Temple Bat Yam has two beautiful KOL: THE VOICE OF TBY Torahs. One was the gift from a N OV / D EC 2014 congregant, the second was a gift from a congregation in Baltimore. Rabbi Susan Warshaw : As we have just finished the High Holy Days 5775 I want to personally thank all who made the holidays so special at Temple Bat Yam. All our volunteers were amazing and our musicians were, as always, very, very special. We are very lucky to have so many people contribute their time and talents to the congregation. We would never have been able to have such smooth-running holidays without the help of Jamie in the office. When you see her next, please tell her thank you for all she does for us—not only at the busy and hectic time of the holidays, but every day of the year. Jamie keeps TBY running with a smile on her face and a kind word for everyone. As I write this we have just celebrated Sukkot and Consecration of the new students in our Religious School. The religious school decorated our outside Sukkah, and had fun this fall learning about the holidays. They are looking forward to a Hanukkah celebration and trip to Planet Maze. The Youth Group is up and running, and are planning to see Fiddler on the Roof in Salisbury as a group this November. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful and dedicated teachers in our school, and enthusiastic and energetic students. As we celebrate Simchat Torah we will welcome and install our new TBY board members. Two of our congregants will read from the very end of the Torah and the beginning as we cycle back and begin a new year. As we celebrate Simchat Torah I would especially like to welcome the new members who have joined us since last year. The TBY Board of Directors has just launched an exciting, new Gift of Membership Campaign which is highlighted elsewhere in this newsletter. Please welcome any new face and share the blessing of belonging with a friend or relative who lives locally. One of the best things about Temple Bat Yam is how quickly one can become an “old-timer” here. Our community embraces new members with open arms. If you want to be connected at TBY it doesn’t take great effort. Come to services, come to a class, join the Sisterhood, volunteer to help out with the House Committee or the Caring Committee. Before you know it you will have made many new friends and will feel that you are truly an “old-timer.” As the new Jewish year begins I encourage you to bring a friend to temple, and to move over and make room for someone you don’t know when you are at services. Services are the number one way for us to welcome new people. Remember that “your” row or your table at the oneg is an opportunity to offer a smile, a welcoming hello, and a chance to enlarge our very special tent with someone seeking to be special with us. I am energized by our wonderful start to the new year. I look forward to connecting with each one of you as we move into this new year of 5775. Page 2 PRESIDENT CANDY GUSST : This past year was a year of deep losses for me and my family. I went into our High Holy Day services feeling bereft of inner strength. It took some time for me to open my mind and actually hear the messages that were sent to us through Rabbi Susan Warshaw and to hear the prayers that were offered up in glorious song by our three cantorial soloists: Cheryl Taustin, Phyllis Alpern and Kyler Taustin. When the final shofar was blown I felt much rejuvenated and much more at peace. A coincidence? I don’t think so. After speaking with several people I realized that it took a large group of people and many months of effort, planning and coordination to deliver services of such high quality. It appeared seamless on every level and that took a great deal of effort. My thanks to all that participated in helping to usher in the year 5775 with dignity and beauty. Wishing you and yours La’shana Tova. *************************** A FEW GOOD PEOPLE The Temple is no longer shiny and new with no maintenance required. Things are aging and they need attention concerning maintenance and replacement, on occasion. Our members are used to the Temple looking well tended to. In order to keep our Temple beautiful we need a few good people that are willing to work on a House Committee. The responsibilities will be