July/August/September 2015


July/August/September 2015
From Rabbi Susan Warshaw:
(In case you missed the Congregational Meeting in June, the remarks of
Rabbi Warshaw are included here.)
I am very proud, as the Rabbi of Temple Bat Yam, of what
we have accomplished together in nurturing our synagogue community and in creating the vital, enriched, loving, Jewish community TBY is today.
Our congregation has an active and energetic religious
school. This past year we had several B’nai Mitzvot, and
are looking forward to more in the coming year. We are
very lucky to have caring and hard-working teachers who
bring knowledge and love of Judaism to our students.
Jodi Sabo, Michelle Schachter, Teri Goldman and Marsha
Rosenstock are amazing teachers. In the coming year
we will be experimenting with a new schedule for family
services, and we will welcome our guitarist Phil Kane to
the religious school once a month to share his music and
his enthusiasm with our students and parents. Several of
our students are able to go to Camps Airy and Louise this
summer because of the generosity of the Fine Foundation, and many of our children receive a Jewish book every
month from the PJ Library, thanks to the generosity of
the Exelbert Family. We are blessed to have these generous donors to help bring Judaism into the lives of our TBY
This past year a TBY Youth Group became a reality—we
had fun at Planet Maze (our thanks to the Thalers), at
the Art League, and the group is planning an outing to a
Shorebirds game this summer. I expect the Youth Group
will continue to grow and become an important part of
our young people’s lives.
Cheryl, Phyllis and I work hard to create an inspired and
meaningful worship experience for everyone in the congregation. We welcome your feedback. This next year we
will welcome Phil Kane and his guitar once a month to our
Friday night services.
We are very excited about our successful prayer book
campaign. The congregation responded generously and
we have been able to purchase 200 copies of the new High
Holiday prayerbook, Mishkan HaNefesh. Please come to
services the first week of the month throughout the sum-
mer as I will introduce the new books to you. I believe they
will make a positive and important impact on our High
Holiday experience.
I hear over and over from guests what a welcoming congregation we are. Please, having greeters for each Friday night
service is important. I have a schedule, and would appreciate each one of you signing up to greet at least once during
the year. It can be fun, and everyone benefits.
Our Caring Committee each year lives up to its name as
“caring.” We are so fortunate to have so many who are willing to help in whatever way they can to make our congregants lives easier, to celebrate with others, to care for those
in need. This is a very important committee at TBY. If you
are interested in seeing what you can do to help, please
consider joining the committee.
In this coming year look for new adult classes at TBY.
Talmud class will continue, and a class called “Wise Aging”
will be added to the schedule. I have had several requests
for an adult Hebrew class, so that will start in the fall, as
well as a class on contemporary challenges in Israel.
There is so much to celebrate at Temple Bat Yam. It takes
each one of us to
make this the welcoming, generous,
learning, spiritual
congregation we
are. I thank each
one of you for the
opportunity to be
your Rabbi. I pray
that I may serve
you well, and be
there for you at all
times in your own
Jewish journey.
Let’s look forward
to the best year yet
at Temple Bat Yam.
— Page 1 —
Dancing the Night Away
On June 6th, the folks in the Temple social hall were “dancing the night away” to great music provided by the
Still Rockin’ band. In keeping with the Italian theme, the tables were decorated with red and white checkered table cloths, and the delicious food was provided by DeNovo’s of Ocean Pines. This was accompanied
by yummy desserts donated by our Sisterhood members.
Joanie Kessler and Joan Strauss co-chaired this very successful Sisterhood fundraiser. The money raised will
go towards the many events we sponsor. The band members donated their time and talents, and said they
enjoyed seeing everyone having such a good time. Our very own Candy Gusst got up and sang “Proud Mary”
with the band’s vocalist Carol Ludwig.
Thank you for all your support!
(See more photos throughout newsletter!)
In this Issue
President’s Report
Shalom All,
We are more than half way through the summer season and
with our Snowbirds back the Temple is buzzing with activity.
On June 14th we had the Temple Bat Yam Annual Membership meeting. Although we had a good turnout from the
membership, some of the highlights are worth repeating for
those who were unable to attend.
(Continued on Page 3)
— Page 2 —
Photos, Photos, Photos!
Arts & Furnishing
Golf Gala
Amazon Smile
High Holy Days Calendar
Religious School
Caring Committee
. . .And Much More
President’s Report (Continued from Page 2)
Our new budget was presented by Jay Taustin. There Knowing Christine, she will probably be right by his
were very few questions concerning the budget and it side to help with the events. Thank you to the Glicks.
was then approved by the membership.
Jodi Sabo has taken over as the Facebook administraThe nominating committee put forth the following
tor from Michelle Schachter. A big thanks to both of
slate which was voted on and approved:
the ladies.
Ellen Kraczak has stepped up as the editor of our
Newsletter, which is high profile because the Newsletter is on our website. Thank you Ellen!
President Candy Gusst
Executive V.P. Paul Schwab
Congregational V.P. Jay Taustin
Treasurer Karen Abrams
Recording Secretary Joan Kessler
Corresponding Secretary Jeff Thaler
As you can see we have a terrific group of volunteers
at TBY and the momentum is growing. We still have
room for more volunteers on a long term basis or
short term involvement. I can’t tell you how rewarding it is to volunteer for such a vital community as
ours at Temple Bat Yam.
Shalom, Candy
Bette Bohlmann
Cole Taustin
Buddy Seigel
Hal Glick
Rolfe Gudelsky
Steve Cohen
Stu Smolins
Stephanie Cohen donated $2,000 from the Sisterhood to the Temple at the Annual Membership
meeting and Bette Bohlmann donated $500 from the
Gift Shop. Way to go ladies! The Sisterhood hosted
the meeting serving a delicious breakfast.
