July 2016 - Anah Shriners
July 2016 G , FUN AT WILL IL CH D CH AN G DOING GOO DD TH DS EE SHRINERS HAV IN Shriners having fun , doing good deeds that will change the life of a child E TH E LIFE OF A monthly messenger Of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Anah Potentate Robert Turner, Senate President Michael D. Thibodeau & Kora Potentate Dr. Paul Poulin,MD Retirement isn’t an end. It’s just the beginning. A long and successful career should be followed by a long and happy retirement. But it won’t happen on its own. You have to be sure you’re investing properly to help you reach it, and then follow a solid strategy both now and through your retirement years. As a Financial Advisor, I have the experience and tools to help you develop a strategy that is right for you, to Jeffrey F. O’Sullivan Senior Vice President Financial Advisor adjust your investments as needed and to manage your wealth through all the potential changes to come. Call to arrange an appointment today and let us help you keep your wealth working for you. Key Plaza, 23 Water Street Suite 406 Bangor, ME 04401 207-561-2002 jeffrey.o’sullivan@morganstanley.com www.morganstanleyfa.com/ theosullivangroup The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s individual circumstances and objectives. © 2015 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. GP11-01364P-N09/11 7177596 MAR010 07/12 IL CH D CH AN G DOING GOO DD AT WILL SHRINERS HAV IN , FUN TH DS EE G E TH E LIFE OF A Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Chartered June 15, 1922 A Chapter of Shriners International 1404 Broadway, Bangor Maine 04401 Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994 Website: www.Anahshriners.org - Shrine email: anahshriners@gmail.com Volume 109 • Number 7 • July 2016 Rich Armstrong-Editor - rich@snowprint.com. Janice Young-Advertising Manager - janice@anahshriners.com All Anahgram Articles to be sent to - anahgram@anahshriners.com by the 10th of the Month POTENTATES MESSAGE Robert Turner, Potentate The Anah Circus of 2016 is now in the history books. There were many people that worked very hard to make this a success. I want to thank Denny Hill and the Circus Committee for all the long hours they spent planning and organizing the 2016 circus. I also want to thank all the volunteers for all the hours they spent working to make this circus full of fun and fellowship. May 11th Anah Shriners received the Eagle Award for Organizational Achievement from the Greater Bangor Convention and Visitors Bureau. We were honored with this award for all the years we have had the Circus and recently the Feztival of Trees. These events have helped the Greater Bangor community attract visitors from all over Northern Maine. On the 17th we had our first Stated meeting for 2016. The delicious food was prepared by the Clowns and our meeting was full of information. There was a good exchange of ideas and thoughts. I want to thank all who attended this meeting. The Bangor Brewer Shrine Club had their annual steak feed on the 19th. The steaks were cooked by Duncan Brown and they were practically perfect. On the 20th we attended a benefit for the Springfield Hospital put on by Waldo County Shrine Club. Ray Young and his crew cooked and served oysters of all types, clams and steak tips. The meals at Young’s are always great. On the 21st Anah held their Pre-Screening hospital clinics at several locations throughout Anahland. We referred 13 new patients to Shriners Hospital for ChildrenSpringfield. This was a wonderful day to help children with services our hospitals provide. I want to thank all the volunteers that worked our pre-screening clinics that day. If you missed our Hospital Night on the 21th you missed listening to 6 patients and their stories of how our Springfield Hospital has helped them live a normal and happy life. The Keystone Cops cooked and served a delicious pasta meal. The next morning on the 22nd we traveled to the Aroostook Shrine Club to attend the Circus appreciation dinner and had a wonderful meal and a presentation of how the Aroostook Circus performed. Again I want to thank all the volunteers that spent many hours to make our Bangor Circus and our Presque Isle Circus a success. On the 27th the Rainbow Girls of Maine honored me with an invitation to attend their 67th Annual Session at Husson College. The evening was full of fun seeing old Masonic friends and learning how their year is going. As I write this our Anah/Kora Joint Ceremonial is June 17-19 and we are working out the last few details so that it will be a great weekend. I will give you more news next month. Until next time remember we are, SHRINERS HAVING FUN, DOING GOOD DEEDS THAT WILL CHANGE THE LIFE OF A CHILD Yours in Faith, Robert Turner Potentate “FROM THE RECORDER’S DESK” Larry L. Hersom Recorder, P.P. Welcome to summer! What a great time of the year to get out and enjoy Maine and what Anah Shriners and its clubs and units have planned. Attend any number of local town or city parades and support and see our Anah units perform. We are all proud of what we do, supporting our Shriners Hospitals for Children and Anah Shriners. For your information, the office will be closed Friday’s, during July and August as well as the first full week of July (4 thru the 8), as this is a slow week, with our officers attending the Imperial Session in Tampa, so we are taking this week to replace some of our older computer equipment. The office will re-open Monday, July 11. If you have paid your dues and have not received your new dues card, please let me know. Your new card looks like a credit card. If you haven’t paid them yet, you may pay your dues by calling our office or going to www.anahshriners.com and click on pay my dues. Either way, they can be paid by credit card or online by PayPal. Anah’s new facility is available for rental, for such things as weddings, reception, meetings, and etc. If you are interested please give us a call. Have a wonderful summer enjoying Maine at its finest and enjoy what masonry and Shrine has to offer. Look forward to seeing you in the fall and remember replace yourself with a friend or relative. We need to grow this great fraternity. Johnson Foundations Specialty Concrete • Floors, Walls & Slabs • Full Foundations Residential Sites • Crane Service • Poll Areas/Walkways Rich Johnson, President (207) 564-8617 • Cell: (207) 717-5570 202 Shaw Road • Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426 Photos by Ed Gardella and Dennis Bryant, Anah Photo Unit Unit & Awarene b u s Cl ight sN HE T G BY M DIN D A , RE T TE TTEN6TH O . S A T ON .A.R ON GUS P S S.M AN AU L – E PDAY 2016 S EA R PL ATU S BR IN CO G A FA OL LA VO ER W RI WI N C TE TH H BE Y AIR VE OU & RA R GE PARKING LOT PARTY WITH A STREET DANCE Welcome all Nobles and Ladies This will be a perfect time for our New Nobles and their Ladies to meet and learn about Anah’s Clubs and Units. For more information contact Doug Dulac at; 207-848-7237 or 207-478-2270 6:30 PM SOCIAL HOUR 7:30PMEVENING ACTIVITES 1404 BROADWAY ~BANGOR, MAINE AT ANAH SHRINE DONATIONS ACCEPTED DJ – S’MORE BARBBQSHRINE UNIT DISPLAYS 50\50 (PROCEEDS FROM THIS EVENT ARE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE S.M.A.R.T. TEAM AND ARE NOT DEDUCTABLE AS CHARITIBLE CONTRIBUTIONS.) July 2016 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians ...................................... 10 Aides........................................................ Aroostook Shrine Club............................. Band..................................................... 15 Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club..................... Boosters................................................. 8 Calendar................................................. 7 Chanters................................................... Circus................................................... 14 Clowns (Aroostook).................................. Clowns (Bangor)....................................... Convertibles......................................... 16 Daughters of the Nile................................ Directors Staff......................................... 9 Editor........................................................ Facts & Figures.................................... 11 Feztival of Trees....................................... Flag Unit............................................... 19 Funsters .............................................. 14 Go-Karts................................................... Hancock County Shrine Club............... 13 Highlanders.............................................. Hospital News (Boston)............................ Hospital News (Springfield)...................... Indy Cars.................................................. Kampers Club....................................... 19 Kanteen Corps......................................... Keystone Kops..................................... 15 Klowns (Aroostook).................................. Lobster Boat Unit.................................... 6 Membership Committee........................... Mini-Bike Unit........................................... Mini-Car Unit............................................. Mystery Person...................................... 6 NASCAR Unit........................................... Northern Penobscot Shrine Club.......... 19 Obituaries............................................. 28 Oriental Band......................................... 9 Past Masters Unit..................................... Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit................................................. Potentate................................................ 1 Provost Guard.......................................13 Public Relations........................................ Recorder................................................. 1 Schoodic Shrine Club............................. 9 Second Section........................................ SMART Team....................................... 13 Sunshine Club.......................................... Tri-County Shrine Club......................... 10 Waldo County Shrine Club................... 15 Washington County Shrine Club.......... 16 Widow’s Club.......................................... 9 Wheelers.............................................. 13 4x4’s..................................................... 13 If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. The Anahgram 6 THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication Bangor, Maine 04401 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: anahshriners@gmail.com Website: http://www.Anahshriners.org Available by subscription $12.00 per year. Who is it ??? Bill Geel, Reporter EDITOR Rich Armstrong anahgram@anahshriners.com ADVERTISING MANAGER Janice Young janice@anahshriners.com 1404 Broadway Bangor, Maine 04401 Tel: 942-2254 DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT: Dennis Bryant Dwbryant@myfairpoint.net Charlotte ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Lloyd W. Day lwday2@gmail.com Old Town, ME 207-745-5351 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly. Deadline is the 10th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate Robert L. Turner Chief Rabban Steven”Steve” Trimm Assistant Rabban Brad Prout High Priest & Prophet Roger Grindle Oriental Guide Timothy”Tim” Dutch Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder Larry L. Hersom, P.P PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 207.942.1234 570 Main St, Bangor ME 04401 KAUFMAN MOTORS 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Used Vehicles Lee & Peggy Kaufman Last month’s subject was Martin Perfit, nobody guessed this. If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Larry Hersom at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor at anahgram@ anahshriners.com. The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor by e-mail or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!! Shrine Office Notice to all Members; The Anah Shrine Office will be closed Fridays for the month of July and August. The Shrine Office will be closed the week of July 4th. It will reopen on July 11th. Anah Shriners 2016 Cash Calendar $20.00 each The May 10th meeting was held at Pat’s Pizza in Ellsworth. Members in attendance: Captain Scott Edgerly, Past Captain Bill Sinford, Past Captain Carroll Chandler, Past Captain Bill Geel, Runtz Farnsworth, Ray Ellis, Doug Monson, Scott Johnson, and Past Potentate Jesse Thomas. Old and new business was discussed. Parade lineup is getting well under way. The new boat is taking shape at Scott Edgerly’s boatyard. Meeting adjourned at 7:00. As of this writing the unit is headed to the port of Orono for the Special Olympics parade. From there we set sail to the port of Belfast for June Ceremonial. The unit is still looking for new members. If interested in joining the only boat unit in the northern hemisphere, call Capt. Scott Edgerly at 664-0229; Past Capt. Carroll Chandler at 497-2631; or Past Capt. Bill Geel. Sorry if you can’t reach me; my phone may be at the bottom of the lake. If you see my sternman, Forrest DeMeyer, on the 4th, wish him a happy birthday. Noble Runtz, I guess you must have survived your birthday. I guess there must have been sunshine in Jonesport. Can’t wait to get there on the 4th, but I suppose when I get there, the fog will be in. Noble Runtz, have you ever had trouble navigating on foggy days? Haven’t heard anything from Bill Sinford-hope he’s doing fine after his surgery. Hope to see him and Holly somewhere on the 4th. Those celebrating birthdays in July are Forrest DeMeyer, Ray Ellis, and Perley Merrick. Honeymooners are Ray and Glenna Ellis, Doug and Cheryle Monson, and Forrest and Anita DeMeyer. Well, it’s time to go. My wife is going to buy me a new cellphone so I can keep up with how the weather is doing in Jonesport. When you buy this distinctive Anah Shriners 2016 calendar you become eligible for the prizes outlined below: • $300.00 1st Saturday of every month • $100.00 every other Saturday • $25.00 Daily (Monday through Saturday) A great gift for yourself, for a birthday or any occassion Available at the Shrine Office or from any Shrine Club or Unit Member The strongest muscle in proportion to its size in the human body is the tongue. July 2016 7 Sunday Monday Tuesday July 2016 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 8 9 No Second Section Meeting Office Closed 3 4 Fourth of July Office Closed 10 Past Masters Unit Office Closed 5 Office Closed 11 6 Office Closed 12 7 Wheelers Office Closed Office Closed 13 14 18 Band 24 15 16 22 23 29 30 Office Closed Clown Meeting Funsters Meet 17 Office Closed 19 20 21 Office Closed Divan Meeting 25 26 Nile Supreme Queen visitation Keystone Kops Meet Monday Tuesday 27 28 Office Closed 31 Sunday August 2016 1 Wednesday 4 x 4 Meet Waldo County BOD Band 7 8 9 Friday 4 15 10 16 22 23 Saturday 5 17 11 Waldo County Shrine Club Divan Visitation 12 13 19 20 26 27 Office Closed Wheelers Meet 18 Schoodic S.C. Facts & Figures 6 New Noble Night SMART Team Office Closed Anahgram Articles Due Divan Stated Meeting 21 3 N.P. S. C. Funsters Meet 14 Thursday 2 Office Closed Clown Meeting 24 25 Office Closed 28 29 30 31 Keystone Kops Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor 8 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Aberdeen Stove and Chimney Supply Company 04/16 Anah Flag Unit 02/17 Krayton Allen 12/16 Todd & Sandy Alley 08/16 Richard Anderson 12/18 Ed Armstrong 05/16 IMO C. Alton Bagley 05/17 IMO Dick Bagley, P.P. 05/17 IMO Clifton Barker 06/16 Melrose and Betty Beal 4/1/17 Bob Beattie 04/17 IMO Albert “Bucky” Bishop 07/19 Phil and Sue Black 04/16 IMO Willis N. Blake 02/16 Wallace & Mary Blowers 05/16 Blinn and Joan Boone 05/17 IMO John R. Bradford 01/18 Anna M. Bradford 01/18 IMO Merle S. Bradford 01/18 Tom and Lilian Breitweg 08/16 Dave & Irene Bryant 01/17 Blair & Judy Bubar 02/16 Galen Call 08/17 Dick and Kim Carlow 03/18 Sam and Agnes Carr 12/16 Roger N.Chesley 08/17 Michael A.Clark 02/16 Bruce and Trudy Clarke 05/18 IMO Fredrick E.Clarke Jr. 09/16 IMO Helen F. Cleaves 02/16 Melvin K. Cleaves 02/16 IMO Janet G.Conti 12/16 John W. Conti, P.P. 12/16 Ron & Evelyn Cook 10/17 Al & Jackie Cortis 01/17 Dan and Lanci Costain 09/16 Sonny Crocker 03/18 Crump’s Stove & Chimmey Supply Co. 04/17 Ken and Janice Crump 04/17 Wayne & Tanya Darling 06/16 June A. Davis 01/17 David J. Dekanich 06/17 Larry Doughty 05/17 Mark Doughty 05/17 Bryant and Joan Dutch 02/17 Tim & Jean Dutch 04/20 IMO Robin Moone Edes 10/17 IMO Orville “Obie” Edes 10/17 John C. Edes 10/17 IMO Paul H. Farrington 06/16 Betty and John Fernald Jr. 12/16 Thomas and Carroll Fernald 08/19 IMO Lewis Fenlason 07/16 IMO Wally Fenlason 07/16 Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 11/17 IMO Hugo Frati 04/17 Orlando Frati 01/17 Joseph F. Friedman 06/18 Tom & Janis Frost 04/17 George and Mary Beth Gaddis 05/17 Paul and Diana Giles 04/17 Goody and Roz Gilman 10/18 IMO Jerrold B.”Gebo” Gooch, P.P. 04/17 IMO Carroll I. & Gerry Goodwin, Jr 06/16 IMO Harry Gordon 01/19 Don and Gail Gordon 06/16 IMO Robert R. Gould 10/16 Andy and Rose Gove 10/16 Keith L. Gove 12/16 IMO Arthur Grant 04/17 Ron and Carole Green 09/16 W. Louis and Judith Greenier II 09/16 IMO Joseph Gemme-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 07/16 Roger and Julie Grindle 07/18 Charles C. W. Hackney 10/16 IMO Jim Halkett 12/17 IMO Everett Hall- Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 07/16 Dick and Carolyn Hallett 06/16 Gene and Pamela Hamm 08/16 Ed and Bonnie Hamm 08/17 IMO Edlbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 08/16 Ken and Donna Hanscom, Jr. 09/16 IMO Tom Harper 10/16 IMO Jeanette L. Harvey 10/16 Wallace M. Harvey 10/16 IMO JoAnna Haskell 05/18 IMO Michael Haskell 05/18 Dale”Slapshot” & Theresa Hatch 10/16 IMO Norman”Hoopy Scoopy” Hatch 09/16 Scott and Kelley Hawthorne 06/17 Sheldon and Sandy Heath 04/16 Al and Marianne Henriksen 10/16 P.P. Larry Hersom & Libby 06/18 Connie and Edward Hewes 04/17 Frieda Hill 06/16 Ralph and Maggie Hill 07/16 Dean and Kathy Hoke 09/17 IMO Richard & Norine Holt 03/17 IMO Lewis M. Huntley 03/16 Jerry and Lois Hutchinson 09/16 David & Phyllis Ireland 08/16 David”Smokey” & Donna Ireland 02/17 C.Ray & Loretta Jones 08/16 Rich and Cindy Johnson 07/21 F. Lee and Peggy Kaufman 10/17 IMO Alton Kenney by Ellen Kenney 05/17 Robert and Rae Jean Knowles 04/19 IMO Ernest “Bud” Larson 02/17 Charles and Selma Larson 09/16 Larry and Gail Larson 08/16 IMO Frank Leighton 11/17 Skip Lenfest Sr. 08/16 Skip Lenfest Jr. 08/16 Bob and Perlene Libby 02/17 IMO Seth Libby Sr.