June 2013 - Anah Shriners
June 2013 - Anah Shriners
JUNE 2013 monthly messenger Of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 Changing Jobs or Retiring? Should you roll over your 401(k) plan account or reallocate your retirement assets? Whether you are changing jobs or retiring, a Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisor can review your situation and help you make informed choices to ensure that your nest egg will be there when you need it. Jeffrey F. O'Sullivan Senior Vice President Financial Advisor Key Plaza, 23 Water Street, Suite 406 Bangor, ME 04401 207-561-2000 jeffrey.o'sullivan@mssb.com morganstanley.com/fa/theosullivangroup Call your Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisor today to help you develop an investment program tailored to your retirement needs. A Morgan Stanley Company Tax laws are complex and subject to change. 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Guiding Children Health Shooting for To theBetter STARS The Anahgram Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Anah’s 91st year - Chartered June 15, 1922 A Chapter of Shriners International 586 Main Street, Bangor Maine 04401 Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994 Website: www.Anahshriners.com - e-mail: anahshriners@gmail.com Volume 81 Number 6 JUNE 2013 Gerald L. Harvey- Editor/Advertising Manager WINNER OF SIX DROMEDARY AWARDS The Circus is Coming...The Circus is Coming... Those words were heard or read frequently in recent months in the various media as the 50th Anah Shrine Circus was approaching. While the approaching Circus was being mentioned Circus Chairman Noble Charlie Grindle and his assistants, Denny Hill, and Dale Reynolds, Bangor, and George Watson, Presque Isle plus many more assistants were busily planning for and ordering novelties, and materials used in making Cotton Candy and Sno-Cones. They also had the responsibility for lining up crews to work the many departments such as Snow Cones, Cotton Candy, assembling and selling novelties, ushering, selling program books. Shrine clubs were responsible for selling advertising in the program book in the winter just past and selling advance tickets. Units also stepped forward to sell the program books at Circus time. Anah’s Ladies as usual played an extremely important part in the Circus in many departments keeping track of the ticket sales and the vendors and their sales. Some Units volunteered to provide lunches for the people who signed up to work from show to show. When it was time for the shows to begin the band began to play those distinctive Circus tunes and the lights came up in the auditorium. When the lights came up Ringmaster Charlie was there ready to introduce the acts as he has done for somewhere between 40 and 50 years. Charlie started out as an act along with his wife, and somewhere in the vague distant past took on the challenge of being the Ringmaster. The photo at left shows Potentate Lee at the Circus in Presque Isle with Moochie, Boss Clown of the Aroostook Clown group. They are being given a “time out”. in jail. Could they have been having a little too much fun? Thanks to First Lady Peggy for the photo. ANAHGRAM DEADLINE FOR JULY IS Wednesday June 5 EARLY COPY APPRECIATED YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Rodney Pinkham, P.P., Box 8, Holden , ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916 You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. 2 THE ANAHGRAM SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 COMING EVENTS FOR... JUNE 2013 4 3 2 4x4s Meeting 9 10 5 Hancock County Shrine Club 11 No. Penob Shrine Club 12 17 18 SPECIAL ELECTION Acadamecians Ritual Practice 23 24 25 Washington County S C 13 Chanters Meeting Waldo County S C Howard Heath’s Lobster Feed Funsters Meeting 16 6 19 Tri-County S C Mini-Bikes Meeting Washington County S C/ Mini-Car Unit Joint Ladies Lubec Schoodic Shrine Club 26 20 7 8 14 15 Special Olympics Parade Second Section Meeting 21 ANAH CEREMONIAL 27 28 29 Nascars Camping outing Keystone Kops Meeting Aroostook S C Nascars Campout 22 30 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 3 4 10 11 FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 6 12 13 Imperial Session 4x4s Meeting 7 8 9 Waldo County S C Washington County S C Stated 14 15 16 Sunshine Club Meeting 21 28 22 29 23 30 Keystone Kops Meeting 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 Mini-Bikes Meeting Schoodic Shrine Club 31 COMING EVENTS FOR... JULY 2013 Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor JUNE 2012 3 Greetings to all, April has passed like a flash of light and I have completed a fourth of my year as Potentate. The month was filled with many visits to units and clubs. The Music City Tour trip that we enjoyed with 52 members and guests will hold lasting memories of events and new friendships that occurred. In Peggy’s column she touched on some of the places we visited, New Orleans, Memphis and Nashville. We were all treated to some of the southern hospitality that we read about in travel magazines, mostly good. In New Orleans we were able to not only to soak up the night life of Bourbon Street, but the tour of the city that was under water and has come back to life again will make a lasting memory to me. When we reached Memphis we were surprised to learn that that night there would be a motorcycle show on Beale Street. There were hundreds of motorcycles of every description, from scooters to full dress, and more. We met the Hill Billy Shrine Club of Memphis selling raffle tickets on a full dress tricycle (motorcycle), and I believe some of the group bought chances on the tricycle. The next day we visited Graceland, the palatial home of Elvis and a tour of Memphis with a local musician. Next was Nashville, “Music Capital of the World” staying at the Gaylord Opryland Resort next door to the Grand Old Opry, which we all attended on Friday night. We were entertained by Vince Gill, Charlie Pride, Darius Rucker and a host of other entertainers. We then attended a back stage tour of the Opry, where we met the singers and were able to be on the stage floor of the Opry. We are now back to the “normal” life in Anah, with the Circus opening and the duties of my office. I want to thank all the committee members of both the Bangor and Presque Isle Circuses, and all the Nobles, wives and friends who make the Circus a huge success. Attendance was down F. Lee Kaufman Potentate a bit, due in part to the great weather on both weekends. By the time you receive this edition we will have had our Island Party which I am sure will be a great time. The hospital clinics will have taken place and hopefully we will be able to help many children. Newport will be the host of the June Summer Ceremonial and the people in that area are anticipating a large turnout of Shriners for the weekend. The complete list of events are in this issue, so please try to find as many candidates as possible and make our number of members increase. I would like to have a class of 100 new members. In closing , please keep in your thoughts the loss of our Chief Rabban Thomas Clukey and other Nobles who have passed on to that Lodge in heaven. Yours in tlhe faith. 3 Lee Kaufman, Potentate ATTENTION NOBLES A SPECIAL ELECTION will be held on JUNE 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. as part of the Divan meeting for the purpose of electing a replacement for Chief Rabban Tom Clukey, recently deceased. The person elected will serve as Chief Rabban pursuant to the Imperial Bylaws Paragraph 325.11. Election Regulations as stated below. and a Representative to the Imperial Council of Shriners International will be elected as well. (a)Electioneering. A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print, publish and circulate during the year Know-how is supporting the communities where we live and work. People’s United Bank is proud to support the Anah Shriners! 207-942-4800 peoples.com ©2013 People’s United Bank | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender he is seeking elected office, a resume’ consisting of his educational background, his vocational history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior sentence, the printing, publication, circulating or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets, email or other devices, by a unit, club, Noble or group of Nobles, suggesting recommending, opposing or containing names of proposed candidates for office in the Temple is prohibited. (b)Expenditures Prohibited. The expenditure of money for gifts, favors, or entertainment on behalf of a candidate for elected office is prohibited. (c)Violation. For any violation of (a) or (b), the Imperial Potentate may suspend any offending Noble, and he may declare the election of the officers void and order a new election. (d)Notice. At least one week prior to the annual meeting or any election, the Temple Recorder shall mail to each member a notice thereof containing this section. A Note from First Lady Peggy America’s Music Cities Tour is now fond memories for fifty-four Nobles and Ladies. The New Orleans School of Cooking was a big hit with everyone. We had our own Marjorie Smith as one of the chefs for the evening. The pralines were delicious, thanks to Marjorie. One of my favorite events was visiting the historic RCA Studio B. This is where Elvis Presley once recorded some of his classic hits. Believe it or not, I even got to play the same piano that Elvis once played! Beale and Bourbon Streets were alive with energetic music to entertain us. Memphis and Nashville were exciting to tour and the cuisine was wonderful. We all returned to Maine with tired feet, full stomachs, and many memories to cherish. Potentate Lee and I attended both the Bangor and Presque Isle Circus. It is nice to see Nobles and their Ladies volunteering many hours to help make this event successful. Thank you for all that each of you do for Anah and the patients! The June Ceremonial is just around the corner. Newport is gearing up for a good crowd and they are excited to have all of Anah there. The Ladies Luncheon is at St. Martin’s Church in Palmyra. There will be a social time at 11:00 followed by lunch at 11:30. This is located approximately four miles from the Newport WalMart. Please remember to bring to the luncheon, if you wish, an item for patients at either Boston Burns or Springfield Or- One cannibal to another: “Sometimes I get so fed up with people. Continued on page 4 4 THE ANAHGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians....................................... 23 Aides.................................................... 18 Aroostook Shrine Club......................... 25 Athletic...................................................... Band..................................................... 25 Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club................. 26 Boosters................................................. 6 Ceremonial ..................................14 & 15 Calendar................................................. 2 Chanters................................................... Circus..................................................... 1 Clowns (Bangor)..................................... 9 Convertibles........................................... 8 Daughters of the Nile............................ 11 Directors Staff....................................... 25 Editor........................................................ Flag Unit............................................... 21 Funster Unit............................................ 4 Go-Karts................................................... Hancock County Shrine Club............... 17 Highlanders.......................................... 16 Hospital News (Boston)............................ Hospital News (Springfield)...................... Indy Cars.................................................. Kampers Club....................................... 10 Kanteen Corps......................................... Keystone Kops..................................... 24 Klowns (Aroostook).................................. Lady Peggy’s Note................................. 3 Lobster Boat Unit.................................. 18 Mini-Bike Unit........................................... Mini-Car Unit............................................. Mystery Person...................................... 7 NASCAR Unit........................................... Northern Penobscot Shrine Club.............. Obituaries.....................................27 & 28 Oriental Band........................................... Past Masteres Unit................................... Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit............................................. 26 Potentate................................................ 3 Provost Guard.......................................13 Public Relations.......................................... Recorder............................................... 12 Schoodic Shrine Club............................... Second Section.................................... 25 Sunshine Club...................................... 13 Tri-County Shrine Club........................... 5 Waldo County Shrine Club................... 18 Washigton County Shrine Club............ 11 Wheelers.............................................. 13 4x4 Unit................................................ 13 Support Your Anahgram Be a ”Booster” See page 6 Continued from page 3 thopedic Hospitals. The hospitals wish lists are at the Shrine Center and at Anahshriners.com. We attended the annual session of the Grand York Rite Masonic Bodies of Maine on April 26. The banquet was held at the Bangor Masonic Center. We got to meet Grand Chapter, Grand Council, as well as Grand Commandery members. Remember to attend the June Ceremonial in Newport. There will be golfing for men and women, a cribbage tournament, barbeques, lobster or steak dinner, a DJ for dancing on Friday evening, and Rock ‘n Ron on Saturday evening. Tickets must be purchased by June 14, 2013. Stay healthy and happy. I hope to see you soon! First Lady Peggy Noblr Frank Wilson Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies: The Circus has come and gone and the June Ceremonial is quickly approaching. As usual, the Funsters had an excellent showing at the Circus. We have just had our May monthly meeting at the Shrine Center in Bangor, where the secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted. We are doing the Special Olympics parade on Friday, June 7th with a 5:00 line-up and 6:00 step off from the parking lot by the Center for the Arts. Also we have voted to attend the “Moosabec Summer Fest” June 29th. The parade will be stepping off at 6 pm in Jonesport. The Funsters would like to send out Birthday Wishes for the month of June to Jeremy Clark, David W. Hasey, Brenda Leavitt, Dakota Hasey, Harold Batson, Carol Ann Cammack, April Cookson, Heidi Cookson, Hayley Hurd, Josh (Pooh Bear) Frost, Gary Harris, Dean (Shrek) Jordan, Taylor Wilson, Brandie Dewitt, Ian Frost, Aaron (Tickle Me Elmo) Mower, and Brandon (Fred Flintstone) Lane. The Funsters would also like to send out Anniversary Wishes this month to Jesse & Brenda Thomas and Roger & Julie Grindle. Just as a reminder, the next monthly meeting will be Monday, June 10th, at the Shrine Center in Bangor at 7:00 with a 6:00 social. THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: anahshriners@gmail.com Website: http://www.Anahshriners.com Available by subscription $12.00 per year. EDITOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Gerald L. Harvey 586 Main Street, P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Tel. (H) 991-9708 Email: MAPA46@AOL.COM Fax: (H)-989-7931 DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Bob Hodgkins Home Tel: 938-3864 Cel: 341-0866 ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Dennis Bryant 1036 Ayers Jct. Road Charlotte ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly.Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate F. Lee Kaufman Chief Rabban Assistant Chief Rabban Donald “Jesse” Thomas. High Priest & Prophet Donald Robert L. Turner Oriental Guide Stephen A. Trimm Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder Larry L. Hersom, P.P PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. When a child pays attention to his parents, they’re probably whispering JUNE 2012 5 Tri-County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 17th of April at the Piscataquis Valley Fairgrounds. After a lively Libation Hour under the direction of Watson, Folsom and Folsom, the meeting was called to order by President Doug Dulac, who finally is back from Florida. We missed his leadership and direction. Flag Salute was led by President Dulac, the Invocation was given by BoBo, aka Donald Young. The Nobles and guests were treated to Don Merrill’s famous pork suppah. A special guest for the evening was Nathan Knight, a Master Mason who will be joining Anah Shrine in June. Also joining us for the evening was Noble Bob Marin from the Second Section, who has served Tri-County before with his expertise in dining. Ambassadors in attendance were T-Bob Buckland and Seth Libby. Aides Emeritus in attendance was Ron Green and his father, Don Mitchell. Unit Heads gracing us with their presence were Bob Hodgkins of the Photo Unit, Scott Folsom of the 4X4s and Arthur Herbest of the Flag Unit. Representing the Directors Staff was Dan Costain. In attendance from the Di- van was our own Outer Guard, Doug Dulac. Past Potentate Bud Prouty was in attendance also. We had a moment of silence for Nobles Roger Chesley and Harold Condon whose wives recently passed away. Secretary’s and Treasurer’s report were read and accepted, with one correction on the Secretary’s report. June Ceremonial is the 4th weekend in June, not the 3rd weekend. 50-50 raffle was won by Dave Breau again. Speaker for the evening was on The Pine Grove Program. They provide free outdoor experiences for Veterans and Other American Heroes. The services that they provide are exceptional and should be experienced. All Veterans should look into this great program. President Dulac thanked Don Merrill and his kitchen crew for the excellent meal they provided for Tri- County. June Ceremonial is just around the corner, have you any candidates ready? No further business, meeting was closed by President Dulac. ALWAYS WORK ON MEMBERSHIP, FOR BOTH THE SHRINE AND YOUR LOCAL BLUE LODGE. TRICOUNTY SHRINE CLUB SENDS ITS PRAYERS TO THE CLUKEY FAMILY ON THE PASSING OF CHIEF RABBAN TOM CLUKEY. If you think driving recklessly is funny, you may die laughing. 6 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Dick & Laura Adams 8/13 Steve Akerley & Dawn C. George & Sheila Alley 5/14 Dean & Liz Alley 6/13 Richard Anderson 12/14 I M O Richard N. Averill 7/13 W. RobertAverill 6/14 I M O C. Alton Bagley 5/15 I M O Dick Bagley P.P.5/15 Bob Beattie 4/14 Neil E. Bishop 7/13 Albert “Bucky” & Norma Bishop 10/14 Phil & Sue Black 12/13 I M O David Blood 8/13 Blinn & Joan Boone 11/13 I M O John R. Bradford 11/13 Ms. Anna Bradford 11/13 Tom Breitweg 6/13 Fred & Jennifer Brown 3/14 Dave Bryant 1/14 Cyr Bus Co. 8/13 Anah Campers Club 7/14 Gerald F. Carey 9/13 Dick & Kim Carlow 3/15 Charlie & Shirley Caron 2/14 Sam & Agnes Carr 12/14 Dick & Margaret Castner 9/13 Bob Chandler 9/13 I M O Arthur W. Chandler 9/13 Roger & Jean Chesley 1/13 Michael Clark 11/13 Andy Constantine 3/14 Dan & Lanci Costain 6/13 Bud & Fran Costigan 6/13 Carl & Joyce Coutts 4/14 Sonny & Marilyn Crocker 3/14 I M O Norman P. Dalbeck 7/13 Wayne & Tanya Darling 4/14 I M O Elmer C. Davis 6/13 June A. 6/13 Davis 10/13 Lloyd Day 12/14 Larry Doughty 9/13 Mark Doughty 9/13 Tyler C. Dunning 9/13 Tim & Jean Dutch 3/14 I M O Dryden C. Dutch, P.P 8/14 I M O Robin MooneEdes I M O Orville, Bill” Edes 6/14 John Edes 6/14 I M O Ray S. Edwards 2/14 Wallace & Lorena Fenlason 7/13 Thomas & Carol Fernald 3/14 Jonh & Betty Fernald 3/14 Wes & Bonnie Ford 9/13 Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 11/13 Orlando Frati 9/13 I M O Hugo Frati 9/13 Clinton & Sandra Fulton 11/13 George & Mary Beth Gaddis 5/15 Paul & Diana Giles 4/14 Goody & Roz Gilman 6/13 I M O Carroll I. & Gerry Goodwin, Jr. 6/15 Don & Gail Gordon 3/14 Don & Gail Gordon 3/2014 I M O Harry F. Gordon 10/13 Ralph & Phyllis Goss 8/14 Keith L. Gove 12/13 Andy & Rose Gove 1/14 BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s on seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. Send check with name as it is to appear to: ANAHGRM BOOSTERS, c/o Jerry Harvey, Editor, 49 Clewleyville Road, Eddington ME 04428 Dwynal & Karen Grass 9/13 Ron & Carole Green 6/13 W. Louis & Judith Greenier II 9/14 Roger & Julie Grindle 1/14 Charles C.W. Hackney 8/13 I M O Edwin W. Hadley 11/13 I M O Jim Halkett 8/13 Ed & Bonnie Hamm 8/13 Gene & Pamela Hamm 6/13 I M O Elbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 6/13 Ken & Donna Hanscom, Jr. I MO Bill Harmon, Sr. 9/13 I M O Charles E. Harmon 6/13 I M O Tom Harper 7/13 Obed & Faith Hart 1/15 I M O Jeanette Harvey 4/14 Wallace Harvey 4/14 Jerry & Lorraine Harvey 6/13 I M O Mike Haskell 6/13 Chet & Fay Hawkins 8/13 Richard P. Hawkins 9/14 Sheldon & Sandy Heath 3/14 I M O Alvin Heath 4/14 Howard J. Heath 4/14 Larry & Libby Hersom 6/13 Ralph & Maggie Hill 5/14 I M O Richard Holt 3/17 Lloyd & Kassie Hopkins 10/13 I M O Ray K. Jack 12/13 Rick & Cindy Johnson 5/14 F. Lee & Peggy Kaufman 6/13 I M O Harry Kearney 7/2013 Alton & Ellen Kenney 4/14 Norris & Barbara Kneeland 11/12 Bob & Rae Jean Knowles 11/13 Stan & Mary Knox 5/14 Larry & Gail Larson 6/13 I MO Ernest “Bud” Larson 3/14 Charles & Selma Larson 11/13 Allen & Mary Lawrence 7/13 Gordon & Connie Lawrence 7/13 I M O Merritt Leavitt 4/14 I M O Frank Leighton 9/13 Skip Lenfest, Jr. 8/13 Skip Lenfest, Sr. 8/13 Bob & Perlene Libby 12/13 Janice & Elwood “Woody” Littlefield 12/13 Mike & Bonnie London 9/13 I M O Stanley Look 6/13 Robert & Sandi Look 6/13 Lee F. Lowery 9/14 I M O Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Lunt,Sr. P.P 6/13 Winston & Frances Mackay 8/2013 Roy Martin 9/13 I M O G. Urial Martin 6/14 Douglas A. & Donna McCafferty 8/13 Douglas K. & Candee McCafferty 8/13 I M O Edward Sr. & Evelyn McCafferty 8/13 I M O Terral A. McCafferty 8/13 Welman & Natalie McFarland 6/13 Allan & Lorraine McGown 11/13 Ed & Nancy McGraw 8/13 I M O Herschel K McIntosh 2/14 I M O Thomas J. McKinney 6/13 Jim & Mae Merrithew 11/13 Dick & Joan Meserve 8/13 I M O Fred P. Murray 12/13 Dick & Betty Nevers 4/14 I M O Frederick S. Newman 8/13 YES! THE ANAHGRAM I M O William P. Newman 8/13 Harold & Connie Newman 12/14 Larry & Teresa Nichols 9/13 David O’Donnell 6/13 Bob “Boomer” & Julianna Palmer 5/14 Jim & Linda Parent 5/14 Herman & Kate Peabody 7/13 Anah Photo Video Unit 1/14 Rod & Joyce Pinkham 8/13 James & Frances Pinkham 4/14 Don & Linda Potter 4/14 Circus Spotlight Crew Presque Isle 6/14 I M O Bob Pushard, Sr. 8/13 Al & Charity Richards 11/13 Chuck & Sally Ridlon 9/13 Gary & Glenna Robbins 9/13 I M O Keith B. Roberts 9/13 I M O Ed Rogers 9/13 I M O Sumner Rogers 4/14 Larry & Donna Rowell 11/14 Earl Sands 4/14 Heath & Karen Savage 9/13 Spike Savage 9/13 Todd C. Scoville 6/14 I M O Clifton R. Scoville 6/14 Marty & Joan Shaw11/13 I M O John Simpson 9/13 I M O Dorothy M. Sites 9/13 I M O Donald W. Small, Jr 6/13 Roger & Pat Smith 6/13 Sandy & Colleen Smith 6/13 I M O Ken Smith 4/15 George & Lucille Snedden 4/14 Ed Snow 9/13 Ed & Gayle Sprague 4/15 Roger & Jan Stairs 5/14 Ken & Tina Stewart 11/13 Elliott & JoyceTarbell 4/14 Daniel L. Tarr 9/1 I M O Betty L. Tarr 9/13 I M O Michael Tenedios 8/13 Wilbert & Joan Terry 4/14 I M O Alexander Theodore 11/13 Jesse & Brenda Thomas 9/14 Paul & Joyce Thornton 12/13 Ronald Thornton 8/13 Inez & Reginald Toothaker 3/14 Alden & Pam Tracy 3/14 Steve & Betty Trimm 12/13 I M O Carroll E. Trimm 12/13 Bonnie & Bob Turner 4/14 Hank & Gloria Waldron 6/13 Dave & Leni Weaver 3/15 Mr. & Mrs. Bert Weed 11/13 Joel & Christie West 12/13 I M O Wayne Wheeler 9/13 Buddy & Caryll Wheeler 2/14 Rusty & Ethel Whitcomb 3/14 I M O Bob Whited 5/14 I M O Eugene “Bud”Whitney 12/13 I M O James S. Wiggin 3/14 Paul & Phyllis Wilbur 6/14 Lloyd & Jay Willey 8/20 Bob & Norma Winglass 7/14 Duane “Div-it” & Karen Young 6/13 DATES INDICATE LAST INSERTION Use the coupon below to show your support for the The Anahgram. I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one year. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $_____Name(s) ___________________ If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor. Any tlme a fellow feels neglected he should think of Whistler’s father. JUNE 2012 7 Who is it ??? Last months subject was P.P. Tony Bowers and was identified by (1st) Rusty Whitcomb, 2nd. Larry and Ursula Greenlaw. If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Larry Hersom at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor at MAPA46@AOL.COM. The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor by e-mail or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!! Recruiting is a full time job Are you working? DRYDEN C. DUTCH MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT AND DIVAN VISITATION • Thursday, August 8, 2013 • At Northport Country Club • Entry Fee INCLUDES LUNCH AND STEAK FEED DINNER $60.00 • Golf only $45.00 SCRAMBLE FORMAT, GOLF CARTS REQUIRED AND INCLUDED ALL MASONS AND SHRINERS ARE INVITED TO PLAY If you don’t golf, don’t miss this Steak Feed for $15.00 per person. LUNCH AT 11:30 AT WSCS • SCRAMBLE FORMAT • CARTS REQUIRED AND INCLUDED • SHOTGUN START AT 1:00 P.M. AT THE NORTHPORT COUNTRY CLUB • 6:00 SOCIAL HOUR AT WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB • 7:00 P.M. AWARDS AND STEAK FEED AT WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB PREPARED BY WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS Some of the prize money awarded donated by Dutch Chevrolet-Buick MAIL ENTRY FORM TO: (Please Be sure to use this address) Tim Dutch, 211 Waterville Road Belfast ME 04915 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Waldo County Shrine Club Amount enclosed: No. at $60.00 _______ =$ _________ enclosed Amount enclosed No. at $45.00 _______ =$ __________enclosed Name/Names Phone ___________________________________ ____________________ ___________________________________ ____________________ ___________________________________ _______ ________________________________________________ ____________________ Make your own foursome or the committee will assign you. Tel: 207.338.4765 - Cel 323-0440 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Waldo County Shrine Club and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions. What this world needs is more character and fewer characters. 8 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Wally Fenlason, Reporter Greetings Ladies & Nobles, First, I want to send sincere condolences to Lady Gail and the Clukey family. We have truly lost a very good man way too early!! We thank everyone that attended our 29th Super Supper on May 11th. It was a great evening of friendship, dancing, winning, and great food. Speaking of the food… thanks to the Clowns for the great meal!! If you were unable to attend this event (for some strange reason), next year will be here before you know it (so, reserve your ticket now!)!! Our Unit starts our “2013 Parade Season” on June 7th in Orono at the Special Olympics Parade. This is always a very enjoyable event! Those “blowing out candles” include Lady Elaine Goss ...in May. June…Nobles John Shea (Donna says he is really slowing down!!), Alden Tracy, & Julian White. Among those having taken the “BIG PLUNGE” this month are: Bud & Theresa Morrison, Alden & Pam Tracy, and Roger & Julie Grindle. We certainly hope your special day was “super”; and wish you many, many more!! Well, I guess that’s the “scoop” for this month!! Hope everyone enjoys each day…remember to live each one as if it were your last!! Hope to see you at the next parade!! PUT YUR TOP DOWN…LET’S GO!!! The photo above was taken at Opry Land and shows the group that traveled on the Music Cities Tour with Potentate Lee and First Lady Peggy. ANAH SHRINERS’ 2013 FUNDRAISER This year’s fundraiser is different from past events in that there are a variety of prizes. Instead of a car the prizes will be geared to the outdoor sports enthusiast. • GRAND PRIZE: Your choice of 2, 2012 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Motorcycle, 2013 Kawasaki Mule 610 4x4, 2013 Yamaha YFM 450 4X4 or 2010 New G3 Eagle 176 w/Yamaha 40 hp Motor and Trailer or $10,000 Cash •2nd prize: $1,000.00 •3rd prize is $500.00 TICKETS ARE ONLY $1.00 EACH Tickets may be purchased at the Recorder’s Office or from Club and Unit members. Drawing will be held at the Potentate’s Reception on Saturday, October 26, 2013 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions. A bachelor is a fellow who failed to embrace his opportunities. JUNE 2012 9 BANGOR CLOWNS Noble John “Flip Flop” Kidder Repeorter We have been extremely busy since the last Anahgram and based on the number of event requests that keep coming in, it looks like that trend will continue throughout the spring and summer. An unusually large number of kids participated in the April 6 Home Depot Children’s Workshop and lucky for them a large contingent of clowns was on hand to entertain, namely: Piggy, Crash, DivIt, Fou, Fuz (making his first HD appearance), Gumpy, Patches, and Slapshot. Two Masonic Bikes for Books award ceremonies were held on April 12 with Div-It appearing at the Howard Lodge event at Leroy Smith School in Winterport and Piggy and Fou appearing at the Lynde Lodge event at Hermon Elementary School. Happy kids with new bikes in both locations! On April 19 at our monthly meeting Theodore Harris, a new apprentice, began his clown career. Welcome Ted E. B.! He then jumped right in and did both the Bangor and Presque Isle circuses as a Hobo clown. The customers at Will’s IGA in Dover certainly felt appreciated on April 20 when Fou, Fuz, Pooch, and Scooter appeared at Customer Appreciation Day. That same day, Ty-Dy and Flip-Flop made our annual pre-circus visit to Masonic Family Night at Marine Lodge in Deer Isle where we visited with wonderful friends old and new. We even got invited to the annual prom held at a local residential care facility. Ten clowns accepted the invitation of Kora Potentate Everett Kaherl and participated in the Kora Circus at the Augusta Civic Center. Bo-Bo, Spiffy, TC Trashcan, Sweet-P, Div-It, Gizmo, Coota, Sluggah, Busta, and Piggy reported that they had a great time with Boss Klown Rob (Robo) Farrington and Rich (Kracker) Nadeau and fellow Kora clowns. It’s great to see both clown units working together. April 23 was a proud night for N. Dale (Slaphot) Hatch who serving as Worshipful Master for the evening’s work raised his son, Justin, as a Master Mason with the assistance of our clown degree team at Mystic Lodge in Hampden. Everyone on the team did an admirable job. We are all proud to be active and engaged Masons as well as Shriners and Clowns. Thanks to the Officers and Brethren of Mystic as well for their warm hospitality and great meal. Nicole of Channel 7 news spent three hours at the Shrine Center on April 24 doing a pre-circus interview with TC Trash- can, Fou, and Charlie (Chuckles) Grindle. While TC and Fou applied greasepaint, all three were interviewed regarding the purpose of the Shrine, types of clowns, and what brought them into clowning. Ever persuasive Chuckles talked Nicole into being made-up as a clown complete with nose and wig. She made a much cuter clown than the other three and enjoyed her new persona a great deal as well. Bo-Bo, ever the media darling, made BDN front page news the Monday after the Bangor Circus as the result of his interview with them. The 50th Anniversary Circus and last one at Bangor Auditorium was lots of fun. At the Saturday afternoon performance I counted an impressive 45 clowns in the ring. Poor Babycakes learned a rather pointed, yet valuable lesson about performing bears and their circus trainers! We were pleased to be joined by several of our Aroostook County Klown Brethren as well as Emeritus clowns Hammer, Boxcar, Jingles, Yah-Hoo and Honorary clown Ray (Crusty) Alley in his clown debut. On May 27 after a long Circus day, Spiffy, Coota, Bo-Bo, and Div-It were proud to take part in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life at Eastern Maine Community College. Great work for a very good cause. The County Klowns and their spouses were wonderful hosts as usual when fourteen of us made the trip North for the Presque Isle Circus. Chopstix, Coota, Pooch, Piggy, Jasper, Flip-Flop, Babycakes, Papi, Yah-Hoo, Bo-Bo, Petals, Busta, Jiggs/Ringo, and Ted E. B. had a great weekend in the County. Many thanks to Clown Ladies Brenda, Phyllis, and Janice for making sure we got fed on Friday night. Jasper turned the big 5-0 and shared his cake with all of us on Friday night. Happy birthday to Smoochie (betContinued on page 10 Register Today! 14th Annual ANKH Temple No. 160 Daughters of the Nile GOLF TOURNAMENT JULY 13, 2013 At Barren View Golf Course Jonesport ME Schedule of events: 9:00am – 9:30 am Registration and Tournament Format at Barren View Golf Course 10:00 am – Tournament begins – (Shotgun Start) 2:00pm Awards presentation at the 19th hole with lunch to follow This tournament is a “Scramble” format. Your team may be made up- of 3 or 4 players. Mixed teams are encouraged but not mandatory to sign up. Everyone is welcome! NEW CAR FOR A “HOLE IN ONE” Sponsored by Darlings Chevrolet of Ellsworth Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Ankh Temple No. 160 Daughters of the Nile GOLF REGISTRATION FORM Please make all checks payable to: ANKH Temple No. 160 and mail to Peggyanne Kilton, 32Annabessacook Road, Winthrop ME 04364. $45.00 per person includes 18 holes of golf and lunch. NAME __________________________ NAME __________________________ NAME __________________________ NAME __________________________ Phone ___________________________ We’ve made great medical strides, what used to be merely an itch is now an allergy. 10 THE ANAHGRAM Continued from page 9 ter of half of Boss Clown Moochie) who also celebrated her birthday. On May 4, Div-It, Fou, Jappo, and Scotty entertained a record crowd of 175 kids who attended Home Depot Children’s Workshop. That same day, Spiffy and Gizmo appeared at the Sebasticook Valley Trade Show. Sincere sympathy to Gail and the entire Clukey family on the Toms passing.. He was a great man who always had a smile and kind word for everyone. He will most certainly be missed by all of us. God bless you all at this most difficult time. Also hang in there, Pinkie, please know that all of us wish you the best! berry.com. Also, for those who arrive Thursday, Cindy and I would like to invite you to our camp at Bog Lake for a Seafood Chowder Thursday at 5:00 PM. We are only 11 miles from Machias and will give directions. Call Cindy (321-6935110) by August 1st if you plan to come, so she knows how much to make. June Birthdays are: Gloria Bennett, Gene Carter, Runtz Farnsworth, Cheryle Monson, Ken Whitney and our Treasurer, Don Wiswell. June Anniversaries are: Our Scout Phil Black & his Lady Sue; Paul & Gail Foulks; Ray & Delma Paul; and Ron & Bev Watson. As always, if there are any errors or omissions or if you have any news, call me at 321-693-5717 or email me at lblyt@yahoo.com. Although there is quite a time lapse between my writing the Anahgram article and you reading it (about 2 months), I do maintain an email list which I use to get news out when I hear it. So please let me know about anything you want to share with your fellow Kampers, either good or not so good, and I will pass it on via email and also include it in the next Anahgram. If you are not on my email mailing list and want to be included, drop me an email and I will make sure you are added. HANCOCK COUNTY SHRINE CLUB Lobster Feed & Divan Visitation Howard Heaths - In Penobscot THURSDAY, JUNE 13 •Camels Milk 5:30 • 2 Lobsters, Potato Salad, Rolls • Steak available $30.00 Proceeds benefit Hancock SC Noble Lyman Blyther, Reporter For those who are not on my email list, just wanted to let you know that Barbara Johnson had a health scare in April and ended up in the hospital in Portland, ME. At the time I write this (May 1st), she is doing much better and is in a rehab center in the Portland area, near her daughter and other family members. She will hopefully be there only for a short time and Donnie is staying with his daughter with trips to Machias to take care of things there. It sounds like Donnie is getting a little spoiled (which he deserves) and he is very grateful to have the support of extended family at this time. He also wants to thank those who have reached out to him from our Kamper club. By the time this is printed, we have already had our May outing at Narrows Too in Trenton. Hopefully a great time was had by all. Our weekend was initially denied due to a conflict of dates with the Potentate’s “Island Party” on May 18th. However, we did not schedule any activities after 3:00 at the campground on that Saturday so we would not be in conflict with that official Shrine activity. Our Potentate graciously agreed to that compromise for which we are very grateful. Our dates in September were also denied due to a conflict with the Field Day in Ellsworth on September 14th. Our new date is September 6-8. The price is $39 plus tax, $36 plus tax for Thursday night if you want to arrive early. They will set aside 20 sites through July 15th, so make your reservations before then. The number is the same, 207-876-2731. Tell Matt or Jamie you are with the Anah Kampers. Remember the Blueberry Festival in Machias on August 16-18. They have a website if you want to purchase tickets to the play or if you just want to check out what activities are being offered during the Festival. The