2015-2016 STARS Behavior Plan
2015-2016 STARS Behavior Plan
Glenkirk Elementary School STARS Positive Behavior Program 2015-2016 9/2015 Discipline Glenkirk Elementary has developed and continues to use our ESD Team (also known as the STARS TEAM) to support and teach the Glenkirk Honor Code Plan to support the Prince William County Code of Conduct for the 2015-2016 school year. This plan is tiered so that the level of consequences increases based on the behavior and frequency. All teachers should make sure that parent contact is made when discipline issues become habitual. At Glenkirk Elementary we care for the well-being of all of our students. We work hard to provide a positive learning environment, by respecting students’ feelings and thoughts, by focusing on Character Education, and by implementing positive and/or negative consequences as necessary. We will establish an environment that will stimulate learning and encourage personal growth through a varied and interesting curriculum, which incorporates participation, discovery and movement. We will reassure students by praising and reinforcing good behavior. In the event of misbehavior, some privileges may be withheld and parents may be called. When necessary, stricter consequences will occur. Holding students responsible for their own behavior will aid in the development of responsible and respectful individuals who are properly prepared for life. Emphasis will be placed on behaving like a Quality Student at all times. It is the responsibility of all students, staff, and parents to be familiar with the school and county behavior expectations. We must all work together to create a safe learning environment for our students. Character Education Glenkirk follows both Leader In Me, which teaches specific Leadership qualities: Be Proactive Begin With the End in Mind Put First Things First Think Win-Win Seek First to Understand then to Be Understood Synergize Sharpen the Saw We also implement Baldrige in Education which teaches students to set goals and track their progress. At Glenkirk Elementary students learn about the six pillars of character and practice displaying them throughout every day. The six pillars of character are: TRUSTWORTHINESS: Trustworthy students are honest and loyal. RESPECT: Respectful students value all people, live by the Golden Rule (Do to others what you would like to have done to you), are courteous and polite, are accepting of differences, and avoid all forms of violence RESPONSIBILITY: Responsible students do their duties, are accountable, pursue excellence, and exercise self-control. FAIRNESS: Fair students are consistent, listen to others, are careful when making judgements, treat people equally, and follow procedures. CARING: Caring students are compassionate, kind and loving, considerate, charitable, and unselfish. CITIZENSHIP: Good citizens do their share, help the community, play by the rules, and respect authority and the law. S T A R S Incentives for 2015-2016 KG - 5th Grade: Quarterly Incentives Quarter Date of Incentive Teams in charge of planning the incentive 1st Friday, October 30th Encore Team Raffle Dance Party 2nd Friday, January 15th PTO Staff Dance 3rd Friday, April 8 Encore Team Raffle Dance Party 4th Friday, June 10 All Field Day Discipline Glenkirk Elementary has developed and continues to use our Effective School-wide Discipline Team (also known as the STARS TEAM) to support and teach the Glenkirk Honor Code Plan to support the Prince William County Code of Conduct for the 20152016 school year. This plan is based in positive recognition and is tiered so that the level of consequences increases based on the behavior and frequency. All teachers should make sure that parent contact is made when discipline issues become habitual. Student Discipline Procedures Review flow chart, is it a major, minor or crisis behavior After behavior has been determined, follow flow chart Cafeteria Students will be arranged in order while in line and seated. Teachers must arrange students to sit in assigned seats while at their seat. Seating chart must be provided Students follow the 4 cafeteria rules Teachers will be on time to drop off and pick up students to and from lunch Consequences-Problem solving table for student that do not follow directions Students will be given a warning and then if they are spoken to a second time, they will go to the problem solving table Classroom issue- the table goes to silent lunch Golden Shields/Class Shields Students K-5 can earn a Shield individually or as a classroom Specialists, Administrators, Teachers from a different class and Substitutes will hand out "Class Shields" for excellent classroom behavior. Teachers will set classroom shield goals and plan celebrations as a class. Teachers, Specialists, Substitutes or any staff can give out Golden Shields to individuals. Sample Classroom Choices Free seat choice lunch day Additional Recess Homework Passes Other incentive that was determined by the teacher with the students Incentives K-5 will have class celebrations, and will also participate in the school wide incentives quarterly Honor Code Fill out form accessible from online website, print 2 copies, send one to the office and one home with the student Detention Lunch detention or Before/After school detention can be assigned by the Principal or Assistant Principal for a Code of Behavior violation at their discretion. Parents will be advised of the detention time and date, and be given at least 24 hours notice so that they can make arrangements to pick their child up from before or after school detention. Detention will be normally served from 8:00 – 8:40 a.m. or 3:40 – 4:20 p.m. on Tuesdays or Thursdays in the main office. Positive Reward System All teachers should develop a positive classroom rewards system to encourage positive behaviors. School-wide reward systems will be developed and used