All Saints Catholic Church
All Saints Catholic Church
All Saints Catholic Church November 9, 2014 2014— —The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica visit us at W W W. A L L S A I N T S V I L L AG E . C O M WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ALLSAINTSCATHOLICCHURCH 10900 West Oakland Park Blvd Sunrise, FL 33351 Parish Office (954) 742-2666 Fax (954) 741-7238 School (954) 742-4842 Religious Ed. (954) 742-7742 Pastor Rev. Liam T. Quinn Parochial Vicar Rev. Andy Lorenzo-Puga Deacon Rev. Deacon Javier Barreto SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays / Sábados: English: 5:00 PM Español: 7:00 PM Sundays / Domingos: English: 8:00 AM; 9:30 AM; 11:00 AM 12:30 PM & 7:00 PM Español: 5:00 PM CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES: Saturday / Sábado: 3:30 PM—4:30 PM DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays / Días: English: 7:00 AM & 8:00 AM Saturdays: English: 8:00 AM Tuesdays / Martes: Español: 7:00 PM CHURCH OFFICE HOURS/ Horario de Oficina de la Iglesia Mon, Tues, Wed., Fri. Lunes, Martes, Miér., Viernes 9:00 AM—5:00 PM Thursday / Jueves 9:00 AM—4:00 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HOURS Horario de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa MON & THURS 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM TUESDAY: 12:00PM TO 8:00 PM WEDNESDAY: 1:00 PM TO 9:00 PM FRIDAY: 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM Call to make an appointment School Principal Mrs. Antoinette McNamara Pre-School Director Mrs. Debbie Balma Religious Education Director Dr. Jorge Diez Office & Operations Manager Gina P. Rodriguez HOSPITALITY COFFEE & DOUGHNUTS ! Join us a er Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 12:30 PM THIS FEAST CALLS US TO HAVE PASSION FOR JESUS, CHURCH, OUR FAITH, OURSELVES AS BODY OF CHRIST. PASTOR’S CORNER Why Catholic Schools: Catholic school education places an emphasis on the school as community-an educational community of persons and a genuine community of faith. As a Catholic school we strive to promote genuine trust and collaboration among teachers, with parents as the primary educators of their children, and with governing body members to foster appreciation of different gifts that build up the learning and faith community and strengthen academic excellence. Catholic schools pay close attention to the quality of interpersonal relations between teachers Writing to the Corinthians, Paul asks them: “Are you not aware that and students, ensuring that the student is seen as a person whose you are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwells in you?” intellectual growth is harmonized with spiritual, religious, emotional, and Notice his use of the singular: “the temple of God is holy, and you are social growth. Catholic school are centered in the Person of Jesus Christ, that temple.” He has in mind the community of God’s people as the contribute to the Evangelizing Mission of the Church, distinguished by temple of God: “from living stones, your chosen people, you built an Excellence, committed to Educate the Whole Child, steeped in a Catholic eternal temple to your glory.” worldview, sustained by Gospel witness, and shaped by communion and community! These characteristics define the deep Catholic identify of our Is this temple (the People of God) only for the presence of God? What Catholic schools and serve as the platform on which standards else is there in this temple? Are there false gods as well, such as the rest. All Saints Catholic School thanks our parents for the many sacrifices gods of wealth and power? Do the people in this temple worship the made to assure their children a Catholic education! one true God, or do they bow down before other gods, such as economic and political systems? Do the people in this temple work Walk-A-Thon: Our annual walk-a-thon is the school’s major hard at “creating its beauty from the holiness of our lives?” fundraiser! The walk-a-thon funds continue to pour into the school on a The Church has more often been called the edifice of God. ... This daily basis! At this time we are over $9,000 and anticipate reaching our edifice is adorned by various names: the house of God in which goal of $20,000 or over this year! The money raised will be used to further dwells His family; the household of God in the Spirit; the dwelling enhance our technology as well as our music and library program! Last place of God among men; and, especially, the holy temple. year we purchased 40 lap top computers for the students to utilize in the lab for various class projects. Our middle school students all have the use This temple, symbolized by places of worship built out of stone, is of individual Ipads for their classes. We also own 50 Ipads which the praised by the holy Fathers and, not without reason, is compared in students use in