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Spring2012_Layout 1
Spring / Summer 2012 Newsletter
katie mcgowan Founder / Execu!ve Director
In This Issue
From the Equine Director. ....................p. 2
Meet our new Program Director...........p. 3
Meet Some of Our Instructors..............p. 3
Achiever’s Award Congratula!ons........p. 4
Hippotherapy News..............................p. 4
Thank You’s...........................................p. 6‐9
Imporant Dates
Volunteer Walk‐a‐Thon
School Horse Show
Summer Lesson Series
Camp HorseAbility
Special Olympics
Volunteer Horse Show
Peer Mentoring
Splish Splash Trip
Fall Series Begins
Annual Gala
EST. 1993
Sunday, June 3
Sunday, June 3
Sunday, July 1
June 30, July 22,
August 7
August 20 ‐ 24
June 25 ( M ‐ Th)
July 13, 27 Aug 10
Sat. July 7 ‐ Aug 11
Thursday, Aug 30
Sept 2
Nov. 2, 2012
"Home is where the horses are.” A$er
20 years of being part of the commu‐
nity of people with special needs and
their families, it is with great pride to
be able to share our beau!ful new
home on the campus of SUNY College
at Old Westbury.
The community has welcomed us with
open arms and we are so grateful. The
expanded and new programs have al‐
ready begun. HorseAbility, in partner‐
ship with Goodwill, has created a Day
Habilita!on Program to begin this sum‐
mer. Under development is our Thera‐
peu!c Carriage Driving Program which
we plan to have available in the fall of
2012. Please mark your calendar and
join us for our Twenty Year Annual Gala
Celebra!on, November 2, 2012.
We have new staff, many new volun‐
teers, new horses, and MOST of all the
many new par!cipants who have
joined HorseAbility and have begun to
enjoy our programs.
Please enjoy the following pages. You
will find a great amount of informa!on
and enjoy mee!ng some of our staff,
equine herd, and program par!cipants.
I look forward to seeing and/or mee!ng
you soon whether it be at our OPEN
HOUSE on June 3rd, a LIHSSRD show
this summer, our Summer Series, a vol‐
unteer orienta!on and workshops or
our annual Summer Day Camp.
For quick access to:
•Registra!on forms and links
•Volunteer sign‐up
•Latest informa!on
•Special events
•Giving opportuni!es
Board of Directors
Ka!e McGowan
PRESIDENT Donna Stephans, Esq.
SECRETARY Denise Ryder
TREASURER Marvin Rosen
Dr. Mitch Beller
Arthur Bruskin
Michael Dorfman
Stephan Economou
Pam Holbrook
Dr. Jodi Kno"
Chris!na Ladas
Susan Miller
Rae Natale
Robert Nobile, Esq.
Jennifer Rimmer
Lori Street‐Ames
Barn News: Home is where the horses are! Antoinette DeGruccio, Equine Director
Welcome, welcome! I hope everyone is
enjoying the new facility as much as the
HorseAbility Herd and I are!
The move was made official on Thursday,
March 22nd when all the horses were re‐
located to HorseAbility at SUNY Old
Westbury. With the help of a few differ‐
ent trailers, drivers and helpful hands all
the horses made it to SUNY College at
Old Westbury safely and without issue.
Once all of the horses were settled in,
SUNY began to feel like home...
HorseAbility’s new home!
At this time our horses are officially back
to work and happy to do so. With hours
of grass turnout everyday
and large stalls to sleep in
they are all of sound mind
and body to continue work‐
ing happily for years to
come. What a privilege it is
to be able to honor our
magnificent herd by giving
them a home that grants
them the ability to live and
work with all the dignity,
grace, beauty, and respect
that they deserve. On be‐
half of the HorseAbility
Herd and myself, thank you
to all those who made our new home
horseAbility herd members update
Gunther (Knight in Shining Armor) a former jousting horse, was
donated to HorseAbility by Sands Point Preserve. Don’t let his
size fool you, he is an absolute “lap dog” equipped with big slob‐
bery kisses for all who meet him. Quickly becoming a favorite
amongst riders and instructors.
Julie!e pictured here with her friends in her herd.
Max (Max Marks the Spot) was generously donated by Jeffrey
Cohen and family. As our only appaloosa in the herd he easily
stands out. His wonderful temperament and smooth quiet ride
make him a great fit for hippotherapy clients, therapeutic ride
clients and volunteers alike. Welcome to the HorseAbility!
