Bangor Shrine Circus at the Cross Center April 29
SHRINERS HAV IN Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine G N, FU Shriners having fun , doing good deeds that will change the life of a child ANAH 2016 Bangor Shrine Circus at the Cross Center April 29 - Friday Shows at 3pm & 7pm April 30 - Saturday Shows at 10am-2pm &7pm May 1 - Sunday Shows at 11am & 3pm Presque Isle Shrine Circus at the Forum May 5 - Thursday Show at 7pm May 6 - Friday Shows at 3pm & 7pm May 7 - Saturday Shows at 10am-2pm & 7pm April 2016 DD IL CH D CH AN G DOING GOO THAT WILL Of DS EE monthly messenger E TH E LIFE OF A Retirement isn’t an end. It’s just the beginning. A long and successful career should be followed by a long and happy retirement. But it won’t happen on its own. You have to be sure you’re investing properly to help you reach it, and then follow a solid strategy both now and through your retirement years. As a Financial Advisor, I have the experience and tools to help you develop a strategy that is right for you, to Jeffrey F. O’Sullivan Senior Vice President Financial Advisor adjust your investments as needed and to manage your wealth through all the potential changes to come. Call to arrange an appointment today and let us help you keep your wealth working for you. Key Plaza, 23 Water Street Suite 406 Bangor, ME 04401 207-561-2002 jeffrey.o’ theosullivangroup The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s individual circumstances and objectives. © 2015 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. GP11-01364P-N09/11 7177596 MAR010 07/12 IL CH D CH AN G DOING GOO DD AT WILL SHRINERS HAV IN , FUN TH DS EE G E TH E LIFE OF A Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Chartered June 15, 1922 A Chapter of Shriners International 1404 Broadway, Bangor Maine 04401 Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994 Website: - Shrine email: Volume 106 • Number 4 • April 2016 Rich Armstrong-Editor - Janice Young-Advertising Manager - All Anahgram Articles to be sent to - by the 10th of the Month POTENTATES MESSAGE Robert Turner, Potentate The month of February has passed by way to fast. It has been busy representing Anah Shrine at many events. The month started with the Anah Association election of new officer on the 2nd. They elected and installed me as President, Steve Trimm as Vice President and Larry Hersom as Recorder. They also reelected Denny Smith and elected Harold Sherwood as a new member replacing Sonny Crocker. We all want to thank outgoing President Jesse Thomas and Sonny Crocker for all their years of service and hard work. The first weekend in February, Bonnie and I with Roger and Julie Grindle attended the Aleppo Shrine visitation in Danvers, MA. The weekend was fun and we visited with many of our counterparts in the Northeast Shirne Association. They all are very excited about the Notheast Shrine Mid Winter visit in Fredrickton NB in March. There are plans for several educational workshops and hospital presentations from Boston, Springfield and the Canadian Hospital. During the week of February 13th we attended the Wheelers Super Supper. We listened and danced to some wonderful music from DJ Sonny Beal. We had a great meal put on by the Second Section. On Tuesday, I attended the Capital Campaign committee meeting and the Divan meeting. Then on Wednesday the 17th, Anah Association had a meeting and voted and signed a contract to sell our Main Street building. The closing date will be no later than April 14. From the Association meeting we traveled out to Country Side Restaurant in East Corinth to attend the Tri County Shrine Club meeting. We visited with many old and new friends and enjoyed one more great meal. The weekend of the 20th we had the pleasure of attending the Clowns Comedy night at the temple. The three comedians were very funny and we all laughed a lot. If you missed this you should mark your calendar for the next time they do this because it was special and very enjoyable. Tuesday the 16th I worked at the temple. Then attended a Smart Team and Membership meeting by phone. There is a lot going on with these two committees and every member of Anah is a member of the Membership Team. We need your help, please reach out to your Masonic friends and invite them to attend some of our events at the temple and the shrine clubs. They will see all the fun and fellowship we have and want to join Anah Shriners. On Thursday of that week Dean Hoke and I traveled to Boston for the Shriners Hospital for Children-Boston Board of Governors meeting. Mark your calendars for the Anah Shriner Circus in Bangor from April 29 to May 1. We will then travel to Presque Isle for the Aroostook Anah Shrine Circus from May 5-7th. Everyone that attends the Anah Shrine Circus comes away with a lot of new friends. Please come and volunteer to work the Circus. Also the Clowns, Highlanders, Funsters, Public Relations and the Divan will have a parade at the Bangor Mall on April 23rd to promote the Anah Shrine Circus. The June Ceremonial is coming soon so mark your calendar and make your reservations. This will be a joint Ceremonial with Kora at Point Lookout in Northport ME on June 17-18. We hope you all will join us for this ceremony that will be full of fun and fellowship. Remember we are all, SHRINERS HAVE FUN, DOING GOOD DEEDS THAT WILL CHANGE THE LIFE OF A CHILD Yours in Faith, Robert Turner Potentate Four Points by Sheraton Bangor Airport 308 Godfrey Blvd. Bangor, ME Call 207-947-6721 and ask for the Anah Shrine Discounted Rate! We are offering complimentary shuttle service on all room blocks of 10 or more rooms. To set up a room block contact Jana May, T 207-947-6721 ext. 1115 or E jana.may@ Johnson Foundations Specialty Concrete • Floors, Walls & Slabs • Full Foundations Residential Sites • Crane Service • Poll Areas/Walkways Rich Johnson, President (207) 564-8617 • Cell: (207) 717-5570 202 Shaw Road • Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426 The Anahgram 2 The Circus is coming! The Circus is coming! April 29 & 30 and May 1, 2016 in Bangor May 5,6 and 7, 2016 in Presque Isle We are a few weeks away from one of the most exciting time of the year to be a Shriner. Soon we will be setting up and getting ready for the shows. It is a lot of work and takes many people to make this a success. The Circus Committee would like to thank you all ahead of time for helping out and volunteering your time. If you have not worked a Circus in a while or are new to the Shrine, please come and help out if you have some time. It doesn’t have to be every show or all day, it might be you only have a couple of hours to help, we can find something for you to do. There will be a manpower table set up when you first enter the doors upstairs. Please sign in and get a wristband for that day. This is something the Cross Center asked us to do, so we know how many people are in the building at any given time. We have a lot on new acts this year and will have Elephant and Pony rides before and at intermission. This was a great success last year and we think it will be even better this year. For those of you that attend the Presque Isle Circus, you may notice something missing this year. George Watson stepped down from being the Circus Chairman for Presque Isle Circus. He led the group up there for over 30 years. If you see George hanging around up there please thank him for his great leadership and support he has given to us to make the Circus a great success year after year. George, I hope to see you there and have some chips ready for me. If anybody needs guidance this year please see Jim Dwyer as he is the New Circus Chairman for Presque Isle. See you all at the show. Denny Hill, Circus Director BOSTON, MASS., FEBRUARY 24, 2016 Shriners Hospitals for Children® — Boston today announced the receipt of a $3 million gift to name The Howard Green Center for Children’s Skin Health and Research in honor of the late Howard Green, M.D. The mission of this first-of-its-kind center will be to carry on Dr. Green’s legacy by advancing the field of regenerative medicine through research and providing specialized pediatric skin care to children with even the most devastating and complicated injuries and conditions. All care will be provided regardless of families’ ability to pay. “For more than 50 years, Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston has been at the forefront of burn care and the treatment of pediatric skin conditions,” said Matthias Donelan, M.D., chief of staff at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston. “Along with providing a natural pathway into pediatric dermatology, this gift will drive more translational research that will expand the scope of our care and ultimately benefit more children around the world, many of whom could otherwise not afford treatment.” Dr. Green was the first to grow skin grafts using a patient’s own cells, one of the earliest examples of stem cell therapy. The first grafts from cultured skin were used to treat two patients with life-threatening burns at the Boston Shriners Hospital in the early 1980s. The patients survived and Dr. Green’s discovery forever improved the life expectancy of patients with acute burns. He dedicated his career to furthering scientists’ understanding of skin regeneration and improving the outcomes for patients with devastating skin injuries and conditions. "It is because of the foresight of the doctors at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston that the first application in tissue engineering was conducted, saving two boys who had no other chance of survival,” said Rosine Kauffmann Green, Dr. Green’s widow. “My husband would have been pleased that his work will be the basis for further study and care of children's skin. He would be very proud of this moment." The Center will expand upon the hospital’s current research in the area of pediatric skin health, working hand-in-hand with the clinical practice to move regenerative medicine along the discovery continuum to bring new treatments to children more quickly. “The research Dr. Green pioneered throughout his career not only established the scientific basis for an entirely new field called regenerative medicine but also changed the course of burn care and saved many lives at our hospital and around the world,” said Mehmet Toner, Ph.D., director of research at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston. “This gift elevates our position as a leading research facility and will enable us to continue our commitment to research projects that will further improve the outcomes and lives of patients with burns and skin disorders.” YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Robert Pullen, 157 Stetson Road East, Levant, ME 04456, Tel: 884-7102 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916 April 2016 3 & Kor h a An a Joint Summer Cerem onia l , FUN AT WILL AN G DOING GOO DD TH DS EE G IL CH D CH Illustrious Potentates Robert “Bob” Turner and Paul Poulin with First Ladies Bonnie and Kim SHRINERS HAV IN Point Lookout Resort Northport, Maine Friday June 17th – Sunday 19th 2016 E TH E LIFE OF A Illustrious Potentates Robert “Bob” Turner and Paul Poulin with First Ladies Bonnie and Kim Cordially invite Nobles and Ladies of Anah and Kora Shriners to attend their joint Summer Ceremonial being held at the beautiful Point Lookout Resort in Northport, Maine from Friday June 17th to Sunday June 19th, 2016. Anah’s Ceremonial committee chaired by Noble Ryan Otis, with the assistance of Kora’s Ceremonial Chairman Steven Boucouvalas and his committee are working together to make this event an awesome weekend. Point Lookout Resort will serve as Convention Headquarters and base of operations for this fun filled weekend. For information regarding housing please contact Yogi Seymour at For camping please contact: Northport Campground at 207-338-2077 or Camden Hills State Park at 207-236-3109 Hospitality