Volume 31, No.4, December 2014


Volume 31, No.4, December 2014
Al Shamal Shriners
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
December 2014 Vol. 31 No. 4
Monday, December 1st, 2014
Friday, January 9th, 2015
Stated Business Meeting
Shrine Centre Auditorium
Chief Rabban’s Night
Biffs Lounge 7pm
Dinner Meeting
Zem Zem 6pm
Dinner 7pm
Meeting 8pm
Saturday, January 10th, 2015
Saturday, December 6th, 2014
Annual Meeting
& Ladies Coffee Party
Upstairs 8:30am
Necrology / Installation of Officers
& Lunch
Auditorium 11am
Dinner Concert
featuring Jerry Huck
Auditorium 5:30pm
Potentate’s Ball
Chateau Nova Yellowhead 5pm
Sunday, December 7th, 2014
Monday, January 19th, 2015
Breakfast with Santa
Biffs Lounge 10am - 1pm
Unit Head Meeting
Biffs Lounge 7pm
Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014
to Friday, January 2nd, 2015
Monday, Februrary 2nd, 2015
Shrine closed for Christmas
Dinner Meeting
Zem Zem 6pm
Dinner 7pm
Meeting 8pm
Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year!
Sahida“ a warm and friendly Greeting
Elected Divan
Potentate, Ill. Sir Grant Geldart
Chief Rabban, Noble Terry Chapman
Assistant Rabban, Noble Murray Sutherland
High Priest & Prophet, Noble Ferit (Fred) Susan
Oriental Guide, N/A
Treasurer, Ill. Sir Ari Hoeksema
Recorder, Noble Gary Willis
Imperial Appointments
Imperial Public Relations Director, Ill. Sir Barry Gogal
Canadian Shrine Hospital Board of Governors, Ill. Sir James Templeton
Portland Shrine Hospital Board of Governors, Ill. Sir Ari Hoeksema
Endowments, Wills and Gifts, Ill. Sir Bill Miller, Al Azhar
Membership Development Specialist (MDS), Noble Neville Bush
Appointed Divan
Director General, Ill Sir Doug Grant & Lady Renate
Assistant Director General, Ill Sir Jack Watt & Lady Melva
Director of Uniform Units, Noble Neville Bush & Lady Wilma
Chaplains, Noble Bob Coates & Lady Marion
Noble Art Jones & Lady Jennie
Director Ritualistic Cast, Noble Bob Cameron & Lady Nina
1st Ceremonial Master, Noble Jim Forbes & Lady Lois
2nd Ceremonial Master, Noble Bill Martin
Captain of the Guard, Noble Tony Linchet & Lady Claudette
Outer Guard, Noble Tom Hannah & Lady Eva
Parade Marshal, Noble Barrie Miller & Lady Elaine
Master of Ceremonies, Noble Tony Lee & Lady Karen Coates
Temple Attorney, Noble Iain Cameron & Lady Tammy
Membership Chairman, Noble Trevor Pohle
External Auditor, TBA
Public Relations Chairman, Noble Don Anderson & Lady Linda
Temple Photographers, Noble Gerry Beyersbergen & Lady Robyn,
Noble Michael Cline-Fremont & Lady Amanda Clarke
Hospital Chairman, Noble Darwin Harrison & Lady Ann, Noble Don
Millar & Lady Evelyn, Noble Calum Peace & Lady Chiarina
Sick & Visiting Chairman, Noble Herbert DeloRey
Endowments, Wills & Gifts, Ill Sir Bill Miller & Lady Suzette
Soccer Chairman, Noble Gordon Harris & Lady Shirley
Casino Chairman, Noble John Fraser & Lady Joyce
Dinner Auction Chairman, Noble Dwayne Johnson
& Lady Nathalie Thibeault
Circus Chairman, Ill Sir Barry Gogal & Lady Janis James
Golf Tournament Chairman, Noble Jordan Gogal & Lady Aeron
Building Committee Chairman, Noble Gary Willis & Lady Sharon
Shrine Club Presidents
Al-Wa, Noble Allan London
Battle River, Noble Richard Glasgow
Northern Lights, Noble Brian Poltorak
Fort McMurray, Noble Brett Allen
Legal Counsel Noble Iain Cameron
page 2
2014 Potentate’s Aides
Noble Dave Allan
& Lady Theresa
Noble Brett Allen
& Lady Shana
Noble Daryl Aune
& Lady Brenda
Noble Howard Barnsley
& Lady Wallie
Noble Wayne Barrett
& Lady Estelle
Noble Gerry Beyersbergen
& Lady Robyn
Noble Derrick Bradley
& Lady Marilyn
Noble Jim Butlin
& Lady Diane
Noble Bob Cameron
& Lady Nina
Noble Chris Cameron
& Lady Christine
Noble Rod Carleton
& Lady Kimberly
Noble Greg Chartrand
& Lady LaVerne
Noble Ross Cyr
Noble Bob Disler
& Lady Gail
Ill Sir Jim Edgar
Ill Sir Allan Frado
& Lady Diane
Noble Ken Fulford
& Lady Patricia
Noble Noel Gauthier
& Lady Isabel
Noble Earl Giebelhaus
& Lady Penny
Noble Richard Glasgow
& Lady Stella
Ill Sir Ari Hoeksema
& Lady Kathryn
Noble Mike Jaskiw
& Lady Kristin
Noble Paul Jaskiw
& Lady Gail
Noble Dwayne Johnson
& Lady Nathalie Thibeault
Noble Nestor Kwasnycia
& Lady Pam
Noble Wayne Larson
& Lady Sharon
Noble Tony Linchet
& Lady Claudette
Noble Bill Lowrie
& Lady Joan
Noble Robin Mah
& Lady Laurie
Noble Russ Motiuk
& Lady Ines
Ill Sir Armond Nesdoly
& Lady Diana
Ill Sir Jim Robertson
& Lady Deanna
Noble Bud Salloum
& Lady Laverna
Noble Gary Semaniuk
& Lady Fiona
Noble Patrick Shabatowski
& Lady Denise
Noble Fred Such
& Lady Elsie
Ill Sir Bob Thachuk
& Lady Pat
Noble Ron Townsend
& Lady Rosemary
Ill Sir Jack Watt
& Lady Melva
Noble Neil White
& Lady Tammy
Noble Ken Williams
& Lady Patricia
Noble Vern Yonkers
& Lady Sylvia
Honourary Potentate’s Aides Noble George Christensen Sr
& Lady Dora, Ill Sir Keith MacDonald & Lady Dorothy
Al Shamal Shriners
14510 - 142 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6V 1H9
Telephone: 780-482-6065 Fax: 780-488-4728
Web page: www.alshamalshriners.org
e-mail: shriners@telus.net
Editor, Lady Diane Frado & Ill. Sir Allan Frado
Email: dianefrado@shaw.ca
This publication is devoted to promoting the best interests of Al Shamal Shriners
in particular and the Shriners International in general together with those of the
Masonic Fraternity and all Affiliated Orders.
