Bensalem, Pennsylvania - E
Bensalem, Pennsylvania - E
Our Lady of Fátima Worship site Bensalem, Pennsylvania December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Sursum Corda + Lift Up Your Hearts When I visit a city or a place for the first time I enjoy visiting the Catholic Churches. There is something special about our churches that offer a peaceful sanctuary for anyone seeking some prayerful quiet and peace. Stepping inside anyone of our churches anywhere in the world provides a connection that penetrates all barriers that human beings manage to erect. The editorial in America Magazine for December 8-15, 2014 really got me thinking. Of course given that the aforementioned magazine is a venerable Jesuit invention, it goes without saying that its material is always thought provoking. Matt Malone, S.J., President and Editor in Chief has an inspiring message for our parishioners. As a matter of fact, it is a most appropriate New Year’s message. He speaks of visiting the famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. This city is known for its architectural triumphs. But probably no edifice is more celebrated than this twelfth century cathedral named for Our Lady. The cornerstone for this massive house of worship was laid three hundred years before Columbus sailed the ocean blue for the America’s. There is no church in the so-called new world that evokes such a connection with the generations of believers who have gone before us as Notre Dame Cathedral. Here are the words that caught my attention and seem so appropriate for us – Laity, Religious and Priests. Here follows the exact quote: “Like every Catholic Church, Notre Dame is home [to me], the place where there are no strangers, only brothers and sisters, where there is no ultimate division but only the unity-in-diversity of a Eucharistic People.” Aren’t those words beautiful! I have served in parishes whose church doubled for the parish social hall, another that was founded in 1793 with now over two hundred years of history, our beautiful Cathedral on Logan Circle and a 1950’s vintage church-a-torium. In each one we celebrated the same sacrifice of the Mass and heard the enduring message of the Scriptures proclaimed. From the very plain and simple to the highly ornate, God’s people are called together in Liturgical Prayer. All of our parish churches have their own bragging rights, as well they should. But all begin and end the Mass with the same Sign of the Cross and, in between, proclaim the same Word and offer the same Sacrifice. May God be praised! Ite Missa Est, we say. The Mass is ended. Well, not really. For it continues beyond the church doors as we journey together fortified with the Bread of Life and the message of the Gospel. Happy Holy Family Sunday! Happy New Year 2015! Pax et Bonum + Peace and all that is Good. Monsignor Deliman The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28, 2014 My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all the peoples. — Luke 2:30-31 Rev. Msgr. Edward M. Deliman, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Francis A. Carbine, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Richard K. McFadden, Parochial Vicar Rev. Charles J. Ravert, Parochial Vicar Rev. Fidelis Weber, T.O.R., Weekend Assistant Rev. Thomas Gallagher, O.S.F.S., Weekend Ministry Deacon Louis Quaglia, Permanent Deacon Deacon Raymond N. Scipioni, Permanent Deacon Deacon Adolfo Crespo, Permanent Deacon Sister James Kathleen Cofer, I.H.M., Principal Sister Helene Thomas Connolly, I.H.M.Convent Superior Sister Sonia Avi, I.H.M., 215-638-3256 Faith Formation Director Parish Office 215-638-3625 Convent 215-639-0113 School 215-639-3456 Mass Schedule/ Horarios de la Santa Misa Saturday (Vigil Mass): Sunday: Eve of Holy Day: Holy Day: Monday: Tuesday-Friday: Saturday: 5:00 PM 6:30AM, 8:30AM, 10:00AM & 12:00 Noon 5:30 PM 6:30, 8:00, 12:05 & 7:00 PM 6:45 AM, 7:00 PM 6:45 AM, 8:30 AM 8:00 AM Our Lady of Fatima Worship Site Masses Saturday ( Vigil Mass): Sunday: 7:00 PM 10:00 AM 12 Noon Spanish English Spanish Confession Schedule/Horario de Confesiones Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 PM Sacrament of Baptism Please make arrangements at least one month in advance in person with Father Charles. Sponsors for Baptism must be practicing Catholics who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. They need a certificate of eligibility from their own parish. Please call the Rectory for