Units Make Anah Outstanding
Units Make Anah Outstanding
APRIL 2012 Units Make Anah Outstanding Chanters Past Members MONTHLY MESSENGER OF ANAH SHRINERS BANGOR, MAINE AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 Drive beatVarney VarneyValue Value Drive5050miles milesor or 500, 500, you You can’t can’t beat anywhere! anywhere! 260 HOGAN ROAD BANGOR, ME 04401 207-990-1200 1-800-288-3071 www.varneyvalue.com You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Shooting Shooting for for the the STARS STARS The Anahgram Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Chartered June 15, 1922 A Chapter of Shriners International P.O. Box 735, Bangor Maine 04402-0735 Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1944 Website: www.Anahshriners.com - e-mail: anahshriners@myfairpoint.net Volume 80 Number 4 April 2012 Gerald L. Harvey- Editor/Advertising Manager WINNER OF SIX DROMEDARY AWARDS Circus Time is Just Around The Corner Bangor - April 27, 28, 29 Sidney W. Winchester 1923 – 2012 Potentate 2003 Past Potentate Sidney W. “Sid” Winchester of Brewer was born November 28, 1923 and died March 8, 2012, at a Bangor hospital. He was the husband of Lillian (Winslow) Winchester. He was predeceased by his parents, Clarence S. and Hilda M. (Purcell) Winchester. He attended Brewer schools and graduated from Brewer High School, class of 1943. Sid was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, serving in the 708 M.P. BN. After his military service he became employed by National Biscuit Co. In 1948 he joined Norman E. Whitney Inc. and in 1965 became a partner and owner until 1986 when he retired. He was a member of the Bangor Noon Time Kiwanis Club Surviving in addition to his wife, Lillian (Winslow) Winchester of Brewer, are five Presque Isle - May 3, 4, 5 Tickets are out, Acts are booked, all we need now is people to show and help make this a success. The Units, Clubs and the rest of the helpers should all know what their jobs are during the six days of shows. If you do not have a job and want one just show up before the shows start and ask for Lee Kaufman in Bangor and Jim Dwyer in Presque Isle. We need help everywhere, from ushers to clean up between and after shows to helping with novelties, inventory after the shows; the list goes on and on. If you sponsored a new Shriner last year take a minute and invite him to come to the Circus and experience what being a Shriner is all about. There will be meals served again this year between shows in Bangor and Presque Isle for people working at the Circus. Let’s all show up, help out and have a very successful Circus for 2012. Noble Denny Hill, Assistant Circus Chairman, Bangor Continued on page 22 YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Rodney Pinkham, P.P., Box 8, Holden , ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916 2 THE ANAHGRAM SUNDAY MONDAY 1 2 Palm Sunday Aroostook S C Meeting 4x4’s Meeting 8 9 Easter Sunday 15 22 29 Sunshine Club Meeting 16 23 30 TUESDAY 4 3 No. Penob S C Sherman Provost Guard Meeting Hancock County SC 10 11 17 18 NASCARS Meeting Hancock S C Ladies Night Divan Meeting 4:00p.m. Tri-County S C Mini-Bikes Meeting 25 24 Keystone Kops Meeting 20 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 5 Washington Cnty SC Divan Visitation 12 Waldo S C Meeting 19 26 Aroostook S C Meeting MONDAY TUESDAY 7 14 8 WEDNESDAY 9 20 21 Aides Meeting & Supper 28 27 Circus Bangor 15 21 22 28 Memorial Day (Observed) 29 FRIDAY 4 16 Tri-County S C SATURDAY 5 Circus Presque Isle 10 11 Waldo S C Meeting 17 BBSC Steak Feed Directors Staff Meeting 18 12 Convertibles Super Supper Screening Clinic in P.I. 19 Armed Forces Day FORCES 23 24 25 30 31 COMING EVENTS FOR... Divan Meeting Anah Association Meeting 27 14 THURSDAY 3 2 NASCARS Meeting Divan Meeting 20 13 First Day of Passover Murder Mystery APRIL 2012 No. Penob S C E. Milliocket 13 7 Good Friday Second Section Meeting COMING EVENTS FOR... 1 6 SATURDAY 6 Bangor/Brewer S C Ladies Night Catered Directors Staff Circus Bangor SUNDAY FRIDAY Acadamecians Meeting Aroostook S C Meeting 26 MAY 2012 Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor APRIL 2012 3 Greetings Nobles and Ladies, Noble Michael “Sid” Alley, Reporter Spring is in the air! Somewhere just not in “No man’s Land” that’s the area between Bangor and Presque Isle, called Island Falls the place of which Carmel and I call home. Everything is going at breakneck speed! Also I don’t think I have driven home at night without there being snow or freezing rain. Oh well! All of those of us that went to the Wheelers Super Supper had a great time and some of us even came home with some money. The Northeast Mid-Winter meeting is March 16 and 17, we have several Temples as well as Imperial Officers coming. I am very proud of the committee that has worked very hard thus far to pull this all together. It has been a lot of work. The Divan will be participating in a combined third degree in Warren on Mar. 24 we will be very well represented. Also that is the date of the Clown Casino night. I’m hearing a lot of people are coming to support the clowns in this endeaver.We also will be having another Murder Mystery on April 7, if you didn’t go last year you missed out. There will also be dancing after as well, so get your tickets early. As you all are aware the Anah Circus will be April 27-29 in Bangor and Presque Isle May 4-6. This is a great opportunity to get out and have fun working and seeing old friends and making new ones. The screening clinics will be May 12. The June Ceremonial is also just around the corner and everything is pretty much lined up for that. What WE need help with is CANDIDATES, CANDIDATES, and CANDIDATES! I’m sure they will be coming shortly. As always I am just amazed at the number of people that come to Shrine functions and to the club meetings, and the number of miles that all these people Anthony “Tony” Bowers Potentate have to drive. It is this dedication that makes Shrinedom great and thriving -“SHOOTING FOR THE STARS” is what it’s all about. P.S. Don’t forget the c-a-a- a-a-r raffle tickets. Supporting