The Beginning Of Our New Future!
The Beginning Of Our New Future!
We never have so much fun ... Doing so much good October 2015 monthly messenger Of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine The Beginning Of Our New Future! Anah Shrine Cornerstone Ceremony See Special Centerfold For More Pictures! Photos by Sheldon Ellis Cover Photo: Ed Armstrong Retirement isn’t an end. It’s just the beginning. A long and successful career should be followed by a long and happy retirement. But it won’t happen on its own. You have to be sure you’re investing properly to help you reach it, and then follow a solid strategy both now and through your retirement years. As a Financial Advisor, I have the experience and tools to help you develop a strategy that is right for you, to Jeffrey F. O’Sullivan Senior Vice President Financial Advisor adjust your investments as needed and to manage your wealth through all the potential changes to come. Call to arrange an appointment today and let us help you keep your wealth working for you. Key Plaza, 23 Water Street Suite 406 Bangor, ME 04401 207-561-2002 jeffrey.o’ theosullivangroup The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s individual circumstances and objectives. © 2015 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. GP11-01364P-N09/11 7177596 MAR010 07/12 Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Chartered June 15, 1922 A Chapter of Shriners International 1404 Broadway, Bangor Maine 04401 Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994 Website: - Shrine email: Volume 100 • Number 10 • October 2015 Rich Armstrong-Editor - Janice Young-Advertising Manager - All Anahgram Articles to be sent to - by the 10th of the Month your accomplishments and remember “We never have so much fun…. Doing so much Good”. Yours in Faith, Jesse Thomas, Potentate Jesse Thomas Potentate Greetings Nobles, welcome to October, the month we usher in fall, cooler temperatures and colorful leaves, a reminder winter is coming in a couple of months. September has been another busy month for us with our annual Noble Appreciation Night being kicked off with a Cornerstone Ceremony attended by our Imperial Potentate and the Imperial First Lady, Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt and Lady Lisa. The Northeast Field Days, hosted by Kora Shriners, was the next weekend, a report on both of these events will be in next month’s Anahgram. Our Shrine Clubs are back in action after their summer break as well as Blue Lodges. I want to thank my home lodge, Lygonia Lodge #40 of Ellsworth for their generous donation of ten thousand dollars to Anah’s Building for the Future Fund to purchase a granite bench, many thanks for all you do to support Anah Shrine. At the time of this writing we were hoping to be doing business at our 1404 Broadway location, but we’re still working on phone and computer connections to the building, hopefully by the time of this reading this will be history and we’ll be at 1404 Broadway. We’ve moved a lot of the furniture and equipment to 1404 Broadway and the building is taking shape, many thanks to Larry & Lib and their crew for all they’re doing, if you haven’t been in to check us out you owe it to yourself to stop by, you’ll be impressed. There is a high level of energy amongst Anah Nobles and ladies about the move to our new Building, don’t’ let that drop, keep up the excitement and be proud of “FROM THE RECORDER’S DESK” Larry L. Hersom Recorder, P.P. Welcome to Fall! Where did our summer go? It seems like just yesterday we were getting ready for the summer Ceremonial in Ellsworth. I would like to start by thanking Noble Skip House for all his assistance in getting the electronic sign up and running at our new building. Skip has spent a couple of days working at our new facility, as well as loading the software, to run the sign onto a laptop, which he has donated to the Anah. Thank you Skip for all your support. Next I wish to thank my wife, Libby, for all the time she has spent decorating and arranging the furniture at our new building to get ready for the Noble Appreciation Night. Imperial Sir Jerry Gant and Lady Lisa were with us on that evening to assist our Potentate Jesse in dedicating and placing the Cornerstone at our new building. Libby made sure the building was inviting, and created a warm invitation when stepping into the lobby on that auspicious evening. I also want to thank Phyllis and her husband Arthur (Coota) Watson, and Janice and Don (Bo Bo) Young for their work preparing their respective offices for the move. What a great job they all have done. It will be appreciated by all the Nobles and ladies in the future when visiting their workspaces. If you haven’t already, you will soon be receiving your 2016 dues notice. Please understand the increase in the dues is an increase in the Imperial per capita tax and NOT Anah’s dues. As I stated last month, you can eliminate that part of your dues by paying it for a lifetime in the amount of $450. If you pay prior to December 31, it will be $450. However, if you wait until after Jan. 1, 2016, it will then double to $900. So now is the time to get it paid…. by check or credit card. If you have any questions, please give the Recorder’s office a call. Hopefully by the time you receive this Anahgram, the Recorder’s office will be moved into the new building. We are hoping to have phones and internet in the new facility sometime mid to late September. We will post to our website and on our Facebook page when we finally make the move. So until then, please call us or come into our 586 Main Street office to get any tickets for any of the upcoming events. October will be a busy month, as the Divan will be visiting Northern Penobscot Shrine Club Oct. 7 and Tri-County Shrine Club Oct. 21 for their official visitations. Also don’t forget to purchase your tickets for the Potentate’s Reception to be held at our new temple October 24. Chief Rabban Bob Turner and Lady Bonnie have great plans to make this an unforgettable evening. Look forward to seeing you at the next Shrine event. Hope everyone will enjoy the upcoming fall season. WORLD OF FLAGS USA 27 Albert Street • Milo, ME 04463 • Route 15 • Charleston/Corinth 04422 Full Line of Flags & Decorative Flags Home & Fax: 207-943-5299 • Office: 207-943-2699 Corinth Location: 207-285-3631 20% off all FLAGS purchased by Shriners The Anahgram 2 4th Annual Fri., Nov. 20 Sat., Nov. 21 Sun., Nov. 22 10am-8pm 10am-8pm 10am-6pm Fri., Nov. 27 Sat., Nov. 28 Sun., Nov. 29 10am-8pm 10am-8pm 10am-4pm Admission: Adults $2.00; Children Under 12 Free Net proceeds from this Feztival are for the benefit of Anah Shrine. Payments are not deductible as charitable contributions. “Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” – Henry David Thoreau October 2015 3 Former Patient Becomes a Shriner Scott Boucher Shares His Story In 1982, I became a patient at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Springfield, in Massachusetts. Little did I know that my first visit would pave the way for years of specialized care and lead me to become a Shriner. RElYING ON THE EXPERTS FOR CaRE At age 5, my doctor in Northern Maine advised my parents that I would need extensive surgeries to correct my orthopaedic issues. Since my parents were unable to afford the necessary procedures, my doctor recommended that my parents contact Shriners Hospitals for Children for assistance. I became a Shriners Hospitals patient, where I was treated for Legg-CalvéPerthes syndrome, which caused a deformity in both of my hip sockets and prevented me from walking. For the next 17 years, I underwent a variety of treatments, including 12 surgeries and two body casts. Some of the more unique treatments I experienced were 3-D gait analysis, a functional body brace that I used for two years and numerous advanced shoe orthotics. ClOWNING aROUND FOR THE KIDS I am now 38 years old. I live in Bangor, Maine, with my wife, Dena, and our 5-year-old daughter, Claire, and own a financial services business. I joined Shriners International as soon as I turned 21. I knew 17 years ago that I wanted to help this amazing organization that changed my life. My favorite memories from when I was a patient are the Shrine clowns, so I felt there was no better way to give back than to become a clown myself. I have been portraying “Scooter” for the past 16 years, helping to make patients and families smile. Last year, I worked on organizing a trip for our local Anah Shriners Clown unit to visit the Shriners Hospitals for Children in Scott Boucher, also known as “Scooter,” and his daughter Claire Boston and Springfield. Many of my fellow clowns had never set foot into a Shriners Hospital, yet they had dedicated hundreds of hours in support of the amazing work of the hospitals. I wanted my fellow clowns to witness how the hospitals are changing the lives of children, and inspire them to continue on with their great work. My hope for the future is to continue volunteering as a Shrine clown and to continue educating our local community on the miracles that Shriners Hospitals for Children perform each day. I am forever grateful to the Shriners for all that they did for my family and for me. Without the Shriners and Shriners Hospitals, I would not be walking today. HOW TO BECOME a SHRINER To learn how to become a Shriner and help Shriners Hospitals for Children, please visit Shriners Hospitals for Children The Shriners Fraternity Shriners Hospitals for Children is one of the largest pediatric sub-specialty health care systems in the world, with locations in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Our staff is dedicated to improving the lives of children by providing pediatric specialty care, conducting innovative research and offering outstanding teaching programs for medical professionals. Children up to age 18 with orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate are eligible for care at our 22 locations, regardless of the families’ ability to pay. Within these broad service lines, many types of care are provided. For example, some facilities offer reconstructive plastic surgery, treatment for craniofacial abnormalities or care for sports injuries. Generally, care is provided until age 18, although, in some cases, it may be extended to age 21. All services are provided in a compassionate, family-centered environment. For more information, please visit Shriners International, a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth, founded Shriners Hospitals for Children as its official philanthropy in 1922. What began as one hospital is now a world-renowned health care system with 22 locations in three countries. The fraternity, which has nearly 200 chapters in several countries and thousands of clubs around the world, continues to operate and support this unique health care system. Please visit to learn more. 4 Leaders in Care • Fall 2015 “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West The Anahgram 4 Annual Potentates Reception HONORING ILLUSTRIOUS SIR DONALD”JESSE” THOMAS POTENTATE 2015 ~ ANAH SHRINE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24TH, 2015 AT ANAH SHRINE 1404 BROADWAY BANGOR, MAINE NOBLES: THIS IS THE EVENT THAT HONORS OUR POTENTATE AS HE NEARS THE END OF HIS MANY YEARS OF SERVICE AS A DIVAN MEMBER. Spend this special evening with our Illustrious Potentate Donald “Jesse” Thomas and his Lady Brenda and members of the Divan and their Ladies. Social Hour: 5 pm to 6 pm INTRODUCTIONS AT: 6:00 PM Dinner: 6:30 pm Choice of: Prime Rib, Baked Stuffed Chicken or Baked Stuffed Haddock (Please specify choice of meal when ordering tickets) Tickets; $25.00 per person available at the Shrine Office until October 16th, 2015 Program and Dancing to follow dinner Music by RETRO ROCKERZ SEMI FORMAL DRESS \ WITH FEZ Shuttle busses will be available from 4:30PM pm to 11:00pm from the Ramada Inn on the Odlin Road Visa and MasterCard may be used to purchase tickets at the Shrine Office 207-942-2254 Proceeds from this function are for the benefit of Anah Shrine and contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions. YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Robert Pullen, 157 Stetson Road East, Levant, ME 04456, Tel: 884-7102 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916 October 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians ........................................ 