Hot Shot
Please join the
HorseAbility Staff in
bidding Hot Shot a
fond farewell into
retirement. He has
served HorseAbility
well by helping many
of our riders find
independence as well as assisting independent riders to
excel on the flat and over x‐rails. He will be missed by all.
Hot Shot will be returning to his owner for retirement, date
horseAbility’s vehicle donation program
“HorseAbility has helped me get closer
to my recovery in the past years. I can
see how much be!er I'm walking and
how many things I'm doing independ‐
ently now without anyone's help!”
Tiffany Kahles, stroke at age 13.
Free Towing
Support HorseAbility
and get a
tax deduc!on!
75% of proceeds goes directly to our Programming.
Bits and Leadlines
Meet our Instructors
Dr. Wendy Schonfeld is a chiropractor
with more than 23 years experience. She
graduated from New York Chiropractic
College in 1989. She is also a graduate
from Options for Animals Chiropractic
College, and is a
Certified Equine
/Animal Chiroprac‐
tor. Certified
through the Inter‐
national Veteri‐
(I.V.C.A.) she is
proud to be a part of the HorseAbility
team and blessed for her fantastic team
of volunteers.
Wendy is an avid rider and currently com‐
petes in the Hunter/Equi‐
tation division with her
horse Romeo. She is a PATH
Intl. certified instructor. She
is married to Michael and
shares her love of riding
with Hannah.
Barbara Hotchkins comes to
HorseAbility with many
years of experience with the special
needs community. A graduate of
Nazareth College of Rochester and Adel‐
phi University, she holds a B.S. and an
M.S. in speech pathology and audiology.
She is a New York State certified teacher
of the speech and hearing handicapped
and a sign language interpreter. Barbara
and her daughter, Kaitlyn, began volun‐
teering with our program several years
ago. In 2008, she became a PATH Intl. cer‐
tified instructor.
Dina Asaro has been around horses for
most of her life. As a
child and young adult,
she successfully com‐
peted in hunter/
jumpers and eventing,
often taking champion
or reserve champion.
As an adult, her pas‐
sion for horses trans‐
lated into a very
training career.
Dina has been working at
HorseAbility for ten years, teach‐
ing many of HorseAbility’s riders
and training new‐coming volun‐
teers. She holds certification with
the USEF, USHJA, and is certified
as an instructor with PATH Intl.
Some of Dina’s recent accomplishments
include coaching two of her riders to win
Champion at two consecutive Hampton
Classics Horse Shows. Dina is always aim‐
ing to create connection and harmony be‐
tween horses and humans
Nancy Ellen Tejo began teaching thera‐
peutic riding lessons for HorseAbility in
2008 and achieved PATH Intl. riding
instructor certification. She is a competi‐
tive dressage rider and is currently com‐
peting at First Level.
Her love of horses, riding and therapeutic
riding can be
seen through her
and her students
success in the
show rings. As a
riding technician
who emphasizes
fundamentals in
her lessons
Nancy also be‐
lieves in the im‐
portance of fun
as evidenced by the smiles, laughs and
compassion she shares with her students
every day. Nancy always endeavors to
find the right balance between encourag‐
ing riders to reach a new potential and al‐
lowing them to take pause as needed.
She graduated from Hofstra University
with a B.A. in Biology.
Holbrook, Leslie Holden, Ana O’Brien,
Candace Kearney, Jamie Thomas‐Martin
Annie Follansbee, Program Director
I want to introduce myself to the
HorseAbility community as the new Pro‐
gram Director. I am excited about my re‐
location to Long Island and have been
warmly welcomed by the HorseAbility
Growing up as an avid equestrian, I was
thrilled to find my calling in the therapeu‐
tic horsemanship industry after graduat‐
ing from Marist College with a Bachelors
of Science. I previously served as the Pro‐
gram Director at a therapeutic riding cen‐
ter in New Jersey, and jumped at the
chance to come on board at HorseAbility.
I am a certified Path Intl. Therapeutic Rid‐
ing Instructor and look forward to a
heavy involvement in program develop‐
ment and fund‐raising.
