The Circus is Coming!


The Circus is Coming!
We never have so much fun ... Doing so much good
April 2015
The Circus is Coming!
Bangor Anah Shrine Circus
Friday May 1st, 3pm & 7pm
Saturday May 2nd, 10am, 2pm & 7pm
Sunday May 3rd, 11am & 3pm
Presque Isle Anah Shrine Circus
Thursday May 7th, 7pm
Friday May 8th, 3pm & 7pm
Saturday May 9th, 10am, 2pm & 7pm
monthly messenger
Anah Shriners
Bangor, Maine
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Hope for the children
Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners
Chartered June 15, 1922
A Chapter of Shriners International
586 Main Street, Bangor Maine 04401
Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994
Website: - Shrine email:
Volume 95 • Number 4 • April 2015
Rich Armstrong-Editor -
Janice Young-Advertising Manager -
All Anahgram Articles to be sent to - by the 10th of the Month
And the Fezzy Award goes to...Boston!
Shriners Hospitals for Children - Boston was presented with “The Fezzy Award” for 2015 at the SHC
Annual Leadership Conference in January. The Fezzy Award or Fezzy is given under two very distinct and
different circumstances. In the first instance, it goes to the hospital or employee that has gone above and
beyond the call of duty to bring Love to the rescue in delivering the mission of Shriners Hospitals for
Children. The second instance involves sending our Love to the rescue to a hospital in need of our support.
Both occasions exemplify the SHC Core Value of Integrity in the spirit of compassion either outwardly or
inwardly directed.
In reading the citation that recognized our Shriners Hospital Boston family, Mr. John McCabe, SHC
Executive Vice President, said:
“Boston Strong” – who doesn’t know what it means when it is said? In 2014 our Boston hospital participated
in the Boston Marathon after the year of the horrible attack by forming a team consisting of an international
elite runner, employees, a former patient, the daughter of our Board of Governors member, and friends of
our hospital. They not only supported our mission within our four walls but also supported our city and our
country by participating in this event. Most importantly, we helped the injured to heal their wounds. That
is the true spirit of “Love to the rescue.”
Our Award - a four foot Fezzy teddy bear will soon arrive and will be shared by all our departments.
Congratulations and thank you to the entire staff for earning this well-deserved award
If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring
a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below.
ORTHOPEDIC: Robert Pullen, 157 Stetson Road East, Levant, ME 04456, Tel: 884-7102
BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124
Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916
The Anahgram
ll the $
Notice ats on the
amoun This is what
calendaur ld be winning i
you co u buy a Cash
yo ndar!
Highlanders Meeting
A P R I L 2015
Northern Penobscot
Shrine Club Meeting
Band Meeting
Anah Flag Unit Meeting Sunshine Club Meeting
Feztival of Trees
Band Meeting
Funsters Meeting
Past Masters Club
Highlanders Meeting
Daughters of the Nile
Mini Bikes Meeting
Washington County
Shrine Club Visitation
Second Section
Washington County
Waldo County Shrine
Club Stated Meeting
Chanters Meeting
Convertible Meeting
Good Friday
Wheelers Meeting
Daughters of the Nile
Installation at Ralph J.
Pollard Lodge
Provost Guard Meeting
Easter Sunday
Hancock County Shrine
Club Pats Pizza
4 x 4 Meeting
Go­Karts Meeting
Highlanders Meeting
Office Closed “Patriots
Nascar Unit Meeting
Lobster Boats Meeting
Funsters- Fund Raiser
at Ground Round
Tri-County Meeting
Schoodic Shrine Club
Mini-Bike Meeting
Academicians Meeting
Indy Cars Meeting
County Klowns Meeting
Aroostook County
Shrine Club Meeting
Band Meeting
Divan Meeting
Band Meeting
Keystone Kops Meeting
Brewer Shrine Club
Meeting Ladies Night
Clown Meeting
Convertible Super
Arbor Day
M AY 2015
Second Section
Shrine Circus
Highlanders Meeting
Provost Guard Meeting
Band Meeting
4 x 4 Meeting
Hancock County Shrine
Club Meeting
Shrine Circus
Highlanders Meeting
Oriental Band Meeting
Funsters Meeting
Band Meeting
Lobster Boats Meeting
Nascar Meeting
Mini-Cars Meeting
Go-Karts Meeting
Northern Penobscot
County Shrine Club
Mini-Bikes Meeting
Washington County
Shrine Club Meeting
Shrine Circus
Presque Isle
Convertible Meeting
Chanters Meeting
Waldo County Shrine
Club , Ladies Night
Shrine Circus
Wheelers Meeting
Shrine Circus
Presque Isle
Shrine Circus
Presque Isle
Clown Meeting
Pre-screening and
Hospital Night
Hospital Night
Mother’s Day
Past Masters Meeting
Highlanders Meeting
Keystone Kops Golf
Tourney Hermon Meadows
Marvin Tarbox Ride and
Band Meeting
Office Closed
Tri-County Meeting
Schoodic Shrine Club
Bangor\Brewer Shrine
Club Meeting
Band Meeting
Memorial Day
Keystone Kops Meeting
Academicians Meeting
Indy Cars Meeting
County Klowns
Aroostook County
Shrine Club Meeting
Doctors Supper
EMMC Hospital Clinic
P.I. Circus Dinner
Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity
please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication.
April 2015
Candy, gave her a diamond ring in front
of all us at the Anah cocktail party, this
brought the house down, not a dry eye
in the place, plus the Nobles who braved
the tattoo artist with their Pink Panther
tattoos. I’m sure I’ve missed someone, but
as you see ‘We never had so much fun…
Cruzin with Anah’. Lady Brenda and I are
tickled pink with our vacation and thanks
to everyone who joined us.
April’s first weekend is Easter and the
last weekend is the Convertible’s Super
Supper, enjoy the month and remember,
‘We never have so much fun… Doing so
much good’.
Yours in Faith,
Jesse Thomas, Potentate
Jesse Thomas
Greetings All, it’s now April, hopefully
the month where all the snow disappears,
but with the Circus coming the first two
weekends of May there is usually still some
snow around, especially at the Presque
Isle shows? Speaking of the Circus every
Noble should have received their letter by
now asking you to send in your money for
your Noble tickets. This is just a bill, fill
out the form and send $40.00 to the Office
in the return envelope provided and the
office will send you your tickets. Please
support the Circus with your purchase of
the tickets, this is a major fundraiser for
Anah and keeps your Temple operating,
thanks in advance for your support.
As I write this month’s column Lady
Brenda and I have just returned from the
Potentate’s Cruise along with over one
hundred of Anah’s nobles, ladies, and
family. The trip was ‘Practically Perfect’
in every way. Anah was well represented
in the events on the ship, Noble Doug
Dulac in the Sexist Man Alive contest
& Lady Bonnie London as one of the
judges, Noble Walter Ash in the Ugliest
Women contest, Noble Bill Sternberg,
silver medalist in the International bellyflop contest, Noble Dave Bowen in the
bean bag toss, Noble Scott Hawthorne
and Lady Brenda Keep winners in Beano,
Noble Keith Pooler proposed to Lady
and then had it temporally braced up as
well as had the snow and ice removed. It
will be repaired permanently within a short
The first Divan visitation of 2015 will
be to Washington County Shrine Club,
Thursday, April 2, so for those of you in
Washington County get out and support
your club and our 2015 Potentate, Jesse
We will again be having hospital screening
clinics in Anah’s jurisdiction Saturday, May
19, so if you know of any children in your
area that may need help please refer them
to our clinics. As you know, we have
Especially enjoy this year’s spring, after
the winter we have endured, and remember
to volunteer at the Shrine Circus. We need
everyone’s help. Look forward to seeing
you there.
Let’s go Pink!
Larry L. Hersom
Recorder, P.P.
Hopefully spring will be here as you are
reading this! I think this is the first day,
as I am writing this, that the temperature
has risen over 32 degrees! It feels great
As I mentioned last time, the Shrine
Circus, produced by Circus Unlimited, will
be in full swing in a short time. Hopefully
you have sent your request in for tickets
or have become a “Circus Daddy”. This
circus is the life-blood of Anah so please
support this great function knowing you
have helped 5th graders in your community
attend a circus they may not have had the
opportunity to see if it wasn’t for your
assistance. The Circus committee will need
workers at all the shows so please come to
the Cross Center in Bangor and The Forum
in Presque Isle and report in, to give your
help. It doesn’t happen without everyone
pitching in.
Our building took a small hit from the
tough Maine winter, this year. The roof,
where we store all of our tables partially
caved in with all the ice and snow the
last of February. Bill Taylor, our building
custodian, got someone there to inspect it
27 Albert Street • Milo, ME 04463
Route 15 • Charleston/Corinth 04422
Full Line of Flags & Decorative Flags
Home & Fax: 207-943-5299 • Office: 207-943-2699
Corinth Location: 207-285-3631
The 2015 Potentate’s Pin
This year’s pin represents our
Potentate for his years as a member of
the Anah Funsters parading as the
Pink Panther. Illustrious Sir Jesse
Thomas and Anah’s Oriental Guide,
Noble Roger Grindle, co-founded the
Funster Unit back in 1989 to provide
enjoyment for kids young and old and
help spread the word of all the good
things Shriners Hospitals for Children,
the world’s greatest philanthropy,
provides for kids in need and at no
cost to the family.
Our Potentate has been in the
construction and building material
business for many years and choosing
his Funster costume was a result of
Owens Corning insulation and
building products using the Pink
Panther as their mascot symbol, thus
the Pink Panther pin.
The Fez the Pink Panther is wearing
obviously represents Shriners and the
thousands of children helped by the
philanthropy every year. Our
Potentate’s slogan is
‘We never have so much fun...Doing
so much good’
“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Anahgram
Academicians ........................................ 7
Aroostook Shrine Club......................... 13
Band..................................................... 21
Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club.....................
Boosters................................................. 6
Calendar................................................. 2
Chanters............................................... 24
Circus................................................... 17
Clowns (Bangor)..................................... 9
Convertibles......................................... 10
Daughters of the Nile................................
Directors Staff...........................................
Facts & Figures.................................... 21
Feztival of Trees................................... 15
Flag Unit............................................... 18
Funsters .............................................. 11
Go-Karts............................................... 27
Hancock County Shrine Club................. 8
Highlanders.......................................... 11
Hospital News (Boston)............................
Hospital News (Springfield)......................
Indy Cars..................................................
Kampers Club....................................... 21
Kanteen Corps.........................................
Keystone Kops....................................... 4
Klowns (Aroostook)..................................