-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 08/16 Jan & Woody Littlefield 12/16 Mike and Bonnie London 02/17 Ellen & Fred B. Lunt Jr. P.P. 07/16 IMO P.P.Fred Lunt & Phylllis 06/18 IMO Donald Lyons, Sr. 06/16 IMO Gerald Maclean 03/17 Roy Martin 10/25 Don and Bert Maxim, P.P. 04/17 Doulgas A. and Donna McCafferty 08/18 Doulgas K and Candee McCafferty 08/18 Imo Edward Sr. and Evelyn McCafferty 08/18 IMO Terral A. McCafferty 08/18 Ed & Nancy McGraw 08/16 Welman and Natalie McFarland 01/17 Allan and Lorraine McGown 06/17 Frances and Winston Mackay,P.P. Luxor 10/16 IMO Tom “Pig Farmer” McKinney 12/16 Jim and Mae Merrithew 10/16 Dick and Joan Meserve 09/16 IMO Sanford”Sonny”Miller 01/17 John and Suzi Miller 03/16 IMO Gordon Cecil Moreside 01/17 Dick and Betty Nevers 05/17 Harold and Connie Newman 10/16 Larry and Teresa Nichols 07/16 The Anahgram Richard & Mary Ruth Nichols 06/16 David O’Donnell 09/16 Warren and Velma Orcutt 10/16 Bob”Boomer” and Julianna Palmer 07/16 Herman and Kate Peabody 07/17 Esther and Ed Pellon, P.P. 04/17 Joyce and Rod Pinkham, P.P. 10/16 Don and Linda Potter 05/17 IMO Jim Potter 05/16 IMO James M. Prout 03/16 Bud and Kathy Prouty 01/17 IMO Bud and Barbara Prouty 01/17 Bob & Doreen Pullen 08/17 IMO Bob Pushard, Sr. 08/18 Martin E. Ray 02/16 P.P. Clyde V. Reynolds & Linda 02/17 Chuck and Sally Ridlon 02/17 IMO Keith B. Roberts 09/18 IMO Sumner Rogers 04/17 Dick & Diane Ross 06/17 Larry and Donna Rowell 11/17 Earl Sands 06/16 George and Jackie Sargent 01/17 Heath and Karen Savage 10/16 Spike Savage 10/16 IMO Clifton R. Scoville 06/17 Todd C. Scoville 06/17 Marty and Joan Shaw 10/16 IMO Orland Shorey-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 10/16 Wesley & Ms Judy Shute 10/16 IMO Ken Smith 04/16 Lester & Gail Smith 09/16 Roger and Pat Smith 12/17 IMO Ed Sprague, P.P. 04/17 Roger and Jan Stairs 05/17 Ken and Tina Stewart 12/18 Kerry”Spiffy” & Pam Spofford 07/17 IMO Robert “Bob” Strout 06/17 Elliott and Joyce Tarbell 6/17 Daniel L. Tarr 06/17 IMO Betty Tarr 06/17 Jesse and Brenda Thomas 09/17 Ronald Thrornton 12/16 Tim & Ann Thornton 12/16 IMO Charles & Annabelle Titcomb 04/17 Gordon Titcomb 04/17 Inez and Reginald Toothaker 4/17 Alden and Pam Tracy 06/16 Al and Pat Trask 02/16 Betty and Steve Trimm 04/16 IMO Carroll Trimm 04/18 IMO Delia Trimm 04/18 Robert and Bonnie Turner 08/17 Arthur and Phyllis Watson 06/18 Dave and Leni Weaver 06/17 Burt and Jackie Weed 05/17 Dottie & Jim Wentworth,P.P. 05/16 Buddy and Caryll Wheeler 09/19 IMO Frank Whirty 02/19 Paul and Phyllis Wilbur 07/17 IMO Richard J. Willard 06/17 Llord and Jay Willey 07/16 Bob and Norma Winglass 08/20 Don and Felicia Wiswell 09/16 Don and Caroyln Wright 09/19 IMO Douglas Yost-Northern Penobscot Shrine Club 06/16 Bob and Claire Young 09/18 Donald “Bo-Bo” and Janice Young 06/17 Duane “Div-it” and Karen Young 08/17 I want to be an ANAHGRAM BOOSTER BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s I: seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. The cost is $10.00 per line per year we will make you a new listing or renew your present one. ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS • 1404 Broadway, Bangor, Maine 04401 • Please enclose Check payable to; Anahgram Boosters. Name as you want it to appear___________________________________________________ Please let us know if your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect to; janice@anahshriners.com or call; 207-942-2254. Every time you lick a stamp, you’re consuming 1/10 of a calorie. July 2016 9 ORIENTAL BAND David Spooner, President Ceremonial this year was nothing less than epic! The band had such a great time playing with the Kora Oriental Band during the parade, it was a lot of fun and they are a great bunch of guys. In addition to preparing for ceremonial, the band has been very busy getting ready for this year’s parade season. We have been working to update our uniforms, adding props to decorate the trailer for parades, and putting on Casino Nights. In June we did a casino night for Presque Isle High School Project Graduation. The kids had a lot of fun and the event was very well attended by members. Without question, it is shaping up to be a very busy summer. It was great seeing everyone at Ceremonial, but don’t let that prevent you from coming out to see us on tour. We always make sure to take time out for our fans, and remember you don’t have to crazy to be in the band... We’ll train You! ANAH SHRINE DOCTOR’S CLINIC FOR CHILDREN The Shrine Clinic for Children was held Friday June 3 at the Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor ME. Dr. Drvaric and Dr.Patel along with a resident doctor Dr. Parisien and a PA with nurses and technicians from Shriners Hospital for Children- Springfield saw 58 patients between 8am and 2:30 pm. We had 6 Funsters , 8 Clowns and 4 Anah Ladies to help with greeting the children, registration, escorting them to x-ray and to their appointment. At the appointment area we had 3 Anah Ladies greeting and processing each child for their appointment. With all the great help we had that day everything went very smooth. This year we want to thank Hood Milk for their donation for the milk and Pepsi for the soda and water. Thanks again to everyone for all the great help on this important day for Anah Shriners. Bob and Bonnie Turner Widow’s Club Lorena Fenlason, Reporter Welcome to the month of July. As we get older it seems that time goes by even faster. Here we are already half way through the year. We didn’t make any plans for the month of June, therefor , I have nothing to report for that month. We will plan on getting together July 30th. at my house for a pot luck lunch at noon. Call and let me know if you plan on coming and I will give you directions or those using a GPS it 262 Copeland Hill Road in Holden. My house has burgundy shutters and steps. Phone # is 989-3664 or 745-8819. Lets hope for a nice day so we can enjoy the deck. If there are widows that have not heard from me and would like to join us , just call me. We would love to have you join us. A reminder about the lunch that the Seminary Daylight Lodge at the Masonic Hall in Bangor serves every second Monday and for a few months the fourth Thursday . These lunches are always great and the widows are always their guest. Come and join us any time you can . No reservations required. Have a great month and see you on the 30th. Stay Well and Happy. SCHOODIC SHRINE CLUB Noble David G. Beckett, Reporter Greetings from Schoodic Shrine Club: We had an excellent meeting and meal in May at the Congregational Church Parish Hall in Dennysville. We paid for the dinner and the church turned around and gave the money back to be used for the work of the Shrine. We had a good turnout, 18 members and guests. Our Noble President, Jamie Gower, brought the meeting to order and shared Thank You letters from the Shrine Hospitals. It was good to see Noble Buster and Carolyn Hayward in attendance. Noble Buster seems to be doing much better. Noble Dennis Bryant reminded everyone about the Shrine Clinics and passed out folders with information on the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Noble Frank Theriault brought us up-to-date with what is happening at Anah. As we look ahead, our July meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 27th, at Eastern Lodge No. 7, Eastport, beginning at 5:30 pm. This meeting is Nobles and Blue Lodge guests only. We meet on the fourth Wednesday in July, because the annual Past Masters’ Night is held on the third Wednesday at St. Croix Lodge in Calais. Our August meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 17th, 5:30 pm, at Lewy’s Island Lodge No. 138, Princeton. This will be a Ladies Night with mystery meal on the menu. September will be the fish fry at the Meddybemps Community Center on Saturday, September 10th, at noon. This will be the Potentate’s visitation. Bill Gibson is still in Florida recovering from his surgery. We wish you all the best, Bill, and look forward to your safe return. We hope to see you at Bingo next Thursday night. ‘Til next time! Directors Staff Noble Dave Weaver - Reporter You have to forgive me again, I did write an article for the June Anahagram But I neglected to send it. I guess I had a little miscommunication with my secretary. This month I do have to report on the screening clinics, hospital night and the Doctor’s visit to EMMC. The screening clinics referred 13 candidates for orthopedic procedures to the Springfield Hospital for treatment. Ellsworth and Bangor had the most referrals and I had 1 from Western Washington County. We would have liked to have had more referrals but we were happy with the number we had. Hospital night was held the same night as the clinics. It also was very successful. Doug Dulac put together a very good program. Several past patients, from Springfield told of their experiences at the hospital and believe me, there weren’t any dry eyes in the house. Anah’s Keystone Kops put on a fine meal for those in attendance. On June 3rd the staff from the Springfield Hospital came to Bangor for follow-up procedures on over 65 patients. This was a very impressive sight to see. The patients were overjoyed to see their care givers and the care givers where just as happy to see them. Once you witnessed any one of these events you really understand what we are all about. We all need to work harder to get more children into our system. YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Robert Pullen, 157 Stetson Road East, Levant, ME 04456, Tel: 884-7102 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916 The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet. The Anahgram 10 Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter Hello Academicians and Ladies, The May meeting at Happy China Buffet was great fun as usual. We discussed several important items including a lot about the June ceremonial. Welcome to Ken Hanscom, our newest member who will be joining us in the Ritual Section. He is from Lincoln and is a Past District Deputy Grand Master. We look forward to having him and his Lady Donna with us in the Academicians. As of this writing we have not yet had the June Ceremonial, so more on that next time. Donnie Copeland would like to thank everyone for their outreach and support during Gin’s recent illness. He is glad to report that she has been doing much better after her treatments and with new medications in place. Yours truly and family are looking forward to a great summer. I’m taking another UMaine course, teaching in a summer youth writing program, spending time with family in Bar Harbor, up at lake camp, down in South Addison, and at Old Orchard Beach, having company from out of state, going to the Jimmy Buffet concert in August on the Bangor Waterfront, eating my share of lobster, and having lots more fun besides that. Lauren is going to be in her fifth play at the Penobscot Theater in Bangor, and, in between summer activities, Sally is selling houses to beat the band. Have a wonderful July everybody, and may the force be with you. Remember, never hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, news, gossip, stories, drama, intrigue, nonsense, or just plain outright foolishness that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. I can be contacted at rbilancia@roadrunner.com or by phone at 989-2617. Tri-County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 18th of May at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Dexter on the shores of Lake Wassookeag. This was the 48th Annual Meeting of the Nobles and Knights. The 54 Knights and Nobles and guests enjoyed a delicious buffet meal offered by Perley’s Catering. After the Libation Hour, the meeting was called to order by Grand Knight John Parola. The invocation was given by Father Emile 24 Front Street, Bangor • 947-8009 1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Topsham • 725-0162 125 Western Avenue. S. Portland • 871-7000 Maine Brewed • Maine Made • Maine Owned www.seadogbrewing.com Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. July 2016 11 Dube. Flag salute was followed. Introductions of the head table which included Knights and Shriners was given by the respective heads of the two bodies, Grand Knight Parola and President of TriCounty Arthur Watson. Special guests for the evening was “2 Old Cops”, John Ford and Mark Nickerson. Shriners that were introduced were Unit Heads Scott Folsom of the 4x4’s and Arthur Watson Head Clown. Chief Director of Anah Shrine Dan Costain was introduced. Ambassador T Bob Buckland was introduced and gave a history of this wonderful event. T Bob was president of Tri-County in 1968 when this event first took place at the Legion Hall in Corinna. T Bob asked that a moment of memory be given for Knight Richard Bilodeau who passed away recently. Dick was one of the founding fathers of this event for the Knights. The customary exchanging of checks by the two bodies was held, each body gives a donation to the other body, to be used at their own choosing. Winner of the 50/50 was Noble Roger Chesley. The “ 2 Old Cops” gave a very interesting presentation. The audience learned of many tricks of the trade by the former Game Warden and State Trooper. Whether these procedures are still used today, you can decide for yourself. Until next year when we meet again, both Bodies left after enjoying a very fun evening. Always work on MEMBERSHIP, it is the lifeline of both of our Bodies. As the years roll by, our numbers at this great event dwindle. It would be a shame for this great meeting of two fine bodies to cease because of lack of participation. In two years, we will be celebrating our Golden 50th Anniversary of this event. Lets hope we are still here to celebrate. Nobles, if you haven’t sent in your Raffle Ticket Stubs for “COOTAS BASKET”, please do so. This is a very important fund raiser for Tri-County Shrine Club. Rae Ann Rice Mortgage Planner rrice@regencymtg.com www.regencymtg.com NMLS #419094 CELL DIRECT eFAX NMLS #1938 (207) 974-8996 (207) 249-6844 (866) 370-8063 189A State Street Bangor, ME 04401 A D V I C E W I T H P U R P O S E 662 Main Rd. Hampden, ME 04444 • 947-6488 Mon-Thurs 10:30am-8pm, Fri 10:30am-9pm, Sat 7am-9pm, Sun 7am-8pm • Breakfast Served on Saturday and Sunday Co-Reporters James Buteau and Dillon Wilbur Greet Nobles & Ladies Happy Summer!!!! Hope some of you made it to our First Annual Horseshoe Tournament and Fish Fry at Molasses Pond. Thank you to everyone that help out with this event. Looking forward to an even better turn out next year. Hope everyone had a great time at Ceremonial! Until next time, James Buteau, Reporter Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself The Anahgram 12 got print? We handle the details. Let our experts make it hassle free. Daily pick up and delivery to Portland, Bangor, Augusta and Waterville. L. O. “Skip” House IV Consultant SQLServer, Microsoft Access & VB. Net Developer 219 Washington Street Brewer ME • 04412 855- 316 -2111 LOHCo@roadrunner.com RECIPIENT OF THE GOVERNORS AWARD FOR BUSINESS EXCELLENCE Don Gordon State Certified General Appraiser CG #334 Call for a quote and receive free personalized notepads 63 Norway Road • Bangor, ME 04401 Email:don.dtg@gmail.com • 207.944.0820 Contact Rich Armstrong 848-7300 ext. 101 | rich@snowprint.com www.snowprint.com P R INTIN G • MAILIN G • E- O R D E R IN G VOTED GREATER BANGOR’S TASTIEST PIZZA FOR 17 YEARS IN A ROW! Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself July 2016 13 We Wheelers celebrated Memorial Day by parading in the towns of Prospect and Bucksport. The American Legion and veterans paid proper respect to our fallen brethren in true military fashion. Coming up next is the special Olympics in Orono. These spectators are the most truly appreciative. We Wheelers still have not united for a vehicle clinic. The number of break downs on our first parade surely indicates that maybe we should plan one. Anah June Ceremonial is just around the corner. We Wheelers are ready and will to share a great time with our fellow Shiners in Belfast on the 18th of June. Judging by the anniversary list, its going to be a very hot July. We wish Nobles and Ladies Bill and Louise Holyoke, Sheldon and Sandy Heath, Chuck and Nancy Wood, Ralph and Julie Robshaw and Jerry and Carla McLean the best of anniversaries. We Wheelers also wish Lady Louise Holyoke and Nobles Warren (Sugar Bear) Calder, Jerry McLean and Cory Roberts a very happy birth day. Teddy TaTa Reporting As of this writing, the Hancock County Lobster Feed and Divan Visitation will be over. More to come next month. Remember, fellow nobles, the club is in recess for the next two months. The next meeting should be September 6th at Pat’s Pizza. Stay tuned and listen for your calling post put out by Noble Steve Moseley, Club President. A little local news: Noble Tom Fernald is raising chickens, looking for all the egg boxes he can get. Past Potentate Geddes Simpson and Carol(with an e) must be on good behavior. Haven’t heard any news about them. Lady Wanda Fernald was in Quebec on a class trip. Noble Steve Fernald also has moved to camp for a couple of honeymoon weeks. Hope he plans to take Lady Wanda with him. Noble Allen Fernald is busy taking a gardening class. Remember, you can’t call me at the moment; my phone is somewhere at the bottom of the lake. I told Noble Forrest DeMeyer, that was a profitable fishing trip. Expect to see Noble Bruce Clark and Lady Lois at any time. Those celebrating birthdays in July are Forrest DeMeyer, Janet Fuller, Noyes Albee, Clyde Reynolds, Bruce Walls, Richard Findlay, Diane Findlay, Chuckles, Judith Driscoll, Brian Savage, Ray Ellis, James Lambert, Perley Merrick, Angie Grindal, and Brian Lane II. Honeymooners are Ray and Glenna Ellis, Forrest and Anita DeMeyer, Terence and Debbie DuFour, and Ronald and Mary Fowle. Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer. See you in September. Reporter Noble Harold Adams Hello everyone. We missed our Provost Marshall at our June meeting, see you at the next one. Speaking of the next meeting, we decided to waive July and Augusts meetings, so we will see you in September. Our 50/50 winner was John Bunker, congratulations John. Thank you to all of you that participated in the Special Olympics and the Summer Ceremonial, it always nice seeing everyone. That does it for our news for now. Happy Birthday Wishes to Nobles Galen Adams, Dean Pennypacker and Darrell Hodgdon. July Anniversaries for Nobles and Ladies Richard and Kathy Goodness and Harold and Susan Adams. Until next time. Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter Happy 4th of July! Hope everybody’s got plans with family or friends. The 4x4 unit will be in Dennysville on the 3rd. On the 4th we will be in Eastport, Machias, and Greenville. We have to split the unit to do all these parades. July 16 we will be in Pittsfield, July 23 in Lincoln. In August we will be doing Hampden and in September 5th, we will be in Hermon. A lot of small towns can’t afford big celebrations anymore. Our Golf tournament went very well. The first place team was Greg Jorden, Kelly Jorden, Brad Jorden, and Bill Pinkham. The second place team was Wayne Clucky, Dave Clucky, Kevin Sargent, and Joey McArther. And as always, the Piscataquis Golf course was great to work with. THANK-YOU! Birthday wishes this month go to that young, good looking, Darlene Emmons. That Don is a lucky guy. Anniversary congratulations this month go to Craig and Sandy Bussell, Charles and Karen Libby, and Mike and Janice Day. Talk about three savior’s, who else would have married those three guy’s. Here we are agin, trying to find something to write about. If anybody has something, true or false, I will make up a story. Contact me at 794-6675, 794-2222, or kdh6367@ live.com. Remember those Blue Lodges that go dark in the winter, are up and going strong for the summer. Lets give them a hand. Until next time, SEE YA! S.M.A.R.T team Noble Doug Dulac, Reporter Hello everyone, I wanted to update you on whats going on with the S.M.A.R.T.team and membership. First of all we had another great hospital support night on May22nd!!. We didn’t raise quite as much money as last year, but it looks like we will be sending $500.00+/- to each of the Boston and Springfield hospitals. This is very good. The thing I am most excited about is that we had over 200 people attend. The speakers did a fantastic job and I think they helped us achieve our goal of reminding people and making people aware of how important our support of the hospitals is!!! I would like to thank all the folks who contributed to the silent auction. Also to the Aides for serving refreshments. A very special thank you to the Keystone Kops for putting on a super meal. By the way, they only charged us for the food they bought. All the labor was free!!! As far as membership goes, I feel we are making great progress. Every year our suspensions are going down. Obviously this means we loose less members every year. Thank you very much for your support