shared and should therefore not be too burdensome to any one person. If you are new to the Temple and would like to get active, this is a great way to get started. If you are a member that has been with us a few or many years and would like to give back, this is a great way to accomplish that. If you are a Religious School parent and are able and willing to handle a few tasks while your child is in class, it can be accomplished through the House Committee. Bottom line is we need a few good people to help with the tasks of keeping the Temple running smoothly. Please contact me if you would like more information and are interested in joining the House Committee. Thank you, Candy Gusst Gift of Membership Campaign An Opportunity for Members to Get the Word Out In October, Temple Bat Yam launched a new “Gift of Membership” campaign, inviting prospective congregants to become members of the Temple for twelve months with no dues. In a communication to prospective members, Rabbi Warshaw and President Candy Gusst noted that “we are confident that you will feel at home with us but also understand it can take time to know a new community. As such, we want you to have some time to participate fully in our Temple life without dues. You are welcome to join the Sisterhood, volunteer to be on one or more committees, participate in activities helping our greater community, join our educational offerings, and avail yourself of rabbinic assistance as needed.” The letter goes on to say that new members joining as part of the Campaign are eligible to join our religious school program and enroll their children. A few of the Temple’s activities, such as the Religious School, would have some modest Page 3 fees for participation which would not be waived. In some ways, all members of Temple Bat Yam are extensions of our Membership Team. As such, your assistance would be very helpful in bringing this new Campaign to the attention of your friends and colleagues who might be interested in becoming part of the Temple Bat Yam family. In brief, we ask that you “get the word out” and help us continue adding to our vibrant community. Prospective members can let their interest in membership be known by contacting our Temple office either via email (templebatyam97@aol.com) or by phone (410-641-4311). If they have questions or are interested in learning more about this offer, they are welcome to contact our Membership Chairperson Paul Schwab either via email at paulmschwab@aol.com or by calling 302-436-5335. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide to make this exciting Campaign a resounding success. Mah Jongg Players You can order your card through Temple Bat Yam Sisterhood and it will be mailed directly to you at the beginning of April. Sisterhood earns a rebate for each card sold. Cost of Standard Card $8.00 Cost of Large Print Card $9.00 The Mah Jongg League will not accept multiple checks. Therefore, to place your order, make a check out to Enid Levine or to cash and I will be submitting one check to the National Mah Jongg League. Please include your name and mailing address with your check. If you have the preaddressed label from Mah Jongg League material you received earlier this year, please include that as well. I must receive your order no later than January 9, 2015. Mail to: Enid Levine 38019 East Chester Lane Ocean View, DE 19970 If you have questions please call me at 302-541-5639 or e-mail to elevine@mchsi.com. Page 4 BAT YAM THANKS ALL OUR HIGH HOLIDAY DONORS! DONALD LAPINSOHN PAUL AND LANA HELFNER AL AND JAN STARR RICHARD AND LESLIE SHELDON STEPHEN AND PAM COHEN JOEL FINESTINE LOUISE BERMAN IRV AND LISA WHARTON ALLEN FOX STEVEN AND DENISE SCHWARTZ LARRY AND IVY HECKER HOWARD AND ELLEN REITKOPP MASON WEINSTOCK CHRISTINA KAOURIS V. REV. FR VASILIOS PENTERIDIS MICHAEL SWARTZ LARRY AND ANN BERUL HAL AND CHRIS GLICK NORMAN AND JO ANNA SCHERER CORY AND NADINE WIEDER BARRY AND ROCHELLE COHEN MIRIAM AND IRA RASKIN DON BLUM FRANK AND HEDY GOLDMAN Page 5 THANK YOU BENEFACTORS AND PATRONS: Platinum: GLORIA NESTLER JAY AND CHERYL TAUSTIN JEFF AND RINA THALER BRUCE AND CYNDI LEINER PETER AND REBECCA ZWEIGBAUM Diamond JONATHAN AND TERRY BELL HAL AND CHRISTINE GLICK LEE AND JENNIFER KLEPPER JOANNE GLAZER PETE AND KIM CUESTA Patron: DEBBIE RESNICK