Meridiano Celebrates One Year Without Lost Time


Meridiano Celebrates One Year Without Lost Time
P04 Agri Research
P06 Ocean Emerald to the Rescue
P08 League Awards Ceremony
JUNE 2013
Doing the Hard Yards
Message from the CEO
have seen many of you
face to face recently
as my travel schedule
has taken me to a large number
of our key locations. What has
struck me while travelling is that
the initiatives that we have been
implementing over the last year
to re-position the firm are starting
to have an impact. Business is
always “work in progress,” but I
am convinced we are doing the
“hard yards” and momentum is
Hiring, assessing investment
opportunities and monitoring
risk are the three areas that I
focus on. Hiring has been the
key priority in my first year at
Noble because we need to have
broad pools of talent able to drive
and manage the growth we are
striving for. New people bring
new networks, new contacts and
new opportunities and with the
broader and deeper management
pool that we have been
assembling, I am now able to
devote more time to another key
focus area - strategic investment
That said - an ambitious
company has to be able to
attract, develop and retain the
best people. In that context I am
delighted to be able to take this
opportunity to highlight three
senior hires, all of whom join the
Management Committee and will
be reporting directly to me.
Mark Towson, our new Group
Head of Human Resources
is based in Hong Kong and is
already on board. Mark brings
30 years of international HR
experience and expertise gained
in the Energy, Banking, Chemicals
and Pharmaceuticals sector to
this critical role. Developing
and retaining top flight talent is
something that we need to do
better and Mark has a proven
track record of implementing the
systems and processes that Noble
requires to become the industry
The second appointment,
this time to the Energy Platform,
is Jeff Frase, our incoming
Global Head of Oil and Liquid
Trading. Jeff joins us from JP
Morgan New York where he was
Managing Director and Global
Head of Oil Trading and has over
23 years of commodity trading
experience in the energy sector.
Jeff will be based in Stamford.
Finally, also within the Energy
Platform, Gareth Griffiths is
joining to take up the role of
Global Head of Power, Gas &
Carbon Credits Trading and Head
of Energy Coal Trading, Europe
and North America. Gareth
brings over 20 years trading
expertise gained in Europe
and North America. He joins
from E.ON Energy Trading in
Dusseldorf, Germany where he
was Chief Commercial Officer,
Global Merchant Trading and
Origination. Gareth will be based
in London. Both Jeff and Gareth
will be in situ by the end of
On another front, I can
report that we continue to meet
the efficiency targets that we
have set, while also reducing
our funding costs further. In
particular, our balance sheet
remains enviably positioned and
our cost of funding is falling. For
Noble has a track record
of building great businesses
in down markets and we
plan on continuing this
proud tradition.”
instance, at the end of May, we
paid back the US$500 million
8.5 per cent bond that we
issued 5 years ago, saving
US$42.5 million per annum
gross in funding charges.
While controlling our cost
base is vital, it is just as important
that we take advantage of
tough market conditions to
expand our platforms. So, it is
particularly pleasing that we are
seeing a host of opportunities to
expand the volume and range of
products we handle. Drawing up
agreements and developing long
term partnerships is a slow and
deliberate process that cannot be
hurried, but we are optimistic that
a number of the key initiatives
that we have been pursuing will
come to fruition in the next few
months. Noble has a track record
of building great businesses in
down markets and we plan on
continuing this proud tradition.
I would like to end by
thanking all of you for your
hard work and dedication in the
knowledge that tough times end,
but tough people prosper.
Best Regards
Yusuf Alireza
Chief Executive Officer
Meridiano Celebrates
One Year Without
Lost Time Accidents
Noble facilities continue to break records
eridiano Sugar Mill and
Ethanol Production
Facility in São Paulo,
Brasil reached one year without
lost time accidents. This
milestone was made possible due
to team work, various accident
prevention training sessions and
strong leadership.
Congratulations to the
Meridiano team for their
continuous commitment to the
guidelines of S.H.E. (Safety,
Health and Environment)!
This magazine is as good as the material
you send us, so keep the stories, photos
and anecdotes coming.
Great Minds
Think Alike
President of Argentina meets with Noble Group
would say it was a
positive meeting
and a signal of
confidence from the Argentina
Government as we were
the only private company
President Cristina Fernández
de Kirchner met during her
10 day trip to Emirates,
Indonesia and Vietnam.
Cristina commented how
Argentina needs to become
more competitive in the
(left to right) Yusuf Alireza (CEO, Noble Group), Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
(President of Argentina), Alfonso Romero (Managing Director, Southern Cone)
agriculture business,” said
Alfonso Romero when asked
about the meeting.
Noble confirmed completion
of the investments announced
to her in 2011 (biodiesel plant,
country elevators, Timbúes
infrastructure) and some social
projects in Timbúes. We also
offered Noble’s resources
throughout China and Middle
East as support.
New Facilities
in Argentina
Noble invests to store more
andera (Santiago del Estero) and Itin (Chaco) facilities have
been completed. Both of them have commercial offices and
are capable of handling 150 trucks a day. The facility can
store grain in bulk and also in bags. Total capacity is 2,500 tonnes. This
will help us further increase our presence in the grain market.
Argentina storage facility
Noble group collaborates with CEMEX to
protect trans-boundary nature reserves
Wildlife in the El Carmen nature reserve
© Santiago Gilbert, Wyman Meinzer
oble Group collaborates with CEMEX in biodiversity and conservation efforts at El Carmen, a
private trans-boundary nature reserve along the border between Mexico and the United States
considered one of the five great wilderness ecosystems of the world.
CEMEX and Noble have agreed to cooperate in habitat conservation, restoration and enhancement,
as well as scientific work, wildlife management programs, and any other activities that benefit El Carmen.
As part of the agreement, both parties will contribute to the operating and management costs of the
reserve during the next five years.
El Carmen, encompassing nearly 200,000 hectares, is home to more than 500 species of plants, over
200 species of birds, 80 species of mammals, and 65 species of reptiles and amphibians. Among other
conservation efforts, four species of mammals have been reintroduced to the area and over 10,000
hectares of grasslands have been restored.
