ANNUAL MEETING - Anah Shriners


ANNUAL MEETING - Anah Shriners
A Chapter
JULY 2011
January 20 & 21, 2012
Complete Program is on page 10
Admission by 2012 Dues Card Only
Top line signers for 3 or more candidates
in 2012 will earn an Anah Shrine watch.
The January class of candidates is being named
“The Marvin Tarbox, Jr. Class”
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The Anahgram
Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners
Chartered June 15, 1922
A Chapter of Shriners International
P.O. Box 735, Bangor, Maine 04402-0735
Website: - email:
Volume 80
Number 1
Noble Ralph “Rick” Robshaw
Elected to SCAFRA Office
Noble “Rick” Robashaw of Anah was srecently elected to the position of 3rd Vice
President of SCAFRA, (Shrine Circus and
Fund Raising Association). The purpose
of SCAFRA is to encourage the formation
of Shrine Circuses, Circus Units, Fund
Raising units, committees or other organizations to promote continuity and preservation of fund raising information and
thought development. SCAFRA holds a
National Convention every year in different parts of the USA to promote interest
and betterment of Shrine Circuses and/or
other wholesome family entertainment or
programs offered to the public. There are
approximately 50 other Shrine Centers
represented from all over the United States
and Canada that attend these meetings to
discuss the different types of fund raising
activities as well as Circus issues that each
Shrine Center encounters.
In 2015 Anah will be hosting the Annual
Convention in Bangor and is very honored
and humbled to be able to represent Anah
Shrine for the next 4 years.
Rick has been employed by the Town of
Orrington, Highway Department for the
past 15 years. He is a member and Past
Master of Felicity Lodge No. 15 AF &
AM of Bucksport and the York Rite Bodies where he served as High Priest. He
joined Anah Shriners in 1985; and became a member of the Anah Wheeler Unit
where he served as Captain for five years.
He is a member of the Hancock County
Shrine Club and is a Past President.
He became involved with the Anah Circus, and served for 5 years as Chairman
for Cotton Candy sales. He was appointed
as Assistant Circus Chairman for the Bangor Circus and served for five years in
that capacity. He was appointed as Circus
Chairman for the Bangor Circus in 2004
and continues to serve in that capacity.
Ricks experience with the Anah Circus
will bode well as he serves as an officer of
SCAFRA and shares his experiences with
other Shrine Centers.
Anah is honored to have Rick serving in
this Imperial capacity.
loved, with people he loved, and for a
good cause – driving his go-kart with the
Anah Temple Shrine Go-Kart Unit.”
Naming a class of candidates after Noble
Marvin is a fitting way to honor him and
his dedication to Anah, the children helped
by his efforts and the dedication of all
Nobles are encouraged to sign up candidates for the class to honor Noble Marvin.
January Class of Candidates
to HonorMarvin Tarbox, Jr.
Noble Marvin Tarbox, Jr. died as the result of an accident with the Go-Kart Unit
in a parade in Damariscotta, on October
8, 2011. An event known as the Damariscotta “Pumkinfest” was held to celebrate the coming of the fall season and
the pumpkin harvest. The event resembled a fair with many activities of interest
to people of all ages. The activities included a large community parade that
drew participants from many locations in
Maine, including Anah’s Go-Karts Unit.
Noble Marvin Tarbox, Jr., age 59, of
Hancock, joined Anah Shriners in 2006
and quickly became a dedicated and enthusiastic member of Anah’s Go-Karts.
He was remembered for “doing what he
Noble Marvin Tarbox, Jr.
Deadline for the FEBRUARY issue
will be MONDAY, JANUARY 23.
This is done so news about the Ceremonial can be printed in a timely
manner. If your copy doesn’t apply to
the Ceremonial please observe the
regular deadline to help speed up
production as it will help getting THE
ANAHGRAM to our readers in a
timely manner.
If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring
a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below.
ORTHOPEDIC: Rodney S. Pinkham, Box 8 East Holden, ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763
BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, 04062, Tel. 892-3124
Springfield Hospital 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital 1-800-255-1916
You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
Hancock County
Shrine Club
Aroostook County
Shrine Club
!st. Section
Ritual Practice
Sunshine Club
Martin Luther
King Day
County Shrine
Club Meeting
Shrine Club
Shrine Club
Aroostook S C
Daughters of the
Nile, Stated
Valentines Day
Presidents Day
Second Section
at the Shrine Center.
Program on page10
Waldo Shrine Club
Annual Meeting &
Regular Meetilng
Keystone Kops
Funsters Meeting
Anah Temple
Annual Meeting
3:00 p.m.
2nd Section
2nd Section
Potentates Party
Shrine Club
Wheelers Cabin
Fever Supper
Shrine Club
Ash Wednesday
Keystone Kops
Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity
please advise the Editor by the 5th. of the month prior to publication.
and fellowship, and never forget the kids
who depend on our support at our hospitals. Lauri and I thank you each and every
one of you!!
My hayfield will be calling next year, and
I look forward to mowing it, but Lauri and
I will still hit the road to join in the fun.
Hold fast next year and remember, “Shriners having fun and helping kids is what
we live by.”
Greetings Nobles and Ladies of Anah!!
Time flies when you’re having fun. It’s
hard to believe that the last Potentate’s
Message of the year has arrived. The baton of leadership will soon be passed and
I have every confidence that our next Potentate will serve our Temple well in 2012.
Fair warning; your first Anahgram deadline is January 5.
Nobles and Ladies, the Dawsons thank
you all from the bottoms of our hearts for a
wonderfully rewarding year. We have been
truly honored to serve you. We have had a
few bumps in the road, but that is life. The
challenge is to “hold fast.” On that score,
tomorrow your Potentate travels to our
Shriners Hospital in Springfield with Captain Dave Magoon and a delegation from
the Go-Kart Unit. The Dawsons lost some
whiskers and some beautiful blond hair
first, but it was all worth it. The Go-Kart
Unit is delivering almost $23,000.00 to
the Springfield Hospital to honor Noble
Marvin Tarbox, Jr. We look forward to
the Hospital unveiling a beautiful plaque
William “Bill” Dawson
to honor Marvin. We thank each and every one of you for supporting this effort.
A tip of the Pote’s Fez goes to Noble Bud
Wilson from the Oriental Band, and Chief
Rabban Tony Bowers, who surrendered
their whiskers to help the cause at the
Christmas Party up in the County.
I often say that the Shrine is place where
lifelong friendships are formed while
we have fun helping kids. This year has
brought that expression to life, each and
every day, all year long.
Thank you Nobles and Ladies for your
wonderful support, for joining in the fun
all year, and for supporting Shriners International and our beloved Hospitals. Anah
Shriners stands tall among our 193 Shrine
Temples because we are blessed by you:
our Nobles and Ladies. Anah Nobles and
Ladies always work hard, have great fun
Yours in the Faith,
William L. Dawson, Jr.
January 23, 2012
3 p.m.
Anah Shrine Center
All Members welcome
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The reason talk is cheap is because the supply exceeds the demand.
Academicians....................................... 18
Aroostook S C ..................................... 18
Band....................................................... 9
Bangor-Brewer S C.............................. 21
Boosters................................................. 6
Calendar................................................. 2
Circus..................................................... 5
Clowns (Bangor)..................................... 5
Clowns (Aroostook...................................
Convertibles......................................... 20
Daughters of the Nile................................
Drum & Bugle...........................................
Flag Unit...................................................
Funster Unit.......................................... 16
Go-Karts Unit............................................
Hancock County S C............................ 14
Highlanders.......................................... 21
Hospital News (Springfield).................. 23
Indy Cars.............................................. 22
Kampers Klub....................................... 24
Kanteen Corps..................................... 14
Keystone Kops..................................... 19
Lobster Boat Unit......................................
Looking Back............................................
Mini-Car Unit.............................................
Mystery Person.................................... 28
NASCARS............................................ 12
Northern Penobscot S C .........................
Obituaries............................................. 26
Past Masters Unit.....................................
Photo Unit............................................... 4
Potentate................................................ 3
Provost Guard...................................... 17
Public Relations........................................
Second Section.................................... 11
Schoodic Shrine CluB..............................
Sunshine Club...................................... 13
Tri-County S C...................................... 17
Waldo County S C ............................... 21
Washington County S C....................... 15
Wheelers................................................ 7
4x4 Unit................................................ 23
Bob Hodgkins,
Hi unit members from the muzzle loading hunting camp: since its Sunday and
we are just looking (not shooting) I came
back to the west Bank of the Sebasticook
to get this in. By the time you read this
we will have had our Annual Meeting on
12-10-11 (also kids Santa Day). Then we
will be in a leap year. This means our new
Pote will have an extra day in the hot seat:
The director has nothing in this column
but will be (have been) at the meeting.
(then we will have the inside scoop on
I hope members did get their photos
in for the Potentate’s album. Speaking
of same, we have enjoyed the past year
working with Ill. Bill and Lady Lauri. We
wish them the best as they pass the torch.
Ill. Bill and Lauri “HOLD FAST”
This unit although saddened by the passing of Noble Marvin Tarbox, Jr. We are
proud that the January Ceremonial class
will be named in his honor. This photographer and the unit have many fond memories of shooting the Zany actions of the
Members be ready next year to go out
and about your areas and help with photos
that enhance the history and meaning to
the Shrine.
Now for the Birthdays I forgot last
month Happy December birthdays to
Merland Clark, Lloyd Day and Gracie
Davis. November Birthdays were Peggy
Day and Jim Bennett.
January 19
Mashed potato
New Members Always Welcome
Proceeds benefit Bangor/Brewer Shrine Club
Anniversaries: December, Dennis and
Libby Bryant (now we know why they
went to Vegas)
November ring day Chet and Gracie Davis:
Well back to hunting: a late Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year:
Till later. the Flashbulb
Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners
Bangor, Maine
Office of Publication
P.O. Box 735
Bangor, Maine 04402-0735
Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994
Available by subscription $12.00 per year.
Gerald L. Harvey
586 Main Street, P.O. Box 735
Bangor, Maine 04402-0735
Tel. (H) 991-9708
Fax: (H)-989-7931
Dennis Bryant
1036 Ayers Jct. Rd
Charlotte ME 04666
Home Tel: 454-3514
Dennis Bryant <>
Bob Hodgkins
Home Tel: 938-3864
Cel: 341-0866
THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly
Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding
publication unless advertised otherwise in the
previous issue.
THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept
or refuse any item for publication.
Illustrious Potentate......William L. Dawson, Jr..
Chief Rabban
Anthony V. Bowers
Asst. Rabban
F. Lee Kaufman.
High Priest & Prophet.............Thomas Clukey
Oriental Guide..............Donald “Jesse” Thomas
Treasurer...............................Julian S. White, Jr.
Recorder.......................Harold W. Crocker, P.P
I pledge allegiance to my flag and
to the country for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.
The reason talk is cheap is because the supply exceeds the demand.
