3/6 Mrs. Spitz - Ellsworth Elementary School


3/6 Mrs. Spitz - Ellsworth Elementary School
March 2013
Ellsworth Elementary – Home of the Excelling Eagles-We are a performing plus school!!!
38454 N. Carolina Ave. San Tan Valley, AZ. 85140
480-882-3520 voice
480-987-8250 fax
www.jocombs.org and www.ellsworth.jocombs.org
Mrs. Spitz
“Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow”
Parent/Teacher Conferences are March 21st and 22nd. Each day is an
early release day at 11:15 am. PM kindergarten comes to school on
the 21st and AM kindergarten comes to school on the 22nd. Lunch
will not be served.
Parents please come and conference with your teachers and see what
progress your child is making!
If you can not make your conference, you may call your teacher at
480-882-3520 and see if you can reschedule.
Our Spring Break will be
from March 11th-18th.
Students will return to
school on March 19th.
Friday, March 22, 2013, Ellsworth will have their Honor Roll Assembly.
We would love to have or parents join us!
4th -6th Grade will be at 8:30am
K-3rd Grade will be at 9:15am
Spring Pictures are on Tuesday,
March 26, 2013. Come and bring
your biggest SMILES!!!
Parents: You can download a yearly school calendar
off of our school website. You can also get information
on upcoming events and lunch menus from the
calendar. Check out the links for your child’s teacher!
Scholar of Distinction (Grades 1-6): 98%-100%
Principal’s Honor Roll (Grades1-6): 95%97%
Dean’s List (Grades 1-6): 90%-94%
Honor Roll (Grades 1-6): 84%-89%
Soaring Eagles (Grades 1-6): Max of 2 students per class chosen by
teacher who have shown the most improvement.
AIMS TESTING will be from April
15th-19th. Please make sure to
schedule Dr. Appointments and all
other appointments accordingly.
The website address is:
Please remember to check Jupiter
Grades to see how your child is doing in
25Kindergarten Registration Begins!
1st Grade Seussical Sing Along
PTO Meeting at 5:30pm
Spring Break
St. Patrick’s Day
Students Return to school
Parent/teacher Conferences,
½ day dismissal
Spring Pictures
Good Friday (No School)
Looking Ahead
April Fool’s Day
Progress 4 Reports go home
PTO Elections at 5:30pm
Earth Day
Release at 12:00pm. Report
Cards go home.
Memorial Day
Orchestra students did a fantastic job February
22nd at their Glow-In- the Dark Concert! Thanks
to all who helped make this performance activity
a wonderful successJ The orchestra is looking
forward to the end of the year evening concert
on stage, as well as the solo/ensemble
performance in May, a day time performance.
There will be more information to come on these
upcoming activities.
Child Find
J.O. Combs Unified School District #44 has programs
for children in preschool through age 22 who may require
special education services. Through the ongoing Project
Child Find, the district is seeking children with disabilities
who are not yet receiving any special education services.
Our district serves the needs of school-aged children who
have physical, mental, and emotional, speech, hearing,
vision, language, or other disabilities. If you know of any
such children, or have questions about the programs
available, please call your neighborhood school or Rhonda
at the district’s special needs office at 480-987-5321. If
you have any specific questions about preschool-age
children, call Ranch School at
Please have your children visit my weekly website
at http://mrsbattaglia.weekly.com/ throughout the
year. Student work will be displayed here for your
viewing as well as many websites for learning. 5th &
6th grade have worked on keyboarding – please have
students go to my site and do keyboarding
practice/speed tests.
Thank you, Mrs. Battaglia
Mrs. MarJan Moulding
Orchestra Teacher
We will be starting sales for the 2012-2013 Ellsworth Yearbook in the near future!
Look out for more information!
The Character Club will be selling freshly made popcorn before
school in the foyer on Tuesdays for $.50.
Ellsworth L.E.A.P. & Math Enrichment
Our 3 Quarter is almost over and grades 3-6 are concentrating on preparing for the AIMS test. We
are continuing to work on the same skills and state standards that are being taught in their regular
classes, except that they are at a more advanced level.
First and Second Grades: We learned about fractions using shape puzzles and created fraction gardens.
Learning to read and create graphs has been our focus this last week.
Third Grade: Third grade has been concentrating on measurement. We have learned linear
measurement, converting inches, feet, yards and miles. This week we have learned units for capacity and
weight, and which units are best to measure each item.
Fourth Grade: Fourth Grade has focused on converting fractions to percent and decimals. We have
concentrated on elapsed time, measuring it in days, weeks, months and years as well as minutes and
Fifth Grade: Fifth Grade has been learning about the “nets” of 3D shapes. We created many different 3D
shapes along with their nets. We learned to identify the attributes of each 3D shape. This week we have
concentrated on graphs, creating double bar and circle graphs on the computers..