December 2014
Hello to everyone and I hope you
enjoyed the summer and autumn
season. We have had a great year!
We started this year with new ideas,
challenges and change and I hope Al
Shamal Shriners of Northern Alberta can
continue to move in the same direction,
keeping our strong relationship with
cities and communities in Northern
As with many charitable organizations
strong fiscal management is more
important than ever..
Shriners are a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic
principles of brotherly love, relief and truth.
Nobles we must get behind our Divan with all our talent and ideas
to make it work. I encourage the units to get out and fundraise or
support the fundraising ideas that your Divan is working on, this not
only helps the unit but it also helps our Shrine Centre. I look forward
to working together and hearing your ideas. It has been an honour to
have the brothers from the Grand Lodge of Alberta assist us this year.
This year is quickly coming to a close but it has been an exciting time.
I congratulate and thank all the hard working nobles and the ladies
for your time and effort given to the shrine. You are our strength and
what keeps our philanthropy strong.
Special thanks to the members of Daughters of the Nile and Ladies
Auxiliary for your continual support, once, again you have done a
fantastic job in making 2014 a successful year.
We have had great opportunities to work with both the International
Order of Jobs Daughters and the Order of DeMolay. Thank you to
these excellent organizations for their efforts.
that helps to puts children at ease. Every member of the staff, from
surgeons to therapists, nurses to specialists, will be committed to
helping children improve their quality of life and achieve as much
independence as possible. Mark this date on your calendars and plan
to attend the Grand Opening in Montreal.. We have 22 Shriners
Hospitals for Children in our system and they are all doing well.
Please plan a visit to these hospitals.
The joint ceremonial went very well and it was a memorable moment
for all the candidates especially with Deputy Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt
and Lady Lisa being there. Thanks to the entire ceremonial team for a
great job. Remember we still need more members and cold sands is
still an option to get new nobles. Every Shriner should be dedicated to
our mission and find ways and opportunities for active participation.
Thanks to the Divan members, their ladies and Denise Buhay for all
their hard work and assistance. Thanks to Diane Frado for all her
efforts with the Sahida. Thanks to our PR specialist Don Anderson for
a great effort this past year.
Also, I must thank all the past Potentates for their assistance and
direction in 2014.
Just a reminder we have a Dinner concert fundraiser on December 6th
at the Shrine Center It is a country singer story teller featuring Jerry
Huck. It will be a great evening.
Also we have the Santa’s Breakfast on December 7th. Response has
been great, I hope you have RSVPd.
We all need to continue to work together to give the strength Al
Shamal Shriners of Northern Alberta needs to continue to be
Remember our Focus Stronger Together for the Children.
Season Greetings, Merry Christmas and All the best in 2015!
Ill. Sir Grant Geldart
Potentate 2014
Thank you to all the appointed officers and the aides for the great
job you have done this year. Thanks to all the chairmen, your
committees and the volunteers for your efforts and the success of
our 65th Circus, our dinner auction, our leg of the Montreal Hospital
Odyssey tour, our golf tournament and our Christmas dinner concert..
Thanks to all the Units for your help and support. The units have
been a key to our success at parades, move outs and in supporting
our events. Congratulations to all the award winners at the PNSA and
parade outings. I would also like to express my appreciation to my unit
the Oriental Band for their help in 2014.
A special recognition to our great clubs in Fort McMurray, Northern
Lights, Battle River and Lloydminster for their contributions and
support this year.
Remember our New Canadian Shriners Hospitals for Children, located
in Montreal-Quebec will be opening on August 20, 2015. It will
replace the existing hospital built in 1925 and it will provide worldclass care for children from across Canada with a host of orthopedic
and neuromusculoskeletal disorders in a family-focused environment
December 2014
page 3
First and foremost, let me thank everyone for
their support over the last year. There have been
positive moves forward so I hope we can all
continue in that direction. The past is just that,
the past let us look ahead.
