Bear Necessities - Giving - Cedars


Bear Necessities - Giving - Cedars
Bear Necessities
Ed and Shari Glazer’s
teddy bears bring comfort
to young patients
The Starting Point
Catalyst is published three times
a year by the Community Relations
and Development Department
of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
Senior Vice President for
Community Relations and Development
Arthur J. Ochoa, Esq.
Director, Development Communications
Kenneth Ross
Laura Grunberger
Editorial Coordinator
Louise Cobb
Senior Vice President’s Letter | Arthur J. Ochoa
Building Momentum
Open Your Heart to Health
Remembering Irving Feintech
Bicycles Built for Joy
King’s Speeches
Changing of the Guard: Lawrence B. Platt
First Lady of Cedars-Sinai: Barbara Factor Bentley
The Major Catalyst
Managing Editor
Susan Wampler
Editorial Assistant
Amanda Busick
Cover Story | Ed and Shari Glazer: Bear Necessities
The Philanthropic Spark
Art Direction
The Doyle | Logan Company
Contributing Writers
Louise Cobb
Sarah Spivack
Thomas D. Gordon and Jon A. Kobashigawa, MD: A Family Affair
Ryan Gurman: The Young and the Selfless
Forward Motion
Max S. Gerber
John Livzey
Ted & Debbie
Teri Weber
Appointments, dedications, and events in the Cedars-Sinai community
Dynamic Energy
Event Photography
Sally Aristei
Alex Berliner
Vince Bucci Photography
Angela Daves Haley
Lisa Hollis
Thomas Neerken
Baron Erik Spafford
Women’s Guild
The Helping Hand of Los Angeles
The Heart Foundation
Sports Spectacular
run for her®
Board of Governors
Fashion Industries Guild
Community Pulse
Heart to Heart: Ambassadors Share Hope and a Special Bond
© 2011 by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Letters to the editor, address changes,
requests to be added/removed from our
mailing list, or all other inquiries can be
addressed to Catalyst, Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center, 8700 Beverly Blvd., Suite 2416,
Los Angeles, CA 90048. We can also be
reached by phone at (323) 866-6732 and
by e-mail at
Philanthropic Tributes | Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Honor Roll
Upcoming Events
The Starting Point
Building the Future of Medicine
f you have driven past Cedars-Sinai recently, you know that construction is
underway on the Advanced Health Sciences Pavilion (AHSP). It would be
difficult to overstate the sense of excitement that pervades the Medical
Center as the new 11-story, 450,000-square-foot structure rises above San Vicente
Boulevard. Our community is on the threshold of a new era in healthcare.
The AHSP will reshape the patient experience at Cedars-Sinai. The Pavilion
will continue our tradition of highest quality outpatient care—housing our
renowned centers in cardiology and neurosciences and a wide spectrum of
services and procedure suites—while introducing a very new level of
convenience. In Los Angeles, even short distances can mean long commutes, and
parking is at a premium: The AHSP will provide six levels of parking and a
pedestrian bridge connecting the building to the Medical Center towers.
“Our community is on the threshold
of a new era in healthcare.”
The AHSP will help change the way discoveries become medicine. In
traditional medical settings, doctors and researchers often work in separate
locations. This tends to hinder the easy exchange of insights and information, and
frequently delays the translation of laboratory discoveries into new treatments
and therapies. Instead the AHSP will bring physicians and researchers—across
medical and scientific disciplines—under one roof. The building’s design features
common areas where medical professionals will naturally interact. Their
synergistic partnerships will drive innovations that make a real difference for
patients and their families.
Add the building’s emphasis on environmental and energy-saving design
and you will begin to understand why the AHSP is generating so much buzz at
Cedars-Sinai and beyond. Of course, we are as filled with gratitude as we are
with anticipation—our institution is profoundly fortunate to be launching such
an ambitious project at a time when so many hospitals nationwide are
We look forward to bringing you updates about AHSP’s progress. In the
meantime, we encourage you to reach out to learn more, and to join us as we
build the future of medicine.
Arthur J. Ochoa | Senior Vice President for Community Relations and Development
Building Momentum
Open Your Heart to Health
Go Red for Women
Each year on February 4, healthcare
professionals at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute
wear red in recognition of National Go Red For
Women Day. The annual event aims to increase
public awareness of gender differences in heart
disease and to foster support for more research
into treatments. Of course, every day at the Heart
Institute is dedicated to raising awareness and
combating heart disease, which remains the No. 1
killer of both women and men in the U.S.
n her mid-20s, lean, and a professional fitness trainer with no family
history of heart disease, Danielle Burgener seemed at little risk from
a heart attack. Then one night she felt “incredible pain” in her chest,
jaw, and back.
She and her husband, Todd, rushed to a hospital near their San
Gabriel Valley home. The emergency room doctors struggled to
determine the cause of her pain. One thought it might simply be an
anxiety attack. It turned out to be a heart attack due to a rare
coronary aneurysm.
Fortunately, Danielle’s cardiologist referred her to the Women’s
Heart Center at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, where specialists
have extensive expertise in even the most complicated
cardiovascular issues. Now her condition is being successfully
managed, thanks to a course of treatment set up by Women’s
Heart Center Director C. Noel Bairey Merz, MD.
The origins of Danielle’s weakened artery wall remain
something of a mystery, however. One factor may have been
her pregnancy. She hadn’t felt in tip-top shape since giving
birth to her son, Jackson.
After being diagnosed in her 20s with a heart attack due to a rare coronary aneurysm, fitness trainer
Danielle Burgener now helps other women be mindful of their own heart health.
Remembering Irving Feintech
Heart problems can happen at any age, notes Margo B. Minissian,
cardiology nurse practitioner at the Women’s Heart Center. “The lesson is, if
you’re having symptoms, listen to your body,” she says, calling it “frightening
how often people don’t listen to the symptoms that women report.”
Danielle now shares her experience with others, helping make sure
those she works with pay attention to their own heart health.
“I’ve gotten pretty good at doing what I need to do to avoid another
heart attack,” she says. This includes keeping a portable heart-rate monitor
with her and changing her workout routine to stay within recommended
target zones. “I’ve learned to slow down and appreciate the small moments,”
adds Danielle, “like watching my son laugh or taking a breath of fresh air.”
Marketing Heart Health
Gelson’s Markets partnered with the Women’s Heart Center at the Cedars-Sinai
Heart Institute for the Super Heart Smart campaign, raising awareness of heart
health and gender-specific differences in women. For the month of February,
shoppers at Gelson’s Southern California locations found tags identifying hearthealthy foods, signs at the deli counter with heart-health information, and heart
facts printed on grocery bags. Gelson’s donated 100 percent of the purchase
price of each Super Heart Smart reusable bag to the Women’s Heart Center.
Shoppers could even add their own donations while completing their purchases.
rving Feintech, former chairman of the CedarsSinai Board of Directors, passed away at age 92 on
February 5, 2011. His contributions to the Medical
Center were many and wide-ranging. He was at the
forefront of the merger between Cedars of Lebanon
and Mount Sinai Hospital that created today’s
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. With Robert Silverstein,
he co-chaired the landmark Campaign for the 21st
Century to expand hospital facilities. And from 1993
to 1995, he chaired the Board of Directors.
Lawrence B. Platt, chair of the Cedars-Sinai Board
of Directors, noted that Irving Feintech “leaves us
with a rich legacy of tireless devotion to our Medical
Center. His life was a shining example of one
person—through painstaking and dynamic action—
enriching the lives of many, many people.”
“Irving’s devotion to Cedars-Sinai knew no
bounds,” said Thomas M. Priselac, president and CEO.
“He gave more than 45 years of distinguished service
and leadership to the hospital that meant so much to
him. His passion and energy were legendary. We will
sorely miss his friendship and dedication.”
One of the developers of Porter Ranch, Feintech
served on the boards of directors of the Music Center
and the Cedars-Sinai Psychological Trauma Center,
and on the honorary board of the Prostate Cancer
Foundation. He also was a member of the West Coast
Chairmen’s Council of the American Friends of the
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. A lawyer by training he,
together with his brother Norman Feintech, owned
Liberty Building Company.
He is survived by his daughters Lisa Feintech and
Wendy Feintech, and sister-in-law Evelyn Feintech.
Building Momentum
Bicycles Built for
Cedars-Sinai employees had no idea the bikes
they were assembling were for anything other
than a team-building exercise.
The kids from Upward Bound were
as surprised as the Cedars-Sinai
staff to learn the bikes had been
made for them.
hen some 50 Cedars-Sinai staff
members entered Thalians
Auditorium one morning,
they only knew they would be taking part in a team-building exercise. The
20 boxes of bicycle parts came as a surprise—but not as big a surprise as
the joyful smiles that would ultimately result from the day’s labor.
Mitch Martens, the senior administrative services associate in the Quality/
Performance Improvement and Medical Staff Services department who
organized the exercise, tasked employees with assembling the bikes. The
staffers were divided into teams, with each team responsible for building five
or six bicycles.
Within 90 minutes, 20 gleaming bicycles were ready for a quality inspection
by staff from Echo Park Cycles, which partnered with
Cedars-Sinai on the project. Everything checked out,
and the bikes were judged safe for riding.
But who would ride them? That answer came
with the arrival of a bus filled with families from
Upward Bound House Family Shelter in Culver
City. Neither the Cedars-Sinai bike-builders nor
the children on the bus knew what was in store.
“When the employees saw the kids walk into
the room wide-eyed and excited, they got it,”
recalls Martens, who coordinated the surprise
with Michele Rigsby Pauley, RN, MSN,
CPNP, the program director for
Cedars-Sinai’s COACH for
Kids & Their Families®
Upward Bound is one of numerous community sites to which
COACH sends mobile medical units to provide health services and
information to those with limited access to healthcare. Since 1994, the
program has provided expert clinical care and social services at no
charge throughout Los Angeles County for low-income and medically
underserved families.
“I don’t know what was more exciting,” says Rigsby Pauley, “to see
how happy this gift made the kids and their parents, or to see how
much it meant to the employees when they realized they’d been putting
together the bikes for kids in need.”
She adds that the bicycles, which came with helmets, gave the
families a big emotional boost.
In addition to community service and team building, Martens also
wanted the exercise to demonstrate to employees who don’t necessarily
interact with patients that “everything we do at Cedars-Sinai directly or
indirectly affects the patient.”
Perhaps that day is best summed up by the title of a course Martens
teaches at Cedars-Sinai: “It’s All About Caring.”
“I wanted to pay
back the hospital and
Dr. Liu for exceptional
results from a
complicated surgery,
and for the respect and
care with which I was
treated by everyone.
I didn’t feel like a
patient. I felt like
someone who needed
help, and everyone
at Cedars-Sinai was
there to help me.”
—ADAM SPRINGEL, patient,
whose gift honored John C. Liu, MD,
co-medical director of the Cedars-Sinai
Spine Center and vice chair, Neurosurgery,
Spine Services
By making a gift through Circle of Friends, you
help Cedars-Sinai make advances in biomedical
research, educate tomorrow’s physicians, and
continue serving the community. For more
information about Circle of Friends and how you
can say “thank you,” visit
Parents and kids from Upward Bound House Family Shelter enjoy a moment with Cedars-Sinai staff and
some of the newly assembled bikes and trikes.
Building Momentum
Dr. Keith Black, Berry Gordy, and
Smokey Robinson
egendary singer Smokey Robinson made a surprise appearance
at the ninth annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration at
Cedars-Sinai, joining featured speaker Berry Gordy, founder of
Motown Records.
This year’s event attracted the largest audience to date. The crowd
overflowed from Harvey Morse Auditorium into the foyer and a nearby
boardroom, where video monitors screened the program.
Neurosurgery Professor and Department Chairman Keith Black, MD,
co-chair of the event with Emergency Medicine Department Co-chair Joel
Geiderman, MD, led a roundtable discussion with Gordy and Robinson. “My
whole life has changed because of the thinking of Dr. King,” said Gordy, who
produced three albums of King’s speeches.
Singer Niki Haris, the Agape Love Ensemble, and the Agape House
Band took the stage for the event’s finale. They performed a trio of gospel
songs, and thanked Gordy and Robinson for paving the way for AfricanAmerican musicians.
Changing of the Guard
awrence B. Platt became the 13th chair of the Cedars-Sinai
Board of Directors on December 14, 2010, taking the helm from
Mark S. Siegel. Platt chaired the Discovering for Life fund-raising
campaign, during which donors contributed a record $357 million for
the Medical Center’s research endowment. He has been a Board member
since 1999 and served as vice chair during Siegel’s tenure.
Walter Zifkin was named vice chair and Vera Guerin retains the
position of Board secretary. Dr. Robert Ross, president and chief executive
officer of The California Endowment, was installed as a Board member.
“Larry has a deep commitment to the compassionate mission of
medicine, and he leads with enviable vision and energy,” says CedarsSinai President and CEO Thomas M. Priselac.
Platt will serve as chairman during construction of the Advanced
Health Sciences Pavilion, a 450,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility
that will integrate clinical care and scientific research, allowing physicians
to bring scientific breakthroughs directly to patients with a “bench-tobedside” treatment approach. The facility broke ground in October 2010.
“Our strength lies in remembering that everything we do is ultimately
for our patients,” Platt said during his inaugural remarks at the Board of
Directors’ annual meeting in December 2010. “It is their stories that
define who we are. It is their triumphs that matter most.” He expressed
confidence that the Board of Directors will provide strong leadership
during this time of regulatory uncertainty for healthcare institutions and
help Cedars-Sinai thrive financially while maintaining superb patient care.
Platt has held
leadership roles in
several Los Angeles
organizations, including
the Fraternity of Friends,
the Young Presidents’
Organization, the
World Presidents’
Organization, and the
American Jewish
Congress. He is president
and CEO of The Platt
Platt was born at
Cedars of Lebanon
hospital and received
his BA and JD degrees
from the University of
Southern California.
First Lady of Cedars-Sinai
ith the passing of Barbara Factor
Bentley at the age of 80, Cedars-Sinai
lost a true pioneer. She was the first
woman to sit on the Cedars-Sinai Board of
Directors executive committee, the first to serve as
its vice chair, and the first woman in the Medical
Center’s 100-year history to serve as chair.
“She believed that the health of our community
depended in great measure on Cedars-Sinai,”
said Thomas M. Priselac, Cedars-Sinai president
and CEO. “She gave her time, her energy, and her
understanding of our community to keeping
Cedars-Sinai strong.”
Bentley brought the same dedication,
creativity, and skill to Cedars-Sinai and other
philanthropic endeavors that she brought to Max
Factor & Co., where she served as director of
international marketing. The famous makeup
manufacturer was founded by her grandfather,
Max Factor, Sr. Bentley also served as a trustee of
the Max Factor Family Foundation.
In 2000, she underwent a kidney transplant,
with her husband as donor. They subsequently
established the Joseph and Barbara Factor Bentley
Fellowship in Renal Transplantation at Cedars-Sinai.
Bentley is survived by her husband, Joseph V.
Bentley, daughter Judithe Salter, son Richard
Raimist, grandchildren Justin, Asher, and Jennifer
Hardt, stepson Norman Bentley, her sister Lita
Kilpatrick, and brother Davis Factor, Jr.
The Major Catalyst
Ed and Shari Glazer
make hospitalization
more bearable for kids.
By Louise Cobb
“Kids who are hospitalized are so
overwhelmed in a big and unfamiliar
place, and the bears bring them
back to what they know: play time.”
Five-year-old Anthony, who is recovering from a
kidney transplant, is busy putting a bandage on his
bear. He explains to Sandie that his bear is also going
to need “a new furry kidney,” and goes into the details
of what the recovery process will be like for his toy.
“Kids who are hospitalized are so overwhelmed in a
big and unfamiliar place, and the bears bring them
back to what they know: play time,” explains Joanne.
“They distract the kids, comfort them, and are used as
educational tools to prepare them for any procedures
or diagnoses the children might be dealing with.”
In a technology driven world, it was important to
Ed that he and Shari provide a simple childhood
staple, especially in the hospital environment. “There’s
only so much TV kids can watch,” he says. “The bears
really engage the imagination in children. By the end
of their stay, their bear has a name, and the nurses
and doctors know each bear as an extension of their
patient. How great is that?”
oanne and Sandie agree that the plush toy is also
an excellent tool for promoting socialization. The
certified child life specialists host playroom activities
dedicated to self-expression, where children customdesign the bears’ scrubs with fabric paints, markers,
and stickers.
The children visibly relax when they enter the safe
haven of the playroom and get to dive into a pile of
art supplies at the center of the table—even
adolescent patients like 19-year-old Alejandro, who
doesn’t hesitate to pick up the glitter paint and
personalize his bear to break up the monotony of
waiting for test results. He inks “I love you” on a pink
bear for his girlfriend, his way of saying thank you for
visiting and texting him while he’s been undergoing
treatment for leukemia.
Ed estimates that through his family foundation and
the program at Cedars-Sinai, close to one million bears
have been distributed. “I am just thrilled that I can do
something to help the medical staff and put a smile on
a patient’s face.”
Decked out in pink or blue scrubs, the bears have become an invaluable and muchloved presence at Cedars-Sinai. All patients from newborn to age 21 receive a bear
upon admission to the Medical Center. Personalizing their teddy bears helps patients
relax and breaks up the monotony of waiting for test results.
The Philanthropic Spark
A Family Affair
om Gordon is sitting in his office’s
plush leather sofa with Jon
Kobashigawa, MD. Artfully framed
black and white photographs of his wife and
two daughters decorate the wall behind them.
Suddenly, Gordon gets up and pulls two
employees into the room. He is now
standing in the middle of his office, clearly
energized, his hands sweeping through the
air as he is about to make a point.
“I don’t want to make this sound like it’s
rehearsed,” he tells his colleagues, “but
what’s the most important thing about the
people I hire?”
They relax. Everyone on his staff knows
this one. “Their hearts,” they say in unison.
Gordon nods. “What are we?”
“A family.” They’re smiling broadly.
So is Dr. Kobashigawa. In early 2010,
he and his renowned cardiology group, the
California Heart Center, left UCLA to join
Tom Gordon’s family at Cedars-Sinai.
Gordon is Cedars-Sinai Health System’s
senior vice president overseeing the Medical
Delivery Network and serves as chief
executive officer of the Medical Care
Foundation, a group of more than 115
physicians and allied health providers who
have been delivering primary and multispecialty care to thousands of patients for
more than 25 years.
To this exceptional group, Dr.
Kobashigawa brought a vibrant cardiology
practice, thereby creating the nation’s
largest heart transplant program. During
2010, the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute
completed 76 adult heart transplants, more
than any other hospital in the nation.
Catalyst: Tell us about the first time you met each other.
Dr. Jon I originally met with Drs. Shlomo Melmed [senior vice president
Kobashigawa: for Academic Affairs and dean of the Medical Faculty] and Eduardo
Marbán [director of the Heart Institute]. When they called me, I
had no intention of coming to Cedars-Sinai. The first call is always
one of curiosity, so I met with them. They told me about their vision,
and it was incredible.
Then I met Tom Gordon. Tom is a towering figure, so when he
comes into the room, it’s scary in a way, but at the same time, he’s
like a teddy bear. He just hugged me and said, “I hope to earn your
trust.” And the first thing everybody thinks is: “Is he for real? Is he
really that nice?” He is. He’s genuine. He means what he says.
Tom For me it was a chance to explain to Jon and his team that I knew
Gordon: they had a wonderful situation at UCLA, but that UCLA is a
different model. Our model is intensely physician-friendly.
Catalyst: Did you have the same vision for how things would develop if the California Heart
Center joined Cedars-Sinai?
JK: My team knew that we were going to be supported at CedarsSinai, and that we would be able to pursue our mission: to provide
the best care possible to our patients and have the best outcomes.
We also knew that education and research are paramount here.
TG: Cedars-Sinai was committed to expanding the Heart Institute. And
it was clear to me that expanding the Institute with extraordinary
researchers, clinicians, and human beings like Jon and his group
would be an incredible opportunity.
“I learned a long time ago that if you hire
people with heart, you can do anything.”
Catalyst: Cedars-Sinai is now the No. 1 adult heart transplant center
in the United States. How did that come about?
JK: When we moved over to Cedars-Sinai, we
were flabbergasted to hear our nurses say,
“We’re coming with you.” And our assistants
also said: “We’re coming with you. We don’t
want to break up the group.”
So our chemistry remained intact, and that
extended to our patients as well. Ninety percent
of our patients came with us.
And I have to give credit to the heart
surgeons, Dr. Alfredo Trento and Dr. Robert
Kass, for the great work they do. We didn’t
miss a heartbeat in terms of outcomes.
Catalyst: In addition to transplant patients, you have a dynamic
advanced heart disease program…
JK: Advanced heart disease is an area in which
we are making meaningful progress. Our
Cardiac Mechanical Assist Device Program is
thriving. We’ll be the first on the West Coast
to launch the totally artificial heart. Also, we’ve
developed our advanced heart failure
program—we have a whole wing dedicated
to the treatment of heart failure and
transplant patients.
Catalyst: Looking back, how did you first become interested
in medicine?
JK: For me, it was because of my family. Both
my parents were educators. My mother was a
home economics teacher in adult education
and my father was an English teacher, both
in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
My uncle was a physician. And he was very
engaged in community work. In fact, they
called him “the mayor of Pearl City, Hawaii,”
where he lived and worked.
Catalyst: Tom, you ran a variety of businesses before you came to
Cedars-Sinai, right?
TG: Yes. When I finished college, my brother
advised me to go into management. His
observation was that wherever he had been,
there was a shortage of good managers. So I was
very lucky. My first job out of college was with an
industrial uniform manufacturer, where I met my
mentor, who took care of me, who guided me,
who told me when I was going in the wrong
direction, and changed my life. One of the most
important things he taught me was not to be
afraid to make a decision. Wherever I went after
that, thanks to his guidance, I wasn’t afraid.
The Philanthropic Spark
Catalyst: How do you view your role as a manager here at
TG: I try to offer hopes and dreams to physicians.
These amazing men and women who are at the
top of their field are also expected to be quasibusinesspeople. That’s not what they signed up
for. That’s not what they’re interested in. They
want to take care of patients.
The goal of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Care
Foundation is to allow physicians to be
physicians. We will do everything else that
needs to be done for them. But the main
thing that’s different about our Foundation is
the culture. Most foundation models talk
about being physician management
practices. I want everyone who works here
to feel that we are a physician support team.
JK: It’s true. Tom runs it as a partnership. Tom,
you really and truly have earned not only my
trust but also the trust of my entire group.
TG: I learned a long time ago that if you hire
people with heart, you can do anything.
These guys, they not only give heart, they
are heart. That’s what’s so beautiful.
Jon Kobashigawa, MD, has had his share of elite titles. Tom Gordon will hijack
a conversation to remind you that his friend is a superstar of the International
Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation. (As past president and past program chair,
Dr. Kobashigawa has held two of the society’s most prestigious positions.)
But the cardiologist’s most treasured title might be the one with Tom Gordon’s
name attached: the DSL/Thomas D. Gordon Chair in Heart Transplantation Medicine.
The endowed chair is the manifestation of an enduring personal friendship.
Land developer Donald S. Levin (the chair’s “DSL”) stumbled into friendship
with Gordon while working on a Cedars-Sinai building lease. Gordon “found him
to be an interesting, thoughtful man” and soon the two were trading personal
histories and spending time with each other’s families.
When Levin needed knee surgery, Gordon was intent on caring for him. “I went to
visit him every day in the hospital. I think it meant a lot to both of us,” Gordon says.
At the end of a complicated medical journey, Levin insisted on thanking his friend.
Gordon suggested a small donation to the Medical Center—a token. “Mr. Levin
went across the street, spoke to the hospital, and said he wanted to endow a chair
in my name,” recalls Gordon. “That’s a commitment of $2 million. I actually
thought that they’d misunderstood him.”
Gordon was overwhelmed by the gesture, but felt the endowed chair should
go to a doctor doing lifesaving work. Enter Jon Kobashigawa, MD, a newcomer to
Cedars-Sinai, but already a luminary in cardiac care.
“This was the perfect synergy, and it was an honor for Mr. Levin and me to
have Jon as our inaugural chair,” Gordon says.
He is visibly moved when talking about Levin’s unexpected generosity. “This is
family and that meant the world to me,” he says. “It really did.”
The Young
and the Selfless
By Louise Cobb
yan Gurman was distracted at his bar mitzvah.
Though surrounded by 150 guests, he couldn’t
help but think about the one person who wasn’t
there: his grandfather. A few hours earlier, Abe Gurman
had been rushed to Cedars-Sinai after suffering a heart
attack. He eventually made a full recovery. But at the
time, Ryan’s thoughts were with his grandfather in his
hospital room. His thoughts were also with the many
hospitalized children who weren’t as lucky as he was.
“I thought, ‘I have my whole life ahead of me—
I wish all those kids in the hospital were as lucky,’”
says Ryan, a hard-charging, basketball-loving, 14-yearold who seems mature beyond his years. “I’ve always
wanted to make a difference; it’s part of who I am.”
With that philosophy in mind, Ryan decided to
donate a portion of his bar mitzvah money to CedarsSinai and start a charitable fund to help raise money
for pediatric patients: He
requested that his gift go toward purchasing a
neonatal resuscitation device. He also donated
playdough and toys.
“I wanted to give the hospital what it needed, and also
put a smile on kids’ faces. Kids love toys! I know I used to!”
Ryan’s gift reflects his personality: He’s practical,
ambitious, and has big goals, yet he’s still a kid at
heart. He’s a middle school student trying to get
straight A’s so he can go to Stanford someday—all the
while juggling schoolwork, playing on three basketball
teams, and spending time with friends.
“I’m just a regular kid. I want to see positive changes
happen in the community and in the world,” he explains.
“That’s what I want to accomplish.”
And accomplish he did: Ryan launched entirely on his own—
although he clearly inherited his entrepreneurial spirit
from his parents, Michelle and Arnon. His father has
enjoyed great success in real estate, while his mother
owns an invitation-design business. Ryan continues to
expand through social
networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, while
also channeling donations into pediatric care and
Fourteen-year-old Ryan Gurman used his bar mitzvah money to start a
charitable fund for pediatric patients. “I’m just a regular kid,“ he says.
“I want to see positive changes happen in the community and in the world.”
Cedars-Sinai’s Maxine Dunitz Children’s Health Center.
As the young face of a big project, he admits that
sometimes his peer group doesn’t understand his
“I’ve learned that you can’t let anybody get to you.
When people aren’t supportive, it’s just an obstacle that
makes me want to try harder. I want to know that I’ve
done everything I can to make a difference. It doesn’t
matter how old you are—anybody can put their mind
to turning an idea into a reality.”
Developing the charitable fund has had another
impact on Ryan: It has shifted his career goals. He used
to want to be a doctor, but now business is what he
loves. He hopes to combine the two someday. But most
of all, he plans to continue his philanthropic efforts.
“Starting opened my
eyes to why people give. I used to think, ‘It’s their
money, why would they just give it away?’ Now I realize
it’s one of the most amazing things one can do.”
Forward Motion
Spotlight on Success
The most successful fundraising initiative in
Cedars-Sinai history, the Discovering for Life
campaign raised $357 million for the Medical
Center. Two events provided a fitting conclusion
to such a remarkable achievement.
Former Paramount Pictures and MGM CEO
Frank Mancuso and his wife, Fay, hosted an
intimate gathering for top campaign contributors
at their beautiful Italianate home, where guests
dined poolside while trumpeter Arturo Sandoval
and his band performed a set of jazz standards.
“Vision” was the theme for the official closing
celebration—held on the rooftop of the London
Hotel in West Hollywood three weeks later. Twin
beams of light shone from Cedars-Sinai throughout
the evening, while telescopes placed on the
London Hotel roof enabled guests to admire the
institution they generously supported. More than
250 celebrants attended, and many guests danced
well into the night, as “The Tonight Show with
Jay Leno” musical director Rickey Minor and his
band performed.
1 The London Hotel rooftop provided a
beautiful setting to celebrate the success
of the Discovering for Life campaign.
2 Leadership dinner hosts Frank and Fay
Mancuso, with Karen Kay Platt and
Lawrence B. Platt, campaign chairman
3 Fay Mancuso, Geri Brawerman, Frank
Mancuso, and Maxine Dunitz
4 Cedars-Sinai Board of Directors Chair Mark
Siegel, Campaign Chairman Lawrence B.
Platt, John Law, President and CEO Thomas
M. Priselac, and Senior Vice President of
Academic Affairs and Dean of the Medical
Faculty Dr. Shlomo Melmed
5 During the event, guests could view
Cedars-Sinai through telescopes on the
roof of the London Hotel.
6 Gloria Mitchell, “The Tonight Show” musical
director Rickey Minor, Dale Cochran, and
Karen Minor
Art of Healing
Members of Cedars-Sinai’s Legacy Society were
treated to a special appreciation luncheon at the
Peninsula Hotel Beverly Hills and a presentation
on “The Art of Healing” by Guy Dill—sculptor
and member of the Advisory Council for the Arts
at Cedars-Sinai—and Bruce Samuels, MD, staff
cardiologist and chair of the Advisory Council for
the Arts. The Advisory Council was founded to
provide a healing environment for patients
through art. The Legacy Society acknowledges
those who have expressed their commitment to
Cedars-Sinai through a planned gift.
1 Maureen and Perry Herwood with Arthur J.
Ochoa, senior vice president for Community
Relations and Development
2 Mickey Wapner and Joyce Powell
3 Edgar L. Gold donated this 1975 Andy
Warhol painting of Marcia Weisman to
Cedars-Sinai to be placed in the Marcia
Weisman Gallery on the Plaza Level at the
Medical Center. The late Marcia Weisman
established the Advisory Council for the Arts
at Cedars-Sinai, and she and her husband,
Frederick, donated a number of pieces from
their outstanding collection to the Medical
Center. She said: “I believe the curative
powers of art are very strong. Art challenges,
makes us think, diverts our mind away from
bad feelings, and lets us move on to
thoughts that make us feel better.”
Setting Sights on Advanced Research
Representatives from Luxottica Retail and its
OneSight Research Foundation recently paid a
visit to Cedars-Sinai to present a $35,000 check
to advance research in diabetic retinopathy
being conducted by Alexander Ljubimov, PhD,
director of Ophthalmology Research Laboratories.
California State Senator Fran Pavley was on hand
for the presentation. The site visit included a
tour of Dr. Ljubimov’s laboratory as well as
Cedars-Sinai’s Regenerative Medicine Institute.
1 Wally Lovejoy—Luxottica Retail senior
vice president of eye care development—
Dr. Alexander Ljubimov, and State Senator
Fran Pavley
Forward Motion
Celebration of Life
More than 100 patients and their families
attended the 11th annual Celebration of Life event
at the Skirball Cultural Center. Organized by
Cedars-Sinai’s Bone Marrow Transplant Program,
the event reunites cancer patients, their families, and
donors. Today, blood and marrow transplantation
is one of the most aggressive procedures used in
the battle against cancer. This technique seeks to
replace cancerous cells with transplanted healthy
blood, bone marrow, or stem cells. This year’s
event featured Angela Lopez, MD, a hematologist/
oncologist at the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive
Cancer Institute who also happens to be a formally
trained opera singer.
1 Longtime survivor David Ross—who
attends each year with his family, which
now includes nine grandchildren—chats
with Dr. Michael Lill, medical director of the
Blood and Marrow Transplant Program.
Governors’ Appointment
The Cedars-Sinai Board of Governors Chair in
Cancer Research has been awarded to Leland W.
K. Chung, PhD. Dr. Chung is a professor of Medicine
and Surgery and director of the Uro-Oncology
Research Program at the Samuel Oschin
Comprehensive Cancer Institute at Cedars-Sinai.
Dr. Chung’s pioneering work focuses on the
interaction between tumors and their environment.
His laboratory is focused on groundbreaking
studies in genetic and antibody therapies, as well
as the molecular imaging of cancer metastases.
1 Past Board of Governors Chair Larry Powell,
Dr. Leland W. K. Chung, and Cedars-Sinai
Board of Directors Chair Lawrence B. Platt
Breakthroughs in Brain Science
Community members learned from some of
Cedars-Sinai’s leading physicians about their
latest developments in neuroscience at a recent
installment of Brain College, a series created by
the Department of Neurosurgery. Professor and
Department Chairman Keith Black, MD, hosted the
event. The exclusive look at recent breakthroughs
covered a range of topics, including brain cancer gene
therapy, new avenues in the treatment of strokes and
headaches, and the role of stem cells in spinal injury.
1 Dr. Michael Alexander, director of the
Neurovascular Center at Cedars-Sinai,
flanked by Herma and Walter Rodin
Seeding Innovative Scholarship
The Winnick Family Foundation Clinical Research
Center was lauded at an event hosted by the
Cedars-Sinai Board of Governors and featuring
presentations by the 2011 Winnick Scholars. For the
past nine years, the Winnick family has fostered
innovative, patient-oriented research, providing seed
money that allows several physician-researchers
each year to pursue their scientific work throughout
Cedars-Sinai’s major clinical departments. Mark O.
Goodarzi, MD, PhD—director of the Division of
Endocrinology—spoke about the genetics of insulin
clearance in diabetes. Stanley C. Jordan, MD—
director of Kidney Transplantation and Transplant
Immunology, Kidney and Pancreas Transplant
Center—made his presentation on desensitization
protocols in kidney transplantation. Hyung Lae Kim,
MD—associate director for Surgical Research at the
Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute—
spoke on immunotherapy in kidney cancer. Julia Y.
Ljubimova, MD, PhD—principal investigator in the
Molecular Oncology Research Program and a
research scientist in the Maxine Dunitz
Neurosurgical Institute—presented on the
innovative use of nanotechnology in the treatment
of malignant brain tumors.
1 Winnick Scholars Dr. Hyung Lae Kim and
Dr. Stanley C. Jordan, Karen and Gary
Winnick, Winnick Scholars Dr. Julia Ljubimova
and Dr. Mark O. Goodarzi, and Dean of the
Medical Faculty Dr. Shlomo Melmed
2 Dr. Stanley C. Jordan discusses his latest research.
3 The Winnick Scholars presentation attracted
a large crowd.
Forward Motion
Laser Focus
Joshua I. Goldhaber, MD,—director of Basic
Research Programs and associate director of the
Coronary Intensive Care Unit at Cedars-Sinai—
has been named the Dorothy and E. Phillip Lyon
Chair in Laser Research. A critical care cardiologist,
Dr. Goldhaber treats heart attack and end-stage
heart-failure patients. His research, which
incorporates laser-scanning technology, may lead
to new mechanisms for increasing heart muscle
contraction. The late Dorothy and E. Phillip Lyon
were prescient in their belief that laser technology
would yield tremendous benefits in medicine.
The Lyon Chair helps fulfill their vision by
discovering innovative ways to benefit patients
with this technology.
1 Heart Institute Director Dr. Eduardo Marbán
and Lyon chairholder Dr. Joshua Goldhaber
with the Lyons’ daughters, Amy Townsend
and Melissa McConnell
Grateful Gathering
The superlative care Cedars-Sinai medical staff
provides often inspires grateful and generous
patients. The Circle of Friends program was
created to give those patients a way to recognize
individual members of the medical staff. Circle of
Friends’ honorees gathered last fall at the Capital
Grille for the annual recognition event. Since the
program’s inception in 2009, Circle of Friends’
donors have honored 412 physicians, 105 nurses,
and 58 other Cedars-Sinai staff—with some
caregivers being honored multiple times.
1 Drs. Robert Klapper, John Harold, Allan
Silberman, and Leslie Memsic were among
those honored at the 2010 event.
2 Honorees Alva Gregorio, MSW, Walter
Lemankiewicz, RN, and Ellen Anifantis, LCSW
3 The Circle of Friends’ annual gathering
celebrates the connection between grateful
patients and the medical staff they honor.
Heart to Heart
The Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute celebrated
American Heart Month with a series of Heart to
Heart Conversations that provided a rare
opportunity to visit with leading heart experts
in a non-medical setting. Each “conversation”
paired two distinguished physicians who are
contributing to the Heart Institute’s collaborative
approach to combating heart disease.
Ronald G. Victor, MD, paired with
Norman E. Lepor, MD; Eduardo Marbán, MD,
PhD, co-presented with Jay N. Schapira, MD;
and Sumeet Chugh, MD, partnered with
John G. Harold, MD.
1 Drs. Norman Lepor and Ronald Victor
2 Drs. Sumeet Chugh and John Harold
3 Dr. Eduardo Marbán shows a rendering
of the Advanced Health Sciences Pavilion,
scheduled to open in 2013.
4 Dr. Jay Schapira with actor Bob Saget—the
guest emcee for the evening—and Dr. Marbán
Forward Motion
Celebrating a Landmark Partnership
When the California Heart Center joined the
Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in 2010, they created
one of the strongest partnerships for state-of-theart care and research for advanced heart disease.
The first anniversary of this union was celebrated
with the announcement that Cedars-Sinai has
performed more adult heart transplants than any
other hospital in the world. “Performing 76 transplants
in one year is a tremendous accomplishment, and
we acknowledge each of the surgeons, cardiologists,
nurses, social workers, and support staff who dedicate
themselves to heart transplantation,” says Eduardo
Marbán, MD, PhD, director of the Cedars-Sinai
Heart Institute and Mark S. Siegel Family Professor.
1 Dr. Eduardo Marbán (fourth from right)
with Dr. Jon Kobashigawa (far right) and
his California Heart Center team (L to R)
Dr. Babak Azarbal, Dr. Michelle Kittleson,
Dr. Jignesh Patel, Dr. Antoine Hage,
Dr. Michele Hamilton, and Dr. Jaime Moriguchi
2 President and CEO Thomas M. Priselac,
Dr. Jon Kobashigawa, Cedars-Sinai Board of
Directors Chair Lawrence B. Platt, and Senior
Vice President of Cedars-Sinai Health
System Thomas D. Gordon
3 A celebratory mood permeates the
festivities, as Cedars-Sinai announces its
No. 1 ranking in adult heart transplantation.
4 Lawrence B. Platt and Dr. Sumeet Chugh
Medicine in Motion : Santa Barbara
Cedars-Sinai’s premier speaker series, Medicine
in Motion, offers educational outreach to CedarsSinai’s friends in various communities by sharing
the groundbreaking scientific and clinical advances
currently underway at the Medical Center. Several
leading Cedars-Sinai physician researchers recently
traveled to Santa Barbara to present the latest
installment in this evolving program. The program
featured presentations by Bruce L. Gewertz, MD—
surgeon-in-chief and chair of the Department of
Surgery—on “The Future is Here for Cardiovascular
Surgery”; Chrisandra Shufelt, MD—assistant director
of the Women’s Heart Center—on “Hormone
Therapy and the Heart: What You Need to Know”;
and Theodore Goldstein, MD—senior attending
orthopaedic surgeon at the Spine Center—on
“Back Pain: What’s New, What’s True.” Shlomo
Melmed, MD, senior vice president for Academic
Affairs and dean of the Medical Faculty, moderated
the program and a lively Q&A session which followed.
1 Margo and Jeff Barbakow with Arthur J.
Ochoa, Senior Vice President for Community
Relations and Development
2 Panelists Dr. Theodore Goldstein, Dr.
Chrisandra Shufelt, and Dr. Bruce Gewertz
with moderator Dr. Shlomo Melmed
3 Speakers Dr. Goldstein and Dr. Gewertz with
Santa Barbara’s Andy Davis
Coming Full Circle
Raj Makkar, MD, has been named the inaugural
holder of the Stephen R. Corday, MD, Chair in
Interventional Cardiology. Dr. Makkar directs the
Interventional Cardiology and Cardiac Catheterization
Laboratory and serves as associate director of the
Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute. “Dr. Makkar’s efforts
have resulted in Cedars-Sinai being the single leading
center in the world in attempting to repair valves
without open heart surgery,” says Eduardo Marbán,
MD, PhD. The appointment is especially appropriate:
Not only did Dr. Corday serve as Dr. Makkar’s mentor
when the latter was a fellow at Cedars-Sinai, but, as a
youth in India, Dr. Makkar also remembers seeing
Dr. Corday and his father, cardiology pioneer Eliot
Corday, MD, on television. The chair was endowed by
Brindell and the late Milton Gottlieb.
1 Dr. Corday, Brindell Gottlieb, and Dr. Makkar,
each holding their commemorative chair
Dynamic Energy
What: “A Touch of Country” Gala,
featuring an auction to benefit the
Women’s Guild Lung Institute and
a performance by Wynonna Judd
Who: Women’s Guild honored
former President Vera Guerin
and her husband, Paul, for their
generous philanthropy, steadfast
leadership, and dedication. The
Guerins have helped shape the
future of lung cancer research and
care by making a $5 million gift to
help kick off the $20 million
campaign to fund the Women's
Guild Lung Institute. They also
endowed the Vera and Paul
Guerin Chair in Pulmonary
Disease Research. Vera is a
member of the Cedars-Sinai Board
of Directors and Paul belongs to the
Cedars-Sinai Board of Governors.