Kinder through fifth grade. Last year we began a Video the liturgy to the Holy City, the New Jerusalem. As living stones we Production Club. Under the direction of Mrs. Dew and Mrs. Greco our here on earth are being built up along with this City. students are learning how to edit, produce, and record our morning prayers Vatican II, Constitution on the Church (1964) 6 and announcements which are accessible to our parents on live stream each Gerald Darring morning. Jessica Kaelin, Giovanni Jamieson, Colin Krings, Alex Capuno, Julianna Patalano, Kayla Mejia, and Kylie Marek are doing a phenomenal job with this production! All the money we raise is put back into the school to benefit our children. We thank our parents, grandparents, friends, and relatives for sending in their walk-a-thon donations and deeply appreciate their assistance! God bless you! You are the temple of God Although the basilica of St. John Lateran is the cathedral of the Holy Father in Rome, today’s liturgy focuses not on the Petrine ministry but on the place of God’s abode, the temple. The First Reading is about Solomon’s temple, and the Gospel tells of Jesus coming to stay in the home of Zacchaeus. FROM THE DESK OF ANTOINETTE MCNAMARA Congratulations: We congratulate these students who were selected to play on the All Saints Girls Varsity Basketball Team: Jennifer Brown, Tiffany Coppola, Katie Lebreton, Jessica Kaelin, Olivia Krings, Kylie Marek, Madison Nualart, Julianna Patalano, Sarine Gabriel. We thank our coach Vanessa Gonzalez for volunteering her time and talents to work with our girls! We wish them the best of luck this season! Safety Patrol: We thank these students who are members of the All Saints Safety Patrol: Jennifer Brown, Kayla Mejia, Ashley Gibson, Amy Silien, Diego Machado, Alejandro Machado, Nick Cackett, Justine Herard, Giovanni Jamieson, Adrianna Batista, Anycia Batista, Brianna DaBreo, and Robert Patalano. These students arrive early in the morning to set up the safety cones for morning traffic as well as monitor the courtyard and the school hallways. Part of their role is encouraging students to observe safety rules as well as report any infractions to the teachers. These students are also expected to be the role models for the student body by their words and example. We thank them for their commitment and service to our school! We especially thank our coordinators Julie Dew and Joanne Eichholtz for doing a superb job with our students! THE DEDICATION OF TH THE E LATERAN BASILICA —NOVEMBER 9, 2014 READINGS…. TODAY’S First Reading -- I saw water flowing out of the temple; wherever the river flows, every living creature shall live (Ezekiel 47:1-2, 89, 12). Psalm -- The waters of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High (Psalm 46). Second Reading -- Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17). Gospel -- Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up (John 2:13-22). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21 THE TEMPLE AND WORSHIP In all of today's readings, the temple is prominently mentioned. Ezekiel speaks of streams of living water flowing out from the temple, watering the desert, bringing life to all living things, offering fresh healing to God's people. Paul reminds the Corinthians that their faith rests upon the firmest of foundations, Christ himself. More than that, Paul reveals that those who follow Christ are themselves temples, temples of the Holy Spirit; that is, God dwells not only with them, but in them. For the Jews of Jesus' time, the temple had come to be identified with the presence of God and the only place where authentic worship of God took place. Jesus had a different perception. Jesus identified himself not with the temple, but as the temple. In so doing, Jesus indicated a dramatic shift in what it means to worship God, to be in God's presence. No longer was a place to be the focus of prayer. Instead, a person, the person of Jesus Christ, becomes the center of our worship. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION For several weeks, we have considered penance as a sacrament of forgiveness, and yet there are two other sacraments in this category. The first, of course, is the Eucharist itself. The other is the sacrament of the sick, long associated with penance. The Letter of James sets out the deep tradition for caring for the sick: sending for the priests, who will pray and lay their hands on the sick ones, anointing them with oil, and giving them forgiveness. Long before other rites of penance developed, the sacrament of the sick was therefore a profound experience of forgiveness. Jesus often healed the sick, nearly always as a visible sign of forgiveness of sin. The tradition didn't unfold smoothly, however, and within a few centuries the oil of the sick was taken home to be applied by caregivers as a salve, or even to be drunk as a medicine. As early as the second century, bishops were therefore urging that priests should be the ones to visit those separated by illness from the Sunday assembly. Thus the practice of consigning the Eucharist and the oil of the sick to the non-ordained faithful to bring home was relatively short-lived. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. OFFICE MESSAGES: THANKSGIVING TURKEY DRIVE We need your support! We need turkeys, etc. for the Thanksgiving baskets that will be distributed on November 22, 2014. Lets continue the success of being able to feed every family who comes to us. ALL SOULS ENVELOPES There will be All Soul’s envelopes available in the pews . You can put your offerings inside and the names of their deceased love ones on the envelopes and put in the collection. The envelopes with the names will be placed in a basket on the Altar for all to pray for the souls. DEDICACIÓN DE LA BAS BASÍLICA ÍLICA DE SAN JUAN DE LETRÁN — 9 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2014 LECTURAS DE HOY... Primera lectura -- Siempre que las aguas frescas del templo fluyen, todo florece (Ezequiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12). Salmo -- Un río alegra la ciudad de Dios (Salmo 46 [45]). Segunda lectura -- Tú eres el templo de Dios y el Espíritu de Dios vive en ti (1 Corintios 3:9c-11, 16-17). Evangelio -- "Destruyan este templo y yo lo reedificaré en tres días", Jesús dijo hablando del templo de su cuerpo (Juan 2:1322). ). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Ti 1:1-9; Sal 24 (23):1b-4ab, 5-6; Lc 17:1-6 Martes: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Sal 37 (36):3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lc 17:7-10 Miércoles: Ti 3:1-7; Sal 23 (22):1b-6; Lc 17:11-19 Jueves: Flm 7-20; Sal 146 (145):7-10; Lc 17:20-25 Viernes: 2 Jn 4-9; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lc 17:26-37 Sábado: 3 Jn 5-8; Sal 112 (111):1-6; Lc 18:1-8 Domingo: Pro 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Sal 128 (127):1-5; 1 Tes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] MIRANDO HACIA EL ÚLTIMO DIA Hoy la Iglesia recuerda a todos los que han caminado el camino de Cristo y han pasado a la otra vida. Las lecturas todas miran al último día, cuando todos resucitaremos de entre los muertos y nos encontraremos de nuevo. El profeta Daniel anuncia palabras de prevención y bienestar. Nos previene sobre el juicio que ha de venir, pero también nos consuela y nos asegura que todo el que vive una vida de virtud y de justicia alcanzará la vida eterna. La lectura de romanos nos recuerda que, por la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Cristo y por nuestra participación en ese misterio pascual mediante el Bautismo, nosotros ahora compartimos esa nueva vida que Cristo nos ganó. Este reconocimiento tiene repercusiones: necesitamos vivir justamente ahora, para poder alcanzar la vida eterna con Cristo en el último día. En el Evangelio Jesús promete que ninguno de aquellos que el Padre le ha confiado se perderá. Todos los justos serán resucitados para gozar y vivir eternamente en la presencia de Dios. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Hoy celebramos la memoria de la Iglesia madre de la cristiandad. Por extraña coincidencia, no está en Jerusalén donde nació la Iglesia, tampoco es la Basílica de San Pedro en el Vaticano, donde está el sepulcro (o la tumba) de san Pedro. Esta iglesia es la Basílica que está dedicada a la memoria del Divino Salvador, a san Juan Bautista y a san Juan Evangelista. Fue la primera basílica consagrada en el año 324 al culto cristiano en Roma. De allí ha tenido una larga trayectoria, y aunque es la catedral del obispo de Roma, el Papa se trasladó al Vaticano en 1377, luego de que el papado estuvo durante un período de 100 años en Francia. Al recordar la consagración de la Basílica de Letrán no debemos olvidar lo que dice san Pablo: "Cada uno de nosotros somos un templo del Espíritu Santo" (1 Corintios 6:19). En un sueño, Inocencio III vio que Letrán estaba por caerse, pero san Francisco pudo sostenerla en pie. Ojalá que cada vez que nosotros estemos por caer, llegue alguien que nos pueda sostener como templos de Dios. --Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. MESSAGE DE LA OFICINA: CAMPAÑA PARA EL DIA ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS: !Necesitamos tu ayuda! Necesitamos pavos, etc. para las canastas de acción de gracias que serán distribuidas el 22 de noviembre, 2014. Vamos a continuar con el éxito de poder alimentar a cada familia que viene a nosotros. SOBRES PARA EL DIA DE TODO LOS DIFUNTOS Habrá sobres benditas disponibles en las bancas. Pueden poner su oferta de interior y los nombres de sus difuntos en los sobres y poner en la colección. Los sobres con los nombres se colocará en una cesta en el Altar para todos orar por las almas. All Saints Catholic Church - visit us at 6 Are you ready to see the Talent God gave our Community? Come and see the All Saints All Stars performing live in the All Saints Talent Show! Please plan to come and see your fellow parishioners as they perform a variety of live acts, including singing, dancing, music, and more! Choose the performance that best fits your schedule, and mark it on your calendar! 