Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church


Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Church & School
11291 Southwest 142nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33186
“ A Stewardship Parish of Perpetual Adoration”
Parish Office
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Phone: (305) 386-4121
Fax: (305) 386-6881
October 26, 2014
“You shall love the lord, Your
god, with all your heart, with
all your soul, and with
all Your mind.”
Matthew 22:37
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Closed for Lunch: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Saturday and Sunday
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Andrew A. Pietraszko
Rev. Elvis A. Gonzalez
Sacramental Life of the Parish
Deacons BAPTISM: Families must make arrangements for Baptism at least 2 months prior to
Dcn. Michael Plummer date of Baptism. For more information, call the Office of Christian Formation.
Dcn. José Naranjo MARRIAGE: Please visit our website at www.ololourdes.org, for more information
Dcn. Isidoro Villa regarding the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Youth Minister
Maria Elena Murdock
Schedule of Masses, Reconciliations, Devotions
and General Information
Holy Boutique Weekday Masses
Caridad Sierra English Masses - Monday - Saturday ................................................................... 8am Chapel
305-386-4121 ext. 404 Spanish Masses - Monday - Friday.......................................................................7pm Chapel
Parochial School
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil ................................................................... 5pm (English), 6:30pm (Spanish)
Phone: (305) 386-8446 Sunday - English Masses ................................................. 7:15am, 10:15am, 11:45am, 5pm
- Spanish Masses ..............................................................8:30am, 1:30pm, 6:30pm
Fax: (305) 386-6694
Holy Days of Obligation: (no confessions / no confesiones) .........Vigil: 7pm (Bilingual)
Mr. Thomas Halfaker ............................... 8am (English), 12:15pm (Bilingual), 6:30pm (English), 8pm (Spanish)
Principal Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes, 11th day of every month (Bilingual) ...........8pm Grotto
Divine Mercy Chaplet (English), Sundays ...........................................................3pm Chapel
Christian Formation French Mass, 1st Saturdays of the month........................................................9:30am Chapel
Phone: (305) 386-4894 Mass honoring the Blessed Mother; 1st Saturdays of the month (Bilingual)...... 8am Chapel
Fax: (305) 386-6670 Novena honoring Our Lady of Perpetual Help w/ Benediction,
Mondays (English) .............................................................. 7:30pm Chapel
Office Hours: Reconciliation / Confesiones ................................................ one hour before daily Mass and
........................................................... Saturdays from 3pm to 4pm Chapel
Monday through Friday
Holy Days of Obligation / No Confesiones en Días de Precepto
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Holy Boutique Store Hours: Mon-Weds-Thurs 5:30pm-8:00pm; Tues 5:30pm –8:00pm;
Dcn. Michael Plummer ……………………………..Fri 2:00pm-8:00pm; Sat 8:30am-1:30pm & 5:30pm-8:00pm;
Director of Christian Formation …………………………………………………..Sun 8:00am-2:00pm & 5:30pm-8:00pm
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2014
Message from Our Pastor
My Dear Family of Our Lady of Lourdes,
This week we look forward to both the Solemnity of All Saints and the
Commemoration of All Souls.
The Solemnity of All Saints (November 1st) is not a Holy Day of
Obligation this year because it falls on a Saturday but, of course, it
remains a Holy Day. The morning Mass, 8:00, will be in the main
church and multilingual. The evening Masses are vigils for Sunday, the
Commemoration of All Souls.
The Commemoration of All Souls (November 2nd) is the day when we
remember all our loved ones who have gone before us: we thank God
for them, commend them to His bountiful care, and look with hope to
being with them again when the Lords call us to Himself as well. We
have envelopes available at all the entrances to the church where you
can add the names of your beloved deceased to our All Souls Novena.
Just drop the envelope into the regular collection basket.
On the Commemoration of All Souls we will celebrate a special Mass of
Remembrance at 1:30 p.m. The Mass will be multilingual and will
include a special remembrance of our fellow parishioners who have died
in the past year and of their families. If someone you loved was called
home by the Lord this past year and we have not yet contacted you
please contact our office and confirm the name of your family member
and give us a photo of them for our remembrance – and of course join
us for Mass.