your clubs and Blue Lodges, that is where it all starts. Always yours in the faith, Anthony V. “Tony” Bowers ANAH DIVAN MEETING TUESDAY APRIL 17, at 7:00P.M. All Nobles are encouraged to attend. Fresh news is hard to come by. I find myself with little news to report. My guess is this is the calm before the storm. Our Valentine Dance has come and gone. Attendance was down this year but the good news is that all attendees seemed to have a good time. Mini-Bike riders past and present turned out in force along with their spouses, making quick work of set up and clean up. A small contingent of Clowns showed up to entertain young and young at heart. The D.J. has expressed an interest in returning for next year’s dance so it looks like we will continue the tradition. Great job everyone and a big thank you. Invitations to parades are starting to trickle in. Captain Jason is ready to start drilling us on our routine. I hope he can wait till the parking lot is dry. We have new riders to train and lots of work to do before June gets here. Oh and let’s not forget the trophies we have to defend. The Stork racked up some frequent flier miles in April. Birthday wishes go out to Shirley Billings, Past Captain Weldon Long, Frank McGillicuddy, George McLeod, Phili Pushard, Ellen Sanborn and Pam Spaulding. And finally a happy anniversary to Diane and Bruce Estes. Our next meeting is April 18. Supporting people and their communities people’s United Bank is proud to support the anah shriners Call: 207-942-4800 Click: peoples.com Visit: over 370 branches across the Northeast ©2012 People’s United Bank Member FDIC You should take time for the important before time prevents you. 4 THE ANAHGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians....................................... 12 Aides...................................................... 8 Aroostook S C ..................................... 16 Athletics.................................................... Band......................................................... Bangor-Brewer S C.................................. Boosters................................................ 6 Calendar................................................. 2 Chanters................................................... Circus..................................................... 1 Clowns (Bangor)................................... 11 Clowns (Aroostook).................................. Convertibles......................................... 11 Daughters of the Nile.............................. 4 Directors Staff....................................... 10 Drum & Bugle........................................... Editor........................................................ Flag Unit............................................... 14 Funster Unit.......................................... 20 Go-Karts Unit........................................ 10 Hancock County S C............................ 14 Highlanders............................................ 9 Hospital News (Springfield).................. 20 Indy Cars.............................................. 16 Kampers Klub......................................... 5 Kanteen Corps......................................... Keystone Kops......................................... Lobster Boat Unit...................................... Looking Back............................................ Membership application....................... 15 Mini-Car Unit............................................. Mini-Bike................................................. 3 Mystery Person...................................... 7 NASCARS............................................ 12 Northern Penobscot S C ......................... Obituaries............................................. 23 Oriental Band....................................... 13 Past Masters Unit..................................... Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit............................................. 17 Potentate................................................ 3 Provost Guard...................................... 19 Public Relations........................................ Second Section...................................... 7 Schoodic Shrine Club............................... Sunshine Club...................................... 19 Tri-County S C........................................ 5 Waldo County S C ............................... 14 Washington County S C....................... 18 Wheelers.............................................. 13 4x4 Unit................................................ 18 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE Caron Kilton, P.Q. Reporter In March Ankh Temple held its election and Installation of Officers for 2012 2013. Congratulations Jane Ritchie on being installed Queen on March 24th – more will be reported in the next Anahgram issue. The Ankh Temple Dance Unit and the Downeast Daughters Club have also elected their officers for the year. The Downeast Daughters club has changed their “Fun Fair” date to April. This will be held at the Parrish Hall in Machias and will feature a bake sale, Chinese auction, White Elephant table and activities for children. Recent items collected and sent to the Shriners Hospitals in MA. are DVD’s and CD’s for the older children and Fisher Price toys for younger children. Did you know that the Shriners Hospitals for Children® classroom is an important part of the Shriners’ philosophy, which is “treating the whole child”. During the time patients are undergoing care, parents are encouraged to bring in a child’s schoolwork, so that their child, may stay current with school studies. The classroom is equipped with every item found in a regular classroom - books, videotapes, posters, and computerized teaching aides. Many of these items come at no cost to the hospitals through the Campbell’s Labels for Educations Program. Individuals and organizations collect the labels and send BANGOR-BREWER SHRINE CLUB THURSDAY April 19 Ladies Night Catered by Stevies Stage Coach New Members Always Welcome Proceeds benefit Bangor/Brewer