scripture readings for the week of the trinity
scripture readings for the week of the trinity
ST. AMBROSE CHURCH HOUSTON TEXAS OCTOBER 20, 2013 Readings for the Week of October 20, 2013 Sunday Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121; 2 Tm 3:14—4:2; Lk 18:1-8 Monday Rom 4:20-25; Ps 1; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Ps 40; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday Saint John of Capistrano, Priest Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop Rom 6:19-23; Ps 1; Lk 12:49-53 Friday Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday Rom 8:1-11; Ps 24; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14 _________________________________________________ Monday, October 21 8:00AM James Ringo Tuesday, October 22 8:00AM Miranda Lupe Wednesday, October 23 8:00AM Agnes Noska 6:30PM (Spanish) All The Souls In Purgatory Thursday, October 24 8:00AM Jim Lenahan Friday, October 25 8:00AM Fritz Baumgarten Saturday, October 26 8:00AM Jerrilyn (Noska) Pustejovsky 5:00PM Sadie Mustachio Sunday, October 27 8:00AM Dan Podsednik 10:00AM David and Camila Thiam 12:00Noon(Spanish) Veronica Ramsden 5:00PM Life Teen Mass – Michael Vu _________________________________________________________ Please pray for the speedy recovery of the following: Jacqueline Aguilar, Barbie Alexander, Rena Alonso, Gertie Atchison, Gerry Barbeau, Agnes Bashinski, Kelli Bevans, Pete Balcerowicz, Daniel Bilski, Dwayne Bilski, Lukas Bobb, Lee Ann Boutte, Bill Boyd, Imogene Boyd, Logan Brown, Arlie Brennan, Charles Brennan, Mark Carson, Edith Carson, Benny & Mary Cedillo, Katie Clark, Faye Collins, Elizabeth Cunningham, Henry Davis, Albina Diehl, , Betty Devine, Jimmie Dostalik, Mary Derkowski Dowling, Chinh Duong, Joanne Ensz, Marlena Esquivel, Landon Faterkowski, Roy Faust, Jonathan Flemate, Robert Freeman, Barbara Gardner, Louanna Portier Gellien, Donna Gillispie, John Graham, Leticia Graham, Octorio Gutierrez, Carlos Guzman, Patricia Hale, Bennie & Leona Hanus, Myra Hearn, Angela Hernandez, Israel Hernandez, Lucy Herrada, Rachel Herrera, Jack Holley, Donald Hunt, Pauline Hutchings, Mario Jimenez, Henry Kopycinski, Pete Kresta, Hilda Kennedy, Connie Kelpen, Louise Kubiak, Michael Lafferty, Marcela Lewis, Josephine Lovato, Carlos Lavato, Dominic Lucio, Rev. Bernard Mahoney, Martha Maldonado, Ellen Marinucci, Edmund Mazoch, Sharon McLeod, Justin Mendez, Sylvia Medina, Yolanda Medina, Jenelle McCormick, Pauline Michals, Michelle Miller, Blanca Montemayor, Pauline Morin, Louise Mock, Mark Mosser, Gloria Nunn, Kristen Oden, Christi Ortiz, Robert Peres, Melody Perez, Esther Price, Ernest Prodraza, Alberto Ramirez, Emily Rivera, Jeff Rivera, Cindy Rocha, Belinda Rocha, Alice Rocamontes, Hazel Rollins, Rene Salinas, Joe Sanchez, Georgiann Schulin, Shirley Shearer, Deena Skucius, Jon Stevens, Avelina Suarez, Dolores Tijerina, Daria Titts, Dan Mark Torres, Ann Tullo, Ken Vollbrecht, Michael Walker, Paul Whelan, Lori Woods, David Zaborowski, Josephine Zizelmann, Virginia Zamarripa, and Marion Zoufaly. BEREAVEMENT GROUP – We Grieve will meet on Thursday, October 24, from 1:15PM to 2:45PM in Room B. If you have any questions, please call Sr. Charline at 713-6822242. FOR YOUR INFORMATION - The University of the Incarnate Word will host a prospective student preview on Sunday, October 27. Mass will be held at 10:30AM in our Lady’s Chapel for those interested in attending. Check-in begins at 11:00AM outside Marian Hall. Anyone interested in learning more about UIW is encouraged to attend. Complementary Homecoming Football tickets are also available for Saturday, October 26. Call the Admissions Office at 210-829-6005. for further information. _________________________________________________ Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of Claudio Baldi who passed away. Pray that God grant peace and comfort to his loved ones. Let us pray for all those who have given their life for our freedom and for those who are serving in our military at home and abroad and especially the following: Victor J. Broussard, Peter Zachary Carroll, , Samuel Castillo, Brandon Cook, Matthew Cook, Master Sgt., Dean Crawford, Evie Estrada, Nephew Brandon Falcon, Robert Freedman, Olivia Garza, , Captain Mark Grahmann, Matthew Grissom, Timothy Groh, Lee Anthony Guerrero, Andrew S. Gutierrez, Bernie Hanus, Christopher Hernandez, Lucas Hernandez Matthew Hernandez, Mia Hernandez, Sean