Lobster Boat Unit.................................... 5
Membership Committee...........................
Mini-Bike Unit....................................... 14
Mini-Car Unit......................................... 10
Mystery Person...................................... 7
NASCAR Unit....................................... 27
Northern Penobscot Shrine Club.......... 20
Obituaries............................................. 27
Oriental Band...........................................
Past Masters Unit................................. 10
Photo Unit............................................. 21
Potentate................................................ 3
Provost Guard.......................................18
Public Relations........................................
Recorder................................................. 3
Schoodic Shrine Club........................... 24
Second Section.................................... 19
Sunshine Club...................................... 14
Tri-County Shrine Club........................... 7
Waldo County Shrine Club................... 12
Washington County Shrine Club............ 8
4x4’s..................................................... 10
570 Main St, Bangor ME 04401
Noble Fred Beylerian
As of this writing the clock has not been
moved forward by one hour and Spring
certainly has not sprung. Snow every
other day. Snowmobilers, Snowboards
and Skiers love it. The rest of us, not so
much. Should the storm track shift East or
West by fifty miles there could a significant
modification in the dynamic. Case in
point, the Blizzard of ‘62. Flurries were
predicted and three feet of snow fell in
Maine and flurries fell in Chicago. A big
difference in a shift of fifty miles and
eleven hundred and fifty miles. Difficult
to predict weather in Maine because of the
mountains and ocean they say. The
reading of tea leaves may also add to the
difficulty. February, the coldest month
ever. Has anyone seen or heard from Al
Gore? And then there is the common cold
of which this reporter has one. The heck
with Spring, think Summer.
Happy Birthday wishes the for month of
April go to Kops Kerry Dalton, Jim
Stanhope, Harold Sherwood, Steve Jones
and Ladies Amanda Emery and Marlee
anniversaries. Congratulations to all and
may you have many more.
Now to the trivia. Last month’s question
was: Who invented the first mechanical
excavator? The answer: William Smith
Otis was the inventor and the excavator
was patented in1839.
William was a cousin to Elisha Graves
Otis who produced the first efficient
elevator in 1852. This month’s question
is: When did passengers first ride on a tra
Keystone Kops Schedule of Coming
Annual Golf Tournament May 17, 2015
Parades: Eastport July 4, 2015
Lincoln July 18, 2015
This schedule will updated as events
The time has come to close the “Blotter”
for this month and to remember “IT’S
“No man stands so tall
as when he stoops to
help a child.”
– Abraham Lincoln
952 Dexter Road
Corinna Me 04928
Telephone 631-5100
Used Vehicles
Lee & Peggy Kaufman
Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners
Bangor, Maine
Office of Publication
Bangor, Maine 04401
Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994
Available by subscription $12.00 per year.
Rich Armstrong
Janice Young
586 Main Street
Bangor, Maine 04401
Tel: 942-2254
Lloyd W. Day
Old Town, ME
Dennis Bryant
1036 Ayers Jct. Road
Charlotte ME 04666
Home Tel: 454-3514
THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly.
Deadline is the 10th of the month preceding
publication unless advertised otherwise in the
previous issue.
THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept
or refuse any item for publication.
Illustrious Potentate
Donald “Jesse” Thomas
Chief Rabban
Robert L. Turner
High Priest & Prophet
Brad Prout
Oriental Guide
Roger Grindle
Julian S. White, Jr.
Larry L. Hersom, P.P
I pledge allegiance to my flag and
to the country for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the
world.” –Albert Einstein
April 2015
Auctioneers: Steve Trimm &
Steve Trimm Jr
Bill Geel, Reporter
The first meeting of the year was held
March 10th at the Ed Pellon Center in
Machias. More to come next month.
Once again we would like to thank Past
Potentate Ed Pellon for the use of his
I haven’t had much news about anyone
because I have been snowbound. I suppose
Noble Runtz is looking for a crew to come
down and shovel off his pond so he can
have some spring water with the sunshine
days ahead. I have no idea when we will
be able to get to the boathouses because of
so much snow. Any of you snow bunnies
thinking of coming back early may want
to think again, because you may end up
on the end of a snow shovel. Hopefully, as
of the March meeting, we will have taken
in one new member. He says he’s ready
and willing to put to sea with the worst of
us. Remember, Runtz, that doesn’t include
Hope everyone is well, looking forward
to spring and getting the boats out and
enjoying good fellowship.
Whoops! Gotta check on Noble Forrest
to see if he’s ready to check on the
sunshine in Jonesport.
Birthday celebrators are Mike Madore,
Wilbert Terry, and Carole Simpson (with
an e). Gee Carole, are you still having
birthdays? Also, a very special birthday
wish to Past Potentate Ed Pellon on his
Honeymooners are Carroll and Susan
Chandler, Geddes & Carole (with an e)
Simpson, and Scott and Laurie Johnson.
Remember the unit is still looking for
new members to fill some empty boats. If
you want to join a unique unit, this is it.
Whoops! Gotta go! The phone is
ringing..could be Noble Runtz on the other
end calling to let Forrest and me know to
bring snow shovels. Until next time, think
spring and warmer days!
Auction House
Route 43, Alton, Maine
I95-Exit 197 • 3 Miles West towards Hudson
Call: 207-991 2214 or
General Consignments & Speciality Auctions
Consignments • Buying items or Complete Estates
Also Buying Timberland 10-10,000 Acres
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”- Martin Luther King Jr.
Aberdeen Stove and Chimney Supply Company
Anah Flag Unit 02/16
Anah Kampers Club 07/15
Todd & Sandy Alley 08/16
Richard Anderson 12/16
Ed Armstrong 05/16
W. Robert Averill 06/14
IMO C. Alton Bagley 05/15
IMO Dick Bagley, P.P. 05/15
IMO Darrell H. Kates 02/15
IMO Clifton Barker 06/15
Melrose and Betty Beal 04/15
IMO Clayton Bearce-Northern Penobscot Shrine
Club 03/16
Bob Beattie 04/15
IMO Albert “Bucky” Bishop 07/19
Phil and Sue Black 04/16
IMO Willis N. Blake 02/16
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and Mary Blowers 05/15
Blinn and Joan Boone 05/15
IMO John R. Bradford 01/15
Ms. Anna Bradford 01/15
IMO Merle S. Bradford 01/15
Philip Brady Jr. 10/15
Tom and Lilian Breitweg 08/15
Fred and Jennifer Brown 01/16
Dave Bryant 01/15
Blair & Judy Bubar 02/16
Galen Call 08/15
IMO Ray Campbell 06/15
Dick and Kim Carlow 03/18
Charlie and Shirley Caron 03/15
Sam and Agnes Carr 12/16
IMO Ernest Chamberlain 09/14
Michael A.Clark 02/16
Bruce and Trudy Clarke 05/15
IMO Fredrick E.Clarke Jr. 09/15
IMO Helen F. Cleaves 02/16
Melvin K. Cleaves 02/16
Arthur Cone 03/15
IMO Janet G.Conti 12/15/14 12:00 AM
John W. Conti, P.P. 12/15/14 12:00 AM
Dan and Lanci Costain 09/16
Sonny Crocker 03/16
Dana and Jan Crockett 07/15
Ken and Janice Crump 04/16
Wayne and Tanya Darling 07/15
Lloyd Day 12/14
Larry Doughty 05/15
Mark Doughty 05/15
Bryant and Joan Dutch 02/16
IMO Dryden C. Dutch, P.P. 08/14
Tim and Jean Dutch 08/14
IMO Robin Moone Edes 10/15
IMO Orville Edes 10/15
John Edes 10/15
Robert Emerson 09/15
IMO Paul H. Farrington 06/16
Betty and John Fernald Jr. 12/16
Thomas and Carroll Fernald 08/19
IMO Lewis Fenlason 07/15
IMO Wally Fenlason 07/15
Wes and Bonnie Ford 09/14
Pete and Carol Jean Forrest 11/14
IMO Irvin L. Foster 06/15
IMO Richard “Gene” Frost 06/15
Clinton and Sandra Fulton 03/15
George and Mary Beth Gaddis 05/15
IMO William Gardner 06/15
Paul and Diana Giles 04/15
Goody and Roz Gilman 10/18/14 12:00 AM
IMO Carroll I. & Gerry Goodwin, Jr 06/15
IMO Harry Gordon 01/19
Don and Gail Gordon 06/15
IMO Ralph Goss 06/15
Andy and Rose Gove 10/15
Keith L. Gove 12/15
Ron and Carole Green 09/16
W. Louis and Judith Greenier II 09/16
One line (single name) $10 for 1 year
One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year
If you would like your name and your Lady’s
I: seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total
of $20 for one year.