The dinner auction was a great success thank you
to Noble Dwayne Johnson, his committee, the
volunteers as well as the donors and the ticket
purchasers and especially to those that purchased
the many beautiful donated items.
The Father’s Day pig roast grew in numbers again
this year. Thank you to the Nobles and Ladies that gave up their day
to come out and assist in the roasting, carving, set up and preparation.
The golf tournament was another successful event with Noble Jordan
Gogal and his crew pulling it together and hosting a great silent auction.
I would like to thank everyone that has helped out around the Centre
doing odd jobs or whatever was asked of you.
I would like to extend an invitation to all Nobles and Ladies to come and
attend the SMART (Shrine Membership Action Renewal Team) meeting
on November 21st @ 7pm. Everyone is asked to bring an appetizer
and your ideas. This team would involve anyone who wants to make a
POSITIVE DIFFERENCE in Al Shamal’s membership.
The Dinner Concert is fast approaching so don’t forget to call in for
tickets, can’t beat a dinner and show for $45.
Lady Sharon and I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a
Prosperous 2015.
Noble Gary Willis
Recorder 2014
Two years have gone by very quickly and I
have thoroughly enjoyed my time as editor of
the Sahida. Thanks to all of you for your great
articles and pictures. To Jen Chomin at Pioneer
Press your assistance, guidance and endless
patience with my never ending questions is
much appreciated – you and the staff at Pioneer
really do “the work” in putting our magazine
together. Denise Buhay, always there to answer
yet more questions and provide all the detail
“stuff” thanks so much.
At this time family commitments are such that I
have to turn this actual fun and interesting role
over to your next Editor.
A very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday
Season to all. May you have much love, luck and
laughter in the years ahead and as my mother
always says “God Bless”.
Diane Frado
page 4
The Silver Wings just hosted the Halloween Chilli and Pasta
Spooktacular on November 1 and the evening was a huge success
with a great crowd of young and old in costumes having lots of family
fun – we always use this event to showcase the Shriners to people
that may not know very much about the good things done by our
organization. We need to thank the caterer for wonderful food and
all the hard working Silver Wing members and Ladies – could not do
it without your help, also to all the prize donations given to us – if
you ask for a prize for a Shriner function you usually come away with
something – so thanks to you all for your generosity . As we move
ahead our unit will be led next year by Noble Trevor Elliot and we want
to thank Noble Irvine Laliberte for all his efforts as Captain throughout
the Year – job well done ….. Winger
December 2014
The Election of Al Shamal Divan members will be held at our AM in
January 2015.
Those with an interest in letting their name stand for any Divan
position, particularly Oriental Guide and Treasurer, are encouraged to
let the Recorder know as soon as possible.
A Strong Divan means a strong Al Shamal.
The Battle River Shrine Club has had another successful year in 2014.
We continue to rotate our Dinner Meetings between Camrose, Ponoka,
Stettler and Forestburg always having our ladies present. We are also
honored with the attendance and support of our Shrine Widows. The
club continues to grow with the addition of two new members and
we are always on the look out for other potential members.
We did several up-grades on our float this year allowing us to have
a great parade year! The Two Shriner Fezzy Bears we added were a
great hit with both young and old. All parades were well attended
and we thank all Nobles and Ladies who were able to come out and
join us.
The club continues to support Temple events, as travel allows, with
members attending the AGM and Potentate’s weekend, dinner
meetings and other events. We also continue to support our hospital
through donations to the Patient Transportation Fund.
With the installation of our new Officers, the Battle River Shrine
Club is looking forward to another rewarding year in 2015 under the
leadership of President Elect Noble David Roth and his Officers.
Respectfully submitted,
Pres. Richard Glasgow
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Back Co
December 2014
Show your support for our award winning
publication and become a Booster. For only $25.00
your name(s) will appear in every issue.
is my cheque,
YES enclosed
Noble’s Name:
Lady’s Name:
Card No.:
Expiry Date:
Proceeds from this Booster column will help offset the costs of printing
and mailing the SAHIDA. Make your cheque for $25.00 payable to
Al Shamal Shriners, 14510 - 142nd Street, Edmonton, AB T6V 1H9.
Sahida Supporters
Armstrong, Cliff & Dolores
Ashton, Rene & Marie
Bajc, Frank & Karen
Barnsley, Howard & Wallie
Barton, John
Bell, Alan & Alice
Butlin, Jim & Diane
Chomin, Glenn & Jennifer
Edgar, Jim
Edmonton Ladies Auxiliary to
Shriners Hospital for Children
Forbes, Jim & Carol
Frado, Allan & Diane
Fyffe, Stewart & Mary
Gauthier, Noel & Isabel
Glasgow, Richard & Stella
Hay, Catherine
Hoeksema, Ari & Kathryn
Jarvis, Bill & Geri
Johnston, Grace
King, Grant & Billielu
Koch, Murray & Karey
Krossa, Albert & Diane
Lawton, John & Carol
Lindberg, Cynthia
McBurney, Doug & Jay
McDonald, Sharon
Morter, Mort & Jean
Peacock, Fran
Pedden, Bernice
Robinson, Sandy & Jean
Rudolph, Marjorie
Salloum, Bud & Laverna
Shumilak, Rick & Bev
Simpson, Robert
Stonehouse, Terry & Elaine
Sutherland, Murray & Marilyn
Thachuk, Bob & Pat
White, Ken & Joyce
Wild, John & Jan
Wilson, Jo
page 5
Contact the Shrine Office or noble Dr. Herbert Delo Rey if you have
knowledge of a Noble sick or in the hospital.