Dietrich Hrncir, Samuel Dylan Hrncir, Captain Mary Hrynyk, Captain Jason Hrynyk, Anthony Handy, Ivan Ibabao, Elizabeth Grassmann Ibabao, Kelpen, Kayla Loff, Robert Marquez, Jr., Aaron Limas, Captain Andrew Locke, Daniel Martinez, John Martinez, Major Kelly McGovern, Gamaliel Nava, Tony Noser, Dominic Patronella, Jeremy Redman, Captain Jonathan Reed, Casey Rogers, Daniel Salinas, The Smith Family, Oscar Sicola, Mertie St. Pierre, Adam M. Styers, and James Andrew Tammaro. [Type text] TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES GREAT ADVENTURE BIBLE STUDY SERIES BY JEFF CAVINS will be held at Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church. For more information, please call 713-679-8110. _________________________________________________ CHRIST WANTS YOU! People who are interested in serving God by visiting the sick, the poor, the lonely, those in prisons and the aged. There is a need for support from our parish to preserve this work of God to the outcasts and the forgotten. There are single parents out there with no hope in sight except the hands and hearts of Christ in each of us! The mission of St. Vincent de Paul Society needs your hands and your hearts. Please give some of your time to this important calling. If you have any questions, please call the St. Vincent de Paul Office at 713-686-3068. __________________________________________________ SPECIAL COLLECTION - This weekend, October 19 and 20, we will have our annual Propagation of the Faith Collection. Your prayers and generous help on World Mission Sunday help the mission Church – places where there is great zeal and enthusiasm for the faith but where schools cannot pay the salaries, the parish halls cannot keep the lights on, and the priests and Sisters cannot put gas in the tank. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you. DISCIPLE FORCE MINISTRY NEWS: Whether you are currently on active duty, on reserve, or a veteran on retired from active duty you and your family are cordially invited to attend our annual Veteran's Day Dinner. It will be a festive occasion with great food, a terrific guest speaker, a time to share memories, and an opportunity for us to thank each of you for your service to our country. Please contact Lowell or Judy Locke @ 281.890.9709 to reserve a place at our dinner and come prepared to have a great afternoon. On Saturday/Sunday, October 26th/27th, The Disciple Force Ministry will have a table set up in the Narthex of the church after every Mass to take reservations for the annual Veteran's Day Dinner in November. We will also accept donations to help defray some of the cost of the dinner. Your generosity would be very much appreciated as we hope to be able to feed 100% of all veterans and their immediate family in our parish at the dinner. Thank you. __________________________________________________ ATTENTION:GOLDEN YOUTH TRIP November 5, Tuesday Parishioners 50 years and older. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is every Saturday from 3:30PM until 4:30PM. ___________________________________________________ GIFTS FOR GOD October 13, 2013 Envelopes Loose Checks Mail Ins $ 9,549.50 , $ 1,518.50 $ 1,204.00 $12,272.00 Thank you for your support. BOD $83.00 On Tuesday, November 5, the Golden Youth Club of St. Ambrose will be taking a bus trip to explore Alvin. We begin with a trip to Bayou Wildlife Park where we will take a tram tour to get up close and personal with the animals. Then we'll have a dutch treat lunch at Joe's Barbeque Co - an Alvin favorite. We'll conclude our exploring at the Nolan Ryan Center where we will see his life and career documented. The tour is limited to persons 50 years or older and bus seating. The total cost for admissions will be $10 per person plus the cost of your lunch. Seniors interested in joining us on this trip contact Carol Herman at 713-688-6509 or email ____________________________________________________ Finance Council BINGO will be held on Tuesday, October 22, at 7:30PM in In honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the month of October is dedicated to the ROSARY. the auditorium. We will be calling three (3) Bonus Ball Numbers. Come for an enjoyable evening and bring your friends and neighbors. Please join us as we pray the week-end Mass during October. CONGRATULATIONS to this year’s Altar Society ARTS AND CRAFTS ROSARY 20 minutes before each will be held on Tuesday, October 22, at 