October 18, 2015 - St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church


October 18, 2015 - St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
St. Anthony of Padua Church
October 18, 2015
Bulletin Bites
The rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you.
The disciples of Jesus were not immune to temptations for power and prestige. Despite all that Jesus
had taught them and all they had seen him do, they still thought, or hoped, that Jesus had come to establish an
earthly kingdom that would free them of the oppression of their Roman conquerors and the Jewish leaders.
They had visions of “Doing unto others what had been done to them.” Jesus ask them if they could do what he
knew he had to do. They had no clue what he meant, but they enthusiastically said, “Yes, we can.” Jesus does
not condemn them for their human weakness of pride and envy, but he tells them that their greatness will be
determined, not by wealth, power and prestige, but by the way they serve others, by
becoming a slave to all. That certainly is not what James and John, or any of the
other disciples, had in mind. It would not be until Jesus rose from the dead and
served them meals that they would begin to understand. We have their testimony in
the Scripture that they understood. Do we understand?
Gerald J. "Jerry" Martinez, J.D., M.Th.
Altar Servers Needed:
Children and/or adults interested in becoming
Altar Servers may contact Michael Vance via
email at Micvance@gmail.com.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation):
Adults interested in becoming Catholic, should
contact the office at 488-2651 to join our RCIA
program. Sessions are each Sunday at 9:15 am
in the Priory. You can reach the RCIA Coordinator
at rcia@sapparish.org.
United Nations Statue of Our Lady of Fatima:
Please join us the weekend of November 7 & 8 in
the Church to pray for our families, our country,
our leaders and for peace in the world. During
the U.N. Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima’s
visit, St. Anthony we will have a special Opening
Mass, Recitation of the Rosary, Recitation of the
Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Adoration. For
schedule, see the flyer on the information desk in
the back of church, visit our website,
www.sapparish.org or call the church office.
Gluten Allergies:
If you or a family member who attends church
here has a gluten allergy, please contact the
church office so we can make arrangements for
you to receive gluten-free hosts when receiving
Holy Communion.
Into the Wild Men’s Retreat:
Into the Wild at Chico State Park; November 12
to 15; trains men in orienteering, topography,
weaponry, self-defense, survival skills, wild game
food preparation, and more. The days begin with
prayer, Mass, and a brief talk. Contact Michael
(985) 768-2953 for details.
Annual Symposium for Systemic Change:
Focusing on organizing for systemic change, Laity
and Prison Ministry, re-entry strategies for returning citizens; October 23 8:45 am to 1:30 pm at
St. Genevieve Church 58203 Hwy 433 Slidell.
Beginning Experience Weekend:
This weekend retreat is full of healing for those
suffering a loss of a spouse either through death
or separation/divorce. Those who have attended
this weekend attest to the new hope they have
received and the powerful safe and loving environment they found in the experience. Under the
sponsorship of the Archdiocese of New Orleans
Family Life Apostolate this international program
has helped thousands navigate the road through
grief. Call Rose (504)455-8920 for more info.
Prayer to Saint Jude
Most holy Apostle St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church
honors and invokes you universally as
the patron of hopeless cases, of things
despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone; make use, I implore you,
of this particular privilege accorded to
you, to bring visible and speedy help,
where help is almost despaired of. Come
to my assistance in this great need, that I
may receive the consolations and succor
of Heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, particularly (here
make your request), so that I may bless
God with you and all the elect forever.
I promise you, O blessed St. Jude, to be
ever mindful of this great favor, and I
will never cease to honor you as my special and powerful patron and to do all in
my power to encourage devotion to you.
A huge “Thank-you” to all who made
our two dances a great success!
May our Lord pour His blessings upon you!
The 29TH Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ XXIX Domingo Ordinario
Los gobernantes sobre los gentiles, el Señor sobre ellos,
y haz tu autoridad hacerse sentir sobre ellos; pero no sera entre ustedes.
Los dicipulos de Jesus no estaban exentos a tentaciones de poder y prestigio. A pesar de las
enseñanzas de Jesus, y todo lo que le vieron hacer; aun pensaban o esperaban que Jesus habria venido para
establecer un reinado terrenal que los libraria de la opresion de conquistadores romanos y lideres judios.
Tenian visiones de “hacer a otros lo que les han hecho a ellos”. Jesus les pregunto si
podian hacer lo que el sabia debia hacer. No tenian idea lo que les decia, pero con entusiasmo dijeron “si, podemos”. Jesus no los condena por su debilidad humana de
orgullo y envidia, pero les dijo que su grandeza sera determinada, no por sus riquezas,
poder o prestigio; pero por la forma que sirven a otros siendo esclavos de todos. Esto
ciertamente no era lo que Juan, o cualquier otro dicipulo, tenian en mente. No seria
hasta que Jesus surgio de entre los muertos y les sirvio comida que comenzaron a entender. Tenemos su testimonio en las escrituras que entendieron. Entendemos nosotros?