Chairman, Noble Dr. Herbert DeloRay ......................... 780-342-8924
Noble Walter Bouillon ................................................. 780-425-9469
Noble Bob Coates ....................................................... 780-962-4963
Noble Frank Dove ....................................................... 780-455-2244
Noble Bob Disler ......................................................... 780-469-7188
Noble John Fraser ....................................................... 780-478-4984
Noble Bill Harrison ...................................................... 780-456-1612
Noble Bill Hite ............................................................. 780-451-6131
Ill Sir Ari Hoeksema ..................................................... 780-421-7776
Noble John Pratt ......................................................... 780-436-7651
The following long term members would appreciate a visit form their
Masonic or Shrine Brothers:
Noble Clay Elliott ........................................................Kipness Centre
Noble Dave Hunt ....................................Kipness Centre, Room 2333
Noble Bob Lamont ..................................Kipness Centre, Room 1336
Noble A. Harlan Woolsey ........ Alberta Life Care Housing Foundation,
Terra Losa; Room 133, 17203-99 Avenue
Noble Don Williams .................... Edmonton General Hospital, 12Y08
Ill. Sir Grant Geldart, Ill. Sir Jim Edgar, Megan Andrews, and Noble Jim Butlin
$5000 cheque presentation to Megan Andrews for the Small & Mighty
- Kids with Cancer Society. Our support will help make a difference in
the lives of children with cancer and their families.
(a) Electioneering. A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine
temple may print, publish and circulate during the year he is seeking
the elected office, a résumé consisting of his educational background,
his vocational history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as
provided in the prior sentence, the printing, publication, circulating
or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets, email or
other devices, by a unit, club, Noble, or group of Nobles, suggesting,
recommending, opposing, or containing the names of proposed
candidates for office in the temple is prohibited.
In Memoriam
(b) Expenditures Prohibited. The expenditure of money for gifts,
favors, or entertainment on behalf of a candidate for elected office
is prohibited.
(c) Violation. For any violation of (a) or (b), the Imperial Potentate
may suspend any offending Noble, and he may declare the election of
the officers void and order a new election.
(d) Notice. At least one week prior to the annual meeting or any
election, the temple Recorder shall mail to each member a notice
thereof containing this section.
Here are our departed Nobles who have made the Great Pilgrimage
across searing desert sands to the cool Oasis of Eternal Life. These
gentle men were our Friends and Brethren and the void created by
their leaving causes an ache in our hearts that will not soon go away.
Amend. 2011
page 6
Sweeney, Richard
Pollard, Bill
Chermen, Peter
December 2014
A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to listen to a boy tell
his story, and it touched me. He shared his dream of skiing in the
Olympics. I was amazed because he was young and this was a great
ambition by itself, however, he was also missing an arm and a leg
below the knee. This blew me away! He told about a special camp he
was able to attend. At this camp, he learned how to ski with special
adaptations (skis, and other equipment) for his disability. I started
thinking about what I could do, to raise money, to help other kids
like him.
We have four apple trees in our backyard, that are very old. They
produce so many apples, and we never eat all of them. I started
thinking, “What if I picked the apples and sold them to people, like
they do at the local Farmer’s Markets.” This is how the idea of “Apples
for Orthopedics” was born. Each Fall with the help of family, friends
and community members we pick apples, organize advertisements,
set up booths and sell apples. There is never a specific price given for
the apples. Instead, we ask people to donate what they would like,
for the kids at Shriner’s Children’s Hospital. It has been a huge success.
The first year, I raised over one thousand dollars in one day. I give all
the money that is donated to Shriner’s Children’s Hospital. We have
raised thousands of dollars and give all the money that is donated to
the program, which funds the camp for kids with disabilities.
I hope this will give many more kids with disabilities, the opportunities
to learn and participate in outdoor sports. I plan on continuing this
fundraiser and want it grow into a bigger community event. My goal
is to encourage other kids my age, (I’m 13) to start thinking about the
opportunities they have, to help improve their community. It may be,
as easy as, looking in your backyard and doing something more with
what you already have!
Motor Corps presenting a cheque for $5,000 to Herb Belcourt, at the October 6th
Dinner Meeting, as a donation to the Belcourt Brosseau Metis Awards Fund
December 2014
The wishing wells are about five feet tall and ideal for
any garden or to cover a water well head. Christmas
special prices are $175.00 for unpainted and $225.00 for
red with white accents.
The planter boxes are about 16” high and 16” x 19”.
They are vinyl lined and they are supplied ready for you
to stain or paint to match your existing décor at $30.00
Please order by November 30 for pre Christmas delivery
in Edmonton, Edson, and Drayton Valley.
Quality built by the Northern Lights Shrine Club. All
proceeds go to the Shrine.
Contact Noble Bob Barker at 780-542-2067
or Noble Larry James at 780-542-9557
Presenting Noble Dr. Herb Belcourt with his
Honorary Life Membership in Al Shamal
page 7
The Alumni Honour Award recognizes
the significant contributions made over a
number of years by University of Alberta
alumni to their profession, their community,
to society at large, or to the University of
William Alan Bell, ’53 BA, ’55 BEd, ’67
MEd, exemplifies what it is to have a big heart. A retired teacher,
his contributions go far beyond the classroom. As a member of the
International Shrine Clown Association, he has brought joy to children
and their families for many years as Ding Dong the Clown, receiving
the Shriners’ Red Nose Award four times. He has contributed to many
other community service organizations, including Scouts Canada,
which awarded him the Medal of Merit in 1988. He is a fellow and
former national president of the Canadian College of Teachers.
