September 13, 2015 - St. Mary`s Church
September 13, 2015 - St. Mary`s Church
September 13, 2015 — Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time DIOCESE OF AUSTIN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN CENTRAL TEXAS St. Mary’s Catholic Church OUR MISSION STATEMENT St. Mary's is a community of believers dedicated to the living worship of God. As the only Catholic Church in Limestone County, our faith community reflects the ethnic diversity of the towns in which we live. We gather to fulfill our mission as disciples of Jesus Christ: we hear His Word, we celebrate the Sacraments and we witness His love to others. Our Christian witness consists of sharing our spiritual gifts with the grace of God and the example and prayers of our patron saint, the Immaculate Conception, among us and with others - striving to grow in Holiness. PARISH OFFICE 606 North Bonham St., Mexia, TX 76667 Phone:(254)562-3619 Fax:(254)562-6377 Web page: OFFICE HOURS: Sunday: 9:30AM - 11:30AM 4th Sunday: Closed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM Wednesday: 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Summer: Wednesday 10:00 AM – 4:00PM) PARISH CLERGY Pastor: Rev. Fr. Justin Nguyen Email: Deacon Richard Johnson Email: Deacon Dwight Mahoney Phone: (254) 729-2573 Deacon Daniel Ramirez Phone: (254) 562-9196 PARISH STAFF & VOLUNTEERS Secretary: Juanita Rodriguez Email: Finance Manager: Mary Seale Email: CCE director: Filo Contreras and Gladys Mendoza Parish council chairman: Mary Jane Mehringer Finance council chairman: Don Altland CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST Sunday Masses: 8:00 & 10:00 AM (English); 12:00 PM (Spanish) Weekday Masses: Tuesday - Friday 12:00 PM Established 1886 DEVOTION Adoration: 1st Fridays 11:00 AM 3rd Saturday 7:00PM (Spanish) Rosary: 30 minutes before Sunday Masses CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS CELEBRACION DE LOS SACRAMENTOS SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Wednesday 5:00PM – 6:00PM Sunday AM : 7:15-7:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:15-11:45 During office hours, or by Appointment. SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACION Miércoles 5:00PM – 6:00PM Domingo AM: 7:15-7:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:15-11:45 Durante las horas de la oficina o con cita. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is after Sunday Masses Baptismal class: English class: By appointment. Spanish class: 3rd Sunday of each month at 9:00AM-11:00AM SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO Bautismos: después de la Santa Misa en Domingo. Las clases pre-bautismales para Padres y Padrinos. Clases en Ingles: son con cita Clases en Español: El tercer Domingo de cada mes a las 9:00AM-11:00AM SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Contact the office at least 6 months in advance. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Contact the priest immediately if you or your family members, are seriously ill or will have a major surgery or are old aged or in danger of death. MINISTERS OF THE WEEK Altar Servers: 8:00AM: Charles Benford, Amanda Howard, Lewis Taylor & Chris Staton. 10:00AM: Johnny Nguyen, Jose Contreras, Makayla Contreras, Mani Contreras & Alex Lira. 12:00PM: Diego Hernández, Stephanie Hernández, Alexis Rivero, Ana Mendoza & Mariel Rodríguez Lectors: 8:00AM: Carol Beltran (L) & Janice Davis (A) 10:00AM: George Satsky (L) & Helen Matthews (A) 12:00PM: Nora Garcia (L) & Hugo Garcia (A) Extraordinary Minister of the Cup: 8:00AM: Elizabeth Swick 10:00AM: Filo Contreras 12:00PM: Gloria Bailon Pastoral Council members: Gordon Lee, Margaret May, Matt Wilson, Linda Kuborn, Darlene Arrington, Filo Contreras, Jeanette Estrada, and Daniel Mata III. Finance Council members: Don Altland, Ben Arrington, Marcelino Ayala, Janice Davis, Jessica Garcia, Helen Matthews, Polo Mora, Ray Zies, and Mary Seale. Bishop Vasquez’ Prayer Intention Called to be faithful disciples, may we open ourselves to God’s grace, which enables us to carry the cross … Que, llamados a ser discípulos fieles, nos abramos a la gracia de Dios, la cual nos permite cargar la cruz The Altar Flowers Were Donated By: Pat Simmons In Memory: +Roy &+Virginia Simmons SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO Comunicasen al despacho parroquial con 6 meses de anticipó. SACRAMENTO DE UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Comunicasen con el padre inmediatamente si usted o un familiar esta grabe o va tener una operación seria o si es una persona de la tercer edad o peligro de muerte. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK Sunday: 8:00AM: +Roy &+Virginia Simmons 10:00AM: Kelle Tibbetts Health Intentions & +Alondra Contreras 12:00PM: Pro Populo Tuesday: Shamez Molina Wednesday: Donald Teeple Thursday: In Thanksgiving of: Reagan Holmes Birthday Friday: Katarina Ahern COLLECTION REPORT Weekly average needed: $3,400.00 Offering Last Sunday: $ 3,706.49 Let us pray for the sick: Marianne Koehler, Sharon Parsons, Mary Ann Minchew, Jo Ann Burns, Frances Arrington, Ruth Palmer, Walter Kimmerling, Mary Mahoney, Wendy Simmons, Lisa Hill, Leah Glaze, Randy Goolsby, Reagan Jones, Dian & David Frederick, Charles Little and Nelta Little. Let us pray for the deceased: Mike Schuster, Maki McRey LeNoir, Jose Antonio Ortiz, Donald Teeple, John De France, Bernadette Stone, Roger Arnold, Vener Barnes, Maria Ramos, William G. Rosas, Maria Concepcion Rodriguez, Keith Blackwell, Joe Russo, & Joanie Welch. Sept. 12-13 -- 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time The family of faith can never turn a blind eye to the socioeconomic inequalities of those who are suffering among us. If we belong to Christ, we must always express a special concern for the marginalized. Expressing concern places our faith into practice as the epistle of James reminds us, “Faith without works is dead.” PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS AND EVENTS ANUNCIOS EN ESPAÑOL Ladies Altar Guild & Knights of Columbus: Will meet today after the 8:00 a.m. Mass in the Parish Hall. Members are requested to attend. Nuevo calendario Litúrgico: Tenemos el nuevo calendario litúrgico de septiembre hasta noviembre, esta ubicado en el pasillo de la Iglesia. Por favor llevasen uno. A dado caso si no pueden asistir la fecha asignada. Por favor buscan un remplazo. Gracias por su ministro. New Liturgical Schedule: We have new liturgical schedule from September to November at the end of the Church foyer. Please pick one up for yourself. If you know that you are not here on your assign date, please help us to find your replacement. Thank you for your ministry. Ethics & Integrity In Ministry: Will meet today for the Basic from 1:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. and EIM Refresher will be Sunday, September 20th, from 1:30p.m.-2:30p.m. This applies to the people who are non-compliant. All Lectors, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Cup, CCE Department teachers, aides, substitute teachers, any volunteers who has a ministry are required to attend. The Guadalupano Group: Will be selling red enchiladas after each mass on September 20th, $10.00 a plate with all trimmings. All proceeds will go towards the church. RCIA class: Will meet every Tuesday, beginning on September 22nd, from 6:00 p.m.– 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Be a BBQ Angel: Once again we ask you for generous support of St. Mary’s annual BBQ festival. Over the past years, generous parishioners have donated money to defray the cost of the food and materials needed to have a successful celebration. BBQ Auction Item: If you have a item you wish to donated for the Auction, you may drop it off at office during office hours. Thank you so much for generosity. BBQ Dinner Tickets: Help us out and sell as many as possible. We need you cooperation. Get your dinner tickets after Mass. Raffle Tickets: Thank you to everyone who has sold raffle tickets. We have made great progress towards our goal of 600 tickets, but could still use your help. If you would like to purchase a ticket or if you need one or more to sell, please come by the church office or call Rick & Jane Schlitt at (254)729-2176. We are confident the raffle will be a big success because of the great work everyone has done to help sell the tickets. The Ladies Altar Guild: Is asking for any of the following items for their “COUNTRY STORE” baked goodies, jellies, pickles, homemade items. If you have aloe vera or a fern or any other plant. Ética e Integridad en el Ministerio Taller: Hoy tenemos el taller Básico de EIM a las 1:30p.m.- 4:30p.m. Y el taller refresco de EIM es el domingo, 20 de septiembre, a las 1:30p.m.-2:30p.m. Se les aplica a las personas que son Lectores, Ministros de Eucaristía, El Departamento de Catequismo los maestros, ayudantes, maestros sustitutos, y los voluntarios que tiene un ministerio se requiere de asistir. El Grupo Guadalupano: Tendrá un venta de Enchiladas Rojas después de Misa el 20 de Septiembre. $10.00 el platillo. Todos los ingresos irán a la iglesia Las clases de RICA: Comenzará e1 22 septiembre a las 6:30 p.m.– 7:30 p.m. en el salón parroquial. El 4 de Octubre: Sera nuestra Barbacoa Anual. No dejen de participar en este evento importante. Ya estamos viendo boletos de la rifa y boletos para los platillos de comida. Boletos de la rifa: ¡Gracias a todos los que han vendido boletos de la rifa. Hemos hecho un gran progreso hacia nuestro objetivo de 600 entradas, pero aún podríamos usar su ayuda. Si usted quisiera comprar un boleto o si necesitas uno o más para vender, por favor venga a la oficina de la iglesia o llame a Rick & Jane Schlitt al (254) 729-2176. Estamos seguros de la rifa será un gran éxito debido al gran trabajo que todos han hecho para ayudar a vender los boletos. Artículos de subasta para la Barbacoa: Si tiene algún articulo que quiere donar para la subasta. Pueden dejarlo en la despacho parroquial durante el horario de oficina. Muchas gracias por su generosidad. Las Damas del Altar: Se les pide a todas las señoras de nuestra parroquia por cualquier de los siguientes elementos para la tienda “COUNTRY STORE” postres caseros, mermeladas, o un artículo hecho en casa. Si tiene una planta de salvia o un helecho o cualquier otra planta. Necesitamos pasteles: Para los platillos de la barbacoa para la línea exterior para llevar y para la línea de servicio. Les pedimos a las señoras que hagan dos pasteles. We need cakes: For the BBQ Dinner. We need Bunt Cakes for the