Spring / Summer 2012
I recently enjoyed my first experience
with LIHSSRD and am excited to assume
the role of Show Team Manager. While I
love teaching, I feel most charged when
educating the community on the vast
benefits of therapeutic riding. My goal
within HorseAbility is to expose as many
populations as possible to the magic of
horses, while bringing unique fund‐rais‐
ing ideas and a drive to increase sponsor‐
ships and donations. I know our vision of
growth is "On Course for our Future". I
encourage our staff, clients and volun‐
teers to get in contact with me about in‐
volvement in upcoming fund‐raising
Please email me anytime at
programdirector@horseability.org. I look
forward to meeting you at our beautiful
new location.
Achiever’s Award Congratulations
On May 8th, Katie McGowan received the
Achievers Award from The Long Island
Center for Business and Professional
Women. What an evening! The Long Is‐
land Center was founded in 1977 and is
dedicated to expediting the advancement
of women. Six outstanding women whose
contributions to Long Island and their
community make them stand out above
others in their fields, were hand picked
for their contributions and encourage‐
ment to other young women and entre‐
preneurs. Past Achiever's include Sally
Ride (Astronaut), Donna Karan (De‐
signer), Sandra Day O'Conner (Chief Jus‐
tice) and many, many more impressive
Achievers are women who have served as
mentors, teachers, leaders and trendset‐
ter, all while juggling work and family.
Tuesday night was about honoring these
women and Katie certainly shone! She
was joined by family, friends, staff mem‐
bers, and Board members who came to
show how proud of her and HorseAbility
we are. Katie was nominated for the
honor by Sandy Johnson of Sandra G.
Johnson, CPA, P.C. Sandy is also the Presi‐
dent of The Long Island Center for Busi
HorseAbility Annual Gala
Crestwood country club
November 2, 2012
6;30 - 11:30
ness and Professional Women and has
been friend and mentor to Katie and
HorseAbility for many years.
Helping Build HorseAbility One Brick at a Time.....
Personalize a Brick Your dona!on will directly sup‐
port our par!cipants, horses and programs. They
will be used for walkways and garden paths
throughout our beau!ful property.
please join us for our
20th Anniversary Event
newsletter contributions
Share your Riding Insights, storys, lessons learned in
the ring, or what you love about HorseAbility, in the
next edi!on of the HorseAbility Newsle"er.
Please send your submission to
Thank You,
Nancy Ellen
Standard Brick: $300 Large Brick $500
Please mail your generous support and this form to:
HorseAbility PO Box 410‐1 Old Westbury NY 11568
Hippotherapy news Eileen Booth, MS,OTR/L, Director of Clinical Services
Happy spring everyone! Well, we cer‐
tainly have been busy settling into our
new home! The horses have been loving
their rolling grass paddocks, and our rid‐
ers are enjoying our new track and sen‐
sory space! The surrounding fields add to
the beauty of our new space, and we are
so lucky to be where we are!
The therapists and I have been working
diligently to improve our sensory space
and expand on what nature already pro‐
vides. We are looking to invoke all five
senses of the sensory experience. From
wind chimes to the herb garden for
clients to enjoy, plus the canopy of trees
that our riders can walk through to en‐
lighten the senses. We are so excited for
what the future brings for HorseAbility,
and how hippotherapy as a treatment
strategy an be brought to the next level.
We are also extremely lucky to have two
board certified therapists in hippother‐
apy. Paula McGuffy and I recently passed
our boards to join the small community
of HPCS therapists. There are no more
than 200 in the country.
Bits and Leadlines
Summer Camp Registration
August 20 ‐ 24, 9am ‐ 3:30pm
Reserve your space for Camp HorseAbility 2012! Be one of 85 campers and
over 200 volunteers who will join us for the fun filled week including horse‐
back riding, swimming, indoor/outdoor sports, arts and cra$s and special
theme days and happenings!
Special ac!vi!es at camp have included Pajama Day, Crazy Hat Day,
Olympics Day, Yoga, Karaoke, Drum Circle, Family Day BBQ.
Camp HorseAbility will be held August 20th – August 24th from 9am ‐
3:30pm daily. Camp is a rewarding experience for all of our a"endees‐
Campers and Volunteers!
Camp week is held at Thomas School of Horsemanship in Melville.
The fee for the week is $800. Please fill out the form online at
www.horseability.org >Forms> Summer Camp 2012. Mail or call in your
$200 required deposit to reserve your space today!
Contact Jamie for more registra!on informa!on and to sign up TODAY!