9 Aides........................................................ Aroostook Shrine Club............................. Athletic...................................................... Band......................................................... Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club..................... Boosters................................................. 8 Calendar................................................. 7 Chanters................................................... Circus....................................................... Clowns (Bangor)................................... 13 Convertibles......................................... 11 Daughters of the Nile............................ 20 Directors Staff........................................... Editor........................................................ Facts & Figures.................................... 19 Feztival of Trees................................... 27 Flag Unit............................................... 13 Funsters .............................................. 24 Go-Karts................................................... Hancock County Shrine Club............... 10 Highlanders.......................................... 18 Hospital News (Boston)............................ Hospital News (Springfield)...................... Indy Cars.................................................. Kampers Club....................................... 30 Kanteen Corps......................................... Keystone Kops..................................... 26 Klowns (Aroostook).................................. Lobster Boat Unit.................................... 6 Membership Committee........................... Mini-Bike Unit........................................... Mini-Car Unit............................................. Mystery Person...................................... 7 NASCAR Unit........................................... Northern Penobscot Shrine Club.......... 23 Obituaries............................................. 28 Oriental Band........................................... Past Masters Unit..................................... Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit................................................. Potentate................................................ 1 Provost Guard.......................................11 Public Relations........................................ Recorder................................................. 1 Schoodic Shrine Club........................... 21 Second Section.................................... 26 SMART Team......................................... 6 Sunshine Club.......................................... Tri-County Shrine Club......................... 24 Waldo County Shrine Club................... 29 Washington County Shrine Club.......... 24 Widow’s Club........................................ 26 Wheelers.............................................. 14 4x4’s..................................................... 12 5 Auctioneers: Steve Trimm & Steve Trimm Jr TRIMM’S Auction House Route 43, Alton, Maine I95-Exit 197 • 3 Miles West towards Hudson Call: 207-991 2214 or 207-991-2543 General Consignments & Speciality Auctions Consignments • Buying items or Complete Estates Also Buying Timberland 10-10,000 Acres “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.”- Benjamin Franklin The Anahgram 6 THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication Bangor, Maine 04401 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: Website: Available by subscription $12.00 per year. Who is it ??? Bill Geel, Reporter EDITOR Rich Armstrong ADVERTISING MANAGER Janice Young 1404 Broadway Bangor, Maine 04401 Tel: 942-2254 DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Lloyd W. Day Old Town, ME 207-745-5351 ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Dennis Bryant 1036 Ayers Jct. Road Charlotte ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly. Deadline is the 10th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate Donald “Jesse” Thomas Chief Rabban Robert L. Turner Assistant Rabban Steven “Steve” Trimm High Priest & Prophet Brad Prout Oriental Guide Roger Grindle Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder Larry L. Hersom, P.P PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. “No man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child.” – Abraham Lincoln Last month’s subjects were Ronald Cook, Al Lancaster, D.Melvin, Warren Overlock, William Bendaly. Ronald Cook guessed this (because he’s in it). If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Larry Hersom at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor at anahgram@ The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor by e-mail or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!! KAUFMAN MOTORS 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Used Vehicles Lee & Peggy Kaufman 207.942.1234 570 Main St, Bangor ME 04401 The August meeting was held at Jordan’s Takeout in Ellsworth and what a rainy night to have a meeting under a canopy. The meeting was called to order by Captain Chandler. Old and new business was discussed. The unit took in three new members at June ceremonial: Scott Edgerly, Jr., Jacob Day, and Sean Dow. Looks like a lot of old fellers have some big training sessions coming to get these new guys in ship-shape condition. Other members Scott Edgerly, Scott Johnson, Doug Monson, Bill Sinford, and Yours Truly, Bill Geel. Potentate Jesse Thomas was there I think to share some wisdom; I’m not quite sure. The unit will be heading to the port of Lewiston on September 19th. All members should be on deck at about 1:00 that Saturday. Remember, if you guys bounce off any rocks underwater, the cutter “Wilbert Terry” will be in the area. I hope to get my stern man, Forrest DeMeyer out for the occasion. The meeting adjourned at 7:30. Lady Susan, I’ve been practicing up on the lyrics of “O” Canada”. Seems like every border native ought to know the lyrics. More to come on the lobster picnic and port of Lewiston next month. Those celebrating birthdays are Yours Truly, Bill Geel. Remember, Runtz, I’m looking for a good day of sunshine. I’m not getting older, Runtz, I’m getting brighter. Also, Lyle Dever, Joan Terry, and Naomi Edgerly. Belated birthday wishes to Sean Dow. Waylon and Melissa Merchant are celebrating their anniversary. I suppose you’ll be out pulling traps that day. Also Keith and Nancy Robbins. I suppose you’ll be watching TV. Jacob and Amanda Day. I hope you don’t have anything to do with the two guys above. Belated anniversary wishes to Sean and Candice Dow. Oops! Gotta Go! Phone’s ringing; it must be Runtz telling me it’s safe to come to Jonesport. ANAH’s S.M.A.R.T Team Hello everyone from all of us on ANAH’s S.M.A R.T. Team, I wanted to give you an update of what we have been doing this year. We just had our first event which was the Family Farm Day at Dan & Lanci Costain and Ron & Carol Green’s Farm in Plymouth. It was a great event!! We had 50-60 folks there and the kids and adults had a really good time Dan & Lanci and the Greens went above and beyond to provide a very fun time for Continued on page 9 “When you love someone, you love the person as they are, and not as you’d like them to be.” – Leo Tolstoy October 2015 7 ll the $ Notice ats on the amoun This is what s? f calendaur ld be winning i you co u buy a Cash yo ndar! Cale O C TO B E R 2015 1 $25 2 $25 SCAFRA Annual Meeting Bangor, Me. 3 $300 SCAFRA Annual Meeting Bangor, Me Noble of the Year Second Section 4 $25 Highlanders Meet 5 $25 WCSC Board of Directors Meeting 6 $25 Hancock County Shrine Club at Pats Pizza 7 $25 8 $25 Chanters Meeting $25 Highlanders meet 12 Anah/Kora Visitation Northpoint 18 $25 Highlanders meet $25 Office Closed Feztival of Trees meeting at 6pm 13 $25 Sunshine Club Meeting $25 Highlanders meet 14 $25 Anah/Kora Visitation Northpoint OFFICE CLOSED 15 $25 Bangor Brewer Shrine Club meet 16 $25 Clown Meeting 19 $25 26 $25 10 $100 ANAHGRAM articles due Anah/Kora Visitation Northpoint 17 $100 Nascar Super Supper Columbus Day 20 $25 27 $25 21 $25 28 $25 Divan Meeting -Tri-County Visitation Ladies Night Palmyra ST .Martin’s Church Daughters of the Nile Founders Day Session 25 $25 Wheelers Meeting WCSC Stated Meeting North Penobscot Visitation 11 9 Keystone Kops meet 22 $25 29 $25 23 $25 30 $25 24 $100 31 $100 Potentate’s Reception Family Nite Halloween for kids Trunk or Treat Clown’s Halloween Dance Halloween N O V E M B E R 2015 1 $25 2 $25 3 $25 Hancock County Shrine WCSC Board of Club Joint meeting w\ Directors Meeting $25 Highlanders Meeting $25 5 $25 6 $25 Set up Sunshine Craft Fair Washington County Shrine Club at Franklin Vets Club Daylight Savings Ends 8 4 9 $25 10 $25 ANAHGRAM articles due 7 $300 Sunshine Club Craft Fair Sunshine Club Craft Fair 11 $25 12 $25 19 $25 Waldo County Shrine Club Stated Meeting 13 $25 14 $100 21 $100 OFFICE CLOSED Veteran’s Day 15 $25 Highlanders Meeting 16 $25 23 $25 17 $25 OFFICE CLOSED 18 $25 25 $25 Tri-County Shrine Club meeting at Dexter Club ( Business After Hours) Feztival of Trees 20 $25 Daughters of the Nile Session Divan-stated 22 $25 Highlanders Meeting 24 Business After Hours $25 26 $25 Festival of Trees 27 $25 Festival of Trees 28 $100 OFFICE CLOSED Festival of Trees 29 $25 Highlanders Meeting Thanksgiving 30 Festival of Trees Festival of Trees $25 Festival of Trees Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor 8 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Aberdeen Stove and Chimney Supply Company 04/16 Anah Flag Unit 02/16 Anah Kampers Club 07/15 Todd & Sandy Alley 08/16 Richard Anderson 12/16 Ed Armstrong 05/16 IMO C. Alton Bagley 05/17 IMO Dick Bagley, P.P. 05/17 IMO Darrell H. Kates 02/15 IMO Clifton Barker 06/16 Melrose and Betty Beal 01/17 IMO Clayton Bearce-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 03/16 Bob Beattie 04/16 IMO Albert “Bucky” Bishop 07/19 Phil and Sue Black 04/16 IMO Willis N. Blake 02/16 Wallace & Mary Blowers 05/16 Blinn and Joan Boone 05/16 IMO John R. Bradford 01/16 Ms. Anna Bradford 01/16 IMO Merle S. Bradford 01/16 Philip Brady Jr. 10/15 Tom and Lilian Breitweg 08/16 Fred and Jennifer Brown 01/16 Dave Bryant 01/15 Blair & Judy Bubar 02/16 Galen Call 08/15 IMO Ray Campbell 06/15 Dick and Kim Carlow 03/18 Charlie and Shirley Caron 03/15 Sam and Agnes Carr 12/16 IMO Ernest Chamberlain 09/15 Roger N.Chesley 08/17 Michael A.Clark 02/16 Bruce and Trudy Clarke 05/15 IMO Fredrick E.Clarke Jr. 09/16 IMO Helen F. Cleaves 02/16 Melvin K. Cleaves 02/16 Arthur Cone 03/15 IMO Janet G.Conti 12/15 John W. Conti, P.P. 12/15 Ron & Evelyn Cook 10/16 Dan and Lanci Costain 09/16 Sonny Crocker 03/16 Dana and Jan Crockett 07/15 Ken and Janice Crump 04/16 Wayne and Tanya Darling 07/15 Larry Doughty 05/16 Mark Doughty 05/15 Bryant and Joan Dutch 02/16 IMO Robin Moone Edes 10/15 IMO Orville Edes 10/15 John Edes 10/15 Robert Emerson 09/15 IMO Paul H. Farrington 06/16 Betty and John Fernald Jr. 12/16 Thomas and Carroll Fernald 08/19 IMO Lewis Fenlason 07/16 IMO Wally Fenlason 07/16 IMO Irvin L. Foster 06/15 Joseph F. Friedman 06/16 IMO Richard “Gene” Frost 06/15 Clinton and Sandra Fulton 03/15 George and Mary Beth Gaddis 05/17 IMO William Gardner 06/15 Paul and Diana Giles 04/16 Goody and Roz Gilman 10/14 IMO Jerrold B.”Gebo” Gooch, P.P. 04/17 IMO Carroll I. & Gerry Goodwin, Jr 06/16 IMO Harry Gordon 01/19 Don and Gail Gordon 06/15 IMO Ralph Goss 06/15 IMO Robert R. Gould 10/16 Andy and Rose Gove 10/16 Keith L. Gove 12/15 Ron and Carole Green 09/16 W. Louis and Judith Greenier II 09/16 IMO Joseph Gemme-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 07/16 Roger and Julie Grindle 07/15 Charles C. W. Hackney 10/16 IMO Jim Halkett 12/17 BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s I: seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. IMO Everett Hall- Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 07/16 Dick and Carolyn Hallett 06/16 David and Kesley Halm, Jr. 06/15 Gene and Pamela Hamm 08/15 Ed and Bonnie Hamm 08/17 IMO Edlbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 08/15 Ken and Donna Hanscom, Jr. 09/15 IMO Charles E. Harmon 09/15 IMO Tom Harper 10/16 Obed and Faith Hart 01/15 IMO Jeanette L. Harvey 10/16 Wallace M. Harvey 10/16 IMO Mike Haskell 08/15 Dale”Slapshot” & Theresa Hatch 10/16 IMO Norman”Hoopy Scoopy” Hatch 09/16 Chester I. Hawkins 01/15 Richard P. Hawkins 09/15 Scott and Kelley Hawthorne 06/17 IMO Elvin Heath 09/15 Howard Heath 09/15 IMO Robert Heath 07/15 Sheldon and Sandy Heath 04/16 Al and Marianne Henriksen 10/16 Larry and Libby Hersom 09/15 Don Higgins 10/15 Frieda Hill 06/16 Ralph and Maggie Hill 07/16 Buzz Holmes 03/15 Dean and Kathy Hoke 09/15 IMO Richard Holt 03/17 IMO Lewis M. Huntley 03/16 Jerry and Lois Hutchinson 09/16 Darin Ingersoll & Jess 09/15 David & Phyllis Ireland 08/16 IMO Roy K. Jack 04/15 IMO Pearl Hazen Jipson-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 03/16 C.Ray & Loretta Jones 08/16 Rich and Cindy Johnson 07/16 IMO Harland Jordan 06/15 F. Lee and Peggy Kaufman 10/15 IMO Alton Kenney 05/16 Robert and Rae Jean Knowles 04/19 Stan and Mary Knox 05/15 IMO Ernest “Bud” Larson 02/16 Charles and Selma Larson 09/15 Larry and Gail Larson 08/16 IMO Frank Leighton 11/15 Skip Lenfest Sr. 08/16 Skip Lenfest Jr. 08/16 Bob and Perlene Libby 02/16 IMO Seth Libby Sr.