June Class of Candidates to Honor Past Potentate
THE ANAHGRAM JUNE 2011 June Class of Candidates to Honor Past Potentate Donald W. Maxim Potentate 2000 “LET’S DOUBLE OUR FUN IN DOUBLE ONE” The Anahgram Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners, A. A. O. N. M. S. P.O. Box 735, Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Website: www.Anahshriners.com - email: anahshriners@myfairpoint.net Volume 79 Number 6 JUNE 2011 Gerald L. Harvey - Editor/Advertising Manager WINNER OF SIX DROMEDARY AWARDS Circuses are both fun and rewarding as the Anah Family comes together to work and put on a good show for the public and have some fun at the same time. Having fun is demonstrated in the photo above as Potentate Bill Dawson shows that he is a good sport by having a whole pie all to himself. The pie presentation surely didn’t come as a surprise to him as it is a tradition carried out by the Aroostook Shriners. Welcome to Belfast The word is out – The City of Belfastby-the-sea is rolling out the red carpet for the Shriners and Ladies that represent the entity known as the Anah Shriners. There are events planned that will honor Past Potentate Donald W. Maxim who served as Potentate in 2000. Current Potentate William “Bill” Dawson has played an important role in guiding the planning of the many events. One of the highlights of the weekend festivities will be the initiation of new members. Potentate Bill hopes for a class of candidates of about 211 for 2011 to keep Anah strong and growing. Shriners will begin to arrive on Thursday to get together and meet old friends. The evening will be filled with a cribbage tournament at the Waldo County Shrine Club. Friday will be occupied with golf tournaments for men and women at the Northport Country Club and at Searsport Pines. Activities in the evening will be at the Belfast Armory which includes a social hour followed by a Pig Roast and Chicken Bar B Q. EVENTS FOR to be followed byCOMING a dance with D. J. Dana Wilson providing the music. Saturday members will assemble for the traditional parade to be followed by initiation of the new members. The evening will feature a feast of lobster or steak at the Belfast Armory. Dancing will follow to Steel Rail Express. A social hour will be available after the dance at the Belfast Comfort Inn. Members will need a paid-up dues card in order to attend the week end activities. Dues cannot be paid at the Ceremonial. Be sure to stop in at the Recorder’s office to pay your dues if your dues card does not say 2011. Nobles There is still time to be a Top-Line-Signer for 3 Candidates and earn a distinctive Anah Shrine watch. Deadline for tlhe July issue will be Monday, June 19 due to the Ceremonial. If your copy does not apply to the Ceremonial please observe the regular deadline to help speed up production. Editor YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPAEDIC: Rodney S. Pinkham, Box 8 East Holden, ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital 1-800-255-1916 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. 2 THE ANAHGRAM SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 COMING EVENTS FOR... Aroostook S C Meeting 12 8 7 6 Provost Guard Meeting Hancock Shrine Club Meeting 13 14 Funsters Meeting 19 Lobster Feed at Heath’s 15 Mini-Car Meeting FRIDAY 2 3 4 9 10 11 Schoodic S C Chanters Meeting Waldo County SC Meeting 16 Springfield Hospital Screening Clinic Special Olympics 18 17 Ceremonial Activities - Belfast Tri-County SC Washington County S C Lobster Feed Past Masters Meeting at Ceremonial 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 24 25 NASCAR Golf Tournament Flag Unit Softball Tournament Fathers Day 26 Daughters of the Nile, Stated SUNDAY Keystone Kops Meeting Aroos S C Circus Appreciation Dinner MONDAY TUESDAY SATURDAY Northern Penob Shrine Club Patten JUNE 2011 5 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 COMING EVENTS FOR SATURDAY 2 JULY 2011 3 4 Aroostook S C Meeting 10 5 Independence Day 11 6 7 8 12 9 Daughters of the Nile, Golf Tournament, Barren View Provost Guard Meeting 13 14 15 16 Waldo County SC Meeting 17 18 19 25 26 Past Masters Meeting Daughters of the Nile, Official Visitation, Ceremonial 24 Keystone Kops Meeting 20 27 Schoodic S C Lewey’s Island, Princeton FORCES 21 22 23 28 29 30 31 Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 15th. of the month prior to publication. Editor JUNE 2011 3 Greetings Nobles and Ladies of Anah!! An amazing 2011 Anah Circus season has concluded. Words cannot express adequately the heartfelt appreciation that this Pote has for all of the Nobles and Ladies who made our Bangor Circus and Presque Isle Circus a tremendous success this year. A million and more thank you’s to you all, and Tip of this Potentate’s Fez to each and every one of you . . . . We undertake the Anah Shrine Circus every year to raise money for our Temple budget and to pay for the expense of running our Shrine Center. But it is more. We sometimes forget the huge impact that the Shrine Circus has for our public relations and our membership efforts. Here are two stories that make the point. While visiting Presque Isle, your Potentate was honored to visit two local elementary schools with a cadre of Shrine Klowns, including Boss Klown Richard “Sprinkler” Wark, along with Nobles Phil Walton, Bud Wilson, and Chief Rabban Tony Bowers. We journeyed down the halls of each school visiting classroom after classroom. You can only imagine the William “Bill” Dawson Potentate hilarity of a Shrine Klown behind a school teacher’s desk trying to take charge of a classroom full of little kids surrounded by Klowns. We’re talking real fun. The kids loved it, but we loved it more. On more than one occasion we Nobles were filled with emotion and close to tears. We met more than one Shrine Hospital patient during our travels. We met a lovely schoolteacher who was a Shrine widow. My favorite moment, however, was having a Klown say, “Hey Bill, there’s a young man over here who would like to meet you.” My reply? Simply, “Me?, why me?” It turns out that this young student named Sam had written a school report about Shriners and the Shrine Circus. He had cut and pasted my picture right into the report from the Anah website, and he wanted my autograph on the report. Unbelievable. The rest of the last story goes like this. On Saturday night at the Presque Isle circus, my new found friend Sprinkler presented me with a nice present: a shaving cream pie in the face. Anah Klown FizzEd, who was nice enough to lift my Pote’s Fez off first, was also nice enough to walk me through the crowd to the restroom, and help me get cleaned up. We emerged from the restroom to find a little girl waiting for us. She says, “Are you Bill Dawson?” I say “Yes, how do you know me?” She says, “You were in my classroom today!!” I soon learned that she is a classmate to Sam, the little boy who wrote the school report. Thank you Anah Klowns for sharing a magical morning with me as we visited the kids. That’s public relations. The second story comes from the Bangor Circus. During one of our shows, we had a grandfather come with his eleven year old granddaughter. Your Potentate opened that show with his own granddaughters who assisted us in doing a clown trick called “One, Two, Three, Sit!!” During the intermission, this other grandfather and his little granddaughter came to center ring and personally met all of the Shrine Clowns with the help of Dave “Busta” Denis. Your Potentate and all of the Clowns posed for a nice photograph with this little girl. Nobles and Ladies, keep this young girl in your prayers. Sadly, she has a very rare form of brain cancer. The rest of this Continued on page 4 Supporting people and their communities Merrill Bank is proud to support The Anah Shriners When arguing with your wife, be sure you are right – and keep still. 4 THE ANAHGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians....................................... 10 Aroostook S C ..................................... 24 Athletics.................................................... Band..................................................... 11 Bangor-Brewer S C.................................. Boosters................................................. 6 Calendar................................................. 2 Chanters............................................... 17 Circus................................................... 24 Clowns (Bangor)................................... 21 Clowns (Aroostook).................................. Convertibles......................................... 26 Daughters of the Nile............................ 17 Drum & Bugle....................................... 25 Editor........................................................ Flag Unit............................................... 23 Funster Unit.......................................... 25 Go-Karts Unit............................................ Hancock County S C............................ 23 Highlanders............................................ 8 Hospital News...................................... 21 Indy Cars................................................ 7 Kampers Klub........................................... Kanteen Corps......................................... Keystone Kops..................................... 13 Lobster Boat Unit...................................... Looking Back........................................ 29 NASCARS............................................ 16 Membership.............................................. Mini-Car Unit........................................... 5 Mini-Bikes............................................. 27 Mystery Person...................................... 9 Northern Penobscot S C ..................... 16 Obituaries............................................. 34 Past Masters Unit..................................... Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit............................................. 28 Petition................................................. 31 Potentate................................................ 3 Provost Guard...................................... 20 Public Relations........................................ Second Section.................................... 14 Schoodic Shrine Club............................... Sunshine Club...................................... 28 Tri-County S C...................................... 27 Waldo County S C ............................... 26 Washington County S C....................... 12 Wheelers.............................................. 22 4x4 Unit................................................ 20 Continued from page 3 story goes as follows. The other day I received a warmly written letter from the grandfather, thanking us for bringing a magical moment to the life of his granddaughter, and informing me that he is making application to join Anah Shriners. That’s public relations, plus membership. So you see, the fun we have putting on our Anah Shrine Circus does more than just help the budget. It does far more, and I once again thank each and every one of you for being there, show after show, as you sold novelties, helped with lighting, ushering, cotton candy, snow cones, clowning around, cooking and serving meals, etc., etc. When you receive this issue of the Anahgram, the summer Ceremonial will be upon us. Let’s have a great Ceremonial weekend!! We here in Waldo County really look forward to welcoming you all. The Temple Chaplain, Alton Kenney, promises lots of sunshine, and he and his Lady Ellen and other volunteers will be waiting to greet you at the Waldo County Shrine Club with welcome bags When you get to Belfast, make sure to stop by the Waldo County Shrine Club to register and pick up your welcome bag (one per couple). Registration times are scheduled at the Shrine Club throughout the weekend. Ladies, Lauri wants me to remind you all to wear “something denim” to the Ladies’ Luncheon on Saturday. It will be a casual fun time, so wear your denim jeans, skirts, overalls, etc. We also thank the Bangor Savings Bank for making a nice donation to help fund this year’s Ladies’ Luncheon. Ladies, your Nobles will be coming right by the luncheon at the American Legion Hall shortly after 2:00 p.m., as the parade goes by, and we look forward to everyone gathering for fun and fellowship at the Waldo County Shrine Club following the parade. We have added a Sunday morning breakfast at the Waldo County Shrine Club to the schedule which is being hosted by the Belfast Lions Club with all proceeds being donated to the Shrine Club Building Fund. We look forward to you all stopping by for breakfast as the weekend concludes. Ceremonial Director General Ryan Otis, and a large contingent of Waldo County Nobles and Ladies, have worked tirelessly for almost two years to plan this year’s Ceremonial weekend. My gratitude is immense. If you have a good time during the weekend, and we know you will, please Tip your Fez to them, and thank them personally during your visit to Belfast. Remember, “Shriners having fun and helping kids is what we live by.” Yours in the Faith, William L. Dawson, Jr. Pontentate THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: anahshriners@myfairpoint.net Website: http://www.Anahshriners.com Available by subscription $12.00 per year. EDITOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Gerald L. Harvey 586 Main Street, P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Tel. (H) 991-9708 Email: MAPA46@AOL.COM Fax: (H)-989-7931 DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Dennis Bryant 1036 Ayers Jct. Rd Charlotte ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 Cel.:214-6522 email: dbry@midmaine.com ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Bob Hodgkins Home Tel: 938-3864 Cel: 341-0866 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly Deadline is the 15th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous isssue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate......William L. Dawson, Jr.. Chief Rabban Anthony V. Bowers Asst. Rabban F. Lee Kaufman. High Priest & Prophet.............Thomas Clukey Oriental Guide..............Donald “Jesse” Thomas Treasurer...............................Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder.......................Harold W. Crocker, P.P SHRINER’S PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. If you saw a house on fire, what three authors might you name? Dickens, Howitt, Burns. JUNE 2011 5 Noble Mike Beal, Reporter The Unit held its monthly meeting at Tall Barney’s Restaurant on Tuesday, the 10th, with 11 Nobles in attendance. Captain Todd provided copies of this summer’s parade schedule, so look for the MiniCars in at least nine parades this summer, starting with the Special Olympics on June 10th – gentlemen, start your engines! Of course, before all the fun and festivities, Nobles need to get together to dust the cobwebs off the cars and make sure they are ready for parading. Many thanks to Robert Look, who is providing garage space to do just that. Unit Nobles checked in with business and upcoming activities, both old and new. We were pleased to be able to donate $100 to the Daughters of the Nile Golf Tournament – glad to lend a helping hand. The Unit’s opportunity to co-host the Divan visitation last month was successful in many ways. Great fellowship, a chance to earn a little funding to use for the purpose of helping children and the chance to hear our Illustrious Potentate’s jokes. Nobles were reminded to sell the raffle tickets for the bear hunt. – not everyone is a born salesman, but please remember this is how we are able to do what we do to help others. We challenge Nobles to make sure they are asking family members and co-workers at the very least. By the time this hits the press, the Unit will have hosted a softball tournament on 5/21. We have eight teams signed up so far, and with the concessions and Ladies who make them happen, it will undoubtedly be a good time for families to get together and enjoy a Saturday. A happy belated birthday wish to Noble Stevie Tibbetts, who celebrated back on March 19th. We celebrated several other birthdays and anniversaries for March, April and May but somehow forgot Stevie – remember, get your dates to your reporter if you haven’t already. Although mentioned in other parts of the Anahgram, we want to mention the Screening Clinic for children that took place in our neck of the woods on 5/14 at Down East Community Hospital. Noble Dave Weaver spoke about it at the meeting, reminding Nobles and Ladies to keep their eyes open for children who need the help and support that the Shrine is fortunate enough to be able to provide. Also, please remember how important it is to support and participate in the June Ceremonial. We hope to see you all there. Also, the Washington County Shrine Club’s Schoodic Feed is 6/15 – sounds like a fun week. VISA & MASTERCARD ARE ACCEPTED AT THE RECORDER’S OFFICE. Sponsors of Candidates - Make sure your prospective Candidates are aware of this convenience. A dime isn’t as good as a quarter, but it goes to church a lot more often. 6 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Dick & Laura Adams Richard N. Averill W. Robert Averill I M O C. Alton Bagley I M O Dick Bagley P.P. Jim & Gloria Bennett Albert “Bucky” & Norma Bishop Neil E. Bishop Mike Blake I M O David Blood Blinn & Joan Boone I M O Arland Bowen John & Anna Bradford Tom Breitweg Fred & Jennifer Brown Blair & Judy Bubar Dick & Kim Carlow Charlie & Shirley Caron Bob Chandler I M O Arthur W. Chandler I M O Harold L. Chute, P.P. I M O Maynard K. Chipman I O M Kenny Cirone Michael A. Clark Melvin & Helen Cleaves I M O Rodney M. Clewley I M O Earle F. Collins I M O Clinton Condon John & Jan Conti Ron & Evelyn Cook Bud & Fran Costigan Sonny & Marilyn Crocker Stephen & Christine Cummings Sr. Stephen & Sarah Cummings, Jr. I M O Norman P. Dalbeck Wayne & Tanya Darling John H. Davidson I M O Elmer C. Davis June A. Davis Alton Deering Larry Doughty Mark Doughty I M O Dryden C. Dutch, P.P. I M O Orville “Obie” Edes John & Robin Edes Robert Emerson I M O Lewis E. Fenlason Wallace & Lorena Fenlason Thomas & Carroll Fernald John & Betty Fernald* Merle & Betty Finley Phil & Sandy Finley I M O Lewis R. Fitts, Jr., Band Wes & Bonnie Ford Pete & Carol Jean Forrest I M O Hugo Frati Clinton & Sandra Fulton George & Mary Beth Gaddis Don & Pat Gallupe I M O Clifford Gallupe Dick & Margaret Gardner BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s on separate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. Send check with name as it is to appear to: ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS, P.O. Box 735, Bangor ME 04402-0735 Greg Geagan Paul & Diana Giles Goody Gilman Patricia Ann Goode I M O Harry F. Gordon Dwynal & Karen Grass W. Louis & Judi A. Greenier Charles C.W. Hackney I M O Edwin W. Hadley I M O Jim Halkett Dick & Carolyn Hallett Ed & Bonnie Hamm Gene & Pamela Hamm I M O Elbridge M. Hamm, Sr. Gladys Hardy Willard Hardy I M O Tom Harper Obed & Faith Hart Steven & Marilee Hartley Jerry & Lorraine Harvey I M O Mike Haskell Dwight & Estelle Haslam Chet & Fay Hawkins Richard P. Hawkins Larry & Libby Hersom Ralph & Maggie Hill Gerald & Regina Jackson I M O Buster James C. Ray & Loretta Jones F. Lee & Peggy Kaufman I M O Harry Kearney Alton & Ellen Kenney Charles & Selma Larson I M O Ernest “Bud” Larson Larry & Gail Larson I M O Frank Leighton Lady Marian & Paul Libby Janice & Elwood “Woody” Littlefield Mike & Bonnie London I M O Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B.Lunt, Sr. P. Winston & Frances Mackay Bill & Donna MacLaughlin Harold “Pete” Martin I M O G. Urial Martin Roy C. & Elizabeth A. Martin Douglas A. & Donna McCafferty Douglas K. & Candee McCafferty I M O Edward Sr. & Evelyn McCafferty I M O Terral A. McCafferty Welman & Natalie McFarland Ed & Nancy McGraw Herschel & Mildred McIntosh Bob & Mary McReavy Jerry & Cindy Merrithew Dick & Joan Meserve Don & Betty Mitchell John & Dottie Monohon Dick & Betty Nevers Phil Newbury Fred & Althea Newman Harold & Connie Newman YES! THE ANAHGRAM I M O William P. Newman Norris & Linda Nickerson I M O Bill Oliver Warren & Velma Orcutt Circus Spot Lite Crew P I Bob “Boomer” & Julianna Palmer Jim & Linda Parent Ernie & Liz Park Herman & Kate Peabody P.P. Ed & Esther Pellon James & Frances Pinkham Rod & Joyce Pinkham I M O Bob Pushard, Sr. I M O Godfrey & Eliza Quirion Chuck & Sally Ridlon Ed & Elizabeth Roberts, Jr. I M O EdRogers I M O Sumner Rogers Al & Amy Ross Heath & Karen Savage Spike Savage I M O Clifton R. Scoville Todd C. Scoville I M O Avon O. Severance Marty & Joan Shaw Amasa “Stubby” & Joyce Sherman Shane & Barbara Sherman I M O John Simpson Carole & Geddes Simpson, Jr. I M O Donald W. Small, Jr. I M O Ken Smith Roger & Pat Smith Sandy & Colleen Smith Bob & Polly Snow I M O Cedric A. Somerville Elliott & Joyce Tarbell Daniel L. Tarr I M O Betty L. Tarr Michael & Mary Tenedios I M O Alexander Theodore William A. Thomas Paul & Joyce Thornton Inez & Reginald Toothaker I M O John Tracy I M O Bob Vittum Ivan O. Wakefield Hank & Gloria Waldron I M O Houston Wardwell Dave & Leni Weaver Burt & Jackie Weed Buddy & Caryll Wheeler I M O Wayne Wheeler I M O James S. Wiggin Paul & Phyllis Wilbur Lloyd & Jay Willey Sid & Lillian Winchester Bob & Norma Winglass Don & Felicia Wiswell Don & Carolyn Wright Duane “Div-it” & Karen Young Larry & Alice Zimmerman 05/11 I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one year. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $_____Name(s) ___________________ If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor. Memorialize a deceased Noble or Lady with a Booster Listing JUNE 2011 7 Noble Blair Bubar, Reporter ANAH CAR RAFFLE SAMPLE Name: ________________________________ Address: _______________________________ City: _____________________ State: _______ Phone: ________________________________ Seller’s Name ________________________ Welcome from Indyland. As I write this, it is the middle of May; it has been a cold and wet spring, but when you read this I am sure we will be having sunny weather. Although it has been a late spring, the Indies are on schedule. Work night May 17th and two parades for Memorial Day. The revving-up party is May 28th at Blair & Judy Buber’s, so it looks like the same schedule as always. The parade schedule is still being worked on, but looks like a busy summer ahead of us. Plans are being made to go to the June Ceremonial. As always this is a good time. It looks as if we will have a good turnout for this. I’m sorry I don’t have more to share with you at this time, but it just doesn’t happen this time of the year. So with that being said, let’s all plan on meeting at the June Ceremonial. ANAH SHRINERS A.A.O.N.M.S. P.O. Box 735, Bangor, ME 04402-0735 ANAH SHRINERS 2011 CAR RAFFLE The Anah Campers recently had a Spring Campout which featured a cribbage tournament. The campers above shown L-R won ribbons. 1st Dan and Darlene Wilson, 2nd Don & Felicia Wiswell, 3rd Sonny Colburn and Charlie Larson. Charlie was not available for the photo. Photo by Noble Jim Bennett. Noble Daryl Briggs, Reporter The Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club had its Annual Ladies Night on April 21, 2011 meeting at the Shrine Center. The meeting was called to order by Club Treasurer Earl (Yogi) Seymour. There were 53 Nobles and Ladies at the meeting. The invocation was given by Past Potentate Larry Hersom. The meal was a buffet by Steve’s Stagecoach Catering. There were flowers on the tables and May baskets for the Ladies. A big thank you goes to Club President Denny Smith and his wife, Marge, for arranging the event. A big thanks to Yogi and Doris Seymour for coordinating the festivities on the day. A great social time was had by all. The 50/50 drawing of $45.00 was won by Past Club President Brent Spaulding. There was no treasurer’s report. The secretary’s reports are in the Anahgram. The Past Potentates were represented by Harold Crocker (1983), Larry Hersom (1986), Albert Gibson (2004), Chuck Kennedy (2010). The Divan was represented by Second Ceremonial Master Steve Trimm, First Ceremonial Master Bob Turner, Recorder, P.P. Sonny Crocker, Oriental Guide Jesse Thomas, and Illustrious Potentate Bill Dawson. No old business. No new business. Illustrious Potentate Bill Dawson reminded everyone that membership is a must for 2011. Find candidates and mentor them all the way. Grand Prize Choice of 2011 Camaro or 2011 Chevrolet 4x4 Truck or $10,000 Cash Second Prize: $1500.00 Third Prize: $1,000.00 TICKETS: $1.00 Donation Per Ticket Proceeds for ANAH SHRINERS ACTIVITIES Payments are not deductible as Charitable Donations. Drawing will be held at the Shrine Center Saturday, October 15, 2011 during Potentate’s Reception. Vehicle Supplied by Dutch Chevrolet / Buick Belfast, Maine Doing Business The Right Way Since 1926 Teacher: “What do two ducks and a cow remind you of? Johnny: “Quackers and milk.” 8 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Mike Murphy Reporter The cadence is picking up! Your Highlanders played at the Husson Graduation on May 14th and it was a great scene as always. This year the Governor was the keynote speaker. When we looked out at the crowd, one cannot think of the sea of debt these poor students have amassed, but as we all know, with a virtuous education, our own endeavors, and the blessings of God, we can accomplish anything. After the graduation we will rush across town and perform at the Sea Dog. In June the Highlanders are planning on performing at the College of the Atlantic graduation on the 4th, the Special Olympics on the 10th, the Ceremonial on the 19th. In July we will start the month off in Bar Harbor on the morning of the 4th, and perhaps to Jonesport for their evening parade (not by my vote mind you). Keep your calendars clear for the Scottish Tatoo at Fort Knox on the 9th (rain date July 10th). This is a great venue, with several bagpipe bands performing their meticulously practiced repertoires one cannot help but get chills up their spine. Your Highlanders, partly due to our dapper dress and partly due to our inspired leadership under the direction of Pipe Major Paul Hazzard, usually steal the show. Now it is trivia time. Last month’s trivia question, was “From concept to paper production, how long did it take the Great Northern to build the “big” mill in Millinocket?” The answer is about 2 years. According to Dorothy Laverty’s book “MILLINOCKET A Magic City of Maine’s Wilderness”, Garret Schenck resigned his position from the Rumford Falls Paper Mill in August of 1898. The Bangor Daily News reported that on May 2, 1899 construction had begun and then on November 7th 1900 the first paper started to roll off number seven paper machine. The reported cost to construct the mill which was to house the first eight machines was nearly $3 million. Here is where I am going to get into trouble. This may end up being my last Anahgram Article. I’m not interested in a blame game. Hum, this was before computers, some pretty skilled people doing the logistics don’t you think? Keep in mind, there were no roads into Millinocket. They supposedly used just two steam shovels for the excavation work and the rest was horses, oxen and manual labor. They dug a nearly one-mile canal, built Stone Dam, Ward’s Dam, the Mill, and they started to lay out the town, because when they started there was just one house where Millinocket is now located. Yes, they dammed the river, built a factory and cut down trees, but guess what, the sun still rose every day. The water continues to run and to this day, over 100 years later, people consider the West Branch of the Penobscot pristine. They come from all over the