June 19 2016 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
June 19 2016 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Welcome to Holy Spirit Catholic Church Bienvenidos a la Iglesia del Espiritu Santo 644 South 9th Street Lake Wales, Florida 33853 Website: Holyspiritlakewales.org Church Office Phone: (863) 676-1556 Fax: (863) 676-2962 OUR CLERGY Father David Vargas dvargas@holyspiritlakewales.org Deacon John Avery: (863)-678-6908 Deacon Sam Knight: (863)-638-1231 Deacon.Sam@holyspiritlakewales.org CHURCH OFFICE Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-12, 1-3pm OFFICE PERSONNEL Parish Office Manager: Nick Arcano, Jr. officemgr@holyspiritlakewales.org Parish Receptionist: Jessica Cordova Jessica.c@holyspiritlakewales.org Faith Formation Director for Children & Youth: Terri Seitz terri.s@holyspiritlakewales.org Coordinator of RCIA Faith Formation: Bob Decker Bob.D@holyspiritlakewales.org Director of Music: Bob Luft bob.luft@holyspiritlakewales.org Maintenance: Robert Melnitzke and Nicholas Lindaman robert@holyspiritlakewales.org Co-leaders of Outreach Ministry Sharon Olson & Robyn Prater Website Coordinator: Bob Salajka webmaster@holyspiritlakewales.org Mass Schedule 8:30a.m English 4:00 pm English 6:30 pm Spanish 9:30 am English 1st Saturday Mass Saturday Mass Sunday Monday Communion Service 8:30am Daily Mass 8:30 am Tue, Thurs, Friday, Wednesday 5:15 pm Confessions Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm (Or by appointment) Appointments: Please call or email during office hours Page 2 Sat June 18 June 19, 2016 OUR STEWARDSHIP: 4:00 pm 6:30pm Sun June 19 9:30 am +Debbie Dibernardino by Madeline Conway +Javier Crespo II & Fathers of Crespo family by Crespo Family +Teresa Daniel by friends +Charles A. Juba by wife Shirley For all families suffering separation Holy Spirit Total Collection June 11 & 12 $5,822.00 Lest it go unsaid your monetary offerings are always appreciated. +Anthony Curto by Casingal Family +Tim Arnold & Fred Baumgartner by Rae Arnold +Carl & Marie Hillmann by Sam & Amelia Updike Family Mon June 20 Tue 8:30 am Eucharistic Communion Service June 21 8:30 am +Bob Haid by wife Wed June 22 5:15 pm Special intentions by Kathleen Greer Thur June 23 8:30am For all the families of the victims in Orlando Fri June 24 8:30 am For the victims of Orlando Florida, May the Lord keep them in His Glory Sat June 25 4:00 pm +Michael Bennette by Barbara & Peter Forte +William Jones & Eric Gable by wife Sun June 26 6:30 pm For our Military and our police officers all over the world. 9:30 am +Nick Arpino by Rosemary Blake Heidi Gravel special intentions of thanks by Chris & Dee Readings for the Week Sunday: Zec 12:10-11; 13:1/Ps 63:2-6, 8-9/Gal 3:26-29/Lk 9:18 Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18/Ps 60:3-5, 12-13/Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36/Ps 48:2-4, 10-11/Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3/Ps 119:33-37, 40/Mt 7:15-20 Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17/Ps 79:1-5, 8-9/Mt 7:21-29 Friday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/Ps 71:1-6, 15-17/1 Pt 1:8-12/Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1-3, 13-15/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80 Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19/Ps 74:1-7, 20-21/Mt 8:5-17 Next Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11/Gal 5:1, 13-18/Lk 9:51-62 Please pray for: Dick Champion, Angela Apuzzo, Jim Hackl, Marie Borders, Anne Castillo, Kasey Costatine, Debbie Nelson, Margaret Ireland, Jody Mcdonald, Joyce Brandenberg, Kristina Martinez, Theresa Cook, Angie Perez, Linda Niño, Mildred McDonald, Don Luko and Jennifer Glynn. If you would like your friend, family member or to put yourself on the list for prayer for the sick, please call the office to give us the name so we can place it on the bulletin. Page 5 June 19, 2016 Attention! Spanish evening Mass is now at 6:30 pm. Misa durante la semana a las 6:30 pm los Miercoles esta Misa es en Español. Knitters for Christ meets in the office living room every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. New members are always welcome to join us to knit or crochet between 10:00am and 11:00am. As always, WE ARE IN NEED OF YARN! If you have any yar n or see it on clear ance in the store, you are welcome to donate it by dropping it off at the parish office between 9 and 3, Monday through Friday. Parish Nursery Knights News K of C meeting every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm. Any questions contact Grand Knight Gary Kennedy at 863-232-9562 or via the website kofclakewales.com The Msgr. J. Walter Grill Columbiettes Auxiliary #5643 We meet every second Monday of each month for potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts promptly at 7:00 p.m. Meetings last about an hour. A special thank you to all those who helped make the breakfast for Paula O’Steen, also for those who bought tickets and gave donations to help our beautiful cause! Thank You! Our Parish Nursery will be on Summer break until August. We do need volunteers to help with the nursery so if you If you have any questions, please contact your President, Miriam Kennedy at 863-287-9486. are interested contact the office to speak to Mrs. Terri Seitz. The Vocation Blessing Chalice Each week at Sunday Mass Fr. David will call a family, individual, or couple forward to receive the Vocation Chalice. They receive a blessing and take the chalice home, putting it in a place of honor. Each day for a week, during prayer time (morning, bedtime or at meals), they pray for an increase and perseverance of vocations. The following Sunday they return the Vocation Blessing Chalice with the gifts of bread and wine at The Offertory. Franciscans Meet after the 8:30am Mass every 1st Saturday of the Month. Everyone is welcome to attend! Secular Franciscans need our help! Next Sunday, June 26th, After the 9:30 Mass, they will be holding a bake sale. If you would like to donate a cake, pie or cookies, label what it is and bring to church on the 26th, before Mass. Then come back after mass to buy what somebody else has donated! A prayer journal also travels with the Blessing Chalice. Each week the family, individual, or couple who has the chalice, enters a thought, prayer, or scripture verse. Over Anchors of Faith time this diary becomes a spiritual journal for the parish. Our meeting which was on Tuesday Praying for vocations is the most powerful way to support June 7. Was our last meeting for the vocations. A vocation is a call from the Holy Spirit; a gift summer. from God that is nurtured in prayer. When we pray for I want to thank all members for your vocations, we lift up to our Father those men and women hard work. If you would like to join Anchors of Faith do not hesitate to whom he is calling in a very special way. call. We hope that those who bring the cup home will continue to Please Contact Marge Prunty at pray for vocations daily. Please sign up in the Narthex to reserve your week! 863-605-1115 Page 4 COMING EVENTS/ACTIVITIES! everyone is welcome to participate in any event! The more the merrier! Sips of faith meets today to discuss St. Joseph in recognition of Father’s Day, after the 9:30 Mass (10:45) am in the Parish Center. Please come and join us. Becoming catholic meets this Thursday, June 23 at 6:30 pm. Our inquiry topic for this week Concerns ways of welcoming into the church, from our Greeters on Sunday morning, to the church precepts, which are the bare minimum requirements to belong to the organization, a definition of the faith, and some of the principles on which we are founded to help bring the members closer to God our creator & redeemer. We invite those interested to join us. The Inquiry period extends through November 17. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more and would like to be in full communion with the Catholic Church by finishing their sacraments or by being baptized, please contact Bob Decker to start the process and continue the journey God has already begun. The diner’s club meets this Friday, June 24th, 11:30 at the Perkins Restaurant, Cypress Gardens Blvd., near Lego Land. As always, it’s a Dutch Treat. Everyone is invited, so sign up in the Narthex if you plan to attend! Our next meeting will be on Sunday, July 17th for brunch at Ruby Tuesday. The social events committee meets this Tuesday, June 21st at 6:30 pm to complete the budget and get started with our events for the next year. Anyone interested is invited to attend. We meet in the Living/Dining Room of the Parish Office. June 19, 2016 MONDAY, JULY 11 FROM 12:30 – 2:00, we will be hosting the Care Center Work Camp Lunch in the Parish Hall!! Anyone who would like to donate to the meal, sign up in the Narthex of the Church and keep watching the bulletin for further instructions. The next meeting of the bereavement group is scheduled for this Tuesday, July 12 at 6:30 in the Office Living Room. Anyone suffering the loss of a friend or loved one and is mourning or grieving, is invited to attend. Health and Wellness Ministries: Body, Mind, and spirit The body mind and spirit connection The belief that mind, body, and spirit are intricately connected goes back centuries. During the 17th century the basic “connected” approach to health and wellness fell by the wayside. As scientists explored the inner workings of the human body they discovered the fundamental concepts that germs are the source of disease. That medication and surgical techniques can be used to treat disease and illnesses. These discoveries paved the way for great strides in medicine and innovative treatments that continue today. Recently there has been a new found recognition of the integrated working of body, mind, and spirit. This recognition – combined with increasing scientific studies implicate the mind as one of several factors in the development of disease and illness-- has increased interest in the body, mind, spirit interaction not only in medical practice but in living a full and healthy life. Body Body, mind, spirit living Healthy eating Exercise Involvement in community Mind-- Body mind adaptations are not only physical but also mental. First Restore the mind to a state of peaceful neutrality--- in this state the mind achieves a state that's nonjudgmental, efficient, and adapted to the needs of the individual. Reaching this state requires us to shed negative experiences acquired over the years Second Use this “ready” mind is a manner to achieve beneficial health effects --- through spiritual intervention (prayer), meditation, or the practice of breathing and posture (yoga) The power and speed of the mind is phenomenal. Spirit Learning new and more refined techniques it is important to recognize the simplicity of their underlying concepts. Interventions are at their core based on the values that our Lord Jesus Christ has taught us. Peace - forgiveness - sharing - selflessness - integrity – love Regina Bennett co coordinator Heal and Wellness Ministries (863)635 5741 Page 3 June 19, 2015 Registration for our 2016-2017 religious education for all grades PK3 through 12th grade, 1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion, Confirmation, including delayed sacraments and children and youth catechumenate program will take place in August. However, you may register early by stopping by the parish office at any time during the summer months. MIDDLE SCHOOL, GRADES 6-7-8 (THE EDGE PROGRAM) WILL RESUME ON WEDS. SEPTEMBER 7. HIGH SCHOOL (GRADES 9-12) WILL BEGIN ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, from 6-8pm. CONFIRMATION CLASS - (LIFE ON FIRE!) THERE WILL BE A PARENT/STUDENT ORIENTATION AUGUST 28 AT 4:00PM. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW! Upcoming events: July 22-24, 2016 - Steubenville Youth Conference July High School Youth Leadership Camp, More details to be announced soon! Teen Reflection for Sunday June 19, 2016 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Zechariah 12:10–11; 13:1, Psalm 63:2, 3–4, 5–6, 8–9, Galatians 3:26–29, Luke 9:18–24 Reflection When you are upset, can you really believe that being able to pray will get you through it? As a Christian that is our call—to trust that, even in the hard times, we know who we are: a child fully dependent on something greater than ourselves. God knows it takes time to grieve, to get over our anger, resentment, and frustration at not being able to do something we put all of our energy into. There comes a point when you simply cannot be angry anymore, it takes too much energy. This is when Psalm 63 comes to life and speaks for us. “My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God” (antiphon). “You are my help. / . . . /My soul clings fast to you” (63:8a, 9a). It is easier to cling to something we can feel and see, like a smartphone or iPad. Today’s Scripture asks us to remember that when we are emptied of ourselves and our ways, we find new wisdom to see and name God for who God is in our lives. Happy Father’s day to all Fathers may God bless you with health and happiness always! Parish Master calendar If you are leader of any of our parish committees or groups, please notify the office to schedule meetings with times and dates; also please let us know the specific room or building What Makes a Dad? you need to use before you use it. All events or use of God took the strength of a any of the rooms are placed in the calendar as tentative mountain, The Majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer until approved by Father David. Please call the parish sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, office to add your dates to the calendar. Please leave The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, your name, group name, phone number, email address, etc. so you may receive notifications or updates about The power of the eagle’s flight, The joy of a morning in your event. spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eterni- ty, The depth of a family in need, Then God combined these qualities, when there was nothing more to add, he knew his masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it...DAD! If you have given your information to Mrs. Sally we have those dates and they are in process of being placed on the Master Calendar and being approved. Thank you for your cooperation. Pagina 6 June 19, 2016 MUSIC NEWS … Congratulations to Bob Luft, our Music Director, who had the honor of having one of his organ compositions performed on June 3 at the St. Augustine Cathedral Basilica by nationally recognized concert artist, Nathan K. Lively. Nathan performed Bob’s “St. Ann Suite”, a piece Bob composed for a national conference in 2012 & honoring the French composer Tournemire, Mr. Lively personally recognized Bob at the concert for his musical compositions. Dorothy's Corner Food Pantry: “He who has two coats, let him share with who has none." Luke 3:11 Dorothy's Corner Food Pantry Open to Parishioners every Tuesday from 6 to 7 p.m. If you have an emergency and are in need, please contact the Parish Office and we will be happy to assist you. Currently we are in GREAT need of the following: -Canned Meat, chicken, tuna, ham -Boxed cereal CCW NEWS! -Grape Jelly -Oil Our Next CCW Luncheon will be held on July 12, at -Canned and DRY pinto 11:30 am at Lake Ashton and on August 9 at beans Charlene's Tea Room in Frostproof -Spaghetti Sauce (The time will be announced on next weeks bulletin) -Laundry Detergent 50oz. or If you have any questions please call Peg Champion at smaller please -Dish Detergent small sizes (407)376-3659. -Toothpaste and tooth brushes See you there!! Thank you to all our Parishioner's for your generous support; The families Señor, we serve truly appreciate it! te agradezco por el padre que me diste y que tanto admiro. Haz que siempre lo ame más y que él se sienta amados. Auméntale las alegrías y no permitas que yo, para él, me convierta en un peso. Ayúdame a aliviar sus horas de cansancio y preocupaciones, para que pueda servirles de "Cirineo". No dejes, Señor, que los desengaños le hagan decaer o que el desánimo le domine. Ayúdale a