CEMEX has a longstanding commitment to integrating sustainability into all aspects of its worldwide
business. The company works diligently to responsibly manage the land within and around its operations
to protect biodiversity and maximize its contribution to nature conservation. The conservation of
biodiversity plays a key role in CEMEX’s long term strategy for resource management, CEMEX has
partnered with leading NGOs worldwide to address these challenges.
Noble is a member of the UN Global Compact, a protocol that governs a company’s entire approach
to how it operates and the Carbon Disclosure Project as well as participating in a whole range of
initiatives to improve the communities within which it operates globally.
The Sky is the Limit
You can do anything you set your mind to
oble females hold positions throughout the
firm’s hierarchy from The Board to entry level
interns. Each position plays an important part
ensuring that business runs smoothly. We were fortunate
enough to discuss with three of these women to learn
about their inspiration, driving forces and motivation.
Irene Lee has been a Noble Board of Director since
1 March 2012. Irene has over 30 years of experience
leading and building businesses in renowned international
institutions – including, appointments as Non-Executive
Director to the Boards of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited,
CLP Holdings Limited, QBE Insurance Group Limited,
the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and Noble Group.
Irene is Executive Chairman of Hysan Development Co.
Ltd. and she is also a member of the Advisory Council
of JP Morgan Australia. She was recently named 22
of 50 for Forbes Asia 50 (an award acknowledging top
females in Asia). Irene graduated from Smith College
(Massachusetts, USA) and is a Barrister-at-Law in England
and Wales.
Irene has been a role model for many and we asked what empowers woman? She simply told us, “It is diversity
that creates empowerment. What is important is not the
empowerment of just
woman but gaining a
broader mix in the work
place – through gender,
age and ethnicity
diversity.” With people
from 73 nationalities
in 38 countries, with
40% being female,
Noble understands that
Irene Lee, Noble Group
diversity is our greatest
Board of Director
strength and essential to
our fabric.
There are a number of things to consider when first
starting off; most important is a ‘can-do’ attitude, Irene
remarks, as she candidly recounts the early days of her
successful career. “My first job was at Citibank New York.
I was hired straight out of law school as an international
trainee. Citibank encouraged a culture of ‘let a thousand
flowers bloom’ - they allowed me to jump in the deep end
to either sink or swim. The important aspect being I was
given the opportunity to make that choice, but equally
important, Citibank provided fantastic opportunities.” This
positive work culture is also reflected at Noble. People
are given the opportunity and are entrusted to do their
best - allowing them to step out of their comfort zone to
embrace new challenges.
Noble World is produced for Noble Group by Graphicat Limited. All rights reserved.
This publication may not be sold. No part of this publication may be otherwise
reproduced, adapted, performed in public or transmitted in any form by any process
without prior authorisation of Noble Group. © Noble Group, 2013.
It’s diversity that creates
empowerment. What
is important is not the
empowerment of just
woman but to gain a
broader mix in the
work place – through
gender, age and
ethnicity diversity.”
Irene’s ethos
resonates with Noble’s
Hannah Badenach, who
was recently named
Non-Executive Board for
Aspire Mining. Prior to
joining Noble, Hannah
worked in Mongolia for
five years. Since joining
Noble in 2010, she
has been instrumental
Hannah Badenach, Director
with our MMO
platform, building and
expanding the business. “Noble has a great platform and
is not afraid to move into new organic growth markets
such as Mongolia. That is what sets us apart from our
competitors. We grow businesses from the ground up. It
is challenging and at times frustrating but I believe our
ability to penetrate these markets creates a sustainable
long term edge for Noble.”
If you aspire to a long
and rewarding career,
you need to plan it
yourself and you need
to make choices.”
A strong drive and the help of mentors can put you on
the right path. “Women need to be much more proactive,
especially in managing their own careers,” Irene adds, “If
you aspire to a long and rewarding career, you need to
plan it yourself and you need to make choices.” Mentoring
Magnum Opus Awards
Honorable Mention:
Best All Around
Employee Publication
and training is about giving people tools to manage their
own career. Mentors can give you the confidence and
skills to tackle challenges, understand the big picture, and
most importantly help you navigate your career. You also
need to have the drive, commitment and ability to execute
your plan.
Taking control of
her own destiny is
exactly what happened
to Adriana da Costa
Silverio from our Brazil
Sugar Mill. Adriana
started with Noble nine
years ago and has filled
various positions since.
Her motivation is her
10 - year old daughter,
Adriana da Costa Silverio,
Caroline. “When I speak
about professional
achievement I don’t
mean only financial returns - it goes far beyond that;
Success should be the satisfaction of working, to be part
To be a successful
professional you have to
be persistent and grab
every opportunity in your
life. You must appreciate
the falls but always stand
up again – learning from
of the team and the company. You have to be persistent
and grab every opportunity available.” Adriana remarks
how everyday she sees more and more women conquer
their career challenges while also being the ‘chief of the
family’ at home. Her advice to others, “To be a successful
professional you have to be persistent and grab every
opportunity in your life. You must appreciate the falls, but
always stand up again – learning from mistakes!”
One thing is clear; At Noble, indifferent to which
country or business you are in, these formidable women
all mirror the same thoughts and beliefs. As Irene said
“You need to be thoughtful and intentional with your
decisions - never box yourself in. Life is about constantly
striving to do the best you can in any situation.”
TÜV Nord
Carbon Neutral
th 5th Anniversary
e r sar y
Our Future is
in Our Past
Noble Group continues to support the W.F. Albright
Institute of Archaeology Fellows.
2012-2013 Noble Group Fellowship recipients,
including their school and title of research
Dr. Wu Xin, Institute for the Study of the Ancient
World, New York University
“Persia and the East, a Monograph”
Dr. Yan Wang, Shandong University, China
“Tian in Pre-Confucian Texts: Analyzed and
Compared with Yahweh of the Israelite Religion”
Ukraine office
Dr. Shih-Wei Hsu, Free University, Berlin
“An Investigation into the Figurative Expressions of
Ancient Egyptian in Different Text Genres”
ur Ukraine office
opened in 2008 with
only a dozen people in
a single space. Today we have
approximately 400 employees
across our office, various silos
and crushing facilities.