Shrine Club them to the hospitals. The ladies of Daughters of the Nile meet each month and process the labels so that they can be redeemed. The teacher at each hospital selects educational items from the Campbell’s labels for Education Program catalogue, so that each September the Children are ready to start the school year. THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: anahshriners@myfairpoint.net Website: http://www.Anahshriners.com Available by subscription $12.00 per year. EDITOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Gerald L. Harvey 586 Main Street, P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Tel. (H) 991-9708 Email: MAPA46@AOL.COM Fax: (H)-989-7931 DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Dennis Bryant 1036 Ayers Jct. Rd Charlotte ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 Cel.:214-6522 Dennis Bryant <dwbryant@myfairpoint.net> ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Bob Hodgkins Home Tel: 938-3864 Cel: 341-0866 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate Antlhony V. Bowers. Chief Rabban F. Lee Kaufman Assistant Chief Rabban Thomas J. Clukey . High Priest & Prophet Donald “Jesse” Thomas Oriental Guide Robert L. Turner Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder Harold W. Crocker, P.P SHRINER’S PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. What this country really needs is a wishing well with a money-back guarantee. APRIL 2012 5 Tri-County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 15, 2011. The 47 Nobles and 2 guests were treated to the expected meal at the Countryside Restaurant in Corinth. The appetizers are a meal in themselves. After the Libation Hour and Appetizers, the meeting was called to order by Tri- County President Doug Dulac. The Invocation was given by Most Illustrious Grand Master of Royal and Select Masters of Maine, Tri- County’s own, M.I. Randy L Adams. Nice to have you with us that night. The Flag Salute was led by the President. Representing the Divan that night were Chief Rabban Lee Kaufman and First Ceremonial Master Steve Trimm. President Dulac gave a presentation on Bonds vs. CDS. The 5050 Raffle was won by Noble Bob Mott. Rumor has it that Tri-County will be going back to Corinna in June, for a steak feed. No further business, meeting was closed by the President. HAVE YOU LOOKED AROUND LATELY, AT A SHRINE OR MASONIC MEETING, NOTICE THE SAME FACES, OR LOWER NUMBERS, IF YOU HAVE, IT’S TIME TO BRING NEW BLOOD INTO THE FRATERNITIES. ALWAYS WORK ON MEMBERSHIP. Of course the Blueberry Festival is scheduled for the weekend of 17, 18, and 19 August. And reservations for that should be made with Derward Shedd at 207-7234431. I would not miss this one if I were you, simply because it’s in Machias and is always a fun time. We had a great mid-winter hot dog roast at Don and Barbara Johnson’s home in Lake Wales this February. About twenty of us met from all over Florida and had a great visit and meal. We always look forward to this and catching up on what everyone is doing. Birthdays celebrated this month include Dottie Herrick, Beverly Watson, Derward Shedd, Paul Foulks, Gail Foulks, Sonny Colburn, Joanne Ashe, Irene Blood, Ray Paul, Thomas King, Arthur Watson, Ray Crowley, and Sue Jones. Anniversaries are being celebrated by Ronnie and Carole Green, Walter and Joanne Ashe, and Richard and Deborah Dunham. Lyman Blyther says he is thoroughly enjoying being your Wagonmaster this winter and looks forward to seeing you all in the spring. Visa and Mastercard are accepted at the Recorder’s Office Noble Ken Whitney - Reporter Well, here comes spring, and the Circus, and Kamping season. I understand it hasn’t been much of a winter there at home, but here in Florida, it’s been the season for camping all winter, so it seems odd to say the season is here. But it is, and we have some details of the schedule this year to share with you. First campout of the year will be at the Pumpkin Patch in Hermon on May 11, 12, 13th. Reservations may be made by calling 352-212-9664. This is Mother’s Day weekend so plan to take mother camping. The June Ceremonial this year is in Houlton and we have made arrangements to camp at My Brother’s Place Campground in that town. The campgound is only one mile north on US1 and is quite amenable to all size rigs. Reservations may be made by email at mybrotherspl@aol.com or calling 207-532-6739 later this spring. The owners, Art and Sally Nickel, are in Florida for the winter, imagine that? Many people think opportunity means a chance to get money without earning it. 6 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Dick & Laura Adams 7/12 Richard N. Averill 7/13 I M O C. Alton Bagley 4/12 Clifton P. Barker 7/12 I M O Perry T. Barker 7/12 Albert “Bucky” & Norma Bishop 10/12 Mike Blake 7/12 I M O David Blood 5/12 Blinn & Joan Boone 6/12 Blair & Judy Bubar 4/12 Dick & Kim Carlow 3/13 Charlie & Shirley Caron 6/12 Bob Chandler 9/13 I M O Arthur W. Chandler 9/13 I M O Maynard K. Chipman 4/12 Michael A. Clark 6/12 I M O Rodney M. Clewley 12/16 I M O Gregory L. Clifford 6/12 I M O Earle F. Collins 7/12 John & Jan Conti 4/12 Ron & Evelyn Cook 3/13 Sonny & Marilyn Crocker 3/13 Stephen & Christine Cummings Sr. Stephen & Sarah Cummings, Jr. I M O Norman P. Dalbeck 5/12 Wayne & Tanya Darling 4/12 Larry Doughty 8/12 Mark Doughty 8/12 Bryant & Joan Dutch 7/12 I M O Dryden C. Dutch, P.P 7/12. I M O Lewis E. Fenlason 7/12 Wallace & Lorena Fenlason 7/13 Merle & Betty Finley 4/13 Phil & Sandy Finley 4/13 I M O Lewis R. Fitts, Jr., Band 4/12 Wes & Bonnie Ford 4/12 Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 9/12 I M O Hugo Frati 8/12 Orlando Frati 8/12 George & Mary Beth Gaddis 3/13 Greg Geagan 12/12 Paul & Diana Giles 4/2013 Goody & Roz Gilman 6/12 I M O Harry F. Gordon 10/13 Ralph & Phyllis Goss 7/12 W. Louis & Judi A. Greenier 6/12 Charles C.W. Hackney 8/13 I M O Edwin W. Hadley 10/12 I M O Jim Halkett 7/12 Gene & Pamela Hamm 6/12 Ed & Bonnie Hamm 8/12 I M O Elbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 6/12 I M O Tom Harper 7/13 Steven & Marilee