will be held on the grounds of Point Lookout Friday and Saturday Bussing schedule will be coming soon. Our Ceremonial Golf Tournament will be held on June 17th, 2016 at Northport Golf Course with both 9 and 18 hole option. Tee off will be at 1:30pm. Our Friday night social will be held at Point Lookout with our own Anah Aides providing the libation. Dinner will be at the Blue Goose with a choice of steak prepared by the Logrollers/York County Shrine Club and Lobster prepared by none other than Raymond Young and Young’s Lobster Pound. The Ladies luncheon will be held at Point Lookout on Saturday The parade on Saturday at 2pm will wind its way down High Street starting at the Belfast High School in Belfast and will end at the Waldo County Shrine Club where Camel’s Milk will be hosted. Our Saturday night dinner will be held at Point Lookout. Please bring your candidates to this very special Joint Ceremonial. We would like to have 216 candidates between our Anah and Kora Shriners. See page 22 for Housing Reservation Forms See page 20 for Golf Registration Complete Schedule of events to come next Month The Anahgram 4 Bangor Shrine Circus at the Cross Center Presque Isle Shrine Circus at the Forum April 29 - Friday Shows at 3pm & 7pm May 5 - Thursday Show at 7pm April 30 - Saturday Shows at 10am-2pm &7pm May 1 - Sunday Shows at 11am & 3pm May 6 - Friday Shows at 3pm & 7pm Program Anah Shrine Circus 2016 May 7 - Saturday Shows at 10am-2pm & 7pm Produced by Circus United Corporation Shrine Color Guard/National Anthem Overture/Opening Spectacle Entrance RingMaster Charlie Van Buskirk Globe of Death In the sphere of fear, welcoming the newest and greatest they are The Real Steel Riders Shrine Clowns A circus favorite bringing tons of laughter here are The Anah Shrine Clowns Hula Hoops America’s newest hula Hooper welcome the very talented Cheyenne Lyra Lyra Double Trap Lyra Lyra Circus United’s Ariel show girls on the Lyra’s, featuring the Duo Trapeze of Sadie and Garrett Rolla Bolla An energetic display of tipsy turvy excitement on the Rolla Bolla The Great Enrique Risley Some Juggle with they’re hands not this family the foot juggling sensations The Ashton’s Dogs Never seen before performing Rottweilers trained and presented by the Lovely Miss Kimberly Intermission INTERMISSION Centron Dare devil Artistry high above the circus ring presenting the Galaxy of Thrills with Ricky and Suzie Contortion These Bendy acrobatics will be sure to have you all twisted up welcome the beautiful Hannah Chairs Chairs Not one but two Towers of power balance is a must chair stacking masters Enrique and Garrett Shrine Clowns Here they come again those zany Anah Shrine Clowns Web Web Cloudswing Web Web The Circus United Ballerinas of the Air featuring the Gorgeous Miss Suzie on the Cloudswing Elephants The moment you’ve all been waiting for, here come the elephants trained & presented by Bill Commerford Grand Finale All Acts subject to change April 2016 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians ...................................... 13 Aides........................................................ Aroostook Shrine Club......................... 18 Band..................................................... 22 Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club..................... Boosters................................................. 8 Calendar................................................. 7 Chanters............................................... 18 Circus....................................................... Clowns (Aroostook).............................. 13 Clowns (Bangor)................................... 16 Convertibles......................................... 19 Daughters of the Nile................................ Directors Staff....................................... 16 Editor........................................................ Facts & Figures.................................... 18 Feztival of Trees....................................... Flag Unit................................................... Funsters .................................................. Go-Karts............................................... 26 Hancock County Shrine Club............... 14 Highlanders.......................................... 15 Hospital News (Boston)............................ Hospital News (Springfield)...................... Indy Cars.................................................. Kampers Club....................................... 21 Kanteen Corps......................................... Keystone Kops..................................... 22 Klowns (Aroostook).................................. Lobster Boat Unit.................................... 9 Membership Committee........................... Mini-Bike Unit........................................... Mini-Car Unit............................................. Mystery Person...................................... 6 NASCAR Unit........................................... Northern Penobscot Shrine Club.......... 15 Obituaries................................................. Oriental Band....................................... 10 Past Masters Unit..................................... Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit............................................. 19 Potentate................................................ 1 Provost Guard.......................................18 Public Relations........................................ Recorder................................................... Schoodic Shrine Club........................... 23 Second Section.................................... 25 SMART Team........................................... Sunshine Club.......................................... Tri-County Shrine Club......................... 19 Waldo County Shrine Club................... 10 Washington County Shrine Club.......... 16 Widow’s Club........................................ 11 Wheelers.................................................. 4x4’s..................................................... 15 “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss The Anahgram 6 THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication Bangor, Maine 04401 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: Website: Available by subscription $12.00 per year. Who is it ??? “No man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child.” – Abraham Lincoln EDITOR Rich Armstrong ADVERTISING MANAGER Janice Young 1404 Broadway Bangor, Maine 04401 Tel: 942-2254 DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT: Dennis Bryant Charlotte ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Lloyd W. Day Old Town, ME 207-745-5351 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly. Deadline is the 10th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate Robert L. Turner Chief Rabban Steven”Steve” Trimm Assistant Rabban Brad Prout High Priest & Prophet Roger Grindle Oriental Guide Timothy”Tim” Dutch Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder Larry L. Hersom, P.P PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Last month’s subject was Bruce Clark, Janis Frost guessed this First. If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Larry Hersom at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor at anahgram@ The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor by e-mail or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!! Anah Shriners 2016 Cash Calendar $20.00 each 207.942.1234 570 Main St, Bangor ME 04401 Hospital Springfield pital Boston Hos KAUFMAN MOTORS ar lend ash Ca 2016 C 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 When you buy this distinctive Anah Shriners 2016 calendar you become eligible for the prizes outlined below: • $300.00 1st Saturday of every month • $100.00 every other Saturday • $25.00 Daily (Monday through Saturday) Lee & Peggy Kaufman A great gift for yourself, for a birthday or any occassion Available at the Shrine Office or from any Shrine Club or Unit Member Used Vehicles “A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light.”- Leonardo da Vinci April 2016 7 Sunday Monday Tuesday April 2016 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Second Section Meets 3 Potentates Trip Nile Instillation Queen -Donna Wood Highlanders Meet 4 Potentates Trip 4 x 4 Unit Meets Waldo County S.C. BOD Band Meets 10 Past Masters Unit Meets Oriental Band Meets Anah Articles Due 11 12 13 19 25 26 Potentates Trip Wheelers Meet Monday 1 Tuesday 8 21 Funsters Meet Feztival of Trees Highlanders 15 Past Masters Oriental Band Highlanders Wednesday 3 Hancock County Shrine Club Provost Guard Meets 22 Northern Penobscot Shrine Club at East Branch S.C 11 Anahgram Articles Due Today Band Meets 23 23 29 18 Tri-County Meets Schoodic S.C. Facts& Figures Mini-Bikes 24 Keystone Kops Golf Tourney Highlanders Washington County S.C. Anah Shrine Circus Presque Isle 25 Shrine Circus Presque Isle Second Section Meets 7 Anah Shrine Circus Presque Isle 13 14 20 21 Wheelers Meet 19 26 Saturday 6 12 Bangor\Brewer S.C. 30 ANAH SHRINE CIRCUS - BANGOR Friday 5 Waldo County S.C. 17 Divan Meeting Thursday 4 10 16 22 Circus Kick-Off at Bangor Mall with Parade 11am-1pm 28 May 2016 9 16 ANAH SHRINE CIRCUS - BANGOR 2 4X4 Meet Band Meet Waldo County Shrine Club BOD ANAH SHRINE CIRCUS - BANGOR 15 Clown Meeting Keystone Kops Sunday 9 Potentates Trip Bangor\Brewer Shrine Club Ladies NightStevie’s Stage Coach Cater 27 Potentates Trip 8 14 20 Tri-County Meets Mini-Bikes Meet Facts & Figures meet Band Meets Highlanders 7 Potentates Trip Washingon C.S. meets at Bluebird Ranch Ladies Night Waldo County S.C. Meets 18 24 Pre-Screening Clinic Hospital Night Clown Meeting 27 Academicians 29 Highlanders 6 Potentates Trip Northern Penobscot Sherman Snowmobile Club w\ Ladies Sunshine Club Meets Funsters Meet Feztival of Trees Meet 17 Nile Session Highlanders 5 Potentates Trip Provost Guard Meets Hancock County Shrine Club Meets 2 30 Office Closed Memorial Day 31 Keystone Kops Meet Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor 28 8 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Aberdeen Stove and Chimney Supply Company 04/16 Anah Flag Unit 02/17 Krayton Allen 12/16 Todd & Sandy Alley 08/16 Richard Anderson 12/16 Ed Armstrong 05/16 IMO C. Alton Bagley 05/17 IMO Dick Bagley, P.P. 05/17 IMO Clifton Barker 06/16 Melrose and Betty Beal 4/1/17 IMO Clayton Bearce-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 03/16 Bob Beattie 04/16 IMO Albert “Bucky” Bishop 07/19 Phil and Sue Black 04/16 IMO Willis N. Blake 02/16 Wallace & Mary Blowers 05/16 Blinn and Joan Boone 05/16 IMO John R. Bradford 01/16 Ms. Anna Bradford 01/16 IMO Merle S. Bradford 01/16 Tom and Lilian Breitweg 08/16 Dave & Irene Bryant 01/17 Blair & Judy Bubar 02/16 Galen Call 08/17 Dick and Kim Carlow 03/18 Sam and Agnes Carr 12/16 Roger N.Chesley 08/17 Michael A.Clark 02/16 Bruce and Trudy Clarke 05/18 IMO Fredrick E.Clarke Jr. 09/16 IMO Helen F. Cleaves 02/16 Melvin K. Cleaves 02/16 IMO Janet G.Conti 12/16 John W. Conti, P.P. 12/16 Ron & Evelyn Cook 10/17 Al & Jackie Cortis 01/17 Dan and Lanci Costain 09/16 Sonny Crocker 03/17 Crump’s Stove & Chimmey Supply Co. 04/17 Ken and Janice Crump 04/17 June A. Davis 01/17 Larry Doughty 05/16 Bryant and Joan Dutch 02/17 Tim & Jean Dutch 04/20 IMO Paul H. Farrington 06/16 Betty and John Fernald Jr. 12/16 Thomas and Carroll Fernald 08/19 IMO Lewis Fenlason 07/16 IMO Wally Fenlason 07/16 Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 11/17 IMO Hugo Frati 04/17 Orlando Frati 01/17 Joseph F. Friedman 06/16 Tom & Janis Frost 04/17 George and Mary Beth Gaddis 05/17 Paul and Diana Giles 04/17 Goody and Roz Gilman 10/18 IMO Jerrold B.”Gebo” Gooch, P.P. 04/17 IMO Carroll I. & Gerry Goodwin, Jr 06/16 IMO Harry Gordon 01/19 Don and Gail Gordon 06/16 IMO Robert R. Gould 10/16 Andy and Rose Gove 10/16 Keith L. Gove 12/16 IMO Arthur Grant 04/17 Ron and Carole Green 09/16 W. Louis and Judith Greenier II 09/16 IMO Joseph Gemme-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 07/16 Roger and Julie Grindle 07/18 Charles C. W. Hackney 10/16 IMO Jim Halkett 12/17 IMO Everett Hall- Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 07/16 Dick and Carolyn Hallett 06/16 Gene and Pamela Hamm 08/16 Ed and Bonnie Hamm 08/17 IMO Edlbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 08/16 Ken and Donna Hanscom, Jr. 09/16 IMO Tom Harper 10/16 IMO Jeanette L. Harvey 10/16 Wallace M. Harvey 10/16 Dale”Slapshot” & Theresa Hatch 10/16 IMO Norman”Hoopy Scoopy” Hatch 09/16 Scott and Kelley Hawthorne 06/17 Sheldon and Sandy Heath 04/16 Al and Marianne Henriksen 10/16 Connie and Edward Hewes 04/17 Frieda Hill 06/16 Ralph and Maggie Hill 07/16 Dean and Kathy Hoke 09/17 IMO Richard Holt 03/17 IMO Lewis M. Huntley 03/16 Jerry and Lois Hutchinson 09/16 David & Phyllis Ireland 08/16 David”Smokey” & Donna Ireland 02/17 IMO Pearl Hazen Jipson-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 03/16 C.Ray & Loretta Jones 08/16 Rich and Cindy Johnson 07/16 F. Lee and Peggy Kaufman 10/17 IMO Alton Kenney 05/16 Robert and Rae Jean Knowles 04/19 IMO Ernest “Bud” Larson 02/17 Charles and Selma Larson 09/16 Larry and Gail Larson 08/16 IMO Frank Leighton 11/17 Skip Lenfest Sr. 08/16 Skip Lenfest Jr. 08/16 Bob and Perlene Libby 02/17 IMO Seth Libby Sr.