi Yitzchok Young of lences to the families and friends of Lawrence, NY and to Rabbi Chaim & the following deceased whose funerals were arranged by the Seattle JewMazal Tov to the officers and directors elected ish Chapel: John Ballo, Dale Behar, at the BCMH Annual General Membership Robert M. Benveniste, Roza Binkin, meeting on June 19: Sofia Bykova, Judith Cohn, David Edelson, Beverly Grashin, Mikhail Executive Committee: President, Larry Russak; First Grinberg, Irving Jaffe, Helen JuVice-President, Ezra Genauer; Second VicePresident, Dan Birk; Treasurer, Rachel Polsky; Secdovits, Zelma Kolman, Yefim Levitretary, Richard Berger skiy, Ruth Metzon, Annette Paloy, Zhenya Printz, Zofia Reichman, Bernice Rosenthal, Morris Salzberg, Board of Directors: Aaron Alberg, Adam Balkany, DebIrwin Sameth , Ruth Shindell, Edith bie Barber, Kathy Brockman, Arthur Elbling, Zev Feuer, Sondland, Frank Wood, Ian Yoffie, Ari Hoffman, Marlene Kaplan, Ariella Margolese, Jana Anne (Aaron z”l) Zeigman, AlekMiller, Dorothy Roer, Harry Rubin, Heather Spiro, Kent Swigard, Rabbi Richard Toban, Lynda Wegodsky, sander Zelikman and Clemence Mordy Weinberg and Josh Willner. Zimmerman. CONDOLENCES 15 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Thank you to our many Donors Kiddush/Shalosh Seudos/Teen Minyan Sponsors Ken & Lynda Wegodsky in honor of their anniversary Rabbi Chaim & Sara June 4 Weiss in honor of their Kiddush Club anniversary and Yael’s birthday and in honor of June 11 Heather Jacobson who Eva & Eli Genauer helped get Camp Kol Steve & Joyce Phillips Rena ready Scott & Karin Pollock David & Tova Wren in Josh & Rachel Russak honor of Tova’s birthday. Dr. Jerry Barrish in honor Cholent sponsored by of his mother, Esther Larry & Shelly Russak Barrish, who celebrated Scotch sponsored by Josh & Sarah Gortler her 102nd birthday June Vodka sponsored by Marc 6 Kravette June 18 Liquor sponsored by Dr. Jerry Barrish in honor Joshua Russak in honor of his birthday of his lovely, beautiful, Richard & Rena Berger in amazing, talented and honor of Zakai & Adielincredibly patient wife, lah’s birthdays and in Rachel honor of Richard’s graduation from Antioch June 25 Tama & Allen Wolf in University Abby Brockman & family memory of Allen’s bein honor of Abraham loved mother, Johanna Traub’s birthday Wolf Micah & Megan Druckman in honor of Micah’s July 9 - Ann & Sol Birulin birthday in honor of Sol’s birthday Shlomo & Amy Gortler and Nina & Sandy July 16 - Cathy Godwin in Blockman in honor of honor of Cliff’s 65th birthth the 50 wedding anniver- day and Medicare inducsary of their parents, tion; Rochelle Kochin in Josh & Sarah Gortler honor of Levis’s birthday; Marshall & Elaine Wolf & Gigi Kohn in honor Hartholz in honor of their of their anniversary; Marc anniversary Kravette in honor of Jon & Dina Kaufthal in Marlene’s birthday; Elana honor of their birthdays Rosencrantz in honor of Marlene & Marc Kravette her birthday; Larry & Scott & Sasha Mail in Shelly Russak in honor of honor of their anniversary Francine’s birthday; Scott & Karin Pollock in Chaya Siegelbaum in lovhonor of their anniversary ing memory of her parents, and Karin’s birthday Leon & Maxine Siegel16 baum; Sheldon & Irene Steinberg in honor of Sheldon’s birthday and Jerry & Carol Strassman in honor of the marriage of Michael & Lea Philbrick July 23 - Rabbi Avrohom & Rooksie David on the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ezriel July 30 – Friends of Judy & Noam Posner