SUMMER 2016 RELEASES BOOK HOOK: What most of us have heard about heaven comes from ill-informed funeral sermons and books about widely reported near-death experiences. Hanegraaff reveals the simple yet thrilling truth about what really happens to us and those we love when we die. You’ll be left to wonder, “Why hasn’t someone told me this before?” AFTERLIF E WH AT YOU N E E D TO K N OW AB OUT HE AVE N , T H E HE RE AF TE R & N E AR- D E ATH E XPE RIE N C E S HANK HANEGRAAFF IN-STORE DATE: April 5, 2016 ISBN:9781617957963 FORMAT: Trade Paper TRIM SIZE: 5.375”x 8” PAGE COUNT: 256 pages RETAIL PRICE:$15.99 CATEGORY: REL012000 / RELIGION / Christian Life / General CARTON QTY: 36 ORDER DUE DATE: JANUARY 13, 2016 PREVIOUS TITLES: Afterlife (Hardcover) 9781617950810 The Prayer of Jesus 9780849917301 The Bible Answer Book 9780849995446 The Complete Bible Answer Book 9781404113817 CO M PA R A B L E T I T L E S : Heaven Randy Alcorn 9780842379427 Heaven Is for Real Todd Burpo 9780849946158 HANK HANEGRAAFF MARKETING SELLING POINTS CONTENT WO R THY P U B L I S HI N G WO RT HY PUBLI SHI NG WORTH Y PUBLISH ING WORTH Y PUBLISH I NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P UB L IS H IN G WOR T H Y P U B L IS H IN G there was ever a need-to-know book, AfterLife is it. On his daily call-in Ithefradio show, the most common questions Hanegraaff fields are about th hereafter. Consumers are desperate for knowledge and reassurance about what comes after life on this earth. Hank Hanegraaff, one of the most remarkable theological minds of the 21st century, explains the marvelous way this physical life connects our past to our eternal future. AfterLife gives readers a clear and concrete understanding about what happens after death and to those we love. + Now available in trade paper + Includes study guide for individual or small group use + RADIO SUPPORT: Promoted on Hanegraaff’s daily radio program airing on Sirius/XM satellite radio along with over 150 broadcast stations reaching in excess of 1 million people daily. + EMAIL CAMPAIGN: Targeted email campaign to 500,000 and Bible Answer Man subscribers. Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute and just back from delivering a lecture series in Iran and Russia, is heard daily in the top 100 radio markets in the United States and Canada. He’s author of the runaway bestsellers The Prayer of Jesus and The Complete Bible Answer Book. He lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. + SOCIAL MEDIA: Extensive content campaign utilizing Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and blog tours to reach readers interested in theology, heaven, and near-death experiences. WORTHYPUBLISHING.COM BOOK HOOK: If In D o u bt p rovo c at ive ly ad d re ss e s t he se ve n greatest q uesti o n s e sse n t ial fo r a life t ime o f se c u re fai th . IF IN D OUBT ANSWERING THE SEVEN GREAT QUESTIONS ABOUT FAITH RHYS STENNER IN-STORE DATE: June 14, 2016 ISBN:9781617957567 FORMAT: Trade Paper TRIM SIZE: 5.375” x 8” PAGE COUNT: 224 RETAIL PRICE:$14.99 CATEGORY: REL067030 /RELIGION Christian Theology / Apologetics CARTON QTY: 36 ORDER DUE DATE: MARCH 23, 2016 CO M PA R A B L E T I T L E S : Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis 9780060652920 The Reason for God Timothy Keller 9781594483493 RHYS STENNER WO R THY P U B L I S HI N G WO RT HY PUBLI SHI NG WORTH Y PUBLISH ING WORTH Y PUBLISH I NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P UB L IS H IN G WOR T H Y P U B L IS H IN G MARKETING SELLING POINTS CONTENT D oubt, even mockery toward the Bible, occurs on every front, even from within the family of faith. But many of us have never actually heard answers to the questions that lie beneath the surface. Stenner’s foundational book summarizes accurately and simply the core facts of the Christian faith. Presented in a pastoral tone, If In Doubt covers the grand story of all time, from creation to the forthcoming close of human history and into eternity. Readers will find answer to these questions: + Is the Bible reliable? + Is Jesus God? + Is Jesus coming back? + Is there life after death? + Did Jesus rise from the dead? + Is there right and wrong? + Did God make the world? Rhys Stenner is senior pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Fayetteville, Georgia. Originally from the United Kingdom, he attended the London School of Theology and pastored in England and Wales prior to joining New Hope. He and his wife, Louise, have three daughters and live outside Atlanta. + Student Leadership University to promote at Summer 2016 events + Includes study guide for individual or small group use + Endorsers include Jack Graham and Dave Stone + Partnership with The Navigators + MEDIA: National Christian media campaign, focusing on radio, online, and print outlets, including network of Baptist state newspapers. Other