-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 08/16 Jan & Woody Littlefield 12/16 Mike and Bonnie London 02/17 Ellen & Fred B. Lunt Jr. P.P. 07/16 IMO Donald Lyons, Sr. 06/16 IMO Gerald Maclean 03/17 Roy Martin 10/25 Don and Bert Maxim, P.P. 04/17 Doulgas A. and Donna McCafferty 08/16 Doulgas K and Candee McCafferty 08/16 Imo Edward Sr. and Evelyn McCafferty 08/16 IMO Terral A. McCafferty 08/16 Ed & Nancy McGraw 08/16 Welman and Natalie McFarland 01/17 Allan and Lorraine McGown 06/17 Frances and Winston Mackay,P.P. Luxor 10/16 IMO Tom “Pig Farmer” McKinney 12/16 Jim and Mae Merrithew 10/16 Dick and Joan Meserve 09/16 IMO Sanford”Sonny”Miller 01/17 John and Suzi Miller 03/16 IMO Gordon Cecil Moreside 01/17 Dick and Betty Nevers 05/17 Harold and Connie Newman 10/16 Larry and Teresa Nichols 07/16 Richard & Mary Ruth Nichols 06/16 IMO Eugene O’Brien-Northern Penobscot Shrine The Anahgram Club 03/16 David O’Donnell 09/16 Warren and Velma Orcutt 10/16 Bob”Boomer” and Julianna Palmer 07/16 Herman and Kate Peabody 07/16 Esther and Ed Pellon, P.P. 04/17 Joyce and Rod Pinkham, P.P. 10/16 Don and Linda Potter 05/16 IMO Jim Potter 05/16 IMO James M. Prout 03/16 Bud and Kathy Prouty 01/17 IMO Bud and Barbara Prouty 01/17 Bob & Doreen Pullen 08/17 IMO Bob Pushard, Sr. 08/18 Martin E. Ray 02/16 P.P. Clyde V. Reynolds & Linda 02/17 Chuck and Sally Ridlon 02/17 IMO Keith B. Roberts 09/18 IMO Sumner Rogers 04/16 Larry and Donna Rowell 11/17 Earl Sands 06/16 George and Jackie Sargent 01/17 Heath and Karen Savage 10/16 Spike Savage 10/16 IMO Clifton R. Scoville 06/17 Todd C. Scoville 06/17 Marty and Joan Shaw 10/16 IMO Orland Shorey-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 10/16 Wesley & Ms Judy Shute 10/16 IMO Ken Smith 04/16 Lester & Gail Smith 09/16 Roger and Pat Smith 12/17 IMO Ed Sprague, P.P. 04/16 Roger and Jan Stairs 05/16 Ken and Tina Stewart 12/18 IMO Robert “Bob” Strout 06/17 Elliott and Joyce Tarbell 6/17 Daniel L. Tarr 06/16 IMO Betty Tarr 06/16 Jesse and Brenda Thomas 09/17 Ronald Thrornton 12/16 Tim & Ann Thornton 12/16 IMO Charles & Annabelle Titcomb 04/17 Gordon Titcomb 04/17 Inez and Reginald Toothaker 4/17 Alden and Pam Tracy 06/16 Al and Pat Trask 02/16 Betty and Steve Trimm 04/16 IMO Carroll Trimm 04/18 IMO Delia Trimm 04/18 Robert and Bonnie Turner 08/17 Arthur and Phyllis Watson 06/16 Dave and Leni Weaver 03/18 Burt and Jackie Weed 05/16 Dottie & Jim Wentworth,P.P. 05/16 Buddy and Caryll Wheeler 09/19 IMO Frank Whirty 02/19 Paul and Phyllis Wilbur 07/17 Llord and Jay Willey 07/16 Bob and Norma Winglass 08/20 Don and Felicia Wiswell 09/16 Don and Caroyln Wright 09/19 IMO Douglas Yost-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 06/16 Bob and Claire Young 09/18 Donald “Bo-Bo” and Janice Young 06/17 Duane “Div-it” and Karen Young 08/16 I want to be an ANAHGRAM BOOSTER BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s I: seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. The cost is $10.00 per line per year we will make you a new listing or renew your present one. ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS • 1404 Broadway, Bangor, Maine 04401 • Please enclose Check payable to; Anahgram Boosters. Name as you want it to appear___________________________________________________ Please let us know if your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect to; or call; 207-942-2254. “There is always some specific moment when we become aware that our youth is gone; but, years after, we know it was much better.” –Mignon McLaughlin April 2016 9 Waldo County Shrine Club is having an Bill Geel, Reporter First lobster boat unit meeting of the season will be held at the Ed Pellon Center in Machias on April 12th. If anyone would like to get a sandwich before the meeting we will meet at Pat’s Pizza at 5:00. The May 10th meeting will be held at Jordan’s Snack Bar in Ellsworth at 6:00. Captain Scott Edgerly would like to request everyone be at these meetings, because summer line up is just around the corner. Past Captain Carroll Chandler, Scott Johnson, Runtz Farnsworth and Yours Truly traveled to Scott Edgerly’s boatyard to check on the new mold for the first new lobster boats. Heard through the grapevine that the first boat was going to Santa Claus. Am I finally going to able to crack the case of Santa Claus and his mysterious reindeer? Bill Sinford is on the mend and doing well. Betty Fernald is recovering well from hip replacement surgery. Captain Edgerly and Past Captain Chandler travelled to Bangor to remove our wall at the old temple. The unit is still looking for new members to join the best boat unit in Anah Temple. All you have to do is know how to navigate. Please call Captain Scott Edgerly at 664-0229 or Past Captain Carroll Chandler at 497-2631 or Past Captain Bill Geel at 667-5125. We’ll try to get you started on the right navigational course. Notice to Runtz-you’re not going to believe this, my wife woke me up the other night and thought it would be a good idea for me to take a course in navigation. I think she was sleepwalking because she put me in the car, took me down to the edge of the ocean where there was a rowboat (with one oar), made me get in it and pushed it off shore. P.S. I told her I had my foreign navigational book. I said, “I suppose you want me to throw a bucket of water into the wind to see where it lands.” She said I would be smarter to throw it behind me so I don’t get wet. Runtz, does Ora ever say things like that to you? Ran into Noble Chad Terry a few days ago and he said Wilbert and Joan are just getting their overcoats off in Florida. I heard Runtz was getting a new boat for his pond. When are we going to christen it Runtz? I think we had better wait for a sunshiny day. I think it’s almost time to call my sternman, Forrest, to see if we should get our fishing poles out of the closet and go see what we can’t catch. Birthday celebrators are Wilbert Terry, Carole (with an e) Simpson, Mike Madore, and Julie Fernald. Honeymooners are Geddes and Carole (with an e) Simpson, Scott and Lori Johnson, and Carroll and Susan Chandler. Hope you young honeymooners don’t eat too much popcorn. Oops! Gotta go. The phone’s ringingonly three choices; telemarketer, someone with a political question, or the wrong number. Looks like I’m in for a busy summer. Oyster Feztival Friday, May 20th at Young’s Lobster Pound 2 Fairview St. Belfast, Me. 6pm Social Hour with Libations 7pm Dinner consisting of Oysters Rockefellers, Oysters On the Half Shell and Oyster Stew- Steak Tips will also be available Price is $25 per person and all Proceeds will be going to the Springfield Shrine Hospital. Anah Shrine Potentate Robert “Bob “Turner & the Divan Are hosting a CIRCUS KICK-OFF at the Bangor Mall Saturday, April 23rd, 2016 11am to 1pm. All Shriners will be meeting at Macy’s entrance in the Mall. Anah Shrine will have a parade with the Anah Highlanders, Clowns, Funsters and Units. Circus tickets will be available for purchase at the Shrine Circus Ticket table. We will have Circus ticket Give-A-Ways to win some Circus tickets also. (All proceeds will benefit the Anah Shrine Circus) “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” – Arthur Conan Doyle 10 The Anahgram By Steve Trimm, President Greeting from Waldo County Shrine Club. As you read this March has already come and gone and April is finally here. Seems like we really didn’t have a winter at all. I think I plowed four times this winter. As we get towards warmer weather it will be a welcome addition to have our new heat pumps installed and ready to go, this will keep the facility cool in the summer and help with the heat cost in colder months, a welcome addition. April 8th is Ladies night at Waldo County Shrine which I believe will be catered by the Otis group, they always do a great job. Please try to attend. We will also have an Oyster Festival May 20th at Young’s Lobster Pound at 6pm with a 7pm dinner of Oyster Rockefellers, on the half shell oysters and also Oyster Stew. Steak Tips will be available for those who want this instead of the oysters. Libations will be served. Proceeds from this will benefit the Springfield Shrine Hospital. Price of this event is $25 per person. Should be a great time with lots of fun. The Shrine Circus will be here soon. Please come down to the Cross Center and help wherever you can. It takes a lot of volunteers to make this a success. In closing please support your Blue Lodge, as it is the Lifeline to Shrine. Yours in Faith, Steve Trimm, President ORIENTAL BAND David Spooner, President 24 Front Street, Bangor • 947-8009 1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Topsham • 725-0162 125 Western Avenue. S. Portland • 871-7000 Maine Brewed • Maine Made • Maine Owned Greetings from the North! First some housekeeping, If you read our March submission to the Anahgram and wondered what on earth was going on, its ok so were we. The band’s article was a sort of tribute to Glenn Frey, throughout it I included as many song titles from the Eagles as I could. Oh… and an update on our missing director Noble Carl Allen, we have gotten word that he is alive and well, but still is off on his quest. I hope he returns before parade season though, I went to Jared and he is plum out of new belly button diamonds and no one wants to reuse Carl’s old one. So the band is finding itself in bit of a sticky wicket, we have two of our drummers on injured reserve. Both Noble Gregory Belanger and Noble Bud Wilson are laid up with an arm in a sling, making “Do not think that what is hard for thee to master is impossible for man; but if a thing is possible and proper to man, deem it attainable by thee.” – Marcus Aurelius April 2016 11 it awful hard for them to play. They were convinced that they could come up with some sort of stunt to entertain the crowd while we were playing at the upcoming Circus. I tried to tell them to leave the foolishness to those “friggin Klowns”, our music is more than enough to enthrall the masses. But do you think they would listen to me… NO!!! And now we are a couple of percussionists short of a drum line if you know what I mean. You probably would like an update on our “Out of this World Tour”. Well we had to cancel several dates due to a recent conflict. You see we had to come back to the County to cook breakfast for last month’s Aroostook Shrine Club meeting, and then “Drummergate 2016” took place. Overall I would have to say the breakfast was a success, but let me tell you, anytime you get that many of the Silent Generation together in the kitchen without a woman to direct them, the “silence” is deafening. Oh, and for goodness sakes do not try to sneak Noble Jeremiah Donovan turkey bacon. I can still hear him hollering, “if it’s not swine it’s not mine!” Who knew he had such an affinity for the other white meat. Hopefully we can get back on tour soon. Make sure to come out and see us when you can and remember that you don’t have to be crazy to hang out with the Oriental Band… We’ll train you! Rae Ann Rice Mortgage Planner NMLS #419094 CELL DIRECT eFAX NMLS #1938 (207) 974-8996 (207) 249-6844 (866) 370-8063 189A State Street Bangor, ME 04401 A D V I C E W I T H P U R P O S E 662 Main Rd. Hampden, ME 04444 • 947-6488 Mon-Thurs 10:30am-8pm, Fri 10:30am-8pm, Sat 7am-9pm, Sun 7am-8pm • Breakfast Served on Saturday and Sunday Widow’s Club Lorena Fenlason, Reporter Spring has arrived. Those of you returning from Florida, Welcome back. Be in touch with me if you want to be put on the active widow’s group. In February we enjoyed a nice lunch at Helen’s in Ellsworth. We all had a wonderful piece of pie. March we will be at Kosta’s in Brewer. We decided not to plan anything in April. In May on the 13th. which will be a Friday, Yes, “ Friday the 13th.” Think of it as a lucky day. We will be having lunch at noon at the High Tide Restaurant in Brewer. This is located at the end of the middle bridge in Brewer. Give me a call if you plan on coming. 