world to fish and white water raft. Of course without the Great Northern there would be no access to Mt. Katahdin and there would be no whitewater rafting in the late summer. The Great Northern was a huge economic engine for the People’s Republic of Maine. Given recent events, it is reported that the region has lost 450 jobs. When peak employment levels are used, we have lost 4,000 jobs! If projects that were planned and/or not allowed are added to existing and lost assets, we have lost nearly $1 billion worth of taxable infrastructure. If that were not bad enough, the region has lost nearly ½ of its population. We have paid our dues in the Katahdin Region, God has a plan and it isn’t up to us to question it. However, if tourism is to be the answer, Millinocket would need something on the scale of a Bush Gardens or Sea World to replace the lost jobs and taxable infrastructure. If I don’t get fired, I’ll be back next month for another exciting trivia question. Perhaps it will relate to booze. Everyone seems to like that. Please forward any questions, concerns or comments to pipingleprechaun@hotmail.com . For anyone who sends comments, I will talk uncharacteristically nice to them. How many Masons do you know who are not Shrinersl? Reverse mortgages for seniors 62 or older Call today for more information. Rae Ann Rice 1 Cumberland Place, #214 Bangor, Maine 04401 207-974-8996 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2010 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. AS360980 8/10-8/11 In spite of cartoons, Uncle Sam is a tall gentleman with lots of waste. JUNE 2011 9 Who is it ??? Visa and Mastercard may be used at the Recorder’s office by new members joining Anah at the Belfast Ceremonial. Billing will not be processed until the week of the Ceremonial. Checks made in payment will likewise not be cashed until the week of the Ceremonial Photo courtesy of Paper Talks Magazine The May Who is it person was Mrs. Wilma “Willie” Bradford, wife of Past Potentate Merrill R. Bradford. Joyce Pinkham was the first to identify her and Monica Bronson was second. If you know this month’s entrant, or think you do, call Recorder Sonny Crocker at 942-2254 or email the Editor with your answer at MAPA46@ AOL.COM. First one to call gets the free booster listing. More photos are needed to keep this piece working. If you have a photo you think would be of interest email, mail to or drop it at the Recorder’s Office for future use. The photo should not show the Noble in his Fez or other Shrine regalia as it might make it too easy to be recognized. There is no guarantee your photo will be returned. BUSSES FOR NESA Bus Reservations for The Northeast Shrine Association Field Days in Hyanis, MA are now available through Transportation Chairman Noble Dan Thompson. Send requests to: Anah Shriners Attn: Noble Dan Thompson NESA Bus P.O. Box 735 Bangor ME 04402-0735 Busses for the trip to the Northeast are as follows: Depart Thursday, August 25 at 8:00am - $93.00 per person. Depart Friday, August 26 8:00am $75.00 per person Busses leave Anah Shrine Center and return Sunday, August 28. Make checks payable to “Northeast Bus Transportation” Visa™ and Master Card™ are accepted at the Recorder’s Office. The trouble with some of today’s smart children is that they don’t smart in the right place. 10 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter Hello Fellow Academicians. As of this writing we have not yet had the May meeting, so more on that next time. Donnie Copeland has recently had some cardiac health procedures completed and reports that the physician and medical staff did a great job and that his “ticker” is operating well. Jim and Ruth Newcomb have recently returned to Maine from their annual winter stay in the sunny south. Welcome back folks, and have a great summer. Thanks to everyone who worked at the Circuses. I attended in Bangor the first evening. Good crowds. I’m sure we had another successful year. Sally, Lauren and I had a great trip to Disney World in April. It was very nice to enjoy all that sunny 85 to 90 degree weather. One highlight was the Disney Princess Dinner at the Cinderella Castle in the Magic Kingdom. Lauren attended in full costume as Princess Jasmine and got to meet the “real” Jasmine along with Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, and Ariel. Such a thrill for a little one! Next year we hope to return to the Caribbean for some more fun in the sun. Our very next trip is planned for late June when we will visit friends in Pennsylvania and tour the Gettysburg Battlefields. Dave and Linda Ballard again were in Florida during January and February. In March Dave spent a lot of time skiing at Sugarloaf. They have decided to purchase a second home in Florida and will be living half the year there and other half here. Dave looks forward to a lot of bicycling and motorcycling over the summer and fall, and he and Linda also plan to spend considerable time with their grandchildren. The June 18th ceremonial in Belfast will be here very soon. Please contact your Section Master or a Unit officer if you have not already been contacted and would like to be involved in the Ceremonial. Communication always has to be a two-way street, so please don’t hesitate to communicate. Those Ritualists who are participating in the Ceremonial will have practice, per our usual custom, on Sunday June 12th at 4pm at the Shrine Center. We go “dark” for the summer. The next big event will be the September Picnic. So have a good one. Have a great June everyone. Summer will be here before we know it. As always, don’t hesitate to contact me at 989-2617 or rbilancia@roadrunner.com with any news, comments, concerns, gossip, jokes, outright lies, or just plain old complete and utter nonsense that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. Message from our Director - “I think the Circus went very well. It was a very good show and the performers were great to work with. Attendance seemed to be down a bit, but everything one had a good time and many hands made light work as usual. The Circus could not go on without the Nobles, their wives and kids that give their time over the weekend to to do the work while the Circus is in town. My hat is off to all the volunteers especially the ones who show up on Thursday and I see every day of the weekend giving their valuable free time to support Anah. Volunteering at Circus is easy and one need only show up and visit the manpower table find a job. I personally want to thank the members of our Unit who attended and helped this year. My apologies if I miss anyone but I noted Galen Knowles, Ed Leighton, Chris Holyoke, Glen Clark, Darren Gray, Robin Holyoke, Richard Bowden, Larry Greenlaw, Barry Woodard, and non-Academicians, Bub Smith and Frank Theriault. If I did not see you at the circus and missed thanking you I am sorry I missed you. I traveled to Presque Isle on Wednesday May 4th to observe the setup there and their crew is like a welloiled machine. They have a great show up there and it is no doubt due to the dedicated crew that works the Circus every year.” 5HJLVWHU7RGD\ WK$QQXDO $1.+7HPSOH1R 'DXJKWHUVRIWKH1LOH *2/) 72851$0(17 -8/< $W %DUUHQ9LHZ*ROI&RXUVH -RQHVSRUW0( 6FKHGXOHRIHYHQWV DP±DP5HJLVWUDWLRQDQG7RXUQDPHQW)RUPDWDW%DUUHQ 9LHZ*ROI&RXUVH DP±7RXUQDPHQWEHJLQV±6KRWJXQ6WDUW SP$ZDUGVSUHVHQWDWLRQDWWKHWKKROHZLWKOXQFKWRIROORZ 7KLVWRXUQDPHQWLVD³6FUDPEOH´IRUPDW<RXUWHDPPD\EHPDGH XSRIRUSOD\HUV0L[HGWHDPVDUHHQFRXUDJHGEXWQRWPDQGD WRU\WRVLJQXS(YHU\RQHLVZHOFRPH 1(:&$5)25$³+2/(,121(´ 6SRQVRUHGE\0RUULVRQ&KHYUROHWRI(OOVZRUWK 3URFHHGVIURPWKLVHYHQWDUHIRUWKHEHQH¿WRI $QNK7HPSOH1R'DXJKWHUVRIWKH1LOH *2/)5(*,675$7,21)250 3OHDVHPDNHDOOFKHFNVSD\DEOHWR$1.+7HPSOH1RDQGPDLOWR3HJJ\DQQH .LOWRQ$QQDEHVVDFRRN5RDG:LQWKURS0(RUID[UHJLVWUDWLRQIRUPWR SHUSHUVRQLQFOXGHVKROHVRIJROIDQGOXQFK 1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3KRQHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &UHGLW&DUGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ([S'DWHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &$576$9$,/$%/(&DOOWRUHVHUYH Good will is about the only asset that competition can’t undersell. JUNE 2011 11 Photo at right shows Allison Botting of Staceyville at the Bangor circus on Sunday with Clowns Flip Flop and Jappo. She is a long time patient of the Shriners’ Burns Hospital in Boston and has had a total of 13 operations with more to come. She was happy to be at the circus where the Clowns paid lots of attention to her. Photo by Noble Dennis Bryant, Master of the Anah Photo Unit. Noble Earl Lord, Reporter Can you imagine an 80-piece band marching down the streets of Bangor all in full uniform? Sonny gave me a copy of that picture from the 1920s. What a sight! The research for information about the history of the band is discouraging as all of the records provided to me don’t go back very far- less than 20 years. I tried to remember those retired members and apologize in advance for missing any of you in the list for the Ceremonial newspaper insert. The group picture was the most current we have as far as I know. If you have some, please pass them on for our archives. Perhaps some of our older retired members would contact the current members they know and provide us with the many gaps we need to fill. We’d love to have the music Carl Gray wrote for our repertoire. Lee Kaufman has assisted again in preparing the Shrine Band truck for use. Weldon kept the trailer very well in his barn during the winter and a little touch up will make it all ready for the Memorial Day Parade, Special Olympics, the June Ceremonial in Belfast and our future summer engagements to raise money for the hospitals. Potentate Bill added a special line in the information forms to help us recruit new members from this year’s class. We can use anyone willing to drive and care for the truck and trailer, do logistics, help with setup for events, and even do some clerical assistance. As we attend our Blue Lodges, seek out and recruit for the Shrine and the Band. We’d love to have those 80 pieces again! $1$+)/$*81,7 67$118$/&$37$,1¶6&83 &2('62)7%$//72851 $ 0(17 6$785'$<-81( %52:19,//(-81&7,21 7KH$QDK)ODJ8QLWLVORRNLQJIRU$QDK7HPSOH8QLWVWR ¿HOGDWHDPIRURXUVW$QQXDO&DSWDLQ¶V&XS2QH3LWFK6RIW EDOO7RXUQH\7KHHYHQWLVWREHQH¿WWKH$QDK)ODJ8QLW 7KHIROORZLQJUXOHVDSSO\ (DFKJDPHZLOOEHLQQLQJV (DFKWHDPPXVWKDYHODGLHVRQ WKH¿HOGDQGEDWWLQJDWDOOWLPHV UXQUXOHDIWHULQQLQJV 0RVWRIDOOHDFKWHDPPXVWKDYHIXQ 7KHFRVWIRUHDFKWHDPLV )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ RUWRVLJQXSFDOO$UWKXU +HUEHVWDW 3URFHHGVIURPWKLVHYHQWDUHIRUWKHEHQH¿WRIWKH$QDK)ODJ8QLWDQG GRQDWLRQVDUHQRWGHGXFWLEOHDVFKDULWDEOHFRQWULEXWLRQV There’s nothing wrong with teenagers that trying to reason with them won’t aggravate. 12 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Robert Look, Reporter Hello all, it’s going to be nice weather soon, we all hope. It’s getting time for going to lakes and I would like to remind you all to keep a close eye on the little ones. We have a rule at our camp; if you can’t swim don’t go out on the dock without a life jacket. It’s impossible to watch them every minute and it only takes a second for them to fall in. Our meeting in May was at the Lee Pellon Center in Machias. Those in attendance were Bill Sternbergh, BJ Cherry, Jake Orcutt, Dick Kilton, Walter Merritt, Bill Sinford, Mike Doran, Donnie Wright, Dave Weaver, Mike Bailey, Todd Alley, Robert Look, Keith Lentovich, Ed Sprague, Ed Pellon and Brad Prout. Brad is working on getting the carnival back this year; he is looking for a place for it to set up. June is right around the corner and you know what that means, it’s Ceremonial time again. It’s in Belfast and it’s time to get your plans made. Every first-line signer will be entered into a drawing which is paid transportation to and from Hyannis for the Northeast Field Days and room for the two nights. Also don’t forget every first-line signer for three candidates gets a watch. Our most important part of our meeting was to start impeachment proceeding for President Bill, seems there wasn’t any Scotch and that’s not good. We’re looking for some that costs around five bucks a jug and we should have it by our next meeting. Sorry Bill, you’re not going to get out of your job that easy. Our next meeting will be on June 15th at the American Legion Hall in Lubec, it’s a joint meeting with the Scoodic Shrine Club. Come and enjoy fellowship and a great meal of steak and seafood chowder. Our July meeting will be at the Blue Bird Ranch Restaurant on July 7. Some good news is that Dave and Leni sold the Pleasant River Take Out. I think Dave is happy I’m not so sure about Leni, she loved the customers and will miss that. Not sure what they’ll do with their spare time, but enjoy your retirement, or are you folks looking for another job?? I don’t think I’ll retire. Every time I speak with someone that’s retired they tell about how busy they are. I tried to get my brother-inlaw, Vern Scott, to go on a ride, no time, too busy. Same with George Alley, he works one day a week some weeks, and that’s only when Shelia makes him work. So that’s why I’m not going to retire, at least working I have time to do a few things I want to. Anniversaries for the month of June are Albert & Barbara Gibson, Donald & Bert Maxim, Elliot & Joyce Tarbell, Alward & Karlene Mehan, James & Joni Cox, Norris & Linda Nickerson. Those celebrating birthdays in the month of June are Marilyn Bagley, Anita DeMeyer, Judy Farnsworth, Jullian White Jr., Joyce Tarbell, Darlene Mehan, Gayle Sprague, Steven Fernald and Susan Chandler. Congratulations to everyone that is celebrating a birthday and/or anniversary in June, enjoy your day. Well that’s all for now and have fun the remainder of this spring. If you have any news that you would like for me to put into the article, drop me a note at slook@ maineline.net. And remember Cat is where it’s At. 211 Candidates wanted for the June