Noble John
”Flip Flop” Kidder,
Happy New Year to one and all. Welcome
to 2012! Hope everyone enjoyed a great
holiday season. Now we begin the countdown to Anah’s 90th anniversary and
hosting the Northeast Shrine Field Days
in Bangor in September. Sincere thanks
and congratulations to Illustrious Sir Bill
Dawson and Lady Lauri for a great job as
Potentate and First Lady. We sure did, as
you promised, have “Double the fun in
double one!” I bet you are both waiting to
exhale and enjoy some well-deserved
down time.
As I write this in early December, the
clown unit holiday catering season is in
full swing with three events this past
weekend—Second Section, Provost
Guard, and Flag Unit. Our own unit party
and annual meeting will have occured on
December 10, the Anah Band party on
December 12, and the Go-Karts party on
December 17. Pardon the food pun, but
sandwiched among these events is my installation as Worshipful Master of Ralph
J. Pollard Lodge in Orrington on December 11 and Piggy’s installation as Worshipful Master of Lynde Lodge in Hermon
on December 18. I wonder if the Sixth
Masonic District can handle two clowns
in the East---guess we’ll soon find out! I
know that Piggy and I are certainly looking forward to serving our respective
lodges in the year ahead. But before I get
ahead of myself, here’s what the unit has
accomplished between now and then.
Congratulations on a job well done to
Pam Spofford who, along with her crew
Karen Kidder, Janice Young, Deana
Small, Cindy Haynes, Shannen Adams,
Heather Kirkbride, several clown children
and friends, and Clowns Spiffy, Flip-Flop,
Bo-Bo, Babycakes, and Div-It, orchestrated and carried out another very successful year in running the café for the
Sunshine Club Holiday Marketplace on
November 5. This dedicated team, led by
Pam raised in excess of $800 to support
transportation and lodging expenses for
children who are patients at Shriners Hospitals and their families.
Home Depot Children’s Workshop was
pleased to have Fou, Jappo, Patches, and
Sweet-P on hand on November 5 to entertain the many children and adults who
came out that morning to build a wooden
project together.
The many clowns and ladies in attendance
at the Pote’s Thank You Party on November 12 enjoyed seeing Pote Bill Dawson
get shorn like a sheep in losing his beard
as a fundraiser for the family of Marvin
Tarbox, Jr. Lady Lauri also received a
significant hair trim that evening to support Locks of Love.
At a special Home Depot Children’s
Workshop on November 26 attended by
Spiffy, Div-It, and Sweet-P, the clown to
children ratio was very high. This allowed
the lucky children who attended to have a
great deal of undivided fun with their favorite Anah clown.
Spiffy and Pam, Bo-Bo and Janice, Babycakes and Patti, Piggy and Brenda, Gizmo
and Jody, and Coota and Phyllis all made
the trip “North of Ordinary” to Presque
Isle to Attend the annual Christmas Party
on December 3 hosted by President Stan
“Papi” Baker and his Aroostook County
Shrine Club crew. I understand that everyone had a great time and it was Tony
Bowers turn in the hot seat where he lost
his beard as a fundraiser.
In closing, all of us send warm wishes to
Don Havey of the Provost Guard. Don,
you are in our thoughts and prayers. Secondly, our best wishes to Phil (Ducky)
Lovell as he recovers from hip replacement surgery. Hope you’ll be better than
or at least as good as new soon, Ducky.
Oh by the way, Ducky, as you recover stay
away from daytime TV----‘cause it’s way
too much estrogen.
All the best to all of you in 2012.
“I am cutting quite a figure,” said the chorus girl as she sat on a broken bottle.
Dick & Laura Adams 7/12
Richard N. Anderson 12/12
W. Robert Averill 11/12
Richard N. Averill 7/13
I M O C. Alton Bagley 4/12
I M O Dick Bagley P.P. 9/12
Clifton P. Barker 7/12
I M O Perry T. Barker 7/12
Robert S.Beattie 11/12
Jim & Gloria Bennett 2/12
Albert “Bucky” & Norma Bishop 10/12
Mike Blake 7/12
I M O David Blood 5/12
Blinn & Joan Boone 6/12
I M O Arland Bowen 2/12
John & Anna Bradford 2/12
Fred & Jennifer Brown 1/12
Blair & Judy Bubar 4/12
Dick & Kim Carlow 5/12
Charlie & Shirley Caron 6/12
Sam & Aggie Carr 11/12
Tom & Sue Carr 2/13
Bob Chandler 9/13
I M O Arthur W. Chandler 9/13
Roger & Jean Chesley 12/12
I M O Maynard K. Chipman 4/12
I M O Harold L. Chute PGM 12/12
Michael A. Clark 7/12
I M O Rodney M. Clewley 12/16
I M O Gregory L. Clifford 6/12
I M O Earle F. Collins 7/12
John & Jan Conti 4/12
Ron & Evelyn Cook 3/12
Bud & Fran Costigan 2/12
Sonny & Marilyn Crocker 3/12
Stephen & Christine Cummings Sr. 5/12
Stephen & Sarah Cummings, Jr. 5/12
I M O Norman P. Dalbeck 5/12
Wayne & Tanya Darling 2/12
John H. Davidson 2/12
I M O Elmer C. Davis 10/12
June A. Davis 10/12
Larry Doughty 9/12
Mark Doughty 9/12
Tyler C. Dunning 9/12
I M O Dryden C. Dutch, P.P 7/12
Robert Emerson 2/12
I M O Lewis E. Fenlason 7/12
Wallace & Lorena Fenlason 7/13
John & Betty Fernald 3/13
Merle & Betty Finley 4/13
Phil & Sandy Finley 4/13
I M O Lewis R. Fitts, Jr., Band 4/12
Wes & Bonnie Ford 4/12
Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 9/12
I M O Hugo Frati 9/12
I M O Peter Friend P.P. 9/12
Clinton & Sandra Fulton 2/12
Don & Pat Gallupe 2/12
I M O Clifford Gallupe 2/12
Dick & Margaret Gardner 2/12
Greg Geagan 2/12
Paul & Diana Giles 4/12
One line (single name) $10 for 1 year
One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year
If you would like your name and your Lady’s on
separate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of
$20 for one year.
Send check with name as it is to appear to:
Bangor ME 04402-0735
Goody & Roz Gilman 6/12
Patricia Ann Goode 2/12
I M O Harry F. Gordon 10/12
Ralph & Phyllis Goss 7/12
Andy & Rose Gove 10/12
Dwynal & Karen Grass 11/12
W. Louis & Judi A. Greenier 6/12
Roger & Julie Grindle 9/12
Charles C.W. Hackney 8/13
I M O Edwin W. Hadley 10/12
I M O Jim Halkett 7/12
Dick & Carolyn Hallett 11/12
Gene & Pamela Hamm 6/12
Ed & Bonnie Hamm 9/12
I M O Elbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 6/12
Gladys Hardy 2/12
Willard Hardy 2/12
I M O Tom Harper 7/13
I M O Tom Harper 7/2013
Steven & Marilee Hartley 7/12
Jerry & Lorraine Harvey 10/12
I M O Mike Haskell 4/12
Dwight & Estelle Haslam 5/12
Larry & Libby Hersom 4/12
Ralph & Maggie Hill 10/12
Richard & Norine Holt 10/12
Gerald & Regina Jackson 5/12
C. Ray & Loretta Jones 2/12
F. Lee & Peggy Kaufman 2/12
Alton & Ellen Kenney 2/12
Bob & Rae Jean Knowles 11/12
I MO Ernest “Bud” Larson 2/12
Larry & Gail Larson 7/12
Charles & Selma Larson 9/12
Allen & Mary Lawrence 12/13
Gordon & Connie Lawrence 12/13
I M O Frank M. Leighton 11/12
Skip Lenfest, Jr. 7/12
Skip Lenfest, Sr. 7/12
Bo b & Perlene Libby 11/12
I M O Paul Libby 4/12
Mike & Bonnie London 9/12
I M O Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Lunt, Sr. P.P.
Dee Dee & Polly Lyons 9/12
Winston & Frances Mackay 6/12
I M O G. Urial Martin 4/12
Douglas A. & Donna McCafferty 10/12
Douglas K. & Candee McCafferty 10/12
I M O Edward Sr. & Evelyn McCafferty 4/12
I M O Terral A. McCafferty 9/12
Welman & Natalie McFarland 3/12
Allan & Lorraine McGown 10/12
Ed & Nancy McGraw 7/12
I M O Herschel McIntosh 2/12
Joseph Megquier 6/12
Jerry & Cindy Merritlhew 5/12
Dick & Joan Meserve 7/12
John & Dottie Monohon 2/12
Wes & Linda Nash 12/12
Dick & Betty Nevers 12/13
Phil Newbury 2/12
Fred & Althea Newman 2/12
Harold & Connie Newman
I M O William P. Newman 2/12
Norris Nickerson 4/12
Warren & Velma Orcutt 2/12
Circus Spot Lite Crew P I 6/12
Bob “Boomer” & Julianna Palmer 5/12
Jim & Linda Parent 9/12
Ernie & Liz Park 4/12
Herman & Kate Peabody 4/12
P.P. Ed & Esther Pellon 8/12
James & Frances Pinkham 4/13
Rod & Joyce Pinkham 6/12
I M O Bob Pushard, Sr. 11/12
Al & Charity Richards 9/12
Chuck & Sally Ridlon 11/12
Gary & Glenna Robbins 10/12
I M O Keith B. Roberts 9/13
Ed & Elizabeth Roberts, Jr. 9/12
I M O Ed Rogers 1/12
I M O Sumner Rogers 2/12
Heath & Karen Savage 8/12
Spike Savage 8/12
I M O Clifton R. Scoville
Todd C. Scoville 6/12
I M O Avon O. Severance 4/13
Marty & Joan Shaw 9/12
Amasa “Stubby” & Joyce Sherman 6/12
Shane & Barbara Sherman 6/12
I M O John Simpson 1/12
Carole & Geddes Simpson, Jr.
I M O Donald W. Small, Jr. 5/13
I M O Ken Smith 3/12
Roger & Pat Smith6/12
Bob & Polly Snow 11/12
I M O Cedric A. Somerville 12/12
Dale & Joanne Speed 12/12
Elliott & Joyce Tarbell
Daniel L. Tarr 6/12
I M O Betty L. Tarr 6/12
Michael & Mary Tenedios 6/12
I M O Alexander Theodore 12/12
Jesse & Brenda Thomas 9/12
William A.Thomas 9/12
Paul & Joyce Thornton 1/12
Ronald D.Thornton 12/12
Inez & Reginald Toothaker 2/12
I M O John Tracy 2/12
Ivan O. Wakefield 4/12
Hank & Gloria Waldron 4/12
I M O Houston Wardwell 7/12
I M O Phyllis Wardwell 7/12
I M O Lewis E. “Gene” Weaver 10/12
Dave & Leni Weaver 2/12
Burt & Jackie Weed 9/12
Jim & Dottie Wentworth 2/13
Buddy & Caryll Wheeler 12/12
I M O Wayne Wheeler 8/12
Lloyd & Jay Willey 8/20
Bob & Norma Winglass 6/12
Don & Carolyn Wright 4/12
Duane “Div-it” & Karen Young 5/12
Use the coupon below to join other Nobles and Ladies as a Booster supporting The Anahgram
I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one
year. Enclosed is my check in the amount
of $_____Name(s) ___________________
If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor.