989-3664. Some of us enjoyed a fun time at the Comedy night held at the Shrine Center. We also had a good time at the clown’s Casino night. Join us sometime for some of these fun activities. That is it for this month. Have a good one and remember, Be happy and Stay well. Lorena “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”- Ayn Rand The Anahgram 12 got print? We handle the details. Let our experts make it hassle free. Daily pick up and delivery to Portland, Bangor, Augusta and Waterville. L. O. “Skip” House IV Consultant SQLServer, Microsoft Access & VB. Net Developer 219 Washington Street Brewer ME • 04412 855- 316 -2111 RECIPIENT OF THE GOVERNORS AWARD FOR BUSINESS EXCELLENCE Don Gordon State Certified General Appraiser CG #334 Call for a quote and receive free personalized notepads 63 Norway Road • Bangor, ME 04401 • 207.944.0820 Contact Rich Armstrong 848-7300 ext. 101 | P R INTIN G • MAILIN G • E- O R D E R IN G VOTED GREATER BANGOR’S TASTIEST PIZZA FOR 17 YEARS IN A ROW! “The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fear this is true.”- James Branch Cabell April 2016 13 Clip & Save Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter Hello Academicians and Ladies The next meeting will be Wed. May 25th location TBA. If you have not done so already, please pay your 2016 dues as soon as possible by writing a check of $10 payable to Anah Academicians. Send it to Anah Academicians C/O Ron Bilancia 59 Allison Pk. Brewer, ME 04412. As of this reading we have not yet had our March meeting, so more on that next time. Brenda and Steve Bowden are eagerly awaiting spring and the fun coming up at the spring ceremonial. They look forward to staying at Point Lookout. The continued transition into our space at the new building has proceeded well. Thanks to everyone who has helped with that, especially Steve Mosley who got us a costume rack for our new closet and made sure our costumes and other equipment were stored in the circus room while our new closet was being finished. Very soon during the April school break yours truly and family are off to Orlando, FL for some fun in the sun. Really looking forward to it. The circus is coming right up at the end of the month. If you’re not already aboard, please let us know if you would like to help with the circus and we’ll get you all set up. Have a wonderful l April everybody, and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! Remember, never hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, news, gossip, stories, drama, intrigue, nonsense, or just plain outright foolishness that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. I can be contacted at rbilancia@ or by phone at 989-2617. APRIL 2-9- POTENTATES TRIP April 23- CIRCUS KICK OFF WITH PARADE AT BANGOR, MALL 11AM TO 1PM APRIL 29, 30 & MAY 1- ANAH SHRINE CIRCUS-BANGOR MAY 5, 6, 7 – ANAH SHRINE CIRCUSPRESQUE ISLE May 14-CONVERTIBLES SUPER SUPPER MAY 21- PRE-SCREENING CLINIC MAY 21- HOSPITAL NIGHT AT THE SHRINE May 22- KEYSTONE KOPS GOLF TOURNEY JUNE 3- DOCTORS CLINIC AT EMMC JUNE 17, 18 &19 – SUMMER CEREMONIAL SEPTEMBER 10-INDY CARS SUPER SUPPER SEPTEMBER 17-NOBLE APPRE dCIATION NIGHT SEPTEMBER 22-23-24 – NORTHEAST – LUXOR/FREDERICTON OCTOBER 1-SECOND SECTION NOBLE OF THE YEAR OCTOBER 15-NASCAR SUPER SUPPER OCTOBER 22- POTENTATES RECEPTION NOVEMBER 4-5-6- ANAH/BEKTASH/KORA VISITATION -FREEPORT NOVEMBER 5-SUNSHINE CLUB FAIR NOVEMBER 12-SET UP FOR FEZTIVAL OF TREES NOVEMBER 17-18-19- FEZTIVAL OF TREES Aroostook Shrine Klowns Reporter: Noble CharCole Greetings from the Aroostook Shrine Klowns! Apologies for not having an update in quite a while, I intend to do my best to make sure we have an update every month. After a busy season last year, our winter was fairly quiet with the exception of some hospital visits, and the childrens Christmas party at the Aroostook Shrine Club. We made a few headlines when we did the hospital visits, Continued on page 14 “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run than walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you have to do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. The Anahgram 14 Third Annual Support your Hospitals Night Saturday, May 21st, 2016 at 1404 Broadway Bangor, Maine at Anah Shrine 5pm-6pm Social hour-with time to browse the Silent Auction tables. 6pm-7pm- Dinner with tickets at $10 each 7—8pm- Speakers 8pm-Drawing of the Auction items with pick up at end after the Special Entertainment program. Please bring your friends and family to this event as Several of our Shrine Hospital families will be here to speak on their experiences at the hospitals. All proceeds to benefit the Boston Shrine Hospital and Springfield Shrine Hospitals from this event ANAH STATED MEETING 1404 BROADWAY TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016 STATED MEETING NOTICE Anah’s Stated Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17, 2016 At 7 pm for the purpose of conducting the business of Anah Shriners and disseminating information to the membership on matters relating to current Shrine events and activities. All Nobles are invited to attend. All Unit Leaders are required to attend along with one other member of the unit. Please wear your fez. Robert “Bob” Turner, Potentate Attest: Larry L. Hersom, P.P. Recorder Agenda 6 P.M. Dinner / Invocation 7 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance and Welcome Stated Meeting Deaths since Aug. 18 Stated Meeting Restorations Demits Associate Members dropped Associations with Anah Temple updates Questions/Comments Meeting Adjourns There will not be a charge for those in attendance for dinner however a donation jar will be available to offset the cost of the meal. Any Shriner can attend these Stated Meetings. Non Unit Members are asked to call the Anah Office at 9422254 and let them know you will be in attendance for dinner. Continued from page 13 although Santa and Mrs. Clause had to do their best to keep some of us in line. The Christmas party was a big hit and the kids had a fun filled afternoon, with games, Klowns, and of course a cakewalk. I’m fairly sure each child that showed up walked away with a cake or two at least! We’ve taken this winter to spend some time with each other in the unit, which only strengthens our bond and truly makes us a very close family. Disco, MegaByt3, Kickstand, Ruffles, and CharCole were fortunate enough to meet the Mandarin as well, it’s just too bad the Indy’s had to clean up the garage after! We got together at the bowling alley and had some pizza too with our better halves and some of the Klown kids. We also got together and went to the movies, we behaved for the most part and didn’t razzle the crowd too bad, although poor Ruffles was hassled by a few of the Klowns sitting behind him. We are also planning on having a few makeup classes to give some pointers to the new guys in the unit. If they are painting up like an Auguste, they should probably bring their wife or girlfriend with them because we all know who really does their makeup! For 2016, the boss Klown is Moochie, for the billionth time, so maybe he’ll be able to lead us this year with his eyes closed! Also taking up offices in the unit are Camo as Captain, MegaByt3 as Lieutenant, Sci as Treasurer, and CharCole as Secretary. We are getting amped up for the upcoming season, circus is around the corner, then we have ceremonial soon after... and once ceremonial is done we enter the parade season! We have so much fun putting a smile on children’s faces while painting one on ours! Sincerely, CharCole, Secretary Klown The last meeting was held March 1st at Pat’s Pizza with 37 members present. Old and new business was discussed and meeting adjourned. Future dates to remember: April 5th will be Ladies Night at Riverside Cafe in Ellsworth at 6 pm. Next regular meeting will be May 3rd at Pat’s Pizza in Ellsworth and don’t forget June 8th will be our annual lobster feed at Alan Heath’s in Penobscot. The gun raffle is well on its way and there have been a few lucky winners: Nick Easler, Sangerville, Brian V. Dill Jr., Bucksport, Nick Noddin, Surry, Robert Crabtree, Franklin, Steve Parent, Camden, Keith Crowley Jr., Addison, Ryan Fysh, Ellsworth, and Chris Kane, Levant. Congratulations to all. Now for the local gossip. Noble Jimmy Nolan and Noelle are somewhere south of Kittery traveling in their new motor home. “Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.”- Henry David Thoreau April 2016 15 Past Potentate John Fernald is worried about Bill Fernald’s relatives arriving in Somesville early. It must mean he is in route somewhere. There was a good turnout from Hancock County Shrine Club at the Washington County Shrine Club steak feed. Noble Brad Prout is back in school for Shrine knowledge. Get well wishes to Ed Pellon. Rumor has it that Past Potentate Geddes Simpson and Lady Carol(e) are putting a hot tub on their deck. I wonder if they are having senior moments? I’m trying to find out more about Alan Fernald and his exercises at the Y. Noble Jay Fernald has gone back to sea. Noble Brian Hamor is due back from the south. Hope Noble Bruce and Lady Lois Clark are having an excellent winter in sunny Florida. Remember, Maine hasn’t been all that cold this winter. Hope we’ll see you guys this spring. Noble John Fernald thinks he is going to have a small garden this spring so he can get to canning some more pickles. Birthday celebrators are Earle Tracy, Wilbert Terry, Ellen Duff, Carole(with an e) Simpson, Ronald Gross, Don McHenan, Ed Colburn, Evenlyn Hardison, Terrance DuFour, Paul Cirard, Linda Ballard, Mike Madore, Julie Fernald, Larry Wasson, Randy Sawyer, Michael Nickerson, Linda Tracy, Carrie Richardson, John Fuller, Shayna Nickerson, Sonny Crocker, Ed (Speed) Seymour, and Brian Lane. Honeymooners are Richard and Mae Landesman, Chad and Susan Cirard, Richard and Gladys Leighton, Barry and Ginny Hamilton, Paul and Carol Cirard, and Geddes Simpson, Jr. and Carole (with an e) Simpson. P.S. Noble Corey Cirard-understand you won big on the calendar event. Maybe you should send some of the funds to your mom and dad so they can get home safely from Florida. Oops! Gotta Go! Phone’s ringing. Can’t be anyone with any news. It must be a telemarketer, a political call, or wrong number. Noble John Farrington, Reporter To the Nobles of Anah land it sure looks as though it is going to be an early spring. NPSC does not hold a March meeting so I do not have a lot to report to you this month. The officers and directors did meet at my home on February 18, with