Roger and Julie Grindle 07/15
Charles C. W. Hackney 10/16
IMO Jim Halkett 12/15
Dick and Carolyn Hallett 06/15
David and Kesley Halm, Jr. 06/15
Gene and Pamela Hamm 08/14
Ed and Bonnie Hamm 08/15
IMO Edlbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 08/14
Ken and Donna Hanscom, Jr. 09/15
IMO Charles E. Harmon 09/15
IMO Tom Harper 10/16
Obed and Faith Hart 01/15
Jerry and Lorraine Harvey 08/14
IMO Mike Haskell 08/15
IMO Norman”Hoopy Scoopy” Hatch 09/15
Chester I. Hawkins 01/15
Richard P. Hawkins 09/15
Scott and Kelley Hawthorne 06/15
IMO Elvin Heath 09/15
Howard Heath 09/15
IMO Robert Heath 07/15
Sheldon and Sandy Heath 04/16
Al and Marianne Henriksen 10/16
Larry and Libby Hersom 09/15
Don Higgins 10/15
Ralph and Maggie Hill 07/16
Buzz Holmes 03/15
Dean and Kathy Hoke 09/15
IMO Richard Holt 03/17
IMO Lewis M. Huntley 03/16
Jerry and Lois Hutchinson 09/16
Darin Ingersoll & Jess 09/15
Smokey and Donna Ireland 09/14
IMO Roy K. Jack 04/15
IMO Pearl Hazen Jipson-Northern Penobscot
Shrine Club 03/16
Rich and Cindy Johnson 07/16
C. Ray and Loretta Jones 08/14
IMO Harland Jordan 06/15
F. Lee and Peggy Kaufman 10/15
Alton and Ellen Kenney 05/15
Robert and Rae Jean Knowles 04/19
Stan and Mary Knox 05/15
IMO Ernest “Bud” Larson 02/16
Charles and Selma Larson 09/15
Larry and Gail Larson 08/15
IMO Frank Leighton 11/15
Skip Lenfest, Jr. 08/14
Skip Lenfest, Sr. 08/14
Jon and Tavia Lessor 09/14
Bob and Perlene Libby 02/16
Mike and Bonnie London 02/15
Lee F. Lowery 09/14
IMO Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Lunt, Sr. P.P. 09/15
IMO Donald Lyons, Sr. 06/15
Roy Martin 10/14
IMO G. Urial Martin 07/15
Don and Bert Maxim, P.P. 04/15
Doulgas A. and Donna McCafferty 08/15
Doulgas K and Candee McCafferty 08/15
Imo Edward Sr. and Evelyn McCafferty 08/15
IMO Terral A. McCafferty 08/15
IMO G. Ronald McCluskey 02/15
Welman and Natalie McFarland 01/16
Allan and Lorraine McGown 06/16
Ed and Nancy McGraw 08/14
Winston and Francis McKay 10/15
IMO Tom “Pig Farmer” McKinney 12/15
IMO Carroll McLaughlin 11/15
Jim and Mae Merrithew 10/15
Dick and Joan Meserve 09/15
John and Suzi Miller 03/16
Gordon and Margaret Moreside 10/14
Steve Mosley 10/14
Norm and Barb Mylen 10/15
IMO Jay Nadeau 06/15
Dick and Betty Nevers 05/15
Harold and Connie Newman 10/16
The Anahgram
IMO Ray Newman, Jr. 06/15
Larry and Teresa Nichols 07/15
IMO Eugene O’Brien-Northern Penobscot Shrine
Club 03/16
Matt “Ty-Dy” Oakes 08/15
David O’Donnell 09/14
Warren and Velma Orcutt 10/16
Bob”Boomer” and Julianna Palmer 07/15
Herman and Kate Peabody 07/15
Jim and Linda Parent 06/15
Esther and Ed Pellon, P.P. 04/15
Rod and Joyce Pinkham 10/15
Don and Linda Potter 05/15
IMO Jim Potter 05/15
Circus Spotlight Crew - P.I. Circus 05/15
IMO James M. Prout 03/16
Bob & Doreen Pullen 08/15
IMO Bob Pushard, Sr. 08/15
Martin E. Ray 02/16
P.P. Clyde V. Reynolds & Linda 02/16
Al and Charity Richards 05/15
Chuck and Sally Ridlon 02/15
IMO Keith B. Roberts 09/15
IMO Sumner Rogers 04/15
Dick and Diane Ross 06/15
Larry and Donna Rowell 11/17
Earl Sanda 06/15
Heath and Karen Savage 10/15
Spike Savage 10/15
IMO Clifton R. Scoville 06/14
Todd C. Scoville 06/14
Marty and Joan Shaw 10/15
IMO John Simpson 06/15
IMO Ken Smith 04/15
Lester and Gail Smith 09/14
Roger and Pat Smith 12/15
Ed and Gayle Sprague 04/15
Roger and Jan Stairs 05/14
Yogi and Doris Seymour 10/15
Ken and Tina Stewart 12/18
IMO Ray B. Steeves 06/15
IMO Robert “Bob” Strout 06/15
Elliott and Joyce Tarbell 06/15
Daniel L. Tarr 06/15
IMO Betty Tarr 06/15
IMO Thomas Tash 06/15
Dan and Bonnie Taylor 10/15
IMO Alexander R. Theodore 06/15
Jesse and Brenda Thomas 09/16
Paul and Joyce Thornton 04/15
Ronald Thrornton 12/15
Tim & Ann Thornton 12/15
Inez and Reginald Toothaker 04/15
IMO John Tracy 06/14
Alden and Pam Tracy 06/16
Al and Pat Trask 02/15
Betty and Steve Trimm 04/16
IMO Carroll Trimm 04/15
Troy”Pop-Fizz”,Randi,Nicco & Zayden 08/15
Robert and Bonnie Turner 08/17
Brenda Vanchieri 12/15
Hank and Gloria Waldron 08/14
George Weatherbee 06/15
Dave and Leni Weaver 03/18
Burt and Jackie Weed 05/15
Jim and Dottie Wentworth 09/14
Buddy and Caryll Wheeler 09/14
IMO Frank Whirty 02/19
Julian and Janice White 06/15
Bob Whited 01/15
Paul and Phyllis Wilbur 07/15
Llord and Jay Willey 07/16
Bob and Norma Winglass 08/20
Don and Felicia Wiswell 09/15
Don and Caroyln Wright 09/16/15 12:00 AM
Bob and Claire Young 09/18
Donald “Bo-Bo” and Janice Young 06/15
Duane “Div-it” and Karen Young 08/16
I want to be an ANAHGRAM BOOSTER
The cost is $10.00 per line per year we will make you a new listing or renew your present one.
ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS • 586 Main Street, Bangor, Maine 04401 • Please enclose Check
payable to; Anahgram Boosters.
Name as you want it to appear___________________________________________________
Please let us know if your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect to; or call; 207-942-2254.
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” – Winston S. Churchill
April 2015
Who is it ???
Last month’s subject was Stanley Knox.
Nobody guessed this. If you know this
month’s person, or think you do, call
Recorder P. P. Larry Hersom at 942.2254
or e-mail the Editor at anahgram@ The first one to identify
the person wins a free Booster listing for
one year. The supply of pictures is low so
if you have someone you would like to
feature send it to the Editor by e-mail or
drop it at the Recorder’s office. This
feature can only continue with your help!!
Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter
Hello Fellow Academicians and Ladies !
It is dues time. A number of members
have not yet paid their 2015 dues. All bills
have long since gone out. To avoid a
second bill, Please send checks for ten
dollars payable to Anah Academicians to
Anah Academicians C/O Ron Bilancia 59
Allison Pk.
Brewer, ME 04412.
Responding to this notice prevents having
to send out bills. This saves significant
costs in paper, envelopes, and postage. It
adds up, and that is money we can instead
send to the Shrine Hospitals. Much
As of this writing we have not yet had
the March meeting, so more on that next
Circus time is right around the corner.
Make sure to send in the money for your
tickets. Let us know if you want to
volunteer but don’t yet have a job. We’ll
steer you in the right direction.
This April school break myself, Sally,
and Lauren are heading back to Fort
Myers Beach, FL. Looking forward to
some fun in the sun. J
Have a great April everyone.
remember, never hesitate to contact me at
989-2617 or at
with any questions, concerns, news, jokes,
gossip, nonsense, or just plain outright lies
that you would like to generously share
with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah
Shrinedom in general. J
Tri County Shrine Club held their
monthly meeting on February 18th at the
Countryside Restaurant in Corinth. The 27
Nobles enjoyed a lively Libation Hour
and an excellent buffet put on by the crew
at the restaurant. Meeting was called to
order by President Dan Costain, with a
gavel that was first used by Tri County
Shrine Club in 1946. What memories and
tales this gavel could tell if able, maybe
it’s for the good that it can’t. Invocation
was given by Noble Donald Young. Flag
Salute was led by the President. President
Costain called all Nobles to stand in a
moment of remembrance for Noble J.R.
Rollins who passed away suddenly, J.R. is
the son of Noble Conrad Rollins, a
moment of prayer and hope was held for
Noble Harold “Jerry” Rollins who is
having health issues. After the filling
meal the following were introduced. Head
Table, Sec Dave Mosley, VP Arthur
Watson and Master of Llibations Scott
Folsom. We had a new member to Tri
County join us this night, Noble Robert
Prather of Stetson. Newly Life Members
were Nobles Manny Mendes and Ralph
McNaughton. Unit Heads in attendance
were Scott Folsom of the 4X4’s.
Ambassador Bob Averill graced us with
his presence, glad to see you old friend.
Aides in attendance were Dan Taylor and
Sped Seymour, who are respectively
President and Vice President of BangorBrewer Shrine Club. Aides Emeritous in
attendance were Don Mitchell and the
Golden Voice of Tri County’s Calling
Tree, Ron Green. Head Director Dan
Costain was present, Past Potentate
Illustrious Sir, F. Lee Kaufman was also in
attendance. Representing the Divan was
2nd Ceremonial Master Don Gordon and
Assistant Chief Rabban Steve Trimm.
Winner of the 50/50 was Noble Ralph
McNaughton, who donated his share back
to the Club. Tip of the Fez to Noble Ralph.
Our speaker for the evening didn’t show
up, so nothing to report on that. Assistant
Chief Rabban Steve Trimm, spoke on his
experiences with the Shriners Hospitals as
a youth. No further business, meeting was
“If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.” –Leo Tolstoy
The Anahgram
Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter
Boy, this cold weather sure doesn’t want
to change and warm up. Here it is into
March and we are still having morning
temps around the state in the minus
figures. Hopefully by the time this article
is published, things are beginning to look
more like spring than winter. We certainly
have had all the winter we want for now.
Even our snowbird friends have reported
that it has been colder than normal in
the south this year as well. Very strange
weather I would say.
Our March meeting was held on the
5th at The Milbridge House Restaurant
in Milbridge with over 20 people in
attendance. Several of our regulars were
on the Shrine Cruise and we missed all
of your shining faces, which will be all
tanned up when we do see you again. In
attendance was Director Donald Wright and
Lady Carolyn; Chief Greeter and WCSC
Reporter Warren Orcutt and Lady Velma;
Greeter Todd Alley; Brad Prout, Oriental
Guide; Ambassador BJ Cherry and Lady
Stacey; Mini Car Unit Head Ron Dunphy
and Lady Hope; Joe McDonald, President
WCSC, and Lady Belinda; Highlander
William Whitlock and Lady Maren; Troy
Huffman, Lobster Boats; Runtz Farnsworth
and Lady Ora; Jonothan McClure, and
Brian Strout.
The April Divan Visitation has to be
changed due to the repairs to the building
being behind schedule and the kitchen
will not be ready. A new site has been
suggested in Milbridge and once approved
the location will be made known through
the Anah web page and our Calling Post
meeting reminder.
Robert Look had Lady Sandi back in
Boston this week to get Sandi set up for her
stem cell procedure. Once a blood doner
is found that will match her blood type, the
procedure will begin, taking three weeks to
complete. We are all praying for you Sandi
and wish you the very best.
It will be soon time for the Shrine Circus
and members from Washington County
Shrine Club have been diligently soliciting
ads for the book to turn into the Temple.
The Bangor Circus will be held May 1-3
at the Cross Center and the Presque Isle
one will be the following week. WCSC
will also donate one of the bikes that will
be given away at the circus.
Washington County Shrine Club
continues to work on fundraising and have
some good suggestions to work with. You
will soon be hearing about these.