Hartley 7/12 I M O Mike Haskell 4/12 Dwight & Estelle Haslam 5/12 Richard P. Hawkins 9/14 BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s on separate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. Send check with name as it is to appear to: ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS, P.O. Box 735, Bangor ME 04402-0735 Larry & Libby Hersom 4/12 I M O Richard Holt 3/13 Ralph Holyoke 3/13 Gerald & Regina Jackson 5/12 C. Ray & Loretta Jones 2/13 I M O Harry Kearney 8/12 Alton & Ellen Kenney 3/13 Charles & Selma Larson 8/12 Larry & Gail Larson 7/12 Skip Lenfest, Jr. 7/12 Skip Lenfest, Sr. 7/12 I M O Frank Leighton 8/12 I M O Paul Libby 4/12 Elwood “Woody” Littlefield 12/13 Mike & Bonnie London 8/12 I M O M/M. Fred B. Lunt, Sr. P.P 4/12. Dee Dee & Polly Lyons 8/12 Winston & Frances Mackay 6/12 I M O G. Urial 4/12Martin 4/12 Roy C. & Elizabeth A. Martin 8/12 Douglas & Donna McCafferty 10/12 Doug K. & Candee McCafferty 10/12 I M O E Sr.& Evelyn McCafferty 10/12 I M O Terral A. McCafferty 9/12 Ed & Nancy McGraw 7/12 Bob & Mary McReavy 3/13 Joseph Megquier 6/12 Jerry & Cindy Merrithew 5/12 Dick & Joan Meserve 7/12 Ronald Murphy 3/13 I M O Linda Nickerson 4/12 Circus Spot Lite Crew P I 2/12 “Boomer” & Julianna Palmer 5/12 Ernie & LizPark 4/12 Herman & Kate Peabody 7/12 P.P. Ed & Esther Pellon 8/12 James & Frances Pinkham 4/13 Rod & Joyce Pinkham 6/12 I M O Bob Pushard, Sr. 8/12 I M O Godfrey & Eliza Quirion 12/12 Gary & Glenna Robbins 8/12 I M O Sumner Rogers 3/13 I M O Earl Sands 2/12 Heath & Karen Savage 8/12 Spike Savage 8/12 I M O Clifton R. Scoville 6/12 Todd C. Scoville 6/12 I M O Avon O. Severance 4/13 Marty & Joan Shaw 9/12 “Stubby” & Joyce Sherman 6/12 Shane & Barbara Sherman 6/12 Carole & Geddes Simpson, Jr. 8/12 I M O Dorothy M. Sites 9/12 I M O Donald W. Small, Jr 5/12 Sandy & Colleen Smith 12/12 Thomas M & Nadene M. Smith 3/13 Roger & Pat Smith 6/12 YES! THE ANAHGRAM I M O Cedric A. Somerville 11/12 Daniel L. Tarr 6/12 I M O Betty L. Tarr 6/12 Michael & Mary Tenedios 6/12 William A. Thomas 8/12 Paul & Joyce Thornton 10/12 Tim & Ann Thornton 3/13 Inez & Reginald Toothaker 3/13 Ivan O. Wakefield 4/12 Hank & Gloria Waldron 4/12 I M O Houston Wardwell 7/12 I M O Phyllis Wardwell 7/12 Dave & Leni Weaver 3/13 Burt & Jackie Weed 8/12 I M O Wayne Wheeler 8/12 Lloyd & Jay Willey 8/20 Bob & Norma Winglass Don & Felicia Wiswell 3/13 Don & Carolyn Wright 4/12 Duane “Div-it” & Karen Young 3/13 Have you noticed? The booster list is shrinking, Your participation would be geatly appreciated. Use the coupon below to support The Anahgram DATES INDICATE LAST INSERTION I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one year. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $_____Name(s) ___________________ If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by not borrowing any. APRIL 2012 7 Who is it ??? The Editor made a mistake on the February “Who is it” column by saying it was Raymond Cunningham. The person in the February “Who Is It” column was Raymond Spaulding who is the most senior Past Master of Rising Virtue Lodge. He was identified by Ronald Murphy and the Editor apologizes for the error. As of March 5 Noble Ralph Holyoke was the first and so far, the only person who identified the March person as Noble Harold DeGrasse of Brewer, now deceased. If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Sonny Crocker at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor at MAPA46@AOL.COM. The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is running very low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!! Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. As I write this article I am in hopes that we continue to be fortunate in the weather category and it will be getting a lot warmer soon. Our March meeting was held at the Shrine Center with only 26 Nobles present. HonContinued on page 8 NOBLES and LADIES Start Planning Now You are Invited to Houlton, Shiretown of Aroostook County For the June Ceremonial JUNE 14,15, and 16 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING HOUSING: Hotel rooms are sold out in Houlton. Rooms are available in Woodstock, NB. Canada (only 14 miles from Houlton). (You will need either a passport or pass card to re-enter the U.S.A.) Following is a preliminary schedule of events for the June Ceremonial to be held on the weekend of June 14-16. Some of the times and locations have not been finally established due to the winter/spring season we are in. • THURSDAY, June 14 there will be a Cribbage Tournament with an LRC dice game being coordinated by P.P. Guy Chapman in Houlton (Location TBA when available.) • FRIDAY: Ladies and Men’s Golf Tournament (Coordinated by George Watson. Ladies and Men will play in Island Falls at the VAJOWA Golf Course. Format will be a 4-person Scramble Start at 10:00 a.m. Registration forms will be in the May Anahgram. EVENING: Dinner, consisting of BBQ Steak or Chicken sponsored by the Aroostook County Shrine Club, Candidates and their Ladies will be guests of Potentate Tony. Dance to follow. • SATURDAY: Temple meeting and Ceremonial, Parade 1:00 p.m.LADIES LUNCHEON at The Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum in Littleton, busses will be available. Candidates’ Ladies will be guests of Lady Carmel Bowers. EVENING: Dinner of Lobster by Washington County Shrine Club or Steak (menu not firm). Dance to follow. Candidates and their Ladies will be guests of Potentate Tony Bowers. REMINDER: CANDIDATES MAKE A CEREMONIAL – Be sure you have not overlooked any prospects as Anah needs to keep recruiting to keep our numbers up and stay strong. Topline signers for three candidates earn an Anah Watch. If you are a top-line signer be sure that your candidate is aware of all the things he needs to know. A more detailed schedule will be in next months’ Anahgram. Altogether too many people are in debt simply because they spend what their friends and neighbors think they make. 8 THE ANAHGRAM Continued from page 7 orary Nobles present were Chief Aide Gordon Smith and Aides Ron Watson and Roland Herrick. The