an interview with the Pastor. Bautizos Se arreglan directamente con el párroco con un mes de anticipación. Los padrinos tienen que ser Católicos practicantes. Si no son de la Iglesia de Fátima hay que traer comprobante de su propio párroco. Sacrament of Matrimony Necessary preparations require that arrangements be made at least six months before the date of the wedding. It will be expected that couples attend the sessions of the Archdiocesan Sacramental Preparation Program for Marriage. Sacramento de Matrimonio Hay que arreglarlo con seis meses de anticipación y participar en el programa de preparación matrimonial. Parish Religious Education Programs Children (OLF): Classes for public school students, grades 1 through 8. Classes on Wednesday, 6:45 to 8:00 PM from September through May. Adults: R.C.I.A. Classes on Monday, 7:45 to 9:00 PM. Parish Religious Education Programs Children (SCB): Classes for public school students, grades 1 through 8. Classes on Monday, 6:45 to 8:00 PM from September through May. Catequesis para Niños Clases para niños entre 1˚ y 8˚ grados desde Septiembre hasta Mayo. Rectory Calls Except for emergencies, Rectory business should be conducted by phone or visit between 9:00 AM and noon and 1:00 pm and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Horas de Oficina Excepto los casos de emergencia, deben hacer todo en la rectoría entre 9:00 AM y mediodía o entre la 1:00 PM y 5:00 PM de lunes a viernes. December 28, 2014 SATURDAY December 27 5:00 PM Martin & Mary Ward & Family 7:00 PM (OLF) SUNDAY December 28 6:30 People of the Parish 8:30 Helen Curran & Jimmy Curran 10:00 Marie & Charles Maguire 12:00 Peter Kuryluk, Sr. 12:00 (OLF) MONDAY December 29—St. Thomas Becket/White 8:00 Special Intention TUESDAY December 30—White 8:00 John Brophy WEDNESDAY December 31—St. Sylvester I/White 8:00 Mr. & Mrs. Cesare A. Sicilia & Family 5:00 PM Dorothy Tyciak THURSDAY January 1—Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God/White 6:30 8:30 12:00 10:00 OLF—English 12:00 OLF—Spanish FRIDAY January 2—St. Basil the Great/White 6:45 Jim Mulholland 8:30 Michael Mocarsky SATURDAY January 3—The Most Holy Name of Jesus/White 8:00 Mary Rebecca Connolly 5:00 PM Mary Beth Schaeffer (Living) 7:00 PM (OLF) SUNDAY January 4 6:30 Ann L. Mundy 8:30 Ralph & Jenny Scipione 10:00 People of the Parish 12:00 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kirby (64th Wedding Anniversary) 12:00 (OLF) MARKET DAY: New order forms can be picked up at the doors of the church, scrip office, rectory and main office to be returned by January 6. The pick up date is Monday, January 12, 4:30 to 6:00 PM. Thank you! SAINT CHARLES EMERGENCY FUND: This weekend, December 27 and 28, the money in our poor boxes will be designated to assist parish families who are suddenly faced with loss and hardship. Your generosity is very much appreciated. Page Three Sanctuary Lamp burns the week of December 28 in loving memory of Dorothy Tyciak The sanctuary lamp burns in the church as a reminder of Jesus’ presence in the tabernacle and as a sign of our continued prayers. Altar Candles St. Joseph Candles Sanctuary Candles We will continue offering our candles at OLF through St. Charles Borromeo, just go to SCB and make the offering. Perpetual Adoration We are in need of someone to keep Our Lord Company, the hours needed are listed in Our Lady of Fatima Chapel. Please call Dot Kochis (215) 639-5106. We are also in need of persons to keep Our Lord Company at Saint Charles Adoration Chapel on Tuesdays. If you can help in any way, please call the Religious Education Office at 215-638-3625. Please Remember Our Sick and Deceased Once again, we ask that you keep in mind all our sick friends from our parish in need of our prayers and moral support through the week ahead, especially Pat Perkins, Carly Byrne, Jane Brighton Pais, Sammy Smith, Hnosko Family, Stephen Gabriele, Mary Beth Schaeffer, John Arabinick, Sr., Sister Lillie Murphy, OSF, Anna Krumm, Patty Thierjung, Kazimierz Kijek We also pray that those who have died will dwell forever in the Kingdom of heaven, especially Sister Anita Regina Timlin 2014-2015 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Wednesday, December 31 New Years’ Eve 5:00 PM Thursday, January 1 New Year’s Day 6:30, 8:30 and 12 Noon 10:00 A.M. (English) & 12 Noon (Spanish) OLF Happy New Year! Page Four The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Monthly Fifty-Fifty A monthly 50-50 will