Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time –August 28, 2016 Fr. Patrick Reilley Sacred Heart Catholic Church 302 South B Street Arkansas City, KS 67005 Mass Schedule Tuesday - Friday Saturday Sunday 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. Misa en Español Domingo 11:00 a.m. Confessions/Confesiónes Reflection from the Pastor: The third promise made to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque by Our Lord was that, “He will comfort them in all their afflictions”. St. Thomas Aquinas teaches us, “We must trust fully in God, from whom we expect help, not only spiritual help, but also material help”. We can hope in the Lord, because we remember all the many times that He has helped us in the past, and also the countless people throughout history who have called on the Lord and have found the help and strength that they have needed. Devotion to the Sacred Heart prepares us to receive gratefully the help that God will give to us. Tuesday - Friday 7:30 a.m. Martes - Viernes 7:30 a.m. Saturday/Sabado 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Sunday/Domingo 8:30 a.m. – 8:50 a.m. Office/Oficina 302 South B Street 620-442-0566 Monday/Lunes 9:00 a.m. -3:30p.m. Tuesday-Friday/Martes-Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m. School/Escuela 312 South B Street 620-442-6550 Readings for the week of August 29, 2016 Tuesday, August 30 8:00 a.m. NO MASS Wednesday, August 31 8:00 a.m. NO MASS Thursday, September 1 8:00 a.m. NO MASS Friday, September 2 8:00 a.m. †Mr. & Mrs. Ben Heimerman by Bernie & Ida Betzen Saturday, September 3 6:00 p.m. Special Intention by the Fiorentino Family Sunday, September 4 9:00 a.m. In Celebration of Bernie & Ida Betzen’s 51st Anniversary 11:00 a.m. For the people of the Parish Monday 1 Cor 2:1-5 Tuesday 1 Cor 2:10b-16 Wednesday 1 Cor 3:1-9 Thursday 1 Cor 3:18-23 Friday 1 Cor 4:1-5 Saturday 1 Cor 4:6b-15 Sunday Wis 9:13-18b Ps 119:97,98,99, 100,101,102 Ps 145:8-9,1011,12-13ab,13cd-14 Ps 33:12-13,1415,20-21 Ps 24:1bc-2,3-4ab,56 Ps 37:3-4,5-6,2728,39-40 Ps 145:17-18,1920,21 Ps 90:3-4,5-6,1213,14,17 Mark 6:17-29 Luke 4:31-37 Luke 4:38-44 Luke 5:1-11 Luke 5:33-39 Luke 6:1-5 Luke 14:25-33 Liturgical Ministers for September 3 & September 4 6:00 PM 9:00 AM Jim Bernhardt EM Jan MacLaughlin Roberto dos Santos Jamie Metzinger Melanie Lemus Vera Krueger Foss Farrar LECTOR Mike Walker Gave dos Santos Christopher Arnett ALTAR Paul Fiorentino Jacob Arnett SERVERS Seth Zimmerman Lanie Arnett OFFERTORY Casey & Sammi Webb Joe & connie Carder Barry & Barcley Pierce Family GREETERS Stephen & Amanda Jennings September Gift Counters Joi Jay, Melissa Zimmerman, and Patricia Doffing Church Cleaners of the Week Staci Duncan and Dee White Sept 3 & 4 We will continue to take donations for the Altar Flower Fund. This will help cover the cost of having flowers for the altar at all Masses during Ordinary Time. Please call the parish office if you have questions. IT’S BACK! THIS IS A GREAT SERIES! Renowned speaker and author Fr. Michael Gaitley tells the dramatic history of God’s Love and Mercy as interwoven through the transformative message of St. Faustina, the miraculous appearance of Mary at Fatima, the witness of Maximilian Kolbe, and the world-changing papacy of Pope St. John Paul II. Featuring the brilliant cinematic artistry of the Augustine Institute’s film studio, the vast panorama of God’s work of mercy in the world unfolds as a story to be experienced. Available on Parish code: JJVHQR 11:00 AM Minister of Holy Communion – Fr. Reilley Mirna Castillo Juan Brookshire Matthew Castillo Fernanda Gutierrez Eleazar & Maria Mendez Nickelus Brookshire Family Rogene Groene, Arky Reyez, Sherley Lopez, Tom Lightsey, Bonnie Smith, Baylor Rolf, Karen Adamson, Emme Antoine, Melody Hearne-Ralston, Max Abrams, Jesus Osorio, Bob Pate, Bennett Henning, Jennifer Mulkey, Nancy Langhrer, Maria De Jesus Martinez, Scott Fields, David Miley, Gaye Manning, Julie Toon, Summer Flowers-Davis, Allen Fuller, Elizabeth Rush, Carrie Clouston Please notify the office when a name should be added or removed from the list. (620-442-0566) YOUR GIFTS TO GOD & PARISH Collection August 21, 2016 Envelopes…………………..