516‐333‐6151 x 103 or email jamie@horseability.org
LIHSSRD Update Annie Follansbee, HA Show Team Manager
The April 16th show at TSH was a great success for the HorseAbility
Show Team. Our riders placed well in the ribbons, and showed amaz‐
ing sportsmanship. Please contact me if you have any ques!ons about
upcoming shows, registra!on and scholarship,
Summer Show Dates
June 30‐ Gold Coast Classic, Setauket
July 22‐ Salt River Farm, Center Moriches
August 7‐ Glen Head Horse Show/Island Hills Stables,
Middle Island (double points show)
August 27‐ Hamptons Classic Final
HorseAbility Open House
June 3, 2012 | 11am ‐ 2pm
Join us for this Family Fun Day!
Face pain!ng
HorseAbility Horse
Visit the Giving Tree
Take a tour of our barn
Meet our horses
Balloon Animals
Carnival Games
Tack and riding apparel
Horse Toy Sale
Adopt your favorite
horse and provide him
or her with a hay lunch
Fresh baked goods
Including gluten‐free!
HorseAbility’s day at Belmont
May 5, 2012 Thank you to Kim Monaco for organizing the
HorseAbility Race Day at Belmont. This opportunity allowed us to
raise awareness in the community about our programming. The
funds raised will go to support our horses.
The HorseAbility Race was the first race of the day. Fox Rules
out of Langpap Stables was the winner, Junior Alvarado was the
jockey. Plans are already in motion to set up an outreach table at
Saratoga this summer.
Thank you to Kellyann and Katie Jackson for supporting
HorseAbility at this event and for the event photos.
riding insights From a HorseAbility Volunteer
Runaway Pony Skills by Gabby Hernandez
Do you have a pony or a horse that likes to be in charge of you?
Do they run away, or go extra fast while you are riding? Well here
are some tips to help you show them who’s boss.
Tip # One: If you feel your horse starting to speed up, always try
half halting first. Half halting is when you squeeze and release on
the reins while still holding on.
Tip # Two: Remember to stay
relaxed and try steering your
horse into a small circle so
that they can’t go any faster.
If your horse does not listen to
any of those try Tip # Three:
Sit back holding both reins and
say, “whoa!!”
It is important for you to learn
and master these skills to have
a happy and safe and enjoy‐
able ride.
Spring /Summer 2012
Trophy presenta!on ‐ middle to right jockey Junior Alvarado, Kellyann
Jackson, Kim Monaco. Photo courtesy of Adam Coglianese.
Fundraising update
Horseability25K Challenge Grant: We Did It! Together we
raised $25,000 giving us a total of $50,000!
Let’s Do It Again!
Gabby Hernandez and Bear
HorseAbility has been offered a SECOND 25K Challenge
Grant. Your gi$ will be matched dollar for dollar for a total
of another $50,000 , but only if we receive your check by
July 1, 2012.
Thank You for your Generosity
We are so greatly appreciative for all the donation of financial contributions, goods and services made to
HorseAbility. Your support makes it possible for HorseAbility to offer such amazing programs!
List compiled from donations from 12/2/11 ‐ 5/7/12. We apologize for any errors ‐ Please inform us if your name is misspelled or missing from our list.
Robert Nobile for his ongoing
support of and our move in‐
cluding the donation of our
new modular office.
Donation by The Hotchkin Fam‐
ily to furnish the volunteer
lounge in loving memory of
Barbara’s mother Ruth Minch.
OPWDD/LIDDSO grant funding
to support Camp HorseAbility
The Port Washington Commu‐
nity Chest
Morgan Stanley in honor of vol‐
unteer Bernadette Conlon
Dr. Mitchell Boxer
Larry & Sandy Simon
The Daniel J. and Edith A.
Ehrlich Family Foundation on
behalf of Jennifer Rimmer
Patricia Hill and The Adikes‐Hill
Family Foundation
Zion Episcopal Church
Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP
Robert Galindo
Mitch & Laurie Beller
The Cronin Family
Seymour Meyer
Robert Nobile
Ms. Mimi M. Klein In honor of
Leslie Kornstein for her 60th
The Kuster Family for proceeds
for Bake Sale at Hebrew School
Rich & Renee Worrall
Eric Diton for Morgan Stanley
charitable spending
Donation by Tory & Rae Natale
in honor of Kate Wyman and
Lee & Zach Joiner of Bear Tooth
Eileen Mary Larson in honor of
Tory Natale
Margaret & Erwin Zeuschner
Clearview Golf Club
Marc Kemp
C & J Scheuing Family
Adrienne Hauser, embroidered
saddle pads.
