
Immaculate Heart of Mary - 513527
Linda Lopez & JP (Judi Putnam),
IHM Bulletin Editors - 760-789-0583
Fax/Modem # - 760-789-3875
Sunday’s Date - 8/22/10
Special Requests or Comments ________________________________________________________
August 22, 2010
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastor / Párroco
Rev. André Ramos
Deacon/ Diacono
Deacon Andres Escobedo
Weekend Celebrants / Sacerdotes Suplentes
Rev. Msgr. Anthony Chylewski
Rev. Louis Salca
Rev. William Gold
Masses / Misas
Saturday / Sábado: 5:00 p.m. (English / Inglés)
Sunday / Domingo: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. (English / Inglés); & 11:30 a.m.
(Spanish / Español)
Weekday Masses / Misas Diarias: 8:00 a.m.
(except Tuesdays / excepto los Martes: 7:00 p.m.)
Holy Days / Días de Precepto: 8:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. (English / Inglés)
Reconciliation / Confesiones: Saturdays / Sábados 3:30 p.m.
Devotions /Devociones
Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración Eucarística:
First Friday of each Month / Primer Viernes de cada mes
1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
537 “E ” Street, Ramona, CA 92065
Parish Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 pm; Fri. 8:00 a.m. - noon. Closed on Saturday.
Telephone:(760)789-0583; Fax Number:(760)789-3875;
Website:; Email:
Let us Pray — Oremos
Mass Intentions of this Week
Intenciones de las Misas de esta Semana
Aug. 23
8:00 AM
Intention of the Celebrant
Tues. Aug. 24
7:00 PM
Intention of the Celebrant
Aug. 25
8:00 AM
Manuel Rodriguez, Sr.
Thurs. Aug. 26
8:00 AM
Gomez Family
Aug. 27
8:00 AM
Fr. Charles Sheslo †
Aug. 28
5:00 PM
Jeanette Hoch †
Aug. 29
7:30 AM
People of Parish
9:30 AM
Norma Deering †
11:30 AM
Maria Delgado Robles †
Readings of the Week
2 Th 1:1-5, 11-12; Mt 23:13-22
Rv 21:9b-14; Jn 1:45-51
2 Th 3:6-10, 16-18; Mt 23:27-32
1 Cor 1:1-9; Mt 24:42-51
1 Cor 1:17-25; Mt 25:1-13
1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 25:14-30
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Ps 68;
Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a; Lk 14:1, 7-14
Pray for our Priests
Rev. B. Jeffrey Blangiardi SJ
Rev. Msgr. William Bolger
Rev. Michael Booth
Rev. Burt Boudoin
Rev. Msgr. Lloyd Bourgeois
Rev. James Boyd
Rev. Joseph Brady, Jr.
Potato Bash (sponsored by 50s plus group)
Join us on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
following 5:00 p.m. Mass at the Social Center For more
information, please contact Nola Burger at (760) 7897996.
Rosary Society of IHM
Do you pray the rosary? Bishop Brom wants all parishes—and Catholics—in the diocese to observe Rosaries for Peace Sunday on the weekend of October 10,
2010. IHM wishes to create a committee-- if ad hoc so
be it--to organize our parish response. If you want to
get involved, please call the parish office.
Let Us Pray for the Deceased
Oremos por los fallecidos
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual
light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Dales el descanso eterno Señor, y permite que la luz perpetua brille sobre ellos. Que descansen en paz. Amen.
Away - But not Forgotten
Please continue your prayers for all who serve in the Military, especially for our parishioners and their families.
Por favor, sigan orando por los que sirven en el Ejercito,
especialmente por nuestros feligreses y sus familias.
Let us Pray for those in Need
Oremos por los Necesitados
Mary Wellington
Sustain them with your power, Lord.
Señor, sostén los en tu poder.
Intercessions for Life
For all young parents and families, especially those
struggling financially: that they will have hope and
faith in God’s goodness and be given the strength to
persevere. We pray to the Lord.