website is www.machiasblueThere’s only one trouble with resisting temptation – it may never come again. JUNE 2012 11 Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter No words can express the sorrow and the heavy hearts that was felt when we received the news that Chief Rabban Noble Tom Clukey had passed on. Tom was a perfect example of what a Shriner is and he will certainly be missed by the Divan members, his wife Gail and family, and many, many more. Our condolences to the family. June is here and this is Ceremonial Month. The Ceremonial is scheduled for June 21 & 22 in Newport and hopefully we will have good weather for the parade. The Washington County Shrine Club and Mini-Car Unit will be doing the lobster feed, so you know it will be a good feed. The June meeting is a joint meeting with the Schoodic Shrine Club and will be held at the Stuart Greene Legion in Lubec on June 19th. Donnie Wright is back home and recovering from his heart surgery and bout with pneumonia. He has had a rough three months but things are certainly looking up now. It was wonderful seeing him sit in his chair at home again. Keep up the good work Donnie and you will be attending a WCSC meeting before you know it. You and Carolyn have been missed over the past few months. The Annual Shrine Circus is now behind us and hopefully both the Bangor and Presque Isle Circuses did well. The May Screening Clinics are also behind us and referrals made to help children in need of treatment. The Potentate’s Trip to the southern states is also a thing of the past and we watched their travels via Facebook posts. Looked like fun was being had by all and memories that will last forever. The Potentate’s Island Party was held on May 18th at the Shrine Center and reports are that it was a great time. I understand that two of the Shriner ladies from Washington County Shrine Club did the decorating for the event. The Imperial Session will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana on July 1-4. The coach for the “Love of the Children Tour”, a travelling billboard promoting Shriner’s Hospitals, Daughters of the Nile Foundation, the International Shrine, and Daughters of the Nile, will be on display at this session. John McClure, First Vice President, opened the May meeting. Attending the meeting at the Blue Bird Restaurant in Machias were: 1st Ceremonial Master Brad Prout; David Weaver from the Director’s Staff; Todd Alley, Captain and Brian Strout, 2nd Lt of the Mini- Car Unit; Chief Greeter Warren Orcutt Sr.; Assistant Chief Greeters Mike Bailey; and Imperial Photographer Richard Kilton. Brad Prout was the guest speaker and discussed membership. All members are encouraged to bring a new Noble with them to meetings. Happy Birthday wishes for June go out to Marilyn Bagley, Anita DeMeyer, Judy Farnsworth, Julian White, Joyce Tarbell, Karlene Mehan Luxor, Gayle Sprague, Steven Fernald, Susan Chandler, and Eldon Hayward. Anniversary bells rang out in June for Past Potentates Donald & Bert Maxim, Albert & Barbara Gibson, Alward & Karlene Mehan Luxor and Eldon and Carolyn Hayward, Elliot & Joyce Tarbell, James & Joni Cox, and Dick & Linda Mahan. We hope that our Club President BJ Cherry had a wonderful trip to Hawaii. Remember, keep yourselves safe with whatever recreational activities you embark on this summer. Have a wonderful 4th of July Holiday with family and friends. DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE Caron Kilton, P.Q. Reporter Shriners Hospitals for Children® received over $1.7 million from the Daughters of the Nile Foundation, the Canadian Foundation and the Louis Fredrick Meyer trust in early 2013, representing contributions and earnings for the 2012 fiscal year. This amount sets a record high distribution of funds from the Daughters of the Nile. Since the first contribution to Shriners Hospitals for Children® in 1924, members of Daughters of the Nile have given nearly $52 million for the care and support of children. A gold plaque celebrating the support of Daughters of the Nile generosity will be placed at Shriners Hospitals for Children®-Lexington, in October 2013, when the Supreme Queen makes her official visit to this city. Supreme Queen Suzie Schumacher recently returned from a tour of all of the hospitals across America. She remarked, “So many miracles happen at Shriners Hospitals for Children®. It is an honor to be a part of this wonderful philanthropy.” Queen Teresa of Ankh #160 accompanied by PQ Faye Ward recently traveled to Washington County to attend the Downeast Daughters Club “For the Children” fair. The members of Ankh #160 live over the many miles of eastern Maine. Traveling in order to achieve our goals shows the dedication our members have in supporting the Daughters of the Nile Foundation and the Shriners Hospitals for Children. The Downeast Daughters Club thanks JIGGS, Anah Clown, for his continued support to the Club and Washington County events. The lucky winner of the picnic table is Harry Brown and lucky winner of the gift tree is Shirley McDonald, both are from the Machias Area. Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you. 12 THE ANAHGRAM Another Shrine Circus has come and gone, and what a great 50th Anniversary Show it was both in Bangor and Presque Isle. The Bangor crew as well as the “County” folks, outdid themselves as usual, organizing, manning the concessions, novelties and feeding the Circus workers. One significant void in the Aroostook weekend was our dear friend and Chief Rabban, Tom Clukey. He will be greatly missed . . . such a great Shriner and wonderful person. Our thoughts are with Gail and her family. Our next big event will be the June Ceremonial coming up within the month. There seems to be a great deal of interest this year by Masons to become a Shriner. I have had numerous inquiries concerning the process of membership. If you are a mentor of a candidate, make sure you keep him and his lady informed of all the exciting events that will be taking place in Newport that weekend, and include them in your plans. Units and Shrine Clubs, please make sure you send in agendas for your yearly scheduled events, parades, parties, and other functions. All events need to be approved by the Potentate in order to eliminate any conflict with official Anah functions. Nothing should be scheduled that would take attendance away from any official Temple activity. I hope many of you are making plans to attend the Northeast Shrine Association Field Days in Cornwall, Ontario. Many enjoyable events are being planned and it is sure to be a great time. A reminder, because we will be crossing the border into another country, passports are required. If yours has not been renewed, or if you do not have a passport, you should obtain it as soon as possible, as it sometimes takes a while to process it. Applications for passports can be obtained at any U.S. Post Office or AAA offices. Also, if any of you are planning to take “Fido” along for the trip, current shots and vaccinations are mandatory to go into Canada, and you will need to take proof of your pet’s registration and all shots . . . Rabies, distemper,etc. I hope many of you are already thinking ahead to Anah’s HOLIDAY FESTIVAL OF TREES which will be held the third week of November. Chairman Don Gordon is hoping many of your companies or businesses and also Shrine Units and Clubs will sponsor a tree. We are aiming for sixty (60) trees this year. Also, if any of you have animated outdoor Christmas displays that you would be willing to lend us for that week to be set up indoors at our festival, please contact the Recorder’s office. Let’s all support Potentate Lee and Lady Peggy’s special Ceremonial weekend. Look forward to seeing you in Newport. L-R Felix Thibodeau of the Nokomis High School raised $4200.00 for Shriners Hospitals and presented it to Potentate Lee at the Bangor Circus with Hospital Representatives Alton Kenney and Bob Turner looking on. Photo by Noble Bob Hodgkins of the Anah Photo Unit. Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the dumb can understand. JUNE 2012 13 Bonnie Turner, Reporer Sunshine Club for Children met on April 8, 2013 at the Shrine Center at 6:30 p.m. Social time featured delicious sandwiches and desserts. Coffee and tea was served in vintage tea cups and saucers. President Ellen opened the meeting at 7:p.m. All of the officers gave their reports and they were accepted as read. “A CHILDREN’S TREE” will be the theme for our tree at the Anah Shrine Festival of Trees. If anyone would like to make a donation to our tree it would be most appreciated. We are looking for items children would like. A financial committee was set up to go over our investment review from Bangor Savings Bank. The committee will meet to decide what changes we need to make with our investments. Tammie Call, Transportation Chairperson reported that we have had 13 cases so far this year. The Executive Board will meet to bring our membership list up to date and make sure all members receive our mailings. President Ellen announced that there will be a regular meeting of the club on July 15, 2013. Sue Black, our Holiday Marketplace Chairperson, was not able to attend the meeting but let us know that we are in need of a Café chairperson for the marketplace. She will also be in contact with committee chairs for a meeting in August. Peggy Kaufman, membership committee, reported that letters went out to the new members of the Anah Shrine January Class inviting them to become members of the Sunshine Club. Also, Norene Holt sent out several thank you notes and get well cards. Parliamentarian, Duffy Woods wants pictures from the Shrine Clinics in May. Also she would like pictures from other events. Aunt Nellie’s Attic, Holden donated two bags of stuffed bears and Peggy made sure a bag went to Boston Hospital and Springfield Hospital. Bangor Letter Shop made the club some business cards to be given out to venders and crafters to give them information about our marketplace. DATES TO REMEMBER: NEXT MEETING: Monday, July 15, 2013: MEETING Monday, October 15, 2013: HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE: Saturday, November 2, 2013: QUILT RAFFLE DRAWING: Saturday, November 2, 2013: AHAH SHRINE FESTIVAL OF TREES: November 21,22,23,29, 30, 2013 Noble Harold Adams Reporter Hello everyone, finally we are seeing the sun and the temperature is rising to a very agreeable warmth. The Circuses are over, Bangor was a great success. We had a small group doing the loading and unloading at the Shrine Center and Auditorium, but we got it done. Thank you for your hard work. I guess Noble Gordon Smith was worked to the max by twins Dylan and Ethan; he was busy keeping up with them. I think the plan was to wear them out but it backfired. Thank you boys. We had a few more there to work with us during the Circus shows. All of you there working. . . thank you for your time. Everyone ate well during the weekend, the food was great. Thank you to the Shriners and Ladies that prepared the food and served all of us. Let’s not forget a thank you to the ones that did the cleanup either. Great job to all of you, you and the food are greatly appreciated. The Honor Guard presenting the Colors looked great, way to go guys, thank you! A reminder for you, the Special Olympics will be Friday, June 7, at the UMO campus as usual, and the June Ceremonial parade is Saturday, June 22, in Newport, with at 2 o’clock step off. We need all our members to be there, I hope to see all of you there. A map of the parade route is in the May Anahgram, first page, doesn’t look too bad. More information on upcoming functions is discussed at our monthly meetings, so please be there. Reminders cards are sent to you letting you know what the main topic is for the meeting. See you there. A few of you are adding another candle to your cake, Lady Jer-Lyn Shoro, Noble Grayson Wentworth, Noble Kenneth Perkins, and Noble James Hamilton. Happy Birthday to all of you and many more to come. Anniversary congratulations Noble Harry and Lady Judith Pratt, Noble Kenneth and Lady Nancy Perkins, and Noble Raymond and Lady Marion Campbell. That’s all for this month, so until next time, stay safe. Noble Ken Hanscomb, Reporter It is with great sadness to learn of the passing of our Chief Rabban, Tom Clukey. Cancer, what else can I say. We would like to offer our condolences to Gail and family. Here it is, June, time to get those trucks going. June 7th we will be in Orono for Special Olympics. Always a great time and the Olympians are glad to see us. On Saturday, June 15th we will be in Machias for their 250th Anniversary. We hope to see you all at Newport, the weekend of the 