If a husband’s words are sharp, maybe its from trying to get them in edgewise.
We Wheelers celebrated Christmas together on December 2nd at the Bangor
Motor Inn. Capt. Ricky Robshaw has followed in the tradition of all our past captains and steered a steady course.
This year has been very successful for
the Wheeler Unit which essentially culminated with our Christmas Party. Like most
parties there was great food, libations,
and music by Sonny Beal. Great friends
is what made it more special. Those who,
for one reason or another, couldn’t make it,
you were surely missed.
Despite the holiday season, birthday and
anniversaries still occur.
Nobles Chuck Wood, Phil Finley, Elmer
Farren, and John Richards will suffer another birthday in January. Whereas Lady
Morgan and Noble Barry Curtis will celebrate their anniversary. May your Christmas be everything you would wish it to be
and your New Year is the beginning of better times for you and your loved ones.
Teddy TaTa Reporting
A man of the hour is one who knows how to make the minutes count.
Highlights from the Pote’s Thank You Party
As the year for Ill Bill is coming to an
end he pulls another great fund raising
idea out of the air. Wow and what an idea,
if Anah could raise ten thousand dollars
in 30 days he would shave his beard. And
not to be out done Lauri, Bills beautiful
bride raiseed the ante. That if we could
raise ten for Bill maybe we could raise
another ten for her, to shave her hair off.
Well being the kind of people we shriners
are we went to work. It came down to
the last night and it was pulled off. Bill
not wanting to see his wife bald, put up
a thousand of his own money to only
cut her hair short.... With her hair being
cut,and that portion is being sent to Locks
of Love. “Perfect” Lauri nice idea serving
to very worth while orginazitions..... Then
it was time for the BEARD to come off..
Dave Magoon took the first cuts or clips
and was it fun to watch this. It came off
in sections first the sides to reveal a gotee
and mustache, then gotee was removed
to leave mustache and then the upper lip
was revealed.HEHEHE!! Dave was even
trying to use his beard hair to put on the
top of his head, maybe crazy glue would
have helped Dave. We had to even trim
his nose hairs because they were in hiding.
Twenty one thousand dollars in thiry days
to the hospitals great job to all. Lauri looks
beautiful with the new do and Bill looks....
Funny to say the least. A fun time was had
by all and rumor has it that more facial
hair is coming off at up coming Christmas
parties... Merry Christmas to all!!
Talk about a good sport! As mentioned
above Potentate Bill made a deal to
give up his beard. The photo above is
“before” the shaving!
Photos by Noble Jim Bennett of the Anah Photo Unit
Text courtesy of Chief Rabban Tony Bowers
Nobles Craig Clifford and Dave Magoon of the Go-Karts seem to be very pleased
after the shaving of the Pote’s beard
Potentate Bill and Lady Lauri show off their newlyshorn look.
Nothing is harder on a woman’s clothes than her enemies.
Marlee Spaulding winner of the $380.00 50/50 raffle is thanked by the
newly-sheared Potentate Bill for donating the entire amount to the
Shriner’s Hospitals.
L-R Director Harlan Emery, PGM Robert Landry and Mrs. Landry are
enjoying the evening of the Potentates Thank You Party
Almost finished! He’ll soon be beardless.
Past Grand Master Robert Landry
shows his expertise as a drummer at the
Pote’s Thank You Party.
Noble Earl R. Lord, Reporter
The Band’s Annual Dinner took place on
December 12 with our ladies and guests
joining us along with the Band Rep. from
the Divan and the Potentate. The evening
went well with a short business meeting
followed by a great meal catered by the
Clowns. We thank the Potentate for presenting eight certificates to members for
the $100 Million Dollar Club – an endowment fund for our great charity.
We now prepare for the Ceremonial with
new music discovered in the Bangor
Public library “ The Anah Temple Shrine
Band March” by David Carver. The
original manuscript has been recreated in
more legible stand notation for the players ease of reading.
Also, from the files the Ceremonial
March by Whimple (another Maine composer) was written especially for Anah
Band as a processional. More about these
pieces as we learn about the composers.
The fitting and adjusting of new uniforms
for all will take place this month. The
band will be very spiffy for the Ceremonial.
Inviting friends to join us playing in nonShrine functions is stirring the interest
to join us as Masons (forgotten family
heritage to at least one) and increase our
Meet musicians, ask them to join the
friends of Anah Band and see us grow.
The reason talk is cheap is because the supply exceeds the demand.
JANUARY 20 & 21, 2012
By order of the Potentate of Anah Temple - All Nobles are instructed to
assemble on January 21, 2012 AD at the Shrine Center At 586 Main
Street in Bangor, Maine to Convene the Annual Meeting of Anah Temple
For the purpose of hearing reports on the year 2011, Election of Officers
and the Initiation of Candidates.
H.W. “Sonny” Crocker
William Dawson Jr.
P.P. Recorder
Friday, January 20th, 2012
7:00 – 10:00 P.M. Hospitality at the Shrine Center
Sponsored by the Northern Penobscot Shrine Club
William “Bill
” Daw
Potentate 20 son
Saturday, January 21st, 2012
7:30 A.M. Divan, Directors, Aides, Membership Committee and Candidates report to the Shrine Center
8:00 A.M. Divan Rehearsal
8:30 A.M. Temple opens for Annual Meeting and Election of Officers
9:00 A.M. Membership Committee Orientation of new Candidates
9:30 A.M. Recess
9:45 A.M. Temple reopens for Degree work and awards
11:00 A.M. Ladies Luncheon at the Seadog Restaurant (Tickets available at the Shrine Center until
January 13th, 2012 - $17.00 per person)
11:30 A.M. Recess for Lunch for all Nobles and Candidates
1:30 P.M. Divan, Past Potentates, and Guests assemble for introductions
2:00 P.M. Temple reopens – semi public- honored guests presented
SIGNER P-LINE“Old Red Fez” presented
Black Camel Ceremony
Announcement of 2012 Appointments
Installation of 2012 Divan
3:30 P.M. Hospitality and Camel’s Milk at the Shrine Center until 4:30 P.M.
5:00 – 6:00 P.M. Social Hour at the Shrine Center tended by the Aides Unit
6:00 P.M. Introduction of Divan, Past Potentates, and Special Guests
6:15 P.M. Temple Feast (Tickets available at the Shrine Center until January 13th, 2012) Choice of
London Broil or Chicken Saltim Bocca - $28.00 per person (Open Bar)
Dance to follow with Dana Wilson, DJ
* Subject to adjustment
Tickets will be available at the Recorder’s office until January 13th.
Candidates and their Ladies will be guests of Anah Shriners
at the Ladies Luncheon and Saturday Evening Feast
2012The Recorder’s office will be open the Morning of January 21st until 10:00 a.m. to receive dues payments.
2012 dues cards required for admission to the Annual Meeting and Ceremonial
Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and donations are not deductible as charitable donations.
A 2012 Dues card is necessary for admission to the Annual Meeting
Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter
Happy New Year to all Nobles and Ladies.
The Second Section had a very busy 2011
and we held our annual Christmas Party
and meeting on December 2 at the Shrine
Center. We had a total of 34 Nobles present for the meeting. Honorary Nobles
present were Potentate Bill Dawson and
Lady Lauri, Past Potentate/ Recorder
Sonny Crocker, Past Potentate Norris
Nickerson, Chief Rabban Tony Bowers
and Lady Carmel, Assistant Chief Rabban Lee Kaufman and Lady Peggy, 1st
Ceremonial Master Bob Turner and Lady
Bonnie and Director Andy Constantine.
We started the evening with cold and hot
hors d’oeuvres prepared by a few members
and Ladies of the Second Section. Manning the bar for the evening was Nobles
Bill McGlaughlin and Chris Robison with
help from Director, Andy Constantine. A
huge tip of the Fez for Bill and Chris for
stepping up to take care of the bar for the
evening. It looked to me like Bill never
skipped a beat and it was great to have
him behind the bar again. We were all
treated to a photo slide show put together
by Lady Robyn Dulac of different events
the Second Section attended over the last
year. I wasn’t able to see the whole show,
but what I saw was nicely done, Robyn.
Lady Robyn also entertained the crowd
with her flute, playing a few Christmas
songs to set the mood for the evening.
If you haven’t heard Robyn play, you’re
missing out as she does a great job. Thank
you Robyn for that. Members then retired
for a short meeting at 6:30 while the ladies conversed in the hall.
During our business meeting we elected
new officers for 2012. Noble Bob Mott
suggested that we keep all officers the
same as last year. He evidently caught
word of all of the campaigning going on
by everyone to keep their jobs. So that
being said, the officers for 2012 are Director, Doug Dulac – First Assistant Director,
Albert Higgins – Second Assistant Director, Adam Beals - Treasurer, Jerry Hayes
– Secretary, Fred Patterson – Electrician,
Tom Breitwig – Quartermaster, Chris Robison – Hospitality Chairman, to be determined. Congratulations to all elected
members and I look forward to working
with all of you throughout the coming
The unit is working on another fundraiser
of bar glasses with the Shrine logo to sell.
It was voted to sell two different sizes and
we will get some samples to look at for
the next meeting we can get started selling them immediately. During discussion it was noted by Past Potentate Norris
Nickerson to make sure we don’t sell our-
selves short and make sure we buy enough
as there is a lot going on around Anah in
the next couple of years. We voted in a
new Noble to the Second Section, Noble
Jesse Wiles-Chamberlain from Carmel
sponsored by Nobles Adam Beals and David Scripture. Welcome to the unit Jessi,
you’re sure to enjoy what we do.
After the meeting, we rejoined the Ladies
for a fine meal of turkey and ham served
up by the Anah Shrine Clowns. As always
they put on a great spread and I think everyone enjoyed the meal. After the meal
we held a Yankee gift swap that tested
the Master of Ceremonies skills of Noble
Krayton Allen. Krayton kept things moving along very nicely and we were done
a lot earlier than last year, thank you
Krayton. Everyone who participated also
brought an unwrapped gift to put under
the Angel Tree. We had quite a bunch
of nice items to donate and a huge thank
you goes to everyone who donated to this.
Past Potentate, Recorder Sonny Crocker
took care of getting the gifts to the proper
people for distribution.
A few of the Second Section members
chartered a bus for a trip to the Shriner’s
Hospital in Boston on November 19th.
We were accompanied by 1st Ceremonial
Master Bob Turner and Lady Bonnie for
the trip. The unit was able to donate a sizeable donation to the hospital for a special
wellness project right at the hospital. The
money will stay right in Boston and should
help this project for up to two years. We
were fortunate over the summer to have
the Millers and Dawson Realty parking
lots over the summer for parking cars at
the Waterfront Concert Series where we
were able to raise the funds. Those who
attended were encouraged to bring some
small gifts to donate to the hospital which
would go directly to the kids which is
what we are all about. A huge thank to
everyone who brought something for the
kids. We were all accompanied by Allepo
Continued on page 12
JANUARY 20 & 21, 2012
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
City/Town _________________________________ State ______ Zip Code ________________
Phone (H) ____________________________ (Work) __________________________________
ARRIVAL: Friday o Saturday o Depart Sunday January 22
Special Requests: Handicapped accessible o Other: ________________________________
$80.00 Deposit required: Rooms are $79.95 per night plus tax
Credit Card No. ________________________________ Expiration date __________________
Earl “Yogi” Seymour, 17 Aspen Way, Brewer ME 04412
As one of the meek, we decline to inherit the earth in its present condition.