Other honours include the Samuel A. Dickson Award from the Fort
Edmonton Park Foundation and Kappan of the Year from Phi Delta
Kappa. While a teacher at Alex Taylor School, he opened his home to
a young Vietnamese refugee, becoming his guardian and later taking
in his brother. He and his wife also help many post-secondary students
through two awards they have established.
Response to University
I was pleased to receive your letter and the personal note attached to
the letter. I was happy to send a donation to the Montreal Hospital.
I was not aware that I had contributed 46 times. I joined Al Shamal
Shriners in 1985. After I joined the Clown unit, I held various positions
including Sneaker Chair. In one of those years I visited the Montreal
In 2002 I was appointed Sneaker Chair, Canadian Unit, for the Montreal
Hospital. I was the Canadian Board Member on ISCA (International
Shrine Clown Association). I held that position until 2007.During my
five years as Sneaker Chair I again visited the Montreal Hospital and
a number of the Shrine Hospitals in the United States. I had four
ISCA meetings each year and I made it my goal to visit many of the
hospitals in the United States.
Our October Pot Luck Luncheon was a great success with a wonderful
buffet to tempt our appetites. It was good to see the Divan in
attendance – we enjoyed their company and they enjoyed our good
Auxiliary members have been busy baking shortbread cookies (roughly
100# using some 33# of butter) for sale along with the Christmas
cookies baked in many homes for the Cookie Walk at our annual
Christmas Bazaar and Luncheon which was held on November 15.
Roseann Howard’s Christmas Cakes and the many crafts, knitted and
crotched items, and used books donated by members and friends
added to the profits. Many hours and busy hands go toward making
this a successful event.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season.
Ladies without
Since then I have been an ordinary member of the Shriners. Some of
my hospital visits occurred, too, when I was the National president
of the Canadian College of Teachers and as the Vice President of the
Canadian Clubs of Canada.
While I was the Sneaker Chair, Canada, I kept track of all the donations
that were made to the Montreal Hospital through the Canadian Shrine
As such, I was responsible for sending out thank you letters and
certificates for the Montreal Hospital.
Two months ago I was honoured by the University of Alberta Alumni
for my services to local, national and International organizations; in
particular the Shrine Clowns.
These Ladies are asking for
assistance with everyone saving
their Campbell’s Bar Code Labels.
They are used for the Campbell’s
Bar Code for Education program.
Please contact Marjorie Rudolph
for further information at
Noble W. Alan (“Ding Dong”) Bell
page 8
December 2014
Q: How many workers are currently on site on a daily basis?
The countdown is truly on now! As Fall of 2014 is upon us, we come
to the realization that we are one year away from moving Canadian
services to the new Shriners Hospitals for Children – Canada on the
Glen site. Work is progressing on the site as expected, but as walls
go up and equipment is installed we are now getting a true picture of
what the future will hold.
Q: Is the project still on budget and on time?
Q: Mr. Gantt, can you give us an update of the work accomplished in
the last few months?
A: Since June there has been a lot of activity on the construction site,
both for the exterior and interior of the building. Inside the building,
we have focused on electrical, mechanical and plumbing installation
starting from the second basement and moving up. Once those trades
have completed their work, walls have been marked, studded and
closed. This requires carefully orchestrated timing by our construction
manager SNC-Lavalin to maximize the effectiveness of all trades.
The two tower cranes have been removed from the site, and all of the
heavy and large equipment to be installed was delivered prior to that.
For example, ventilation equipment has been delivered and is being
installed on the roof penthouse. An interesting fact is that our tower
cranes were housed in the space reserved for our stairwells. They have
been replaced by the stairs and the workers onsite now have access to
the stairwells to move about the building.
As far as the exterior shell, it is now 80% complete and we are aiming
to have the building completely enclosed before the winter months so
that we can heat inside to continue the work over the winter months.
As well, the lay of the land has changed tremendously around
our new hospital. We have
completed the backfill along
our foundation walls and
the McGill University Health
Centre has been landscaping
as well as building the loop
road that will go around the
entire site.
1: The outer shell of the building is currently 80% complete and the building is
expected to be entirely enclosed before the winter months.
2: Hallway in basement level 1 once drywall is installed in late August.
December 2014
A: As of September 2014, we average 180 workers. We expect to
have 200 over the winter months.
A: The project is on budget and our construction manager has
managed to catch up with the delays caused in certain areas due to
the harsh winter conditions last year.
3: Entrance to the new hospital from the visitor parking lot. Temporary signage.
4: A ventilation unit in the process of being installed on the 3rd Floor – future
operating room floor during the first week of September.
5: Same ventilation unit installation completed during the second week of
If you don’t see your
Unit or Club news,
you missed the deadline!
Next Issue Submission Deadline
Please have all your articles and pictures to the editor by
THURSDAY, November 3rd, 2014.
Email your submissions to dianefrado@shaw.ca
Late submissions will be included in a later edition of the Sahida.
