St. Therese
St. Therese
C O N G R E G A T I O N Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral Rev. William Hoffman - Pastor Rev. Mr. Tony Abts - Deacon Sr. Mary Jane Knitter, SSJ-TOSF - Musician Carlos Herrera - Hispanic Ministry Parish Office Staff / Personal de Oficina Barbara Miller -Business Administrator Chris Armstrong -Receptionist / Secretary Telephone / Teléfono Office / Oficina .......................................733-8568 Carlos Herrera ......................................... 739-0794 Fax.............................................................. 954-5727 Email.................. Website: Office Hours / Horas de Oficina Mon - Thur / lunes a jueves 8:00 am-4:30 pm Fri / viernes ..........................8:00 am-12:30 pm Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Sat - sáb / Confessions /Confesiones 3:15-3:45 pm Saturday ..................................................... 4:00 pm sábado .......................................................... 5:30 pm Sunday ......................................................... 9:00 am domingo ................................ 11:00 am y 7:00 pm Tue - Fri / martes a viernes .................. 8:00 am 1st Thu * Adoration............. 8:30 am -7:00 pm 1° jueves * Hora Santa & Misa ......... 6:00 pm A Christian steward is “One who receives God‟s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord.” O F St.Therese PARROQUIA DE SANTA TERESITA 213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911 -4875 February 13, 2011 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time A Valentine's Day Blessing Love, the Bible says, is patient. May you never lose your temper with the one you love, but be patient as God was with his people. Love, the Bible says, is never boastful. May you cherish your love as a masterpiece of God, and not as a trophy to be displayed. Love, the Bible says, is never selfish. May you always be generous to your love, with time, with affection, with encouragement and assistance. For as Christ loved the Church, so we should love our beloved. As Mary was devoted to her Son, so we should be devoted to those we love. And as God loved and sacrificed for the world, so may we always be to those we love. Amen. 2 Welcome to St. Therese Parish · Appleton, WI “Notes from Fr. Bill” World Day of the Sick On February 11, we celebrate the World Day of the Sick, an event that coincides with the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes. The objective of this day is to create consciousness among the Christian community on the importance of the ministry of caring for the sick. Often times in our lives and families this “care” is given quietly and lovingly; many of you have been „caregivers‟ with your children when they were sick, with an aging mother or father, or with a spouse. In his message for this day, Pope Benedict cites the parable of the Good Samaritan who took pity on a man, left for dead on the road following an attack by thieves, and took him to heal his wounds. At the end of the parable, Jesus said: “Go and do likewise.” With these words he is also addressing us. Jesus exhorts us to bend over the physical and mental wounds of so many of our brothers and sisters whom we meet on the highways of the world. He helps us to understand that with God‟s grace, accepted and lived out in our daily life, the experience of sickness and suffering can become a school of hope. In his encyclical Spe salvi, Pope Benedict affirms that “It is not by sidestepping or fleeing from suffering that we are healed, but rather by our capacity for accepting it, maturing through it and finding meaning through union with Christ, who suffered with infinite love.” We pray for our sick: “O most loving Virgin of Lourdes, Mother of God and our mother! Filled with affliction and with tears flowing from our eyes, we turn to you in the bitter hours of sickness so that your motherly love may pour abundantly on us the treasures of your mercy. …obtain from your Divine Son Jesus Christ the health we wish, if that will be to the greater glory of God…Amen. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Comforter of the afflicted, pray for us. Health of the infirm, pray for us. Jornada Mundial del Enfermo El próximo 11 de febrero, se llevará a cabo la Jornada Mundial del Enfermo que coincide con la celebración de la primera aparición de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. El objetivo de este día es sensibilizar a toda la comunidad cristiana sobre la importancia del servicio pastoral en la salud. Cuántas familias dan este servicio en silencio, atendiendo a un hijo enfermo, los padres en su vejez, o un esposo/a. El Papa Benedicto, en su mensaje para la Jornada Mundial del Enfermo, cita la parábola del buen Samaritano, donde éste se apiada del pobre hombre al que los ladrones dejaron medio muerto en el camino, llevándoselo y curando sus heridas. Al final de la parábola, Jesús dice: “Ve y haz tú los mismo.” Esto nos exhorta a inclinarnos hacia las heridas del cuerpo y el espíritu de nuestros hermanos alrededor del mundo. Nos ayuda también a comprender que con la gracia de Dios, la experiencia de la enfermedad y del sufrimiento puede llegar a ser escuela de esperanza. En su encíclica Spe salvi el Papa Benedicto afirma: “lo que cura al hombre no es esquivar el sufrimiento y huir ante el dolor, sino la capacidad de aceptar la tribulación, madurar en ella y encontrar en ella un sentido mediante la unión con Cristo, que sufrió con amor infinito.” Oremos por nuestros enfermos: “Oh amabilísima Virgen de Lourdes, Madre de Dios y Madre nuestra! Llenos de aflicción y con lágrimas fluyendo de los ohos, acudimos en las horas amargas de la enfermedad a tu corazón maternal, para pedirte que derrames a manos llenas el tesoro de tus misericordias sobre nosotros. …alcánzale de tu Divino Hijo Jesucristo la deseada salud, si ha de ser para mayor gloria de Dios …Amen.” Virgen de Lourdes, ruega por nosotros. Consuelo de los afligidos, ruega por nosotros. Salud de los enfermos, ruega por nosotros. CELEBRACIÓN DEL PADRE ELIAS NIEVES FUNDRAISER. PRO- FONDOS DE LA PARROQUIA Sunday- Domingo 6 de Marzo de 2011/ March 6th 2011 From 12 pm to 3pm. WHERE? ¿Dónde? ACTIVITY CENTER. 217 E Wisconsin Av. -Food. Rica comida - Traditional- Dances Bailes - Father Elias Drama in Spanish. -Music – Música y MAAASSSS!!! COME AND HAVE FUN! ¡VENGAN A DIVERTIRSE Y APOYEN A SU IGLESIA! NECESITAMOS BAILES, SHOW, CANCIONES, VOLUNTARIOS PARA SERVIR, PARA LOS JUEGOS DE LOS NIÑOS. APUNTENSE POR FAVOR. HABRA ENSAYOS DE BAILES PARA NIÑAS DE 12 AÑOS EN ADELANTE EN EL SALON DE LA FAMILIA TODOS LOS SABADOS. WE NEED SPECIAL SHOW: SINGER, DANCING OR ANY TALENT, VOLUNTEER TO CLEAN UP. PLEASE HELP US!!. THERE WILL BE DANCES LESSONS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS 10 YRS AND OLDER EVERY SATURDAY AT 12 PM IN THE FAMILY ROOM. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time ·● February 13, 2011 3 Actividades Ministerio Hispano Estudio de biblia en el salón de la familia, impartido por el Padre Bill, los sábados a las 8 am. ¡Ven y conoce más de tu religión! Actividades los Sábados: 1.-Rosario por la Paz y Justicia a los inmigrantes a las 5 pm. 2. Grupo de Oración a las 6:30 pm. 3. Grupo de Jóvenes a las 6:30 pm. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia. Se reúne los viernes a las 7 pm en las oficinas parroquiales. Reunión Comité Hispano. Sábado 19 de Febrero, 9 am. Oficinas. Retiro para ministros y ministras. Expositor Manuel Maldonado de la Diócesis de Milwaukee. Tema: “Jesús cala profundo hasta los huesos”. Día 26 de Febrero a las 9 am. Salón de la Familia. Donación $5 por persona. Aparte su misa. Debido a la preparación que se requiere les pedimos que empiecen a hacer cita si planea boda o quinceañeras en este año. La preparación se realiza en el mes de Marzo. Clases de Guitarra. Todos los Domingos después de Misa. Manuel González. 