-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 08/16 Mike and Bonnie London 02/15 IMO Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Lunt, Sr. P.P. 09/15 Ellen & Fred B. Lunt Jr. P.P. 07/16 IMO Donald Lyons, Sr. 06/16 Roy Martin 10/25 IMO G. Urial Martin 07/15 Don and Bert Maxim, P.P. 04/17 Doulgas A. and Donna McCafferty 08/16 Doulgas K and Candee McCafferty 08/16 Imo Edward Sr. and Evelyn McCafferty 08/16 IMO Terral A. McCafferty 08/16 IMO G. Ronald McCluskey 02/15 Ed & Nancy McGraw 08/16 Welman and Natalie McFarland 01/16 Allan and Lorraine McGown 06/17 Winston and Francis McKay 10/15 IMO Tom “Pig Farmer” McKinney 12/15 IMO Carroll McLaughlin 11/15 Jim and Mae Merrithew 10/15 Dick and Joan Meserve 09/16 John and Suzi Miller 03/16 Norm and Barb Mylen 10/15 IMO Jay Nadeau 06/15 Dick and Betty Nevers 05/16 Harold and Connie Newman 10/16 IMO Ray Newman, Jr. 06/15 Larry and Teresa Nichols 07/16 The Anahgram Richard & Mary Ruth Nichols 06/16 IMO Eugene O’Brien-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 03/16 Matt “Ty-Dy” Oakes 08/15 Warren and Velma Orcutt 10/16 Bob”Boomer” and Julianna Palmer 07/15 Herman and Kate Peabody 07/16 Jim and Linda Parent 06/15 Esther and Ed Pellon, P.P. 04/17 Rod and Joyce Pinkham 10/15 Don and Linda Potter 05/16 IMO Jim Potter 05/16 Circus Spotlight Crew - P.I. Circus 05/15 IMO James M. Prout 03/16 Bob & Doreen Pullen 08/17 IMO Bob Pushard, Sr. 08/16 Martin E. Ray 02/16 P.P. Clyde V. Reynolds & Linda 02/16 Al and Charity Richards 05/15 Chuck and Sally Ridlon 02/17 IMO Keith B. Roberts 09/18 IMO Sumner Rogers 04/16 Dick and Diane Ross 06/15 Larry and Donna Rowell 11/17 Earl Sands 06/16 Heath and Karen Savage 10/15 Spike Savage 10/15 IMO Clifton R. Scoville 06/17 Todd C. Scoville 06/17 Marty and Joan Shaw 10/15 IMO Orland Shorey-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 10/16 Wesley & Ms Judy Shute 10/16 IMO John Simpson 06/15 IMO Ken Smith 04/16 Lester & Gail Smith 09/16 Roger and Pat Smith 12/15 IMO Ed Sprague, P.P. 04/16 Roger and Jan Stairs 05/16 Yogi and Doris Seymour 10/15 Ken and Tina Stewart 12/18 IMO Ray B. Steeves 06/15 IMO Robert “Bob” Strout 06/17 Elliott and Joyce Tarbell 06/17 Daniel L. Tarr 06/16 IMO Betty Tarr 06/16 IMO Thomas Tash 06/15 Dan and Bonnie Taylor 10/15 IMO Alexander R. Theodore 06/15 Jesse and Brenda Thomas 09/16 Paul and Joyce Thornton 04/15 Ronald Thrornton 12/15 Tim & Ann Thornton 12/15 Inez and Reginald Toothaker 04/17 Alden and Pam Tracy 06/16 Al and Pat Trask 02/16 Betty and Steve Trimm 04/16 IMO Carroll Trimm 04/15 Troy”Pop-Fizz”,Randi,Nicco & Zayden 08/15 Robert and Bonnie Turner 08/17 Brenda Vanchieri 12/15 Arthur and Phyllis Watson 06/16 George Weatherbee 06/15 Dave and Leni Weaver 03/18 Burt and Jackie Weed 05/16 Buddy and Caryll Wheeler 09/19 IMO Frank Whirty 02/19 Julian and Janice White 06/15 Bob Whited 01/15 Paul and Phyllis Wilbur 07/15 Llord and Jay Willey 07/16 Bob and Norma Winglass 08/20 Don and Felicia Wiswell 09/16 Don and Caroyln Wright 09/19 IMO Douglas Yost-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 06/16 Bob and Claire Young 09/18 Donald “Bo-Bo” and Janice Young 06/17 Duane “Div-it” and Karen Young 08/16 I want to be an ANAHGRAM BOOSTER The cost is $10.00 per line per year we will make you a new listing or renew your present one. ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS • 586 Main Street, Bangor, Maine 04401 • Please enclose Check payable to; Anahgram Boosters. Name as you want it to appear___________________________________________________ Please let us know if your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect to; or call; 207-942-2254. “Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” – Bernard M. Baruch October 2015 Continued from page 6 all with everything from farmer Ron’s hayride to many, many fun games for the kids. Thank you very much for the Costains and the Greens!!! The next event we had planned was a tailgate party in Sept., but we have decide to put this off until the day of the Super Bowl next Feb. We will send out more details later in the year. Our next event will be a “Trunk or Treat” party at the new building on Oct. 30th. This is going to be a fun party where the kids get to trick or treat at several booths all in one building. Please look forward to the info on that on the website and in the Oct. Anahgram. We are also selling bundles of dry, split camp wood for $5.00 per bundle at a few locations. The money we raise will be used to support the events we are planning and also candidates next year. You can buy this at my house 350 Hampden Rd. in Carmel, at Sawyers Dairy in Newport, Ryan Otis’ convenience store in Belfast and at Spaulding Radiator on outer Hammond in Bangor. Don’t forget the mission of the S.M.A.R.T Team is to get families more involved in Anah. Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter Hello Fellow Academicians and Ladies ! It’s a short column this time around folks. Hope you’re all doing well. The next business meeting is Wed. Oct. 28th at 6:30 at Dysart’s on outer Broadway in Bangor across from Gifford’s Ice Cream near the new Shrine Center. Come one come all. Let’s have a good turnout. On my end of things it was a great summer with several two and threenighter trips to places like Bar Harbor, Addison, Nova Scotia, New Hampshire, and Connecticut visiting friends and relatives and having a great time in general. Now I’m full throttle in the new school year. Lauren is a busy 5th grader. And Sally is selling houses to beat the band. I hear tell that Donnie Copeland continues to enjoy many Masonic activities at home and in his “second home” across the border in Woodstock, New Brunswick. Great work Donnie. As of this writing we haven’t have the annual picnic, so more on that next time. Have a great October everyone. And remember, never hesitate to contact me at 989-2617 or at with any questions, concerns, news, jokes, gossip, nonsense, or just plain outright lies that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. 9 2016 DUES INCREASE Dues for 2016 will be sent out from Shriners International headquarters in Tampa sometime the first of October rather than Anah’s Bangor office. The per capita tax from International was voted by the representatives this past July to increase from $15 to $30 per year. These additional monies are needed to run the International operations in Tampa and the Imperial Sessions. Anah’s dues are NOT increasing only International’s portion. Anah’s dues, which are $35 are the second lowest of all the Shrine International temples. The total dues for 2016 will be $70, made up of Anah’s dues of $35, $30 for per capita and the $5 hospital assessment. If you have any questions please call the Recorder’s office. THANK YOU DAWSON BRADFORD REALTY AND JON DAWSON FOR HELPING THE ANAH SECOND SECTION WITH THEIR FUNDRAISING “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” –Albert Einstein The Anahgram 10 24 Front Street, Bangor • 947-8009 1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Topsham • 725-0162 125 Western Avenue. S. Portland • 871-7000 Maine Brewed • Maine Made • Maine Owned The first meeting after summer break was at Pat’s Pizza on September 1st. Twenty-nine members were present. Not a very good turnout after the fifty members we had at the last meeting. The meeting was called to order by President Roger Grindle at 6:30. Old and new business was discussed. Don’t forget your can tabs for the October 4th meeting at Pat’s Pizza in Ellsworth. There will be a joint meeting with Washington County on November 3rd at the VFW hall in Franklin. Let’s all get out and show our two Presidents what we stand for and give them some support. Maybe I’ll be from the other county next month. The Club voted to donate to the new temple fund. Special thanks to John Fuller for purchasing the granite bench. Joe Marshall won the raffle. Special guest was Bruce Clark from Florida. The meeting adjourned at 7:30. Now for the local news. Noble Bruce Clark and Lady Lois from Florida were spending a week vacationing in Ellsworth. For some reason, they just can’t stay out of Maine. Yours Truly had to wine and dine them one afternoon. Hope that doesn’t happen again for a while...just kidding!!! Past Potentate Geddes Simpson and Lady Carole (with an e) took another honeymoon to the state of Georgia. P.S. many times did you get married that first year? Past Potentate John Fernald and Lady Betty got invited out for a turkey dinner. Gee, I didn’t think Thanksgiving came in August. I thought that was the time for lobster feeds. By the way, John, I hope at some point I can get on your Christmas list. But please keep me on your pickle list. Noble Tommy’s goat must have gotten a little under the weather, because I saw it one day at a different clinic. Remember the calling post is doing very well so keep your ears close to the phone at the end of the month for your local updates. Those celebrating birthdays are Yours Truly, Bill Geel, Brian Hamor, (don’t know what you’re doing, Brian, but I surely won’t be watching TV). Did you forget my card? Also Wanda Fernald, Danny DeWitt, Joan Terry, Lori Weaver, Bob Stanwood, Butch Hackney, Robert Findlay, Clarence Rodick, Minnie Bowden, George Sealey, Eugene Kelley, Bonnie Taylor, and Naomi Edgerly. “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” – Martin Luther King.Jr. October 2015 11 Honeymooners are David and Lori Weaver, Dave and Brenda Thomas, Cecil and Julie Fernald, Richard and Diane Findlay, Keith and Nancy Robbins, Don and Regina McHenan, Dennis and Donna Mallory, Past Potentate John and Betty Fernald, and Jacob and Amanda Day. Don’t know how I did it, but I omitted Cory and Holly Cirard. Remember honeymooners, you still have time to order roses and a bag of popcorn so you can cuddle up for the evening. Whoops!! Gotta go; the phone’s ringing. Someone must have found my number. Reporter Noble Harold Adams Hello everyone. Ten members were at last months meeting, we voted and accepted two new members into the unit. We are happy to welcome Noble John Lessor and his Lady Tavia, and Darrel Hodgdon and his Lady Karen. Anah’s new home is coming along nicely, we enjoyed our meeting there. We want to send our prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery for our Lady Judith Pratt, we are thinking of you Judith. September belated Birthday Wishes to Ladies Kathy Goodness, Monda Drew, Chrystal Adams, and Lin Hamadey, and Nobles Cliff Doughty, and Doug Segee. Our October Birthday Wishes are for Ladies Nancy Adams and Danielle Sullivan, and our new Noble John Lessor. Wishing Happy Anniversary to Noble and Lady Carl and Monda Drew. May you all have many more birthdays and anniversaries. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 7 o’clock at the new Anah Temple. All are welcome, come check the Provost Guard out, it may be the perfect fit for you, we are always happy to have new members. Until next time stay safe. 662 Main Rd. Hampden, ME 04444 • 947-6488 Mon-Wed 10:30am-8pm, Thurs 7am-8pm, Fri & Sat 7am-9pm, Sun 9am-8pm Noble Gaylord E. Sundt, Reporter The second week of September? What happened to July and August? As I write this I’m amazed as to how quickly summer disappeared. About three times as fast as what’s to come and the older I get, the quicker it goes. Just an observation, that’s all. On August 16th ten members of our unit met at Dysarts in Hampden for a topless (except for bashful Bud) convey ride on back roads to the Mansion Event home in Dexter. A former boys prep school built in 1912 is where we had lunch and libations Continued on next page “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” – Winston S. Churchill The Anahgram 12 Noble Appreciation Night by Janis Frost: L-R Lady Brenda Thomas, Potentate Donald”Jesse” Thomas, Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt and Lady Lisa Gantt Rae Ann Rice Mortgage Planner NMLS #419094 CELL DIRECT eFAX NMLS #1938 (207) 974-8996 (207) 249-6844 (866) 370-8063 189A State Street Bangor, ME 04401 A D V I C E W I T H P U R P O S E 2015 ANAH CASH CALENDARS NOW ONLY $10! Please help your temple by sending a check for $10 to: Anah Shrine • 1404 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401 and we will mail you your calendar. ! E L A S THANK YOU! If you have any calendars left please return to Shrine Office. in a wonderful example of architecture of that era. Arriving there we were met by our illustrious leader noble Dick and quality control officer noble Terry on the front porch checking to make sure that the liquid refreshments available there were up to the high standards this unit has come to expect. They assured us that they were. A short meeting was held on the porch before lunch. It was warm and hard to believe that one of the topics discussed was planing for the upcoming Feztival of trees. Should be a great one this year with our new Shrine center more than able to support a very worthwhile event. A lovely luncheon followed in the Mansion’s elegant dining room. Hostess Lauraine and her husband provided a delicious selection and it was enjoyed by all. Following lunch, noble John led us back to the coast. It was a beautiful day with perfect weather for a ride and gathering with friends. We should do it more often. Lady Lorraine and I will be in Colorado for a cousins reunion during the NSA at Kora in Lewiston. Any stories from that event will have been circulated by the time you read this I’m sure. I understand they have green brownies available in Colorado, so I will probably miss those stories. October will be a busy month for noble John as he will be out shopping for gifts for his lovely lady Donna both for her birthday as well as their anniversary. Noble Bud will be treating his lady Theresa to something special on her birthday I’m certain. Noble Terry, you still have a few days to get your special lady Bertie something extra special for putting up with you for all these years. Good job Bertie! Congratulations and happy days to all of you celebrating this month! Continue with your thoughts and prayers for friends, family and fellow Shriners in need. Many are dealing with health issues and your prayers do help. Special thoughts are with Noble Scott and his Lady Kelly as he recovers. Remember it’s all about the kids as another month passes. Reporting for the convertibles, Gaylord Sundt Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter October and the trucks have been put to bed. The parades are over until next year. It use to be that we were on the road all summer, but the way the economy is now a lot of towns have cut back on their parades. Heard a rumor that one of “Paul’s Pigs” is called Sweet Baby Ray’s, only the best for Paul’s pigs. “If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.” – Leo Tolstoy October 2015 13 We will have elections this month, so should have a list of new officers next month. Birthdays wish’s this month go to the ageing Joanie Porter, Sandra Perkins, Jeff Perkins, and Perline Libby. Not much Men’s Room in October. I may be old, but I know better than to write much about our ladies. Anniversary’s this month are Alton and Mary Shedd, and Jesse and Jodie Patterson. Guess those guys weren’t bird hunters. If you have anything that you would like to have put in the Anahgram, contact me at home at 794-6675, cell 794-2222, or Blue Lodges are in full swing, and most also have a supper, what a great nite out! Until next time, SEE YA Clip & Save 2015 Anah Shriners Calendar of Events (Subject to Adjustment) October 3rd Second Section Noble of the Year October 17 Nascars Super Supper October 24 Potentate’s Reception Andrew St Amant, Reporter Fall is upon us it is time to get the fire wood done, and go hunting! We had a flag waving year with at least six or more member attending parades. Thanks everyone for showing your pride in supporting the children that are in need of care! Spread the word of what a pleasure it is to hold a flag high and have others cheer as you march by. . Who is blowing out the candles this month? It is Nobles James Campbell, Gerald Carey, Jerry Cole, Bill Harmon Jr., Eugene Kelley, Michael King, Jerry Swett, Roger Trussell. Lady Michelle Harmon. Happy Birthday! We have no romance to celebrate this month. We march so they can walk. Reporter Andrew St Amant November 7 Sunshine Club Craft Fair November 19 Business After Hours Feztival of Trees Nov.20-22 Feztival of Trees Nov. 27-29 Feztival of Trees Dec.12 Bangor/Brewer Shrine Children’s Christmas Party Noble Martin “Fou” Perfit, Clown Unit reporter August activities began on August 1 (Gee! What a coincidence!) with our recurring appearance at Home Depot’s Children’s Workshop. There was a large showing of kids despite competition from The Bangor Fair. Fortunately four loyal clowns in the persons of Div-It (Duane Young), Fou (Martin Perfit). Gumpy (Mike Robishaw) and Tag Along (Jeff Clark) were there to handle things. That evening saw three of our stalwarts twisting balloons at the Senior League World Series opening ceremonies in Bangor. The dedicated trio included DIv-It (Duane Young), Patches Continued on next page “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle The Anahgram 14 NSA: They did an Awesome job! COME VISIT YOUR HOSPITAL! 90th Anniversary Homecoming Celebration SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (Shawn Mott) and Slap-Shot (Dale Hatch). There was no respite with the very well attended Air National Guard Family Day event the very next day (Sunday, August 2). The families and Air Guard personnel well entertained as well as harassed by Spiffy (Kerry Spofford), Petals (Steve Watson), and Fou (Martin Perfit). A tip of the wig to our own Drew Matlins (AKA Iggy Noramus) who, in his real life role as ANG Family Services coordinator, organizes this annual event for the Guard members and their families. Thursday, August 13 found Petals (Steve Watson) and Pappi (Stan Baker) entertaining the residents of The PhillipsStrickland House in Bangor at their summer cookout. The annual Hampden Children’s Day Parade on Saturday, August 15 was well supported by Div-It (Duane Young), Fou (Martin Perfit), Spiffy (Kerry Spofford), Squiggles (Dave Small), Ko-Ko (Brian Mushrow) and our very active apprentice Tag Along (Jeff Clark). It was good to see Ko-Ko and Squiggles back on action once again. At the same time Gizmo (Lorne Noiles), Coota (Arthur Watson) and Diggah (Scott Knight) headed to the far north for the Brownville parade. My meteorological consultants tell me that the weather was no more comfortable up there than it was down in Hampden. The next day, Sunday, August 16 found Fou (Martin Perfit) and Dim Wit (Scott Kennard) at the Bangor Elks Picnic where, much to their surprise and relief, they were joined by Dumpster (Dennis Dyer) and Tin Cup (Tom Boone) who travelled down from Dover-Foxcroft This is a great example of Shriner fraternalism/ Thanks, Brothers. October Birthdays: Jody Noiles & Debbie Dyer Anniversaries: Theresa & Slapshot (Dale) Hatch. Best wishes to all who are celebrating this month. Join our patients, both past and present, along with staff, friends and family in celebrating Shriners Hospitals for Children – Springfield’s 90th Anniversary! Engage in our open house and interactive tour to commemorate the hospital’s rich history and take a front row seat to see what is on the horizon! Enjoy refreshments and entertainment for the whole family, including a number of children’s activities! Let’s celebrate this milestone year with a day full of memories, excitement and togetherness at Springfield Shriners Hospital, where love is 90 years of caring for kids. To RSVP: Please call Bernadette White at 413-735-1291 or email Once again, we Wheelers have been asked to fuel up, hook up and pretrip our rigs. The Fireman’s Convention in Belfast has asked us to thrill the throngs of spectators in their fair city on the 12th of September. We Wheelers will proudly Continued on page 18 Shriners Hospitals for Children – Springfield 516 Carew Street • Springfield, MA 01104 OPEN HOUSE • TOURS • REFRESHMENTS • ENTERTAINMENT “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson October 2015 15 L. O. “Skip” House IV Consultant SQLServer, Microsoft Access & VB. Net Developer 219 Washington Street Brewer ME • 04412 855- 316 -2111 Don Gordon The New Gizmo - Photo by Janice Young BANGOR-BREWER SHRINE CLUB 300 CLUB State Certified General Appraiser CG #334 63 Norway Road • Bangor, ME 04401 • 207.944.0820 300 Tickets @ $30.00 Prizes each of the months January thru June 1ST - $500.00 2ND - $200.00 3RD - $100.00 4TH - $50.00 5TH - $50.00 6TH - $50.00 7TH - $50.00 TOTAL - $1000.00 For tickets see Dan Taylor 951-3883 or Sped 356-5579 or any Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club member or in the office at the Shrine Center 942-0349-942-2254, Thank you Nobles (Proceeds from this function are for the benefit of the Bangor\Brewer Shrine Club and are not deductible as charitable contributions) “Some men have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can.” – Mary Frances Berry The Anahgram 16 Please join us to “Raise A Little Dough” for our organization! Where: UNO Pizzeria & Grill in Bangor When: Sunday, October 4th – Saturday, October 10th Time: ALL DAY! Bring in the voucher below to have up to 20% of your dine inBring ANDintakeout purchases the voucher below donated thisoforganization! to have to 20% your dine in AND takeout purchases donated to our organization! Shriners Hospitals for Children - Boston Sunday, October 4th thru Saturday, October 10th UNO Bangor location: 725 Stillwater Avenue WE MADE DEEP DISH FAMOUS AFTER WE INVENTED IT Cornerstone Ceremony Photos by Sheldon Ellis Corner Stone donated by; H.W.Dunn & Son Inc. Ellsworth, Me. (Darlene Springer) Chief Rabban Robert Turner Mike”Gumpy” Robshaw Bill “TC” Taylor Troy Devoe Donald”Bobo” Young & Jeff”Tag-A-Long” Clark Cabrini \Divan Room Pat”Pooch” Kelly Jeff”Tag-A-Long” Clark Anah Photo Unit-Chester Davis Jr., Lloyd Day, Sheldon Ellis, Dennis Bryant & Merland Clark Jr. Lady Lisa Gantt, Larry Hersom P.P., Lady Libby Hersom & Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt Asst.Chief of Directors David Weaver Noble David Thomas - Noble Cory Cirard- Noble Paul Cirard Lady Shannon Prout and Lady Gail Clukey Wheelers and Pink Panther Truck Orator; Galen White and Lady Susan Outer Guard Dean Hoke-Lady Nancy Wood, Todd Cotier, Chuck Wood, Corey Roberts Lady Lynn