2014 Talent Show Performance Schedule (All in the Family Center) Show Performance #1 Show Performance #2 Show Performance #3 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 2:00 PM Friday, November 14, 2014 Saturday, November 15, 2014 Sunday, November 16, 2014 We will have a 50/50 drawing daily. Snacks & Refreshments will be available at nominal costs. Ticket information will be forthcoming soon. Our next used All Saints School uniform sale will be held Saturday, November 15th from 10-11:30AM In the Church Pa o & Kitchen. Please contact Gloriann Sordo at (954) 609-5566 with any ques ons or if you would like to volunteer. We’ve received a lot of dona ons!! Mardi Gras Casino November 10th Everyone is welcome! Every 2nd Monday $5.00 includes free bus, $5.00 free play and $3.00 Food voucher. Arrive at bus between 9:30am and 9:45. Bus leaves at 10:00 am. Must call Vi Guarino at least a week in advance @ (954) 749-4419 All Saints Catholic Church - visit us at WHITE ELEPHANT Don’t get behind on the White Elephant. We are asking for clothing, appliances, toys, TVs, baby items, computers and parts, tools, trinkets and many more things. Just drop off your items on the East-side Church Patio. WE NEED YOU! YOU MAKE THE CARNIVAL! We need volunteers for the Carnival. Please fill out a form at or fill out form at the Church Office For more information email us at: PRE-SALE BRACELET $50.00 GET THEM NOW REGULAR PRICE $60.00 7 All Saints Catholic Church - visit us at 8 50/50 Pre-Carnival Raffle Ready to win some Christmas spending cash?? Tickets for the 50/50 Pre-Carnival Raffle are ready for purchase! You may purchase your raffle ticket at the Gift Shop before and after all the Masses and/or at the Church office during office hours. Tickets are $20.00 each and only 400 tickets will be sold. The winner can win $4,000.00 if all tickets are sold. Raffle drawing will be held after the 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday, December 14th, 2014 in the Church Patio during Coffee & Donuts Hospitality. Hurry, get your tickets before they’re all gone! We need Volunteers! Volunteers are needed to help decorate the Christmas Nativity and the Church for our Christmas Season. Immediate need for Coordinator to direct scheduling and volunteers efforts. Volunteers needed on the days of the event to lend a hand. Volunteers should feel comfortable moving boxes, climbing ladders, handling decorations and a desire to express your design talents. Current planned dates of activity, November 22nd, December 6th, and January 17th, 2015. Please contact Gary Blandino, 954-661-9017 or Novenas a la Virgen de la Providencia, patrona del pueblo Puertorriqueño Las Novenas comienzan el día 12 de noviembre de 2014 a las 7:30 de la noche. Nos reuniremos en el atrio de la Iglesia a las 7:00 PM de la noche desde donde partiremos a diferentes hogares. La Novenas terminaran el día 20 de noviembre, 2014. La misa en honor a la Virgen de la Providencia, patrona del pueblo puertorriqueño se celebrara el dia 23 de noviembre de 2014, comenzando a las 5:00 de la tarde. RETIRO DE ADVIENTO Prepara tu vida espiritual para llegar a la Navidad con un corazón limpio donde nazca verdaderamente el Mesías. Te invitamos a participar en el Retiro de Adviento que tendrá lugar en nuestra parroquia el sábado 29 de noviembre desde las 8:30 am hasta las 4:00 pm en el Family Center. Este Retiro estará dirigido por el Padre Andy Lorenzo y la Hermana Isabel. Para cubrir los gastos del Almuerzo el costo será de $5.00 por persona. Los boletos se podrán adquirir de lunes a viernes en la oficina parroquial. Y el sábado y domingo después de las misas de español. Para más información llamen a la oficina al (954) 742-2666. OCTOBER ONLINE COLLECTION: $3,022.00 Constantly forgetting your cash or check book? If you’re interested in making a quick and safe payment, we have an alternative solution for you. Visit our payment portal at Some gifts to ALL SAINTS may actually pay you income. Discover the life income benefits of trusts and other charitable gifts. You and your family may save administration fees and save on taxes by considering a charitable gift. Contact the rectory or the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110 for more information. Saturday/Sabado 5:00 PM 238 $2,004.00 Saturday/Sabado 7:00 PM 287 $1,012.00 Sunday/Domingo 8:00 AM 273 $3,279.00 Sunday/Domingo 9:30 AM 345 $2,405.00 Sunday/Domingo 11:00 AM 520 $3,219.00 Sunday/Domingo 12:30 