on that. Our other big job is getting new candidates. The ceremonial is in June and that is when we bring in most of our candidates for the year. Please try to bring someone in to this great organization. If you are bringing some one in this summer, please get the applications to the office as soon as possible,so we can get information to the candidate and his lady! Of course we want you all to bring in as many candidates as possible. Most of you know that if you are a top line signer on three applications you receive a very nice Shrine watch. I do want to make something clear about being a top line signer. If you are a top line signer we, meaning the membership committee and the office, will help you in any way we can, but you need to understand that it is your responsibility to make sure the candidate and his lady are well informed of everything going on. Including Ceremonial and any other events through out the year. If for any reason you feel you can’t or don’t want this responsibility please bring in the application anyway as a second line signer and we will find someone to sign the top. Humans are the only primates that don’t have pigment in the palms of their hands. The Anahgram 14 Clip & Save JULY 1-8-15-22-29- OFFICE CLOSED JULY 19-DIVAN MEETING AUGUST 5-12-19-26- OFFICE CLOSED AUGUST 6- PARKING LOT PARTY (SMART TEAM) AUGUST 10-INDY CARS SUPER SUPPER AUGUST 16-STATED MEETING DIVAN MEETING SEPTEMBER 10-INDY CARS SUPER SUPPER SEPTEMBER 17-NOBLE APPRECIATION NIGHT SEPTEMBER 22-23-24 – NORTHEAST – LUXOR/FREDERICTON OCTOBER 1-SECOND SECTION NOBLE OF THE YEAR OCTOBER 15-NASCAR SUPER SUPPER OCTOBER 22- POTENTATES RECEPTION NOVEMBER 4-5-6- ANAH/BEKTASH/KORA VISITATION -FREEPORT NOVEMBER 5-SUNSHINE CLUB CRAFT FAIR NOVEMBER 12-SET UP FOR FEZTIVAL OF TREES CIRCUS Denny Hill Circus Director The 2016 Circus is behind us and the Circus Staff would like to thank all that supported us and came out and worked what seemed like endless hours during the two weeks of the Circus. I say two weeks because there is a lot of set up time that most do not see. There are a few people that we would like to recognize for there over and above help with what goes on behind the scenes. PP Recorder Larry Hersom, Phyllis Watson, Janice Young and Bonnie London. They are a big part of making our Circus work smoothly and help make it a success. The Circus was a big success this year and though all the numbers are not completely finished we will be ahead of last years numbers. We would like to thank Potentate Robert Turner for his support and also holding the snake. If we had a special recognition award for the Shriner of the Month and I was able to pick a such person, there is a person I would pick. This guy will show up for anything anybody asks and is always there for the Circus Staff when we call him. He helps us set up and tear down, he helps us load and unload the circus trailers, he makes cotton candy, he travels to Presque Isle and helps. This guy is always around. He is the quickest draw in the east. If you haven’t got it yet, I am talking about Andrew (Frenchy) St Amand. Thanks for all your help. NOVEMBER 18-19-20- FEZTIVAL OF TREES NOVEMBER 25-26-27- FEZTIVAL OF TREES DECEMBER 10- BANGOR\BREWER SHRINE CLUB CHILDRENS CHRISTMAS PARTY Todd “Ernie” Foster Reporting available from: WINDOWS AND DOORS mathewsbrothers.com crescentlumberco.com Greetings Nobles and Ladies! We just had our June monthly meeting at the Shrine Center in Bangor. The secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted. Due to health reasons, Stewart the Minion had to step down as treasurer. Our new interim treasurer is, Shane ”Mario” Jordan. Good luck Mario and thanks for stepping up. Would like thank everyone who bought tickets to our Waterfront Concert Series raffle, and congratulations to Sarah Nevells on winning the tickets. We hear she’s going to see Rascal Flatts, we hope she has a great time! Would like to send a thank you to the 7 costumes we had the EMMC screening clinic and the 14 characters at the Special Olympics. By the time you read this Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married. July 2016 we will have also participated in the June Ceremonial, Orland, Mooseabec Summerfest, Bangor and Bar Harbor 4th of July parades. We hope we have a great turnout at all and will have more to report in the next Anahagram. The unit voted to make a $50 donation to the Ankh Temple, Daughters of the Nile golf tournament. I apologize for missing the last few months, as I missed the meetings due to being away for work so I would like to send belated birthday and anniversary wishes to: April; (Birthdays) Emma & Hannah Frost, Stacie Alley, Melissa Cammack, Takeena Billington, Dean Washburn, Tom Frost, Dave Thomas, Mike Clark, Mary Clark, Brian Harris, Shayna Nickerson, Lindsey Spencer, Libby Lindsey, Tom (Goofy) King, Scott Boyington, and Nina Buzzell. (Anniversary) Harold & Ann Batson. May; (Birthdays) Elizabeth Frost, Brian Alley, Les (Dino) Stratton, Ann Batson, Denny (Tigger) Smith, Chad Thomas, Shawn Grindle, Corace Bunker, Justina Boyington, and Skip (Garfield) Wilson. (Anniversaries) Tom & Janis Frost and John & Judy Driscoll. June; (Birthdays) Josh (Pooh Bear) Frost, Ryan Oldham, Jeremy Clark, David W. Hasey, Brenda Leavitt, Dakota Hasey, Harold Batson, Carol Ann Cammack, April Cookson, Heidi Cookson, Hayley Hurd, Gary Harris, Dean (Shrek) Jordan, Aarron Mower, and Tayller Wilson. (Anniversaries) Jesse & Brenda Thomas and Roger & Julie Grindle. And finally for this month, those celebrating another year of wisdom are, Maeghan Clark, Stephen Batson, Ellain Frost, Jennifer Cookson, Gabriel Arnold, Lois Goddard, Lori Foster, Sam Buck, Mike E. Clark, Daniel Clark, Marc Leclerc, Susan Spencer, Judy Driscoll, Charlie (Cookie Monster) Lindsey, Kassandra Boyington and yours truly. July is a popular month to get married. Those celebrating are Josh & Susan Frost, Gary & Diane Clark, Robert & Nancy Hasey, Denny & Margorie Smith, Bill & Olivia Spencer, Charlie & Beth Lindsey, and Skip & Angela Wilson. I know we have some new members, so if you would like to have me wish a happy birthday or anniversary to you, your lady, or any children, please email me at toddwfoster86@gmail.com and I will be sure to add you to my list. Our July meeting will be in Ellsworth, not sure exactly on the place yet, but check your email and our facebook page for the latest information. Our August meeting is family friendly bbq at the shrine center in Bangor, be on the lookout for that in the coming future as well. Just think, only 126 days ‘till “Huntin’ Camp 2016!” 15 By Steve Trimm, President Greetings Nobles, already mid-June and summer ceremonial will be over by the time you read this. Hope all had a great time, time is flying. Want to remind everyone our July meeting will be a family event, bring your children, grandchildren and spouses for a barbeque, and lots of fun. Our Oyster festival in May was a huge success, over 90 people showed up and was treated to a great meal prepared by Raymond Young and his staff at Young’s Lobster Pound. A lot of money was raised for Springfield Shriners Hospital, with the help of a lost Rollies flag, $ 1000.00 extra was raised by matching donations from Ryan Otis and Mike Giles. Thanks guys. After the meal a large crowd gathered at Rollies where another $1000.00 was raised by generous people who wanted to see a bucket of ice water dumped on Ryan Otis and Steve Trimm’s heads, lots of laughs and fun was had by all. Our June 9th meeting had over 40 Nobles in attendance and enjoyed a chicken barbeque prepared by Duncan Brown, Charlie Plourde, and Ryan Otis. Thanks to all who helped. Our August 11 meeting is a Divan Visitation, featuring a golf outing and a steak feed, prepared by Waldo County Board of Directors, golf, lunch and steak feed is $75, golf only for$ 65 or steak feed only for$15. Please try to attend. Things are changing fast at Waldo Shrine Club, new heat pumps have been installed labor was donated by Justin Reynolds and Dave Bowen. A big thanks guys, this will be a huge help summer and winter on expenses. Also thanks to Walter Ash, Charles Pray and Ryan Otis a new 40 foot flag pole will be installed, donated from the city of Belfast. In closing, enjoy the summer, be safe, have fun with family and friends. Yours in the faith, Steve Trimm, President Noble Doug Brockway, Reporter Anah Band had a really fun time playing at the Special Olympics this year. This parade has proven to be our favorite year after year. We are thankful that we had friends join us not only in playing, but also driving the float trailer for us. Next up is the 4th of July Parade in Bangor/Brewer and followed by Machias. Practices have been a lot of fun as we have been playing a much wider variety of It’s possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs. music this year. We dig into our old favorites and we like to add some new stuff as our adoring fans make suggestions. The more people we have, the more we can earn to give directly to the children at the hospitals. Practice times have been changed to the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month in Newport. We can practice at the new Shrine as needed. Noble Fred Beylerian Reporter Wow! What a month of activities we have had. The Hospital Night Dinner and Keystone Kops Annual Golf Tournament, both of which were tremendous successes. To those who have not attended a Hospital Night Dinner, you are missing an amazing evening. The food was great, the mood was festive, and the atmosphere was filled emotion as the speakers passed along their medical and Shriner Hospital experiences. To all Nobles, the Potentate would say, be so very proud of doing good deeds that will change the life of a child. To those who have not played golf in the Keystone Kops tournament you are missing a great day of fun, food and camaraderie. Chief would like to thank everyone attending and for a job very