Stanhope, Noble Jim Stanhope, &Captain of the Guard Robert”Boomer” Palmer,Jr. Past Potentate Richard”Dick” Hallett, Director of Housing-Earl”Yogi” Seymour, & Personal Aide-Denny Smith Past Potentate Dick Hallett, Noble Mike Grant and Lady Lisa Potentate Donald”Jesse” Thomas Noble Cory Cirard,Chief Rabban-Robert Turner,Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt,Oriental Guide Roger Grindle Robert Turner, Potentate Donald”Jesse” Thomas, Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt, Recorder Larry Hersom P.P., Roger Grindle and Noble of Anah Shrine P.P.Larry Hersom with Time Capsule placed behind Cornerstone Placing Corner Stone Noble Paul Cirard and Noble Cory Cirard Nobles of Anah Shrine – Chief Rabban Robert Turner, Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt, Recorder Larry Hersom P.P., Potentate Donald”Jesse” Thomas Oriental Guide Roger Grindle Assistant Rabban-Stephen “Steve” Trimm Chief Rabban Robert Turner 2015 Divan of Anah Shrine: L-R Marshall Doug Dulac,Director Blair Bubier, 2nd Ceremonial Master Donald Gordon, High Priest & Prophet Brad Prout, Assistant Rabban Stephen Trimm, Potentate Donald”Jesse” Thomas, Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt, Chief Rabban Robert Turner,Recorder Larry Hersom,P.P., Oriental Guide Roger Grindle, 1st Cermonial Master Timothy”Tim” Dutch, Treasurer Julian S. White,Jr., Outer Guard Dean Hoke, Assistant Treasurer Fred Brown Nobles and Ladies of Anan Shrine Anah Noble and Ladies at reception: Lady Lisa Gantt and Lady Libby Hersom October 2015 17 PETITION FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP TO THE POTENTATE, OFFICERS AND NOBLES OF ANAH SHRINERS, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF BANGOR, STATE OF MAINE. I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a Master Mason in good standing in ____________________ #___________ located at ____________________________________ __________________________________ City State Which is a Lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than 6 months, as required by the bylaws of Shriners International. I hereby make application to become a Noble of the Order, and a member of your temple. If granted membership, I promise to conform to the articles of incorporation and bylaws of Shriners International and the bylaws and ceremonies of your temple. Have you previously applied for admission to any temple of the Order? □ Yes □ No If yes, what temple ____________________________________________ When? __________________________ Were you ever a DeMolay? □ Yes □ No If Yes, what Chapter? (name and location) __________________________________________________________ Profession / Occupation _________________________________________________________________________ Employer _________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ Birthplace ________________________________________ Date of Birth _________________________________ Residence: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Street County City State Zip Phone____________________CeLL:__________________________E‐Mail: ________________________________ Business: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Street County City State Zip Phone: ________________________________________ E‐Mail: ________________________________________ Mailing address – Please Use: □ Residence □ Business FEZ SIZE:__________ Lady’s Name: _____________________________________Phone #______________________________________ Date _________ 20 ___ Print Full Name; ________________________Signature: ___________________________ RECOMMENDED BY: NOBLE _________________________________________________ MEMBER # ____________________________ NOBLE _________________________________________________ MEMBER # ____________________________ Fee: $150.00 Office Use: Fee Pd: ___________ Paid By: (Cash/Check/CC) ________________ Fee must accompany application. Check payable to Anah Shriners. Payment not applied until initiation date. Visa, MC, Discover, Exp. Date; _________ Card # ______________________________CVC Code ______________ The Anahgram 18 ANAH STATED MEETING 1404 BROADWAY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2015 STATED MEETING NOTICE Anah’s Stated Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015 At 7 pm for the purpose of conducting the business of Anah Shriners and disseminating information to the membership on matters relating to current Shrine events and activities. All Nobles are invited to attend. All Unit Leaders are required to attend along with one other member of the unit. Please wear your fez. Donald “Jesse” Thomas, Potentate Attest: Larry L. Hersom, P.P. Recorder Agenda 6 P.M. Dinner / Invocation 7 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance and Welcome Stated Meeting Deaths since Aug. 18 Stated Meeting Restorations Demits Associate Members dropped Associations with Anah Temple updates Questions/Comments Meeting Adjourns There will not be a charge for those in attendance for dinner however a donation jar will be available to offset the cost of the meal. Any Shriner can attend these Stated Meetings. Non Unit Members are asked to call the Anah Office at 942-2254 and let them know you will be in attendance for dinner. VOTED GREATER BANGOR’S TASTIEST PIZZA FOR 17 YEARS IN A ROW! Continued from page 14 represent Anah Shrine on that day---as well as at the N.E. Field Days in Lewiston on the 19th. Through the vote of the unit, we Wheelers are happy to introduce three new members. Noble Dwayne Smith and Lady Kim of Columbia Falls, Noble Howard Mills and Lady Susan of Jonesport and Noble Andrew Leali and Lady Melissa of Palmyra. Welcome to our roadie unit as well as Anah’s premier unit. Noble Erik Lauritsen and Lady Jenn celebrate their anniversary this October. This months birthday celebrants are Nobles Todd Bridges, Sheldon Heath, Delbert Pinkham, Charles Curtis, Jr. and my personal favorite, Lady Rhonda Russell,who will spend her birthday putting on a supper for the Masons. Teddy TaTa Reporting Noble Mike Murphy Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. I missed last month’s deadline, so I’m making a few minor changes to that report, because I broke one of my fingers and typing on my right hand is a bit of a challenge. I may not be able to make the Northeast in Lewiston as it is one of the necessary piping fingers. I have been practicing a bit and given the swelling in the finger and lack of movement, I may be into October before I’m back in due form. I have to say that it is amazing how often one bumps their fingers during the day without giving it a thought. Someone asked if it was the worst thing that had ever happened to me and not wanting to whine or complain more than I had said, “I’ve had better things happen to me.” To put this into a learnable lesson, If you have the choice to brake a bone or not, choose not. Here is the report that you should have gotten in August. This will be a short report. I’ve had a couple of really busy weeks at work, and I haven’t had much time to properly prepare my normal report. Furthermore, your Highlanders have been busy. We, as well as several other Shrine units, performed at the Bar Harbor 4th of July parade. As always there was a huge crowd. My wife, the lad, and I left Millinocket at about 6 am to get there “Preparation for old age should begin not later than one’s teens. A life which is empty of purpose until 65 will not suddenly become filled on retirement.” – Dwight L. Moody October July 2014 2015 19 15 Daily Firearm Drawings 1. Henry H001 22 LR 2. Remington 770 30-06 3. Savage Axis .223 4. Marlin X7 .308 5. Remington 783 .308 6. Remington 870 12 gauge 7. Ruger American Compact .308 8. Mossberg 500 .410 9. Mossberg 500 12 gauge 10. Marlin 336W 30-30 11. Remington SS 770 .270 12. Remington Blued 770 .270 13. Remington 887 12 gauge 14. Savage 42 .22lr / .410 15. Remington 870 12 gauge 16. Remington 783 30-06 17. Howa 1500 30-06 18. Remington 870 20 gauge 19. Savage Axis XP .243 20. H&R Handi Rifle 30-30 21. Savage 93 17 HMR 22. Marlin X7 30-06 23. CVA Optima V2 Black Powder 24. Ruger American Compact .22lr 25. Ruger 10/22 .22lr 26. Winchester 70 Synthetic 30-06 27. Stoeger confor O/U .410 28. T/C Venture .270 29. Weatherby PA-08 Upland 12 gauge 30. Savage Axis XP .270 31. Ruger American Compact .22-250 KEYSTONE KOPS Annual THIRTY-ONE GUN RAFFLE A winner drawn each day during the month of October 2014! Tickets only $20.00 Each Winners to pick up their prize at Old Town Trading Post For tickets call Harold Sherwood: 745-9825 early enough to find a parking spot. We really should have left a little earlier, so I was a bit frantic, because I know the parking is a challenge. Long about Ellsworth, I got stuck behind an antique VW microbus. Well, they just going the speed limit simply wasn’t going to work for me. So after a fair amount of grumbling, at my first opportunity I passed it. Despite how I drove, it stayed right behind me. And turn for turn it followed me. After a little more grumbling, I pulled into a choice parking spot at the parade lineup, and to my horror the VW parked right next to me. I had to go over to the driver and his wife and humbly apologize for all the grumbling I did, because the owner/driver was one of our drummers and a friend. It just goes to show how we should always watch what we say and think. Kraig laughed when I told him as he suspected that I was quietly making an ass of myself. On another note, on July 7th, the Highlanders degree team performed a Master Mason degree on a young piper. Nick has worked with members of our band for several years. He just graduated from High School and he may be one of the first, if not the first Master Mason to plan in the Shriner’s Football Game. We are all really proud of Nick for joining Blue Lodge and for his impressive piping skills. Young men like him are the future of our fraternity. I just finished a solo piping parade in East Millinocket. Father was driving the parade marshal and kind of setting the pace of the parade. He was driving a 72 Corvette Stingray Convertible; needless to say I was marching at double time trying to keep up. It wasn’t a long parade, and I was thankful. This evening (July 11th) the band is going to play at the Fort Knox Scottish Tatoo. There are usually 4 bands and we each play a set at the Fort. It is a very nice venue and I’d encourage everyone to attend. On July, 18th the band played for the Lincoln homecoming. We also played in Winter Harbor on August 8th. If you have never been there, it is a nice quaint little town. We are getting close to starting our fall practice schedule, so if you are interested in pipes or drums, please send me an email at . Until next time, Be blessed. for their participation, dedication and enthusiastic attitude towards the formation of the new ANAH Facts & Figures Unit. As Captain it has been a privilege and a pleasure working with such a great group of men. In addition there are non-members I would like to thank. Thank you Directors Staff Member Keith DeWitt and DeWitt Welding of Medford for the construction of our carts and Brenda Dickens and the UPS Store in Ellsworth for our banners. We participated in 5 parades this season. Special Olympics on June 5, Ceremonial on June 20, Maine Potato Blossom on July 18, (Many thanks to the Units up North) Maine State Firefighters September 12, Northeast September 19. We as a unit are grateful for a successful first year, but recognize the importance of continued dedication and participation. Fall brings thoughts of Hunting Season (well hunting camp!) AND our Flagship Fundraiser “Feztival of Trees”! This event made even more exciting as it will be the first Feztival to be held in our new Temple! Wishing the Very Best to all Shriners Co-Reporters For tickets contact Todd Jackson: James Buteau and and Masons. Dillon Wilbur Brian (Dewey) Lane, Captain ANAH 944-3845 or the Shrine Office As we approach the end of our first year Facts & Figures Unit. as a Unit I would like to thank all members KEYSTONE KOPS Annual Steak Feed With Camel’s Milk