ten of us present. This group of Nobles entered into a discussion about the next Feztival of Trees and how we may participate. There also ensued a great deal of discussion about a fund raiser(s) for this club. We need to keep in mind that over each of the next four years we, as a club, are responsible for keeping our pledge of $2,000 each year towards the new temple. When we made the commitment to this pledge we felt that we could meet it with our commission from the Circus Ad sales. However, in this part of Anah land it is becoming more difficult to gain those Circus Ads. Therefore the directors feel that the club needs to be looking at one or more fund raiser to gain the money that we need to make this yearly commitment. Please, if you have an idea for a good money maker share it with one of the directors or bring your idea up for discussion at the next club meeting. The president reported on and shared a very nice thank you card from the Sunshine Club. They thanked NPSC for a recent donation that we made to help them in their work. Tony reported that a purchase/sale agreement has been signed on the Main Street building. Nobles and Ladies, please keep in mind that our next meeting will take place at the snow mobile club in Sherman with Rep. Rick Long as our guest speaker. After that, in May, we will again meet with the ladies present, at the East Branch SnoRovers in Medway. The president is trying to arrange for a guest speaker representing Patient Air Lift Services (PALs). This service provides free air flight to instate and out of state hospitals for those in need of medical services. The June meeting will take place in Patten (for Nobles only) at their snow mobile club. Bring your umbrellas as there is usually a dandy of a thunderstorm on that meeting night. That is all for now, see you at the April meeting, and remember to keep Masonry and Shrine Dom in your life. Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter April, and were having a great time at our annual meeting, I hope. I have to write this column back in March, so will let you know next month. At this time we would like to welcome our new potentate, Bob Turner and his lovely Lady Bonnie. We wish you a great year, and if you need us just give us a call. Lets not forget the circus on April 29, 30, and May 1st. We will again be selling our novelties, and will ask Nobles when they want to work. Another date to remember is June 4th, our golf tournament at the Piscataquis Golf course in Guilford. This would be a great time to start looking for donations of whatever to be given away as prizes. Birthday wish’s go to Sandy Bussell, Rhonda Scott, Ramoa Sudsbury, Evelyn Dow, Devin Bussell, Johanne Watier, I hope I got that right as Scott spells it different every time he tells me. Let us not forget that great gray hunter from Lee Maine, Warren Curtis. Rumor has it that he just bagged a one of a kind. I can’t say anything yet, as we don’t know if it is LEAGAL! Anniversary congratulation’s go to Dan and Suellen Leighton. 27 years they went to Niagara Falls. If any of you know something that you would like to see in the Anahgram, contact me at 794-6675, 794-2222, or kdh6367@ Same goes for anyone that would like to join the unit. All Blue Lodges will be going this month. Try to find a candidate, young or old, and be there when he takes his degrees. Until next time, SEE YA! Noble Mike Murphy Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. Another month is here and I’ve missed the last couple Anahgram’s. There is no excuse other than I didn’t do it. With that Said. I have lots of news to report. At our annual meeting, we voted in a new slate of officers. Cliff Wells is the new President and Treasurer, Richard Bowden is the Vice-president and Secretary, Paul Hazard remains the Pipe Major, Mike Grant – Pipe Sergant, Ernie Smith – Pipe Corporal. Tom Sawyer remains Drum Major, Kraig King – Drum Sergent and Quartermaster, Tony Smith – Corporal. I remain the reporter. The band is diligently practicing for our first event – St. Patrick’s Day. We intend to invade Geahagan’s on March 17 at 6 pm. It is so much fun to see the crowded room light up when we enter with the pipes and drums in tune with a military march. Ernie has penned pipe music to the rock tune “We Will Rock You”. The drum salute that goes with it and the pipe music should really bring the “Irish” out of even the sternest member of the crowd. On a separate note, I just returned from Boston. The site of the first shot of the Revolutionary War in April 19, 1775 was a few miles away in Concord at the old North Bridge. My wife and I stayed at an Inn within walking distance of said historical site. The Inn was used as a hospital for that battle. It was very interesting. Seeing the bridge and a narrow strip of land preserved in time made it easy for me to realize the importance of the founding of our Nation. Against absolutely impossible odds, our forefathers refused to give into tyranny and sacrificed for a better future for us. Perhaps we should thank them. In any “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West Continued on page 16 The Anahgram 16 Continued from page 15 given election, nearly half of the eligible voters don’t vote. Our Masonic Brethren were key to the founding of this nation and they would be appalled at such horrendous statistics. Our Inn was across the street from the Concord Masonic Hall. I so wanted to get into a meeting so that I could inquire about the rich history of that Lodge. This Nation is founded on Masonic values which are based upon rich teachings from the Bible. The Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal”. I seem to recall something about meeting on the level. I would like to go on further about the trip and sites from our Nation’s birth, (Sleepy Hollow Cemetery is also across from the Inn for what that is worth), but the hour is late (due in part to Boston not being able to afford street signs that are big enough to read) and I must continue my journey home. Until Next time, if anyone would like piping or drumming lessons, contact me at Be Blessed my brothers. Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter April is here and seems wonderful to say “good by” to winter. We really have no complaints as it has been a warmer than usual one with little snow and only extremely cold temps for short periods of time. It certainly will be good to have warmer weather and green grass again. Our snowbird friends have reported that it has been colder than normal in the south and not the kind of weather they wanted during their winter months either. Easter was in March this year and I neglected to wish everyone a Happy Easter in the March Anahgram. I hope that you all had a wonderful Easter with your families. Our March meeting was held on the 3rd at the Addison Town Hall and was the Annual Divan Visitation night. It was well attended with over 40 people in attendance. Dignitaries present included Potentate Robert Turner; Steve Trimm, Chief Rabban; Adam Beals, Outer Guard; PP & Recorder Larry Hersom; PP Ed Pellon; PP Sonny Crocker; PP Jesse Thomas; PP Al Gibson; PP Lee Kaufman; PP Geddes Simpson; PP John Fernald; Directors Donald Wright, Chief Greeter and WCSC Reporter Warren Orcutt; Assistant Chief Greeters Robert Look and Mike Bailey; Greeter Todd Alley; Joe McDonald, Ubbie Crowley & Ronald Dunphy, Mini Cars; Troy Huffman, Runtz Farnsworth, and Billy Sinford, Lobster Boats; Brian Strout, WCSC President; David Weaver, Asst. Chief Director; Bruce Clarke, Assistant Director of Units; George Alley, Personal Aide; Denny Smith and Ed Huntley, Assistant Chief Aides; Thomas Frost, Director of Units; Walter Kennedy, Wheelers; Ryan Otis, Chaplin; Thomas Fernald, Convertibles; Johnathan McClure; Dwayne Smith & Tony Santiago. The 2016 Potentate’s Trip is April 2-9 and those attending will be at the Valentine Imperial Maya when this issue hits the mail. I know everyone will be having a great time. WCSC will sponsor the Carnival in Machias this summer and chose the week of August 4th for the event. Watch for additional details in future Anahgram articles, in the paper, or on the radio. Several of the WCSC members spent all or part of the first week of February in Island Falls at Vacationland Estates, including Warren & Velma Orcutt, Mike and Debi Murphy, Robert & Sandi Look, and Mike and Lisa Grant. Other longtime friends were also there for week and have been going for over 25 years now. PP Tony Bowers joined us several evenings for dinner, jokes, and just a fun evening. The Annual Shrine Circus will be in Bangor on April 29th to May 1st and it takes many hands to make this successful. Sign up and volunteer your time to help with this worthy event. Remember we all work for “the Children”. Screening Clinics will be held in Machias on May 3rd so be looking for potential candidates to attend and get referred for help with their issues. A Sportsman’s Show is being planned in Machias at UMM and more information will be available next month. Birthday wishes go out to Stacey Cherry, Ubbie Crowley, Julie Fernald, Bethany Foss, Ricky Foss, Ralph Fraser, James Gibson Jr., Carolyn Hayward, Kevin Joy, Robert Lobley, Bimbo Look, Joanne Meserve, Randy Sawyer, Carole Simpson, Sped Seymour, Nicole Sinford, Kenneth Steweart, Frank Theriault, Earl (ET) Tracy, Linda Tracy, and Bob Young. Anniversary bells rang out for Dean & Elizabeth Alley, Carroll & Susan Chandler, Mike & Jolene Doran, Gerry & Linda Moores, Barry & Jada Hanscom, Larry & Teresa Nichols, Linden & Andrea Perry, PP Geddes & Carole Simpson, and Potentate Robert & Lady Bonnie Turner. As a reminder, get your new candidates lined up for the June Ceremonial. Room reservations must be made through Anah Housing by contacting Earl Seymour. Rooms will fill up fast so call to reserve your room or it may be too late. June is right around the corner. Directors Staff Noble Dave Weaver - Reporter As I sit here writing this article on the 3rd of March I’m very glad I’m inside our house. It’s very cold outside about 11 above and the wind is blowing a gale. BUT no snow !! Like I told someone yesterday, Howling wind is easy to shovel and cold weather doesn’t get you wet. So from where I’m sitting it looks like a real nice day outside. Not much going on in Shrinedome during the month of February. I heard that the Clown comedy night was a huge success. That was in competition with the High School Basketball Tournaments. I, for one, love the tournaments. I was a little disappointed in the TV coverage. Congratulations to all the teams that made the top eight. The month of March brings us the Island Party. Having been to these Party’s , in the past, I’m sure it will be a lot of fun. I’m sure that a lot of coconut bras will be present. Roger Grindle always wears his. The Mid Winter meeting will also take place in Fredericton NB March 17 – 19. That’s about it for this month. Please keep in mind the Circus is coming the last weekend in April, in Bangor and the 1st weekend in May, in Presque Isle. Both venues can use all the help they can get. Be kind to one another and attend your local Blue Lodge. Noble Martin “Fou” Perfit, Clown Unit Reporter February 6 saw Div-It (Duane Young) and Fou (Martin Perfit) at the Home Depot Children’s Workshop where they dazed, stunned, flabbergasted, and even impressed 137 children with their balloon twisting and sundry other antics. It must be noted that while demonstrating their talent at no time did their fingers leave their hands! Our first ever Comedy Night took place on Saturday evening February 20 under the direction of Slapshot (Dale Hatch) and Scooter (Scott Boucher). Our goal was to sell 150 tickets but we ended with a paid attendance of over 375. The attendees were well fed at the sumptuous spread prepared and served by Gumpy (Mike Robshaw), Piggy (Tom Vanchieri), T/C Trash Can (Bill Taylor), and Pop Fizz (Troy Devoe). Additional assistance was provided by Theresa Hatch (Mrs. Slapshot). Final numbers are not yet available but Red Sneaker Fund for Burn Research donation cups on each table raised nine hundred dollars. Birthday wishes for April go out to Boss Clown Coota (Arthur Watson), Dumpster (Dennis Dyer), Lisa Watson and Cindy Kelley. Thought for this month: “So who’s in a hurry?” – Robert Benchley in response to a warning that drinking is “slow poison.” “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing in the tempting moment. “- Benjamin Franklin April 2016 17 FEBRUARY CALENDAR WINNERS! 