Brenda Fritz and Caryl Golden cochaired the event.
Where: The Barker Hangar,
Santa Monica
Women’s Guild
1 Honorees Vera and Paul Guerin receiving
the tzedakah box award from Women’s
Guild President Lorette Gross
2 Christina Siegel, Senior Vice President
for Community Relations and
Development Arthur J. Ochoa, Michael
Druyanoff, and Cedars-Sinai Board of
Directors Chairman Mark Siegel
3 Honoree Vera Guerin, gala Co-chair Caryl
Golden, Wynonna Judd, Co-chair Brenda
Fritz, and President Lorette Gross
4 Lawrence and Sandra Post
5 Cookie and Ron Markowitz
6 Herb and Sharon Glaser
7 Hella and Chuck Hershson
8 Bernie and Judy Briskin with Jody and
Thomas M. Priselac, President and CEO
9 Steve Gordon, Kimberly Page, and
Shelley and Dr. Marty Cooper, with
Judy and Bernie Briskin
Founded in 1957, Women’s
Guild is now 1,500 women
strong. The group celebrated
its 50th anniversary in 2007
with a pace-setting $20
million pledge to fund the
Women’s Guild Lung
Institute. The Lung Institute
provides comprehensive
inpatient and outpatient
care for diseases of the
lungs, esophagus, chest
wall, airways, and
mediastinum. The most
comprehensive resource of
its kind in the western
United States, the Lung
Institute is the result of
Women’s Guild’s vision to
create an institute dedicated
to research and treatment to
combat the chronic lung
conditions afflicting more
than 30 million Americans.
Dynamic Energy
What: Tribute to Charles R. Pollock
Who: Women’s Guild held a
ribbon-cutting ceremony and
reception honoring the memory
of Charles R. Pollock and his
legacy supporting the Women’s
Guild Lung Institute. Former
Women’s Guild President Judy
Briskin presided over the ribboncutting. Gil Y. Melmed, MD, gave
a moving tribute to Pollock, a
noted philanthropist and dealer in
high-quality antique reproductions.
Shlomo Melmed, MD—senior
vice president for academic
affairs and dean of the medical
faculty—capped off the event
with remarks about the important
work of the Women’s Guild Lung
Women’s Guild
1 Judy Briskin with Dr. Zab Mosenifar,
Medical Director of the Women’s Guild
Lung Institute, in the seventh-floor
lobby of the David I. Saperstein Critical
Care Tower
2 Carol Bradford, senior counsel and
charitable advisor of the California
Community Foundation, Judy Briskin,
Valerie Perrine, Beverly Firestein, and
Women’s Guild President Lorette Gross
3 Dr. Shlomo Melmed, Women’s Guild
Lung Institute Medical Director Dr. Zab
Mosenifar, Women’s Guild President
Lorette Gross, former President Judy
Briskin, Dr. Chuck Kivowitz, Senior Vice
President for Community Relations and
Development Arthur J. Ochoa, and
Dr. Gil Melmed
The Helping Hand of Los Angeles
What: Reception for Cedars-Sinai’s
new chair of the Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sarah
J. Kilpatrick, MD, PhD, whose
specialties include high-risk
pregnancy and pre-term delivery,
as well as medical complications
of pregnancy
Who: The Cedars-Sinai medical
staff welcomed Dr. Kilpatrick at a
reception hosted by The Helping
Hand of Los Angeles. Dr. Kilpatrick
previously headed the Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the
University of Illinois at Chicago,
where she also served as vice dean
of the university’s medical college.
Philip Brooks, MD, served as interim
chair while a nationwide search
to fill the position was led by
C. Noel Bairey Merz, MD—
director of the Women’s Heart
Center and Women's Guild Chair
in Women's Health—and an
interdepartmental committee.
Where: Harvey Morse Auditorium
at Cedars-Sinai
1 President and CEO Thomas M.
Priselac, Dr. Paula Bernstein,
new OB/GYN Chair Dr. Sarah
Kilpatrick, and Dr. Philip Brooks
2 Dr. Natalia Dvorak, and OB/GYN
resident Dr. Steve Rad help
welcome Dr. Kilpatrick
The Helping Hand of
Los Angeles is the
longest-active support
group at the Medical
Center, entering its ninth
decade of dedication.
Its volunteer-run gift
shop and two endowed
chairs support the
Department of
Obstetrics and
Gynecology. The
Helping Hand has
contributed more than
$21 million to CedarsSinai through the
Cooky Gold, Bobbi Scherr, Norma Bubar, Ellen Brooks, Nadine Glauberman, Phyllis Factor, and
Karen Levin from The Helping Hand of Los Angeles lifted the spirits of pediatric patients at the
22nd annual Hanukkah Party. They delivered presents, balloons, cookies, and smiles to the
hospital’s youngest patients.
Dynamic Energy
The Heart Foundation
What: Galpin Motors Golf Classic
benefiting The Heart Foundation
Who: Galpin Motors served once
again as title sponsor for this
year's sold-out tournament.
Other sponsors included Patron,
American Airlines, Wood Ranch
BBQ & Grill, and POM Wonderful.
Where: Sherwood Country Club,
Thousand Oaks
1 Gregg Cobarr, Jaclyn Rosenberg, and
Glenn Cobarr
2 Marshall Ezralow—2001 recipient of
The Heart Foundation’s Steven S. Cohen
Humanitarian Award—and Advisory
Board member Marc Ezralow
3 Committee member Barry Rudin with
Advisory Board member Albert Nassi
4 Galpin Motors President and Owner
Bert Boeckmann, George Chiu, and
Jane Boeckmann
5 Glen and Krista Strauss
6 Cedars-Sinai President and CEO Thomas
M. Priselac, Jeffrey Glassman, and The
Heart Foundation Chairman Mark Litman
Sports Spectacular
1 The fashion show featured jewelry by
the Alan Friedman Company and
clothing by Madison.
2 Tyla and Natasha Salley
The annual Women’s
Luncheon is a favorite spring
celebration for the many
women who support the
Medical Genetics Institute
through Sports Spectacular.
The Heart Foundation
supports the groundbreaking
research of world-renowned
cardiologist P.K. Shah, MD,
director of the Division of
Cardiology at Cedars-Sinai's
Heart Institute. Dr. Shah and
his colleagues are currently
in discussions with the FDA
to obtain permission to begin
Phase I human trials of the
heart disease vaccine they
have developed. The Heart
Foundation promotes
awareness, prevention, early
detection, and treatment of
the nation’s No. 1 killer. The
foundation has presented Dr.
Shah with a cumulative $1.5
million from the Galpin
Motors Golf Classic to
support his research.
Who: Sports Spectacular Women's Luncheon
Executive Director Julie Harelson and Co-chairs
Sharon Hernandez, Linda Rambis, and Tonya
Winfield welcomed some 300 guests to this year’s
event. Chrisandra Shufelt, MD, assistant director of
the Women’s Heart Center at Cedars-Sinai’s Heart
Institute, and David Rimoin, MD, PhD, director of
the Medical Genetics Institute, discussed the latest
developments in their programs. Jasmine Arteaga
received this year’s Women of Courage Award.
What: Sponsored by Gelson’s Markets, this
year’s fashion show, “A Presentation of Jewels &
Jeans,” featured jewelry by Alan Friedman and
Barbie Rocks, and clothing by Madison.
Where: The Beverly Hills Hotel
3 Sports Spectacular Women’s Luncheon Co-chair Tonya
Winfield, Executive Director Julie Harelson, and Co-chairs
Sharon Hernandez and Linda Rambis
run for her
Dynamic Energy
What: The sixth annual run for
her® 5K Run and Friendship Walk
Who: More than 4,000 runners
and walkers—including more
than a dozen Cedars-Sinai
Electrolux and Pacific Sales were
the event's presenting sponsors.
Where: Pan Pacific Park, as well
as all 50 states and nine foreign
countries through the virtual
“Sleepwalkers Across America®”
program. The kickoff party was
held at the Hotel Sofitel Beverly
1 Madeleine and Eloise Ochoa at the
finish line
2 Team JayWalkers at the start line
3 Committee member Janet Krebs in
Nanci’s Awareness Tent
4 Team Heart Pocket Posse
5 Amy Gunnoe of Pacific Sales and Heather
Flaa of Electrolux announce the top fundraising awards.
6 This year’s walkers begin their journey.
7 Celebration at the finish line
Photos 2, 6, 9, 10, and 11 by Angela Daves Haley
Photos 3 and 7 by Sally Aristei
This year’s run for her® raised
nearly $700,000 and, since the
the first run for her® in 2005,
the annual event has raised
nearly $4 million to support
Beth Karlan, MD’s ovarian
cancer research at the CedarsSinai Women’s Cancer Program
at the Samuel Oschin
Comprehensive Cancer
8 Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky, Dr. Beth
Karlan, Eden Sher, Patricia Heaton, and
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Board Chair
Mark S. Siegel
9 Meredith Haase and Marilyn Eisz from
Team MAPAs
Electrolux soccer ball contest winner
Manuel Ponce
The Nord twins complete their first run for her.
Scott Sargent and Tony Sulser, who
ran in honor of Nanci Sargent
Dr. Scott Karlan, Cedars-Sinai Chief of Staff,
and Dr. Beth Karlan, Director of the
Women’s Cancer Program at the Samuel
Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute
Dynamic Energy
What: The Board of Governors
Gala, benefiting the Board of
Governors Heart Stem Cell
Center. The event once again was
sponsored by Lexus, which donated
a 2011 LS 600h L Luxury Hybrid
sedan for the event. Auction
items included a vacation at a
French chateau and walk-on parts
on “Dexter” and “Entourage.”
Who: Steven D. Broidy—Weingart
Foundation chairman and CEO and
past chairman of the Cedars-Sinai
Board of Directors—was honored
with the Lifetime Leadership
Award. Relativity Media CEO Ryan
Kavanaugh received the Hollywood
Humanitarian Award, presented to
him by Oscar®-nominated
filmmaker David O. Russell.
Kavanaugh also won the Lexus
drawing and promptly donated it
back to be auctioned off—raising
even more funds for the cause.
Musical guests for the evening
were Kenny Loggins and season
two “American Idol” contestant
Frenchie Davis. KTLA entertainment
reporter Sam Rubin emceed the
event. Nancy Lushing Dean and Scott
Pearson served as gala co-chairs.
Where: Hyatt Regency Century
Board of Governors
1 Incoming Cedars-Sinai Board of Directors
Chair Lawrence B. Platt, Karen Kay Platt,
Danielle Worth Ochoa, Senior Vice
President for Community Relations and
Development Arthur J. Ochoa, and CedarsSinai Board of Directors Chair Mark Siegel
2 Kenny Loggins
3 Nancy Rouse, Caron Broidy, and Michael
4 Emcee Sam Rubin, honoree Ryan
Kavanaugh, and David O. Russell
5 Frenchie Davis
6 Gala Co-chairs Nancy Lushing Dean and
Scott Pearson flank Lifetime Leadership
Award recipient Steven Broidy and his
wife, Caron
7 Raffle Chair Steve Fortner and auction chair
Daniel Lapidus
8 Hollywood Humanitarian Award recipient
Ryan Kavanaugh and Board of Governors
Chair John Coleman
9 Fred Lesikar and Heart Institute Director
Dr. Eduardo Marbán
Dynamic Energy
What: An evening of wine and art
supporting the Board of Governors
Heart Stem Cell Center
Who: Hosted by G2 Gallery owners
and Board of Governors members
Dan and Susan Gottlieb, and
presented by the Young Governors,
the event featured the work of
celebrated photographer Garth
Lenz. The artist’s images of
environmental issues, threatened
wilderness regions, devastation, and
the impacts on indigenous peoples
have appeared in many leading
publications, and he recently earned
second and third prize in the
category of the Pris de la
Photographie Paris PX3 competition.
Where: The G2 Gallery, Venice
Board of Governors
1 Board of Governors President John
Coleman, event Co-chairs Mimi Meltzer
and Sandra Post, and Dr. Robert Klapper
2 Dr. Klapper’s presentation explored
the connection between sculpture
and medicine.
1 Board of Governors Chair John Coleman,
Garth Lenz, and G2 Gallery owners Susan
and Dan Gottlieb
What: Annual meeting of the
Board of Governors
Who: The event, chaired by Mimi
Meltzer and Sandra Post, featured
guest speaker Robert C. Klapper,
MD—co-director of the Joint
Replacement Program at the
Cedars-Sinai Orthopaedic Center
and former chief of the Division of
Orthopaedic Surgery—on
“Michelangelo’s Sculptures: How
He Manipulated Anatomy—The
Beautiful Relationship Between Art
and Medicine.”
Where: The Mark for Events,
Los Angeles
What: The BLAZRS’ 24th annual
Chinese New Year Dinner
celebrated the arrival of the Year of
the Rabbit with a traditional
banquet of exotic delicacies for
adventurous palates. Part of the
fun included a number of rules to
ensure a lively evening, as well as
extra support for Cedars-Sinai—
such as a requirement that
attendees attempt to consume all
courses served or prepay a $50
“failure to consume” penalty for
bad sportsmanship. Guests also
were required to rotate to a new
table between courses, or make an
additional $250 donation to stay
in their seats. The event raised
$40,000 to support the Board of
Governors Heart Stem Cell Center
at Cedars-Sinai.
Who: The BLAZRS’ host
committee—Trevor and Jana
Bezdek, Alissa Bartle, Ellie and
Bruce Lederman, Hemant Agrawal,
Susan Zolla, John Remeny, and
Brad Slocum—and a daring group
of gourmands
Where: Hop Li Restaurant,
Los Angeles
Unlocking the human heart's
potential for self-repair is
closer to reality, as a team of
physicians and scientists in
the Board of Governors
Heart Stem Cell Center
continues to do what some
once thought impossible. In
a groundbreaking Phase I
clinical trial, investigators
are asking whether a
patient's own cardiac stem
cells can be used to repair
and regrow healthy muscle
in a heart injured by a heart
attack. Results are expected
this year.
1 Guests enjoy the second course.
2 The Year of the Rabbit feast included
rabbit stew.
3 Traditional New Year’s dragons add to the
festive atmosphere.
Dynamic Energy
What: The Fashion Industries
Guild’s 54th annual gala
Who: Christopher Wicks—
founder of Defiance USA, maker
of the English Laundry and Fender
apparel brands—was named Man
of the Year. Christian Wicks, Wicks’
son and current English Laundry
president, introduced his father.
Chairman of Pediatrics Charles F.
Simmons, Jr., MD, expressed his
gratitude on behalf of Cedars-Sinai
for FIG's longstanding support and
partnership. Guitars signed by Paul
McCartney and Yoko Ono were
among the items auctioned off at
the music-themed event, held on
October 9, John Lennon's birthday.
Where: Beverly Wilshire Hotel
Fashion Industries Guild
1 Christopher Wicks, with his son,
Christian Wicks
2 Past honoree Mosh Tsbag, Gabi Tsbag, and
past honoree Steve Maiman
3 Lena Hermansson, Barbara Weinbaum, and
FIG President Kenneth Weinbaum
4 FIG Vice President Steve Marienhoff, past
honorees Steve Maiman and Tony Littman,
and dinner Co-chair Diana Marienhoff
5 Miranda Taylor, Christopher Wicks, and
Tiffany Wicks
6 Past honoree Barbara Fields with
Jaime Avines
7 Past honoree Lise Metchek with
Hank Pola
8 A guitar signed by Paul McCartney was
one of the auction items.
Founded some 55 years ago,
the Fashion Industries Guild
has raised more than $21
million for Cedars-Sinai to
support a wide range of
facilities and equipment. The
group’s membership includes
manufacturers, buying offices,
sales reps, publicists, and
other apparel and retail
professionals. Proceeds from
this year’s gala helped
complete the group’s pledge
to fund construction of the
Fashion Industries Guild
Pediatric Acute Care Unit at
What: Dedication of the Fashion
Industries Guild Pediatric Acute Care
Unit at the Cedars-Sinai Maxine
Dunitz Children’s Health Center
Who: The Fashion Industries Guild
Pediatric Acute Care Unit serves
children who do not require
intensive care but need a higher
level of care than what is available
on the general pediatric floor. The
new unit also will allow Cedars-Sinai
medical staff to give parents the
special training that may be needed
when they take their child home.
1 Pediatrics Department Chair Dr. Charles
Simmons, Vice President and Chief Nursing
Officer Dr. Linda Burnes Bolton, and FIG
President Kenneth Weinbaum
Community Pulse
By Louise Cobb
Kim Coleman
Transplanted: November 16, 2008
On the transplant
list for: Two years
Hobbies: Dancing, writing poetry,
practicing Buddhism,
thrift-store shopping
Patient advice: You can’t give up hope;
you have to believe you’re
going to make it.
Transplant We can’t control what
mantra: happens to us, only how we
react to it. My spirituality gave
me an added layer of strength
and showed me this process was
part of my journey.
Heart transplant We’ve all experienced the
family: universal fear of the unknown
that puts our mortality in
our face.
Motivation to be I used to write checks to
an ambassador: charity, but now I know my
mission is to go out and help
people hands-on.
Take away: I am overwhelmed with
gratitude to be alive. I feel
like I’m paying it forward. The
feedback I get from patients
and families is phenomenal.
Having already
survived and thrived
following their
own procedures,
heart transplant
ambassadors share
hope and a special
bond with patients
on the waiting list.
im Coleman’s warm smile falls on the pale
woman slumped over in the hospital bed in
front of her. The woman is fragile and frustrated:
She’s been on the heart transplant waiting list for months.
Her energy is so low she’s given up on eating. Now, to
her husband’s despair, she’s refusing to take her
medication. Kim is calm, almost Zen-like. “I used to be
you,” she tells the woman. “I know you’re scared. I was,
too. But you have to believe you’re going to make it. You
can’t expect someone to sprinkle fairy dust on you and
fix you.” She shakes her head knowingly. “You have to
fight for yourself, and we’re all here to support you. Tell
yourself: ‘not now and not today.’”
The woman perks up a little.
Kim speaks from experience. She has a scar on her
chest to prove it, and she hasn’t forgotten what the
journey was like. Just like the nine other volunteer heart
transplant ambassadors at Cedars-Sinai, Kim, now healthy
and glowing, knows what it’s like to be intubated; she
can tell you how you’ll feel after your transplant, and she
knows just how hard you have to push yourself in
recovery. Most of all, she knows how difficult it can be to
remain hopeful when your heart is failing.
Bill Sears prepares Mary Perrigo for what post-transplant life will be like when
she returns home, one month after her surgery.
Marty Bender
Transplanted: December 14, 2009
On the transplant
list for: 13 months
Hobbies: Going to the dog park,
golfing, watching my
grandchildren play sports
Patient advice: Go with the flow; the
staff is here to help you.
Transplant Be positive. Those who
mantra: are do much better.
It’s all about how you
approach it.
Heart transplant We’ve all been through
family: the same experience. It’s
a brotherhood of sorts.
Motivation to be I wanted to help out the
an ambassador: staff and make a difference
in patients’ lives.
Take away: It’s the most rewarding
thing to meet a patient
who is scared to death
of what they’re facing
and go through the whole
process with them.
“We have a very special connection to the heart
because it’s the center of
love and emotions—and
I think heart transplant
patients feel that connection
very strongly.” —DR. JON KOBASHIGAWA
on Kobashigawa, MD, knows that men and women
who have received a heart transplant often share a
very special bond with patients waiting for one.
“They have a unique gift because they know what
the patients are actually going through,” he says. Dr.
Kobashigawa, the director of the Heart Transplant
Program at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, started the
Heart Transplant Ambassadors Program at UCLA and
brought it with him to Cedars-Sinai in 2010.
The ambassadors can relate to what it’s like to yearn
for a real shower instead of a sponge bath; to the toll a
transplant can take on a patient’s family life; and to the
importance of having a good pair of headphones to tune
out the beeping and hustle of a busy hospital floor. Dr.
Kobashigawa quickly noticed the bonds the ambassadors
were forging with patients, and the positive impact this
had on their overall outlook and recovery.
“When patients see how great the ambassadors look,
it gives them real hope that they can get back to that
quality of life,” Dr. Kobashigawa explains. “People
perceive the heart as the core of the person,” he adds.
“We have a very special connection to the heart because
it’s the center of love and emotions—and I think heart
transplant patients feel that connection very strongly.”
Dr. Kobashigawa’s first heart transplant ambassador
was Bill Sears, a naturally positive and soft-spoken man
who got his new heart more than 10 years ago. Just six
months after his transplant, Bill began mentoring other
patients through the process. “Dr. Kobashigawa
understood that we were the bridge between the
patients and the doctors,” he recalls. Bill is now the
coordinator and the backbone of the program. He is
over 70 but he often jokes with patients that his 30th
birthday is coming up—the real age of his new heart.
ill is sitting with Mary Perrigo in her hospital room. With fiery
red hair, the grandmother of 15 is simply glowing just one
month after her transplant. “Bill made me believe that I could
go out and volunteer, square dance, walk, and actually have the energy
to go and visit people.”
It wasn’t easy for Mary to get to that positive place, and Barbara Leanse,
director of the Volunteer Services Department, credits the ambassadors. “They
are just such happy, giving people, and they are healing the hearts of others
with the love in their own hearts. They come with dedication because they
know anyone waiting for a heart transplant is at a dark moment in their life.”
Kim Coleman can especially relate to how dark it can be. After she spent
10 years with a cardiac condition and a defibrillator that saved her life 13
times, her doctor recommended she be placed on the transplant list.
While waiting for a heart, she lost everything she owned—her jewelry,
her prized Jaguar, and her home. She relied on fund-raisers and
monetary donations from her book club just to pay for utilities and put
gas in the car to get to doctors’ appointments.
She never gave up hope, but faced with the gravity of her situation,
Kim prepared for the worst. After a stay in the ICU, she was in a
wheelchair, so sick that she wrote goodbye letters to her four grown
sons and planned her entire memorial service—down to what songs
should be played. Then she got word: They had a heart for her. “I had to
believe I was going to make it. You just have to believe.”
That’s the main message Kim spreads to all of the patients she visits
on a weekly basis. “Some want to hear hard facts, some just want you
to hold their hand, and others need you to be their cheerleader and
encourage them,” she says.
he ambassadors’ sense of how to best support a patient is
something that is particularly helpful to Dr. Kobashigawa and
his team. “They know when patients want to talk and when they
don’t,” he explains. The ambassadors also can report things that may not
be apparent to the medical staff—such as the patient’s commitment and
attitude toward the strict recovery regimen they must follow after being
released from the Medical Center.
When Kim goes back a week later to check on the patient who hadn’t
been eating or taking her medication—she finds her out of bed and
completely energized. According to the woman’s husband, every day
since Kim’s visit, his wife has been getting out of bed and affirming
Kim’s mantra, “I have got to fight for myself.”
“That’s what keeps me coming back,” Kim says. “I feel like I’m paying
it forward. The feedback I get from patients and families is
phenomenal—I wouldn’t trade it for all the money in the world.”
For Bill, his patients are his family. He describes the connection the
ambassadors share with heart transplant patients as a “special fraternity
and sorority.”
To better explain, Bill extends his arm, exposing his wrist and says,
“Feel my pulse—that’s someone else’s heart keeping me alive.” He smiles.
“It’s hard to even comprehend.”
Terry Kane
Transplanted: March 30, 2010
On the transplant
list for: 18 months
Hobbies: Working out, reading, going
to the theater, traveling…
everything I did before
my transplant, but with
a vengeance!
Patient advice: Set short-term and long-term
goals, exercise, and maintain
a positive attitude. The bed
is your enemy.
Transplant Always be on the offensive;
mantra: maintain a positive attitude
because it’s your mind that’s
going to get you through it.
Heart transplant We are a group of people
family: who all have to look forward.
If we dwell on the sickness
we endured before, we never
Motivation to be When I was in the ICU, I saw
an ambassador: a lot of patients who just
weren’t getting it. They were
slumped over and defeated.
I felt like they needed
something that I could
Take away: When I talk to patients and
I see their spirits rise—
especially because I don’t
look sick—that’s an amazing
Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center General Fund . . . . .44
Samuel Oschin
Comprehensive Cancer
Institute Funds . . . . . . . . . .44
Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Support Groups
Good Beginnings . . . . . . . .60
The Heart Foundation . . . .60
The Helping Hand of
Los Angeles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Trauma Center . . . . . . . . . . .61
TEEN LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Women’s Guild . . . . . . . . . .62
Legacy Society . . . . . . . .62
The Aberdeen Foundation
Mr. Charles F. Abrams
Mr. Samuel Achs and Dr. Sharon
In memory of Bernard Lindner
Mr. and Mrs. Nurul A. Akand
Mr. Shabbir M. Akand and Ms.
Faria Rahman
Ms. Olivia C. Almalel
Alzheimer’s Association
Dean V. Ambrose Foundation
Mrs. Valeda Andler
Mrs. Pamela A. Gordon
In memory of Ellen Stang
In honor of Tom Gordon
Mrs. Irene S. Craig
Ms. Maria Kristina DeGuzman
Mr. Peter Gordon
In memory of Evelyn Moldawer
The Joseph B. Gould Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Greenberg
Delray Lighting, Inc.
Mr. Asher I. Delug
Mr. and Mrs. Petar Djukic
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dorfman
In honor of Don Hecht’s birthday
Mr. Norman K. Dyson
In honor of Thomas D. Gordon
In memory of Bernard Desberg
Paul and Louise Greenberg Fund
Grossberg Trust of 1983
Mr. and Mrs. N. Matthew
In memory of Zev Lapin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N.
Ms. Ester Gur
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Halper
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In honor of John M. Bendheim, Jr.
In memory of Morton Heller
Ares Management, LLC
Ms. Lynn M. Atkinson
Mr. Peter F. Bank
Ms. Maria F. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eisen
Ms. Elizabeth Elson
Endurance Services Limited
Mr. Thomas C. Eskildsen
Mr. David Espinoza
Ms. Nan E. Fagan
Ms. Leah Felton
Estate of William Maer Hasberg
Healthnetwork Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hess
Ms. Candice J. Hincks
Fred and Lucille Hirsch
Mrs. Frances M. Hirsh
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Baum
In memory of Lois Weinstock
In honor of Dr. Richard Gold
In honor of Dr. David D. Hopp
In honor of Dr. Martin L. Hopp
In honor of Dr. Phillip L. Levine
In honor of Dr. Larry Schwartz
Mr. W. Michael Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Joey M. Behrstock
In memory of Lois Weinstock
Mrs. Jila M. Benzaria
Mr. Robert Berman
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bernstein
Bernstein Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Woodson T. Besson
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
Mrs. Rachel S. Fetter
In memory of Charles Rich
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson S.
Mr. Donald R. Fleming
Ms. Cyril Frank
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bram
Mr. William Friedkin and Ms.
Sherry L. Lansing
In memory of Arthur Emil
In memory of Barry Spikings’ daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Friedman
In honor of Daniele Worth Ochoa’s
In honor of Jacob Michael Winnick
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Biggers, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Soleyman Binafard
Mrs. Maxine Bookman
In memory of Dr. Nathan Barshop
In memory of Barbara Goldenberg
In memory of Marian Bayard
Mrs. Mona F. Brandler
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kumetz
In honor of Renee Kumetz birthday
In honor of Rosa Kunin’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E.
Braveman, Esq.
In honor of Daniele Worth Ochoa’s
Mr. Carl Brown
In memory of Maxwell “Sonny” Salter
In honor of Norman Beck’s birthday
Mr. Joe L. Brown
Estate of Dru Elaine Carlson, MD
Cars 4 Causes
CAST Management Consultants
Mr. Jonathan S. Chu
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Cohn
In honor of Dr. Alan G. Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cohn
Ms. Rosemarie Covino
In honor of Paula Grandbois, RN
In honor of Dr. Stephen Sacks
This list includes gifts made
between July 1–December 31,
2010. All gifts received after
December 31, 2010, will appear
in the next issue of Catalyst.
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Honor Roll
In memory of Dennis Nunez’s father
In honor of Marvin Markowitz’s
Ms. Rosemary Concepcion
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Friedman
Mrs. Ruth Friedman
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Fuentes
Mrs. Esther Gabel
Mr. Larry T. Gardner
Mr. Glen N. Garrett
Joel and Roya Geiderman Trust
Mr. Anthony D. George
In memory of Zachary George
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gindoff
In honor of Norman Beck’s birthday
Mr. Howard Gleicher
Ms. Sandee Glickman
In memory of Berton Kirshner
Mr. David G. Gold
In honor of Dr. Andrew G. Kadar’s and
Rachal Ho’s wedding
In memory of Jack Meyers
In honor of William Hellman’s birthday
Hutch and Son TPA
Mr. Joe Ingber
In memory of Roberta
Ms. Vera Iremonger
In honor of Dr. Myles J. Cohen
Mr. Eradio T. Jimenez
Mr. Daniel Kadisha
Ms. Cindy Kain
Mr. Lonnie Kane and
Ms. Cecelia Jenkins
The Kanne Family Foundation
Mrs. Dorothy E. Kaplan
In memory of Beatrice “Bea” Bruckner
In memory of Dr. Sidney Smith
Mrs. Hideyo Kawamata
Ms. Rosario Keys
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Klevan
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kronsberg
Ms. Joanna Lamore
Mrs. Susan L. Lapin
In memory of Bert Maron’s son-in-law
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence
In memory of Ramesh Sehgal
In memory of Gilbert Wiener
In honor of Dr. Mark Rapaport
Mr. and Mrs. Manucher Mobasseri
Mockett, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bijan Modaressi
Mr. and Mrs. Farhad
Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Morriss
The Mosk Foundation
Mr. Henrik Navasardian and Ms.
Roobina Babaians
Mr. Bernard Nemiroff
Mr. and Mrs. Elyahou Shooshani
Joseph and Beverly Shore
Mr. Alber Shoushani
Mrs. Barbara Silverman
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento
Mrs. Marjorie Niden
In memory of Frank Kuzniar
Mr. Scott Norton
Mr. Edgar Nunes
Mrs. Winifred Oswaks
In honor of Dr. Joel A. Aronowitz
Mr. Ebrahim Paykari
Mr. Damien Perriman
In memory of Zev Lapin
In honor of Norman Beck’s birthday
In honor of Patient Relations
Marcled Foundation
Mrs. Bert Maron
Mr. Jay Mason
Mr. Patrick Massengill
Bernard L. Mayers Living Trust
In memory of Zev Lapin
Mr. Sidney Sharp
In honor of Mrs. Evelyn Maltz
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Sloan
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. David
Meshulam’s mother
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Solomon
Estate of Norman K. Spickelmire
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stern
In honor of Judy and Jerry Felsenthal’s
grandaughter, Violet Sofia Felsenthal
Barbara W. Stern Trust
Sidney Stern Memorial Fund
Mr. James S. Stolley
In memory of Evelyn Moldawer
Mr. Thomas S. Strathy
Myron M. Studner Foundation
Mr. Vincent Perucca
Esper A. Petersen Foundation
Mr. Benjamin L. Pick and Ms.
Claudette Nevins
In honor of Dr. Bernard Saulk
In honor of Leanna Moskoff’s speedy
Mrs. Roselle Pizer
In memory of Dr. Nathan Barshop
In memory of Nancy
Ms. Maureen Pulignano
In honor of Jack Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie P. Ramseyer
Mr. Jack Rath
Mrs. Sherry S. Reese
In honor of Mr. Richard Elbaum
In memory of Steven Varon
In memory of Betty Mallin
Dr. Robert A. Shakman
Mrs. Andrea Shapiro
In honor of Dr. Arash Asher
In honor of Tina Radburn
In honor of Carlton “Luther” Salter’s
Mr. Ira Mallin
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Schwartz
Ms. Nina Schwimmer
Estate of Mary Ann Segal
Mr. Ashish Sehgal
Ms. Ellen F. Mercier and Mr.
Joseph Schirripa
Mr. Andrew B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Miller
The Ronald M. Miller Trust
Dr. Song-Guang Ren
Ms. Claire P. Rexon
Paul Marciano Foundation
In memory of Jane Goldwater Fedalen
In honor of Hector Perezcastro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lauter
The Jerome Leiber Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Levine
Mr. Walter B. Lindheimer
Ms. Cathey Lizzio
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Goldstein
Mr. Daniel M. Gomez
Mr. Juan M. Gomez
Ms. Alice R. Goodman
The Gregory J. Gordon and
Debra S. Gordon Family Trust
Ms. Lisa Mayson
Estate of Beatrice Mazure
Mr. Peter McCoy
In memory of Jackie Salter’s mother,
Mrs. Saredel W. Riskind
In memory of Marian Bayard
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Roberts
Estate of Robert F. Rodgers
Ms. Nancy Rodriguez
In honor of Ken Holland
Roll Giving
Estate of Jack and Lena Ross
Mrs. Jeanne R. Rousso
In memory of Irma Robbins
Ms. Susan Sabal
Roy Sayyah Corporation
Mr. Samuel Schermer
Mrs. Naola Scholnick
Ms. Lynette E. Tappin-Luke
TD Ameritrade Clearing
Terasaki Foundation Lab
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Tinnell
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Slate
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Trattner
Mrs. Randee Turtle
In honor of Mark Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Vasquez
Ms. Elaine Weiland
In memory of Dell Scott
Weingart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Weiss
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Art
Rosenblum’s 50th anniversary
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Wells Fargo Community Support
Mr. William White
In honor of Steven B. Graff-Radford, DDS
Ms. Dorothy P. Wilson
Mrs. Elizabeth Wojnberg
In honor of Dr. Gil Y. Melmed
Mr. Anthony Wong and Ms.
Juliana M. S. Cheng
Writers Guild of America, West, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Yalowitz
In memory of William Axelrod
In memory of Dr. Harvey Crystal
In memory of Dr. Fred Kahn
In memory of Robert A. Krugman
In memory of Irving Ravetch
Mrs. Regina Zane
In memory of Lester Ziffren
Ms. Annabelle P. Aberin
Ms. Lucia Aldana
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horowitz
In honor of Dr. Roger L. Lerner
In honor of Dr. Soraya A. Ross
Ms. Harriet Blye
D.E. Garber Trust
In memory of Heidi Border
In honor of Madeline Lerman, RN
Ms. Donna Kronson
The Neisloss Family Foundation,
The Larry and Paulette Parsons
Cohen Family Trust
Julie A. Aaron Revocable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Ron S. Kaufman
SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills
Mr. Lowell Bramnick
In memory of Fred Rich
Ms. Roslyn J. Brown
In memory of Linda Scholl’s mother
In memory of Donna Aaronson
In memory of Benjamin Levinson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lipstone
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Robert Zacky
In honor of Donna Garber
In honor of Don Hecht’s birthday
In honor of Cathy Rogers
In memory of Mildred Asch
In memory of “Gene” Custen Border
In memory of Lillian Grabel
In memory of Martha Lee Coleman
In memory of Nathan Prusan
In memory of Lester Ziffren
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Silverman
In honor of Arthur Lewis’ birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brown
In memory of Tirza Lee Ford
Ms. Carolina P. Caso
Ms. Lynette Chau
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Ellen Fox
In memory of Heidi Blye
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Biren
Mrs. Bonnie Crawford
In honor of Dr. Andrew J. Li
In memory of Anna Maryse
Mr. Richard E. Blum
In memory of Samuel and Etta Marie Blum
Gifts made in honor of the marriage
of Adrienne Port and Todd Pearson
Ms. Jessica L. Dodge
Ms. Lucia Fiorentino
In memory of Evelyn Moldawer
In honor of Gloria Mitchell’s birthday
Mr. Alfonso R. Garcia
Mrs. Shirley Gewertz
Ms. Felicitas M. Camposano
Mrs. Carmen M. Cervantes-Perez
Mr. Leland W. Chung
Mr. and Mrs. Hayden E. Claisse
Ms. Dana Fujioka
Mr. David Natker
Ms. Minna C. Saxe
Dr. and Mrs. Jerrold H. Steiner
In memory of Edythe Fierman
In memory of Herb Gelfand
In memory of Evelyn Prell
The Ahmanson Foundation
Goodstein Fund, Inc.
In memory of Edgar Phillips, Jr.
In honor of Sally Peters’ birthday
Mr. George J. Gliaudys, Jr.
Ms. Louise W. Calhoun
In memory of Rabbi Meyer
In honor of Dr. Ronald B. Natale
Mr. and Mrs. Al Green
Robert and Beverly Cohen
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Estrada
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fishfader
In memory of Ira Kirshbaum
Ms. Karen K. Heinzman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hogge
In honor of Diane and Todd Nichols
In honor of Ernest Wilson’s birthday
Ms. Susan J. Jackson and Mr. Ken
Ms. Katy Keegan
Mrs. Lorna M. Guzman
Mrs. Selma Hersh
In memory of Tricia Keegan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horowitz
Ms. Gai Klass
Mrs. Renata Kruk
In memory of Teddy Grad
In memory of Dr. Arthur L. Rosenbaum
In memory of Raywa Stone’s mother
In memory of Victor Abitbol
In memory of Cyrena Robitaille
In honor of the birth of Baby Colville
In honor of the birth of Violet Lopez
In honor of Lisa Payton’s birthday
Mrs. Joan Busche
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Silverman
Mr. Timothy Weber
Ms. Elyce R. Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Levitt
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Liebster
In honor of Dr. Farin Amersi
In honor of Dr. Edward Wolin
In memory of Eric Hershcowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Jones
Ms. Melissa Juico
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Klein
Mr. Jonathan Mantell
Mr. Joe Ingber
In memory of Karen Mantell
In honor of Dr. Ronald Leuchter
In honor of Dr. Gregory Sarna
In memory of Adline
In memory of Ruth Davis’ sister-in-law,
In memory of Daniel Gordon-Levitt
In memory of the Kanter family’s
In memory of Irene and Bob Rafael’s
In memory of Emy and Jerry Raphael’s
aunt, Evelyn
In memory of Fred Rich
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Zelden’s sister, Freddie
In honor of Dori and Luke’s wedding
In honor of Linda Gaylord’s birthday
In honor of Linda and Fred Gaylord’s
In honor of Jeff Hochman’s speedy
In honor of Jeff Jacobs’ speedy recovery
In honor of Jacqui and Alex’s new home
In honor of Susan Levin’s speedy
In honor of Steven Minsky’s birthday
In honor of Ronit Regev’s speedy
In honor of Gregg Rich’s speedy
In honor of Sue Rich’s speedy recovery
In honor of David Schneider’s birthday
In honor of Keith Vinnecour speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Boren
In memory of Lee Howard
In memory of Bob Mohr’s father
In memory of Shirley Rucker
In honor of Betsy and Ira Boren’s
In honor of Layne Kumetz and
Jim Knott’s engagement
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold S. Felsenthal
In memory of Roberta Benson
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Melvin Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fischer
In honor of Larry and Joyce Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Furie
In memory of Brittany Busche Brooks
Marcled Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Markowitz
In honor of the Chaplaincy Department
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Young
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Zauss
In memory of Lee Fulton
Ms. Cynthia Epstein
In honor of Hala Eid
Mrs. Tiffany A. Mendonsa
In honor of Georgann Turner
Mr. Scott M. Elrod
In memory of Thomas E. King
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hess
In memory of Judith Amster Cowan
Mrs. Regina Steiner
In memory of Goldie Wolf
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Colonello
In memory of Robert Colonello
In memory of Zev Lapin
In honor of Dr. Arash Asher
Mrs. Annette Pearson
Ms. Jill M. Pearson
In honor of Ernest Wilson’s birthday
In memory of Mrs. Port
Mrs. Elaine S. Peck
Mr. Mo Sajady
The W and L Shark Revocable
Family Trust
Mrs. Larisa Shutaya
In memory of Guy Mita
In honor of Ann Peck’s birthday
In honor of Ann and Bobby Peck’s
In memory of A. Ilene Ritland
Mr. Blake Natker
In honor of Adi Todd
Ms. Carole A. Nielsen
In memory of Heidi Blye
Nissenson Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Novicoff
In honor of Dr. Andrew J. Li
Ms. Susan G. Singer
In honor of Tina Radburn
Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Smith
In honor of Dr. Michael C. Lill
Ms. Joan Steele
In honor of Dr. Ronald B. Natale
Dr. Amir Steinberg
Mrs. Maureen Sternberg
In memory of Charles Rich
Mrs. Alexis Summerville
Ms. Gloria J. Thurman
Ms. Sharron P. Toliver
Mr. Arnold L. Turner
Ms. Victoria Villasenor
Mr. Douglas O. Walsh
In honor of Kathleen E. Walsh
Mrs. Gail Weiss-Bogan
Mr. William R. Whetstone
In honor of Dr. Marina Vaysburd
Jane Liepshutz Revocable Trust
In memory of Julie Lagana
Ms. Dorothy Lockhart
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lohr
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Massman
In memory of Bill Jacobs
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Raider’s
Ms. Joan Nagler
Ms. Anna Prits
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Rabin
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Edgar Phillips, Jr.