Dr. Wen Hua Shi, Independent Researcher
“Digital Mandarin Resource for the Study of
Archaeology and Early Christianity”
2013-2014 Noble Group Fellowship recipients
• Wu Yuhong
• Dong Xiuyuan
• Zhang Yinglan • Tian Haihua
Mariupol Processing Complex
Agri Research
Noble Research continues to incease synergies
ichael Von Luehrte,
Global Head
of Agricultural
Commodities Research joined
Noble in November 2007 with a
team of six researchers (covering
two products across three
countries). Since then the team
has grown to over 80 people
– covering six products across
more than 30 countries.
“We have established regional
hubs to ensure our geographic
reach. Our team analyzes each
product individually and also
collectively to determine various
factors that cause volatility. It is
vital to understand both – the
diversities and the similarities
in the way researchers envisage
their respective commodities,”
explains Michael, “That said,
agriculture products are heavily
affected by weather and it’s
important to know the balance
of water and sunshine for each
product - grains and coffee
flowering have a very short
critical time window during each
growing season which is heavily
affected by adverse weather
while sugarcane and cocoa cycles
are affected more by long term
weather events.”
“During the critical period
for a specific crop, we often find
ourselves in a weather market
where subtle differences in
forecasts can have a big impact
on price.” Greg Oddo, Noble Agri’s
in-house meteorologist adds.
“About 70% of the
fundamental market factors are
driven by supply issues owing to
weather, diseases, yield curves
and competition of other crops.
Production research gives us
the necessary confidence in our
assumptions. Spotting issues and
changes in production levels is
critical,” says David Behrends,
Global Head Coffee.
The Noble agri research
model is unique in the market
place since Noble has a
consolidated team working
around the world to drive
synergies and exchange
information. Michael adds, “Our
competitors typically have silo
organizations which inhibit
identification of broader trends –
especially as the fight for acreage
is carried out via returns between
different agricultural products.”
Further supporting the
importance of cross product
teamwork, Kristi Jones, Director
of Sugar and Ethanol Research
adds, “With ethanol being such
a large influence in the sugar
market, it becomes important
to know what is also happening
in grains and energy markets.
Thankfully Noble has valuable
resources between various
trading platforms and research
efforts, allowing our team to
quickly produce the needed
Research provides young
members of the team with the
opportunity to get to know the
commodity business and is a
platform to attract and develop
skills. Michael concludes with,
“Our strategy is to hire young,
highly motivated people and
build them up through the ranks
– we have increasing number
of examples of people having
started as trainees who are now
in managerial positions. People
and development of management
are at the core of our global
p tour in India
Group shot during cro
Local news
coverage on a
Noble Group
group tour
Jeffery Lu (Cotton, Singapore) works
with a cotton farmer in China
Luis Fernando Esteves Joaquim
and Dino Moderno visit coffee
fields in Brasil
Relationships Matter
The success of a business comes from the people and their relationships
arkets can make
unexpected moves,
economies can crumble
without warning but people are
a constant. People can turn a
company from good to great with
their commitment to excellence.
Noble takes great pride in
building various businesses
and more importantly the
relationships associated with the
business. Relationships reinforce
integrity – which is a combination
of respect, collaboration,
commitment, ambition and the
entrepreneurial spirit.
Noble’s representative
office in Pakistan,
one of Noble’s oldest
as featured
Back in 2007
Issue 17
in Nob
FT Commodities
Two day summit held in Lausanne Switzerland
inancial Times celebrated their second
annual FT Global Commodities Summit at the
Beau-Rivage Palace in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The event commenced with a welcome reception,
sponsored by Noble Group and then two days of
discussions between the world’s largest trading houses,
regulators, investment groups and natural resources
groups, whose leaders delivered fascinating keynote
addresses and candid panel debates. The Summit featured
the who’s who of the commodity trading world and every
seat in the house was filled.
Yusuf Alireza was part of the CEO panel discussion
to discuss challenges and opportunities of the current
commodities market.
Through the years, Noble
has seen a few multigenerational
relationships, one being the
Barket family.
The Barket family has been
involved with Noble for nearly 20
years. The relationship started
with Rasheed Barket, founder of
Pacific Chartering and Trading
Limited. This company was
recently re-named Pacific Exim
and remains one of Noble’s
oldest associates.
In 2007, Bilal Barket,
Rasheed’s son, joined Noble
starting off as an International
Trainee eventually settling into
an Operations role in the Mines,
Minerals and Ores (MMO)
platform. After three years
with Noble, Bilal spent time in
Singapore, London and Jakarta
before leaving Noble to take over
the Barket family business.
Noble has re-established
activities in Pakistan and look
forward to this next chapter
of the Barket – Noble journey.
We hope to see similar
multigenerational involvement
from other families in the years
to come.
Businesses are encouraged to meet to set goals
and an executable plan. Most of the businesses
take this opportunity to meet with other teams
and also bond over social events
The Iron Ore team met in Macau for
their business review
from right to left: Richard Elman (Chairman),
Mahesh Asrani (CFO, Geneva) stand with two
delegates from International Enterprise Singapore,
Cheong Teo and Satvinder Singh
©The Financial Times Ltd
FT Welcome rece
Times Ltd
from left to right: Henry Nizan (Director, Geneva),
Paul Marland (Grains, Geneva) and
Michael Von Luehrte (Research, Geneva)
©The Financial Times Ltd
Yusuf Alirez
a, CEO
©The Financ
ial Times Ltd
CEO panel discussion
©The Financial Times Ltd
The Cotton and Coffee teams had their quarterly meeting in Stamford,
Connecticut. After two days of reviewing their division strategy, the Cotton
team challenged the Coffee team for a friendly soccer match
Plant Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility
Qinzhou facility organized a safety week workshop
racticing safe measures is vital
in accident prevention. Since the
Qinzhou facility reached a new
milestone of accident free work hours,
they reinforced best practices with a safety
The training sessions focused on innovative
ideas, office safety, car safety, and product
recall. The theme of the workshop was to
enhance employee safety awareness and
convey the message that “plant safety is
everyone’s responsibility.”