Sahida 2015
Advertising Rates Per Issue
Business Card ................................................................$50.00
1/4 Page ........................................................................$75.00
1/2 Page ......................................................................$100.00
Full Page ......................................................................$200.00
Back Cover ..................................................................$300.00
All requests for advertising are to be sent by e-mail to:
Diane Frado, Editor: dianefrado@shaw.ca, and
Al Shamal Shriners, Denise: shriners@telus.net
Please include the following in the subject box,
“Sahida Advertisement.”
page 9
Dear Ill Sir Geldart,
I write this letter feeling humbled by the generosity you have shown
the University of Alberta, and inspired by your support to ensure we
exert our utmost efforts towards even greater levels of success.
This past year, despite the economic challengers we faced, the
university received $87 million in generous support from alumni,
friends, corporations and foundations. Even more gratifying - we
were supported by more donors than ever before, more individual
donors than ever before, and the highest number of alumni donors
since 2007. Through your donation, you have joined a record number
of people whose belief in the importance and value of the University
of Alberta is demonstrated through their action.
Your trust and belief in our mission and mandate is something we will
never take lightly, or for granted. This report on the impact of your
giving provides and overview of the University of Alberta’s financial
strength and stability, the results of philanthropic investment, and
how donations are managed wisely for perpetual growth.
But the legacy of a gift to he university is not best measured in
percentages or charts. It is in the lives of students transformed, and
the breakthroughs that drive our economy and uplift our community,
where we see the true value of your philanthropy.
Through your donation, you have provided the means by which more
students, staff and researchers will explore new areas of discovery,
advance innovation and education, and make a difference in the lives
of people in our community, and around the world, every day.
During the summer two kids turned 13 yrs. old. Mya Davis and her
cousin Sydney Hawkswell, deciding that now they were BIG girls
they would hold a garage sale and get rid of a lot of their kids stuff.
When the sale was over Mya phoned her Grandpa, Noble Peter Davis
and asked him if it would be all right to donate the proceeds to the
Shriners. Peter said of course but asked why they chose the Shriners.
Mya replied that she knew Shriners helped sick children get better by
supporting special hospitals that cured kids. She went on to say that
she and Sydney really didn’t need anything (imagine two teenaged
girls not needing anything!), and they were lucky to be healthy. So
they wanted to help the Shriners help kids who really needed it. She
also said “Shriners not only do good things but they are a little crazy - I
know because I have seen them in parades and they have more fun
and make people smile and be happy. They have more fun in parades
than any other group”.
Noble Peter told this story at a recent Al Shamal business meeting
and hands went up all over the room by Nobles who wanted to add
something to the donation. It was very heart warming to see the $110
donation grow into over $500, proving once again that Shriners care!
Thank you.
So, through the eyes of a couple of 13 year old girls our fraternity is
admired and envied for the good we do and the fun we have. We
should all be proud to be part of what Mya and Sydney think is THE
Jessica D. Bortnick
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December 2014
page 13
Through this page we were able to communicate directly with people
who had questions regarding the Circus and again received generally
positive feedback.
From my perspective as PR Chairman I feel that our PR year has been
quite successful and that our Shriner brand is slowly becoming known
again in Northern Alberta.
Noble Don Anderson
PR Chairman
At the beginning of 2014 it was decided that our focus for this year
should be to re-establish the Shrine brand and knowledge of our
philanthropy in Northern Alberta. Over the past while it has become
increasingly difficult to get our Shriners’ message out to the general
public and along with re-establishing our brand we also wanted
to promote the activities of Al Shamal Shriners and the Shriners of
Northern Alberta.
Since attempting to measure the effectiveness of such an endeavor
without spending large amounts of money or hiring a Public Relations
firm it was decided after much discussion to focus on three areas we
saw as effective ways to share our messages.
We continue to support charities and non-profit groups throughout
Edmonton and Northern Alberta and often get support in return in
the form of inclusion in events programs or mentions of our activities.
Our continued support of CKUA radio station’s drive to survive is an
example of this and in return the announcer(s) give us promotion on
the program(s).
As you know we purchased advertising spots on two digital billboards
through Pattison Outdoor Advertising and proceeded to create several
spots that would run on the billboards for 2 – 4 week periods. Again it
is very difficult to measure the effectiveness of these messages but we
know that more people in northern Alberta have seen the messages
than ever before and that the feedback has been very positive.
Messages included the Shrine Circus, Potentate’s Golf tournament,
the Odyssey Tour, the rental facilities of the Shrine Center, a generic ad
for the Shriners Hospitals for Children, the Prospects Baseball game of
which we were a sponsor, an informational spot about our donations
to Charities in Northern Alberta, the Jerry Huck concert and at the
time of this writing a Remembrance Day spot. We were also allowed
to use “The Exceptional Care for Exceptional Kids” promotion of the
Shriners Hospital for Children Canada, thanks to Ill. Sir Jim Templeton’s
support at the Board of Directors level.
Thirdly, we tried to focus on the social media aspects of Facebook and
to a lesser degree Twitter. We learned that Twitter is most effective if
the post is in the “here and now”, while something is happening and
that Facebook if more about sharing information. Through the efforts
of several Nobles and Ladies we were able to make regular posts to
Facebook regarding the activities of Al Shamal, Shriners Hospitals
for Children, Shriners Hospitals for Children Canada and Shriners
Again effective measurements of success are hard to establish but we
do know that posts are reposted on members’ private pages and that
we do receive positive comments back regarding our posts.
We also continued to use the Edmonton Shrine Circus Facebook page.
page 14
for Next Issue Copy & Pictures
To Editor
February 2nd, 2015
Please bring your
empty recyclable
beverage containers to
the Shrine Centre. All
proceeds to local shrine
activities and projects.
