Sacred Heart Catholic Church


Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time –August 7, 2016
Fr. Patrick Reilley
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
302 South B Street
Arkansas City, KS 67005
Mass Schedule
Tuesday - Friday
8:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
Misa en Español
11:00 a.m.
Reflection from the Pastor:
When Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, He made
twelve promises to all those who consecrate themselves to the Sacred Heart and who
make reparation (do penance) for their sins and the sins of others. These twelve
promises are:
He will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life.
He will establish peace in their homes.
He will comfort them in all their afflictions.
He will be their secure refuge during life, and above all, in death.
He will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.
Sinners will find in His Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
Lukewarm souls shall become fervent.
Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.
He will bless every place in which an image of His Heart is exposed and honored.
He will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.
Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in His
• In the excessive mercy of His Heart that His all-powerful love will grant to all
those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays in nine consecutive
months the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in His disgrace,
nor without receiving their sacraments. His divine Heart shall be their safe
refuge in this last moment.
Tuesday - Friday
7:30 a.m.
Martes - Viernes
7:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.
302 South B Street
9:00 a.m. -3:30p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m.
312 South B Street
In the coming weeks, I plan to use this space to explain more fully the meaning behind each of these promises.
Readings for the week of August 8, 2016
Tuesday, August 9
8:00 a.m. †Dorothy Brinkman by Gene Brinkman
Wednesday, August 10
8:00 a.m. †Brian Bergkamp by Lois Webb
Thursday, August 11
8:00 a.m. †Teresa Tsosie by Steve & Lupe Weide
Friday, August 12
8:00 a.m. Lynn Roberts by Gerald & Lois Lobmeyer
Saturday, August 13
6:00 p.m. †Max Baker by Phillip & Joyce Groves
Sunday, August 14
9:00 a.m. †Louis Biggs by the Family of Louis Biggs
11:00 a.m. For the people of the Parish
Ezek 1:2-5,2428c
Ezek 2:8-3:4
2 Cor 9:6-10
Ezek 12:1-12
Ezek 16:115,60,63
Ezek 18:110,13b,30-32
Jer 38:4-6,8-10
Ps 148:1-2,1112,13,14
Ps 119:14,24,72,
103, 111,131
Ps 112:1-2,5-6,7-8,9
Matt 17:22-27
Ps 78:56-57,5859,61-62
Isa 12:2-3,4bcd,5-6
Matt 18:2119:1
Matt 19:3-12
Ps 51:12-13,1415,18-19
Ps 40:2,3,4,18
Matt 19:13-15
Matt 18:15,10,12-14
John 12:24-26
Luke 12:49-53
Liturgical Ministers for August 13 & August 14
11:00 AM
Minister of Holy Communion –
Dan Krueger
Fr. Reilley
Jesus Varela
Jim Bernhardt
Gavin Rains
Lance Blubaugh
Genesis Mendez
Eva Rains
Josh Montgomery
Max Mendez
Paul Fiorentino
Joseph Priddy
Frances Mendez
Gaspar Lopez & Eva Juan Felipe
OFFERTORY Chris & Calli Rains
Katie & Avery Biggerstaff
Larry & Mary Ann Hale
Mario & Maria Medina
Denny & Jan MacLaughlin
Aug 14 Gift Counters
Barbara Priest, Trish Doffing, Melissa Zimmerman or Krystle Byers
Church Cleaners of the Week
Casey & Sammi Webb, Carlos & Gaby Leyva
Aug 13 & 14
6:00 PM
Mike Kuffler
We will continue to take donations for
the Altar Flower Fund. This will help
cover the cost of having flowers for the
altar at all Masses during Ordinary
Time. Please call the parish office if
you have questions.
For the first time, in breathtaking,
high-definition cinematography, the
beauty, goodness and truth of the
Catholic Faith are illustrated in a rich,
multimedia experience. Journey with
acclaimed author, speaker and
theologian Bishop Robert Barron to
more than 50 locations throughout 15
countries. Be illuminated by the
spiritual and artistic treasures of this global culture that
claims more than one billion of the earth’s people.