Ceremonial. How many have you signed up? Most husbands would like their wives to wear their dresses longer – three or four years longer. JUNE 2011 13 Noble Fred Beylerian, Reporter Well, May 2011 is upon us and it’s still raining. New saying, May showers will bring June flowers. The Anah Shrine Circus has come and gone for another year and surely it was very successful again. The Keystone Kops enjoyed the part they played and Chief Buddy Bruns would like to thank all who helped make it a success. Schedule of coming events update: June 10, 2011 Special Olympics Parade, at the University Maine Orono; June 11, Parade Bradley, July 2, Parade Jonesport; July 3; 200 Anniversary Parade, Lubec, Maine; July 4, Parade Eastport, July 23, Parade Lincoln; August 4, 2011 Bangor Truck Equipment Steak Feed; August 6, 2011 Dover- Foxcroft Parade and August 19, 2011 Keystone Kops Annual Steak Feed. Birthdays during the month of June: Nobles Greg Hall, Lewis Beal, Shawn Cowan, Fred Beylerian, Dr. Dick Levasseur and Erick Emery. There are no Ladies’ birthdays, but there are anniversaries: Jim & Kris Savoy, JR. & Cindy Tozier, Wayne & Judy Walls and Fred & Dianne Clarke. Congratulations to all and may you have many more. Last month’s two- part question was: First: Which Keystone Kop now has the nickname Tinker Bell. Answer: Steve Smith. Second: Which Keystone Kop has the nickname Boots Who? Answer: JR Boots Tozier. This month’s question is: In what year did J.C. Penney Co. open its doors? For extra credit name the state. The time has come to close the blotter for this month. As always, remember it’s all about the kids. The next Keystone Kops meeting is June 28, 2011. Tel: 207-942-7811 728 Main Street, Bangor, Maine Doug Dulac* Maine Street Insurance & Financial Services dadulac@unitedplanners.com 945-9300 15 Phillips Rd, Ste D, Glenburn, ME 04401 *Registered Principal offering securities and advisory services through United Planners Financial Services of America, a limited partnership. Member FINRA/SIPC. United Planners & Maine Street Insurance are not affiliated. Sometimes I think my mind is getting broader, but then I decide it’s just my conscience stretching. 14 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. The second Section held a Ladies Night on May 6 at the Shrine Center and was very well attended by both Nobles and Ladies. Honorary Noble Gordon Smith and Lady Jackie were in attendance for the evening. Tip of the Fez to the kitchen crew for a splendid meal of barbeque chicken and plenty of salads and desserts. The Unit would also like to thank Howard Lodge #69 for allowing us to use their grill that evening. A thank you also goes out to the group of members present at the trailer cleanup Saturday morning following our meeting. The Second Section would like to welcome Noble Ronald Overlock to the Unit. He was voted into the Unit at our May meeting and was sponsored by Nobles Doug Dulac and Jay Redmond. A great job by everyone who attended and helped at the Circus. The programs group sold over 2,800 books over the weekend. We sold out once again part way through the last show. A special thank you goes out to Noble Raleigh Hanscom and Lady Judy for their assistance with this task. Noble Dana Hewes was once again the big seller this year but had some real competition from Noble Joe B. Rollins’ daughter Samantha and her friend Kathryn who did a great job and making Joe B. look good. I never realized how selling programs at the Circus could make such a difference in a child’s life. After hearing that our own Second Section member, Noble Dana Hewes recognized that a little girl who was having a little trouble walking, may possibly benefit from the Shriner’s Hospitals. He talked to the girl’s mother about her condition and found that indeed she may be able to use our help. He then walked them inside and got them in touch with information on how the Shriner’s Hospital may be able to help. I don’t know where everything went from there, but I know Dana is looking to keep track of the girl’s progress to make sure she can get any help we Shriners can give her. That’s what we’re all about. The kitchen crew did a fantastic job and served over 750 meals throughout the weekend. It seems that everyone just pitches in and everything seems to go off without a hitch. The Dawson surprise on Sunday was a huge hit and everyone wished we had more to serve. There were many compliments given out for the work of everyone over the weekend. Excellent job to everyone involved and thank you to all of Ladies and Nobles who volunteered their time and donated their food. The June Ceremonial is just around the corner on June 16-18 in Belfast. It’s sure to be fun so plan to attend. See your Anahgram for times for all of the weekend’s activities. Note that these times differ from previous years as we will perform our Second Section before the parade this year. Be sure to have the proper dress for the parade and work of the afternoon. If anyone has any questions of the proper Continued on page 15 Rollie’s Bar and Grill, Inc. 37 Maine Street Belfast ME Phone: 207-338-4502 Email: Ryan Otis@Rollies.me www.Rollies.me Learn by the mistakes of others, you can’t possibly make them all yourself. JUNE 2011 Continued from page 14 15 dress, contact one of the officers or a senior member for assistance. In case of inclement weather, be sure to have your red unit jacket on hand. If anyone needs a red jacket, contact Noble Chris Robison. Illustrious Potentate Dawson is looking for 211 candidates, let’s all do our part and get those new candidates signed up. Director Doug Dulac will have a Hospitality Hour (or so) in his suite at the Comfort Inn in Belfast for the Second Section members and significant others on Friday from 4:30 – 6:00 PM and Saturday of Ceremonial from 5:00 – 6:00 PM. When you receive this article we will have already completed between two and three of the parking details for the Waterfront Concert Series. These are proving very lucrative to the Unit and everyone is asked to help out with this. We have a number of dates scheduled so we’ll be asking for help. Nobles Tom Breitweg and Mike Gray are heading up the parking and if anyone wants any particular information on dates and times, contact them for assistance. We have purchased cones and safety vests for the workers. All of the Second Section would like to thank John Miller and ERA Dawson Bradford Co. Realtors for their generosity for allowing us the parking at their facilities. The Second Section Second Annual Noble of the Year Night is scheduled for October 1, 2011 at the Shrine Center. This will be a night you won’t want to miss as we recognize our own Second Section member John “Bob” Mott for his years of service to Anah Shrine and the Second Section. It will be a night of dinner and dancing to DJ Dana Wilson. More information on the night will follow in next month’s Anahgram. Tickets for the event will be available for sale at the June Ceremonial. Our next meeting after June will be in September. We voted to hold our September meeting on September 9th because of the Labor Day holiday. Like always, everyone will receive a note or email informing them of the date. Summer will also bring our annual summer barbeque held at Noble Bob Mott’s house. More information to follow on this event as well. Once again if anyone has an email address and would like to receive Second Section correspondence by email, drop me a line to anahsecondsection@yahoo.com. June birthday wishes go out to Nobles Doug Dulac, Doug Hardison, Dana Hewes, Albert Higgins, Charles Libby, Donald Piper, Jason Snowdeal and Ladies Debbie Hill and Monica Patterson. Happy wedding anniversaries go out to Burnham & Amy Gaff, Dick & Sharon Newcomb and Ron & Beverly Watson. Barbara, First Assistant Director Albert Higgins was winner of the come 50/50 at Thistheisbig what I have upour May meeting and took home $100.00 that with using material from the night. old adv. me aallcall so we Until nextGive time, enjoy of what the June Ceremonial has to offer. can go over any changes or adjustments you may wish. This ad is $25.00 per insertion. Where you have reduced the size and the investment would you consider running every month? It would be $300.00 for 12 insertions compared to what would have been $288.00 for the Spring & Summer season that have run in the past. Jerry 991-9708 VISA and MASTERCARD are accepted at the Recorder’s Office. Dues will not be collected at the Ceremonial. Check your dues card. You must be paid up to attend the festivities. ALFRED C. HASKELL WATER WELLS, INC Authorized Goulds Pump Dealer ORRINGTON Tel: Toll free 1-800-439-7921 ALFRED C. HASKELL Water Wells, Inc.ALFRED C. HASKELL WTer Wells, Inc. ORRINGTON TOALFREDLL FREE 1800-439-7921 Learn by the mistakes of others, you can’t possibly make them all yourself. 16 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Perry Fowler, Reporter At the writing of this is a cold, windy, rainy night. I’m not sure if summer will ever come this year. It is hard to get excited about parade season when you are still wearing sweaters. Hopefully it will be nicer when we kick off parade season at the Special Olympics June 10th. The newest excitement in the world of the NASCARS is we are in the planning process of a second NASCAR weekend at Timberland Acres Campground in Trenton. I know you have read about our big weekend at Katahdin Shadows in Medway every year and now we will do the Richmond night race at Timberland. It will be a weekend of fun and entertainment including a pancake breakfast prepared by the NASCARS unit. I know Medway is a long ways to travel for many and hard to reserve do to our popularity so please take advantage of our new venue and book your site now at Timberland. The Tony report is simple “I hope my season of parades is better than his race season” although all I have to do is finish. I’d like to wish happy birthday to Benjamin Lee, Earle (the historian) Archer, Jeff Swett, and Kevin MacDonald, Jr. Don’t forget our Golf Tournament at the Bar Harbor Golf Course on June 25. June seems to be the month for anniversaries the first being my own to Heather, Kevin & Marjorie MacDonald, Rick & Michelle Miles, Bruce & Cindy Walls, and Keith & (the so tolerant) Andrea Swett. the Nobles ladies were invited to the meeting, they enjoyed a great night of no cooking or washing of dishes. We extend to the snow club, as always, a huge thank you for a meal well prepared and served. After the enjoyment of the meal, good conversation, and jokes, President Al Bay led the Shriners and their Ladies in the flag salute. Dignitaries were introduced and welcomed. The Secretary and Treasurer reports were read and approved. There were no Fez fines this month. Circus Chairman, Jerry Anthony gave a report on this season’s sales. The members discussed having a picnic when the summer weather is more apparent. The next directors meeting will make plans and let the Unit know when and where. Cards of condolences were set to Doug Segee and Sheldon Cole. By the time the Anagram, is published the Circus will have left town and closed down for another season. Due to circumstances beyond our control, Virginia and I missed both the Bangor and Presque Isle Circus. We missed being part of the activity, excitement, the big tent, and camping out. Next year, we plan to be back and work extra hard to help out. The NPSC adjourned at 8:30. Until next time, I wish you all good health, happiness, and an enjoyable summer. Invite a fellow Mason to become an Anah Shriner...Membership application on page 31 Noble Don Copeland, Reporter The Northern Penobscot Shrine Club met for their May 4th meeting with a supper at the East Branch Snow Rovers Club House in East Millinocket. The club fixed and served BBQ chicken, potato salad, broccoli salad, and cake for dessert. Ken Perkins, Chaplain, offered a prayer of thanks for the meal and the blessings bestowed on each of us. Since Patio Rooms MAINELY VINYL, INC. 667-8354 1-800-564-5141 The trouble with some of today’s smart children is that they don’t smart in the right place. JUNE 2011 17 CHANTERS Nobel Carl Stewart - Reporter Greetings Fellow Nobles: With the Ceremonial coming up the Chanters are getting ready. We have skipped a couple of meetings and some of the songs are not coming out the way we remember they are supposed to. Our parade wagon was damaged by all the snow we got this winter and will not be repaired in time for the Ceremonial so we will not be participating in the Ceremonial parade. Ron Moll reported that Janet is doing much better now at Ross Manor. Janet had a stroke and is now in rehabilitation. We wish her and Ron all the best on her road to recovery. Jimmy Leighton is recovering from a quadruple bypass and is now staying with his stepson, John, in Portland. Jimmy, we miss you, come back soon. Alex Phillips has been undergoing dialysis treatments. It may be a pain but Alex says it won’t be bad once he gets used to it. Janet and Ron Moll, as well as Suzanne and Orland Shorey are celebrating their wedding anniversaries in June. Alex Phillips is celebrated his birthday in May and Charlie Johnston in June. Congratulations to you all. SECOND MILLION DOLLARS donated to this hospital! Addressing the crowd at this dedication on behalf of Imperial Potentate George Mitchell and Shriners International was Past Imperial Potentate Nick Thomas. A gold plaque is added to the hospital Philanthropic Wall for each $1 Million contribution. Daughters of the Nile now have two Gold Plaques in 12 hospitals. The goal is to place two in each of the 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children. In July 2009, a third gold plague was added to the Canadian Hospital in Montreal representing contributions of over $3,000,000 to that hospital. APQ Judy Bourget, Ankh Temple Chairman of Charitable Giving, reported the Ankh Temple Ladies of the Household were generous