These are the men and women that work tirelessly
for the Temple and we owe them a vote of thanks.
Debbie Resnick has stepped up as the House Committee chair. She, in conjuction with Peggy Tomarelli,
has tackled the job with her usual vigor by bringing
in a new cleaning service, negotiating with the trash
removal company for a much better rate and getting
things into shape around the building. It’s a big job.
Go Debbie!!
Hal Glick has stepped up as the Fund Raising chair.
He said he was involved with much of it anyway.
— Page 3 —
Congregational Meeting
Proud of Our Young People
Just a few short years ago, the Temple Bat Yam
Community celebrated the Bar/Bat Mitzvah of
four (4) young people. In May, 2015, we again
celebrated their achievements as they graduated
from High School and join a new community at
their respective colleges:
Olivia Grace Eagle, daughter of Dr. Harlan and
Leigh Ann Eagle, graduated from Parkside High
School in Salisbury, and will enter Salisbury
University in Salisbury as a sophomore. Olivia
plans to major in elementary education. This
summer, Olivia is working at the Horizons
Program at The Salisbury School in Salisbury.
The Horizons Program is a national enrichment program for children from disadvantaged
Zachary Eskridge, son of Amy Eskridge, graduated from Wicomico High School in Salisbury
and will attend La Salle University, in Philadelphia. He plans to major in Business Administration.
Matthew Klepper, son of Dr. Lee and Jennifer
Klepper, graduated from Worcester Preparatory
School in Berlin and will attend The University
of Miami, in Coral Gables, Florida. He plans to
major in engineering. This summer, Matthew is
working at Fager’s Island in Ocean City.
Emily Scheiber, daughter of Steven and Gail
Scheiber, graduated from Stephen Decatur
High School in Berlin. She will attend Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Emily
is working at Layton’s on 92nd street in Ocean
The Temple Bat Yam community sends each of
you our best wishes for successful and rewarding years in college and we hope you will find
time to return to our Temple Bat Yam family as
often as you can.
— Page 4 —
June 14, 2015
Library Corner
What are the Library Ladies“up-to” this summer?
Enid Levine is on a golf course, and I am wandering about in Colorado.
Janice Spieler is immersed in the Childrens and
Young Adults sections. She’s added some wonderful new volumes to the “rich” collections in
these sections, and she’s been busy processing
new acquisitions.
After the High Holy Days, all of the Crew Members will gather for some serious planning. Our
primary task will be to choose books to be featured in the Bagels & Books programs, for the
2015/2016 season. We could use your input. Have
you read a book, recently, that is begging for
group examination? Have you read something
either now or in the past that had a real impact
upon you? Would you enjoy leading a book
discussion? PLEASE think about all of this, and
then contact any of the active Library Ladies.
Carol Schachter has undertaken the vast task
of upgrading “spine labels”. If this phrase is a
mystery to you, please stop in to visit and learn
about “spine labels” and more.
Carole Eagle, and our newest Library Lady, Jan
Sklar, are devoting time and energy to developing a computer organized inventory of all that
we possess. Once they complete that immense
task, we will feel far more comfortable in offering our assistance with your requests and
searches. Thanks, Jan, for joining us and becoming a Library Lady.
We need and welcome your input. It takes all of
us, working together, to turn dreams into reality. Please consider joining the Library Crew. We
are a welcoming group of Library Ladies, and we
always need more hands. We would love a couple
of Library Gentlemen, as well.
Happy Summer Reading
Congregational Meeting (Continued)
— Page 5 —
Special Celebrations
Thank you Benefactors
and Patrons!
~Gloria Nestler
~Jo Anne Glazer
~Alan & Jackie Wilder
~Hal & Christine Glick
~Thomas & Lynn Neidenbach
~Carol Schachter
~Stu & Susanna Eisenman
~ Paul & Emily Schwab
~ Debbie Resnick
— Page 6 —
Upcoming Events
• Shabbat at the Beach – August 7th – at the Ocean
Pines Beach Club in Ocean City. Service starts at
• Memorial Service for Larry Caplan on August
30th at 12:00 noon at TBY followed by a light
• Religious school starts on September 20th
• URJ Biennial November 4th thru 8th in Orlando
• Glick Gala scheduled for Saturday, November
• Shabbat Dinners
August 21st
October 16th
November 20th
December 18th
The Temple Office will be closed the following days
during the High Holy Days:
Monday 9/14/2015
Wednesday 9/23/2015
Friday 10/2/2015
Shabbat at the Beach
The fourth annual TBY Shabbat at the beach service will be on Friday, August 7, at 7:30 pm at the Ocean
Pines Beach Club on 49th Street and Coastal Highway in Ocean City, MD. The service leader will be Rabbi
Susan Warshaw, accompanied by Cantorial Soloists Cheryl Taustin, Phyllis Alpern, and service musician Phil
Kane. The service will be held on the lower deck for easy access and there is a ramp for those who may need
it. There will be lights, bathrooms, chairs and free parking. And of course there will be a scrumptious oneg at
the conclusion of the service. Please contact Joan Kessler at jobekess@verizon.net if you would like to contribute a finger food dessert to the oneg.
Please bring a flashlight with you.
Please note: the parking is free, but the lot does not open until 7:00 pm.
In the event of rain, the service will be at Temple Bat Yam, 11036 Worcester Highway, Berlin, MD.
2015 Hal Glick Award Gala
The 2015 Hal Glick Distinguished Service Award
Gala will take place at the Clarion Hotel in the Crystal Ballroom on Saturday evening, November 21.
This year we will be honoring Jack Burbage. Please
reserve the date.