August 6 Family & friends of Josh Willner in honor of his engagement to Piera Miller August 13 Larry & Shelly Russak in honor of their 34th wedding anniversary and Don & Chana Uslan in honor of their 35th wedding anniversary. Cholent & herring sponsored by Rabbi Rob & Jocelyn Raish Toren in honor of the forthcoming marriage of their son, Benjamin to Gavi Blaszka. August 20 Barnett and Francine Rattner in honor of the forthcoming marriage of their son Alex to Beth Kochin August 27 Earl & Dorothy Korchak in honor of their move to Seattle and becoming BCMH members in the near future. September 3 Rafael & Anya Zimberoff in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Yoela September 10 Mike Basilyan in honor of Chava’s birthday Rena Berger & children in honor of Richard’s birthday Sol & Ann Birulin in honor of their 62nd wedding anniversary Chuck, Connie & Simon Broches in honor of Mimi’s birthday Chaim & Sarah Garfinkel in honor of Ken & Marilyn Leibert’s anniversary Yoni Goldstein in honor of Michelle’s birthday Dr. Martin & Charla Jaffee in honor of Aviva’s birthday Jana Miller in honor of her grandchildren’s adoption, Tayla Rose Hardy & Jacob Ryan Hardy Nechama & Lee Michelson to wish a belated happy birthday to Kayla & Nechama, in honor of Devorah’s upcoming birthday, in honor of their 22nd wedding anniversary and to thank the community for all their help & support you have given during their 11 year stay Isser & Chava Rubelow in honor of Eva Genauer, Shoshana Marshak, Rena Berger, Bracha Swigard and the entire Seattle Jewish commu(Continued on page 17) TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Thank you to our many Donors (Continued from page 16) nity for their outstanding Chesed! Rhonda & Harry Rubin in memory of Rhonda’s grandmother, Elsie Roth Josh Russak in honor of his lovely, amazing, special, talented, inspiring wife, Rachel, on their 2nd year anniversary and to many more years together Jerry & Carol Strassman in honor of their anniversary, Shuey’s birthday & Sarah’s birthday Chasya Sarah Walsh in honor of her birthday Lynda & Ken Wegodsky in honor of Lynda’s birthday Levis & Rochelle Kochin in memory of their beloved father, Milton S. Kochin and in honor of the marriage of his granddaughter, Beth to Alex Rattner. Jean BolderSarah Nadel Sylvan & Marcy Schaffer Rabbi Robert & Jocelyn Raish Toren to thank Josh Russak for bailing out the Tisch Rabbi David & Tzippy Twersky in honor of Karen Treiger Bluma Walkenfeld Chasya Sarah Walsh Herman Blumenthal En- John & Terry Walsh dowment Fund Rafael & Anya Zimberoff Alex Voss in memory of his Esther & Isadore beloved father, Joe Voss Rogoway Endowment Nathan Etkin Chesed Fund Fund Paul & Sheri Robbins in Larry & Anita Altose memory of Sheri’s beloved David & Amy Amyakar grandparents, Esther & Leah Amyakar Isadore Rogoway, on the Adam & Beth Balkany occasion of their yahrtzeits. Joshua Cohen Irene & Sol Feder in mem- Tribute Card ory of the victims of the Janice & Marc Adler-To Holocaust Rabbi David & Tzippy Aliyos Robert Friedman Twersky-In your honor Dr. Jerry Barrish Eli & Eva Genauer Janice & Marc Adler-To Sol Birulin Etzion & Marlene Genauer David & Kaden OppenMark Bondi Ruth Genauer heimer-In your honor Rabbi Hillel David Shlomo Goldberg & Karen Rochelle Alhadeff-To Kevin Gabriel M. Deutsch Treiger Halela-In memory of your David Fredman Gary & Ahava Goldwater beloved grandfather, MorRabbi Friedland David & Jo Anne Greene rie Steinberg Rabbi Raphael