Thank You, Doug Pare - Pipes & Drums
December 2014
Yes, I’m still collecting this little item in support of
our Shrine. So far this year, I’ve made two
trips to a local metal recycler, then deposited
the funds - meager as they may be – into a
dedicated savings account. Once that fund
hits $500 (we are getting close . . .) I will be
issuing a cheque to Al Shamal Shrine.
As titled above, it’s the “humble” pull-tab. It’s not worth much, in
momentary terms. In fact, at today’s prices, it takes 1 pound of these
little devils to earn you a whopping $0.40! How many tabs does it
take to equal one pound of metal? About 1,000. So you can see that
it’s more a labour of love than a push for profit. It’s like many hobbies;
it’s more about the fun than the cost.
In addition to those of you who diligently drop your collections of
pull-tabs off at our Shrine office, the members of Strathcona Royal
Canadian Legion #150 are also collecting on our behalf. So to
everyone who is donating tabs, a big “thank you!”
I started working on this project (on your behalf) in early 2007. Since
then, I’ve handled about 1100 pounds of pull-tabs. Until mid-2011,
our Shrine donated our pull-tabs to a Royal Canadian Legion in Stony
Plain in support of specialized equipment needed by a little girl who
is physically challenged. Since then, we’ve redirected the tabs in
support of our Shrine.
Do we still need your help? Oh yes. In fact, in terms of our Shrine,
we need your help more than ever. Please take a moment to pull
those tabs and save them for us. When you are ready to donate,
please drop them off at our Shrine or contact me, Noble Mahlon Weir,
and I’ll pick them up.
Contact me at: mahlon.weir@gmail.com or 780-434-6090.
Thank you for supporting our pull-tabs initiative.
Sunday December 7th, 2014
10:00am until 1:00pm
Auditorium, Al Shamal Shrine Centre, 14510-142
Required to office; call 780-482-6065
or email shriners@telus.net before November 14,
Please include gender and age of All children
attending as well as food sensitivities; Santa may
have a surprise in his bag.
We ask all parents to bring a new pair of mittens
for our mitten tree which in turn will be donated to
YES! I want to be
a Sahida Booster
See Page 5
Is your name on the list of Boosters?
If not, just mail a cheque for $25.00
payable to Al Shamal Shriners
and it will cover part of the costs
of producing this award-winning
Ill. Sir Grant Geldart speaking at the Good Neighbourhood Fund Dinner.
The Patrol Arabs made a $5000 donation.
December 2014
page 15
Cordially Invite you to join them for their Annual
Potentate’s Ball
Honouring 2015 Potentate
Illustrious Sir Terry Chapman and Lady Bev
along with the 2015 Divan and their Ladies
Being held at the Al Shamal Shrine Centre and the Chateau Nova Yellowhead
Chief Rabban’s Night - Friday, January 9th, 2015
Sponsored by the Edmonton Shrine Motor Corps
Biff’s Lounge, Shrine Centre, 7PM - 11PM
Annual Meeting - Saturday, January 10th, 2015
Shrine centre, 8:30AM
Ladies Coffee Party - Saturday, January 10th, 2015
Shrine centre, 8:30AM
Necrology Service / Installation of Officers / Lunch - Saturday, January 10th, 2015
Shrine centre, 11AM
Potentate’s Ball - Saturday, January 10th, 2015
Chateau Nova Yellowhead
Cocktails at 5PM • Dinner at 6PM • Program & Dance to follow
Full event tickets $100 per person
Potentate’s Ball only $75 per person
Annual Meeting / Coffee Party / Lunch $35 per person
Chateau Nova Room block is under Al Shamal Shriners for $119 per night (plus taxes).
For Reservations call 1-866-401-6682. Hotel Address, 13920 Yellowhead trail, Edmonton
Payment MUST accompany ticket request
Ticket request for: _________________________________________________
# of full event tickets _________ @ $100 each = $_________ OR
# of ball tickets only _________ @ $75 each = $_________ ;
# of lunch tickets only _________ @ $35 each = $_________ ;
Total monies being remitted: $_________
Payment method:  Cash  Cheque  Visa  Mastercard
Card #: ___________________________________ Expiry: ______ / ______
Name on Card: _______________________________ Signature: _______________________________
Registration Deadline is January 2nd, 2015. Mail registration to 14510 - 142 Street, Edmonton, AB T6V 1H9.
Fax to 780.488.4728, or email to shriners@telus.net
hope.” Spending time with parents who are facing similar challenges
is a huge benefit for Perla.
“It’s clear that the benefits of Free2BMe reach beyond the kids and
extends to the families,” said Al Shamal Potentate Grant Geldart.
“Our focus is on helping children, but family support is also very
important to us.”
“At Free2BMe parents can learn from and support each other by
sharing their experiences,” said Free2BMe program coordinator,
Amanda Ebert. “One parent may have already dealt with a child going
to school for the first time, or entering high-school.” To help facilitate
their community, Free2BMe hosts parent networking nights where
parents can share fears, milestones and triumphs with each other.
Maddie, mother of twin daughters, Erika and Cassie, aged six,
and Tori, aged 8 agrees with Perla and also notes the growth her
daughters have experienced at Free2BMe. “My daughters have
gained confidence. They can do so many things they weren’t able to
before. And I have learned so much too.”