Ms. Zhaneta Reyzin
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rosenblatt
In memory of William Axelrod
In memory of Leon Frieden
In memory of Bert Maron’s son-in-law
Ms. Debra A. Saidel
In honor of Wendy Horwitz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schnell
In memory of Mother Sang
Dr. Edward G. Seferian
Mrs. Faye Sheren
In memory of Mrs. Burton
In memory of Geri Sheren
In memory of Norman Sheren
Alan Sieroty Charitable Fund
In honor of Jamie Chosak
Ms. Marilyn J. Slifkoff-Hayden
Mr. Stephen Maizlish and
Ms. Joyce Goldberg
In honor of Rivka Maizlish
In memory of Maurice Newton
Ms. Gayle E. Mitchell
In memory of Rusty Robertson’s
In memory of Shirley Ruckner
Dr. and Mrs. Burton N. Wixen
Ms. Diane Newton
In memory of Zev Lapin
The Sherry Lansing Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Sloan
In honor of Ernest Wilson’s birthday
Ms. Bridget Palanca
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Meltzer, Jr.
Ms. Perry Adkins
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beck
Mr. Satinder Bisla
Ms. Doreen R. Braverman and
Mr. Stuart W. Rudnick
Mr. Peter Brennan
Mr. Paul Brown
Mrs. Vivien Flitton
Ms. Therese Gegesi
Mr. Eric Gilbert
Mr. Robert Grantham
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Grau
Mrs. Luisa Gray
Sheriff Flori P. Hendron
Mr. Karl Kelly
Mr. Daniel Levek
Ms. Georgina North
Mr. Panos Panay
Ms. Tina Radburn
Mr. Thomas Rooney
Ernest M. and Inez R. Wilson Trust
In honor of Mary Stern’s birthday
Ms. Marla J. Brown
Gifts made in honor of Dr. Arash
Asher and Tina Radburn
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Wilson
In honor of Dr. Mitchell E. Cohen
In honor of Dr. Mark W. Vogel
Ms. Barbara Marans
Mrs. Paula McCreary
In memory of Heidi Byle
Mrs. Neyra Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. David Hernandez
Mr. Evan E. Jacobson
Ms. Christine U. Pajarito
Ms. Shi-Hui Pan
Ms. Reyna P. Reyes
Mr. Lee T. Abaigar
In memory of Bill Haber
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Farkas
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Waltman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Koegler
Linda Tallen and David Paul
Kane Educational and Research
The Kay Trust
In memory of Lee Corwin
In honor of Dr. Beth Karlan
Ms. Susan Su
Ms. Efigenia C. Viola
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Weissman
In honor of William Hellman’s birthday
Accounts Payable Department Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Ms. Bessie Adams
Ms. Anne Anka
In memory of Fred Rich
Rabbi and Mrs. James Kaufman
Mrs. Carolyn P. Bell
Ms. Joan L. Berig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Bornstein
Mr. Thomas E. White
Ms. Carole L. Yamakoshi
Ms. Judy Bay
Gifts made in memory of Evelyn
Dr. Carlos Guanche
Ms. Sylvie Khayat
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Landrum
Ms. Wendy Rappeport
Valley Presbyterian Hospital
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Wiedre
Ms. Jennifer Abbott
Kure It!, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Laulhere
Mr. Loren R. Schwartz
In memory of Larry Schwartz
In memory of Stuart Lubitz’s sister
In honor of Helene Galen
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Skip Holden
In honor of Dr. Charles F. Kivowitz
American Diabetes Association
Research Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Jeannine Barcarse
Mr. Robert Cavuoto
Mr. Ping Chen
Ms. Margot Ermann
In honor of Maureen Ermann
Mr. John J. Fenton
Ms. Doris Forst
In honor of Maureen Ermann
Fort McMurray Public School
Ms. Apryl Franklyn
HollyRod Foundation
Ms. Pamela S. Johnston
Mr. Araz Mamedli and Ms.
Narmina Guliyeva
Michael Godard Fine Arts
Mr. James Sena
TLC Global
Van Andel Arena
Ms. Sharon J. Baranoff
In memory of Robert Jackman
Mrs. Kerri C. Taitt Hoag
In memory of Mary Collins Watkins
Mrs. Charlotte A. Manuel
Estate of James P. Quinlan
A. S. Wattson Company
Mr. and Mrs. Vladamir Abrashkin
Bette J. Addington Survivor’s
Ms. Charlotte Adelman
Mr. and Mrs. Soleiman Afrahim
Ms. Larisa Agabekyan
Mr. Oscar Aguirre
Ms. Noriko M. Akatsuka
Mr. and Mrs. Kaoru Akiyama
Alan Lewis, D.D.S., Inc.
In memory of Jerry Cohen
In memory of Robert Zacky
Mr. Spartaco Albert
Alessandro, Inc.
Mrs. Maria M. Alfonso
Ms. Zehra B. Ali-Khan
In memory of Ashfar Ali-Khan
Mr. Tyler L. Linkin
In memory of Barbara Linkin
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rosenblatt
In honor of Sharon Felder’s speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Alston
Ms. Francisca Altamirano
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Arthur L. Altshiller
Mrs. Paulene S. Anderson
Mrs. Esther G. Angel
Mr. Stephen E. Applebaum
In memory of Donna Applebaum
With your help,
we’ll be here
for her
In honor of Dr. Kendrick Slate
Mrs. Jennifer Conroy
Dr. Barry E. Bubar
Ms. Amy Bumgarner
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Burstin
In memory of Esther Acker
In memory of Henry L. Dantzler
Mr. Stan K. Bustin
Ms. Chunli Cai
Sandra A Cooper Living Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel B. Cortes
Mr. and Mrs. Jose C. Cota
Ms. Wendy M. Coto
Ms. Glorianne Cowles
Mr. Justin J. Cressy
In honor of Cora Chen
Ms. Emma Cala-Blanco
Ms. Frances Canales
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Canas
The Candiotti Family Trust
In honor of Candi Sisk
Ms. Verna Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Cantor
Ms. Muriel E. Carlblom
Mrs. Melisa A. Cassell
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In memory of Jonathan Persoff
Ms. Estella S. Catanzarite
Ms. Leslie Cuzor
Mrs. Dorothy Czernek
Ms. Judith H. Damico
Mr. Lawrence A. Davis
Mr. Jon F. Davison
Ms. Major M. Deberry
Mr. L. H. Cate
Mrs. Gail Cattouse
Mr. Michael J. Cavallaro
In honor of Tim Weber
Mrs. Erin Cavanagh
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Cave
Mr. Anthony Ceazan
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
In memory of Kimberly Zander
Mr. Manuel G. Centeno and
Ms. Linda Arrico
In memory of Sue Gerginger
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Vladimir Bratskiy and
Mrs. Zhanna Bratskaya
Aries Prepared Beef Co.
Mr. Richard Armida and Ms.
Stella Likhterman
Ms. Bette Ashley
Ms. Nazanin Aynechi
Mrs. Elayne Barco
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Bock
Ms. Anne Bogdanovich
In memory of Yousef Aynechi
In memory of Sheldon Needleman
Ms. Goar Babakhanyan
Ms. Elvera Bachmann
Ms. Inna Baglayeva
Mrs. Catherine C. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bamberger
Ms. Diane Binder
In memory of Arnold Barco
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Baroni
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Barr
Ms. Marlene J. Bertman
In memory of Samuel Oschin
Ms. Elina Binder
Mr. Charles L. Birke
Ms. Bobbie J. Biser
Mr. Richard A. Bloch
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Di Girolamo
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Digiusto
In honor of Tim Weber
Mrs. Diane Donney
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Todd C. J. Donovan
Ms. Surapee Chetakamkul
Mrs. Florence Cheung
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Leah Doria
Ms. Louise W. Dunlap
Ms. Paula J. Dunn
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Chul Choi
Ms. Teresa Chu
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dunn
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Shirley M. Tracy Dunn
Mrs. Adele Chuprovsky
Mrs. Mia Churma
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Natalie Dyer
Ms. Thora B. Dyer
In memory of Edith Grant
In memory of Mark and Janet Hansen
Mrs. Elizabeth Eastham-Wong
Ms. Maureen Coard
Mr. Eddie Coffman
Mr. Jerry Cohen
In memory of Wallace L. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Cole
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Marilyn A. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Collins
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of Florence Rubel
Mr. Suwant Boonjindachap
Mr. Hubert Bordenave
Ms. Jean Borenback
Mrs. Saundra Borie
Ms. Christine R. Bosworth
Mrs. Martha Bourassa
Mr. Arvin Brown
Mr. Joe L. Brown
Mrs. Hilda Bruyere
Ms. Aimee Bryant
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of Greco F. Cruz
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Webz Bongcaron
In honor of Dr. Scott R. Karlan
Mr. and Mrs. Gregorio V. Diego
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Maria C. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brynan
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Marisa DiTullio
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Breedlove
Mr. and Mrs. William Broder
Dr. Edwin Broffman
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Jeffrey Dickerson
Ms. Joannie S. Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent S.
In honor of Dr. David M. Hoffman
In memory of Nick and Mary Ann
In memory of Minnie Vails
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of Harriet Cohen
Ms. Maria S. Barbieri
Ms. Carol Diamant
Ms. Lynn M. Dibiasi
Mr. Cleo E. Dickerson
Ms. Rose Cicinelli
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Thomas J. Argento, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Deeter
Ms. Elizabeth A. De Roes
Mr. Andrew Dettmann
Mr. Berjouhi Chakirian and
Ms. Antoinette A. Aprahamian
Mr. Kevin Chambers and
Ms. Lynne M. Lovasco
Ms. Lucille A. Chaney
Mr. William D. Chapman
Ms. Melissa Chaput
Ms. Sandy Chi
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of Trevlyn Reed
In memory of Sally Arrico
In honor of Pamela Ho
Ms. Nicole J. Bourassa
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Kellye M. Chelette
In memory of Ramon A. Sepulveda
The Blue Star Trust
Ms. Harriet Blye
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Crother
Ms. Kay H. Crowder
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore A. Culotta
Ms. Stacey Cusack
Ms. Eileen M. Cusimano
Ron and Lori Cutler Trust
Mr. Antony Chen
Ms. Kenya G. Barber
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin M. Castille
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Lisette Arche
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cooper
Ms. Anna B. Cooper and
Ms. Barbara A. Calloway
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Colom
Mr. Louis Colombano
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’ Alot
Ms. Maureen E. Connelly
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Colleen Connolly
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Eugene Edwards
In honor of Kevin Bernstein
Ms. Susan R. Eisner and Mr.
Joseph A. Lee
El Portal Restaurant
Ms. Ivy M. Enderwood
Ms. Kit K. Eng
Ms. Christine Englander
Mr. and Mrs. Inigo Felimon B.
Ms. Ada Enzen
Mr. Paul Erenyi
In honor of Dr. Arnold Cinman
Mr. Edgar V. Estrada
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fallows
Ms. Sandra J. Fanchin
Mr. Gilbert Feldstein
Ms. Yana Fell and
Mr. Oleg Oleynik
Mr. Jeffrey Hayn
In honor of Dr. Ronald Leuchter
Mr. and Mrs. Marc I. Hayutin
Haywood Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Nikolaus Heidegger
Mr. Vahid Hekmatjah
Mr. John W. Helm
Ms. Holly L. Henry
Mr. Juan A. Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Mansueto
Ms. Esther Herzig
Ms. Sonia Fernandez
Ms. Ramona Ferrara
Mr. Nelson Fishman
Ms. Eva Fleischner
Mr. Joseph G. Florence
Mr. Paul Fontaine
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Nick Forshager
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Manuel Fredgant
The Brenda Freeman
Living Trust
Mrs. Edith Freireich
Ms. Doris Freistat
Ms. Karen Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Fuentes
In honor of Dr. David Frisch
Mrs. Lenore Furman
Mr. and Mrs. Arman Gabay
In honor of Iraj Beroukhim
Mr. Dennis Gaj
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Garcia
Ms. Lucille M. Garner
Mr. James T. Gaspar
In honor of Dr. Ronald B. Natale
In honor of Hannah T. Tualla
Ms. Anne Marie Gean
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Gibson
Mr. Nejatollah Gidanian and
Ms. Mehrangiz S. Saber
Mr. Charles M. Gima
Ms. Syncletica GimenezMeacham
Ms. Mia C. Gist
In memory of William J. Gist, Jr.
Mrs. Doris R. Given
Mr. and Mrs. Bernd S. Givon
Mary C. Gleason Trust
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Kamran Goel
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Gold
Mr. Don P. Goldstein
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Lawrence Goldstein
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of June Hayne
In memory of Jean
Mr. and Mrs. Yoav Hezi
Mr. James Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hirsch
Mr. Jack L. Hockman
In memory of Angelina Hollingsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. John Holler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Huberman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Irving H. Hudson
Mrs. Sharon L. Hulina
In honor of Dr. Robert McKenna
Mr. David M. Hunter
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of Mildred Jansen
Mr. and Mrs. Rene N. Jara
Ms. Michelle M. Jarrett
Ms. Marilyn I. Jenman
Mr. Samuel M. Jobe
In honor of Bruce Wisne
Mr. David Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Jones
Mrs. Megan Josephson
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Stanley F. Kaminsky
Mr. Harry Kanada
Kao Family Trust
Mr. Keith Keeler
In memory of Betty Goldberg
Mr. Douglas Grindstaff
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Tessie L. Gumbiner
Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo A. Gutierrez
Ms. Mia D. Halfman
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Elliot Handler
In memory of Ruth Handler
Mr. Douglas Hannah
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Harris
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Harrison
Mr. Garth A. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Ryo Hashima
Mr. Rony Havive and
Ms. Michelle L. Bechard
Ms. Tracy A. Hawkins and
Ms. April D. Bellefeuille
In memory of Anna L. Garvin
Mr. Leon Morenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morgen
Ms. Sarah C. Morin
Mr. John J. Reed
Regent Global Sourcing, Inc.
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Dr. Christina L. Adberg
In memory of Ermon Session, Sr.
In memory of Lowell Levant
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Devin J. Reiter
Fred E. Severo Living Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Luis D. La Cotera
Ms. Katherine E. Lamour
Ms. Geraldine Lampert
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Patrick Severo
Mr. Julius L. Reynaud
Ms. Marian Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shapiro
Mrs. Kimberly Shapiro
In memory of Theresa Benito
In memory of Kathleen Shapiro
Ms. Joanne Lara
The Morra Revocable Family
Mrs. Cynthia Morrison
Mrs. Margot B. Morrison
Mrs. Courtney Mottau
Mr. Douglas M. Roberto
In memory of Deacon Frank Guzman
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of John Stoddard
Mr. and Mrs. William Sharlin
Mr. Sidney Sharp
Las Palomas Properties, Inc.
Ms. Yvette M. Lavigne
Ms. Heather Lawrence
Mr. Brian Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts
In honor of Dr. John G. Harold
Gail Shatsky Family Trust
In honor of Dr. Ilana Cass
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of Buzz Musselman
In honor of Batia Schwartz’s speedy
In honor of Sherry Winters’ speedy
Mr. Daniel A. Lebbin
Mr. and Mrs. Chuen H. Lee
Ms. Jenny H. Lee
Mrs. Martha Leiva
Ms. Joyce B. Lichen
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Lilien
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lillegard
Mrs. Sally Musso
Ms. Dora B. Robles
In memory of Dennis Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Newman
Mr. Henry Ngo
Ms. Dao T. Nguyen
Mr. Huy L. Nguyen and
Ms. Thuynga T. Tran
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Nicholson
Mr. Alan Nisperos and
Ms. Cleofe Macalino
Ms. Valerie R. Noriega
Mr. Raul Nunez
Ms. Valerie Ogden
Mr. Michael T. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lim
Ms. Juana C. Linares
Mrs. Lindsay Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lu
Mr. Marvin Lucoff
In honor of Dr. Denise Gordon
Ms. Sue Grimshaw and
Ms. Stacy L. Becker
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
J. Schorr Properties
Mr. and Mrs. Les Light
In honor of Tim Weber
Ready Productions, Inc.
In honor of Dr. Richard E. Gould
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique A. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gor
Mr. Don Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goren
Mrs. Bonnie J. Grant
Mr. Ronald Grey
Mrs. Autumn Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moran
Ms. Mary Iacono
Ms. Rosemary Idlet
Mr. Yoel Iny
Mr. Clinton Isaac
Mr. Daniel E. Israel
Mr. George S. Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Myron D. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus J. Jacobson
Mr. Sam Jacobson
Mr. Jerome B. Jansen
In honor of Bud Kash’s speedy recovery
In honor of Tim Weber
Mrs. Janet Keiswetter
Dr. and Mrs. H. Kermanshahchi
Ms. Amanda C. Keropian
In memory of Gertrude “Trudy” Lucoff
Ms. Patricia MacDonald
Mr. Keith A. Maceo
Ms. Nohemy Magana
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Brenda E. Magidsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Malchicoff
Mr. and Mrs. Perry B. Maltz
Lt. Paul J. Marin, USNR, Vet.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Markman
In honor of Sylvia Lande
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Masor
Ms. Sharlot Mather
Mr. Jack R. McCarthy
Ms. Megan Ann McCarthyEgan, LCSW
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P.
In memory of Mike Golde
Ms. Tina Nails
Ms. Alyssa Napoleon
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nathan
Mr. Robert Neches
In memory of Seymour Neches
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Maria M. Opoczynski
Ms. Jeanne T. Otake
Ms. Elaine Ownby
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Pajer
In memory of Roy Jones
Ms. Ursula M. Pallmann
Mr. Lebon Papillion
Mrs. Rochelle Pappas
Mr. Donald Parenteau and
Ms. Cynthia Standford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Park
Mrs. Patricia McDonald
Mrs. Viola Parnass
Ms. Judith Parsons
In honor of Tim Weber
The Robert J. and Lila McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. McGaughey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. McGlone
Mr. W. Tod McGrath
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Margaux McLaughlin
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Rosario Keys
Ms. Mehrasa Khanpoor
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Khudaverdi
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kinley
Ms. Mary T. Kinoshita
Mr. Johnnie F. Kirvin
Mr. and Mrs. Barry H. Klein
Ms. Diane J. Klein
Ms. Evelyn Knafo
Mr. David L. Knutson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koelsch
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Heidi M. Musselman
In memory of Doris M. Park
Mrs. Patricia McLean
Mr. S. L. Kram
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Krater
Ms. Miriam R. Krueger
Mrs. Betty Kuchel
Mr. and Mrs. Isidore A. Kulkin
Mr. Jeremy Kullman
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Ruth Segal
Mr. Vanat Sermpol
Mr. Wen T. Kuo and
Mrs. Lih-Er Chang
Ms. Maxine H. Kurtzman
Mrs. Emily Kwalwaser
Lackman Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. McVeigh, Jr.
Ms. Patricia C. Melniker
Ms. Teodora D. Mendoza
Mr. William J. Messick
In memory of Ron Barker
Mrs. Danielle Meunier
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Kristofer W. Meyer
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Meyers
Michael DiTullio, Jr. MD, LLC
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Militello
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mills
Mitzenmacher Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Takeyuki Miyauchi
Ms. Nancy S. Mohr
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Patchett
Ms. Joan A. Payden
Ms. Brit H. Pedersen
In honor of the nurses of the Infusion
Mr. Daniel E. Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Berardo Perez-Fraga
Mr. and Mrs. Nick S. Petrisca
Michael John Petruncola Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Pileggi
In memory of Joseph Manganello
Ms. Cynthia Pinkerton
Ms. Helen Plecas
Mr. Robert Port
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Portnoff
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Porush
Ms. Farideh Poursohrab
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pratt
Ms. Doris Presley
Mr. Dale G. Pressman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pritchard
Mr. Antonio G. Querin
In memory of Zita Querin
Mrs. Linda Radzinski
In honor of the CSMC liver transplant team
Mr. and Mrs. Diomidio Ramirez
Mr. Ira Ravitz
In memory of Mary J. Willeken
Mr. Rodolfo A. Robles
Dr. Joseph H. Rodd
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rodriguez
Ms. Kristin A. Rolla
The Romick Family Charitable
Mr. Rangel Romo and
Mrs. Maria G. Garcia
Ms. Olga Rosato
Rosen Family Foundation
Mr. Matti Rosen
In memory of Devorah Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rosenberg
Ms. Elaine R. Ross
Ms. Gloria D. Rossel
In honor of William Walmsley
Mr. Ermon Session
In memory of Lawrence Glick
Mr. W. Donald Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Shephard
Ms. Marian Sheridan
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Sherman
Mr. John P. Shine
In honor of Dr. Marianne C. Finerman
The Honorable Christopher S.
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Shuldiner
Mrs. Esther G. Shulman
Chonlathorn K. Siapno
Mr. Damon Silvester
In honor of Tim Weber
Gilbert Simon Family Trust
Mr. William Sinagra
In honor of Tim Weber
Skovseth Living Trust
In honor of Denise Skovseth
Donna Arkoff Roth Trust
Ms. Jeanine Y. Rousseau
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Royden
In memory of Carol Meisels
Ms. Arne S. Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rudin
In memory of Zack Zuboff
Mrs. Fira Slutskaya
Ms. Lillian Smith
Mr. Matthew Smith
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Susan Smith
In honor of Dr. Robert McKenna
Mr. Todd Smith
In memory of Carolyn Powers
Mr. Alastair J. Rundle
Ms. Amy Russ
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ryan
Mr. Frank E. Saavedra
Mr. Richard H. Sacchetti
In honor of Mark C. Pleake
Mr. Bernard L. Saffren
Mr. Manuel Saghbazarian
In honor of Hripsime Darbinian
Mr. Manabu Sakamoto
Mr. Arturo Salazar
Mrs. Michele R. Smolen
The Snyder Family Trust
Ms. Anthonia Sobowale
Ms. Teresa Soegaard
Ms. Tammy Solis
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Sommer
In honor of Dr. Robert F. Katz
Mrs. Kayko M. Sonoda
Mrs. Meg Splaine
In honor of Tim Weber
Mrs. Barbara A. Spriggs
In memory of David M. Spriggs
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Rene Salazar
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. David Sandretto
Mr. Ken Sanzel
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Nicole Stanton
Mrs. Frances A. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Steinberg
Ms. Jean A. Stelly
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Stern
In honor of Tim Weber
Mrs. Hilda Sassoon
In honor of Jack Sassoon
Ms. Martha R. Satrustegui and
Mr. Horacio A. Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Saul
In memory of Ruben and Alegra Saul
Ms. Florita Savellano
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Sawyer
Mrs. June Stern
Ms. Leslie Sternburg and
Mr. Bob Mazzola
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. John D. Stokes
Mr. Mark I. Streltsov
Dr. Marvin Strick
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of Marcia Wachtell
Mrs. Maureen Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sualog
Ms. Yasamin Subat
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Harvey M. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Tim Weber
Mrs. Elaine L. Swee
Ms. Margaret Schwartz
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Dr. David M. Hoffman
Ms. H. D. Swift
Mr. Mikail Syeed
Mr. and Mrs. Hal H. Swaim
In memory of Leona C. Groen
Mr. Steven M. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Scott
Mr. Frank J. Seamas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis Noubar K.
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Steven
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J.
Mr. and Mrs. Wisit Tanti
Ms. Toni J. Taub
In honor of Sagi Yonaty
Ms. Fredricka Taubitz
Fani Fay Teichman
Revocable Trust
In honor of Dr. Robert W. Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt C. Thomas
Ms. Lauri Thorne
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Yakov Tokar
Ms. Dianne K. Tomita
Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Torgrimson
In honor of Shirley Sinclair
Ms. Patricia Travis
In honor of Melinda Travis
Mr. James Troy
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. John Turquand
In honor of Dr. Christopher S. Ng
Ms. Christina L. Van Blake
In honor of Tim Weber
Ms. Marilyn D. Varon
In honor of Dr. Kristi M. Funk
Mr. Rami Varsha
Mr. Loui Velasco
Mr. Adam Vickery
Mr. Joe Ingber
In memory of Ruth Rudolf
Mr. Orven E. Blinzler
In memory of Larry Weaver
Gifts made in memory of
Dr. Craig Barry Pearson
Mr. Harold L. Crass
Grattan Financial Strategies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herskowitz
Mr. and Mrs. M.R. Magiday
Judge and Mrs. Robert Neustadter
NMB Technologies
Mr. William R. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund S. Rimm
Ms. Joyce W. Silberman
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Smith, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Darryl R. Stern
Mr. John Tomasello
The Hooper Revocable Living Trust
Dr. Richard J. Hurvitz and Dr.
Carole H. Hurvitz
In honor of Steven K. Arrighi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Perzik
Law Offices of Leeds, Wender and
Rosenfeld LLP
Mr. John Socey
Ms. Bridgett Gomelsky
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of Kae Crispin
Ms. Allison Ward
Mr. Randy P. Lauer
In honor of Tim Weber
In honor of Kathryn Marie
Mr. Roger Watson
Mr. Samuel M. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Weber
Mrs. Charlotte Rosenberg
In honor of Tim Weber
In memory of Stanley Brown
In memory of Lee Corwin
In memory of Leon Frieden
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Edgar Phillips, Jr.
In memory of Robert Schuster
In honor of Norman Beck’s birthday
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Osterman
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. Gines D. Villa
In honor of Dr. Solomon Hamburg
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Villaneda
Ms. Christina A. Voegler
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Wakefield
Ms. Leila C. Walden
In honor of Tim Weber
G. A. Walker
In memory of Evelyn Goldberg
Mr. Peter Weigelt
In honor of Hannelore Ellerbe
Mr. David S. Wentworth
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Werner
Mr. Jeffery R. Werner
In memory of Harvey L. Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. White
Ms. Doris T. White
Mr. Ronald R. Wilkniss
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Wine
Ms. Bee Winkler
Mr. Harry L. Wior
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Wissinger
Mrs. Sally Wolfe
Mr. Ben F. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Kit Y. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Kuey N. Wong
Ms. Mary S. Wong
In memory of Shing N. Lim
Mr. Cheng Wu
Mr. William P. Wyatt
In honor of Tim Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Winfred I. Wynne
Ms. Carole L. Yamakoshi
Mr. and Mrs. Iraj Yazdanpanah
Mrs. Vikkik Yu
Mr. and Mrs. Georgiy Ziyalov
Mr. Jarrett E. Zuckerman
In honor of Tim Weber
Cars 4 Causes
Azar Daneshbod, M.D., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Lewis
In memory of Yaffa Koresh
Martini, Iosue and Akpovi, CPAs
In memory of Yaffa Koresh
Mrs. Ruth L. Milberg
In memory of Yaffa Koresh
Ms. Diane Sherman
In memory of Yaffa Koresh
Mr. Stephen L. Sebolsky
Mr. Steven White
In memory of Yaffa Koresh
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lopata
In honor of Michael Bridge’s speedy
Gifts made in memory of John Sabet
and in honor of Drs. Charles Forscher
and Allan Silberman
Dr. and Mrs. Farid Afra
Mr. and Mrs. Asher Aramnia
Ms. Nasrin Doostan
JS Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Kabir
Mr. and Mrs. Rouholah
Mrs. Darlene Schultz
Mr. Parviz Shabanzadeh and
Ms. Janet Sanandaji
Mr. and Mrs. Phil S. Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Amir Yadidi
Mr. Ashraf Yadidi
Mr. and Mrs. Rohangiz S. Yadidi
The William C. Bannerman
Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Berkoff
Eloise Briskin Foundation
Carlson Family Gift Fund
Mr. Rajiv K. Fernando
In honor of Laura Mahnil Fernando
Housewares International, Inc.
In memory of Isaac Solouki
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Merritt
Nationwide Environmental
Denise Lynne Roberts Living Trust
Dr. Frema S. Rood
Mrs. Gilda C. Rowlands
In honor of Sharon Alfano Kagay
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Samuelian
Darlene Schultz Family Trust
Mr. Charles T. Sebesta
Mr. Fred Shafferman and
Ms. Debra Leibovitz
In memory of Bernard Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sherwin
In honor of Dr. Allan W. Silberman
Mrs. Marilyn Trattner
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
In memory of Al Dick
In memory of Lenore E. Kayne’s mother
In memory of Myrna Needleman
In memory of Evelyn Prell
In memory of Robert Recht
In memory of Myron “Mike” Winkler
In honor of Leslie Bell’s speedy recovery
In honor of Joni and Don Maltzman’s
50th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Bergmann
Ms. Regina M. Char
Laguna Legacy Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher
In honor of Paul Turner’s birthday
Mr. Stanley Itskowitch
Mr. and Mrs. David Kaplan
In honor of Berwyn Friedman’s birthday
Mrs. Verla Law
Dr. and Mrs. Lee W. Leader
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Nogales
Murray Pepper Living Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Sherman
Keiko Shimabukuro Trust of 1999
Linda Tallen and David Paul
Kane Educational and Research
Town and Country Event
Rentals, Inc.
United Way of Greater Los
Angeles, Inc.
Hope Warschaw, John Law and
Jack Law-Warschaw
In honor of Hunter Brookman’s bar mitzvah
In honor of Sharon Cuseo
In honor of Thomas Hudnut
In honor of Jeanne Huybrechts
In honor of Julio Ramirez, Jr.’s birthday
In honor of Harry Salamandra
In honor of Father J. Young
Gifts made in memory of Frances
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R.
Ms. Martha L. Dantowitz
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Divito
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Gray
Great Labels, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mezey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mittentag
Mr. and Mrs. David Moed
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Onish
Palisades Media Group, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Allan A. Pivnick
Mr. and Mrs. Boris G. Shurslep
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sloto
Vernick and Daughters, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Zemnick
1-10 Race Promotions, Inc.
Accents by Laura
Action Heating and A/C
Active Enterprise
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Adams
Aeble Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Anderson
Anderson’s Nu Power
Anne’s Cleaning
Ms. Rachel M. Apking
Ms. Shirley J. Armstrong and
Mr. Gary B. Oja
Mr. Adam C. Ashcraft
Mr. and Mrs. Maury J. Ashcraft
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Avenatti
Mrs. Debra Ayala
In honor of Marlo Beeman
Baeskens Construction, Inc.
Baker Family Foundation
Ms. Rosalie D. Barela
Baton Twirling Etc., LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W.
Beaumont Safelock
Terry Bedford Concrete
Construction, Inc.
Ms. Cherrelyn D. Begin
Ms. Zulema Behm
Mr. Scott M. Biehl
BMC Industries
Bobby Barrett Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bolinas
Mr. Robert Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Busk
Ms. Rosemarie Buss
Ms. Karin D. Burgess
Ms. Trina Burke
Cambria Round Table
In memory of Donald L. Arbogast
Mr. Mel L. Cantor
In memory of Lillian Cantor Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. Quido Canzona
In honor of Ilana Cass, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Carlson
Mrs. Nancy Castiglione
Mr. Charles S. Cawlina
Central California Power
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Chaplin
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Chase
Checkers Off-Road, Inc.
Chromal Plating Company
Chronic Tacos Tequila Lounge
Ms. Brittany Claiborne
Ms. Breanna Cloud
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Cochran
Coconino Motors
Ms. Theresa L. Coelho
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coello
Ms. Debra S. Cohen
Commercial Services
Unlimited, Inc.
Competitive Metals
Mrs. Mary Compton
Control Contractors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Cote
Courage Is My Strength
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Crawford
Crossroads Truck Dismantlers
Ms. Elizabeth A. Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Adam T. Dawson
Desert Hills Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Harry De Silva
In honor of Renee Hudson
Desolate Motorsports
Mr. R. Joseph Desrosiers
Ms. Rebecca Devlin
Diamond Pacific
Dirt Mob Racing, LLC
Ms. Glenda Disselkoen
In honor of Amanda McCallum
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Dobiesz
Ms. April L. Dolar
DRT, Inc.
Ms. Kimberly M. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Durant
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Durkee
Dust Bunny Motorsports
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Englesham, Jr.
Earl Fraser Construction, Inc.
Elite Truck and RV
Mr. David Engler
Ms. Jacqueline Enriquez
Mr. Tyler Equiarta
Far West Property Management
Mr. G. W. Feemster
Fiber Care Baths, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Fiorino
Ms. Barbara A. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Fisher
Fleuris Flower Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Flores
In honor of Christine Schwab
Ms. Marie Flowers
Ms. Barbara Fossum
In honor of Amanda McCallum
Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Fox
Freeman’s Carpet Services, Inc.
Ms. Dawn G. Friedman
In memory of Marsha Friedman
Joshua S. and Beth C. Friedman
Family Fund
Ms. Karyn Frisch and
Ms. Vickie Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Fuson
G and S Sealcoating and
Garden Interiors
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. George
Get It in Gear
Gibraltar Steel Furniture, Inc.
In honor of Beth Karlan, MD
Ms. Louise Gillette
Mr. Louis F. Glaser
In honor of Rebecca Powers
Ms. Jessica A. Gomez
Ms. Lynne M. Gonzales
Mr. Eric Grandia
Ms. Melba J. Grandmain
In honor of Paula J. Anastasia, RN
In honor of Beth Karlan, MD
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Steve D. Greer
Jean S. Grier Revocable Trust
J. W. Griffin Construction
Ms. Tracye Gunn
In honor of Christine Schwab
Mr. Darnell Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hall
Ms. Emme Hall
Mr. Lawrence Hall
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harper
Ms. Docia Jessica L. Harris
Mr. Charles N. Hathaway
Mr. Richard A. Hathaway
Mr. Kris Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hines
Ms. Nicole Hoag
In honor of Amanda McCallum
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holz
In memory of Barbara Kirshner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Howard
Ms. Renee A. Hudson
Innovative Fabrication School, Inc.
Ms. Heather M. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky L. Jasperson
Jazzercise, Inc.
JJS, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Johnson, Jr.
Johnston Family Trust
Mr. Todd M. Johnston
Ms. Barbara G. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jones
Ms. Katharine S. Jorgensen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Juarez
Ms. Susan Kaplan
In honor of David Frisch, MD
In honor of David S. Katzin, MD
In honor of Sharron L. Mee, MD
In honor of Robert B. Gerber, DDS
In honor of Edward Phillips, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Keldgord
Ms. G. K. Kelley
Ms. Emily Kiefer
Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid
Ms. Marilyn Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kohrell
Theodore J. Krasnow Family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Krause
Mr. Paul Kosik
Mr. Jonathan Krellwitz
Edward Kushner Family Trust
La Jolla Shores Surfing
Ms. Jennifer Langford
Mr. Albert Lowry and
Mrs. Nancy L. Lee
Dr. Deborah L. Leidner
In honor of Beth Karlan, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Leinen
Ms. Julie R. Lenk
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Levy
Rick Lewis DBA Event Photo
Ms. Bridget Lewison and
Mr. Brian P. Bockius
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Lilly
Ms. Megan R. Lopez
Ms. Constance Lund
LWI Financial Inc.
Mr. Tuyet N. Mai
Mango Racing, LLC
Ms. Linda M. Martin
Mrs. Christine Martinez
Mastercraft, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Matthews
Tab R. Maudlin Accountancy
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. McCallum
McCarthy Framing
Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. McCoy
Dr. John E. McElhiney and
Dr. Annette McElhiney
In honor of Beth Karlan, MD
In honor of Paula J. Anastasia, RN
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. McMullin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meehan
Mr. Michael Melendez
Mrs. Donna Melone
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Mendez
Mojave Off Road Racing
Enthusiast, LLC
Ms. Darlene Montero
Mr. and Mrs. Dairo E. Moody
Ms. Nancy Moore
Mr. Randall Moreno and
Ms. Natalie Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Morford
Ms. M. K. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Mortensen
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Munoz
Ms. Caitlyn G. Murray
Mr. Linton Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Nelson
Ms. Angelique L. Nguyen
Ms. Dominique X. Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Arvid D. Nord, III
Ms. Terri L. Norman
Dr. and Mrs. James E. O’Brien
Offshore Spars Co.
Omaha Woodmen Lodge
OMF Performance Products, Inc.
Orange County Pools, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Orban
In memory of Collette and Holly
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Osborne
Ovarian Cancer Coalition of
Greater California
Ms. Vicki L. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Dean B. Owston
Pacific Panel Products
Parker Engineering, LLC
Ms. Andrea E. Pathiakis
Mr. Michael Patterson
Pechanga Resort – Casino
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy F. Perfect, III
Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Pfankuch
Ms. Annie Pieper
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Placencia
Plastic Materials, Inc.
Poole Farms, LLC
Ms. Kimberley Powell
Pretty Dirty
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Prosser
Ms. Gena Ptasinski
PussyKat Motor Sport Gear, LLC
R and L Management
Ms. M. J. Rauls
Kevin and Shelby Reid Living Trust
Reid Products, Inc.
Mr. Erich K. Reinhardt
Reliable Field Services, LLC
Mr. John R. Renfro
Ms. Jessica Reynolds
River Ranch
Riverside Construction
Company, Inc.
RNP Advisory Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carol J. Robidoux
Ms. Laura Robinson
Rogers, Clem and Company
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Roglin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Rovinelli
Ms. Estela Sanchez and
Mr. Juan M. Gonzalez-Palomera
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sands
In honor of Layne Kumetz and
Jim Knott’s engagement
Mr. Martin Santos
Reverend Thadeus Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Savant
Mr. Arthur Savedra
Mr. Karl M. Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Schaffran
Mr. Scott Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schwab
Scotty’s Brake
Sea Tek Yachting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sena
Ms. Lisa D. Shafer
The David and Linda Shaheen
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Lindsay Shellman
The Dinah Shore Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Silcock
Silver Creek Tire, LLC
Silver Star Enterprise
Ms. Andrea M. Simonson
In honor of Rachel Santos
Skin Biology, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Sloan
In honor of Layne Kumetz and
Jim Knott’s engagement
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Smith
Smith-Southwestern, Inc.
Mr. Steve Snider
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Sobel
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Spangler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stackhouse
Ms. C. Sharlene Steinberger
Stronghold Motorsports, LLC
Ms. Denyce D. Styles
Mrs. Aurora A. Sundt
Mrs. Aurora A. Sundt
In memory of Collette and Holly
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Swanson
Ms. Judy W. Taira
Linda Tallen and David Paul
Kane Educational and Research
Mr. Kenneth W. Tapert
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Taylor
TEAL/Gifts in Support of
Team Banning Motorsports, LLC
Tech-Art Drafting, Inc.
Mr. Paul R. Tetreault
Ms. Cheri L. Themer
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Tolbert
Trailer Products, Inc.
Tristate Careflight, LLC
Tubeworks, Inc.
The UPS Store #5925
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vanillo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Van Norman
Mr. Javier Vasquez
Ms. Laralee Wagstaff
Mr. J.D. Walden
Walker Evans Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Ward
Mr. Rory Ward
Mr. William C. Warmington, III
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Weller
In memory of Erica Ann Tabachnick
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wertens
Ms. Norena L. Wesley
Mr. Paul E. Wesley
Western Exterminator Company
Ms. Marie C. Westwood
Ms. Betty R. Wieland
Mr. and Mrs. Morley R. Williams
Wilshire Properties
Mr. Robert W. Wilson
The Windmill Property
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Witten
Wolf Notorsports, LLC
Ms. Anita L. Wolfenbarger
Ms. Jane W. Wolff
Ms. Lauri D. Wooley
The World Wings International
Los Angeles Chapter
In memory of Allene Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Yonan
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Zambrana
Zapco Engineering
Ms. Julie A. Aaron
Mr. and Mrs. Farhad Benharash
Dr. George Berci
Dr. Linda B. Burnes Bolton
Mrs. Patricia L. Bressler
Ms. Rosalina O. Cabrera
Mr. R. J. Gerlach
Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Green
In memory of Ruth Sirkin
Mrs. Pamela S. Hamilton
Ms. Gloria Kroutil
Mr. and Mrs. Edgardo M. Mijares
Mr. Higinio A. Olivas
Mr. Daniel N. Rastein
Ms. Zhaneta Reyzin
Ms. Elissa K. Rosenberg
Ms. Susan Su
Ms. Annette Taft
Ms. Ethne S. Todes
Ms. Tangela R. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zonis
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Baker
In memory of Dr. Harvey Crystal
Mrs. Annette Ades
In memory of Stanley Brown
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In honor of Joan and Chuck Wilson’s
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fischer
In memory of Donna Aaronson
Evelyn Price Trust
In honor of Dr. Howard N. Allen
Mrs. Marilyn Axelrod
In memory of Rosemary Antich Bade
Mr. Orven E. Blinzler
In memory of June Marie Hart
Estate of Faye Burgett
Masimo Foundation for Ethics
AAA Interconnect Care, Inc.