Anah Shrine Circus is right around the corner and will be held on April 27, 28 and 29th in Bangor. The Second Section’s primary job at the Circus is to sell programs outside the door and inside the auditorium. Check the Anahgram for the show times and time slot discussions will be discussed at our April meeting. We also do a considerable amount of cooking for all of the Circus workers and ladies. We need help with serving, running, cleaning, etc. during this time to make things run as smoothly as possible. We feed a lot of people during this time and it is a lot of fun for everyone. Finally, we are in need of Nobles to help out on Sunday after the last show to take inventory of, and pack up the novelties for the Circus in Presque Isle. All Nobles are asked to help out with this weekend as this is Anah’s largest fundraiser to support the Temple. The Second Section continues the sale of our Shrine glasses. They are proving to be very popular among the Nobles of Anah and we thank all who have purchased to date. We are in the process of ordering more to make sure we have them available at the June Ceremonial and NESA in September. We have 14 oz glasses in a set of four for $25.00, and a 12oz glass in a set of four for $20.00. We also still have a number of the Anah Shrine cotton throws (blankets) available for sale. They are priced at $45.00 each and can be ordered by contacting our Quartermaster, Chris Robison at 907-9720 and he should be able to help you out. If Noble Robison is unavailable, contact any Second Section officer for assistance. The Second Section voted to sponsor a table for the Murder Mystery Evening held on April 7th at the Shrine Center. With the sponsorship we will receive eight tickets. Anyone who wishes to purchase any of these tickets, contact Director Dulac or Second Assistant Director Adam Beals. The cost for each ticket is $25.00 The Waterfront Concert Series is right around the corner and I’m very impressed with some of the acts that are coming this year. The Second Section works as parking attendants for these events in the old Miller’s Restaurant parking lot and the Dawson Realty parking lots. We will need help in making sure we have enough coverage to make these events successful for our unit. Nobles Tom Breitwig and Mike Gray are the “go to” guys for this and one of them will most likely be contacting people to help work. The Second Section is trying to schedule an appearance sometime in April as guest officers at Ralph J. Pollard Lodge #217 in Orrington to perform a Master Mason de gree on two candidates who will be joining us in Houlton at the June Ceremonial. Details are still being worked out and we will try to keep everyone informed as to the date and time. The Second Section is sad to announce that Noble Richard Holt passed away on February 18th, 2012. Richard joined The Second Section in October of 1978 and became an Honorary member in February of 1994. Our condolences go out to Lady Norine and their family. Richard will be missed by all who knew him. April birthday wishes go out to Nobles Paul Cirard, Paul Glidden, Gary Jordan, Bob Marin, Don Merrill, Todd Miller, David Scripture, Richard Tardif, Keith Woodard and Ladies Gigi Hardison, Denise Hayes and Wendy Northup. April anniversary wishes go out to Darren & Dacia Nason, Charles & Peggy Sisson, and Fred & Monica Patterson Congratulations to Noble Dana Hewes as he was the lucky winner of the 50/50 at our March meeting and somehow took home $52.00 that night. With tickets selling for $5.00 each, I’m curious to know how it became $52.00, but who’s counting? Our next scheduled meeting will be held Friday, April 6, 2012 at the Shrine Center. Remember, if you can’t make it to the meeting, contact an officer or any member to be excused. Until next time, think membership so we can have fun at the Ceremonial. Anah Aides Noble Gordon Smith, Chief Aide First, all of us want to extend our condolences to Norine and the family of Dick Holt. He will be missed by all of us that had a chance to know him and serve with him in this Unit, as well as the Second Section. March 15th thru March 18th the Temples from the Northeast will be in Bangor getting things organized for the Northeast Shine Association Field Days, Sept.13th thru Sept. 15th. Please keep the Sept. dates open, because Anah will be hosting this in Bangor. It will be a challenge for us (Aides), but I’m sure we’ll do just fine, with plenty of help from everybody. The Murder Mystery will be April 7th and I will be getting in touch with everybody as to the schedule for the Bar assignments. If you can’t attend, please let me know. April 14th there will be a pot luck supper at the Shrine Center for the Aides. Social hour 5-6, supper 6, and a meeting after. This will give the new members a chance to get acquainted with all of us and for us to discuss upcoming events. April 27 thru April 29th the Circus will be here in Bangor, and the Aides will be expected to make Cotton Candy for one show. Mike or Ralph will let us know which show it will be. It isn’t that hard, and if you can’t spin you can bag or take away from the baggers and put it on the racks. Aides Emeritus, if you want to be ushers at the Circus I could use your help. We need the help to make sure no one gets hurt and sometimes assisting them in finding their seats they think they “just came from” during the show. March has only one birthday wish and that is Asst. Chief Aide Denny Smith. Anah Shriners Second Section Cribbage Tournament Sunday May 6 At the Anah Shrine Center $10.00 per couple Play starts at 12:00 noon Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Anah Second Section and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions. Altogether too many people are in debt simply because they spend what their friends and neighbors think they make. APRIL 2012 9 Noble Mike Murphy Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies! I’mmmm Baaaack! The Highlanders have been hard at work practicing for our BIG St. Patrick’s Day concert(s). This is great, because it gets us ready for our many parades and