Continued from page 11
Shriners throughout the tour and they
treated us all to lunch in the cafeteria.
We then had a short visit to Faneuil Hall
where we all dispersed and all did our
own thing. Lastly we stopped by Kora
Shrine to go to their Feztival of Trees.
We were warmly greeted by Kora’s Potentate John Knox who greeted us on the
bus and led us to their hospitality room
and fed us refreshments on the house.
Their Feztival of Trees is certainly worth
the trip. If you’ve never been, you should
as they do a great job and their Temple is
very impressive to say the least.
Tickets are still available for the 2012
Potentates Party to be held February 4th
but are going fast. Get them soon so you
won’t miss out. You can either stop by
the Recorder’s office or contact any Second Section member to get your tickets.
Tickets are priced at $25.00 each and the
choices are turkey or ham with all of the
fixings. There will be a time change on
this event so make sure you check your
tickets and the Anahgram for time so
you won’t miss out on anything. This is
always a very fun event, so I would encourage all to come and support our new
Potentate for 2012. Rockin’ Ron’s New
Society Band will entertain the guests for
the evening. They were great last year
and should be again this year. See the
additional ad in the Anahgram for further
We would like to congratulate Illustrious
Sir William Dawson and Lady Lauri for
their year of service to Anah Shrine. Although I just found out Bill was a Shriner
about a year ago I think they had a busy
year and everything went great.
January birthday wishes go out to Nobles
Henry Babcock, Chad Cirard, Richard
Hardison, Jr., Darren Nason, Richard
Newcomb, Chris Robison, Arthur Sites
and Clayton Wallace and Ladies Lois
Barber, Dodi Austin, Susan Cirard and
Deanne Merrill. Happy belated birthday
to Lady Carol Cirard.
Happy January wedding anniversaries go
out to Mark & Veronica Taplin and Jay &
Tammy Redmond. Happy belated 50th
anniversary to Honorary member Richard
Young and Lady Corrine.
Our next scheduled meeting will be held
Friday, February 3, 2012 at the Shrine
Center. If you haven’t paid your dues yet,
please try to get it done at the meeting.
Until next time, be safe and stay warm.
Noble Perry Fowler, Reporter
This new Anahgram deadline still has me
confused not that I did great before I’m
just worse now at being on time. I’m not
good with time period just ask my wife.
Our big news was the Super Supper went
well and everyone had a great time. We
had a brief meeting before the supper began and decided to donate the profits from
the 2011 Super Supper to the Shrine Hospitals in memory of Marvin Tarbox Jr.
We will be meeting next week to elect
new officers to lead our unit for the next
two years. The BIGGEST news in the
world of NASCARS is that Tony Stewart
won the Sprint Cup Championship. Yes it
is true and he has proven once again what
I keep saying “The guy can drive”
I hope everyone has a great Holiday Season!!
Here is who I missed in November; an
anniversary wish to John and Judy Moore
and birthday wishes to Jaiden MacDonald, Alison Hanscom, Taylor walls, Ben
Walls, George Howard, and Will Bradley
Blaisdell V,
No anniversaries in December but Happy
Birthday wishes go to Tim Fox, Rob Rachon, Deonta’ Linscott, Stephanie Swett,
Sidney Springer, Robert (Robbie) Springer, Felicia Gibson, and Michael Hanscom.
Sign up those Candidates for
the January 21st. Ceremoial
Saturday, February 4, 2012
At the Anah Shrine Center
Happy hour 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.(BYOB) Free Set-ups
Dinner at 5:30 p.m.
(Choice of Turkey or Ham Dinner w/ Potato, Vegetable & Dessert)
Dancing to follow dinner until 11:30 p.m.
Rockin’ Rons New Society Band
Tickets are $25.00 per person
(Tickets must be purchased by January 27)
Tickets are limited, don’t be left out
Tickets are available at the Recorder’s Office
Or from any Second Section Member - Public Invited
Semi-Formal Dress Requested
Will be available as no parking will be available at the Shrine Center.
Busses will run from Bangor Pipe and Fireside Inn
Net proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Anah Second Section and are not deductilble as charitable contributions
If a husband’s words are sharp, maybe its from trying to get them in edgewise.
Karen Lanham, Felicia Wiswell and Sue Black of the Sunshine Club display the
quilt at the Holiday Market Place held at the Shrine Center, that will be raffeled at
the June Ceremonial. Photo by Noble Lloyd Day of the Anah Photo Unit.
not at the meeting to give us a report.
Raffle tickets for a queen size quilt will be
available at the Marketplace. Sunshine
club will have raffle tickets available until
June l5, 2012 when the quilt will be raffled
Lorena Fenlason, our HISTORIAN,
would like any member past or present
to bring any information they might have
about Sunshine Club to any of our meetings.
Thank you to the BY-LAWS COMMITTEE for getting our new booklets to members.
be getting together to search for needed
replacements for 2012.
Becky Trimm would like to be replaced.
If you know someone who would like to
volunteer to take Becky’s position, please
call Peggy at 924-6610.
Please come and bring a friend to our
JANUARY 9, 2012 we would love to see
Bonnie Turner
The Sunshine Club for Children met
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at the Shrine
Center. The Executive Board met at 5:45
followed by a Social Hour at 6:30 and then
our General Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Social time featured many delicious sandwiches and desserts. Coffee and tea was
served in beautiful vintage china tea cups
and saucers.
President Peggy called the meeting to order at 7:00. All of the officers gave their
reports and they were accepted as read.
Peggy read several thank you notes and
also reported a donation from Eastern
Lodge #7 AF & AM. We were very grateful for the donation. Letters were sent to
new Nobles from the June 2011 class to let
them know about Sunshine Club. President Peggy also read changes in our Membership Brochure to comply with Imperial
changes when referring to care provided
by Shriners Hospitals.
CHAIRPERSON, reported that by the end
of September we have had 74 cases. The
total number of cases for 2010 was 77.
and Carolyn Hallett reported that 62 patients came to the clinic at EMMC in June.
Due to illness, Sue Black, HOLIDAY
If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he has read.
The first meeting of 2012 will be at Pat’s
Pizza on January 3rd. As of this writing,
the annual meeting will have been held at
Lygonia Lodge in Ellsworth with election
of new officers. Will have an update in the
next report. Any bets on who the reporter
will be.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas
and a safe happy beginning to the new year.
Don’t forget the January Ceremonial to be
held the 20th and 21st at Anah Shrine Center in Bangor. Let’s get out and welcome in
the new Potentate and say farewell to outgoing Potentate Bill Dawson.
Noble Forrest DeMeyer and I checked out
deer camp 2011 to make sure everyone was
safe. I guess the deer count was down, but
I always thought you had to get out of the
camp to track the whitetail deer. Forrest and
I had the opportunity to show them what a
real deer looked like. We not only brought
the hooves in, but brought the whole deer.
Forrest said I could scout for him anytime.
Also heard that Noble Bob Fernald had a
taste of some real deer track stew.
The gun raffle is well underway, so if you
don’t have your ticket yet, make sure you
get one soon.
Those celebrating birthdays are Gladys Kelley, Richard Carlisle, Sr., Cecil Sprague, Sr., Melita Staples, Merlin
Brown, Jeff Dow, William Leach, Steve
Tobey, and Richard Landesman.
Honeymooners are Steve and Elizabeth
Trimm, and Steve and Pam Tobey.
Whoops! Gotta go! Cookie and I need
to go Christmas shopping for some milk
At our last meeting the following were
elected to office for 2012; Jethro Pease,
President; Allen Hayward, Vice President; Doug Rackliff, Treasurer; and
George Martin, Secretary; I will continue
as Reporter for the Anagram articles.
It was also voted to make donations to
both of the New England Shrine hospitals
at the January Ceremonial. Although not
an extremely large amount it will reflect
a 60% increase over last year. With new
members and more activity we are growing this unit and our ability to better assist
our hospitals.
If you want to join a close-knit, hardworking small outfit talk to us. We would like
to increase by another two members in
Birthdays in January are: Obed Hart,
Lady Alycia Benner, and we celebrate
one anniversary in January, that of Lady
Lynda and Douglas Rackliff.
We end with a hearty thank you and a Tip
of our Fez to Noble Walter Campbell, our
outgoing Treasurer. Walter has served the
former Medics Unit and now the KANTEEN Unit for many years, keeping our
monies safe and our books in perfect order. I personally thank him for his assistance in helping rebuild this unit over the
last few years.
Plan to attend the Annual Meeting &
Ceremonial - bring candidates.
2012 dues must be paid for admis-
Catering Lunches
for Shrine Events
Noble Jethro Pease, Reporter
Happy Holidays and best wishes for you
and yours from the KANTEEN Unit. We
wish you health, wealth and safe journeys, wherever your paths may take you.
Our unit is small thus we don’t generate
a lot of news. We will strive to submit an
article about every quarter.
We do have news now and it is all great.
Recently we voted in another new member, Tom King and his Lady Katherine
are now part of our family. Welcome
Tom and Katherine. Tom attended his
first meeting and then immediately left
for Florida the next day. With envy, we
wish them a warm winter.
and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions.
Always put off until tomorrow what you shouldn’t do at all.
Noble Robert Look, Reporter
The Washington County Shrine Club had
its annual meeting and election of officers
on Thursday, December 1, 2011. Present for the meeting were Assistant Chief
Director Dave Weaver and Lady Leni,
Director Donnie Wright and Lady Carolyn, Aide Walter Merritt and Lady Nancy,
Imperial Photographer Dick Kilton and
Lady Caron, Noble George Gaddis and
Lady Mary Beth, Noble Dick Mahan and
Lady Linda, Captain of the Mini-Cars
Todd Alley and Lady Sandy, President
of the WCSC Bill Sternbergh and Lady
Debra, Membership Mike Doran, Ambassador BJ Cherry, Greeter Mike Bailey
and Lady Nancy, Assistant Chief Greeter
Robert Look, Chief Greeter Jake Orcutt and Lady Velma, Past Potentate Ed
Sprague and Lady Gail, Past Potentate
Ed Pellon and Lady Esther, Orator Brad
Prout and Lady Shannon . I also believe
that WCSC 2nd VP John McLure and our
Treasurer Ryan Richardson were there at
the meeting.
We voted to donate $2000.00 to the
wheel chair account of the Springfield
Hospital, $2000.00 to the Housing for
the Boston Hospital, $1000.00 to the Potentates account, $1000.00 to the Temple
association and $1000.00 to the Bangor
Learning Center.
The WCSC officers elected for 2012 are
President Todd Alley, 1st VP Bill Cherry,
2nd VP John McLure, Secretary Dick
Kilton, Treasurer Ryan Richardson and
Recorder Robert Look.
Dave Weaver thanked Bill for doing a
fine job as president for the 2011 year.
After that Bill turned the gavel over to
incoming President Todd Alley.