PM 321 $1,964.00 Sunday/Domingo 5:00 PM 485 $1,219.00 Sunday/Domingo 7:00PM 270 $1,088.00 1st Collec on Total $16,190.00 Debt Reduc on $3,984.00 ADOM $279.00 Candle $279.00 Grand Total 2739 $20,732.00 If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, please stop by the Church office. Your donation of altar flowers will glorify God and enhance the celebration of the Mass. Each Sunday there will be two bouquets available in memory of a loved one. The donation per bouquet is $50—this will include an announcement in the bulletin for that weekend stating for whom they are intended and by whom they are donated. The flowers will remain on the altar throughout the week as your gift to our parish. Si usted desea donar flores para el altar, pase por la Oficina de la Parroquia durante hora laborables. Su donación de flores para el altar será para la glorificación de nuestro Dios y embellecerá la celebración Eucarística. Cada Domingo habrán dos ramos de flores que se dedicaran a la memoria de algún ser querido. La donación por cada ramo de flores es de $50.00, lo cual incluirá un anuncio en el boletín de ese fin de semana indicando el nombre del persona por quien las flores son donadas y el de la persona que aporto la donación. Las flores se quedaran en el altar toda la semana. GO INTO THE DEEP REMEMBER BIBLEALIVE WILL RETURN NEXT WEDNESDAY. NO CLASS FOR NOVEMBER 11th When does it return? Wednesday, November 18 10 am—12 noon Room 2 7 pm—9 pm School Library Religious Education News Thanksgiving Food Drive for all Religious Educa on Students “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 1st Grade 1st Year Communion 2nd Grade 2nd Year Communion 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 1st Yr. Comm. Middle 6th Grade Pre-Confirmation Confirmation Box of stuffing Bag of Rice Canned or Envelope Gravy Canned Peas or Carrots Canned Cranberries Canned Fruit Box of Mashed Potatoes Can of Yams Cream of Mushroom or Chicken Soup Cream of Mushroom or Chicken Soup Bag of Rice or Box of Mashed Potatoes Please bring your donations to class the week of November 11th & 12th, 2014. Thank you! Class Schedule November 11th & 12th Classes November 18th & 19th Classes November 25th & 26th No Classes The Religious Education office will be closed on Monday, November 10th in observance of Veteran's Day Sunshine Seniors Mee ng Wednesday November 19 2:00 P.M. in the Family Center Bingo and Refreshments All seniors over 50 welcome ,no dues. Join us for lots of fun! For more informa on , call Carol 954 572-4075 or Flo 954 748-5923 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. ~Matthew 5:4 Devastating loss of a loved one can be overwhelming. Help yourself to cope by joining our ongoing confidential bereavement group. We meet every other week in room 4, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Our meeting for November is on the 17th. In December our meetings will be: the 1st, 15th and the 29th. Our meeting is very informal, you may come any time during the two hours. We invite you to take a step toward healing today. All Saints Catholic Church - visit us at 11 Spanish Bible Studies Dr. Carlos Larrazábal (Ministerio de Formación Bíblica Tenemos clases de Entender La Biblia: (La duración de las clases son de aproximadamente 2 horas) Martes: 7:30 PM – Salón #7 Estudio Bíblico con énfasis en la Doctrina de la Iglesia, y en la Exégesis Bíblica -.-.Miércoles: 10:00 AM - Salón #7 Estudio Bíblico con énfasis en la Espiritualidad y los Santos -.-.Jueves: 7:45 PM - Salón #7 Estudio Bíblico avanzado Para más información e inscripciones: Llamar al (954) 383.6197 y dejar su mensaje ó enviar e-mail a ________________________________________ Te invitamos todos los Martes después de la Misa de las 7:00 PM a meditar el Santo Rosario en la Capilla. Oraremos contigo y por ti, y por todas las necesidades de nuestra Parroquia. __________________________________________ COLLECTION OF FOOD DURING ALL THE MASSES FOR THE ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PANTRY Please encourage your children to bring food ítems to help the needy. The food will be collected at ALL the Saturday & Sunday Masses in the plastic bins at the Altar to be brought up after the Prayer of the Faithful. This is a wonderful way to show our children that their generosity helps many in our community and allows God’s love to show itself in our All Saints Church family. The All Saints Homebound Ministry is available to parishioners and care-givers of parishioners. The Homebound Ministry is designed to visit homebound persons in order to pray with them or read the Bible or just spend time together. In addition, we will sit with a lovedone for 1 to 2 hours so caregivers can run an errand(s). Visits can be scheduled for Mon-Sun 10:00 am—5:00 pm & 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. The ministry is expanding to include