GEP Training
Noble focuses on people management with
guidance from Hay Group
Ocean Emerald
to the Rescue
Noble ship saves a father and his son
opista Lourenco
Antonio Fernando and
his son, Fernandes
Tiopista Ruben Emanuel set out
for a sailing trip from Uruguay to
Portugal. After about 300 miles
into their journey, their yacht
sprung a leak.
Noble ship, MV Ocean
Emerald, was approximately 10
nautical miles away when Chief
Officer, Shailendra Singh saw
the distress flares. Under the
guidance of Master, Capt. S.
Kulkarni, the ship was redirected
to the distressed yacht. Once
the two survivors were safely
onboard the MV Ocean Emerald,
the rescue centers and next port
of call authorities (Argentina/
Uruguay) were contacted. The
survivors were transported to
the Uruguayan authorities in safe
and sound health conditions with
their passports.
Congratulations to the crew
of MV Ocean Emerald who
demonstrated superior teamwork
during the rescue mission.
raining was held in
São Paulo - the first
in-company training
“People Management” led by
Noble´s partner Hay Group.
Twenty Noble employees from
various businesses and locations
participated in the training
course, focusing on people
management techniques and the
roles of a manager.
The main topics discussed
were performance management,
how to obtain commitment
of the team, following-up &
the importance of feedback,
and rewarding & recognizing
Noble Celebrates 10 Years with
Aluminum Team Members
Lucy Winchel
(Aluminum, Stamford) and
Murray Klier
(Aluminum, Stamford)
2 Million Hours
Bulk Terminal
Gets Certified
T12A – 12 A Accreditation
he Dry Bulk
Export Terminal, a
member of Noble
Group, was awarded with the
registration of its Integrated
Management System (IMS) on
ISO9001 (Quality), ISO14001
(Environment) and OHSAS
(Occupation Health and Safety)
under UKAS Accreditation by
Det Norkes Veritas company.
Terminal 12 A is an essential link
of Noble Brasil grain and sugar
pipeline strategy and it provides
high quality services of intake,
storage and vessel loading to
Noble clients.
The IMS has supported the
Terminal´s performance and
results over the last year. Some
interesting facts of which we
can be proud of are: 434 days
without lost time accident, low
cost operation, high employer
engagement, increasing daily
intake of trucks and railcar to
reach the maximum capacity,
excellent housekeeping,
significant reduction of residues
and dust emissions as well as
every process mapping and
output traceability.
Qinzhou Plant Team in China achieved
2 million safe working hours, without
any lost time, accidents or medical aid!
1,000 Wagonloads
Votuporanga Road-rail Terminal reaches goal
ollow up from an
article written in
October, Noble
Brasil continues to expand and
set new goals. The Road-rail
Terminal in Votuporanga has
reached its goal of 1,000 laden
Renan Silva Freitas,
Operations Coordinator,
congratulates the team and
attributes the milestone to the
commitment and dedication of
all employees.
Naming and Delivery Ceremony
Ocean Topaz is the last bulk carrier in the agreement to be delivered to Noble
n 15 May 2013,
Noble Chartering
Limited took delivery
of the post-panamax bulk carrier,
MV Ocean Topaz, the last of the
series contracted and built at
COSCO Dalian Shipyard in China.
The Naming and Delivery
Ceremony was held alongside
the vessel at the COSCO Dalian
Shipyard. R. Raghunath, Global
Head of Noble Chartering, was
accompanied with the registered
owner of vessel - Pioneer Goal
Limited, Hong Kong and Gao
Yongqiang, General Manager of
COSCO Dalian Shipyard.
K Line Pte. Ltd. (KLPL),
Singapore was the sponsor
for the event. Machiko Kizaki,
Operations Executive at KLPL
Singapore and Godmother of
the ship, named the new vessel
Ocean Topaz.
Formal traditions such as a
ribbon cutting, photo session
and tour of the vessel took place,
followed by cultural rituals – an
Indian puja and a breaking of
the coconut on the bridge were
performed, both wishing the
vessel and all those who sail
on her, safe voyages, calm seas
and following winds for years to
Ocean Topaz sailed out on
17 May 2013, on her maiden
voyage under the
command of Capt.
Glen Fernandes.
R. Raghunath (Chartering, Hong Kong) and Gao Yongqiang
(General Manager, COSCO) exchange delivery documents
during the naming ceremony
The Sailors’ Society
Asia Challenge
Working together to climb Mount Kinabalu in Borneo
he Sailors’ Society Asia challenged teams from across the
shipping industry to take on the mighty climb of Mount
Kinabalu, Borneo - an impressive 4,095m, to help raise funds
to provide aid to seafarers worldwide. Our intrepid mountaineers,
R. Raghunath (Head of Chartering), Tim Eyre (Legal Counsel) and
Desikan Bhoovarahan (Group Insurance Director) completed the
Asia Challenge which was to reach Laban Rata at 3,273m. DB and
Tim pushed even further to the summit of Low’s Peak at 4,095m at
approximately 6:00am as the sun started to rise. An amazing and
challenging experienced had by all while also raising an impressive
amount for a worthwhile charity!
FINISHED! Desikan Bhoovarahan
and Tim Eyre wave the Noble
chartering flag with pride
League Awards
Noble named First RAM-rated
Foreign Entity: Hong Kong
RAM Ratings honoured the best of the Malaysian debt capital
market at their 10th Annual RAM League Awards Ceremony in
Kuala Lumpur. A total of 62 awards were presented throughout
the April event.
To commemorate the 10th year of the RAM League Awards,
special recognition was given to market’s “firsts of firsts”. RAM
Ratings has rated over 20 foreign entities since 2008 throughout
Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Noble Group was awarded
“First RAM-rated Foreign Entities: Hong Kong.”
Datuk Ranjit Ajit Singh (Chairman of Securities Commission
Malaysia), Desmond Tay (Noble Treasury, Singapore)
and Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Siti Norma Yaakob (RAM Holdings
Berhad Chairman) during the awards ceremony
Tim Eyre, Desikan Bhoovarahan and
R. Raghunath get ready for the climb
Adventure Day
Teams in India bond over sporting activities
Noble employees from Mumbai & Ahmadabad went for a picnic at a hill
station in Lonavala near Mumbai. Hill stations differ throughout India
but this particular destination offers a panoramic view of the Deccan
Plateau on one side and the Konkan coast on the other with many
historical forts, ancient caves and serene lakes throughout the park.