What is RCIA?
It is the acronym for “Rites of Christian Initiation for
If you have thought of becoming a Catholic…
If you want to know more about the Catholic Faith…
If you desire to receive the Sacraments…
« RCIA is for You »
Now is the time to ask questions, make inquiries and
get answers. Please call Deacon Lou at the IHM
Faith Formation Office at (760) 789-6151 or email us
at Formal RCIA classes
begin Tuesday, September 7th between 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. at the Ministry Center and will be held
every Tuesday throughout the year.
Faith Formation Program
Early registration began July 6. Full price registration
starts September 1st. Registrations close September
14th. In order to receive books and class material, we
must receive at least 50% of the fees that are due, at
the time of registration. (Full payment is preferred.) If a
book is being re-used from last year a credit will be applied.
Faith Formation Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday:
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12 noon
Faith Formation Office phone: (760) 789-6151
Youth Programs
Youth & Young Adult Bible Study – Thurs. – 6 p.m.
(Seton Ctr)
September: 2, 16
February: 3, 17
October: 7, 21
March: 3, 24
November: 4, 18
April: 7, 28
December: 2, 16
May: 5, 19
January, 2011: 6, 20
June: 2, 16
Parents Nite Out
Attention Parents! Have you been on a date night
lately? Worried about who will care for the kids? Well
worry no more, IHM youth will care for your kids at no
cost...simply a love offering.
Fridays, 5:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. (Seton Ctr)
September: 17
February: 18
October: 15
March: 25
November: 19
April: 15
December: 17
May: 20
January, 2011: 21
June: 17
Marriage Encounter
The kids are back in school - Now it’s time for you two
to take a weekend for yourselves - Sept. 17 – 19
For information or to register: / 2719
Victoria Circle, Alpine, CA 91901
Book Club
It’s time for the Monday, August 23rd meeting of the
Parish Book Club at 7:00 p.m. - The Devotion to Mary
by Louis de Montefort. For more information, please
contact Joan Brouillette (760) 788-8723.
Little Rock Bible Study Classes sign-ups will be the weekend
of September 11th. Classes start the week of September 20th.
We will be studying the Book of Revelation. If you have any
questions, please contact Joan. Brouillette at (760)788-8723.
From the Desk of the
Pastor, Fr. André Ramos
The wife of a government official told
her husband, “I will never support
this government with my money. I
will never pay any taxes.” We wonder if God is happy
with such an attitude.
We pray for more vocations to the priesthood or for
more nuns. But to the best we can we also need to
help, assist, give moral support to the ones we have
today. If we don’t, we might lose them early to challenges. A bird in the hand is better than a flock of birds
in the bush.
I am told there are some who hold back from giving for
the benefit of the diocese or the parish for a plethora of
excuses or reasons. If the bishops’ and pastors’ appeals
can’t move them, we hope God will talk to them—even
in their sleep.
I extend anew our parish thanks to Jennifer Brown and
also to Vanessa McManus and Lynn Knowd and several
other volunteers for the recently held Vacation Bible
School. Ditto to Jose Ochoa for providing Father Pepe a
truck for his use during his very brief visit and to Linda
Lopez for picking him up from LA and back. The same
sentiment of gratitude to those who have already donated—and those still doing so—items for our parish
rummage sale.
I pray that many, if not all, parishioners of IHM will
continue or start or renew supporting the parish with
their time, treasure and talent. This is your parish. God
wants you all to be part of its mission.
Blessed week, everyone!
Looking for Help
Due to our economic times we have been receiving a
high volume of calls and visit from parishioners looking
for work. If you need help having your home cleaned,
etc. please call the parish office.
Weekday Mass Adjustment
If you attend any of the Masses during the week,
please be advised that beginning September 13th our
parish schedule will be as follows:
Mass at 8:00 a.m.