begin in January 2015. Each month, you will receive 3 tickets with your monthly envelopes. The tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00. Simply fill out the tickets and enclose your payment and drop your tickets in the Sunday collection. The drawing will be the Monday after the last Sunday of the month. Thank you for your support. Rectory Office Hours The rectory office will be closed on December 31 and January 1 and 2. Special Needs Basketball Children and Young Adults with Disabilities CYO Basketball will begin on Sunday, January 4, in the auditorium from 5 PM to 7 PM. If you have any questions, please call Matt or Donna at 267-523-5613. Feed the Hungry Supply a casserole once a month (third Tuesday) to Saint John’s Hospice. We received 32 casseroles this month. The next pick up will be January 20. If you are able to supply a casserole to Saint John’s Hospice in January, please call 215-244-0347. Red Cross Blood Drive Saint Charles Borromeo Boy Scout Troop 132 will sponsor a Blood Drive in the school auditorium on Wednesday, January 14, 2015. Legion of Mary Did you know that the Legion of Mary is the LARGEST LAY APOSTOLIC ORGANIZATION IN THE CHURCH? Come and see why so many throughout the world belong to Mary in the Legion. The Legion of Mary meets Tuesday night at 6 PM in the Saint Charles Borromeo rectory. HELP NEEDED Our Altar Society is in need of persons to help clean our sanctuary on Friday mornings. We are still in need of help for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Friday of the month, so that we may have three persons scheduled each week. Please call the Office of Religious Education if you are able to help in this special ministry. Saint Charles Borromeo School News Congratulations to the following students who were awarded “Student of the Month” for November by practicing the virtue of Charity: Kindergarten: Nathan Romer and Gia Patel, Grade One: Jennifer Riera, Grade Two: John Seiberlich and Molly McShane, Grade Three: Michael Rocks and Victoria Prinz, Grade Four: Matthew Gonzalez, Grade Five: Isabella DeStefano and Gabriella Cain, Grade Six: Marissa Benjumea, Grade Seven: John Jester, Grade Eight: Melodey Falkenstein and Devyn Dydak. The children were awarded a special pin to wear. We are proud of you, Girls and Boys! Congratulations to the following 8th grade girls who received scholarships to Nazareth Academy High School: Shannon Bankard, Mary-Kate Concio and Devyn Dydak. We are certainly proud of these girls and wish them the best of luck in high school! Congratulations to the following 8th grade boys who have been awarded scholarships to Father Judge High School: Mark Igoe, Alex Pastuszak and Michael Topley. We are certainly proud of these students and wish them the best of luck in high school! First Reconciliation & Eucharist FIRST RECONCILIATION MEETING: The requisite meeting for parents is scheduled for Wednesday, January 7, at 7 PM in the auditorium. FIRST RECONCILIATION: The celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be on Thursday, February 12, at 7 PM in the church. Confirmation Parent Meeting A mandatory meeting for parents of candidates for Confirmation will be held on Wednesday, January 21, at 7:00 PM in the auditorium. The Norms for Sponsors will also be discussed. The Confirmation Retreat will take place at the Katharine Drexel Shrine on Monday, February 23 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. The date of Confirmation has been scheduled for Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 2:00 PM Mass. Our celebrant will be Bishop Joseph Martino. No student can be advanced to reception of the sacraments without the participation of parents. Page Five Sursum Corda + Levantemos el corazón Cuando visito una ciudad o un lugar por primera vez me gusta visitar las iglesias católicas. Hay algo especial acerca de nuestras iglesias que ofrecen un atmosfera de paz para aquellos que buscan un poco de silencio y la paz para orar. Al entrar en cualquiera de nuestras iglesias alrededor del mundo recibimos una conexión que penetra todas las barreras de los seres humanos. La editorial de la revista América del 8 al 15 diciembre 2014 realmente me hizo pensar. Por supuesto, dado que la mencionada revista es una venerable invención jesuita, no hace falta decir que su material siempre invita a la reflexión. Matt Malone, SJ, Presidente y Editor en Jefe tiene un mensaje inspirador para nuestros feligreses. Como cuestión de