GRAYCE COHEN CAROL SCHACHTER OFFICE CLOSINGS November 27 and 28 December 24, 25, 26 and 31 January 1 and 2 Page 6 Hineinu We Are Here Because We Care Greetings everyone, we are resuming our newsletter column! Speaking for myself, it's been a tumultuous year since I've lost a few friends and had my own health concerns (and thanks to all of you for your prayers and messages). At our last meeting, sensing our need for relief from recent losses, Rabbi Warshaw introduced us to the work of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, MD, the author of On Death and Dying and the originator of the Five Stages of Grief. Her ideas, stemming from her work with the terminally ill, sparked new attitudes towards focusing on the humanistic needs of patients and their families and helped to raise the standard of care for people at the end of life. Kubler-Ross was posthumously inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in 2007. Here is a link to her foundation's website: http://www.ekrfoundation.org. From recent health news, here are a couple of articles that you may find relevant: For those with diabetes, there has been ground-breaking research done using stem cells to help the body produce more insulin. Human trials could start in three years. http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2014/10/09/354708628/scientists-coax-human-embryonic-stemcells-into-making-insulin For cancer patients, research on the so-called “super responders”, or those who respond amazingly well to current cancer drugs and may provide information for additional therapies for the rest of the population. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/15/us-cancer-superrespondersidUSBRE98E07420130915 Our next meeting is December 17th at 4:30 pm in the Library. Feel free to come join us as we are always happy to welcome new faces. If you have any questions, please contact Committee Chair, Bette Bohlmann at gabywjb@verizon.net or 410.251.6366. In closing, a quote from Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, MD: “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen”. Susanna Eisenman Caring Committee Member Page 7 Hal Glick, Mark Gizzi, and Larry Michnick and Temple Bat Yam We wish to thank our sponsors, boosters and golfers for making the 2014 Daughter of the Sea Golf Classic such a success! It was an extremely warm day for many, but we hope you enjoyed the wonderful golf course, the booster prizes, the great food and the exceptional hospitality at River Run Golf Club. Thank you for participating in this year’s tournament and we hope to see you next year. We have some new surprises coming up for next year: a new format, hitting from different tees by age, and there could be a 50/50. Next year’s Golf Classic will be held again in the Spring on: June 16th, 2015 Mark your calendars now Same Time and Same Place Congratulations to Our Winners! The Daughter of the Sea Golf Classic A Special Thank You to Lew Meltzer, owner of the River Run Golf Club and Devan Scott and his staff for their hospitality and generosity to Temple Bat Yam. Also a special thanks to Salisbury Moose Lodge #654, Sherwood on the Shore and Carey Distributors for their generous support and donations and The Player’s Club Restaurant for their great food and service. Page 8 SPONSORS AC BEVERAGE OF THE EASTERN SHORE AYRES, JENKINS, GORDY & ALMAND, PA BANK OF OCEAN CITY BRUCE AND CHRISTINE MOORE RESORT HOTEL & CONDOMINIUMS CHARLES T. CAPUTE, LLC GARDNER SIGNS JOHNNY JANOSIK FURNISHINGS KEN SEHMAN THE JEWELER MARK GIZZI MORRISON CHIROPRACTICS & WELLNESS CENTER ROSENFELD’S JEWISH DELICATESSEN TEMPLE BAT YAM VILLAGE OF FENWICK ALASKA STAND ALL GENTLE DENTAL BONFIRE RESTAURANT CANDY KITCHEN SHOPPES CAROUSEL CARPENTRY BY NOLAN DOVE, INC CASTLE IN THE SANDS HOTEL FRESCOS RESTAURANT HAL AND CHRISTINE GLICK K-COAST SURF SHOP MACKY’S BARSIDE BAR & GRILL MITCH WYATT OCEAN CITY TODAY SHERWOOD ON THE SHORE SSVAPE (ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES) TAYLOR BANK VTV PRODUCTIONS, INC BOOSTERS ALASKA STAND OCEAN CITY COUPON BOOK APPLEBEE’S NEIGHBORHOOD BAR & GRILL ATLANTIC DENTAL BAY CLUB GOLF COURSE BUDDY SASS, PGA PROFESSIONAL BAYSIDE SKILLET/CREPE & OMELETTE PLACE CANDY KITCHEN CAREY DISTRIBUTERS, INC CHEERS BEER AND WINE CHESAPEAKE BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTORS COMFORT INN GOLD COAST DEVON SCOTT, PGA PROFESSIONAL DEER RUN GOLF CLUB EAGLES LANDING GOLF COURSE ED AND CHRIS ELLIS FENWICK INN GLEN RIDDLE GOLF CLUB GOIN NUTS CAFÉ GRAND HOTEL & SPA GREEN HILL YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB GREAT HOPE GOLF COURSE HERITAGE SHORES GOLF COURSE HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES HOME DEPOT K-COAST SURF SHOP KEN SEHMAN THE JEWELER LOST GALAXY GOLF MID-DELMARVA YMCA MANCINI’S RESTAURANT NASSAWANGO GOLF COURSE NUTTER’S CROSSING GOLF CLUB OCEAN CITY GOLF CLUB OCEAN PINES GOLF CLUB PENINSULA GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB OCEAN RESORT GOLF CLUB ROBIN WALTER SALON & DAY SPA OCEAN CITY TODAY ROSENFELD’S JEWISH DELICATESSEN RIVER RUN GOLF CLUB SALISBURY ELK CLUB-EASTERN GOLF RUDDOS GOLF TAYLOR’S NEIGHBORHOOD RESTAURANT RUM POINTE GOLF CLUB TOM BRITTINGHAM, PGA PROFESSIONAL TOUCH OF ITALY TRATTORIA LOMBARDI’S FAMILY RESTAURANT VIC & STEPHANIE COHEN Page 9 THE STORY OF KOL NIDRE BY STEVE COHEN Jews around the world ushered in Yom Kippur with a chant once shunned by Rabbis. The Aramaic chant which means “ALL VOWS” has a complicated history. It has been embraced by the masses, expunged from prayer books and used by anti-Semites to argue that Jews cannot be trusted. Although many call it a prayer, the Kol Nidre is actually a legal formula. In it, for the year ahead, all vows and oaths made by people in their relationships with G-d are deemed to be null and void. The chant’s author and the date of composition are unknown. Some Rabbis were troubled by it because making vows were discouraged. By the 13th century, the Kol Nidre was misquoted and used as evidence by anti-Semites who said that Jews didn’t uphold their vows and weren’t trustworthy. The controversies helped fuel efforts that led to the removal of the chant from some Western European prayer books. Today for most it is a kind of release that means I am ready to tell G-d everything and make myself better. HEALTHY RECIPE FOR THE NEW YEAR BY SHELLEY COHEN R.D. Serves 8 1 Granny Smith apple, cored and thinly sliced Juice of 1 lemon 1/3 cup cider vinegar 1/3 cup honey 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 cup olive oil 8 cups salad greens, such as arugula, red leaf lettuce or Romaine lettuce 1/2 cup chopped dried apricots 1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese, about 4 ounces 1/2 cup pistachio nuts Directions 1. Cover apple slices with cold water. Add lemon juice. Let stand until ready to serve. 2. Mix vinegar, honey and roasted cinnamon in small bowl with wire whisk. Gradually add oil, whisking until well blended. 3. To serve, divide greens among 8 plates. Top each with drained apple slices, apricots, blue cheese and pistachio nuts. Serve with dressing. Nutritional information (amount per serving) Calories: 263 Sodium: 236mg Fat: 15g Carbohydrates: 26g Cholesterol: 11mg Protein: 6g Fiber: 3g HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR TO ALL This ancient ritual is performed on Rosh Hashana afternoon, the traditional time to observe Tashlich. Page 10 LIBRARY CORNER Who ever thought it would be such a long term commitment? All we did was sort a few books, decide on a new simpler configuration, define the volumes which did not fit our needs, and a few other tasks. Why did we not realize that this “minor change” that we were undertaking, might end up being an endless project? We were clueless, but now we know. Hopefully, as this project progresses further, we will have achieved our initial Sisterhood will be sharing their goal: making our Library more inviting and friendly, annual Shabbat on Friday, Finally, we are beginning to see the light at the far end of the tunnel. Finally we can begin to plan for the “simcha” of rededication of our Levy Library. We’ll keep you informed as renovation chores are complete and plans for the special event are in the making. Meanwhile, knowing that we need to update, we are beginning to add new books to our collection. We have a basket full of new fiction, just in time for the coming “readingseason”. A good book is the best remedy for too much winter. Here are some new titles for you to consider: The Orphan Train by Christina Kline; Enchantress by Maggie Anton (who