1-414-739-4886 Hispanic Ministry Spanish Bible Study. Classes will resume February 5th in the Family Room at 8 am. Rosary for peace & justice for immigrants. Every Saturday at 5 pm and the Charismatic Group at 6:30 pm. Book your sacrament. Special preparations are required for weddings and quinceañeras and need to be finished by March 2011. Guitar Classes. Every Sunday after 11 am mass. Contact Manuel González at 1-414-739-4886 MOTHER & DAUGHTER RETREATS Come to the Elizabeth Ministry Retreat Center in Kaukauna for a mother and daughter retreat designed to nurture your relationship and instill an understanding of the gift of femininity. Our pajama party-style sleep over retreat utilizes exciting dynamics, presentations, energizing activities, crafts and special mother and daughter bonding time for talking about intimate issues with a faith perspective. Retreat Dates: I'm A Princess Retreat for 4-6 year old girls and their mothers is February 18 - 19. (6pm Friday - Noon Saturday) Start A Spark Retreat for 7-9 year old girls and their mothers is February 19 - 20. (6pm Saturday - Noon Sunday) Find Your Voice for 10-12year old girls and their mothers is February 25 - 26. (6pm Friday - Noon Saturday) Go Light Your World Retreat for 13-15 year old girls and their mothers is February 26 - 27. (6pm Saturday - Noon Sunday) Cost $65. per mother-daughter team. Scholarships available. Call 920-766-9380 to register or go online (Elizabeth Ministry Retreat Center is located at 120 W. 8th Street in Kaukauna.) Forbidden Grief: A Glimpse of Men in Pain Tuesday, February 22, 6:00 – 8:30 pm, Wichmann Tri-County Chapel, 3212 S. Oneida, Appleton This educational session is for women only to gather and gain a better understanding of the journey men experience as they grieve. The evening includes a panel of men sharing their personal insights about grief. Advance registration is appreciated but not necessary. Co-sponsored with Affinity Hospice. St. Therese / Santa Teresita 2011 Wedding Anniversaries / Aniversarios de Matrimonio Michael & Marilyn Gorski Douglas & Lori Malliet Arturo & Rosita Lozano Martin & Maria Villalobos Mory & Lynn Wassmann Francisco & Elida Zavala Miguel & Maria Villegas Steve & Molly Miller 2/12/1972 2/13/1993 2/13/2004 2/14/1987 2/14/1976 2/15/1992 2/16/1977 2/19/1993 39 Yrs. 18 Yrs. 7 Yrs. 24 Yrs. 35 Yrs. 19 Yrs. 34 Yrs. 18 Yrs. Lifeline Screening “Your Health is in Your Hands” When: Monday, April 4, 2011 Where: St Therese ChurchFamily Room Sponsored by: Health Services Pre-registration is required please call 1-800-6906313. The fee is $139 for the Package of the 5 Ultrasound Screenings “Stroke, Vascular Disease & Heart Rythym” (takes about 60-90 minutes to complete). There is no time like the present to take action! ACES Xavier Welcomes New Students Discover the Difference! Our schools are focused on faith, high academic standards, and the development of the whole person in mind, body and spirit. All six ACES Xavier campuses are now accepting registrations for the 2011-2012 school year. To schedule a time to visit the campus of your choice, please call 735-9380 today! FISH FRY for FAITH To support St. Mary’s Parish, Menasha. Friday, March 4th in the St. Mary’s cafeteria 4:00 – 7:30 p.m. Fried Perch, Baked Haddock, or Fried Haddock $9.00 Make any meal a Double Order $13.00 MINISTERS SCHEDULE Ushers, Eucharist, Servers, Lectors To accommodate you on the next 4 months schedule of March thru June, please complete the form below & return to the parish office by February 14th. Thank you! Name:______________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Please DO NOT schedule me for the dates of: March__________________________________________ April__________________________________________ May__________________________________________ June____________________________________________ 4a St. Therese Parish Stewardship / Colecta “How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me?” Collection / Colecta Date ............................... $6,000.35 YTD / Año ....................................................... $180.666.98 Budgeted / Presupuestado ..........................