well done. Schedule of Events Keystone Kops Annual Steak Feed will be held at the Anah Shrine Temple, 1404 Broadway, Bangor, ME, August 12, 2016. The schedule will be updated as events are placed on the calendar. Gun Raffle Tickets are now on sale so, hurry… hurry… and get your tickets early. Happy Birthday wishes during the month of July 2016, go out to Kops Ron Emery, Roger Linscott and Lady Brenda Whitman. Happy Wedding Anniversary wishes go out to Erick and Amanda Emery and Mike and Brenda Whitman. Congratulations to all and may you have many more. Now to the trivia question of the month. Last month’s question was: The first recorded watermelon harvest took place where and how many years ago? Answer: The first recorded watermelon harvest took place about 5000 years ago in Egypt. Pictures of the fruit have been found on the walls of ancient buildings. The seedless watermelon was developed in 1939, and Cordele, Georgia claims to be the watermelon capital of the world. The average American eats over 17 pounds of watermelon a year. This month’s question is about golfing quotations: Who said “Golf is a good walk spoiled” and who said “Excessive golfing dwarfs the intellect”? The time has come to close the “Blotter” for this month and to remember “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS.” The Anahgram 16 Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter Here it is the first of June already. Gardens are planted and growing and by the time you read this, some veggies have already been harvested. We finally got some needed rain for the gardens. Blueberry season is right around the corner as well. I hope that you are enjoying the summer so far. WCSC member and PP Ed Pellon is recovering from heart surgery and we understand that he is doing well. Also, condolences go to Helen Gooch, widow of PP Gebo Gooch, on the recent death of her son. The June Ceremonial, a joint ceremonial with Kora Temple, was held in Northport at Point Outlook Resort. This is a beautiful area for the event, there was a huge attendance, and those attending had a great time. Plans are well underway for the Washington County Shrine Club’s Sportsmen’s Show which will be held from July 29-31 at the University of Maine at Machias at the Reynolds Center and its outlying grounds. There will be DRYDEN C. DUTCH MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT AND DIVAN VISITATION • Thursday, August 11, 2016 • At Northport Golf Club • Entry Fee INCLUDES LUNCH AND STEAK FEED DINNER $75.00 • Golf only $65.00 SCRAMBLE FORMAT, GOLF CARTS REQUIRED AND INCLUDED ALL MASONS AND SHRINERS ARE INVITED TO PLAY If you don’t golf, don’t miss this Steak Feed for $15.00 per person. LUNCH AT 11:30 AT WSCS • SCRAMBLE FORMAT • CARTS REQUIRED AND INCLUDED • SHOTGUN START AT 1:00 P.M. AT THE NORTHPORT GOLF CLUB • 6:00 SOCIAL HOUR AT WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB • 7:00 P.M. AWARDS AND STEAK FEED AT WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB PREPARED BY WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAIL ENTRY FORM TO: (Please Be sure to use this address) Charles Pray 218 Congress St., Belfast, Maine 04915 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Waldo County Shrine Club Amount enclosed: No. at $75.00 _______ =$ _________ enclosed Amount enclosed: No. at $65.00 _______ =$ __________enclosed Name/Names Phone __________________________________ ____________________ __________________________________ ____________________ __________________________________ ____________________ __________________________________ ____________________ Make your own foursome or the committee will assign you. Tel: 207.338.4663 - Leave Message Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Waldo County Shrine Club and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions. demonstrations, Guest lectures, Exhibitors booths, a silent auction, and a raffle drawing at the event. Pre-sale of the gun raffle has gone well to-date and tickets will be on sale during the event until the time of the drawing. Volunteers are still needed for this undertaking. Assist your Shrine Club and all they do for “the children”. Information on the event will be on their WCSC Facebook page as well. New Nobles Night will be held on August 6th. For more information contact the Shrine office at 942-2254. Birthday wishes for July are extended to Forrest DeMeyer, Stan Foss Jr., Suzanne Fox, Julie Joy, Rodney Kawashima, Arthur McCurdy, Velma Orcutt, Esther Pellon, Joyce Pinkham, PP Clyde Reynolds, Janet Robinson, Dan Sawyer, Bernard Ward, Carroll West, Rebecca White, Janice White, Janis Whitney, and Robert Wood. July Anniversary wishes go to Edwin & Dawn Degenhardt, Forrest & Anita DeMeyer, James & Kathleen Dowling, Dick & Judy Farnsworth, Richard & Jolene Farnsworth, Ricky & Bethany Foss, Ricky & Carla Harmon, Kevin & Julie Joy, Rodney & Paula Kawashima, Rick & Sue Meserve, Brad & Shannon Prout, Stewart & Mordina Roberts, Dale & Marilyn Schevenius, William & Olivia Spencer, Dan & Jan Thompson, and Julian & Janice White. Until next month, keep yourselves safe with whatever recreational activities you embark on the rest of the summer. Noble Gaylord E. Sundt, Reporter I hope that everyone had a safe and happy July 4th! Here and gone as you read this. Already! I will have to report any 4th gossip in the August newsletter. If there is any that is. As several unit members are traveling for parades, Jonesport on the 2nd and Eastport on the 4th, I’m sure that there will be something to open your eyes. The Joint Anah and Kora Shriner Ceremonial is just ahead as I write this. Some confusion due to miss print in the Anagrahm. To be held in Presque Isle even though all events are being held in Belfast and Northport. I plan to show up for the parade Saturday in Belfast and hope that the rest of the participants show up there as well. Nothing like a little confusing information to add to the confusion of an already confused old fart. And now for an important announcement. Lost and not found! Seems that as we get older, some of us are prone to be a little more forgetful and at loose ends than Dogs have four toes on their hind feet, and five on their front feet. Continued on page 19 July 2016 17 Duncan doing the chicken for WCSC. Ryan Otis provided lobster stew and lobster dip for appetizers. Dip is a poor term for the chunks of lobster! Photo: Lloyd Day The Anahgram 18 MAY CALENDAR WINNERS! 1..... $25 ���������������������������Ronald Emery 2..... $25 �������������������������� Brenda J. Bane 3..... $25 ���������������������������Donna Barrett 4..... $25 ������������������������ Natalie A. Jones 5..... $25 ����������������������������� Sylvia Wards 6..... $25 ��������������������������William Walsh 7..... $300 ��������������������������Laura Phillips 8..... $25 ����������������������� Dennis Hopkins 9..... $25 ��������������������������� Tony Santiago 10... $25 ��������������������������Eugene Hamm 11... $25 �����������������������Glenn Heinrichs 12... $25 ������������������������Annette Neleski 13... $25 ����������������������������� Patricia Lytle 14$.100 ����������������������������� Tim Packard 15... $25 ���������������������� Kelly Hawthorne 16... $25 �����������������Gary Deschambauis 17... $25 ��������������������Warren Orcutt, Sr. 18... $25 ����������������������������Susan Sargent 19... $25 �����������������������������Mike Folsom 20... $25 ������������������ Bob & Pegi Whited 21... $100 �������������������������� Dawn Abram 22... $25 ��������������������������� Mark Greenia 23... $25 ������������������������Christine LeSan 24... $25 ���������������������Everett L. Costain 25... $25 ����������������������������� Alex Fernald 26... $25 ����������������������������Lori Theriault 27... $25 �������������� Kathy & Bob Kimball 28... $100 ������������������������ Alan R. Hawes 29... $25 �����������������������������Jim Shacklett 30... $25 ���������������������������������� Paul Giles 31... $25 ���������������������������Carol Robbins ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS Gerry’s Used Cars BUY HERE / PAY HERE Family Owned and Operated Serving you from four locations Ask about our extended warranty! • Cheryl & Karrie - 266 Newport Road, Corinna, 278-2205 • Justin - Oakland 465-9566 • Rose - Main Street, Veazie 990-2206 • Kalgari - Skowhegan 474-6700 Sunset Auto Repair Full Service Auto Repair State Inspection • We Sell Tires No Job too Big or Small Free Estimates 907-4901 M - F: 9am - 5pm 2834 Broadway • Bangor, Maine Know-how believes in the power of service. People’s United Bank proudly supports the Anah Shriners ©2015 People’s United Bank | Member FDIC | 207-942-4800 Equal Housing Lender A cockroach will live nine days without it’s head, before it starves to death. peoples.com July 2016 19 Continued from page 16 others. If anyone happened to arrive home after the great convertible super supper in May with an extra Shrine tie with Masonic tie clip, please make contact with Noble Alden Tracy or better yet, his lady Pam. Some people bear more watching than others. Alden, if in the future you feel the need to undress at a public event, maybe it’s time that you get an extra keeper to look after you and your clothing. One of our unit founders showed up at our house the other night with a new ride. A beautiful silver with blue top Corvette convertible. When you see it, I think that you will agree that is one smoking, sweet looking ride. We are all happy to have Noble John Shea in our unit and to have such a snappy ride! Lady Carol Miller and my wife Lady Lorraine both share a birthday this month. I don’t know about you Dale, but I need to get out and do some shopping. Got to keep ‘em happy, don’t ya know. But wait, don’t think that there has been a name change yet has there? That means not so much pressure for you Dale. Right? Happy birthday to both of you Ladies and also happy day to any other of our Shrine family celebrating this month. No wedding anniversary congratulations to announce. Need to up date my list again, so if I’ve slighted you, holler. Has any body else besides me noticed how much more colorful that the Anahgram has become in the past year? Good job to all involved in producing a truly professional publication. Thankyou! That’s enough for another month. Be sure to keep all in need in your thoughts and prayers and keep your eyes open for those members going around topless. It’s all about the kids! Reporting for the convertible unit, Gaylord Sundt Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. It should be warm enough by now for some cookouts. We had a great turn out for the Milo Black Fly Parade, there were 9 proud Nobles holding the flags high. Parades for July are Jonesport on the 2nd, Bar Harbor on the 4th, Lincoln on the 23rd, with our annual parade of canoes and kayaks on the 30th of July. Sorry I missed last month Happy belated Birthday to the following Nobles Richard Dionne, Allen Fernald, Arthur Grant and Lady Juanita Higgins. I hope the following Nobles and their Ladies had a wonderful Anniversary James & Lucille Campbell, Paul & Cynthia Davis, Edwin & Ellen DeWitt, and Lewis & Juanita Higgins. It is time to celebrate with some candles and cake for Nobles Hortense Abbot, Keith DeWitt, and Stanley Reed. Ladies Elaine Fernald, Sheila St. Amant, and Barbara Reed.