this year. The Supreme Charitable Giving Committee introduced the Incentive Program in June of 1997. The My Gift Incentive Program is a means for members and friends of Daughters of the Nile to contribute a specific monetary gift, while receiving a gift in return. At each session, a 50/50 raffle is held and loose change is cast into a pair of baby booties.This money is donated in the spring to the Wheelchair Fund of Shriners Hospital Springfield Unit. PQ Lorena told us that the little booties were actually worn by a baby, who was a patient at the Montreal Shriners Hospital in Canada. PQ Ellen Kenney told us that there is a big need for wheelchair funds by the Shriners Hospitals in MA. Several of the Ankh Temple Ladies will be attending the Supreme Temple Session in Tampa, Florida, June 12-16. This event is hosted by Supreme Princess Royal Laura Richardson and Elim Temple No 76 and will be held at the Tampa Convention Center. The theme is “Sand and Sea Fun in the Sun”. As Tampa is the home of Shriners International Headquarters and the Shriners Hospital for Children-Tampa, the ladies are hoping to visit these facilities. The Ankh Temple Swingers Dance Unit will be performing during the evening of the Supreme Session. The Unit has been very busy practicing and I hear they may have a new costume for their performance. Downeast Daughters Club reported a successful return on their second annual spring event recently held Downeast. Children who attended designed get well cards for the children in the Shriners Hospitals. These cards were sent to the Springfield Unit and it has been reported to the Club that the cards were a joy! Thoughts are already underway for next year’s event. THINK GOLF- JULY 9 -BARREN VIEW GOLF COURSE - JONESBORO DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE Caron Kilton, P.Q. Reporter “Working together for the Children” Ankh Temple finished the fiscal year with the report of Ways & Means Committee. Profits from our various fund raising activities of the Temple allowed us to give a generous donation to the Daughters of the Nile Foundation. The Daughters of the Nile Foundation makes it possible for the Daughters of the Nile to contribute over $1 Million annually to the 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children. Due to the generosity of the members, their families and friends, Daughters of the Nile has achieved Gold Plagues in all of the 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children. Since 1924, the contributions to support the Shriners Hospitals for Children total more than $46.9 Million. In December, 2010, Supreme Queen Sue Layman and members of the Supreme Temple, Daughters of the Nile Foundation, dedicated a second Gold Plague on the Philanthropic Wall at Shriners Hospitals for ChildrenLos Angeles. This plaque represents the The only people who listen to both sides of a family argument are those who live next door. 18 THE ANAHGRAM 211 CANDIDATES WANTED Heare Ye ANAH S HOT HONORING Donald W. Maxim Potentate 2000 JUNE 16th Club ShrineShrine y t n u ldo Co ounty at Wa t Waldo C n o i t a n gistr name pm Re bage Tour 0 3 : 5 b i 3 17th m Cr JUNE hrine Y 6:30 p A unty S o FRID C o t Wald tion a a r b t s i g lf Clu Re Noon ort Go Pines p h m t a r o t e Club N 9:00 olf at at Searspor unty Shrin G s b ’ u n l o f e C am M ’s Gol aldo C at 10:00 am Women tration at W ory inner m 10:00 pm Regis Belfast Ar Chicken D elfast 3-5:30 m Social at t and BBQ n at B o s s p l a i 0 o W 6:0 m Pig R . Dana Inn 7:00 p t Armory nce to D. J mfort o a C s t a D f s fa Bel 1:00 pm at Bel tality i 8:00-1ry p s o H th. b Armo - 12:00 pm NE 18 Shrine Clu rt U J Y o y 0 t p A 0 e n : r D 10 ou R n SATU at Waldo C Staff, Diva t s ’ s r a f lub ak ecto rine C m Bre idates, Dir l h a S 0 y 1 t 6 – m Cand h Schoo do Coun l an 7:00 a t Area Hig tion at Wa meric A t s a s a f a r Bel Belf m Regist Opens at the 8-11a m Temple Luncheon 8:30 a am Ladies 11:30 n Legio AY URSD TH *Tickets must be purchased by June 10th Some adjustments may be made to scheduled activities VISA & MASTERCARD May be used at the Recorder’s Office In Belfast Jun GREETINGS: Under the powers vested in me as Potentate of An assemble on June 16, 17, 18, 2011 for the purpos Candidates across the hot sands of the desert. William “Bill” Dawson Potentate Attention Sponsors of Candidates: Please make sure your candidates are a Candidates Ladies are to be the guests o on Saturday. Candidates and their Lad the Saturday evening feast. TICKET PRICING Thursday - Cribbage Tournament: $10.00 pe Friday - Men’s Golf: $55.00 Includes Cart & Friday - Ladies Golf: $40.00 Includes Cart & Friday - Dinner, choice of Pig Roast or Barbe Saturday - Ladies Luncheon: $15.00 Saturday - Feast: Choice of Twin Lobster Di Dance to follow TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED BY F Nobles who are “Top-Line Signers” for three candidates will earn an Anah Shrine Watch. Be sure to get your candidates. JUNE 2011 19 211 CANDIDATES WANTED e!!! Hear Ye!!! SHRINERS SANDS ne 16, 17, & 18 nah Shriners, all Nobles are summoned to se of conducting the Donald W. Maxim Class of Harold W. “Sonny” Crocker P.P. Recorder William “Bill” Dawson Potentate 2011 SATUR DAY JU NE 18t 12:30 p C o h .m School . Ceremonia ntinued l L u nch Belf 1:00 p.m ast Area School . Parade Line High u p Belfast 2:00 p.m A r e a High 3:30-5 . Ceremonial p the Wald.m. Camels M Parade Steps O 6:00 p.m o County Shr ilk and Enterta ff inment 7:00 p.m . Social at Be ine Club at Armory . Lobster Bak lfast Armory e and S 8:00 - 1 teak Fe ed at B 10:00 p 1:00 p.m. Dan elfast cing to .m. - ? H Steel R ospitali a il ty at Be lfast Co Express mfort In SUNDA n Y, JUN E 19th Thanks f o r comin Hope a g ll Have a had a good tim safe trip e home! aware of all activities available to them. of Lady Lauri at the Ladies Luncheon dies will be guests of the Potentate at er person & Lunch & Lunch ecue Chicken $20.00 followed by Dance inner $30.00 or Steak Dinner $25.00 FRIDAY, June 10 Busses will be available to transpsort the Ladies to the Ladies Luncheon A bar will be provided at the Belfast Armory Carry-in alcohol prohibited Nobles use the membership application in this Anahgram to sign up candidates - make a photo copy if you need more than one. 20 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Harold Adams Reporter Greetings to all and Happy Father’s Day to all Nobles. Where’s the sun?? Enough of the rain already!! Keep your fingers crossed it changes before we get to parade season. Both circuses have come and gone. What busy Weekends, but what fun. Thank you to all of you who helped . It was nice to see you all. A special thank you to Carmel for the goodies. Harold and Grayson really enjoyed them. We all hope you are feeling better. We know the rainy weather doesn’t help. We didn’t have a May meeting in lieu of going to the Presque Isle Circus, but our next meeting is Tuesday, June 7. Upcoming is the Special Olympics in Orono Friday, June 10 at 5 o’clock, then to Belfast the next week for the June Ceremonial, Saturday, June 18. The parade steps off at 2:00 at the Belfast Area High School. We hope to see everyone at both of these. We can use a lot of help for these, the more the merrier. June happy birthday wishes are sent to Noble Grayson Wentworth, Lady Jeri-Lyn Shoro, and Noble Kenneth Perkins. June wedding congratulations go to Noble Harry & Lady Judith Pratt Sr., Noble Kenneth & Lady Nancy Perkins, and Noble Ray & Lady Marion Campbell. Weddings bells rang for one of our newest members in March and we want to wish him and his bride Best Wishes for a happy life together. Congratulations Noble Norman & Lady Joyce Sleeper, Mr. and Mrs. forever. Reminder, our next meeting is Tuesday, June 7, at 7 o’clock at the Shrine Center. Hope to see everyone there and at our upcoming parades. Until then keep dry. lovely Lady Betty were in attendance. Birthdays wishes this month go out to Paula Hanson, Paul Scott, and Alton Shedd. Anniversaries this month are Neil & Paula Hanson, Charles & Vikki Ryder and Dale & Joanie Porter. A special note, last month I missed the fact that Perline Libby has put up with Bob for 52 years. What a woman! Do any of you know a Shriner that was never a Mason? Attend your Blue Lodges, you will always be welcome. Until next time, SEE YA. Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter Here we go, off and running. Special Olympics on the 10th, and Ceremonial on the weekend of the 17th and 18th. We had a work day on the 15th of May. Most all of the trucks are ready to go. Parades locked in so far are, Lincoln, Dover Foxcroft and Pittsfield. Our golf tournament will hopefully be held this fall. On May 7th we had our annual meeting at the Oriental Jade Restaurant in Bangor. Thirteen members and their Ladies plus our Divan Rep. Steve Trimm and his If some of us got what we deserved, we’d be in real trouble. THINK CANDIDATES JUNE 2011 21 Noble John Kidder, Reporter As the new Reporter for the Unit, I look forward to giving you a monthly “behind the greasepaint” view of our events and activities. We’ve been very busy and the summer appearance and parade schedule is filling up very fast. First, long overdue congratulations to Piggy who received his Craftsman Clown award at the Northeast Clown Institute this past January. This is a significant achievement that recognizes his many clown competition wins, attendance at the institute, and ISCA Red Nose Awards in 2008, 2009, and 2010. On April 12, many kids in the Milo and Brownville schools were excited to see Gizmo, Babycakes, Coota, and Ducky appear to help local Masonic Lodges deliver new bicycles to lucky readers/winners in their Books for Bikes programs. Ty-Dy and Jasper taught elementary kids in Greenbush to make themselves up as clowns for a school play on April 14. The play was about different groups of clowns trying to discover the secret of life and learning about cooperation and teamwork in the process. Busta kicked off the Shrine Circus season by appearing with the Kora Clowns at Circuses in Lewiston on April 15 and 16 and Augusta on April 22 and 23. The Circus Kickoff-Anah Shrine Awareness Day on April 16 was well attended by Babycakes, Coota, Div-It, Fou, FlipFlop, Gizmo, Piggy, Shamrock, Slapshot, Squiggles, Sweet-P, TC Trashcan, and new apprentice clown Hot-Rod. Later that day, Div-It, Sweet-P, and Flip-Flop twisted balloons and entertained at the Third Annual Robyn Tate-Brown Memorial Bowl-AThon at Family Fun Lanes in Bangor to benefit Pathfinders and Hospice of Eastern Maine. On April 23, Ty-Dy and Flip-Flop had a great time clowning around at a Masonic Widows and Family Night Event at Mariner Masonic Lodge in Deer Isle-Stonington. Thanks to Worshipful Master Robbie Gray for inviting us. We dedicated our appearance in remembrance of Mike Haskell who now resides in the celestial lodge above. In true Masonic fashion, Mike lived respected and died regretted. Patches and Sweet-P took care of business at Home Depot Childrens’ Workshop on April 23 as they helped kids make Easter baskets and a tool caddy. In advance of the Anah Shrine Circus in Bangor, Iggy, Fou, and Scooter did several makeup seminars to help children and adults overcome “clownaphobia”. These seminars were held at Bangor Public Library on April 23 and Amicus in Bangor on April 25, 26, and 28. Squiggles twisted many, many balloons and entertained adults and children alike at the annual McGraw School Ice Cream Social in Hampden on April 28. Gizmo, Coota, Diggah, and apprentice clown Petals helped Caitlin McKenney’s Make-A-Wish Foundation dream come true by parading in Harmony in her honor on April 29. Caitlin is currently under treatment for kidney cancer. These great Continued on page 22 By Rodney Pinkham, P.P. and Noble Brad Prout Hospital Board Members Chairman, Frank Preble presents Richard Martin with a two Star Award Donating to the Hospital Through Charitable Gift Annuity Program by Karen Motyka, Development Mr. Richard Martin is an 88 year old, retired Engineer from the City of Springfield. He served in the Army in WWII and was wounded at Normandy. After his discharge, he volunteered for more then thirty years as the financial secretary for Disabled Veterans, and volunteered for more then twenty years for the Boy Scouts. Recently Mr. Martin took advantage of the Charitable Gift Annuity program offered by Shriners Hospitals for Children®. What is the CGA program you ask? A charitable gift annuity (CGA) is a contract where you transfer cash, securities, or other assets to Shriners Hospitals for Children® in exchange for guaranteed regular payments for life. Interest rates on the annuities range from 5% to 9.5% depending on your age; and you choose the frequency of your payments. CGA annuities are available in several options – single-life; double-life (you name a second beneficiary who receives survivor’s payments throughout their life) and deferred payment annuities. CGA is a wonderful way for you to secure steady payments for yourself and loved ones, while furthering the Hospital’s mission of helping children overcome medical problems and improve their lives beyond what as thought possible. When Mr. Martin was asked, “Why did you choose to donate to Shriners Hospitals for Children®?” He stated that he is very careful where he spends his money. And that he has always been impressed by the good work done by Shriners Hospitals. He was glad to see that the money was used where it is directed - toward direct patient care. Thank you, Mr. Martin for supporting Shriners Hospital through Shriners’ Charitable Gift Annuity program. If you would like more information on Charitable Gift Annuities and other planned giving vehicles, contact your local hospital Donor Relations/Development Office or email shcdonorrelations_ne @shrinenet.org. Parents or Guardians who wish to get information on admission to Shriners Springfield may call directly to The Intake Department (toll free) at 800-322-5905 No one but the government can afford to pay people more than they are worth. 