wrote Rashi’s Daughters); Jerusalem Maiden by Talia Carner; The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer; The Sisters Weiss by Naomi Ragen. All of these were recommended in reviews published in Hadassah Magazine, Reform Judaism, Jewish Book Council Lists, etc. We wouldn’t be a bit surprised if one of the novels listed was to show up as the featured work at a late Winter/early Spring Bagels & Books. Order of the day: Get Reading!! November 7, 2014 at 8pm. We are looking forward to a lovely service presented by our members and a "Special Oneg"to end the evening. This year our service will be dedicated to our beloved Sisterhood member and tireless worker, Sandie Wodlinger. Please attend and share our joyous celebration with the Sisterhood of Temple bat Yam! Stephanie Cohen President school S LOOK AT WHAT OUR TBY YOUTH HAS BEEN UP TO: Page 11 is back in session and we are into fall sports, band practices, homecoming, football games, homecoming, new friends, new schools, and new advantures! In Sum….. A new school year is bringing forth a new look to the youth group. The goal is fun and the theme is team spirit and bonding. The name BTY BAM, proununced bitty bam, was decided on by the group. A special thank you to Jodi Sabo for coming up with the acronym that the group likes so much – Great Job! It means Bat Yam Temple Youth Building Friendships, Avodah (work) and Mitzvot. In the spirit of the word Mitzvot in the group’s name, the first activity that was selected was also a mitzvot to the temple. The mitzvot of passing out cake after Rosh Hashanah services! The kids who were able to stay had a blast handing out blue and white cake, graceously ordered and delivered by Amy Eskridge, meeting and greeting the congregants who were celebrating the New Year. Thanks Gabe, Ben, Acacia & Aiden for passing out the cake and thank you to Amy Eskridge and Harlan Eagel for the cake and directions. This time of year we also collect goods for the HALO organization. HALO is a nondenominational, faith-based and Christ-centered ministry in Salisbury that provides services and programs for those in need. Every aspect of HALO comes from community donations, from the meals that feed the homeless to the life skills programs offered daily. While some shelters and food banks rely on government funding, HALO is entirely donation-based so our contributions of foods are extremely helpful and important. Please be sure to pick up a bag and, either fill it yourselves or take the list around to your neighbors and see if anyone has one of the items on the list in their pantry! Have fun with it! We will be collecting the bags from the congregants during Yom Kippur and HALO will pick them up from us shortly after that. F Rosh Hashanah 2014 amily High Holiday Services were held Sunday, September 28th in lieu of Sunday School. Everyone had a phenomenal time! Rabbi Warshaw led a beautiful service with Cheryl and enthusiastically inspired the children and parents to sing and participate in the lovely service. All of the children contributed in one way or another and everyone had fun. The service began with some singing and shofar blowing by the very talented and capable Buddy Siegel. The torah was taken from the Arc by Stephen Sabo to be read by Acacia Nichols who beautifully read her Bat Mitzvah portion of Beresheit which means ‘in the beginning’ and is the first portion of the Torah read in the New Year. After the Hebrew was read, Rabbi Warshaw showed all of the children the text in the Torah and explained what was just read. The kids were just enthralled! There was some more shofar blowing and singing and, thanks to Ms Bette, there was yummy apples and honey eating…..and then the kids were all off to their next activity which was a beautiful craft led by Rina Thaler. The kids helped personalize a very special Wimpel. Page 12 A Wimpel is the sash or binder which is wrapped around the Torah scroll and holds the scroll together when it is not being used. Rina Thaler led the Religious School in a creative activity where the children drew around their hands and then colored in their hand prints what will become a wimple for the newest Torah at the Rina likened it to a hug for the Torah. As with all of Rina’s activities, the children had a wonderful time with