What a beautiful way to start the month: looking to heaven, thankful in
love and filled with hope.
Msgr. Schwanger
Mass Intentions
SATURDAY, October 25, 2014
8:00 am
In honor of St Joseph
Humberto Viana †
Thanksgiving to St Expedito
& St Gregorio de la Rivera
5:00 pm
Alvaro Carbajalin †
Health of Danilee Ann Chin
Elucia & Guerin Jean-Pierre †
7:00 pm
Patricia Castro †
Salvador Moncada
Florencia Belandria †
SUNDAY, October 26, 2014
7:15 am
Parish Family
8:30 am
Aura Maecha Camar †
Accion de gracias a la
Virgen de Guadalupe
Rafael Garcia †
10:15 am
Olga Hernandez †
Healing for Anthony Chao
Thanksgiving to Blessed
Virgin Mary
11:45 am
Frank Fitton †
Thanksgiving to St Anthony
Thanksgiving to Jesus
1:30 pm
Fernando Ruiz †
Armando Diaz †
Enrique Garcia †
5:00 pm
Esther Gonzalez
Thanksgiving to Divine Mercy
Joaquin & Valentina
Espada †
6:30 pm
Neyton Baltodano †
Rafael Fernandez
Joel Gutierrez †
MONDAY, October 27, 2014
8:00 am
Olga Hernandez †
Alan Scott †
Catherine Marie Muia †
7:00 pm
Enrique Cardozo †
Cora de Chuecos †
Accion de gracias a
San Judas Tadeo
“You shall love Your
neighbor as yourself. The
whole law and the prophets
depend on these two
Matthew 22:39,40
Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org
Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL
Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Mass Intentions
TUESDAY, October 28, 2014
8:00 am
Alan Scott †
7:00 pm
Accion de gracias a
San Judas Tadeo
Jaime Alberto Sierra †
Emerson Corrales †
WEDNESDAY, October 29, 2014
8:00 am
Richard Moise †
Maxime Moise †
Natalie Murat †
7:00 pm
Oreste Jose Dominguez †
Carmen Valencia (B-day)
Rita Garcia †
THURSDAY, October 30, 2014
8:00 am
Rosa de Valle Quintero †
Thanksgiving to Jesus
Alda Verastegui †
7:00 pm
Donald Rocha †
Accion de gracias a
San Judas Tadeo
Ana Garcia †
FRIDAY, October 31, 2014
8:00 am
Juan Minayes †
Isabel Sanchez †
Ramone Domonique
Louie †
7:00 pm
Intenciones de Nicole Chuy
Angela & Oscar Ramos †
Rafael Garcia †
SATURDAY, November 1, 2014
8:00 am
Parish Family
9:30 am
Maunah L Chaumin (B-day)
Jamil Marzouka †
Maud & Frederic Arty †
5:00 pm
Beni Mar Adaza †
Jeremias Bruno †
Eduardo Bruno †
6:30 pm
Nancy Ruiz †
Maria Magdalena Lopez †
Accion de gracias al
Señor de los Milagros
26 de Octubre 2014
Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco
Mi querida familia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes,
Esta semana estamos esperando la Solemnidad de todos los Santos y la
Conmemoración de todas las Almas.
La solemnidad de todos los Santos (1ro de noviembre) no es un Día de
precepto este año porque cae en sábado pero, por supuesto, sigue siendo
un Día Santo. La Misa de la mañana, 8:00, será celebrada en la iglesia
principal y multilingüe. Las Misas de la tarde son la vigilia del
domingo, la Conmemoración de todas las Almas.
La Conmemoración de todas las Almas (2 de noviembre) es el día en
que recordamos todos nuestros seres queridos que se han ido antes que
nosotros: le damos gracias a Dios por ellos, los encomendamos a Su
generoso cuidado, y miramos con esperanza el día en que podamos estar
con ellos de nuevo cuando el Señor nos llame a El también. Tenemos
sobres disponibles en las entradas de la iglesia donde puede agregar los
nombres de sus seres queridos fallecidos para la Novena de todas las
Almas. Solo ponga el sobre en la canasta de la colecta regular.