concerts this summer. As for St. Patrick’s Day, seeing how I don’t have a designated driver, it looks like I’ll be the one thing harder to find than the Loch Ness Monster; that would be a sober Irishman on St. Patrick’s day. It looks like our long-standing presence at the Husson graduation on May 5th could be in jeopardy. Several of the lads are going to be in New York attending a prestigious training. We will be doing an all out search for enough pipers to continue a tradition that Noble Richard Trott started. I don’t know how long Dick soloed at Husson graduation, but I remember seeing him at my graduation. I remember thinking, “how awesome it was to have a real piper at graduation.” Three years later I was in the band. It is just one example of how a fellow Shriner performing, whether it is a solo musician (yes, the Highland bagpipes are a real musical instrument) or a band or any other unit member, can affect youth. Either they will be impressed and have a positive seed planted for the organization that may grow into a future member, or it will cause them to have a negative view and they will never join. For years I’ve observed how some members of the band are more frequently approached by tourists seeking pictures than others. It boils down to being a “people person”. Award winning Drum Major Tom Sawyer is one of the more popular members. He has a way that makes tourists and Highlander fans feel special, and it enhances our and the Shrine’s image. Tom once told me that he and I were in the same business. Keep in mind that my family has made its living selling Chevrolets since 1932, so my natural reaction was, “you really don’t think much of what I sell.” He quickly explained that we were in the people business. He did it through refuse, and I do it through selling cars. At the end of the day we are selling a hand shake that states whatever good or service that you purchased, as a customer, is backed by a reputable individual. To many people the reputation of the seller is far more important than the manufactures warranty. Here is the point. The Shrine and the Blue Lodge are comprised of individuals. When we as Masons and Shriners are in public we should heed the first lessons we are taught as Entered Apprentices. Temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice are key elements of our character and are missing elements from our elected leaders. We should always be willing to help anyone in need, so far as we can without injury to ourselves. Simple things; all of us should wear a smile and watch our language in public. We should be positive and helpful. Our individual acts have a large audience and the more positive impressions we make, the more potential our future holds. I’ve noticed that most large companies, many churches, and even our own Shrine and Blue Lodge have lost sight of this. Companies and organizations hire armies of eggheads to quantify, via endless amounts bureaucratic paperwork, what the organization stands for and how to increase sales, membership or donations. Many times the answer is simple; hire individuals with temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice as a cornerstone of their character. The Bible teaches that we should do every task as if the Lord Himself asked us to do it. The three most dangerous words in the English language is “I don’t Care.” As individuals, we can make a difference. One person at a time, one day at a time; because it can take a lifetime to earn a customer’s or supporter’s trust, but one person can ruin it in a second. Until Next time, may God Bless you. Should anyone be interested in piping or drumming lessons, please contact me at pipingleprechaun@hotmail.com. Proud Supporters of the Anah Shriners Now Open at 57 Western Ave. in Hampden! www.katahdintrust.com Ashland • Bangor • Caribou • Eagle Lake • Easton • Fort Fairfield • Hampden • Houlton • Island Falls • Limestone Mars Hill • Oakfield • Patten • Presque Isle • Van Buren • Washburn • Commercial Loan Offices: Bangor & Scarborough A man at times can get a pearl out of an oyster, but it takes a pretty girl to get a diamond out of an old crab. 10 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Craig Clifford Reporter First and foremost I want to apologize for slacking off on getting this article to print. There has been lots going on around here and with the winter months it is hard to find enough to write about. And here we go! . . . Parade season is just around the corner! Time to uncover the Karts, check the oil and tire pressure as parade requests are coming in. It’s been a long, cold winter and I for one am ready to hit the parade route and hear the cheers, see the smiles and get back to selling those raffle tickets at the fairgrounds. Speaking of raffle tickets, the Temple is once again selling tickets on a car and as always the unit gets a percentage of every ticket we sell. It’s a good chance to earn money for the unit with no risk; so SELL, SELL, SELL! If anyone needs tickets contact either Sonny Crocker at the Shrine Center or myself: my phone number is 448-2429 or e-mail me at anah_go_ karts@yahoo.com. Birthdays for this month are Ronald Bragg Jr., David Fish, Wayne Hanson, Larry Wasson, Sue Jones, Jean Magoon & Bonnie Strout. And those who marched down the aisle in April are Richard & Debbie Dunham and David & Joanne Fish. If I have left anyone out please contact me at phone number or e-mail above. to discuss our “manpower “for the Circus and changes in our wearing apparel. At our 1st meeting we voted for some changes to our “unit attire “. Please note that we now have three distinct uniforms; FORMAL; black tux, black shoes and socks, vest and bow tie, pocket badge and Fez; BUSINESS FORMAL: blue blazer, tan slacks, blue Directors shirt, red Neck Tie, Black shoes and socks, Pocket Badge and Fez; CASUAL: Blue Directors shirt, tan slacks black shoes and socks and Fez. The CASUAL Attire can be modified at the Chief Director’s pleasure, i.e.; shorts and sneakers, sandals, no Fez but a blue Directors shirt will always be worn. Casual attire should be worn when attending