targeted outlets include Moody Radio, Salem Radio Network, Beliefnet, Huffington Post Religion, and Christianity Today. + SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION: Promotion at Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in St. Louis June 14-16, 2016. + SOCIAL MEDIA: Multi-week social media campaign including Twitter and Facebook content, targeted blog tour, and Goodreads giveaway. + STUDENT LEADERSHIP UNIVERSITY: If In Doubt to be a featured resource at summer 2016 live events. WORTHYPUBLISHING.COM BOOK HOOK: D rills d e e p fo r t he re f re s hin g s t re am o f life- gi vi n g water that must b e g in to f low f re e ly if we are to re s to re th e c hurc h and rebu ild A me r ic a, b e fo re it ’s to o late. THE STREA M RESTORING LIFE TO OUR PARCHED NATION JAMES ROBISON IN-STORE DATE: June 28, 2016 ISBN:9781617957581 FORMAT: Jacketed Hardcover TRIM SIZE: 6” x 9” PAGE COUNT: 224 RETAIL PRICE:$21.99 CATEGORY: REL012110 RELIGION / Christian Life / Social Issues CARTON QTY: 24 ORDER DUE DATE: MARCH 30, 2016 PREVIOUS TITLES: Indivisible 9781594154416 CO M PA R A B L E T I T L E S : A More Perfect Union Dr. Ben Carson 9781591848042 Plunder and Deceit Mark Levin 9781451606300 COVER NOT FINAL JAMES ROBISON MARKETING SELLING POINTS CONTENT WO R THY P U B L I S HI N G WO RT HY PUBLI SHI NG WORTH Y PUBLISH ING WORTH Y PUBLISH I NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P UB L IS H IN G WOR T H Y P U B L IS H IN G R obison’s campaign for 2016 and beyond is the restoration of the Christian faith and the renewal of an America whose foundings have eroded. The Stream charts a clear path to personal restoration and outlines a plan for spiritual revolution in our culture, values, morals, and in government. + Features foreword from Beth Moore + Release coincides with large launch event in June + Timely message addresses current potlitical, social, and cultural issues + NATIONAL MEDIA: National Christian PR campaign to complement Robison’s existing media platform. In addition to promotion on LIFE Today, other targets will print, online, radio, and television outlets. +EVENT: A launch event at AT&T Stadium preceded by a robust pre-order campaign designed to build buzz and support retail sales. James Robison is the founder and president of LIFE Outreach International, a worldwide Christian relief organization. He is also the host of LIFE Today, a daily syndicated television program that reaches 300 million homes in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia. He is the author of many books, including Indivisible, True Prosperity, and Living in Love, and has spoken to millions of people through evangelistic crusades since entering public ministry in 1962. James and his wife Betty live in Ft. Worth, Texas. + SOCIAL MEDIA: Leverage Robison’s own social network and email list as well as his endoresers’ to spread the word and generate pre-orders. + CHURCH OUTREACH: Direct mail campaign highlighting bulk sale opportunities to 30,000 churches. WORTHYPUBLISHING.COM BOOK HOOK: As o n ly he c an , e ac h d ay Pasto r Jo hn H ag e e br i n gs an authori tati ve, ye t in sp irat io n al wo rd to b e lie ve rs t h a t w i l l c enter you i n th e Wo rd o f G o d . DA ILY TR UTH DEVOTIONA L JOHN HAGEE A 365 DAY DEVOTIONAL IN-STORE DATE: August 23, 2016 ISBN:9781617957550 FORMAT: Jacketed Hardcover with Ribbon Marker TRIM SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5” PAGE COUNT: 384 RETAIL PRICE:$16.99 CATEGORY: REL012020 / RELIGION / Christian Life / Devotional CARTON QTY: 24 ORDER DUE DATE: APRIL 12, 2016 PREVIOUS TITLES: The Three Heavens 9781617953699 Four Blood Moons 9781617952142 CO M PA R A B L E T I T L E S : Jesus Calling Sarah Young 9781591451884 JOHN HAGEE MARKETING SELLING POINTS CONTENT WO R THY P U B L I S HI N G WO RT HY PUBLI SHI NG WORTH Y PUBLISH ING WORTH Y PUBLISH I NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P UB L IS H IN G WOR T H Y P U B L IS H IN G D ivided into twelve sections, this year-long dated devotional book walks readers through Scripture with words of strength and encouragement. + First 365 daily devotional available from John Hagee + 4 color interior with ribbon bookmark makes a great gift + EXTENSIVE MINISTRY PARTNERSHIP: John Hagee Ministries will promote to their entire constituency, including on television and radio, as well as their email database of over 300,000 anda social media audience of over 2 million. + MEDIA: Christian and conservative media campaign. Targeted outlets include The Blaze, Salem Radio Network,, and TBN. John Hagee is the author of several New York Times bestsellers, including Four Blood Moons. He is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a nondenominational evangelical church with more than 22,000 members. He is the founder and president of John Hagee