Katsman Junko & Stephen Horvath in Sanford & Nina BlockmanRabbi Klitnick memory of David Hyman To Josh & Sarah Gortler-In Joseph Oppenheimer Bob & Michelle Kaufman honor of your special anniWalter Rosen Charna Klein versary Michael Samter Jack & Lisa Loudon Sharon Boguch-To Liz David Siscovick Rachel L. Miller Rosen-In honor of your Srayah Sobol Rabbi Morton & Leah unwavering Chesed Sheldon Steinberg Moskowitz Irving & Blu Greenberg-To Abraham Traub Nicole Pashek Eva and Eli Genauer-In Louis Treiger Harry & Rhonda Rubin in your honor memory of Sabrina Marlene & Marc KravetteGeneral Fund Spector’s father To Josh & Sarah GortlerKen & Wendy Avner Judith G. Stoloff In honor of your 50th Adam Balkany Rabbi Robert & Jocelyn wedding anniversary Jean Bolder Raish Toren in apprecia- Marlene & Marc KravetteShannon Blackley tion of Eva Genauer and To Richard Berger-In Saul Gamoran her incalculable help with honor of your graduation Aviva Grossman & Leonard Ben & Gavi’s wedding Marlene & Marc KravetteTeitz To Rabbi David & Tzippy Sara Herbstman Twersky-In honor of Mordecai’s engagement Marlene & Marc KravetteTo Larry Russak-In honor of your renewed Presidency Marlene & Marc KravetteTo Rachel Russak-In honor of the beautiful job you did for TDS’s girls choir performance Aaron & Rona Lerner-To Esther & Michael Friend-In appreciation of your generous hospitality Aaron & Rona Lerner-To David & Jo Anne GreeneIn appreciation of your generous hospitality Jerry & Carol StrassmanTo Rivka Katsman-In honor of Simcha & Jacqueline’s wedding Frieda & Bernard TonkonTo Sol Birulin-Wishing you a very happy birthday and many more Elaine Tonkon and Michael & Marsha Zedd-To Sol Birulin-In honor of your birthday Max & Jean Willner-To Lou Willner-Mazel Tov on the marriage of your daughter Eva to Nuriel Mizrahi Yahrtzeit Jerry Anches in memory of his beloved father, Irving Anches Julian Agranoff in memory of her brother, Efrem Zolman Agranoff Gerald Barrish in memory of his beloved grandmother, Anna Bloom Diane Berger in memory of her mother, Blossome Silberman (Continued on page 18) 17 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Thank you to our many Donors (Continued from page 17) Vera Berman in memory of her uncle, Itskhok B. Vest Ilya Berner in memory of his uncle, Moisey Guryevsky Ann Birulin in memory of her beloved father, Melech Neiss Sol Birulin in memory of his beloved father, Leo (Leib) Birulin Janet Boguch in memory of her father, Phil Boguch Laurie Boguch in memory of her beloved husband, Phil Boguch Laurie Boguch in memory of her beloved mother, Minnie Klausner Sharon Boguch in memory of her beloved father, Phil Boguch Herbert M. Bridge in memory of his beloved aunt, Helen Silver Doris Brown in memory of her mother, Rachel Moss Boris Bruk in memory of his father, Zinoviy Bruk Sarah Bush in memory of her beloved mother, Polly Sheiden Evelyn Chestnut in memory of her beloved father, Charles Goldfine Steve & Evelyn Chestnut in memory of her beloved brother, Sol Goldfine Marilyn Aronin Cohen in memory of her father, Samuel Aronin Dorothy Dwoskin in memory of her father, Joseph Dwoskin Ernie Englander in memory of his mother, Gisela Englander Tom Englander in memory of his mother, Gisela Englander Mark Elyn in memory of his mother, Goldie Elyn Mark Elyn in memory of his uncle, Morris Elyn Bette Emanuel in memory of her father, Ben Woron Lewis Filler in memory of his wife, Andrea Filler Donata Fayten in memory of her mother, Asya Miroshnik