Deacon Gerald J. "Jerry" Martinez, J.D., M.Th.
San Judas Tadeo
Próximos eventos
La estatua de Nuestra Senora de Fatima en
peregrinaje de la Naciones Unidas estara visitando San Antonio de Padua el 7 y 8 de
Noviembre, 2015. Todos estan invitados a unirse
durante el fin de semana para orar por nuestra
nacion y el mundo. Porfavor vea el boletin en
frente de la iglesia para los horarios.
Alergias al Gluten:
Si usted o un miembro de su familia tiene alergia
al gluten, porfavor contacte la oficina parroquial
para hacer arreglos y que pueda recibir hostia
sin gluten durante la sagrada communion.
Educación Religiosa:
Clases seran cada martes a las 6:15 pm a 7:30 pm
en el auditorio de la escuela. Se requieren los padres recoger a sus hijos desde el auditorio de
despido. Llamar a Joyce para más información.
Se Necesitan Monaguillos:
Niños y adultos interesados en servir como
monaguillos pueden contactar a Luis Mendez
al 837-0646
El Apostolado Hispano invita a los musicos para la
Conferencia de Musica Liturgica el Viernes 20 de
Noviembre a las 7:00pm y Sabado 21 de
Noviembre a las 9:30am. (504) 467-2550
San Judas Tadeo nació en Caná de Galilea, era
agricultor. Su padre fue Alfeo Cleofás, hermano de San José y su madre María Antera,
prima hermana de María Santísima. Tuvo
quatro hermanos: Santiago el Menor, apóstol;
José llamado el Justo; Simón,Obispo de Jerusalén y María Salomé, madre de Santiago el
Mayor y de San Juan Evangelista. El reservado
y paciente agrónomo, al escuchar la palabra de
su primo Jesús, dejo su trabajo para integrarse a
la legión de discípulos del Mesías, convirtiéndose en uno de sus apóstoles; siendo el más
grande y fervoroso predicador de la doctrina del
Maestro. Llevo el mensaje mesiánico hacia las
regiones de Galilea, Judea, Asia, Egipto, Eufrates, Tigris, Libia, Samaria, Edesa y Babilonia, llegando hasta los confines de Siria y Persia. En su paso por estos lugares sufrió crueles
persecuciones, más ello no lo detuvo para realizar numerosos prodigios y con su predica
transformo cientos de personas al cristianismo,
entre ellos al Rey Acab de Babilonia. Transitando por numerosos caminos con su hermano
Simón, llego a Persia donde todas las mujeres
eran iguales "madre, tía, hermanas, sobrinas";
los muertos eran llevados a los bosques para
que fueran devorados por los animales, entre
otros tratos y actos que atentaban contra los
valores morales y cristianos. San Judas recorrió
todo el territorio, predicó corrigiendo todos los
vicios y errores, logrando convertirlos a todos
(cien mil habitantes); bautizó y dio la
confirmación e hizo matrimonios masivos.
Con la ayuda de todos levanto capillas donde el
pueblo iba a rezar y a escuchar el Sermón de
los Apóstoles; hizo que enterrasen a sus muertos y todos lograsen vivir felices cumpliendo
con la Ley de Dios y sus principios valorativos.
Oración a San Judas Tadeo
¡Santo Apóstol San Judas, fiel siervo y amigo
de Jesús!, la Iglesia te honra e invoca universalmente, como el patrón de los casos difíciles
y desesperados. Ruega por mi, estoy solo y
sin ayuda.
Te imploro hagas uso del privilegio especial
que se te ha concedido, de socorrer pronto y
visiblemente cuando casi se ha perdido toda
esperanza. Ven en mi ayuda en esta gran
necesidad, para que pueda recibir consuelo y
socorro del cielo en todas mis necesidades,
tribulaciones y sufrimientos, particularmente
(haga aquí su petición), y para que pueda
alabar a Dios contigo y con todos los elegidos
por siempre.
Te doy las gracias glorioso San Judas, y prometo nunca olvidarme de este gran favor,
honrarte siempre como mi patrono especial y
poderoso y, con agradecimiento hacer todo lo
que pueda para fomentar tu devoción. Amén.