ANY meeting. It was voted, at the meeting, to change the FORMAL ATTIRE from the BLACK CUMBERBUM AND BLACK BOW TIE to a VEST AND BOW TIE, that match. It was also voted to add a BLUE BLAZER AND RED NECK TIE to the BUSINESS ATTIRE. New Director of Units, Tom Frost, is going to make inquiries on these garments and bring the information to our next meeting. Vickie and Richard Otis through their son Ryan again offered us the use of their camp property, on Swan Lake, for a summer picnic. The Directors present thought that would be a great idea and Saturday August 25th was selected as the date. I didn’t get a count on the number of Directors that were present but it was a good turnout. We were also honored by the presence of our Potentate Tony and our High Priest and Prophet Jesse Thomas also Director of the Temple Andy Constantine. Their collective input really help to establish the direction we will be heading this year. During the afternoon of Thursday the 16th of February Andy Constantine and I inventoried the new Noble Fezzes that were on hand in the Directors closet and hopefully ordered the appropriate number of replacement Fezzes to bring our inventory back inline. While talking to my good friend Harlan Emery before the meeting, he informed me that Ina, his wife, fell down and broke both her hip and her pelvis. She is in very much discomfort and is looking at a long DIRECTORS STAFF Noble Dave Weaver Reporter Our new Chief Director, Dean Hoke, notified all on the Directors Staff that a meeting for all Directors was scheduled for February 16 at the Shrine Center. Not knowing for sure how many would show up he asked the Bangor/Brewer Club if we could piggy-back with them on their meeting night. They very graciously invited us to join them for scallop stew, and was it ever good. The bread pudding wasn’t bad either. After dinner we adjourned to the bar area for our meeting while the host club had their meeting in the Bangor/ Brewer Room. Dean presented us with a very aggressive agenda for the year and asking those present to tweak it to the satisfaction of most. It was decided that we would meet again on Thursday, April 19th and on Thursday, May 17th again with the Bangor/Brewer Shrine club. The April meeting will be That girl was so homely she not only had to kiss a guy to hold him – she had to hold him to kiss him. APRIL 2012 11 ANAH CLOWNS Noble John (Flip-Flop) Kidder Reporter As you read this article in early April, the Northeast Shrine Association Mid-Winter Meeting and two full days of catering by the unit as well as Clown Casino Night will be pleasant memories. We will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of spring and Circus season in Bangor and Presque Isle. The Circus is the highlight of each Shrine year, it never gets old, and all of us clowns really enjoy it. The Bangor Circus is about forty hours in makeup for each clown for all seven shows. But before I get too ahead of myself, here’s what we’ve been up to since the last Anahgram. The annual Mini-Bikes Unit Family Valentine’s Day Dance on February 10 was fun as usual. Lots of dads, moms, grandparents and kids were sharply dressed, ready to eat pizza, and dance the night away to music provided by a DJ. Jappo, Div-It, Fou, Patches, Petals, and FlipFlop were also there to twist balloons and entertain the partygoers with our antics. Everyone had a great time. On February 18, we said a sorrowful goodbye to fellow Joey Noble Kevin (Lugnut) Austin who was visited unexpectedly by the black camel on February 13. Lugnut really enjoyed making people laugh by being mischievous and was a clown by his very nature. He will be missed by all of us. Worshipful Scott (Diggah) Knight of Mt. Kineo Lodge and brethren from Mosaic Lodge conducted an impressive Masonic Funeral Service. Additional clowns in attendance included Most Worshipful Past Grand Master of Masons in Maine Gerald (Yah-Hoo) Leighton, Right Worshipful Donald (Bo-Bo) Young, Worshipful N. Dale (Slapshot) Hatch, Worshipful Phil (Ducky) Lovell, Worshipful John (FlipFlop) Kidder, Brother Dana (Swish) Lovell, Brother Peter (Dr. Lotta Fun) Bosse, and Brother Kerry (Spiffy) Spofford. On a lighter note, at our monthly unit meeting on February 24, we voted Steve (Petals) Watson from apprentice to full membership status. He was very generous in providing celebratory refreshments (bribes for votes?) that evening and after the vote the majority of unit members present sang him the normal welcome song —while I sang a quite memorable special custom version just for him. I have the same feelings about Petals being a full unit member as my neighbors did when I moved into my house in Bangor, “There goes the neighborhood! “ All kidding aside, Petals is a good person with a great big clown heart and will be a hard working addition to the unit. Although I would never admit it to Petals, even his clown name is growing on me! The unit was well represented at Home Depot Children’s Workshop on March 3 by Div-It, Fou, Jappo, Patches, Sweet-P, and T C Trashcan. Good work, guys! We send best wishes to Emeritus Clown John (Boxcar) Ring who was recently hospitalized. Hope you are on the mend, Boxcar. We have missed seeing you at meetings. Hope your excellent nurse, Madalyn, is taking care of herself as well. We’re keeping both of you in our thoughts and prayers. Seems like many Anah folks are currently facing heath challenges and while respecting their right to privacy we wish each and every one all the best for a speedy recovery. The 2012 Northeast Shrine Association (NESA) Field Days in Bangor will be here before we know it. In 2012, all Northeast Shrine caravan routes lead to Bangor! Don’t forget to see Sonny or Jill in the Shrine Center office to purchase your wooden potato barrel pen/pencil holder for $15 to raise needed funds for our hosting of this upcoming event. I understand that these replica potato barrels are pretty neat. Until next time, please remember that it’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice. released for one of Anah’s greatest events of the year: The “28th Annual Convertible Unit Super Supper”!! Mark your calendars and reserve the date of May 12th for a great evening of good food, dancing and fellowship! All Unit members have tickets, so get yours now!! Plans are also under way for the upcoming parade season; stay tuned for updates. Among those who have taken the “BIG PLUNGE” this month is: Don & Elaine Goss, and Dick & Deb Dunham. Congratulations, enjoy your special day and here’s wishing you many, many more!! That’s all I can find that is “newsworthy” for this month! Remember to live each day as if it were your last!! MOTHER, WHERE ARE MY GLASSES…I CAN NOT SEE IF YOU TOP IS UP…OR… DOWN!! Noble Wally Fenlason, Reporter Hello to all, Spring is here..fa..a..la..spring is here…I think I have lost my mind after the crazy winter we have had! At our last unit meeting, the tickets were Debutant: A girl who stays in all day and out all night. 