Ludmilla Feldman in memory of her husband, Alexander Feldman Major Peter Freeman in memory of his father, Milton Freeman Rabbi Allan Frand in memory of his mother, Adele Frand Ruth Frankel in memory of her sister-in-law, Susanne Frankel Esther & Michael Friend in memory of Esther’s beloved father, Jack Genauer Perry Frumkin in memory of his mother, Eva Frumkin Lesley Funk in memory of her mother, Bessie Schwartz Sam Furer in memory of his mother, Chana Furer Ruth Genauer in memory of her beloved husband, Jack Genauer Ruth Genauer in memory of her beloved brother-inlaw, Mendel Genauer Tatiana Gertsen in memory of her father, Iosif Veksler Bronija Ginzburg in memory of her husband, Mikhail Ginzburg Claude Gold in memory of his mother, Anna Gold Maia Goldgrab in memory of her beloved mother, Edith Berlow Frances Goldie in memory of her mother, Ruth Goldie Frances Goldie in memory of her mother, Ruth Goldie Mollie Goldman in memory of Isidor Mark P. Goldstein in memory of his wife, Marcia Rothman Goldstein Mervin Gorasht in memory of his beloved father, Samuel Gorasht Jack Gourman in memory of his father-in-law, Curt Czarnitzki Neil Grad in memory of his father, Harry Grad Barbara Grashin in memory of her father, Irving Anches Jack Greenberg in memory of his mother, Betty Greenberg Jo Anne Greene in memory of her beloved father, Irwin Leverah Dolores Greenfield in memory of her mother, Etta Paloy Bridge Dr. & Mrs. Grosskopf in memory of their father/ father-in-law, Irwin Lustbader Elaine Hartholz in memory of her beloved parents, Gussie & Max Stusser Elaine & Marshall Hartholz in memory of Elaine’s father & mother, Max and Gussie Stusser Elaine & Marshall Hartholz in memory of Elaine’s grandmother, Etta Stusser Elaine & Marshall Hartholz in memory of Marshall Hartholz in memory of his beloved uncle, Rudy Hartholz Steven Hill in memory of his beloved mother, Lena Krakovsky Steven Hill in memory of his grandmother, Anna Krakovsky Lore Hirsch in loving memory of her first husband, Louis DuBonsky Lore Hirsch in memory of her beloved father, Paul Horn Dr. & Mrs. Tom Hornsten in memory of their mother, mother-in-law, Dorothy Hornsten Charles Jassen in memory of his beloved mother, Sophia Jassen Charles Jassen in memory of his beloved father, William Jassen Rose Jassen in memory of her beloved mother, Anna Horowitz Rose Jassen in memory of her beloved daughter, Nadine Mack Rose Jassen in memory of her beloved brothers, Harry & Louis Horowitz Marjorie Kadaner in memory of her beloved husband, Ben Kadaner Majorie Kadaner in memory of her beloved father-in -law, Rubin Kadaner Herbert Kamowitz in memory of his son, David Kamowitz Janice Kaplan-Klein in memory of her uncle, Nathaniel Janison (Continued on page 19) 18 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Thank you to our many Donors (Continued from page 18) Bernard Kastriner in memory of his wife, Bertha Kastriner Rivka Katsman in memory of her beloved husband, Nathan Katsman Mikhail Kharevich in memory of her aunt, Yevgeniya Purkis Dr. Marcus Kraff in memory of his father, Sol Kraff Steve Kroman in memory of his father, Nathan Kroman Marilyn Leibert in memory of her beloved father, Albert S. Weiland Cheryl S. Levinson in memory of her grandfather, Simon Shapiro Carin Mack in memory of her husband, Laurence Mack Boris Makovoz in memory of his beloved sister, Lucia Boris Makovoz in memory of his beloved mother, Masja Robert Malin in memory of his mother, Frieda Malin