Happy Birthday wishes for April go out to
Stacey Cherry, Julie Fernald, Bethany Foss,
Ricky Foss, Ralph Fraser, James Gibson
Jr., Carolyn Hayward, Kevin Joy, Robert
Lobley, Bimbo Look, Joanne Meserve,
Randy Sawyer, Carole Simpson, Nicole
Sinford, Kenneth Stewart, Frank Theriault,
Earl (ET) Tracy, Linda Tracy, and Bob
Anniversary bells rang out for Past
Potentate Geddes Simpson and Lady
Carole, Larry & Teresa Nichols, Mike &
Jolene Doran, Carroll & Susan Chandler,
Robert & Bonnie Turner, Dick & Caron
Kilton, Gerry & Linda Moores, and Barry
& Jada Hanscom.
The June Ceremonial in Ellsworth will
soon be here so get your new candidates
lined up. Room reservations must be made
through Anah Housing by contacting Earl
Seymour. Look for this information in your
March issue of the Anahgram. Rooms will
fill up fast so call to reserve your room or it
may be too late. June will be here before
we know it.
The last meeting was held March 3rd at
Pat’s Pizza with 20 members present. Vice
President Steve Mosley called the meeting
to order at 6:30. Old and new business was
discussed. There will be a Ladies Night
April 7th at Riverside Cafe in Ellsworth.
Social hour 6-7 with dinner to follow.
Nobles, let’s get out and support our new
Potentate and have a fun evening. Steve
talked about calling post for the club. This
should bring us into the “22nd” century.
John Fuller became a new member of the
club. Ron Allen brought the most tabs for
the month and won a $10.00 Pat’s Pizza
gift card. Whoever brings in the most tabs
to the May meeting will receive $20.00 hot
cash. Noble Jason Snowdeal says “drink
away and save up those tabs”. Noble Joe
Marshall won the raffle for the evening.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30.
I hope everyone that went on the
Potentate’s cruise didn’t forget how to
shovel snow. Too bad to suck up all that
heat and come back to zero temperatures.
Now for the news. Caught Past
Potentate Geddes Simpson shoveling
out the mouth of his driveway the other
day. Guess he and Carole (with an e)
aren’t honeymooning in California. John
Fernald’s granddaughter, Alice, has been
in Nashville visiting the Grand Ole Opry.
I didn’t know she could sing country.
Noble Tom Fernald has been vacationing
in Florida. He must have thought he had
to get away after hitting that wall. Noble
Steve Fernald-remember that tree you hit
last month? You didn’t by chance move
that to Trenton did you? I’m wondering if
the same tree walked out behind me. To
all you snow bunnies out there that are
still in the south, don’t plan on returning
too early. There may be snow shoveling
lessons still available. Heard the other day
from Noble Bruce Clark and Lady Lois
who are enjoying their new home in sunny
A few things to remember: May 5th
meeting will be at Pat’s Pizza in Ellsworth
(hope everyone knows where that is).
Notice change to remember: Joint meeting
with Washington County will be held
November 3rd at the Franklin Vet’s Club.
Those celebrating birthdays are Earl
Tracy, Wilbert Terry, Ellen Duff, Carole
(with an e) are you still having birthdays
Carole? Ronald Gross, Don McHenan,
Edwin Colburn, Linda Ballard, Mike
Madore, Julie Fernald, Larry Wasson,
Randy Sawyer, Linda Tracy, Harold
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” –Aristotle
Continued on page 9
April 2015
Continued from page 8
Crocker, Ed Seymour, Past Potentate Ed
Pellon (his 80th), and Brian Lane.
Honeymooners Richard and May
Landesman, Richard and Gladys Leighton,
Barry and Ginny Hamilton, Geddes &
Carole (with an e) Simpson (wondering
if they’re honeymooning in California
First five winners of the March
gun raffle are Jared Hichens, Zachary
Atkinson, Ernest Rice, Charlie Dillon, and
Dave Thomas.
To club nobles – don’t forget divan
visitation at Addison Town Hall on April
2nd. Remember, their steaks are the best
in Washington County and that’s not just
because I’m a member.
Whoops! Gotta go! Got to turn my
clock ahead so my wife and I can be on
the same time schedule.
Martin “Fou”
Clown Unit
662 Main Rd. Hampden, ME 04444 • 947-6488
Mon-Wed 10:30am-8pm, Thurs 7am-8pm,
Fri & Sat 7am-9pm, Sun 9am-8pm
February saw five of us back at our
monthly Home Depot Children’s Workshop
session. The Joey’s who turned out were
Fou (Martin Perfit), Div-It (Duane Young),
Patches (Shawn Mott), Spiffy (Kerry
Spofford), and Pop Fizz (Troy Devoe).
We were fortunate to have so large a group
of clowns considering that 150 children
attended. This was it for clowning in
February but don’t think we weren’t
active. Catering activities kept us moving.
Planning, promotion and registrations for
the third annual NE Shrine Klown Feztival
has kept that committee fully occupied.
April Birthdays are as follows: Dumpster,
Coota, Papi, Lisa Watson, And Cindy
Kelly. The one anniversary in April is that
of Piggy and Brenda. Best wishes to these
Thought for This Month: If you pick up
a starving dog and make him prosperous,
he will not bite you. This is the principal
difference between a dog and a man. Mark
24 Front Street, Bangor • 947-8009
1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Topsham • 725-0162
125 Western Avenue. S. Portland • 871-7000
Maine Brewed • Maine Made • Maine Owned
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Anahgram
Joe McDonald,
The snow is slowly melting and once in
awhile a bird that is lost chirping, so let’s
hope spring is soon here. The unit just had
a dance at the VFW named in honor of Past
Captain John Williams. The band 5 Wheel
drive played and drew quite a crowd.
The unit voted to accept a letter for
emeritus status from Brian Strout. He has
been very active and dependable since
joining the unit. Lets hope we see him
around some this summer, as the adventures
will not be the same with out him.
The circus is right around the corner so
plan on getting to Bangor and helping out,
wear your fez and a smile.
The unit is days away from ordering 2
new cars, lets hope they are all what they
say they are and we can find a way to add
some moe new ones down the road.
Our condolences go out to Capt. Ron
Dunphy and Noble Mike Beal for their
recent losses, please keep them in your
thoughts and prayers.
That’s all from fog bound Jonesport unitl
next time think warm weather, support your
blue lodge (attendance is kinda nice too!),
and be safe.
Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter
Look at this would ya, April, open water
fishing, if you can find any. It will come but
maybe a little later this year. On March 7th
we had our annual meeting at the Happy
China in Bangor. Twenty three Nobles
and ladies attended and a great meal and
meeting was enjoyed by all. A big thankyou to the Happy China and all their staff.
Our next outing will be Special Olympics
on June 5th, and our golf tournament the
next day, June 6th, in Guilford. Hope to see
you all there.
Wow, birthday’s congrats this month go
to Sandy Bussell, Rhonda Scott, Ramoa
Sudsbury, Evelyn Dow, Devin Bussell,
and that elusive deer hunter, WARREN
CURTIS! Also we have a new lady. Her
name is Johana Watier. A very nice young
lady, and her birthday is also this month.
She is the girl friend of Capt. Scott.
Anniversary wish’s this month go to Dan
and Suellen Leighton, and Dan it is the
15th. Capt. Scott, if you think you might
be going to have an anniversary just let me
Starting in April we will be having our
monthly meetings the first Monday of
the month, at the Shrine center, at 7:00.
Anybody interested in joining, just come on
down. You can also contact me at 794-6675,
794-2222, or at Same
number if you have any news or something
you would like to see in the anahgram.
Do any of you know a Shriner that was
never a Mason? Attend your Blue Lodge,
you will always be welcome.
Until next time,
Gordon E. Reynolds
Greetings fellow travelers:
At the time this is being written it is
STILL COLD outside. But, as you read
this I hope the temp is much higher. Will
it get warm enough for the sap to run?
We held our March monthly meeting
Sunday the 8th. Could have used a few
more members but we had a very successful
and interesting meeting. Our leader, Noble
Ken Swett talked about plans for the future.
On Sept 26 at the Shrine Temple we are
planning on a 30th anniversary celebration
of our Past Masters unit. More on this as
time goes by. Please save that date, open
to all, semi public.
We sadly observed the passing of Noble
Conrad Collins, Jr. We performed the
funeral service and had a very good turnout
of Masons.
As mentioned in the last Anagram I am
always looking for input from you for this
column. Any information you might want
to have inserted should be in my hands by
th 25th of the month. I need to get it to the
editors soon after so they will have time to
get it in.
The Editors of the Anagram do a great job
in getting this magazine out and on time,
especially with all the articles they have to
put in. I hope you all thank them when you
see them.
We have no requests to perform the MM
Degree at the present time but we are
always willing and ready to come to your
Lodge. We can either do the whole degree
or come to assist your officers in filling an
office or two.
DON’T FORGET… our monthly
meetings are held on the SECOND
SUNDAY of the month at 2:00 p.m . We
meet at the Bangor Masonic Center (not the
Shrine Temple) on the 2nd floor. Hope to
see many of you there.
Noble Gaylord E. Sundt, Reporter
Looking back at last years newsletter,
I see that I said that it seemed to be an
unusually harsh winter. Little did I know
what this year had in store for us. Snow?
I believe I’ve put more gas through my
snowblower than my truck this season.
Hopefully it’s about over by the time you
read this. The days are getting longer and
the sun, when it shows, is warmer.
I trust that everyone has fared well over
the winter and that we are all ready to
celebrate spring’s arrival at the convertible
unit annual Super Supper. A great way to
get in the mood for all of the upcoming
events to follow this summer. Good food,
good drink, good entertainment and good
friends. All for a great cause! See you on
the 25th!
On the 28th of this month, Noble Sped
will be celebrating his birthday. I sure that
if you all bring your cards, flowers, gifts,
and cakes to the super supper, you will see
him there. Noble Don and Lady Elaine
Goss celebrate another year of wedded
bliss this month as do Noble Dick and Lady
Deb Dunham. We congratulate them and
wish both couples many more happy years
If you can get to your garage through all
this snow, it’s time to start thinking about
tire pressures, windex and wax. Make sure
the top (on the car) still comes down and
that the gas tank is full. It won’t be long
Remember all of our friends and Shrine
family in your thoughts and prayers.
The sun is shining, that’s it for another
month. Reporting, Gaylord E. Sundt
Don’t forget to
support your
local Blue Lodge!