El día de la Conmemoración de todas las Almas celebraremos una Misa
especial en Memoria a la 1:30 pm. La Misa será multilingüe e incluirá
un recuerdo especial de nuestros parroquianos que han muerto en los
últimos años y sus familiares. Si algún ser querido suyo ha sido llamado
a casa por el Señor en este último año y todavía no nos hemos
comunicado con usted, por favor comuníquese con nuestras oficinas y
confirme el nombre del miembro de su familia y denos una foto de ellos
para nuestro memorial – y claro, únase a nosotros para la Misa.
Que bella manera de comenzar el mes: mirando hacia el cielo,
agradecidos de amor y llenos de esperanza.
Mons. Schwanger
Visite nuestro website: www.ololourdes.org
Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
SUNDAY 10/26
9:00 a Neocates Conv. (ER)
3:00 p Divine Mercy Chaplet
6:00 p Blaze HSYG (PH)
To receive this weekly bulletin
digitally to your email address
plus see all the wonderful things
happening at OLOL, scan the
QR Code below and ENJOY!
October 26, 2014
MONDAY 10/27
2:00 p Young Once (PH)
6:00 p Adult Formation (StB)
7:30 p Hijos de la Madre de Dios
7:45 p Novena Benediction (Cha)
8:00 p Comun. De Base (PH)
8:00 p English Bible Classes (BFI)
8:15 p Emmaus Men Eng. (Rm109)
8:15 p Comun de Base (Rm112)
8:15 p Totus Tuus (Rm113)
8:15 p Esc de Evang (Rm119)
8:15 p Sep/Div-Spa (Rm120)
8:15 p Nueva Vida (Rm122)
8:15 p Legion de Maria (Rm123)
7:30 p Benediction-Madres y
Padres Orante (Cha)
7:30 p SVDP (PH-Conf.Rm)
8:00 p Usher’s Class (StB)
8:00 p Emmaus Women Eng (PH)
8:00 p OLOL Young Adults (TLg)
8:00 p Spanish Bible Classes (BFI)
8:15 p Neuroticos Anonimos
8:15 p Talleres de Oracion
8:15 p Emmaus Women Eng
8:15 p Emaus Men Spa (Rm118)
8:15 p Legion of Mary-Eng
8:15 p Com. de Base (Rm122)
10:00 a Mary Queen of Peace
7:00 p Salve Regina (BFI)
8:00 p Why Catholics (PH)
8:00 p Cenaculo de DM (Cha)
8:15 p Neocates 1st Com (ER)
8:15 p Choir Practice (Rm108)
8:15 p Neocates 3rd Com
8:15 p Neocates 2nd Com
8:15 p Escoge (Rm115)
8:15 p Ninos en Victoria (Rm116)
8:15 p Escoge Children (Rm118)
8:15 p SOE (Rm119)
8:15 p Emaus Women-Spa
8:15 p Salve Regina (Rm121)
8:15 p Divine Will (Rm122)
8:15 p Sep/Div-Eng (Rm123)
8:15 p MEV (StB)
Para recibir este boletín semanal
digitalmente a su correo electrónico
además de ver todos los eventos
maravillosas sucediendo en la
parroquia, ¡explore el código QR
(QR Code) y disfrutar!
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
All Souls Day
Please join us for a special multilingual celebration, Sunday, November 2, 2014 at
the 1:30 pm mass, to remember our loved ones called home to the Father.
“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”
Romans 12:15
El Día de los Difuntos
Por favor, únase a nosotros para una celebración multilingüe especial.
Domingo, 2 de Noviembre en la misa de la 1:30 pm, para recordar a
nuestros seres queridos llamados a la casa del Padre
“Alegraos con los que se alegran; llorad con los que lloran.” Rom. 12:15
Our Lady of Lourdes marriage preparation ministry “Fully
is looking for married couples who yearn for greater fulfillment through helping others to volunteer their
time to mentor couples who want to confirm their commitment to each other and/or prepare couples for
Christian marriage.