22 Continued from page 21 THE ANAHGRAM clowns with great big hearts helped to make Caitlin’s parade wish come true. It’s hard to believe that the Shrine Circuses in Bangor and Presque Isle are now just a memory. The Circus is always a yearly high point for all of us. Over 48 Clowns were in the ring at the Saturday afternoon performance in Bangor. Pote Bill Dawson had a good time playing clown dominoes to get us to sit during the intro to each show. We were pleased to be joined in Bangor by County Klowns Jinx, Camo, Jeb, Sprinkler, Papi, Sci, Hearty, Moochie, Doogie, and Gampy. Thanks for making the trip South! It was also great to clown again with Emeritus Clowns Jingles, Hammer, and Yah-Hoo. Thanks also to the County Klowns for making us feel so welcome when we traveled north the following weekend for the Presque Isle shows. Slapshot and Four make exquisite balloon hats (think Royal Wedding and Kentucky Derby) which the Brits call “fascinators” during a PTO-sponsored Teacher Appreciation Luncheon at Suzanne Smith Elementary School in Levant on May 6. Slapshot did a little teaching of his own that day in helping faculty correctly pronounce the word, “Levant”. On May 7 while many of us were in Presque Isle, Div-It, Fou, Patches, and Squiggles capably held down the fort at Home Depot Children’s Workshop and Hot-Rod covered the Shrine Hospital Screening Clinic in Dover-Foxcroft. May 14 was a busy day. The Screening Clinics in Waldo County, Machias/Calais, and Bangor, respectively had clowns Shamrock, Jiggs, and Flip-Flop in attendance. In Bangor, the doctor evaluated seven new prospective patients and accepted four. At Home Depot Customer Appreciation Day/Children’s Workshop, Sweet-P, Patches, Fou, Div-It, and LugNut kept the rain away during this outdoor event. Later that evening, Spiffy and Scooter entertained at a benefit fundraiser for the Hemophilia Association of Maine at Backdoor Dance Studio in Eddington. Life Flight’s First Annual Pediatric Patient Celebration was held at Owls Head Transportation Museum on April 15 with Spiffy, Div-It, Flip-Flop, and Petals on hand to twist balloons and entertain the children and adults who braved the rainy, raw weather to attend this event. The ceiling was too low to fly the Life Flight helicopter to this event, what a bummer! As the June Ceremonial in Belfast nears, why not approach Master Masons in your lodge who are not yet Shriners and encourage them to take that very worthwhile caravan journey across Anah’s desert to help kids in our Shriners Hospitals in Boston, Springfield, and worldwide. No one stands so tall as when they stoop to help a child. Until the next Anahgram, take someone’s frown and turn it upside down! Our parade Units, i.e. Wheelers, are coming out of storage. Washing, waxing, oil and tire changes are happening everywhere. More and more parade requests are coming in and being voted on. We Wheelers met last on Friday the 13th in Ellsworth. The meeting was well worth attending as we were briefed by our Divan Rep., Jesse Thomas, on the upcoming Ceremonial in Belfast. We also found it strange that since becoming our Treasurer, Barry Curtis has taken to wearing a suit and tie to our casual meetings. (Very suspicious!) Well, it’s June, and the list of anniversaries denotes just that. So! To Ladies and Nobles Kathy and Dean Hoke, Sandy & Phil Finley, Kim & Tony Smith and Kathy & Robby Gray. Happy Anniversary!! To Lady Kathy Hoke - have a happy birthday. Teddy TaTa Reporting Hooky is when a small boy lets his mind wander and then follows it. JUNE 2011 23 Noble Andrew St. Amant, Rporter Wow, what a turnout we had for making cotton candy. Great job everyone. It was sticky but fun. It’s birthday time, let’s see who is getting younger this month, Nobles: Allen Fernald, Arthur Grant, Richard Dionne, Ladies: Brandie DeWitt and Juanita Higgins - blow out the candles and have some fun. It is anniversary time for the following Nobles and their Ladies: Edwin & Ellen DeWitt, Paul & Linda Davis, James & Lucille Campbell, Lewis & Juanita Higgins, Barry & Melanie Knowles, Best Wishes. So are the blackflies out yet? How are the cookouts going? Are we ready to march? with Noble Forrest DeMeyer attended a Lobster Boat Unit meeting on April 11th at Jordan’s Restaurant in Ellsworth. The July calendar tickets are on sale from the members at $10.00 each. If you get a chance, buy a ticket and help support one of Anah’s great units. It also looks like they are getting ready for a busy fishing season. John Fernald had a chance to talk with Bud Bordeaux, who is doing well after the loss of his wife, Grace. Last of the gun raffle winners are David O’Clair, Faith Colburn, David Colson, Tony Brown, Spencer Preble, Mike Look, Kelley Church, Jim Saucier, Ray Wight, Chris Goodwin, Terry Lee, Stephan Snow, Ronnie Bragg, Joan Nicholas, Peter Cote, Patrick Jordon, and Foster Smith. Don’t forget the June Ceremonial will be held in Belfast, the home of our Illustrious Potentate, the weekend of the 16th, 17th, and 18th. Let’s all get out and support him. Forrest DeMeyer and I had an occasion to take a trip down the Sunrise Trail and had a great outing. Oops!!! I just had to hit the brakes-thought I saw a “For Sale” sign on Wayne Butler’s camper at Molasses Pond. Got to get home and call him to see what’s hap- pening. Those celebrating birthdays are Anita DeMeyer, Michael Haskell, Nancy Madore, Marilyn Crocker, Stephen Fernald, David Ballard, Kathy Hoke, Esther Rodick, Lori Foster, Forrest DeMeyer, and Noyes Albee. Honeymooners are Norris & Linda Nickerson, Bud Jr. & Kathy Prouty, Wayne & Phyllis Butler, Bruce & Cindy Walls, James & Cynthia Lambert, David & Linda Ballard, Larry & Joyce Wasson, and Ray & Glenna Ellis. As you finish reading this report, the sands to Belfast should be getting hotter. We welcome sunshine, warm temperatures and don’t forget the blackflies. HOW MANY CANDIDATES DO YOU HAVE FOR THE JUNE CEREMONIAL? There was so much going on, I didn’t get a chance to attend the May 3rd meeting, but the one thing I do know is that the Annual Lobster Feed at Alvin Heath’s in Penobscot is going to be June 8th. Let’s get out, bring a fellow Shriner or Mason and have a good time. It will also be a fun time to be with our Potentate. Maybe Bill will give us some lasting guidance. Hope he doesn’t have any furniture to move. The next regular meeting will be June 7th at Pat’s Pizza. Heard Carole (with an e) got a visit from the tax assessor about her new bathroom. Somehow she locked herself out of her house and had to call John Fernald for help. John also said his son, Cecil, is getting a new dock. Must mean his old one isn’t big enough. One morning John Fernald said he saw Yours Truly picking up cans on the side of the road. I had to inform him I was working on Earth Day actually beautifying the road that leads to Mount Desert Island. I drove by Geddes Simpson’s driveway one morning and it looks like he had a commode planter. Stopped to check it out but they wouldn’t answer the door. They must have thought I was a bill collector. Steve and Wanda Fernald, and young John had a good time visiting with their daughter, Emily, in Columbia, SC. The Somesville Masonic Lodge has had a new facelift on the inside. Heard it really looks great. Also heard that Cecil Fernald is remodeling his woodshed. I wonder if that means he is moving in. Yours Truly along About the time a man gets his temper under control, he goes out and plays golf again. 24 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Denny Hill Assistant Circus Director As everybody knows the 2011 Circus is behind us. Director Charlie Grindle and the rest of the Circus Staff would like to thank the Units, Clubs, Nobles, the Ladies and the kids that make the Circus a great success year after year. Special thanks to P.P. Sonny Crocker and Carol Hersom for selling tickets at the office. The Food Committee did an outstanding job again this year. In Bangor they served 750 meals. Thank you to all the people that donated food, soda, water and supplies. This is a huge bonus for the Circus workers. (For the record, Piggy didn’t have food poisoning). Thanks to Nokomis High School for selling the novelties, cotton candy and snow cones again this year. They do a great job and it makes our job a lot easier. Thank you to the Units and Clubs for their donations to fund the Bike Program. For those that don’t know we give away two bikes at each show. For those of you that bought programs don’t forget to fill out the Savings Bond slips and get those mailed in. The address is on each slip. The June Ceremonial is right around the corner so get your candidates signed up and let’s support Potentate Bill Dawson in Belfast. Once again thanks to everybody that helped out at the Circus in Bangor and Presque Isle. Don’t forget about the Presque Isle Circus Appreciation Supper that will be held on June 25th at the Aroostook Shrine Club. It should be another good night of friendship and a great way to say thank you to all who helped. The May meeting of the Aroostook County Shrine Club was held on May 1st with about 40 members present, which was a respectable number, given that a dozen or so members were traveling back from Bangor after attending their Circus. A great breakfast was prepared by the Club’s Indy Unit. A few new faces were seen, which is a great sign and no FEZ Fines were handed out and the 50/50 was won by Boomer. Blair Bubar filled in for the Secretary (Me) who was absent at the meeting due to his being ordered to appear in Newfoundland (girlfriends parents) for a much needed vacation. The Club’s condolences go out to Mike Crawford whose son-in-law passed away recently and also Kris Delong who had a sister-in-law pass away. A wish for a speedy recovery goes out to Hollis Irvine and his Lady and also a speedy recovery to PP Richard Hallet who just had surgery on his leg. This year’s Screening Clinic was held on May 14th at the Aroostook Shrine Club. The Presque Isle Circus Appreciation Supper will be held at the Aroostook County Shrine Club on June 25th and don’t forget about the June Ceremonial in Belfast. The next meetings for the Aroostook County Shrine Club will be held on June 5th with the “Klowns” working the breakfast and the July meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 3rd, but may be moved due to that being a holiday weekend and this will be discussed at the June meeting. The Club’s Building Trust Committee will be taking care of the July breakfast. For any information please contact myself at Secretary@aroostookshrineclub. com or 207-551-3144. Our mailing address is Aroostook Shrine Club, PO Box 1601, Presque Isle, ME 04769, Attn: Secretary. Thanks again and see you next month. Noble Ken Stewart, Reporter Wow, another Shrine Circus has come and gone. All that work and then in the blink of an eye the Circus is over. As usual, a big thanks goes out to all who helped put on another wonderful and successful Circus. No matter the amount or what type of help you all contributed to the Circus, it is all very appreciated and gladly accepted. Vinyl Siding MAINELY VINYL, INC. 667-8354 1-800-564-5141 A compliment is the soft soap that wipes out a dirty look. JUNE 2011 Noble Hal Knowles Reporter WHOA! It’s the 15th and I of May haven’t written the report for June’s Anahgram. It will not be too long since I have very little news. I have talked to Dennis in Florida and he said he is recovering just fine from heart surgery. They plan on driving the big rig home the 1st of June, if the Doc says ok. I had my annual stay in the hospital a couple of weeks ago. This time with Cellulites. I’m trying them all. This was in my right leg. Herb has talked with Dennis and they decided to let the band do the Anthem honors at the Ceremonial this year and perhaps we will be in better shape for January 2012. There is not much going on except rain every other day, which al lows you to mow the lawn twice a week. I haven’t heard from any of you guys so I’m going to assume you all are doing ok. Let’s extend birthday wishes to Zeke Leighton and Ed Libby. June looks like a month of love with all the anniversaries. Best wishes go out to Gerry & Jackie Hayes, Carlton & Rose and mary King, Zeke & Ella Leighton Hal Libby & Andree Knowles. Ed & Eleanor were also married in June. Well, I managed to ramble on long enough to fill a page of lined paper. Have a good month and may the good Lord take a liken’ to ya! 25 Anah Clown Jiggs is shown here with three of his subjects at a recent event sponsored by the Downeast Ladies of the Daughters of the Nile. Photo by Noble Dick Kilton. Leavitt, Dakota Hasey, Harold (Grover) Batson, Carol Ann Cammack, April Cookson, Heidi Cookson, Hayley Hurd, Joshua Frost, Gary Harris, Dean (Shrek) Jordan, and Taylor Wilson. The Funsters would also like to send out anniversary wishes this month to Jesse & Brenda Thomas and Roger & Julie Grin dle. Just as a reminder, the next monthly meeting will be Monday, June 13th, at the Shrine Center in Bangor at 7:00. Noble Frank Wilson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and ladies. The Circus has come and gone and the June Ceremonial is quickly approaching. As usual, the Funsters had an excellent showing at the Circus this year. We have just had our May monthly meeting, where the secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted. We are doing the Special Olympics parade on Friday, June 10th with a 5:00 lineup and 6:00 step off from the parking lot by the Center for the Arts. We will also be in Belfast for the Ceremonial in June. Make sure to find our table and get your new Bill Dawson t-shirt! We voted to make a donation to the $100 million club in Charlie Lyndsey, Sr.s name. He is the father of our Cookie Monster who sadly passed away