Mrs. Leticia M. Abanilla
Abdar, Inc.
Mrs. Claire R. Abelson
In honor of Dr. Joseph E. Rahman
Ms. Marie Abergel
Mrs. Satik Abgaryan
Mr. Douglas Abraham
Mrs. Gity H. Abrishamian
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Achen
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel A. Aguilera
Ms. Anakeiala Aguon
Mr. and Mrs. Jahanshah Ahl
Ms. Noriko M. Akatsuka
Mr. Roger Z. Alam
Ms. Aseyh Alavioon
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Albano
Mr. Norman Alden and
Ms. Linda Thieben
In memory of Lillian and Alfred Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Alejo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Alibrandi
Ms. Daisy E. Allen
In memory of Eloise W. Allen
Mrs. Guadalupe M. Almazan
Mr. and Mrs. Lucino G. Almazar
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Alston
Mrs. Maria Amescua
In honor of Margaret Farrell
Mr. Ahmad Amiri
In honor of Sam Sanandaji, DPM
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Anast
Mrs. Helen R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. A. Leon Anderson
Mrs. Priscilla B. Anderson
Mr. George Andrews
In honor of Dr. Michael Brousseau
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barron
Mrs. Guenya Barskaya
Mr. Andrew K. Bosse
In memory of Pavel Barskaya
Mr. and Mrs. David Bradfield, Jr.
Mr. Oswald Bradshaw and
Ms. Darlene W. Eagle
Mr. Abraham Basurto
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Bauer
In honor of Sherwin Bosse
In honor of Dr. Ivor Geft
In honor of Dr. Richad Sokolov
Ms. Diana B. Baum
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Baumann
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Baumgarten
Mr. Sidney Baurmash
Mr. and Mrs. Gurdip S. Bawa
Mr. and Mrs. Mohammad Bayati
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beck
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Becker
Ms. Dianne Brandi
Mr. Richard A. Bratcher
Mr. and Mrs. Jose S. Bravo
In memory of Martin Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Beckler
Mrs. Zahra Behdad
Mr. and Mrs. Curt R. Behlmer
Mr. Jahangir Behzadizadeh
Mrs. Joanne M. Beierle
In memory of Carl F. Beierle
Mr. Muluneh Bekele
Mrs. Teresita Belarmino
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bell
Mr. Stanley E. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Belluz
Mrs. Ida Benditovich
In memory of Yelya Benditovich
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Benes, Jr.
Mrs. Donna G. Benjamin
In memory of Lawrence Parker
Ms. Roberta Bennett
In honor of Allison Rotter
Mrs. Jila M. Benzaria
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Bergen
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Berger
Ms. Mady Bergman
In honor of Hannah Epstein
Reverend David J. Berkedal and
Reverend Sally A. Welch
In honor of Dr. Jay N. Schapira
In honor of Dr. Terrence Kim
Mrs. Dalila Breitman
In memory of Jonathan Savodivker
Judge James A. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Breum, Jr.
In memory of Jane Breum Conaway
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brewer
Mrs. Patricia Brewer
Mr. Steven Brien
In honor of Dr. Mark M. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Bright
Mr. Herbert L. Brill
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Brito
Mr. and Mrs. William Broder
In memory of Angelina Panaro
Mr. Jack Brokenbough
Mr. and Mrs. Farhad Broman
Mr. Daniel P. Brown
Ms. Jerene Brown
Mr. Joe L. Brown
Mr. Richard E. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Browne
Mrs. Mary Brule
Mr. Lal Budhrani
Ms. Natalia N. Bufius and
Mr. Alex Vaynerman
Mr. Peter L. Bui
Mrs. Mariana Buica
Mr. Carl A. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burgnon
In honor of Dr. Robert Pashman
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Burns
Mrs. Corene Burrell
Mr. Franklin D. Burton
Dr. Stanley D. Burton
Mr. Raymond P. Aragon
Mrs. Susan Arbetman
Mr. Hugo Arevalo
Ms. Portia L. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Arroyo
Mrs. Nina Arshavskaya
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ash
Mrs. Natalie Berkowitz
In honor of Dr. Lisa K. Chipps
Mr. James H. Berry
Mr. Kenneth Atchity
In honor of Dr. Edward J. Feldman
In honor of Dr. Paul A. Rudnick
The Bersch Family Trust
Ms. Elizabeth A. Bethel
Mr. Fredy G. Cabrera
In memory of Stanley M. Bethel
Mrs. Maria G. Cabrera
Mrs. Paz Cadavona
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Calhoun
Mr. Edmond Campana
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Canister
Mrs. Corazon Canlas
Ms. Antonia C. Caparros
Ms. Rachel B. Capiral
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Capodieci
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Austin
Mrs. Juana Ayala
Mr. Mohammad Azarpira
Ms. Marsha J. Baar
In honor of Dr. Dwight L. Makoff
Mr. Yakov Babitsky
Mr. John Baelly
In honor of Dr. Adam N. Mamelak
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Baffa
Mrs. Silva Bahramian
Mrs. Lena Q. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Bailey
In honor of Dr. Stephen R. Corday
Mr. John L. Baker
In honor of Beatrice Baker
Ms. Adeline D. Bannister
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bard
Ms. Blanca I. Bardales
Mrs. Teresa A. Bardalez
Mrs. Thelma G. Barilea
Mr. Patrick R. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Barnes
In honor of Howard M. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Baron
In honor of Dr. Tram Tran
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Barrett
In honor of Dr. Phillip Brooks
Ms. Esther M. Berman
Mrs. Silvie Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bernstein
Dr. Herman Bernstein
In honor of Doreen Braverman
In memory of Judith Taft Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Butterfield
The B.Y. Foundation
Mr. Edgar P. Caballero
In honor of Dr. Steven D. Colquhoun
In honor of Dr. Nicholas N. Nissen
In memory of Emma Cabrera
Ms. Klara Beverly
Mr. Yakov Beyzer and
Ms. Stella A. Bigmatova
Dr. and Mrs. Kwan H. Bhe
Ms. Susan Bialek
Mr. and Mrs. Soleyman Binafard
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Biren
Mr. Carl E. M. Birondo
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bishop
Mr. Lucien Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bloch
Mrs. Emily S. Bloom
In memory of Pap Nevius
Bloom Hergott Diemer
Rosenthal and LaViolette, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bluestein
Mr. Richard E. Blum
Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Boghossian
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O. Bogstad
Dr. Mary Ann Bond
In memory of Greg Bond
In honor of Dr. Guy Paiement
Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Caras
Ms. Nelda Carleton
Mrs. Juana I. Carram
Mr. Manuel Carrera
Mrs. Josephine M. Carter
Mrs. Claire S. Carton
The Linda R. Cassity Trust
In honor of Dr. Stephen W. Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Agustin Castillejo
Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Castineira
Caston Family Trust
In memory of Sarah Caston
Mr. Howard H. Bordbar
Mrs. Martha R. Bordoni
Mr. Robert Caughey
In honor of Dr. David Fermelia
Mrs. Renee Chaba
Mr. Matthew Borenzweig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Borman
In memory of Alex Chaba
In honor of Theodore Goldstein
Mr. Paia Chang
Mr. Ray F. Destabelle
In memory of Lucy Chang
In memory of Dr. Harvey Crystal
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Chapman
Mr. Ray Charles
Ms. Ofelia B Deveyra
Mr. and Mrs. Lenon M. De Voe
The DHE Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Diamond
Mrs. Maria Consuelo Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Randall K. Dickey
In memory of Dr. Harvey Crystal
Mr. and Mrs. Everett D. Chavez
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Chemla
Mrs. Maria C. Chen
Mr. Mark Chernyavsky
Mr. Kim Chhun
Mr. Harold R. Chivers
Mr. and Mrs. Nam Yong Choi
In honor of Dr. Jon A. Kobashigawa
Mr. Zinnah Chowdhury
Mrs. Hweitsen K. Chu
In memory of Jin Chun Chu
Mrs. Kathleen E. Stephens Ciervo
Mrs. Claudia Cipriano
Ms. Mona M. Clark
Mrs. Sheila D. Harmon Clark
Ms. Patricia Clendening
Mr. Edward Coleman
Mrs. Muriel Colman
Mr. Richard L. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cooper
Mrs. Joyce S. Cooper
Robert G. Cooper and
Dona J. Cooper Living Trust
In honor of Dr. Edward Wolin
Ms. Jill E. Cortis
The Cotler Family Trust
Ms. Menton Couve
In honor of Dr. Joseph Loewy
Nathan and Victoria Cowen Trust
CPI Beach Properties
In honor of Dr. Robert Klapper
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Croll
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crosby
Mrs. Yvonne Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crow
In honor of Dr. George E. Chaux
Ms. Maria Cruz
In memory of Lucia Valle
Mrs. Celia Cuellar
Cuellar Accountancy
In honor of Angelica R. Cuellar
The Curci Trust of 1983
Mr. Maurice Dadoun
Ms. Colleen A. Dahl
Ms. Bita Daie
In memory of Salim Daie
Mrs. Lidiya Dal
In memory of Mark Gandelman
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Dinardo
Carole S. Disenhof, PhD
David G. Doane Living Trust
Ms. Marianne Donath
Mr. Robert P. Downey
In honor of Dr. Saibal Kar
Ms. June Downie
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dreice
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dubkin
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Duchin
Mr. and Mrs. Andres C. Duenas
In honor of Dr. Ronald Leuchter
Ms. Dora Duenas
Mrs. Helen P. Duffy
In honor of Simon R. Newey
Mr. Patrick Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto M. Dulay
Mr. and Mrs. James Dunaway
In memory of Harriet and Irving Aaron
Mr. Lazaro Dunkelman
Ms. Pearlean A. Durant
Mr. and Mrs. Satya Duvvuri
Ms. Sarah Dyer
In honor of Dr. Joel Mittleman
Ms. Seda Ebrahamian
Mr. George Econome
Mr. and Mrs. Leo O. Ecung
In memory of Sedalia Samuels
Mrs. Debby B. Edelsohn
Mr. Allen E. Edwards
In memory of Adolphus K. Edwards
Dr. and Mrs. Ata O. Egrari
Mrs. Gladyce Ehrlich
Dr. and Mrs. Herman M. Eisen
Ms. Helene Eisenberg and
Mr. Jack Hendricks
In honor of Dr. David Frankle
Mr. Shmuel Elad
Mrs. Hannelore Ellerbe
Mr. Soufar Elyasi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Elzer
The Emquies Living Trust
Mr. David B. Daley
In memory of Clara Mekies
In honor of Dr. Bruce L. Gewertz
In honor of Dr. Philip K. Ng
In honor of Kim Van Gross
EO C. Ong, An Accountancy Corp
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erickson
Mr. David A. Escobar
Eshelman Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Eusebio Esparza
Mr. David Espinoza
Mr. Nabeel Esrawi
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Evans
Mr. Michael C. Ezmirlian
Mr. Tho V. Dang and
Ms. Nhumai T. Tu
Ms. Mary L. Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Dates
Ms. Maria Davalos
Mr. Pierre David
The Murray Davis Trust
The Murray B. and Genevieve B.
Davis Trust
In memory of Murray (Buddy) Davis
Mrs. Selma Daye
Mrs. Sharon M. Debriere
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin D. Deeter
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio De Jesus
Mrs. Shelley Dekel
Mr. Salvador Delatorre
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick De Mendoza
Mr. Kevin J. DePrimio
In honor of Alfred DePrimio
Mr. Ferede A. Deribie and
Ms. Emawayesh Moges
In honor of Dr. Michael D. Harris
In honor of Laura Lefkowitz, DPM
In honor of Dr. Howard Wynne
In memory of Kenny Khteian
Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Fabrick
Mr. Shiferaw Fantaye
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie L. Farmer
Ms. Natalia I. Farris
Mrs. Irene Fasulo
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Fauce
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Fayman
In memory of Lilia Rovinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Keith G. Feidler
In honor of Dr. Jon A. Kobashigawa
The Feldstein Living Trust
Mr. Ronald Felhandler
In memory of Sam and Sylvia Felhandler
Mr. Dan Feller
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Field
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Fields
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fields
Mr. Jose A. Hernandez Figueroa
Mr. Robert Figueroa
In memory of Brunilda Figueroa
In honor of Dr. Robert McKenna
In honor of Dr. Edward Wolin
Ms. Gladys Haynie
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hecht
Mr. Vahid Hekmatjah
Mrs. Lorraine Jacobs-Zorne
In memory of Tatiana Koreneva’s father
Mr. Michael D. Jaxon
Mr. and Mrs. Altanadas Jiimen
Mr. and Mrs. Marcello Jimenez
In honor of Dr. Allan W. Silberman
Mr. Carolino Joaquin
Mrs. Carolyn Johnson-Becks
In honor of Dr. Ruth V. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Johnson
Ms. Linda F. Johnson
In honor of Dr. Roy Nini
In memory of Pari Hekmatjah
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Gold
Mr. Marshall Goldberg
Mrs. Ann M. Hennington
Mrs. Mahvash D. Heravi
In memory of Ruth Goldberg
In memory of Sara Davan
In honor of Dr. Leon I. Bender
Mrs. Sarah Goldberg
Ms. Sylvia Fishman
Dr. and Mrs. David Fiske
In honor of Earl Goldberg’s birthday
Ms. Jamie I. Herman
Mrs. Margit B. Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Johnson
Mr. Samuel D. Johnson
Ms. Sandra L. Johnson
In memory of Ernest Herman
In honor of Melvin Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Juan A. Hernandez
Mr. Rabi Y. Heskiaoff
Mr. Jeffrey Hess
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Johnson
Mrs. Grace M. Joiner
Mrs. Judith T. Jones
Mrs. Diane M. Jonkey
Ms. Irene Joseph
In honor of Alex Scharlack’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Fleeman
Mrs. Ariane Fleiderman
Mr. and Mrs. Blas Flores
Ms. Maria E. Flores
Mrs. Seferina Flores
Mrs. Sonia Fogiel
In honor of Elliot Botvinick
Mrs. Florine Folk
In honor of Dr. Srinath Samudrala
Mr. Fred Form
In honor of Andrew Form and
Jordana Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence S.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Frandzel
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Frankel
Mr. Stanley Frazen
Mrs. Ann Freeman
Ms. Cecilia Freilich
Mr. Augusto R. Frias
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon E. Friedman
In honor of Dr. Howard L. Rosner
Mrs. Phyllis Fries
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Fuentes
In honor of Dr. Shirin Towfigh
The Fujimoto Trust
Ms. Robin G. Fuld
Mr. Fred Furman
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Furst
Mr. Frank A. Fusari and
Ms. Heather MacFarlane
Mr. and Mrs. Akbar A. Gadim
Ms. Madeleine Gaidzik
In honor of Dr. Ronald Leuchter
The Amended and Restated
Gaines Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gaiser
In honor of Dr. Clark Fuller
Mr. Esteban Galindo and
Mrs. Verconia Chavez
Mr. Peter Galland
In memory of Sheila Galland
Gamesource, Inc.
Mrs. Lina Gantina
Ms. Carmen Garcia
Mrs. Eloisa P. Garcia
Mr. Gonzalo D. Garcia
Ms. Kathleen G. Garcia
In memory of Miguel Garcia
Mrs. Mirna Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Garcia
Ms. Zoraida Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Garufi
Mrs. Ruby L. Gauthier
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gazal
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gelfand
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Gelfand
In honor of Evelyn Grace Gelfand
In memory of Pamela Feldberg
Ms. Lisa Genkos
Mr. Craig S. Gerber and
Ms. Julie A. Engels
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hartman
Ms. Carolyn Haskell
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hastings II
Mr. John A. Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Hayes
Mr. Errol Fine
Mr. Gary Fink
Mr. Joseph Fisch
Mr. Gerald Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac M. Feldberg
The Feldmar Family Trust
Feld Real Estate, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gershon
Mrs. Jeanne Gerson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Gesiriech
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gewirtz
Mr. Hans A. Gey and
Ms. Bridgette Gossett
Mr. Fazlullah Ghaemi
Mr. Philip Giroux
Dr. Morley D. Glicken
Ms. Sally A. Glovata
Uri Goldberg Insurance
Mrs. Ileana R. Goldenstein
Mr. Samuel Goldfarb
In honor of Dr. Neil Buchbinder
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goldman
Mr. Valeriy B. Goldshteyn
Mr. Ronald H. Goldstein
Goldwasser Family Trust
Ms. Laura Gomez
Mr. Rigoberto Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. George Goodman
Mr. Stanley L. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Gordillo
Mr. Mark D. Gordon
In memory of Elliott and Sybil Gordon
Mr. Louis Goren
James W. Gottfurcht, PhD
In memory of Helene Gottfurcht
Ms. Jacqueline B. Gottlieb
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gottlieb
In honor of Elizabeth Loza, RN
Mr. Benjamin E. Goyert
Mr. Blake T. Goza
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Graham
Dr. Mark E. Granoff
Mr. William F. Greaney
Mrs. Mable M. Green
Greenback Financial, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Greenberg
Mr. Everett Greer
Ms. Barbara Grenell
Ms. Joan Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Dimitar B. Grigorov
Mr. Charles R. Grimm and
Ms. Aurora Lombard
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Groseth
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Brion Grube
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grycan
Ms. Vivien B. Guanlao
In honor of Dr. David Matsumura
Mrs. Amelia Gulyas
Mr. Jimmy Gunn
Ms. Maria Gutierrez
The Haase Family Trust
Mr. Atakilty Hailemariam
Mr. Thomas M. Hall
Mr. Young Ham
Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Hamilton
In memory of Bernie Hamilton
Ms. Lela N. Hamilton
Mrs. Claire P. Hammerman
Mrs. Fumiko Hanaki
Hansen Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hardemion
In memory of George Hardemion, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hardy
Mr. Saad S. Haroun
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Harris
Mrs. Lee A. Harris
Ms. Martha L. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Harris
In memory of Marvin E. Westfall
In honor of Dr. William Mandel
The Hess Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Hestrin
In honor of Dr. Stewart Middler
Ms. Anne V. Hill
Mr. George Hillinger
In honor of Dr. Robert Richter
In honor of Dr. Yossi Sidikaro
Mrs. Kiyome Hirayama
In honor of Dr. Ronald Sue
Mrs. Frances M. Hirsh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hoff
Mr. Timothy J. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Holtzman
In memory of Susan Weinstein
Ms. Remedios Holwick
In honor of Stacey Kline
Mr. Morteza Homayounjam
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hooper
Mr. Richard W. Hopkinson
In honor of Dr. Jeffrey S. Goodman
In honor of Nirmeen Hannis
The Horwitz-Bradley Revocable
Living Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Horwood
In memory of Leroy Jackson Brown
In honor of Dr. David Frisch
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Kabaker
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Kadisha
Mr. and Mrs. Ebrahim Kahrobai
Ms. Lisa Kallio
Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Kang
Mr. and Mrs. Sung Y. Kang
The Kanofsky Family Trust
In honor of Dr. Beth Karlan
Ms. Melody D. Kanschat
In honor of Dr. Marina Vaysburd
Mr. and Mrs. Haroutioun V. Kantar
In honor of Dr. Kevin Drury
Judith Kaplan Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kaplan
Mr. Peter D. Kaplan
Karl Hutter Fine Art, LLC
Mrs. Roza Kasman
In memory of Semyon Kasman
Ms. Gezahegne M. Kassa and
Ms. Mihret S. Tadesse
Mr. Aron Katsnelson and
Mrs. Basya Levina
In honor of Dr. Leonel Hunt
In memory of Aron Katsnelson’s brother
Mr. Bruce L. Houser
Mr. Hyman Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kavin
In honor of Dr. Michael Alexander
In honor of Dr. Wouter I. Schievink
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Huebner
In honor of Margaret Huebner
Dr. Robert Huestis
Mrs. Lonne Hunt
Mr. Andrew Huszcza
Hutch and Son, TPA
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Mrs. Shirley Hutchison
In honor of Dr. Scott R. Karlan
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hutton
Mr. and Mrs. Thanh V. Huynh
Mr. and Mrs. Sook Hwang
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hyams
In honor of Dr. Christine L. Adberg
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hyde
In honor of Dr. Donald A. Wiss
Ms. Carmen V. Ibarcena
Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Ichimura
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Ige
Mr. Yuriy Ignatenko
Ms. Ljubica Ikovic
Mr. Alex Indich
Ms. Kuniko Inoashi
Mr. Anatoli Ioussim
Ms. Genette Isaac
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ivatt
Mr. Douglas G. Iwanaga
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gamble
Ms. Minnie E. Jackson
In honor of Dr. Robert McKenna
KC Accountancy Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Keene
Ms. Linda M. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelman
Mr. Vanik Kerimian
Mr. Roohollah S. Kermani
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Keske
Mr. Craig T. Kestel
In memory of Edward F. Limato
Mrs. Vivian N. Keys
Mr. and Mrs. Farouk I. Khalil
In memory of Dr. Margaret Ibrahim Khalil
Ms. Pratima Khanna
Mrs. Maria Khasin
Mrs. Larisa Khazanovskaya
Mr. Yuriv Khramov and
Ms. Esfir Torgovnikova
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Khudaverdi
Mr. and Mrs. Zeev Kiewe
Mrs. Namyon Kim
Mrs. Ok S. Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Kimeldorf
Mr. Nehemiah King, Sr.
Ms. Kristen Kinsella
In honor of Delphia M. Ferrell
In honor of Sonia Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kirby
Mrs. Dorothy A. Kirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Erik K. Klase
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Klaus
Joel and Judy Knapp Corporation
Mr. David L. Knutson
Mrs. Suhjung Ko
In honor of Blane Yoon Ko
Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Kohan
In memory of Dr. Louise Kohan Fischer
Ms. Sharon Kohn
Ms. Daria Kokhanenko
In honor of Cedars-Sinai Labor and
Delivery Unit
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koltun
Mr. Lev Koretskiy
Mr. Rene Korper
Mr. and Mrs. Bogdan Kovacic
In honor of Louise Kovacic
Ms. Luba Kovalenko
Mrs. Sylvia Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. David Kronen
Mr. Karpis Ksachikian and
Ms. Lousia Boiadjian
Mr. and Mrs. Tadeusz Kublicki
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. N. Richard Lewis
Ms. Suzanne Lewis
Mr. Leontiy Leyderman and
Ms. Emmiliya Berg
Mr. Terry D. McAnally
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McCarthy
Ms. Peggy A. McCay
Ms. Joan E. McGregor
In honor of Dr. Robert Kass
Ms. Bonnie McSmith
Mrs. Evelyn Li
Mr. and Mrs. Oi Y. Li
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lieb
In memory of Florence and Alfred Katen
In honor of Karen Faber
Ms. Tasha Medigovich
Mr. Semen Melandovich
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Meltzer
Mr. Yorn Liev
Mr. Vedasto Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Hua-Lung Lin
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Lipin
Mr. Robert A. Livingston and
Ms. Linda S. Nielsen Cox
Mrs. Sevita Livshits
In memory of Klava Livshits
In memory of Osip Livshits
In memory of Zinovi Zeltser
In honor of Marie Kublicki
Mrs. Josefina Cuevas Locsin
Ms. Marina Kuchkova
Ms. Anna M. Kun
The Labash Family Trust
Mr. Faramarz Lalehzarian
In honor of Dr. Robert Kass
In honor of Dr. Charles E. Niesen
Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Lamprecht
In honor of Dr. Prediman K. Shah
Mr. Ferenc Landau
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Landau
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento
Mrs. Margarita Landaverde
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael A. Landin
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Landry
Mr. Marvin M. Lang
In memory of Eleanor Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Binneg Y. Lao
Mr. and Mrs. Sergey Larin
Ms. Elsa M. Larios
Mr. Dane A. Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Latham
Mrs. Claire Lauron
Mrs. Carol Lazaro-Miyashita
Mrs. Uyenchi Q. Le
Mr. Carlos J. Leal
Mr. Dominik Leconte
Mr. Eugene Lederer
Mr. and Mrs. Bo P. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Deejay D. Lee
Donald S. and Joyce F. Lee Trust
In memory of Rae Levenson
Ms. Ellen R. Lee and
Mr. Philip Hong
Ms. Myung A. Lee
Mr. Sean Lee
In memory of Young Ja Lee
In honor of Dr. Youram Nassir
In honor of Dr. Tram Tran
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lee
Mr. Won H. Lee
Mrs. Dorothy Leeb
Ms. Marie Lella
Mrs. Maria E. Lemus
Mr. and Mrs. Vitali Leon
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leonard
Mrs. Alida Leonardo
Mrs. Susan Lerer
Lety’s City of Bell Florist
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Levine
Mr. Jared E. Levine and
Ms. Lucy A. Stutz
In honor of Dr. Mark J. Ault
Ms. Monica Levinson
Mr. Martin Levitt
In memory of Minnie Levitt
Mrs. Edith B. Lewis
In memory of Loran L. Lewis
Mr. Charles Logan
Ms. Ana Lopez
Mrs. Leticia Lopez
Lotus Partners, LLC
Ms. Isabelle H. Lounsberry
Mr. and Mrs. Lous J. Lovit
Mr. Jason S. Lowen
In memory of Richard Lowen
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Lunder
Ms. Grace Lyons
Ms. Maya Machado
In honor of Brianna Machado
Mr. Carlos Macias
Mrs. Dorothy F. Mac Lellan
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel C. Madrigal
Ms. Haruko Maekawa
Mr. Carl W. Magdanz
In honor of Dr. Jeffrey S. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace J. Mah
Ms. Ruth O. Maitland
Mr. Alexander Malamudman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Maloney
In honor of Dr. Simon K. Lo
Mr. Jose S. Manaoat
Mr. Loyd E. Manning
Ms. Ruth A. Mansfield
In memory of Myra Paul Mansfield
Mrs. Regine Mantoux
In honor of Harumi Mankarios
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Manus
Dr. and Mrs. Mohammed N.
In honor of nursing staff 7NE
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Marcus
Ms. Anabel Mardros
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Marencik
Ms. Heide J. Marie
Mr. and Mrs. Boris A. Mark
Mr. Edward D. Marks
Mr. Gustavo Marroquin
In memory of David F. Marroquin
Mrs. Anita J. Marsten
Mr. Dean D. Martin and
Mr. James R. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Martin
In honor of Dr. Terrence Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge P. Martinez
Mr. Norberto Martinez
In honor of Jesus Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Marylander
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Masoero
Mrs. Dorota Materko
Mrs. Amalia Matta
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Matteson
Mrs. Evelyn D. Mavis
Mrs. Maria K. Maximoff
In memory of Karl Krah
In honor of Rita McGregor
Mr. James G. McWalters
In honor of Dr. Stephen R. Corday
In memory of Mollie and Woody Segal
Ms. Deanne Mencher
Mrs. Julia Mendoza
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Meredith
Steven Mermelstein Inter Vivos
Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato Mesinas
Mr. and Mrs. Shaul Mezrahi
In memory of Kayla Mezrahi
Mr. and Mrs. David Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Arutiun H. Mikaelian
Mr. Philip Mikulak
Mr. Craig Milburn and
Mrs. Joanne Milburn
In honor of Joanne Milburn
Ms. Jane D. Miller
Mrs. Lindsey Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Miller
In memory of Harry Miller
Mr. Scott G. Miller
Harold Mills and Anne Mills
Living Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mills
In memory of Goldie Wolf
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Milstein
In memory of Dr. Arnold H. Cooperman
Lawrence and Adelyne Minsky
Family Trust
Ms. Rosemary D. Minsky
Mirk Family Trust DTD 12/04/97
Ms. Josie Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Takeyuki Miyauchi
Mr. Manouchehr Moayeri
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mundy
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Pina
Mrs. Maxine F. Pink
In honor of James Murphy
In honor of Roberta Kampner’s birthday
Mr. Robert A. Murray
Ms. Irene Nagaoka
Napoleon Perdis Cosmetics, Inc.
Mrs. Lisl G. Nathan
Mr. and Mrs. Sig Nathan
Mr. Faramarz M. Navai
Mr. Mario Navarro and
Ms. Eleana R. Torres
Ms. Sima Navidi
Mr. Amrit Nehra
Nelson Mgmt, Co.
Mr. Dennis C. Nelson
Mr. Charly J. Netel
Mrs. Neva J. Neuman
Mr. Pirouz Pirouz-Raey
Mr. Earl S. Pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. Semyon Plotitsa
Ms. Douna T. Nguyen
Ms. Anita Nielsen
Ms. Janet K. Nigro
Ms. Olga Nikolska
Mr. and Mrs. Salim Niksefat
Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Nishiguchi
In honor of Mark Goldfarb
In honor of Justin Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Morse
Mrs. Shari Morshed
Ms. Annette N. Morton
In memory of Nanci M. Sargent
Mrs. Seemah Moses
In honor of Dr. Nicholas N. Nissen
Ms. Shirley Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Nasser Motamed
In honor of Badri Askari Motamed
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Motley
Ms. Irene T. Motta
In honor of Dr. Jeffrey L. Conklin
Ms. Jane M. Mullaney
Ms. Maurice Prince
Ms. Louise Pritchett
Mrs. Shannon M. Pruitt
In honor of Dr. Dechu P. Puliyanda
In honor of Dr. Saibal Kar
In honor of Dr. Prediman K. Shah
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Norton
Mr. Rafi P. Nourafchan
Ms. Mary A. Odell
Mrs. Sylvia Odening
In honor of Dr. Eugene L. Fishman
Mr. Mousa Ohebsion
Mrs. Sylvia C. Oken
Ms. Marie B. Okihara
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua I. Oleesky
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm T. O’Massey
In honor of CSMC liver transplant team
Mr. Alfred Onorato
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Orr
Ms. Diana V. L. Ortiz
Mr. and Mrs. Jim A. Ostiller
Mr. and Mrs. Giorgio Moroder
Mrs. Shirley B. Morris
In memory of Gilbert R. Smith, Sr.
Ms. Julie Puentes
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Pumpian
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Pyne
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Quinn
In honor of CSMC liver transplant team
Ms. Lucia M. Quintana
Ms. Noemi D. C. Quinteros
Ms. Marichu S. Rabe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rabin
Dr. Samuel Rahbar
Mrs. Forousan S. Rahimian
Mr. Abad Rahman
Ms. Marina Ramirez
Dr. Simon Ramo
Ms. Porfiria Ramos
Ms. Karen S. Raphael
Ms. Umpun Ratanapongchai
Ruth Rauch Survivors Trust
In memory of John H. Rauch
Mr. and Mrs. Arie Ravid
Mr. Wakefield Overton
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Padgett
Mr. Curtis Palmer
In honor of Dr. Neil Buchbinder
In memory of Robert Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Papasian
Mr. Samuel Y. Park
Real Estate West
Mr. James D. Redix
Mr. Richard J. Redlich
In memory of Lee T. Young
In honor of Dr. Norman Lepor
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Parker
Mrs. Komal H. Parmar
Mr. Anatoliy Pasternak
Ms. Norma Pastor
Mrs. June H. Reed
Mr. Lloyd D. Reed
Ms. Susan Raya
In honor of Dr. Paula Gaut
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Rodin
In honor of the Neidorf family
Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Rome
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Romero
Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Roos
Mr. Myron Roschko
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford W. Rose
Ms. Janice L. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosen
Mrs. Rachel Rosenberg
In memory of Maurice Rosenberg
The Rosenwald Family Living Trust
Rosenwald Family Trust
Mr. Burton S. Rosky
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Rosner
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Rotello
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rouse
Roy Sayyah Corporation
Mrs. Maureen A. Ruben
Ms. Arne S. Rubenstein
Mrs. Esther Rubin
Joan Rubin Trust
Ms. Maria Ruiz
Mr. Anthony P. Russomanno
Mr. and Mrs. Ionel Rusu
Mr. Mark Rys
Mr. and Mrs. Mahmoud K.
Ms. Karen A. Sachs
In honor of Erika Garfunkel’s speedy
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento
Mrs. Yafa Saidian
Mrs. Andrea Reid
In honor of Llan Ahdout
Mr. and Mrs. Augusto L. Paulino
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Payne
Mrs. Alice A. Penn
Carl and Estelle Reiner Trust
Mr. John H. Reuter
Mr. Angelo G. Revels
Ms. Juana Reyes
Mrs. Judith A. Railey Reyes
Mrs. Ginette L. Peterson
Ms. Lora Peterson
Phantom Enterprise Corp.
Mr. Benjamin L. Pick and
Ms. Claudette Nevins
In honor of Dr. Andrew Schroeder
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw
and family
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sacks
Mr. James Sadeghpour
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sage
Ms. Debra A. Saidel
In memory of Shirley Gavlik
In honor of Dr. Arnold Cinman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Robinson
Mr. Terry Robinson and
Ms. Silvia G. Richard
In memory of Richard Olivera
In honor of Lily Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Pennish
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Penzner
Mr. Jesus G. Nicholas and
Mrs. Eva Perales
Ms. Maria Perdomo
Mrs. Sonja F. Perencevic
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Perera
Mr. Richard A. Perlman
Mr. Gregory G. Perry, Sr.
Mr. William J. Perry
In memory of Michael Reichenburger
In memory of Riva Rys
In honor of the Saperstein Critical Care staff
In memory of Samuel Penn
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rodriguez
Mr. Felix Rodriguez
Ms. Roberta Rodwell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roeb
Ms. Paula F. Roizman
Mr. Joseph A. Nnamani
Mr. John A. Nogaim
In memory of Sylvester Leon Rivers, Sr.
In honor of Dr. Michael Alexander
In honor of Dr. Michael C. Lill
In honor of Cedars-Sinai nurses
Mrs. Pauline R. Rivers
Ms. Loretta Fields Powell
Mr. Elmo Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Powers
Dr. and Mrs. Anand Prakash
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Prieto
In honor of Dr. Philip K. Ng
In honor of Cedars-Sinai Medical
Group staff
In honor of Halinka Powell, RN
In honor of Jessica J. Powers
In honor of Dr. Rajendra Makkar
In memory of Jack Matusoff
Ms. Roselyn Poe
Ms. Teresa Poggio
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore R. Polito
Mr. and Mrs. Mikhail Poritskiy
Mrs. Blanca Guzman Portillo
Ms. Rosalba Portillo
Ms. Josephine A. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ng
Mr. and Mrs. Bijan Modaressi
Mr. and Mrs. Farhad
Mrs. Juana V. Moll
Monahan Family Trust
Mrs. Farah Monempour
Mrs. Miriam R. Monroy
Mr. Gregorio P. Montana
Ms. Dolores Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore
Mr. Russell C. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Josef Moravek
Trust of Sharon K. Moreland
Ms. Marilyn Morgenstern
In honor of CSMC Emergency Room staff
In memory of Phil Singer
In honor of Dr. Prediman K. Shah
In honor of Dr. Stuart Friedman
In honor of Dr. Ivor Geft
In honor of Dr. Edward Wolin
Mr. Edwin A. Rivas
In honor of Dr. Michele A. Hamilton
Mrs. Marianne Reyes
Mr. Ralph Reyez
Mr. Sarwat S. Rezik
Mrs. Slava Rezina
Mr. Dean E. Riccioni
Mr. Meran Sakamany and
Ms. Roza Soleimani
Mr. Shuzo Sakurai
Mr. Jacinto Salgado
Ms. Estrella Salomon
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Saltzberg
Mr. Enrique Salvador
Mr. Victor Samaan
Mr. Iraj Samandi
In honor of Dr. Joel Mittleman
Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Sampson
In honor of Dr. Alexandre Rasouli
In memory of Frank Uribe
Ms. Patricia Sanchez
Mr. Julian Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L.
Mr. Gerald Richbook and
Ms. Valerie B. Martin
In honor of Dr. Stephen Copen
Mr. Francisco J. Lopez Sandoval
Ms. Gloria Sandoval
Mr. and Mrs. Max Sands
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Sands
In honor of Donna Garber
Mr. and Mrs. George Ripper
In memory of Robert Recht
Ms. Yoriko Saneyoshi
Mr. Surapong Sanguansuk
Ms. Frances Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Mikhail Suslov
In memory of Robert Marcucci’s son
In honor of Dr. Michael Engelberg
In memory of Leon and Anna Kann
Mr. Luis Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Santos
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Silverman
Mrs. Henny Silvers
Ms. Cynthia Simmons and
Mr. Jeffrie J. Grimes
Mr. James C. Simon
Ms. Joy Simmons
Mrs. Susan O. Sims
Mr. James E. Sweas
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Sweener
In honor of Lynn Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Romeo G. Santos
Ms. Sandra J. Sarpy
In honor of Dr. Charles J. Burstin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sassoon
In honor of Dr. Glenn B. Pfeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Abram Satanovsky
Mrs. Elena Savko
Mrs. Karin Schaefers
Ms. Sara Scharf
Mr. and Mrs. Myron C.
In memory of Dr. Harvey Crystal
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Schiff
Mrs. Susan E. Schiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Schoenberg
In honor of Dr. John F. Bray
In honor of Dr. Mark Pimentel
Mr. Bradley J. Schopf
In honor of William Schopf
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Schweiger
Mrs. Bernice Scott
Ms. Lizabeth Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Searle
Kenneth Sears Trust
In memory of Kenneth J. Sears’ parents
Mrs. Pourandokht Sedighian
Mr. Beryl S. Seegel
Ms. Dorothy M. Sefah
Mr. and Mrs. Errol H. Segal
Ms. Ruth Segal
Dr. and Mrs. Muditha
In memory of Mrs. J. Weerasinghe
Mrs. Sylvia R. Severe
Ms. Maria Concepcion F. Sevilla
Ms. Maria Simunin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sitomer
Mrs. Donna Sivoli
In honor of Dr. Bruce L. Gewertz
Mr. William R. Skaggs
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Skylar
Ms. Constance C. Slack
Ms. Sheila D. Slatin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slatkin
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Slaughter
In honor of Dr. Robert McKenna
Ms. Dreda Slaughter
Mrs. Arlene M. Slotnick-Skuro
Ms. Candace F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Smith
Ms. Gloria A. Smith
In honor of Dr. Edward Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Smith
Mrs. Sheila A. Smith
In memory of Cecilia G. Howe
Mr. William Smolka
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Snyder
S.O.I. Aviation
Mr. Steve P. Solomon
Mr. Lotfollah Solooki
Mrs. Parvaneh Solouki
Mr. Mark Sonnenberg
Ms. Mary E. Spencer
In honor of Fabiana Lopapa, RN
Dr. and Mrs. Hyman Swerdlow
In honor of Dr. Richard J. Van Allan
Mr. John W. Swiatnicki
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Switzer
In honor of Dr. Robert A. Vescio
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Szabo
Mr. Mehdi Tadayon
Mr. and Mrs. Mahin R. Tafazoli
Tak’s Drug
Ms. Maria D. C. Tamayo
Mr. and Mrs. Zaki Tamman
In honor of Dr. Maria A. De Castro
In honor of Dr. Brad Penenberg
Ms. Jean M. Tang
Mr. Arthur Tannenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Tauber
In memory of Illaya Tauber
In memory of Anaya Vilskaya
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Tavelman
In memory of Helene Westreich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Taylor
Mrs. Svetlana Tchijova and
Mr. Igor Kourotchkine
Mr. Matatia Tehrani
Mr. and Mrs. Moisey S. Telengator
In honor of Dr. Evgeny Tsimerinov
Mrs. Lillian Teplitz
Ms. Dorothy J. Terman
In honor of Dr. Andrew J. Li
Ms. Lilith Terry
In memory of Peter Virag
Mr. Duc P. Vo and
Ms. Kim Huong Tran
Mrs. Mahin Vojdani
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Vynokur
Ms. Myrlee M. Walder
Mrs. Dorothia Walker
Mr. Roy L. Walker, Jr.
Mr. Walter W. Walker, Jr.
In memory of Christine A. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Wayne
In honor of the procedure team
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Weekes
Ms. Myrtle I. Weekes
Mrs. Trudi Weimer
Mr. and Mrs.Phil J. Tersigni
Mrs. Aida Thibiant
Mrs. Roberta V. Thill
George and Patricia Weinberg Trust
Ms. Lauren G. Weinberger
Ms. Marian C. Weinstein
In memory of John Thill
Ms. Margaret Thompson
Mrs. Edwina B. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Tigerman
In memory of Kobra Shamsabadi’s
In honor of Dr. Allan W. Silberman
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Tobia
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Weinstein
Mrs. Polina Weintraub
Ms. Helen B. Weiss
Mrs. Nomy Wender and
Mr. Roee Amit
The Roxane Wenk Evans Trust
Mr. William R. Whetstone
In memory of Frank Tobia
In honor of Dr. Henry Yampolsky
Mr. and Mrs. Philip O. Shapiro
Mr. Sidney Sharp
Mr. Amir H. Shaterian
Shawn and James Featherstone
In memory of Delene Steburg
Ms. Rosadell B. Tolin
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan J. Tollman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tomko
Ms. Margaret E. Tomlin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Torbiner
Mrs. Patricia Torres
Ms. Anne H. White
Mr. and Mrs. David S. White
In memory of Thais Devore Baccus
Mr. and Mrs. James Shea, Jr.