During the meeting I found out a few
things that you all might be interested
in. Nancy and Mike Bailey have sold
their house. The story I heard was that
Leni and Dave would let them move in
with them, but Nancy won’t do that because Mike is known to sleep walk and
he sleeps in the closet he was born in.
Since that can’t happen they are going to
purchase a camper and sleep in it. Can
you imagine sleeping in a camper in the
middle of January with the outside temperature 30 below? I bet he won’t be
sleep walking.
Another piece of news I heard was that
Walter injured his left thumb. He had to
go all the way to Boston to have it operated on; he must have mangled it quite
badly. He hurt it with a cross bow, must
have been at night. Nancy said she was
quite happy that it was his left hand, she
didn’t want to have to do all of Walters
haircuts nor wipe his butt.
It seems Jake Orcutt is ready to retire after
14 years of being treasurer for the WCSC.
That’s a long time and what a fabulous
job he has done. Thanks Jake for doing
this all these years. And thank you Velma
for putting up with him while he keeps us
Brad wanted us all to remember that January is coming right up and he is hoping
for WCSC to have a good turnout. The
Divan is putting on a raffle for a lifetime
membership to Anah. They are selling
250 tickets at $20.00 a ticket. Anah’s web
site is expanding every day. You can buy
Raffle tickets, Circus Tickets, event tickets, etc on line. There is a Facebook page,
E-mail that you can contact Potentate,
Directors Staff, upcoming events, etc. So
when you get a chance take a look.
Our next meeting is January 5th at the
Blue Bird Ranch Restaurant in Machias.
Please come and join us.
Birthdays for the month of January are
Alden Bunker Jr., Mary Beth Gaddis,
Carolyn Wright, Stanley Bailey, Mike
Gooch, PP Ed Sprague, Margaret Gardner,
Raymond Fox, Robert Mawhinney, Mike
Doran and Dick Mahan (I got ya Dick).
The only ones celebrating an anniversary
in the month of January are Esther and Ed
Pellon, congratulations.
And now guess what, by the time you get
this Anagram there will be snow, so guess
where I’ll be, that’s right on my Cat because that’s where it’s At.
If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he has read.
Lady Robyn Dulac entertains visitors at the Sunshine Club Holiday
Marketplace recently held at the
Anah Shrine Center. Photo by Noble Lloyd Day of the Anah Photo
Noble Frank Wilson, Reporter
Happy New Year to all! Boy, didn’t 2011
fly by! It’s the beginning of December
and we seem to be having a heat wave. I
know I’m enjoying it!
We just did the Ellsworth Christmas parade where we had ten funsters showing
their holiday spirit. What a great day it
was for a parade.
Our annual meeting will have come and
gone by the time you are reading this. We
have a few officer changes we will have
voted on but Dan Wilson has volunteered
to be our captain for another year. Wayne
Foster is stepping down from 1st lieutenant and Todd Foster will be taking his
place. Josh Frost will be our new 2nd lieutenant relieving Lee Wilson of his duties.
Dean Washburn is giving up his treasurer
seat after years of service to the funsters
and Brent Wilson will be trying to fill his
shoes for the next year. Thanks so much
for your time Dean!
Our January birthdays are Tracey Cammack, Donna Washburn, Kyle Buck, Roger Grindle, Beth Lindsey, Tab Lindsey,
Lee (Bugs Bunny) Wilson, Kate Axelsen,
and TJ (Woody Woodpecker) Lancaster.
In closing out, next meeting January 9th
at the Shrine Center in Bangor.
Every man seems to fall into one of two groups. He’s either old and bent, or young and broke.
Folsom. A tip of the FEZ to these deserving Nobles from Tri-County Shrine Club.
After an excellent talk on the ancient
principles used by our Brethern to build
the vast Temples of olde, Assistant Chief
Rabban brought greetings from Illustrious
Potentate Bill Dawson. After a few interesting remarks, the meeting was closed by
the President. Hope everyone had a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Continue to work on Membership.
Harold Adams
MW Walter MacDougall spoke ecently
at the Tri-County Shrine Club. Photo
by Noble Lloyd Day of the Anah Photo
Tri-County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 16th of November. We
met at the beautiful Masonic Hall in Milo.
The 28 Nobles in attendance were treated
to a very scrumptious boiled dinner. This
fine meal and excellent appetizers were
put on by the Ladies of the Eastern Star.
After the Libation Hour, President Merrill
called the meeting to order. He welcomed
all present. The Flag Salute was under the
direction of President Merrill and VP Dulac. Invocation was given by Noble Lloyd
Day. Nobles introduced were Assistant
Chief Aide Gordon Smith, Ron Green,
Aide Emeritus. Unit Heads were Doug
Dulac of the Second Section and Milo’s
own, Gerald Carey of the Flag Unit. Representing the Divan was Assistant Chief
Rabban, F. Lee Kaufman. Speaker for
the evening was MW Walter MacDougall, Past Grand Master of Masons in
Maine. Winner of the 50-50 was Noble
Marty Taylor, who graciously donated the
amount back to the Club. The President
thanked the Star Ladies for the excellent
meal. Units in attendance were the Second
Section, Flag Unit, Band and the lovable
Clowns. Nobles receiving Circus Awards
were Darrell King, Doug Dulac, Marty
Taylor, Glenn McManus, Don Merrill, Arthur Watson, Bud Prouty, Gerald Jackson,
David Mosley, Lorne Noiles, Conrad Rollins, Jim Russell, Bill Pinkham and Scott
Happy 2012, another new year is upon
us and another behind us. Back in December 2011 we had our meeting/Christmas get-together, our group was smaller
this year but still a fun evening. Twentythree were on hand for the festivities and
fun, we missed those of you that could
not be with us. Both of our Divan Representatives Noble Sonny Crocker and
Noble Donald Gordon and his Lady Gail
were able to join us this year. Our outgoing Provost Marshall Jerry Fratini and his
lovely Lady Cathy did a great job as Santa
and Mrs. Clause and thank you. A special thank you to Noble Jerry Fratini for
taking and keeping the office as Provost
Marshall for the last four years, you have
done a great job. We all want to thank
the Clowns for the lovely hors d’oeuvres
and the excellent meal again. Great job
Mike and all your elves. Our meeting and
election of officers was held before the
fun began, congratulations to all of you;
these are the results of our election of officers, first off all by unanimous vote our
New Provost Marshall is Noble Donald
Havey, Don you are one more step closer
to being Potentate. See how we are when
you’re not with us. Our other officers
are 2nd LT Noble Kenneth Perkins, 2nd
LT Noble Richard Castner, 1st LT Noble
Harry Pratt Sr., Sgt Noble Harry Pratt Jr.,
Sgt Noble Carl Drew, Flag Master/Secretary/Treasurer, the multi-tasker, Noble
Grayson Wentworth, Reporter Noble Harold Adams (shucks you didn’t fire me),
Housing Chairman/Wagon Master Noble
Richard Goodness, and Quarter Master
Noble Randy Adams, (back by popular
demand). Our Divan Representatives are
Noble Sonny Crocker and Noble Donald
Gordon. Our evening ended with our Yankee Swap, a lot of fun.
Now I move on to Happy Birthday Wishes for Noble Harry Pratt Sr. and Happy
Anniversary Wishes to Noble Doug and
Lady Jean Segee.
The winter months are slow for us until
Circus time, but any news I have will be
passed on to you in my articles.
Again, congratulations to all the officers.
Until next month keep warm and safe and
I wish everyone the best New Year.
Headlines in a recent newspaper: “Father of ten shot. Mistaken for a rabbit.”
Noble Ron Billancia, Reporter
Hello Fellow Academicians.
Happy New Year! I hope everyone has
had a good holiday season. As of this
writing we have not yet had the December
meeting, so more on that next time.
2012 dues are upon us. Please send a
check made payable to Anah Academicians to Anah Academicians C/O Ron
Bilancia, Secretary 8 Lincoln St. Brewer,
ME 04412. This is much appreciated as
it saves us considerable costs in sending
The Annual Meeting and Winter Ceremonial is Saturday, January 21st. For those
who will be involved in the ritual, practice is Sunday, January 15th at 4pm at the
Shrine Center as always. For others, if
you have not yet been contacted to participate and would like to, please let me,
another officer, or your Section Master
know and we’ll put you to work.
Steve Mosley’s son Nathan took his Master Mason degree in Ellsworth at Lygonia
Lodge on December 15th. There is a high
probability that he will be joining our
Shrine unit which is great. Congratulations Nathan!
Jerry Harvey says he could use some pictures for the “Who is it?” column. If you
have any, please let him know. Or, contact
me and we’ll make arrangements to get it
to Jerry one way or the other.
Paul and Lou Connelly spent the holidays
with their daughter in Oklahoma City.
Donnie Copeland and Virginia enjoyed a
wonderful Turkey Day. Donnie reports
that Gin got to hug her brand new greatgrandson and that his son and daughterin-law recently adopted another child
which brings them up to three little ones
now. Congratulations everyone! 
Did you all know that Maine had the highest percentage of young men to serve in
the Civil War? In so many ways we have
a legacy of living up to our motto of Dirigo.
Have a great January everyone. As always, don’t hesitate to contact me at 9892617 or with
any news, comments, concerns, gossip,
jokes, outright lies, or just plain old complete and utter nonsense that you would
like to generously share with our Nobles,
Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general.
Noble Ken Stewart, Reporter
What a wonderful time had by all who
attended. The ASC held its annual Christmas Party on Saturday, December 3rd. A
great crowd of Shriners and their Ladies
and non-Shriners. The place was decorated very nicely and people danced the
night away to a nice local band. A big
thanks goes out to all the people who put
in a lot of hours planning and decorating.
Mike Crawford did a wonderful job as
usual making the plans and helping set up.
Mike has done this for a number of years
and is getting pretty good at it. Tom and
Betsy Fitzherbert did a fantastic job decorating the club again this year also. It
takes a lot of effort to plan a big event like
this and it couldn’t be done without great
volunteers. Thanks to all the ladies and
Nobles who helped set up. Tom and Lady
Gail, Boomer and Lady, Blair and Lady
Judy and the rest of the ladies. I know I
am forgetting some pretty important people in this thank you and I am sorry about
that, but I am writing this article pretty
late in the evening and the mind isn’t
working to well at this hour, but thank you
just the same. Also big thanks to Dan and
Tammy Collins and their staff who did a
superb job with preparing the very delicious meal. Chief Rabban Tony Bowers
and Bud Wilson both lost their beards as a
result of a bunch of money being raised to
have them shaved off and the money donated to the Shrine Hospital. Potentate
Bill Dawson lost his beard a few days earlier I am told as a result of $10,000 being
donated to the hospitals. Tom Clukey
squeaked by with his beard still attached
this year, but I don’t think he will be so
lucky next year.
The ASC held its December stated meeting on December 3rd with 58 members in
attendance. Many nobles that had traveled up the day before to attend the Christmas Party stuck around for the meeting.
Many of us weren’t in the most chipper of
Passing a car on a hill or turn – is often a good cure for drowsiness.
Continued on page 19
Continued from page 18
moods, but we were there just the same. A
wonderful prayer was given by Noble
Blair McCartney and a great breakfast
was prepared by the Klown Unit. No FEZ
fine were handed out this month. I went to
collect the fine from one of my usual culprits “Snappy” AKA Fred Haines, but he
had it with him this time. I made his show
it to me as I didn’t believe him at first.