More information regarding the event will be forthcoming in the months ahead in TBY communications as well as in the general news media. Many
thanks to those who made the Gala earlier this year a
wonderful experience and a very successful fundraising event.
— Page 7 —
A Message From the High Holy Days Committee
Amazing as it may seem, it is time for our congregants to start thinking about the High Holy Days. Your
High Holy Days Committee has already started working to make sure that you are informed of services and
This is a year of exciting changes. We are introducing our new Mahzors (High Holy Days Prayer Books).
Rabbi Warshaw, our Cantorial Soloists, and the Committee are working to help us transiton to the new
Prayer Books.
Listed below is the Temple Bat Yam Calendar for the High Holy Days Season. Use it to plan your participation in the many activities and services which comprise our celebrations. Use the information, as well, as a
reminder to extend invitations to neighbors and friends to join us at Temple Bat Yam. Our doors are ever
open to all who might enjoy marking the Sabbath, the Holidays, and other events with our vibrant Jewish
Check the Calendar: Selichot, the very first event of our Season, is happening on September 5, 2015. Watch
your computer screen. There will be much more information coming your way.
High Holy Days
Saturday, September 5
Sunday, September 13
Monday, September 14
Monday, September 14
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
10:00 am
4:00 pm (At Cape Isle of Wight Park)
Sunday, September 20
10:00 am
Tuesday, September 22
7:30 pm
Wednesday, September 23 10:00 am
Congregants Hour 3:00 pm
Healing Service
4:15 pm
Yizkor/Concluding 4:45 pm
**BREAK-the-FAST Wednesday, September 23
6:30 pm At THE ‘EMBERS’
(Reservations/payment in advance)
*SUKKOT SHABBAT Friday, September 25
7:30 pm
Friday, October 2
*dates on which Temple Temple Bat Yam celebrates
** events so marked - more info to follow
— Page 8 —
Honoring the Jewish History
of Pocomoke City, Maryland
When the Congregation of Israel in Pocomoke City,
Maryland closed it doors, the contents were donated
to various synagogues, and toThe Jewish Museum of
Maryland. The Memorial Plaques were donated to
Temple Bat Yam.
A committee from Temple Bat Yam, including Rabbi
Susan Warshaw, Steve Cohen, Hal and Chris Glick,
Cheryl Taustin, Phyllis Alpern and Jeff Thaler was
set up to manage this precious gift. Planning for
the Rededication of the Memorial Plaques from the
Congregation of Israel, became an amazing emotional experience. The committee, sisterhood and
members of the congregation pitched in to organize
the rededication. The plaques were cleaned, polished
and hung in the sanctuary.
According to the Congregation of Israel website, Jews
began settling in Pocomoke City in the late 1870’s
and early 1880’s as merchants and peddlers. The
Congregation of Israel, known as the first permanent
synagogue on the Delmarva Peninsula, was built in
1947 and dedicated in 1948.
Descendants of the Pocomoke City Jews heard about
the rededication and came to Temple Bat Yam to
honor their ancestors. As they entered the sanctuary, their eyes focused on the plaques. They moved
together, toward the wall, and began pointing out
names, telling stories, laughing and shedding a few
tears. The service was led by Rabbi Dr. Susan Warshaw. Cheryl Taustin brought the services to a close
as she sang the hauntingly beautiful L’Dor v“Dor
(from Generation to Generation).
Temple member Grayce Cohen summed up the
evening. “It was a warm and wondrous event during
which we heard and shared the precious memories
of our brethren, the Jews of Pocomoke. They have
left with us the blessing of caring for their priceless
According to Rabbi Warshaw, one week after the rededication, a woman came to the temple, and asked
to see the memorial plaques. As she stood tearfully
facing the plaques she recounted the history of her
family whose names were listed.
For a short space in time the people whose names
appear on the Congregation of Israel Memorial
Plaques came alive.
— Page 9 —
In response to the Pocomoke Memorial Board Service, notes of thanks were received with donations,
as follows:
“To Temple Bat Yam Congregation,
Thank you so much for the warm welcome Friday 6/19/15. Words can’t describe
our appreciation for the new home for the plaques and for the wonderful evening.
It was so touching to see the plaques up in a warm, cheerful and spiritual atmosphere.
Thank you again, Judi & Marc Scher – Pocomoke – Congregation of Israel”
“Dear Temple Bat Yam,
Thank you for displaying the Memorial Plaques from Congregation of Israel. My
father, Leonard Scher, was one of the founders. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to attend the ceremony. Please accept our donation in honor of the re-dedication.
Dana (Scher) & Elliott Corn”
— Page 10 —
New Memberships:
Alan & Tina Halle,
36831 Jahnigen Drive
Frankford, DE 19945
John Wielgosz & Wendy Miller
8901 Atlantic Ave #10,
Ocean City, MD 21842
Sheldon & Elaine Kramer
31738 Lake Side Drive, Apt 304
Selbyville, DE 19975
Arthur & Harriett Wasserman
12 83rd Street, Unit 3
Ocean City, MD 21842
(cell - 410-371-1100)
Len & Judy White
8187 Inverness Ridge Rd.
Potomac, MD 20854
(cell – 301-520-1119)
Malcolm, Karen & Randy Karl
732 Mooring Rd
Ocean City, MD 21842
(cell – 703-930-4953)
Stan Wolk
Primary address:
6043 Rossmoor Lakes Ct.,
Boynton Beach, FL 33437
Seasonal address:
13110 Coastal Hwy #506,
Ocean City, MD 21842
(cell 561-376-3231)
Email: wolkstan@bellsouth.net
Sisterhood Update
Sisterhood Board:
Sisterhood celebrated the installation of the new Sisterhood
Board at The Hobbit in Ocean City. The new board is as follows:
President: Stephanie Cohen
Vice President: Roberta Bass
Treasurer: Enid Levine
Corresponding Secretary: Ellen Krawczak
Recording Secretary: Joan Kessler
Many thanks to Helene Caplan for all the work she did to make
this a lovely installation luncheon.