Ms. Joann Sheahan
Mr. Clyde W. Steburg
Mr. Mitchell Stedman
In memory of Norman D. Shultz, DDS
Ms. Christine Stegmeir
Mr. Melvin Steinberg
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Steinberg
In memory of Dora Steinberg
In honor of Linda Gorman
In honor of Dr. Burak Ozgur
Mr. Jon M. Steiner
Mr. Jean Sherlock
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Sherman
Mr. Yefim Sheynin
Mr. Jerry Shimer
Mrs. Etsuko Shimuzu
Shirin Insurance Agency, Inc.
Joseph and Beverly Shore
Mr. Dan I. Shotz and
Mrs. Emily Jaffe
Mr. Igor Shukhman
In honor of Dr. Jerrold H. Steiner
In memory of Larisa Pravdina
Mr. and Mrs. Ilya Shushelovsky
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Sidy
Dr. Martin H. Sternstein
Mrs. Mary C. Stites
In honor of Dr. Ralph T. Potkin
Mr. Valeriy Udintsev
Mrs. Iris N. Ulloa
Mr. James Upchurch
James G. Up de Graff Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Urman
Ms. Goldye Urnstein
Ms. Charlotte Stoner
Mr. and Mrs. John Stork
Ann B. Stormes, PhD
In honor of Dr. Jeffrey L. Conklin
In honor of Dr. Edward Wolin
In memory of Kenneth Kohon
Ms. Mary E. Strote
Mrs. Rita L. Strout
Ms. Susan D. Stuermer
Sugar Flowers Plus
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Sukov
In memory of Kittiya Teravatin
Mr. Stanley Silo
In honor of the kidney transplant team
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Siegler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Siew
Mrs. Yolie Torres
Ms. Frances Travassaros
Mrs. Yelena Troitskaya
Mr. and Mrs. Bogdan M. Trufasiu
Mrs. Betty Tsai
Mr. and Mrs. David Tseykinskiy
Ms. Margaret Turner
Ms. Marilyn J. Tursky
In honor of Mrs. Phyllis Axelrod’s
In memory of Toby L. Gierer
In honor of Dr. Dwight L. Makoff
Mrs. Barbara Stivers
Mrs. Vera Stoll
Mrs. Tamara Stolyarsky
Mr. Jack Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Storti
Mrs. Sarahlie Strassberg
Mary Lacapria Streeter Trust
Ms. Shari Siegler
In memory of Elizabeth Titiriga
In honor of Dr. Stephen R. Corday
In memory of Bob Morris
Mrs. Teresa Urrutia
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno M. Uzzan
Ms. Eugenia G. Valentino
Mr. Victor M. Valenzuela
Mr. William J. Van Dusen and
Ms. Linda K. Waters
Ms. Elizabeth Varga
In honor of Jim Arkatov’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Auerbach
Mr. and Mrs. Art Kotlen
In memory of Benno Weimer
Ms. Marianne E. Titiriga
Mrs. Jean S. Zambello
Ms. Hasmik H. Zargarian
Ms. Moloud Zehtab
Dr. and Mrs. Karl B. Zeiler
Mrs. Margot Zeiss
Mr. Leonid A. Zhilov
Ms. Louise A. Ziff
Mr. Sanford Zisman
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Levin
In honor of Dr. Prediman K. Shah
In honor of Mary A. Terry
In honor of Dr. Philip A. Yalowitz
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wallace
Mrs. Regina Wasser
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Waters
Dr. William C. Watt
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Spielberg
Ms. Rhoda Spielvogel
Mrs. Lillie B. Spires
Mr. and Mrs. Natheput Sridharan
Stable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Stahly
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Stanek
Mrs. Mary S. Shafiee
Mr. Hussein M. Shahryar
Mr. and Mrs. William Shallman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shamie
Mrs. Kobra Shamsabadi
Y and T INY Family Trust
Ms. Lyudmila Yakubovskaya
Mr. Victor Yanov
The Yaspan-Unterberg
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Young
Ms. Margaret Young
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Zacky
In memory of Jackie Walker
In honor of Dr. Peter Gabor
In honor of Dr. Rodney Gabriel
In honor of the Pain Management
In honor of Dr. J. Patrick Johnson
In honor of Dr. Saibal Kar
Mrs. Estela Trinidad Vargas
Mr. and Mrs. Mike R. Vasquez
Mr. Roberto F. Vasquez
Mrs. Yolanda H. Vasquez
Mr. Anthony Vega
Mrs. Virginia Veracka
Mr. Eric F. Vetro
Mrs. Susan Vidikan
Mr. Greg A. Vie
Ms. Sandra Y. Villafuerte
Mr. Edward V. Villapando
Mrs. Blanca V. Villatoro
Ms. Ethel Vincent
Mr. Bruce A. Vinokour
Mr. Tamas Virag
In memory of Clara Schniper
In memory of Louis Schniper
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Whitt
Mrs. Dorothy V. Wickremaratne
Mrs. Misty A. Widelitz
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Wiggins
In memory of Anita L. Howse Davis
Ms. Doris M. Williams
Ms. Lauren Williams
Ms. Loretta Williams
Mrs. Marcia E. Williams
In honor of Dr. Kenneth Adashek
Ms. Nancy J. Williams
Mrs. and Mr. Wingfield
Mrs. Chava Wintner
Mrs. Phyllis Wiseman
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Quock J. Wong
Ms. Anna J. Woods
Mr. Jason M. Woods
In memory of Virginia Esparza
Mrs. Lucy A. Woods
Mr. Jonathan M. Woodward
Mr. Allan Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Ludo Wurfbain
In honor of Roderick Wurfbain
Mrs. Tina Wyenn
Mr. Phillip D. Wyman
Mr. and Mrs. Manucher
In memory of Dr. David C. Levinson
Ms. Judy Orlanski
Dr. and Mrs. Pratapaditya Pal
S and A Agate Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Boris Catz
Jonathan and Susan Dolgen
Family Foundation, Inc.
In honor of Lilah Batia Bicas-Dolgen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Koral
In honor of Charli Rae Hayden
Gifts made in memory of Bernard
Mrs. Annette Ades
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Bierman
Stanley E. Brown Family
Ms. Dawna Buchalter
Mr. and Mrs. Alan I. Byer
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Engelman
The Goldsmith Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gottlieb
Mrs. Molly Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Al Koss
Mr. and Mrs. James Maslon
Mrs. Annette Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Rabin
Mrs. Saredel W. Riskind
Mrs. Effie Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weiner
Mrs. Elaine Winters
Gifts made in memory of Ira
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Appel
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Carroll
Joan B. Feder Living Trust
Ms. Marjorie Victor
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Wallach
Mrs. Elaine Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Bailey
In honor of Dr. Stephen R. Corday
Cedars-Sinai Board of Governors
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
In memory of Melvin Peters
The Ella May Crane Foundation
In memory of Marguerite and Robert
Fazio, Inc. dba Fazio Cleaners
In memory of Smitty Fazio
The Baldwin Family Trust
Mrs. Jeanne Seligman
In honor of Esther Bender’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Schnall
In memory of Joshua Getzel Berman
Mrs. Joan F. Berne
In memory of Marian Bayard
In memory of Fred Berne
In memory of Elaine Marks Green
In memory of Evelyn Prell
In memory of Betty Schwarzchild
In honor of Marcia Solomon’s birthday
Estate of Peggy and Monty
Dr. Leon Morgenstern
In honor of Stuart G. Finder, PhD
Mrs. Barbara S. Blinderman
In memory of Dr. Elliott Blinderman
Robert T. Blywise Family
Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Fink
In memory of Dr. Nathan Barshop
First Western Capital
In honor of Steven E. Fortner
Mr. and Mrs. William O.
Mr. Joseph Folender and Mrs.
Barbara Kalish Folender
In memory of Bernice Malin
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Gilman
In honor of Dr. Nicholas N. Nissen
In honor of Dr. Edward Phillips
Glaser, Weil, Fink, Jacobs,
Howard and Shapiro, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard G.
In memory of Zev Lapin
Tom and Nancy Juda Foundation
Mrs. Ruth F. Karp
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
In honor of Barbara Hellman’s speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Harris L. Katleman
In honor of Joe Falas’ birthday
Erich and Della Koenig
In honor of Mr. Stanley Black
In honor of Ms. Megan Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kogen
In memory of Ben Kamm
In memory of Lucille Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Levinson
Mr. Jerry J. Linkin and Mrs. Lynn
Klinenberg Linkin
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Lobel
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Manansala
In memory of Laura Fuhrman’s mother
Mr. and Mrs. George Mihlsten
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Myers, Jr.
In memory of Norman Giss
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scherr
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold I. Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Adam H. Sher
Mrs. Ruth Singer
In memory of Zev Lapin
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie J. Poe
Gifts made in honor of Linda Burrows
Ms. Andrea Ambrose
Ms. Peggy DeCelle
Ms. Alexandra Gershon
Ms. Emily Glatzer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Klatsky
Ms. Aimee Solomon
Gifts made in honor of the marriage of
Katherine Burrows and Adam Schatzow
Broder Foundation
Ms. Alexandra Gershon
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Klatsky
Ms. Jenna Rissien
Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Minor
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Mitchell
In honor of Gloria Mitchell
Sotah, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Birnkrant
In memory of Stanley Brown
Gifts made in memory of Evelyn Prell
Mrs. Nancy M. Berger
Ms. Miriam Birnkrant
Mrs. Mona F. Brandler
Judy and Bernard Briskin
Stanley E. Brown Family
Mr. and Mrs. Alan I. Byer
Digital Domain Productions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Earn
Mrs. Ruth Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Katzman
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Leveton
Mr. and Mrs. David Loew
Virginia and Francis S. Maas Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Miller
Mrs. Carol R. Nemoy
Mrs. Marjorie C. Platt
Mrs. Saredel W. Riskind
The Lucille Ellis Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Weinberg
Dennis and Dale Weiss Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Joey M. Behrstock
In memory of Stanley Brown
Mrs. Mona F. Brandler
In memory of Stanley Brown
Mrs. Marian Brown
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Irma Robbins
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Buddy’s
In honor of Ellen Creamer
Stanley E. Brown Family
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fenning
In honor of Norman Beck’s birthday
Mrs. Ruth Friedman
In memory of Stanley Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Myers
In memory of Berton Kirshner
Mrs. Karen L. Bissonnette
Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Boltiansky
In memory of Richard “Dick” Krieger
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Caren
In memory of Zina Urman
Dodge Insurance Services, Inc.
In memory of Steven Johnson
Mrs. Sanna Feirstein
In honor of John and Eliza Bullock
In honor of Terry Bullock
In honor of Ethan Feirstein
In honor of Ari Heckman
In honor of Sherry Kympton
In honor of Spencer Kympton
In honor of Lucy Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Furlong
In memory of Rachel Fleishmann
In memory of Bobbie Flusser’s family
In memory of Grant and Mindy
Searcey’s grandmother
In honor of Dr. Stephen R. Corday
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
William and Elaine Cavagnaro
Ivan and Bernice Eisenberg
Family Trust
Mr. Antonio Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Johnson
Mr. Robert Kash
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. K. Michael Leavitt
Ms. Shirley J. Leavitt
Mr. Terry Lindberg
Mr. Bruno Mark
Dr. Maria J. Meyerson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Otani
Ms. Gina B. Polovina
Ms. Marilyn Polovina
Mr. Julian Smolens
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. West
Gifts made in honor of Norm
Jacobson’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Weissman
In memory of Myron “Mike” Winkler
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Newmann
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arganyan
Ms. Ayana Fredieu
Mrs. Miharu Kawasaki
Mr. Yingyot Phathanasont
Ms. Julie Rojas
Mrs. Sara C. Van Leeuwen
Ms. Tasha Wilborn
Dr. Lloyd and Kay Chapman
Charitable Trust
Esper A. Petersen Foundation
In honor of Dr. Swamy Venuturupalli
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Furie
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Sy Lippman
Dr. Ashley T. Lipshutz
Milton B. and Corrine B. Miller
The Howard and Barbara Saks
Revocable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ulene
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Welles
Ms. Pamela J. Rosenau
In honor of Dr. Jignesh Patel
Mrs. Georgette Bloom
In honor of Denise LaChance
Sonia Kashuk, Inc.
In memory of Norman Bloom
In memory of Bertram E. Yacker
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doumani, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento
In memory of Charlie Bush
Mr. Kambiz Fallahpour
The Grassini Family Charitable
In memory of Richard “Dick” Krieger
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Helford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hess
Ms. Erika Jackson
Sylvia Kantor Family Trust
In honor of Dr. Jon Kobashigawa
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kuhns
Mr. Toshi Noma and
Ms. Kayoko N. Tanaka
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Orosco
Mrs. Judith Sobel
Mrs. Ellen B. Cheney
In honor of Logan Cheney
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
In memory of Florieda Basinger
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E.
Braveman, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Chanin
In memory of Dr. David C. Levinson
In honor of Sarah Margolis
Mr. and Mrs. Hal David
Haytin Family Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust
Mrs. Dora B. Herbert
In memory of Joseph S. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Spaulding
Mrs. Mary J. Green
In memory of Ms. Caroline Lopez
Gifts made in memory of Iris Cooper
Mr. Shane F. Abell
Mrs. Trudy Abell
Dr. J. Corey Brown
Mr. Jack D. Bulavsky
Mr. Jerome Bulavsky and
Ms. Sandra Stillwater
Ms. Jessica L. Bulavsky
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento’s
Mr. Alan J. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Glucksman
In honor of Albert Nassi’s birthday
Kayne Foundation
Marcled Foundation
Mr. David Menteer
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Miranda
In memory of Marv Magnani
In memory of Iris Cooper Smolens
Mr. and Mrs. Motta
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento
Mrs. Jan Saiget
Mrs. Sybelle Subotnick
Tempo Electronics
Mr. Sherman Titens
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Norman L.
Mrs. Charlotte Ukra
Ms. Maxine F. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Seiji Yamauchi
Association of Black
Cardiologists, Inc.
Medtronic, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Vid Maric
In honor of Dr. Stephen R. Corday
The Jay and Rose Phillips Family
Mr. and Mrs. C. Rolbin
In memory of Harold Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Rosenbloom
In honor of Dr. Michael Weisman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rudzik
In honor of Theodore Spencer
Mr. Edgar A. Deleon
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Derderian
Mr. Robert C. Bigonnet
Ms. Dale C. Bisharat
In honor of Cookie Markowitz’s
In honor of Dr. Howard L. Rosner
Mr. and Mrs. Lenon M. De Voe
Mrs. Mayura Dhume
Ms. Barbara L. Bitar
Ms. Fay Block
Mrs. Eva Bodnarova
In honor of Dr. Margareta D. Pisarska
In memory of Julius Bodnar
In honor of Dr. Edward Wolin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Bolin
In honor of Dr. Shirin Towfigh
In honor of Yelena Fridman, RN
Dr. Linda B. Burnes Bolton
In honor of Mary Cirricione
In honor of Colleen Collar
In honor of Patricia B. Hain, RN
In honor of Raymond Hancock
In honor of Sharon Mass-Achs, PhD
Mr. Zaven Boyamian
Mr. and Mrs. Charels Brahms
Colonel Alan I. Kirschbaum
Perry and Neidorf, LLP
Mr. Charles A. Redman
In memory of Evelyn Moldawer
Ms. Lynne A. Emma
Ms. Marilyn A. Friedberg
George Hoag Family Foundation
Ms. Karen Mott
In honor of Timothy B. Schmit
The Ralph M. Parsons
Mrs. Judith F. Abo
The Frederic Adler Trust
Ms. Susan J. Alden
Robert J. Alger Rev. Living Trust
Ms. Theresa O. An
Ms. Paula Antolos
In honor of Brian Perri, DO
Mr. Paul Armond
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Arroyo
Mr. Gary Austin
Mr. Karl W. Bailey
In honor of Dr. Brad Penenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Bailey
In honor of Dr. Stephen R. Corday
Mr. and Mrs. David Baltazar
Ms. Suzanna Bandzhardzhyan
Mr. Howard M. Barnes
In honor of Dr. Edward J. Feldman
Mr. Jimmie Barnette
In memory of Geraldine Barnette
Mrs. Kathryn Batara
Mr. Donald Behrstock
In honor of Dr. Gregory Sarna
Mr. Jahangir Behzadizadeh
Mrs. Silvie Berman
Ms. Marlene J. Bertman
In memory of Lucille Schermer
Mr. and Mrs. Andres C. Duenas
In honor of Dr. Behrooz Hakimian
In memory of Dr. William H. Young
Mr. Sam Bubrick
Mr. Carl A. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burgnon
Ms. Consuelo L. Diano
Mrs. Maia B. Douthit
Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Duboff
Mrs. Phyllis F. Braveman
Leonard and Dora Bromberg
Brooks Family Trust
Ms. Wanda Bryant
Mrs. Susan Tick
Drs. Mary and Robert Wellman
In honor of Dr. Bruce Gewertz
In honor of Dr. P.K. Shah
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento
In honor of Dr. Allan W. Silberman
Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Dullabaun
Mrs. Audrey Duncan
In honor of Martha Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Mancuso, Sr.
Ms. Teri A. Dool
In honor of Gena J. Kangleon, RN
In honor of Dane Shoemaker, RN
In honor of Dr. Daniel J. Wallace
In honor of Dr. Daniel J. Wallace
Mr. Guillermo Diaz
Mr. Yane Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dill
Mrs. Amber Dodson
Ms. Irene L. Duralde
Mrs. Homa Ejlaly
Mr. William Ellenburg
In honor of Rebecca Artadi
In honor of Dr. Andrew Ippoliti
Mr. Wayne W. Embree
In honor of Dr. Evgeny Tsimerinov
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Epple
In honor of Dr. Yana J. Tavyev
In memory of Glenn Epple
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Buxbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Alan I. Byer
Mrs. Rosita T. Escalante
Paul E. Feder and Margaret
Feder Family Trust
Mrs. Lydia Ferniza
Mr. and Mrs. William Flory
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fontanella
Mr. Fred Form
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Edgar Phillips, Jr.
In memory of Lewis Savinar
Mrs. Bernice S. Calvaresi
In honor of Dr. Rubencio Quintana
Mr. James L. Canavan
Ms. Ildefonsa Carrillo
Ms. Rosa Castro
Mr. Robert Caughey
Mr. Vinod Chand and Ms.
Nirmala Ben
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Wenhsueh Chen
Mr. Robert A. Chick
Mrs. Rebekah J. Child
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chinski
In honor of Dr. Allan L. Metzger
Ms. Angela G. Cincotta
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cobley
In honor of Jordana Brewster
In honor of Andrew Form
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fucigna
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker C. Gallup
Mr. Jose Gama
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Garcia
Mr. Hans A. Gey and
Ms. Bridgette Gossett
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gitlin
Mr. William A. Giwertz
In memory of Louis and Bessie Giwertz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Glassman
Ms. Paula Glickstein
In honor of Dr. Simon K. Lo
In honor of Dr. Andrew Schroeder
In honor of Dr. Robert J. Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Cohn
Ms. Sally A. Glovata
In honor of Jay Goodman’s birthday
In honor of Dr. Roy Nini
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cole
Ms. Audrey H. Coleman
Mr. Roger L. Coleman
Ms. Consuelo A. Comendador
Mr. Warren P. Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Godbey
In honor of Dr. Charles Swerdlow
Mr. Neftali A. Corado
Mr. Dumitru Covaci
In honor of Dr. Stephen W. Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Goldfarb
In honor of Dr. Fred P. Rosenfelt
Ms. Amy L. Goldman
Ms. Maria M. Gordillo
Ms. Marie Gordon
In honor of Fred Scalzette
Mr. Ralph Gove
In honor of Lidia Constantin
In honor of Dr. Steven S. Galen
In honor of Dr. Michael A. Kropf
Mr. Darrick Crawford
In honor of Dr. Gary Rosengarten
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cutler
Mr. Archie D. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Graham
Mrs. Marlene N. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Dumitru Grigorut
Mr. Christian Grobel
In honor of Dr. David Kipper
In honor of Dr. Judith Rechiman
In honor of the North Tower nursing staff
Mr. Michael A. Grodzinsky
Mr. Tho V. Dang and
Ms. Nhumai T. Tu
In memory of Dr. Jean M. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund A. Crews
In honor of Dr. Meir Jonathon Solnik
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cummings
In honor of Ellen Chan
In honor of Dr. Ronald B. Natale
David Stringer Architect, AIA LLC
Mrs. Celeste Davies
In honor of Dr. Timothy Tsui
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Debacker
Ms. Leslie J. deBeauvais
In honor of Dr. Bruce Baumgarten
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Groner
Mrs. Catalina Hernandez Gutierrez
Ms. Patricia B. Hain
In honor of Dr. Jeffrey S. Goodman
In honor of Dr. Stephen P. Kay
In honor of Dr. Charles Louy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hancock
In honor of Dr. Michael A. Kropf
In honor of Yelena Fridman, RN
Mrs. Rita D. Hand
Mr. David R. Levy
Mr. Ralph Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. Stone
In memory of Henry and Rose Fox
In honor of Dr. Alice Cruz
In honor of Dr. John Enayati
In honor of Dr. Gregory Sarna
Mrs. Irving Harkavy
Mrs. Ruth L. Lewis
Mr. James F. Lichtman
Mr. Robert A. Lizotte
Mr. and Mrs. Arno Prinz
Ms. Valentina Prokopenko
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Raanan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Story
In honor of Arpine Nahabedian
In honor of Dr. Howard N. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lopez
Ms. Lynette E. Luke
Mr. Gerald E. Lunn, Jr.
Mr. Terrence P. Lynch
Mr. Neamatollah Rahmanpour
Mrs. Josefina Avila Ramirez
Mr. Jack Rath
Ms. Colette Rawicz
Mr. Robert W. Reader
In honor of Ruthie Krivis’ birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco J. Haro
Ms. Nicole M. Harouche
In honor of Edith Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Haskins, III
In honor of CSMC liver transplant team
Mr. and Mrs. Willard W. Heise
In honor of Dr. Ilana Cass
Mr. Billy Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hoff
In memory of Nate Schulman
Mr. Stacy J. Holmes
In honor of Sara Benham
In honor of Mary Campagne, RN
In honor of Michelle Nadalin
In honor of Paolo Pavia
In honor of Sari Steinberg
In honor of Dr. Martin Stern
In honor of Alfredo Valenzuela
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Holt
Ms. Mona Homeidan
In honor of Anne W. Rosenblatt, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horowitz
In honor of Patient Relations
Mrs. Shirley Howard
Ms. Lisa Hull
Mr. Douglas L. Magnani
In honor of Dr. Moody M. Makar
In honor of Dr. Jamie Moriguchi
Mr. and Mrs. Isabelo D. Rejuso, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Resch
Mr. and Mrs. Tad Marburg
In memory of Dr. Nathan Barshop
Mrs. Antonia Y. Sunga Marcelino
In memory of Dr. Harvey Crystal
Mrs. Barbara L. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Marks
In honor of Dr. Cheryl Charles
Ms. Sue E. Marquisee
Mr. Ken Martin
In honor of Dr. Andrew S. Klein
Martin G. Scherer Electric
Mr. and Mrs. Ted L. McCluer
Mr. and Mrs. Bob G. McKuin
In honor of Dr. Bojan Cercek
In honor of Dr. Barry J. Brock
Mr. Claudio Meier
Mrs. Diana W. Menzer
Mr. Jim L. Hunnell
In honor of Dr. Ivor Geft
In honor of Dr. Richad Sokolov
In honor of Dr. Walter F. Kerwin
Mrs. Vianey G. Guerra Jeronimo
In memory of Dario Guerra, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Aloo M. Jijina
In honor of Roshawn Y. Gilmore
In honor of Dr. Nicholas N. Nissen
Kadosh Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kaplan
In honor of Dr. Robert J. Siegel
Ms. Lynne F. Karsin
Mrs. Margaret Katsens
Mr. Barry R. Katz and
Ms. Renee M. Green
In memory of Florence Dolan
Mr. Moustafa A. R. Meto and
Ms. Imas Hudori
Mrs. Dinah Meyberg
Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Kimeldorf
Mr. Robert Klyman and
Ms. Dena L. Bloom
Mrs. Barbara Korban
In memory of Teri Korban Seide
Ms. Muriel R. Krantz
Ms. Alesksandra A. Krutaya and
Mr. Mikhail P. Yukhtman
Mrs. Pooja Kumar
In honor of Dr. Robert J. Siegel
Ms. Cecilia K. Lam
In memory of Cecilia K. Lam’s father
The Sherry Lansing Foundation
In memory of John Arum
In memory of Mary Jo Deschanel’s father
In memory of Mimi Harris
In memory of Shada Irani’s mother
In memory of Robert Krechman
In memory of Earl Thompson
Ms. Freddie L. Roby
In memory of Marva Greatwise
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rosenblatt
In memory of Leon Frieden
Ms. Salby Yacoub Saeed
Mr. Jacinto Salgado
Ms. Rita Salisbury
Ms. Joan K. Salzman
Ms. Martha Sanchez
Mrs. Susan Sandler
In honor of Dr. Michael Engelberg
Ms. Lourdes Santos
Mr. Herbert G. Scharlin
In honor of Barbara McWilliams
Ms. Melanie A. Miller
In honor of Sharon L. Huff
Mrs. Muriel D. Mitchell
M.L.T. Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldo A. Moreno
Mrs. Valeriana L. Morente
Ms. Leninida A. Morgulis
Mr. Ryan T. Morrison
Mr. Ivan O. Naranjo
In honor of Genevieve Vergara, RN
In honor of Dr. Avinash Mondkar
Ms. Deborah C. Meyers
Mrs. Melissa Middaugh
In honor of Dr. Stephen Copen
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Khan
Ms. Maria E. Reyes
Mr. Martin Perez Reyes
Mr. Gary A. Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rivers
In honor of Dr. Jonathan I. Macy
In memory of Bill Seidler
In honor of Christine R. Cespedes
In honor of Derek Lam
In honor of April Macias
In honor of Karina Solorzano
In honor of Dr. Gary H. Hoffman
In honor of Dr. Richard J. Van Allan
In honor of Dr. Albert Katz
Ms. Joyce A. Kay
Mrs. Brenda L. Kearney
In honor of Dr. Nicholas N. Nissen
In honor of Dr. Edward Wolin
Mr. and Mrs. Izak P. Nazarian
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nelson
In honor of Cupid Patterson
Mr. Richard N. Norman and
Dr. Christine F. A. Norman
Mrs. Maria S. Obregon
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic A. Obstfeld
In honor of Dr. Stanley Jordan
In honor of Dr. Nicholas N. Nissen
Mr. Henry Schaumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Schechter
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Schultz
In honor of Dr. Anita P. Sumen
Mr. Sidney H. Schwartz
Ms. Teresa Scilipote
Mrs. Nancy S. Senter
In memory of Coleman Grosflam
In honor of Dr. Doran A. Kim
In honor of Dr. David M. Ulick
Mrs. Adele Shapiro
In memory of Herman Berman
Mr. Sidney Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Sherman
In honor of Dr. Richard Gold
In honor of Dr. Walter F. Kerwin
In honor of Dr. Robert N. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Silva, Jr.
Mrs. Stephanie L. Simon
Simon Family Trust
Mr. Milton K. Singer
In honor of Dr. Gary S. Bellack
Mr. Ralph M. Terracciano
In honor of Evelyne N. Ledin, RN
Mr. Steve Themis
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tinero
Gifts made in honor of Carlton
“Luther” Salter’s birthday
In honor of Dr. Andrew Ippoliti
Ms. Ellen J. Carr Arnott
Mr. Steven Blum
Ms. Erica Mehallo
Ms. Celia R. Vorsanger
Mrs. Amanda Wyatt
Mr. Rodolfo Torres
In honor of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Ms. Peggy C. Toyoda
In honor of Dr. Ilana Cass
In honor of Daisy DaSilva, RN
Mrs. Teh M. Tseng
Mrs. Teresa Urrutia
Mr. Donald Uttenreither
Mr. Victor M. Valenzuela
Mrs. Winifred Vandeman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Vandenberg
Mr. Edward V. Villapando
Ms. Iris Vincent
In honor of Dr. Ronald B. Natale
Ms. Socorro Vino
Mr. Jiri Vylet
Dr. Joseph Wagner
Ms. Cristina C. Wan
Ms. Sandra Warshaw
In honor of Dr. William Audeh
In honor of Dr. David Kulber
In honor of the Outpatient Cancer
Center team
In honor of Dr. Allan W. Silberman
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Watkins
In honor of Dr. Arthur E. Lipper
Mrs. Stephanie C. Weightman
Mrs. Trudi Weimer
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Weisel
In honor of Dr. Roy Nini
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Whitt
In honor of Dr. Ronald B. Natale
Mr. David B. Williams
In honor of Melanie R. Ravara
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wolfe
In honor of Dr. Demot McGovern
In honor of Dr. Eric Vasiliauskas
Mrs. Sally Wolfe
Mr. Rafael Yerena and
Mrs. Maria L. Mora
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Zaft
In memory of Celia Stocker
Mr. Fred L. Zaidman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Slomovic
Ms. Nancy T. Smith
In memory of Shelley Winters
Mrs. Charito V. Olay
In honor of Dr. Karyn Morse
Mrs. Joan J. O’Neil
Mrs. Marcelina Ortiz
In honor of Dr. Hermogeno
Mr. Arturo Osorio
Mr. and Mrs. Jim A. Ostiller
In honor of Dr. Victor Amira
In honor of Kate Bondareva, RN
In honor of Dr. Ryan H. Cotton
In honor of Angel M. Fuentes
In honor of Bernadita Tiomico, RN
In honor of Myrna Viscarra
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Smoak
Mr. and Mrs. Jamshid Soofer
In memory of David Soofer
In memory of Anthony Basile
In memory of Janet Bothne’s mother, Betty
In honor of Dr. Gary Leach
In honor of Dr. Maggie D. Vuturo
Mr. Gregory T. Leduc
Mr. and Mrs. Bo P. Lee
Ms. Elizabeth Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Lesowitz
Mr. Jack Levin
Mrs. Alice A. Penn
In honor of Deborah Ambrose, RN
In honor of the nurses, staff and doctors
of the Saperstein Critical Care Unit
In memory of Samuel Penn
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Stinebaugh
Mr. Daren C. Perlstein
In honor of Dr. David S. Ramin
In memory of Zena Urman
Mr. Darrold P. Stogsdill
Ms. Judith M. Philip
In memory of Cleo Gower
In honor of Dr. Ruth V. Russell
Mrs. Barbara L. Stone
Mrs. Olimpia R. Pitman
In honor of Paul Tournay, RN
Mrs. Beth H. Levy
Ms. Shawniece Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Szabo
Mr. Eric Tannenbaum
In honor of Dr. Sheila Kar
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lazarus
In memory of Tomoko Ito
In honor of Paula J. Anastasia, RN
In honor of Dr. Beth Karlan
In memory of Elsie Lumel
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra H. Sopher
Mr. Jack Stanley
In memory of Dr. Harvey Crystal
David S. Strom and Shirley D.
Strom Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Oelberger
Mr. Francisco Palencia
Mr. Rafael Palma
Mrs. Nickie E. Pappas
Mrs. Florence D. Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Arron Latt
In honor of Valerie Jespersen-Wheat
In honor of Dr. Ilana Cass
In honor of Dr. Rajendra Makkar
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stern
Mr. Jason Heim
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hertz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hubal
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hubal
Ms. Sheila U. Iiams
Mrs. Michelle Jones
Mr. Louis C. Lucido
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neufeld
Mr. William Pyonteck
Ms. Charece J. Robbins
Mr. Brett Roth
Mr. Kevin Yost
Mr. and Mrs. Wenkai Zhou
Mr. and Mrs. Esteban A. Zurbano
The Joe Weider Foundation
Ms. Barbara D. Bremer
Gifts made in memory of
John M. Friedman
Mr. Jay Altizer
Mr. Timothy J. Barton
Ms. Lorraine S. Broocks
Ms. Brenda M. Byers
Crowd Fusion
Earnest Partners, LLC
Ms. Sarah Finlayson
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold T. Frankel
Edith Mallon Revocable Trust
Mrs. Caroline Cooperman
In memory of Curtis Tamkin’s mother
In honor of Bobbie Sue and Eric
Lieberman’s anniversary
In honor of Jeremy Leibowitz’s birthday
In honor of Mark Oshinsky’s birthday
In honor of Dawn Sklar’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. David Hampshire
In honor of Caroline Cooperman’s
In memory of Officer Victor Quiroga
Corday-Kozberg Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Baum
Brinker International
In honor of Celia Davidson Farkas
In memory of Officer Victor Quiroga
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Farkas
The Fischer Family Fund
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
Mrs. Esther D. Krieger
860 Squad Club
Ms. Janell Byrd-Chichester
Dr. Ira Feinswog
In honor of Dr. Neel Anand
Mrs. Lynne M. Friedman
In memory of John M. Friedman
In honor of Jaren Hubal’s bar mitzvah
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Skowronski
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weightman
In memory of Alex Jacob Wurtz
Ms. Gail L. Wurtz
In memory of Alex Jacob Wurtz
Mr. Harry S. Wurtz
In memory of Alex Jacob Wurtz
In honor of Wayne Weightman’s
Mrs. Marilyn Reingold
In honor of Dr. Stuart Friedman
In honor of Dr. Gary H. Hoffman
Colon and Rectal Medical
Services Group, Inc.
In memory of Motoi Ozawa
Ms. Marilyn P. Dunn
In honor of Dr. Connie Chein
In honor of Dr. Ronald S. Fishbach
In honor of Dr. Thomas P. Sokol
Mr. Donald L. Feder
Ms. Veronica Monique
Mr. Phillip D. Booth
Ms. Marya Al Vega Coyle
Ms. Maribel D. Cruz
Ms. Francis Y. Fah
Ms. Sharon E. Fawcett
Mrs. Pamela S. Hamilton
Ms. Josephine A. Imperial
Dr. Jeff Kamil and
Dr. Elaine S. Kamil
In memory of Adam Kamil
Dr. Brian D. Kan
Mrs. Emilia C. Onuorah
Ms. Joan Reiss
Ms. Leli Sarsozo
Mr. Varley R. Smith
Ms. Nicole Thibodeau
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Weinberg
Ms. Anna L. Weiser
Mr. Jeffrey J. Woods
County of Los Angeles
In honor of Cindy Dunlap
F. Michael and Roberta
Simmons Wong Foundation
In honor of Dr. Richard Gold
Mrs. Marion Laurie
In memory of Franklin Bereny
In memory of Matthew Scott Bereny
In memory of Stanley Brown
In memory of Tillie Greitzer
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Evelyn Prell
In memory of Goldma Resnick
In honor of Roger and Fran Behrstock
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Firestein’s anniversary
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Guerin
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Horn’s
granddaughter’s marriage
In honor of Lyn Konheim’s speedy recovery
In honor of Sue and Bruce Konheim
In honor of Joni and Don Maltzman’s
50th anniversary
In honor of Bernie and Rena Shapiro’s
In honor of Teddy and Heather’s
Gifts made in honor of Carlton
“Luther” Salter’s birthday
Mrs. Arlene Angel
Ms. Julia P. Bianco
Ms. Kathleen Boddicker
Ms. Denise S. Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Manzo
Purflow Plumbing Co.
Ms. Lisa F. Suarez
Talking Dogz
TICA Productions, Inc.
Yackity Yack, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Adams
In honor of Caleb Adams
Aleck Dugally Company, LLC
In honor of Kate and Sarah Dugally
Donald and Lynne Alschuler
Family Fund
In memory of Stephen Berg
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Babiak
In honor of Suzane K. Brian, PA-C
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Berg
In memory of Stephen Berg
Mr. Joseph R. Casamento
Castle Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Chalnick
Mr. Kelly Ciesielski
In honor of Ryan Cosgrove
Ms. Stephanie C. Dalton
Joseph Drown Foundation
The Maxine Dunitz Trust
In memory of Lee Corwin
In memory of Berton Kirshner
In memory of Zev Lapin
In honor of Lawrence Platt
Mrs. Elisabeth A. Familian
In memory of Stephen Berg
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fenning
In honor of Maxine Dunitz
Mr. Jack H. Gindera, Jr.
In memory of Jacqueline Gindera
Henry and Arline Gluck
Dr. Matthew Gordon
In memory of Amy Corwin
Dr. Marshall L. Grode
In honor of Don Hecht’s birthday
Sunny and Alvin Grossblatt
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Hernandez
Mr. Scott Humphrey
In honor of Fred and Lorelei Humphrey
Law Offices of Gerald F. Phillips
In memory of Stephen Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lockwood
In honor of Ryan Cosgrove
Mr. Dean D. Martin and Mr.
James R. Martin
Mr. Gregory P. Morneau
In honor of Dr. Michael Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. George I. Mussen
In memory of Barry Schneider
Phillips, Lerner, Lauzon and
Jamra, LLP
In memory of Stephen Berg
Mrs. Martha Pine
In honor of Dr. Michael Alexander
In honor of Dr. Patrick D. Lyden
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Polak
Mr. Bradley J. Schopf
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Reston
Mrs. Gail Davis
In memory of Angelina Panaro
Mrs. Selma Hersh
In honor of Gertrude Witternberg’s
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Massman
In memory of Claire Rothstein
Mrs. Gertrude Wittenberg
Mr. Jeffrey S. Tunis
In memory of Robert Radnitz
Dr. Henry and Lilian Nesburn
Award Fund
Achs Family Trust
Ms. Karla V. Azares
Ms. Catherine A. Berndt
Ms. Miriam L. Bethencourt
Dr. Linda B. Burnes Bolton
Mrs. Nancy Bonner
In honor of Allan Carp
In honor of Leo Coronado
In honor of Laura Fuhrman
In honor of Barbara Scottini
In honor of Ethne Todes
Ms. Sharon K. Braun
Mrs. Latina L. Caldwell
Mr. Allan Carp
Dr. and Mrs. Alein T. Chun
Mrs. Donell Cohen
Mr. J. D. Cohen
Ms. Esmeralda Contreras
Ms. Gerlinde M. Davidson
Ms. Kathleen C. De Lorimier
Mr. Joseph S. Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Inigo Felimon B.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Flores
Mr. David W. Futch
Ms. Kathy A. Geathers
Dr. Joel M. Geiderman
Ms. Paula M. Grandbois
Mr. Barry P. Greenberg
Mrs. Rita D. Hand
In memory of Henry and Rose Fox
Maria Cristina Schott Revoc Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Shpiner
Ms. Susan Huser
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacobs
Ms. Mina N. Jaravata
Ms. Melva L. Javier
Mr. Thai T. Lam
Mr. Louis A. Stern, Jr.
In honor of Maxine Dunitz
Dr. and Mrs. Silas J. Thomas
In memory of Dorothy N. Lawrence
Mr. Gregory B. Trattner and
Ms. Carolyn Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Waldron
In honor of Dr. Keith L. Black
Mrs. Christine I. Webby
In honor of Penny Kornbluth
In honor of Dr. Michael Alexander
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Weinstock
In memory of Rabbi Levi Meier
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Zuk, Esq.
Mr. Raymond G. Rennebaum
In honor of Dr. Gregory Fontana
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gechtman
Joel and Roya Geiderman Trust
Mr. Boris Kzorin
In memory of Santa Alla
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Maltz
In honor of Norman Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rabinovich
In honor of Dr. David M. Ulick
Mr. Alfredo Valenzuela
Ms. Mary E. Spencer
In honor of Katherine C. Spencer’s
speedy recovery
In honor of William Schopf
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Shpiner’s grandmother and mother
In honor of Lydia Chavez
In honor of Adam Kliarsky
In honor of Stuart Noah
In honor of Brenda Rose
In honor of Jacek R. Roszkowski
In memory of Pao Cheong Wong
Richard M. Lash and
Lorna S. Lash Revocable Trust
Loftus Revocable Family Trust
Ms. Tina S. Lounsbery
Mr. Eric Lubliner
Mr. Diosilyn J. Manquiquis
Mrs. Sylvia Martin-Stone
Mrs. Anna M. Messerly
Mr. Michael L. Mink
Mrs. Ruth M. Mizumoto
Ms. Maria T. Munoz-Renteria
Mrs. Rosalina R. Nankil
Mr. John A. Pappas
Mrs. Minviluz I. Perez
Ms. Marcia Reichard
Ms. Sherry A. Reuter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Mr. Mahmoud Samie
Ms. Bernadette T. Samuel
Ms. Jocelyn M. Sanders
Ms. Eleanor S. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Smither
Dr. and Mrs. Spencer L. Soohoo
In honor of Franky and Inge Widjaja
Mr. Harvey A. Englander and Ms.