On Wednesday, October 21, two representatives of Edmonton’s Al
Shamal Shriners dropped by The Steadward Centre’s Free2BMe
program. They brought a gift of $25,000.00 to present to Centre
Associate Director, Karen Slater in support of Free2BMe physical
activity programs for kids and teens living with impairment.
Established in 1985, Al Shamal Shriners are known for their support
of children’s hospitals, and also their support of children and families
beyond hospital treatment. With this donation, the Shriners recognize
the impact of Free2BMe in the Edmonton and Capital region.
“Free2BMe is unique in North America,” said Slater. “We do not
require children to have a formal referral nor do we serve children of
any particular impairment. Kids experiencing gross motor difficulties
or are living with developmental, physical or sensory impairment
can come to our program.” Also, highly qualified Free2BMe staff,
trained in Adapted Physical Activity use their skill in assessment and
fundamental movement instruction to adapt individual or group
programs to the needs of each child. A strength of the Free2BMe
program is that it is established, having been in operation for nearly
ten years. “Last year, we had over 440 kids in our programs,” said
Slater, “and nearly 1,000 unique participants over the course tenure.
It is not unusual for kids to participate in many programs as they get
older, and some even become mentors to new children and teens in
the program.
“This program is a wonderful connection to the community and
children who need support beyond the hospital,” said Al Shamal
representative, Isaac Brower-Berkhoven.
“The donation from the Shriners helps us to make sure we can meet
the demand for our services in the community this year, and keep the
programs affordable for families,” said Slater.
“I am a picky mom, and I know that my son is in the very best of
hands here. They (Free2BMe staff) believe in our kids,” said Perla
whose son, Miguel, attends Free2BMe programs. “My son is so happy
when he comes here, and he has learned so much. He can do much
more by himself.” Perla noted that it can be challenging to raise a
child living with impairment, and Free2BMe staff provide her with
much needed encouragement and support. “They help my son and
are like my psychologist too sometimes,” Perla joked. “They give me
December 2014
Free2BMe staff are knowledgeable in exercise physiology, fundamental
movement, and break down complicated activities, such as learning
to ride a bicycle or to skate into core skills. Learning from the staff,
and watching them work with her daughters has helped Maddie with
activities at home. “If we reach a hurdle, I now have some ability to
help my girls to get over.” Maddie said her daughters are not only
able, but they are also confident enough to participate with other
kids in activities at school. A highlight for her is that they learned to
skate last year.
David (name has been changed to protect his family’s privacy) echoes
the sentiments of Maddie and Perla. His daughter, Sally, has a rare
developmental disorder and underwent two heart surgeries before
she was a year old. “She wasn’t walking until she was three.” David,
like many parents, heard about Free2BMe from a hospital employee
last year. “When I first brought Sally here, she was so tired that I had
to carry her up the stairs.” Now, Sally can go up and down stairs, hop
on one foot and can play a game of tag. To a parent whose child was
unable to walk until the age of three, achievements such as these
are very meaningful. Sally’s impairment has significant impact on her
movement ability, and her health. Like Perla, David feels that Sally is
well looked after. “The staff really know their stuff,” says David. “They
did a really thorough assessment of Sally when we first came to the
program. She is really safe here. They make sure she rests when she
needs to, and they have taught me an awful lot as well.”
Program coordinator, Ebert said that while physical activity is
very beneficial to every body, it is always important to progress in
increments, getting to know each child and managing each child’s
abilities safely. Each child is assessed thoroughly for contraindications
to exercise and activities are tailored with their unique situation in
mind. “One of the challenges and joys of this job is encouraging each
child to explore what they can do. Each child can succeed according
to their needs, desires and ability.”
When asked what he would say to the Al Shamal Shriners for their
support, David smiles, and says very simply. “That’s easy. Thank you
very, very much.”
Zanne Cameron
page 17
Thank You!
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page 18
December 2014
Saturday, January 10, 2015 ~ 8:30am ~ Al Shamal Shrine Centre, upstairs
(a) Electioneering. A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print, publish, and
circulate during the year he is seeking the elected office, a resume consisting of his educational
background, his vocational history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior
sentence, the printing, publication, circulating or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets,
email, or other devices by a unit, club, Noble, or group of Nobles, suggesting, recommending, opposing
or containing the names of proposed candidates for office in the temple is prohibited.
(b) Expenditures Prohibited. The expenditure of money for gifts, favours, or entertainment on behalf
of a candidate for elected office is prohibited.
(c) Violation. For any violation of (a) or (b), the Imperial Potentate may suspend any offending Noble,
and he may declare the election of the officer’s void and order a new election.
(d) Notice. At least one week prior to the Annual Meeting of any election, the temple Recorder shall
mail to each member a notice thereof containing this section.
Please note the doors to the meeting room will be Tyled; your 2015 dues card will be required for
admission. It is not only a privilege as a Noble of the Mystic Shrine to elect the Officers of your choice to
serve our Temple – it is your duty to exercise this privilege and preserve the finest traditions of the Order
through our ballots. Be sure to wear your Fez and VOTE!
The Annual Necrology Service in memory of our departed nobles will be held at approximately 11:00am with
our “Ladies without Shriners” and our Ladies present.
All our Ladies are invited to a Ladies Coffee Reception at 8:30am in honour of our “Ladies without Shriners”,
the Necrology service at 11:00am, followed by the installation of your 2015 Officers and the luncheon.
following the election.
Remember – Every Noble of Al Shamal is a Member of the Holding Association
-Please attend this meeting as it is your right and your responsibility.

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