shopping for those who cannot do so for themselves. We will take the first 10 persons who call for this service until we get more ministry help. If you have any questions, or would like to join the ministry, please see the listing in the back of the bulletin. You can also call Jean Rawls at 954-675-3672. All Saints Catholic Church - visit us at 12 Adoration Brothers and Sisters, “Come to me & I will give you rest” Monday – Thursday / Lunes – Jueves: 8:30 am—10:00 am After Mass/Después de Misa 3:00 pm—6:00 pm In Chapel/ En la Capilla Friday – Sunday / Viernes – Domingo: None/Nada For more details please contact Sylvia Wright at (954) 742-3784 (English) Para mayor información comunicarse con Isis Evins (954) 720-7770 (Español) 12 Hour Adoration Monthly/Adoración Mensual de 12 Horas November 10, 2014 Starts after the 8:00 am Mass to 8:00 pm Empieza después de la misa de 8:00 am hasta la 8:00 pm For more details or if interested in participating please contact Carla Worrall at (954) 554-1652 (English) Para mas detalles comunicarse con Isis Evins (954) 720-7770 (Español) IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO OUR PARISHIONERS The regular use of your Sunday envelopes is very important! Whenever we do not have a record of contributions and attendance or when they have ceased, we have NO way of knowing whether someone is still worshiping with our community. Unless we know someone is a practicing Catholic, delays and hard feelings can result when people want to be married, when they want their child to be baptized, when they want to be a Godparent or a Confirmation sponsor, when they want to enroll their child in Religious Education or Sacramental preparation programs, to provide you with a record of your contributions for tax purposes and to obtain a favorable “support tuition rate” at ANY Catholic school (support rate is given ONLY to parishioners who contribute a minimum of $800.00 throughout the calendar year). It is simple to establish and maintain a record of attendance at Mass and parish support, but filling out a registration form alone does NOT accomplish this, USING YOUR NUMBERED ENVELOPES ON SUNDAY does (or including your parishioner number on whatever envelope you use). Please stop by the office during office hours so we can get you ready for Sunday worship. If you are registered and are NOT receiving your pre-printed envelopes, please contact us at the Parish Office. If you are registered but have not used your Parish envelopes in the past two years, your information will be inactivated and you will no longer receive pre-printed envelopes. Thank you! El uso de sus sobres para la colecta de los Domingos es muy importante! Cuando nosotros no tenemos constancia de que Usted atiende los servicios religiosos en nuestra Parroquia, lo cual se prueba con el deposito de los sobres de la colecta, no podemos determinar si Usted es un católico practicante. Esta falta de prueba como católico practicante puede retardar la celebración de bodas, bautizos, para servir como padrinos/as o registrar a sus hijos/as en los programas de educación religiosa, preparación Sacramental, proveerle información monetaria para sus impuestos, obtener un cargo favorable para el costo de enseñanza en CUALQUIER escuela católica (el cargo favorable de apoyo es dado sólo a los parroquianos que contribuyen un mínimo de $800.00 a través del año). Llenando la forma de registro en la Parroquia NO es suficiente - DEBEN DE USAR SUS SOBRES NUMERADOS EL DOMINGO CUANDO ATIENDAN LA CELEBRACION EUCARISTICA (o incluir su numero de parroquiano en cualquier sobre que utilicen). Por favor, pasen por la Oficina de la Parroquia durante horas laborables para que podamos ayudarlos a cumplir con este requisito. Si Usted esta registrado/a en la Parroquia y no recibe sus sobre impresos, llámenos a la Oficina. Si Usted esta registrado pero no ha usado sus sobres durante los dos últimos años, su información pasará a inactiva y por lo tanto no recibirá mas sobres impresos. Gracias! PARISH MINISTRIES & Other Organizations MINISTERIOS Y Otras Organizaciones ALTAR SERVERS/MONAGUILLOS—Allison Wright (954) 742-2666 ANNULMENTS—Call Church Office (954) 742-2666 Young Adult /Youth Ministry (Ages 18-35) —Bill Harvelle (954) 822-9058 Meets every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM in Room 2 & 3 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY—Julie Dew at 954-742-2666 BOYS/CUB SCOUTS—Eddie Baker (954) 895-1581 BIBLE ALIVE (Bible Study)—Bill Harvelle 954-822-9058 Mornings: Wednesdays in the Room 2 & 3 at 10 AM Evenings: Wednesdays in the Room 2 at 7 PM CENACULO DE LA VIRGEN MARIA Theresa Gentile at (954) 473-1613 Resamos el Rosario en el Meeting Room del Family Center todos los Jueves a las 1:30 p.m. COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN—2nd Tuesday of each month in the Family Center at 7:30 PM. KAREN LORENZEN (954) 465-6095, or DIVORCE & SEPARATION MINISTRY—Ellen Marossy (954) 741-9827 Sylvia Serrano (954) 873-1287 (Español) EMMAUS - “Christ is Risen”—MEN’S -Eduardo Kianes (954) 804-8089. Brothers meet 1st Saturday of the Month in Room 2 & 3 WOMEN’S - Patricia Salois (954) 213-2834 & Lynda Siegel (954) 232-1798 Sisters meet every 2nd Thursday in the Meeting Room at 7:30pm. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION MINISTRY Sylvia Wright (954) 742-3784 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE WORD Ministros de la Palabra Carla Worrall (954) 554-1652; Luisa Peguero (954) 472-5878 (Español) Rosamaria Muñoz (954)593-0815 ((Español) If you are interested in finding out how exciting and rewarding it can be to proclaim the Word of God, remember, Our Lord said: “Blessed are those who read aloud the Word of God and Blessed are those who have ears to hear”. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Sylvia Wright (954) 742-3784. If you would like to become a "Minister of Holy Communion," you must be 16 years of age or older, have been Confirmed and if married, married by the Catholic church and be a Registered Active Member of All Saints Church. GIFT SHOP Carla Worrall (954) 554-1652 The Gift Shop is open Saturdays 11:30 AM to 8:30 PM and Sunday from 7:30 AM to 2:00PM and 4:30 PM to 8:30 PM. HERMANDAD DEL SEÑOR DE LOS MILAGROS Javier Ramos (954) 692-4804. Se reúnen los Sábados as las 6:00 PM en el Salón #5. HOLY HOUR /Hora Santa —Every 4th Thursday at 6:30p.m. in the Chapel. Cada 4o Jueves del mes a las 6:30 PM en la Capilla. Deacon Woody Draughon LEGION OF MARY—Legion of Mary, Spanish, Room 4, Friday 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, Gloria Fermin, (954) 512-9516 LECTIO DIVINA-YESHUA José y María Loayza 954-801-7501 La Lectio Divina nos introduce en una experiencia de Encuentro con el Señor por medio de pasos que van profundizando el texto bíblico Acompanenos los Lunes a las 7:30pm en la Capilla. MAGNIFICAT FORMATION MEETING Please contact: Joyce Schiel (954) 257-4734 MINISTERIO DE CONSTRUCCION Tony Peguero (954) 472-5878 MOVIMIENTO DE CURSILLO CRISTIANDAD Fabiola Valenzuela (954) 303-5288 Coordinador . Las personas interesadas en estos cursillos necesitan asistir previamente a las reuniones del Grupo de All Saints que son todos los Viernes de 8:00 pm a 10:00 pm en salón #5 MOVIMIENTO JUAN XXIII Reunion: Todos los Jueves 7:30 pm – Salon # 5; José Fermín (954) 560-9903 ¡Con Cristo Todo!!Sin Cristo Nada! MUSIC MINISTRIES Robert Ekonomou—Music Director/Choir-(954) 742-2666 Daniel Perez– Spanish Music/Choir- (954) 742-2666 Religious Education and Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) For continuous Lifelong Faith Formation and Sacramental preparation for children, youth, and adults contact Dr. Jorge Diez at the Religious Education office: (954) 742-7742 PRAISE & WORSHIP—Edna Messina 954-410-4340. Mondays Room 2 at 7:00 PM. We invite you to praise and fellowship with the Lord and each other. RESPECT LIFE Gail Kleinow (954)-805-5913 Parish Rep. Isabel Rojas (305) 772-7785 Respect Life (954) 977-7769, Project Rachel (Post Abortion Counseling & Reconciliation (954) 981-2984 SANTO ROSARIO MEDITADO Y ORACION –ALABANZA Y ADORACIÓN Saul Rojas 954-294-1527. Reunion: Martes de 8:00 pm a 9:15 pm en la Capilla. SUNSHINER’S SENIORS Carol Weller (954) 572-4075 or Flo Donato (954) 748-5923. Meets every Wednesday at 1:00 PM in the Family Center. Member 50+ are welcomed. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY The Society of St. Vincent de Paul charity is a Christian voluntary organization working with poor and disadvantaged persons. We seek to bring the love of Christ to those in need: "I was hungry and you gave me food" (Matthew 25). Ann Marie Ellison (954) 667-4135 USHERS-GREETERS Bill Harvelle 954-822-9058 or Yolanda Marlow (954) 253-1389 We are looking for new Usher/Greeters. Pick up form at the Church office and a be part of this Ministry. All Ushers are asked to please wear white shirt & black pants. No sneakers. HOMEBOUND PARISHONERS MINISTRY TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA If you feel called to join the ministry and visit the homebound or if anyone wishes Isis 305-458-7181 – Lorena 305-469-0395 to receive visits, please call Jean Rawls 954-675-3672. Visits can be scheduled Talleres de Oración y Vida, es un servicio para aprender y profundizar en el arte from Monday-Sunday 10:00 am-5:00pm & 7:00pm-9:00pm. de orar. HOSPITALITY MINISTRY (Coffee & Doughnuts) If you are interested in helping out after Sunday AM Masses, please contact Lynda Siegel at (954) 232-1798 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS & COLUMBIETTES For more information call Eduardo Kianes (954) 804-8089 MASS & PRAYER INTENTIONS / MISAS E INTENCIONES Saturday, November 8 / 8 de Noviembre 5:00 PM +Lillian Castaldi, +Vincenza