The next “Fully Engaged” facilitator training will be offered
November 7 & 8, 2014
For more information, please call Mercy Baglio at 786-547-9577 or email: pulpeta24@hotmail.com
El Ministerio de preparación al Matrimonio Plenamente Comprometido de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
está buscando parejas casadas que ansíen encontrar mayor realización mientras ayudan a otros, regalando
su tiempo para guiar a las parejas que quieren confirmar su compromiso el uno con el otro y/o preparando
parejas para un matrimonio cristiano.
El próximo entrenamiento para Facilitadores Plenamente Comprometidos será ofrecido el
7 & 8 de noviembre, 2014.
Para más información, por favor llamar Mercy Baglio a 786-547-9577
o envíele un email a pulpeta24@hotmail.com
Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org
Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL
Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
7:30 p Grupo de Oracion (BFI)
7:30 p Spirit Day (PH)
8:00 p Consecration to Jesus
8:15 p Boy Scouts (Rm105)
8:15 p Neocates 3rd Com (Rm109)
8:15 p Neuroticos Anonimos (Rm111)
8:15 p Emmaus Women Eng (Rm113)
8:15 p Esc. De Evang. (Rm114)
8:15 p SOE (Rm118)
8:15 p RCIA English (Rm119)
8:15 p Com. de Base (Rm121)
8:15 p Divina Voluntad (Rm122)
11:00 p Preciosa Sangre (Cha)
FRIDAY 10/31
10:00 a Mary Queen of Peace (PH)
5:00 p FAITH (PH)
6:00 p Friends of Jesus & Mary
6:00 p Nstra Senora de los Pueblos
7:00 p MSYG Sparks (ER)
7:00 p Neocates Liturgy (Rm112)
7:30 p Cub Scouts
7:30 p Couples for Christ (Rm118)
8:00 p Cursillos (Rm119)
8:00 p Talleres de Oracion (Rm120)
8:00 p Legion de Maria (Rm122)
26 de Octubre 2014
9:00 a FAITH PH)
6:00 p Neocates Liturgy (ER)
Notice: Anyone wanting to
include their loved ones in
our All Souls Day presentation, please bring your pictures to the Parish Office
during office hours (see bulletin cover for times). Make
sure the names and dates of
death are clearly written on
the back of the pictures.
Thank you and
God Bless!
Ministerio de Evangelización
BFI - Bishop
Isern Hall
Chu -Church
Cha - Chapel
ER - Expansion
Kit - Kitchen
MS - Middle
PH - Parish Hall
Rm - School
StB - St. Bernadette
TLg - Teachers
Me quieres
Octubre 29 - Tema: “El Kerigma” por Claudia Carrillo
No necesita haber vivido el retiro para asistir a nuestras reuniones
Para mas información llamar al - (786) 362-1374
(Above is the upcoming list of events given by the ministry “Escoge” for the month of October.
For more information call number listed above.
Next weekend (Oct. 25/26) the
Respect Life Ministry members
will be collecting the items for the
Baby Shower to help mothers in
need. Please take your gift to the
Parish Hall before or after every
mass, and during the week.
We want to thank each of you for
your generosity and ask for your
prayers for those mothers and
their babies.
“Human life is sacred and inviolable at every moment of existence,
including the initial phase”
Evangelium Vitae St. John Paul II
Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org
Próximo fin de semana, miembros
del ministerio Respeto a la Vida
estaremos recogiendo los artículos
del Baby Shower para ayudar a
madres necesitadas. Por favor
lleve su regalo al salón parroquial,
antes ó después de cada misa y
durante la semana.
Queremos agradecerles a cada uno
de ustedes por tanta
generosidad y pedimos sus
oraciones por las madres y sus
“La vida humana es sagrada e
inviolable en cada momento de su
existencia, incluyendo la fase
Evangelium Vitae, St. John Paul II
Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2014
The Knights of Columbus Need You, Come help, and have Fun!
November 15th 2014
The Knights of Columbus will be hosting the first annual Charity Golf Tournament. Proceeds
will benefit Knights of Columbus Charities. It will be held at Redland Golf
and Country Club, located at 24451 Krome Ave., Homestead. For more nformation, please contact Mario Caballos at 305-360-9811, Randy Sosa at 305-9752173, or Frank Garcia at 786-412-2240.