22nd, for the Ceremonial. With the Ceremonial coming right up, if you know of a candidate that might like to join a unit, be sure and ask them. Also if anyone would like to join the 4x4s we meet the first Monday of the month at the Shrine Center, at 7:00. We would love to see some new members. Birthday wishes this month go to Paula Hanson, Alton Shedd, and Paul Scott. Anniversaries this month are celebrated by Neil and Paula Hanson, Charles and Vikki Ryder and Dale and his young wife, Joanie. How long has it been since you attended your Blue Lodge? What a great chance to renew old friendships, and maybe makes some new ones! Until next time, SEE YA! A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. Well it wasn’t really that amusing, ‘cause on the way to Italy I missed two Anahgram articles. This as many other unit reporters are finding is a problem for snowbirds. I did come home to find that the Wheelers made an excellent showing at the cotton candy factory during the Shrine Circus. We Wheelers are now preparing for another parade season, which includes the June Ceremonial in Newport. Having missed a few reporting’s undoubtedly has left many avid readers not knowing when their birthdays or anniversaries were. Let me now remind them. In April, Todd and Lisa Cotier should have celebrated their Anniversary. Likewise, Nancy Wood, Antionette Calder and Sandy Heath probably had a Birthday party, but not necessarily together. In May Dan and Sherri Holcomb, I’m sure missed their Anniversary because of my negligence. Claire Kennedy celebrated her Birthday because Walter reminded her. I hope someone else tipped off Todd Cotier and Tom Bouchard about theirs. Now these lucky Nobles and Ladies will certainly not miss their special days. Dean and Kathy Hoke, David and Christy Appleby and Tony and Kim Smith will all celebrate June Anniversaries. June Birthdays will be celebrated by Kathy Hoke, Carla McLean, Lisa Cotier and Dan Holcomb. A certain man reports that his wife does bird imitations – she watches him like a hawk. 14 THE ANAHGRAM 100 CANDIDATES WANTED HONORING Fred Lunt, Jr. Potentate 2005 Hear Ye ! ! ! H ANAH SHR E 20 n Y, JUN at Meridia . A D S R t m . n U p e H T m 0 Tourna rt 6:3 bage dge-Newpo ib r C • or Lo Splend per person 21 at $10.00 , JUNE ournament n. Y A D I T o s FR lf r o e p en’s G 0 Per at a.m. MClub. $55.0 ournament 0 0 : 9 T • lf o lf ld o G G ra tsfie Palmy a.m. Ladies ourse in Pit n at Seio C 0 t 0 lf a : r o t •9 arks G . . Regis J. W. Pto 6:00 p.m egion C.of CHour at R l 0 0 y ia et lle oc • 1: .m. S er Stre ook Va bastic to 7:00 p rea on Wat BBQ at • 6:00 an Legion A . Chicken E Americ to 8:00p.m rea o BIG • 7:00 an Legion Am. Dance t nter . Americ to 11:00 p port Rec. Ce 0 w 0 e : 8 N t • unt) a E 22 le (Eric L Y, JUN ast availab A D R f t U r k T o a A p e r S .B New 00 a.m dor Lodge, tors Staff, : 9 o t • 6:00 idian Splen ates, Direc okomis N at Mer a.m. Candid n report to a 0 iv 3 : D e•7 rs and ool n at S Greete al High Sch . Registratio n Regio - 10:00 a.m l C of C s to 0 na 0 : 8 • Regio resentation k o o ic p bast a.m. Unit • 9:00 *Tickets must be purchased by June 14. Some adjustments may be made to scheduled activities. VISA and MASTERCARD May be used at the Recorder’s Office In Newport Ju Bussing will be provided Friday from 4:00 p.m. Bussing will be provided on Saturday starting at ATTENTION SPONSORS O Please make sure your candidates are aware o Candidates Ladies are to be guests of First cheon on Saturday. Candidates and their Ladies will be guests o Feast TICKET PR Thursday – Cribbage Tournament $10.00 Friday – Men’s and Ladie’s Golf $55.00 p Friday - Chicken Dinner $18.00* Saturday - Ladies Luncheon $18.00* Saturday – Feast: Choice of Steak Dinner * TICKETS MUST BE PUR Nobles - Be a “Top-Line Signer” for 3 candidates and you will earn an Anah watch JUNE 2012 15 100 CANDIDATES WANTED F. Lee Kaufman Potentate 2013 Hear Ye ! ! ! RINERS SATURD une 21 and 22 to 11:00 p.m. for dinner and dancing. t 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. for all functions. OF CANDIDATES: of all activities available to them. Lady Peggy at the Ladies Lun- of Potentate Lee at the Saturday- AY, JUN E 22 (C ONTINU Nobles ED) and New • 9:30 a .m. Tem Candidates gional H ple open s at Nok • 10:00 igh School omis Re a.m. Tem gree wo p le ope rk • 11:00 and 2nd Secti ns for Shrine d ea.m. La a.m. Ladies S on at NRHS o Church dies Luncheon cial Time •11:3 in • 12:30 Palmyra (Bus at St. Martin 0 s p.m. Lu Kanteen nch at N ing provided) ’s RHS pro U n it • 1:00 p vided by .m . P ara Electric Supply o de line up- ne • 2:00 p ar Gilm n Main .m an • 5:30 to . Parade Step Street. s 6 :3 o ff 0 p .m Legion A . Social Hour at • 6:30 rea America p.m. Lo n America bster or 8:00 to n Legion Area* Steak Dinner 1 at the New 1 Dance to Ro cking Ro port Rec n’s and . Center at SUNDA Y JUNE 23 Hope a Thanks for Co ll had a ming Have a great time in N safe Trip ewport home RICING: per person per person, includes cart and lunch. $20.00* or Lobster Dinner $30.00* RCHASED BY JUNE14 Nobles - Be a “Top-Line Signer” for 3 candidates and you will earn an Anah watch 16 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Mike Murphy, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies! The weather is wonderful and your Highlanders are hitting stride on another busy parade season. By the time you read this, we will have performed for the Husson University graduation, the Special Olympics, the College of the Atlantic graduation and a parade in Machias on the 15th of June. July isn’t going to be as busy, but we will perform for several special highprofile events that we enjoy. In addition to our scheduled band activities, elements of the Highlanders are scheduled to assist in the services of some departed Brethren. I’m scheduled to assist in the services of Ambassador/Governor and Brother Reed in Ft. Fairfield and other Highlanders are making arrangements for Brother Tom Clukey. Brother Reed, became Governor of Maine in 1959, at the age of 38, after Governor Clawson died in office. Reed, a Ft. Fairfield native, was president of the Maine senate at the time and hence first in line to succeed the governor. According to the Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of Maine, Brother Reed was the last Maine governor who was a Mason. Furthermore, Mathew Dunlap, Center, was a recent spseaker at the Tri-County Sshrine Club. He is flanked by Potentate Lee and Dan Costain, VP of the club. Photo by Noble Bob Hodgkins of the Anah Photo Unit. he was the last governor from Northern Maine. He was succeeded by Ken Curtis in 1967. Brother Tom Clukey, was called home before those who knew him were ready to let him go. Many of us had known Tom from his auto parts business in the County before he was appointed Outer Guard. He 191 E. Main Street, DoverFoxcroft, ME 04426 Proud Supporters of the Anah Shriners Now with 3 Locations in the Bangor Area! Christmas Tree Shops Plaza 52 Springer Drive 947-9674 Broadway Shopping Center 609 Broadway 942-3146 Hampden 57 Western Avenue 862-2211 www.katahdintrust.com Ashland • Bangor • Caribou • Eagle Lake • Easton • Fort Fairfield • Hampden • Houlton Island Falls • Limestone • Mars Hill • Oakfield • Patten • Presque Isle • Van Buren • Washburn was a hardworking, reputable businessman, who not only paid his own way, but he gave generously of himself to help people that he didn’t even know. It angers me when I see how much Americans worship people of celebrity status. America (media and people) morn when a celebrity drug addict or pervert’s days are cut short due to their self-indulgent life style. The real celebrities of America are quality people like Tom Clukey. Tom was a job creator, he paid his way and he was selfless in the time he gave to help children that were perfect strangers. His story epitomizes what made America great. There are hundreds of fellow Brothers just like Tom in Maine who worked hard, paid their own way , and tirelessly donated their time to the Shrine in order to help children in need. Other than immediate family and friends, their lives are little more than an asterisk in the pages of time. I know some Brothers who in their darkest days, when they are fighting for every breath, are still an inspiration of hope to others. I have seen Brothers who in like situation are able to give thanks and say, “I’m truly blessed to be here.” Most of us complain bitterly if we get stuck behind someone going just five mph below the speed limit. I know I’m guilty of it. Seldom do any of us give proper credit and thanks. I for one will give credit to all of the unsung heroes like Tom Clukey, Marvin Tarbox, and others who have worked hard, paid their dues, and give tirelessly to the Shrine (and other community charities). People like them are the ones who deserve our respect, praise and thanks. Shrewd Doctor, He kept me waiting in his office so long I caught three other diseases JUNE 2012 17 L. O. “Skip” House IV Just a little news for the month of May. Haven’t had our monthly meeting yet, so will highlight on that next month. Just a reminder - make sure you have sent your information back to secretary Joe Marshall at 667-2544 or e-mail joe@mjmarshallarts.com. The grand prize winner of the fuel raffle was Bruce Cameron of Trenton. Yours Truly, Bruce Clark, Wayne Butler, and Kent Stanley all attended the steak feed in Addison and a good time was had by all. Now for the news that everyone wants to hear - heard Geddes Simpson’s car broke down one day this month, and Carole had to ride home with the wrecker. Bet you didn’t think I’d hear about that did you Carole? Steve and Wanda Fernald are back from vacation in Myrtle Beach. Heard they had a great time and had a chance to visit with their daughter, Emily. Also heard Emily just bought herself her first new car. Someone said Tommy Fernald has been to Florida and back again. Heard he’s also trying to play golf. I wonder if he goes to the golf course with a baseball bat. Also heard he bought a new backhoe as a retirement gift to himself. I hope he knows he can get in trouble with something like that. Mike Clark turned the big 6-0. Also got a chance to check on Wayne’s new sideby-side. I can’t remember if it is orange or gray. I wonder if he told me it is a Honda. Cecil is putting in a new kitchen at camp this winter. My wife got a text message from our daughter with a picture of the Eiffel Tower - she was in Paris for a few days on vacation. I think spring is finally here, the trees are turning green, and the bugs are coming out. Time to get the boat out, pick up some dog biscuits, and take Cookie fishing. Those celebrating birthdays are Mae Landesman, Charles Kennedy, Irving Smith, Harry S. Jones III, Chery (?) Heath and Mary Abbott. Honeymooners are Donald & Minnie Bowden, George & Louise Sealy, Brian & Holly Savage, Steve & Wanda Fernald, Leland & Frances Lowell, Earl & Linda Tracy and John & Judith Driscoll. P.S. Don’t forget Howard Heath’s lobster feed on June 13th. Bring a fellow Mason or Shriner and let’s have a good time. Howard Heath and Don McHenan and their crew always put on a good feed. Our next regular meeting will be on June 4th Pat’s Pizza. Consultant SQLServer, Microsoft Access & VB. Net Developer 219 Washington Street • Brewer ME • 04412 855- 316 -2111 LOHCo@roadrunner.com ANAH’S JUNE CEREMONIAL MEN’S GOLF OUTING N I A R R O NE SHI Palmyra Golf Course Friday, June 21st ON 1PL 44LY AYE R S Palmyra Golf & RV Resort Palmyra, ME $55 Per Player, Includes 18 Holes, Golf Cart, Gift & Lunch Trophies for 1st Net and 1st Gross Registration: 8am Shotgun Start: 9am Sign on Tee $75 Call 944-3554 For More Information Deadline is June 14th REGIsTRATION FORM Name ________________________________________________Phone _____________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ Player#1 ____________________________________________Handicap ____________________ Player#2 ____________________________________________Handicap ____________________ Player#3 ____________________________________________Handicap ____________________ Player#4 ____________________________________________Handicap ____________________ Please make checks payable to Anah Ceremonial Golf Outing Mail to: Steve Trimm • 43 Starlight Dr • Eddington, ME 04428 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Anah Shriners and donations are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Some people are like blotters, they soak up a lot, but get it all backwards 18 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Scott Forbes, Reporter Looks like spring has finally arrived! Time to get some boats in the streets of towns in eastern Maine! The