Ministries, which broadcasts his teachings nationally and internationally through network television and on Pastor Hagee is also the founder and national chairman of Christians United for Israel—the largest Christian pro-Israel organization in the United States with over 2.5 million members. + CONTENT MARKETING CAMPAIGN: Utilze daily devotional format to develop robust online content, including digital samplers, brief excerpts for use on social media, and inspirational, sharable image quotes WORTHYPUBLISHING.COM BOOK HOOK: The O u tc r y to u rs b r in g to g e t he r ove r 1 3 0,0 00 p eop le ac ross 1 5 c it ie s to in sp ire an d g alv an ize e ac h c ity’s l oc a l c hurc hes. O utcr y d e c lare s t hat lo c al c hu rc he s are at t he h e a r t of Chri sti ani ty an d yo u c an make a d if fe re n c e in yo u r c o m m u n i ty. OUTCRY NEW VOICES SPEAK OUT ABOUT THE POWER OF THE CHURCH SHANE QUICK IN-STORE DATE: July 12, 2016 ISBN:9781617957536 FORMAT: Trade Paper TRIM SIZE: 5.375” x 8” PAGE COUNT: 224 RETAIL PRICE:$15.99 CATEGORY: REL109000 / RELIGION / Christian Ministry / General REL108000 / RELIGION / Christian Church / General CARTON QTY: 36 ORDER DUE DATE: APRIL 20, 2016 CO M PA R A B L E T I T L E S : The Hole in Our Gospel Richard Stearns 9780849947006 Radical Together David Platt 9781601423726 COVER NOT FINAL SHANE QUICK WO R THY P U B L I S HI N G WO RT HY PUBLI SHI NG WORTH Y PUBLISH ING WORTH Y PUBLISH I NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P UB L IS H IN G WOR T H Y P U B L IS H IN G MARKETING SELLING POINTS CONTENT T he Outcry tours were born out of a desire to be the lights and sounds of the greatest movement in the world – the local church. While studies and critics may indicate a decline of the local church, Shane Quick’s Outcry attests that the movement is only increasing. It’s time we band together to empower the local church to influence the surrounding culture. It’s you. It’s us. Stand behind the church Jesus gave His life for. The part you play in your local church matters. You are an integral part of bringing God’s story to all corners of the world. God’s church isn’t finished! Her best days are ahead. Shane Quick is one of the principals at Premier Production, a muscial events business that works with artists such as Hillsong United, Passion, TobyMac, Casting Crowns, Newsboys, Bill Gaither, MercyMe, and many others. He lives in Birmingham, Alabama. + Release will coincide with 2016 Outcry arena tour + Reintroduces readers to the power and positive influence of the church + MEDIA: National Christian media campaign focusing on tour success and unity among participating artists. Targeted outlets inlcude RELEVANT, Christianity Today, TBN, LIfe Today, K-LOVE, and more, as well as local media in tour cities. + OUTCRY TOUR: 2016 arena tour follows 2015 tour, which attracted more than 130,000 fans in 12 cities including Houston, Chicago, and Miami. + SOCIAL MEDIA SUPPORT: Outcry artists, including Hillsong UNITED, Bethel Music, Kari Jobe, Passion, and Jesus Culture, reach over 10 million followers online. + ADVERTISING: Multi-platform ad campaign, including high profile Christian news outlets and robust content marketing campaign utilizing various ad networks to target both churched and un-churched Christian, fans of Outcry tour artists, and millennials interested in faith and culture. WORTHYPUBLISHING.COM BOOK HOOK: Lear n sp e c if ic ,e f fe c t ive s t rate g ie s to avo id s i n k i n g i nto overwhelm in g d e b t while p u rs u in g a c are e r -ad v an c i n g degree. H OW TO GR ADUATE DEBT F REE THE BEST STRATEGIES TO PAY FOR COLLEGE #NOTGOINGBROKE KRISTINA ELLIS IN-STORE DATE: August 9, 2016 ISBN:9781617957437 FORMAT: Trade Paper TRIM SIZE: 5.375” x 8” PAGE COUNT: 224 RETAIL PRICE:$15.99 CATEGORY: STU031000 / Study Aids / Financial Aid CARTON QTY: 36 ORDER DUE DATE: MAY 17, 2016 PREVIOUS TITLES: Confessions of a Scholarship Winner 9781617951572 CO M PA R A B L E T I T L E S : Debt-Free U: How I Paid for an Outstanding College Education Without Loans, Scholarships, or Mooching off My Parents Zac Bissonnette 9781591842989 NOT FINAL COVER KRISTINA ELLIS MARKETING SELLING POINTS CONTENT WO R THY P U B L I S HI N G WO RT HY PUBLI SHI NG WORTH Y PUBLISH ING WORTH Y PUBLISH I NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P UB L IS H IN G WOR T H Y P U B L IS H IN G S eventy percent of college students graduate with an average of nearly $30,000 in debt—more than many college graduates make in their first year out of school. Motivated, intentional planning can make thousands of dollars of difference when it comes to paying for college. This book will equip students and parents with the know-how to confidently navigate financial planning at this important season, enabling students to graduate with a great financial foundation to accompany