Sisterhood Calendar – Save the Date
August 14
Sisterhood Scholarship Award*
October 3/10
Comedy Social
October 8
General Membership Meeting
Open to Sisterhood Members only
Dinner with the Rabbi
Questions you want to ask or
Share our heritage evening
Cold dairy dinner
November 13
Sisterhood Shabbat
November 10 or 17
Pottery Fund Raiser at the Art League
Tea & Cookies
December 4
Chanukah Pot Luck Dinner
*The winner of the Sisterhood Scholarship is Emily Scheiber! The
award will be given at the Friday night service on August 14.
High Holiday Greeting Booklet
Sisterhood is again doing the High Holiday Greetings Booklet to
be distributed at Rosh Hashana! A greeting only costs $18.00!!
We need your support
for this important fundraiser!
— Page 11 —
Religious School News
We are looking forward to an exciting year of Religious School at Temple Bat Yam. Registration forms
will go out in August, and school begins on September 20. Our Family High Holiday Service will be on
that day at 10.00 AM followed by apples and honey
and meeting teachers and new students.
This year, instead of monthly family services, we are
having four services that will be geared especially for
families (we welcome you any and all weeks of the
year too!). The first one is the High Holiday Family
Service; in addition please put on your calendars a
Hanukkah service and pot luck dinner on December
4, Purim Service and pot luck dinner on March 25,
and a pizza dinner and Religious School led service
on May 6.
Our TBY guitarist, Phil Kane, will be coming once
a month to Religious School on Sunday mornings.
Phil will teach us all lively and fun Jewish music. Our
enthusiastic and wonderful teachers Marsha Rosenstock, Teri Goldman, Michelle Schachter and Jodi
Sabo will all be returning this fall. We are so fortunate to have these talented teachers in our school.
We look forward to seeing you on September 20 at
10.00 AM.
(Bagels at 9.30, classes start at 9.45;
school is over at 11.45)
September 20, 27
October 4, 11, 18, 25
November 8, 15, 22
December 6, 13, 20
January 10, 24
February 7, 21, 28
March 6, 13, 20
April 3, 10, 24
May 1
September 20
10.00 AM Family High Holiday Service
December 4
Hanukkah Pot Luck Dinner and 7.30 PM Service
March 25
Purim Pot Luck Dinner and 7.30 PM Service
May 6
Pizza Dinner and RS End of Year Service 7.30 PM
New Address:
Sylvia Kassalow, 5000 Fairbanks Ave. #234, Alexandria, VA 22311, 703-236-1926
Ed Wirkman & Leslie Segall, 1 Meadow Street Apt. 230, Berlin, MD 21811
Paul Schwab – new email address – paulmschwab@gmail.com
Carol Schachter – new email address – carolshack25@gmail.com
Lew & Barbara Meltzer, 394 Roosevelt Way, Westbury, NY 11590
Howard Reitkopp – new email address – hreitkopp@gmail.com
— Page 12 —
Shabbat at the Beach with BHC
On July 10, at the Delaware State Seashore Park, literally on Bethany Beach, our Temple cosponsored, with Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, a Beach Shabbat. The weather was great,
the attendees were numerous, and the service melodious.
Clergy present at the service included Rabbi Elissa Sachs-Kohn and Cantor Robbie Solomon
of BHC and our very own Rabbi Warshaw and Cantorial Soloists Cheryl Taustin and Phyllis Alpern. Quite a few Bat Yam congregants attended the Shabbat Service, including Candy
Gusst, Debbie Resnick, Bette Bohlmann, Steve Cohen, Dave Fox, Bob Kaplan, and Paul
Schwab serving as volunteer Greeters and Ushers.
We look forward to some
BHC congregants joining
our Shabbat at the Beach
on August 7.
— Page 13 —
The Daughter of the Sea Golf Classic
held at River Run Golf Club on June 16th, was
a tremendous success.
A Special Thank You To:
Lew Meltzer, owner of the River Run Golf Club
Devan Scott and all the Staff at River Run Golf Club
Tom Anderson and all the Restaurant Staff at The Player’s Club
Salisbury Moose Lodge #654
Sherwood of Salisbury / Ford*Lincoln*Mercury*Chrysler*Jeep*Dodge*Kia
Hal Glick, Mark Gizzi & Larry Michnick and our wonderful volunteers
Also A Special Thank You To Our Sponsors:
AC Beverage of the Eastern Shore
Alaska Stand
Atlantic Dental Cosmetic & Family Dentistry
Ayres, Jenkins, Gordy & Almand, PA
Bank of Ocean City
Bayside Skillet
Bruce and Christine Moore
Castle in the Sands
Cheers Beer, Wine and Liquor
Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel
EfactorVape.com (electronic cigarettes)
Gardner Signs
Hal & Christine Glick
Jeff and Robin Lattinville
Johnny Janosik Furnishings
K-Coast Surf Shop
Ken Sehman the Jeweler
Macky’s Barside Bar & Grill
Mark Gizzi
Morrison Chiropractics & Wellness Center
Ocean City Today
Ocean Lanes, Inc.