Mass at 8:00 a.m.
Mass at 8:00 a.m.
Communion Service at 8:00 AM
and Mass at 6:30 PM
Mass at 8:00 AM
First Saturday only
Communion Service at 8:00 AM
Gain New Customers
Gain new customers right here at church.
Church members want to do business with people they
can trust – namely, their fellow parishioners. Advertising in the bulletin helps parishioners who are business
owners reach a very loyal audience. Studies show that
68 percent of households surveyed, when making a
choice between two businesses, are inclined to choose
the one that advertised in the bulletin. Potential new
customers are sitting right next to you in church.
Next Sunday, we ask that you bring your business card
to Mass and place in the offering basket. Please do not
put your business card in your offering envelope. A
representative from our bulletin printer will contact you
regarding advertising in our weekly bulletin. Thank you
for your consideration.
Bring your cans and plastics
Drop off your items to the
parish office
Rummage Sale
We are planning a sale on Friday, August 27th and
Saturday, August 28th.
We will collecting items today, August 22 (7 a.m. - 12
p.m.). We will donate everything that doesn't sell to a
local non-profit organization so that nothing you part
with will come back to you (unless you decide to buy it
There are various volunteer opportunities for this sale. If you can help,
please call Regina Chisholm at (760)
Day Retreat for Men in Al-Anon
Join Kelly C., Harry L. and additional speakers for three
sessions of sharing on Growing our Serenity, Finding
Our Courage and Discovering the Wisdom of Living the
12-Steps on Saturday, September 11, 2010 from 9 a.m.
-3 p.m. Theme: “God Grant me The Serenity”.
This is a special day for building fellowship and deepening our walk in God’s peace as we reflect deeply on the
Serenity Prayer. $30.00 per person includes lunch.
For more information or to register, please call 760-757
-3659 or visit the website at
Wheel Chairs
We are looking for three wheel chairs to send to a
very poor hospital outside the country. We will be
working with Catholic Relief Services to make those
For those who placed a Treasure Box order in August.
The boxes will be delivered on Saturday, August 28th
from 10:45 a.m. until noon in the parking lot.
Grounds Work Party
We need your help improving the parish
grounds. We only have one maintenance man who is responsible for our
many parish facilities. Please join us for
a Grounds Work Party on Saturday, September 11th from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Please bring your home tools (shovels,
rakes, gloves, etc.) as the parish only
has a limited supply of tools. Please
mark tools with your name and telephone number.
Please call the parish office (760) 7890583 and let us know how you can help.
Hi Hopes
The HI HOPES are coming again on Saturday, September 18th 2010. The HI HOPES are a group of talented
musicians who have overcome problems such as
Down's syndrome and other developmental disabilities.
They will perform from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Pala
Mission San Juan Diego Center, 3015 Pala Mission
Road, Pala CA 92059.
Music for dancing, by the developmentally challenged,
for the developmentally challenged. Everyone welcome. Everything free. Light lunch will be served
around noon. Telephone Ed Ehrhart 760 480-9135 or E
-mail for more information.
Sponsored by ORDER OF THE ALHAMBRA #262, a fraternal organization of Catholic gentlemen.
Venta de Garaje (Remate)
Estamos planeando una venta de garaje el viernes, 27
de agosto y sábado, 27 de agosto. Esta es una
oportunidad de limpiar sus roperos y sacar las cosas
que no has usado en años.
Estaremos colectando estas cosas aquí comenzando
desde el sábado, 21 de agosto (8:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.)
y sábado, 22 de agosto (7 am—12 pm). Lo que no se
vende será donado a otra organización non-lucrativa.
Hay muchas oportunidades para dares como voluntario
para esta venta. Si usted puede ayudar, favor llame a
la Coordinadora de la venta Regina Chisholm al numero
Rifa de Oportunidad
Continuamos con la rifa de cuadros de Arte Fino Italiano. El cuadro de la Divina Misericordia o Nuestra
Sra. de Fátima será el primero en rifarse. El costo del
boleto es de $5 o cinco boletos por $20. La rifa será
el 29 de Agosto.