L.E.A.P. Club: The next L.E.A.P. Clubs will be Thursday, March 21 and Thursday, May 4th. It will
continue on every other Thursday, the weeks that I’m at Ellsworth. It will be right after school,
from dismissal until 4:15pm.
Wish List: Old socks to use as erasers for individual white boards, Kleenex, white board markers, wipes,
and pencils.
Please contact Mrs. Mapes with any questions, comments or concerns:
Cell: (480)276-1645
Spring Break Camp
The Community Education Department will be hosting camp over Spring Break, March 11-15, 2013, at Harmon
Elementary. In addition, we will offer camp on the professional development day on Monday, March 18. Camp hours are
6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Your K-6 student will stay engaged in arts and crafts, planned activities, ping-pong, indoor and
outdoor action, and oodles of fun. Register online. Please see “Camp Programs” webpage, under the “Community
Education” tab on the District website www.jocombs.org.
FLAG Football
Boys and girls (grades 1-6), it's time to register for FLAG football! Register early to ensure your spot on a team.
Registration ends when teams are full or March 8, whichever comes first. Season dates & details, as well as registration is
online. Please see the “Sports Programs” webpage, under the “Community Education” tab on the District website
Cheer Team
With a focus on technique and precision, K-6 students will learn sideline cheers as well as dance routines, while having
fun! The team will be cheering at JOCUSD Flag Football games on Saturday mornings. There will be a parent
performance on the last day of class. Please see the “Sports Programs” page under the “Community Education” tab on the
District Website www.jocombs.org for more details.
Karate is a fun and exciting way for students to flexibility, muscle tone, speed, and strength. Students will also develop
additional skills such as courtesy, respect, self-esteem, conflict resolution, discipline, goal setting, and leadership skills.
Class will take place after school on Wednesdays at Ellsworth beginning March 20th. Please see the “Enrichment
Classes” webpage under the “Community Education” tab on the District website www.jocombs.org.
Bow Making
Come join us and learn how to make those beautiful bows you see in the boutiques! Your price includes ribbon "sets" that
look cute together. Choose from either straight bows or curly bows.
Cost: $15 per bow set (two bows)
Times/Dates: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., March 27
Location: Combs District Office, Professional Development room
Pre-registration required. (We will collect money collected at the door.) Please contact the Community Education
Department via e-mail (jwenger@jocombs.k12.az.us) or at 480-987-5310.
Adult Zumba
Adult Zumba Fitness Class are on-going at the CTA gym every Monday & Wednesday from 6:30 – 7:30
pm! Classes are $5 each or purchase a $28 pass for 6 classes! Pay at the door. No sign up necessary.
Get It Together: Organize Your Financial Records
Contracts, files, and statements… oh my! If you have ever wondered how long you should keep your
bank statements or if it is time to shred your tax documents, this class is for you. You will learn the
basics behind financial record organization and how to get it together!
Cost: $0
Times/Dates: 8:30 a. m. - 9:30 a.m. on March 20
Location: Combs District Office, Professional Development Room
No registration required.
 N
, students are piling on the phonics skills – adding 2 or three skills each week. Everyone’s
confidence is improving and many students enjoy proving their comprehension skills and earning points
toward the A.R. store! Our main focus continues to be fluency while reading, however we are adding
accuracy. Students may need to slow down just a bit to gain accuracy points.
the topics have been challenging with missing addend equations - where it’s important to review
your work and longer with our 2-digit addition and subtraction - where it’s most important to check the
operation symbol and to start with the Ones place. We look forward to starting fractions and
to all our volunteers during the month of February. We had many new skills to assess and
couldn’t have done it without your assistance. Your love shone through with assistance for Valentine’s
Day celebrations. Again, thank you to all parents, for your wonderful continuing support!
Second Grade has been busy learning test taking strategies to prepare for our Galileo
Assessment coming up this month and our Stanford 10 Assessment in April. We have also
started a perfect attendance competition within our grade-level. The winning class will
receive a popcorn party. Go Second Grade….show what you know!
3rd Grade is gearing up for the AIMS test in April!!!! We are learning new concepts as well as reviewing concepts
that were previously taught. The kids are participating in many review games and activities.
February concluded our biography unit for the 3rd quarter. The kids had a great time reading about famous people
and how they contributed to our lives. They had fun practicing reading comprehension skills such as; cause and
effect, fact and opinion, and comparing/contrasting facts about these important people!
March Madness Hits the 4th Grade!
Don’t be alarmed if your child is glued to March Madness, as we will be completing a math
project that will necessitate students to follow the basketball craziness we all love. This
month we will be researching electricity in Science, measurement in Math and exploring the
wonderful world of poetry in reading and writing. Also please make sure that your child is to
school on time, as being tardy does not only affect your student, but an entire class of
students. Thank you in advance for making sure your child is to school on time. The 4th grade
team would like to thank all our parent volunteers; you are amazing people who help make a
great difference in our students’ lives. We wish you a happy Spring Break!!
You Can Help Ellsworth Earn Money Every
Time You Shop At FRY’S!
All you have to do is:
1. Present the school barcode (below)
along with your Fry’s VIP card to the
cashier during your next shopping
trip. This only needs to be done once.
However, the link will NOT carry over
from the previous year; past
participants will need to re-link their
Ellsworth Eagles t-shirts and water bottles are a great way
to show your school pride. If you are interested in
purchasing a shirt or water bottle just contact the front
office for an order form/contact information or PTO
directly at ellsworthelementarypto@yahoo.com. LIMITED
2. From now until April, be sure to scan
your Fry’s Card every time you shop
at Fry’s.
3. Tell family, friends, and co-workers
to link their cards to our barcode to
help raise even more money for
Thank you to everyone who participated in
this program last year! It was a HUGE
success! We appreciate your support!! If
you have questions, please contact PTO at
Parental Notification
The Mc Kinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001
*Offers educational services for the children of families in
transition to permanent housing. We are looking to assist
families that may be in the following situations.
*Living with family, friends, or other.
*If your family owned its home and lost it to foreclosure
*The home your family was renting and the landlord lost it to
foreclosure and you are living in a temporary situation.
*Other circumstance may apply.
Please call to see if you qualify.
As a family experiencing transitional housing, you have the right
* Continue your child’s education at the school they
attended prior to becoming homeless (their school of origin).
* Enroll your child in any public school that other students
are eligible to attend, from the same attendance area.
* Have your child enroll in and have full and equal
opportunity to succeed with being separated from other
* Receive educational services for which your child is
eligible including transportation services, participation in
meal programs, referrals to health care/immunization
services and other appropriate services.
Please call the district Mc Kinney Vento Liaison/ M. Myers 480987-5304
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notificación Parental
Educación de Niño y Juventud sin Hogar
Mc Kinney –Vento 2001 Acta de Asistencia Educativa Para
“Familias Sin Hogar”
Ofrece los servicios educativos para los niños de familias
en la transición a hogar permanente.
Buscamos y asistimos familias que pueden estar en las
siguientes situaciones.
*Viviendo con un familiar, con los amigos o con otra
*Si su familia tenia su casa y la perdió a la ejecución de una
*Si el propietaro perdió la casa que usted rentaba a la
ejecución de una hipoteca y usted vive en una situación
*Otra circunstancia puede aplicar.
Hay diferente calificaciones. Llame para saber mas
Cuando una familia que atraviesa una situación de no tener donde
vivir usted tiene el derecho por su niños a:
*Seguir asistiendo a la escuela que asistieron antes de
llegar a quedarse sin hogar o a la última escuela que
asistieron si esto es su deseo y es práctico.
*Inscribir a su niño en cualquier escuela pública que otros
estudiantes son elegibles atender, de la misma área de la
*Inscribir su niño y tener oportunidad completa y igual de
tener éxito sin la separación de otros estudiantes.
*Reciba los servicios educativos para su niño que es
elegible, y inclusive servicios de transporte, la participación
en programas de comida, las referencias a servicios de
vacunación, asistencias medica y otros servicios
Contacta la enlace local del distrito escolar: M. Myers 480-9875304
Do you work in Agriculture?
Is your work in agriculture your main source of
employment or is the job you have for economic
necessity because you can not find work in agriculture?
This may be in dairy, farm or nursery work.
Have you changed residence in the past 3 years
because you are looking for work?
Are you or your children younger than 22 years old and
are in school grades Kinder
to Twelve?
If you answered yes to all or some of these
questions, you and your family may be eligible to
receive services of additional education of the
federal program of education for the Migrant
Please contact the district Migrant Liaison/ M. Myers987-5304
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trabaja usted en la agricultura?
Es su trabajo en la agricultura su trabajo principal de
empleo o es el trabajo que usted tiene para la necesidad
económica porque no puede encontrar trabajo en la
agricultura que sea lechería, nurseria o trabajo in la
cosecha, en los files.
Se ha cambiado de residencia en los últimos tres años
debido a su trabajo?
Usted o sus hijos son menores de 22 anos y están in las
escuela en los grados uno al doce?
Si su respuesta es sí a todos o algunos de estas
preguntas, usted o su familia puede ser elegible para
recibir servicios de educación, suplementaria del
programa federal de educación Para el Migrante.
Contacta la enlace del distrito, Programa Migrante M. Myers
480-987 5304
J.O. Combs District Food and Clothing Bank
Open Tuesdays
301 E Combs Rd.
(Proof of residency required for newcomers)
9 am-11:30 and 1 pm-4 pm
Telephone: 480-987-5304
Closed School Holidays
Districto J.O. Combs Banco De Comida Y Ropa
Abriremos Martes
301 E. Combs Rd.
(Necesita su prueba de domicilio)
9 am-11:30 am and 1 pm-4 pm
Telefono: 480-987-5304
Cerramos en los dias que las escuelas cierran