Available on Parish code: JJVHQR
9:00 AM
Rogene Groene, Arky Reyez, Jackie Curtis, Frances Brin, Jose
Samano, Kim Hager, Ashley Law, Jackson Weathers, Karen
Walker Blatchford, Summer Flowers-Davis, Joan
Schmeidler, Kathy Schmeidler, Larry Schwintz, Bob
Weston, Joseph Thompson, Leah Ried, Sharon
Callahan, Kay Norwood, Lisa Munson, Sherley
Lopez, Tom Lightsey, Bonnie Smith, M.D. Miguel A.
Matamoros, Judy Eastman, Camden & Caiden Boyd, Gene
Waggoner, Sydney Smith-Mullett, Paul Martell, Baylor Rolf,
Tomas Baltazar Pedro-Pedro, Emilia Osburn, Julie Toon,
Karen Adamson, Diane Johnston, Joseph Duarte, Jim
Schmeidler & family, Emme Antoine, Melody Hearne-Ralston,
Max Abrams, Elias Romero, Jesus Osorio, Bob Pate, Bennett
Henning, Jennifer Mulkey, Nancy Langhrer,
Maria De Jesus Martinez, Scott Fields
†Agnes Reese
Collection July 31, 2016
Envelopes…………………..…....…………….. $6,866.50
Loose Cash……………...……………………..... $ 1,032.93
Votive Candles………………………………….. $
TOTAL…………………………....................... $ 7,974.93
Budgeted……………………….…………………..$ 7,670.00
Above...……………………………………………. $ 304.93
Wednesday, August 10
6 PM – 7:30 PM
$20/child or $35/family until August 31st
Starting Sept. 1st - $35/child or $60/family
Enrollment will take place in the parish office. Please
call the office if you have any questions. 620-442-0566
If you missed enrollment, please contact Mrs. Larson in the
school office 442-6550.
First day of School August 18th!
I can't wait to see all of the
eager faces!
Mark your calendars!!!
Catechists Needed:
Sacred Heart Parish is always searching for new catechists
who wish to assist in our elementary and middle school
programs, as well as with First Communion and
Confirmation catechesis. If you are interested in becoming
a catechist or for more information, please contact Theresa
Kuffler, Director of Religious Education or Fr. Reilley.
a desire to grow in and share the Catholic faith
an awareness of God’s grace and the desire to
respond to that grace
a commitment to the Church’s liturgical and
sacramental life and moral teachings
a strength of character built on patience,
responsibility, confidence, and creativity
a generosity of spirit, respect for diversity, and a
habit of hospitality and inclusion
Knowledge and Skills:
a basic understanding of Catholic teaching,
Scripture, and Catholic Tradition
honest and caring relationships with the age
group being served
effective teaching techniques and strategies
complete initial training/formation
complete Virtus training
commit to teaching 24 sessions
attend quarterly catechist meetings
commit to ongoing formation
Spiritual Life Center Programs
Tuesday, Aug. 23 or Wednesday, Aug. 24; 7-8:30 p.m.
This evening program with Fr. Ken VanHaverbeke speaks
to anyone whose friends or family have left the Church.
Participants may attend either Tuesday or Wednesday's
program for practical advice and encouragement from
Scripture and the saints. $10
For more information and to register please
visit or call (316) 744-0167
First annual Sacred Heart Community Invitational Golf
September 17th -- 10:00 a.m. shot gun start
4-person scramble at Great Life Golf and
Sign-up sheets can be found at the
church exits.
Come join the fun!!!
All proceeds will go towards the
technology expenses of Sacred Heart Catholic School!
Thank you for your support!!
Help Wanted: Pre-school aid for the 2016-17 school year.
Approximately 18 to 20 hours per week. Please contact the
school office if you are interested in applying for this
Help Needed: Food Service Coordinator
10 - 15 hours per week (dependent upon required trainings)
Some travel required. Please contact Eva Harmon at
Knights of Columbus News
KNIGHTS our next meeting will be Monday,
August 8th. At 6:30 PM we will be serving
Knights own Homemade German Sausage and sides. There
will be a special meeting at 7 PM to discuss the Arkalalah
the booth for this year. Please, we would like every knight
to be there if possible. Even if you just want to work in the
booth or eat the sausage in the future, we need you. Brother
Knights we need your support. If we do not get the support
and turnout for the Arkalalah meeting, the future of Knight
and Sacred Heart presence at Arkalalah is in jeopardy as well
as the making of the famous German Sausage. The regular
Knights meeting will follow at 7:30 PM, and you are all
encouraged to stay for that also. Fellow Knights please
come join us and be Fishers of Men.