Patti‐O for photography
Barry Allen in honor of John
Edward Robins
Monthly Pledge
Barry Hershfield in honor of Linda
Robert Nobile
Frederick Sussi
Donations in memory
of Carly LeStrange
Barbara & Thomas Niblock in
honor of Ciara’s Birthday
Charles & Gina Moller in honor of
Ciara’s Birthday
Annette Lanteri in honor of Ciara’s
Peter & Mary Fusco in honor of
Ciara’s Birthday
Eric & Tara Lipuma in honor of
Ciara’s Birthday
Timothy & Angela Dungate in
honor of Ciara’s Birthday
Cheryl King in honor of Ciara’s
Timothy & Angela Dungate in
honor of Partick & Liam’s Birthday
Marie King as Christmas gift for
granddaughter Lily
Donations in memory of Olivia Say‐
lor and Carly LeStrange
Linda Imbriale
Cora Thompson
Ellen Vlachos
Amanda Leblue
Donations in support
of our HorseAbility
for Heroes Program
H4H Associated Foods
Family Bagel
Marianne & John Ehmer
Carol Machulski
Rich Artusa
Donations towards
the 25K Challenge
The Penzel Family
The Trapani Family
Jericho Schools Staff & Teachers
Joanne & Danielle Campbell
Susan Goldstein
Eileen & Theresa Bitetto
Marvin & Zita Rosen
The Ekberg Family
Barbara & Alyssa Esposito
Katie & Danny McGowan
The Carman Family
The Novelli Family
The Lesser Family
Phil, Margot & Amanda Horn
Lorraine & Kristi Geyer
Carlos & Monica Pedreros
Wendy Schonfeld
Susan Woodburn
Patricia & Joseph Fama
Pauline & Todd Pritscher
Steve & Joanne Winters
The Besso Family
Walter Hensen & Sybil and Lauren
Mitch & Laurie Beller
Avi & Jordan Greenfield
Anthony & Teresa Costa
Michael McDonald & M&M Roof‐
ing Co.
Sean Finn & Rockmore Contracting
The Fint Family
North Shore Autism Circle
“Fresh Start” Campaign donations to
purchase new items
for the HorseAbility
Donations in support
of our 2011 “On
Course for our Future” Gala
Maria Grady
Roger Kahles
Peter, Lynnette & Jessie Vitale
Chris & Brianna Murphy
Patti Grasso
The Deitch Family in support of the
HorseAbility Herd
Betty McCardell
New Tech Mechanical Systems Inc
Bayville Fire Company
Bruce Terzano and Syosset Taxi
Steven & Susan Peltzman
Donations and Attendance to our 2012
Wine Tasting
Pat & Rae Natale
Peter Aliani
Peter Allen
Lori & Jack Ames
Lillian Armstrong
Rich Artusa
Dina & Jerry Asaro
Louis & Joanne Auriccho
Mitch & Laurie Beller
Mitchell & Cindy Boxer
Kristin Barnett Von‐Korff
Donna Cammarota
Eileen Booth
Lynn & Lisa Cassone
Caryn Cincotta
Jennifer Cullen
Matthew Cullen
Paul Cullen
Tom Daly
Vicky & Mike Dantuano
Gary & Karen Denner
Louis & Renee Diritis
Michelle & Charlie Dispenzeri
Antoinette DeGruccio
Mike Dorfman & Marcy Metzer
Eric & Mrs. Farina
Marisol Feliciano
Ana Fenimore
Annie Follansbee & Dan Broderick
Patricia Gulitti
Sue & Brian Haggery
Mr. & Mrs. Hayes
Rich & Wendy Henn
Arthur Bruskin & Pam Holbrook
Margot Horn
Kellyann Jackson
Dee Jacobitti