recently. The Funsters would like to send out birthday wishes for the month of June to Jeremy Clark, David W. Hasey, Brenda Someone has said that horse sense is simply not betting on them. 26 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Wally Fenlason, Reporter Did I miss seeing you at our “27th Super Supper? Or did you really miss out on this “super time”?? The meal was prepared masterfully by the Anah Clowns and music was provided by “Rockn’ Ron” for our dancing pleasure. Flowers for the tables were arranged by Jenna Colson, a six year old “Shrine Child” from Birch Harbor. She was born with PFFD and has under gone several surgeries and received several prosthetic legs. Jenna, with the assistance of her Aunt (owner of the Bud Connection of Ellsworth), provided beautiful flowers for each table. Thank you Jenna, you are why we Shriners do what we do!! Throughout the evening, many received gift certificates and various prizes from “loam to large sums of money”!! The “Losers’ Pot” (of over $ 800.00) was shared by Doris Seymour & Tom Bowden. The 50/50 drawing of almost $ 600.00 was won by Floyd Hardison. Prizes were awarded from a “free ticket” to next year’s event (to Tom Forney) to a $ 500.00 cash prize presented to Charlie Sargent. TheNESA “Top Two” prizes FORM..indd were com06-07 2011 HOUSING bined (to make $ 6,000.00) and shared (3 grand each) by Karl Gurschick & Don Maxim!! Congratulations to all, hope to see everyone next year. Those blowing out candles this month include: Nobles John Shear & Alden Tracy Having taken the “BIG PLUNGE: this month are: Bud & Theresa Morrison and Alden & Pam Tracy (sounds like “jewelry time” to me Boys!! Everyone enjoy your special day!! The Unit’s next event is the Special Olympics Parade in Orono on June 10th. This is always a great event. The following weekend is the Anah Ceremonial in Belfast…see ya there!! I guess I have “rambled on” long enough for this month. Drive safely, hope to see you at the next parade…MOTHER… PUT YOUR TOP DOWN & WE’LL GO FOR A SPIN & SOME ICE CREAM!! Noble Charlie Plourde, Reporter President Ryan Otis brought the May 12th meeting of the Waldo county Shrine Club to order with about 40 Nobles in attendance. The meal was a roast pork dinner prepared by Dave Bowen and President Otis. Since yours truly was not there I’ve little to report on the meeting, but I’m sure a good time was had by all. The June Ceremonial Committee invited Unit members to meet at the Belfast High School and review the location of the upcoming Ceremonial. A large group of around 40+ came and discussed the schedule of events, reviewed the parade route, and then gathered at the Waldo County Clubhouse for pizza and camels milk. The pizza was generously donated by The Belfast Variety and we thank them for that! It seemed like a real productive meeting and, as we head down the home stretch, the plans are coming together fine. One new aspect of the Ceremonial is that the Parade will be after all of the work has been conducted. It will start at 2pm and end at the Clubhouse where there will be entertainment and refreshments for all to enjoy. Potentate Bill Dawson has guaranteed a sunny day! This should be a lot of fun for all Nobles and Ladies and a great time to welcome the new Nobles and their Ladies. As well as the dinners for Friday and Saturday night there are breakfasts for you all to enjoy. Mariner’s Lodge #68 is serving breakfast on Saturday morning from 6 am to 10 am at the Waldo County Shrine Club. Sunday morning the Belfast Lions Club will serve a special breakfast from 8 am to 10 am at the Waldo County Shrine Club for the Shriners with the net proceeds to benefit the Waldo County Shrine Club Building Fund. Come on over and get your day started! Don’t forget golf and cribbage tournaments. I’m sure if you haven’t signed up for golf that PP Donnie Maxim can get you in! And Ray Paul has plenty of cards ready for the cribbage tournament! Work will start on May 16th at the Waldo County Shrine Club to replace windows, make foundation repairs, improve insulation, and paint the building and a host of other work. A lot will done between now and the Ceremonial. Hopefully the rain will end soon so this all gets done! Hope to see you all in Belfast for the Ceremonial! HOUSING RESERVATION FORM NESA 2011 FALL FIELD DAYS HYANNIS ON CAPE COD MA AUGUST 25, 26, 27, 2011 Anah will be staying at THE RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER AT HYANNIS Name_______________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________ CITY/TOWN _____________________STATE _______ ZIP ___________ PHONE (H) ________ (w) _____________ ARRIVAL: Thursday Friday Departure Sunday Special Requests – Handicapped Other______________________ $144.00 deposit required: Rooms are $129.00 per night plus tax MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Anah Shrine Housing ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Credit card deposit will show up around July 10 Credit card Name and Number _________________ Exp. __________ ALL ROOMS AVAILABLE ON A FIRST COME-FIRST SEERVED BASIS MAIL RESERVATION FORM AND PAYMENT TO: Earl “Yogi” Seymour 17 Aspen Way Brewer ME 04412 Home: a place to go when all the other joints are closed. JUNE 2011 27 Noble Paul Jerome, Reporter Greetings from under the white Anah helmet. I’m writing this on Friday the 13th, two days after having our first Mini-Bike practice of the season. Nine riders made it to practice, which bodes well for our parade routine. There are five more bikes just waiting for riders. Does one of them have your name on it? There’s another mini sitting in the Shrine Center lobby, just waiting to be won by some lucky person. See a Mini-Biker for tickets, or you can purchase tickets at the Shrine Center. Check out the bike the next time you’re there. The raffle will be held in October. A big thank you to Past Captain and current Chief Director Brent Spaulding for filling in at the Circus sales table this year. As a Circus newbie, I really appreciated his help and guidance. Thanks, Brent! By the time you read this, the Special Olympics Parade will have come and gone. In fact, you’re probably picking this Anahgram out of the mailbox on your way to Belfast for the Ceremonial. The parade season is upon us, and I hope all the units have a very active and SAFE parade season. Our presence in parades does not just earn money to support our good works. Every time a unit performs is a chance that someone will become interested in the Shrine and in Freemasonary. Every man who views our work is a potential Mason. Remember your Blue Lodge roots Nobles. New Masons are being raised every month. Someone should provide information about the Shrine. That someone might as well be you. Besides, our Lodges need active members just as much as the Shrine. June birthday wishes go out to Lady Marilyn Crocker and Nobles Dick Ireland and Walter Eugley. Happy Anniversary to Larry and Libby Hersom. Alright Nobles, it’s time to wipe off the dust, blow out the pipes, and crank up that ride. See you on the parade route. dent Merrill called the meeting to order. The Invocation was given by Noble Dannell Starbird. Flag Salute was led by the President. After an excellent meal of baked ham and all the fixings, President Merrill called the meeting back to order. Nobles that were introduced were: Unit Heads, Doug Dulac of the Second Section, Gerald Carey of the Flag Unit, Ambassadors in attendance were Roger Chesley, T-Bob Buckland and Seth Libby. Aides in attendance were Roland Herrick and Ron Watson, Aides Emeritus in attendance were Ron Green, Don Mitchell and Allan McGown. Representing the Divan this evening was Tri-County’s own Assistant Chief Rabban, F. Lee Kaufman. Units in attendance were the Clowns, Keystone Kops, Band, Convertibles, Flag Unit, Second Section, 4X4’s, Past Masters and The Belly Whistlers. Tri -County thanked the kitchen crew for an excellent meal. Tri- County voted to purchase a bike for the upcoming Circus. Assistant Chief Rabban Kaufman spoke about the various events coming up for Anah. He especially asked all the Nobles that could, to help at the Circus. Having just returned from the weekend of the Circus, I would like to thank all the members of Tri- County that helped out. For the Nobles that couldn’t help this year, there’s always next year. A special thanks to my wife, Phyllis Mosley. She sits there all weekend and puts names on hats for children that ask for it. Not an easy job. Winner of the 50-50 Raffle was Noble Roland Herrick. No further business, meeting was adjourned by President Merrill. DON’T FORGET TO WORK ON MEMBERSHIP. WE ARE LOSING MORE THAN WE ARE GAINING. LET’S ALL WORK TOGETHER TO CHANGE THIS TREND. YOUR BLUE LODGE AND SHRINE TEMPLE ALWAYS CAN USE NEW MEMBERS. Tri- County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 20th of April, at the Piscataquis Valley Fairgrounds. We had 44 Nobles and 1 Master Mason guest present. After the Libation Hour, PresiOne reason a dog is such a loving creature is that the tail wags instead of his tongue. 28 THE ANAHGRAM PHOTO UNIT Noble Bob Hodgkins Reporter Howdy from the Photo Unit. We had a meeting in Bangor on April 17 at 2:00 pm: Thanks to Editor Jerry for his wise input and attendance. He gave us insight on photos for the Anahgram. We discussed Circus assignments for Bangor and Bob Hodgkins, Jim Bennett, Dennis Bryant, Lloyd Day, Russ Barber and Merland Clark , along with Chet Davis, all were assigned to different shows; glad that was over. Members in attendance for the meeting were Director, Dennis Bryant, Russ Barber, Jim Bennett, Lloyd Day, Chet Davis, Bob Hodgkins and Sec/Treasurer Merland Clark. Look to the E-Mail for news about the June Ceremonial in Belfast: We voted to grant Jim Bennett, emeritus status in accordance with our rules. This means you are old but not out of the picture: Happy ring day to Merland & Gilmay Clark in May, Lloyd & Peggy Day in June. Birthdays: Dennis & Libby Bryant both have June birthdays. One dinner out for both who has to pay? Gloria Bennett has a June birthday also. Russ Barber and Mary Bigelow have belated May birthdays. Happy, Happy to all. Not many flowers yet in downtown Hartland, but the turkeys are blooming –bangbang! That’s all from streamside. Later - The Flashbulb. after having done four years of “church camp” one- week training sessions in Eastport, Maine. Thirty to forty students will be going to teach and build homes and schools. There was a wonderful slide show put together by Ellison Haddix. Corresponding Secretary Norine Holt read a letter of appreciation from Mark Niederpruem, Board of Governors from Springfield Hospital. He thanked us for the $500.00 donation to the Springfield Ronald McDonald house. Deb Dunham, Vice President, read the Transportation report in the absence of Becky Trimm, our Transportation Chairperson. We have had 15 transportation cases so far this year. Sue Black, Chairperson of Holiday Marketplace, gave us a detailed report on the upcoming marketplace. Everything is going well. We will be working on the parking issues at the Shrine Center. The By-Law changes approved by the membership are as follows: Article 1V, Section 1 --- Delete “at 1:30 p.m. unless a different hour is specified in the call.” Article V1, Section 1 --- President and Section 2 --- Vice President include “or until a replacement is elected.” There will be 750 new By-Law Booklets printed for the Sunshine Club. Sue Black invited everyone to the Anah June Ceremonial in Belfast. The Ladies Luncheon will be held at the American Legion Hall and followed by the parade. Bonnie Turner Reporting The Sunshine Club for Children met on Monday, April 11 at the Shrine Center. The Executive Board met at 5:45 followed by a Social Hour at 6:30 and then our General Meeting at 7:00. Peggy introduced our speaker for the evening, Reverend James Haddix and his assistant Renee Garrett, from All Souls Congregational Church in Bangor. They spoke about All Souls Students in Service to Jesus Christ. Junior high school students will be going to Honduras in June Windows and Doors MAINELY VINYL, INC. 667-8354 1-800-564-5141 We’re for everybody aiming high except the fellows who set prices. JUNE 2011 29 Looking Back at Anah’s Past LOOKING BACK 50 YEARS From the June 1961 Anahgram • It was announced that the spring 1961 Ceremonial would be held at the Bangor Auditorium on June 3. • Earl L. “Danny” Webster, Chief Rabban was Chairman of the Membership Committee. The message has not changed. “Candidates needed to keep Anah Strong” • Anah had a Blood Bank working in 1961. Noble Charles McInich was appointed to head the effort replacing Noble Walter Washburn who headed it for three years. Noble Walter was Anahgram Editor and was serving as a temporary head of the blood drive effort. • The Imperial Council AAONMS headquarters located in Chicago has moved to a new location in Chicago. • The Imperial Council session was held June 20-22 in Miami. • Potentate Stephen “Rex” Buzzell returned from a visitation to Kora Temple and Palestine Temple only to head to the Aroostook County Shrine Club in Caribou the next day. He commented that the hospitality in Caribou was exceptional. (Some things never change) • The June 8 Springfield Hospital clinic saw 160 patients. MEMBERSHIP IS A FULL TIME JOB ARE YOU WORKING? LOOKING BACK 40 YEARS From the June 1961 Anahgram • Noble Roger White of Brewer was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Maine • P. P. Earl “Danny” Webster was elected Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Maine • Merrill R. Bradford was serving as Potentate of Anah in 1971. • The Second Section hosted a, first ever, dinner dance with the Pine Tree Council Knights of Columbus at the K of C Hall. • The Anah Mounted (Horse) Patrol was active according to reporter, Noble John G. Tracy in his Anahgram column. • The 8th. Anah Shrine Circus was reported to