Doug Dulac Director of the infamous Second Section and assistant Director Adam
Beals made it to their first ASC meeting.
The club recently wrapped up its annual
gun raffle and another successful year
with that. Thanks again Mike Crawford
and company for the hard work in selling
those tickets. Also the Indy Unit recently
had a “Public” supper that was very well
attended by both Shriners and non-Shriners. Good success and hopefully that can
become an annual event as well. The Kids
Christmas Party was held on Dec 11th
from 1:00 – 4:00 at the ASC. The next
meetings for the ASC will be held on January 8th at 8:30 with the “Sauu Nessu
Unit” working the breakfast. The meeting
was moved from its usual day being the
1st Sunday of the month due to that Sunday falling on New Year’s Day. Breakfast
will be available for all Nobles at 7:30.
The February meeting will be held on
February 5th. To anyone not receiving a
monthly “Reminder” call and e-mail from
me, that would like to be notified on a
monthly basis of upcoming meetings and
events please send me your e-mail address
and your phone number, preferably phone
with an answering machine. And on a final note any Regular dues paying members of the ASC the 2012 dues of $5 are
due at this time. Money can be mailed to
my attention unless you see me in passing.
Lifetime memberships are also available.
For any information please contact myself
at or
207-551-3144. Our mailing address is
Aroostook Shrine Club, PO Box 1601, Presque Isle, ME 04769, Attn: Secretary.
Thanks again and see you next month.
has taken the life of Noble Marvin Tarbox Jr. The Keystone Kops would like to
pass along our condolences to the family and friends of Marvin. The Go-Karts
and Anah Shrine will be much less joyful
without Brother Marvin.
The Keystone Kops finished their parade
season in Howland. Another very successful event and the high light of the day was
the “Pig Pile” a big favorite of the crowd
if not the favorite of “Jimmy the Snatcher”. Bad guys never like things that they
don’t have control over… like scraped
knees and elbows. He was overheard asking, “Why is everybody always picking on
me”? Well “Jimmy“, because it’s fun! In
any case, thanks to all for a great season.
Birthdays during the month of November
were: Nobles Al Wasson, Bob Modrey,
Buddy Bruns and Lady Bonnie Wright.
The were no anniversaries. Birthdays
during the month of December: Nobles
Clarence Neal, Danny Hughes and Ladies
Ann Byers, Joy Levasseur, Carol Lackey
and Dianne Clarke. Anniversaries during the month of December: Dr. Dick
and Joy Levasseur and George and Eva
Mayo. Birthdays during the month January: Nobles Eric Emery, Mike Whitman,
Mike Emery and Ladies Julie Antworth,
Nina Dalton, Candy Beylerian and Sally
Buck. Anniversaries during the month of
January: Steve and Sally Trimm. Congratulations to all celebrating birthdays
and anniversaries and may you have many
more. Two days celebrated during the
month of November are: Veterans Day
and Thanksgiving Day. The Keystone
Kops would like to thank all veterans for
their service; because of you we have the
freedom to wish a Happy Thanksgiving,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to
The Keystone Kops held their annual
election of officers. The newly elected officers are: Chief: Steve Smith, Assistant
Chief: Fred Beylerian, Lieutenant: Mike
Whitman, Treasurer: JR Tozier and Secretary: Dr. Dick Levasseur.
The only Walt Disney movie that has never been re-released in the United States?
The answer: The Song of the South. This
month’s question is in keeping with Veterans Day: What small Maine town is the
birthplace of two Medal of Honor recipients?
To all who purchased tickets for Keystone Kops Annual Gun Raffle, thank you
very much for your support. And to those
The next Keystone Kops meeting is January 31, 2012. Jot down other dates for the
rest of 2012. February 28, Tuesday; March
27; Tuesday; April 24, Tuesday; May 29,
2012 Tuesday; June 26, 2012 Tuesday June
26, 2012 Tuesday; Tuesday July 31, 2012;
August 28, 2012 Tuesday;September 25,
2012 Tuesday; October 30, 2012 Tuesday;
November 27, 2012 Tuesday
Fred Beylerian,
Because of the change in the date that
columns must be submitted this reporter
did not make the November deadline. For
whatever reason the Keystone Kops column did not make the December Anahgram, so I will combine November, December and January.
It was with a heavy heart that I opened
November’s blotter. A tragic accident
Most of us are in favor of reform, what burns us up is being reformed by someone no better than we are.
Noble Wally Fenlason, Reporter
The Convertible Unit finished 2011 with
our Annual Christmas Party/Meeting &
Election of Officers on December 4th.
Great food (a little drink), great fellowship, lovely ladies; all part of a very enjoyable time!!
We were honored to have in attendance
our Divan Reps. Roger Grindle, Julian
White Jr., and of course their lovely Ladies. We were also joined by some of our
“retired members”, and Past Potentate
John Fernald
Thanks to Director Alden and Lady Pam
for “steering” the Unit for the last two
years. Thanks also to Alden’s crew of Officers; some have served in their capacities for many years! Director Alden was
presented a plaque & gavel for his service
to the Unit by ”incoming” Director” Ed
Seymour. Secretary Sam was also presented a plaque for (Aggie’s) years of
service to the Unit. The new Officers for
the coming year are: Ed “Sped” SeymourDirector, Wally “Cruisn” Fenlason- Assistant Director, Ross Grant- Secretary,
Earl “Yogi” Seymour Treasurer, John
“the man” Shea-Quartermaster, and Wally
“Cruisn” Fenlason-Reporter. As normal,
donations were made to our two hospitals as well as to the Anah Shrine Center.
A collection was taken to help fund the
Anah Shrine Children’s Christmas Party.
Not to be “out done”, our Ladies have collected in excess of $ 700.00 worth of gift
cards to be divided and sent to our hospitals in Boston & Springfield! What in the
world would the world do without these
Those “blowing out candles this month
are: Noble Don Goss and Lady Lorena
“Mother” Fenlason.
Those who “have taken the big plunge”
this month…interesting…a card arrived
just a short time ago (a little late), it was
an announcement of a “50th WEDDING
comprising during that amount of time, I
am sure!!
Everyone, enjoy your special day…you
deserve it…and many more!!
Well folks, that’s the “scoop” for this
month…enjoy our “Winter Wonderland”;
and to our “Snowbird Members”…enjoy
the “sunny south”!! Hope to see all of you
at the January Ceremonial, where we will
welcome Anah’s new Potentate.
Remember to live each day as if it were
your last!! MOTHER, MY GLASSES
Cruisn’ Wally
A certain amount of opposition is a great help: kites rise against and not with the wind.
Noble Daryl Briggs, Reporter
Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club had its
meeting on November 17, 2011 at the
Shrine Center. The meeting was called to
order by Club President Denny Smith.
There were 24 Nobles at the meeting.
The invocation was given by Noble Dick
Leeman. The meal was Wild Game and
was prepared by Steve Fernald and Steve
Trimm Sr. with assistance from George
Alley, Denny Smith, Yogi Seymour, and
Doris Seymour. Squirrel stew, penny
pasta with a spicy tomato and bear
sausage sauce, bear stir fry served over
rice, and a venison roast, and rolls were
served along with a Cherry Chocolate
Cake made by Doris Seymour and
served with vanilla ice cream.. A big
thanks to all who helped put on the meal.
The 50/50 drawing was won by Don
Goss, who donated it back to the Club.
Yogi passed on the Treasurer’s report.
The secretary’s report for the October
meeting was in the Anahgram. The Past
Potentates were represented by Harold
Crocker (1983), Norris Nickerson (2009)
and Chuck Kennedy (2010). The Divan
was represented by Second Ceremonial
Master Steve Trimm, Recorder Sonny
Crocker, and Assistant Chief Rabban Lee
Under new business, the Club will be
selling Fuel Raffle ($500 value) tickets
for $5, need to have members step up to
be officers, directors, and helpers in the
Club. Dale Reynolds and Mike Clarke
were there representing the Circus to
pass out kits for ad selling. The Club did
not do well last year---Sales were down
considerably. The Circus is our most
important fund raiser. We need sales
people to sell ads for the Circus and the
Club will earn credit.
Under new
business, the new officers were presented--Edward “Sped” Seymour as incoming President, Dan Taylor as incoming
VP, Daryl Briggs as secretary, and Yogi
Seymour as Treasurer. A motion was
made to accept the slate of officers, the
motion was seconded, and a vote was
taken to accept the slate of officers for
2012. The Divan representatives present
reminded everyone that membership is a
must for 2011and 2012, check the
Anahgram for events.
Find candidates and mentor them all the
way. A motion was made to adjourn.
Mike Murphy
Noble Charlie Plourde, Reporter
The following is a letter from the Waldo
County Shrine Club President Ryan Otis regarding the past year. Ryan had the daunting
task of being President of the club during a
“Ceremonial” year. He worked tirelessly to see
that the WCSC “team” got the work done to
make the “Shrine Time” in Belfast a memorable one. Many thanks go out to Ryan, Lady
Brooke, and the entire Otis family for all their
hard work and continued support of not only
our club, but the larger picture of Shrine!
“Nobles and Ladies,
Wow what a year it has been. A very busy
Shrine Year for Waldo County. As the year
comes to a close it’s good to reflect back on our
events for the year.
The January Ceremonial kicked off our busy
year helping ensure our Potentate had a successful year. Many hands pitched in to help
with the Hospitality in Bangor. Our Screening Clinic was a success as we had a child
screened. Again all hands were on deck as
we served corned beef and the fixings at the
Shamrock Party. Our club did a great job selling ads and tickets for the Circus. June brought
our Ceremonial to town which was preceded
by some much needed renovations to our club
building. Our club again hosted another great
Divan Visitation in August with the Dryden
Dutch Memorial Golf Tournament being a
great fundraiser for our club. This past month
brought us another Fundraiser to offset the cost
of renovations we completed in June. Lastly
the Waldo County Shrine Club Charitable Trust
will award its scholarships at our next meeting.
I would like to take a moment and thank the
entire club, Board of Directors, and committee chairmen for all they have done this year to
make 2011 great. It has been great serving you
and I look forward to helping the Club in the
future in any way I can.
Happy Holidays, Yours in the faith,
Ryan Otis “
Annual Meeting is January 12th at 5:30 pm followed by our regular stated meeting.
Happy New Year and a belated Merry Christmas
Greetings Nobles and Ladies! I trust that
you are all enjoying the holiday season
and hope that everyone has a blessed and
joyous Thanksgiving, Christmas or Hanukkah. I’m writing this before our annual meeting on December 3rd, so I’m
not sure who our officers will be next
year, therefore I will report on that in my
February article. I will mention that we
were very pleased to have M.W. Robert
Landry join us by playing the bass drum
during the Potentate’s Party in November.
Thanks Bob, your beat is as steady as ever.
I want to provide a bit of history on
Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving is truly a religious holiday. The settlers were giving thanks to God for their
survival. It was their way of glorifying
and honoring God.