their hard-earned degree. + Shows students how to make the most of financial aid packages and secure scholarships + Offers guidance on choosing schools and majors that help ensure future financial success + Addresses major current economic, political, and cultural issues of mounting student debt and the cost of education + NATIONAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN: Major national media campaign. Targeted outlets include Fox News, Good Morning America, Dave Ramsey, and many others, as well as parenting/ family publications. + AFFILIATE PARTNERS: Pursuing promotional partnerships with a number of groups working with students or in the education space, including Parent Teacher Associations, school libraries, guidance counselors, National Education Association, and other youth non-profit organizations. Kristina Ellis graduated from Vanderbilt University with dual majors in human and organizational development, and business planning and entrepreneurship. She earned her master’s degree in education from Belmont University. She has been recognized as a Coca-Cola National Scholar, a Gates Millennium Scholar, and a U.S. Presidential Freedom Scholar, among various other scholarships, grants and awards, including being named Miss Indiana Teen USA and winning two Junior Olympics gold medals in gymnastics. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee. + SPEAKING: Kristina speaks regularly at conferences, churches, and schools on the topic of education finances. + ONLINE ADVERTISING: Robust digital ad campaign targeting college-bound high school students and their parents. WORTHYPUBLISHING.COM BOOK HOOK: On January 12, 2010, On January 12, 2010 the earth under the island of Haiti shook until nothing stood — neither homes, stores, hospitals, nor roads and bridges. One family sold everything they own to aid Haiti’s 2 million homeless, hurt, and hungry people. LIVE BEYOND A TRUE STORY DAVID VANDERPOOL, M.D. IN-STORE DATE: August 9, 2016 ISBN:9781617955259 FORMAT: Trade Paper TRIM SIZE: 5.375”x 8” PAGE COUNT: 240 pages RETAIL PRICE:$15.99 CATEGORY:BIO026000 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIO- GRAPHY / Personal Memoirs CARTON QTY: 36 ORDER DUE DATE: MAY 11, 2016 C O M PA R A B L E T I T L E S : Kisses from Katie Katie J. Davis 9781451612097 DAVID VANDERPOOL, M.D. WO R THY P U B L I S HI N G WO RT HY PUBLI SHI NG WORTH Y PUBLISH ING WORTH Y PUBLISH I NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P U BL I S HI NG WO R T HY P UB L IS H IN G WOR T H Y P U B L IS H IN G MARKETING SELLING POINTS CONTENT T he devastating earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010 was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back for Dr. David Vanderpool. God’s call on his heart was so intense that he immediately organized medical and logistical relief efforts to aid hundreds of thousands of desperate Haitians—people who had no water, food, or shelter, much less medical care. The Vanderpools sell all they have — home, business, belongings — to bring much-needed medical care to the people of Haiti. Readers will be inspired after reading stories of people who have new hope and a future because a team of people came and stayed in their hour of need. + Endorsers include Brad Paisley, Max Lucado, and the Hon. William H. Frist + Compelling story of a man who “had it all” and gave it all up + Offers insight into economic, political, social issues around the world + Shows readers the impact one family can have + NATIONAL MEDIA: Leveraging the relationship with Brad and Kim Paisley, targeted media include USA Today, The View, Today, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, Fox & Friends, CNN, and others. Additionally the LiveBeyond organization has retained a national public relations firm for on-going promotion. + TARGETED CHRISTIAN MEDIA: 700 Club Daystar, Life Today, TBN, Guideposts, Christian Post, Christianity Today, and more. + UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS: Support from Texas A&M University and Belmont University faculty and alumni David Vanderpool is CEO and founder of LiveBeyond, a not-for-profit mobile disaster relief organization providing medical, spiritual, and logistical support in more than a dozen disaster-ridden countries around the world. After Hurricane Katrina hit the southeastern coast of the U.S., Vanderpool felt a call to act. When the staggering earthquake hit Haiti in 2010, he used his trauma surgeon skills to provide care to those in need. In 2013 David and his wife, Laurie, moved to Thomazeau, Haiti, where LiveBeyond is now based. + SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN: Teaming with high-profile celebrities (such as Brad Paisley, Scott Hamilton, and others) for a 30-day Twitter viral share campaign, reaching over 2 million consumers. WORTHYPUBLISHING.COM