Donna Black
Estate of Marusia Enyart
Dr. Kenneth R. Kaufman
Gifts made in honor of
Larry Field’s birthday
Ms. Susan M. Alves
Mr. Samuel J. Averbach
Mr. and Mrs. Zane S. Averbach
Nathan and Coe Barshop
The Stanley and Joyce Black
Family Foundation
Ms. Joan Blair
Ms. Hazel R. Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Malcom S. Brook
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Calderon
Classic Comforts Community Trust
Robert and Beverly Cohen
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colker
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fine
Ms. Frances Fisher and
Ms. Laurie Fisher
Mrs. Barbara M. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Freeman
Fund for Humanity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gartsman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gehry
Mr. and Mrs. Lamberto D. Henson
Ms. Constance G. Humelbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. David Karton
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Kattler
Mr. Luis T. Lapidario
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mansfield
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth K.
MDS Real Estate
Management Corp.
Ms. Leona V. Mizrahi
Mr. Scott Poland and
Ms. Eddie Nestlebush
Pomerantz, Kavinoky and
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Raffel
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Schechter
Mrs. Flora Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. James Schreier
Mr. Dizengof C. Shami
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Sigal
Mr. Paul Troy
Ms. Sharon L. Van Holten
W3 Public Relations
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Waldron
The Miriam Sue Weiss Trust
Eris and Larry Field Family
In memory of Gunther Zirbs
The Donna and Jesse Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Darren S. Sigal
Mrs. Joann Stichman
In honor of Donna Garber’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallegos
Ms. Maria Guevara
Mrs. Nancy Bonner
Ms. Patsy Emery
Ms. Cherry L. Fos
Mr. James P. Hall
Ms. Sharron E. Kelly
Mrs. Nancy A. Nuechterlein
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Polak
Ms. Mary M. Renaker
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge M. Tucux
Mr. and Mrs. Steven O. Weise
Lee and Herman Ostrow Family
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Colwell
Ms. Ivanne N. Deneroff
The Shoolman Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shulman
In memory of Sol Finkelstein
In memory of Louis Frank
Mrs. Shirley R. Koren
Mrs. Charlease Johnson
In memory of Frances S. Koren
In memory of Seymour Grubman
Mrs. Eilene Krakover
Leon Motors
Mr. Fred Liebman
Gifts made in honor of Steve Gordon
Ms. Sandy D. Gordon
Mrs. Marcia Harrow
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan W. Rosen
Gary Stephen Gross Foundation
Mrs. Janet B. Gross
In memory of Richard Barrett, Jr.
In memory of Dr. Nathan Barshop
In memory of Marian Bayard
In memory of Stanley Brown
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Evelyn Prell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hoffman
In memory of Georgia M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kogen
In honor of Dr. Antoine Hage
Mrs. S. Brigette Loden
In honor of Dr. Arby Nahapetian
Mrs. Sherry L. Mehler
Ms. Evelyn Menendez
Mrs. Josephine Papich
Mr. Steven Polivka
Ms. Golnar Rahbaran
Mr. Jim Waldrop and Ms. Arlene
J. Slater
In memory of Harold “Hal” Glucksman
Ms. Mary L. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Weiss
In memory of Stuart S. Hillman
In memory of Louise Rhodes
Mrs. Marcia Harrow
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Michael Morris’ father
In memory of Diane Raiskin’s husband,
David, and her father, Joe
In memory of Lois Weinstock
Mrs. Sharon Auerbach
In memory of Dick Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Glen S. Dresser
In memory of Shimon Katz
Gifts made in memory of Lee A. Grover
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Crivaro
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Smith
Ms. Anne M. Weintraub
Mr. Lee M. Wertman and
Ms. Kristine A. Dopera
Mrs. Mary Armes
Mr. He Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Delgado
Ms. Sarah Dyer
In honor of Dr. Jeffrey S. Goodman
Estate of Edward and Rosalie
Harmon Lipsett
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Rabin
Ms. Carol A. Geaga
Mrs. Ligaya Ginsburg
Mrs. Selma Hersh
In memory of Alexis Brooke Kaufman
In memory of Mike Klapper
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
In honor of Norman Beck’s birthday
In honor of Mrs. Marjorie Greenberg’s
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sanoff
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lanfeld
In honor of Caleb and Oliver Mann’s 7th
In memory of Dr. Nathan Barshop
In honor of Barbara Leanse
Mrs. Adele Shapiro
The Sherry Lansing Foundation
In memory of Annie Berman
In memory of Dr. Fred Kahn
In honor of James and Edith Laurent’s
In memory of Mr. Dan Adler’s father
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williky
Mrs. Beatrice Blonsky
In memory of Dr. Joan Hersh
In memory of Doris “Dodie” Moshein
In honor of Joan and Chuck Wilson’s
Ms. Mandy Cukier
Gifts made in honor of Avital
Horwich Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barsook
Ms. Nettie Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. N. Matthew
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Horowitz
Mr. Jason Kachel
Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Kessler
Dr. Andrew M. Matthew
Dr. Joe Natterson and
Dr. Idell Natterson
Patsy and Arnold Palmer
Mr. Erik R. Bertellotti and
Ms. Peggy L. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cunningham
In honor of the Stevens family
Mrs. Karen Furie
In memory of Jonathan A. Furie
Ms. Darlene Gartrell
In honor of Dr. Stephen R. Corday
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Linares
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento
In memory of Marvin Deane
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brown
In honor of Dr. Aron B. Bick
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Caprio, Sr.
Mr. Regis P. Costlow
Mrs. Fran M. Curtis
Mr. Edward E. Elson
In honor of Dr. Bojan Cercek
In honor of Dr. Saibal Kar
Dr. Alan H. Klein and Ms. Toba
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gilliam
In honor of Felicia Horne
Ms. Marion Levitt
In honor of Joshua Lobel’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rosenblatt
William J. Sullivan
Ms. Elaine Weiland
Medtronic, Inc.
The Sheri and Les Biller Family
In memory of Myron “Mike” Winkler
Cedars-Sinai Volunteer Services
In memory of Miriam Bader
In memory of Mort Futterman
In memory of Ambrose John “A.J.”
Mrs. Roslyn Green
In honor of Heart Families Volunteers
Mrs. Irving Harkavy
In honor of Delores Levitan’s birthday
In memory of Oliver Bilak
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Silverberg
Ms. Judy Grafe
In memory of Eli Friedman
In memory of Angelina Panaro
Wallis Foundation
Ruth and Charles I. Gold Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Keller
In honor of Dr. Alan H. Klein and Toba
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Roger Lerner
and daughters
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hess
Mr. Andrew Huszcza
IJM Realty Inc DBA IJM
Mrs. Anjelika Jauregui
In honor of the Thompson-Jauregui
Linda Trozzolino, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Horne
In memory of Mark Rauchwarger
Mrs. Mary N. Felando
Mr. Aaron L. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bickerstaff
Mr. Richard J. Brenner
In honor of Debra A. Cole, RN
In honor of Alva C. Gregorio
In honor of Caleb and Oliver Mann’s 7th
In memory of Carly McLaughlin
In honor of Dr. Irving Lava’s birthday
Dr. Charles S. Lane
Ms. Flora B. Haus, RN
Mr. Mark A. Taxy
In honor of Dr. Sumeet Chugh
In honor of Rabbi Jason Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jaffee
Ms. Catherine H. Jonas
In memory of Earl S. Taxy
In memory of Sylvia and Solomon Taxy
In memory of Gerald “Jerry” Stark
The Sainer Family Trust
In memory of Michael Ramos
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Newmann
In honor of Dr. Alfredo Trento
The Helping Hand of Los Angeles
The Bloomingdale’s Fund of
Macy’s Foundation
Bloomingdale’s, Inc.
Mr. Peter Fraser
Mr. John W. Helm
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Way
Mrs. Betty D. Goldman
In memory of Jeanette Marmor
In memory of Lois Wexler
Marcled Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Creed
In honor of friends and family
Mr. Atilla Farkas and Ms.
Suzanne Rumsey
In honor of Barbara Rumsey
3rd Stage Fashion, Inc. DBA
Black Star
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Amit
In honor of Rabbi Jason Weiner
Mr. Gregory Tokman
Ms. Elyse N. Klein
Mr. John A. Livingstone
In memory of Yzuk Tokman
In memory of Daniel Chaim Livingstone
Mrs. Marj Malloy
In memory of Dan Malloy
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Markman
In honor of Marjorie Block
In memory of Dr. and Mrs. Barry
Friedman’s daughter, Jenny
Mr. Jason Harrow
Mars Family Trust
In honor of Rabbi Jason Weiner
Mrs. Nadine McIniker
In honor of Charles McIniker’s speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McKim
In memory of Clotilde Manopla
Mrs. Marcie J. Meier
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Meltzer, Jr.
Mrs. Felisa Pivko
Casino Management Inc.
Ms. Marvella Grant
Mr. Tom Malkasian
The George and Irene Tumanjan
PATART Kates Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mann
In memory of Chana and Salomon Bluwal
In honor of Rabbi Jason Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Hersel Rahbarpour
Drs. David Rimoin and
Ann Garber
Dr. Soraya A. Ross
Mr. Herb Rousso
Mr. Jeff Rousso and
Ms. Cindy Carlin
In memory of Loyal Marsh, PhD
Alfred Rubel, DDS
Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Rubins
In memory of Levana Pardo
In memory of Dr. and Mrs. Steven B.
Rubins’ parents
Mr. Jeff Sachs and Ms. Deanne
The Schulman Trust
In honor of Rabbi Jason Weiner
Ms. Etta Shames
In memory of Harvey Shames
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shlesman
Mrs. Harriet Shneidman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Baum
In honor of Cantor Steve Walfish
In honor of Norma Tempkin’s children
and grandchildren
Ms. Deborah M. Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Benson
Ms. Elizabeth S. Bluestein, Esq.
Mr. Yale M. Udoff
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Verchick
Ms. Sydell Weiner-Heuschkel
In honor of Rabbi Jason Weiner
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Caren
In memory of Dr. Raymond Caren
In memory of Ruth Caren
Carte Du Vin, Inc.
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
Mr. Richard Cherry
In memory of Florence Cherry
Mr. Andrew J. Cohen
In memory of Florence Cohen
Mrs. Sheila S. Cohen
In memory of Mrs. Sheila S. Cohen’s
Ms. Lucille Dash
Mrs. Norma Tempkin
In memory of Shane Gold
In honor of Rabbi Jason Weiner
Ms. Maria C. Wida
In memory of Holocaust victims
In memory of Rabbi Levi Meier
Ms. Caryl E. Winter
In memory of Dr. Arnold H. Cooperman
Mrs. and Mr. Margit Gordon
Mrs. Harriette Hirsch
In memory of Mariya and Zlata Diment
In memory of Dr. Paul Hirsch
Harry and Hilda Eisen Family
Dr. and Mrs. Burton W. Fink
Drs. Harold and Gloria Frankl
Mr. and Mrs. Myron L. Freedman
Mrs. Paula F. Goodman
Ms. Elyse N. Klein
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Leeds
Ms. Florence Liebman
Dr. Ezra Maguen
In memory of Dr. Garee Thomas
Ms. Deborah I. Pearl
In memory of Arthur Goodman
In memory of Rabbi Levi Meier
Dr. Walter S. Graf
Mrs. Susan Graysen
Robert and Anita Silverstein
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sklarewitz
In memory of Bram Aikman
In memory of Anthony Basile
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Basile
In memory of Ethel Lishnoff and her
In honor of Herb Lazarus’ birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Goodman
In memory of Tony Basile
Ms. Julia L. Jaffess
In memory of Anthony Basile
In memory of Harold Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kenney
Ms. Susan Kerner
In memory of Robert David Lazarus
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lazarus
In memory of Ethel Lishnoff
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Levine
In memory of Robert David Lazarus
Ms. Lynne Rosenthal and
Ms. Barbara Collins
Gifts made in memory of Sylvan Katz
In memory of Robert David Lazarus
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Alderman
Ms. Jeanne S. Berger
Ms. Carla Shapiro
In memory of Lillian Adasher
In memory of George E. Fish
In memory of Roy Gleicher
In memory of Juliette Kosmont
Ms. Melody M. Darnell
Mr. and Mrs. Harris L. Kempner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cohen
Mr. Michael Leiserowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Turow
Dana and Albert R. Broccoli
Charitable Foundation
The Albert Parvin Foundation
Western Cardiac Foundation
Mendiburu Magic Foundation
Mrs. Selma Hersh
In memory of Sylvia Kovar
Mrs. Marilyn Reingold
Ms. Sima Tabrizi
Applebaum Office, LLC
Mrs. Alla M. Diment
Ms. Tatyana Diment
Ms. Kathryn A. Assante
Mrs. Frances R. Zamir-Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin L. Chodash
Ms. Marlene Chroman
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Furman
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
In memory of Dr. Joan Hersh
In memory of Mr. Tom Haynie
In memory of Miriam Katz
In memory of Emma Chodash
In memory of Henry Chodash
In memory of Sylvia Stone
In memory of George Trester
Mrs. Ruth L. Tober
Ms. Patricia McCarthy-Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Rae Petkofsky
In honor of Dr. Stuart Friedman
In honor of Dr. Gary H. Hoffman
In memory of John Markley
In memory of William T. Graysen
Ms. Karyn D. Wynne
Gifts made in memory of Harvey Ross
In memory of Dr. Arthur Shneidman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Brent
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Broidy
In memory of Ronald Kantor
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In honor of Shawni Strzelecki’s speedy
In honor of Rosh Hashana
Ms. Diane Yaker
Mr. and Mrs. David Ellenson
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Furst
In honor of Arthur Lewis’ birthday
In memory of Leonard Weller
Mr. Hugo O. Arguedas
Dr. Nicholas Di Domenico
In memory of Evelyn Moldawer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Preis
In honor of Gloria Obstfeld
Mr. William E. Rains
In honor of Skip Flores
Mr. and Mrs. David Y. Wong
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Wong
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Wong
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Wong
Mrs. Marlene Kreedman
In memory of Oliver Bilak
In memory of Kim Cooper’s grandfather
In memory of Maxwell “Sonny” Salter
In memory of Myron “Mike” Winkler
In honor of Robert Cohen’s birthday
In memory of Anthony Basile
In memory of Tony Basile
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. David Rousso
Ms. Marsha B. Levin
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. David Rousso
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Litrownik
In honor of David Rousso’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenfeld
In honor of David Rousso’s birthday
The Rousso Family Charitable
In honor of Wetherby Asset
Management Co.
The Schwab Fund for Charitable
In honor of Wetherby Asset
Management Co.
Mr. Richard Caldwell and
Ms. Taffy Lee
In memory of Joseph R. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fink
In honor of Taffy Lee’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Gordon
In honor of Don S. Levin’s birthday
Dr. and Mrs. Morton Klein
In memory of Dr. Sidney Smith
Mrs. Beverly A. Freed
In memory of Susan Kipnis
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Goldstein
In honor of Marge Simon’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A.
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
Mrs. Anita E. Hacker
In honor of Marge Simon’s birthday
Mr. Jack Jacobs
Ms. Joan W. Katz
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
Mrs. Marcia Shaikin
In memory of Harvey Greenberg
In memory of Gilbert Wiener
In honor of Leonard Atkins
David and Edythe L. Lippey Fund
The Muriel Lipsey Administrative
Mr. Stuart A. Cornfeld
Ms. Nancy Wilkerson Jones
In honor of Julie Klein
Mrs. Susanna Morera
Mrs. Gricelda Valenzuela
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crow
In honor of Bryan May, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Latiner
Mr. Gary M. Cypres
Weinberger Asset Management,
Gifts made in memory of
Frieda Meltzer
Mrs. Annette Ades
Ms. Gail Anderson
Sheldon and Carol Appel Family
Bel Air Plaza, Ltd.
Ms. Marjorie Blatt
Mrs. Mona F. Brandler
Norma Brecher Living Trust UDT
Mr. Charles Briggs and
Ms. Alice F. Holzman
Marilyn R. Brown Administrative
Stanley E. Brown Family
Mr. and Mrs. Alan I. Byer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Caras
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dorfman
Mrs. Shirley B. Familian
Mrs. Beverly A. Freed
Mrs. Ruth Friedman
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Geller
Dr. James Gerson and
Ms. Caryl A. Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gevurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gottlieb
Ms. Barbara D. Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harris
Barbara Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Heumann
Mr.and Mrs.Bernard G.Hoberman
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Kabaker
Mrs. Barbara Kahn
Mrs. Mollie S. Kaplan
Mrs. Ruth F. Karp
Mrs. Suzanne R. Kunin
Mrs. Susan L. Lapin
Don Levin Trust
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Licht
Mr. David Light
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lopaty
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Markin
Mrs. Marilyn Meltzer
Neuman Family Trust
Mr. Richard Orgell
Mrs. Shirley T. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Rabin
Mrs. Charlotte Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rothman
Ms. Eleanor Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sanoff
The Schulman Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schwab
Mrs. Adele Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Sokol
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sommer
Mrs. Marilyn Trattner
Lee Warner and Hope Landis
Warner Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Weinberg
Ms. Miriam S. Weiss
Mr. Sanford B. Weiss
Mrs. Elaine Winters
Mrs. Lillian Ziff
Mrs. Susan M. Howard
In memory of Stanley Brown
In memory of Zev Lapin
Susan M. Howard Fund
In honor of Ed Meltzer’s birthday
In honor of Sylvia Weisz
Gifts made in memory of Goldma
Sheldon and Carol Appel Family
Banchik Family Foundation
Ms. Helene Eisenberg and Mr.
Jack Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gimplin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Greenberg
Ms. Barbara Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hochberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Katzman
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Licht
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lopaty
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lurie
Dr. and Mrs. Allan Morrison
James A. Nathan Family
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pion
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Shames
Gifts made in honor of Joni and Don
Maltzman’s 50th anniversary
Mr. Albert G. Aaron and
Ms. Myrna Kaplan
Sheldon and Carol Appel Family
Mrs. Frances Belzberg
Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Berlin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Berman
The Joseph M. and Audrey
Bernstein Donor Advised Fund
The Stanley and Joyce Black
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alan I. Byer
Ms. Susan S. Duman
Ehrlichman Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Eisenberg
Mr. Richard Fanti and
Ms. Sandy Gutterman
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Feldman
Ms. Roberta Genvel and
Mr. Mort Cohen
The Diane and Marcus
Gershowitz Fund
Ms. Joan Goldberg
Ms. Ruth W. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Al Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon N. Goldman
Mr. Alan J. Goldstein
Mr. Stanley L. Goodman
Mr. Lloyd Hanford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Al Haveson
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hecktman
Mr. and Mrs. Burton L. Hoffman
Frank and Fay Katlin Family
Ms. Joan W. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Katzman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kaufman
Mr. Sheldon Kirshner and Ms.
Arleen Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Al Kleiner
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Laub
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lederman
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leshgold
Mrs. Dorothy Levinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lewis
Ms. Jennifer Malkin
Ms. Marilyn Malkin
Mrs. Thelma Maltz
Mr. James Meitus
Milkis Family Survivors Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Moss
Nickoll Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Novack
Mrs. Deedy Oberman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perel
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Perlman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pitts
Mrs. Barbara Platt
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Polak
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rosenblatt
Mr. David Ruderman
Ms. Rhoda Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Schor
Ms. Barbara Schrayer
Shane Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shapiro
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Sherman
Mrs. Linda Slavin
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Steinberg
Mrs. Barbara W. Stern
Ms. Leslie Usow
Ms. Helen Varon
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin A. Volk
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon E. Weisberg
Mr. and Mrs. David Wilstein
Mr. Laurence Zipkin
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Beim
In honor of Elaine and Elliott Caplow
In honor of Joni and Don Maltzman’s
50th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Caplow
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cooper
In honor of Elaine and Elliott Caplow
Osher Family Trust
In honor of Elaine Caplow
Roll Giving
Allen, Beatrice and Marc Siegal
Family Foundation
Ms. Michaela Widener
Ms. Sharon D. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Levins
In honor of Elaine Goldsmith’s birthday
Ms. Veronica Smith
Mrs. Marianne Rickert
Ms. Linda D. Black
Ms. Lisa M. Miller
In memory of Marla H. Miller
Ms. Yoko Onoe
In memory of Bill Wright
In honor of Dr. Michael Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mack
Weingart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schwab
Ms. Shara Breitman
Ms. Dorothy L. Lindner
In honor of Dr. Robert Bernstein
Mr. Max Calne
Dr. Graham Colditz
In memory of Dr. Saul M. Bernstein
Ms. Susan J. Freeman
Mrs. Jean Getraer
In memory of Dr. Saul M. Bernstein
Ms. Shoshana E. Gross
Ms. Patricia McKeever
In memory of Dr. Saul M. Bernstein
Mrs. Rivka Nir
Mrs. Leslie Rosenberg
In memory of Dr. Saul M. Bernstein
In honor of Oz Bar
Mrs. Mollie S. Kaplan
In memory of Miriam P. “Mimi” Moss
Cedars-Sinai Volunteer Services
In memory of Miriam Bader
In memory of Mort Futterman
In memory of Ambrose John “A.J.”
Mr. Sherin Parikh
In honor of Alexandra Williams
The Lawrence Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stratton
In memory of John Lindner, Jr.
Mr. Dean D. Martin and Mr.
James R. Martin
Mrs. Faye Sheren
In honor of Dr. Alexandre Rasouli
Kenneth R. Smith and Alice J.
Smith Revocable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ashcraft
In memory of Mrs. Burton
In memory of Geri Sheren
In memory of Norman Sheren
Ms. Jaimie Stephenson
In honor of Dr. S. Barbara Kanner and
Mr. Edwin B. Kanner’s anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Zaft
In memory of Dr. Harvey Crystal
Ms. Ira L. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Harnstrom
Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Sampson
In honor of Cathy Tucker
Ms. Patricia A. Strader
Dr. Yana J. Tavyev
Ms. Marlene J. Bertman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan I. Byer
In memory of Goldma Resnick
Ms. Henrietta V. Castellano
Mr. and Mrs. Alistair R. Crick
Ms. Darlene A. Dezelan
Mrs. Patricia J. Fournier
Ms. Tamara Lay
Mrs. Barbara L. Mark
In honor of Dr. Keith L. Black
The Geraldine Siegel Living Trust
In honor of Dr. Gary S. Bellack
In honor of Dr. John Yu
Ms. Mary E. Siemens
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Meltzer, Jr.
In honor of Adrienne and Grant Ashcraft
In honor of Doris Harrison
In memory of Lincoln James Garman
The ChildrensFoundation.Org
In honor of The Children’s Foundation
In honor of Ryan Gurman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Sprafkin
In honor of Dyson Isaiah Waldinger’s
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Black
Ms. Esther Blaugrund
Mr. Nahum Boim
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Bornstein
Mr. and Mrs. Amnon Charash
Ms. Marilyn W. De Leo
Ms. Gerri L. Frye
Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda A. Handel
Ms. Maria W. Hernandez
Inspire 2 Inspire, LLC
Ms. Asya Kogan
Ms. Moche Komsky
Dr. Eleanor Lavretsky
Mrs. Ruth Low
Mr. Yoav Peled
Mr. Ron Raviv
Dr. and Mrs. Zeev Rav-Noy
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmelz
Carmella Sears Living Trust
Mrs. Effie F. Sheldon
Mr. Abraham Shrekenhamer
Dr. Julia Sladek
Dr. and Mrs. Abraham U. Waks
Mrs. Bracha Werner
Ms. Carolyn J. Frank
In honor of Dr. Harris R. Fisk
In honor of the NICU staff
Mr. and Mrs. Pejman Sabet
Gifts made in memory of Hunter
Persons Wyse
Mr. Matthew Allnatt
Captain Jesse Amarillas
Mr. Alex Chivarsky
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cochran
Dr. Jeffrey M. Cohen
Mrs. Erin Coppola
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hirschman
In honor of Ernie Warsaw’s birthday
In honor of Dr. Andrew J. Li
Women’s Care of Beverly Hills
Medical Group
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zax
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Raffel
In memory of Dr. Jack Pivko
Ms. Eryn Brown
Silver and Freedman
In honor of Marvin Deane
Mrs. Roberta C. Kampner
In memory of Harvey Ross
The Schneer Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ziven
In memory of Harvey Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Berkett
In memory of Duffy Steinbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Liber
In memory of Morris Mandelberg
Steven Gordon Family
Mr. Charles Briggs and Ms. Alice
F. Holzman
In memory of Brooklyn Adam
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Nakauchi
Estate of John Stahl
The Louis and Harold Price
Foundation, Inc.
Brewster Foundation
Morris and Mary Press Foundation
Drs. Oscar and Bereneice
In honor of Dr. Stephen A. Geller
In honor of Dr. Michael Lewis
Ms. Chloe Baker
Dr. Daniel S. Berman
Dr. Alan Waxman
Dr. and Mrs. Jerrold H. Mink
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Plotke
In honor of Kenneth Baker
Mr. Jackson Baker
Judith S. Leslie Management II
In honor of Peter Cramer
Ms. Olga Lucia Yepes and Mr.
Khaled Dessouky
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Breiter
Ms. Liza Marquez
In memory of Dr. Jack Pivko
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brooks
In honor of Kenneth Baker
Ms. Ashlea Stanley
The Ahmanson Foundation
OneSight Research Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Grossman
In memory of Max Zisovic
Mrs. Kelly Ramsey
Mr. Robert L. Rucker
Ms. Sara L. Scott
In memory of Myron “Mike” Winkler
Brad Kaminsky Foundation
Paul Marciano Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williky
Larchmont Physical Therapy
Ms. Deborah Beckman
In memory of Lincoln James Garman
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
In memory of Craig Stanley
12 Maple, LLC
26 Maple, LLC
10700 Rangeline Road, LLC
Mr. Amir Aframian
Mr. Behrouz Aframian
Mr. Emanuel Aframian
Mr. Houshang Aframian
Mr. and Mrs. Kourosh Aframian
Ms. Monyah Aframian
Mr. Parviz Aframian
Ms. Payamisai Aframian
Mr. Saied K. Aframian
Binz 1001 Texas Avenue, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan H. Callaghan
Statehood, LLC
Gifts made in honor of Madison
Elizabeth Wyse
Mrs. Laina M. Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Appel
Mrs. Jennifer Bearden
Dr. Peter Bergmann
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Channer
Dr. Gabriel Chiu
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cochran
Mrs. Perry DeRosa
Admiral Rene Henriksen
Mr. and Mrs. K. John Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Manges
Mrs. Kimberly Maratto
Mr. David B. Schachter
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Silberberger
Mr. David Trent
In honor of Dr. Sousan Karimi
Gifts made in honor of Kayvan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. K. John Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John S. McDonald
Mrs. Jennifer Salomons
Mr. and Mrs. C. Joseph Tetherow
Mr. Glen Titan
Ms. Krista Von Stetten
Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Wyse
In honor of Norman Leslie’s birthday
In memory of Dennis Reece
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Levins
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard M. Brittan
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bram
Goldsmith’s anniversary
Ms. Aviva J. Schlesinger
Whittier Trust Company
In honor of Dr. Marla Dubinsky
Gifts made in honor of Brandon
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Blair
Mr. Gary Bogartz-Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jon P. Bonanni
Ms. Julia M. Brill
Mr. Joseph A. Cocita and Ms.
Sharon Kamegai
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Fenady
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Fox
Mr. and Mrs. David Goosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irving
Jarlyn Corporation, Inc.
Ms. Nicole Jessel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kam
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Knight
Ms. Marita Koudsi
The Mazzara Living Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nathan
Mr. Brandon Newberg
Mr. Howard Newberg
Ms. Sharyn Newberg
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Opazo
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Rolnick
Mr. Douglas Schreck and Dr.
Tina Koopersmith
Mr. Stephen P. Soskin
Mr. Ron Taylor
In memory of Ralph Amado
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Isidore Mizrahie
In memory of Maxwell “Sonny” Salter
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Meyerson
Traub-Brittan Family
In honor of Dr. Stephen Sacks
In honor of Dr. Andrew B. Weiss
Facial Paralysis and Bell’s Palsy
Marcled Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Haim Revah
Mrs. Saralee Baldwin
Mr. Joel Berlinsky
In honor of Dr. Michael Weisman
Atritech, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dreier
In honor of Jean Katz’s birthday
The Jameson Family Partnership
In honor of Jean Katz’s birthday
Dr. Saibal Kar
Mrs. Jean Rosenbaum Katz
In memory of Stanley Brown
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
In memory of Lee Corwin
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
In memory of Edgar Phillips, Jr.
In memory of Albert Winett
In honor of Frank Feder
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Rabin
Dr. Kato Van Leeuwen-Pomer
Louis L. Borick Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Greenberg
Immucor, Inc.
In memory of Stanley Brown
Gifts made in memory of Dr. Norman
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adashek
Mr. Fred Ayeroff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Barry
The Philip W. Bellini Family Trust
Ms. Laura Briceno
Dr. and Mrs. Barry J. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Brown
Dr. Grace Carangal
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Bervick J. Deculus
Deer Creek Consulting, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Deutsch
Dr. Cheryl L. Dunnett
Dr. Karyn S. Eilber
Mr. Warren Fox and Dr. Joyce Fox
Dr. Stuart Friedman
Dr. Ewina Fung
Mr. Michael D. Harris
Dr. Neel R. Joshi and
Ms. Melanie S. Dewar
Dr. and Mrs. Albert M. Katz
Ms. Cheryl M. Katz
Dr. and Mrs. David Kawashiri
Mr. Joe B. Kim
Dr. Peter Koh
Dr. Evan Koursh
Ms. Monica Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lee
Mrs. Sheryl Lewin
Mrs. Mary Clare Lingel
Dr. Gene Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Loeb
Ms. Jennifer A. Mak
Mrs. Jill E. Martin
Ms. Rachel K. Mashburn
Dr. David N. Matsumura
Dr. and Mrs. Sridhar G. Nair
Ms. Lisa T. Nguyen
Ms. Frances U. Nieman
Mr. and Dr. Charles Olsen
Dr. Jana Posalski
Mr. and Mrs. Shervin Rabizadeh
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Reinisch
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Ress
Dr. and Mrs. Warren Roston
Dr. Amy S. Rutman and
Mr. Reed Brown
Mr. Russell Sarnoff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saunders
Ms. Paulette Smokovich
Dr. Theodore N. Stein and
Ms. Lori Krop
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Stone
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Szumski
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan J. Tollman
Dr. Timothy Tsui
Ms. Raquel A. Vasquez
Dr. Marina Vaysburd
Dr. Amy K. Weimer
Wilshire Health and Community
Services, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Yalowitz
Albert P. and Rita G. Harris Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Siegel
Anthony F. and Susan M. Markel
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Thomas
In memory of Hannah Isabella Thomas
Mrs. Felisa Pivko
In honor of Aviva Monosson
In honor of Dr. Rebecca Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Raff
In memory of Donald Allen
In memory of Sara Allen’s grandfather
In memory of Mandie Giroux’s
Mr. Jeffrey P. Smith and Dr.
Rebecca Z. Sokol Smith
In memory of Jacob and Shoshana Sokol
In honor of Caline and Jeremy Smith’s
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Zweig’s
Archstone Foundation
Mr. James Upchurch
Mr. DeMarcus Williams
Gifts made in memory of
Bert Krasnoff
Jill and Tom Barad Family Fund
Levine Charitable Lead Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanislaw
Mr. Waltraud Stanislaw
Susman Family Living Trust
VBS Counseling Center, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Appel
Sandra L. Avchen Trust
O. Bahat and J. Gordon
Henry L. Baron Survivors Trust
The Beck Family Foundation, Inc.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Steinbaum’s anniversary
Keiter Family Foundation
The Louis and Clara Kennedy
Family Foundation
Allen D. Kohl Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Lady’s Secret Foundation
Leo Miller Investments
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Litz
Mrs. Bert Maron
Dr. Leo Pomerantz and Ms. Mimi
The Rabinovitch Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Deane E. Ross
Bruce Steinbaum and Linda
Steinbaum Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Steinbaum
In memory of Ira Kirshbaum
In memory of Dr. David C. Levinson
In memory of Jerome M. White
In honor of Norman Beck’s birthday
In honor of Phyllis Berkett’s birthday
Ms. Karen Steinbaum
Mrs. Donna E. Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gelfand
Mrs. Jeanne Gerson
Mr. and Mrs. Monty Hall
Mrs. Arlene S. Harris
In honor of Jerry Steinbaum’s birthday
J-G Carpet and Drapery Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kallis
Ms. Joan W. Katz
In honor of Dr. Jordan L. Geller
Lillian and Harold Moose, Jr. I
Philanthropic Fund
In memory of Florence Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wulfsohn
In honor of Dr. Glenn D. Braunstein
The William Zimmerman
F. Michael and Roberta
Simmons Wong Foundation
Cedars-Sinai Volunteer Services
In memory of Jim Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. David Gold
In honor of Dr. Michael Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Heller
Mr. Walter Lemankiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Avila
In memory of Mary Baeza
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Basha
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Art Ferranti
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brown
In honor of Dr. Ivor Geft
Ms. Alice J. Butler
In honor of James E. Balash
Dow Family Trust
In honor of Dr. Gerhard Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Fleeman
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Frank
Ms. Diana Keim
In honor of Dr. Ali Salim
In honor of Alan Schwartz
In honor of Norman Beck’s birthday
Mrs. Georgette Bloom
Ms. Diana-Lee Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Sussman
Mr. Herbert L. Wallerstein, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hellinger
Ms. Emma Laraia
Mr. Orven E. Blinzler
In honor of Jerry Steinbaum’s birthday
Michael M. Erman DonorAdvised Fund
Jeanne S. Friedman Foundation
In honor of Sam and Sophie Syrett
In honor of Jerry Steinbaum’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Khan
In honor of Jerry Steinbaum’s birthday
Ms. Nina Silbergleit
In honor of Dr. David Cossman
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Berkett
Mr. Carl Brown
Ms. Linda Delaney
In honor of David Goodman’s birthday
In honor of Bryna Stewart
Mrs. Patricia Pinto
Mr. Eric N. Piper
Mr. Luverne Esguerra
Mr. Vitali Pavlovets
Mr. Nickolay T. Teophilov
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williky
Mrs. Annette Levin
In memory of Cornell Janeway
In memory of Harold Klau
In memory of Al Rosenbum
In memory of Nathan Assia
In memory of Miriam Bader
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
In memory of Susie Dorfman’s father
In memory of Charles Faigin
In memory of Parviz Famenini
In memory of Mort Futterman
In memory of Harold “Hal” Glucksman
In memory of Ethie Hitter’s mother
In memory of Randy Hyde’s uncle
In memory of Ambrose John “A.J.”
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Mark Rauchwarger
In memory of Sue Rivitz’s mother
In memory of Earl Shor
In memory of Salpy Tchalekian
In memory of Kimberly Wheeler’s
In memory of Beverly Zacky
In honor of Fay Block’s birthday
In honor of the birth of Gabrielle
In honor of Ed Meltzer’s birthday
In honor of Ervin Mezey
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Epstein
In memory of Stuart S. Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Leanse,
In honor of Ed Meltzer’s birthday
Mr. Richard Martin
In honor of Mark A. Liptak, RN
In honor of Mr. Nai-You Liu
In honor of Mrs. Julieta P. Magalong
In honor of Mr. Adam R. Mancia
In honor of Mr. Mitch Martens
In honor of Ms. Andrea J. Martinez
In honor of Mrs. Guadalupe MendiolaRosenbloom
In honor of Mr. Michael L. Mink
In honor of Ms. Edita Muradyan
In honor of Ms. Yvonne M. Neely
In honor of Mr. Rameshwar Patil
In honor of Ms. Patricia E. Patton
In honor of Mrs. Kimberly S. Pauley
In honor of Ms. Pirayeh M. Pedarsani
In honor of Ms. Rekha Prasad
In honor of Ms. Magda E. Rosales
In honor of Ms. Jennifer P. Sanchez
In honor of Ms. Kime A. Sims
In honor of Mr. Ido Solt
In honor of Mr. Tony Tatum
In honor of Mrs. Elana Vishnevsky
In honor of Mary Janen Vos, RN
Mr. Mitch L. Martens
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Gordon
In honor of John C. Law’s birthday
Whitesell Living Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Geller
In honor of Tom Weinberg’s birthday
Mrs. Effie Weinberg
In memory of Stanley Brown
In memory of Lee Corwin
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of John Mendelsohn’s
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
In memory of Edgar Phillips, Jr.
In memory of Evelyn Prell
In memory of Harold Ravins, DDS
Mrs. Roberta Weinhart
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. William
Birnkrant’s mother
In memory of Martin Fassnidge’s sister
In memory of Emanuel “Manny” Ravet
In honor of Jake Frank’s bar mitzvah
In memory of Marvin Deanne
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Ostiller
In memory of Stuart S. Hillman
Mrs. Phyllis A. Waxman
In honor of Volunteer Services staff
It’s All About Caring
In honor of Carol A. Anzures, RN
In honor of Laura Blaszkiewicz, RN
In honor of Ms. Ludmila Block
In honor of Mr. Peter Block
In honor of Mr. Ning-Ning Chai
In honor of Mr. James Chen
In honor of Ms. Jessica Contreras
In honor of Mrs. Roberta A. Curran
In honor of Ms. Johana K. Delgado
In honor of Ms. Lisa M. Downs
In honor of Francine Dubreuil, RN
In honor of Ms. Martha Dzioba
In honor of Mr. Adam Elramsisy
In honor of Ms. Susan Favia
In honor of Ms. Marisa Fujimoto
In honor of Mrs. Joyce B. Goodstein
In honor of Andrey A. Grigoryev, PhD
In honor of Ms. Lori Hammer
In honor of Ms. Diane W. Harris
In honor of Ms. Marilyn L. Heathershaw
In honor of Mrs. MaryLue Henderson
In honor of Ms. Heidi J. High
In honor of Ms. Laia A. Jones
In honor of Mrs. Charlotte S. Kerio
In honor of Ms. Karen A. Lawson
In honor of Barbara Leanse
In honor of Ms. Jennifer Lee
In honor of Ms. Netty Levine
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Greenfield
In memory of Harold “Hal” Glucksman
In memory of Mark “Mickey” Weisman
In memory of Dr. Sydney J. and Marjorie
Z. Weisman
Mr. Stephen Wilson
In memory of Harold “Hal” Glucksman
A. Charles and Betty S. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. A. Charles Wilson
In memory of Miriam Newman
Ms. Dorothy L. Lindner
In honor of Dr. Keith L. Black
Gifts made in honor of Barbara
Winters’ birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott B. Baron
Mr. and Mrs. Milton I. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Korengold
Ms. Lenore S. Sussman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pridham
In honor of Bea Korengold’s birthday
The Winters Family Trust
In honor of Ruth Flinkman
In honor of Bea Korengold’s birthday
Ms. Nuvia A. Alvarez
Ms. Wyndi L. Bleeker
Mrs. Melissa A. Cervania
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Cipes
Mrs. Abby Johnston
In honor of Tommasina Barila, RN
In honor of Tonda Fistell, RN
In honor of Michelle Francis, RN
In honor of Lioubov Moudriak, RN
In honor of America White, RN
Ms. Angela M. Ortiz
Ms. Lisa Park
Ms. Joanna L. Rawley
Ms. Hayley Russ
Ms. Jami Bachrad
In honor of Anaya Goldstein
Mrs. Ellen B. Cheney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nihill
Mr. Jules Milton Weisberg
In honor of Megan Shipow’s pregnancy
Mr. Rafael B. De La Rosa
Mrs. Catherine Vincent Falquet
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Garofano
Ms. Cecelia A. Gassner
In honor of the Gassner-Maggioni
Mrs. Margaret S. Gordon
Ms. Lynda L. Hampton, RN
Mr. Christopher Harris
Mr. Jonathan Katz
In honor of Sarah and Elizabeth Siegel’s
Ms. Ewen Liao and
Mr. Shing-Chi Poon
In honor of Dr. Connie Chein
Ms. Rosalyn M. Mansilla
Ms. Amelia R. Mathews
Mrs. Sherry L. Mehler
Ms. April S. Moore and
Ms. Janet Hobbs
Mr. Doug Palmer
Ms. Erlynn P. Pascual
Mr. Marcelino Pascual
Mr. Miguel L. Quintana
Mrs. Amanda L. Reynolds
In honor of Avery B. Reynolds
Ms. Serena Saulsberry
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Schneider
Ms. Elinor Pullen
Ms. Tamara Y. Purnell
Mrs. Emiliya Vaynter
H. Applebaum Family Trust
In honor of Dr. Byrna Kane
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kotanjian
In honor of Dr. Paresh Patel
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosen
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sasaki
Ms. Elizabeth R. Aquino
Ms. Rupa Balasubramani
Bellagio Charitable Foundation
Ms. Nancy A. Benavente
Mr. Ronald W. Berghoff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bergman
In memory of Betty Steinberg Levinson
Ms. Alaine M. Bertram
Mr. Daniel Bifano
Ms. Jane Birnbaum
Mr. and Mrs. David Blumenfield
Ms. Ellen Braverman
In honor of Barbara Braverman
The Andrea and Charles
Bronfman Fund at Brandeis
Mrs. Merle Cahan
In honor of Margery Tabankin
Cedars-Sinai Volunteer Services
In memory of Vyldie Mindlin
In memory of the greatest Dane, Taki
In memory of Twinkie
In honor of J.P. Marineau’s birth
Dr. and Mrs. Louis V. Cerrone
In memory of Rockey Caringello II
Ms. Rene Ciampi
Mrs. Angie David
In memory of Myron “Mike” Winkler
Ms. Martha L. Dzioba
In memory of Nancy T. Bonner’s dog, Nina
Ms. Kim M. Easton
Mrs. Connie Eidinger
Mr. Derick W. Eppler
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fenady
In memory of Shannon Fenady
In honor of Dr. Lawrence Maldonado
Ms. Helene D. Fitzgerald
Fleur De Ladies’ Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frank
In memory of Elyse Baumann
Ms. Catherine A. Froloff
Mrs. Tracey Fuller
In memory of Harold “Hal” Glucksman
Ms. Gloria Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Buster N. Harper
Harvey Herman Gift Fund
Ms. Kristina Kiehl and Mr.
