ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd


ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd
24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd. Buckeye, AZ 85326
May 01, 2016
Fr. William J. Kosco
Saturday Vigil . . . . . . 5:00p.m.
Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00a.m.
Domingo (Español) 12:00p.m.
Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00p.m.
3:00 - 4:30p.m.
Wednesday 1:00 - 5:00p.m.
Monday - Friday
9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Flor de liz López, ext. 101
Nancy Vela, ext. 102
Parish Office: (623) 386-0175
E-mail: /
Facebook: St. Henry Catholic Church, Buckeye, AZ
Office Manager
Dcn. Mark Gribowski, ext. 103
Pastoral Assistant
Dcn. Victor León, ext. 104
Infant Baptism Information: 1st Sunday of the month after 10:00a.m. Mass
Información Bautismos de Infantes: 1er Domingo del mes después de Misa de 12:00p.m.
May 01, 2016
Sixth Sunday of Easter
High School & College Scholarships
April 30
May 01
5:00 pm
+Johnny Villarreal
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
+Charles Smith
+People of the Parish
+Rafael Pantoja &
Amparo Torres
May 02
8:30 am
+Elisabeth Branch
May 03
11:15 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
8:30 am
8:30 am
5:00 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
May 04
Divine Mercy/Rosary
+Mary Longoria
May 05
+Anna Schuster
May 06
+Kay Violette
May 07
+Marilyn Smith
May 08
+Omar Ruelas
Our chapel Sanctuary
Lamp is burning the
Sixth week of Easter
Sunday in memory of:
+ Cesar Sanchez
St. Henry Community
Sunday Collections
April 24, 2016
We Share AutoPay
Building Fund
We Share AutoPay
Thank you for your continued
generosity to St. Henry parish
The Knights of Columbus Scholarships for 2016 consists of (3) $500
scholarships and (1) $300 for students graduating from High
School, attending college and/or continuing education and (4) $100
scholarships for students entering High School, totaling $2,200.
You must be a registered member of St. Henry parish to apply. Applications are available at the parish
office. Deadline for completion is 5:00PM, May 4,
2016 to be considered.
Specific information about each scholarship is part
of the instructions/applications process.
Ladies of St. Henry Scholarships
The Ladies of St. Henry are giving two $300.00 scholarships this
year to any St. Henry high school senior, or returning college
student for college tuition. Please use the scholarship form for
the Knights of Columbus to apply for the Ladies of St. Henry
Faithful Servant
Deacon George Cameron was born on
06/23/1937 in Scotland and died at his home in
Tonopah, AZ on 04/10/2016. He was ordained a
Deacon on 10/15/1992. He moved to the United
States and faithfully served the St. Henry community from 1998 until he
became inactive due to health reasons in 2011. During his ministry, he
celebrated many baptisms, funerals and weddings. He also served as
Chaplain in the Lewis Prison Complex.
He is survived by his two sons, James Cameron and Michael Cameron. He will be greatly missed by this community. May he rest in peace.
Funeral Mass will be held at St. Henry Catholic Church, Buckeye, AZ,
Friday, May 06, 2016 at 1:00PM.
Sharing The Joy Of Love
Unwrapping our gift from the Holy Father [AMORIS LAETITIA]
Pope Francis knows that the Catholic message about family life cannot
be understood by anyone who does not feel loved. After listening to
thousands of voices, he now offers the world his wisdom. Bring your
questions & your whole family to this FREE Rated G discussion on
every Sunday for six weeks from April 24 through May 29 at 1:30 pm.
Come to 1 or 2 or come to all 6 of these free 45 minute interactive talks
that are endorsed by Bishop Olmsted and presented by Catholic therapist and speaker Dr. Monica Breaux at Our Lady Mount Carmel in
FREE Family Catechesis
Endorsed by Bishop Olmsted
Presented by Dr. Monica Breaux
SUNDAYS 1:30 pm (45 min) 4/24 – 5/29
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Tempe
Bring your questions!
No Smoking, No Gum Chewing on Parish Property
6to Domingo de Pascua
Mayo 01, 2016
Becas Para High School y Colegio
Las Becas de Los Caballeros de Colon 2016
consiste de (3) $500 y (1) $300 para estudiantes graduados de High School, y para los
que asistirán a un colegio/o continúan su
educación y (4) $100 para estudiantes que
comienzan su High School, un total de
$2,200. Debe ser miembro registrado en la parroquia San Enrique
para aplicar. Las aplicaciones están disponibles en la oficina parroquial. La fecha limite para entregarla es el 4 de mayo a las 5PM
para ser considerada. La información especifica sobre cada beca
es parte del proceso de las instrucciones/aplicaciones.
Becas De Las Mujeres de San Enrique
El ministerio de Las Mujeres de San Enrique otorgara dos becas
de $300 a estudiantes graduados de High School o que continuaran su colegio este año. Favor de llenar la forma de becas de los
Caballeros de Colon para aplicar para esta beca.
Verdad en Religión
regunta: ¿Son todas las religiones igual?
espuesta: No, no las son.
Las religiones y tradiciones de fe que no sean de la Iglesia
Católica son deficientes posiblemente en dos formas. Primero, por
el defecto de incompletitud. Aunque ellas tengan elementos de la
verdad, estas no poseen la verdad completa revelada por Dios
para nuestra salvación. Y por eso, estas no son de gran ayuda
como el Catolicismo. Segundo, estas pueden ser deficientes por
defecto de error donde enseñan doctrinas falsas y erróneas o promueven conocimiento erróneo de las Escrituras y verdad revelada. Aunque hoy es popular decir que todas las tradiciones religiosas son diferente pero igual es el mismo Dios, esto viola muchos
de los principios razonables como el principio de no contradecir.
Por ejemplo, no puede simultáneamente ser verdad que Jesús es
Dios y que Jesús no es Dios (solo un hombre bueno). Que Jesús
es Dios, es verdad, y toda otra pretensión a lo contrario es falsa.
Ahora, lo que es verdad, es valioso y lo que no, es falso. Así, que
no todas las religiones son igual.
Congratulations on Their Weddings
Edward Scharf & Citlalli Guzman
Joel Valdovinos & Rachelle Bowman
Chris & Rheanna Rodriguez
Hector Diaz & Teresita Garcia
Marriage Banns
Jose Chavez & Olga Brenda Gutierrez
Adan Tena & Nancy Marquez
Adrian Leon & Sarah Mendoza
Luis Espinoza & Ania Hernandez
Truth in Religion
uestion: Are all religions
No, they are not.
Religions and faith traditions other than that of the
Catholic Church are deficient in
two possible ways. First, by the
While they may have elements
of the truth, they do not possess the whole truth revealed
by God for our salvation. As
such, they are less helpful than
Second, they can be deficient
by the defect of error wherein
they teach false and erroneous
doctrines or promote an erroneous understanding of Scripture and revealed truth.
While it is popular today to say
that all religious traditions are
but different and equal ways to
the same God, this violates
many rational principles such
as the principle of noncontradiction. For example, it cannot
be simultaneously true that Jesus is Lord and that Jesus is
not Lord (but only a good man).
That Jesus is Lord is true, and
all other claims to the contrary
are false. Now what is true is of
value and what is false is not.
Thus, all religions are not
Msgr. Charles Pope is the
pastor of Holy Comforter at
St. Cyprian in Washington, DC.
Cleaning The Chapel
Volunteers are needed to help
maintain the beauty of our
chapel by cleaning floors,
pews, and furnishings.
Our next cleaning day is Tuesday, May 3rd at 9:00am.
For more information, please
contact Wesley Rodermund at
(480) 600-7943.