August 2011 Newsletter - St. Joseph`s Neighborhood Center


August 2011 Newsletter - St. Joseph`s Neighborhood Center
417 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620
August 2011
Published four times a year
Finding A Delicate Balance…..
Christine Wagner, SSJ
A few years ago a good friend gave me a small
metal sculpture of a stick like figure holding a
fishing line with a lovely fish on the end. When I
place it on the edge of my bookcase, the figure and
fish balance each other perfectly and actually can
rock back and forth in a beautiful dance - perfect
balance; each helping the other; each borrowing just
enough from the other’s energy and resources to stay
in harmony.
In the past few months I have received two
heartfelt notes from donors with their anonymous
gifts where they expressed their feelings that our
requests for donations were too many and too
frequent. Without their names I was not able to
respond to them personally, but they most certainly
piqued my interest and thought. And so, as I respond
to them, I share my reflections with all of you.
Our work at the Center is primarily about
serving our neighbors in the community, those in our
midst from all over Monroe County who do not have
health care, access to mental health counseling, no
dental services, or just do not know where to turn to
get help. As you know, our patients and clients are
served by a large volunteer staff of 250 who
themselves come from all over the community.
Matching these volunteers and patients/clients is, in
itself, a huge balancing act.
All of our communications with you, whether
it is this Newsletter, an invitation to an event, an
announcement, or our fall or spring appeal, is meant
Issue # 64
to bring you news of the Center first, and yes, there
will always be an opportunity, if you wish, to
contribute financially or in other ways.
We need you, first and foremost to be
ambassadors of the Center, to let people know we
are here to help, to let them know of our services, to
be informed of how health care is playing out for the
uninsured in our community.
We would also like you to accept our
invitations to make donations to the Center as you
are able, and not see them as a burden. Your
contribution may be something from our wish list, it
may be an offering of prayer, it may be a large or
small financial donation, but only you can judge
what keeps you in balance and in harmony. I ask
you to keep your hearts open to the news of the
Center, which is really news about our neighbors in
need, and then always pay attention to that which
keeps your own life in balance
I want to say thank you to everyone who
contributed in any way to the success of our annual
event, the Festa Italiana this year. It was spectacular
– beyond our wildest dreams! Thank you to all who
attended and I know you will want to mark your
calendars for next year’s event, Wednesday,
June 6, 2012.
There are lots of happenings in the health
care world which we will keep you apprised of as
the months roll on into the fall. Please let anyone
you know who is not getting the health care attention
they need to call the Neighborhood Center for an
intake appointment – we are also looking for health
care, mental health and general volunteers. Just give
us a call. Enjoy the summer. K
Fantastico! Stupendo! Splendido!
Festa Italiana, our 17th annual auction and party to benefit the work of St. Joseph’s
Neighborhood Center was a big success ------ un grande successo!
Over 400 people partied away the evening on June 1 at Temple B’rith Kodesh and helped
raise over $74,000 for the Center!!! Spirits were high, the food, wine and microbrews were
delizioso, and the music……the Four on the Floor Jazz Quartet even went Italian with
renditions of Volare, the Tarantella and Arrivederci Roma. The auctions were hot as guest
auctioneer Dr. John Gillespie delighted the crowd with his entertaining and persuasive style.
We have so many people to thank, including our generous and jovial honorary co-chairs
David Guadagnino and Mary Beauchamp. So many other individuals and organizations helped
make Festa Italiana so successful, from event organizers to auction donors to corporate sponsors.
If you recognize names on the list, be sure to thank them the next time you see them. Each and
every year, the success of our annual party and auction depends on teamwork. And that’s what
St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center is all about.
Thank you to everyone! ------- Grazie a tutti!