— Page 14—
(Continued on page 15)
Boosters (Continued)
Sponsors (Continued)
River Run Golf Club
Rosenfeld’s Jewish Delicatessen
Sello’s Italian Oven & Bar
Shawn Glick and Family
Sherwood on the Shore
Stan and Veronica Kahn
Taylor Bank
Temple Bat Yam
Trattoria Lombardi’s Family
Village of Fenwick
VTV Productions, Inc, The Resort Golf Guide,
Bob Vermillian
A Special Thank You to our Boosters:
Alaska Stand-8th St. & Bdwk.-Bob Givarz
Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar and Grill
Atlantic Dental - Ocean City
Bay Club Golf Course - Berlin
Bayside Skillet/Crepe & Omelette Place
BJ’s on the Water
Bonfire Restaurant
Buddy Sass, PGA Professional
Cactus Terverna
Candy Kitchen Shoppes-Ocean City & DE
Carey Distributers, Inc.
Cheers Beer, Wine & Liquor/Berlin
Comfort Inn Gold Coast-Ocean City
Deer Run Golf Club
Devan Scott, PGA Professional
Eagles Landing Golf Course
Ed and Chris Ellis
Glen Riddle Golf Club
Going Nuts Cafe-Salisbury
Grand Hotel & Spa-Ocean City
Great Hope Golf Course
Green Hill Yacht & Country Club
Heritage Shores Golf Course
Hobbit Restaurant
Holiday Inn Express & Suites127th Street
Home Depot-Dan Silverman
K-Coast Surf Shop, Chris Shanahan & Mark Pugh
Ken Sehman the Jeweler
Mid-Delmarva YMCA-Salisbury
Mancini’s Restaurant
Nassawango Golf Course
Nutter’s Crossing Golf Club
Ocean City Golf Club
Ocean City Today
Ocean Pines Golf & Country
Ocean Resort Golf Club
Peninsula Golf and Country
River Run Golf Club
Rosenfeld’s Jewish Delicatessen-63rd St.
Ruddos Golf - Ocean City, Fenwick & Rehoboth
Rum Pointe Golf Club
Salisbury Elk Club,
Eastern Golf
Lombardi’s Family
Restaurant 92nd
Tim Brittingham,
Touch of Italy,
Wood Creek Golf Links
— Page 15 —
Gift of Membership & Friend
Campaign Update
We are pleased to welcome into our congregation five new members who have joined through the Gift of
Membership initiative, and five new members who have joined as part of our newly initiated Friend Campaign.
The Gift of Membership Campaign was launched in late 2014 and invites prospective congregants to become
TBY members for twelve months with no dues. It provides a “test drive” period to get to know a new community prior to making a commitment. We encourage joining the Sisterhood, participating in one or more
committees, and joining in activities that benefit our greater community. New members who join as part of
the Campaign are also eligible to join our religious school program and enroll their children (for a modest
Our New Friend membership was adopted by the TBY Board this past May and, as announced at the June
Annual Meeting, is open to those whose primary residence (as determined by the IRS) is located outside of
the Delmarva Peninsula, and who visit seasonally or on weekends. The annual $200 fee, whether family or
single, allows our Friends to avail themselves of multiple offerings, including honoring Yahrzeits, attending
High Holiday services at no cost, and meeting our local community congregants whether at Shabbat Services
or in social settings.
The Board has launched the Friend Campaign as a one-year test for recruitment purposes with an assessment
of the program scheduled for next spring. Associate members dues for 2015-2016 are remaining the same
during this effort.
As noted in earlier announcements, existing TBY members serve as extensions of our Membership Committee and would be very helpful in bringing these Campaigns to the attention of friends and colleagues who
might be interested in becoming a member of TBY. Prospective members who are interested in learning
more can contact our Temple office either via email (templebatyam97@aol.com) or by phone (410-6414311), or they can contact Membership Chair Paul Schwab at paulmschwab@gmail.com.
Song Fest
honors Sandie
Wodlinger, with
performers Cheryl, Phil Kane, Stacy Kafka, Phyllis.
— Page 16 —
TBY Administrator Change
on Facebook
We Are Here Because We Care
Some travel tips from the Caring Committee
Summer is in full swing and many of you are enjoying the warm weather with family and friends who
have traveled to the shore. If you have lived here for a
number of years, you are use to doing a little planning from figuring out how to avoid traffic during
this busy summer season to getting your guests here
quickly and easily.
Members Harriet and Eddie Schneider recently flew
to visit family. They both require wheelchairs, but
with some advance planning and help from the TSA
and airline employees, they were able to travel comfortably and without stress. Harriet emphasized the
importance of calling TSA ahead of time. They were
able to board the plane quickly and easily.
I was surprised by how much information there was
for disabled and challenged travelers. One website
featured Nate and Nancy Berger, who have made
it to all seven continents and seen things such as
polar bears in the Canadian Arctic and gorillas in
Uganda. Nancy requires a wheelchair but with help
from travel agents and guides, a sense of humor and
patience (and a tool kit) they have made their travel
bucket list a lot shorter. See www.disabledtravelersguide.com or find them on Facebook.
Also, check out “8 Wheelchair Users Share the
Most Accessible Places They’ve Ever Been” on www.
curbfreewithcorylee.com – Rehoboth Beach and the
Western Wall are on the list!
In addition to our newsletter, Eblasts, and web site,
Temple Bat Yam continues its stream of communications with our very own Facebook site. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to continue to showcase
the vibrance of our congregation, particularly with
photos and announcements.
We thank our outgoing Facebook administrator
Michelle Schachter for all of her pioneering and ongoing work in keeping TBY part of the social media
presence. At the same time, we welcome Jodi Sabo as
our new administrator.
Jodi is originally from Rockville, Maryland. Her
family attended Temple Emanuel, in Kensington,
Maryland, where she became a Bat Mitzvah and an
active member of the youth group. She and Danny
were married there, and upon moving to Hebron,
Maryland she found that Temple Bat Yam, “felt like
home.” Danny and Jodi have two sons, Stephen (15)
and Julian (11). Jodi is a special education teacher
in Wicomico County and is one of our volunteer
religious school teachers, co-teaching the Bar/Bat
Mitzvah students for Hebrew and religious school.
She considers herself to be a proficient Facebook
observer and is looking forward to this new opportunity to be involved in the TBY community!
If you have photo and other submissions that you
would like added to our site, Jodi can be reached at
Have a great summer and happy travels from the
Caring Committee!
...And More Dancing
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A Friendly Reminder:
TBY Participating in Amazon Smile Program
You, your family members, your friends, your neighbors, and your colleagues can help support Temple
Bat Yam through our exciting partnership with
theAmazon Smile Program.
How Can I Join?
When visiting AmazonSmile (Google the name
and then select the Get Started icon under
AmazonSmile), customers are prompted to select a
charitable organization. Temple Bat Yam in Berlin,
Maryland is fully registered. Just write in our Temple
as the selected charitable organization and complete
the registration process. For eligible purchases at
AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will
donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the customer’s
selected charitable organization.
How Does the Temple receive the donations?
Each quarter, the AmazonSmile Foundation makes
donations to eligible charitable organizations by
electronic funds transfer. Donations will be transferred approximately 45 days after the end of each
calendar quarter. To Account for Product returns, a
portion of the quarterly donations will be withheld
until the next donation cycle, subject to any restrictions due to returns from prior quarters.
A number of our congregants have joined the program since our first announcement and our Temple
received its first check from AmazonSmile this past
We look forward to your participation in the AmazonSmile Program. Thanks in advance for your support of Temple Bat Yam. If you have any questions,
please contact the Temple office 410-641-4311.
TBY Board of Directors
— Page 18 —
Board of Directors
as of 7/1/15:
Rabbi Susan Warshaw
President Candy Gusst
Exec VP Paul Schwab
Cong VP Jay Taustin
Treasurer Karen Abrams
Exec Sec Joan Kessler
Cong Sec Jeff Thaler
Board of Trustees:
Hal Glick
Steve Cohen
Rolfe Gudelsky
Buddy Seigel
Stu Smolins
Bette Bohlmann
Cole Taustin
Past Presidents:
Larry Pack
Stu Eisenman
Larry Michnick
Mikle Waldman
Jeff Thaler
Hal Glick
Mel Stein
Jerry Selig
Andy Benjamin
Update from the Arts & Furnishings Committee
On behalf of Temple Bat Yam, the Arts and Furnishings Committee would like to thank all the people
who have donated art work to the Temple. It goes a
long way in making our beautiful building feel even
more like home away from home.
assumes no responsibility for items on display, including works that are on loan.
If you are considering donating artwork, the Arts
and Furnishings Committee will be happy to discuss
space availability and guidelines for donations.
7) In order to properly thank donors and to keep
an accurate inventory, we request that donors complete the previously mentioned form to accompany
each donation.
First, we’d love to know where the art work comes
from – please leave information about the art work
– the donor(s), the artist, the genre and whether it’s a
loan or a gift. The office has a form available to make
it easy for you This is for insurance purposes as well
as giving donors a receipt. Please attach the form to
each piece of art work.
6) TBY reserves the right to decline a piece of work
for display.
Thank you again for making TBY warm and inviting. Jeri Lipov and Bonnie Kaplan
For your information, the Guidelines for Donation &
Display include:
1) All 2 dimensional art work to be donated must
be matted and framed and in excellent condition –
we have no funds to repair art work. If the work is
water damaged or the mat is faded, please consider
withholding it until such time as you can have it
repaired before donating it.
2) All work donated should have a Jewish theme.
3) The subject of the art work must be appropriate
for a public place, in general, and for a contemporary
Reform Jewish congregation specifically.
4) As new artwork is submitted, items already
displayed may be rotated and/or stored. The highest
priority will be given to the most exceptional pieces. Furthermore, the size, shape, theme, and colors must
be evaluated by the Committee when determining
placements in order to create a pleasing display. This
is not a museum but a lively, vital space to invoke
thoughtfulness, meditation, or curiosity about our
5) Our intention is to treat every piece with care. However, since art work is in a public place, TBY
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A from your
newsletter editor
Our next issue will be the OctoberDecember issue, and will be e-mailed
to our members in mid November.
Articles should be submitted to Ellen
Krawczak at ekrawczak@mchsi.com.
If you submit a picture (or pictures)
along with an article, please make sure
to include the date of the picture, the
event, and the names of the people in
the picture.
All photos that do not accompany an
article should be submitted to Marvin
Novick, our photo editor, at marvin.
novick@gmail.com. Many thanks to
Marvin who took most of the wonderful
photos you are enjoying throughout this
Please observe the October 15 deadline
for submitting aricles and pictures. You
make our jobs easier by submitting
articles as soon as you write them.
We hope you enjoy this issue.
Ellen Krawczak
July 2015 Yahrzeits
Abraham Glick
Victor Rubin
Esther Swartz
Lillian Pace
Anna Rabinowitz
Philip Wolf
Sarah Caplan
Bernice Snyder
Homer Gudelsky
Jack Kroll
Maybelle Kaplan
Julius Seigel
Sylvia Goldshine
Mervin Stein
Jerry Glickman
Stephen Levin
Bruce Weller
Jack Green
Marshall Dale Davis
Irving Dunkel
Geraldine Blumenthal
Bernard Glazer
Jay Segall
Karl Meiselman
Michele Wirkman
Leonard Krinsky
Louis Lampel
Father of Helene Caplan
Stepfather of Hal Glick
Friend of Leslie Segall
Mother of Donald Pace
Mother-in-law of Elaine Rabinowitz
Brother of Veronica Kahn
Mother of Hermione Caplan
Mother of Rochelle Cohen
Grandfather of Rolfe Gudelsky
Friend of Arleen Pace
Mother of Jo Anne Glazer
Uncle of Allen Seigel
Grandmother of Carol Weller
Uncle of Jeri Lipov
Father of Miriam Green
Husband of Ronnye Levin
Son of Paul & Carol Weller
Father of Rabbi Susan Warshaw
Father of Jeri Lipov
Father of Ellen Kane
Mother of Fred Blumenthal
Cousin of Jo Anne Glazer
Brother of Leslie Segall
Father of Enid Levine
Wife of Edward Wirkman
Father of Carole Harris
Brother of Joyce Klein
August 2015 Yahrzeits
Rae Goldstein
Louis Beck
Lillian Glick
Petra Gordon
Melvin Brickner
Louis Getson
Alfred Spieler
Lillian Jean Stein Davis
Leah Arluck
Lena Kroll
Grandmother of Lewis Goldstein
Father of Cynthia Fox
Mother of Helene Caplan
Sister of Debbie Resnick
Brother of Gloria Furman
Father of Florence Kasden
Husband of Janice Spieler
Mother of Jeri Lipov
Mother of Phil Kane
Friend of Arleen Pace
— Page 20 —
August 2015 Yahrzeits (Continued)
Judy Lankford
Mother of Michelle Schachter
Theodore Plisko
Husband of Hilda Plisko
Toba Hanshaw
Sister of Ina Kotzin
Libby Segal
Mother of Candy Gusst
Nanette Willmuth
Wife of John Willmuth
Molly Boykoff
Mother of Bonnie Kaplan & Gail Zinar
Jack Kerman
Father of Janice Spieler
Ruth Rabinowitz
Sister-in-law of Elaine Rabinowitz
Esther Brickner
Mother of Gloria Furman
Jean Grill
Mother of Sherry Auerbach
Hyman Sheiman
Grandfather of Beth Woodell
Joseph Steinberg
Father of Ivy Hecker
Lillian Fromme
Mother of Myra Novick
Stella Resnick
Mother-in-law of Debbie Resnick
Gertrude Apple
Mother of Edward Apple
George Blickstein
Grandfather of Cynthia Leiner
Sylvia Schneider
Mother of Edwin Schneider
Hanna Ann Kahn
Mother of Stan Kahn
Paul Lavietes
Brother-in-law of Allen Brodsky
Ann Weller
Mother of Paul Weller
Henrietta Mitnick
Mother of Bud Mitnick
Arlan Schachter
Husband of Carol Schachter
Father of Jack Schachter
Benjamin Feinbloom
Grandfather of Carole Eagle
Marcia Merkle
Sister of Harriet Schneider
Louis Cohen
Father of Barry Cohen
Gary Schneider
Son of Edwin Schneider
September 2015 Yahrzeits
Richard Arnold Foer
Joyce Claire Schneider
Ruth Taustin
Jacob Samuel Bowers
Dorothy Fiore
Milton Zinar
Paul Blumenthal
Frances Katz
Sylvia Strauss
Husband of Harriet Schneider
Daughter of Leslie Segall
Mother of Jay Taustin
Father of Leonard Bowers
Mother of Pam Smolins
Father of Larry Zinar
Father of Fred Blumenthal
Mother of Joane Wolpin
Mother of Robert Strauss
— Page 21 —
September 2015 Yahrzeits (Continued)
Samuel Robert Anzel
Grandfather of Karen Abrams
Ira Novick
Brother of Marvin Novick
Frieda Rosenstock
Mother of George Rosenstock
Stephanie Edelstein
Daughter of Gloria Furman
Philip Siegel
Grandfather of Jodi Sabo
Ruth Leber
Mother of Arleen Pace
Lillian Firestone
Mother of Phyllis Alpern
Ella KleinMother-in-law of Marion Klein
Hy Lipov
Father of Richard Lipov
Irving Brickner
Father of Gloria Furman
Nathan Klioze
Father of Shirley Goodman
Selig Cohen
Father-in-law of Grayce Cohen
Dorothy Hodziewick
Mother of Stephanie Cohen
Morris Kurland
Grandfather of Victor Cohen
Tillie Kurland
Grandmother of Victor Cohen
Avron Gudelsky
Father of Rolfe Gudelsky
Maxine Bishop
Friend of Rabbi Susan Warshaw
Flora Cohen
Mother of Barry Cohen
Charles Rabinowitz
Father-in-law of Elaine Rabinowitz
Beatrice Freeman
Aunt of Cheryl Taustin
Etta Schwartz
Grandmother of Janice Spieler
Marcia Meyers
Sister of Phyllis Brodsky
Elaine Sheiman
Mother of Beth Woodell
Christopher Heyer
Father of Kim Cuesta
Martha Gudelsky
Grandmother of Rolfe Gudelsky
Robert Lrawczak
Husband of Ellen Drawczak
Robert Lee Abrams
Brother of Sandy Abrams
Frank Grill
Father of Sherry Auerbach
— Page 22 —
Debbie Resnick
~In honor of George & Marsha Rosenstock’s 50th
wedding anniversary
Hal & Christine Glick
~In honor of George & Marsha Rosenstock’s 50th
wedding anniversary
Sidney & Carole Eagle
~In memory of Marlene Hecker
Paul & Emily Schwab
~In memory of Marlene Hecker
Richard & Jeri Lipov
~In memory of Marlene Hecker
Rabbi Susan Warshaw
~In honor of Ethan Scheiber’s Bar Mitzvah
Elliot & Fraeda Lewis
Howard & Ellen Reitkopp
~in memory of Marlene Hecker
Stu & Pam Smolins
~in sympathy of the loss of Larry Caplan. He will be
missed and long remembered by everyone
Rina & Jeff Thaler
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Hal & Christine Glick
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Lisa Mallner
~in loving memory of Larry Caplan
Debbie Resnick
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Gary Ginsberg
~in honor of Hal Glick
Steve & Carol Rosen
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Barry & Janice Sklar
John Willmuth
Ellen Papetti
Donald Lapinsohn
Bette Ann Felber
~on behalf of Mel Felber
~in memory of Sharon Caden
~in memory of Sandie Wodlinger
Marc & Judi Scher
Enid Levine
~In memory of Larry Caplan
— Page 23 —
CONTRIBUTIONS (Continued from Page 23)
Rona & Bert Raymond
~”Thank you for a fine evening” (referring to the
Pocomoke Memorial Board Service)
Paul & Emily Schwab
~In honor of George & Marsha Rosenstock’s 50th
wedding anniversary
~in honor of David & Cindy Fox’s 50th wedding anniversary
Roberta Bass
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Sherry & Anton Mallner
~In memory of Larry Caplan
Jeffrey & Roberta Shane
Hal & Christine Glick
~In memory of Phyllis Rice
Pam & Walter “Macky” Stansell, Jr.
Dana(Scher) & Elliott Corn
~ as thanks for displaying the Pocomoke Memorial
Lee & Ellen Burstyn
Alfred & Zelda Goldberg
Ronald & Arleene Birenkrant
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Sidney & Carole Eagle
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Barry & Candy Gusst
~in memory of Larry Caplan
~in honor of the Pocomoke Memorial Plaques
Enid Levine
Andrew & Judith Gold
~in memory of their beloved cousin, Larry Caplan
Stu & Susanna Eisenamn
~in honor of Bette & John Bohlmann’s special day
Ellen Krawczak
~to thank the Caring Committee for all the phone
calls, meals & especially rides to doctor’s appointments, hospital treatments, etc.
Larry & Ivy Hecker
~In memory of Larry’s mom, Marlene Hecker
Carole & Sidney Eagle
~In Memory of Joyce Klein
~In honor of Grayce Cohen
Larry & Ivy Hecker
~In memory of Larry’s mom, Marlene Hecker
Bette & John Bohlmann
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Joane & Ed Wolpin
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Tom & Barbara Southwell
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Janice Spieler
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Miriam “Myrna” Metzger
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Sy & Marion Longberg
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Norman & Doris Barry
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Seth & Indy Goldberg
~in memory of Larry Caplan
Sylvia Burkom
~Father, Benjamin Starr
~Mother-in-law, Bertha Burkom
Elaine Rabinowitz
~Husband, Harold Rabinowitz
Richard & Jeri Lipov
~ Richard’s mother, Stella Lipov
Jan & Barry Slkar
~son, Michael Frankovich
Rochelle & Barry Cohen
~ Rochelle’s Father, Albert Snyder
Roberta Bass
~Father, Sidney Bass – “Dad, you are in my heart
Don Pace
~Mother, Lillian Pace
~Father, Carl Pace
~Wife, Janet Pace
~Brother-in-law, John Wyatt
Florence Kasden
~Mother, Rose Getson
Debbie Resnick
~Brother-in-law, Fred Gordon
Gloria Nestler
~Beloved Father, Sam Sperling
~Father-in-law, Sam Nestler
— Page 24 —
(Continued from Page 24)
David Segal
~Father, Harry Segal, in blessed memory
Allen & Phyllis Brodsky
~Cousin, Richard Levin, a fantastic cousin to Phyllis,
WWII infantry veteran
~Father, Nathan Brodsky, Dad was like Noah (his
Hebrew name); he saved much of family from programs
Debbie & Stuart Wodlinger
~Mother, Sandie Wodlinger
Sylvia Burkom
~Brother, Robert Starr
Rabbi Susan Warshaw
~Father, Jack Green
Ellen Kane
~Father, Irving Dunkel
Enid Levine
~Father, Karl Meiselman
Hal & Christine Glick
~In memory of Victor Rubin
Marcia Hirsch
~Mother, Ida Caplan, dearly beloved
~Husband, William Hirsch, dearly beloved
Miriam Green
~Father, Jerry Glickman
Barry & Rochelle Cohen
~Rochelle’s Mother, Bernice Snyder
Ed Wirkman
~In loving memory of Michelle
Fred Blumenthal
~In loving memory of my mother, Geraldine Blumenthal
Hermione Caplan
~for my mom, Sarah Caplan, in loving memory
Leslie Segall
~In memorium of Jay Segall & Esther Swartz
Donald & Arleen Pace
~Mother of Donald, Lillian Pace
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Have a simcha to celebrate or a Yahrzeit to commemorate?
Consider supporting the congregation
by sponsoring an Oneg or Kiddush!
Honor a Birthday, Wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Remember the Passing of a Loved One
Make a donation to the General Account to the Interest of Your Choice
Caring Committee
Sponsor an Oneg
Rabbi’s Discrtionary
Tree of Life/Memorial Plaque
Religious School
Arts and Furnishing
Your Name:
Donation Amount:
Special Message:
Send Acknowledgement To:
Next Newsletter Article Deadline
October 15 for Fall Edition (Oct, Nov, Dec)
Temple Bat Yam
11036 Worcester Highway, Berlin, MD 21811
P.O. Box 3238 Ocean City, MD 21843
410.641.4311 • templebatyam97@aol.com • http://www.templebatyam-oc.org/
Layout, graphic design, original logos, photo correction: Jani Kendy, jni1sscs@gmail.com
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