Saint Augustine Catholic Church
Saint Augustine Catholic Church
SAINT AUGUSTINE Catholic Church HOLY WEEK MASS SCHEDULE 2016 St. Augustine Catholic Page 2 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we celebrate Palm Sunday, the great doorway leading into the Holy Week. Jesus makes his way to Jerusalem in order to fulfil the Scripture and to be nailed to the wood of the Cross, the one from He will offer to all the gift of redemption. Along the way crowds celebrate his coming, loud praises are heard: “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in Heaven and glory in the highest!” (Lk 19: 38) The people are joyful, for Jesus has awakened great hopes, especially in the hearts of the humble, the poor, the forgotten. He understands human suffering and has shown the face of God’s mercy. Today’s celebration and the Holy Week to come are perfect opportunities for us to learn about Divine love. This is Jesus, the one who looks at all of us, at our sins, at our sickness; He looks at all of us with great love as he enters Jerusalem. He wants to heal us, to love us, to reach to us. I invite all of you to come with all your family and friends to participate in all the liturgies and activities that we will be celebrating during this holy week. On the cover of this bulletin you will find the schedule for this Week… No excuses to skip this Holy Week’s celebrations! Let us reflect upon the mystery of the Passion of Jesus, our King, as we prepare ourselves to commemorate His glorious Resurrection. Let us remember that Jesus died for our sins, your sins, my sins. Let us be most thankful to the Lord Jesus in thoughts, in words and in actions. And may the Spirit of Jesus be with us during the coming week as we relive the last few days in the life of Jesus on earth. Peace, Fr. Ybaín Ramirez Queridos hermanos y hermanas, Hoy celebramos el Domingo de Ramos, el gran portal que nos dirige hacia la Semana Santa. Jesús se dirige hacia Jerusalén para cumplir con las Sagradas Escrituras y para ser allí clavado en el madero de la cruz, aquel desde el cual ofrecerá a todos el regalo de la redención. Multitudes celebran su llegada a lo largo del camino y se escuchan alabanzas: “Bendito sea el Rey que viene en el nombre del Señor! Paz en el cielo y gloria en las alturas!” (Lc 19: 38). El pueblo está gozoso pues Jesús ha despertado en ellos grandes esperanzas, especialmente en los humildes, los pobres, los olvidados. El entiende el sufrimiento humano y ha mostrado el rostro de la misericordia de Dios. La celebración del día de hoy y la Semana Santa que ya comienza, son oportunidades perfectas para que podamos aprender acerca del Amor Divino. Este es Jesús, aquel que nos mira a los ojos, a nuestros pecados, a nuestras enfermedades; Él nos mira con gran amor a medida que entra a Jerusalén. Él quiere sanarnos, amarnos, Él quiere alcanzarnos. Los invito a todos a que vengan con toda su familia y amigos y participen de las liturgias y actividades que estaremos celebrando durante esta Semana Santa. En la portada de este boletín encontrarán el calendario de todas las celebraciones para esta semana... No hay excusas para no venir a las celebraciones de esta Semana Mayor! Reflexionemos sobre el misterio de la pasión de Jesús, nuestro Rey, a medida que nos preparamos para conmemorar su gloriosa resurrección. Recordemos que Jesús murió por nuestros pecados, sus pecados, mis pecados. Seamos más agradecidos con el Señor Jesús en pensamientos, palabras y acciones. Que el Espíritu de Jesús descienda sobre nosotros durante esta semana que comienza a medida que revivimos los últimos días de la vida de Jesús en la tierra. Paz, Padre Ybaín Ramirez A GENTLE REMINDER UN RECORDATORIO AMABLE Please come to Mass early enough not to disrupt. Leave late enough not to insult. (The Mass does not end until the final blessing) Worship reverently enough not to distract, and dress proudly enough not to offend. Por favor, lleguemos a la Misa lo suficientemente temprano para no interrumpir. Salgamos de la Misa lo suficientemente tarde para no insultar. (La Misa no termina hasta que recibimos la bendición final.) Adoremos con suficientemente reverencia para no distraer. Y asistamos vestidos con suficientemente orgullo para no