St. Jerome Church - St. Jerome Catholic Church
St. Jerome Church - St. Jerome Catholic Church
St. Jerome Church 2402 33rd Street - Kenner, Louisiana 70065 Phone: (504) 443-3174 Fax: (504) 443-5499 Ministry of Concern - (504) 441-5014 Website: E-mail: We, the people of St. Jerome, share the mission of the Catholic Church to love and to worship God, our Father. We share the peace of Christ and the hope of eternal salvation with people of all cultures, races, nationalities and ages, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to developing and carrying out those programs and activities that will enable us to achieve that goal together. SACRAMENTAL LIFE PASTORAL/CLERICAL STAFF Rev. Quentin Moody, Pastor Mrs. Gail Bordelon, Director of Rel. Education Mrs. Martha Narváez, Parish Secretary Mrs. Martha Brown, Receptionist Permanent Deacon: Deacon Lieu Tran Office Hours: 9AM - 5PM (Monday -Friday) PASTORAL COUNCIL Mike Buisson, Craig Comeaux, Linda DiMaggio, Ron Reinhardt, Gail Bordelon, Clarisa Merle, Carole & Ray Schoenstein, Martha Narváez, María Granizo, Kathy Faia, Mari San Martín RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND FORMATION: Courses/Clases, Retreats/Retiros, RCIA, Neo-Catechumenate, Religious Ed K-12 grades (Tuesday & Wednesday) MINISTRIES AND GROUPS Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, Liturgy Committee, Unity-Hospitality Committee, Building and Maintenance Committee, Liturgical Ministries: Altar Servers, Ushers, Choirs, Eucharistic Ministers, Proclaimers, Altar Society, St. Jerome Council 6746 - 3310 Florida Ave. (469-6736) PRAYER AND DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration: Wed. (9:45 AM-2PM) & 1st. Saturday of each month (9:30 - Noon) Rosary: Daily at 8:45 am/Novena: Perpetual Help (Tuesday after 9am Mass) - Grupo Carismático (Viernes 7:00 PM) Other Services: Citizenship Classes. EUCHARIST/MISA Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. (English) Sunday 10:00 a.m. (English) Domingo (Spanish) 8:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri & 1st Sat. 9:00 a.m. (in Chapel) PENANCE (CONFESSION/RECONCILIATION): Saturday 3:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. Monday 8:30 to 8:55 AM (in Chapel) Anytime by appointment. Can be arranged anonymously. Baptism Preparation: (Infants through six years old) throughout the year except during Lent. Eucharist Preparation program For 1st graders and older. Communion to Shut-Ins or those hospitalized May be arranged by calling the church office. Confirmation Preparation Program For 9th graders and older. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK (ANOINTING) Upon request for the seriously ill, infirm, those undergoing major surgery, and/or confined to their homes. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Please contact the parish priest before going to the funeral home. The church is the proper and preferred place for the funeral liturgy. MATRIMONY Schedule a meeting with the parish priest or deacon a minimum of six months before the wedding date. Also, call for the possible validation or blessing of a marriage. QUINCEAÑERA REQUIREMENTS - Participating in Religious Formation Classes and/or attending Catholic Schools, Please call the church office. THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Dear Friends: The First two days of November are two very important feast days of the Church. The Feast of All Saints on November 1st. and The Feast of All Souls, November 2nd. We rejoice with the communion of the Saints. The Patriarchs, the Apostles, the Prophets, the Martyrs, and the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. We also honor all the canonized Saints of the Church and All of God’s people who are in Heaven: Our parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends and all those who have gone, to rest with God in Heaven. Our patron Saints inspire and protect us. We can call upon them, at all times, in our daily journey of faith. In personal illnes, environmental concerns, missionary work, labor and even for the family pet. It is a Christian tradition to name a child after a saint who has been canonized; this helps to define the ancient custom of christendom and gives us hope in God and the intercessuons of the Saints. Saint Paul wrote in his letter to the Colossians: “We always give thanks to God the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the love you bear toward all the Saints. Moved as you are by the hope held for you in Heaven”. Our second feast on November 2, is the Feast of All Souls. The Souls in