Kevin & Cheryl Kelly
Kathleen Klienman
Mr. & Dr. Jodi Knott
Annette Kohlen
Jamie Thomas‐Martin
Peter Kramer
Lisa LaMorte & Rich Chereskin
Robert Laurner
Bryan Lazarus
Christina Ladas &
Stephan Economou
Sass Levine
Dinah Mark
Sophia Madden
Tracy McGee
Danny & Katie McGowan
Mary McNamara & Robert Gold‐
Bits and Leadlines
Thank You for your Generosity
Darcy Miller
Susan Miller
Walter Hensen & Sybil Moser
Megan Murphy
John Nataro
Robert & Nikki Nobile
Ana O’Brian
Adrienne Piren
Joanne Pontrelli
Marc Prussen
Gary & Donna Ranaldo
Barry & Lori Ranaldo
Jennifer Rimmer
Denise Romano
Denise Ryder
Wendy & Michael Schonfeld
Christa Schorn
Aaron Scmuelli
Spirit Seabre
Robbie Siegalman
Alfred Staab
Martin Sternberg
Terri Stryker
Peter & Lynette Vitale
Phyllis Waxenberg
Steve & Vivien Weiser
Larry & Michelle Weisman
Linda Wigandt
Chris Downs
Eileen Mullen
Lisa Cambe
Dennis Sgambati
Carol Machulski
John Zamoisri
Errol & Lura Salm
Mareen Donohue
David Dolinsky
Sebastien & Gemma Saylor
Sharyn Van Reeping
Merle & Gloria Bruskin
Marvin & Zita Rosen
Scott & Amy Barkin
Robert Nobile
Kathryn & Paul Bott
Christopher & Susan Downs
Gregg Rechler
David Goldstein
Julie & Marc Tell
2011 Annual Appeal
Karen Warner
Margaret Arcilesi
Anthony & Mary Alloggio
Dr. Lawrence Bassin in honor of
our new home at SUNY College at
Old Westbury
Deborah Weinstock in memory of
Harold Schutzman
Avi Greenfield in honor of Jordan
Marilyn Carroll
Portnoy, Messinger, Pearl & Asso‐
Michael Godner
Alan Scherr
The Beroza Family
Peter Aliani in honor of our new
home at SUNY College at Old
John Persia in honor of Matthew
Persia and our new home at SUNY
College at Old Westbury
Carol Machulski
Mr. & Mrs. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Merle Bruskin
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Moberg in honor
of Bruce Fint
Phyllis Waxenberg
Andrea & Charles Hirsch
Daniel Baudouin
Charles Rick & M&G Packaging
Dr. & Mrs. Neal Saslow
Michael Nessim
Dr. & Mrs. David Beller in memory
of son, Jason Beller
Janet Scheider in honor of Pheobe
Hunter Sports Shooting Inc.
Marvin & Zita Rosen
Select Equity Group Foundation &
Robert Wilson
Emerald Examiners Inc. donation
in memory of Andrew Burros
Sheila Steinberg in honor of
Emma Lesser
Barbara Marasco
Philip Deitch
MIriam Albert
Ka!e & Danny McGowan
Michael Kahn
Eric McClure
Nancy Ann Walters
Donations in honor
of Robert Nobile’s
Alissa Bell
Peter Korda
Howard & Rina Pianko
William Norden
Stephen Epstein
Caitlin Senff
Mary Aherns
Kathryn Ader
Charles & Mary Nobile
Linda O’Brian
Rosemary & Brendan Caputo and
The Caputo Revoc Living Trust
Daniel & Donna Delay
Anna & Charles Nobile
Donations in memory
of Sandy (Saundra)
Cohen Ajzenman
Washington University in St. Louis
Griffin Securities, Inc.