1:00PM. We will meet in the auditorium. We will be preparing for our Annual Craft Sale. If you would like to help, just come to the auditorium. We will be glad to see you! Outstanding Altar Server Award winners. Teresa Garcia first place and Autumn Hardy second place. Thank you both for your dedicated service to God assisting Fr. Ben at different masses, while school in session or not, funerals and Holy Week Services. You have both made a difference. Thank you again for your service. ST. AMBROSE CHURCH HOUSTON TEXAS OCTOBER 20, 2013 HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION - On back to back HEAVEN ONLY KNOWS An Adult Faith Formation Program Part I THE SHACK Where Tragedy Meets Eternity THE NEXT MEETING IS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 AT 7:00 PM IN ROOM A IT GETS EVEN MORE EXCITING. BE THERE!!!! ________________ GOLDEN YOUTH will meet today, Sunday, October 20, at 20, at 2:00PM in the cafeteria. Finger foods will be served. Come and enjoy a wonderful afternoon. ___________________________________________ MEN’S CLUB will meet on Monday, October 21, at 7:00PM in the auditorium. ___________________________________________________ WORLD PRIEST DAY - Worldwide Marriage Encounter is sponsoring World Priest Day on Sunday, October 27. World Priest Day focuses on celebrating the ongoing affirmation of priests and building of relationships between couples and priests. The mission and purpose of World Priest Day is to celebrate and affirm the men who commit their lives to the Lord and the Church through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. It is an opportunity for Catholic parishioners everywhere to thank, affirm and share their love and support for priests. Join us as we gave thanks for our pastor, Fr. Ben, and all those who have answered the call to service. occurrence of Sunday and Holy Days, there is a precept of Eucharist participation for each day. However, whenever January 1, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or August 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption, or November 1, the Solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated (NCCB, 1/17/92. Congregation for Bishops, 7/4/92). While the Holy day obligation is automatically abrogated on these days the liturgy of the feast will still be celebrated. Reminder – Friday, November 1, is All Saints Day and a Holy Day of Obilgation. Mass Schedule will be as follows: October 31, Wednesday, Vigil Mass 7:00PM English November 1, All Saints Day 8:00AM and 12:00Noon – English 7:00PM – Spanish NEWS FROM THE CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS This weekend, the Catholic Daughters are collecting donations for the annual Seafarer’s boxes. There will be a box in the Narthex to place your donations of personal care items for Seamen from all over the world. The CDA donates to this group every year. Please note: any monetary donations will be greatly appreciated. Or you may donate any of the following: TOOTH PASTE, TOOTH BRUSHES, DEODERANT, SHAMPOO, SHAVING CREAMS, DISPOSABLE RAZORS, MEN’S AFTER SHAVE LOTIONS, BARS OF SOAP OR BATH WASH. PLEASE, NO AEROSOL CANS OF ANY KIND. WE ALSO NEED EMPTY SHOE BOXES IF YOU HAVE ANY TO GIVE. The seamen come in on ships and are given free time during the holidays but have nothing except the clothes on their backs. Please be generous and support this important mission of the CDA. Thank you and God Bless. __________________________________________________ CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS is for all ladies of the parish. You are invited to come to their November meeting and find out what they are all about. __________________________________________________ ALTAR SOCIETY will meet on Wednesday, November 6, iat 7PM. in the auditorium. Come and learn how you can get involved. All ladies of the parish are invited to attend. If you hae any questions, contact Sylvia Cruz at 713-501-8256. BUS TRIP TO COUSHATTA will be on Tuesday, October 29. Leave St Ambrose parking lot at 7:30AM. Please call Johanna at 281-448-0752 for more information. [Type text] TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES Domingo 20 de Octubre de 2013 29º domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Éxodo 17,8-13: Mientras Moisés tenía en alto la mano, dominaba Israel Salmo 120: El auxilio me viene del Señor, que hizo el cielo y la tierra 2 Timoteo 3,14–4,2: Proclama la