purgatory are in need of our prayers. They are our departed brothers and sisters in Christ. We pray each and every day for them but in November they have a very special Memorial Day. The book of Maccabees in the Old Testament gives us this ancient practice. We reads that it is holy to pray for the dead that they may be “Loosed form sin”. The council of Trent officially declared that there is a Purgatory and that the Souls detained there are aided by our prayers and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Our ultimate goal, when we die, is to see God and live with him forever. Saint Thomas Aquinas calls it the “Beatific Vision”, to be privileged to look into the eyes of Almighty God. Jesus said: “In my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places and I am going to prepare a place for you”.(John: 14) Fr. Moody Today November 9, we have a BLOOD DRIVE in the Parish Hall from 8:00am. thru 1:30pm. THANKS FOR YOUR SOLIDARITY. REMAINDER TO THE LITURGY COMMITTEE. Thursday November 13th. At 7:30 pm. We will meet in the Parish Hall in preparation for the Advent Liturgy. For more information, please call the Church office. THANKSGIVING DRIVE 2014 The Ministry of Concern asks our parish family to join us in providing holidays food items for Thanksgiving food boxes. Please take 1 or more bags today after Mass to return next week. If any family finds it easier to donate $10 grocery gift card, please send this to the church office in care of the Ministry of Concern. Thank you for making Thanksgiving celebration brighter for so many families. INTERFAITH VOICES FOR PEACE. “An Interfaith Experience for the people of New Orleans” Wednesday, November 19 Gathering at 6:15 pm. Service at: 6:30 pm. Holy Name of Jesus Church. 6367 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans. For more information email: And find interfaith Voices for Peace—New Orleans on Facebook. DEDICACION DE LA BASILICA DE SAN JUAN DE LETRAN Hermanos y Hermanas: En Noviembre celebramos en la Iglesia Católica dos fiestas importantes: La Solemnidad de todos los Santos y la Conmemoración de todos los Fieles Difuntos. Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, hijo de Dios, quiere que los pueblos de Dios lleguen a vivir la vida eterna. Jesús dijo: “En la Casa de mi Padre hay muchas habitaciones, voy a prepararles un lugar cuando me vaya y les prepararé un sito. Volveré y los llevaré conmigo para que donde yo esté, esten también ustedes. ¿Y ya saben el camino para llegar a donde voy? Nadie va al Padre, si no es por mí”. Cristo ha muerto para poder a través de todas las generaciones renovar su Sacrificio y saciar el hambre del mundo. El Señor no nos marca rígidamente un solo camino, nos abre diversas posibilidades para el encuentro final. Nosotros somos niños de fe, soldados de Dios, cada día tenemos la Gracia de Cristo en preparación para la vida definitiva. Los Santos son hombres y mujeres de santidad. Hoy celebremos también de todos los pueblos de Dios en la casa la vida eterna: Padres, abuelos, primos, niños, tías, tíos, vecinos del mundo de ayer. Algunas veces es muy difícil vivir y tener felicidad en Navidad y cumpleaños sin nuestros difuntos. Pero tenemos la promesa de Cristo y la esperanza a ver la familia de la terrenal. Entonces tendremos la celebración con los ángeles y los santos a la cena de la vida eterna con la Virgen María, San José y nuestro Señor . En la puerta de un cementerio católico hay una inscripción latina que reza así en nuestra lengua: “Para descanzo de los que mueren y aviso de los que viven”. Nosotros tenemos la invitación de Cristo: “Venid a mi todos los que estais cansados que yo os aliviaré”. Fr. Moody Hoy Domingo 9 de Noviembre habrá una COLECTA DE SANGRE de 8:00 am. a 1:30 pm. En el Salón Parroquial. ¡GRACIAS POR SU DONACION! COLECTA DE COMIDA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS. El Ministerio de Ayuda, necesita del apoyo de los feligreses para llenar la canasta de alimentos que serán distribuidas para la cena del día de Acción de Gracias. Por favor, tome 1 o más bolsas y regréselas el próximo Domingo. Si usted desea donar $10 en tarjeta de regalo, la puede dejar en las oficinas de la Iglesia/Ministerio de Ayuda. GRACIAS POR HACER DEL DIA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS UNA CELEBRACION ESPECIAL. AL COMITE DE LITURGIA Les recordamos que el día 13 de Noviembre a las 7:30 pm se les espera en el Salón Parroquial. Para mayor información favor llamar a las oficinas de la Iglesia. VOCES DE INTEGRACION DE FE PARA LA PAZ. “Una experiencia de integración de Fe para el pueblo de Nueva Orleans” Miercoles 19 de Noviembre. Reunirse a las 6.15 pm. Servicio a las 6:30 pm. Iglesia: Holy Name of Jesus 6367 St. Charles Ave. - Nueva Orleans Para mas información email: visite interfaith Voices for Peace– New Orleans en Facebook. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Reflecting on God’s Word We are not all we would like to be. We know that only too well. The seven capital sins are not just fantasies. We readily embody them: anger and pride and greed and lust and gluttony and envy and laziness. Our spirits bear the mark of Cain. It’s also true that we often want others to be what we ourselves cannot be, and so we look to the Church, except that the Church is us, and if we are sinful, so too is the Church. Our history as a community of believers says it all too clearly. We waged war with the Crusades. We reveled in the power of ruling over civil states. We became intolerant during the Inquisition. We were a storehouse of wealth. And most recently we were too proud to admit the sexual abuses taking place in our midst. If we are the dwelling place of God, a temple made of living stones, then we are also in need of being swept clean just as Jesus once cleansed the temple in his day. We come to recognize that need. The good news is that the Church is being swept clean, in every age, because sin slips through in every age. And so the Church, that living temple, is constantly being made new, painful as it may be. It would be wonderful if the Church were all that the gospel professes. The fact that it is not may be disappointing, but God’s reign has not yet arrived—at least not fully. In the meantime, the Lord Jesus continues to cleanse us and renew us. And the marvel is that the river that flows from that temple of living stones is still bringing life to all it touches—in spite of our sinfulness. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. EVANGELIZATION I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know him or have forgotten him. —St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Living God’s Word Living with self-inflicted limitations is no easy task, personally or ecclesially. On the other hand, the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ renews the Church and helps us to build his kingdom as best we can. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. November 1 - 2 2014 Recorded Contribution Loose Collection Total $ 2,159.00 $ 2,963.14 $ 5,122.14 Build. & Maintenance $ 1,864.00 WEEK SCHEDULE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9ND Piano & Guitar Classes (1:30-2:30) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH Bible Study (Spanish) (7:30) Clases de Liturgia (7:00PM) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH Rel. Ed. Classes for K-5th grades (6:00 PM) Neo-catechumenate (8:00PM) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH EXPOSITION AND ADORATION (9:30-2PM) Rel. Ed Classes for 6th-12th grades (7 PM) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH Grupo Carismático SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH 4:00PM Vigil Mass 6:00PM Groupo de Jóvenes AA MEETING– EVERY NIGHT (SAT-SUN 8-9 PM) WHILE IN PRAYER, PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LOVED ONES SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (#6746) 3310 Florida Ave 504-469-6736/504-352-7107 Friday Lunch Specials(11AM—1PM) Fish Plate, Shrimp Plate, Grill Shrimp Salad, Combo Plate (Phone in orders available) Pescado, Camarones Fritos, Ensalada de Camarones a la Parrilla PLEASE PRAY FOR: June Bonin, Owen J. Lacour, Sr., Loraine Delk, Arthur Wail, Vita Thibodeaux, Dana Ness, David Kritikos, Stephanie & Gregory Frazier, Steven D. Murphy & Family, Vivian Guarisco, Carol Oliver, Angel Ramos, Lisa Devenport, Craig Dorran, Robert Munter, Julian Largaespada, Andrea Godoy, Brenda Teppen, Jean Garaudy, Bárbara Smagacaz, Terry Gleason, Michael Ayala, Grace Wallace, Stephanie Matherne, Lori Freese, Hattie & Steven Bailey, Artie Kirsch, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Du Luca, Allen Weiner, Blake Graff, Brent & Michelle Smith, Vita Elmer, Charles Stansbury, Nick, Gahchan, Ted Fraiche, Nelson & Wilma Normand, Janice Racca, Joseph Thibodeaux, Aida del Carmen Méndez, Katelyn West, Mitch Leger, Beverly Phelps, Carrie Bourque, Sheila Cadow, Mary Babin, Brenda Becnel, Regina Sandoval, Diane Ladner, Margarita Mesa, Roberto Otorno, Christine & Marcia Graff, Allen Jolly, Jr., Althea Alcock, Nedime Sherif, Luis Campuzano, Jr., Ismais Rende, Clair Klein, Adriana Stillwell, Audrey Gurtler, Lodge Hensley, Melvin & Marie Barnewold, Diane McCarthy, Deanna Perkins, Mary Ann Mount, Nancy Geraci, Claire Ricciardo, Baby Elizabeth Ward, Wayne McWorthy, A. Varela, Mary L. Blanchard, Bonnie & Carmel Orillion, Dorothy Gabriel, Roger & Marilyn Bombardler, Sr, Marria N. Madere & those in hospitals, nursing homes & confined to their homes. Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios No somos lo que quisiéramos ser. Eso lo sabemos muy bien. Los siete pecados capitales no son fantasías. Nosotros los personificamos bien: ira y soberbia, avaricia y lujuria, gula, envidia y pereza. Nuestro espíritu lleva consigo la marca de Caín. También es cierto que a menudo queremos que los demás sean como nosotros no podemos ser y por eso buscamos a la Iglesia como guía; pero la Iglesia somos nosotros y si nosotros somos pecadores también la Iglesia lo es. Nuestra historia como comunidad de creyentes lo dice todo y muy claramente. Libramos una guerra contra las Cruzadas. Nos rebelamos para alcanzar el poder gubernamental y civil. Nos volvimos intolerables durante la Inquisición. Fuimos un almacén de riquezas. Y más recientemente fuimos demasiado arrogantes para admitir los abusos sexuales que estaban ocurriendo en medio nuestro. Si somos el templo de Dios, un templo hecho de piedras vivas, entonces también necesitamos que se nos limpie igual que Jesús una vez limpió el templo de su época. Nosotros reconocemos esta necesidad. Lo bueno es que la Iglesia también se limpia en cada generación, porque el pecado se cuela en todas las épocas. Y así también la Iglesia, ese templo vivo, se va haciendo nueva constantemente, aunque el proceso sea doloroso. Sería maravilloso si la Iglesia fuera todo lo que profesa el Evangelio. El hecho de que no sea así, puede desilusionar, pero el reino de Dios no ha llegado todavía, no del todo. Mientras tanto el Señor Jesús continúa limpiándonos y renovándonos. Y lo maravilloso es que el río que fluye de ese templo de piedras vivas todavía da vida a todo lo que toca, a pesar de nuestro pecado.—Padre Joseph J. Juknialis Derechos de autor © 2012, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. SANCTUARY LIGHT BURNS THIS WEEK IN CHURCH FOR GOOD HEALTH OF JUNE BONIN Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Vivir con las limitaciones que nosotros mismos nos imponemos no es tarea fácil, ni personal ni eclesiásticamente. Por otra parte, la presencia del Señor Jesús renueva a la Iglesia y nos ayuda a construir su reino lo mejor que podamos. Derechos de autor © 2012, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados . PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Please support the sponsors on the back of our bulletin. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH 8:00 AM Parish Family. 10:00 AM Intention for Living Tree Dominick Scandurro - Richard Taranto, Sr. End of Abortion - Peter Flores - John Russo. 12:00 PM GOOD HEALTH: Leopoldo Guzmán - Angel Ramos Jesús Canizales - Davi M. Galeas. REST IN PEACE: Judith Vázquez Angeles Pedro Cardoza - Concepción Arriaza Leopoldo Galván - Bernabe C. Ruíz Amarilis Merle– Flor C. Sancho Alicia Machado - Raúl Cáceres Salvador Herrera - María A. Ardón Ronny Villalta - Raúl Rico Estrada Juan Hernández - Esperanza Mejía Anaya Eduardo Aguilar - Carlos Canzoneri Margarita Román A. - Mariano Escamilla Anastasia Gonzáles - Lucía Escamilla María Elisa Elías - Francisca Guzmán Lucas Cortés - Vicensio Martínez Hebert Suls - Familia Villegas Márquez Familia Pérez MárquezBIRTHDAY: Maritza Rizo - Rose Mary Bardales. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH 9:00 AM Yolanda de Rizo (Death . Anniv.) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH 9:00 AM Jim & Jeffrey Bordelon WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 12TH 9:00 AM Carolina Melgar (L) (Brithday) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH 9:00AM Our Blessed Mother Intentions FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH 9:00AM Bridgette Cardilora SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH 4:00PM Minnie Duval READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Wednesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] • Heating • Welding • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Building Maintenance • Underground Water Mains • Gas Testing • Water Heaters • Underslab Repairs PLUMBING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. • Video Inspection Over 50 Years Experience • Fire Hydrant Installation & Repairs 200 N. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931