Los Caballeros de Colon seremos los anfitriones del primer Torneo
Anual del Golf de la Caridad. Las ganancias serán a beneficio del
Consejo 10201 de Los Caballeros de Colón.
Charity - Unity - Fraternity - Patriotism
Join the Knights of Columbus
Join the men in our parish who are making a difference in people’s lives. Feel the
inner rewards and the feeling of helping others. Contact Phil Cabase at 305-801-6370, or
Alec Leal at 305-495-1169
Únete a los hombres de nuestra parroquia que están haciendo una diferencia en la vida de las personas. Siente la recompensa
interior que da la sensación de ayudar al prójimo.
The Food Pantry Ministry would like to thank everyone for their
generous donations during the recent “Food Drive”.
May God continue to bless us.
Philip Course in English
The School of Evangelization (SOE) of Our Lady of Lourdes will be offering the
Philip Course, a wonderful weekend retreat, in English. This course is the beginning of a journey in which the objective is to develop evangelizers & carry out the
Church’s mission - to be a part of the New Evangelization. An evangelizer must be
a witness - someone who has had a personal encounter with the Living Jesus Christ
and the Holy Trinity.
We invite you to renew and deepen your personal relationship with Jesus Christ on
Friday, November 14, 7:00 am -10:00 pm
Saturday, November 15, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, and
Sunday, November 16, 7:30 AM - (ending with 11:45 am Mass)
The course will take place at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall. The donation for this wonderful weekend is $25.
This includes refreshments, breakfast and lunch. To reserve your space, email us at SOEOLOL@gmail.com.
Don’t miss this opportunity. Jesus is calling your name. This journey is for you….today!
El ministerio de “School of Evangelization” estará ofreciendo el Curso de Philip, un maravilloso refugio de fin de semana,
en Inglés. Para más información, póngase en contacto con el correo electrónico que aparece más arriba.
May our Blessed Mother make our prayers her own that her Son might grant them by His love for her
Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org
Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL
Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
26 de Octubre 2014
Children’s Christmas Choir
The children’s choir is open to all children of the parish ages 6 – 14 years old.
The children will sing for the
Thanksgiving Day, 10:00 am Mass
Christmas Concert, December 12 and
Christmas Eve, 4:00 pm Mass.
Rehearsals will be Wednesdays from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the school music room
(located on the 2nd floor in the newer building). To register, please contact
Dr. Lori Werner: music@ololourdes.org, or sign up in the choir loft after mass.
The first rehearsal is Wednesday, October 29.
El coro de niños está abierto para niños parroquianos entre 6 y 14 años de edad.
Los niños cantarán en las fechas enumerados anteriormente
Los ensayos serán los miércoles de 6:00 pm a 7:00 pm. Para registrarse, por favor
comunicarse con Dr. Lori Werner a music@ololourdes.org o regístrese en el piso del
coro después de Misa. El primer ensayo es el miércoles, 29 de octubre
Divine Will Ministry
Invites you to attend The Eucharistic Thursday, November 20, 2014 in the chapel
in adoration, intercession, and reparation - Rosary 6:30p.m. ~ Holy Mass 7:00p.m. ~ Adoration 7:40p.m.
The Kingdom of the Divine Fiat reigning among creatures
El Ministerio de La Divina Voluntad
Los invita a participar en El Jueves Eucaristico, 20 de noviembre 2014, en la capilla
de adoración, intercesión y reparación - Rosario 6:30p.m.~ Santa Misa 7:00p.m. ~ Adoración 7:40p.m.
El Reino del Fiat Divino en medio de las creaturas
We invite you to join us to pray the rosary, Wednesday, November 11th, and the 11th of each month at
8:00pm in front of the Grotto in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Los invitamos a que vengan a rezar el Rosario el Miércoles, 11 de noviembre, y cada 11 del mes a las
8:00pm al frente de la
Gruta en honor a Nuestra Señora de Lourdes.
