I cannot begin this audience without expressing my profound sorrow
I cannot begin this audience without expressing my profound sorrow
“I cannot begin this audience without expressing my profound sorrow at the terrorist attacks which yesterday brought death and destruction to America, causing thousands of victims and injuring countless people. To the President of the United States and to all American citizens I express my heartfelt sorrow. In the face of such unspeakable horror we cannot but be deeply disturbed. I add my voice to all the voices raised in these hours to express indignant condemnation, and I strongly reiterate that the ways of violence will never lead to genuine solutions to humanity’s problems. Yesterday was a dark day in the history of humanity, a terrible affront to human dignity. After receiving the news, I followed with intense concern the developing situation, with heartfelt prayers to the Lord. How is it possible to commit acts of such savage cruelty? The human heart has depths from which schemes of unheard-of ferocity sometimes emerge, capable of destroying in a moment the normal daily life of a people. But faith comes to our aid at these times when words seem to fail. Christ’s word is the only one that can give a response to the questions which trouble our spirit. Even if the forces of darkness appear to prevail, those who believe in God know that evil and death do not have the final say. Christian hope is based on this truth; at this time our prayerful trust draws strength from it. With deeply felt sympathy I address myself to the beloved people of the United States in this moment of distress and consternation, when the courage of so many men and women of good will is being sorely tested. In a special way I reach out to the families of the dead and the injured, and assure them of my spiritual closeness. I entrust to the mercy of the Most High the helpless victims of this tragedy, for whom I offered Mass this morning, invoking upon them eternal rest. May God give courage to the survivors; may he sustain the rescue-workers and the many volunteers who are presently making an enormous effort to cope with such an immense emergency. I ask you, dear brothers and sisters, to join me in prayer for them. Let us beg the Lord that the spiral of hatred and violence will not prevail. May the Blessed Virgin, Mother of Mercy, fill the hearts of all with wise thoughts and peaceful intentions. Today, my heartfelt sympathy is with the American people, subjected yesterday to inhuman terrorist attacks which have taken the lives of thousands of innocent human beings and caused unspeakable sorrow in the hearts of all men and women of good will. Yesterday was indeed a dark day in our history, an appalling offence against peace, a terrible assault against human dignity. I invite you all to join me in commending the victims of this shocking tragedy to Almighty God's eternal love. Let us implore his comfort upon the injured, the families involved, all who are doing their utmost to rescue survivors and help those affected. I ask God to grant the American people the strength and courage they need at this time of sorrow and trial.” POPE JOHN PAUL II, GENERAL AUDIENCE, WEDNESDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER 2001 FAITH AND THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS OFFERINGS FOR THE WEEK OF 7 SEPTEMBER MASSES Monday, 8 September, The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30 am Intentions of David Arcoleo 12:10 pm Intentions of Father Douglas R. Arcoleo Tuesday, 9 September, Saint Peter Claver 7:30 am † Anthony Roberto 12:10 pm † Lucrezia Ferranti Wednesday, 10 September 7:30 am Intentions of Father Douglas R. Arcoleo 12:10 pm † Rose Tsirbas 7:00 pm † Sidney D. Chase Thursday, 11 September 7:30 am † Richard T. Muldowney, Jr. 12:10 pm † Laura Marchese (Memorial) Friday, 12 September, The Most Holy Name of Mary 7:30 am Intentions of Father Douglas R. Arcoleo 12:10 pm † John Matthews Saturday, 13 September, Saint John Chrysostom 8:00 am Intentions of Father Douglas R. Arcoleo 5:00 pm † Jane Peveraro 7:00 pm † Cruz Bertrand Sunday, 14 September, The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 7:00 am Intentions of Bishop Murphy 8:00 am Intentions of Crystal Gentile † Salvatore Accardi † Frank E. Jean † Molly O’ Sullivan 9:30 am Intentions of Father Douglas R. Arcoleo 11:30 am † Edward Whaley 1:00 pm Parishioners of Our Holy Redeemer/Freeport BREAD & WINE THE FRUIT OF OUR CENTENARY YEAR continues with A TIME TO REMEMBER & A TIME TO BE REMEMBERED BREAD & WINE SANCTUARY CANDLES ALTAR FLOWERS A WORD ABOUT OFFERINGS During the Centenary Year (2011-2012) celebration of our absolutely beautiful church, our Parish family came home for Mass and we remembered one another with the flowers that adorn the Altar, with the candles that light up the Sanctuary, with the bread and wine that is offered, and of course in the way par excellence, we remembered one another in the Priest’s Mass Intention that is lifted up with the help of all of our other remembrances! Thank you for coming home and remembering one another! Thank you for coming home and remembering Him Who said: “Do this in Memory of Me!” SANCTUARY CANDLES Anthony Arvelo Vivar ALTAR FLOWERS Father Douglas R. Arcoleo Please remember the following individual(s) at the Altar of Our Holy Redeemer: NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ Living Deceased OFFERING: Bread & Wine ($20.00) Sanctuary Candles ($33.00) Altar Flowers ($40.00) WEEK OF DATE: __________________________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT SUBMITTED: ____________________________________ Cash Check #: ________________ OFFERED BY: (NAME):____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #: _________________________________________________ A MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR PRIESTLY ORDINATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES “Up, Up, Up” This past Friday (5 September), our Summer-Seminarian Mr. James H. Hansen, returned to the North American College in Rome to complete his preparation for the Priesthood. (On 2 October James will – God-willing – be ordained a transitional Deacon and receive the title “Reverend Mister”, and on 20 June 2015 he will be ordained a Priest and receive the title “Reverend Father”. Please pray for him.) From its institution by Our Holy Redeemer Himself, Satan has tried to destroy that Priesthood. He tried with help from those amongst the Twelve who betrayed Christ; those amongst the Twelve who denied Christ; and those amongst the Twelve who abandoned Christ. Try though he may, Satan’s efforts to destroy the Church and her teaching will not prevail (cf. Saint Matthew XVI:18b). The Church’s teaching on the Priesthood has always been a stumbling block and foolishness (cf. I Corinthians I:23). Perhaps that is why so much “press” is given to it. And while it is true that the Press is opposed to, and has an obsession with the Church’s teaching about abortion, contraception, euthanasia, and homosexuality, underlying any treatment by the Press of those issues, is a deep opposition to the Priesthood. Locally the full court press against the Church unfolds in the pages of a newspaper that finds its way into the hands of many of Long Island’s nearly two million Catholics. Many of those Catholics aren’t Sunday Mass-goers and so, the only “news” that they get about the Church/their Church is from the incomplete and misleading articles of this newspaper. Consider if you will, a 28 July 2014 Newsday article entitled “A Strain on Sundays and Every Day” where-in readers are intentionally mislead to believe that there is not only a “steady drop in the number of Catholic Priests on Long Island and across the country …” but that “the number of those entering seminaries also has dropped; … and that according to experts (my emphasis) “the number of newly ordained priests doesn’t come close to filling the gap: Last year, 494 seminarians were ordained nationwide, down from 994 in 1965”. What kind of reporting draws a conclusion from a fifty year period (1965 – 2014) without reporting what took place during the years of that period? “Incomplete and misleading” reporting that doesn’t want readers (Catholic or non-Catholic) to know the Truth. Newsday could have reported that “Last year, 494 seminarians were ordained nationwide, UP from 487 in 2012! UP from 480 in 2011! UP from 459 in 2010! UP from 465 in 2009! UP from 401 in 2008! UP from 475 in 2007! UP from 358 in 2006! UP from 454 in 2005! UP from 442 in 2000! DOWN from 511 in 1995. Yes Newsday could have reported that the last time there were measurably less Priestly ordinations in the United States than there were in 2014 was TWENTY YEARS AGO in 1995! And Newsday should have reported that Priestly ordinations in the United States have steadily INCREASED over the past twenty years; not because they’re happy with that Truth – they’re not – but because it is the Truth, and it is the Truth that sets us free! (cf. Saint John VIII:32) Please Pray for Our Seminarians: Br. Pierre Toussaint (Alain) Guiteau, C.F.R. Mr. James Hansen Mr. Odalis Rodriguez NOW A WORD FROM OUR SAINTS BY: POPE SAINT JOHN XXIII GRATA RECORDATIO ENCYCLICAL OF POPE JOHN XXIII ON THE ROSARY: PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH, MISSIONS, INTERNATIONAL AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS 26 SEPTEMBER 1959 To the Venerable Brethren, the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, and other Local Ordinaries in Peace and Communion with the Apostolic See. Venerable Brethren, Greetings and Apostolic Benediction. Among the pleasant recollections of Our younger days are the Encyclicals which Pope Leo XIII used to write to the whole Catholic world as the month of October drew near, in order to urge the faithful to devout recitation of Mary's rosary during that month in particular. 2. These Encyclicals had varied contents, but they were all very wise, vibrant with fresh inspiration, and directly relevant to the practice of the Christian life. In strong and persuasive terms they exhorted Catholics to pray to God in a spirit of faith through the intercession of Mary, His Virgin Mother, by reciting the holy rosary. For the rosary is a very commendable form of prayer and meditation. In saying it we weave a mystic garland of Ave Maria's, Pater Noster's, and Gloria Patri's. And as we recite these vocal prayers, we meditate upon the principal mysteries of our religion; the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and the Redemption of the human race are proposed, one event after another, for our consideration. Pope John's Devotion to the Rosary 3. These pleasant memories of Our younger days have not faded or vanished as the years of Our life have passed. On the contrary, We want to declare in complete frankness and simplicity that the years have made Mary's rosary all the dearer to Us. We never fail to recite it each day in its entirety and We intend to recite it with particular devotion during the coming month. 4. During Our first year as pope—a year which is almost over—We have several times had occasion to urge the clergy and laity to public and private prayer. But today We make this same request with even greater emphasis and earnestness, for reasons which this Encyclical will set out very briefly. I 5. This coming October will mark the end of the first year since the saintly departure of Our predecessor, Pius XII, from this mortal life in which he had distinguished himself by so many glorious achievements. 