Door Prize Friday, August 15, 2014 Camel’s Milk: 5:30 - 6:30 Steaks starting at 6:30 Price: $15.00 “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt The Anahgram 20 Betty Trimm, Queen, Ankh Temple No. 160 and Sharon St. John, Supreme Majesty Supreme Queen Sharon with Lady Brenda Thomas and Potentate Jesse Thomas ANKH Temple No. 160 Ankh Temple No. 160 held a banquet in honor of her Supreme Majesty, Sharon St. John, at the Ralph J. Pollard Lodge in Orrington on August 12, 2015. Also present for the banquet were many Anah Shrine Nobles, including Potentate Jesse Thomas and his Lady Brenda. A Ceremonial was held after the banquet and the Temple welcomed three new Princesses: Beverly Cobb, Janet Nadeau and Elizabeth Bowen. The Temple currently has many fundraisers in the works “For the Children”. One of these is an Origami Owl fundraiser, which will be held following the Stated Session on October 18th at approximately 4:30p.m. at the Ralph J. Pollard Lodge. “What is Origami Owl?” you ask. Origami Owl is custom jewelry, which gives you the opportunity to be the designer and make jewelry for yourself or give as a gift. All Anah Ladies are invited to join us or contact a Temple member to place an order. Refreshments will be served. The Sewing Committee will be working on sewing items of need for the Boston and Springfield Shriners Hospitals. The Boston hospital has requested standard pillowcases in flannel and Springfield needs OR hats and johnnies. “I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” - Ayn Rand October 2015 SCHOODIC SHRINE CLUB Noble David G. Beckett, Reporter Greetings from Schoodic Shrine Club: Great time was had by all at the World famous Fish Fry held at the Meddybemps Community Center on Saturday, August 22nd. This was the annual Divan Visitation. Potentate Jesse Thomas and several members of the Divan, with their ladies, were in attendance. We had nearly 40 Nobles and ladies with us. The fish was great. The chefs did a terrific job. It went so well because there were several supervisors to watch over the work. Potentate Jesse brought his greetings and gave us an up-date on what is happening with Anah. He spoke of the new Shrine Center being prepared for the Nobility and of the many ways we can help through donations, pledges, and the purchase of pavers, plaques, and benches. Visited with Noble Harland Hitchings last week at Ross Manor. Good that I got in when I did, because this week he’s home. Noble Lloyd “Dunk” Johnson was in the hospital in Calais last week. I went over to visit him a few days later and he had gone home. All the best to these Nobles and to anyone else not feeling well. As we look ahead, our October meeting is a joint meeting with the Charlotte County Shrine Club in St. Stephen, NB, on Tuesday, October 27th, at the Masonic Hall. Social hour begins at 5:00 pm US time. This meeting is Nobles only. There will be no meeting in November (deer season). The annual meeting will be held on Sunday, December 13th at the Meddybemps Community Center. This will be a pot luck dinner. with the annual Yankee Swap. Dinner will be at 1:00 pm. ‘Til next time! 21 ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS Gerry’s Used Cars BUY HERE / PAY HERE Gerry & Barbara Marshall, Owners Serving you from four locations Ask about our extended warranty! • Cheryl & Karrie - 266 Newport Road, Corinna, 278-2205 • Shelly - Oakland 465-9566 • Rose - Main Street, Veazie 990-2206 • Tiffany - Skowhegan 474-6700 Sunset Auto Repair Full Service Auto Repair State Inspection • We Sell Tires No Job too Big or Small Free Estimates 907-4901 M - F: 9am - 5pm 2834 Broadway • Bangor, Maine Know-how believes in the power of service. People’s United Bank proudly supports the Anah Shriners ©2015 People’s United Bank | Member FDIC | 207-942-4800 Equal Housing Lender “If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.” – Henry Ford 22 The Anahgram “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find It.:- Ronald Dahl October 2015 23 AUGUST CALENDAR WINNERS! Noble John Farrington, Reporter President Richard Elwell called the first meeting of 2015-16 of NPSC to order at 7 p.m. in Island Falls. He thanked all 39 Nobles, Ladies and guests at this meeting for their attendance. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful New England boiled dinner prepared by the great cooks of the VFW. The supper was preceded by a very relaxing attitude adjustment hour. The president called for a moment of silence for deceased Nobles Seth Libby, Noble Orland Shorey and for Noble George Sargent’s family with the recent loss of his granddaughter. We extend our most sincere sympathies and condolences to the members of these three families. Because Ken and Raleigh Hanscom were not in attendance there were no fez fines. George and Edwina Stanley received a warm welcome this evening. They were in attendance after a long absence. We expect that they will now be able to attend more of the Club’s functions since they have retired from their business in Medway; Stanley’s Auto Center. Congratulations on your retirement. Their son and daughter-in-law, Adam and Tiffany, are now running the business. The 50/50 was won by the president and he graciously gave it back to the club. Our dignitaries for the evening were once again Aide Emeritus; Paul Thornton, Greeter Emeritus; Derward Shedd and P.P. Tony Bowers. A meeting of the current officers and directors will take place at President Elwell’s home at 6:30 on September 24. I reported the results of the nominating committee and with no nominations from the floor, Tony Bowers made a motion with a second from Burt Weed to have the secretary cast one ballot to elect all of those named. It has been done and the Nobles will be installed at the Club’s Annual meeting on October 7 at the East Branch Snow Rovers club house in Medway. Our guest speaker for the meeting was Brad Kytes. He is the project manager for the Oakfield Wind Project. Mr. Kytes shared a great amount of information about the project with the Nobles and Ladies. At the conclusion of his presentation President Elwell thanked Mr. Kytes, reminded all of our October meeting and bade everyone a safe trip home. Until next time, please remember to keep Masonry and Shrine Dom in your life. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 $300.00 Craig Babcock $25 Steve McDougall $25 Floyd Clement $25 Lucy Thomas $25 Attle Smith $25 Dustin Boston $25 Robert C. Springer Jr. $100.00 Brian Lane $25 Lillian B. Connor $25 Paul Murphy $25 Steve McLain $25 Alex Hawthorne&Lindsay DeBore $25 Glenn Blair $25 Dan Theobald $100.00 Joe McDonald $25 Trisha Coleman $25 Maren Whitlock $25 Alex Speed $25 Brian Horne $25 Nanette Cyr $25 Blake Bradbury $100.00 Glenn Connolly $25 Bruce Tucker $25 Sydney Rowell $25 Diana Pottle $25 Louise Joy $25 Chris Dillingham $25 Mitchell White $100.00 Gerri Elderkin $25 Joel Braley $25 Tammy Turner 191 E. Main Street, DoverFoxcroft, ME 04426 We are proud to support the Anah Shriners. We have 19 banking locations throughout the state of Maine to serve your personal and business banking needs. Katahdin Trust. Community Banking at its Best since 1918! To nd one of our 19 banking locations: “Happiness always looks small while you hold your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is.” – Maxim Gorky The Anahgram 24 18 Membership Committee By Noble Doug Dulac Hello everyone from the membership Capt. Todd “Ernie”to Foster Reporting committee. I wanted update you all a Greetings and Ladies! Fall little bit onNobles membership. First of allislethere me and parade is wrapping up.Hospital By the tell you we season had a very successful time youNight will event read on this, will have Support Sat.weAugust 2nd. participated in the NESA Field Days at This is something the membership comm. Kora down in Lewiston. I will report on put on tomonth. raiseAt awareness of what we that next the November meeting really do it’s as Shriners which is support (I know, still a little ways away) the we will be voting on anew officers andput what hospitals. We had fantastic meal on we be donating for money it by will the Second Section, who this did year, it free would be really nice to have a good of charge the way, auction,3 turnout forbythose votes.a silent Not much else patients from spoke happening in the thehospitals cartoon that world at and the some great entertainment by theupSkyliners moment. Make sure you stock on your oil/wood/pellets, this our winter supposed band. Because it was firstistime doing to nasty. I don’t hear it thisbeand beingAnd in the middlewant of thetosummer from snow birds! about what kind of I wasyou a little nervous Nobles and families celebrating birthdays turnout we would I am Cannon, very pleased to are; Susan Frost,get. Jason Tylor say that we had over 120 in attendance! The Cannon, Joe Bailey, Nancy Hasey, Jackie deal was Cecelia that every penny of profit we made Leavitt, Billington, Tim (Puss-inBoots & split Travis (Woody) Frost, Bill would be between the Boston and Spencer,& hospitals. Sharon WeDecker. Those Springfield actually will be celebrating another year of wedded bliss sending them $1062.00 each! I have spoken are; Sterling & Corace Bunker, Dan & with Jesse Thomas Rabban Darlene Wilson, andour myChief beautiful brideand & it lookstruly! like we will do this again next year your’s The next meeting be Monday, October hopefully on Maywill 16th. 12th, at Pat’s Pizza Ellsworth. Don’t In addition to thatin the membership forget, only 42 days left ‘till huntin’ comm. is meeting once a month andcamp will 2015! be starting phone calls to all those nobles who are behind in dues next month. This seems to help a lot with our retention. I am personally reaching out to all the candidates from 2011,2012,2013 and 2014 each month through a calling post message. I think this keeps them in the loop and informed. helpShrine us byClub telling the the Shrine Please Tri County started fall story as with oftenaasmeeting possible.atWe need Village to start season Barbs Square in class, Corinna on gearing upRestaurant for next year’s so keep September 16th. Detailswho of this meeting thinking about someone would make will beMason in theand November a good Shriner. issue of the Anahgram. We meet after the deadline for articles. In October, on the 21st, we will be having our annual Ladies Night and Divan Visitation at the St. Martins Church in Palmyra. Social Hour will be at 6, meal to follow at 7. No details available at this time. In Warren November we will be at the Noble Orcutt, Sr., Reporter Dexter Club. this In December we willthat be As I write article I realize back at the Dexter Club for our annual summer is slipping away very quickly. Fall meeting and election Nobles is fast approaching and of theofficers. leaves will soon please remember that Social Hour is atof 6 be turning color. It is a beautiful time and meals are at 7 for our meetings. the year but we all know what to follow Nobles, if you would like to is donate gift in a few the goodofweather cards formonths. our tree Enjoy at the Feztival Trees, while we we will have please gethave themit.toHopefully President Dan Costain. fall.will be mailed out shortly, a nice Dueswarm notices meeting a ladies if Our youAugust haven’t7thpaid dues was since 2013,night you and was held at the Degenhart Campground will be dropped from our membership. If in Jonesport. I was unable attend so from have you aren’t receiving the to messages no report onTree, the meeting. do know that the Calling it meansI that we don’t they were the Please plans forcontact the Annual have yourmaking number. Ron Bob Smith August We are Green withPicnic youroninfo. Ron’s is, hisday home hoping for another beautiful in phone Down number is 207-257-4574, East Maine for this event. cell is 207-341The Northeast Shrine Field Days in Springfield is now a thing the past 4053. Tri MA County does not ofsend out and was held AugustInfo 21-23. I am by surethea postcards anymore. is sent good time was had by all who attended. Calling Tree and email. Noble Hope