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Who is doing some wine and dining this month Noble Greg Russell with his Lady Linda. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We march so they can walk. Reporter Andrew St Amant Noble Allen Hayward, Reporter Several of us got together for our spring outing at Timberland Campground, Trenton, Maine on Memorial Weekend the following were present: Walter & JoAnn Ash, Allen Hayward & Irene Blood, Algy & Amy Wood, Doug & Cheryle Monson, Derwood & Betty Shedd, Ray & Delma Paul, Mr. & Mrs. Merland Clark, David & Betty Bowen, Tom & Duffy Woods, Runtz & Ora Farnsworth, Ron & Bev Watson, Ken & Bonnie Whitney. Machias Blueberry Festival is coming up August 19-21 - hope you can make it. When you read this, we would have already had the June ceremonial - hope everyone had a great time. Birthdays for July - Nancy Bunker, Ron Green, Perley Merrick, Carol Miller, Esther Pellon, Betty Bowen and Sheila St. Amant. Anniversaries for July - Roland & Dottie Herrick, Dan & Jan Thompson, John Ashmore & Shirley Morrisey. Please contact Wagon Master, Walter Ash, with any news. Noble Allen Hayward, Secretary Noble John Farrington, Reporter Twenty-five Nobles of NPSC gathered together June 1, 2016 at the home of the Rockabema Snow Rangers, in Patten, for our monthly meeting. A nice social time was enjoyed with lots and lots of deviled eggs. Followed by the snow club’s very good baked stuffed chicken breast. President Elwell called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and led the nobles in the Pledge of Allegiance with the blessing offered up by Noble Ken Perkins. Cards with get well wishes were circulated to be sent to Noble Edward “Inky” McCafferty, Noble Raleigh Hanscom and Noble and Mrs. Wallace Harvey. “Inky” has recently undergone back surgery in Florida; cards would be welcomed. His address is: 11044 Mustang Drive, Dade City, FL 33525. Wallace and Joy will not be back in the Patten area until mid-July because of surgeries each of them have had. Their address is: 7118 Fitzpatrick Avenue, Brooksville, FL 34613. Raleigh’s illness is keeping him under the weather. Once again a card or a phone call would be nice; 733 Mohawk Road, Lincoln 04457 or 794 -8929. The 50/50 was won by guess who? Two months in a row!! Perhaps the Club should have him pick up a few megabucks tickets for us. He again gave it back to the Club except for his donation. Thank you Noble Burt Weed. In attendance were our ever present dignitaries Chief Greeter Emeritus; We are proud to support the Anah Shriners. We have 19 banking locations throughout the state of Maine to serve your personal and business banking needs. Katahdin Trust. Community Banking at its Best since 1918! To nd one of our 19 banking locations: www.KatahdinTrust.com Butterflies taste with their feet. The Anahgram 20 Durward Shedd, Aide Emeritus; Paul Thornton and P. P. Tony Bowers. I reported that circus ad and ticket sales totaled out at $8,802.50 for this circus year. There has been some discussion around the topic of including the ladies in this June meeting. Thus, President Elwell explained such and called for a show of hands to indicated approval of this idea. A majority of the Nobles present voted favorably so from now on our Ladies will be included in this meeting. The president has called for a meeting of the directors and the nominating committee to take place on July 28 at 2 p.m. on the shore of the Pond. President Elwell reminded all of the Nobles about the June joint ceremonial to take place in Rockport at Point Look Out on June 17 and 18. The Potentate and Divan will be visiting NPSC in November this year rather than our annual meeting in October. This change is at the request of Potentate Bob Turner. That meeting should take place at the Lincoln Snow Hounds Club in Lincoln. However, the meeting places will be firmed up at the July meeting of the directors mentioned above. On April 29, I chaperoned the Opal Myrick 4th grade on their bus trip to the circus. What a great time I had with these kids during the circus and afterward during supper at Pizza Hut. Shortly after that trip I received a hand written letter from each of those 4th graders. I do hope that a few of those letters are included in this edition of the Anahgram. If any Noble of NPSC would like to step forward and take on the role of Circus Director or the position of monthly bar tender please give me a call. We can discuss either position that may hold your interest. I will offer you all kinds of assistance. My numbers are 746 5766 and 746 9988. There is probably much more for me to write about but this is getting long already. So until the next time remember to keep Masonry and Shrine Dom in your life. Remember to support your Blue Lodge Elephants are the only mamals that can’t jump. July 2016 18 21 The Anahgram Springfield MADAYS is now a thing of the past who are behind in duesASSOCIATION next month. This FALL 2016 LUXOR NORTHEAST SHRINE FIELD and was held August 21-23. I am sure a seems to help a lot with our retention. I am SEPTEMBER 22-25,2016 good time was had by all who attended. personally reaching out to all the candidates Noble Appreciation Night will be held at FREDERICTON,NEW CANADA from 2011,2012,2013BRUNSWICK, and 2014 each month the Anah Temple on September 13th. through a calling post message. I think this By Noble Doug Dulac ANAH SHRINERS HOTEL: FREDERICTON INN Happy Birthday wishes for September go keeps them in the loop and informed. Hello everyone from the membership 1315 REGENT STREET out to Barry Hanscom, Donnie Wright, Bill Please help us by telling the Shrine committee. I wanted to update you all a Sternbergh, Phil Mondville, Leni Weaver, FREDERICTON,NB story as often as possible. WeCANADA need to start little bit on membership. First of all let me Membership Committee Napoleon Beal, Nancy Chapman, Vernon gearing up for next year’s class, so keep tell you we had a very successful Hospital Scott, Skip Pennell, James Cox, Cecil thinking about someone who would make Support Night event on Sat. August 2nd. Fernald, and Sandy Alley. NAME:________________________________________________________________ a good Mason and Shriner. This is something the membership comm. September Anniversary wishes go to Past Potentate Guy and Nancy Chapman, Walter put on ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________ to raise awareness of what we & Claire Kennedy, Mike & Dawn Gooch, really do as Shriners which is support the PHONE#_____________________SPECIAL REQUEST:____________________ Dick & Margaret Gardner, Napoleon & hospitals. We had a fantastic meal put on Bernadette Beal, Tom & Bobbie Foss, by the Second Section, who did it free Vernon & Gail Scott, Mike & Nancy Bailey, of charge by the way, a silent ROOM auction,3TYPE IF AVAILABLE: 2bed_______1bed_____ Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter William & Ruth Smith, and George & patients from the hospitals that spoke and ALL ROOM ARE $139.00 CA.$$ PLUS HST-TAX Sheila Alley. As I write this article I realize that some great entertainment by the ARRIVAL: Skyliners THUR._____FRI.____DEPART Until next month I wish all a great summer is slipping away very quickly. FallSUN._____ band. Because it was our first time doing September and good health. MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED is fast approaching and the leaves will soon this and being in the middle of the summer be turning color. It is a beautiful time of CREDIT CARD#___________________________EXP______ I was a little nervous about what kind of the year but we all know what is to follow turnout we would get. I amOR very pleasedCHECKS to MAKE ANAH SHRINE in a PAYABLE few months. TO Enjoy the good weatherHOUSING $200.00 say that we had over 120 in attendance! The ANAH HOSPITALITY WILL BE PROVIDED FRI/SAT NIGHTS while we have it. Hopefully we will have deal was that every penny of profit we made a nice warm fall. MAIL RESERVATIONS TO: would be split between the Boston and Our August 7th meeting was a ladies night Springfield hospitals. We actually will be EARL “YOGI” SEYMOUR and was held at the Degenhart Campground sending them $1062.00 each! I have spoken ASPEN in Jonesport.17I was unableWAY to attend so have with Jesse Thomas our Chief Rabban and no report on the meeting. I do know that BREWER, ME. 04412 it looks like we will do this again next year they were making the plans for the Annual (STEAK OR17th. CHICKEN) Photo: Merland Clark hopefully on May 16th. A FRIDAY NIGHT BobBUFFET Smith Picnic on August We are COST $20.00 In addition to that the membership USA Funds TAX & GRATUITY . hoping for another beautiful dayINCLUDED in Down comm. is meeting once a month and will QTY# EastSTEAK_____QTY# Maine for this event. CHICKEN_____ be starting phone calls to all those nobles The Northeast Shrine Field Days in Darling’s Chevrolet is proud to support the ANAH SHRINERS 121 Downeast Hwy., Ellsworth (just up from the triangle) US Route 1 North • 667-2512 “You’ll do better at Darling’s!” You can find it all at www.darlings.com Starfish don’t have brains. 