hecho, es un mensaje más apropiado de Año Nuevo. Él habla de visitar la famosa catedral de Notre Dame en París. Esta ciudad es conocida por sus triunfos arquitectónicos. Pero probablemente no es el edificio más célebre de esta catedral del siglo XII llamado así por la Virgen. La piedra angular de esta enorme casa de culto se colocó 300 años antes de que Colón navegara el océano para llegar a América. No hay iglesia en el llamado nuevo mundo que evocara tal conexión con las generaciones de creyentes que nos han precedido como la catedral de Notre Dame. Estas son las palabras que me llamó la atención y que parecen tan apropiadas para nosotros - laicos, religiosos y sacerdotes. Aquí está la cita exacta: "Al igual que todas las iglesias católicas, Notre Dame es el hogar [a mí], el lugar donde no hay extraños, sólo los hermanos y hermanas, en donde no existe una división definitiva pero sólo la unidad en la diversidad de un pueblo de la Eucaristía." ¿No son esas palabras hermosas? He servido en las parroquias cuya iglesia se duplicó para el salón social de la parroquia, otro que fue fundada en 1793 con los ahora más de doscientos años de historia, nuestra hermosa Catedral en el Circulo Logan y de la vendimia de la iglesia-ha-torium de 1950. En cada uno se ha celebrado el mismo sacrificio de la Misa y escuchamos el mensaje permanente de la Escritura proclamada. Desde el simple y llanamente al muy adornado, el pueblo de Dios es llamado juntos en la oración litúrgica. Todas nuestras parroquias tienen sus propios derechos de fanfarronear, así que deberían. Pero todas comienzan y terminan la Misa con la misma señal de la cruz y, en el medio, proclaman la misma Palabra y ofrecen el mismo Sacrificio. ¡Alabado sea Dios! Ite Missa Est, decimos. La misa ha terminado. Bueno, en realidad no. Por qué continúa más allá de las puertas de la iglesia como el viaje que juntos emprendemos con el pan de vida y el mensaje del Evangelio. ¡Feliz Santo Domingo Familia! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2015! Pax et Bonum + Paz y todo lo que es bueno. Monseñor Deliman Town Hall Meeting A Town Hall Meeting is being scheduled for Sunday evening, January 11 at 7:00 P.M. The purpose of the meeting is to answer questions parishioners may have about the recent merger. This is an open meeting. All are invited. It will take place in the cafeteria. ¿ Ud. Tiene algunas preguntas sobre la fusion de las parroquias? Tendremos una reunión el domingo, 11 de enero en la cafeteria de San Carlos a las 7:00 P.M. Esta es una reunión abierta y todos están invitados. Rosary Intentions Rosary for the Intentions of those suffering from Addictions – will take place each Tuesday at 11:00 A.M. in the Chapel at Our Lady of Fatima. Please join us in prayer beginning on January 6. Are you thinking about making resolutions for the New Year? Here’s a good one. Pray for those suffering from addictions of any kind. Unan con nosotros por el Santo Rosario por las intenciones de los que estan sufriendo de varias adicciones. Se comezarán el Rosario en el Año Nuevo, el martes y todos los martes, a las 11:00 P.M. en la Capilla de Nuestra Señora de Fatima. Page Six La formación de un Grupo de Oración de Hombres - Comenzando en 2015 Nos gustaría Forma grupo de oración para los hombres. Se invita a los hombres de 18 años de edad en adelante. Les garantizo que no habrá abrazos, tomarse de las manos o cosas similares. Sólo un momento de tranquilidad, 45 minutos, ya sea abrir la Biblia, hablar de problemas de hombres, o lo que le puede estar preocupando a usted acerca de la Iglesia. Puede tomar la forma que desee, reunirse a su discreción, y a la frecuencia determinada por los participantes. ¿Por qué no pensarlo un poco? Si usted está interesado en ayudarme a ponerlo en marcha, por favor comuníquese conmigo a la rectoría. Mons. Deliman Clases Para Los Adultos Sobre Los Sacramentos de Iniciación—Bautismo, Confirmación, Penitencia, Eucaristía Adult Classes for Baptism, Confirmation, Penance and Holy Eucharist Se comenzará el lunes, 5 de enero a las 7:00 P.M. Si Ud. es un adulto que necesita uno de los sacramentos, favor de avisar el Padre Deliman, la Hna. Sonia o El Diacono Adolfo. Saint Charles Borromeo Students Excel Congratulations! Roman Catholic High School First Honors: Stefano G. Aiello-Pang Archbishop Ryan High School First Honors: Emily Elizabeth Gramlich, Alison M. Harris, Haley McKenzie Heiler, Isabelle E. Scipioni, Kaleigh V. Casey, Angela