everyone has Night a great Fall Appreciation will be Season held at You knowTemple what on is coming!!!!!! . Please the Anah September 13th. don’t forget to send in for your tickets for Happy Birthday wishes September go Dans Basket. It will Donnie be drawn at Bill our out to Barry Hanscom, Wright, October Meeting.Continue to work on Sternbergh, Phil Mondville, Leni Weaver, Membership. Your BlueChapman, Lodge andVernon Shrine Napoleon Beal, Nancy Temple always need new blood. Scott, Skip Pennell, James Cox, Cecil Fernald, and Sandy Alley. September Anniversary wishes go to Past Potentate Guy and Nancy Chapman, Walter & Claire Kennedy, Mike & Dawn Gooch, Dick & Margaret Gardner, Napoleon & Bernadette Beal,Orcutt, Tom &Sr., Bobbie Foss, Noble Warren Reporter Vernon & Gail Scott, Mike & Nancy Bailey, Ruth Smith, George & William Fall has&arrived and the and leaves are now beginning their annual change of color all Sheila Alley. over the next state. month It is a beautiful time the Until I wish all a of great year that doesn’t lasthealth. long. October and September and good early November can have some lovely weather and one can only hope that is the case this year. Enjoy what good weather is bestowed upon us as it will be turning cold all too soon. And behind that snow, sleet, hail ……Predictions are for another cold and snowy winter.! The Annual Bob Smith Picnic was held August 16th, with a good attendance and beautiful weather. All attending appeared to be having a great time and enjoyed the music of Lee Southard. The Noble’s Appreciation Night will also be over when you read this article and was the first Anah Darling’s Chevrolet is proud to support the ANAH SHRINERS 121 Downeast Hwy., Ellsworth (just up from the triangle) US Route 1 North • 667-2512 “You’ll do better at Darling’s!” You can find it all at “A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation.” – Moliere October 2015 25 function in the new building. The Potentate’s Reception is scheduled for October 25th at the Shrine Temple in Bangor and I hope that many of you plan to attend this fun time. Potentate Jesse and Lady Brenda’s year is coming to a close in a few short months and a new potentate will be at the helm. Our September 3rd meeting was a held at the Bluebird Family Restaurant in Machias and it was great to see new candidates and their Ladies in attendance. There were 39 people in attendance which was wonderful. Carolyn Wright won the door prize. Those in attendance included: Brad Prout, High Priest and Prophet; David Weaver and Donnie Wright, Directors Staff; Chief Greeter Warren Orcutt and Assistant Chief Greeter Mike Bailey; Joe McDonald, WCSC President and member of the Mini Cars; Troy Huffman, Lobster Boats; and Dick Kilton, Treasurer for WCSC; plus their ladies. The Festival of Trees is being held in November at the Temple’s new location and parking will not be the issue that it has been in the past. Posters will be out and it has already been posted on Anah’s Facebook page. This event gets more successful each year and there is more interest from organizations and Shrine Units to participate and put up a tree, and in some cases two. WCSC voted to sponsor a tree again in 2015 and the theme will be ice fishing. A list of items that the club would like to have donated for the tree can be secured from Joe McDonald. WCSC members have been very generous in the past and why our tree has been so popular by those attending. Many items have already been donated for the 2015 tree. If you do not want to purchase an item, a monetary donation may be given and items will be purchased with the money. We are hoping to see more support from WCSC members this year for this great fundraiser for our Temple. The November meeting will be a joint meeting with the Hancock County Shrine Club and will be held at the Franklin Vets Club on Route 182. It was voted to hold the December meeting and Holiday Party as a joint event on December 12th. Information will soon be out once all the arrangements have been made. Happy Birthday wishes for October go out to Nancy Bailey, Cary Carver, Fred Crowley, Wanda Fernald, Esther Foss, William Geel, Craig Hanson, Caron Kilton, William Layman, Sandi Look, PP Donald Maxim, Dawn Milliken, Brett McGuire, Adelbert Pinkham, Mordina Roberts, David Savage, John Sawyer II, William Smith, William Spencer, Dan Thompson, Bonnie Turner, Pat Ward, Cheryl Ward, and Robert Wass. Anniversary wishes are extended to PP John and Betty Fernald, Cecil & Julie Fernald, Kevin & Kim Gardner, Donald & Helen Hatt, Bruce & Jean Ingalls, William & Letitia Look, and David & Leni Weaver. Until next time, enjoy the remaining fall months. “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then which is impossible. Then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” – Arthur Conan Doyle The Anahgram 26 Widow’s Club Lorena Fenlason, Reporter Welcome to fall, Ladies. We certainly had a nice Labor day Weekend. We could have done without the humidity though. As I write this, there is rain in the near future. We could use it. Those of you who joined me at the Noble’s Appreciation evening, we had a good time. The next event at the shrine center will be October 3rd. for the Noble of the Year. You may not receive your Anagram before this event so keep October 24th in mine for the Potentate’s reception. The Sunshine Craft Fair will be at the new center also. Be sure to keep time in your schedule for this fun day, November 7th. In the November Anagram , I will have a date to report to you for a little Holiday get together. If you have a certain date and place you would like to go ,let me know. 989-3664. Have a great October. Don’t forget to treat the Trick a Treat. As always, STAY STRONG and WELL Noble Fred Beylerian Reporter Happy Halloween “May The Tricks Be Few and The Treats Be Plenty” The Chief would like to thank all Kops and all those who came, for another very successful Annual Keystone Kops Steak Feed, at our new Temple. Great Job! And again, Thank You Very Much, Everyone! The tickets were sold, the drawings have taken place, winners have been announced. Congratulations to all and Thank You for another really great GunRaffle. Happy Birthday wishes the for month of October go out to Kops J.R.Tozier and Leon Spaulding and Lady Katherine Hopkins. Wedding Anniversary wishes to Fred and Candy Beylerian and Leon and Marlee Spaulding. Congratulations to all and may you have many more. Now to the trivia question of the month. Last month’s question was: Where did the term “Read the Riot Act” come from? Answer: As it turns out “The Riot Act” was a real British Law under the reign of King George I. The law made it illegal for twelve or more people to riot. If a riot did Fundraiser for Shriners Hospitals in Boston and Springfield. Open 11am to 10pm 20% off your total bill on October 29th,2015 (20% of your bill donated to Boston and Springfield Shrine Hospitals) 37 Main Street • Belfast, ME 338.4502 • and on Facebook take place the participants were read “Read The Riot Act” and they were sent to prison for life. This month’s question is: In keeping with October’s month famous holiday, Halloween, when and where did JackOLanterns come about? The time has come to close the “Blotter” for this month and to remember “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS”. Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter Greetings Ladies and Nobles. Our September meeting was held at our new temple with decent attendance even though it was on Labor Day weekend. We had a new member join the Second Section. Noble Tony Ranco of Waltham, sponsored by Nobles Doug Hardison and Gary Jordan was voted into the unit. Tony happens to be Doug Hardisons son in law and we are happy to have him as a member of the unit. The Second Section would like to thank all of the Nobles who participated in fundraising activities over the summer. We did parking for the Waterfront Concerts all summer which was headed up by Assistant Director Tom Breitweg. He and Lady Lillian along with Nobles Harland Williamson, Clayton Wallace, Jerry Hayes, Mike Gray and others filled the Dawson Realty lot and the Shrine lot almost every show. We also sold gun raffle tickets all summer and we want to recognize Noble Rich Johnson for going above and beyond by selling 160 tickets for the unit. The Folk Festival was at the end of August and Noble Dennis Hill helped with the organization of the event. We had a great group of Nobles show up for the Folk Festival and it was very successful for the unit as well. All in all we had a very successful summer with regards to fundraising. The Gun Raffle we voted to do was an overwhelming success for the unit. We made up 1000 tickets and we were able to sell 966 tickets overall. We sold some right at the wire but we made it and I would think that this will be an annual fundraiser for the unit. Thank you Joe Kitchen for bringing this to the unit and thank you to all who pitched in and sold what you sold. Go to the Anah Shrine web page to see the list of winners. September 5 was moving day for the kitchen from the Main Street temple to the new temple on Broadway. A small group of Nobles and Ladies showed up and we got everything moved into the new temple. Still a few items left to bring the kitchen to completion but we should be good to go very soon. The location of the new Second Section closet is getting closer to reality. We have the location but we need to make plans for the petitions in the room as the plan is to split the room into two to three separate rooms so we can lock it up. The Second Section Noble of the Year “An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don’t.” – Anatole France October 2015 Night will be over by this publication and more on that night in the November Anahgram. Feztival of Trees is fast approaching and with our new building it will be bigger than we have ever seen it. Make sure you all spread the word with friends and family about this event so we can make it the biggest yet. Cafe’ setup will be different this year as we will be in a smaller kitchen than we had before. We will probably be setting a schedule of sorts to get help in certain areas at certain times as we will be limited on space this year. More to follow in future Anahgrams on the Feztival of Trees. The Second Section would like to send our condolences out to the family of Harold Newman who passed away at the end of August. Noble Newman was a long time member of the Second Section and although I was not in the unit when he was, he was talked about a lot and will be missed by all who knew him. The unit voted at our September meeting to do the meal at the Wheeler’s Super Supper on February 13. This will take a lot of Nobles to pull this off so put this in your schedule so we can count on your help. Upcoming meetings are October 2, November 6 and December 4. The October meeting will be a Ladies night and we will host the Ladies at Dysart’s on Broadway just up from the temple. October birthday wishes go out to Ladies Regina Jackson, Irene Littlefield, Amber Robison and Dottie Wellman and Noble Darrell King. Happy October wedding anniversary to Ron & Suzette Harford, Kristopher & Leah Rideout, Tom & Marge Severence, Glen & Elizabeth Sherman and Joe & Dottie Wellman. Until next time, have a safe month. 