The makeup of the Mayflower included
35 Pilgrims who had been living in exile in Holland (due to religious persecution) and 66 “West Country” adventurers
from England. The Pilgrims first planned
to settle in Guiana, but they realized that
they would need help from England.
When King James was approached about
allowing a charter for the venture, he was
told that they were going to support themselves “by fishing,” he exclaimed “So God
have my soul, ‘tis an honest trade! It was
the Apostles’ own calling.”
Just before the Mayflower reached the
shores of Cape Cod (the charter intended
them to land in the area of the Virginia
Company), the colonists knowing that
many of the 66 would not submit to the
rules of the 35 Pilgrims, drafted the first
political document of the New World. It
was called the Mayflower compact and it
starts “In the name of God, Amen…” and
has as the third sentence, “Having undertaken, for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith…” The Mayflower Compact’s design was to create “a
civil body politic” which promised “due
submission and obedience” in order for
the colony not to starve due to infighting.
You can save yourself a lot of trouble by not borrowing any.
Continued on page 22
Continued from page 21
The Mayflower arrived in the
New World in December of 1620. Many
of the passengers got sick and died that
year but the next winter was just as hard
on the settlers. The Native Americans did
teach the settlers how to plant corn and
how to fish, but the famine had continued
into the second year because the colony’s
productivity was too low to sustain its
needs. As designed in the charter, the
colony was to have “community of property.” In other words it was a commune
where everyone worked a common field
and shared the harvest. Commune is the
root word of Communism.
Governor Bradford quickly realized that
something needed to be done to increase
the productivity of the colony, so he assigned plots of land to each settler and allowed them to keep the harvest. Productivity quickly increased because the settlers
had a direct benefit for their increased labor. Governor Bradford apparently knew
that if there is no apparent reward for hard
work, nor any apparent punishment for
laziness, then people will choose laziness
and failure. Winston Churchill described
such as system by saying that it couldn’t
survive without some sort of “Gestapo.”
Thanksgiving should be about thanking
God for our blessings, but now it appears
to be about eating turkey until our side
bulges and then getting up in the middle
of the night so that we can get super deals
on stuff for Christmas. This brings me to
Christmas which should be Christians’
celebration of God’s giving his son to man
so that we could be saved.
At this point many of you are probably
thinking that rich-greedy-corporate-fatcats have spoiled Thanksgiving and
Christmas with blatant commercialization.
Some of that is true and deserved. However, every year there are stories of fights,
injuries, and an occasional death by trampling. Imagine for a minute, people have
died because mobs of shoppers pushed
somone out of the way and then trampled
them to death. Big Box retailers in some
instances have had to hire extra security
to manage crowds on Black Friday sales.
When you see videos of how these crowds
react to $2 waffle irons you’ll realize that
our entire society is guilty.
When ALL of us look in the mirror (me
included) we will see that we are a little
greedy and if given the chance, a little
lazy. We ALL share some of the guilt of
ruining the meaning of Thanksgiving and
Christmas. Christmas isn’t about the fat
guy in the red coat; it is about our Lord
and Savior.
How does pushing someone in a store out
of the way so that you can get the last sale
item glorify and thank God?
In closing, I hope that you all have a
blessed Christmas and receive a full measure of God’s favor in the New Year. Our
best days are yet to be.
If anyone would like drumming or bagpipe lessons, please contact me at
Blair Bubar
Greetings from the far north.
If you recall last month’s article, you
will see where I mentioned a hunter’s
supper and silent auction. Everything
went exceptionally well. A good turnout
of Shriners and non-Shriners. This was a
first time event so my guess is it will be
bigger and better another time.
Many in our unit attended the Aroostook
Shrine Club’s Annual Christmas Party on
Saturday evening of the 3rd of December.
Fantastic food and great dancing.
Sorry to say that many Nobles are without the Potentates coin. We sold out of
these coins at the party that night. Next
year get them early.
We also made our annual donations
at this party. We gave $1000.00 to the
Springfield hospital, $1000.00 to the Boston burns hospital, $500.00 to the Sunshine Club, and $500.00 to Anah Shrine
Center. We are very pleased that we are
able to do this.
Later in the evening a Fez was passed
around to raise a sum of money to be donated to the Marvin Tarbox memorial fund
for Shriners Hospitals. A member of our
unit got his beard shaved. He now looks
younger than his own son. Many do not
recognize him. Oh . . . . Did I mention that
he will be our next Potentate if elected?
We held our last meeting on December
4th. We voted our new officers in. There
are some pretty big shoes to fill there,
but we are sure these Nobles can handle
it. They are: Pres. Mike London, V. Pres.
Ray Withee, Sect. Galen White and Treas.
Dave Perry.
For some reason beyond my control, this
part of last month’s article got lost, but we
do want everyone to know. On behalf of
the Indy Car Unit our hearts and prayers
go out to the family of Marvin Tarbox.
Such a tragic accident. He will be missed
by everyone who knew him, which was
many. He was a true Shriner from the bottom of his heart. Our deepest sympathy to
all of his family.
Until next month, although our cars are
resting, all of us should work hard to do
all we can to help the children who need
our help.
Share Your enjoyment of the Shrine
Invite afriend to become a member
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The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is knowledge of our ignorance.
Noble Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter
Well would you just look at this, 2012.
Happy New Year to all. Hope to see you
all at Ceremonial, January 20 and 21st.
Our new slate of officers are Scott
Folsom, Capt., Dale Porter, 1st Lieutenant, Ken Hanscom Jr., Sec., and Reporter,
and Scott Averill, Treasurer. At this time
we are planning our Golf Tournament for
June 24th, at Jato Highlands in Lincoln.
Our next regular meeting will be Saturday, March 3rd, at the Oriental Jade, at
Birthday wishes go out to Vikki Ryder,
Thomas Tash and the elderly Dale Porter.
Only one wedding occurred this month,
and thank God I checked my list, it was
this reporter and his lovely wife, Donna.
Our next Shrine activity will be the
Shrine Circus. If you have anything that
you would like in the Anahgram, please
contact me at 794-6675 or kdh6367@live.
How long has it been since you attended your Blue Lodge? What a great chance
to renew old friendships and maybe make
some new ones. UNTIL NEXT TIME,
Shriners Hospitals for Children Honor A.B. Hudson
His life’s desire was to leave his full estate to the organization he loved and
worked to support throughout his lifetime: Shriners Hospitals for Children®.
On Oct. 22, the hospitals’ officialS gatherED in St. Louis with A.B. Hudson’s
family and friends to honor him for a gift of more than $60 million, the largest
in the organization’s nearly 90-year history.
Known widely throughout Kansas as a rancher, businessman, entrepreneur,
inventor andbenefactor, A.B. Hudson passed away in 2008 at the age of 84
at his home in Wichita Falls. A lifetime member of the Shriners International
fraternity, he was a member of his chapter’s Mounted Patrol and traveled the
country – from California to the White House – with his beloved horse, Hobo.
In honor of his gift, Shriners Hospitals for Children will name its St. Louis
hospital building for him.
“It humbles us to know that someone of Mr. Hudson’s accomplishments had
the lifetime desire to leave his estate to Shriners Hospitals for Children,” said
Douglas E. Maxwell, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the international
pediatric hospital system. “This is the largest single gift any one donor has
given to our hospitals, and it’s perfectly fitting that we name our St. Louis
hospital in his memory.”
Hudson’s daughter, Michele Rothe, members of her family, and numerous
friends, employees and colleagues of Mr. Hudson’s gathered in St. Louis for
the special ceremony in his honor Saturday, Oct. 22, at 4:30 p.m.
“Dad was very proud to be a Shriner and the accomplishments they made
assisting children requiring medical care,” said Rothe. “I am proud that my
dad’s life desire was to leave this gift to Shriners Hospitals for Children and I
know that his friends and I are also very proud to be part
of his legacy and the ability to contribute to pediatric care.”
Hospital officials say that this is the most significant donation in the organization’s history, and allows them to perpetuate the mission of caring for
children regardless of their ability to pay. “We are thrilled that Mr. Hudson’s
family and friends will be here in St. Louis, so that we may show our gratitude
for his support,” said Mark Ringenberg, chairman of the hospital’s Board of
Governors. “It’s people like Mr. Hudson who continue to inspire us as Shriners, as well as our staff members at the hospital, reminding us of the
important mission we have the privilege of carrying out because of their
generous support.”
Mr. Hudson began working with his brothers after school at age 7. As a
partner in Hudson Oil Company, which was later sold to Koch Oil, he began
working full time at age 16. In 1958, he founded his own companies, Workingman’s Friend and Highway Oil, which grew to more than 700 employees.
At one time, A.B. Hudson was one of the largest landowners in the state of
Kansas. He was one of the largest independent cattlemen in Kansas and
Texas for many years, and was known as a great steward of the land. In
addition, he anonymously supported numerous projects in addition
to Shriners Hospitals for Children, such as rebuilding churches, supporting
museums, andcreating a foundation to build new homes for tornado victims
Parents or Guardians who wish to get information on admission to Shriners Springfield may call directly to The Intake
Department (toll free) at 800-322-5905
Anyone who tells you that he enjoys a morning’s cold shower will lie about other things too!
Noble Ken Whitney – Reporter
There isn’t much news this month. Just a
reminder of the February 16 Valentine’s
get together in Lake Wales. Don Johnson
is hosting this again this year and we’d
like to see all the warm weather Kampers
get there. Please mark your calendar.
Birthdays in January include Julie Antworth, Lorena Fenlason, Phyllis Jordan,
Sue St Heart, Harold Charles Harding, and
Dana Smith.
Anniversaries will be celebrated by Amy
and Algy Wood, and Dianne and Gene
Hope you all are staying warm wherever
you are, and dreaming of campfires under
the stars.
Jerusalem Shriners Partner
with Home Depot in Burn
Prevention Expo
ment’s “smoke” house trailer. As the kids
enjoyed their learning experience, parents
had a chance to see some of the fire safety
and prevention products Home Depot carries, and learned how simple steps can
make their homes safer for themselves
and their children.
The event was held as a part of National
Fire Prevention Week which occurs every
year in October.
Story contributed by Chris Knoblauch,
Jerusalem Shriners
Shriners International Experiences Worldwide Interest and
For many years, Shriners International
consisted of 191 temples in four countries: the United States, Canada, Mexico
and Europe. Thanks to new worldwide
interest in the organization, that number
is increasing. As a result of the great
work by the international development
committee, the fraternity has been expanding overseas at a rapid pace.
“I’m very excited about the international interest we’ve had the past year and I
look forward to seeing membership continue to thrive,” said Past Imperial PotenContinued on page 25
Chris Knoblauch of Jerusalem Shriners
with team members from Home Depot
and the Jefferson Parish Fire Dept., in Harahan, La.
On October 22, members of the Jerusalem Shriners partnered with Home Depot
in Harahan La., to raise awareness about
fire and burn prevention.
The Shriners’ display showcased and
distributed the burn awareness materials
which were developed and released this
year by Shiners International and Shriners
Hospitals for Children®. The new materials feature the characters “ Boots and
Brewster” and focus on general fire safety
in the home.