…....…………….. $ 4,827.40 Loose Cash……………...……………………..... $ 2,005.84 Votive Candles………………………………….. $ 46.26 TOTAL…………………………....................... $ 6,879.50 Budgeted……………………….…………………..$ 7,670.00 Below ...……………………………………………. $ 790.50 PARISH NEWS Fr. Reilley will return on Friday, September 2nd. We will not have Adoration and Confessions on Thursday night in preparation for First Friday but we will have 8 AM Mass for First Friday, September 2nd. PSR ENROLLMENT We will NOT be accepting enrollment on the first day of classes. Please enroll at the parish office during regular office hours or by appointment. Please call the office if you have any questions. 620-442-0566 $20/child or $35/family until August 31st Starting Sept. 1st - $35/child or $60/family Catechists Needed: Sacred Heart Parish is always searching for new catechists who wish to assist in our elementary and middle school programs, as well as with First Communion and Confirmation catechesis. If you are interested in becoming a catechist or for more information, please contact Theresa Kuffler, Director of Religious Education or Fr. Reilley. CYM Sponsors Needed: Sacred Heart Parish is searching for sponsors for our youth group. If you enjoy High School and Middle School youth and would like to help plan activities, mentor and evangelize these students, please contact Theresa Kuffler or Fr. Reilley for more information. Training and support is available for those who are interested. First Friday Fellowship After the 8 AM Mass on Friday, September 2nd, some of our parishioners enjoy food and fellowship at Daisy Mae’s Café. Please join us! St. Vincent de Paul "You can do something I can't do. I can do something you can't do. Together, let us do something beautiful for God." - Blessed Mother Teresa If you are curious or wondering "might this be something the Holy Spirit is asking of me", please consider joining us at our next meeting - Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 PM in the School Cafeteria. Check it out! Isaac Esparza, son of José and Emilia Esparza, was baptized on Saturday, August 20th. Congratulations. SACRED HEART SCHOOL Help Wanted: Substitute teachers for the 2016-17 school year. Qualifications: Virtus training, at least 60 hours of college credit. Please contact Mrs. Larson or Mrs. Harmon in the school office if you would like to be put on the list. Volunteers Needed: Volunteers are needed in the lunch room from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and in the classrooms throughout the day. Please call the school office. 620-4426550 Mark your calendars!!! First annual Sacred Heart Community Invitational Golf Tournament September 17th -- 10:00 a.m. shot gun start 4-person scramble at Great Life Golf and Fitness Sign-up sheets can be found at the church exits. Come join the fun!!! All proceeds will go towards the technology expenses of Sacred Heart Catholic School! Thank you for your support!! Knights of Columbus News Our next meeting will be Monday, September 12th at 7:30 p.m. Altar Society Our next meeting will be held Tuesday, Sept. 6th at 7:00 PM. Annual Turkey Dinner is right around the corner, so we will need to start planning now! We are looking for a volunteer to replace Sandy Dubach for the Turkey Dinner Supply Ordering. Sandy has been ordering the supplies for 30 years or more and is now retired with other commitments out of state. We also need a volunteer for the Turkey Dinner Ticket Sales. Please contact Lillie Pankaskie at 741-1206 if you are interested. FALL ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS AVAILABLE FOR ALL CATHOLICS