Noble hosted a two day cross divisional team
building with various activities.
Foosball with Girish
and Nilesh (Coal),
Sayed Aamir (Cotton)
and Vinod (Finance)
Girish Koulgi (Coal) thrown in
the air by the Rocket Ejector
Paint ball activity
Riding dirt bikes, Siddhartha (HR),
Sagar (Cotton) and Hetal (Agri Research)
Cricket Sixes - 11th Anniversary
Noble continues to support cricket
Cricket Sixes Teams
very December, Noble sponsors a cricket event at the
Kowloon Cricket Club, Hong Kong. During these two days,
12 teams battle for bragging rights of being the Cricket Sixes
Champion. Noble Dragons consisted of R. Raghunath (Chartering),
Tim Eyre (Legal), Kapil Dubey (Chartering), Asheesh Mamgain
(Chartering), Ajay Bhatt (Chartering) and Nishant Gulati (Chartering).
Bowl Final: Bankers 95/2 beat Lawyers 91/2 by 4 runs
Plate Final: Noble Dragons 86/3 beat Surveyors 56/4 by 30 runs
Cup Final: Cobras 103/1 beat Logistics 83/4 by 20 runs
Noble Uruguay Soccer Team
Sometimes it CAN be all fun and games
oble’s Montevideo office organized an annual intercompany
championship to promote companionship between various
businesses. This year, there were 20 participating teams,
each team consisting of six players. Team Noble Uruguay took
1st place!
Team Noble Uruguay - Top row (from left to right): Ramiro Perez,
Rodrigo Ifran, Pablo Fernandez. Bottom Row (from left to right):
Sebastian Balerio, Alejandro Luthar, Sebastian Aguilera
Running Noble Fundación CONIN
Noble provides support to rural schools, hospitals and first aid
stations throughout Argentina
Going the distance around the world
10th annual Standard Chartered Mumbai
Marathon participants
• Swapnil Shendre (Cotton)
• Debjit Ghosh
• Dilip Gawde
• Girish Koulgi
• Nandkumar Jadhav (Admin)
• Nilesh Pathak
• Peer Mohamed (Grains &
• Rahul Banerjee
• Santosh Mhatre
• Sayed Aamir
• Shailesh Patil
• Somnath Sangle
• Vandana Bugde
• Vandana Singh
• Vinod Kurhade
8th annual Airtel Delhi Half Marathon
oble Argentina
continues to build
strong ties with local
communities where Noble
operates. This year we are
focusing on helping rural schools,
hospitals and first aid stations
near the grain elevators in Chaco
and Córdoba. To accomplish this
goal, Noble met with Directors
of various rural schools to see
where help was needed the most
and have agreed to support in
various ways.
Fundación CONIN selected
10 students for Noble to sponsor.
The sponsorship focuses on three
basic pillars: teaching, support
and research. By teaching these
pillars to children, the end goal is
to prevent malnutrition.
In addition to sponsorship,
Noble has renovated various
buildings providing a safe place
for these children and their
families to receive help and learn
about nutrition.
Noble has committed to
supply stationery and educational
material to students enrolled in
the rural schools and will also
conduct follow up visits to the
first aid stations and schools.
To help raise awareness
for local initiatives, Noble
participated in the Annual Dinner
at a local Food Bank. Attendees
collected donations for a
recycling foundation.
Swapnil Shendre (Cotton) and his wife Neha finished the Half
Marathon. Smitie Misra (Human Resources) completed the 6 km.
Ramkishan (Contractor) assisted the run for senior citizens
8th annual Corporate Run in São Paulo, Brasil
Royal Parks - London Half Marathon
Noble Resources International
Australia: Celebrating the early
history of Newcastle, NSW
London team runs to support UNICEF
ver the next couple of years, the State Library
will be presenting a new and exciting
project – Celebrating the early history
of Newcastle – which will tell the story of the
origins of Newcastle as a coal centre and
major port. With the principal support of
Noble Resources International Australia,
this fascinating story will centre around an exhibition
to be held in Newcastle in 2014. We are delighted that
Newcastle gallery has agreed to showcase this important
For the first time in 195 years, the Captain James Wallis
album and the Macquarie Collector’s Chest, still stuffed with
the birds and insects Wallis collected, will return to Newcastle.
Team grey shirts: (left to right) Juliana Medeiros, Mauricio Sacramento,
Bruno Coletti, Luiz Lima, Luciano Dutra and Tatiane Barazoli
The Macquarie
Collector’s Chest
Parties Around the World
Social events are important to solidify the bonds between colleagues
Argentina Noble Day
Hong Kong Family Brunch
China Crushing Plant
Annual Dinner - Qinzhou, China
Gujarat Family Day
Brasil Noble Day
London Gala
Delhi Dinner
Stamford Annual Party
Singapore Avant Garde Dinner
Singapore Lion Dance
Offices celebrate the Chinese New Year warding off evil spirits
On 19 February, during the Chinese New Year, the Singapore
office hosted a Lion Dance. Employees were asked to leave two
oranges on their desk if they would like
to be visited by the Lion –
warding off the evil spirits
with a dance.
Everyone enthusiastically
watches the performance
Banners are hung wishing
the office a successful
(and prosperous) year
Sandy Lim (Grains, Singapore) is visited by the Lion
Noble Fuzz
Raising awareness for men’s health
otes have been carefully counted and the
2012 Movember winners are Tim Webb (Team UK)
and David Behrends (Team USA).
We thank all growers and supporters and look forward to the fuzz
in a few short months!
Team US “Mo Money*3”
UK Team
“I Wanna Touch Your Mo”
US Team
“Mo Money*3”
Charlie Watson
Adam McCarthy
Felix Fellmann
Christian DeChurch
Jonathan Fitzgerald
Daniel Kennedy
Jan Willem Termijtelen
David Behrends
Kunal Lilani
Emmanuel Dias
Marcus Tebbutt Ford
James Fisher
Marvin Kampehl
Jeremiah Patterson
R. Raghunath
Nicholas Burroughs
Ralph Torrance
Ritchie Jennings
UK Mo Sistas, (left to right)
Lucy Palairet (Oil Liquids, UK)
and Rose Tuckey (Risk, UK)
Nicholas Strychalski
Pedro Bravo
Thomas Alderweireld
Santiago Mejia
Tim Webb
Steve Goldberg
Tom Potter
Team UK “I wanna Touch Your Mo”
Lucia Forlani
“Language lover”
Italy, Traffic Assistant
What do you do at Noble?