1$25�������������������� Stephanie Lagasse 2$25������������������������� Andy Connelly 3$25������������������������ Jeffrey E. Welch 4$25���������������������������� Linda Stevens 5$25�������������������������������� Glenn Blair 6$300��������������������������� Peter Enman 7$25�������������������������� Felicia Wiswell 8$25����������������� Robert S. Stanwood 9$25������������������������ Bobbi Jo Brown 10$25���������������������������� Brenda Wood 11$25��������������� William A. Buckland 12$25��������������������������� Harold Taylor 13$100������������������ Philip A. Warman 14$25���������������������������������� Ray Daley 15$25�������������������������� Michelle Libby 16$25������������������������������ Keegan Beal 17$25���������������������� Bonnie Goodwin 18$25����������������������������� Scott Keenan 19$25����������������� Donna L. Fitzgerald 20$100����������������������������� Harold Beal 21$25�������������������������� Joyce Petroshy 22$25�������������������������� Edee Howland 23$25���������������������������� Shirley Smith 24$25������������������������������� Adam Keep 25$25���������������������������������� Tim Todd 26$25������������������������ LuAnne Adams 27$100��������������������������� George Alley 28$25������������������������� Harold Paulson 29$25������������������������� Marjorie Smith ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS Gerry’s Used Cars BUY HERE / PAY HERE Family Owned and Operated Serving you from four locations Ask about our extended warranty! • Cheryl & Karrie - 266 Newport Road, Corinna, 278-2205 • Justin - Oakland 465-9566 • Rose - Main Street, Veazie 990-2206 • Kalgari - Skowhegan 474-6700 Sunset Auto Repair Full Service Auto Repair State Inspection • We Sell Tires No Job too Big or Small Free Estimates 907-4901 M - F: 9am - 5pm 2834 Broadway • Bangor, Maine Know-how believes in the power of service. People’s United Bank proudly supports the Anah Shriners ©2015 People’s United Bank | Member FDIC | 207-942-4800 Equal Housing Lender “When you love someone, you love the person as they are, and not as you’d like them to be.” – Leo Tolstoy The Anahgram 18 at Tell your friends, your neighbors, people you don’t even know if you aren’t shy. Hope to see you at the next Sunday morning meeting! Noble Shawn Lahey, Reporter Hello, again, from the Crown of Maine. Here are a few things that came from the Aroostook Shrine Club meeting. First – the club has had some good discussion recently regarding finances and has re-engaged the Finance Committee. It’ll consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Building Superintendent and the Unit Heads who will be tasked with ensuring we have a practical budget and healthy bottom line moving forward. Second – there was some time spent on membership. The Potentate and his Divan have a membership challenge in place for any club or unit that increases their rolls by 4 members at this June’s ceremonial. They’ll provide a Delicious Divan Dining experience so encourage any Master Masons you know to sign up and attend the Anah/Kora joint ceremonial in Belfast this June. Lastly but certainly not least(ly?), everyone’s gearing up for the “busy season.” The first thing on tap is circus and everyone’s been working hard to get things ready for May 5, 6 & 7. We’ve have a Facebook page you can like, follow and share to get the word out Reporter Noble Harold Adams Hello everyone. Very strange weather this winter for us in the Bangor area, and now it seams we are on our way to spring with the temperatures of late. Makes for long nights with nothing to do. As everyone is aware we are getting ready for the Circus at the end of the month. We need all the help you can give to help with novelties. Our Provost Marshall is getting his plans together for Elvis night. Right now, he is planning sometime in June, we will let you know when he has it finalized. Also, in June is the Summer Ceremonial in Northport, we need members for the parade, that Saturday. Remember our meetings so you can help plan for these up coming events, the first Tuesday of the month, every month unless otherwise notified. That does it for now, now onto member special days. Birthday wishes being sent to; Nobles Don Havey, Carl Drew, Jerry Fratini, and Jeff Hamadey, our Ladies are Dottie Havey, and Judith Pratt. Couples celebrating anniversaries Nobles and Ladies Don and Dottie Havey, Galen and Nancy Adams and Thomas and Nadene Smith. Congratulations to you all. Until next time. Reporter Jame Buteau Hello everyone! We hope everyone is enjoying a true Mainers early mud season. Thank you to everyone who made it out on a snowy cold day for our second annual cribbage tournament. First we would like to thank Duane Jordan for the use of his building. We had a great turnout, what a great afternoon to get some cabin fever relief. This year we had 52 player, 1st place was Chance Curtis, 2nd place Roger Lane,3rd place was Dennis St Peter and 4th place Ronnie Taplin, who donated back. Thank you! The big 50/50 winner was Corey Cirard one of unit member who also donated his winnings back. Thank you Corey! We would like to thank everyone that helped and donated food and time for this event. With the weather getting warmer we are looking forward to working on our banners and trailer, to get ready for the first parade of the year. Until next time - get out and enjoy the warm weather and early trout fishing before the Maine state bird comes out (the black fly). Reporter Jamie Buteau Anah Chanters 191 E. Main Street, DoverFoxcroft, ME 04426 We are proud to support the Anah Shriners. We have 19 banking locations throughout the state of Maine to serve your personal and business banking needs. Katahdin Trust. Community Banking at its Best since 1918! Noble Carl Stewart, Reporter We have moved most of our equipment to a temporary storage area in the new temple. A new permanent storage room has been prepared for us but we need to install some shelving to help keep things orderly and accessable. Jim Leighton and I hope to get something installed within the next couple of weeks. Everything has to be out of the old temple by mid April. We have two four drawer file cabinets left in the old temple containing music sheets, To nd one of our 19 banking locations: “If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.” – Lord Chesterfield April 2016 or so Jim tells me. I have never seen them opened in my time with the Chanters. Jim says he has never seen them used in his lifetme which is a long time. We may decide to do away with them and save the space. Any comments will be welcome. We are still looking for new members. We have several members who are getting on in age and are having some health problems and we need some younger replacements. We were not able to get enough members to allow us to perform for the January Ceremonial. If would like to join a unit please come to one of our meetings on the second Thursdays at the new Shrine Center at 7:00 PM. You don’t have to have music training - just be willing to make a joyfull noise. Happy birthday wishes are in order for Janet Moll who celebrated her birthday in March and to Maddy Stewart who celebrates hers in April. Happy anniversary to Bob and Carol Dion. 19 meeting to the Ladies, and it was nice to see so many present. We may be doing this more often, the Ladies really add to the evening. 50/50 raffle was won by Noble Mike Blake, who donated his share back to the Club. Thanks Mike. President Watson brought up the Waterfront Concert Tickets.This is a fund raiser for the Club, tickets are only $20 and offers you a chance to win tickets of a Concert of your choice and a overnight stay at the Hollywood Casino. If you win, your ticket goes back in and you can win more than once. Circus Tickets and Ads were mentioned, Nobles need to work hard on these two items. Speaker for the evening was Potentate Bob Turner. He spoke on his upcoming year and events that have already taken place. A very exciting year is being planned for Anah Shrine. After the Potentate’s interesting and informative remarks, meeting was closed by President Watson. PHOTO UNIT Noble Lloyd Day, Reporter Tri County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 17th of February at the Countryside Restaurant in Corinth. The 44 Nobles and Ladies enjoyed an excellent Buffet Meal and Libation Hour. The Libation Hour was ably manned by Nobles Ron Green and Master of Libation Scott Folsom. The appetizers alone were enough for a meal. Countryside really knows how to put on a meal. The meeting was called to order by President Arthur “COOTA” Watson. Invocation was given by Noble Don “BOBO” Young. After the Invocation, a moment of silence was held for two of our recently departed Nobles, PP Tyler Dunning and John Currier. The President led the salute to the Flag of Our Country. After the meal, President Watson introduced the head table. Seated at the head table were VP Rich Johnson and Lady Cynthia, Secretary Dave Mosley, Master of Libation Scott Folsom and Lady Jeanie, President Arthur Watson and Lady Phyllis and Illustrious Sir Potentate Robert Turner and his lovely Lady Bonnie. Unit Heads in attendance were Scott Folsom of the 4X4’s, Lloyd Day of the Photo Unit. Representing the Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club was Noble Sped Seymour. Aides Emeritous present were Nobles Ron Green and Don Mitchell. Chief Director of the Directors Staff Dan Costain was present. Potentate Turner presented Past President Dan Costain with his Past Presidents Plaque. Well deserved Dan. Past Potentates in attendance were Larry Hersom “86” and Lady Libby, and Lee Kaufman “13” and Lady Peggy. Representing the Divan was Outer Guard Adam Beals, Recorder Larry Hersom and Illustrious Sir Potentate Robert Turner. Tri County opened our Today 4 guys showed up to make the move from our darkroom on Main Street to Broadway. Thanks to Ed, Chet, and Merland the task was quickly finished. We have a little more sorting to do and may liquidate some more baggage. My back was hurting so the 3 did most of the lugging. That Ed is a bear. The cabinet that Merland made came out nice. The countertop donated by Bangor Wholesale Laminates looks mighty fine too. We then adjourned to Dysarts for lunch. Noting that we had a quorum we decided to have one of our 4 required meetings. It was decided we need a new filing cabinet as the other one was tired. Sec/Treasurer Clark offered to take care of that. We also decided to sell the unit laptop as no one was using. It has some age and we think it is running XP. If anyone is interested contact me. We discussed the June ceremonial and it looks like a fine turnout (4 photo shooters) will be there. Secretary Clark collected dues and we have keys coming for the room. With paid up dues comes a key to the room. We received a donation from Aroostook County Shrine Club. (Thanks Boomer) for a poster we did of the divan. We also previously received a donation from Kora for work we did at winter ceremonial. I can say it was a nice donation. Secretary Clark took note of the proceedings and we adjourned. Dennis was somewhere in Canada looking for some lobsters. Lloyd Day, Asst. Director Leave only footprints ~~~ Noble Gaylord E. Sundt, Reporter I trust that everyone got through April Fools day without being made a fool. I don’t worry about it so much as I’m always being accused of being one already. This winter is finally winding down. What there was of it. Those of us who stuck it out here instead of running to a warmer climate (we know who you are),were blessed with a mild one. Only had the snowblower out twice. It may last another 35 years at this rate. Not complaining. Feel bad for the winter lovers, but in all honesty, I don’t feel all that bad. The units monthly meeting for February was held at Pat’s Pizza in Holden. 