“Some men have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can.” –Mary Frances Berry
April 2015
Noble Steve Dewitt, Reporter
Goodbye February, Hello to March! The
unit held a meeting March 9th with 15
characters present. The Funsters voted in
a new member Mike Nickerson. A warm
welcome to Mike and his family from all
of us.
The Funsters will be hosting a fundraiser
dinner at the Ground Round in Bangor on
April 21st from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Please see the Anahgram or a Funster for
the coupon that enables the Funsters to
receive proceeds. Please show your support
by sharing with others.
Thank You to Frank and Lee Wilson for
their dedication to the unit. Happy Birthday
and Happy Anniversary to those celebrating
this month. Looking forward to seeing
everyone soon, warmer weather as well as
the Circus is coming!
newer players into the tune. We’ve all been
there and we enjoy helping newer members
maximize their talent. It is a balancing act that
Paul has been conducting for decades.
There is the science of piping that we teach to
prospective members, but it takes the individual
to develop the art of piping. An instructor can
show and tell a student how to “strike in”, but
unless the art is developed, the “strike ins”
don’t sound right. Unlike the weatherman and
many politicians, the pipes tell no lies. The bag
pipe is the only instrument that is always
playing a note. When the player takes a breath,
the pipes continue the note, but if the air isn’t
regulated properly, the note will waver, the
drones will sag, and erroneous sounds will be
As for our schedule, your Highlanders not
only perform music, but we have a certified
degree team. I’ve had the privilege of working
a degree with some of the best minds in Maine
Masonry. A past Grand Master, several 33rd
degree masons, past Grand Lodge officers, and
several Worshipful Masters all frequent the
Highlanders degree team. We recently turned
down a request to perform, because we didn’t
have enough members able to make the date.
There is no compromising when the
Highlanders are the floor. I’ve often marveled
Continued on page 12
Mike Murphy
Greetings Nobles and Ladies. Sorry I missed
last month’s Anahgram. I had an article
written, but I never sent it. Therefore this will
be a combined report.
Wow, what a winter thus far. The BDN
reported that Eastport set a new snowfall
record. Ignoring the global warming that is
causing record COLD and SNOW, your
Highlanders are undeterred and are practicing.
We are getting ready for our first gig, which is
at Geahagan’s Pub near the Shrine Center. It is
our annual St Patrick’s performance. With the
exception of me, the band is diligently working
on new tunes and polishing existing sets. I’ve
got other commitments that are monopolizing
my time.
The Band’s calendar is starting to fill up, and
the process of lining up band members to
insure quality performances has begun.
Because we are a band comprised of members
with different levels of experience, we need to
have the “right” composition of members in
order to maintain our quality sound. As a rule
a first or second year piper or drummer usually
cannot provide the depth and consistency of a
10 year piper or drummer. When the whole
band is together, we have a deep rich sound,
because the stronger players help “pull” the
Clip & Save
2015 Anah Shriners Calendar of
(Subject to Adjustment)
April 25
Convertibles Super Supper
May 1-3
Bangor Circus
May 7-9
Presque Isle Circus
May 16
Pre-Screening Clinic and Hospital
May 29
Clinic at EMMC
June 18 -21
Summer Ceremonial – Ellsworth
July 18
Lobster Bowl
September 12
Noble Appreciation Night
September 17- 20
NSA Field Days, Kora/Lewiston
October 17
Nascars Super Supper
October 24
Potentate’s Reception
November 19
Business After Hours Feztival of Trees
Feztival of Trees
Nov. 27-29
Feztival of Trees
Bangor/Brewer Shrine Children’s
Christmas Party
“Preparation for old age should begin not later than one’s teens. A life which is empty of purpose until 65 will not suddenly become filled on retirement.” –Dwight L.
The Anahgram
Continued from page 11
at how well the Masonic offices and lessons fit
together. I am really impressed with how the
Highlanders attention to detail has improved
my ritual skills. I gave a lecture at Nollesemic
lodge recently, and did a reasonably good job
despite being extremely sleep deprived.
I warned the lodge that I might not be able to
give the lecture properly, because of the sleep
deprivation. When I was researching my book,
I discovered a study that stated as little as one
hour of sleep deprivation a day can cause as
much as a 20% reduction in IQ. Perhaps the
single most important thing that a health
conscious individual can do is get enough
sleep. When sleep is reduced, IQ not only
drops, but it gets harder to control blood sugar,
blood pressure and several other key body
functions. So, If you don’t feel well, “mothers’
advice” is correct; go to bed and get some rest.
Now for a short update. We are days away
from one of the more important national
holidays, St. Patrick’s Day: the day when
everyone is Irish and is proud to say so. I’m in
hopes to join the band on the 17th, but it is a
week away and I’m not sure at this point. I’m
quickly learning that as a new dad, your
schedule takes a very distant back seat to the
baby’s demands. It never ceases to amaze me,
how such a small helpless being can get his
way every time he asserts himself. I think he
could be heard over my pipes. Praise the Lord
for good lungs.
Your Highlanders have picked up another
venue. Northern Maine Community College
has requested our presence at its graduation
this year. It is a long haul for some of our
members, but no more than the distance that
Brent and I have driven for years when the
band has a gig south of Bangor. It will expose
us to a new crowd and elevate the presence and
importance of our work.
Which brings me to my final thought; I have
hatched a scheme to highlight the commitment
of our members, the Highlanders and the
Shrine as a whole. I’m going to present it to
the members of the band in hopes that we can
work on it this year and have it ready for fall.
In closing, if you are wanting to join a unit that
has more fun than the government allows,
please contact me at pipingleprechaun@ Until next time, be blessed and
be careful.
Waldo County Shrine Club
bar area utilized for liquor supply and
storage. We are having new “lockable”
overhead cabinets built as well as additional
cabinets constructed and installed above
the ice maker. Like any building, usable
convenient storage space is never enough.
The additional cabinetry will surely help
our esteemed bar manager (Noble Alfred
Reynolds) when it comes to the storage
of supplies within the confines of the bar
rather than carrying everything up and
down the basement stairs as is now the case.
We are putting the final touches on our
spring “ladies night”, May 14th, which will
include a dinner theater performance by
the Belfast Maskers. The club was able to
negotiate an agreement in which we granted
the theatrical group access for a weekend
in exchange for their performance for our
monthly meeting. Therefore, our meal will
be at the normal price and not inflated due
to the cost of entertainment.
There has recently been established a
2017 Ceremonial Fund Raising Committee
specifically dedicated towards Steve
Trimm’s summer ceremonial here in Waldo
County. On the agenda is the concept of a
“Super Supper” (dates, times and location
to be determined) with a plethora of prizes
and giveaways throughout the evening.
Further details on this event will follow in
an email as well as direct mailings to our
We are about to kick off the fund raising
portion of the Dryden Dutch Memorial Golf
Tournament, scheduled for August 13th, so
get your teams into Dave Bowen or myself
to assure a spot. The tournament is open to
the first 16 teams to sign up.
Remember, mud season is just around the
Yours in Faith,
Charlie Pray, President
Waldo County Shrine Club
By Charles J. Pray - President
Greetings from the Waldo County Shrine
As we all bemoan the fact that “Mother
Nature” is certainly having a hard time with
releasing us from the grips of winter, spring
is truly in the air. As the tulips, crocuses
and daffodils poke their heads up out of
the earth, it surely means that the return of
the snow birds is just around the corner.
The club itself is in the process of a
bit of an overhaul to the cabinetry of the
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” –Eleanor Roosevelt
April 2015
Noble Shawn Lahey, Reporter
The Aroostook Shrine club has met three
times now in 2015 with each meeting
accomplishing more than the last. We’ve
waded through snow drifts 2-3 feet high
to open the doors, worked through a lot
of business, changed some of our policies
and are feverishly working both as a club
and within our units to plan our upcoming
events. Some notable notes since the turn
of the calendar include:
The fire marshal came by to make sure
everything is in order in our building and
we did well – just a few minor things that
needed to be looked and remediation has
been done.
We liberated a couple new stoves and
some equipment from two local area
businesses closings. Our building crew
has worked some magic and has the stoves
looking like new and ready for installation
in our club’s kitchen. They assure us our
breakfasts will never be burned again,
unless of course the Board of Directors is
cooking - then all bets are off.
A plaque in honor of our most recent Past
Potentate, Dick Hallet, has been installed
in the club. We’re honored to have him as
part of our group and thank him, again, for
the work he did.
Our units and committees have been
working hard on their fundraisers and visits.
The Klown unit recharged for a couple
months after the Christmas visits to the area
nursing homes but are back on tour with a
few appearances coming up and then, of
course, preparation for circus!
The Anah Indy’s are working on a couple
fundraisers, more to come on those, but
one may or may not involve some rubber
ducky’s – stay tuned for more on that one.
The Oriental Band is also picking up
some steam with a few casino nights on
the horizon. Hopefully their band leader
leaves the sword at home, unless that’s
how he plans to “cut the deck” at the black
jack table?
Sadly, our Saau Nessu unit has dissolved,
but, we thank them for their service to the
Temple and the club over the years! Your
continued service as Nobles in other areas
of the club is also appreciated.
With the previously mentioned business
closures, demand for renting our building
has grown so our building committee
has done a fine job of standardizing the
process and setting fair, across-the-board
fee structures to be sure it’s beneficial for
both the renters and the club.
We have also changed our lifetime dues
structure from a tiered-by-age price to a
flat fee for two age groups: $50 for those
under 62 and $25 for everyone 62 & above.
If you’d like a lifetime membership to the
Aroostook Shrine Club – get in touch with
A marriage proposal happened at the cocktail party!!
Ernie Smith Anah Highlanders at Anah Shrine
The Anahgram
Duffy Woods, Secretary
The next meeting of the Sunshine Club is
scheduled for April 13, 2015 at the Shrine
Temple. All are invited and welcome. The
executive board will meet at 5:30. Social
time is 6:30 followed by the general
meeting at 7:00.
Tickets for the quilt we are raffling have
gone out to the membership. If you didn’t
get yours contact Lorena Fenlason or
Ethel Whitcomb. We also have a very nice
Adirondack chair painted with the New
England Patriots theme will also be raffled
at our Marketplace on November 7, 2015.
Reminder, the Anah Shrine Screening clinic
will be held at the Shrine Center on May
16, 2015 and the hospital clinic will be held
on May 29, 2015 at EMMC.
Other dates to remember: Sunshine Club
meetings April 13 and October 13, 2015.
Marketplace November 7 ,2015.
Think Spring!!
Noble Sid Alley, Reporter
Meanwhile back in Maine at Cheerleaders competition High Priest
and Prophet Brad Prout was seen staying warm.