6. Twenty days after his death, We, though all unworthy, were raised to the Sovereign Pontificate in accord with God's mysterious designs. (To be continued …) OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, 14 September 2014 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Sumner Hall Please join us and give the gift of life! ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Bring photo or signature ID Minimum weight 110 lbs. Age 16-75 (16 year olds must have parental permission. Age 76 and over need a doctor’s note). Eat well (low fat) & drink fluids. No tattoos for past 12 months. For an appointment call Vinny Mastroianni at (516) 378-9335 For medical eligibility call 1-800-688-0900 SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL 2014 FRIENDS OF THE POOR WALK SATURDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER Want to help feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, and clothe the naked right here in Freeport? Then join Our Holy Redeemer’s Young Vincentians as they walk to support the work of our Parish’s Human Services. If you can’t walk with them then please show your support that day and come out and cheer them on as they walk for those in need. To help the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul help your neighbours in need, please make a donation to: SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL Our Holy Redeemer Conference Friends of the Poor Walk 37 South Ocean Avenue Freeport, New York 11520 (516) 378-0665 CALLING ALL CATHOLIC WOMEN! The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Stella Maris #822, invite you to attend their Opening Mass in honour of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monday, 8 September 2014 7:00 p.m. All women interested in joining the Catholic Daughters are invited to join us after Mass in the Lower Church for refreshments and to attend our meeting. OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH COLECCIÓN DE SANGRE Domingo, 14 de Septiembre del 2014 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Sumner Hall Por Favor unase a nosotros y de el regalo de la vida. CRITERIOS DE ELEGIBILIDAD Necesitas tener identificación con su foto o firma Peso mínimo 110 Libras. Tener entre 16 hasta 75 anos de edad (16 anos con el permiso escrito de un pariente o guardian. La gente mayor de 76 anos puede donar si presenta una carta de un medico). Estar en buenas condiciones de salud. No haberse tatuado en los últimos 12 meses. Para hacer una cita llame a Vinny Mastroianni (516) 378-9335 Para elegibilidad medica llame al 1-800-688-0900. ATTENTION PARISHIONERS! Even though “people shall not chew and eat in church” they still: Chew it in church, Stick it in church, Eat it in church, and Spill it in church. Please help us to clean up after them. Please call (516) 379-2331and talk to Jane about the details. Catholic ministries appeal IN GOD WE TRUST Paul Revere (Please keep the pledges coming too!) 2014 Goal Pledged Amount Paid Pledges No. of Donors Rebate Amount $72,000.00 $88,721.59* $76,571.59* 276* $18,057.27* *As of 2 September 2014 Thank you for ALL that YOU do for Our Holy Redeemer! You can make a difference! Please make your check payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal and either mail it to: Catholic Ministries Appeal, Diocese of Rockville Centre, P.O. Box 4000, Rockville Centre, New York 11571 or deposit it in the Sunday Offertory Basket. Thank you! OUR HOLY REDEEMER Parish: _________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________________ Pledge: Address: _______________________________________________ Down Payment: $ ______________ Balance: $ ______________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Donor Signature: ________________________________________ www.drvc.org/cma.html $ ______________ Monthly Quarterly Annually Other DISCOVERING CHRIST What is the meaning of life? Why do I need a Saviour? What does it mean to believe and belong? Why does Jesus matter? Discovering Christ proposes that we find our identity and purpose in God. This course is about a God Who didn’t just create a set of rules to follow but sent to a broken world a person Whose name is Jesus Christ. Our Holy Redeemer – Lower Church Thursdays: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 October, 13, 20 November 6:45 P.M. – 9:15 P.M. Dinner – Video Teaching – Small Group Discussion Saturday, November 8 9:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. Holy Spirit Retreat 2 October – What is the meaning of life? 9 October – Why does Jesus matter? 16 October – What does Jesus want us to know? 23 October – Why do I need a Saviour? 30 October – Why is the Resurrection important for us? 8 November (Saturday) – Who is the Holy Spirit/ New Life in the Spirit: Being a Catholic disciple. 13 November – Believing and belonging: Our need for the Church 20 November – What are the Gospels and are they reliable? Contact Linda Siani (516) 378-6696; Carolyn Jimenez (516) 546-3910 or Carolyn Terzulli (516) 546-3910/carolynterzulli@yahoo.com to register. No charge for the course. ** The opportunity to make a ‘Free Will’ offering to Our Holy Redeemer Parish will be provided to help cover the cost of the materials. ** FAITH AND EDUCATION "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." SCHOOL’S IN: DRIVE CAREFULLY (both on and off the road) NEWS FROM THE DE LA SALLE SCHOOL All 2014 VBS Junior Counselors are invited to a special (516) 379-8660 While our newest students continue to adjust to their new life at The De La Salle School it is time to reflect on the progress of our oldest graduates. In addition to two alumni in the service (one in the Marines and one in the Army) and a number in the work force we have a significant group of our alumni who have their high school diploma currently enrolled in colleges. Among the places where they are studying are Adelphi University (1), Briarcliffe College, Hofstra University (1), LIM College (1), Manhattan College (3), Molloy College (2), Monroe College (1), Nassau Community College (11), St. John’s University (1), School of Visual Arts (1), State University of New York-Alfred (1), State University of New York-Farmingdale (2), State University of New York-Stony Brook (1), University of Massachusetts-Amherst. We expect our first alumni of The De La Salle School to receive a college diploma this coming June thereby marking a significant milestone in the history of our school. Class & Mass Celebration on Sunday, 14 September 2014 11:30 A.M. PARENTS: Please bring your child(ren) to the South Ocean Avenue entrance of the church at 11:15 A.M. The students will participate in the procession. They will sit together during Mass in the reserved front pew. If you have any questions, please call Joanne Stuhlinger, Director of Religious Education, at (516) 546-1057 7 September 2014 – The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time A Sunday Readings: Ezekiel XXXIII: 7-9; Romans XIII: 8-10; Saint Matthew XVIII: 15-20 Student’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Class Day/Session: __________________________________________________ Catechist Name: ____________________________________________________ Mass Time (Circle One): Sat: 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sun: 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:00 PM GOSPEL QUESTIONS: (Religious Education Students please answer ALL questions) Fill in the blanks: Jesus said to His disciples: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell __________________________________________ __________________________________ If he listens to you, ____________________________________________________________________________________. Amen, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth_____________________________________________________________ and whatever you loose on earth ________________________________________________________________________. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________. **7th Grade Catechist (volunteer) for Wednesday afternoon needed. If interested, please call the Religious Education office.** PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS: Charles Shields III Joann Flaherty Donald Gallant Sheila Walsh FAITH AND FINANCES YOUR TITHING (25 CENTS AND MORE) IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE! (GOD WILL NOT BE OUTDONE IN GENEROSITY!) SUNDAY, 30/31 AUGUST OFFERING: $12,333.52 NUMBER OF CHILDREN ENVELOPE USERS: 45 MASS FIRST COLLECTION ENVELOPE USERS ** E-Giving ** Prior to Weekend 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:00 pm $ 1,054.00 $ 592.00 $ 1,735.75 $ 487.00 $ 1,383.00 $ 1,434.50 $ 1,885.00 $ 2,515.75 $ 1,246.52 28 28 56 17 40 29 58 73 28 TOTAL $12,333.52 357 HOW MUCH MONEY SHOULD I GIVE TO MY PARISH? (WITH HELP FROM SAINT PAUL) “Remember how generous the Lord Jesus was: He was rich, but He became poor for your sake, to make you rich out of His poverty . . . As long as the readiness is there, a man is acceptable with whatever he can afford; never mind what is beyond his means. This does not mean that to give relief to others you ought to make things difficult for yourselves: it is a question of balancing what happens to be your surplus now against their present need, and one day they may have something to spare that will supply your own need. That is how we strike a balance, as scripture says: The man who gathered much had none too much, the man who gathered little did not go short.” (II Corinthians viii: 9, 12-15) During the latter part of the last century, Our Holy Redeemer became a tithing parish, and as such, many parishioners began offering the Biblical Tithe of Ten Percent to the Church. IN THE TABLE BELOW YOU WILL DISCOVER HOW SOME OF THEM DO IT! My Weekly Income is: To God Through My Parish: My Weekly Income is: To God Through My Parish: $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 $160 $180 $200 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $250 $300 $350 $400 $450 $500 $750 $1,000 $1,500 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $75 $100 $150 FAITH AND GOVERNMENT FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS UNDER ATTACK Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) has called a Senate vote on 8 September on a constitutional amendment that will fundamentally rip apart American’s right to free speech. S.J. Res. 19 would give Congress or the states the power to prohibit groups like National Right to Life from communicating with the public about matters legislators think might "influence elections." Another provision would restrict private citizens from spending their money to express their views on public policy issues. The amendment exempts the Press from these restrictions, leaving only the government and the media with the right to free and unfettered discussion of our elected officials and their policies, and lets the government decide which media outlets qualify for exemptions and which would not. It would literally take away our freedom to freely report on the actions, votes and statements of our elected officials. (Excerpts from a National Right to Life message). Call the U.S. Capital switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or Senator Charles Schumer at (631) 753-0978; or Senator Kirsten Gillibrand at (631) 249-2825 and let them know how you feel. FAITH AND THE ROMAN MISSAL FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS Collect O God, Who in Your inscrutable providence will that the Church be united to the sufferings of Your Son, grant, we pray, to Your faithful who suffer for Your Name’s sake a spirit of patience and charity, that they may be found true and faithful witnesses to the promises You have made. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. FAITH AND MARRIAGE The Diocese of Rockville Centre’s Golden Wedding Liturgy Honouring Couples Married Fifty Years or More This fall, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honoured at a Liturgy on: Sunday, 5 October 2014 at Saint Rose of Lima Church in Massapequa (Must register by 17 September 2014) The Liturgy will begin at 2:30 p.m. Forms are available in the Rectory. Complete the form, have it signed by Fr. Arcoleo and then return it to the Office of Worship. You will receive a confirmation of registration in the mail approximately one week before the liturgy. There will be reserved seating for the couples only. Seating for friends and family will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Photo opportunities with the celebrating Bishop will be available after the liturgy. You will receive a complimentary photograph and certificate in the mail approximately four to six weeks after the liturgy. For more information please call the Rectory at (516) 378-0665 THE YEAR OF FAITH AND THE YEAR AFTER 7 September 2014 (Return this Completed Form to the Rectory before: 15 September 2014) Any confirmed Catholic and registered parishioner of Our Holy Redeemer who is 19 years old or younger (born after 23 November 1994) is eligible to answer a weekly “YEAR OF FAITH AND YEAR AFTER” question from the bulletin for a chance to earn as much as $1,750.00. Answers can be found in the Section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as noted underneath the question and recorded in the format below. And the thirty-ninth question is: Question #39: What do the Fourth & Fifth Precepts of the Church proscribe and prescribe respectively? (From: PART III: LIFE IN CHRIST/SECTION 3: MAN’S VOCATION LIFE IN THE SPIRIT) Answer: Chapter Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph Title: __________________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ Telephone #: ______________________________ FAITH AND PRAYER SCRIPTURE REFLECTION “If your brother sins against you” (See Matthew 18:15-20). Jesus gives us here the basis for proper relationship with our neighbor. He tells us the secret of how to deal with others. He says “If your brother (or your sister).” Do you understand what he is saying? The basis to solve the problem— in fact, any relationship problem—is to view the offender in the right way. We must see him or her as our own brother or sister. In this way, we can see that it is a family matter. After all, Jesus taught us to call God our Father, and at the cross he gave us Mary as our mother. Doesn’t that mean that we are all related? Yes, we are closely related! We are all brothers and sisters, children in the Great Family of God. Therefore, we must learn to treat each other as such. No matter the race, color or language. No matter what the sin against us may be, the offender is our brother or our sister and therefore we have to treat him or her as such. With this as a basis we can see why we are not to talk to others about what our brother or sister has done to us. We are to talk with that individual first in private. We go directly to him or her to treat the matter with love and respect just as we would do with a close member of our own fleshly family. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Please Pray for our beloved deceased: Rosemary Curran READINGS FOR 14 September 2014 THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS 1ST READING: NUMBERS XXI: 4b-9 RESPONSORIAL PSALM: PSALM 78 2ND READING: PHILIPPIANS II: 6-11 GOSPEL: SAINT JOHN III: 13-17 Mary Acosta, Baby Ava, Jessie Aue, Naomi Aue, Robert Baciuska, Robert Biscardi, Virginia Brehaut, Kathleen Breihof, Gerard Burton, Blanca Cales, Louise Callus, Therese Charles, Warren P. Cochol, Barbara Costante, Aileen D’Avanzo, Felicitas DeLa Garma, Moira Dennis, Barbara Emerick, Raymond Enright, Charles Ettlinger, Lois Foley, Lynn Giordano, Veronica Groth, Kathy Hobkirk, Susan Huyler, Ciro Iannacone, Baby Joshua, Baby Juliana, Linda A. Kane, Sara Kataeva, Carol Kelly, Nancy Lamb, Karen Larson, Cecelia Lerro, Josephine Lucci, Aura Marine, Barbara McEneaney, Terry Meyers, Amanda Mucaria, Alexander Nadeau, Adryana Navarro, Paul Navarro, Jean Nicholich, Eleanor Ramos, Kathleen Randall, Jim Reed, Frederick Roberts, Sylvia Roberts, Lidiana Santiago, Maria Santos, Brielle Saracini, Linda Schultz, Suzzanne Serino, Carmen Spearmen, Ernie Stoessel, Mercedes Sumner, Ray Washecka, Gerard Wright Please Pray for Our Priests O God, Who made Your Only Begotten Son eternal High Priest, grant that those He has chosen as ministers and stewards of Your mysteries may be found faithful in carrying out the ministry they have received. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 8 September 9 September 10 September 11 September 12 September 13 September 14 September Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life Father Daniel Opokuh Mensah & Father Richard Hoerning Father Brian D. McQuade & Father Collins Adwatum, M. Id. Father Donald Babinski & Monsignor Thomas Mulvanerty Father Benjamin Uzegbunam & Father John J. Barrett Father Gonzalo Oajaca-Lopez & Father Paul Dahm Bishop William F. Murphy & Bishop Nelson J. Perez HUMAN SERVICES (516) 868-8289 FAITH AND SOCIAL MINISTRY THRIFT SHOP (516) 623-3247 “Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance.” HUMAN SERVICES OUR HOLY REDEEMER (516) 868-8289 23 West Merrick Road, Freeport, NY Our Doors Are Open, So Please Come In!!! Thanks to your generosity on September’s FIRST SUNDAY WORKS OF MERCY, children in Freeport returned to school this past week armed with the necessary supplies to assist them with learning. We are also in need of Peanut Butter & Jelly SHOPPING HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Closed every Wednesday DONATIONS ACCEPTED: 87 Pine Street, Freeport Open Monday through Thursday, 9:30am to 2:00 pm. Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and by appointment. (516) 623 – 3247 Thank You! Volunteers Accepted All the Time! HUMAN SERVICES OFFICE Come Home to Sunday Mass dressed for the Supper of the Lamb on Tie-One-On „with a Hat‟ and “no Jeans” Sunday SECOND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH 14 September 2014 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Come Home Clothed in Your Wedding Garment! OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 37 SOUTH OCEAN AVENUE FREEPORT, NEW YORK 11520 (516) 378-0665 presents FAMILY FILM NIGHT Friday, 12 September 2014 7:30 P.M. in the Lower Church “Come home” and see for yourself that no matter what others may say . . . Everyone is Welcome! Bring the Whole Family! 7 September 2014 IRENE WEATHER ALERT!!! (PART 4 OF 4) HURRICANE CATEGORIES CATEGORY SUSTAINED WINDS DAMAGE 1 74-95 mph Some to Moderate 2 96-110 mph Extensive 3 111-130 mph Devastating 4 131-155 mph Catastrophic 5 above 155 mph Catastrophic Know what the terms "HURRICANE WATCH" and "HURRICANE WARNING" mean: WATCH: Hurricane conditions are possible in the specified area of the WATCH, within 48 hours. WARNING: Hurricane conditions are expected in the specified area of the WARNING, within 36 hours Be alert for tornadoes. Tornadoes can occur during a hurricane and after it passes over. Remain indoors, in the center of your home, on the lowest floor, in a door archway, bathroom or room without windows. Stay away from floodwaters. If you come upon a flooded road, turn around and go the other way. If you are caught on a flooded road and waters are rising rapidly around you, get out of the car and climb to higher ground. One of the worst parts of a hurricane is the severe winds on all sides of the eye wall. If the eye wall passes over you, prepare for a repeat of severe winds from the opposite direction. Trees, shrubs, buildings and other things damaged by the first winds can be broken, destroyed or moved by the second winds. IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS AND WEBSITES Do Not Call 911 for Hurricane Information - 911 is for Emergencies Only American Red Cross, Nassau County www.nassauredcross.org Long Island Power Authority www.lipower.org To Report an Outage (516) 747-3500 (800) 490-0025 (800) 490-0075 Nassau University Medical Center www.numc.edu (516) 572-0123 NYS Emergency Management Office LI Region www.semo.state.ny.us (631) 952-6322 (516) 489-5000 (516) 538-1900 (516) 794-8300 (516) 794-8181 National Grid- Emergency Gas Service www.nationalgridus.com (800) 490-0045 Town of Hempstead (www.TOH.LI) Public Safety Water Department After Hours and Weekends Nassau County Department of Health www.nassaucountyny.gov/ agencies/health/index.html (516) 227-9697 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) www.fema.gov (800) 621-FEMA Nassau County Office of Emergency Management www.nassaucountyny.gov/ agencies/oem/index.html (516) 573-0636 Pet Safe Coalition, Inc. www.petsafecoalition.org (516) 676-0808 MORE FAITH AND FINANCES PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS: Charles Shields III Joann Flaherty Donald Gallant Sheila Walsh ff THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA COLLECTION - 14 SEPTEMBER 2014 Our second collection next Sunday, 14 September 2014, is for The Catholic University of America which is located in Washington, D.C. and is the national university of the Catholic Church in the United States. CUA offers students an excellent education in a faith-filled atmosphere that is grounded in the Catholic intellectual tradition. Some of our own diocesan priests have received education at the University and have specialized in different ecclesiastical courses and are now serving our Diocese. Every dollar given directly supports financial aid for students from dioceses across the country, including our diocese. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you. THE SIDEWALKS ARE OPEN!!! T YOU: HANK Amy & Warren Cochol; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Garavuso; Lawrence & Ngozi Ogbutor; Thomas & Karin Goodwin; John & Eileen Skinner; George & Tessa Park; Lawrence & Catherine Vodopivec; James Wehrum; Dalia Ramirez; Ann Kelly; Robert & Adele Dzenius; Barbara Kaider; Peter & Angela Ruiz; Louis & Muriel Royer; Frances Tarantino; John & Lydia Anzovino; Eric & Leeanne Kraus; Paul & Barbara Eberst; Andrew Longo; Charles & Deborah Shields; Margaret Thompson; Warren & Helen Christopher; John & Nancy Solazzo; Alfred & Gayle LaCascia; Margaret Bade; Benjamin & Tihana Badurina; Melanie Curtin; Kevin & Susan McShane; Gloria Cintorino; Lorraine Martin; Sheila Vann; Tina Scalamandre; Allen & Elizabeth Weick; James & Heide Fitzgerald; Vincent Mastroianni; Thomas & Kristine Raynor; Ernest & Mary Stoessel; Raymond & Barbara Burke; Donald Suchan; William & Sheila Walsh; Patricia J. Warren; Maria Escalante; Yenis Quintana; Gloria DiBrizzi; Laura Jannetto; Oscar Romero & Victoria Romero-Cespedes; Jose Vasquez & Adelma Marroquin; Anna Mae Verzyl; Patricia Toval; Virginia Notarstefano; Paul & Connie Gianferrara; Hector & Theresa Duran; Anthony & Norma Solazzo FOR PREPARING THE WAY TO OUR “ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL” CHURCH! YOU AND YOUR LABOURS ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! Please use the form below and help ensure safe passage to and from our absolutely beautiful church! OUR HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Yes, I would like to help keep the sidewalks around our “absolutely beautiful” church safe! Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone #: ____________________________________________ Cell Donation: ____________________________________ Cash Home Check #: ________________ Our Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church Freeport, New York 11520 The Nocturnal Adoration Society invites you to their 59 TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER Saturday, 27 September 2014 after the 5:00 P.M. Mass in the lower church The cost is $20.00 per person. To reserve tickets, please complete the form below and deposit it in the Sunday Offertory basket. In addition, tickets can be obtained from either Jane Dengel or Judy Germaine. Tickets WILL NOT be sold at the door. Our Holy Redeemer Nocturnal Adoration Society’s 59th Anniversary Dinner Please make checks payable to: Nocturnal Adoration Society NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP: _________________________________________________________________________ Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. PHONE: _______________________________________________ NUMBER OF PERSONS @ $20.00 pp: _________________ AMOUNT SUBMITTED: _________________________________ CASH CHECK #: ________________ 2014-2015 RAFFLE! RAFFLE! RAFFLE! ENTER TODAY AND YOU MAY BE OUR NEXT WINNER! Your $25 Raffle Ticket purchase provides you with a chance to win: $25 Daily, $100 Monthly, and $250 Quarterly, plus: $1911 + $50 Duryea’s Florist Gift Certificate on 6 December 2014 $2014 on 11 June 2015 and A Special Monthly Gift Certificate to a Local Business Your $50 Raffle Ticket purchase provides you with a chance to win the above prizes PLUS a chance to win our Grand Prize on 25 June 2015 of: $25,000.00!!! OUR AUGUST 2014 WINNERS! WINNERS! WINNERS! ARE: Date Ticket # $100 Monthly $25 $25 Daily: 1 Aug.. 2 August 3 August 4 August 5 August 6 August 7 August 8 August 9 August 5337 4879 6108 3504 3393 2003 11507 3386 5004 3838 6443 10 August 11 August 12 August 13 August 14 August 15 August 5449 10416 4528 9873 5296 6604 Name Date Ticket # Name Peter Seymour J. Falco C. Swanson Bob Suchan Debbie Shields E. Marsicono Jane Gobler Amanda Laky Elizabeth Weick Ms. Gloria Strong Anthony J. & V.T. Funigiello 16 August 17 August 18 August 19 August 20 August 21 August 22 August 23 August 24 August 25 August 26 August 2323 437 7887 5213 4155 19588 2846 1163 347 11017 1918 T. Steingruebner Linda Siani Phyllis & Joe Doyle Sheila Vann Don Valone Kevin J. Noll Mary Hemmelman Antonio Terzulli Gloria Di Brizzi Mary Dugan Margaret Nadeau Peggy Carbone John J. Sandhaas Mike Ciranni Ellen Caravella John Helmstadt Mary L. Foley-Chellis 27 August 28 August 29 August 30 August 31 August 2032 838 4532 1251 7991 Teresa Robles C. Riso Tom Killeen Lorraine Marchese Tina Scalamandre CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR WINNERS!!! UN MENSAJE DEL PASTOR VAN Y VIENEN Nuestra rectoría ha sido el hogar de muchos sacerdotes durante la vida de la Parroquia. Algunos de nuestros lectores quizás recuerden a los Pastores †Monseñor Eugene Crawford, †Padre Kenneth Knee, †Monseñor Saverio Mattei, †Padre Matthew Levy, Padre Rick Figliozzi, y el Padre Nick Figliola. (Y aunque quizás haya alguien lo suficientemente viejo como para recordar al Segundo Pastor de Nuestro Santo Redentor el †Padre John L. O’Toole (1913 – 1935) y/o a nuestro tercer Pastor, el †Monseñor John J. Mahon (1935 – 1959), no creo que ninguno de nosotros sea lo suficientemente viejo como para recordar a nuestro primer Pastor, el †Padre Logue (1903-1913)). Algunos quizás recuerden a los Pastores Asociados que vivieron aquí, Sacerdotes como los Padres Néstor Watin, Padre Donald Babinski, Padre Ralph Sommer, y el †Padre Joe Cantanzaro. Hasta “sacerdotes residentes” como los Capellanes de Hospital, los Padres Cornelius Dery, Anthony Osuagwu, Jerome Ackah, y Benet Uwasomba, así como los que ayudan durante el verano, como los Padre James Carmody y Vincent Rubino, y por supuesto Sacerdotes que llegaron a ser Obispos como el (Obispo Robert Guglielmone), y los que ya eran Obispos cuando vivieron aquí como el (Obispo Paul Walsh), que estoy seguro que todos recordamos. De todos los que han vivido en Nuestro Santo Redentor a través de los años quizás recordamos más a menudo los que vinieron en su camino al Sacerdocio. Hombres como Anthony Iaconis (ahora Padre Iaconis y Pastor de San Pedro Apóstol en Islip Terrace, Matthew Bartholomew (ahora Padrer Bartholomew y Pastor de la Inmaculada Concepción en Westhampton Beach), Jacob Onyumbe (ahora Padre Jacob Onyumbe y Estudiante Graduado de la Nunversidad Duke en N.C.), Vian Ntegerej’lmana (ahora Padre Vian y Pastor Asociado de San Antonio de Padrua en East Northport), y nuestro actual Seminarista en Residencia, el Sr. Mr. James Hansen. Al igual que los sacerdotes nuestros Seminaristas van y vienen, y sí, eso significa que James nos va a dejar. De hecho, el domingo 31 de Agosto fue su último día “oficial” con nosotros. El Dios Todopoderoso verdaderamente nos bendijo con la presencia de James aquí en nuestra absolutamente hermosa iglesia en la que el adoró con nosotros y entrenó a una nueva clase de Servidores del Altar, en nuestro edificio de la Escuela en el que él invitó a niños de todas las edades a “seguir al Hijo” tras las huellas de San Pablo en la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones y con la Escuela De La Salle en la que compartió su vocación con los alumnos, en la Oficina de Servicios Humanos donde se encontró con Jesús en el hambriento, el sediento, el harapiento y el forastero; en la Tienda de Ahorros en Memoria de Janene Suchan donde contribuyó a la diferencia que la Iglesia está hacienda; y ¿quién puede olvidar su presencia y la solemnidad y levedad que trajo a la Misa del Muelle en el 175 de la Avenida Woodcleft! ¡James, damos gracias a Dios por enviarte y te aseguramos de nuestras oraciones en tu retorno a Roma! COLECTA PARA LA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE AMÉRICA – 14 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2014 La Universidad Católica de América, ubicada en Washington D.C, es la Universidad Nacional de la Iglesia Católica de los Estados Unidos. Conocida como CUA, ella ofrece a los estudiantes una excelente educación en un ambiente de fe fundada en la tradición Católica intelectual. Algunos de nuestros sacerdotes han recibido educación y se han especializado en diferentes cursos eclesiásticos y hoy están sirviendo en nuestra Diócesis. La próxima semana es la Colecta Nacional para La Universidad Católica de América. Cada dólar que usted dé apoya directamente la asistencia dada a estudiantes de las diócesis a través de esta nación, incluyendo nuestra diócesis. Gracias por su generosidad. REFLEXIÓN SEMANAL “Si tu hermano comete un pecado” (Ver Mateo 18:15-20). Jesús nos da aquí la base para la relación apropiada con el prójimo. Jesús nos da el secreto de cómo tratar con otros. Nos dice: “Si tu hermano (o tu hermana).” ¿Entiende Usted lo que El nos está diciendo? La base para resolver el problema—de hecho, cualquier problema de relación—es ver al ofensor de la manera correcta. Debemos verlo a él o a ella como nuestro propio hermano o hermana. Eso nos ayuda a entender que el asunto es un problema de familia. Después de todo, Jesús nos enseñó a llamar a Dios nuestro Padre y en la cruz nos dio a María como nuestra madre. ¿No quiere decir todo esto que estamos estrechamente relacionados? ¡Sí, somos familia! Todos somos hermanos y hermanas, hijos en la gran familia de Dios. Por ello, debemos aprender a tratarnos unos a otros como tales. Prescindiendo de la raza, el color o la lengua. No importa cuál sea el pecado tenemos que tratar al ofensor como trataríamos a nuestro hermano o nuestra hermana carnal. Vemos enseguida la razón por la cual no hablamos de otros a sus espaldas. Vamos directamente a ellos a tratar el asunto con amor y respeto tal como haríamos en el caso de un miembro allegado de nuestra propia familia carnal. El comenzó a Enseñarles Muchas Cosas El comenzó a Enseñarles Muchas Cosas Los Diez Mandamientos Explicados por el Catecismo Los Diez Mandamientos Explicados por el Catecismo ARTÍCULO 10: EL DÉCIMO MANDAMIENTO «No codiciarás [...] nada que [...] sea de tu prójimo» (Ex 20, 17). «No desearás su casa, su campo, su siervo o su sierva, su buey o su asno: nada que sea de tu prójimo» (Dt 5, 21). «Donde [...] esté tu tesoro, allí estará también tu corazón » (Mt 6, 21). 2534 El décimo mandamiento desdobla y completa el noveno, que versa sobre la concupiscencia de la carne. Prohíbe la codicia del bien ajeno, raíz del robo, de la rapiña y del fraude, prohibidos por el séptimo mandamiento. La “concupiscencia de los ojos” (cf 1 Jn 2, 16) lleva a la violencia y la injusticia prohibidas por el quinto precepto (cf Mi 2, 2). La codicia tiene su origen, como la fornicación, en la idolatría condenada en las tres primeras prescripciones de la ley (cf Sb 14, 12). El décimo mandamiento se refiere a la intención del corazón; resume, con el noveno, todos los preceptos de la Ley. Oremos LECTURAS PARA EL (Por los Hombres y Mujeres en las Fuerzas Armadas) 14 de Septiembre de 2014 Cpt. Thomas Collins III, Anthony Costante, Tyler Daly, Sgt. Adam Dengel, Juan Diaz, Michael G. Gonzalez, Daniel Ingin, Susana Ladino, Sgt. Ramon Marrero, Pvt. Jack McKnight, John Mediate, Airman 1st Class Jerome Miles, Lt. Cmdr. Colleen Minihan, Mjr. Paul Minihan, Sebastian Moreno, Sean Joseph Mormon, Sgt. Allyson Parla, Petty Officer Floyd A. Rivera, Benjamin Rhodes, Sgt. Sammy Rodriguez, Edwin Sandoval, Luis Sic, Cpt. John Talafuse, Lt. Matthew Talibon, Corp. Daniel Vargas, Chief Petty Officer William A. Vega, Cpt. Johnetta Washington, Anthony Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Lynroy Williams La Exaltación de la Santa Cruz 1ra Lectura: Números 21, 4-9 Salmo Responsorial: Salmo: 77 2da Lectura: Filipenses 2,6-11 Evangelio: San Mateo 3, 13-17 Grupo Carismático Cristo Vive LA VIRGEN MARÍA VISITA TU HOGAR Este grupo visita los hogares con la imagen de la Virgen de Fátima para rezar el Rosario con la familia tan a menudo como lo deseen. Si desea que lo visiten a usted o a su familia o amistades, favor llame a Berta al (516) 379-8270 o a Gresmy al (516) 670-2687. Lo invita a acompañarlos todos los domingos de 7:30 a 9:00 pm en el Auditorio. El grupo Cristo Vive visita los hogares de las personas que no pueden salir. Favor llamar a Cándido Bran al (516) 852-4320 para información. GRUPO SANTO REDENTOR Acompáñenos los martes de 7:30 a 9:30 PM en el sótano de la Escuela. Para más información llame a Carlos Morales (631) 575-3244. PROGRAMA SUPLEMENTAL DE ALIMENTOS Para mujeres embarazadas y postparto por 6 meses, infantes y para niños hasta los 5 años de familias con bajo ingreso. Proveemos asistencia de alimentos, educación nutricional y evaluación de salud. Le damos referencia a médicos y agencias de servicios humanos. LLAME al 516-377-0157 o VENGA A NUESTRA OFICINA: Caridades Católicas: Programa WIC, 38 Saint John’s Place, Freeport, N. Y. 11520 El USDA es un Empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades GATHERING TOGETHER IN HIS NAME Jesus said to His disciples, “Amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my Heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” Saint Matthew XVIII: 19-20 Directions: Find the words below from today’s Scripture reading in the puzzle. Words can go horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in all directions (as shown). AGAINST ALONE AMEN BETWEEN BOUND BROTHER CHURCH COLLECTOR DISCIPLES EARTH ESTABLISHED FATHER FAULT GATHERED GRANTED HEAVEN JESUS LISTENS LOOSED NAME OTHERS PRAY REFUSES TESTIMONY THREE TOGETHER TREAT WITNESSES O T H E R S B I S O E E C S M D L G E H E X E X S H A O E J O I M R T H S Y T D E R L S K L A S W A S C A K E A T L U B N O E C E N B R Y R V H E F R S E O N I L T P U E E E C E O N T T S I P H E N H N N T R T W I R S E R L K D T C O O U H W P H E Y D E E P A E L R V E R E H T A F L H S G D A M I R D N U O B T J L T S N I A G A T E S T I M O N Y E U A M E N Q C S S S E E R H T G S C D R Z P G W L I S T E N S O E E J R B Y M V F A U L T E A T J U