Hi Hopes Fiesta
"Cuando usted tiene un banquete, invite al pobre, al
lisiado, al ciego, al cojo." Los miembros del a Orden de
Alhambra están sosteniendo un baile y almuerzo de
11:00 de la mañana hasta las 3:00 p.m. el sábado, 18
de septiembre, en el San Juan
Diego Center a la Misión de
Pala. El Hola a las Esperanzas
son un grupo de músicos muy
talentosos que han superado
retraso mental, ceguedad y la
silla de ruedas. Ellos tocaran
para un público como ellos. El
almuerzo se servirá alrededor del mediodía. Todos estan invitados. Todo es gratis. El orden de Alhambra es
una organización fraternal de señores católicos que hacen trabajos de caridad debido a nuestra fe.
Para reservaciones y más información Ed Ehrhart, o 760 480-9135.
Sociedad de Rosario de IHM
¿Rezas el Rosario? El Obispo Brom quiere que todos los
parroquianos y todos los católicos en la Diocese de San
Diego que observen el Domingo de paz en el fin de
semana de 10 de Octubre. IHM desea crear un comité
--si solamente para este motive -- para organizar
nuestra respuesta parroquial. Si usted quiere
participar, favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial.
Del Escritorio
del Párroco
La esposa de un funcionario del
Gobierno le dijo a su marido,
"nunca apoyaré a este Gobierno
con mi dinero. Nunca voy a pagar ningún
impuesto." Nos preguntamos si Dios es feliz con
esa actitud.
Oramos para más vocaciones al sacerdocio y para
más monjas. Pero a lo mejor que podemos hacer
es ayudar, dar apoyo moral a los que tenemos hoy
en día. Si nosotros no hacemos, podríamos
perderlos temprano a los desafíos. Un pájaro en
una mano es mejor que un grupo en un árbol.
Me dicen que hay algunos que retienen su
donación para el beneficio de la diócesis o la
parroquia por una multitud de razones o excusas.
Si las suplicas de los obispos y los párrocos no
pueden moverlos, esperamos que Dios les hablara
a ellos — incluso en sus sueños.
Quiero darles las gracias a Jennifer Brown,
Vanessa Mc Manus, Lynn Knowd y todos los
voluntarios de la Escuela Bíblica recientemente
celebrada en las vacaciones de verano.
Igualmente a José Ochoa para proporcionar el
padre Pepe un coche para su uso durante su breve
visita y a Linda López por llevarlo al aeropuerto de
ida y vuelta. El mismo sentimiento de gratitud a
aquellos que ya han donado artículos y los que
van a donar a nuestra venta de remate de la
Rezo por muchos sino todos los feligreses de IHM
a que continúan, inician o renuevan el apoyo a la
parroquia con su tiempo, el tesoro y el talento. Se
trata de su parroquia. Dios quiere que todos
ustedes a formar parte de su misión.
¡Que todos tengan una semana Santa!
Atención propietarios de negocios
Hoy es domingo de tarjeta de negocios. Si usted esta
interesado en aprender más sobre
promocionando en el boletín de
nuestra iglesia por favor de poner
su tarjeta de negocio en la canasta de ofrendas con su sobre de
Oración por la vida
Por todos los que sufren por los males de la
esclavitud, la trata de seres humanos, y otros
abusos a la dignidad humana: para que conozcan la justicia y la libertad en su vida; Roguemos al Señor.
Grupo de Oración
Acompáñanos a orar y a dedicarle
una hora y media a Dios cada martes por la mañana de 8:30 a 10:00
a.m. en el Santísimo. Para más información llamen a Conchita Olivas
al 788-1811.
Baptisms: Parents must contact the parish office at least 4 months prior.