ofender. Time, Talent & Treasure Jubilee Year of Mercy March 20, 2016 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Misericordiae Vultus: The Face of Mercy is Pope Francis’ official decree announcing this Jubilee Year of Mercy. But Francis had already declared that Jesus “has shown the face of God’s mercy” back in 2013 on his first Palm Sunday as pope. Francis described Luke’s account of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem: “Crowds, celebrating, praise, blessing, peace: joy fills the air. Jesus has awakened great hopes, especially in the hearts of the simple, the humble, the poor, the forgotten, those who do not matter in the eyes of the world. He understands human sufferings . . . has bent down to heal body and soul.” Entering Jerusalem, Jesus looks at all of us with love, Francis continued, at our sicknesses and sins. “A beautiful scene, full of light— the light of the love of Jesus” (Pope Francis, Palm Sunday homily, March 24, 2013). May this Jubilee Year’s Holy Week and Triduum make us Jesus’ own light-bearers and lovegivers to all who long to see the Face of Mercy. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Papal quotes Copyright © 2013, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. St. Augustine Catholic Church Page 3 Año Jubilar de la Misericordia 20 de marzo de 2016 Domingo de Ramos “de la Pasión del Señor” Misericordiae Vultus: El rosto de la Misericordia es el documento oficial (en este caso una Bula papal) anunciando este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia. Sin embargo, el Domingo de Ramos de 2013, el Papa Francisco había anunciado que “Jesús ha mostrado el rostro de la misericordia de Dios”. El Papa Francisco describe la historia del Evangelio de Lucas donde Jesús entra en Jerusalén así: “Gentío, fiesta, alabanza, bendición, paz. Se respira un clima de alegría. Jesús ha despertado en el corazón tantas esperanzas, sobre todo entre la gente humilde, simple, pobre, olvidada, esa que no cuenta a los ojos del mundo. Él ha sabido comprender las miserias humanas, ha mostrado el rostro de misericordia de Dios y se ha inclinado para curar el cuerpo y el alma”. El Papa Francisco sigue diciendo que Jesús al entrar a Jerusalén mira a todos con amor en nuestras debilidades y pecados. “Es una bella escena, llena de luz – la luz del amor de Jesús, de su corazón –, de alegría, de fiesta” (Papa Francisco, homilía del Domingo de Ramos, 24 de marzo de 2013). ¡Qué la Semana Santa y Triduo Pascual de este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia nos hagan portadores de la luz de Jesús y mensajeros de amor a todos los que anhelan ver El rostro de la Misericordia! —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord. Cier- tamente, hay diversidad de dones, pero todos proceden del mismo Espíritu. Hay diversidad de ministerios, pero un solo Señor. I Cor 12:4-5 Offertory Report Online Giving Report March 13, 2016 228 Parishioners contributed $7,324.35 March 8th – March 15th, 2016 Loose Collection $1,721.02 20 families donated $761.00 Total Collection: $9,045.37 OUR CATHOLIC APPEAL 2016 $102,800.00 - $8,597.97 Assessment Payments Shortage $94,202.03 Your gift to Our Catholic Appeal, is the sole source of funding for twenty-seven ministries to help us build our lives on the essentials; they guide us to grow in our love of God and bring forth the excelling Sacramental love with one another. From training those who help enkindle a deeper faith in the heart of people of all ages to assisting our young adults discern a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, married life, or singlehood, to presenting retreats for our priests who labor daily on our behalf to provide God's healing mercy to those in need through Catholic Charities of Central Florida, your gift reveal God and our service to Him. Please honor your pledge in full. Any shortage in funds raised for our assessment will come out of the operating expenses for St. Augustine. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. A LIFELINE FOR TROUBLE MARRIAGES Sometimes things can go very wrong in a marriage. Retrouvaille is a program to help heal and support married couples experiencing difficulties, couples broken, lonely and hurting. It’s also for couples who have separated or divorced and want to try again. Our next program begins April 15-17, 2016. For more information and registration, call 352-274-4614. All calls and names held in strictest confidence. We invite you to visit our website at What’s Going On... St. Augustine Catholic Church Page 4 READINGS AND MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE HOLY WEEK: MONDAY, MARCH 21ST 9:00AM IS 42:1-7/ JN 12 1-11 +MARIA CASTRO BY ROSA BARRERA TUESDAY, MARCH 22ND 9:00AM ++MARTIN AND OLIA ROBERGEAU BY BRUNETTE ROBERGEAU IS 49:1-6/ JN 13: 21-33,36-38 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23RD 9:00AM +JACQUES TRUDEAU BY ADRIENNE GUADAGNO IS 50: 4-9A/ MT 26:14-25 THURSDAY MARCH 24TH HOLY THURSDAY EX 12:1-8, 11-14/ 1COR 11:23-26/ JN 13:1-15 7 :00PM +EPAPHANO MARRO BY PAULINE BOYLE-NATALE AND FAMILY FRIDAY, MARCH 25TH GOOD FRIDAY - PASSION OF THE LORD 3 PM AND 6 PM ENGLISH; 7:30 PM SPANISH IS 52:13-53:12/HEB 4:14-16, 5:7-9/ JN 18:1-19:42 SATURDAY, MARCH 26TH HOLY SATURDAY 8:00PM SUNDAY, MARCH 27TH 6:30AM 8:00AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 1:00PM GN 1:1, 2:2/GN 22:1-18/ EX14:15, 15:1/IS 54:5-14/IS 55:1-11/ BAR 3: 9-15,32-4:4/ EZ 36: 16-17A, 18-28/ ROM 6: 3-11/ LK 24: 1-12 +IN MEMORY OF PATRICIA STONE BY HER FAMILY EASTER SUNDAY RESURRECTION OF THE LORD JORGE RAMIREZ BY ROSA BARRERA +RITA MILLER BY VITO AND MARILYN NAPOLETANO +PRISCILLA BENSI BY ENDOFFE AND FRANK +RAY PFAFF BY HIS FAMILY +AIDA GONZALEZ BY ANGEL GONZALEZ ACTS 10:34A, 37-43/COL 3:1-4/ JN 20:1-9 This Holy Week @ St. Augustine 20 PALM SUNDAY/DOMINGO NURSERY OPEN 9:30am-1:30pm 8:00 am Mass 9:30 am Mass 10:00 am Baptismal Class 11:00 am Mass 11:00 am Choir rehearsal 12:30pm) 11:30 am Rosary (español) 12:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 1:00 pm Mass (español) 4:00 pm African Ministry 21 MONDAY/LUNES 22 TUESDAY/MARTES 23 WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES 8:45 am Morning Prayer 9:00 am Mass 6:30 pm Legion of Mary 7:30 pm Rosary (español) 8:45 am Morning Prayer 9:00 am Mass 12:00 pm Coffee, Cards ….. 7:00pm Movie Night-Son of God 8:45 am 9:00 am 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Morning Prayer Mass Choir rehearsal(9:30 am) Grupo oración Carismático (español) 7:30 pm Choir rehearsal (12:30pm) 25 GOOD FRIDAY/VIERNES 8:45 am Morning Prayer 10:00am Reflection (spanish) 11:00am Reflection 12:00pm Way of the Cross 3:00pm Lord’s Passion 6:00pm Lord’s Passion 7:30pm Lord’s Passion 26 HOLY SATURDAY/SABADO 10:00am Diocesan Curia 10:00am RCIA Rehearsal 10:30am Blessing of the Food 11:30am Decorating Church 8:00 pm Vigil Mass (bilingual) 27 EASTERSUNDAY/DOMINGO NO NURSERY SERVICE TODAY 6:30 am Sunrise Mass 8:00 am Mass 9:30 am Mass 11:00 am Mass 11:00 am Choir rehearsal 12:30pm) 11:30 am Rosary (español) 1:00 pm Mass (español) COALITION PANS DISTRIBUTION 24 HOLY THURSDAY/JUEVES 8:45 am Morning Prayer 6:00pmReader Rehearsal (español) 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (bilingual) (español) HAND OUT FOOD DRIVE BAGS Gift Shop Closed HAND OUT FOOD DRIVE BAGS COALITION PANS PICK UP Gift Shop Closed St. Augustine Catholic Church Faith Formation Page 5 Durante la Semana Santa no hay clases de Formación de la Fe K-8. Asista con su familia a las actividades de Semana Santa en nuestra Iglesia. Disfrute la Vigilia Pascual el 26 de marzo cuando nosotros les daremos la bienvenida a la fe Católica a 13 personas y a más de 500 a través de nuestra Diócesis. Regocíjese en su fe, alégrese porque nuestro Salvador ha resucitado. Las clases se reanudaran el martes 29 y el miércoles 30. ¡Felices Pascuas! During Holy Week there are no classes for K-8 Faith Formation. Come with your children to the Holy Week observances at our church. Enjoy the Easter Vigil on March 26th when we will welcome 13 people into the Catholic faith and more than 500 throughout our Diocese. Rejoice in your faith, rejoice in our Risen Savior. Classes will begin again on Tuesday, March 29 and Wednesday March 30. Happy Easter! GRIEVING IS A DIFFICULT PART OF HUMAN LIFE. ALLOW US TO WALK WITH YOU AT THIS DIFFICULT MOMENT IN LIFE! GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP WHEN: 10-11:30 AM THURDAYS WHERE: ST. MARY MAGDALEN PARISH 861 MAITLAND