Steve Goldberg
“Out of this World”
Houston, Global Market Data Analyst
What do you do at Noble?
SG: My team is responsible
for maintaining and making
available the LIM database.
This database is used for
keeping track of different
group’s internal data, Profit
and Loss numbers, and
We heard you are a
star gazer; what is your
favourite constellation?
SG: My favorite constellation
is Scorpius (the Scorpion)
because it is the constellation
that looks the most like its
name. Once you find the heart,
a bright red star, you can go
to one side and see the claws
and then to the other side to
see the tail curve down and
then back up to the stingers.
But looking from the Southern
hemisphere all constellations
appear backwards compared
to Northern hemisphere
viewing. Constellations are so
large in the sky they can be
seen without a telescope.
How often can you see
SG: Since all the planets,
including the Earth, are
constantly in motion around
the Sun, the number of
planets visible from Earth
without a telescope at any
one time varies. Sometimes
there may be 4 different
planets up in one night, or as
few as one. And the 3 outer
planets are too small to see
without a telescope. On the
other hand, there are always
a large number of galaxies
and nebulae and star clusters
every night.
Which is better, a solar
or lunar eclipse?
SG: Lunar eclipses are nice
to watch as the color of the
Moon changes as it goes into
the shadow of the Earth over
a period of several hours. But
a solar eclipse is like nothing
else. The sky slowly dims
to about 70% of normal.
Never look directly at the
Sun because it can cause
permanent eye damage. But
with special glasses or filters,
you can watch the moon
slowly cover up the sun. Then
at the very last instant before
totality you can lower the
glasses and see the diamond
ring affect. And at totality with
the sky a pale blue, there is
this black “hole” in the sky
where the Moon is. Words
can’t describe it. If you ever
have a chance to see a total
eclipse, make every effort to
see it. You will be rewarded.
Star Wars or Star Trek?
SG: Both, but more on the
Star Trek side.
LF: I have been with Noble
since January 2011. I started as
an office assistant, entering new
counterparties and submitting
them in the Credit Management
System (CMS), assisting with
the Carbon Neutral Project
(monitoring carbon emissions),
submitting storage facility
requests in the Inventory
Management System, and
uploading Future Quotations
into our System. Last year I
became the Personal Assistant
to Carlo Licciardi (General
Manager, Grain & Oilseeds).
My favorite part of my job is
cooperating with colleagues
and collecting financial data.
What interests you
outside of Noble?
LF: My passion: languages.
Since I was a child my goal was
to study languages, allowing
me to travel all over the world.
Languages are exciting because
it’s about the culture, not
just the words! My language
exploration started with French
and continued with English
and Russian and last summer
I started learning Spanish. I
plan to continue learning more
languages. Who knows, maybe
one day I will use them in
another Noble Group office! My other interest is reading,
I usually keep a book in my
What is your favorite
LF: I have always loved
international holidays - so my
idea is to travel abroad. My
husband and I usually choose
countries with a different
culture to ours (we have been
to Morocco, Cuba, South Africa,
Mexico), but I guess every
corner of the world is a special
place to see. We usually only
buy the return flight tickets and
leave the rest of the planning
for once we arrive.
In my opinion, one of the
best ways to meet and learn
a new culture is through food
- because very often in food
we find the origins of their
customs, habits, religions and
style of life.
Can you make pasta from
LF: Yes! I am not a “Master
Chef ” but I can make
homemade pasta. I guess
I learned from my mother,
exactly as she learned from my
grandma (secret family recipe).
We love cooking for friends,
especially during the weekend,
usually also sharing a good
bottle of wine!
I have to say that the real
Chef in the Forlani family is my
brother; every time he invites us
for dinner, we are prepared for
some kind of magic to happen
in the kitchen.
Every time someone
mentions your name,
they light up with a big
smile. What do you do
to have that affect on so
many people?
LF: Maybe because of my
spontaneity and my desire to
know other people. I mean, to
know people as people and not
as their job is very important.
As I said before, communication
is the base from which we build
our lives and our daily relations.
Communication is not just
verbal but involves linguistic,
nonlinguistic, visual, writing,
behaviour and emotion.
Loren Chia was one of the initial hires for the Noble Singapore office. She was
officially in Admin but actually wore many hats – she was the first face you
met in Singapore whether it be because she was checking that you were taken
care of, fixing something or saying hello and welcoming you to the office.
Loren had great passion for everything she did and embraced each
situation with a smile. She was the first to grab the microphone during a
night of karaoke and always treated friends to their favorite meal on special
occasions. Group Chairman Richard Elman described her as being “the spirit
of Noble”.
The last three years were difficult for Loren as she battled cancer. She was a daughter, a sister and
most importantly a friend to many at Noble. In true Loren spirit, she would not want us to mourn her
passing but would want us to celebrate her life; she will be greatly missed.