palabra a tiempo y a destiempo Lucas 18,1-8: Parábola de la viuda y el juez injusto Jesús propuso esta parábola para invitar a sus discípulos a no desanimarse en su intento de implantar el reinado de Dios en el mundo. Para ello deberían ser constantes en la oración, como la viuda lo fue en pedir justicia hasta ser oída por aquél juez que hacía oídos sordos a su súplica. Su constancia, rayana en la pesadez, llevó al juez a hacer justicia a la viuda, liberándose de este modo de ser importunado por ella. En medio de tanto sufrimiento, al creyente le resulta cada vez más difícil orar, entrar en diálogo con ese Dios a quien Jesús llama “padre”, para pedirle que “venga a nosotros tu reinado”. Desde la noche oscura de ese mundo, desde la injusticia estructural, resulta cada día más duro creer en ese Dios presentado como omnipresente y omnipotente, justiciero y vengador del opresor. El cristiano, consciente de la compañía de Dios en su camino hacia la justicia y la fraternidad, no debe desfallecer, sino insistir en la oración, pidiendo fuerza para perseverar hasta implantar su reinado en un mundo donde dominan otros señores. Sólo la oración lo mantendrá en esperanza. No andamos dejados de la mano de Dios. Por la oración sabemos que Dios está con nosotros. Y esto nos debe bastar para seguir insistiendo sin desfallecer. Lo importante es la constancia, la tenacidad. Moisés tuvo esa experiencia. Mientras oraba, con las manos elevadas en lo alto del monte, Josué ganaba en la batalla; cuando las bajaba, esto es, cuando dejaba de orar, los amalecitas, sus adversarios, vencían. Los compañeros de Moisés, conscientes de la eficacia de la oración, le ayudaron a no desfallecer, sosteniéndole los brazos para que no dejase de orar. Y así estuvo –con los brazos alzados, esto es, orando insistentemente-, hasta que Josué venció a los amalecitas. De modo ingenuo se resalta en este texto la importancia de permanecer en oración, de insistir ante Dios.En la segunda lectura Pablo también recomienda a Timoteo ser constante, permaneciendo en lo aprendido en las Sagradas Escrituras, de donde se obtiene la verdadera sabiduría que, por la fe en Cristo Jesús, conduce a la salvación. El encuentro del cristiano con Dios debe realizarse a través de la Escritura, útil para enseñar, reprender, corregir y educar en la virtud. De este modo estaremos equipados para realizar toda obra buena. El cristiano debe proclamar esta palabra, insistiendo a tiempo y a destiempo, reprendiendo y reprochando a quien no la tenga en cuenta, exhortando a todos, con paciencia y con la finalidad de instruir en el verdadero camino que se nos muestra en ella. Con la colaboración de Servicio Biblico Latinoamericano Horario de Servicios Lunes a Sábado 8:00 a.m. Misa en Ingles Miércoles 6:30 p.m. Misa en Español Sábado 5:00 p.m. Misa en Ingles Domingo 8:00 y 10:00 a.m. Misa en Ingles 12:00 p.m. Misa en Español 5:00 p.m. Misa de Jóvenes Miércoles Exposición del Santísimo 8:30 a.m. a 6:15 p.m. Rosario en Español 10:00 a.m. Oración de la Divina Misericordia 3:00 p.m. Confesiones Miércoles de 5:30 a 6:15 p.m. Sábado de 3:30 a 4:30 p.m. Misa de Jóvenes La misa es a las 5:00 p.m. 1er y 3er domingo en español 2do y 4to domingo en Ingles 5to domingo del mes será bilingüe Exposición del Santísimo Se les hace una cordial invitación para que pasen tiempo en adoración frente al Santísimo. Está expuesto todos los miércoles después de la misa de 8:00 a.m. hasta las 6:15 p.m. en la capilla. ST. AMBROSE CHURCH HOUSTON TEXAS OCTOBER 20, 2013 Mes del Rosario Te invitamos a rezar el Santo Rosario en la iglesia cada domingo a las 11:30 a.m. para prepararnos a celebrar la Santa Eucaristía. El Coro Hispano de San Ambrosio les invita a unirse al coro para alabar a Dios. Recuerden que el que canta ora dos veces. Todos aquellos que les gustaría tocar un instrumento o cantar vengan a unirse al coro. Las prácticas son los Domingos a las 10:00 a.m. en el Youth Building y los Miércoles después de la Misa de de 6:30 a las 7:15 p.m. en la Iglesia. Para más información comuníquese con Alpha Omega Cruz-López al 281-808-3430 BAUTIZOS Bendiciones especiales Los bautizos son el domingo después de la Misa de 12:00 p.m. Las fechas de los bautizos son las siguientes: 17 de Noviembre 2013 15 de Diciembre 2013 19 de Enero 2014 16 de Febrero 2014 Llene la forma de registro en la oficina y entréguela junto con una copia del certificado de nacimiento del bebé. Los papás deben