AVE. ALT SPRS, FL 32701, 407 831 1212 Facilitate by a group of ministers who have experienced much grief in their life and have been trained to accompany grieving men and women from all walks of life PARTICIPATE IN THE CELEBRATION OF THE CHRISM MASS MARCH 23 Bishop Noonan invites all the faithful to the celebration of the Chrism Mass on March 23, 2016 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at St. James Cathedral (215 N. Orange Ave. in Orlando). During the Chrism Mass Bishop Noonan will consecrate the holy oils used in Sacraments and other celebrations during the year. The Chrism Mass is also an opportunity for all priests to renew their priestly commitment and for jubilarian priests celebrating 25, 50, and other significant anniversaries to be honored. Opportunities to Serve Our Faith Community! Can you help decorate the church on Holy Saturday? (March 26) Please contact Ruth at the parish office to let her know if you can help out. Helpers at the Front Desk of our parish office are very welcome! Training is provided. This is a great time to consider participating in this ministry of welcome and hospitality! Are you looking for a “behind-the-scenes” opportunity to serve our faith community? Contact the parish office if you are interested. ¡Oportunidades de servir a nuestra comunidad de fe! ¿Puedes ayudar a decorar la iglesia el Sábado Santo? (26 de Marzo) Póngase en contacto con Ruth en la oficina parroquial para hacerle saber si usted puede ayudar. ¡Ayudantes para recepción de nuestra oficina parroquial son bienvenidos! Se provee entrenamiento. ¡Este es un buen momento para considerar la participación en este ministerio de acogida y hospitalidad! ¿Está buscando una oportunidad de "detrás de las escenas" servir a nuestra comunidad de fe? Por favor, contacte la oficina de la parroquia si está interesado. Ministries & Faith Groups St. Augustine Catholic Church Page 6 Prayer Line: If you have a special need of prayer, call Rosemarie at 407-695-9221. EL MINISTERIO DE SANACIÓN THE HEALING MINISTRY le invita para que continuemos la experiencia invites you to continue to experience healing prayer: de la oración de sanación: Our meetings are held the 4th Monday of the month at Nuestras reuniones son el 4to Lunes del mes a las 7 pm. 7pm. Healing Novenas are every 4th Friday after the Las Novenas de Sanación son el 4to Viernes después de 9am Mass and a prayer team is available after la misa de las 9:00 am. Un equipo de oración estará disthe Saturday 5pm Mass. ponible después de la misa de los Sábados a las 5 pm. !MARQUE SU CALENDARIO! ABRIL 22 7:00 PM MISA Let's keep learning to pray with one another! CON UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 08 DE AGOSTO 9 - SEMINARIO DE CURACION APRIL 22 AT 7:00 PM ANOINTING OF THE SICK MASS DE LAS FAMILIAS JULY 8 & 9 HEALING OF FAMILIES SEMINARFor more in¡Continuemos aprendiendo a orar los unos por los otros! formation, call Barbara Koory at 407-366-5379. Para más información comuníquese con Para español, llame a Diana Ortiz at 407-971-0878. llame a Diana Ortiz 407-971-0878. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION GIFT IDEAS! Is your child making his or her first Holy Communion this year? Come visit St. Augustine's gift shop- see what we have! Please let us know if there is something you would like us to order. Gift shop hours are Saturday 4:30pm-8pm, and Sunday 9:00 am- 2:30 pm. ¡IDEAS PARA REGALOS DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN! ¿Su niño(a) hara su primera comunion este año? Venga a visitar la tienda de artículos religiosos de la parroquia y vea lo que tenemos! Por favor, avísenos si desea que ordenemos algo en particular para usted. El horario de atención es los Sábados de 4:30pm a 8pm; y los Domingos de 9 am a 2:30 pm. The Knights of Columbus invites men of the parish to their meetings on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month at 7:30 pm in the St. Francis Room. For more information, please call Concepcion Serrano at (407) 619-5117 or Richard Rivera (407) 252-9505. Please go to our website at: Los Caballeros de Colón invita a todos los caballeros de parroquia a sus reuniones, el 2do. y 4to. Jueves de cada mes, a las 7:30 pm en el Salón Buen Consejo. Por