Hatched and Matched
Hatched and Matched
Welcoming the new births and marriages from all across the world of Noble
1 Aarna, daughter of Hanesh Patel,
Cash Accountant London, was born
11 November 2012
10 Davi Silva Rocha, son of Thiago Luiz Nunes
Silva Rocha, Quality Control Brasil, was
born 23 March 2013
2 Aimee Elizabeth, daughter of Gordon
McIlwraith, Accounts London, was born
6 December 2012
11 Davi Fernandes Oliveira, son of Adriano
Fernandes Oliveira, Sugar Mills Brasil, was
born 20 February 2013
3 Alfonso, son of Maria Noel Diaz, Execution
Uruguay, was born 7 November 2012
12 Dharmbir Singh, Research India, married
Ankita 24 February 2013
4 Alisa Ana Vitória, daughter of Amarildo
Pereira da Silva, Sugar Mills Brasil, was
born 8 December 2012
13 Disha Sajwan, Admin India, married Jeet
Singh 14 February 2013
5 Ana Lívia Amaral, daughter of José Cláudio
Araújo dos Anjos, Sugar Mills Brasil, was
born 21 March 2013
6 Anna Maria Félix de Oliveira, daughter
of Valdiane Nascimento Félix and Izael
Pereira de Oliveira, Sugar Mill Brasil,
was born 17 November 2012
7 Bade Vera, daughter of Semin and
Bulut Bakla, Finance London, was born
13 March 2013
8 Catalina, daughter of Andres Lanser,
Maintenance Argentina, was born
2 November 2012
9 Daniel Barbosa de Paiva, son of Diogo
Barbosa de Paiva, Crushing Plant Brazil,
was born 19 January 2013
14 Emma Marie, daughter of Jason Ochs,
Aluminium USA, was born
11 November 2012
15 Emmanuel, son of Sotos Archontelis,
Chartering Geneva, was born
11 September 2012
16 Gabriel Kristiano, son of Krishna
Kussalanant, Business Analyst USA,
was born 27 October 2012
17 Giovana Pereira da Silva, daughter of
Anderson Alexandre da Silva, Admin Brasil,
was born 14 December 2012
18 Guilhermmy Ribeiro, son of Welligton
Gustavo de Araújo, Sugar Mills Brasil,
was born 29 January 2013
19 Hemant Kyal, Finance India, married Nidhi
28 November 2012
20 Julee Patin, Admin Houston, married
Robert Marsh 30 January 2013
30 Ngoc Linh, daughter of Vick Nguyen,
IT Vietnam, was born 30 October 2012
21 Livia, daughter of Jan Willem Termijtelen,
Global Head of Operational Risk London,
was born 29 September 2012
31 Pedro Henrik Freires, son of Paulo César
Santana Freires - Crushing Plant Brasil,
was born 5 April 2013
22 Lucas Buzon, son of Clodoaldo Filho
Buzon, Sugar Mills Brasil, was born
20 February 2013
32 Pedro Manhani Senna, son of Leandro
Senna de Almeida, Admin Brazil, was born
12 December 2012
23 Ludmila, daughter of Luis Ellero,
Maintenance Argentina, was born
7 November 2012
33 Rayssa Eloá Nunes, daughter of Roberto
Leal Nunes da Silva, Sugar Mills Brasil,
was born 17 February 2013
24 Luna, daughter of Lucas Baumann,
IT Geneva, was born 14 December 2012
34 Renata Padilha Pires, Human Resources
Brasil, married Gabriel Morais Santos
16 November 2012
25 Maggie Escuder, HR Argentina, married
Juan Cañada 23 March 2013
26 Manuela Ripol, daughter of Diogo
Amorim Ripol, Admin Brazil, was born
18 December 2012
27 Marco Antônio Ciriaco, Commercial
Coordinator Brasil, married Dayana Moraes
28 July 2012
28 Mayur Toshniwal, Grains & Oilseeds India,
married Priya 16 January 2013
29 Natasha, daughter of Andrew Lim,
Oil Liquids Singapore, was born
13 January 2013
35 Shivika, daughter of Sushanth Naik,
Coffee India, was born 6 July 2012
36 Sophia Sampredo Gonçalves, daughter
of Veronica Sampredo, Admin Brazil,
was born 30 November 2012
37 Valentina, daughter of Ignacio Covani,
Operations Argentina, was born 8
November 2012
38 Valerie Gwen, daughter of Daniel Goddard,
Power & Gas USA, was born 1 March 2013
Noble Group in the Community
JUNE 2013
Managing the
Noble named CDP Carbon Disclosure Leader
for two years
he Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
regional average score of 62.
through funding from governments,
Noble’s score was based on data
foundations and corporate
transparency and a solid foundation
sponsorships collates and monitors carbon
of addressing climate change and
emissions from major corporations. Its aim is
managing the Group’s carbon
to ensure that an effective carbon reduction
strategy is central to businesses to prevent
climate change and protect the environment.
performance leader. This result highlights
Noble Carbon Neutral Project, which Noble
This not-for-profit organization, represents
“our capability in reporting, governance,
Group started in 2007 with a commitment
over 700 institutional investor signatories with
verification and emissions reduction as well
to calculate and offset the carbon footprint
US$87 trillion in assets.
as identifying risks and business opportunities
to become carbon neutral in a variety of
presented by climate change”.
business operations and products. Since 2007
ways. The first by carbon information
the scope of the project has been extended
disclosure and the second by their carbon
acknowledges the effort from Noble to
and again in 2011 Noble’s beneficiary
performance. Noble has been a Carbon
implement good governance structures,
ships, all Noble offices worldwide, Noble’s
Disclosure Leader (Asia ex-Japan) for the
“The Company has recognized the
publications and high-level management
last two years.
importance of climate change through the
events achieved carbon neutrality.”
The CDP evaluates companies in two
Noble achieved a “B” rating as a carbon
The CDP Asia ex-Japan Report 2012
Results of Noble’s 2012 Carbon
Noble’s overall greenhouse gas
emissions were 2,765,524 tonnes
of CO2e
With a 23% reduction in business
travel from the preceding year
What is Carbon Footprint Verification?
As a part of the annual review on our Greenhouse gases (GHGs)
inventory, Noble engages an independent environmental
expert to conduct on-site audits and review the datasets and
supporting evidences of the emissions sources. Verification is a
crucial step to prove the transparency and completeness of the
calculation and provide confidence in the reliability of Noble’s
Noble scored 92 out of 100 points for
carbon information disclosure, the highest
score for a company on the Singapore
Exchange and also way higher than the
GHG assertions. A confirmation mark will then be issued to
summarize the scope of activities included in the verification.
Noble Cocoa
Receives Grant
Turning a new page in cocoa farming
with the Ahansucofa Farmers Association in
Ghana. The objective of the project is to teach
members of the association sustainable cocoa
practices to increase productivity and market
To accomplish this task, Noble Cocoa is
co-operating with the Solidaridad Network
to train farmers on agricultural practices
that will improve the productivity of their
cocoa farms as well as increase their business
Cocoa farmers in Ghana benefiting
from the WCF grant, helping to create
a more sustainable cocoa industry
and organization skills. Solidaridad also
has programmes to increase the female
participation in farming and integrating other
crops into cocoa production to increase
overall household incomes for farming
families and address food security.