enfrentar, con renovado coraje, sus responsabilidades y a actuar frente a ellas de la mejor manera posible. Que el sea firme y severo cuando sea necesario, sin dejar de ser bueno. Que no se pierda en la impaciencia, sino que sepa perdonar mis flaquezas. Que yo no repare en sus defectos, Señor, sino en sus cualidades y que sepa no sólo admirar sus buenos ejemplos, sino también imitarlo, especialmente cuando a mi vez tenga mis propios hijos. Consérvalo, Señor, en tu amor y que nuestra familia, viviendo ahora unida bajo tus cuidados y bendiciones, pueda también vivir unida en el cielo, para cantar tu nombre, ¡Oh Padre de los padres!. Amén. If you are interested in stopping by to see what we do, please feel free to come on any Tuesday evening, we welcome everyone! Bingo! Bingo every Wednesday at 12:30 Noon. Everyone Welcome! Any questions please call the parish office or Jerry Knuth (863) 949-4504 Pagina 7 Junio 19, 2016 NUESTRA COLECTA June 11 & 12 $ 5,822.00 Gracias por sus donaciones que Dios los bendiga siempre Grupo de Oracion El Grupo de Oracion se reune los Viernes en el salon de la Iglesia a las 7:00pm. Todos invitados a ser parte de este grupo de oracion! Caballeros de Colon Reunión todos los 1er y 3er lunes del mes a las 7:00 pm. Para cualquier pregunta se pueden comunicar con Gary Kennedy al 863-232-9562 o buscarnos en nuestra página de internet kofclakewales.com Clases de Bautismo Completar las formas en la oficina Traer carta de permiso (de su parroquia) o prueba de ser miembro de nuestra parroquia. Traer acta de nacimiento de el niño(a) quien quiera bautizar (Mayores de 6 años deben de estar en clase de Catecismo) Atender regularmente a Misa. Padrinos y padres deben tomar clase de bautismo (POR FAVOR NO LLEGUEN TARDE O TENDRAN QUE ESPERAR AL SIGUIENTE MES A TOMAR LA CLASE) Hacer cita con Jessica para reunirse con el Padre David. Deben llegar por lo menos 15 minutos antes de la Misa. Atención! No habrá clase de bautismo en español, en el mes de Julio, las clases continuaran el 13 de Agosto. Gracias! Clases de Formación Religiosa Registración para nuestro año escolar 20016-2017. Grados Pre-Kínder a grado 12 las registraciones serán en Agosto! Por favor venga a la oficina si quiere registrar temprano, el costo es menos si se apuntan temprano. Las lecturas de la semana Domingo: Zac 12, 10-11; 13, 1/Sal 63, 2-6. 8-9/Gal 3, 26-29/Lc 9, 18-24 Lunes: 2 Re 17, 5-8. 13-15. 18/Sal 60, 3-5. 12-13/Mt 7, 1-5 Martes: 2 Re 19, 9-11. 14-21. 31-35. 36/Sal 48, 2-4. 10-11/Mt 7, 6. 12-14 Miércoles: 2 Re 22, 8-13; 23, 1-3/Sal 119, 33-37. 40/Mt 7, 15-20 Jueves: 2 Re 24, 8-17/Sal 79, 1-5. 8-9/Mt 7, 21-29 Viernes: Vigilia: Jr 1, 4-10/Sal 71, 1-6. 15-17/1 Pe 1, 8-12/Lc 1, 5-17 Misa del día: Is 49, 1-6/Sal 139, 1-3. 13-15/Hch 13, 22-26/Lc 1, 57-66. 80 Sábado: Lam 2, 2. 10-14. 18-19/Sal 74, 1-7. 20-21/Mt 8, 5-17 Domingo siguiente: 1 Re 19, 16. 19-21/Sal 16, 1-2. 5. 7-11/Gal 5, 1. 13-18/ Lc 9, 51-62 Atención! Cualquier grupo de la iglesia que necesite utilizar cualquier cuarto, o espacio en la iglesia, incluyendo los salones de la escuela, Centro Parroquial, Iglesia, etc. Deben primero llamar a la oficina para reservar el espacio. Los días y horarios serán colocados en el calendario como “Tentativos” hasta que sean aprobados. Por favor llame deje su nombre, numero de teléfono y su correo electrónico. Gracias y si tiene preguntas por favor llame a la oficina. (863)676-1556 Ponga atención a este espacio! Siguiente semana tendremos las nuevas reglas para: Quinceañeras, bautismos, renta del salón y también mas información de cuando se pueden registrar los niños para clases de formación religiosa. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga! Necesitamos su ayuda para recaudar fondos! Despues de la Misa de la 9:30am, Los Franciscanos tendran una venta de postres! El 26 de Junio. Si usted quiere donar algun postre por ejemplo (pastel, galletas, pastellitos, etc.) por favor traerlos antes de la Misa el 26 de Junio, despues de Misa pueden comprar algo dulce, o llevarlo con usted! Gracias por su ayuda!