Robert E. Friedman
In honor of Margery Tabankin
Ms. Laura A. Klapman
In honor of Irene Ulanov
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koski
In memory of Jeanne Hart Carlisle
Mr. Albert H. Kramer
Mrs. Joyce Luenstroth-Leecy
Ms. Doreen M. Marengo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marx
Ms. Leah Maslow
Ms. Judy Orlanski
In honor of Margo Minissian
In honor of Dr. Chrisandra Shufelt
Ms. Jan Ostendorf
Ostin Family Foundation
Ms. Soonhee K. Paik
Mr. Michael A. Panigrosso
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Park
Ms. Marion Plexico
Mrs. Irene Pollin
Mrs. Pat Reagan
In memory of Jeanne Hart Carlisle
Mrs. Nancy Reis
In honor of Suzan G. Hendershot
Ms. Constance L. Rice
Ms. Helen W. Rogaway
In memory of Myron “Mike” Winkler
Mr. Howard I. Rubin
Ms. Linda Schimberg
Ms. Sally Sheaffer
In honor of Barbra Streisand
Judy C. Simon Trust
The Lucille Ellis Simon
Ms. Pamela Barber Steele
Ms. Christy Strong
In memory of Beverly Stafford
The Watts Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zoback
Mr. Steve Aaron
Ms. Rosela Abacan
Mr. Tony Abernethy
Ms. Ingrid Abrams
Mr. Gary Abramson
Mr. Jeff Adams
Mr. Todd Adams
Ms. Vicenta Adams
Ms. Megan Adamson
Mr. Edward Addeo
Mr. George Adler
Ms. Beth Adolph
Mr. Thomas Adomsky
Ms. Dianne Aitchison
Ms. Liz Akins
Mr. Joseph Albanese
Mr. Omar Alberto Adda
Mr. Chris Albertson
Ms. Caroline Alexander
Ms. Diane Allen
Ms. Stephanie Allen
Ms. Robin Alman
Ms. Lois Alper
Mr. David Altieri
Mr. Gerald Altilio
Ms. Kathleen Altman
Mr. Brian Altwasser
Mr. Michael Alvarez
Ms. Marybeth Alvin
Mr. Michael Aly
Mr. Eduardo Amaral
Mr. Anthony Andalft
Ms. Teresa Andaloro
Ms. Kristi Anderson
Ms. Linda Anderson
Mr. Seth Anderson
Ms. Stephanie Anderson
Mr. John Andrews
Ms. Jo Ann
Ms. Araceli Applegate
Mr. John Arand
Ms. Karen Arbeeny
Ms. Annette Arbuckle
Mr. Michael Arick
Mr. Stafford Arima
Mr. Arthur Ascher
Mr. Mikki Ashin
Mr. John Atkins
Ms. Joanne Augugliaro
Mr. Charles Austin
Ms. Marie Ayache
Mr. Jeffrey Ayeroff
Ms. Eva Baez
Ms. Julia Baker
Ms. Nanette Baker
Ms. Georgine Balassone
Mr. Bablo Balasubramanian
Ms. Rupa Balasubramanian
Mr. John Baldasare
Mr. Riccardo Baldoni
Mrs. Saralee M. Baldwin
Mr. Don Ball
Mr. Michael Banyai
Mr. Joseph Barba
Ms. Judy Bard
Ms. Olivia Barka
Mr. Austin Barker
Ms. Nona Barker
Ms. Phyllis Barkin
Mr. John Barnhart
Ms. Marlene Baron
Ms. Ashley Barrington-Mace
Ms. Red Barris
Ms. Merideth Barroso
Ms. Nancy Barstow
Ms. Britnee Bartlett
Ms. Kate Bartlett
Mr. Michael Bartlett
Ms. Cynthia Basinger
Ms. Ethel Bass
Mr. Robert D. Bassett
Ms. Catherine Bassler
Ms. Kathleen Baudouin
Ms. Sharon Baumgartner
Ms. Rita Baumsten
Ms. Amanda Bauner
Ms. Patricia A. Bayly
Mr. Brian Bean
Ms. Ann Beaudry
Mr. Luc Beaugrand
Ms. Susan Bechtel
Ms. Margaret Becker
Ms. Nancy Becker
Ms. Joann Beebe
Mr. Hugh Beggins
Ms. Michele Behar
Ms. Janine Bell
Ms. Joan Bell
Mr. Bill Belland
Mr. Richard Bengis
Ms. Bina Benisch
Ms. Sheryl Benko
Ms. Pamela Bennett
Mr. Erick Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. Steven Berkowitz
Mr. Joseph Bernardo
Ms. Pamela Bertrand
Ms. Mary Beth
Ms. Laurie Bevan
Ms. Carolyn Bickel
Ms. Marcella Billie
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biondi
Ms. Dominique Bischoff-Brown
Ms. Claudia Bjerre
Ms. Deborah Black
Ms. Joan Black
Mr. Leland Blair
Ms. Ellen W. Blanchard
Mr. Felix Blanchard
Ms. Susan Block
Ms. Helene Bloom
Ms. Mara Blumenthal
Ms. Shelly Bodiford
Ms. Michelle Bodwell
Mr. Michael Bodziner
Ms. Brenda Boland
Mr. Frederic Boloix
Ms. Jane Bono
Ms. Heather Booth
Ms. Terrie Borden
Ms. Marie-Claude Borja
Ms. Anne Borman
Ms. Judith Bottomley
Ms. Judith Bourgeois
Ms. Beverly Bourne
Mr. Richard Boyer
Ms. Kathleen Boyle
Ms. Vanessa Bradshaw
Ms. Sharon Brantly
Mr. Wayne Brasler
Ms. Louise Braverman
Ms. Sandra Breen
Ms. Ann Breidenstein
Ms. Kelly Breidenstein
Ms. Wendy Breitmayer
Ms. Lisa Breland
Ms. Malu Bremer
Mr. Pierce Brennan
Ms. Wendy Breuls
Mr. Robert Brigham
Ms. Maribeth Brinson
Mr. Glenn Briscoe
Ms. Delfina Brooks
Ms. Pamela Brooks
Ms. Kay Broughman
Ms. Beverly Brovsky
Ms. Cynthia Brown
Ms. Ellen Brown
Ms. Susan Brozinsky
Ms. Elizabeth Brumfield
Ms. Karen Bryan
Ms. Jeanne Bryant
Ms. Angela Bucchieri
Mr. Comer Buck
Mr. Todd Buckley
Ms. Wendy Buckley
Ms. Carin Buckman
Mr. Joseph Buonadonna
Ms. Jane Burda
Ms. Kimberly Burke
Ms. Elizabeth Burley
Mike and Midge Burnham
Ms. Mary Burns
Mr. David Burrola
Ms. Carol Buscaglia
Ms. Renata Buser
Ms. Lisa C.
Ms. Sharon Caballero
Mr. Oscar Cabrera
Mr. Michael Callahan
Ms. Carrie Camin
Mr. John Campbell
Ms. Stephanie Campbell
Mr. Thomas Capobianco
Ms. Carol Caracand
Ms. Mary Carey
Ms. Cristina Carlino
Ms. Linda Carlozzi
Ms. Gayle Carlson
Mr. Gray Caron
Ms. Karen Caron
Ms. Terri Caron
Ms. Maudette Carr
Mr. Ben Carroll
Ms. Linda Carrus
Mr. Dustin Carsey
Mr. Shane Carson
Mr. William Carter
Ms. Kim Cascio
Mr. R. Wayne Case
Mr. Michael Castaldo
Ms. Lisa Catoggio
Ms. Rosemary Catroppa
Ms. Susan Caugh
Ms. Janna Cecka
Ms. Lisa Celeste
Ms. Carole Centanni
Ms. Melissa Centazzo
Ms. Carolyn Cerbin
Ms. Melissa Ch
Mr. Bruce Chamberlin
Ms. Weida Chambers
Mr. Jason Chamikles
Mr. Gregory Chance
Ms. Belinda Chandler
Mr. Thomas Chaney
Mr. Lokesh Chaturvedi
Ms. Jen Chausse
Ms. Kathy R. Chauvin
Mr. Louis Cherniss
Ms. Barbara Chovan
Mr. Richard Church
Jaime Cid
Ms. Patricia Clark
Ms. Barbara Clarke
Ms. Deb Clayton
Ms. Laura Clemens
Ms. Joyce Clement
Ms. Catherine Coffman
Ms. Jodi Cohen
Ms. Sandra Cohen
Ms. Shoshana Cohen
Ms. Sue A. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. William Cohen
Ms. Nancy Colachicco
Mr. Peter Cole
Mr. Richard Cole
Ms. Carolyn Coleburn
Ms. Neva Coleman
Ms. Annmarie Colgate
Ms. Christine Collaco
Ms. Carmela Collector
Ms. Laurie Collett
Ms. Debbie Collette
Ms. Amanda Collins
Mr. Edward Collins
Ms. Diane Collison
Mr. Anthony Colon
Mr. Charles Colson
Ms. Dawn Colucci
Mr. Thomas Colwell
Ms. Anne M. Condon
Ms. Audra Conforti
Ms. Colleen Conger
Ms. Lynn Conner
Ms. Maureen Connor
Ms. Christina Conti
Ms. Deborah Cook
Mr. Larry Cook
Mr. Richard Cook
Ms. Maryann Coombe
Ms. Patricia Corbin
Ms. Edie Cornell-Smith
Mr. Sergio Correa
Ms. Lucille Cosentino
Mr. Luigi Costi
Ms. Carol Couey
Mr. Steven Courtade
Ms. Carrie Covell
Mr. Martin Covert
Ms. Catherine Cowan-Oberbeck
Ms. Emily Cox
Mr. Ivan Cox
Mr. Walter Cox
Ms. Rhonda Craig
Mr. John Crawford
Ms. Elizabeth Crea
Ms. Judy Crocker
Mr. Jon Crowell
Ms. Beth Crudele
Mr. Heriberto Cruz
Ms. Michelle Cucchiaro
Mr. John Cummings
Ms. Jewell Cunningham
Ms. Janet Cupo
Mr. Carlos Curran
Ms. Ellen Curran
Mr. Douglas Curtis
Ms. Kelley Curtis
Ms. Nancy Cushing-Jones
Mr. Nicholas Cuviello
Mr. Richard Cwik
Mr. William D.
Ms. Margaret Dacut
Ms. Inge Daitz
Ms. Kimberly Dale
Ms. Paulette Dalpes
Ms. Kay Dalton
Ms. Lori Damman
Ms. Dani Danielski
Ms. Amanda Darby
Mapi Dari
Ms. Susan Dato
Ms. Astrid Davidson
Ms. Lynda Davidson
Ms. Mary Davie
Ms. Bonny Davis
Mr. Richard L. Davis, Jr.
Mr. R. Samuel Davis
Ms. Sherri Davis
Ms. Susan Davis
Ms. Sonja Dawsey
Mr. Fred Dechowitz
Mr. Raymond Decker
Ms. Nancy Dedenbach
Mr. Marlin Deen
Ms. Joyce Deep
Ms. Kathleen Defillippo
Ms. Helen F. Degeatano
Mr. Miguel De Leon
Ms. Ann M. D’Elia
Mr. Ronald Delsener
Mr. Robert Delucca
Mr. Pat Demaio
Ms. Deborah Demars
Ms. Debra Demartini
Ms. Janine Demmon
Mr. Willie Dennis
Ms. Cherilyn Denomme
Mr. Robert Desantis
Ms. Jeannette Deschesnes
Mr. Dominic Detaranto
Ms. Linda Dewalt
Mr. Harley Diamond
J-Me Diamond
Ms. Milva Diaz
Ms. Shireen Diaz
Ms. Anne DiBerardino
Ms. Mary L. Dicker
Ms. Aileen Dickson
Mr. Philip Dikeman
Ms. Susan Dillard
Ms. Robin Dilley
Mrs. Maryann Dodd
Ms. Nancy Donatello
Mr. Liam Donnelly
Ms. Shannon Donovan
Ms. Mary Dooley
Mr. Michael Dorsey
Ms. Jeannette Doswell
Ms. Laurenne Douglas
Ms. Cheryl Driesen
Ms. Lynn Driscoll-Knurek
Ms. Yvette Drucker
Ms. Zandra Drugan
Mr. Steven Duckworth
Ms. Merrie Dudley
Mr. Geoffrey Duncan
Mr. Joseph Duncan
Ms. Ivy Duneier
Mr. Randy Dunham
Mr. Jeri Dunlap
Ms. Catherine Dunne
Mr. John Durnan
Mr. Frank Dzienius
Ms. Joan E.
Ms. Sherry E.
Ms. Liz Earnshaw
Mr. Dale East
Ms. Kery Eastburn
Ms. Kim Easton
Ms. Denise Eaton
Ms. Donna Eckert
Ms. Marlyn Eddy
Ms. Idalis Edgren
Mr. Michael Edmonds
Mr. Eddie Edwards
Mr. John Edwards
Ms. Karen A. Egidio
Ms. Florence Eichhorn
Ms. Connie Eidinger
Ms. Gracemarie Elliott
Mr. Steve Ellis
Mr. Martin Ellsworth
Ms. Susan Elmore
Ms. Gay Encarnacao
Ms. Lynn Engelke
Mr. Thomas England
Mr. Henry Ensler
Mrs. Engrid Epel
Ms. Linda Eppley
Mr. Farren Epstein
Mr. James Erdmanczyk
Ms. Roberta Eriksen
Mr. Martin Erlichman
Mr. Kendall Errair
Ms. Sally Errecart
Mr. Jose Escobedo
Ms. Jill Esko
Ms. Rhonda Eunice
Mr. James Everett
Ms. Gwen Evseichik
Mr. Tom Fagan
Ms. Edie Fagenson-Rubin
Ms. Rebecca Fair
Mr. Matthew Fallabel
Montana Falvini
Ms. Cheryl Faris
Ms. Julie Farkas
Ms. Lisa Farmer
Mr. Anthony Farrell
Ms. Erin Farrell
Mr. Ferial Fathi
Ms. Susanne Fawcett
Ms. Evelyn Fayans
Mr. Jeffrey Feinberg
Ms. Robyn Feinberg
Ms. Maria Feldman
Ms. Riley Felps
Ms. Julie Feltham
Ms. Katherine Ferguson
Mr. Stephen Ferguson
Ms. Sharon Fernicola
Mr. Neal Ferrazzani
Mr. Michael Ferrelli
Mr. Michael Fewel
Mr. Samuel Fibish
Ms. Patricia Fiddner
Ms. Jane Fiedler
Mr. Michael Fierstos
Ms. Valerie File
Ms. Lisa Fimbers
Mr. Marc Finney
Ms. Dayna Firth
Mr. David Fischer
Mr. Ari Fisher
Ms. Amber Fitzsimmons
Mr. Ronnie Flansburg
Mr. Peter Fletcher
Mr. Tom Flinn
Ms. Marlene Flood
Ms. Mary Flynn
Ms. Deborah Foerst
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Fogelson
Ms. Hillary Fogelson
Ms. Charlotte Foley
Ms. Shari Foos
Mr. David Forbes
Ms. Tami Forcellina-Trautmann
Ms. Catherine Ford
Ms. Jean Forman
Mr. Patrick Forrest
Ms. Georgia Foster
Mr. Dennis Fotia
Mr. Martin Fournier
Ms. Deborah Francesco
Ms. Linda Frank
Mr. Richard Frank
Ms. Joanne Franz
Ms. Maria Fraser
Mr. Peter Fraser
Mr. Jeffrey Freedman
Ms. Susan Fritzsche
Ms. Felice Fromm
Mr. Donald Fruci
Ms. Shanti Fry
Mr. Dominic Fuccile
Ms. Faith Fusillo
Ms. Roxanne Galati
Mr. Albert S. Gallin
Mr. Jason Galvez
Mr. Jeffrey Galyon
Ms. Darice Gamache
Mr. T. G. Gambardella
Ms. Nancy H. Ganis
Ms. Ana M. Garcia
Ms. Karen Garcia
Ms. Peggy Garcia
Mr. Jack Gardner
Mr. John Gardner
Ms. Julia Gardner
Ms. Shannon Garity
Mr. Matthew Garland
Ms. Kathy Garmezy
Ms. Nancy Gaston
Ms. Susan Gates-Paice
Ms. Carlyn Gaylord
Ms. Susan Geisler
Mr. Peter Gemmellaro
Ms. Heather Gendron
Ms. Nancy George
Mr. Roy George
Ms. Melissa Geraci
Ms. Bonnie Gerard
Ms. Debi Gerbasi
Ms. Teresa A. Gerli
Ms. Andrea Germano
Ms. Susan Gessford
Ms. Danielle Giaimo
Ms. Carol Gianfrancisco
Ms. Annette Giarrante
Ms. Elizabeth Giller
Mr. James Gillespie
Ms. Julie Gillespie
Mr. Rychard Giraud
Ms. Karen Gissin
Ms. Phyllis Giuffrida
Mr. Alfred Giuliani
Mr. John P. Given and
Ms. Nancy Cotton
Ms. Meridith Glabman
Ms. Nevenka Glascock
Mr. David Glaser
Ms. Denise Glavaris
Ms. Shelby Gleason
Ms. Kim Godin
Ms. Ann Godmere
Ms. Esther Goedgedrag
Ms. Deann Goetzinger
Mr. Terri Goldberg
Ms. Ellen Goldenberg
Ms. Bette Goldenring
Ms. Amy Goldshine
Mr. Eugene Goldstein
Mr. Marc Goldstein
Mr. John Golleher
Mr. Ernesto Gomez
Mr. David Goncharov
Mr. Mel S. Gonzales, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Gonzalez
Mr. Rafael Gonzalez
Mr. Greg Goodfried
Ms. Julie Gozdowiak
Ms. Kate Grace
Ms. Janis Graham
Mr. Kenneth Graham
Ms. Tammy Graves
Mr. Jeffrey Gray
Mr. Paul Greene
Ms. Harriet Greenland
Mr. Brett Greenstein
Ms. Heidi F. Greenwald
Ms. Leasha Griffin
Mr. Domenic Grillo
Ms. Natalie Grillo
Mr. Peter Grimmett
Mr. Jeffrey Grudin
Ms. Beth Grupp
Ms. Karla Gual
Ms. Donna Gualberti
Ms. Margaret Guelakis
Ms. Carol Gulas
Ms. Talula Guntner
Ms. Iris E. Gutin
Mr. Richard Guttman
Ms. Cathryn Hagan
Mr. Kevin J. Hagan
Ms. Mindy Haglund
Mr. Gary Hahn
Ms. Linda Haibara
Ms. Lynne Hajj
Mr. Craig Hall
Ms. Heather Hall
Mr. Kevin Hall
Ms. Louella Hall
Ms. Nancy Hall
Ms. Sandra Hamel
Mr. Jack Hanson
Ms. Valerie Hanson
Ms. Sharon Harding
Ms. Peggy Harriman
Ms. Margot Harris
Mr. Terry W. Harris
Mr. Willard Harris
Ms. Erin Hart
Ms. Sheila Hart
Ms. Shannon Hartman
Mr. Michael Hasenstab
Ms. Mary Hatch
Ms. Lucie Hathi
Mr. Robert Hauptman
Ms. Diane Havenner
Mr. Scott Hawkins
Ms. Cherrie Hayden
S. Haynes
Ms. Lori Heagle
Ms. Doreen Healy
Ms. Cathy Hearn
Ms. Dianne Heatherington
Mr. Joseph D. Heffner
Mr. William Heimbach
Ms. Judith Hejza
Mr. Kevin Heling
Ms. Carol Heller
Mr. James Hendrickson
Ms. Jill Henry
Ms. Linda Henry
Ms. Mary Ellen Herbeck
Ms. Janet Hermann
Mr. Norton Herrick
Ms. Sandra Herting
Mr. Jeffrey Hess
Ms. Betty Hester
Ms. Teri Heyden
Mr. Thomas Hickey
Ms. Kathryn Hicks
Ms. MaryJo Higginbotham
Mr. Clay Hildahl
Ms. Shona Hill
Ms. Erin Hillborn
Ms. Hollye Hills
Ms. Patricia Hilty
Dana Hines
Ms. Kathleen Hlavacek
Ms. Jackie Hobbs
Ms. Shirley Hobbs
Ms. Nuvia Hobson
Ms. Diane Hodges
Mr. Joseph Hoff
Ms. Cathy Hoffman
Ms. Denise Hoffmann
Ms. Taylor Hoffmann
Ms. Carol Hohmann
Ms. Carol Holbrook
Ms. Sonia Holder
Ms. Debra Holicky
Ms. Mary L. Holley
Mr. Aaron Hollomon
Ms. Haley Hopper
Mr. Steven Housman
Mr. Daniel Houze
Ms. Marie Howe
Mr. Matt Howe
Mr. Christopher Howell
Mr. James Hubbard
Mr. Terry Hubbard
Ms. Phyllis Hudek
Ms. Barbara Hufford
Mr. Jack Hug
Ms. Jennifer Hughes
Mr. Paul Hughes
Ms. Angela Human
Mr. John Humphrey
Ms. Donna Hunter
Ms. Constance J. Huth
Mr. George Iadarola
Mr. Tom Idelson
Ms. Kelly Ihde
Ms. Monique Impagliazzo
Mr. Alexandre Infingardi
Ms. Maryalice Inman
Mr. Adam Isaacs
Ms. Dolores Isabella
Mr. Robert Israel
Mr. Mark Itkin
Ms. Brenda Jackson
Ms. Ellen Jacobs
Mr. Ronald Jacobs
Ms. Arlene Jaffee
Mr. Distefano James
Ms. Willemijn Jansen
Mr. Kris Janssen
Ms. Deborah Janus
Ms. Susan Jarett
Ms. Kathryn Jennings
Mr. Ty Jennings
Ms. Ruth Jermann
Ms. Susan Jernigan
Ms. Barbara Johnson
Ms. Natalie Johnson
Ms. Penny Johnson
Ms. Phyllis Johnson
Mr. Richard Johnson
Mr. Thomas Johnson
Ms. Annie Jones
Mr. Billy Jones
Ms. Brenda Jones
Mr. Chad Jones
Ms. Linda Jones
Ms. Maribeth Jones
Ms. Trisha Jones
Mr. Walter L. Jones, Jr.
Ms. Aleah Jordan
Mr. Brandon Jordan
Ms. Jamie-Lee Josselyn
Ms. Chantal Jourdain
Ms. Suzanne Journey
Mr. Ronni Julius
Ms. Barbara Jumper
Ms. Michelle Kalschmid
Ms. Nancy Kandell
Mr. Gary Kanter
Mr. Herb Kaplan
Ms. Monica Kapral
Ms. Louise Kapustka
Ms. Susan Karabatsos
Ms. Phyllis Karel
Ms. Debi Karolewski
Ms. Elissa Kartman
Ms. Leslye J. Kasoff
Ms. Deborah Kass
Ms. Kathryn Kates
Ms. Alice Katz
Mr. Arnie Katz
Ms. Char Katz
Ms. Karen Katz
Ms. Esther Katzman
Mr. Rick Kautz
Mr. Terri Keefer
Ms. Lisa Keehner
Mr. Jonathan Keiler
Ms. Joanne Keller
Ms. Margo Kelly
Mr. Michael Kelly
Ms. Laura Kemper
Mr. Maurice Kenneally
Ms. Judi Kerner
Ms. Naomi Kerstein
Ms. Jennifer Kim
Ms. Roslyn Kind
Ms. Angela King
Ms. Ann King
Mr. Gerard King
Ms. Janet King
Mr. John King
Ms. Penny King
Ms. Lisa Kintzler
Dayn Kirksey
Ms. Pauline Kisiel
Mr. Harvey Kivel
Ms. Laura A. Klapman
Ms. Joyce Klein
Ms. Elizabeth Kleinberg
Ms. Connie Knapp
Ms. Carol Knouse
Ms. Linda (Lin) Koch
Ms. Loryn Kogan
Ms. Karen Kogod
Ms. Harriet Kohansov
D. Komar
Mr. Larry Kopald
Ms. Linda Koper
Mr. Richard Kot
Mr. James Koudelka
Mr. Harley J. Kozak
Ms. Arlene Kozub
Ms. Judith Krain
Ms. Evelyn Kramer
Mr. Paul Kramer
Mr. Michael Kreindler
Mr. Robert Krell
Ms. Susan Kriesman
Mr. Radha Krithivas
Ms. Rosemary Kropp
Mr. Kris Kubicki
Ms. Susan Kujawski
Ms. Judith Kunkel
Mr. Edward Kurpis
Ms. Kathryn Kuszaj
Ms. Katy Kyle
Ms. Angel L.
Mr. Neil Labadie
Ms. Susan La Bella
Ms. Christina Labonte
Ms. Sherry Lafferty
Mr. Raymond Laliberte
Mr. Jose Lamas
Mr. Todd Lamkin
Ms. Katherine Lamper
Ms. Ann Lander
Ms. Diane Lander-Simon
Ms. Jean Lang
Ms. Ann Langenstein
Ms. Nancy Langer
Ms. Connie Langford
Ms. Barbara Langston
Mr. David Langton
Ms. Jennifer Lanteri
Ms. Carol Laplante
Ms. Linda Laratta
Ms. Elaine Larison
Ms. Carole Lasser
Ms. Susan Latus
Mr. John La Valle
Ms. Robin Lawthers
Ms. Susan Layton
Mr. J. R. Lazar
Ms. Maria J. Sanchez Lazaro
Mr. Christopher Leahy
Ms. Phyllis Leavey
Mr. Billy Ledford
Ms. Fay A. Lee
Ms. Lily Lee
Mr. George Leeser
Ms. Tracy Lefler
Mr. David A. Lehrer
Ms. Abby Leibman
Ms. Kathie Lein
Ms. Robin Lemmon
Mr. James E. Lemmons
Mr. AJ Lenox
Mr. Chris Leong
Ms. Susan Lerche
Mr. Mark Lessinger
Mr. George Levin
Ms. Rachel Levin
Ms. Emily Levine
Ms. Marcia Levine
Ms. Marla Levine
Ms. Monica Levinson
Ms. Julie L. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Levy
Mr. Diego Lichtensztein
Ms. Rosemarie Lidãn
Mr. Christopher Liddell
Ms. Ingela Lindberg
Mr. Jeff Linder
Ms. Marsha Linehan
Ms. Robin Lipman
Ms. Marcia Lippincott
Ms. Joan Little
Mr. Robert Littlefield
Ms. Cindy Lobel
Ms. Lisa Lockwood
Mr. Jeffrey Loevenguth
Ms. Camille Loffredo
Ms. Lisa Logan
Mr. Bradly Long
Ms. Gwen Lopez
Ms. Renee Lorenz
Ms. Patricia Lorino
Ms. Liana Lowenstein
Ms. Donna Lubell
Ms. Debra Lubeski
Ms. Joyce Lubochinski
Ms. Denise Lucero
Ms. Rebecca Lueken
Ms. Joan Lukan
Mr. Per Lundberg
Ms. M. Catherine
Mr. Joseph Lupariello
Ms. Dee Luther
Ms. Laurie Lynd
Mr. Jeffrey Lynn
Ms. Nancy Lynn
Mr. Julian Lyons
Mr. Ronald Macinnis
Mr. Albert Mademont
Ms. Jeanne Madison
Ms. Maria L. Madrigal
Ms. Miranda Magagnini
Mr. Anthony F. Magaldi
Ms. Liana Magalhaes
Ms. Mimi Mager
Ms. Linda Magorno
Ms. Kelly Maher
Ms. Judith Mair
Ms. Lisa Maizel
Mr. Doug Major
Ms. Kathleen Makuh
Mr. Ricky Maldonado
Mr. Chris Maltezos
Ms. Karen Mangia
Mr. Philip Manin
Ms. Lisa Manning
Ms. Josephine Manuele
Ms. Tricia Marciel
Ms. Krystal Marcus
Ms. Kristi Marino
Ms. Barbara Marks
Ms. Marci Markwart
Ms. Shelagh Marro
Mr. Ramon Marrufo
Ms. Meryl Marshall
Ms. Kimberly Marteau
Mr. Patrick Marthage
Ms. Cornelia Martin
Mr. Glenn Martin
Ms. Kathleen Martin
Ms. Annie Martinez
Ms. Barbara Mashburn
Ms. Jelena Mashkova
Ms. Lorraine Massaro
Ms. Marcia Massey
Mr. John Masters
Ms. Susan Mastrofsky
Mr. Anthony Mastroianni
Ms. Joyce Match
Ms. Rebecca Mattila
Ms. Elise Matusek
Ms. Sarena Maulucci
Mr. Robert Maurer
Ms. Claudia Mayfield
Mr. Arnold Mayster
Mr. Adam Mazzuca
Mr. Peter Mcaweeney
Ms. Sandra McBeth
Ms. Kathy McCance
Ms. Joanne McClarty
Ms. Avis McCoy
Mr. Kevin McCoy
Ms. Alice McDaniel
Ms. Nicki Mcdavitt
Ms. Kathleen McDonald
Mr. Larry McDonnell
Ms. Mitzi McEvoy
Ms. Maelynn McGarvey
Ms. Lori McGeehan
Ms. Kat McGhee
Mr. Hirschel McGinnis
Ms. Margaret McGowan
Ms. Trish McGuire
Ms. Diane McKenny
Ms. Nancie McKinnon
Mrs. Lisa McLaglen
Mr. Brian McLaughlin
Mrs. Sheila McMahon
Mrs. Carol McManus
Ms. Rebecca McQueen
Ms. Barbara Meade
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Medavoy
Mr. Ricardo Mederos
Mr. Michael Meiners
Mr. Frank Meisselbach
Ms. Camille Melkonian
Ms. Jan Mellor
Ms. Marilyn Melton
Ms. Judith Memblatt
Mr. Timothy Meola
Ms. Kathy Merchant
Ms. Cynthia Merritt
Ms. Marie Metlay
Mr. Tony Metoyer
Ms. Susanne Meurer
Ms. Madlyn Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Meyer
Mr. John Meyers
Ms. Wendy Meyerson
Ms. Dawn Michaud
Ms. Grace Midem
Ms. Melodye M. Mieleszko
Ms. Susan Migliaccio
Ms. Elaine Millar
Ms. Alexis Miller
Ms. Denise R. Miller
Mr. Edward Miller
Mr. Marc Miller
Ms. Nancy Miller
Ms. Nicole Miller
Ms. Pamela Miller
Ms. Tina Miller
Mr. Walter Miller
Ms. Donna Mills
Ms. Theresa Murphy Mino
Ms. Lisa Mintz
Ms. Heather Burns Mitchell
Ms. Michele Mock
Mr. Thomas Mogan
Sulochana Mohan
Ms. Eleanor Presley Mohler
Ms. Jennifer Molinari
Ms. Beth Monaco
Ms. Judy Monaco
Mr. Theo Mondle
Ms. Diane Mongognia
Ms. Janet Montgomery
Ms. Kim Montgomery
Ms. Lydia Montgomery
Ms. Jennifer Moody
Ms. Cindi Moon
Ms. Kristin Moore
Ms. Jessie Morgan
Ms. Patricia Moriarty
Ms. Nikki Morris
Ms. Virginia Morris
Ms. Helen Morrison
Ms. Sharlah Morrison
Ms. Jo-Ann Mort
Ms. Sandra Mosel
Ms. Julia Mouser
Ms. Madalyn Munoz
Ms. Belinda Murano
Mr. Mark Muratori
Ms. Diane Murnane
Ms. Donna Murphy
Ms. Laura Murphy
Ms. Lesley Murphy
Ms. Suzanne Murphy
Ms. Theresa Murphy
Mr. Paul Murray
Ms. Tanya L. Murray
Mr. Steve Mussman
Ms. Molly Muth
Ms. Brenda Myers
Ms. Karen Myers
Ms. Kathie Myers
Ms. Lynea Nagle
Dr. Thorpe Naomi
Mr. Joseph P. Naughton
Ms. Lillian Neamonitis
Ms. Dawn Nemeth
Ms. Barbara Neville
Ms. Terri New
Mrs. Patricia Newcomb
Ms. Janet Newcomer
Ms. Francine Newman
Ms. Diana Nhuch
Ms. Janeen Nichels
Ms. Kristi Niechwiadowicz
Mr. David Niedenthal
Ms. Barbara Nielsen
Dr. Erech Christ Nimrod
Ms. Lynn Nolan
Ms. Evelyn Nordberg-Rosa
Ms. Denise Norden
Mr. Frank Noyola-Izquierdo
Ms. Kim Nye
Ms. Deborah O’Brien
Ms. Eileen O’Brien
Mr. Lee O’Brien
Mr. Kevin Ochs
Ms. Lois S. Oda
Mr. Jason Odom
Mr. Dean Ogren
Mr. J. S. Okin-Larkin
Ms. Lee A. Oliveira
Ms. Jeanne Olsen
Mr. Matthew Olson
Ms. Maureen O’Malley
Ms. Jennifer O’Neill
Ms. Teresa O’Neill
Ms. Diana Orosco
Ms. Becky Orourke
Ms. Torie Osborn
Ms. Annette Ostroske
Mr. Charles Paglia
Ms. Amy Paige
Ms. Mary Palmieri
Ms. Pear Panico
Ms. Jilleen Pannozzo
Ms. Jacqueline Paparo
Ms. Kia Parada
Mr. John Pardee
Ms. Katherine Pardee
Ms. Sharon Parker
Ms. Charlotte Parrill
Ms. Carla Parrish
Ms. Melissa Parrott
Mr. David Parry
Ms. Biliana Paskaleva
Ms. Nikole Patterson
Ms. Therese F. Patterson
Ms. Tina Patterson
Ms. Robin Patton
Ms. Janice Paul
Ms. Joanne Paul
Ms. Barbara Paynter
Ms. Susan Pearl
Ms. Ruthanne Pearlman
Mr. Teddy Pearlman
Ms. Jeannette Pease
Ms. Jeanne Pecha
Mr. Douglas Peck
Ms. Veronique Peck
Mr. William Peck
Ms. Leslie Pellegrini
Mr. James Pellegrino
Mr. Rene Penale
Ms. Diane Pennell
Ms. Lueann Pennington
Mr. Nelson Perez
Mr. Carlos Perez-Cubas
Mr. Mark Perri
Ms. Kathryn Perrine
Mr. Mark Perzely
Mr. Yael Raff Peskin
Ms. Susan Petcoff
Mr. James Petrie
Ms. Elizabeth Pfister
Mr. Rick Phillips
Mr. E. Stuart Phillips
Ms. Karen Piccirillo
Ms. Dianne Pieper
Ms. Sarah Pierce
Mr. Nicholas Pierro
Ms. Shirley Pincus
Mr. David Pionke
Ms. Mona Piontkowski
Ms. Lori Pittari
Ms. Christine Pittel
Mr. Joseph Pizza
Ms. Sue Pizza
Ms. Linda Pizzolato
Mr. Marc Platt
Ms. Lyn Plemmons
Ms. Glenda Plowman
Ms. Joan Plunkett
Ms. Diana R. Podolsky
Mr. Ralph Pomerance
Mr. Stan Ponte
Mr. Bill Poock
Mr. Russell Poock
Kimber Porter
Ms. Meredith Poulten
Ms. Lynne Pounder
Ms. Jo J. Powell
Mr. Marty Powell
Mr. William Powers
Ms. Lynn Pratt
Mr. Derek Preston
Ms. Connie Priebe
Ms. Eileen Proctor
Ms. Sally Protheroe
Yvan Provost
Ms. Mary Queeney-Clark
Ms. Peggy Quigg
Ms. Anita Quinn
Mr. Timothy Quinn
Ms. Cynthia Quintero
Ms. Linda Rabinowitz
Ms. Kathleen A. Raffo
Ms. Andrea Rafofsky
Ms. Cynthia Rahme
Ms. Monica Ramey
Ms. Joann O. Ramon
Mr. Paul Ramont
Ms. Suzanne Ramsey
Ms. Hildy Randolph
Ms. Rebecca A. Rascon
Mrs. Linda Raskin
Mr. Alexey Raspopov
Ms. Joanne Ratner
Mr. Shaun Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rayman
Mr. Ryan Rea
Ms. Maria Rebella
Ms. Helen Reburn
Ms. Emma Redmon
Mr. Boyd Redner
Ms. Debra Reed
Mr. C. Reilly
Ms. Terri Reuther
Mr. Steve Rhodes
Ms. Jessica Rhone
Ms. Adriana Ricciuto
Ms. Beth Richardson
Ms. Ellen Riegel
Ms. Tricia Riffenburgh
Ms. Anna Rigles
Mr. Peter Riley
Mr. Jose Rincon
Ms. Roberta Rinker-Ludloff
Ms. Rochelle Rio-Glick
Ms. Romi Rios
Mr. Kip Rishton
Ms. Carol Risk
Ms. Linda Rivera
Ms. Patti Rizio
Ms. Cheryl Robbins
Ms. Jackie Robbio
Ms. Marie Roberts
Ms. Rozanna Roberts
Ms. Teresa Roberts
Ms. Vicki Roberts
Ms. Rosemary Robertson
Mr. David Robinson
Ms. Linda Robinson
Mr. Phil Robinson
Ms. Rosane Rocha
Ms. Barbara Roche
Ms. Lisa Roche
Mr. Brian Rodriguez
Mr. Mario Rodriguez-Alvarado
Mr. Scott Roehm
Mr. Bob Roemer
Ms. Mary Rogers
Ms. Ginger Rohde
Mr. Michael Roman
Mr. Charlie Rose
Ms. Lynne Rose
Mr. Scott Rose
Ms. Joan Rosenberg
Ms. Linda Rosenberg
Ms. Sandra Rosenberg
Ms. Marion Rosencrans
Ms. Carol Rosenfeld
Mr. Andrew Ross
Ms. Linda Ross
Mr. Toby Ross
Ms. Robin Rosser
Ms. Eva Roth
Ms. Helene Rothkopf
Ms. Rebecca Rozewicz
Mr. Tom Rubeck
Mr. Timothy Ruda
Ms. Elaine Rudolph
Ms. Rebecca S. Runyan
Ms. Anne Ruona
Mr. Jacob Ruppert
Ms. Donna Ruscingno
Mr. Timothy Rushmeyer
Ms. Heidi Russell
Dr. Cheryl Saban and
Mr. Haim Saban
Ms. Mary A. Sabia
Mr. Richard Saiz
Mr. Richard Salisbury
Ms. Doreen Saltiel
Ms. Madelyn Sampogna
Ms. Yvonne Samson
Ms. Nancy Sanchez
Mr. Mel Sandahl
Ms. Cyndi Sanders
Ms. Linda Sanders
Ms. Whit Sanders
Ms. Aurea Santiago
Ms. Christine Santiago
Ms. Ann Saporito
Mr. William Sarcona
Ms. Arlene Sarner
Ms. Yumi Satoh
Ms. Patricia Saunders
Ms. Wendy Savoie
Ms. Marilyn Sawyer
Mr. Lawrence Saxon
Ms. Lindy Saxon
Ms. Courtney Scafe
Mr. John Scarfone
Mr. Tony Scaturo
Ms. Jeannie Schaeffer
Ms. Donna Schaffeld
Ms. Amie G. Schantz
Ms. Donna Schechter
Mr. John Schiereck
Mr. Adam Schiff
Ms. Kerri Schilling
Mr. Wally Schlotter
Ms. Lois Schlowsky
Ms. Karola Schmidt
Mr. Philip Schmidt
Ms. Pamela Schmitt
Ms. Gloria Schneider
Ms. Mary A. Schneider
Ms. Sandra Schneider
Mr. William T. Schneider
Mr. Dean Schramm
Mr. Todd Schreiber
Mr. Frank Schrek
Ms. Susan Schultz
Ms. Susan Schutzman
Ms. Dede Schwartz
Mr. William Schwartz
Mr. Eric Schwarz
Ms. Susan Schweitzer
Ms. Roshonda Scipio
Ms. Anita Sclar
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Scottini
Ms. Cindy Seagren
Ms. Jacqueline Sealund
Ms. Linda L. Seaton
Ms. Laura Secchi
Ms. Stacie Segal
Ms. Lisa Seidel
Ms. Patricia Seidel
Ms. Melanie Seinfeld
Ms. Tatiana Sena
Mr. Brian Seraile
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Ms. Laleh Shahideh
Ms. Evelyn Shaker
Ms. Elaine Shamir
Mr. Am Shamus
Ms. Kathleen Shanahan
Mr. Jeffrey Shannon
Ms. Dana Shapiro
Ms. Gail Shapiro
Ms. Gigi Shapiro
Ms. Linda Shaps-Shanin
Mr. Eric Sharp
Ms. Tracy Sharp
Mr. Joseph Sharpe
Mr. Richard Shaw
Ms. Maria Shea
Mrs. Simone Sheffield
Mr. Bill Shelley
Ms. Angela Shen
Ms. Cheryl Shepherd
Ms. Dana Sheppard
Ms. Sally Sherman
Mr. Dale Shidler
Mr. Christopher Shields
Mr. Richard Shoemaker
Ms. Nancy Shope
Ms. Sandra N. Short
Ms. Barbara Shultz
Ms. Thelma Shuster
Ms. Joanne Silberstein
Ms. Barbara Silbert
Mr. Frank Silletti
Ms. Nancy Silver
Ms. Pamela Silver
Mr. Stephen Silver
Ms. Faye Silverman
Ms. Regina Silverman
Ms. Lynette Sims
Ms. Wendy Singer
Mr. Brian Sininger
Ms. Sherry Sink
Ms. Louanne Sirota
Mr. Bryan Sirtosky
Ms. Kam Sisco
Ms. Rachel Sklar
Ms. Joyce Skokowski
Ms. Joyce Skop
Ms. Tia Skulski
Ms. Jos Sleurs
Ms. Mary Sloan
Ms. Holly Slodowitz
Ms. Martha Slover
Ms. Kathy Slupik
Ms. Marilyn Smart
Mr. Chris Smith
Ms. Evie Smith
Mr. Gary Smith
Ms. Heather Smith
Ms. Janine Smith
Ms. Jean Smith
Ms. Jill Smith
Ms. Jolie Smith
Mr. Kenneth Smith
Ms. Lorraine Smith
Ms. Lynne Smith
Ms. Margaret Smith
Mr. Mark Smith
Ms. Nicola Smith
Mr. Randi Smith
Ms. Vanessa Reyes Smith
Ms. Vee Smith
Ms. Enides Smith-Matos
Ms. Carissa Snedeker
Ms. Katie Snee
Ms. Sue Snizek
Mr. Nelson Soto
Mr. Andy Spahn
Ms. Jerri Spiers
Mr. Trevor Spradlin
Ms. Leslie Sprange
Mr. Donald Spriggs
Ms. Susan Sprung
Mr. Roger Spy
Ms. Patricia A. Squire
Ms. Karen Stack
Ms. Kim Stalnaker
Mr. Stefano Stancari
Ms. Madrid St Angelo
Mr. Roger Stanley
Ms. Laura Steelman
Ms. Colleen Stemetzki
Mr. Jeri Stepman
Ms. Roxane Stern
Ms. Deanna Stevens
Ms. Marian Stevens
Mr. Gregory Stewart
Ms. Mary A. Stewart
Mr. Charles Stich
Mr. Robert Stoeck
Mr. Robert Stone
Ms. Ashleigh Strange
Mr. Thomas Streeper
Ms. Ellen Streisand
Ms. Judith Streisand
Mr. Jason Stuart
Ms. Joan Stuart
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sugarman
Ms. Risa Sugarman
Ms. Annie Sukla
Ms. Audrey Sullivan
Ms. Janet Sullivan
Mr. Todd Sussman
Ms. Planet Swan
Mr. Chuck Sweatt
Ms. Karen Sweeton
Mr. Terry Sykes
Ms. Lori Szepelak
Mr. Raymond Szulc
Ms. Margery Tabankin
Mr. Marty Tacher
Ms. Lauri Tanner
Mr. Albert S. Tapang
Ms. Bonnie L. Tarcia
Ms. Serena Tarica
Ms. Cathy Tateosian
Mr. Grant Taylor
Ms. Terri Taylor
Ms. Vicki Taylor
Ms. Betsy Tecco
Mr. Bart Tennant
Ms. Linda Tepper
Mr. Nicholas Tepsic
Mr. Lee Terrell
Ms. Jocelyn Tetel
Ms. Allison Thigpen
Ms. Susan Thomas
Mr. James Thompson
Ms. Kathie Thompson
Ms. Wendy Thompson
Ms. Maura Thornburg
Ms. Audrey Tieger
Mr. Garry Tiller
Mr. Raymond Todd
Mrs. Dana Tomarken
Mr. Jeffery Tomasevich
Mr. Jonathan Tommy
Ms. Tammy Torrence
Ms. Josie Torres-Bates
Mr. Robert Toth
Ms. Dianna Totten
Mr. Robert Traugh
Ms. Debbie Travis
Ms. Sandra Tremulis
Ms. Sharon Trent
Ms. Lisa Tritico
Ms. Mary Truhn
Ms. Ardith Trumpy
Mr. Ron Trunnell
Mr. Antonis Tsamouchis
Mr. Tom Tucker
Ms. Gloria Tuffy
Ms. Paula Turcoane
Mr. Pierro Turgeon
Mr. Dennis Turner
Ms. Patricia Turner
Mr. Robert Turner
Ms. Wendy Twomey
Mr. David Uhler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ullian
Ms. Karin Ullmann
Mr. David Usndek
Ms. Vanessa Vacanti
Ms. Linda Vacca
Ms. Lauren Valk
Ms. Fabiana Van Arsdell
Ms. Susan Van Der Merwe
Ms. Lotte Vanderschueren
Mr. Christopher Vane
Ms. Patricia Vanech
Ms. Ann Vannostrand
Mr. Dennis Vautrot
Ms. Mindy Verson
Ms. Lorna Vining
Mr. Frits Vinju
Ms. Kala Viswanathan
Mr. Rajesh Viswanathan
Ms. Barbara Vittitoe
Ms. Christine Voisard
Ms. Veronica Von
Mr. Robert Vorbroker
Ms. Margaret Vowels
Mr. Anhthu Vu
Ms. Sherrie Wachsman
Ms. Shelley Waddles
Ms. Brenda Wagman
Ms. Susan Wagman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Wald
Ms. Debra Walker
Ms. Merlene Walker
Ms. Nancy Walker
Ms. Suzanne Walker
Mr. Vance Walker
Ms. Wendi Wallach
Ms. Kathleen Walsh
Ms. Maria Walter
Ms. Jeanne Walters
Ms. Lauren Walters
Mr. Randie Walton
Ms. Amy Ward
Mr. Paul Warkentin
Ms. Kim Warner
Ms. Barbara Washington
Mr. Efrat Wasserman
Mr. Gary Wasson
Ms. Ann Watley
Ms. Melissa Weatherwax
Mr. John Weber
Mr. Bruce Weddle
Ms. Joyce Weekley
Ms. Cheryl Weeks
Ms. Lindsey Weinberg
Ms. Lindsay Weiner
Ms. Sally Weiner
Mr. Michael Weingart
Ms. Sandra Weingust
Ms. Geri Weinstein
Mr. Jerome Weinstein
Mr. Alan Weiss
Ms. Shana Weiss
Ms. Beverly Weissman
Ms. Diane Wells
Ms. Dee Wentz
Mr. Adlai Wertman
Mr. Wesley Westenberg
Ms. Amy Wetter
Ms. Monica Wheat
Mr. Dan Wheeler
Mr. David Wheeler
Ms. Brenda White
Ms. Mary White
Ms. Melodie White
Ms. Toni White
Ms. Sandra Whitehouse
Mr. Stuart Whitman
Ms. Wendy Whittaker
Mr. Doug Wick and
Ms. Lucy J. Fisher
Ms. Cindy Wicker
Ms. Mary K. Wik
Ms. Antoinette Wikstrom
Mr. Larry Willey
Ms. Carole Williams
Ms. Marilyn Williams
Ms. Shelia Williams
Ms. Sue Williams
Ms. Valerie Willis
Ms. Barbara Wilson
Ms. Karen Wilson
Mr. Kent Wilson
Ms. Natali Wind
Ms. Cree Windus
Ms. Shirley Wingo
Mr. Daniel Winterfeldt
Alane Witt-Lajeunesse
Mr. Jeffrey Wolfe
Mr. Merrill Wolfe
Mr. Robert Wolfe
Mr. Tom Wolff
Ms. Shannon Wollman
Ms. Adrianne Wonnacott
Mr. Mark Wood
Mr. Timothy Wood
Ms. Lisa Woodard
Ms. Kathy Woycehoski
Ms. Sherri Wright
Ms. Barbara Wuchte
Mr. Kevin Wyderka
Ms. Karen Wygant
Mr. William Wygant
Ms. Nancy Yackle
Ms. Paula Yancy
Ms. Anne M. L. Yantos
Mr. Jon Yates
Mr. Brad Yelvington
Ms. Hanna Yilma-Kassaye
Mr. Thomas Yzaguirre
Ms. Narda Zacchino
Ms. Lynda Zaneski
Ms. Barbara Zan-Stanfield
Ms. Elaine Zarett
Ms. Anne Zarraonandia
Ms. Linda Zawacki
Ms. Frieda Zeidel
Ms. Trudi Zelikson
Mr. Ken Ziffren
Mr. David Zimmerman
Ms. Patricia Zimmerman
Mr. Richard Zimmerman
Mr. Chris Zinkand
Ms. Leona Zions
Ms. Karyl Zitis-Bazos
Mr. Ronald Zuckerman
Mr. Joseph Zupancic
Bloomingdale’s, Inc.