Thanks to the World Cocoa Foundation
and the grant, the project has already reached
5,000 farmers.
Noble Cocoa is committed to strengthen
farmer organizations, train producers in
oble Cocoa was recently awarded
received a grant of US$160,000 as part
agricultural practices to increase productivity
a grant for its sustainable cocoa
of the WCF Cocoa Livelihoods Program,
and improve the livelihoods of farmers in
largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates
Ghana, and West Africa as a whole. Noble
will continue to work closely with the World
Foundation (WCF) – a not for profit
Cocoa Foundation to make cocoa a vibrant,
organization focused on promoting a
combined with the WCF grant, will go directly
profitable and environmentally sound
sustainable cocoa economy – Noble Cocoa
towards a project which Noble is working on
pipeline, from farm to factory.
As a member of the World Cocoa
Noble’s contributions to the program,
Bull Charge
Who let the Bulls out?
Singapore office was met with some rain for
the charity run! Fortunately it didn’t dampen
spirits as they still successfully completed
the relay challenges.
The SGX announced it raised
SG$1.388 million from more than
60 corporate sponsors for the Bull
Charges Charity Run.
This year, SGX tripled its commitment
oble Group has been involved with
period to the charities from one to three years,
the Singapore Exchange (SGX) Bull
allowing charities to focus on longer term
Charge since its inception in 2004.
programmes and projects which may have
Over the past few years, Noble has also been
greater impact on beneficiaries. Beneficiaries
involved with various community outreach
include Asian Women’s Welfare Association,
initiatives. Recently our Singapore office
Autism Association (Singapore), Fei Yue
went to the Marina Barriage to fly kites with
Community Services, and Shared Services
children from the Autism Association.
for Charities.
It was a perfect day to fly a kite but the
Earth Hour 2013
Noble Group continues to support the WWF
Hong Kong skyline before Earth Hour
Hong Kong skyline during Earth Hour
oble has been a supporter of Earth Hour since 2010. This worldwide event by the WWF
encourages people around the world to turn off non-essential lights for one hour to
raise awareness on climate change. In 2012, Earth Hour took place in over 7,000 cities
across 152 countries and included over a million participants. Noble pledged to be a part of this
Angel Li (CSR, Hong Kong) and
Jessica Corvo (Corporate Affairs,
Hong Kong) celebrate Earth Hour
with the WWF
campaign by encouraging employees to reduce their use of electricity whether by walking instead
of taking a car or having a candle lit meal.
Hong Kong Earth Hour 2013, took place on 23 March, between 8:30 – 9:30pm. Noble was
there to see darkness descend on the famous Hong Kong skyline.
One Book One Tribe
Documenting the cultural heritage of Indonesian indigenous people: Dayak Tribes
ayak Tribes are indigenous
about Dayak Tribes.
people living on Kalimantan
The book will focus
Island, Indonesia. The cultural
closely on the culture
traditions of the Dayak people, passed
of Dayak Tribes, and
down from generation to generation,
the sub tribes Ma’ayan,
have been challenged throughout the
Lawangan and Bakumpai
years from outside societies and
that live in the East Barito and
development activities.
South Barito regions.
Noble operates mining services in
This project is described by Pradakso
Central Kalimantan and we have been
Hadiwidjojo, President Director of our
that the project does come with some big
supporting the community to build social
Indonesian coal operations, as a vital
obstacles - “Gathering data in this remote
facilities, health care service, and other local
step to preserve and maintain the local
part of the world is challenging as the data
celebration and activities. As a part of the
heritage in Noble’s operating sites, and will
and information that we are collecting is
community investment programmes in the
give a long term benefit to the locals and
unwritten. It is about the stories, beliefs and
region, Noble funds a book writing project
Indonesian people. Pradakso comments
superstitions passed on through generations.
Many sources are older generation, very old
Gathering data in this remote part of the world is
challenging... It is about the stories, beliefs and
superstition passed on through generations.”
people and to put it in written form is quite
challenging”. With hard work and dedication
the project continues.
Building the Foundations
Noble Group lends a helping hand
programme through which charity initiatives
and donations flow. The Foundation supports
Application Details
charities in countries where Noble has
Charity proposals and the
operations, with a strong focus on children’s
health and education.
A few grassroot initiatives the Foundation
has been involved with are:
• Afrika Tikkun (educating township
children in Africa)
• YCAB (family support in Indonesia)
• BuildOn (mentoring children in USA)
• Future Hope (street kids in India)
Kristin Hartono visiting women who
received a micro loan from YCAB
Foundation, Jakarta
• Singapore Children Society (care for
disadvantaged children in Singapore)
oble has always strived to play a
positive role in the communities in
people at Noble and supported by the
which we operate by supporting
Foundation based on specifics of the project
and the issues tackled. All charities provided
and disaster relief to the environment.
significant, long-lasting impact to their
communities and proved to have a solid
was created as a global Group philanthropy
can be found on the homepage of
the WeAreNoble Intranet or email
Applications for new Charity
Foundation initiatives should
include a recent set of audited
financial statements. All projects in
which Noble gets involved will be
reviewed and approved by the CSR
Advisory Group.
These initiatives were proposed by
local charities that tackle issues from poverty
Noble Foundation, established in 2007,
Foundation’s policies and procedures
Future Hope, he
lping street
kids get a better
financial structure with low overheads.
We encourage Noble employees to get
involved in our community activities and
suggest new initiatives close to your heart.
Future Hope School a competitive game of
tug of war
Afrika Tikkun - reading time in the
tiger class with children aged 5-6
Noble World is produced for Noble Group by Graphicat
Limited. All rights reserved. This publication may
not be sold. No part of this publication may be
otherwise reproduced, adapted, performed in public or
transmitted in any form by any process without prior
authorisation of Noble Group. © Noble Group, 2013.
Magnum Opus Awards
Honorable Mention:
Best All Around
Employee Publication
TÜV Nord
Carbon Neutral