1/2 of the unit attended which is about normal for this time of year. Noble Roger Grindle, out divan rep, was in attendance and announced his up coming retirement. Congratulations to him! Plans and details for our upcoming May 14 th Super Supper were discussed. Get your ticket, if you haven’t already, and get ready to enjoy a nice evening. At our new Shrine Center. Can’t wait! Our leader passed around a list of member information so that we could correct any mistakes. He allowed that some members might want to change their ladies names? Wonder who that could be? After six weeks of persistent urging so by my wife(it would have been quieter around here had I listened earlier), I made my way to the hospital to have a persistent cough checked out. After filling out papers and listing Fernalds as the place to call in an emergency, I was ushered in. I was poked, prodded, blood let, iv’d with a large bag which I’m guessing was not gin and tonic, pilled and vaporized. After four hours she announced that I had a case of cute bronchitis. I’d not heard of that one and realized that because my ears were blocked that she was saying that I was cute and that I had bronchitis. Lorraine says she said ‘acute bronchitis’, but at my age I like what I heard better. Stopped and got more meds on the way home. So $135 later, I’m on the mend except for the $135. That’s history! But like someone said once, he’d never seen a u-haul behind a hearse. Got some hi tech cough syrup at $8 a teaspoon. 10 pages of do’s and don’t later I fill up the teaspoon. Reading the label I see where it says to take by MOUTH every 12 hours. Really? I mean it’s not like I’ve got an earache or gas. What else would I do with it. Guess that’s to protect them from some fools lawyer. This month Noble Sped retires from the military. He also celebrates his birthday. We thank him for his service and wish him a happy day! Noble Don and his Lady Elaine and Friendship is not about who you spend the most time with, it’s who you have the best time with. Continued on page 21 The Anahgram 20 18 Springfield MA is now a thing of the past who are behind in dues next month. This and was held August 21-23. I am sure a seems to help a lot with our retention. I am good time was had by all who attended. personally reaching out to all the candidates Noble Appreciation Night will be held at from 2011,2012,2013 and 2014 each month the Anah Temple on September 13th. through a calling post message. I think this By Noble Doug Dulac Point Lookout Resort in Northport, MaineHappy DOING G OOD Birthday wishes for September go UN , keeps them in the loop and informed. F Hello everyone fromD the membership Friday June 17th to Sunday 19th 2016out to Barry Hanscom, Donnie Wright, Bill G Please help us by telling the Shrine committee. I wanted to update you all a Sternbergh, Phil Mondville, Leni Weaver, Golf story as often as Registration possible. We need to start little bit on membership. First of all let me Napoleon Beal, Nancy Chapman, Vernon 2016 gearing up for6/17/ next year’s class, so keep tell you we had a very successful Hospital Scott, Skip Pennell, James Cox, Cecil thinking about someone who would make Lunch Support Night event on Sat. August 2nd.and Registration at Blue Goose 11:30-1:00pm Fernald, and Sandy Alley. a good Mason and Shriner. Tee off at Northport Golf Course at 1:30pmSeptember Anniversary wishes go to Past This is something the membership comm. AN L I CH put on to Graise of what we 9 holes $45 per person includes lunchPotentate Guy and Nancy Chapman, Walter E TH awareness E LIFE OF A really do as Shriners which is support the18 holes $60 per person includes lunch& Claire Kennedy, Mike & Dawn Gooch, Dick & Margaret Gardner, Napoleon & hospitals. We had a fantastic meal put on Bernadette Beal, Tom & Bobbie Foss, by the Second Section, who did itName:________________________________ free Vernon & Gail Scott, Mike & Nancy Bailey, of charge by the way, a silent auction,3 Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter William & Ruth Smith, and George & patients from the hospitals that spoke and Name:________________________________ Sheila Alley. As I write this article I realize that some great entertainment by the Skyliners Until next month I wish all a great summer is slipping away very quickly. Fall band. Because it was our first time doing September and good health. is fast approaching and the leaves will soon Name:________________________________ this and being in the middle of the summer be turning color. It is a beautiful time of I was a little nervous about what kind of the year but we all know what is to follow turnout we would get. I am very pleased to Name:________________________________ in a few months. Enjoy the good weather say that we had over 120 in attendance! The while we have it. Hopefully we will have deal was that every penny of profitPlease we made return a nicecompleted warm fall. registration and payment to would be split between the Boston and Our August 7th meeting was a ladies night Springfield hospitals. We actually will be and was2016 held atCeremonial the Degenhart Campground Golf sending them $1062.00 each! I have spoken in Jonesport.C/O I wasRyan unable Otis to attend so have with Jesse Thomas our Chief Rabban and no report on the meeting. I do know that 18 Salmond St the Annual it looks like we will do this again next year they were making the plans for hopefully on May 16th. Belfast, ME 04915 Bob Smith Picnic on August 17th. We are In addition to that the membership FMI 207-469-5604 hoping for another beautiful day in Down comm. is meeting once a month and will East Maine for this event. be starting phone calls to all those nobles The Northeast Shrine Field Days in Joint Summer Ceremonial TH DS EE CH D AT WILL SHRINERS HAV IN Membership Anah & Kora Committee Darling’s Chevrolet is proud to support the ANAH SHRINERS 121 Downeast Hwy., Ellsworth (just up from the triangle) US Route 1 North • 667-2512 “You’ll do better at Darling’s!” You can find it all at “A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find, lucky to have.” – Anonymous Brewer April 2016 207-989-3603 Ellsworth 207-667-8515 Continued from page 19 Noble Dick and his Lady Debbie celebrate wedding anniversaries this month. Congratulations to them and anyone else with a date to celebrate this month. Make plans to attend the Circus this month. Remember it’s all about the kids, but everyone can have fun there! For those Shrine members headed to Mexico this month, behave yourself. Bring us back some tall tales, but don’t call EST me1964 for bail! Going to close up here before I have to double up on the meds. Presently helping with the house work by keeping the dust off of the recliner. Remember all those in Ellsworth needBrewer in your prayers and get ready to enjoy 207-667-8515 a207-989-3603 great summer! Reporting for the convertible unit, Gaylord E. Sundt Noble Allen Hayward, Reporter Campers please contact one of the EST 1964 following to see if there are lots available for the June Ceremonial weekend Thursday to Sunday - June 16 - 19: Northport Campground - Route 1, Northport 3382077; Searsport Shores Camping Resort Brewer Ellsworth - Route 1, Searsport 548-6059; Moorings RV Resort, 191 Searsport207-667-8515 Ave., Belfast 207-989-3603 603-325-0778 - Reservation requests are available on line Please note that you must make your own reservation. Please note Shrine Circus - Bangor - April 29 & 30, May 1. Presque Isle - May 5, 6, 7 Campers are meeting at Timberland Campground, Trenton on Memorial Weekend - May 27, 28, 29 - phone #6673600 - please make your own reservation. EST 1964 Anniversaries for April: Walter & Joann Ash, Richard & Deborah Dunham, Ron & Carole Green, Scott & Maggie Hoyle and Mike & Jolene Doran. Brewerfor April: Joann Ellsworth Birthdays Ash, Irene Blood, Sonny Colburn, Ray Crowley, Gail 207-989-3603 207-667-8515 Foulks, Paul Foulks, Dottie Herrick, Sue Jones, Thomas King, Ray Paul, Derward Shedd, Wilbert Terry, Beverly Watson, Tom Woods. Please try to attend get togethers this year to support our club. Please contact Walter Ash, Wagon Master, 322-4131, if you know of someone who would like to join the club. Have a great Spring. Noble Allen Hayward, Reporter Bangor 207-947-5678 Brewer 207-989-3603 Ellsworth 207-667-8515 21 Brooke Green EST 1964 Bangor 207-947-5678 Brewer 207-989-3603 Ellsworth 207-667-8515 EST 1964 Bangor 207-947-5678 Brewer 207-989-3603 Ellsworth 207-667-8515 EST 1964 Bangor 207-947-5678 Brewer 207-989-3603 Ellsworth 207-667-8515 Remember to support your Blue Lodge With this new era of computer passwords I like this one. “I changed my password to incorrect. That way when I forget it, it always reminds me, “Your password is incorrect.” – Anonymous The Anahgram 22 The more people we have, the more we can earn to give directly to the children at the hospitals. Practice times are every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Newport. Noble Doug Brockway, Reporter Anah Band is still working on brand new material for the Summer Ceremonial. Spring is here and we will be ready for all the Anah Band has lined up. We like to think of Summer and it gets us all fired up and ready. With Ceremonial comes more parades, which is the lifeblood of this band. We have our list of music that we will always enjoy but it’s nice to add some new stuff to play. Hopefully our adoring fans can make some suggestions of some music they would like us to play. We have added a new sax player, he is a Master Mason and will soon be taking the degree of a Shriner this summer. Matt should round out our brass sound that we have been perfecting. Noble Fred Beylerian Reporter IT’S APRIL AND THE CIRCUS IS COMING, THE CIRCUS IS COMING! At the next Keystone Kops meeting we will be to updating our telephone, home address and E-mail address rosters. So, all members please be in attendance so we can them completed. Schedule of Events: Hospital Night Spaghetti Dinner May 21st Keystone Kops Annual Golf Tournament May 22nd (sorry, reported the wrong date last month) The schedule will be updated as events are placed on the calendar. The Gun Raffle was voted on and passed. So, raffle tickets will be going on sale in the very near future. Happy Birthday wishes during the month of April 2016, go out to Kops Kerry Dalton, Jim Stanhope, Harold Stevens, Steve Smith and Ladies Amanda Emery and Marlee Spaulding. There are no Wedding Anniversaries. Congratulations to all and may you have many more. Now to the trivia question of the month. Last month’s question was: What is the oldest major soda created in the United States; and when and by whom was fizzy drinks originally marketed? Answer: The idea of marketing fizzy drinks was originated by a German jeweler named Jacob Schweppe in 1794. Schweppe’s Soda Water was originally promoted as treatment for “Stone of the Bladder.” The Sometimes the best part of my job is that my chair swivels. – Anonymous April 2016 oldest soda in the United States is Dr. Pepper invented in 1885. This month’s question is: Keeping the month of April and the circus in mind. Who is the patron saint of circus workers? Where is Maine? A number of years ago (a big number) John T. and I were traveling across the state of Georgia. (Georgians call it “The Great State”). Anyway, as we entered the town of Americus it was time to stop for gas. So John T. pulled into a small well kept (1930’s looking) gas station. As we got out of the car an elderly black gentleman approached and said “good day to