St. Anthony of Padua Church
Liturgy Intentions
for the Week of Oct. 17 to 23, 2015
Saint Ignatius of Antioch,
Bishop and Martyr
Rom 4:13, 16-18; Lk 12:8-12
4:00 The Keith, Aubert, & Brotmeyer Families,
Mel and Gasper Schiro, Herman Simmons
Joyce Kelly, Jerry Kelly, Jack Pfeffer,
Dr. Charles and Raymond Wagner,
Julienne Christensen, Robert J. Henry, Jr.,
Dorothy Joy Sanders, Charles Cresson,
Edward and Odi Moises, Michael Early,
Leland Palmature, Marguerite Grundman,
Wanda Balestra
October 18, 2015
Mon. Oct. 26: Monthly Mass and Healing Service at 7:00 pm
Sun. Nov. 1: All Saints Day
Mon. Nov 2: All Souls Day (Not a Holy Day of Obligation)
Nov. 3 - 5: St. Martin de Porres Triduum details to be announced
Nov. 7/8: Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue visits
Nov. 7/8: Monthly Food Drive/2nd Collection: Parish Improvement Fund
Nov. 21/22: Second Collection: Campaign for Human Development
Mon. Nov. 23: Monthly Mass and Healing Service at 7:00 pm
Nov. 26/27: Thanksgiving Holiday - Church Office Closed
Nov. 28/29: Advent Begins
Dec. 5/6: Blessing of Expectant Mothers
Dec. 5/6: Monthly Food Drive/2nd Collection: Parish Improvement Fund
Dec. 7: Parish Council Meeting 7:00 pm
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 53:10-11; Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45 Or 10:42-45
7:30 Ashley Code
9:00 Edelmira Juarez de Chacon, Ela Acevedo,
Noemi de la Grana, Aida Diaz,
Jorge Diaz, Mariana Iribar y Familia,
Mario Montenegro Acuña, Teodoro Martinez,
Benito Borges, Robert Henry, Jr.
11:00 St. Anthony of Padua Parishioners
Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues,
Priests, and Companions, Martyrs
Rom 4:20-25; Lk 12:13-21
8:15 The Souls in Purgatory
12:10 Mary Decareaux
Saint Paul of the Cross
Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Lk 12:35-38
8:15 Edward Bopp
12:10 Paul and Lisa McGoey
Rom 6:12-18; Lk 12:39-48
8:15 Dolores Diaz Veliz
12:10 Paul McGoey, Gabrielle Davis,
Marie T. Blaum, Robert Henry, Jr.
Saint John Paul II, Pope
Rom 6:19-23; Lk 12:49-53
The Spirit of truth will testify to me, says the Lord, and you also will testify.
John 15:26-27
Parish Giving for October 11, 2015
First Collection ($6,500 needed weekly)
12:10 p.m. Weekday Mass
Votives (Candles)
St. Anthony of Padua Social Apostolate
Parish Improvement
There will be no second collection next week.
Thank you!
A Dominican Friar meditating on the
Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
Artwork by Fr. John G. Restrepo, O.P.
Note-cards and postcards
with this image are
available in the Church office.
$1 for an individual card
$10 for a pack of 12 note cards
8:15 Humberto Brocato
12:10 Ellen Geheeb
Saint John of Capistrano, Priest
Rom 7:18-25a; Lk 12:54-59
8:15 Edda R. Aleman
12:10 Grace Campbell
Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop
Rom 8:1-11; Lk 13:1-9
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jer 31:7-9; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52
Celebrating 100 Years!
A huge “Thank-you” to all who made our dances a great success!
August 13, 2016, 4:00 pm
100th Year Celebration Closing Mass
St. Anthony of Padua Church
Congratulations to Matthew King who won
the drawing on October 12, 2015.
Our next drawing will be October 19, 2015.
October 18, 2015
Please pray for the Priests of our Archdiocese
Will you commit to praying for an end to abortion?
Di Fiore,
The United Nations Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
Will be visiting St. Anthony of Padua
On November 7 & 8, 2015
All are invited to join us at any time during the weekend
to pray for our nation and our world.
Please see the flyer in the back of the church for schedule.
This is the only religious statue ever
allowed to go into the United Nations’
Meditation Room.
A Dominican Rosary Apostolate
Email: friarmarianoveliz@preachmypsalter.org
Preach My Psalter
Offers the following on Saturday mornings:
5 am Holy Hour: Adoration, Rosary, & Benediction
Confessions available during Holy Hour
6:10 am Eucharistic Celebration
2015 Schedule:
October 3 (First Saturday), 10, 17, 24 & 31;
November 7 (First Saturday), 14, 21, & 28;
December 5 (First Saturday), 12, 19, & 26
Please see flyers on the information desk in the back of church.
St. Alphonsus Liguori wrote:
“Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the
greatest after the Sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most
helpful to us”. The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: By not only
celebrating the Eucharist, but also by praying before It outside of Mass,
we are enabled to make contact with the very wellsprings of Grace ..."
You are invited to participate in Eucharistic Adoration each Friday
Adoration begins after 8:15 Mass; ends with Benediction at 11:50 am.
You can spend a few minutes, an hour or as much time as you desire.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is to develop an atmosphere for the members
of our Faith Community to live out the four-fold goals of the Catholic Church:
Worship, Word, Service, & Community.
Please support SAP School by purchasing
wrapping paper at www.innisbrook.com
Use ID #123960
Bible Trivia:
As we place our trust in the Lord what
are we asking Him to place upon us?
(Hint: look in today’s readings)
Last week’s answer:
“The Word of God”
See Hebrews 4:12-13