M. Creneti, Ryan R. Farinella, Cory B. Hunter, Alyssa Kuryluk, Robert J. Gramlich and Victoria Paige Walsh. Second Honors: James Edward Bochnak, Nicholas M. Davies, Shaun R. Grace, Alyssa M. Criticos, Janie F. Lechner, Marilyn M. Sieger, Jeffrey J. Bezak, Lindsay R. Dress, Matthew R. Galvin, Peter A. Grillo, Cecelia A. Jaskel, Brendan M. Stein, Joseph M. Zebrowski, Isabella Dinardo and Ryan Nicholas Romano CLASES GRATIS PARA EMBARAZADAS / FREE PREGNANCY CLASSES Embarazo / Pregnancy Nutrición / Nutrition Parto / Labor Stress / Stress Lactancia / Breast Feeding Miércoles de 10:00 A.M a 11:30 A.M Sala 7 en OLF Contamos con su presencia Catholic Social Services is seeking 2 volunteers to help with babysitting children on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 AM to 12 Noon at Our Lady of Fatima while their parents attend pregnancy and parenting groups. If interested, please call Catholic Social Services at 215-945-2550. SOMOS LA SAGRADA FAMILIA DE DIOS Las lecturas de Israel están repletas de relatos de parejas estériles a quienes Dios les concedió el milagro de tener hijos. Sin duda el relato más conocido es el de la primera lectura de hoy: Lucas se inspiró en este relato para contar el m i l a g r o s o nacimiento de Juan Bautista, hijo de Zacarías e Isabel, y el nacimiento aun más milagroso de Jesús, hijo de María y José. En ambos casos, vemos ejemplos o modelos a seguir de personas que confiaron en Dios. Más que ser ejemplos de personas que confiaron, son modelos de entrega incondicional de sí. Abandonaron sus propios preconceptos y prejuicios sobre el funcionamiento del mundo y entregaron sus vidas a creer en un Dios que puede hacer que haya vida en lugares en donde era inconcebible que la hubiera; un Dios que puede convertir la muerte en una vida nueva e inimaginable; un Dios que puede, hoy, tomar a un niñito de padres humildes en un pueblo insignificante y convertirlo en una luz para el mundo entero. Esto es a lo que se nos llama a hacer cada día como Sagrada Familia de Dios: confiar no sólo en nosotros mismos y en la manera en que pensamos que deberían ser las cosas, sino a abrirnos y entregarnos en fe a un Dios de promesa infinita. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 215-639-3130 Family Owned & Operated Since 1898 Deli • Hot & Cold Sandwiches Retail • Wholesale • Catering Baking on Site FUNERAL HOME 854 Bristol Pike (Route 13) • Bensalem, PA 19020 Richard J. Fluehr Richard J. Fluehr Jr. Our only location in Bucks County Pre-Arranged Funerals • Traditional Funerals Cremation Specialists • Licensed in New Jersey 1542 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA 215-244-0776 Fax 215-244-0143 BUY 8 BAGELS AND GET 5 FREE WITH AD We don ’t judge. We insure. WE ARE FARMERS CHARLIE NEILL PLUMBING & HEATING Sewer & Drain Cleaning 24 Hr. 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Your church bulletin is the official church parishioner’s shopping guide. • Sales • Service • Installation TILTS FREE Call today to place your ad 1.800.524.0263 ext. 209 or email: Border or Reverse print to the first 5 customers that purchase an ad P L U S 5 % D I S C O U N T O N A N Y P R E PA I D P U R C H A S E Remember, a strong vibrant parish is good for our communit y and a thriving business communit y is good for our parish. We thank all of our current advertisers, your support makes the bulletin possible. If you are a current advertiser call us to have your ad recreated FREE of charge! VISIT OUR HUGE SHOWROOM 8312 STATE ROAD (1 block North of Rhawn Street) 215-624-7118 Pre-Arrangements Family Owned & Operated for 60 Years 1770 Brown Avenue at Hulmeville Road Bensalem, PA 19020 William S. (1918-1998) & Marie T. (1919-2001) Hoffmann, Founders • Directors: Roxanne G. Hoffmann, Supervisor 511434 St Charles Borromeo Church (B) 215-639-1147 Handicapped Acceessible 215-639-1147 Michelle H. Hoffmann, Director For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 State & Emission Inspection Bear Alignment Bob’s Tavern Bushek Service Center, Inc. 741 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA Complete Automotive Service 511 Bristol Pike, Bensalem Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA Insurance 5000, Inc. AUTO ■ HOME ■ 245-9877 PATRICK J. FOY BUSINESS 215-632-5000 Gaetano A. Storace, III D.M.D., P.C. GUTTER CLEANING Roofing & Siding 215-357-2700 215-322-7400 FREE EST. • Lic. & Ins. PA 080483 Lic. & Ins. 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