Vernekoff Foundation, Inc.
In memory of Mitzi Vernekoff
Ms. Betty Argo
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zifkin
Ms. Diana H. Kim
In honor of Walter Zifkin’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zifkin
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In honor of John C. Law’s birthday
In honor of all our friends and family
during the holiday season
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barta
In memory of Lisa Bardani’s father
In memory of Dino De Laurentiis
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Rivkin’s father
In honor of Judy and Tom Flesch’s
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Hudnut’s grandaughter
In honor of Burt Margolin’s birthday
Mrs. Bertha G. Carp
In honor of Arlene Zweben’s speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoffman
In memory of Dr. Samuel Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Valner
In honor of Joanna Constantiner
In honor of Phillipe Constantiner’s
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
son Jordan’s engagement
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Freeman’s daughter Lauren’s
In honor of Jonathan Fried’s college
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Weisz’s
Mrs. Arlene Zweben
In memory of Lou Grayson
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Goldma Resnick
In memory of Evelyn Seigel
In memory of Gerald “Jerry” Stark
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Freeman’s daughter Lauren’s
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell
In honor of Ray Kohl’s speedy recovery
In honor of Gloria Lushing’s
granddaughter’s marriage
In honor of Leonard Shapiro’s speedy
Laura and Terry Cunningham
Dorskind Family Foundation
Bud and Mickey Erhardt
Steve and Janice Estrada
In memory of Sandra Mora
Lucy Flippin
In honor of James C. Flippin
Deeban Ganesan
Katy and Cary Gepner
In honor of Jacob Belinfante on his bar
Joyce Gerald
In memory of Daisy Ballard
William and Marena Gonz
In memory of Melanie M. Pollard
Grand Charities, Inc.
Greater Los Angeles New Car
Dealers Association
Jeff and Teresa Gunnoe
In memory of Frank Hallman, Jr.
Tim Hallman
In memory of Frank Hallman, Jr.
Steve Hartunian
Alice Holzman and Chas Briggs
In honor of Dr. P.K. Shah
Honda Financial Services
Martha Louise Jones
In memory of Robert Darryl Pool
Diane Kelterer
Angela Kinard
In memory of Raymond Joseph Landry, Jr.
Sandra Krause/Strauss
Tara Lolley
In honor of Rochelle Harris
Charles and Audrey Lowell
In memory of Jim Smith
Robert Margolis
Gettie Matthews
David May II-Dee May
Charitable Trust
Wilbur May Foundation
Dollie McKnight
In memory of Frank Hallman, Jr.
New York Life Insurance
In memory of Kathleen McCloskey
Kari Phelps
In honor of the Stevens family
In memory of John Dryden Phelps
Karen Furie
Richard and Linnie Phelps
In memory of Jonathan Furie
In memory of John Dryden Phelps
Jenny and Marc Kessler
Cynthia and Dominick Plateroti
In honor of Avital Horwich
In memory of Ed Myers
Dr. Alan Klein
Mike Post
Valjean Raab
In honor of family, friends, and
Renee and Brian Mann
In memory of William J. Bailey
Barbara and Norm Roux
In honor of Caleb and Oliver’s 7th
In honor of Hilda Cooper’s 90th
Barbara and Jerry Mink
Jack and Laura Ruderman
In memory of Dennis Reece
In memory of Herb Levenberg
Peggy Pierce and Erik
Saddle River Valley Swim &
Tennis Club
In honor of Franklin Hart Bertellotti
In honor of William Calder Bertellotti
Arnon Adar
Guy M. Adenis
Richard Adray
Andrea Bell
In memory of Tony Hernandez
Bill and Robin Bitterman
In memory of William Kilburg
Mark Bloom
In memory of Joe Minogue
Cambridge Corporate Services
In memory of Anna D’Angelo
Jerry and Florence Cohen
In memory of Ken Barnett
In memory of Hank Booke
In memory of Steven S. Cohen
In memory of Gordon Green
In memory of Lillian Singer
In memory of Nathan Singer
In memory of Catherine Petersen
Bob and Nancy Salka
Shomrei Torah Synagogue
In honor of Jerry and Florence Cohen
Evelyn Singer
In memory of Steven S. Cohen
The Skirball Foundation
Fred Solomon
South High School English
In honor of Ron Panvini
The Donald T. Sterling
Charitable Foundation
Maynard and Bernice Strull
In memory of Henry Booke
Kent Walters
Robert and Patricia Winson
and Rose Budney’s Bridge
In memory of Rose Budney
Edna Arrasmith
Janice and Arthur Gerry
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Big Esther
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In honor of Mina Brown’s speedy
In honor of Sheila Burman’s wedding
In honor of Relba Imerman’s greatgranddaughter
Rozy Gersten
Ann Bader
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Mina Brown
In honor of Dottie Frieband and Ted
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen
Cecile Bartman
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Judy Gorman
In memory of Tippy Kaufman
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In memory of Irma Robbins
Dr. Philip and Ellen Brooks
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Anne Ceazan’s husband
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Barbara Hellman’s speedy
Mina Brown
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Stanley Brown
In memory of Dorothy Factor
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen
Norma Bubar
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Fern Waddell
In honor of Barbara Hellman’s speedy
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen
In honor of Dori Koonin
Lillian Copelan
In memory of Bernard Ceazan
In memory of Marvin Deane
In memory of Leon Friedan
Esther Degen
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory Bernard Ceazon
In honor of Mina Brown
In honor of Sheila Burman’s marriage
In honor of Dottie Frieband’s speedy
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
Department of Obstetrics and
In memory of Clara Chess
Linda and Marvin Drabinsky
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Steve and Esther Dula’s
60th anniversary
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
Judith Ghesser
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
Nadine and Chuck Glauberman
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Bernard Ceazon
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Pam and Gary
Kaltenbach’s mother, Maxine
In memory of Ira Kirshbaum
In memory of Pam Krantrowitz’s
mother, Pat
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Barbara Hellman’s speedy
In honor of David and Ruth Rosner’s
50th anniversary
In honor of Susan Shuman
Ruth Glucksman
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
In memory of Edgie Phillips
Dori Koonin
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In memory of Jeff Presser’s father
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Laurence’s marriage
Helen Kozberg
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In memory of Evelyn Prell
Bette Kristan
Kayla Lawrence
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Roz and Sam Berkman’s
daughter, Susan Austin
In memory of Earl Bubar
In memory of Judy Taft Burton
In memory of Ira Kirshbaum
In memory of Molly Malloy’s husband
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Barbara Hellman
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Jane Fedalen
Eleanor and Nathan Leanse
In memory of Bernie Ceazan
Karen Levin
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
Bobbie Lipman
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
Pearl Lipner
Joan and Julian Isen
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen
Rollie Loew
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In memory of Robert Shuster
In honor of Barbara Hellman’s speedy
In honor of Susan Shuman
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Hal
In memory of Edith Metzner
In memory of Sylvia Perlmutter
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Henry Wirtschafter’s 80th
Fran Geist
Judy Kaplan
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
Dottie Frieband and Ted
In memory of Edgar Phillips
In memory of Susan Austin
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Barbara Barrett’s son,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Bud Goodwin
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Zeverly Lapin
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
In memory of Nat
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
Marilyn Matlin
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Ira Kirshbaum
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Ann Bader
In honor of Sheila Burman’s marriage
Jo and Arnie Rotsman
In memory of Jane Lancet
In memory of Bernie Ceazan
In memory of Mort Heller
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Barbara Hellman
In honor of Mrs. Brad Herman’s
In honor of Mrs. Carl Hirsch’s birthday
Claire Love
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
Gabriella and Alex Nasch
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Earl Bubar
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Esther Degen’s new greatgreat grandchild
In honor of Judith Flesh’s birthday
In honor of Alex Indich’s birthday
In honor of Joan Isen’s 90th birthday
In honor of Dori Koonin’s speedy
In honor of Ursula Kopstein’s birthday
In honor of Kayla Lawrence sister’s
speedy recovery
In honor of Lilo Siegman and Inez’s
Leslie Nathan
Bobbi and Joel Scherr
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Edgie Phillips
Daisy Schott
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Rusty, family of Elaine
In memory of Edgie Phillips
Judith Tuch
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Jane Fedalen
Justin and Gene Tuch
Susie and Steve Nozet
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In memory of Carol Helfrick’s mother
In memory of Lorna Grant Lee’s
In memory of Joseph Mobley
Shirley Ungerleider
Ruth Ortega
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
Betty and Ken Persion
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Dottie and Ted’s speedy
In honor of Dottie Frieband’s greatgrandchild
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
In honor of Margie and Rick
Ruderman’s new grandchild
Shirley Phillips
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Tippy Kaufman
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In honor of Herbert Friedman’s speedy
In honor of Suzanne Silverstein’s
Gary Mandinach
Rick and Suzanne Porter
Lynn Prince
In memory of Flora Pollacheck
Rose Marie Smith
In honor of Robert Silverstein’s
Sharon Udkoff
In honor of Robert Silverstein’s
Weingart Foundation
Gifts made in memory of
Dr. Juventino Lopez
Leona Miller
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
Betty and Bob Dworman
Helen Rosin
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Edgar Phillips, Jr.
In memory of Phyllis Wayne
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Edna Arrasmith
In honor of Barbara Hellman’s speedy
In honor of Relba Imerman’s birthday
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
In honor of Dori Koonin’s speedy
In honor of Trana Labowe’s birthday
In honor of Pat and Jerry Malamud
In honor of Susan Shuman’s speedy
Jack and Pat Gumbiner
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Fe Diocales’ mother-inlaw
In memory of Tippy Kaufman
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Mina Brown
In honor of Sheila Burman’s marriage
In honor of William and Morris
bar mitzvahs
In honor of Joan Isen
In honor of Bobbie Lipman
In honor of Susan Shuman
In memory of Lee Corwin
Myra Mannheimer
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Harriet Freund
In memory of Claire Goldfarb
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Donna Garber
In honor of Relba Imerman’s birthday
In memory of Edgie Phillips
Helping Hand Board of
In memory of Ira Kirshbaum
Ann Saltzman
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Earl Bubar
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
Saredel Riskind
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen
Fran Lash
Bobbie Handel
In memory of Edgie Phillips
Francis Maas
Nan Krasne
In memory of Edgie Phillips
Mae Goodson
Harold and Nancy Takahashi
Ben Hoberman
Deborah and Ivan Kallick
In memory of Edgie Phillips
Dorothy Merchasin
In honor of Abe and Elaine Glazer’s
50th anniversary
In honor of Allan Pivnick’s 75th
In honor of Derek Statt’s 70th birthday
Relba Imerman and Merle
Lyn Fair
Julia Klein
Cooky and Buddy Gold
In memory of Ben and Susan Fields’
In memory of Fern Waddell
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Earl Bubar
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In memory Dr. Jack Pivko
In memory of Helen Szabo’s father
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In memory of Helene and Bob
Gerstein’s mother
In memory of Tippy Kaufman
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In memory of Dr. and Mrs. Dean
In honor of Barbara Hellman’s speedy
In honor of Dr. Irving Lava’s 90th
Helen Wald
In memory of Carol Harris
Judith Shapiro Wasserman
In honor of Joan and Julian Isen’s
birthdays and anniversary
Effie Weinberg
In memory of Barbara Barrett’s son,
Ellie Weisbaum
In memory of Edgie Phillips
In memory of Evelyn Prell
Lew Weiss
In memory of Celeste Valle
Misty Widelitz
Ms. Ann Banks
Ms. Sandra Bartok
Ms. Victoria Chikami
Ms. Nancy Levy
Ms. Aurora Lopez
Ms. Alison Roth
Ms. Blanche Samalin
Ms. Beatrice Spector
Mr. and Mrs. William Tully
Gifts made in memory of
Dennis Rose
Ms. Karen Beckman
Mr. Jay Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Bider
Ms. Leah Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Cookler
Mr. Lowell Dreyfus
Mrs. Gwenn Drucker-Flait
Mr. Ivan Faggen
Mr. Gary Ferrell
Mr. Stuart Flait
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Garfield
Mr. and Mrs. David Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kabrins
Mr. Thad Kurowski
Mr. Phillip Leddel
Mrs. Judy Lipton
Mr. Richard London
Ms. Jacqueline Macias
Mr. John Magulas
Mr. Peter Maurice
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Neusteter
Ms. Allison Orris
Mr. and Mrs. Woody Orris
Mr. Leon Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reznikoff
Mr. Gary D. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robin
Ms. Nurit Robin
Ms. Margy Rosenbluth
Mr. Dan Rothblatt
Ms. Annette Shapiro
Ms. Sunshine Stone
Mr. Brad Sures
Mr. Beryl Weiner
Mackey Revitz and Nat Berman
In memory of Jane Lancet
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Jane Fedalen
In honor of Relba Imerman’s birthday
Gifts made in honor of
Micah Gordon
Peggy and David Ash
Mr. Carter Bays
Ms. Sharleen Cooper Cohen
Mr and Mrs. Steve Cohn
Ms. Susan Eschelbach
Ms. Sue Federman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Glantz
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon
Harriet Rice
In memory of Ann Bader’s daughter,
In memory of Margaret Beckham,
mother of Cindy Azziz
In memory of Freda Meltzer
In memory of Sidney Liss
Dr. Daniel Bandari
Cindy Carlin and Jeff Rousso
In memory of Jayn Marshall
Davis Factor, Jr.
Deliver a Smile, Lend a Helping Hand
The Helping Hand
Gift Shop
Now Online!
Gifts will be delivered
directly to your loved
one’s in-patient room
at Cedars-Sinai.
The HelpinggeHleas
of L os A n
Celebrating 8e0dayrs-Sinai
of service to C
– Flowers, ballons and candy
– Books and magazines
– Children’s apparel,
toys and games
– Jewelry, handbags and
– Activewear and sleepwear
– Giftware and corporate gifts
– Logo apparel and hats
– Gift certificates
Order at
or call 310-423-5241
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Grossbard
Mr. Stephen Lloyd
Mr. Glenn Rotner
Mr. Craig Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sukov
In memory of Patrice Ablack’s father
In memory of Dr. Juventino Lopez
In memory of Dennis Rose
In memory of Sophia
In memory of Darren Grossman
Gifts made in memory of
Joanne Kirshbaum
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rake’s
50th anniversary
Ms. Leslie Swain and Mr. Bert
Gifts made in memory of Hal
Virginia Blywise
In memory of Matthew Silverman
Ms. Zoe Leader
Mr. Charles Tatham
Roseanne Crawford
Judith and Harvey Flax
The Family of Harry J.L. Frank, Jr.
Regina and Marvin Franklin
Freddi Gelfand
Dorita Gotlieb
Barbara Hertwig
Louise Hirsh
Marilyn Horwitz
Kaufman, Hall & Associates
Kolodny & Anteau
Zelma Kramer
Pat Malamud
Jocelyn Manansala
Jane and Lewis Morgen
Annette Pearson
Carolyn and Robert Rippner
Natalie Roseman and
Edgar Gold
Jane and Bob Rosenbaum
Ruth and Jerry Schwartz
Mildred and Richard Stark
Lannie Tonnu
Vicki and Ronald Wolf
Deborah and Robert Wood
Martin Appel
Donna Ellman Garber
Betsy Green
Ben Hoberman
Renee and Dr. Harold Holland
Caroll Maltzman
Elliott Maltzman
Laura and James Maslon
Rebecca and Arnold Nedelman
Carol and Gene Osher
Joyce and Larry Powell
Joy and Bruce Rabin
In honor of Ronan O’ Casey
Dr. Julius and Mickey Lesner
Ms. Dawn Beghi
In honor of Brian Beghi
Mr. Richard C. Levi
Ms. Miryam Brand
In honor of Carley Mirvis
Mr. Gary Levine
Ms. Jeanne Cairns
Mr. and Mrs. David Lonner
Ms. Cyd Cocksedge
In memory of Dr. Terry Lipton
In honor of Andi Israel
In honor of Deena Levine
In honor of Adam Lonner
In honor of Frances Cocksedge
Ms. Linda Ann May
Mr. and Mrs. Flo Flink
In memory of Dr. Terry Lipton
Mr. Robert Mirvis
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gunther
In memory of Dr. Terry Lipton
Mr. Thomas Morgan
Ms. Jamie Gutfrend
In honor of Jordan Fragen
Ms. Joyce Raymer
Mr. Stephen Jones
In honor of Samantha Schoenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenwald
Mr. Alan Kaye
In honor of Janet Refoa, DDS
Ms. Fran Shagan Schenkel
Ms. Barbara Knox-Olenik
In honor of Graham Cairns
Mr. Neil Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Labe
In honor of Michelle Horner
Ms. Lynnette Spector
Ms. Phoebe Larmore
Mr. Mitchell J. Stein Foundation
In memory of Dr. Juventino Lopez
In honor of Dr. Elaine Leader
Dr. Elaine Leader
In memory of Maxwell Barr
In memory of Candy Kara’s father
In honor of Graham Cairns
The Helping Hand Gift Shop is staffed entirely by volunteers. All proceeds benefit
the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
In memory of Matthew Silverman
In honor of Carley Mirvis
In memory of Matthew Silverman
In honor of Graham Cairns
In honor of Michael Kamara
In honor of Emily Schenkel
In honor of the Breen family
In honor of Greer Bronson
In honor of Jeffrey Kaplan
In memory of C.O. Tatham
Mr. William Ward
In honor of Lily Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Yoon
In honor of Lauren Yu
Ms. Jamie Young
In honor of Mariel Brunman
Mrs. Helena Yu
In honor of Lauren Yu
Mr. and Mrs. Izak Zakar
In honor of Helen Reid
Ruth Glucksman
In memory of Evelyn Brooks Prell
In honor of Pat Hubbard’s birthday
Virginia Blywise
In honor of Hilda Hirsch’s birthday
Mrs. Geri Brawerman
In honor of Norman Beck’s birthday
Sara Sands
In honor of Lila Rauch’s birthday
Bunni and Rick Benaron
In honor of Pat Hubbard’s birthday
Barbara Blinderman
In honor of Barbara Herman’s birthday
and dedicated service to Cedars-Sinai
Ruth and Donald Blumkin
In memory of Jim Van Ert
In memory of Dorothy Factor
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Eugene Goodwin
In memory of Betty Levinson
In memory of Irvin Sterman
In memory of Barry Weber
In honor of Shira and Bobbie
Feuerstein’s 25th anniversary
In honor of Beverly and Chester
Firestein’s 60th anniversary
In honor of Chester Firestein’s birthday
In honor of Barbara Herman’s birthday
Mrs. Geri Brawerman
In memory of Lee Corwin
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Eugene Goodwin
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
In memory of Evelyn Prell
Judy and Bernard Briskin
In memory of Stanley Brown
In memory of Stanley Glick
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Morton Heller
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Betty Levinson
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
In memory of Edgar Milton Phillips, Jr.
In memory of Lois Weinstock
In honor of Barbara Belzberg
In honor of Beverly and Chester
Firestein’s 60th anniversary
In honor of Donna and Stephen
Massman’s new grandchild
Caron and Steven Broidy
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
Shelley and Dr. Martin Cooper
In memory of Eugene Goodwin
The Feiner Family
In honor of Gordon Hubbard’s birthday
Beverly and Chester Firestein
In memory of Bud Brown
In memory of Elaine Caplow’s mother
In memory of Dorothy Factor
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Eugene Goodwin
In memory of Millie Hersch
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Lenore Levich
In memory of Betty Levinson
In memory of David Levinson
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
In memory of Mel Peters
In memory of Edgar Phillips, Jr.
Deanne Kass
Robert Friedman
In memory of Catherine Stern
In honor of Gina Furth
Susan Lerner
Ms. Gina Furth
In honor of Alison and Jerry
Greenberg’s 40th anniversary
In memory of Edythe Beren Fierman
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Clair Rothstein
Anne and Dr. Paul Geller
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Marsha Stewart
In honor of Hilda Hirsch’s birthday
Caryl Golden and
Dr. Jim Gerson
In honor of Barbara Herman’s birthday
Edna and Tom Gordon
In honor of Daniele Worth Ochoa’s
Susan Greenberg
In honor of Barbara Herman’s birthday
Lorette and Dr. Keith Gross
In memory of Dorothy Factor
In memory of Eugene Goodwin
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Leonard Klevan
In memory of Zev Lapin
In memory of Betty Levinson
In memory of Mae Getsin Novick Weiss
Sally Helfer
In memory of Oliver Bilak
In memory of Esther Cohen
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Eugene Goodwin
In memory of Lil Greenberg
In memory of Morton Heller
In memory of Betty Levinson
In memory of Anobel Raphael
In memory of Robert Recht
In memory of Lois Weinstock
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Berger’s
55th anniversary
In honor of Jerry Greenwald’s
75th birthday
In honor of Sally Greenwald and
Leif Johnson’s wedding
Barbara Herman
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Miriam Newman
In honor of Judy and Bernard Briskin’s
In honor of Gordon Hubbard’s birthday
In honor of Pat Hubbard’s speedy
Hella and Charles Hershson
In memory of Betty Levinson
Ms. Frances Hirsh
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Eugene Goodwin
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
Joan Katz
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Evelyn Prell
Renee and Jim Kent
In honor of Barbara Herman’s birthday
Rini and Arthur Kraus
In honor of Barbara Herman’s birthday
Ruth Lawson
Diane M. Levin
In honor of Brenda Fritz’ hard work
Abby and Alan Levy
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Eugene Goodwin
In memory of Betty Levinson
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Mel Peters
In memory of Dr. Arthur Rosenbaum
In honor of Alison and Jerry
Greenberg’s 40th anniversary
Cathee Lincoln
In honor of Barbara Herman’s birthday
Pauline Marks and Herb
In honor of Barbara Herman’s
70th birthday
Donna and Stephen Massman
In memory of Lois Weinstock
Mimi Meltzer
In memory of Tillie Greitzer
In memory of Ira Kirshbaum
In memory of Betty Levinson
In memory of Grace Ross
Pamela and Mark Mischel
In honor of Alison and Jerry
Greenberg’s 40th anniversary
The Platt Family
In honor of Gordon Hubbard’s birthday
Charles R. Pollock Fund
Marilyn and Larry Resnick
In honor of Alison and Jerry
Greenberg’s 40th anniversary
Loraine and Dr. Robert Sinskey
In memory of Tillie Greitzer
In memory of Millie Hirsch
In memory of Ira Kirshbaum
In memory of Lenore Krems
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
Cynthia Somer
In honor of Donna and Stephen
Massman’s new grandchild
In honor of Daniele Worth Ochoa’s
Joan Steier
In honor of Brenda Fritz’s hard work
In honor of Alison Greenberg’s work
In honor of Barbara Herman’s hard
work and 70th birthday
In memory of Leon Frieden
Mrs. Bernard Weinberg
Jeanine and Peter Hubbard
In honor of Anne Geller’s birthday
In honor of Gordon Hubbard’s birthday
Pat and Gordon Hubbard
In memory of Stanley Brown
In memory of Jeffrey Cohen
In memory of Lee Corwin
In memory of Tilly Greitzer
In memory of Alan Kanter
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Anobel Raphael
In memory of Jean Shane
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Bakst
In honor of Helene Galen and
Jamie Kabler
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goldner
In honor of Barbara Herman’s birthday
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hirsch
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Maltzman’s 50th anniversary
In honor of Joanna Ogner’s speedy
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. William
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Poplawski
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Sunkin
Women’s Guild Board of
In memory of Dorothy Factor
In memory of Hal Glucksman
In memory of Eugene Goodwin
In memory of Joanne Kirshbaum
In memory of Leonard Klevan
In memory of Betty Levinson
In memory of Frieda Meltzer
In memory of Beverly Mitchell
In memory of Barry Weber
In honor of Beverly and Chester
Firestein’s 60th anniversary
In honor of Ken Fritz speedy recovery
In honor of Alison and Jerry
Greenberg’s 40th anniversary
In honor of Ashley Morrow speedy
In honor of Andra Stein’s speedy
Annette Ades
Lawrence Ades
Milton Adler
Martin S. Appel
Richard Arnold
Richard Aronsohn
H. Edward Baher
H. Edward Baher Charitable
Remainder Trust
Saralee Baldwin
Ervin Bard
Susanne Bard
Barbara Barrett
Mary Barry
Robert K. Barth
Suzanne C. Barth
Barth Family Foundation
Larry Baum
Aaron Belokamen
Lilian Belokamen
Barbara Factor Bentley
Joseph Bentley
George Bergmann
Estate of Ruth and Jules
Estate of Peggy & Monty
Stanley Beyer
Stanley J. Black
Alfred Bloch
Irving Blum
Jackie Blum
Robert H. Blumenfield
Sharon C. Blumenfield
Estate of Ellen F. Brandt
Geri F. Brawerman
Richard S. Brawerman
Bernard Briskin
Gary Briskman
Linda J. Briskman
Norman R. Brokaw
John Burnett
Linda Burrows Administrative
Henry Cahn
Jacqueline Cahn
Mel L. Cantor
Jock Casasus
Stanley Christensen
Eleanor S. Cohen
Myles J. Cohen
Esther H. Cohn
Estate of Angela Collier
Helen Colton
Lewis N. Cozen
Donald Cravens
Peggy Cravens
Gary Damsker
Mary Damsker
Davre J. Davidson
Ralph W. Dickey
Estate of Irene Dreier
Maxine Dunitz
Harry Eisen
Hilda Eisen
Robert M. Eller
Edward W. Engs
Joyce Engs
Estate of Marusia Enyart
Doris B. Factor
Elaine Falk
Robert A. Falk
Eris Field
Eris & Larry Field Family
Lawrence N. Field
Sylvia R. Fine
Estate of Minnie Finkelstein
The Firks-Brawerman
Bernice Fitch
Irving Fitch
Barbara Kalish Folender
Joseph Folender
Estate of Glen L. Francom
Faye D. Frankel
Annetta Freeman
Stanley M. Freeman
Estate of Evelyn K. Friedland
Arthur Garfunkel
Jean H. Gerber
Philip Gerber
Frances T. Gilbert
Leonard N. Gilbert
The Leonard N. and Frances T.
Gilbert Trust
Marilyn Gilfenbain
Florence Glaser
Paul Glaser
Albert Glazerman
Zena Glazerman
Carol Gleicher
Howard Gleicher
Morton Gleicher
Charles I. Gold
Regina R. Gold
Irwin H. Goldenberg
Bram Goldsmith
Estate of Samuel Goldstein
Maxim B. Goode
Marvin Goodson
Estate of Samuel E. Gordon
Sandra D. Gordon
Dorothy Gourrich
George E. Gourrich
Gourrich Foundation
Bernard B. Greenblatt
Mark S. Greenfield
Roberta Greenfield
John F. Gregory
Elyse Grinstein
Stanley S. Grinstein
William M. Hasberg
Harold Haytin
Barbara A. Hellman
Bud Hellman
The Bud and Barbara Hellman
Paul Henry
Estate of Peter V. Herald
Estate of Selma Herbert
Arlene B. Herman
Perry L. Herwood
Helene A. Hixon
Philip E. Hixon
Sue N. Hochberg
Judi Hochman
Burton Horwitch
Roberta Horwitch
Ruth W. Howe
Leon Isaacson
Sadie Isaacson
Bertha Ismann
Hans Ismann
Karl Ismann
Ute Ismann
Richard M. Kagan
David Paul Kane
Irving J. Karp
Ruth F. Karp
Karp 1977 Trust
Jean Rosenbaum Katz
Barbara Kaufman
David N. Kavner
Carol Kerensky
Robert J. Kerensky
Barbara R. Kirshner
Berton M. Kirshner
James R. Klinenberg
S. Jon Kreedman
Ben Kurtzman
Sally B. Kurtzman
Lee D. Lasker
Herbert I. Lazarus
Shelley J. Lazarus
The Lazarus Family Trust of
Alex Lederer
Rosey E. Lederer
Alan D. Levy
Bert Levy
Estate of Esther Graff Levy
Estate of Gladys Lichtenstein
Gertrude Lieblich
Lynn P. Klinenberg Linkin
Muriel Lipsey
The Muriel Lipsey
Administrative Trust
Howard Lipstone
Jane Lipstone
Estate of William S.
Louchheim, Sr.
Estate of Roslyn Lyon
Joe Malkin
Estate of Goldie Margid
Estate of Eva Markus
Maxine L. Marmor
Estate of Jack Marsh
John Martz
John Martz 2007 Charitable
Remainder Trust
Estate of Kurt Meyer
Rose Miller
Joseph N. Mitchell
Blanche R. Newman
Helga Oppenheimer
Estate of Walter Oppenheimer
Leona Palmer
Norman Pawlan
James L. Perzik
Judith L. Perzik
Karen Kay Platt
Lawrence B. Platt
Joyce Powell
Joyce & Lawrence Powell
Family Foundation
Lawrence M. Powell
Kenneth Pressberg
Frank E. Raab
Sally H. Raab
Estate of Myron L. Radlin
Ronald Reuben
Thelma Reuben
Estate of Merlyn J. and Lillian
W. Robinson
Estate of Frances Rogaff
Ruth Roman
Ann Rosenson
Alan I. Rothenberg
Ann E. Rothenberger
Estate of Edna and David Ruby
David I. Saperstein
Maria C. Schott
Ann Schwartz
Marcia Schwartz
Sidney Schwartz
Estate of Mary Ann Segal
M. M. Shabot
Melvin A. Shader
Estate of Theresa Shafer
Klara N. Shandling
Martin R. Shandling
Sanford C. Sigoloff
Bernard M. Silbert
Harvey L. Silbert
Estate of Lillian Silbert
Estate of Marc Silver
Anita M. Silverstein
Robert Silverstein
Robert and Anita Silverstein
Family Foundation
Estate of Gerald F. Simon
John B. Simon
Anne L. Simons
Florence L. Slotkin
Milton Slotkin
Grace Spencer
Estate of John Stahl
Estate of Sol Stameshkin
Estate of Medford W. Stone
Estate of Raymond Stotter
J C Strauss
Judith Tamkin
S. Jerome Tamkin
Herbert Trackman
Estate of Stanley Wainer
Daniel J. Wallace
Daniel J. Wallace, MD Medical
Janice B. Wallace
Mickey Wapner
Anthony D. Ward
Ann Warner
Roberta B. Weil
Elizabeth B. Weisman
Marcia S. Weisman
Michael H. Weisman
Alexander Weiss
Charlotte S. Weiss
Sanford B. Weiss
Henry Wilf
Leila Wilf
Estate of Alyce T. Williams
Irwin Winkler
John D. Winters
Sherry M. Winters
Armin Wittenberg
Halina Wolf
Estate of Donald C. Woodruff
Barbara Zifkin
PERMIT NO. 22328
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
8700 Beverly Boulevard, Suite 2416
Los Angeles, California 90048
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Four Seasons Beverly Wilshire Hotel
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The Mark
October 29 | Women’s Guild Annual Gala
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