as needed. If a student is a tier 2 behavior student, what type of intervention will there be? First and foremost, the support of the parent and home contact is mandatory. Next, you may use specific strategies which are suggested from the list on the One-Drive. If a student’s behavior is more challenging and they do not respond to the interventions that have been put in place, they may be moved to Tier 3. Tier 3 students receive more intensive intervention called Second Steps through the Guidance Department. Lastly we may have an Intervention Meeting and develop an FBA/BIP. Glenkirk Elementary School Honor Code Referral Form Student’s Name:__________________________ Grade:__________________ Teacher:________________________________ Date:____________________ Location of incident:______________________ Time of Incident:__________ Problem Reported Action Classroom Level 1 Guidance Level 2 Administration Level 3 Inappropriate behaviors handled in the classroom, 3 referrals, you’re moved up to the next level Student intervention program handled by the guidance counselor, 3 referrals, you’re moved up to the next level Student reaches this level due to the seriousness of the offense, or progressing through the levels __ excessive talking __ interrupting __ name calling __ running __ pictures/notes __ completing homework or class work __ following directions __ hitting/ pushing (K-2) __ rumors/gossip __ teasing __ inappropriate gestures __ taunting/mocking __ throwing food __ inappropriate bathroom behavior __ first offense stealing __ first offense bullying ______ Number of prior offenses in this category ______ Number of prior offenses in this category __ defiance/ noncompliance __ damaging property __ hitting/ fighting __ indecent exposure __ kicking __ pushing __ spitting __ stealing __ cheating __ weapons __ profanity/ offensive language __ bullying/ threatening (zero tolerance policy) ___ Teacher requests detention ___ Guidance requests detention *Administration approval *Administration approval ________ ________ ______ Number of prior offenses in this category Explanation of Incident _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Others involved in the incident: _____________________________ __________________________ Teacher Action Student reflection time Reteach behavior Conference with student Conference with grade level team Guidance assistance Parent phone call or email 3 strikes Guidance Referral Level 3 Offense Referred to Administration After school detention Date: ________________ Guidance Action Student reflection time Conference with student Conference with grade level team Behavior intervention plan 3 strikes Administration Referral Level 3 Offense Referred to Administration Parent phone call After school detention Date: ________________ Administrative Action Conference with student Parent Conference Parent phone call Lunch detention After school detention Date: ________________ In-school suspension ______ day(s) Out-of-school suspension ______ day(s) _________________________ (Administration Signature) __________________________________(Date) (Parent/Guardian Signature) S.T.A.R.S. Program at Glenkirk Elementary School The 2015-2016 school year at Glenkirk Elementary will provide students with a school wide system to monitor behavior of each student. Students in all grades and all classrooms will have the same behavior expectation throughout the school. School Wide Discipline System Honor Code Forms Golden Shields When do you give out a Golden Shield? When students show character traits that go above and beyond basic expectations, a student should receive a golden shield for the day. Students will keep track of the shields in their data notebooks. Glenkirk Behavior We provide Positive Behavior Supports at Glenkirk. In the classroom we have multiple methods to recognize STARS behavior. (tickets, punch cards, Golden Shields, etc). We also give students multiple chances to learn/remember the desired behavior. First time is a verbal warning, next is a reminder check , followed by a Think Sheet which must go home and be signed by a parent. If the student continues to display inappropriate behavior the next consequence is an Honor Code Form which also requires the teacher to call home and is sent home for a parent signature. If a student receives an Honor Code they are not allowed to participate in the Quarterly Incentive. When do you give out an honor code? When a student has received three warnings they are then given a think sheet A copy is sent home to be signed by a parent. If a student receives 3 think sheets they then get an Honor Code on the 4th infraction. A copy is sent home to be signed by a parent. The exception to this is if a student commits an infraction that falls into a tier 3 level they automatically get an Honor Code. After a student has received three honor codes in one quarter, on the fourth honor code violation all forms and the student will go to see that grade level’s designated administrator. Administration will then decide how to best handle the situation. Please make sure that a copy of all forms are sent to the office for keeping track of data. Incentives Students in grades K-5 who haven’t received any honor code violations will be able to participate in a quarterly incentive at the end of each quarter. Encore teachers will be coordinating these incentives. Students will have a fresh start with honor code violations at the beginning of each quarter. Classrooms and grade levels will also set goals and select incentives for student to participate in. Suggestions are Free seat choice at lunch day Additional Recess Homework Passes Student selected incentives Sit beside a friend for the day Homeroom teachers keep track of all Honor Code Violations in a classroom student folder. Specialists and supporting staff must keep track of think sheets and Honor Codes in their own classrooms!