~~ Vintners & Brewers: Anthony Road Wine Company, Casa Larga Vineyards, Dr. Konstantin
Frank Vinifera Wine Cellars, Lamoreaux Landing Wine Cellars, Milan Wineries, Rohrbach
Brewing Company, Vias Imports
~~ Special Thanks: Cheesy Eddie’s, City Blue Imaging Services, Creative Caterers, Jill Cypher,
eieio Photography, Great Northern Pizza Kitchens, Gruttadauria Bakery, Premier Pastry,
Ricardo Radicia, Julie and Giovanni Ruggiero, Temple B’rith Kodesh, The Topiary Florist,
~~ Auctioneer: Dr. John Gillespie
~~ Music: Four on the Floor Jazz Quartet
~~ Our Event Committee – A wonderful group of planners, decorators, auction gatherers, builders
and all-around fun people! Sue Cringoli, Jill Cypher, Elaine Englert, Jim Herman, Avis
Hooper, Mindy Mangan, Claudia O’Hara, Deb Peartree, Dorothy Petrie, Bev Pierson,
Paul Rogers, Julie Ruggiero, Christine Wagner, Holly Wygant
Karla Geraci, Sr. Eileen Daly, Hon. Frank Geraci
Festa Italiana! Co-chairs
Dave Guadagnino and Mary Beauchamp
Medici Sponsor
Monroe Plan for Medical Care
DaVinci Sponsors
Excellus BlueCrossBlueShield
Gallo & Iacovangelo
David Guadagnino & Mary Beauchamp
MVP Health Care
Rochester General Health System
Unity Health System
SJNC Executive Director
Sr. Christine Wagner
Michelangelo Sponsors
Highland Hospital
University of Rochester Medical Center
Botticelli Sponsors
John Betlem Heating & Cooling
Margaret Bradley Legacy Fund
Lacy Katzen, LLP
Monroe County 7th District Dental Society
RFG Associates
Robinson & Gordon, PC
Rochester Health
Donatello Sponsors
Chesonis Family Foundation
DeCarolis Truck Rental
First Niagara
Landmark Insurance Group
Lawley Benefits Group
McConville, Considine, Cooman & Morin, PC
McDonald’s of the Greater Rochester Area
Mengel Metzger Barr
Monroe County Medical Society
Hon. Joseph Morelle
Nazareth College
Sam LoVetro Automotive
St. John Fisher College
Windsor Cottage
Xerographic Solutions
SJNC volunteer Carole Teegarden
and husband David dressed for an
Italian celebration.
Pittsford Women’s Club members Bridget Kolano,
Kathy Canzano, Bev Pierson and Lori McLaughlin
Dr. John Gillespie.
All photos courtesy of eieio Photography.
Monthly Executive Breakfasts ---Come and Learn More
Your donation today will mean so much
to the people we serve
ho doesn’t like breakfast? Our monthly
breakfast chats are informative, eye-opening and
delicious, and a great way to introduce potential
volunteers and supporters to St. Joseph’s
Neighborhood Center. Invite your friends and
colleagues, your favorite group. Maybe you
already are a volunteer but would like to know
more. Reserve your place at the table today!
Breakfasts are held on the third Wednesday
of every month at 8:00 a.m. We begin with a brief
tour, then serve up a hearty breakfast along with an
informative chat about how people are served at
the Center. Place your reservation with
Katherine McCormick at 585-325-5260 or K
hree easy ways to make a difference!
Mail your gift in the donation envelope
enclosed in your paper newsletter.
Use your credit card to donate online through
PayPal on our website
Click on “How to Help” and click on the
PayPal button.
Don’t have a donation envelope but would still
like to make a gift? Go to our website,
click on “How to Help”, then click on
“Donation Form” to access a printable
donation form. Just fill in the blanks and
mail to us along with your check. The
form includes space for information we
need to properly acknowledge memorial
and tribute gifts.
Upcoming Executive Breakfasts:
August 17
September 21
October 19
November 16
Thank you! K
Saying Good-Bye...
We are So Very Grateful...
n July 27 the Center staff is saying goodbye
to three young women who have become a
significant part of the SJNC family. Dannis
Matteson started out as an AmeriCorps/Notre
Dame Volunteer three years ago, became a staff
member this past year and is now continuing with
her education.
Alissa Bolan has been with us as an
AmeriCorps Volunteer for two years and Caroline
Kristoffersen for one year. Alissa will be moving
to Dubai to be with her sister and pursuing work
there and Caroline will be working with a housing
development project in the city.