favor, llame a Concepcion Serrano (407) 619-5117, o a Richard Rivera (407) 252-9505. Por favor visita el website: Kairos Prison Ministry I was in prison, and you visited me.” Matthew 25:36 Consider Kairos Prison ministry! For more information, or to volunteer, please contact: Rafael Salado (407) 902-5052 or, or Miguel Ramirez ( Ministerio de Prisión Kairos “Estuve en la cárcel y me visitaron.” Mateo 25:36 ¡Considere el ministerio de Prisión Kairos! Para ofrecer su ayuda o para más información comuníquese con: Rafael Salado (407) 902-5052 o, o Miguel Ramirez ( The Legion of Mary invites the community to pray the rosary in English in the church every Saturday at 4:25pm and in Spanish in the garden in front of the Blessed Mother every Sunday at 11:30 am For more information please contact: Praesidium Mary Cause of Our Joy 407-619-2499 La Legion de Maria invita a la comunidad a rezar el Rosario en la Iglesia todos los Sabados a las 4:25pm (en Ingles)y en el jardin frente a la Santisima Virgen Maria todos los Domingos a las 11:30 am(en Espanol)Nuestras reuniones son los Jueves a las 7pm en el Salon St.Michael. Para mas informacion, por favor comuniquese con Presidium Inmaculada Concepcion.407-435-1096 /321-277-2195. Need More Information? St. Augustine Catholic Church Page 7 Parish Offices/ Oficina Parroquial Parish Offices/ Oficina Parroquial Líderes de Ministerios Phone : (407) 695-3262 Fax: (407) 699-8998 Adult Faith Formation Formación para Adultos Jorge Medina ext. 105 Business Office Oficina de Negocios Ruth Griffin ext. 101 Administrative Assistant Asistente Administrativa Gabriela Durlik ext. 100 Comité Ministerio Hispano Presidente—Lourdes Sánchez (407) 766-7146 Fr. Ybaín Ramírez, Pastor ext. 100 Fr. William Neumann, Parochial Vicar No email address ext. 100 Deacon Pedro Laboy ext. 107 Deacon Felix Montañez ext. 100 Deacon Antero Santos ext. 100 Director of Music & Liturgy, Pastor’s Assistant Director de Música & Liturgia y Asistente al Pastor Leonardo Mikan ext. 102 Ministry Leaders Pastoral Council President—Mariana Simonelli (407) 260-5532 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Albert Choo-Kang (407) 695-7154 Assistant Director of Music Asistente del Director de Música Dylane York ext. 112 Ministry to the Sick Sacramento de los Enfermos Coordinator—Barbara Koory (407) 366-5379 Readers Coordinators: Zola Cavanaugh and Barbara Koory (407) 695-1015 Director of Faith Formation Director de Formación de Fe Marilyn Napoletano ext. 104 Ushers John and Maria Paulovich (407) 695-3075 Altar Servers Joseph Durigan Director of Youth Ministry Directora de Jóvenes Theresa Guirola ext. 106 SIS - Sisters in Service Kathy Hale (407 ) 699-0447 Audio-Visual Please contact the parish office Actividades Coordinadora-Crucita Rivera (407) 862-7894 Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmatión para Adultos Coordinadora-Lourdes Sánchez (407) 766-7146 Ministros de la Hospitalidad Líder del Sábado—Jairo Gómez Líderes del Domingo Salvador Corona & Jony Gonzalez Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión Coordinadores Sábado— Saidy Ossers &Hector Gutierrez Coordinadores Domingo— Gina Vivas, (407) 267-4862 Alvaro Ramirez (407) 227-5299 Maria Elena Ramirez (407) 227-8335 Proclamadores de la Palabra Julio Barreto (407) 417-0322 Líder del Sábado—Carmen Rosado Líder del Domingo-Santiago González Proyecto Audiovisual (407) 695-3262 Sacramento del Bautismo Coordinadores— Santiago & Virginia Gonzalez (954) 205-2481 Servidores del Altar Coordinadora-María Corona (321) 388-7281 Líder del Sábado—Minerva Ramírez Prayer Line: If you have a special need of prayer, call Rosemarie at 407-695-9221. St Augustine Gift Shop Come visit St. Augustine’s gift shop and browse around. New items are received weekly. Store hours are: Saturdays 4:30 pm—8:00 pm; Sundays 9:00 am–2:30 pm First Fridays 9:30 am—11:00 am Tienda de Regalos de San Agustín Venga a ver la mercancía en nuestra tienda de artículos religiosos. Recibimos pedidos semanalmente. La tienda está abierta los Sábados de 4:30 pm—8:00 pm; y los Domingos de 9:00 am–2:30 pm; y los primeros Viernes 9:30 am—11:00 am MANY LOVELY GIFTS INCLUDING STATUES, BIBLES, ROSARIES, HOLY CARDS, CHILDRENS BOOKS, ARTWORK, CRUCIFIXS, MEDALS, CANDELS, ….