Bautizos: Los padres deben hablar con Andres Escobedo, Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano, con 4 meses de anticipación.
Marriages : Couples must contact the Marriage Preparation Coordinators personally, at least 9 months prior.
Bodas: La pareja debe hablar con el Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano con 9 meses de anticipación.
Quinceañeras: Deben comunicarse con el Coordinador del Ministerio Hispano 1 año antes de la ceremonia para hablar de los requisitos.
Directory of Ministries
Altar Servers:
Dana Hart-Carter, 1 (760) 789-2112(scheduling)
Scott Lorenzen, 1(760) 788-0785 (training)
Art & Environment: Regina Chisholm, 1(760) 788-0620
Bereavement: Darlene MacDonell, 1(760) 315-1119
Book Club: Joan Brouillette, 1(760) 788-8723
BSA Cub Scouts Religious Emblems:
Roark Galloway,1(760) 440-9808
Boy Scout Religious Emblems:
Bob Chisholm, 1(760) 788-0620
Centering Prayer: Joan Gansert, 1(760) 787-1560
Children’s Choir: Lynne Knowd, 1(760) 789-8289
Custodial: Mary Carrano, 1(760) 787-0954
EcoPhone Recycling Program: Sheila Jolly, 1(760) 788-0113
Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy:
Dolores Kelley, 1(760) 789-8723 or
Connie Barber, 1(760) 788-8998
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers:
Nola Burger, 1(760) 789-7996
Faith Formation: 1(760) 789-6151 x105
Feed the Hungry & Treasure Box:
Martha Johnston, 1(760) 789-4105
Finance Council: Fr. André Ramos, 1(760) 789-0583
Homebound : Hal Gansert, 1(760) 789-1696
Hospitality: Rosemarie Heldenbrand, 1(760) 789-2238
Giving Tree: Sheila Berg, 1(760) 788-9859 or
Connie Poland, 1(760) 788-5820
IHM Care: Gayle Sojourner, 1(760) 789-6923
IHM Women’s Club: Jeanne Honsowetz, 1(760) 788-0189
Infant Baptism: Linda Lopez, 1(760) 789-0583
Knights of Columbus #9133: Scott Lorenzen, 1(760) 788-0785
Lector (Word): Eric Olafson, 1(760) 789-3255
Little Rock Bible Study: Joan Brouillette, 1(760) 788-8723
Liturgical Music: Mona Hauslik, 1(760) 789-0583
Liturgy: Judi Putnam, 1(760) 788-7683
Marriage Preparation: Judy & Pat Byrne, 1(760) 789-9036
Parish Nurse: Mary Alice Staggs, 1(760) 789-0749
Parish Retreat: Jerry Giusti, 1(760) 789-2618
Pastoral Council: Fr. André Ramos, 1(760) 789-0583
Prayers & Squares: Judy Byrne, 1(760) 789-9036
Pro-Life: Mary Carrano, 1(760) 787-0954
Rosary for Peace: Nancy Garbo, 1(760) 787-9313
RCIA: Deacon Lou Rocha, 1(760) 789-6151
Recycling Program: Judi Putnam, 1(760) 789-0583 or
Ron Feederle, 1(760) 789-0593
SCRIP Program: Hilde Townsend, 1(760) 789-6151
Social Justice: Theresa Ellis, 1(760) 788-2623
Hearing Impaired: Karen Boyle, 1 (760) 789-8412
Summer Vacation Bible School:
Jennifer Brown, 1(760) 440-9209
Youth Program: Steve Johnson, 1(760) 789-6151x. 106
Directorio de Ministerios
Ministerio Hispano: Dcn. Andrés Escobedo, 1(760) 789-0583
Grupo de Oración: Conchita Olivas, 1(760) 788-1811
Bulletin Editor: Linda Lopez,1 (760) 789-0583
If you would like to add something to the bulletin, please send
your information to the following e-mails: and