The Mini Bike Report is back after a little
over a year absence. We’ve gone through
some tough times over the last year. The
unfortunate loss of a brother rider that
deeply affected the moral of the unit, also
led to the resignation of another. Two
new riders didn’t pan out and left us with
a severe shortage of Riders for our parade
season. As if all that weren’t enough, I had
my annual accident resulting in a broken
back, again, leaving me unable to ride
through most of the parade season. Thank
God for Aflack.
Well it’s a new year and we are
concentrating our efforts on rebuilding the
unit. The decision has been made to ride
in parades closer to Bangor while trying
to recruit more riders. I’m hoping that
this report is read by more than a couple
current mini bikers. I know that only a
couple read these reports because only
two of them have ever mentioned it. So, if
for some reason you are looking for your
first unit, or you’re looking for a new one,
please consider looking into it. Previous
riding experience is not required; we can
teach you. Age is also not an issue. We
have two members who are 70 something
young. It’s not expensive. A deposit on
a bike, when assigned to you is only $50.
That and a few dollars more for uniforms is
Continued on page 15
April 2015
Continued from page 14
all it would take. Should anyone reads this
and is interested, please call the recorders
office and leave a message.
We do provide some fringe benefits. To
name a few, good friends, good times, a
few laughs and raising a few bucks for
the kids. Our monthly meetings are held
at the Temple on the third Wednesday of
the month at 6 pm. We have a short social
period, followed by a pot luck supper. Our
wives, past riders, divan reps, and potential
riders are all welcome to join us and the
meetings end around 8.
The Feztival
of Trees
Bob Pullen, Reporter
Once again I send greetings from the
Feztival of Trees committee to you all.
Not much news this month as we have
had a brief break and are now ready to hit
the ground running. We will meet April
13 at the Temple. We meet on the second
Monday of the month so feel free to come
in, grab a chair and share an idea or two
with us. It is never to early to let us know of
potential tree sponsors as most companies
do their budgets early in the year. We have
the opportunity to raise funds to keep our
great Temple going in grand fashion, but
only with the help of all members and their
significant others. We are one big family so
just look at this event as an extended family
reunion open to the public. Will sign off for
now and look forward to working with you
The April meeting for the Feztival of
Trees will be on April 13 @ 6 PM.
Please arrive promptly as some of the
members have a Sunshine Club meeting
that same night. We had this same situation
last year and it went well. It
is important for all those who are on the
committees to be present, as the
start up meeting sets the tone for the entire
This should be a relatively short meeting
to find out who is still on board with the
current assignments and setting a time line
for implementing each task in order to get
manpower for each duty. As discussed last
meeting there will be a manpower chairman
this year.
Please be thinking of a candidate for the
job. Also be thinking of a “sales packet” to
be used for potential displayers to see, to
give them an idea what we are all about.
Those members attending the Sunshine
club meeting can be first to speak on their
committee to accommodate the time frame
for the night. I will apologize in advance,
as I will be setting up only chairs for this
meeting due to an injury to my arm. The
upside is tear down will be quick. Sorry for
any inconvenience.
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UNIT Realty of Maine
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Pinky at The Space
Center, Houston
Pinky was seen at the Dining table 2015
on Potentates Cruise
Pinky keeping an eye on the Anah
Shriners luggage
Cover, Front - 2011.qxp_Cover 4/4/14 9:19 AM Page 1
The Circus is Coming!
The Circus is Coming!
52nd Annual
We are only a few weeks
away from the best two weeks of the
year to be a Shriner. The Circus kicks
off May 1st in Bangor and runs through
the 3rd. In Presque Isle it runs May 7,8
and 9. We have a new promoter this
year that is bringing us some new and
exciting acts. We have tigers and a
horse act along with a Camel act this
year. Everybody has been asking for
some big animals, so here they are.
Let’s get out and talk this thing up.
There are some changes going on
again this year that you may want to
know about. Ticketmaster will be doing
all the onsite ticket sales, so the
people that have always done the
selling and the counting don’t think
you are out of a job, there will be things
for you to do. We will need people to
greet the buses and collect the School
passes and turn them into regular
tickets so the kids can enter. All tickets
have to been scanned by a Cross
Center Employee. We will be serving
food again for the workers between
shows in the same room we had last
year. We would like to thank ahead of
time the Noble’s, the Ladies, the units,
clubs and all the other people that
make this a great success year after
year. We would like to thank the
Noble’s for buying their tickets or
donating them to the Circus Daddy
Program. This program can make the
difference whether we are a success
or a huge success. See you all there.
Denny Hill
Circus Director
Bangor Anah Shrine Circus
Friday May 1st, 3pm & 7pm
Saturday May 2nd, 10am, 2pm & 7pm
Sunday May 3rd, 11am & 3pm
Presque Isle Anah Shrine Circus
Thursday May 7th, 7pm
Friday May 8th, 3pm & 7pm
Saturday May 9th, 10am, 2pm & 7pm
The Anahgram
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Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter
Yes there is a Spring!!!!!
We will be holding our April meeting in
Ellsworth. It will be April 12th at 1:00 P.M.
We are gearing up for this years parade,
but we really need some support. PLEASE
help us with this. Our group is growing
small as our members are experiencing an
aging process. A long with this process we
are experiencing minor aliments that does
not permit the ability for some to march.
We hold the flags high in recognition of the
power of all of the Nobles in the healing
process so many children need. We are
looking for some strong legs to support us
for upcoming parades. Come one, Come
all and hold the flags high and tall!
It is time to celebrate with some candles
and cake for Nobles Arthur Abbott, Glen
McMannus, and Bill Hardison: Ladies
Joanne Dority and Norma Hardison.
Who is doing some wine and dining this
month Noble Leman Smith with his Lady
Mary and Noble Tom MacDonald with his
Get ready to bring out the grills!!!
We march so they can walk.
Reporter Andrew St Amant
Reporter Noble
Harold Adams
Hello everyone. Our meetings will
resume this month, Tuesday, April 7, 7
o’clock at the Shrine center. We will be
planning for the circus at this meeting,
so please be there if possible. We all
know how cold, and snowy it has been,
I hope everyone has stayed warm and
safe. Wishing everyone a belated Happy
St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Easter. Our
birthday kids this month are Nobles Donald
Havey, Carl Drew, Jerry Fratini, and Jeff
Hamadey. Ladies Jean Segee, Judith Pratt,
and Dottie Havey. Happy Birthday to all
of you and may you have many more.
Happy Anniversary to Noble Donald and
Lady Dottie Havey, Noble Galen and Lady
Nancy Adams, and Noble Thomas and
Lady Nadene Smith. Hope to see you all
at the circus, until then stay safe and warm.
“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” – Ayn Rand
April 2015
Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter
Greetings Ladies and Nobles. Wow,
what a winter we had this year with record
breaking snow and cold weather. I hope
that April will ring in much warmer
temperatures and melts all of this snow
and bring on the mud season that we are
all accustomed to.
The Circus in Bangor is right around the
corner and will be held on May 1st, 2nd
and 3rd at the Cross Insurance Center in
Bangor. I haven’t heard about the serving
for the workers as of the writing of this
article but I am assuming that it will run
similar, if not exactly, like it did last year.
As always, this is a huge event for Anah
and all hands will need to be on deck for
the selling of the programs and for help in
the cooking and serving of the meals.
There is a certain check in procedure that
the Cross Insurance Center requires for all
workers so I would urge everyone to
arrive a little earlier than you may have in
the past to assure that you are properly
checked in. As always, the Second
Section’s primary job at the Circus will be
to sell programs outside the door and
inside the center. Check the Anahgram for
the show times and time slot discussions
will be discussed at our April meeting.
We need help with serving, running,
cleaning, etc. during this time to make
things run as smoothly as possible.
Anyone wishing to help with this is more
than welcome. If you would like to help
out, whether you’re in the Second Section
or not, contact Director Adam Beals and
he should be able to find a place for you to
help out. We feed a lot of people during
this time and it is a lot of fun for everyone.
The June Ceremonial in Ellsworth is in the
not too distant future and plans for housing
will need to be in place soon. There are a
number of us staying at the Timberland
Acres Campground in Trenton from the
Second Section. This is going to be the
place to be. If anyone wants to join in,
give them a call and make your reservations
soon. Any members who need baker
whites or anything else for the Ceremonial
are urged to contact our Quartermaster
Noble Bill Harris, and he will get you
taken care of in plenty of time to have
them ready for June. Noble Harris can be
reached at 659-3591. If anyone has any
ideas pertaining to the Ceremonial work,
bring them to the next meeting for
discussion with the unit. Any new ideas
are always welcome by all Nobles.
The Second Section is continually
Continued on page 20
It's cruising time!.
2015 Potentate Jesse Thomas and Lady Brenda on Anah Cruise with family
Our beautiful Navigator of the Seas
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human can
fight and never stop fighting.” – E.E. Cummings
The Anahgram
Continued from page 19
Director of Units, Tom Frost, "pins" Captain Aris Medina with the
most sought after pin in the Caribbean.
selling gun raffle tickets. This is a major
undertaking and ticket sales need to
continue until they are all sold. We have
1000 tickets to sell at $20.00 each and the
drawing will be held in the month of
September 2015, which will be here
sooner than we think. If anyone in the unit
has any tickets that they think they will
not be able to sell, please contact Noble
Fred Patterson to get those back so they
can be put into the hands of someone else
to sell. We need to make sure that we sell
the 1000 tickets to make this a success for
the unit. Remember that we committed to
this as a unit and we need everybody’s
help to get this done. SELL, SELL, SELL.
April birthday wishes go out to Ladies
Gigi Hardison, Denise Hayes and Nobles
Paul Cirard, Stacey Curtis, Gary Jordan,
Bob Marin, Don Merrill, Todd Miller,
David Scripture, Tom Woods.
April anniversary wishes go out to
Dacia & Darren Nason, Gail & Ed Nason,
Monica & Fred Patterson and Peggy &
Charles Sisson.
Our next scheduled meeting will be held
Friday, April 3, 2015 at the Shrine temple.
Remember, if you can’t make it to the
meeting, contact an officer or any member
to be excused.
Until next time, think membership so
we can have plenty of candidates at the
Noble John Farrington, Reporter
The Clarks on Potentates Cruise
The February 4, meeting of NPSC took place
at the home of the Lincoln Snow Hounds. The
provided the Nobles, Ladies and guests in
attendance with a wonderful roast pork buffet
for which they received a wonderful round of
applause. President Richard Elwell called the
27 present to order at 7:00 p.m.. After the
Pledge of Allegiance, Noble Ken Perkins
offered the blessing. The Report of the
Treasurer and minutes of the last meeting were
presented and accepted as read.