activity. T on, shul. this he Sukkah decorating came next on this very busy day. Thanks to Robert & Tiffanie Nichols and some of the youth group the Sukkah was decorated with a beautiful bamboo roof and corn stalks. The Religious school then adorned it with harvest vegetables and flowers. Sukkot began Wednesday, October 8th and ended the evening of Wednesday, October 15th. UPCOMING EVENTS Want to bond with your Youth Group BTY BAM They are off to Fiddler on the Roof Wicomico Senior High School Sunday November 9 - 2 PM! http://www.communityplayersofsalisbury.org/Fiddler2014CastList.htm December 14th Religious School Hanukkah celebration at Planet Maze. Pizza, Play, Dreidels & Gelt! Fun for all of our religious school and youth group kids!!! Plante Maze, Courtesy of the Thalers. May 30th Ethan Scheiber’s Bar Mitzvah. Grayce White's Bat Mitzvah “Walk for a Cure” will be held In the Spring of 2015. April 2015 Page 13 Board of Directors: Rabbi Susan Warshaw President Candy Gusst Exec VP Paul Schwab Cong VP Jay Taustin Treasurer Debbie Resnick Exec Sec Bette Bohlmann Cong Sec Jeff Thaler Board of Trustees: WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Robin Rabinowitz 408 Beachwood Lane Bethany Beach, DE 19930 302.537.1805 _____________________ Larry and Fran Bledsoe 33565 Windswept Drive #10301 Millsboro, DE 19966 302.945.8581 lble1@verizon.net Michelle Schachter Sidney Eagle Hal Glick Steve Cohen PLEASE UPDATE YOUR DIRECTORY Barry Sklar jsklarbeach1@gmail.com Rolfe Gudelsky Buddy Seigel Stu Smolins Karen Abrams kabrams0627@aol.com Larry Caplan larrysac@att.net Past Presidents: Larry Pack Stu Eisenman Helene Caplan hlcvc@att.net Florence Kasden fkasden@gmail.com 410.208.3130 Larry Michnick Mike Waldman Jeff Thaler Hal Glick Mel Stein Jerry Selig Andy Benjamin Barry and Rochelle Cohen – 410.973.1097 7389 Forest Park Way Boynton Beach, FL 33437 561.731.1744 Page 14 Page 15 LOVE DINING OUT …… THERE IS STILL PLENTY OF TIME TO PURCHASE YOUR 2014 OCEAN CITY DINE AND FUN DISCOUNT COUPON BOOK. NOV 21 AND DEC 19 shabbat dinners 6.30 pm followed by 8 pm services catered by THEY ARE AVAILABLE IN JUDAICA SHOP AT $10 EACH. THE GET YOURS TODAY! FOR EVERY BOOK SOLD $5 IS DONATED TO THE STORE. IT’S THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO TRY A NEW RESTAURANT Rosenfeld’s Jewish Deli watch for menus! IT'S A WIN WIN! Do you shop at Food Lion? Whether you go there occasionally or regularly, you can donate to TBY at no additional cost to you. If you buy and a Food Lion gift card from our Temple, and use it instead of cash when you shop at the store, 5% of your purchase goes back to TBY. That way your grocery dollars earn money for TBY. It's easy. Jamie has a supply of $100 & $200 gift cards in the office. When you use the card in Food Lion, the cost of your groceries will be subtracted from the value of your card. Continue to use the card on your trips to the store until the balance is zero. Then buy another card. You get what you want, and Temple Bat Yam gets a share of the money. Support your Temple through your purchases. IT’S A WIN WIN. Page 16 REMEMBERING OUR LOVED ONES DECEMBER YAHRZEITS NOVEMBER YAHRZEITS Rose Barth: aunt of Donald Hamburg, Sylvia Barth: aunt of Donald Hamburg, Rose Cohn: mother of Grayce Cohen, Gertrude Sally Davis: mother of Carole Eagle, Daniel Feirman: grandfather of Beth Woodell, Saul Glick: father of Hal Glick, Theodore Hamburg: father of Donald Hamburg, Marian Hankin: grandmother of Cynthia Leiner, Judy Katsoyannos: mother of Karen Abrams, Jerry Kroll: friend of Arleen Pace, Fannie Lebowitz: mother of Steve Lebowitz, Sig Meyerhoff: father of Joan Kessler Bert Nestler: husband of Gloria Nestler Lillian Rubenfeld: aunt of Jay Taustin Miriam Rubin: mother of Hal Glick Arthur Sachs: friend of Temple Bat Yam Max Schaerf: father of Janice Hamburg Lillian Schneider: former Mother-in-law of Leslie Segall William Schneider: father of Edwin Schneider Mary Sperling: mother of Gloria Nestler Ese Swetsky: grandfather of Fran Bledsoe Marian Tanenholtz: great Aunt of Stu Eisenman Louis Zampilione: father in law John Willmuth Richard S. Brodsky: son of Allen & Phyllis Brodsky Arthur Chaikin: uncle of Jodi Sabo Morris M. Cohn: father of Grayce Cohen Randi Edelstein: daughter of Gloria Furman Augie Fiore: father of