“The kids really liked the new coloring
books and the adults truly appreciated the
additional tools developed for parents to
keep their children safe from burns in the
home,” said Chris Knoblauch, a retired
firefighter and member of the Jerusalem Shriners. “Providing these materials
though our partnerships really strengthens
our relationships with emergency services
organizations and other stakeholders in
the community.”
In addition to the Shriners’ display, kids
had an opportunity to meet firefighters
from the Jefferson Parish Fire Department
and practice escape skills in the fire depart-
Why can’t life’s problems hit us when we are eighteen and know everything.
.Continued from page 24
tate Nick Thomas, chairman of the
In the past two years, there have
been three new temples added. At the
2010 Imperial Session two temples –
one each in Puerto Rico and The Philippines – received their charters. This
past July in Denver, at the 2011 Imperial Session, Emirat Shriners of Heidelberg, Germany became the 194th
In addition, legislation was passed
allowing dispensation – one of the
first steps toward forming a new temple – for Agila Shriners of Mindano,
The Philippines.
In addition to the new temples,
Shrine Clubs have formed in Puerto
Rico, The Philippines, Brazil, Bolivia, Germany, Italy and Australia.
There is also growing interest in
forming Shrine Clubs in several other
countries. In order for these clubs to
one day be chartered as temples, they
must show a gain in membership and
create nobles of the Master Masons
who signed the petition required to
obtain dispensation status which lasts
a year.
This past year, the number of established international Shrine Clubs rose
from 33 to 53. On an individual level,
the number of creations internationally has increased from 118 to 1,193
since 2007.
“The relationships developed overseas are an integral part of the fraternity’s future and success.” Said Imperial Potentate Mike Severe. “I really
appreciate everything Nick Thomas
and the rest of the committee have
done to spread the work about our
wonderful fraternity.”
A New Flag is Created
After the fraternity’s official name
change to Shriners International, a
new flag was designed. In response to
the global growth, changes to protocol regarding the display of flags and
playing on national anthems at Shriners events were made. These changes were communicated to all temples
in a revised protocol pamphlet that
can be found on the Shriners Village
Communicating at an International
To better serve our current international members and to aid recruitment
efforts, we are continuing to develop
appropriate communication items. Some
printed materials are now available in
English, Spanish and French; can be viewed in English, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese, and
we are working toward having Shriners
Village available in multiple languages.
In addition, one of the biggest challenges
– and accomplishments – of the international development committee this past
year was the creation of a handbook for
temples sponsoring international Shrine
Clubs. The handbook includes sections
about the vision and mission, approval
processes, responsibilities, ritual and protocol.
Clearly our fraternity is meeting a need
around the world, it is wonderful to be a
part of the enthusiasm and commitment of
our international Brothers.
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Corinna Me 04928
Telephone 631-5100
Used Vehicles
Lee & Peggy Kaufman
A running mate is a husband who dared to talk back.
No. 10854 Noble Carleton Aubrey Junkins of Winterport was born June 14, 1928,
in Bangor and died peacefully Nov. 7,
2011. attended by his wife and children at
He proudly served in the U.S. Army during World War II.
He was employed at Bangor Hydro.
His Masonic affiliations included membership in Howard Lodge No. 69 AF &
AM and other Masonic Bodies. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as
June 21, 1977
No. 8149 Noble Donald Leroy Smith
of Prospect Harbor and Winter Harbor.
He was born in Whitneyville and passed
away peacefully Nov. 5, 2011, at a Bangor
He was an Army veteran of the Korean
War. He worked several years in construction, before settling into the fishing industry where, for more than 40 years, he
managed wharves in Corea, Steuben and
Prospect Harbor, until he retired in 2004.
His Masonic affiliations included membership in and Past Master of Winter Harbor Lodge No. 192 of Winter Harbor. He
was a member of the Anah Lobster Boat
Unit. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was
recorded as June 16, 1979.
No. 11558 Noble Willard B. “Bert”
Strawn of Franklin was born April 1,
1929, in Atkins, Ark. and died Nov. 10,
2011, at an Ellsworth health care facility.
He joined the United States Navy in October 1948 and retired as a senior chief
in January 1969, after serving during the
Vietnam and Korean wars. After retiring
from the Navy he spent 20 years at the
Hampton Roads ILA in Virginia as a longshoreman.
His Masonic affiliations included membership in Winter Harbor Masonic Lodge
No. 192 AF & AM. His enrollment in
Anah Shriners was recorded as September
15, 2001.
No. 7982 Noble Frank Vernon W
hirty Jr. of Lee was born June 14, 1927, in
Orange, N.J, and passed away Nov. 14,
2011, at a Lincoln hospital. He graduated
from Lee Academy in 1945 and attended
Husson College. He served in the U.S.
Navy from 1945 to 1946, and the U.S.
Air Force from 1951 to 1952. He was employed for a while at Penobscot Savings
Bank and was office manager at Great
Northern Paper Co. from 1953 to 1972.
From 1972 to 1998, he owned and operated Haskell’s Store, Lee.
He served on the church vestry, Lee
Academy board of directors and Penobscot Valley Hospital board of directors.
He was a member of the Lions Club; and
enjoyed hunting, fishing and snow traveling. The place he loved to go the most was
his hunting camp, The Owl.
His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as recorded as June 17, 1978
No. 6628 Noble John R. Bradford of
Houlton was born March 12, 1934 and
died Nov. 14, 2011, in Bangor. He grew
up on a dairy farm in Charleston and graduated from Higgins Classical Institution.
After graduation he joined the U.S. Air
Force, serving four years in Korea and at
Presque Isle Air Force Base.
He was a
life member of Frazier Post No. 2599 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Presque Isle. He
worked several jobs in the area until he
started working as a U.S. custom inspec-
tor, retiring after 30 years at Houlton Port
of Entry. He loved to snowsled, hunt with
friend, David Grant, trap and fish. He was
a member of Linneus Snow Club. His special place was his camp on Squa Pan Lake.
His Masonic affiliations included 55
years as a member of Silver Leaf Lodge,
Charleston, affiliating with Aroostook
Lodge, Mars Hill, and was a past master.
He was a honorary member of Monument
Lodge, Houlton. He was also a member
of Anah Shriners, Bangor, and was a life
member of Aroostook Shrine Club, Presque Isle. He also belonged to Order of
the Eastern Star in Friendship Chapter,
Mars Hill, affiliated with Fidelity Chapter, Houlton, and at the present time was
a member of Luna Chapter, Presque Isle.
He was a Rainbow Dad for Mars Hill International Order for Rainbow Girls. His
enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded
as June 3, 1972
No. 6899 Noble James “Jim” Mansur of
Continued on next page
Contlinued from previous page
Bangor was born Sept. 17, 1937, in Bangor and died peacefully in his sleep Nov.
20, 2011, at a Bangor health care facility.
He was a member of Bangor High
School, class of 1957, and spent six years
in the U.S. Army Reserve. He retired from
Bangor Hydro Electric Co. and supported
and volunteered for many years at Bangor Children’s Learning Center. He could
often be found each morning at Dunkin’
Donuts on Main Street sharing his stories
and mischievous smile with his friends.
His Masonic affiliations included and active member membership of St. Andrews
No. 83 AF & AM of Bangor and the York
Rite Scottish Rite bodies. His enrollment
in Anah Shriners was recorded as June
16, 1973
No. 7525 Noble HERMON - Carroll A.
“Cal” McKay of Hermon was born Dec.
19, 1931 in Milo and passed away Nov.
20, 2011, at a Bangor hospital. He served
in the U.S. Army/Air Force during World
War II in the Philippines. He married Gloria Kierstead and moved to Newburgh,
where he farmed for several years and
raised their five children. They enjoyed
camping with many friends in different
parts of Maine. They moved to Hampden
where he started his own power equipment company, which consisted of chain
saws, lawn mowers, snow blowers, etc.,
and later moved to Bangor continuing
with the power equipment business. He
and his wife then started a new business
venture called McKay’s RV, selling campers and accessories. He was a licensed pilot owning his own airplane, enjoyed golf,
hunting and fishing, and attended Hermon
Baptist Church. He wintered in Florida
for many years, and continued working in
the RV business well into his 80s.
His Masonic affiliations included membership in Lynde Lodge No. 174, AF &
AM, Hermon and other Masonic Bodies. He was a member and ambassador of
Anah Shriners. His enrollment in Anah
Shriners was recorded as June 19, 1976
No. 6438 Noble Herbert G. Brehaut of
Hampden and Lincoln was born July 16,
1928, in Winn and passed away Nov. 22,
2011, at a Bangor hospital.
He went to work at age 16 hauling pulpwood to help support his mother and
brothers. At age 17, he went to work at
Eastern Corp. and also sold cars, which
after awhile led him to open his own dealership, Brehaut Auto Sales. From 1972 to
present, he worked for H.C. Haynes. He
and Hannah owned and operated Brehaut’s
Take out for many years. During that time,
He also drove school bus, and on the last
day of school, would stop the bus at the
take-out and give each student a free ice
cream. He was a member of Odd Fellows.
He served on Lincoln Town Council for
nine years and had been a member of the
His Masonic affiliations included membership in Horeb Lodge No. 93, AF & AM
and other Masonic Bodies. In Anah Temple he was a member of the Anah Wheelers and a founding member of Anah 4 by
His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as recorded as June 5, 1971
Are you an Anahgram Booster?
$10.00 a year gives you a listing for
one name for one year and supports
The Anahgram. See cupon on page 6
Only one person identified Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr in the “Who Is It” column.
Last month. It was Donna , Mrs. ,Bill Perkins. She will receive a one year listing
in the Anahgram Boosters for taking a part in our little “Fun feature”. If you
know this months person, or think you do Call Recorder P. P. Sonny Crocker
at 942.2254 or e-mail the editor at: MAPA46@AOL.COM. The first one to
identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of
pictures is running very low so if you have someone you would like to
show off send it to the editor or drop it at the Recorders office. This
feature can only continue with your help! !
A perfect Gift for any Noble or Shrine Lady on any occasion
Not only will you be participating in the “WORLD’S GREATEST PHILANTHROPHY,” but also in the
“WORLD’S PUREST CHARITY” as 98 cents of every dollar contributed to Shriner’s Hospitals for Children
is used on direct patient care.
A statement to the Recorder that you have left $100 or more in your will, or are making a cash contribution
of $100 or more, will earn you a handsome membership certificate for your office or den…and you will help
insure the future operation of Shriner’s Hospitals for Children.
All memberships will be recorded, and reported to the Imperial Council through your Temple Recorder. Do
not send your membership directly to a Shriner’s Hospital.
HOW TO JOIN THE $100,000,000 CLUB
I have made Shriner’s Hospital a beneficiary in an insurance policy in the amount of $100 or more.
I have a provision in my will leaving a bequest of $100.00 or more to the hospitals.
I prefer to make a cash contribution at this time of at least $100.00 which is tax deductible.
Make your check payable to: “SHRINER’S HOSPITALS”
Complete this form and mail it to ANAH TEMPLE, ATTN: RECORDER, P.O. BOX 735, BANGOR, MAINE
Please have the certificate read:
(Please print) ______________________________
Are you employed?
Membership applications available
at the Recorder’s Office
You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
Anah Shriners
P.O. Box 735
Bangor ME 04402-0735
You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.

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