A card was circulated for Robert E.
Farrington; he has been ill and has been at
EMMC. It is reported the Al Bay is doing
much better and he is home again.
The dignitaries present for this meeting were
Chief Greeter Emeritus; Durward Shedd, Aid
Emeritus; Paul Thornton and Past Potentate
Tony Bowers. Since this meeting I have
learned that Paul has had a bit of a medical
scare/issue. I know that he knows that all of us
wish him the very best.
There was a brief discussion/presentation of
current Anah Calendar sales and ongoing
Continued on page 21
“If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and
ability.” – Henry Ford
April 2015
Continued from page 20
Circus Ad Sales.
President Elwell then introduced the guest
speaker for the evening; Keith VanScotter the
owner of Lincoln Pulp and Tissue. Mr.
VanScotter had his lovely wife with him. We
certainly enjoyed their company this evening.
Mr. VanScotter spoke of his career in paper
making and in particular the time that he has
spent at the mill in Lincoln. He began as an
employee of the mill, moved on to mill
manager and he then purchased the mill after
an extended shutdown. He spoke of the $300
million in wages and benefits that have been
paid to employees in the past 11 years, the
explosion in 2013 and how the most difficult
part of his position is the task of laying off
employees. He does feel that the future looks
good for Lincoln Pulp and Tissue. At the
conclusion of his presentation a number of the
Nobles asked question which Mr. VanScotter
graciously answered.
The president thanked Mr. VanScotter for
attending and sharing his information. He
wanted all to remember that we do not meet in
March and that our April meeting will be at the
snowmobile club in Sherman where once again
we will have a guest speaker. We will begin
with a 6:00 attitude adjustment time followed
by as 7:00 supper. Until next month keep
Masonry and Shrine Dom in your life.
Noble Allen Hayward, Reporter
Those that went on the Shrine Cruise will
be returning home this weekend March 8
- hope they had a great time. At least the
weather is warmer there. Looking forward
to Spring.
Don’t forget the Shrine Circus this year
in Bangor and Presque Isle.
Got a note from Lyman and Cindy and
Ken and Bonnie: Don Johnson and Thelma
hosted some Anah Kamper snowbirds at his
home in Lake Wales, Florida on Tuesday,
February 10th. Those attending were:
Ken & Bonnie Whitney, Lyman & Cindy
Blyther, Darrell & Ellen King, Perley &
Karen Merrick, Wilbert & Jo Terry and
Clayton & Gail Wallace. Lyman & Cindy
and Darrell & Ellen brought their RV’s and
spent a little extra time, going to Homer’s
Buffet with Don and Thelma on Monday
night. The winter weather in Maine was
a hot topic and Ken Whitney tried to
convince the Kings to dress their dog Tito
in a cat suit???. They all had a great time
and lots of good food. Thank you to Don
and Thelma.
Reminder - June 19-21 (June Ceremonial)
Timberland Acres Campground, Trenton,
Maine - phone #667-3600 - make your own
reservation. Call by June 1. Be sure to tell
them that you are a Shriner.
Anniversaries for April - Walter & Joann
Ash, Richard & Deborah Dunham, Ron &
Carole Green and Scott & Maggie Hoyle.
Birthdays for April - Joann Ash, Irene
Blood, Sonny Colburn, Ray Crowley, Gail
Foulks, Paul Foulks, Dottie Herrick, Sue
Jones, Thomas King, Ray Paul, Derward
Shedd, Wilbert Terry, Beverly Watson and
Tom Woods.
Anything to report, please contact Allen
Hayward @ or call
Irene Blood 207-323-9742.
Noble Allen Hayward, Reporter
James Buteau and
Dillon Wilbur
Happy Spring Nobles and Ladies! We held
our February meeting on February 18th, Divan
Representatives Tom Frost and Roger Grindle
were in attendance. We had a lot of questions
for and from the Divan Representatives. We
are a new unit and still have a lot of work to be
done with our carts and reporting of the Anah
Facts & Figures. We will be holding our next
meeting on March 18th at 6:00 pm at Jordan
Brother’s garage. Until next time enjoy the
warm weather and be safe.
Noble Doug Brockway, Reporter
Anah Band has been practicing for the
Circus this spring. We will be joining forces
with the Dexter Community Band this year to
help round out the sound. We have a special
performance planned so we hope we have a
great turnout this year.
Our fellow Noble, Al Fitts has passed away.
Albert Fitts, Past Band President, Vice
President, Past Assistant director, Past
President New England Shrine Band
Association, came to Anah Band via his brother
Lewis Fitts who knew that Al was a “pretty
good sax player”. Al became a member of the
band in June and was a most active member
playing his way up the sax section to sit first
chair. His service in the Dance Band, many
trips about this country and Canada playing
many shows from the Pittsfield Theater,
Manson Park and every venue used by Shrine
including Labrador, New Foundland, Toronto,
Ontario, St. John NB and St. Stephens are just
a few. He travelled often with his RV family
on these trips. His son Stacey became a Shriner
and band member and his son Steven often
played as a “band friend” during the Egg
Festival Parades. Al retired in 2012 from the
band- his playing has been missed since and
will be forever here as he joins the great
Terrestrial Band.
We are in hopes that others will take on
learning a new instrument and come and play
with us. The more people we have, the more
we can earn to give directly to the children at
the hospitals. Practice times are every 1st and
3rd Monday of the month in Newport.
Lloyd Day, Reporter
Hi Fans;
This is your cub report speaking... The good
news is, there’s no bad news. The bad news is ,
there is no news, except our “article “ for
March was sent on time but didnt make the
Its hard to make up news, even bad news,
rumors or lies with a small group of older
generation members.
The Director keeps sending me emails, I
answer, but even with all the electronic stuff
going back and forth, still nothng.
So, if any of you folks know any good, juicy
rumors about any of our members, let me
Meanwhile lets all look forward to the Circus
coming to town and then to Ellsworth and the
June Ceremonial.
We ll have lots to write about then!! Look
out Potentate Jessie, we re going to turn half a
dozen senior citizens loose with cameras in
Ellsworth, you may need to hire a
Have a happy month, yours truly, the cub
Leave only footprints ~~~
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t
believe in magic will never find it.” – Ronald Dahl
The Anahgram
By Noble Doug Dulac
Hello everyone from the membership
committee. I wanted to update you all a
little bit on membership. First of all let me
tell you we had a very successful Hospital
Support Night event on Sat. August 2nd.
This is something the membership comm.
put on to raise awareness of what we
really do as Shriners which is support the
hospitals. We had a fantastic meal put on
by the Second Section, who did it free
of charge by the way, a silent auction,3
patients from the hospitals that spoke and
some great entertainment by the Skyliners
band. Because it was our first time doing
this and being in the middle of the summer
I was a little nervous about what kind of
turnout we would get. I am very pleased to
say that we had over 120 in attendance! The
deal was that every penny of profit we made
would be split between the Boston and
Springfield hospitals. We actually will be
sending them $1062.00 each! I have spoken
with Jesse Thomas our Chief Rabban and
it looks like we will do this again next year
hopefully on May 16th.
In addition to that the membership
comm. is meeting once a month and will
be starting phone calls to all those nobles
who are behind in dues next month. This
seems to help a lot with our retention. I am
personally reaching out to all the candidates
from 2011,2012,2013 and 2014 each month
through a calling post message. I think this
keeps them in the loop and informed.
Please help us by telling the Shrine
story as often as possible. We need to start
gearing up for next year’s class, so keep
thinking about someone who would make
a good Mason and Shriner.
Springfield MA is now a thing of the past
and was held August 21-23. I am sure a
good time was had by all who attended.
Noble Appreciation Night will be held at
the Anah Temple on September 13th.
Happy Birthday wishes for September go
out to Barry Hanscom, Donnie Wright, Bill
Sternbergh, Phil Mondville, Leni Weaver,
Napoleon Beal, Nancy Chapman, Vernon
Scott, Skip Pennell, James Cox, Cecil
Fernald, and Sandy Alley.
September Anniversary wishes go to Past
Potentate Guy and Nancy Chapman, Walter
& Claire Kennedy, Mike & Dawn Gooch,
Dick & Margaret Gardner, Napoleon &
Bernadette Beal, Tom & Bobbie Foss,
Vernon & Gail Scott, Mike & Nancy Bailey,
William & Ruth Smith, and George &
Sheila Alley.
Until next month I wish all a great
September and good health.
Please help your temple
by sending a check for
$20 to Anah Temple
Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter
As I write this article I realize that
586 Main St.
summer is slipping away very quickly. Fall
is fast approaching and the leaves will soon
Bangor, ME 04401
be turning color. It is a beautiful time of
the year but we all know what is to follow and we will mail you
in a few months. Enjoy the good weather
while we have it. Hopefully we will have
your calendar.
a nice warm fall.
Our August 7th meeting was a ladies night
and was held at the Degenhart Campground
in Jonesport. I was unable to attend so have
no report on the meeting. I do know that
they were making the plans for the Annual
Bob Smith Picnic on August 17th. We are
hoping for another beautiful day in Down
East Maine for this event.
The Northeast Shrine Field Days in
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April 2015
Outer Guard, Dean Hoke and Lady Kathy, at the cocktail party hosted by Potentate Jesse
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“A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him. And the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation.” – Moliere
The Anahgram
Noble David G. Beckett, Reporter
Jesse at the 70's Disco Inferno Street Party
Greetings from Schoodic Shrine Club:
No February meeting to report on. We
did have a March meeting scheduled for
the New Friendly Restaurant in Perry.
More on that next month. Our next
meeting will be on Wednesday, May 20th,
5:30 pm, at the Congregational Church
Parish Hall in Dennysville. This will be a
Lady’s Night. There is no meeting in
Visited with Noble Bill Gordon the
other day at the Calais Regional Hospital.
Took him a card from the Lodge and one
of the Potentate’s “pink panther pins” for
2015. Bill was in good spirits and
beginning to feel better.
St. Croix Lodge lost a Life Member,
Noble Norman J. Mylen. Noble Mylen
died on February 25, 2015. He was 81
years old and had been a member of the
Lodge for nearly 52 years. Our
condolences go out to Brother Mylen’s
Looking forward to seeing you at the
May meeting.
‘Til next time!
Anah Chanters
Noble Carl Stewart, Reporter
Personal Aide, Bob Buck, gets tattooed..taking his job seriously!