Lobster Boat unit is lining up its parade season with nine parades booked as of now and several more potentials still to be lined up. Kicking off the season at the Special Olympics at UMO on June 7th at 5PM. Let’s hope for fair winds and following seas. Happy Birthday wishes to Capt. Carroll Chandler and Lady Susan, Runtz Farnsworth, Gene Carter, Doug Munson and Lady Cheryle Munson, Lady Rose Madore, Lyman Blyther and Lady Cindy Blyther. Happy Anniversary to Wayne and Phyllis Butler. The unit would like to pass on its deepest sympathies to the family and friends of our Chief Rabban Tom Clukey. Tami Linscott, Nancy Merritt, Debra Murphy and Marjorie Smith. Birthdays for June: Chief Aide Emeritus Allen Sawyer. May Anniversary wishes go to Walter and Nancy Merritt. June Anniversaries Ray and Delma Paul, Boomer and Julianna Palmer, Bob and Doreen Pullen, Bruce and Cindy Walls, Ron and Beverly Watson and Danny and Bonnie Taylor. I guess the number of anniversaries this month made up for none last month. Until next time have a good spring in your step. WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB Noble Ryan Otis, Reporter Nobles and ladies, On behalf of all the Nobles and Ladies of Waldo County Shrine Club we offer con- dolences to Lady Gail Clukey. Our fraternity has lost a great leader. Our Dryden Dutch Memorial Golf Tournament is fast approaching, there are still hole sponsorships available. Please register your teams now so you don’t miss all the fun. Don’t golf? Join us for our annual Divan Visitation and Steak Feed to follow the Dryden Dutch Memorial. Our ceremonial is fast approaching, have you gotten your candidates ready? Check your dues card, make sure your card says 2013. If your marking days on your calendar, keep an eye out for our 2nd Annual Fall Lobster Feed in September. Happy Birthday and Anniversary to all those celebrating this month. Hopefully we’ll see you soon in sunny Waldo County. Anah Aides Noble Gordon Smith, Chief Aide Greetings to All, First of all, I want to extent condolences to Lady Gail Clukey and all of Tom’s family. We are all saddened by his passing. I had the pleasure of working with Tom on many occasions in the Aides, as did many. He will surely be missed by many, many Nobles and Ladies as well as the community. We had a great turnout of Aides at the Circus. It is a lot of work but it is fun to see it all come together & it was successful. Thanks to the Aides who helped spin Cotton Candy Thursday afternoon and Friday night. Another area the Aides covered was ushering which included helping patrons find lost cell-phones, billfolds, sweaters and other articles. This requires many helpers for the job and we thank all Nobles, Nobles wives and children and grandchildren who gave us a hand. Because of cleaning the stadium after the shows we were late getting to eat, but the Second Section always made sure we got fed -Thanks. June Ceremonial will be busy for the Aides. I will be sending out the schedule and dress code soon. Fred Lunt’s class should be a good one. He did a super job as Potentate, but I don’t think Lady Ellen wants to go on another boat ride in the rain. Birthdays for April: Aides Emeritus, Ray Paul, Paul Thornton and Lady Beverly Watson. Birthdays for May: Noble Ron Watson and Aide Emeritus Ron Murphy. Ladies: Nobles - Be a “Top-Line Signer” for 3 candidates and you will earn an Anah watch JUNE 2012 19 “Love For the Children Tour” Kick Off Celebration Something really exciting is about to take place and you are ALL invited to attend!! - The Love For the Children Tour, a project of the Daughters of the Nile Foundation to benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children®, begins its multi-state, 112-stop tour on July 8, 2013. The 38 foot motor coach will kick off the Love for the Children Tour from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m at Webb’s RV Center, 1206 Hammond St., Bangor, Maine. Come to the event and enjoy the festivities which will include refreshments, entertainment and the presentation of the motor coach keys to the Supreme Queen of the Supreme Temple Daughters of the Nile, Margaret Ann Risk. Through invited guests you will have the opportunity to learn more about the Shriners Hospitals for Children®, Shriners International and the Daughters of the Nile Foundation. “We are so excited to set forth on this journey to benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children®”, stated Linda Trible, President of the Daughters of the Nile Foundation. “This is the first time something of this magnitude has been done by the Daughters of the Nile Foundation in cooperation with the Daughters of the Nile, Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals for Children®. We are hoping for a great response.” The Daughters of the Nile, a benevolent international organization for women who are related by birth or marriage to a Shriner, Master Mason, or Daughter of the Nile, works closely with the Daughters of the Nile Foundation, a 501(c) (3) non-profit public charity, to help support the 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children®. This remarkable network of specialty pediatric hospitals located throughout North America provides care for children with orthopedic problems, severe burns, spinal cord injuries and cleft lip and palate, regardless of their families’ ability to pay. Founded in 1913 in Seattle, Washington, Daughters of the Nile boasts a membership of over 28,000 in 143 cities throughout the United States and Canada. The members of Daughters of the Nile are proud of their long association with Shriners International and their continuing support of Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Through the Daughters of the Nile Foundation and Canadian Foundation, Daughters of the Nile contributes over $1.7 million each year to Shriners Hospitals for Children® to be used to offset the cost of medical care and rehabilitation of children. Members of Daughters of the Nile also give generously of their time and talents to the hospitals by providing more than 150,000 volunteer hours at the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. In addition, they sew clothing and quilts, and provide toys, books, games and other educational and recreational items that amount to an annual value of over $900,000. The tour is the brainstorm of Margaret Ann Risk, the organization’s 2013 Supreme Queen and CEO. “Daughters of the Nile has contributed more than $51 million to Shriners Hospitals for Children® for patient care,” said Risk. “The purpose of this tour is to promote awareness of who we are and what we do, as well as to accept donations to help us in our mission of helping children.” To learn more about the Daughters of the Nile Foundation and to follow the tour or make a donation, please visit us at www. donfdn.org. For more information locally please contact Bev Polley at loveforthechildrentour@gmail.com There is still time to buy an Anah calendar for yourself or as a gift. Drawings every week. Cost is only $20.00 - $15,425 in total prizes to be paid out. Reverse mortgages Reverse mortgages Rae Ann Rice Reverse mortgages for seniors 62 or older Home Mortgage Consultant for seniors for seniors 62 or older 62 or older NMLSR ID: 419094 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Calltoday today for more information. Call today for more information. forPl,more 1Call Cumberland Suiteinformation. 214 Rae Ann Rice Rae Ann Rice Bangor, MERice 04401 Rae Ann Tel: 207 262 5218Place, 1 Cumberland Cumberland Place, 11Cumberland #214#214 Place, #214 Fax: 877 302 081704401 Bangor, Maine 04401 Bangor, Maine Bangor, Maine 04401 Cell: 207 974 8996 207-974-8996 207-974-8996 207-974-8996 Toll Free: 800 318 3182 Ext. 5218 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage isAll a division of is Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2010 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. rights reserved. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2010 WellsN.A. Fargo Bank, N.A.Fargo All rights reserved. AS360980 8/10-8/11 © 2010 Wells Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. AS360980 8/10-8/11 It’s easy to get kids to look up to you – walk in and turn off the TV set. 20 THE ANAHGRAM Snapshots from the Bangor Circus by Anah Photographer Noble Dick Kilton Top photo at left, Cotton Candy spinners making stock to be ready when the shows start. Center photo, L to R. Ellen Kenney, Peggy Kaufman, Donna Nickerson, Linda Tracy, Julie Grindle, Brenda Thomas sorting tickets turned in. Bottom photo at left, L-R Debra Murphy, Nancy Merritt and Kathy Hoke take care of the Snow Cone money The best reformers the world has ever seen are those who commence on themselves. JUNE 2012 21 Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter We are looking high and we are looking low for Nobles to support our march. Come and join us for some flag wagging FUN! We are also looking for Nobles that can play a drum. It would be great to have a beat that could match our fun loving feet. We will be marching at the following parades: Special Olympics June 7th Orono; Machias June 15th; Ceremonial in Newport June 22nd; Jonesport June 29th; Bar Harbor July 4th; Dexter August 10th; Ellsworth September 14th is the line up so far on parades that we will be participating. Information will be coming on time by calling post. Come one; come all let’s wave the flags tall! As always we need to recruit new members. Think about the Shriners or Masons in yours area. Let’s talk with them about the Flag unit activities and with the things we do based around family. We had our meeting on the 7th of April. From our Captain Arthur Herbest - I think the meeting went well. I appreciate everyone who attended. I would like to thank Noble Marty Taylor, Public Relations, for is presentations on the Shriners hospital. I believe this will reinforce the importance we as Shriners do for the kids. Well done. Welcome new Noble George Beety and his Lady. After all their years in the Flag Unit Noble Keith Dewitt is moving to the Director’s Staff and Noble Edwin Dewitt is moving to the Greeters. A BIG Thank You for all of the dedication you have given the Flag Unit. It was a unanimous vote to make the Dewitt brothers honorary members. Thank you to the Star for preparing and serving us a fabulous meal during this meeting. Did I hear some say something about cotton candy. We loved making cotton candy for the Circus. The support for this sweet and sticky time was awesome. Thanks everyone! Did anyone see the candles burning on the birthday cakes for the following Nobles: Richard Dionne, Allen Fernald, and Arthur Grant. Only one Lady: Juanita Higgins Best Wishes to ALL of YOU. What about the soft candle lights for the following Anniversaries to Nobles and their Ladies: James and Lucille Campbell, Paul and Linda Davis, Edwin and Ellen DeWitt, Lewis and Juanita Higgins, and Barry and Melanie Knowles? Wishing you Many More. News that was missed the month of May: Noble Floyd Hardison and his Lady Nor ma, best of wishes as you continue your recovery from the medical issues from this past winter. They both looked wonderful during our April meeting. If I have missed anyone please let me know. I can be contacted at mestore@aol. There is still time to buy an Anah calendar for yourself or as a gift. Drawings every week. Cost is only $20.00 - $15,425 in total prizes to be paid out. Ceremonial Event CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT KAUFMAN MOTORS All Nobles, Ladies and guests are invited to play Thursday June 20, 2013 At 6:30p.m. At Meridian Splendor Lodge, Rte. 7- North Mooshead Trail Newport Get your partner for four-handed cribbage! $10.00 per person CASH PRIZES Used Vehicles Send names and $10.00 per person to: Wellman McFarland, P.O. Box 576, Bucksport ME 04416 Name:_____________________________ Partner _________________________ Amount Enclosed ___________ Phone No. ______________________ 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Lee & Peggy Kaufman Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and donations are not deductible as charitable contributins. If silence is good wise men, how much better must it be for fools 22 THE ANAHGRAM Marjorie Smith (behind the counter) tries her hand at cooking southern style on the recent Music City Tours Trip. There is still time to buy an Anah calendar for yourself or as a gift. Drawings every week. Cost is only $20.00 - $15,425 in total prizes to be paid out. Little boy, to his mother: “Don’t yell at me, I’m not your husband.” JUNE 2012 23 Get your Candidates signed up for the June 21 - 22 Ceremonial Be a top line signer for 3 candidates