27 10 Locations to serve you! 1-800-244-7134 • Your local energy contractor YourIN local energy contractor $1500 REBATES AVAILABLE NOW! Call 207-469-6100 today for your free energy consult Call 207-469-6100 today Call 207-469-6100 today to schedule your free energy consult Energy Audits Efficiency Upgrades for AUDITS your free consult ENERGY |energy WEATHERIZATION Energy Audits Efficiency Upgrades The Feztival of Trees Bob Pullen, Reporter Greetings to one and all, The FOT committee is in full swing for presenting the best Feztival of Trees yet in Anahland. I want to thank the building committee for all their hard work in preparing our new home at 1404 Broadway to be one of if not the best Shrine temple around. This puts the FOT committee under a great deal of pressure to present an event worthy of these new surroundings. We want to transform the great room into the greatest room in order to show the public as well as our nobility and their ladies that we are determined to bring the Christmas season in with a BANG. For those of you who know of a person Continued on page 29 “Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” -Dalai Lama The Anahgram 28 “In Memory of Our Departed Brother Nobles” When Allah calls, then our friends obey and fold thier tents and steal away. To the land where the crystal waters flow, where the Beautiful Palms of Allah grow. Life is a story in volumes three, the past, the present, the yet to be. The first we’ve written and laid away, the second we’re reading day by day, The third and last of the volumes three,is locked from sight - God keepeth the key. DANIEL L. SAMPSON, Bucksport March 3, 1973 – Aug. 1, 2015 Tuscan Lodge #106, Addison Restored Anah Aug. 2013 HAROLD A. NEWMAN, Winter Haven, FL & Hampden May 20, 1941-Aug. 28, 2015 St. Andrews #83, Bangor Raised 3/6/1964 Created Anah June 15, 1985 ORLAND D. SHOREY, Burlington Oct. 29, 1936 – Sept. 1, 2015 Horeb Lodge # 93, Lincoln Raised 10/29/1936 Created Anah June 3, 1972 MITCHELL-TWEEDIE FUNERAL HOME 28 Elm Street Bucksport 469-3177 YOUNG FUNERAL HOME 31West Main Street Searsport 548-2545 Serving Bucksport-Searsport and surrounding towns Albert Levesque, Proprioter JASON O. NARDONE, Woodland (Aroostook)Sept. 9, 1973 – Sept. 2, 2015 Caribou Lodge #170 Raised 1/22/2015 Created Anah June 23, 2015 Bowers Funeral Home 10 Water Street, Houlton 56 Sherman Street, Island Falls 207-532-3333 • 800-532-4333 CLAY FUNERAL HOME Lincoln,Maine BARTLETT CHAPEL Danforth, Maine CARING FOR GENERATIONS J o r d a n - F e r n al d FUNERAL HOMES Your wishes for the type of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one can be outlined in advance like a will, prearranging a funeral is part of putting your affairs in order, yet it costs you nothing. Call us to set up an appointment. 1.800.667.2595 - Mount Desert Island • Ellsworth • Blue Hill October 2015 Continued from page 27 or an organization that wants to sponsor a tree this year please get the information to us ASAP as time is running short and the work is getting greater. Applications can be found on the Anah website so please help us help the temple meet budget and maintain our facility. I have been informed by Illusrious sir Jesse that Tom Seymour has graciously accepted the task of manpower chairman for the Feztival of trees. If you would like to be of assistance with this years Feztival contact Tom and I’m sure he can find you a place where you can be of much needed help. He can be reached via email @ Tom. When you see Tom give him a much deserved tip of the fez for his involvement with our cause, and while you are giving out thanks please give the same tip to Tom’s wife, Stacey, as she has undertaken the duties of being our first lady Brenda’s right hand person (who would have thought I’d become politically correct?) in the world of tree tickets. In closing I want to say that I appreciate every thing anyone does to help putting the Feztival on each year. You don’t have to donate and entire day for a project just a few hours to allow those doing the long shift a chance to get away from a ticket table or out from behind a sales table for a moment to enjoy the festivities. I believe we have the potential of becoming the most closely knit fraternity around and once that happens the fun times are soon to come for us all. We each owe our fellow Shriner’s and their ladies the courtesy of stepping up and doing our parts. Until next time “Help an other person with even a small gesture, and let me know how good you feel inside after you see a smile and hear even a faint THANK YOU. By Charlie Pray, President Greetings from the Waldo County Shrine Club, As the summer season has transformed into the beautiful colors of fall, we are all looking forward to finally having our communities back to ourselves. While we all appreciate the beautiful area in which we live, it’s nice to have the highways back to a somewhat “Tourist Free” status and settle back into our normal lives. The shrine club has enjoyed a rather healthy summer rental season. Financially speaking, we realized one of the most profitable Dryden Dutch Memorial Golf Tournaments to date, thanks to the got print? 29 We handle the details. Let our experts make it hassle free. Daily pick up and delivery to Portland, Bangor, Augusta and Waterville. RECIPIENT OF THE GOVERNORS AWARD FOR BUSINESS EXCELLENCE Call for a quote and receive free personalized notepads Contact Rich Armstrong 848-7300 ext. 101 | P R INTIN G • MAILIN G • E- O R D E R IN G WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Lobsters, Clams, Mussels, Crabs, Scallops, Oysters Young’s Lobster Pound & Seafood Restaurant Where Lobsters are Caught, Cooked, Eaten and Shipped 7 Days a Week Right from our Dock 2 Fairview St. Belfast, Maine 04915 Phone: (207) 338-1160 Fax: (207) 338-1656 We Cater to Large Groups On or Off Site “A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation.” – Moliere The Anahgram 30 ANAH SHRINE CLOWNS HALLOWEEN DANCE DATE: OCTOBER 31, 2015 TIME: 7PM TO 12AM AT: 1404 BROADWAY (NEW SHRINE BUILDING) $20 a person \$30 a couple pre buy at Anah Shrine office or from a Clown Unit member Tickets at the door will be available for $25 a person or $35 couple Light Snacks available- you supply your own beverage of choice Door Prizes for best costumes • 50\50 Drawing Photo Booth set up by Photo Booths of Maine Music by DJ DeVoe Must be 21 to attend this event (Proceeds from this event are for the Benefit of the Anah Shrine Clowns and donations are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.) generosity of the many local businesses and numerous participants of our annual fund raiser. With the fruits of these two aspects of the club in the books, we are contemplating a project that will seemingly aid in our efforts to stand alone in the local “Facility Rental” arena and become the only rental hall in the area to boast the capability of air conditioning , not to mention the financial benefits of less expensive heating costs with the installation of heat pumps for the club house. The club would like to acknowledge the efforts of two of our loyal and philanthropic members and their families. Recently, the family businesses of Raymond Young and Ryan Otis organized our 4th annual lobster feed at Young’s Lobster Pound on the waterfront in Belfast. We all enjoyed a light hearted night out on the beautiful shore of Penobscot Bay, not to mention the World Class delicacy of our region. Also, thanks to the efforts of one of our most valued volunteers, noble Alfred Reynolds and Lady Catherine for their work in arranging the relocation of our refreshment booth for those attending this annual event. As for the direction of the club itself, the Board of Directors will be starting the process of selecting members to assume the various “At Large” positions being vacated by the terms of our by-laws. Our directors meetings are held the first Monday of each month and typically last only an hour or so. The diverse back grounds of the members of our board gives the club the strength and ability to “Forward Think” the things that will continue to make the club one of the strongest privately held organizations in all of ANAH shrine. We are asking each of you to please think about investing a small amount of your time to help keep our club operating in the direction we’ve come to appreciate. Any noble interested in sitting on the board of directors, please contact Charlie Plourde or Charlie Pray to express your interest for consideration to this worthwhile effort. Lastly, it seems the holiday season is just around the corner, and with that, comes the fabulous fund raiser for ANAH itself, the “Feztival of Trees”. This year, we are fortunate to have two very giving individuals volunteer to direct the efforts for the Waldo County tree. Lady Jean Dutch and Lady Ethel Whitcomb have offered up their artistic interpretation to arrange and set up this year’s entrance into what has rapidly become Anah’s largest fundraiser. Please reach out to these two ladies if you would like to aide in their efforts. Best wishes to the members, families and guests of the Waldo County Shrine Club. Charlie Pray, President Noble Allen Hayward, Reporter Several campers attended the Machias Blueberry Festival on August 14. Walter & Joann Ash, Allen Hayward & Irene Blood, Ron & Judy Dodson, Ronald & Linda Thomas, Bill & Holly Sinford, John Ashmore & Shirley Morrissey, Jim & Pat Catell (new members), Don Johnson & Thelma, Allen & Bonnie Chase, Algy & Amy Wood (and grandchild Leah), Lyman & Cindy Blyther, Derwood & Betty Shedd, Runtz & Ora Farnsworth, Don & Felicia Wiswell, Scott & Maggie Hoyle. A guest, Debbie Sternbergh. Also, our Illustrious Past Potentate Ed Pellon and Lady Esther. We were lucky enough again this year to stay at Ed’s business parking lot across from Helen’s Restaurant. It was so handy to be near the festival vendors as well as restaurants. We had hors d’ouevres Friday night, Pot Luck dinner on Saturday night and breakfast at the Blueberry Ranch Restaurant Sunday morning. We sang happy birthday to Bonnie Chase and Ora Farnsworth. The next meeting of the club will be the “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein October 2015 31 November 7, 2015 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Anah Shriners 1404 Broadway Bangor Admission $1.00 Under 12 - FREE Proceeds provide transportation for children to Shriners’ Hospitals “Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them.” - Leo Tolstoy The Anahgram 32 FOR FREE ESTIMATES 667-5962 64 Mill Road Lamoine, ME 04605 Cell: 460-8861 weekend of September 25 at Searsport Shores Campground, Route 1, Searsport tel. #548-6059. Please make your own reservations. The Annual Meeting will also be held. Schedule of events is usually hors d’oeuvres Friday night and a full day on Saturday starting with a Potty Tournament. A schedule will be handed out on Friday. Anniversaries for October: Herbert & Phyllis Jordan, Dan & Darlene Wilson & Don & Felicia Wiswell. Birthdays for October: Mike Bagley, Gerald Carey, Richard Dunham, Clinton Fulton, Jack Jones, Darrell King, Charles Larson, Ron McComb, Joan Terry, Dan Thompson & Felicia Wiswell. Noble Allen Hayward, Reporter Remember to support your Blue Lodge Realty of Maine TIM DUTCH Cell: 207.323.0440 Office: 207.338.6800 Broker/Realtor Fax: 207.338.3060 107 Main Street • Belfast, ME 04915 “A local name you know you can trust!” “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.” – Thomas Paine AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 CARIBOU 118 BENNETT DR 498-2707 PRESQUE ISLE 611 MAIN ST 764-5553 HOULTON 98A BANGOR ST 532-2100 96 Center Street Bangor, ME 04401 207.947.4569 186 State Street • Bangor, Maine (207) 990-3929 Drive beatVarney VarneyValue Value Drive5050miles milesor or 500, 500, you You can’t can’t beat anywhere! anywhere! 260 HOGAN ROAD BANGOR, ME 04401 207-990-1200 1-800-288-3071 Augusta Bangor Belfast Portland You ANAHGRAMsuccessful successfulby byusing usingititfor foryour youradvertising advertisingand andpatronizing patronizingthose thosewho whodo. do. You can can help help make make THE The ANAHGRAM AnahShriners Shriners Anah P.O.Main Box Street 735 586 Bangor ME ME 04401 04402-0735 Bangor, October 2015 � � NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 WEBB’S RV CENTER LAR RV D GEST EAL ER NEW IN ENG LAN D Rt. 2 Hammond St., Target Industrial Circle, Bangor AS DEMAND GETS GREATER... WE GET BETTER! Call us Today At 942-2900 or 1-800-339-5668 • OV ER 0 50NITS CK U TO S IN AfterYou you lookedsuccessful at the rest. SEE THE BEST! can help have make The ANAHGRAM by using it for yourCOME advertising and patronizing those who do.
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586 Main Street
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