tomar las clases para bautizos si no lo han hecho en los dos últimos años y se recomienda que los padrinos lo hagan también. Clases para bautizos: Las clases para bautizos son el primero y segundo martes del mes de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. en el salón A Las siguientes clases para bautizos son: Noviembre 5 y 12,2013 Diciembre 3 y 10,2013 Enero 7 y 14, 2014 Febrero 4 y 11, 2014 Te gustaría aprender a tocar Guitarra Las clases son los lunes para todas las edades de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. Para más información comunícate Con Noé Ramírez 281-746-8454 El 1er domingo del mes es la presentación de los niños recién nacidos. El 2do domingo del mes se presentan los niños de 3 años. El 3er domingo del mes es la bendición para las parejas por su aniversario de bodas. Te invita a hacer de tu buen matrimonio uno mejor viviendo esta experiencia transformadora. El fin de semana de: Noviembre 1, 2 y 3, 2013 Para más información llamar a Esmeralda y Tony Vásquez al 713-628-2039 o CLASE DE PLANEACION NATURAL DE LA FAMILIA Se le invita a aprender el método de Ovulación Billings. Es un método de Planificación Familiar Natural que le permite a los esposos planear sus embarazos siguiendo las enseñanzas de la Iglesia y respetando el don de su amor matrimonial. Se dará gratuitamente, es sencillo de aprender y de usar para posponer embarazos o para lograrlos. Cualquier mujer puede usarlos sin importar que tan irregular sean sus ciclos. Además mejora la comunicación y la relación de los esposos. Las clases comenzaran el jueves 24 de octubre a las 7:00 p.m. en la Parroquia de San Carlos Borromeo y terminaran el 5 de Diciembre, a excepción del día de Accion de Gracias. Para más información llame a Gaby Schmude al 832-606-9000. [Type text] TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES FROM OUR MUSIC DIRECTOR Sunday Masses, special Archdiocesan Liturgies, and other services and celebrations. Anyone with an interest in Music or Singing is encouraged to join one of the choirs briefly outlined below. For more information, please contact Veronica Stevens, Music Director, at 281440-4445, or visit with her after any weekend Mass. CHORALE, Saturday evening Mass at 5:00PM Contact Veronica Stevens at 281-440-4445 FAMILY CHOIR, Sunday Mass at 8:00AM Contact Robert Korst at 713-688-0046 LITURGICAL CHOIR, Sunday Mass at 10:00AM Contact Veronica Stevens at 281-440-4445 SPANISH CHOIR, Sunday Mass at 12:00Noon Contact Alpha Omega Cruz – 281-808-3430 OPEN HOUSE - St. Agnes Academy invites all interested prospective students and their families to attend the annual Open House on Thursday, November 7, at 7:00PM. St. Agnes Academy is an all-girls Catholic college preparatory high school located at 9000 Bellaire Blvd. in southwest Houston. For more information, visit ________________ Also, St. Pius X High School will host an Open House evening on Tuesday, November 12, 2013. All middle school students and their parents/guardians are cordially invited to attend this this very exciting program that starts at 7:00PM in the auditorium. Come early for good parking. You will meet the faculty and staff and see students in action, and tour othe school ____________________________________________________ CLASS OF NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING We invite you to learn the Billings Ovulation Method. It is a Natural Family Planning method that allows the couple plan their pregnancies following the teachings of the Church and respecting the gift of her love marriage. The class is free of charge, is easy to learn and use to postpone or achieve pregnancy. Any woman can practice it no matter how irregular your cycles are. Classes will begin on Thursday, October 24, at 7PM in Room 9 at St.Charles Borromeo Church and end on December 5, with the exception of Thanksgiving Day. For more information, call Gaby Schmude at 832-606-9000. ___________________________________________________ Catholic Cruise to the Western Caribbean – Come and sail away with Fr. Martin Jones on March 30 through April 6, 2014 on Royal Caribbean’s Navigator of the Seas out of Galveston, Texas. Prices begin at $1299 for two passengers which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposits of only $175 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. For further information contact Doug orEileenat 1-860-3991785. ____________________________________________