have had 55,000 people attend. Lloyd O. Coffin P.P. served as general Chairman with Frederick B. Lunt and James Halkett as co-chairmen. All the Circus Chairs mentioned served as Potentates of Anah. Where is the best place to go when you’re broke? Go to work! 30 THE ANAHGRAM Scenes From the Bangor Circus Photos by Noble Chet Davis of the Anah Photo Unit Photo at left: Potentate Bill presents one of the many bikes awarded at the Circus. The bikes are donated by the various Anah Clubs and Units; photo below left shows Potentate Bill welcoming attendees to the Circus and the photo at bottom right shows Anah Circus Chairman Charlie Grindle and the Kora Circus Chair comparing notes on Circus operations. Taking it with you is not as important as the problem of making it last until you are ready. JUNE 2011 31 32 THE ANAHGRAM Scenes From the Presque Isle Circus Photos by Noble Steve Summerson of the Anah Photo Unit Photo top left: Program Book Sellers display their wares; top right: Chief Rabban Tony Bowers tries his luck at blowing up a balloon with some guidance from friends; center left, cotton candy makers ply their trade and bottom right, Noble Mike JUNE 2011 33 The Ladies shown at left worked at the May 10 Screening Clinic in Bangor registering prospective patients as they arrived. They are L-R Bonnie Turner, Brenda Thomas and Libby Hersom. Photo byMerland Clark of the Anah Photo Unit. KIMBALL TERRACE INN And MAIN SAIL RESTAURANT Northeast Harbor Tel: 800.454.6225 www.kimballterraceinn.com CANDIDATES WANTED Nobles be sure your prospective candidates are aware that there will be a Hot Sands Ceremonial in full form in Belfast on the week-end of June 16-17-18. Try to get at least 2 candidates, One to replace yourself and one for Anah to grow on! If you are the top line signer for 3 candidates you earn an Anah watch. KAUFMAN MOTOR CO 952 Dexter Road Corinna ME 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Used Vehicles Lee & Peggy Kaufman Your VISA ™ and MASTER CARD ™ are accepted at the Anah Recorder’s Office. G. L. CLAVETTE HOME CONSTRUCTION & & EXCAVATING, EXCEVATING, INC. INC. Custom Build and Design Energy Efficient Homes Garages & Additions Home Improvements Restorations Dozer & Backhoe Work Septic Systems Driveways Site Preparation Snowplowing & Sanding 848-0731 735 HAMPDEN RD., CARMEL, ME O4419 Turning a look backwards, we often miss something better coming. 34 THE ANAHGRAM PASSED TO THE UNSEEN TEMPLE ROBERT B. WHITED No. 4879 Noble Robert B. Whited of Bridgewater was born April 3, 1929, in Mars Hill and died April 22, 2011, at his home. He attended Bridgewater schools and graduated from Ricker Classical Institute in 1946. Knowing the importance of further education, he went on to attend the University of Maine, Orono, for two years in the agriculture program. He was a member of Phi Eta Kappa fraternity. After completing his education, he came home to the family farm to raise a family and do what he was proud of, raising seed potatoes for the next 40 years. He had an understanding of what was important in life to him - be it rides and picnics in the woods, spending time at the camp on Number Nine Lake, hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, creating special projects in his woodworking shop or spending time with his family. He attended St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, Mars Hill. He was a past Noble Grand of Bridgewater Odd Fellows Lodge. He learned to play golf later in life and spent many happy hours at Mars Hill Country Club. He served on the Bridgewater School Board and Maine Seed Board for many years. His Masonic affiliations included more than 56-years of membership in Aroostook Lodge No. 197 AF & AM of Mars Hill and the York Rite Bodies. As an Anah Shriner he was a member of the Aroostook County Shrine Club and the Royal Order of Jesters of Bangor. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as January 13, 1956. JOHN S. HOWLAND No. 10051 Noble John Sheldon Howland was born Dececember 14, 1942, in Bangor and passed away Monday, April 25, 2011, at his home. After graduating from Vanceboro High School he entered the U.S. Air Force serving in communications. In 1963 he returned home and worked in the woods until being hired by St. Croix Pulp & Paper, where he worked for more than 30 years. While employed with St. Croix Pulp & Paper, he initiated the Employee Assistance Program, which was eventually adopted by all of Georgia Pacific’s mills. He was a member of William T. Wren Post No. 23 American Legion, Baileyville. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, cribbage, darts and most importantly, spending time with his family. He was a member of the Odd Fellows of Baileyville serving as the district deputy, and also with the Encampment in McAdam, New Brunswick. His Masonic affiliations included membership in St. Croix Lodge No. 46 AF & AM of Calais and the York Rite Bodies. He was a member of the Schoodic Shrine club. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 23, 1990. LOST I POD “If anyone found an I-Pod in the Civic Center Ladies restroom on Saturday April 30th with a “cracked” face and would like to return it to “it’s” owner please call Gayle Sprague at 255-3618 in Machias. The owner is her granddaughter. Thank you, “ Photo above was taken by Anah Photographer Noble Merland Clark at the 34th annual get-to-gether of the Tri-County Shrine Club and the Knights of Columbus. Featured L-R are David Mosley, President of the Tri-County Shrine Club, Potentate Bill Dawson, Guest Speaker Greg Powell CEO of the Alfond Foundation and John Parola, Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus. JUNE 2011 Healthy Bones, Healthy Bodies: Building Bones for Life Shriners Hospital for Children® Promotes Healthy Habits for Strong Bones While osteoporosis most typically affects people over age 50, the best defense against it begins during childhood. In the U.S. today, 10 million people have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, a condition characterized by decreased bone mass and density, causing a high risk for fractures. An additional 34 million individuals have been identified as having low bone mass, a risk factor for the disease. Osteoporosis is the cause of more than 1 million bone fractures each year, including: •700,000 spine fractures, •300,000 hip fractures •250,000 wrist fractures. Bone mass (the amount of bone tissue in the skeleton) accumulated during childhood and adolescence is an important factor in lifelong bone health. As much as 90 percent of a person’s peak bone mass is established by age 18 for girls and age 20 for boys. Clearly, it is essential that we do everything we can to be sure children learn healthy habits to build bone mass for life. As a leader in pediatric orthopedic care, Shriners Hospitals for Children® is deeply concerned and committed to stressing the importance of helping children develop healthy habits, especially for their bones and joints. It is equally important to instill these habits in children who are non-ambulatory, as they are already at increased risk for osteoporosis as adults. One of the most important nutrients affecting bone health is calcium, which the body does not produce and must be obtained through foods. While this is fairly common knowledge, given the statistics on the incidence of osteoporosis, the information bears repeating as often as possible. In addition to strengthening bones, calcium helps the heart, muscles and nerves to work correctly, and is important to dental health. In general, three servings of foods containing calcium each day will provide the amount needed. However, government studies indicate calcium is one of the nutrients most likely to be missing or lacking from the American diet. Nearly nine of 10 women and eight of 10 men are not getting enough calcium. Healthy bones also need vitamin D, as well as magnesium Phosphorus, potassium and protein to increase b one mineral content and density. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Without enough vitamin D, the body must take calcium from the skeleton, weakening existing bone and preventing the formation of new, strong bone material. Vitamin D can be obtained from foods containing vitamin D include fortified milk, egg yolks, some kinds of fish and liver. In addition to proper nutrition, exercise is important for bone health. Weight-bearing activities, such as walking, running and jumping rope, help strengthen bones and improve bone mass. It is important that children and adolescents are encouraged to participate in an appropriate exercise program. AS a health care system that offers expert pediatric orthopedic care, Shriners Hospitals for Children® encouraged and emphasized healthy habits. 35 David T. Douglass O.D. Jennifer Robichaud O.D. •A.O.A., M.O.A.Member •Therapeutic Advanced Glaucoma • Comprehensive Eye Exams • Complete Optical Shop • Contact Lens Fitting & Dispensing • Eyeglasses & Sunglasses • Glaucoma Diagnosis & Treatment • Sport & Safety Eyewear • Diabetic Evaluations • We Welcome New Patients 955 Broadway, Bangor ME 04401 Near Bangor High School Eye Center Northeast: 207-990-4388 / Fax 207-947-9241 Eye Center Optical: 207-942-1947 / Fax 207-942-2551 36 THE ANAHGRAM A perfect Gift for any Noble or Shrine Lady for any occasion. MEMBERSHIP IN THE SHRINE’S 100 MILLION DOLLAR CLUB Not only will you be participating in the “WORLD’S GREATEST PHILANTHROPHY,” but also in the “WORLD’S PUREST CHARITY” as 98 cents of every dollar contributed to Shriner’s Hospitals for Children is used on direct patient care. A statement to the Recorder that you have left $100 or more in your will, or are making a cash contribution of $100 or more, will earn you a handsome membership certificate for your office or den…and you will help insure the future operation of Shriner’s Hospitals for Children. All memberships will be recorded, and reported to the Imperial Council through your Temple Recorder. Do not send your membership directly to a Shriner’s Hospital. HOW TO JOIN THE $100,000,000 CLUB I WANT TO BE A MEMBER OF THE 100 Million Dollar Club for the benefit of SHRINER’S HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN AND BURNS HOSPITALS. I have made Shriner’s Hospital a beneficiary in an insurance policy in the amount of $100 or more. I have a provision in my will leaving a bequest of $100.00 or more to the hospitals. I prefer to make a cash contribution at this time of at least $100.00 which is tax deductible. Make your check payable to: “SHRINER’S HOSPITALS” Complete this form and mail it to ANAH TEMPLE, ATTN: RECORDER, P.O. BOX 735, BANGOR, MAINE 04402-0735 Signed____________________________________ Address___________________________________ City__________State__________Zip____________ Please have the certificate read: (Please print_________________________________ SPRINGFIELD SHRINERS HOSPITAL Anah’s Membership Statistics: What the Numbers Tell Us What do membership statistics tell us? All in all, Anah actually does very well with membership retention. Out of all 191 Shrine temples, only fifteen (15) other temples do better than Anah in retaining members. At the same time, Anah loses far fewer members to the black camel when compared to other temples. As a percentage of total temple membership, only nine (9) other temples lost fewer members due to death in 2009. The bottom line is that Anah creates far fewer Nobles in comparison to other temples. We rank 77th out of all 191 Temples when it comes to recruiting new members. We bring far fewer new members into the Shrine compared to other Temples. Recruitment of new members must get more attention, not just this year, but every year. Anah ended the last year with 3,303 members. A decade ago Anah Temple was pushing its way toward more than 4,000 members. Anah had a total of 3,732 members six years ago but it has been losing members ever since. On the average, Anah has lost more than 175 members annually over the last six years due to the black camel, suspensions, or demits. You see the trend. It is downward, and all downward trends eventually lead to zero. When you consider deaths and other membership losses, Anah needs a class of at least 200 candidates each and every June if we are to have a positive membership gain for the year. Noles, It can be done with your help. Let’s start NOW and build a big class of candidates for June, not just this year but every year. Remember, every time that you are a top line signer for a new candidate in June, your name will be entered into a drawing for you and your lady to win round trip bus tickets to the Northeast Field Days on Cape Code in August, along with three nights of lodging. Anah Membership by the Numbers Anah Temple has suffered a net loss of more than 400 members in the last six years. This net loss in total membership is due to suspensions, demits, or the black camel combined with low levels of new member recruitment. Here is where Anah Temple stands in relation to all 191 Shrine Temples: Expirations Ranking: 10 out of 191 Demits Ranking: 56 out of 191 Suspensions Ranking: 16 out of 191 Restorations Ranking: 130 out of 191 Creations Ranking: 77 out of 191 Total Anah Membership: 3,303 members Overall Membership Ranking: 19th largest out of 191 Temples Northeast Membership Ranking: 2nd largest out of 15 Temples RECRUITING IS A FULL TIME JOB Are you employed? Membership application in This Anahgram or at the Recorder’s Office ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 Drive beatVarney VarneyValue Value Drive5050miles milesor or 500, 500, you You can’t can’t beat anywhere! anywhere! 260 HOGAN ROAD BANGOR, ME 04401 207-990-1200 1-800-288-3071 www.varneyvalue.com You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Anah Shriners P.O. Box 735 Bangor ME 04402-0735 JUNE 2011 � � NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
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