Alan & Naomi Kramer
Larry & Judy Kopp
Costas & Mary Ann Papson
Judith Chesler
Peggy Morris
Barbara, Jim & Jaclyn Rosen
Sima & Zane Tenenbaum
Hillary, Don, Scott & Jared Shaefitz
Adrian Stecyk
Frieda Edelman
Michael Shapiro
Richard Schwartz
Lawrence Mandelker
Jason Burri"
Linda Rentz
Barbara Sheridan
Lisa Olney
Nadine Puzio
Rebecca Schley
Julianne Sheehy
Israel Burns
Diane Iacone
Ralph Carter
Lorna Louis
Gary Glaser
Stanley Bloch
Kelly Pointer
Kenya Jiu
Kimberly Straker
Tracy Lundy
Staci Karow
Newsletter Support
Anne Smyth in memory of Bar‐
bara Baudouin
Michelle Cooper
Virginia Veraszto in honor of Laura
Rider’s Choice Saddlery
Robert Beherndt
Leprechaun Hollow & Midge
Pat & Stephanie Mochello,
Mochello Electric in honor of Pat
Natale & Family
Bam’s Auto Body
Seymour Meyer
In Memoriam, Our Parent Viewing Area
HorseAbility lost a dear volunteer, vupporter and friend ‐ Sandy
Cohen Ajzenman. Sandy and the Ajzenman family‐ Mo, Heather, Zack
& Rachel‐ have been volunteering with our program since 1997. With
Sandy's exper!se in special educa!on, camp and her own paren!ng
she helped create our Early Starters program at Camp HorseAbility in
2001. Sandy was the most exuberant, loving and compassionate per‐
son we have had the honor and privilege to have as part of our organ‐
iza!on. She is missed and will always be remembered here at
To honor her memory we are dedica!ng our Parent Viewing Area
and a Camp HorseAbility Scholarship in her name.
Spring / Summer 2012
A Special Thank You
We are so grateful for everyone who has supported HorseAbility and the move to our new home. With your help and
hard work we are enjoying the many improvements to our new loca!on at SUNY College at Old Westbury. More work is
s!ll needed to bring the facility to its fullest poten!al. A sincere thank you to all of the volunteers who have come out
and donateed their !me and efforts to our move and renova!ons.
Peter Aliani
Cemale'n “Mousse” Akca
Richard ArtusaJerry Asaro
Jus!n BaderRick Barile
The Barne"‐Von Korff Family
Eileen & Jim Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Booth
Mitch Boxer
Mitch Beller
Ka!e Braunstein
Rick Buckley
Nicole Carboy
Kenny Carboy
Claudio Sarabia Cas!llejo
Anthony Catapano
Caryn Cinco"a
Chris!na Corbo
The Deitch Family
Tara, Hugo & Comilla Denning
Jenna Dolan
Mike Dorfman
Jean Doris
Lexi McGinniss
Antoine"e DeGruccio
Patrick Drummond
Stephan Economou
Leslie Eisenberg
Allegra Estevez
Trisha Fama
Anna and Jim Fenimore
Sean Finn
Annie Follansbee
Esther Forrest
Ruben Fournier
Kaitlin Gambino
Megan Gargiulo
Maria Grady
Pa' Grasso
Anita GreenhausJohn Gursky
Kevin Handifan
Adrienne Hauser
Gabby Hernadez
Phil Horn
Pam Holbrook
Bob Ho!ne
Bob Hurley
Ron, Barbara and Kaitlyn Hotchkin
Glynis Humphries
Ka!e, Kellyann & Philip Jackson
Margot Kahles
Tim Kea!ng
Ma"hew Kendi
John Ketcham
Joe Kozikowski
Kercor Construc!on
Anne Kro"endorfer
Kevin Kolodziejski
Rich Kolodziejski
Lawton Adams
Karen Leeming
Amanda Lentz
Andy Lung
Sophia Madden
Russ Maggio
Kaitlyn Maniscalco
Chris!ne Manz
Senator Carl Marcellino
Carol Marran
Ka!e & Danny McGowan
Paula McGuffey
Katelyn, Al & Nancy Morrie
Jimmy Morris
Rem Narain
Rae Natale
Robert Nobile
Ana and Jeremy O’Brien
Ashley O’Reilly
Melissa Pederos
Michelle Pederos
Adrienne Piren
Deirdre Prunty
Marc Prussein
Adam Przybyszewski
Jordan Puccio
Rockmore Contrac!ng
Amy Rimmer
Denise Ryder
Eric Scheblien
Wendy and Michael Schonfeld
The Schorn Family
John Schuerlein
Spirit Seabre
Laura Sis!
Carl Steinberg
Fred Sussi
Town of Oyster Bay,
Highway & Public Ligh!ng
Nancy Tejo
Ma" Tejo
Micky Thiele
Tyler Thiele
Jamie & Tristan Thomas
Graham Thomas
Luis Tollinchi
Ron Tuthill
Carolina Urrea
Supervisor John Vendi"o
Linda Wigandt
Tim Wigandt
Steve Wulforst
Peter Vitale
Bits and Leadlines
Cesspool · Drywells · Drainage
Septic Systems
Spring / Summer 2012
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Email: info@horseability.org
Web: www.horseability.org
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