Falateco, +Peggy Inglis, +Laura Jean Reich 7:00 PM (Español) +Edgar Leonardo Perdomo, +Maria Vasquez, +Maria Josefa Jaramillo, +Rosa Jaramillo, +Emilio Jaramillo Sunday, November 9 / 9 de Noviembre 8:00 AM +Pura Intriago, +Solanges Francois, +Marina & +Luis A. Gutierrez 9:30 AM +Alexina Dupy, +Destin Augustin, Joao Bragg – healing & the Souls in Purgatory 11:00 AM +Jack Lee Horsch, +Miranie Continat, +Sophie Perillo, +Edward Curran, +The Cessant Family 12:30 PM +Julio Andrade, +Fernando Andrade, +Raquel Mazo, +Jorge Andrade 5:00 PM (Español) +Marta Seguel, +Jorge Campos Saravena, +Alvaro Valencia, +Hector Ricardo Higuera, +Ana Carlota Angel, Maria Sandino - Salud 7:00 PM For The Faithful Monday, November 10 / 10 de Noviembre 7:00 AM +Solanges Francois 8:00 AM Joao Braga - healing Tuesday, November 11 / 11 de Noviembre 7:00 AM +Solanges Francois 8:00 AM +Joaquin Alopera, Joao Braga - healing 7:00 PM +Juan F. Colon – 1er año, Rios de Aguas Viva Wednesday, November 12 / 12 de Noviembre 7:00 AM +Solanges Francois 8:00 AM For The Faithful Thursday, November 13 / 13 de Noviembre 7:00 AM +Solanges Francois 8:00 AM For The Faithful Friday, November 14 / 14 de Noviembre 7:00 AM +Solanges Francois, +Arthur Wolanek 8:00 AM +Lucila Botero, +Karen Baietto, +Genara Medina Saturday, November 15 / 15 Noviembre 8:00 AM +Solanges Francois, +Elias Peña LET US PRAY FOR THE NEEDS AND HEALTH OF: Sergio Luis Rodriguez, Ben Aguirre, Sonia Lafond, Andrea Maldonado, Jeri Eisenman, Deacon Angelo Gervasi, Hernan Calcurian, Rosana Miller, Ester Vistoso, Daniel Bartharte, Kathy Sarmiento, Alex Zagarra, Arnie Cohen, Alex Lowe, Carlos Manuel Gonzalez, Graciela Gonzalez, David D. Pologruto, D.A. Wells, Andy Davis, Brian Young, Jeremy Burkett, Johnny Zayas, Madeleine Carlos, Alex Cardona, Cynthia Barber, Linda Quintos, Ann Rzeppa, Sonia Ocampo, Justino Diaz Martinez, Carole Leutenberg, Jerry Drolet, Olga Kondratuk, Rylee Consaul, Barbara Bussaline, Derek Nabie, Ivette Caporella, Edel Carlos , Oscar Rodriguez, Matias Gee, Stephen Gibson, Perry Gibson, Antonietta Capone, Raffaela Capone, Linda Daniel, Francis Nadeau, Audre Mae Robertson, Patricia Sebastian, John Bartus, Marie Panedianco, Milena Vargas, Tina Leto, Sandy Brownlee, Domingo Parrotta, Elena Parrotta, Raymond Salois, John Wyatt McGee (infant), Clara Moreno, Oscar Rodriguez, Tino Alvarez, Bernard Waldinger, Terry Kane, Cecilia Hershkworitz, Naomi Rosen, Mary Kane, Tino Alvarez, Bob LaCarr, Gregg Moore , Frances Johnson, Kathy & Jerry Wood, Victoria Nicole Vitelli, Josephine Leone, Rose La Sala, John Sala, Sr., Jeannie Sala, Vincent Sala, Claire Papa, Douglas Elias, Marilyn Nunziato, Jose Miguel Eguigure, Sofia Esmerald Eguigure, Anthony Pellegrino, Connie Busch, Bobbi Wade, Santos Arico, Joseph Santoro , William Cervantes, Lois Szekely, Joao C. Draga, Carol Hill, Lucille Settlemyer, Winston Burkett Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 ✂ What We Can Offer You and Your Business: • Many ad size options to meet your budget in color or black and white • One-on-one customer service to help build and design your ad • The ability to change your ad up to 12 times per year J.S. Paluch Company 1.800.432.3240 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 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Oakland Park Blvd. Lauderhill, FL 33313 S B & J Tr o p h i e s Office: 954.484.4443 Lic# 2827 BOB’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Thank You for Your Continuing Support. Trophies • Plaques • Laser Engraving 10480 N.W. 50 Street • 741-0020 (Corner of 50 St. & Hiatus) 748-4206 COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE William Nelson, President 954.608.2301 Welleby Plaza 10% Off Any Dry Cleaning Order 10091-W. Oakland Pk. Blvd. 10% Discount for Fellow Parishioners (On Most Repairs) email: 11820 N.W. 37th Place • Sunrise, FL 33323 PHIL Need A Painter Ask For Robert Call Office 954-746-4207 Cell 954-793-1061 Neat, Perfect, Reliable Interior, Exterior, Wallpaper, Removal & Knockdown Texture Licensed & Insured Gloria Hernandez “Certified Medicare / Medicaid Agency” HELP FOR SENIORS • DISABLED • SICK FREE RN EVALUATION Se Habla Español — Personal In Home Service — (Enables you to stay at home cheaper than nursing homes) UNITED PROPERTIES • Home Health Aide & CNA • Assist with Personal Care • Physical Therapy • Light Housekeeping & Daily Needs • Nurses • Grocery Shopping • Meal Preparation 954-776-4110 Direct 2625 Executive Park Dr., Suite 5 Weston, Florida 33331 (Most Insurances Accepted) Lic. # HHA299991447 BILL SIEGEL 954.342.4988 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal WINDSTORM MITIGATION INSPECTIONS 4-POINT INSURANCE INSPECTIONS COMPREHENSIVE HOME INSPECTIONS State Licensed Home Inspector: HI197 954.401.0704 PARISHIONER An ideal companion for personal prayer. 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