Words cannot express how much they
have brought to the Center in terms of their
passion, commitment, enthusiasm, intelligence
and fun. We love them with all our hearts and
wish them well in all they do. We will be getting
two new AmeriCorps volunteers in the fall and
welcome them with great enthusiasm. K
nce again, our good friends from the facilities
and grounds crew at St. Ann’s Community have
come to the rescue! Our beautiful perennial garden
and patio area behind our building was sorely in
need of attention. Thanks to the St. Ann’s folks, it
is now weeded and tidied, garden beds are
mulched, and the picnic table is ready to welcome
staff and volunteers to take a break during their
busy days at the Center. Thank you, St. Ann’s! K
Mark Your Calendars for
St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center
Annual Fall Breakfast
Food, Fun and Friends
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Baptist Temple
1101 Clover Street in Rochester
8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Minimum suggested donation is
$5.00 per person
Full breakfast includes: 2 eggs cooked your way, home fries,
sausage or bacon, toast, juice and an endless cup of coffee.
~ Service is generously provided by the Women’s Club of Pittsford ~
Reservations are recommended, but not required. Contact Katherine McCormick
at 585-325-5260, or use form below.
Please make breakfast reservations for
Make checks payable to: St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center
417 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620
Feel free to copy this flyer and distribute to family, friends and co-workers.
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Memorials and tribute gifts to St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center are a fitting way to honor the memory of a
loved one or pay tribute to that special someone. All memorial gifts will be acknowledged to a designated
family member; tribute gifts to the recipient and to the donor.
Extra envelopes are available. Please call Katherine at 585-325-5260.
We are grateful for the following gifts
received by the Center February 2011 thru
June 2011.
In honor of Sr. Teresa Auberger
Helen Brown
In honor of Paul Capacci, DDS
Julie Ruggiero
In honor of Sr. Marie Stanislaus Chwalek
Margaret McGee
In honor of Dr. Gerald Conezio
Mr. and Mrs. George Neerbasch
In honor of Sr. Alice Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. John Alfieri
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alan DeBuono
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brillian
In honor of Dr. Lisa DeLucia
Brian Imrich
In honor of Sr. Karen Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. John Marks
In honor of Alfred Fields
Jerry Crissy
In honor of Patrick Gernon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gernon
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halley
Michael Farrell and Dr. Madeline Schmitt
In honor of Sr. Anita Kurowski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kurowski
In honor of the Ladies at Hobie Creek
Virginia Fleche
In honor of Marilyn Means
Daniel Meyers
In honor of Nancy Adams and the
Monroe County Medical Society staff
Dr. Stephanie Siegrist
In honor of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Tim and Lori McLaughlin
Daniel Meyers
In honor of Pamela Smith, MS, RN
Timothy Scheie and Craig Sellers
In honor of Bud Strohmeyer
Paul and Joan Casterline
In honor of Rev. Joseph Trovato
Mr. Nathan Drahms
In honor of Sr. Monica Weis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen LaSalle
In honor of Marie Whalen
Susan Whalen
In honor of Mary Ann Wolfe
G. Jean Howard
In memory of Sylvia Autovino
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Lombardo
In memory of the Bellavia Family
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Bellavia
In memory of Charles Chiarenza
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. Lodewyk Boyon
Sarah Cannell
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. John Casciani
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Catlett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chiarenza
Bernadine Diyulio
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Dorazio
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kobos
Eleanore Muto
Mrs. And Mrs. Lawrence Scinto
Maria Stankus
Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Talbot
Rachel Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zwick
In memory of Andrew Colaruotolo
Ann Colaruotolo
In memory of Sr. Madeline Cox
Mr. and Mrs. James Cox
In memory of Duane Delamarter
Dr. and Mrs. Jan Dombrowski
In memory of Glavia Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. K. Bradley Paxton
In memory of Dr. David D’Souza
Dr. Therese Lynch
In memory of Christopher Fahy
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fahy
In memory of Bill and Irene Farrell
Connie Hudson
In memory of
Leonard and Pauline Gessner
Doratha O’Brien
In memory of Marisa Giordano
Marilyn Guadagnino
Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Ruggiero
In memory of Ellen Hague
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Capacci
In memory of Rev. Tom Hoctor
Dr. Therese Lynch