Geraldine Marchand in memory of her father, Jack Kossen Polagaya Fine McLaughlin in memory of her mother, Eleanor Fine Dina Meyler in memory of her mother, Riva Prizant Nechama Michelson in memory of her beloved mother, Anne Batt Margolis Dave Mintz in memory of her aunt, Rebecca Siegel Hylan Moises in memory of his mother, Ann Moises Sandra Moore in memory of her father, Eugene Rickles Korry, Denise, Spencer, Madison & Morgan Pearl in memory of their father, Lawrence Pearl Marion Pearl in memory of her husband, Lawrence Pearl Marion Pearl in memory of her father, Irman Polishuk Sanford Pearl in memory of his father, Lawrence Pearl Karin Pollock in memory of her mother, Ruth Lempert Diana Pyatetskaya in memory of her mother, Klava Arshinova Ron Reibman in memory of his father, Morris Reibman Jack H. Richlen in memory of his father, Ben Richlen Bella Riley in memory of her mother, Alegra Casson Jan Rogoway in memory of her mother-in-law, Esther Rogoway Zvi Ron in memory of his wife, Shulamit S. Ron Sharon R. Rose in memory of her beloved parents, Al J. and Brangie Rose Sharon Rose in memory of her grandmother, Sarah Goodman Edward Russak in memory of his beloved father, Boris Russak Barry Samet in memory of his mother, Sylvia Samet Ruth Samter in memory of her beloved grandmother Sylvia Saperstein in memory of her husband, Harold Saperstein Sylvia Saperstein in memory of her beloved sister, Mildred Kettleman Betty Schneider in memory of her father, Hyman Schneider Debbie Schneider in memory of her father, Hyman Schneider Esther Schor in memory of her father, Joseph Sturman Rita Schreiber in memory of her beloved parents, Gussie & Max Stusser Dr. Herbert Schuck in memory of his mother Stan Sherr in memory of his father, Harry Sherr Annie Ziegman Shulman in memory of her husband, Irving Ziegman Sam Shulman in memory of his father, Abe Shulman Diana Shvets in memory of her father, Iosif Freylikhman Don & Marilyn Sidel in memory of Don’s father, Archie Sidel Amy Sidell in memory of her beloved mother, Alice Levin Stanley Sidell in memory of his mother, Bessie Sidell Vladimir Silverstone in memory of his mother, Khael Serebrokamen Ilene Siscovick in memory of her beloved father, Irving Callan Dr. David Siscovick in memory of his beloved father, Milton Siscovick Seemah Spitzbart in memory of her husband, Max Spitzbart Nelli Spivak in memory of her mother Irene Steinberg in memory of her beloved father, Alex Mohrer Gloria Steinberg in memory of her beloved mother, Anna Lite Rose Stalin in memory of her husband, Max Stalin Irene Steinberg in memory of her beloved mother, Betty Mohrer Sylvia Stern in memory of her mother, Bessie Esther Sidell Ruth Sulman in memory of her mother-in-law, Bertha Sulman Mikhail Taskar in memory of her mother, Tsirlia Taskar Leah Tatel in memory of her beloved mother, Shirley Goldman Hannah Voss in memory of her beloved father, Herman Blumenthal Miriam Wald in memory of her beloved aunt, Matilda Sachter Dr. Herbert Weisberg in memory of his beloved parents, Miriam & Isidor Weisberg Leza Wirth in memory of her beloved husband, Irwin Wirth Leza Wirth in memory of her beloved father-inlaw, Edward Wirth Terence Wirth in memory of his father, Irwin Wirth Efraim Wolff in memory of his father, Kurt Wolff Steven M. Zien in memory of his grandfather, Simon Shapiro Yizkor Sol & Irene Feder Rabbi Bernie Fox Lee & Nechama Michelson Esther & Eugene Normand 19 TIshrei-Cheshvan, 5772 – October-November, 2011 Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Services Shabbos Times Regular Candles Friday Mincha* Latest Shema Shabbos Mincha** Shabbos Ends*** Ha’azinu/Shuva 6:33 6:30 10:03 5:55**** 7:34 Oct. 21-22; Tishri 23-24 Breishis 5:52 6:00 10:15 5:50 6:53 Oct. 28-29; Tishri 30-Cheshvan 1 Noach 5:40 5:45 10:20 5:40 6:42 Nov. 4-5; Heshvan 7-8 Lech Lecha 5:29 5:35 10:26 5:30 6:31 Nov. 11-12; Heshvan 14-15 Vayera 4:20 4:25 9:31 4:15 5:21 Nov. 18-19; Heshvan 21-22 Chayei Sarah 4:12 4:20 9:37 4:10 5:14 Nov. 25-26; Heshvan 28-29 Toldos 4:06 4:15 9:43 4:05 5:08 Date Sidra Sep. 30-Oct. 1; Tishri 3-4 Morning Services Daily Mincha Sun., Holidays ....................... 7:30, 9:00 Mon., Thu. ............................. 6:40, 7:40 Tue., Wed., Fri....................... 6:50, 7:45 Rosh Chodesh, Fast days...... 6:30, 7:30 Shabbos, main shul. . 8:30 PST, 8:45 PDT Shabbos, Nusach Sefard Minyan* .. 9:00 Shabbos, Capitol Hill Minyan .......... 9:00 Shabbos, Teen Minyan ................... 9:15 *Or as announced. Sep. 18 – Sep. 22 ..... 6:55 Sep. 25 – Sep. 27 ..... 6:45 Oct. 3 – Oct. 5 .......... 6:30 Oct. 9 – Oct. 11 ........ 6:20 Oct. 16 – Oct. 19 ...... 6:05 Oct. 23 – Oct. 27 ...... 5:50 Oct. 30 – Nov. 3 ....... 5:40 Nov. 6 – Nov. 10....... 4:30 Nov. 13 – Nov. 17 ..... 4:20 Nov. 20 – Nov. 24 ..... 4:15 Nov. 27 – Dec. 1....... 4:10 BCMH Phone Menu 206-721-0970 Available staff, general voice mail ........0 Voice Mail: Rabbi Kletenik .....................................1 Dee Wilson..........................................3 Programming (Julie Greene) ............. 4,1 Youth Programs .............................. 4,2 Fundraising ...................................... 4,3 Bookkeeping (Roland) .........................5 Capitol Hill Minyan ...............................6 Mikvah Appointments ....................... 7,1 Eruv Hotline & Shabbos Times.......... 7,2 Daily Services & Classes .................. 7,3 Capitol Hill Minyan - Evening and morning every Shabbos and Yom Tov Friday/Erev Yom Tov and Shabbos/ Yom Tov afternoon times as listed above Shabbos Morning Shacharis – 9:00 AM. Services at 1501 17th Avenue, Seattle – Council House, lower level *Nusach Sefard five minutes earlier, or as announced. **Or earlier, as announced, for special events. ***Ma’ariv five minutes earlier. ****Special time for Shabbos Shuva d’rasha, which directly follows Mincha. Days of Note: Selichos Night .................................. Sep. 24 Erev Rosh Hashana ......................... Sep. 28 Rosh Hashana ............................ Sep. 29-30 Shabbos Shuva.................................. Oct. 1 Fast of Gedalia................................... Oct. 2 Kol Nidre Night ................................... Oct. 7 Yom Kippur ........................................ Oct. 8 Erev Succos......................................Oct. 12 Succos ....................................... Oct. 13-19 Shimini Atzeres, Simchas Torah .. Oct. 20-21 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan.................. Oct.29 Rosh Chodesh Kislev ....................... Nov. 27 Resume “tal u’matar” .............Ma’ariv, Dec. 5 Chanukah, first night ........................ Dec. 20 Shabbos Hashkoma Minyan, 7:45 a.m. in the Beis Medrash: TBA Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Congregation 5145 South Morgan Street Seattle, Washington 98118-2999 20 HIGH HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: Page 14
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