y”all.” “Filler-up” John T. said. While doing so the kindly old gentleman asked John T., “where y”all from.” “Montezuma”, John T. replied. “I knows where that is, just up the road a piece from Andersonville” he said. “That’s right” John T. replied. The affable old man then turned to me and asked, “where’s y’all from.” “Maine” I replied. “main, the main part of what”, he asked? “No, No, the State of Maine” I answered. “Well, I‘s heards of it but I’s don’ts know where it is.” The time has come to close the “Blotter” for this month and to remember “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS.” The next Keystone meeting is April 26th. SCHOODIC SHRINE CLUB Noble David G. Beckett, Reporter Greetings from Schoodic Shrine Club: Circus ads have been sent in and the Circus is almost here. Many volunteers are needed to put on the Circus. If you can help, please contact Noble Dennis Bryant or Noble Frank Theriault, they can steer you in the right direction. I had a chance to tour our new Shrine Center at 1404 Broadway, Bangor. If you haven’t had a chance to see it, plan to stop in and they will show you around. It is an awesome facility. I would like to congratulate two new Nobles from our area – Noble Calvin Foley of Eastport and Noble Chad Hewitt of Calais. You will receive complimentary membership in Schoodic Shrine Club for 2016. There is no meeting in April, but our May meeting will be held at the Congregational Church Parish Hall in Dennysville on Wednesday, May 18th, beginning with a social hour at 5:30 pm. This is a Ladies Night, so plan to join us and bring your best lady. Looking ahead to June, we will meet on June 15th at the Lubec American Legion in Lubec America. This too is a Ladies Night., starting with a social hour at 5:30 pm. Our condolences go out to the family of Noble Barry F. Knowles of Herman, who was Raised in St. Croix Lodge No. 46, Calais, in 1978. ‘Til next time! 23 10 Locations to serve you! 1-800-244-7134 • Your local energy contractor YourIN local energy contractor $1500 REBATES AVAILABLE NOW! Call 207-469-6100 today for your free energy consult Call 207-469-6100 today Call 207-469-6100 today to schedule your free energy consult Energy Audits Efficiency Upgrades for AUDITS your free consult ENERGY |energy WEATHERIZATION Energy Audits Efficiency Upgrades “Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you’ll be a mile from them, and you’ll have their shoes.” – Jack Handey The Anahgram 24 The Black Camel Honoring Those Who Have Gone Before Us! “In Memory of Our Departed Brother Nobles” When Allah calls, then our friends obey and fold thier tents and steal away. To the land where the crystal waters flow, where the Beautiful Palms of Allah grow. Life is a story in volumes three, the past, the present, the yet to be. The first we’ve written and laid away, the second we’re reading day by day, The third and last of the volumes three,is locked from sight - God keepeth the key. CHARLES W. “BILL” CLARK, Brewer May 11, 1929 – Feb. 19, 2016 Rising Virtue #10, Bangor Raised 3/17/1962 Created Anah June 8, 1968 DANA W. BARNES, Fort Fairfield May 5, 1941-March 1, 2016 Eastern Frontier Lodge #112, Fort Fairfield Raised 11/20/1974 Affiliated with Trinity Lodge #130 6/11/1990 Created Anah June 178, 1977 Bowers Funeral Home 10 Water Street, Houlton 56 Sherman Street, Island Falls 207-532-3333 • 800-532-4333 CLAY FUNERAL HOME Lincoln,Maine BARTLETT CHAPEL Danforth, Maine MITCHELL-TWEEDIE FUNERAL HOME 28 Elm Street Bucksport 469-3177 YOUNG FUNERAL HOME 31West Main Street Searsport 548-2545 Serving Bucksport-Searsport and surrounding towns Albert Levesque, Proprioter Serving families in Bangor, Brewer, Hampden, Orono and Surrounding communities Celebrating the dignity of life CARING FOR GENERATIONS (207) 942-8815 J o r d a n - F e r n al d FUNERAL HOMES Your wishes for the type of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one can be outlined in advance like a will, prearranging a funeral is part of putting your affairs in order, yet it costs you nothing. Call us to set up an appointment. 1.800.667.2595 - Mount Desert Island • Ellsworth • Blue Hill April 2016 25 Noble Rich Johnson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. As I write this, I’m in hopes everyone is experiencing the joys of spring: the longer days, the rising temperatures and the shedding of winter clothing! Our March meeting was held at the Shrine Hall. The meeting started with a recap of the Wheeler’s Supper. Under old business we discussed the Brick Paver applications that still need to be submitted, Gun Raffle tickets which continue to be available, Anah dues for Ceremonial, and the sale of Second Section 2016 Calendars. And last, although important, Second Section dues. Please take advantage of the raffle opportunities by purchasing a gun raffle ticket or a calendar. In upcoming events, we discussed the June Ceremonial being held in Northport/ Belfast. The format will be a very nice change and we are all looking forward to the events. Housing is full and Second Section has secured 5 rooms at the Yankee Clipper in Belfast. We also discussed the Waterfront Concert Series, which will be underway in Bangor starting June 4th. The Second Section works as parking attendants for this event and we will need help with making sure we have sufficient coverage to make these events successful. There will be more to come. We also discussed the Noble of the Year Party, scheduled for October 1, 2016. Along those lines please be thinking about nominations. Also a topic of discussion was the Anah Shrine Circus which will be held in Bangor on April 29, 30 & May 1st and in Presque Isle on May 5, 6, & 7th. The Second Section’s primary responsibility at the Circus is to sell programs outside and inside; however there are many other exciting ways folks can help make this a premier event and if there is interest, please just ask. We need each of you. During the course of the meeting, timelines for the SDA were discussed. We will be departing on Thursday, April 14th and returning Saturday, April 16th. Setup stunts will be at Melha Shriners on Thursday from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Stunt preview will be Friday 8:00 am to 8:30 am with the Stunt competition immediately following on Friday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. The Springfield Hospital Tour is Saturday 9:00 am to 2:30 pm with 1 -2 hour timeslots. Please be mindful of associated costs which will include competition of $50.00 per Noble and 109.00 per night for the hotel. Under those remembered, our thoughts are with Harry Estes II and those close to him as he passed away on February 26, 2016. Hanks Husqvarna Outlet 19 Moosehead Trail Suite 2A Newport, ME 04953 207-368-9994 Hanks Repair 32 Old State Road Carmel, ME 04419 207-848-5118 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Lobsters, Clams, Mussels, Crabs, Scallops, Oysters Young’s Lobster Pound & Seafood Restaurant Where Lobsters are Caught, Cooked, Eaten and Shipped 7 Days a Week Right from our Dock 2 Fairview St. Belfast, Maine 04915 Phone: (207) 338-1160 Fax: (207) 338-1656 We Cater to Large Groups On or Off Site Continued on page 26 “If only common sense were more common.” Anonymous The Anahgram 26 Continued from page 25 April birthday wishes go out to Nobles Paul Cirard, Stacey Curtis, Gary Jordan, Bob Marin, Don Merrill, Todd Miller, David Scripture, and Thomas Woods. Ladies birthday wishes go out to Gigi Hardison and Denise Hayes. April anniversary wishes go out to Darren & Dacia Nason, Charles & Peggy Sisson, and Fred & Monica Patterson. Our next scheduled meeting will be held April 1, 2016 5:30 Social – 6:30 Meeting at the Shrine Hall. Remember, if you can’t make it to the meeting, contact an officer or any member to be excused. Thank you for all that you do. Until next time, think membership! Rich Noble Josh Morse Reporter Can you hear that? Listen hard, it’s getting closer and closer! Thump thump, thump thump….. that’s the sound that the go-kart unit members are getting excited to make, as they go up and over the ramp truck. It is almost time to pull the karts out of storage and get them ready for the task at hand. We would like to welcome our new Divan Rep, Adam Beals to our family. With his support, we know we are going to have a great summer and accomplish many things for the kids in need. We were happy to hear that Pepsi has joined the Shiner forces! Not only is our unit one the most entertaining acts during the parades, but if you get a chance on a weekend night, please check out Dave Eaton and his band! We were told that he has more moves than Patrick Swayze, in “Dirty Dancing”. His riding time in his Kart has really adapted his dancing moves to cause thrills and chills! A couple of important dates to keep in mind; May 21st - Hospital Membership Night Event June 10 - 12, 22 - 24 - We will be at Sams Club in Bangor, selling raffle tickets As always we are looking for new members. If you are person that likes having fun, is a little crazy and enjoys being around fast paced people - we are the unit for you! Best wishes from the gokarts and like always, keep it between the rails! “No man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child.” – Abraham Lincoln Washington County Shrine Visitation: John S. Fernald, P.P. Harold “Sonny” Crocker, P.P. Washington County Shrine Visitation: Geddes Simpson,P.P. Albert Gibson, P.P. Nobles Dick Gardner, George Gaddis and Bobby Wood Photos by Richard Kilton, Anah Photo Unit “Always remember to follow your heart, but remember to bring your brain along.” -Anonymous SPRING BREAK 2016 Photos by Richard Kilton, Anah Photo Unit The Anahgram 28 if there’s an EMERGENCY, then fast, reliable communication is a must. 64 Mill Road We offer emergency equipment, 2-way radio sale & service, solar site products and service, telemetry systems sales and service, radio system design and installation and more. Lamoine, ME 04605 Visit us online for discounts, specials and rental options. FOR FREE ESTIMATES 667-5962 Cell: 460-8861 155 Robertson Blvd., Brewer, Maine 04412 • Tel. 207-989-2435 RealtyofofRealty Maineof Maine Realty Maine TIM TIM TIM DUTCH DUTCH DUTCH Cell: 207.323.0440 Cell: 207.323.0440 Office: 207.338.6800 Office: 207.338.6800 Broker/Realtor Broker/Realtor Cell:Fax: 207.323.0440 Fax: 207.338.3060 207.338.3060 Office: Broker/Realtor 107• Main Street • Belfast, ME 04915 107 Main Street Belfast, ME207.338.6800 04915 local name know Fax: 207.338.3060 “A local name“A you know you you can trust!”you can trust!” 107I will Main • Belfast, 04915 “Today live inStreet the moment…unless that ME moment becomes unpleasant, in which case I’ll take a nap.” –Anonymous “A local name you know you can trust!” April 2016 29 AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 CARIBOU 118 BENNETT DR 498-2707 PRESQUE ISLE 611 MAIN ST 764-5553 HOULTON 98A BANGOR ST 532-2100 96 Center Street Bangor, ME 04401 207.947.4569 186 State Street • Bangor, Maine (207) 990-3929 Drive beatVarney VarneyValue Value Drive5050miles milesor or 500, 500, you You can’t can’t beat anywhere! anywhere! 260 HOGAN ROAD BANGOR, ME 04401 207-990-1200 1-800-288-3071 Augusta Bangor Belfast Portland You ANAHGRAMsuccessful successfulby byusing usingititfor foryour youradvertising advertisingand andpatronizing patronizingthose thosewho whodo. do. You can can help help make make THE The ANAHGRAM Anah Shriners P.O. Box Anah 735 Shriners Bangor ME 04402-0735 1404 Broadway Bangor, ME 04401 � � APRIL 2016 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 WEBB’S RV CENTER LAR RV D GEST EAL ER NEW IN ENG LAN D Rt. 2 Hammond St., Target Industrial Circle, Bangor AS DEMAND GETS GREATER... WE GET BETTER! Call us Today At 942-2900 or 1-800-339-5668 • OV ER 0 50NITS CK U TO S IN can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. After You you have looked at the rest. COME SEE THE BEST!
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