and earn an Anah watch Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter Hello Fellow Academicians, Welcome to Kevin Call, our newest member! Our deepest condolences go out to the friends and family of Chief Rabban Tom Clukey who recently passed away. Circus News: The Circus was very good this year. I attended in Bangor with my family and one of my daughter’s friends. The crowds were good. Andy Mays reports: “My family brought baked goods to the cafeteria for the Circus crew on Saturday, then enjoyed supper with the Potentate after the show. The boys had a great time and really enjoyed the balloon hats their friend Jappo made for them after they got fueled up on baked beans. We really enjoy the fellowship and fun behind the scenes.” According to Director Steve Mosley, the Circus went well and Clint Richardson did a great job in his new job as lighting director. We also had Micah Swallow and Kevin Call, new at the lights, which did great along with veterans Galen Knowles, Glen Clark, Darrin Gray, Ed Leighton, Jeff Hardy, Bub Smith, Chris Holyoke, Frank Theriault, and Donnie Copeland on setup and bulb handling. Steve says that he also saw many other members of our unit chipping in several different vital circus jobs. He says there are too many to mention everyone and he may have missed some, but saw Scott Hoyle, Bud Cushing, Barry Woodard, and Paul Wilbur to mention a few. Steve says he could not be prouder of our unit’s participation at the Circus. Great job everyone. We are looking forward to the upcoming Ceremonial. Ritual practice will be June 16th at 4pm as always at the Shrine Center. One thing we will need to do at the Ceremonial is to inventory all of our equipment, so more on that as we get closer. Anyone who wants to participate in the Ceremonial but who hasn’t been contacted can contact your Section Master or any governing officer and we’ll get you put to work. As of this writing we have not yet had the May meeting, so more on that next time. Have a great June everyone. Please never forget to send me your news, stories, jokes, outright lies, or anything else you’d like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in generalGetg Automation: Man’s continuing effort to make work so easy that women will someday be able to do it all. 24 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Fred Beylerian Reporter The Circus has come and gone for another year and the Keystone Kops did their best to help make it a great success again this year. Hopefully the Circus will enjoy as much or more success in the new Cross Center as it did in the old Bangor Auditorium. The Chief would like to say “THANK YOU” to all the Kops for a job well done! Schedule of coming events: Special Olympics Parade, University of Maine Orono Campus Friday June 7, 2013, at 6:00 P.M. There are several more possible parade and steak feed dates being considered and as soon they are confirmed the dates will published. The Keystone Kops Annual Gun Raffle and Annual Steak Feed tickets are now available. Tickets can be purchased from any Keystone Kop. Buy your tickets now and get in on the fun. Birthday wishes for the month of June go out to Kops Greg Hall, Lewis Beal, Shawn Cowen, Fred Beylerian, Dr. Dick and Erick Emery. Wedding Anniversaries: Danny Taylor and Bonnie Wright and JR and Cindy Tozier. Congratulations to all and may you have many more. Speaking of Dr. Dick. He is now at the Maine Veterans Home, in Bangor, and is doing much better. Come on Doc, it’s time to get well to get back to work and to play golf. Now let’s move to the lighter side. Last month’s question was: How did Forrest Mars come up with the idea for M&Ms? Answer: He came up with idea after watching soldiers eat chocolate pellets during the Spanish Civil War. And did you know that red M&Ms were taken off the market for ten years because consumers were nervous about eating anything red. There was concern that Red Dye No. 2 caused cancer, however red M&Ms did not contain the chemical. This month’s question is: What do shoes over a power line symbolize? Time has come to close the “Blotter” for this month and to remember, “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS”. Gerry’s Used Cars BUY HERE / PAY HERE Gerry & Barbara Marshall, Owners Serving you from four locations Ask about our extended warranty! • Cheryl & Karrie - 266 Newport Road, Corinna, 278-2205 • Shelly - Oakland 465-9566 • Rose - Main Street, Veazie 990-2206 • Tiffany - Skowhegan 474-6700 HOUSING HOUSING RESERVATION RESERVATION FORM FORM ANAH SHRINERS ANAH SHRINERS JUNE JUNE CEREMONIAL CEREMONIAL To To Be Be Held Held in in Newport Newport JUNE 21 & 22, 2013 HOTELS: Lovely’s Motel Newport Holiday Inn Bangor NAME _____________________________________ ADDRESS _________________ CITY/TOWN _______________________ ZIP ___________ STATE _____________ Phone No. _______________ Special requests ________________________________ Arrival Thursday o Friday o Saturdayo Lovely’s Motel Room Rate$57.00 plus tax/Room deposit $60.00 required Holiday Inn Bangor Room Rate $129.00 plus tax Room deposit $130.00 required “ANAH WILL RUN A BUS FROM HOLIDAY INN BANGOR TO NEWPORT” HOTEL CHOICE: LOVELYS MOTEL___HOLIDAY INN___ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ANAH SHRINERS HOUSING OR ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED CREDIT CARD #____________________________________________EXP________ ALL ROOMS ARE ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS MAIL RESERVATIONS TO: EARL“YOGI”SEYMOUR 17 ASPEN WAY BREWER, ME.04412 ANAH CAMPERS PLEASE CONTACT: LYMAN BLYTHER TEL: 321-693-5717 FOR RESERVATIONS Conscience is a still, small voice that tells us when we are about to get caught. JUNE 2012 25 Noble Milo Cropley Reporter By the time you read this, the 50th annual Anah Shrine Circus will be history. Potentate Lee Kaufman accompanied some of the Klowns to school visitations to promote the Circus. I am sure he will have some stories to tell about that experience. All the Presque Isle Shows were dedicated to our friend and Fraternal Brother Thomas Clukey, who passed away the day before the Circus started. Tom will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him. All the units are gearing up for the parades, and the June Ceremonial. Our last meeting was held on April 28th, @8:30 am. Our next meeting will be held on 24th, which will be the start of the evening meetings for the summer. Spring has finally sprung, and everyone is excited to get on the golf courses or on the lake to enjoy their favorite pass times. Until next month, please remembe what being a Shriner is all about and support your Blue Lodge. DIRECTORS STAFF Noble Dave Weaver Reporter I have to start this report with much sadness in my heart for the family of our Chief Rabban Tom Clukey. When I first heard of Tom’s passing on May 1st to say the least I was devastated. I have been hearing conflicting reports on his condition all winter but knowing Tom and his determination I thought he could conquer his medical problems. I got to really know Tom and his wife Gail in 2006 when we all went to Branson with PP Dick Hallett. My wife Leni and I decided then that they were really good people. I believe his last unofficial act was passing out Aroostook County slush at the January Ceremonial from his motel room at the Fireside. Although he has passed to the unseen Temple his influence and presence will be felt by the Nobles of Anah Shrine for a long time in the foreseeable future. By the time this article comes out the June Ceremonial will right around the corner. The Directors Staff will again be responsible for the coffee mess in the morning, registering the candidates and fitting Fezzes. I’m sure we will also have some escort duties. Remember all Directors are to be at Nokomis High School before 7:30 am on Saturday June 22, 2013. Our uniform of the day will be our black tux and all the accessories. We can use all the help that shows up. I want to chal- lenge all of you Directors to sign up a new candidate for the Fred B. Lunt class of 2013. There will be a walk around at 4pm in Newport on June 5th, meet at Nokomis High School. That’s it for this month; hope to see you all at the Ceremonial Noble Doug Brockway, Reporter Anah Band is in the process of preparing for the upcoming season of parades and festivals. The Circus was a really fun performance for us and we were truly blessed to have some great friends join us. Hovey’s solo during Maim was a real head turner! We really loved having the Clowns coming over and taking over as band directors so Earl could have a seat and play his horn. It’s great to know we have a backup if we ever need one. Now we are focusing on our performance at the Machias 250th celebration that we will be able to have the pleasure of playing at. It’s a long ride but it will be very rewarding for us. Our thoughts are with our Wagonmaster, Corey Smart, as he recovers from knee surgery, he does a great job of safely navigating the band through the city streets during our parades and a wonderful job of setting us up! We are always looking to add some new musicians to our group; Swing music is much more fun when you have a really big band! Brass, wind, piano, guitar, bass, or piano. Ceremonial is approaching and the new Nobles may be interested in joining a musical unit. Lessons and instruments provided to any and all who will be willing to learn something new. Two Mondays a month for a practice commitment plus some parades to boot. Practices are currently being held in Bangor at the Shrine Center. Remember to find that experienced player or an adventuresome Mason to be a Noble and take part with us, they are out there. Watch us grow and play traditional march music and new music with a modern mode. Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies: It is with a heavy heart that I write this article as we have lost two Nobles of Anah Shrine to cancer. Noble Albert Bishop who is an honorary member of the Second Section passed away on April 18 in Hampden and Chief Rabban Tom Clukey passed away on May 1 in Presque Isle. Our thoughts are with the families of these Nobles. The Second Section held a Ladies Night on May 3 at the Shrine Center and was very well attended by both Nobles and Ladies. Honorary Nobles present were Richard Young, Darryl King, Marty Taylor, Bill McGlaughlin and Donnie Merrill. A meal of barbeque chicken and pork chops along with various salads was served. Thank you to all who helped with the meal and for those who brought desserts. Well the 2013 Circus is now behind us and the Second Section was in charge of selling programs once again. Assistant Circus Director Dennis Hill informed the unit last month that we would be selling programs for a donation only basis and no set price would be asked. When everyone left that meeting I think we all thought it would be a disaster but the opposite happened. We actually averaged more than $2.00 per book with the donations received. We don’t have actual program sales amounts per Noble selling programs, but the friendly competition among Nobles to sell the most programs was fun to see who would make it the farthest out in the parking lot to hit up customers. We didn’t quite make it all the way to Buck Street, but I think it was discussed. Along with selling programs, the Second Section Nobles and Ladies along with other volunteers served meals for Circus workers. There were a total of 943 meals served throughout the three days of the Circus and a great time was had by all involved. Thank you to all who donated their time to cook, serve or clean up after the meals. The June Ceremonial is just around the corner on June 20 thru 22 in Newport. It’s sure to be fun so plan to attend. See your Anahgram for times for all of the weekend’s activities. It looks like we will be performing our work again this year before the parade. All of you Nobles should keep that in mind and take the necessary steps to keep your uniform clean for the parade. Be sure to have the proper dress for the parade and work of the day. If anyone has any questions of the proper dress, contact one of the officers or a senior member for assistance. In case of inclement weather, be sure to have your red unit jacket on hand. If anyone needs a red jacket, contact Noble Harland Williamson. Illustrious Potentate Kaufman is looking for 100 candidates, let’s all do our part and get those new candidates signed up. Remember that any Noble who is a first-line signer of three or more candidates will receive a Shrine watch. Nobles! Make sure your Ceremonial plans include some candidates Most people believe in law and order as long as they can lay down the laws and give out the orders. 