Blessed Mother, place our prayers at the Foot of your Son’s
If you are interested in becoming a
Catholic or receiving your
sacraments as an adult, please contact our Christian Formation Office
during regular office hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm.
for more information.
Adult formation classes are every
Thursday, 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Si usted está interesado en ser
Católico o recibir sus Sacramentos
como adulto, por favor comunicarse
a Nuestra Oficina de Educación Religiosa para más información durante
las horas de oficina:
Lunes a Viernes, 8:00 am a 4:00 pm.
Las clases son todos los jueves de
8-9:30 pm.
Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
26 de Octubre 2014
Sunday, October 26
 Red Ribbon Week
11:45 am to 1:15 pm - Mass OLOL Students
Monday, October 27
 Food Drive Begins
Thursday, October 30
 Jeans Day - Red Shirt Day
8:00 am to 9:00 am - Breakfast of Champions
Friday, October 31
 K-2 Students dress as Saints
 9:00 am to 10:00 am - 4A Mass
10:00 am to 10:30 am - Honor Roll Ceremony
 11:00 am to 1:00 pm - 5B Bake Sale
NOVEMBER 22 9:00 AM – 12 NOON
Honors, AP and Dual Enrollment Tracks
St. Thomas Moore Law Prep. Academy
Pax Christi Program for Students with Special
One to One iPad Program
Step-Up and McKay Scholarships Accepted
For more information, contact the Admissions
Office 305-388-6700 ext. 1225 or
“Words cannot express the perfection of his adoration. If St. John leaped in the womb
at the approach of Mary, what feelings must have coursed through Joseph during
those six months when he had at his side and under his very eyes the hidden God! If
the father of Origin used to kiss his child during the night and adore the Holy Spirit
living within Him, can we doubt that Joseph must often have adored jesus hidden in
the pure tabernacle of Mary? How fervent that adoration must have been: “My Lord
and my God, behold your servant! No one can describe the adoration of this noble soul
He saw nothing, yet he believed; his faith had to pierce the virginal veil of Mary. So
likewise with you! Under the veil of the Sacred Species your faith must see our Lord.
Ask St. Joseph for his lively, constant faith.”
-St. Peter Julian Eymard
"Las palabras no pueden expresar la perfección de su adoración. Si San Juan saltó de alegría en el
vientre ante la proximidad de María, ¡que sentimientos deben haber cursado a través de José
durante esos seis meses, cuando tuvo a su lado y bajo sus propios ojos al Dios oculto! Si el padre de
Orígenes besaba a su hijo durante la noche y adoraba al Espíritu Santo que vive dentro de Él,
¿podemos dudar de que José a menudo debe haber adorado a Jesús oculto en el tabernáculo purísimo de María? Qué ferviente debe haber sido esa adoración: ¡Señor mío y Dios mío, he aquí a tu
siervo! Nadie puede describir la adoración de esta alma noble. No vio nada, sin embargo, creyó;
su fe tuvo que levantar el velo virginal de María. ¡De igual manera contigo! Bajo el velo de las
Sagradas Especies tu fe debe ver a nuestro Señor. Pide a San José por su fe constante y viva”.
- San Pedro Julián Eymard
Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org
Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL
Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
26 de Octubre 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2014
Quarterly Mass Collections (Jul-Aug-Sept)
Faith Direct
July Mass Collections
August Mass Collections
September Mass Collections
Everything we have is a gift from God that we are to use to help
There is no greater satisfaction than knowing that your personal property and accumulated wealth will be
shared exactly as you personally desire. Whether your estate is large or small, you should make certain it
will be properly distributed to those to whom you wish it to go. If you wish to remember Our Lady of
Lourdes Parish this can be done through careful preparation of your will. Contact the Office of Planned
Giving at (305) 762-1110 for more information.
No hay mayor satisfacción que saber que sus bienes personales y la riqueza acumulada se compartirán
exactamente como usted, personalmente, lo desea. No importa si su herencia es grande o pequeña, usted debe
asegurarse de que se distribuya adecuadamente entre quienes desea que se reparta. Si desea recordar la
parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, puede hacerlo mediante una preparación cuidadosa de su testamento.
Póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Donaciones Planificadas al (305) 762-1110 para más información.
Readings for the Week of October 26 - November 2, 2014
Sunday, October 26th:
1st: Exodus 22:20-26
Res. Ps. 18:2-3,3-4,47,51
2nd: 1 Thessalonians 1:5C-10
Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40
Thursday, October 30th:
1st: Ephesians 6:10-20
Res. Ps. 144:1B,2,9-10
Gospel: Luke 13:31-35
Monday, October 27th:
1st: Ephesians 4:32-5:8
Res. Ps. 1:1-2,3,4&6
Gospel: Luke 13:10-17
Friday, October 31st:
1st: Philippians 1:1-11
Res. Ps. 111:1-2,3-4,5-6
Gospel: Luke 14:1-6
Tuesday, October 28th:
1st: Ephesians 2:19-22
Res. Ps. 19:2-3,4-5
Gospel: Luke 6:12-16
Saturday, November 1st:
1st: Revelations 7:2-4,9-14
Res. Ps. 24:1BC-2,3-4AB,5-6
2nd: 1 John 3:1-3
Gospel: Mathew 5:1-12A
Wednesday, October 29th:
1st: Ephesians 6:1-9
Res. Ps. 145:10-11,12-13AB,13CD14
Gospel: Luke 13:22-30
Sunday, November 2nd:
1st: Wisdom 3:1-9
Res. Ps. 23:1-3A,3B-4,5,6
2nd: Romans 5:5-11
Gospel: John 6:37-40
Let us also pray for all the residents of W. Kendall Baptist Hospital, Heartland Rehabilitation
& Nursing Home and the assisted living facilities surrounding our Parish Community.
Aloma Ahkin
Heather Ahye
Ana Maria Alarcon
Michael Alexander
Kimberly Alfonso
Lucas Algeciras
Patricia E Amaya
Joe Antol
Edgar Arango
Fredy Arango
Walter Arango
Zuly Arango
Max Arnoux
Patricia Arnoux
Sylvia Arzalluz
Jose Antonio Bode
Robert Bodden
Cristian Bonilla
Grazia Buscema
Matthew Cabase
Eida Cajigas
Stephan Calafel
Noemi Castillo
Christian Castro
Sara Chico
Danilee Ann Chin
Michele Ciccazzo
Christian Cruz Sosa
Alexander Csconka
Angel Dalmau
Hilda De Paula
Norma Echeverry
Guisa Delgado
Frank Evans
Jim Feeney
Gloria Fernandez
Sergio Giraldez
Andres Gonzalez
Ariel Gonzalez
Marta Gordillo
Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org
Jorge Miguel Guiroz
Pedro Gutierrez
Solange D. Gutrierrez
Mary Ann Harris
Ines Helena Hernandez
Mayda Hernandez
Camilo Jarquin
Daniel Jimenez
Christian J. Karmeris
Cedric Kellman
Walter Kunzle
Manny La Rosa
Mariana Lasprilla
Portugal Leal
Carlos Lincoln
Geraldine Lincoln
Milady Liz
Diego Lopez
Isabella Lopez
Jackie Lopez
Solange Mago
Steven Medina
Aida Moya
Max Omphalius
Elsa Ordonez
Juan Ordonez
Joanne Ortolan
Cesar Alberto Ovando
Nela Pacheco
Jorge Peña
Joseph Pietraszko
Pepe Plata
Halvert Peguero
Daniel Pino
Judith Portugal
Silvia Pulido
Modesta Quintana
Melba Remior
Angela Restrepo
Laurin Reyes
Amaury Rodriguez
Eustaquio Rodriguez
Kathy Rodriguez
Raul Rodriguez
Renee Rousseau
Narah Salgado
Evelyn Sandoval
Norma Shaw
Bruce Siegel
David Stadthaeen
Ramon Suarez
Concepcion Tariche
Gustavo Tobon
Nicasio Urbina
Wendy Valle
Robert VannHassel
Heather VannHassel
Rosa Zapata
Lisa Zemba
Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL