
Temple Bat Yam has two beautiful
Torahs. One was the gift from a
No v /D e c
congregant, the second was a gift
from a congregation in Baltimore.
Temple Bat Yam 11036 Worcester Highway Berlin, MD 21811
templebatyam-oc.org templebatyam97@aol.com 410.641.4311
Rabbi Susan Warshaw
Rabbi Susan Warshaw
We have so many amazing and exciting things happening at Temple Bat Yam. It is a
special place. Every one of you in our varied community should be able to find
something that appeals to you, and that makes you feel good about being Jewish and
being a part of this vibrant congregation.
Some activities coming up in the next couple months include new adult ed
courses (if you are interested in Mussar join our newly forming Mussar group on
Wednesday mornings; or come and learn about the Talmud); join us for Havdalah and
a pot luck dinner (delicious home-cooked food and socializing with fellow TBY
members); if you love or want to learn about Jewish movies come to movie night and
see the Israeli box-office hit Footnote. If you love reading, come on a Sunday
morning, have a bagel and discuss a book at our next review. Every month we have a
Shabbat dinner, and of course there are always services followed by a delicious oneg
and a time to schmooze with friends. [Dates for all these activities may be found on
the temple calendar.]
And if traveling is your passion, especially with a Jewish flavor, we have two
very special opportunities. Next October (see flyer in newsletter) we will go to
Amsterdam and explore Jewish Amsterdam and the surrounding area. This trip will be
led by Rafi, the same tour guide we used for our Israel trips. Rafi’s family was Dutch;
he speaks the language, knows “everyone” in Amsterdam, and will be able to take us
to places not all groups are able to visit. This should be a very special trip.
We are also going to Cuba. The Jewish community in Cuba needs the support
of American Jews. In May we will take a mission to Cuba (see flyer in newsletter for
details). We will get to know Cuba, while helping the Jewish community in its effort to
survive. Part of the mission to Cuba is taking medical supplies the community needs
and is unable to get. This is a real mitzvah, and the trip should be a unique
Of course our Torah/Legacy project is very exciting. When our sofer (Torah
scribe) was here in September I saw the emotion on so many faces as people wrote
their crown in our TBY Torah. I was humbled by the power of Torah and by the
teaching of our scribe, Neil Yerman. He introduced us to a new and different level of
learning and meaning of Torah.
As I looked at the various crowns I was struck by how different they all were.
And I remembered Neil’s teaching that no two alephs (the most frequent letter in the
Torah) are ever the same. Those crowns we wrote are there for our children, our
grandchildren, and all those whom we will not know, but who will feel our presence in
some subtle and unexplainable way as we connect, generation to generation, through
Page 2
Torah. You still have the opportunity write your own crown when our scribe returns on
December 8 (contact Veronica Kahn to set up appointment).
Some in our congregation have expressed to me that they are concerned we
will no longer use our two beautiful Torahs, or that the new Torah will not have the
same elegance and “presence” as our other Torahs. Please know that we will continue
to use all the Torahs, and that the new Torah, once it has its own mantle (Torah cover)
and crowns, will be just as beautiful and special as our other Torahs. Torahs are
meant to be used, to be read, to be loved. We will do that for ALL our Torah scrolls.
Our new Torah will give us more flexibility and allow more people in the congregation
to experience and enjoy Torah.
The dedication of our new Torah is December 8 at 3.00. Invite friends to join as
we welcome the new Torah to TBY with a very special celebration. I hope to see every
member, and their guests, here. It will be something you will not forget.
CASA and AGH to speak at Bat Yam
Please join sisterhood when the director from CASA, a part of Worcester Family Youth
and Counseling, will speak about what happens to children on assistance or who are
removed from their homes and their available services (you would be surprised).
November 7, brown bag lunch at noon and speaker at 1 PM
Beverages and dessert will be provided
Please rsvp by November 1, Ellen Krawczak, ekrawczak@mchsi.com 410-600-0495
Sunday November 17 Michael Franklin, CEO at Atlantic General Hospital,
will be in the Bat Yam sanctuary at 10.30 AM following bagels and
donuts at 10 to speak on newest hospital procedures, offered services
and a question/answer session. Please email any medical questions to
templebatyam97@aol.com prior to the event.
Page 3
Ronnye Levin 2901 S Leisure World Blvd. #120 Silver Spring, MD 20906 301.598.6064
add an email address for steve lebowitz slebow54@gmail.com
change phone number for ed and harriet schneider to 410.524.4111
sisterhood president is stephanie cohen
Peter and Becky Zweigbaum
Bruce and Cyndi Leiner
Gloria Nestler
Jeff and Rina Thaler
Peter and Kimberly Cuesta
Jay and Cheryl Taustin
Jonathan and Terry Bell
Jo Anne Glazer
Hal and Chris Glick
Lee and Jennifer Klepper
Lew Bush
Grayce Cohen
The Hal Glick Distinguished Service Award Gala is postponed for the
immediate future. We hope we will be able to reschedule in the spring
or summer of 2014.
Page 4
Committee chairs and officers
Religious School Newsletter Article
November-December 2013
Executive Board:
President Larry Pack
Exec VP Candy Gusst
Cong VP Warren Rosenfeld
Treasurer Debbie Resnick
Exec Secretary Sandie Wodlinger
Cong Secretary Jeff Thaler
Past President Stu Eisenman
Michelle Schachter
Sidney Eagle
Hal Glick
Steve Cohen
Jay Taustin
Our first Pizza Dinner followed by the Early Shabbat Service was held
in October. Everyone had a wonderful time and we look forward to
continuing this tradition throughout the year. Thank you to Bette
Bohlmann, Candy Gusst, and the TBY Sisterhood for organizing these
dinners for all to enjoy. I’d like to extend a special thank you to
students Acacia Nichols and Joey Bernstein for their assistance, and
again to John Bohlmann for continuing his role delivering the pizzas.
Mazel Tov to both Acacia Nichols and Harry Heller for leading us in
their Bar/Bat Mitzvah services in September and October. They did a
fabulous job!
The Rabbi is asking all religious school families to attend the Torah
dedication at 3.00 on December 8. Religious School classes are
canceled that morning and we are asking all students to participate in
the dedication service at 3.
We invite the TBY congregation to join in the celebration of Halle
Friedman’s Bat Mitzvah Friday evening and Saturday morning
December 20-21.
Buddy Seigel
Bette Bohlmann
Committee Chairs:
Sisterhood Stephanie Cohen
Publications Jamie
Linebaugh/Sandie Wodlinger
Public Relations Rosalie Harris
Membership Ivy Hecker
Steve Cohen
Community Outreach Rina
Mitzvah Day Jay Lepselter
Finance Jay Taustin
Fundraising Warren Rosenfeld
Adult Jewish Growth Buddy
Library Grayce Cohen
Caring Bette Bohlmann
Religious School: Sundays 9:45 AM -12:00 noon (Bagel Bar 9.30
November 10, 17, 24 (Hanukkah Celebration)
December 8: Religious School classes canceled; All families to attend Torah
Dedication at 3 PM
December 15
January 12
February 2, 9, 23
March 2, 9, 16 (Purim Celebration), 23
April 6 (Passover Celebration)
May 4 Mitzvah Day – All students required to attend.
Early Shabbat Services Second Friday of Each Month at 7:00 PM
November 8
December 13
January 10
6:15 PM Pizza Dinner, 7:00 PM Service
February 14
March 14*
5:30 PM Purim Pot Luck Dinner, 7:00 PM Purim
April 11
May 9*
6:15 PM Pizza Dinner; 7:00 PM Service
Teacher Appreciation Shabbat
Page 5
In keeping with our intention to help
those less fortunate than our
members, the collection of winter
clothing started in October and will
run through November. Sisterhood
will sort the donated clothes in early
December and deliver them to
Pocomoke. This is an opportunity for
you to clear space in your drawers
and closets. Just put the winter
clothes you no longer need into
plastic bags.
Halle Friedman is looking forward to celebrating her
Bat Mitzvah on December 21.
She attends Stephen Decatur Middle School and
her favorite subject is Integrated Language Arts,
formerly called English. Her least favorite subject is
Bring the bags to TBY and put them
under the tables in the collection/coat
room. Then add this to your personal
mitzvah list.
May 11-19, 2014
Havana, Cienfuego, Trinidad de Cuba
Join Rabbi Warshaw, your fellow members,
family and friends on a uniquely insightful trip of
cultural discovery and humanitarian effort. We will
have experiences offered to few travelers to this
tropical island nation. You will get to know Cuba
while helping the Jewish community in its effort to
survive. A great mitzvah--a unique experience--a
fun trip!
To receive information please contact:
Hilda Plisko, Mission Coordinator
410.208.1268 opines@mchsi.com
(This mission is for the sole purpose of assisting the Jews
of Cuba pursuant to a General License issued to Temple
Bat Yam by the US Department of the Treasury.)
Halle has traveled away from the Eastern Shore to
visit family in Minnesota, Canada and Florida.
When they are not traveling, and she has spare
time, Halle likes to go bowling with her family.
She is determined to eventually find more time to
help out in the community, but currently she really
enjoys spending time with her friends, family and
Halle's favorite sport is lacrosse and her most
memorable moment is when she scored her first
She only gets annoyed by her sisters and she
suspects that sometimes that it is a mutual feeling.
Taylor Swift is Halle's favorite celebrity.
Her serious thinking about the future is to go to
college and then take the necessary steps to
owning a bakery.
Halle's bat mitzvah project is beach cleanup.
Her Torah portion centers on Moses, and includes
the drama of splitting the Red Sea, the burning
bush, leading our people to freedom, and the Ten
Commandments. Learning about the
Commandments has affected Halle because she
realized her heritage contributes greatly to living in
The Temple Bat Yam family wishes a hearty Mazel
Tov to Halle and her family.
We join in their pride for all she has accomplished.
Page 6
The Shema prayer begins with
the Hebrew letter shin:‫ש‬.
This letter has the sound of
shhhh--be quiet, listen. The
word Shema in fact means to listen,
or to hear. Some people cover their
eyes with three fingers when they
pray the Shema.
The three fingers look
like the letter shin ‫ש‬. Closed eyes
help us to quiet our minds and listen
to the words of the prayer:
Hear O Israel, Adonai is our God,
Adonai is one.
Do you shop at Food Lion? Whether you go
there occasionally or regularly, you can donate
to TBY at no additional cost to you. If you buy
and a Food Lion gift card from our Temple, and
use it instead of cash when you shop at the
store, 5% of your purchase goes back to TBY.
That way your grocery dollars earn money for
TBY. It's easy. Jamie has a supply of $50.00,
$100.00 & $200 gift cards in the office. When
you use the card in Food Lion, the cost of your
groceries will be subtracted from the value of
your card. Continue to use the card on your
trips to the store until the balance is zero. Then
buy another card. You get what you want, and
Temple Bat Yam gets a share of the money.
Support your Temple through your purchases.
Mah Jongg Players
You can order your card through Temple Bat Yam Sisterhood and it will be mailed directly to you at the
beginning of April.
Note the change in price for 2014.
Cost of Standard Card
Cost of Large Print Card $9.00
The Mah Jongg League will not accept multiple checks. Therefore, to place your order, make a check
out to Enid Levine or to cash and I will be submitting one check to the National Mah Jongg League.
Please include your name and mailing address with your check. If you have the preaddressed label from
Mah Jongg League material you received earlier this year, please include that as well. I must receive
your order no later than January 10, 2014.
Mail to:
Enid Levine
38019 East Chester Lane
Ocean View, DE 19970
If you have questions please call me at 302-541-5639 or e-mail to
Page 7
November 15 and December
20 Shabbat Dinners 6.30 PM
followed by 8 PM services.
Catered by Rosenfeld’s
Jewish Deli.
Watch for menus.
We are re-starting showing
Judiac themed movies in our
Social Hall. The first one will
be Saturday, November 16 at
7 p.m.
The film is titled Footnote and
is about long buried tensions
that erupt in this witty drama.
Talmudic scholar and his
ambitious son.
Join us for popcorn and a
social evening!
Big kudos to Carole Eagle for a wonderfully presented Bagels & Books review of
“The Lost Wife”, on October 20th. Once again, Carole has proved to be
a thorough and thoughtful facilitator. Thanks, Carole, you gave us a great Sunday
Library Crew members, Janice Spieler and Carol Schachter produced a charming
“bagel buffet”. All in all, it was a delightful time,
There are some exciting plans being formulated for the next Bagels & Books, and the
sessions beyond that. At press time, all we can say is that the next date is Sunday, January
26, 2014 (can you believe?). Watch e-mails for final plans, as the time grows shorter. Do
save the date.
The Library Crew is seeking additional hands. If you are a reader, if you enjoy being
with books and compatible humans, if you would enjoy being part of Bagels & Books,
projects, if you might enjoy working in the Library, processing and caring for our many
volumes, please be in touch with any member of the Library Crew. You can leave us a note
in the Library or in the Temple Office. We would so appreciate your company and your help.
If you have read a book that you think might make an interesting discussion subject,
Inform us. We count on input from the Congregation which is the best way for us to choose
books for reviewing.
Winter, the stay at home season, is quickly approaching. There is no better way to spend a
winter day than with a good book and a cozy chair. Next time you are in Temple, drop into
the Library, and search our shelves. We have some fascinating reading material!!
Enjoy pleasurable reading -
Page 8
Ed Wolpin has been a member of the OPVFD for over 6 years and
volunteers as deputy for the Worcester County Sherrif’s Dept.
He serves in county traffic control, searching and rescue,
evacuation and in emergency support as called upon. As part of
a team of twelve Fire-Policemen he protects the OP community by
assisting the fire department with equipment and personnel
Fred Blumenthal recites poetry to residents at the Chesterbrook
Residences assisted-living facility in Falls Church, Virginia.
The monthly session is called “Poet’s Corner.”
Among our past activities was a special dinner with the Rabbi where she was honored
for her graduation from the Hartman Institute in Israel and the sisterhood presented a
$1000 scholarship to Samuel Feldstein (Marsha Sandler’s grandson).
We were also able to donate $50 to the Home of the Brave and $50 to Worcester
County to purchase school supplies for children in need, proceeds from the annual
calendar. A sincere thanks to all who participated and especially Jamie in the temple
office. Remember to let the merchant know you saw their add as we hope to ensure
participation next year. A donation was also made to The Torah/Legacy project in the
amount of $180 for a verse, thanks to Bette Bohlmann for your research.
A Happy Birthday to June Todd, she was presented with flowers and a cookie platter.
Page 9
Judaica Shop
The air is changing and we can feel Hanukkah is quickly approaching. The temple gift
shop has a wonderful selection of newer and older Hanukkah menorahs, dreidels,
candles, gelt and other appropriate gifts for the holiday. Shop is open on Friday night
before the service and will be open several Sunday mornings. Jamie is available
during her regular business hours for your convenience. Select from our displays of
holiday gifts, and make your family happy as you support Sisterhood.
Remember to light first night Hanukkah candle at sundown on November 27.
October 20-25, 2014
Join us for this exciting trip. “Our” Israeli/Dutch tour guide, Rafi, will lead the tour.
Trip Highlights include:
Six nights at the Ambassador Hotel (includes breakfast)
Day tour Amsterdam Old Jewish neighborhood
Jewish Historical Museum
Portuguese Synagogue
One day bus and Jewish cemetery outside Kerk Aan de Amstel
Lecture on Spinoza and Jewish Amsterdam
Anne Frank House
Canal Boat Ride
Renovated Rijksmuseum and Rembrandt collection
The Hague--Synagogue, Maurits House and Vermeer collection
Two special dinners
Classes before the trip lead by Rabbi Susan Warshaw at Temple Bat Yam
Cost: $2550 double, $1225 single supplement
Air Transportation is not included.
Contact Rabbi Susan Warshaw Temple Bat Yam: 410.641.4311 or rabbiwarshaw@gmail.com
Steve Cohen
How ironic-Jews and Muslims are uniting in all places-Poland over
the legality of ritual slaughter. A coalition of Jews and
Muslims(whose halal meat is slaughtered in a similar fashion to
kosher meat) is awaiting a court ruling by the Polish High Court. In
2002 the Polish legislative passed a law that all animals have to be
stunned before they are slaughtered. Given that religious law
governing both kosher and halal slaughter forbid such stunning, the
Polish legislature exempted Jews and Muslims from these laws. Thus
the High Court will determine if this ritual slaughter is legal in
Poland. As a result Poland’s booming kosher-slaughter industry
worth an annual $350 million has come to a grinding halt.
Ironically this issue has brought Muslims and Jews together. Wow
of all places for Jews and Muslims to become friends-POLAND.
Page 11
Caring Committee - Hineinu - We Are Here Because We Care
Thanks to two of our congregants, Sandie Wodlinger and Roberta Bass, for sharing important
information with us at our last meeting. Sandie is TBY's representative to Atlantic General
Hospital's Faith-based Partnerships and introduced us to their We-Care Program, a no-cost,
daily check-in telephone service for people living alone. The program is confidential and is
administered by the AGH Auxiliary. Registration forms are available at TBY or you can call (410)
641-9678. Roberta arranged for Amy Schine, MSW and Educational Consultant for
the Alzheimer's Association, present a Dementia Education Program at TBY in October.
At our last Stepping On class, we visited the MAC Center in Salisbury. We met Janet Parke,
Program Director for the Holly Center. Ms. Parke showed us around the Disability Resource
Center, a "lending library" of equipment such as amplified and captioned phones, medical alert
systems, mobility aids and other items that you can try out before making a purchase from a
retailer. Ms. Parke also introduced us to the Maryland Accessible Telecommunications
Program - which provides free assistive telephone equipment to qualifying Maryland residents
(you have to be receiving benefits such as SS, VA or prove a limited income). Go
to www.mdrelay.org for more information. Ms. Parke can also provide assistance with the
accessibilty features on iPhones and iPads, such as VoiceOver and Assistive Touch. Ms. Parke
can be reached at 443-260-0822 if you have any questions. Read this NY Times article for an
introduction to some of the features: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/29/disruptionsguided-by-touch-screens-blind-turn-to-smartphones-for-sight/?ref=disabilities
Again, thanks to Sandie and Roberta for bringing us their new ideas and suggestions. If you
have any ideas or questions, please contact our Chair, Bette Bohlmann at 410-2516366 or gabywjb@verizon.net. Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 18th at 4:30 pm.
Please come join us!
Susanna Eisenman
Caring Committee member
The committee is working on updating the dues schedule for next fiscal year by proposing a new
category for members under the age of 30. This effort is to encourage younger people to join. A
membership mailing was sent to guests that attended High Holidays services from which we
hope to gain at least five new members.
In order for Bat Yam to continue to prosper it is up to the congregation to help identify and recruit
new members. If you know any Jews from your neighborhood or community please invite them
to a Shabbat service or another temple event/program. If you see an unfamiliar face at services
introduce yourself to them. Try to introduce The Rabbi or other members of the congregation to
them as well. Last, provide their information to the membership committee so there can be a
follow up.
DECEMBER 15, 2013 – please email templebatyam97@aol.com
Page 12
Rose Barth: aunt of Donald Hamburg, Sylvia
Barth: aunt of Donald Hamburg, Rose Cohn:
mother of Grayce Cohen, Gertrude Sally Davis:
mother of Carole Eagle, Randi Edelstein:
daughter of Gloria Furman, Daniel Feirman:
grandfather of Beth Woodell, Saul Glick:
father of Hal Glick, Theodore Hamburg: father
of Donald Hamburg, Marian Hankin:
grandmother of Cynthia Leiner, Judy
Katsoyannos: mother of Karen Abrams, Isidore
Katz: father of Norman Katz, Elaine F. Krinsky:
mother of Carole Harris, Jerry Kroll: friend of
Arleen Pace, Fannie Lebowitz: mother of Steve
Lebowitz, Sig Meyerhoff: father of Joan
Kessler, Bert Nestler: husband of Gloria
Nestler, Lillian Rubenfeld: aunt of Jay Taustin,
Miriam Rubin: mother of Hal Glick, Arthur
Sachs: friend of TBY, Mary Sall: mother of
Patti Wiedermann, Max Schaerf: father of
Janice Hamburg, Lillian Schneider: former
Mother-in-law of Leslie Segall Mary Sperling:,
mother of Gloria Nestler, Marian Tanenholtz:
great Aunt of Stu Eisenman, Louis Zampilione:
father in law of John Willmuth
Edwin F. Abrams: husband of Jeannette Abrams,
Richard S. Brodsky: son of Allen Brodsky, Arthur
Chaikin: uncle of Jodi Sabo, Morris M. Cohn:
father of Grayce Cohen, Augie Fiore:father of
Pamela Smolins, Milton Glazer: father-in-law of
Jo Anne Glazer, Joseph Goldshine: grandfather of
Carol Weller, Shirley Ann Hankin: mother of
Cynthia Leiner, Ida Heit: grandmother of
Rebecca Brunet, Stanley Hodziewick: father of
Stephanie Cohen, Herman C. Horwitz: father of
Gladys Miller, Adelyn Jacobs: mother of Debbie
Resnick, Gertrude Kaufman: mother-in-law of Dot
Kaufman, Sybil Kerman: mother of Janice
Spieler, David Klein: father of Donald Klein,
Walter Klein: husband of Marion Longberg, Morris
Lampel: father of Joyce Klein, Jacob Lieberman:
friend of TBY, Fanny Meiselman: mother of Enid
Levine, Madeline Miller: mother of Cheryl Taustin,
Dorothy Rosenberg: mother of Marsha Howarth,
Abraham Rosenstock: grandfather of George
Rosenstock, Cyrus Roth: father of Carol Rosen,
Shirley Segall: mother of Leslie Segall, George
Sekeres: father of Carol Weller, Max Sekeres:
grandfather of Carol Weller, Russell Selig: father
of Jerry Selig, Sylvia Sheiman: grandmother of
Beth Woodell, Edna Silver: mother of Dot
Kaufman, Ron Smolins: brother of Stuart
Smolins, Samuel Stein: grandfather of Jeri Lipov,
Theodore Sitkoff: husband of Susan Sitkoff,
Gertrude Wirkman: mother of Edward Wirkman
From Marcia Hirsch:
~to Patti Selig with deepest sympathies to Patti Selig and
her family on the loss of Patti’s father, Pat Diilanni.
From Rabbi Warshaw:
~to Acacia Nichols in honor of your Bat Mitzvah
~to Harry Heller in honor of your Bar Mitzvah
From Robert and Tiffanie Nichols:
~to Rabbi Warshaw with appreciation for all your help
with Acacia’s Bat Mitzvah
~to Cheryl Taustin with appreciation for all your help
with Acacia’s Bat Mitzvah
From Eileen Cohen and Kathy Jackson:
~to our sister, Jeri Lipov, wishing you an easy and rapid
recovery from your surgery
From Marsha Howarth:
~to Bruce Leiner in celebration of your birthday
From Hilda Plisko:
~to Cheryl Taustin in honor of your beautiful music
during high holidays
From Lesley Rogan and Ellen Feinberg:
~in loving memory of David Rogan and Robert Feinberg
From Joel and Patti Wiedermann:
~to June Todd in memory of Omar
~to Jill Hirsch, Mazel Tov on the publication of your
From Larry and Ivy Hecker:
~to Acacia Nichols Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah
From Sandie Wodlinger:
~to Debbie Resnick, thanks for being a great friend
From Bud and Doris Mitnick:
~to Patti Selig, our sincere sympathy to you and your
family on the passing of your father.
~to Marv Novick, we are thinking about you and hoping
you are feeling better
~to Larry Caplan, wishing you a full and speedy
From Sandie Wodlinger:
~thank you it’s great to be a member of the TBY family
From Stu and Susanna Eisenman:
~thank you Rabbi for leading such wonderful holiday
From Chris, Linda and Grant Manion:
~in honor of our cousin, Olivier N’Kulu Yumba Cohen.
So sad he left the world three years ago, September 19,
Page 13
From Joel, Patti and Ilisa Wiedermann:
~to Rabbi Warshaw, Phyllis Alpern, Cheryl
Taustin and Kyler Taustin, thank you for beautiful
High Holiday services.
From Stan, Veronica and Paul Kahn:
~in memory of Veronica’s father, Albert Wolf
From Zelda Heller:
~in honor of Rabbi Warshaw for our baby naming
YAHRZEIT FUND “in loving memory of”
From Eddie and Harriet Schneider:
~Eddie’s dad, William Schneider
~Eddie’s son, Gary Schneider
From Edward Wirkman:
~ my father Emanuel Wirkman
From Richard Lipov:
~my father Hy Lipov
From Rabbi Warshaw:
~my friend, Maxine Bishop
From Janice Spieler:
~Al’s grandmother “Bubbe” Etta Schwartz
From Phyllis Brodsky:
~my sister Marcia
From Gladys Miller:
~my grandfather, Samuel Brody (GRSH)
From Ellen Krawczak:
~my husband, Robert Krawczak
From Stu Eisenman:
~my father, Edward Eisenman
~my great aunt, Marian Tanenholtz
From Emily Schwab:
~my mother, Evva Sobeloff Vale
From Gloria Nestler:
~my beloved nephew, Roger Hartzband
From Donald Hamburg:
~my mother, Anne Hamburg
From Gladys Miller:
~my mother, Rose B. Horowitz, although you’re
beyond my hand you are always within reach of
my heart
From Janice Spieler:
~my aunt, Roslyn Tannenbaum
From Marion Longberg:
~my father, Louis Shilan, I think of you every day
From Judi Galuardi:
~my mother, Gwel Gilman, and my grandmother
From Jodi Sabo:
~my grandfather, Philip Siegel
~my uncle, Arthur Chaikin
From Bud Mitnick:
~my brother, Elliot Mitnick
Please note that once again this year we have kept the ticket price at the decreased
level of $25. In past years, only approximately 750 tickets have been sold, so your
chances of winning are very favorable.
Last year’s raffle winner won almost $6,000. Not a bad return for an investment of
You do not need to be present to win. Thanks so much for your participation and
1 Chance for $25
5 Chances for $100
______ # tickets ______check enclosed ______ charge to my visa or mastercard
Account# __________________________________ Exp date ____________
Security code _______
Signature ________________________________
Email address _____________________________
Card billing address __________________________________________
________________________________________ Phone _____________________
Page 15
a delightful experience
one that we will never
your clergy and
congregants are very
thank you for the no
purchase policy we may
not have been able to
attend otherwise
what a magnificent and
inspiring service
thank you for making us
feel so welcome it was
moment was
and is to be
your congregation is
vibrant and engaging
we were spirtually
uplifted by the
Rabbi and cantorial
enjoyed incivility
sermon-it's all
too true

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