September 17th at Church of the Magdalen, and on October 1st at St. Catherine of Siena, you have the opportunity to attend a Saturday morning event with Catholic speakers who will discuss estate planning and end-of-life planning. You need not be a parishioner at either Magdalen or St. Catherine to attend as these events are open to anybody in the Diocese. These events are from 9:00 a.m. to noon. They are free of charge. IN ORDER TO BEST MAKE THESE EVENTS A SUCCESS, PLEASE RSVP TO ANN MALEY: 316.440.1717 or Meditación del Párroco: La tercera promesa hecha a Santa Margarita María de Alacoque por Nuestro Señor fue que, "Les consolaré en todas sus penas". Santo Tomás de Aquino nos enseña: "Hemos de confiar plenamente en Dios, de quien esperamos el Socorro, no solo de beneficios espirituales, sino también temporales". Podemos esperar en el Señor, porque recordamos todas las veces que nos ha ayudado en el pasado, y también las innumerables personas a lo largo de la historia que han pedido al Señor y han encontrado la ayuda y la fuerza que han necesitado. La devoción al Sagrado Corazón nos prepara para recibir con gratitud la ayuda que Dios nos dará. Noticias de la Parroquia Clases del Bautismo en español: Las clases prebautismales son obligatorios para todos los padres y padrinos. La clase dura una hora y está en la oficina de la parroquia (302 S B Street). Se celebra los bautismos en español el último domingo del mes después de la misa en español. La próxima clase será el 24 de septiembre a las 7 pm INSCRIPCIONES PARA PSR Por niño (a) $20.00 o $35.00 por familia hasta el 31 de Agosto Empezando el 1o. de Septiembre $35.00 por niño (a) o $60.00 por familia Noticias de la Escuela Sagrado Corazón: Necesitamos Ayuda: Subtitutos de maestros para el año escolar 2016-17. Requerimientos: Entrenamiento en Virtus, y por lo menos 60 horas de crédito en college. Por favor contacten a la Sra. Larson o a la Sra. Harmon in la oficina de la escuela si ustedes desean ser considerados en la lista. Necesitamos Voluntarios: Se necesitan voluntarios en el cuarto de lunch de las 11:30 a.m. a las 12:30 p.m. y en los salones de clases durante el día. Por favor llamen a la oficina de la escuela: 620-442-6550 Todos los domingos: a las 10:25 de la mañana están in vitados acompañar a rezar el rosario en español antes de la misa de 11 AM LA INSCRIPCION ES REQUISITO ANTES DEL PRIMER DIA DE CLASES Las inscripciones se harán en la oficina de la parroquia. Por favor llame a la oficina si tiene usted alguna pregunta. 620442-0566 SAN VICENTE DE PAUL "Tú puedes hacer algo que yo no puedo hacer. Puedo hacer algo que tú no puedes hacer. Juntos, hagamos algo hermoso para Dios." Bendita Madre Teresa Nuestra próxima reunión será el 1 de septiembre a las 6:00 PM en la cafetería de la escuela. Todos son bienvenidos. Retiro Espiritual Cursillos de Cristiandad (Para hombres) 2, 3, 4, & 5 de septiembre Spiritual Life Center, Wichita, KS Más información: Isabel Rodriguez 620-660-5180 Un rito tradicional, un símbolo importante, una excusa para celebrar la llegada de un bebé y reunirse todos para una foto... El Bautismo significa muchas cosas distintas para aquéllos que lo experimentan. ¿Y qué tal si algo más está sucediendo durante el Bautismo de lo que la mayoría de las personas se pueden dar cuenta? RENACER explora la relevancia personal del Bautismo de una manera más profunda, sacando a la luz la realidad espiritual para los padres y padrinos y, lo que es más importante, para el niño que se está bautizando. Con una explicación paso por paso del rito en sí, incluyendo el lugar especial que ocupa en las Escrituras y en la Tradición, RENACER muestra cómo el Bautismo revela el corazón del amor de Dios por Sus hijos. Disponible en Código de la parroquia: JJVHQR BAUTIZOS Sábado, 20 de agosto Isaac Esparza, hijo de José y Emilia Esparza.
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