$195,692.16 Hispanic Bishop’s Appeal ................................. $635.24 Reaching Out to the Homebound Imagine being homebound. You are unable to attend Sunday Mass. For some people within the Catholic Diocese, this is a reality. The Bishop‟s Appeal makes it possible for the homebound to celebrate God‟s Good News with thousands of Catholics across the airwaves. TV Mass provides them with the opportunity to participate in Sunday Liturgy while bringing comfort and joy to people in need. It is a sort of peace that one can only achieve through their relationship with God. Making a gift makes a difference in the life of someone else and is one way we are called to serve the Lord. Please give generously to Bishop’s Appeal 2011. Relevant Radio helps us bring God into our marriage everyday!” (Lisa T.) Helping the Catholic Church build strong families and marriages since 2000. Tune into Relevant Radio®: Green Bay / Fox Cities 1050AM (Listen online at Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros 2/19 & 20, 2011 4:00 pm L C S U Mary B. / Steve Karen / Betty / Rose / Tom Emson / Gregory David V. / James R. / Bill / James C. 9:00 am L C S U Sarah B. / Eileen Sara / Kathy / Barb / Lynn Steve M. / Ben Richard / Robert / John / Catherine 5:30 pm L C S U Maribel / Veronica / Maricela L C S U Ernesto G. / Manuela / Dora Ramona/Ernesto/Maribel/Rosa/Maria Marisol / Lizette Moises / Melchor / Eloy / Lupita / Omar 11:00 am Ernesto/Antonio/Martha/Maribel/Veronica Gerardo / Alejandro Cruz / Pedro / Lupita / Macario / Gisel Appleton, WI 4b The Week Ahead / Esta Semana Monday, 1/14 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Tuesday, 1/15 8:00 am Mass .............Randy & Emily Laux Family .......................................................... (living & deceased) 6:30 pm ....................................Finance Committee/ CR Wednesday, 1/16 8:00 am Mass ................................ Augie Markowski 9:30 am....................................... Service @ “Randall Ct.” 3:00 pm ................................................... Mass @ “A.R.C.” 6:00 pm ............................... Hispanic REP Clases / CC Thursday, 1/17 8:00 am Mass ............................ Bill & Ross Meagher 6:30 pm ............................................ Choir Practice / Loft Friday, 1/18 8:00 am Mass ..................Community of St. Therese 8:30-10:30 am ..........................................Book Club / CR Saturday, 1/19 8:00 am ............................................ Estudio Bíblico / FR 9:00 am ............... Hispanic Pastoral Committee / CR 11:00 am .................................................................... Bautizo 1:00 pm ........................... Quinceañera –Mayra Bedolla 4:00 pm Mass .................Community of St. Therese 4:00 pm ................................ Hispanic REP Clases / CC 5:30 pm Misa .......Fidencio & Beatriz Serrano, Aniv. 6:30 pm ........ Hispanic Charismatic Group / Church Sunday, 1/20 9:00 am Mass ........................................... Mach Family 10:00 am .......................................................... R.C.I.A. / CR 11:00 am Misa...................................................................... 7:00 pm Misa ..................................................................... A Taste of Micronesia Enjoy a Micronesian Dinner @ St. Therese Saturday, Feb. 26 after 4:00 & 5:30 Masses Our Micronesian community will cook up their specialties for our enjoyment – come join us! A free will offering will be taken. See you there! El sabor de Micronesia una cena de Micronesia Sábado, 26 de febrero después de las 4:00 y 05:30 Misas Nuestra comunidad de Micronesia se cocinarán sus especialidades para nuestros disfrute - ¡únete a nosotros! Una oferta de libre albedrío que se adopten. Nos vemos allí!