St. Vincent de Paul
"Lord, thank you for all that you've given me. I
acknowledge that you have dedicated me to help
people in need. Help me find ways to care for
them and nurture them."
Our next meeting is Thursday, August 18th, at 6:00 pm in
the cafeteria. Come discover what we’re all about!
Meditación del Párroco:
Cuando Nuestro Señor Jesucristo apareció a Santa Margarita María de Alacoque, hizo doce promesas a todos los que se
consagran al Sagrado Corazón y que hacen penitencia por sus pecados y los pecados de los demás. Estos doce promesas son:
Les daré todas las gracias necesarias para su estado de vida.
Les daré paz a sus familias.
Las consolaré en todas sus penas.
Seré su refugio durante la vida y sobre todo a la hora de la muerte.
Derramaré abundantes bendiciones en todas sus empresas.
Los pecadores encontrarán en mi Corazón un océano de misericordia.
Las almas tibias se volverán fervorosas.
Las almas fervorosas harán rápidos progresos en la perfección.
Bendeciré las casas donde mi imagen sea expuesta y venerada.
Otorgaré a aquellos que se ocupan de la salvación de las almas el don de mover los corazones más endurecidos.
Grabaré para siempre en mi Corazón los nombres de aquellos que propaguen esta devoción.
Yo te prometo, en la excesiva misericordia de mi Corazón, que su amor omnipotente concederá a todos aquellos
que comulguen nueve Primeros Viernes de mes seguidos, la gracia de la penitencia final: No morirán en desgracia
mía, ni sin recibir sus Sacramentos, y mi Corazón divino será su refugio en aquél último momento.
En las próximas semanas, voy a utilizar este espacio para explicar con más detalle el significado detrás de cada una de estas
Noticias de la Parroquia
Clases del Bautismo en español: Las clases prebautismales son obligatorios para todos los padres y
padrinos. La clase dura una hora y está en la oficina de la
parroquia (302 S B Street). Se celebra los bautismos en
español el último domingo del mes después de la misa en
La próxima clase será el 27 de agosto a las 7 pm
miércoles, 10 de agosto
6 PM-7:30 PM
domingo, 14 de agosto
12 PM
Por niño (a) $20.00 o $35.00 por familia hasta el 31 de
Empezando el 1o. de Septiembre $35.00 por niño (a) o
$60.00 por familia
Las inscripciones se harán en la oficina de la parroquia. Por
favor llame a la oficina si tiene usted alguna pregunta. 620442-0566
"Nuestro Señor, gracias por todo lo que
me haz dado. Reconozco que tú me haz
dedicado a ayudar a las personas en
necesidad. Ayúdame a encontrar las
formas para cuidarles y alimentarles."
Nuestra siguiente junta es el 18 de agosto a las 6:00 p.m. en
la cafetería. ¡Vengan y descubran de que se trata"!
Noticias de la Escuela Sagrado Corazón:
La escuela Sagrado Corazón está ahora aceptando
inscripciones para lo siguiente:
Pre-K 3 para los niños de 3 años: Los martes y jueves de
7:50 a.m. a 11:00 a.m.
Pre-K 4 para los niños de 4 años: Los lunes, miércoles y
viernes de 7:50 a.m. a 3:15 p.m.
Kindergarten al quinto grado
Comenzando desde el cimiento esencial de la
encarnación, vida y enseñanza de
Jesucristo, Obispo Barron se mueve a
través de los elementos definitorios del
catolicismo -- desde los sacramentos, la
devoción y la oración, hasta María, los
apóstoles y santos, a la gracia, la
salvación, el cielo y el infierno -usando su entendimiento dinámico y
distintivo del arte, la literatura, la
arquitectura, los relatos personales, las
escrituras, la teología, la filosofía y la historia para
presentar la Iglesia al mundo.
Disponible en Código de la
parroquia: JJVHQR
Todos los domingos: a las 10:25 de la
mañana están in vitados acompañar a rezar el
rosario en español antes de la misa de 11 AM