outside line and sheet cake for the serving line. We are asking the ladies if they bring two cakes. Junta de Lectores: Habrá un junta el 18 de septiembre a las 6 de la tarde. No deje de asistir. BBQ Children’s Games: We are now collecting small toys and stuffed animals (news ones please) for prizes. Donations can be dropped off a the Church Office. The Mehringers are also in needs of adult volunteers to supervise and assist in running the snow cone stand and games. Anyone interested in running their own game can reserve a space under the tent by calling Mary Jane Mehringer at (903) 388-8116. Tables, prizes and tickets will be provided. El Grupo de oración el Cuerpo Místico de Jesucristo el Nuevo Camino: Les invita cordialmente a ustedes que se unan cada mes el día 13 para rezar el Rosario que transmite la Virgen de Fátima. Las siguientes fechas son: 13 de septiembre –1:15PM, 13 de octubre —5PM. Drop your loose coins: Into our BBQ Coin Jar place at church entrance. This helps us for this year’s BBQ Event. Retiro para parejas: Se les invita cordialmente a todas las parejas que estas casados, o en un noviazgo o en unión libre. El 10 de octubre a las 8:30 a.m.—5:30p.m. El tema será “Unidos por el amor de Dios. Para mas información comunicasen con el señor Abraham García. Formation of the Gospels The Gospels stand as the outcome of a historical process that unfolded over the course of many years. Understanding the formation of the Gospels thus requires some awareness of the stages, literary and preliterary, that led to their composition. These formative stages began with Jesus, extended through the ministry of the apostles, and culminated with the evangelists writing out their inspired accounts. The Pontifical Biblical Commission underlined the importance of these stages in its “Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels” (Sancta Mater Ecclesia). A summary of these follows: (1) Stage 1 begins with the person Jesus, who conveyed his teaching to a handpicked group of disciples known as apostles. Though he often addressed the crowds in general, he made the apostles his constant companions and invested himself in their formation. To them he revealed the deepest mystery of his identity through his preaching, private instruction, and the performance of miracles. He also provided them with a constant example of prayer and a life of heroic sacrifice. (2) Stage ll covers the ministry of the apostles, who were both commissioned and uniquely qualified to bear witness to all that Jesus had said and done. Illuminated by the Spirit, they possessed a true understanding of the mystery of Christ and were empowered by the grace of God to testify on his behalf. Through oral proclamation, they made known the purpose of his dying and rising as well as the significance of his living among men. The faith of the apostles did not obscure their memory but rather helped to keep remembrance of these events alive. Their testimony to Jesus was proclaimed in various forms, including narratives of his life, catechetical instructions, prayers, and hymns. (3) Stage lll is the writing of the Gospels as lasting monuments of the apostolic witness to Jesus. The four evangelists composed these written records in order to provide an authentic record of the Lord’s sayings and doings and to instruct the faithful in the elements of Christian doctrine and morals. To this end they selected episodes from the life of Jesus that most served their purpose, they synthesized these traditions on occasion, and they wrote with the situation of their readers in mind. Most importantly, the Church believes and teaches that the writers of the four Gospels set down their narratives under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS I n Service To One. I n Service To All. Fore more ) 765-3935 formation or to join call: Greg Pitts - (903) 529-1597 Pat Simmons - (254) 562-2732 Parishioners Pope Francis mission is to prevent attacks on the family. Please join your voices in prayer with him to stop attacks on family life. JOHN & ELLIE ENGLE Parishioner 100 PRIVATE ROAD 5888 A JEWETT, TEXAS 75846 (800) 636-4119 OR (903) 626-4119 Cabins—RV Sites—Tent Sites—Restaurant Convenient Store—lighted fishing pier Come out for the week, weekend, night or simply for the day Officers: President: Kathy Contreraz (903) 388-8823 Vice –President Kathy Satsky (254) 765-3935 Secretary: Margaret May (254) 562-2641 Treasurer: Darlene Arrington (254) 562-5697 ALL LADIES ARE WELCOME. WE MEET EVERY 2ND SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH. Parishioners Say a Special Prayer For The Continuing Unity of Families. STUDY & SUPPORT!!! REICHER CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 2102 N 23RD STREET WACO, TEXAS 76708 N MUSEUM Family Haircut — Peinados Tape Fade — Alaciados Low Fade — Depilación Mohawk — Rayitos Perm & Tints — Cortes Highlights– Permanentes & Tintes Wax — Mechones Buffalo Livestock Sale Every Saturday at Noon. HORARIO: LUNES — CERRADO M –V 11:00 A.M. –8:00 P.M. SABADO 9:00 A.M.— 8:00 P.M. DOMINGO 9:00 A.M.— 2:00 P.M.
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St. Mary`s Catholic Church
Cabins—RV Sites—Tent Sites—Restaurant
Convenient Store—lighted fishing pier
Come out for the week, weekend, night or simply for the day