26 THE ANAHGRAM PHOTO UNIT Noble Bob Hodgkins Reporter Hi gang: June Anahgram report is early: on the 28th of April: I am leaving town in the am. Big three shows Sat at the circuits: tough on the back, the concrete floors: Thanks to members who I know were at shows: Lloyd Day, Dennis Bryant, Chet Davis, Herman Littlefield, Bob Hodgkins and Divan Rep. Marshal Don Gordon. Thanks to whoever attended that I did not get names of. Big thank you. Another big thank you to the county gang for covering the Circus in sunny Presque Isle. Fridays bike winners were: Show #1. Conner Chase & Simoine Polches. Show #2. Trinity Farrar & Ryan Gould Show #3. Morgan Honey & Brayden Hand. Donors for the bikes Friday were Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club & the Wheelers. Nobles and Ladies Ronald & Doris Harrelson and Noble & Lady Dieter Heinz (no ketchup here). That’s all this time: the report is early due to a mad dash on the 29th for New York State for the Spring Turkey Demolition: Till later from downtown Hartland: We are located halfway between the cemetery and the nursing home; The Flashbulb. Noble Daryl Briggs, Reporter Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club had its April 18, 2013 meeting at the Shrine Center, A Ladies Night. The meeting was called to order by Club President Sped Seymour. There were 43 Nobles, Ladies and guests at the meeting. The Invocation was given by Past Potentate, Recorder Larry Hersom. The meal was a buffet prepared by Anah Shrine Clowns. The food was great and more than enough. The Booze Basket drawing was won by Past Potentate William Dawson. The Ladies raffles were won by Lorena Fenlason and Nora Buck. The Past Potentates were represented by Larry Hersom (1986), and William Dawson (2011). The Divan was represented by Outer Guard Doug Dulac, Recorder Larry Hersom, Oriental Guide Steve Trimm, and Assistant Chief Rabban Jessie Thomas. The next meeting will be the Steak Feed on May 16. Get your tickets from the Shrine Center. Bring a guest!!! A motion was made to adjourn. Ceremonial Event ANAH SHRINERS 2013 JUNE CEREMONIAL LADIES 9 HOLE GOLF TOURNAMENT FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2013 CANDIDATES’ LADIES WELCOME!! AT J. W. PARKS GOLF COURSE IN PITTSFIELD TOURNAMENT STARTS AT 9:00 A.M. PRIZES AND SURPRISES ! ! ENTRY FEE: $30.00 w/CART - LUNCH AVAILABLE Mail entry form with fee by June 12 to: LADIES CEREMONIAL GOLF, P..O. Box 735, Bangor ME 04402-0735 Contact person: Phyllis Merrill, Tel. 944-0088 _____________________________ _____________________________ NAME NAME ____________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________ PHONE (W) HOME (H) ____________________________ PHONE (W) HOME (H) _____________________________ NAME _____________________________ NAME ____________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________ PHONE (W) HOME (H) ____________________________ PHONE (W) HOME (H) AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ _______ IF YOU SO NOT HAVE A FOURSOME, WE WILL MATCH YOU UP WITH SOMEONE. Net proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners And payments are not deductible as charitable contributions. JUNE 2012 27 PASSED TO THE UNSEEN TEMPLE PASSED TO THE UNSEEN TEMPLE HARLEY HOLLIS FARREN No. 8245 Noble Harley Hollis Farren of Orland was born Feb. 1, 1920, in Corea, Maine and passed away April 5, 2013, after a brief illness in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. He was employed at St. Regis Paper Mill in Bucksport, for 39 years and retired in 1982. He served in the U.S. Army in World War II. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Rising Sun Lodge No. 71 AF & AM and life membership in Riverside Chapter No. 123 Order of the Eastern Star . He was an honorary member of Ruth Chapter and the Masonic Lodge in Fort Pierce, Florida. He was a member of The York Rite Bodies. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 14, 1980. CHARLES E. COLBURN No 4606 Noble Charles Edwin Colburn of Bangor was born Aug. 5, 1922, in Bangor, son of Harry E. and Flora Severence Colburn and died April 9, 2013, at a local health care center. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was also a member and past president of Penobscot Salmon Club. He was a well-known avid outdoor sportsman. He was active in masonry, where he held leadership positions for many years, including being a 60-plus year member of Rising Virtue Lodge No. 10, AF & AM and the York and Scottish Rite Bodies. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 19, 1954. LEWIS E. WEBBER No. 4536 Noble Lewis E. Webber of Houlton was born in 1914 in Oakfield and passed away peacefully Wednesday, April 17, 2013, at Madigan Estates Nursing Home, Houlton, after a short illness. He graduated from Houlton High School in 1932. He had a long and varied career working for Western Union, White’s Drug Store and Larry’s Automotive Store. During World War II he took a civil service job in the aircraft radio field at the Houlton and Presque Isle air bases. After the war, he worked for Petroleum Products, servicing oil burners. In 1949, Lewis and his brother-in-law, Harold Peabody, after much research, decided to open the first drive-in theater north of Bangor. That year they opened Borderland Drive-In Theater. They operated the theater for 30 years. Lewis and his wife, Nola, also owned and operated a restaurant, The Milk Bar in Market Square, 1952-1956. After retiring he spent his winters in Florida until 2006. He loved playing pool with his buddies and played up until a few years ago. He was past president of Houlton Rotary, member of Houlton Elks, a 50-year member. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Monument Lodge No. 96 A.F. and A.M., and the Scottish and York Rite Bodies. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 5, 1953. ALBERT H. BISHOP No. 10268 Noble Albert H. Bishop of Hampden. was born June 9, 1931, in Milo, the son of Earl W. Bishop and Lillian (Kalnin) Bishop. He died peacefully April 18, 2013, at home in Hampden, surrounded by his family. He attended Hampden Highlands United Methodist Church. He graduated from Lagrange High School in 1949 and the University of Maine in February 1954m with a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering. He was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1954 and sent overseas to Ger- MITCHELL-TWEEDIE FUNERAL HOME 28 Elm Street Bucksport 469-3177 many and served with the 33rd F.A. Battalion, 1st Infantry Division in Bamberg. He had a 35-year career with Maine Department of Transportation at the Bangor Division Office and retired in 1991. He was a registered professional engineer and a registered land surveyor. He was a member of Maine Better Transportation Association and National Rifle Association. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, snowmobiling and his summer camp at Cold Stream Pond, Enfield. He also enjoyed camping with family and friends yearly at Baxter State Park and hiking Mount Katahdin. His Masonic affiliations included 50-years of membership in Composite Lodge No. 168 AF & AM of Lagrange and a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies. He was life member of the Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club, a life member of Sunshine Club for Children and a member of the Second Section. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 13, 1992. HENRY S. LAWLER, Sr. No.7285 Noble Henry Samuel Lawler Sr. of Bangor, was born May 29, 1937, in Jackson, the son of Henry C. Lawler and Thelma (Davis) Lawler. He passed away at his home after a hard fought battle with cancer, April 17, 2013. He attended schools in Waldo County and graduated from Crosby High School, Belfast, in 1957. Attending class reunions were always special to him. He attended Continued on nest page YOUNG FUNERAL HOME 31 West Main Street Searsport 548-2545 Serving Bucksport-Searsport and surrounding towns Albert Levesque, Proprioter 28 THE ANAHGRAM Husson College and completed numerous courses in accounting, banking and finance. Managerial positions in his long financial career included Liberty Loan, Beneficial Finance, Maine National Bank, the former Merrill Trust Company and Key Bank of Maine. He was the owner of Old Colony Real Estate and developed his carpentry talents into a business of restoring and financing mobile homes. He made many friendships while building his camp at Swan Lake where he spent his summers. He enjoyed camping, hunting, traveling and spending his winters at his home at Golden Ponds, Fort Pierce, Fla., with his wife, Alice. He enjoyed visits from friends and family. In Henry’s presence strangers were never strangers for long. He was a member of the Kiwanis Club, Bangor-Brewer Conservation Club and a nine year volunteer with Hospice of Eastern Maine. His Masonic affiliations included life membership in Rising Virtue Lodge No. 10 A.F & A.M., Bangor, and the York Rite Bodies. In Anah Shriners he. He was a member of the award winning Anah Motor Corps Team. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 14, 1975. THOMAS J. CLUKEY No. 10375 Noble, Chief Rabban Thomas J. Clukey of Presque Isle was born September 18, 1953, in Presque Isle, and passed away Wednesday, May 1, 2013, at The Aroostook Medical Center, Presque Isle, surrounded by his loving wife, family and closest friends. He graduated from Presque Isle High School in 1971 and attended the University of Maine, Presque Isle and Northern Maine Community College. In 1972 he opened the first branch store for Brake Service and Parts in Presque Isle. From 1972-1983 he served in various capacities for Brake Service in Presque Isle and Bangor, including district sales representative, warehouse manager and sales manager. In 1983 he moved to Boston to establish the heavy duty division of New England Wheel and Rim. In 1984 he moved back to Presque Isle and together with his family they opened Clukey’s Auto Supply. Today, Clukey’s Auto Supply has stores operating in Presque Isle, Caribou and Houlton. He was very active in the community and was always willing to help where he was needed. He was involved as a member and past president of Walker Siding Snowmobile Club, former director and manager of Fort Fairfield Rotary, former member and director of Fort Fairfield Chamber of Commerce and a more than a 20- year member of Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Presque Isle. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Trinity Lodge No. 130 AF & AM, Presque Isle, and the Scottish Rite Bodies. He is a past president and life member of the Aroostook County Shrine Club and a life member of all the Anah Shrine Clubs. He was one of the founding members and past president of Anah Indy’s. He was a member and past director in 2011 of ROJ Court 150, Bangor. He was appointed a Potentate’s Aide in 1997 by Potentate Edward Pellon and in 2006 was appointed Outer Guard by Potentate Richard P. Hallett. He loved his home on Squa Pan Lake and loved fishing, being out on the water and entertaining friends on his party boat. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 12, 1993. HOUSING RESERVATION FORM NSA FALL FIELD DAYS CORNWALL, ONTARIO, CA SEPTEMBER 19,20,21, 2013 HOTEL: NAV - CENTER Cornwall, Ontario NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________CITY/TOWN_______________ ZIP___________TELEPHONE#_______________________________ ARRIVAL: THUR o FRI o SAT o DEPART: SUN o Guest room rates: 1 person $119.00 / 2 people $125.00 ca$$--plus tax ****Full Breakfast Buffet is included in rate**** Make Checks Payable to: ANAH Shrine Housing $135.00 Deposit required ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED CREDIT CARD NAME AND #________________________EXP______ Mail Reservations to: Earl “Yogi” Seymour 17 Aspen Way Brewer, Me.04412 ALL ROOMS ARE FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and payments are not deductible as charitable contributions CARING FOR GENERATIONS J o r d a n - F e r n al d FUNERAL HOMES Your wishes for the type of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one can be outlined in advance like a will, prearranging a funeral is part of putting your affairs in order, yet it costs you nothing. Call us to set up an appointment. 1.800.667.2595 - Mount Desert Island • Ellsworth • Blue Hill www.jordanfernald.com RECRUITING IS A FULL TIME JOB Are you working? Membership applications available at the Recorder’s Office ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Anah Shriners P.O. Box 735 Bangor ME 04402-0735 JUNE 2013 � � NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
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