In memory of Mark Hudson
Connie Hudson
In memory of the Kahler Family
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Bellavia
In memory of Donald Koerner
Arlene Koerner
In memory of Virginia Lake
Bettyann Zubil
In memory of William Lang
Mona Lang
In memory of Louis Lippa, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Meeh
In memory of Brigid and Dennis
Margaret Hayes
In memory of Rose Marie Pero
Donaly Pero
In memory of Jennie Pray
Cynthia Pray
In memory of James Predmore
Judy Predmore
In memory of Ann Privitera
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Capacci
In memory of Katie Quigley
Joan Quigley
In memory of Robert Quigley
Joan Quigley
In memory of Helen Mary Reed
Nadine Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Crimi
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Dangler
Janet Dangler
Frances Murphy and James
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reed
Kathleen Reed
RGH Cardiothoracic ICU Unit
Loretta Welch
In memory of Loretta Scheible
Jean Heberle
In memory of Dr. Quinton Schubmehl
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clippinger
In memory of John Seebach
Mary Seebach
In memory of Florence “Flo” Simmons
Asbury Storehouse
Margaret Briody and Richard Muir
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clifford
Alice Cooney, SSJ
Laura Craft
Jody Day
Stephanie Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Drexler
Kate Flynn
Dorothy Frost
Mr. and Mrs. David Gerhardt
Mr. and Mrs. George Hake, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoefer
Marcia Hyde
Rosalie Keily
Lima Girls Wednesday Golf Club
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lochner
Norma Luce
Terry Mancuso
Barbara Marino
Bonalyn McClenithan
Janet McNally
Maxine Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Gary O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Rourke
Martha Reus
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Seeman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith
Virginia Sommersdorf
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ziccarelli
In memory of John Spina, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Northrup
In memory of Elizabeth Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. David Teegarden
In memory of Ellen Thornton
Patricia Plumeri
In memory of Helen Tierney
Sr. Ann Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Englerth
Marlene Pratto
In memory of Anna Tripani
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sorbera
In memory of Robert and Cecilia Wagner
Katherine McCormick
In memory of John Wehner
Sr. Mary Wehner
Create a legacy.
Please remember
St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center
in your will.
“I feel blessed to have included
St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center in my will. As a
former Sister of St. Joseph, I fully understand the
commitment the Center has made to those in need
of health care services. Having spent 20 years
working in hospice in the city, I personally saw
what so many search for in trying to reclaim and
maintain a healthy life. The Center, its staff and
volunteers continue to serve those who would face
a much greater struggle were SJNC not there for
them. I am honored to be a part of that effort.”
Arlene Helget
Evergreen Society (Legacy Gifts)
For information about our Evergreen Society,
contact Katherine McCormick
at 585-325-5260 or
Help Us Save Postage and Printing ---Sign Up to Receive Neighbor to Neighbor
o you still receive your paper copy of this
newsletter by snail mail? Consider switching to an
electronic copy and help save the Center hundreds
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newsletter has been posted on the Center’s website,
along with a link to the site right in the email.
Read each issue right on your computer or print a
copy right at home.
To sign up for email notification (you will
no longer receive a paper copy in the mail), send
your request to Katherine McCormick at Thank you for
helping us keep costs down and free up funds in
support of our services to our patients and clients.
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St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center Wish List
Starred ** items are especially needed at this time.
**Personal-size hygiene products:
soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste,
toothbrushes - single-wrapped, lotion
**Disposable razors
**Brown paper lunch bags
**Wegmans or Tops gift cards - $10 or $15
Gas cards - $10
Coffee - regular & decaf
Tea bags - regular
Instant hot chocolate
Coffee creamer (powdered)
Microwave popcorn/with & without butter
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Yellow legal pads, 8½ x 11
Copy paper - white, 8½ x 11
Postage stamps - 44¢ or forever stamps
# 10 Business-size envelopes
Liquid laundry detergent
Dryer sheets
Disinfectant wipes (eg. Clorox wipes)
Aerosol air fresheners - subtle scents
Toilet bowl cleaner
Disinfectant aerosol bathroom cleaner
Distilled water - gallon size
Items may be dropped off at
St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center
417 South Ave, Rochester, NY 14620
Phone: 585-325-5260, Fax: 585-325-3017,