22 Bangor 207-947-5678 Brewer 207-989-3603 Ellsworth 207-667-8515 www.gliddenautobody.com ANAH PEOPLE ANAH HISTORY Brooke Green EST 1964 The Anahgram EST 1964 Bangor 207-947-5678 Brewer 207-989-3603 Ellsworth 207-667-8515 www.gliddenautobody.com EST 1964 EST 1964 Bangor 207-947-5678 Brewer 207-989-3603 Ellsworth 207-667-8515 www.gliddenautobody.com EST 1964 EST 1964 Bangor 207-947-5678 Brewer 207-989-3603 Ellsworth 207-667-8515 www.gliddenautobody.com Polar bears are left handed. I had the wonderful pleasure to meet Mrs. Marion Perry who is the widow of David Perry who was once the Editor of the Anahgram and was a member of the Second Section. Mrs. Perry is a young “96” years of age she was born December 28, 1919, and remembers most of the Anah Shrine events she and her husband attended. She loves to do puzzles and had one on the table she was working on. She told me she was the Secretary at the First Congregational Church in Brewer for many years. She loved to type on the old manual typewriter to do out the church bulletins. Mrs. Perry and her husband David did their typing in the office they had in the basement of their Brewer home. They each used half of the office for their work space. David received the Anahgram articles by mail and then typed them out and then they were taken to the printers. David worked at Sears Roebuck for 35 years. They had 2 sons that kept them busy. They lost one son Donald Lee several years ago. She is helped by her son Richard Wayne Perry of Orrington with things she needs and many exciting day trips out with him and especially when they go out to eat. She said she loved July 2016 to read the quotes at the bottom of each page in the Anahgram. Both Mr. and Mrs. Perry attended Brewer High School, Marion graduated in 1936 and David graduated in 1937, she was very proud to be a Brewer alumni. They loved to dance at the Shattow in Bangor and at all the Shrine events. Two of her fondest memories were of their Shrine trips with fellow Shriners to Rio de Janeiro and Hawaii. They were good friends with the family of our next Editor Gerald Harvey. Mrs. Perry reads our Anahgram monthly and wishes she knew more of the people in it. She remarked she still sees some of the faces she recognizes in the Anahgram with one being Sonny Crocker. She visited us a few weeks ago to see the new Anah Shrine building on Broadway with her friend Herb Hopkins of the Anah Band bringing her here. She said she was so impressed with our new Anah home. Mrs. Perry is very active and said she would like to hear from all the Shriners. She said they could send her a card at her address; Mrs. Marion Perry 509 Kenduskeag Ave. Apt#1 Bangor, Me. 04401 23 191 E. Main Street, DoverFoxcroft, ME 04426 10 Locations to serve you! 1-800-244-7134 • www.EBSBuild.com “No man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child.” – Abraham Lincoln A duck’s quack doesn’t echo, and no one knows why. The Anahgram 24 The Black Camel DAVID L. IRELAND, Veazie & Zephyrhills, FL March 1, 1940 – May 23, 2016 Mosaic Lodge #52, Dover-Foxcroft Raised 10/26/1961 Created Anah June 14, 1975 PHILIP E. WALKER, Greenville January 28, 1934 – May 28, 2016 Columbia-Doric Lodge #49, Greenville Raised 9/28/1965 Created Anah Jan. 12, 1980 RUSSELL A. RODGERSON, Bangor & Presque Isle January 28, 1938 – May 31, 2016 Trinity Lodge #130, Presque Isle Raised 1/13/1969 Created Anah June 7, 1969 LEMAN L. SMITH, JR., Bar Harbor May 19, 1927 – March 25, 2016 Bar Harbor Lodge #185 Raised 4/14/1960 Created Anah June 18, 1977 WAYNE R. ALLEN, Sedwick Apr. 4, 1930 – June 17, 2016 Ira Berry #128 Raised 7/2/1951 Created Anah June 10, 1955 L. MARK LOVELL, Bangor Jan. 15, 1934 – June 23, 2016 St. Andrews #83, Bangor Raised 3/10/1978 Created Anah June 16, 1985 Honoring Those Who Have Gone Before Us! “In Memory of Our Departed Brother Nobles” When Allah calls, then our friends obey and fold thier tents and steal away. To the land where the crystal waters flow, where the Beautiful Palms of Allah grow. Life is a story in volumes three, the past, the present, the yet to be. The first we’ve written and laid away, the second we’re reading day by day, The third and last of the volumes three,is locked from sight - God keepeth the key. MITCHELL-TWEEDIE FUNERAL HOME 28 Elm Street Bucksport 469-3177 YOUNG FUNERAL HOME 31West Main Street Searsport 548-2545 Serving Bucksport-Searsport and surrounding towns Albert Levesque, Proprioter Serving families in Bangor, Brewer, Hampden, Orono and Surrounding communities Celebrating the dignity of life www.BrookingsSmith.com CARING FOR GENERATIONS CLAY FUNERAL HOME Lincoln,Maine BARTLETT CHAPEL Danforth, Maine (207) 942-8815 J o r d a n - F e r n al d FUNERAL HOMES Your wishes for the type of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one can be outlined in advance like a will, prearranging a funeral is part of putting your affairs in order, yet it costs you nothing. Call us to set up an appointment. 1.800.667.2595 - Mount Desert Island • Ellsworth • Blue Hill www.jordanfernald.com July 2016 25 Hanks Husqvarna Outlet 19 Moosehead Trail Suite 2A Newport, ME 04953 207-368-9994 ® Shriners helping Shriners: a group of Shriners that helped put in wood for a fellow Shriner that needed some assistance. Hanks Repair 32 Old State Road • Carmel, ME 04419 207-848-5118 www.hanksrepair.com • hanksrepair@aol.com Four Points by Sheraton Bangor Airport 308 Godfrey Blvd. Bangor, ME Call 207-947-6721 and ask for the Anah Shrine Discounted Rate! We are offering complimentary shuttle service on all room blocks of 10 or more rooms. To set up a room block contact Jana May, T 207-947-6721 ext. 1115 or E jana.may@fourpointsbangor.com. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Lobsters, Clams, Mussels, Crabs, Scallops, Oysters Young’s Lobster Pound & Seafood Restaurant Where Lobsters are Caught, Cooked, Eaten and Shipped 7 Days a Week Right from our Dock 2 Fairview St. Belfast, Maine 04915 Phone: (207) 338-1160 Fax: (207) 338-1656 We Cater to Large Groups On or Off Site www.youngslobsterpound.webs.com www.facebook.com/youngslobsterpound KELLEY & WALLY FENLASON REALTORS®, ASSOCIATE BROKERS 207-949-7376 Direct fenlason@masiello.com 207-812-7156 Office 1162 Union Street Bangor, ME 04401 www.kelleywallyfenlason.masiello.com An ostrich’s eye is bigger that it’s brain. The Anahgram 26 Springfield Hospital Staff at Anah Shrine for Dr’s Clinic at EMMC Bonnie Turner and the New Candidates Ladies at Ladies Luncheon The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds. D or r Lobster & Sea r to Doo fo o d ., . C C IN O Now Open! Live Lobsters • Lobster Rolls • Fresh Seafood • Chowder We catch. We pack. We ship. Gift Card D r Lobster & Sea r to Doo fo o d Need that perfect gift? Send a piece of Maine with a Dorr Gift Card! Dorr Lobster Bangor Seafood Market • 579 Broadway • 207-947-7488 www.dorrlobster.com • 207-546-7488 • 1-855-ME-LOBSTER f t The Anahgram 28 if there’s an EMERGENCY, then fast, reliable communication is a must. 64 Mill Road Lamoine, ME 04605 FOR FREE ESTIMATES We offer emergency equipment, 2-way radio sale & service, solar site products and service, telemetry systems sales and service, radio system design and installation and more. Visit us online for discounts, specials and rental options. 667-5962 Cell: 460-8861 www.whittens2wayservice.com 155 Robertson Blvd., Brewer, Maine 04412 • Tel. 207-989-2435 RealtyofofRealty Maineof Maine Realty Maine TIM TIM TIM DUTCH DUTCH DUTCH Cell: 207.323.0440 Cell: 207.323.0440 Office: 207.338.6800 Office: 207.338.6800 Broker/Realtor Broker/Realtor Cell:Fax: 207.323.0440 Fax: 207.338.3060 timdutch01@gmail.com 207.338.3060 timdutch01@gmail.com Office: Broker/Realtor 107• Main Street • Belfast, ME 04915 107 Main Street Belfast, ME207.338.6800 04915 local name know Fax: 207.338.3060 timdutch01@gmail.com “A local name“A you know you you can trust!”you can trust!” 107 Main • indistinguishable Belfast, ME from 04915 The fingerprints of koala bearsStreet are virtually those of humans, so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene. “A local name you know you can trust!” July 2016 29 AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 CARIBOU 118 BENNETT DR 498-2707 PRESQUE ISLE 611 MAIN ST 764-5553 HOULTON 98A BANGOR ST 532-2100 www.bangorfloral.com 96 Center Street Bangor, ME 04401 207.947.4569 186 State Street • Bangor, Maine (207) 990-3929 Drive beatVarney VarneyValue Value Drive5050miles milesor or 500, 500, you You can’t can’t beat anywhere! anywhere! 260 HOGAN ROAD BANGOR, ME 04401 207-990-1200 1-800-288-3071 www.varneyvalue.com Augusta Bangor Belfast Portland You ANAHGRAMsuccessful successfulby byusing usingititfor foryour youradvertising advertisingand andpatronizing patronizingthose thosewho whodo. do. You can can help help make make THE The ANAHGRAM Anah Shriners P.O. Box Anah 735 Shriners Bangor ME 04402-0735 1404 Broadway Bangor, ME 04401 � � JULY 2016 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 WEBB’S RV CENTER LAR RV D GEST EAL ER NEW IN ENG LAN D Rt. 2 Hammond St., Target Industrial Circle, Bangor AS DEMAND GETS GREATER... WE GET BETTER! Call us Today At 942-2900 or 1-800-339-5668 www.webbsrvcenter.com • www.facebook.com/WebbsRvCenter OV ER 0 50NITS CK U TO S IN can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. After You you have looked at the rest. COME SEE THE BEST!
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