Pamela Smolins Sadie Freedman: mother of Harry Freedman Joseph Goldshine: grandfather of Carol Weller Shirley Ann Hankin: mother of Cynthia Leiner Ida Heit: grandmother of Rebecca Brunet Stanley Hodziewick: father of Stephanie Cohen Adelyn Jacobs: mother of Debbie Resnick Isidore Katz: father of Norman Katz Gertrude Kaufman: mother-in-law of Dot Kaufman David Klein: father of Donald Klein Walter Klein: husband of Marion Longberg Elaine F. Krinsky: mother of Carole Harris Morris Lampel: father of Joyce Klein Fanny Meiselman: mother of Enid Levine Madeline Miller: mother of Cheryl Taustin Dorothy Rosenberg: mother of Marsha Howarth Abraham Rosenstock: grandfather of George Rosenstock Mary Sall: mother of Patti Wiedermann Shirley Segall: mother of Leslie Segall George Sekeres: father of Carol Weller Max Sekeres: grandfather of Carol Weller Russell Selig: father of Jerry Selig Sylvia Sheiman: grandmother of Beth Woodell Edna Silver: mother of Dot Kaufman Ron Smolins: brother of Stuart Smolins Samuel Stein: grandfather of Jeri Lipov Gertrude Wirkman: CONTRIBUTIONS GENERAL FUND Hilda Plisko: ~Candy Gusst, condolences on the loss of your mother, Libby Segal The Rice Family: ~Hal and Christine Glick in honor of your complete recovery from cancer Debbie Demeter: ~Bruce Levy in memory of Toby Sterinbach Paul and Emily Schwab: ~toward membership activities Donna Bunton: ~Bruce Levy in memory of Toby Sterinbach Rabbi Warshaw: ~Sarena Michnick in honor of your Bat Mitzvah CARING COMMITTEE David and Cindy Fox: ~Candy Gusst in memory of your beloved mother, Libby Segal John and Bette Bohlmann: ~Janice Spieler, thinking of you with well wishes ~Tiffanie Nichols, wishing you a speedy recovery RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Stephen and Rochell Schneider-proud grandparents: ~thank you to Rabbi Warshaw for beautifully leading our granddaughter, Nina Trice’s baby namimg YAHRZEIT FUND Arleen Pace: ~mother, Ruth Leber Elaine Rabinowitz: ~father-in-law, Charles Rabinowitz Fred Blumenthal: Page 17 ~father, Paul J. Blumenthal, may his memory be for a blessing Janice Spieler: ~grandmother “Bubbe” Etta Schwartrz Sherry Auerbach: ~mother, Jean Grill Ed Wirkman: ~my father, Emanuel Wirkman Don Hamburg: ~my mother, Anne Hamburg ~my aunt, Rose Barth Gloria Nestler: ~my nephew, Roger Hartzband Marsha Sandler: ~my mother, Anne Goldberg Judith Galuardi: ~my mother, Gwen Gilman Candy Gusst: ~my father, Henry Segal Bud and Doris Mitnick: ~brother, Elliot Mitnick ~brother-in-law, Frank Lavin Veronica Kahn: ~my brother, Albert F. Wolf Marion Longberg: ~my father, Louis Shilan, miss you so much Stu Eisenman: ~my father, Edward Eisenman Sherry Auerbach: ~my father, Frank Grill Janice Spieler: ~my aunt, Roslyn Tannenbaum, “gone but not forgotten” Ellen Krawczak: ~my husband, Robert R. Krawczak ~my mother, Muriel R. Green Emily Schwab: ~my mother, Evva Sobeloff Vale Gloria Nestler: ~my beloved husband, Bert Nestler ~my dearest mother, Mary Sperling Hal Glick: ~my mother, Miriam Rubin Glick ~my father, Saul Glick Stephanie Cohen: ~my father, Stanley J. Hodziewich, I miss you still everyday! Harry Freedman: ~my mother, Sadie Freedman Page 18 CHANUKAH DECENBER 16-23 Page 19 at our 2014 Chanukah Potluck Dinner Date: Friday, December 19, 2014 Time: 6:15 PM Where: TBY Social Hall If you plan to attend, please contact Joan Kessler 410-641-8467 or jobekess@verizon.net ******************************************************* NEXT NEWSLETTER ARTICLE DEADLINE DECEMBER15 FOR JANUARY/FEBRUARY EDITION HONOR A BIRTHDAY, WEDDING, BAR/BAT MITZVAH REMEMBER THE PASSING OF A LOVED ONE MAKE A DONATION TO THE GENERAL ACCOUNT TO THE INTEREST OF YOUR CHOICE caring committee sponsor an oneg library rabbi’s discretionary tree of cantors religious school life/memorial arts and furnishing plaque your name ___________________________________________________ donation amount ___________________________________________________ special message ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ send acknowledgement to ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ TEMPLE BAT YAM 11036 WORCESTER HIGHWAY BERLIN, MD 21811 P O BOX 3238 OCEAN CITY, MD 21843 410.641.4311 templebatyam97@aol.com www.templebatyam-oc.org Page 20
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