I have to apologize for failing in my
duties by not submitting an article in the
Anahgram for February and March but, to
be honest, we haven’t been very active. I
have put more mileage on my snowblower
than I have on my truckand I imagine the
same is true for the rest of you, especially
those of you living near the coast. I love
ice fishing but haven’t been doing much of
that. There was a day when ten degree
weather with twenty mile per hour wind
wouldn’t slow me down at all but now I
find there are other things I have to do
besides ice fishing. I suspect many of you
have experienced the same.
I just finished talking with Cecil Wilson
who is just recovering from a bout with a
kidney stone. I’m sure anyone who has
had that experience will join me in giving
Cecil our sympathies. The only thing
good about kidney stones is when they
Happy belated birthday to Janet Moll
whose birthday was in March and happy
belated anniversary to Mary and Dale
Hadlock whose anniversary was in
February. Carol and Bob Dion are
celebrating their anniversary in April.
Best wishes to you all.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein
April 2015
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“Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them.” – Leo
The Anahgram
Join us for the 2nd Annual Support
Your Hospitals Night
May 16, 2015 at the Temple
$10.00 per meal
Live Entertainment
Speakers will be current or former hospital patients
Silent auction (if you would like to donate to the
auction contact Doug Dulac)
All proceeds to benefit the Boston & Springfield Hospitals.
More details in the May Anahgram
Unit dress if you are part of a unit
Dress casual for everyone else (no jeans)
Please wear your Fez!!!
JUNE 19/20/21, 2015
NAME: _________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________
PHONE#_____________Special Request_______________
ARRIVAL: FRI____SAT___Depart: SUN____
Room rate is $109.00 plus tax: per night make Checks payable to:
CREDIT CARD#_________________________Exp. Date____
$99.00 +tax
6 Downeast Hwy.
$89.10 (1QUEEN)+tax
$98.10 (2QUEENS)+tax
“Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.” – Thomas Paine
April 2015
Josh Morse
With 8 foot snow banks and icy roads,
the Go Kart unit is starting to get ready for
the upcoming busy summer. There is a lot
to do in the off season. Not only do the
unit member work out all winter long to
stay in tip top condition, a lot of work has
to be done to the karts to make sure the
season starts off with no hiccups. Each of
us is working feverishly to prepare our
karts for the fun pounding of another
season. Replacing brakes, repairing
throttle cables, painting the karts, and
shining up the chrome are some of details
that we have to work into our busy
schedule of push ups, sit-ups and pull ups.
We take pride in not only our karts being
in perfect condition, but also ourselves
being in peak physical condition. Our Captain is our role model and we are
all working very hard to match his rigorous
workout program and trying to get our
bodies to be just like his! Oh yeah - we
also like to have a little fun along the way!
Our unit is made up of a great group of
guys that enjoy having a good time,
working a little bit and helping people in
need. We are all very proud to call
ourselves Shriners!! So on a serious note,
the process has begun to get ready to help
as many kids as we can. We look forward
to the spring melt and some sunshine. Our
goals are set high and we are always
looking to improve.
If you would like to hire Captain Dave
as your personal trainer, please contact
him as soon as possible as he only has a
few openings in his schedule! God bless,
SMILE and give a hug!
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Noble David “Big D” Varnum reporter
As of this writing, today marks the first
spring feel day, with lots of snow melting.
Looking forward to spring, as are we all.
Not much to report, so happy birthday in
February to Ed Coolidge, Keith Swett,
Matt Foster, Pat Coolidge, Andrea Swett,
Melanie Lee, Heather Varnum, Holly
Savage, Melisa Foster, Whitney Walls,
Scott Blaisdell, Gordon Swett, and Cooper
In March, birthday wishes to Brian
Linscott, Kenny Worden, Kevin “CHUBS”
MacDonald, Perry Fowler, Christine
Blaisdelle, Maggie Hanscom, and Caleb
Also in March, Happy Anniversary to
Greg and Heather Varnum.
Until next time.
Big “D” Varnum - Reporter
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
The Anahgram
TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015
Anah’s Stated Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 7 pm for the purpose of conducting the business of Anah Shriners
and disseminating information to the membership on matters relating to current Shrine events and activities. All Nobles are invited to
attend. All Unit Leaders are required to attend along with one other member of the unit. Please wear your fez.
Donald “Jesse” Thomas, Potentate
Attest: Larry L. Hersom, P.P.
6 P.M. Dinner / Invocation
7 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance and Welcome
Stated Meeting
Deaths since Jan. 17, 2015 Stated Meeting
Associate Members dropped
Associations with Anah
Temple updates
Meeting Adjourns
There will not be a charge for those in attendance for dinner however a donation jar will be available to offset the cost of the meal.
Any Shriner can attend these Stated Meetings. Non Unit Members are asked to call the Anah Office at 942-2254 and let them know
you will be in attendance for dinner.
To get the most out of anything you have to be
involved. The “Keystone Kops” are looking for
members that want to be involved. The Kops unit
was formed in 1982. This unit is one of the most
active fundraising units of Anah Shrine which each
year gives back to the Shriners Hospitals for
Children, The Anah Shrine, Sunshine Club and
quite a few other worthy causes.
The purpose of the “Keystone Kops” is to
participate in Anah Shrine ceremonials, parades,
other special occasions and perform such duties
as may be ordered by the Potentate of Anah
“Keystone Kops” charity activities include parades,
golf tournaments, numerous steak feeds and
Anyone interested can contact Erick Emery, Chief @ 207-356-8250 or Harold Sherwood,
Assistant Chief @207-745 9825
“Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.” – Charles Bukowski
April 2015
May 17, 2015 at Hermon Meadows Golf Course
Sunday May 17, 2014 at Hermon Meadows Golf Course
Registration 7:45 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. ‐ Shotgun Start 9:00 a.m. Sharp
$65 per player ‐ green fees, cart, steak feed and prizes
$150 Sponsorship ‐ personalized sign on a tee or green
$250 Sponsorship ‐ Includes personalized sign on tee or green
2 green fees, 1 cart, steak feed and prizes
$5 Mulligans
$40 Team Mulligan Package
(4 Person Team)
4 Mulligans use anywhere ‐ 3' String use on putting green ‐ 4 Skirts use on 1 forward tee
Team Contact:
Player Name(s)
Make Checks Payable to: Keystone Kops
Mail Entries with Payment to: Harold Sherwood ‐ 7 Dottie's Way, Carmel, ME 04419
Phone: (207) 745‐9825
All Proceeds to Benefit Keystone Kop Charities
“It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures, but the foolish to be slave to them.” –Epictetus
The Anahgram
5:30 pm Social Hour
Dinner: 6:30 pm (Catered by
Steve’s Stagecoach)
Entertainment to follow
$20.00 per person
“The King will be here to
entertain you”
Harry Pratt of the Provost
Please R.S.V.P. if attending
207-951-3883- Danny Taylor by;
April 9, 2015
$25.00 Albert Aldus
15 $25.00 Glenda Sawyer
$25.00 Darlene Bussell
16 $25.00 Jack Armstrong
Robert E. Libby
17 $25.00 Ann Byers
$25.00 Jim Card II
18 $25.00 Luanne Crinion
$25.00 Second Section
19 $25.00 Kristopher W. Rideout
$25.00 Michael and
20 $25.00 Cameron Dow
Shayna Nickerson
21 $100.00 Louise Joy
$300.00 Chris Fratello
22 $25.00 Lorraine Gillespie
$25.00 Richard and Teresa Gray
23 $25.00 Edward Leighton
$25.00 Dorothy M. Blackwood
24 $25.00 Nancy Bunker
10 $25.00 Debbie Mower
25 $25.00 John S. Fernald Jr.
11 $25.00 Jeffrey S. Kelley
26 $25.00 Whitney Seymour
12 $25.00 Kathy Heath
27 $25.00 Gage Powers
13 $25.00 Douglas L. Joudrie
28 $100.00 Leslie Spurling
14 $100.00 Margaret Joyal
“It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.” –F. Scott Fitzgerald
April 2015
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Oct. 27, 1920 – Feb. 13, 2015
Raised: 8/30/1946, Katahdin Lodge #98 Patten
Affiliated: 4/6/1978, Abner Wade Lodge #207,
Created Anah Jan. 9, 1981
Dec. 1, 1935 – Feb. 16, 2015
Raised: 10/18/1983, Rising Virtue Lodge #10,
Bangor Affiliated: 10/27/1995, Howard Lodge
#69, Winterport
Created Anah Jun. 2, 1984
Dec. 20, 1932 – Feb. 18, 2015
Raised: 12/19/1957, Lynde Lodge #174,
Created Anah June 2, 1984
Feb. 24, 1932 – Feb. 18, 2015
Raised: 6/22/1948, Marine Lodge #122, Deer
Created Anah June 16, 1973
CARLE G. GRAY, Sullivan
Mar. 1, 1920 – Feb. 20, 2015
Raised: 7/10/1946, David A. Hooper Lodge
#201, Sullivan Created Anah June 27, 1959
EDMOND J. ADAMS, Ft. Fairfield
Feb. 11, 1949 – Feb. 18, 2015
Raised: 12/15/1976, Eastern Frontier Lodge
#112, Ft. Fairfield Affiliated: 10/9/1990,
Trinity Lodge #130, Presque Isle
Created Anah Oct. 17, 1998
“In Memory of Our Departed Brother Nobles”
When Allah calls, then our friends obey and fold thier
tents and steal away. To the land where the crystal
waters flow, where the Beautiful Palms of Allah
grow. Life is a story in volumes three, the past, the
present, the yet to be. The first we’ve written and
laid away, the second we’re reading day by day, The
third and last of the volumes three,is locked from
sight - God keepeth the key.
28 Elm Street
31West Main Street
Serving Bucksport-Searsport and surrounding towns
Albert Levesque, Proprioter
Nov. 22, 1916 – Feb. 17, 2015
Raised: 5/22/1947, Pentucket Lodge, Lowell,
MA Affiliated: 9/4/2003 Lygonia Lodge #40,
Created Anah June 18, 2005
May 9, 1921 – Dec. 12, 2014
Raised: 5/22/1973, Mariners Lodge #68,
Searsport Created Anah June 14, 1975
Mar. 4, 1933 –Feb. 25, 2015
Raised: 4/1/1963, St. Croix Lodge #46, Calais
Created Anah June, 20, 1981
Mar. 20, 1933 – Feb. 27, 2015
Raised: 7/18/1996, Katahdin Lodge #98,
Created Anah 6/13/1987
Danforth, Maine
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The Anahgram
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