12 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter Hello Fellow Academicians. Welcome to springtime, finally. I’m very pleased to announce that Sally, Lauren, and I have moved to a newer and larger house at 59 Allison Park in Brewer just about a mile from our previous house on Lincoln Street where we lived for about eight-and-a-half years. We are very happy and never intend to go through the living hell of moving again. This is it. If you have not yet sent in 2012 dues, please do so at your earliest convenience. All remaining bills have been sent out. Please send $10 checks payable to Anah Academicians to Anah Academicians C/O Ron Bilancia, Secretary 59 Allison Park Brewer, ME 04412. The next unit meeting is Wed. May 30th starting at 6pm. The location is to be announced. It is the last meeting before summer where we will debrief the Circus and discuss other important issues. The Circus is coming up very soon. Anyone interested in helping out with the circus should contact our Director Steve Mosley or you can let me know and I’ll get the word to him, and we’ll get you taken care of. Contacting our Divan Rep Lee Kaufman is another avenue. Or, you can just go to the Circus venue and ask for the manpower coordinator, and they’ll put you to work. Traditionally our unit works the lights and helps with making cotton candy, but there are other opportunities as well such as setting up at the beginning of the Circus or packing up after it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Donnie Copeland reports that his recent wedding experience in Canada was both joyous and interesting. It took place in a small old courtroom up there, and when he came in he couldn’t help but feel like he was being ushered in to be tried and convicted of some “crime” since everyone sitting there seemed so serious, and he had rather a hard time holding his composure. In other words, classic Donnie. ( Gee Donnie, wonder if there was some kind of guilt nagging at your conscience considering your “questionable background”? ) Sincerely though, many congratulations once again to Donnie and Virginia, and we wish them all the happiness in the world. Paul Connelly Reports: “Time for another kin folk tour. Will be leaving for Fairfax, VA to visit Lou’s sister on Sunday March 11th. Plan to visit the Order of the Eastern Star International Headquarters, the Scottish Rite House of the Temple and the George Washington Masonic Memori- al along with other memorials in the D.C. area. Then off to Virginia Beach, Naval Base, to visit Granddaughter and greatgrandchildren. Next leg will be to Sarasota, FL to visit with my brother and get a little beach time. After we are properly tanned we head to Montgomery, AL, Maxwell AFB, to visit another granddaughter. Danielle’s husband is spending some time in Afghanistan. Dan is a nursing student at Troy University, Montgomery. She is vice president of the Troy University Nursing Honor Society and was just awarded an Eastern Star Scholarship. From Montgomery we are off to Oklahoma City to see are two daughters, grandchildren and more great-grandchildren. The big event planned for us in Oklahoma is going to a rattlesnake roundup. Will be staying in OKC until April 15th returning home on the 18th just in time to be the installing patron in Rumford OES and take my part in the Scottish Rite18th degree at Rockland.” Very exciting. Have a great time. On March 26th Dennis and Joyce Ballard headed to Aruba for three weeks. I’m seriously. Have fun in the sun folks. :-) Have a great April everyone. As always, don’t hesitate to contact me at 989-2617 or rbilancia@roadrunner.com with any news, comments, concerns, gossip, jokes, outright lies, or just plain old complete and utter nonsense that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. matter who won. There were two big highlights though. First sitting all Sunday afternoon waiting for the rain delay to end. (great fun). Secondly, the wreck with the jet dryer scary but pretty cool just the same you have to agree. Hopefully I will have some exciting news for May until then here are the birthdays for April and all the ones that never made it to print. Emily Hanscom, Leslie Lanctot, Bryon Saunders, Robert Moore, Linda McIntyre, Mike McIntyre, Angela McIntyre, Emily Rochon, and Amanda Klug. Birthdays in February were Ashley Worden, Marjorie MacDonald, Cooper Miles, Scott Swett, Andrea Swett, Gordon Swett II, Whitney Walls, Pat Coolidge, Ed Coolidge, Debbie Page, Matthew Foster, Heather Varnum, and Melanie Lee. I did not see any anniversaries for February, if I missed one I’m sure someone will let me know. March birthdays are myself, Ryan and Brandon Sprague, Ken Worden, Christine Blaisdell, Brian Linscott, Margaret Hanscom, Caleb Varnum, and Kevin MacDonald, Sr. Wedding bells rang for Michael and Sidney Springer and Greg and Heather Varnum. Noble Perry Fowler, Reporter I’m gonna try this again and maybe get the right article in the right Anahgram. The new deadline timing has really been a curveball for me. The January writing ended up in the March edition so I need to catch up. Thankfully none of you committed readers have missed much. I did not attend the last meeting, it fell on Valentine’s Day (I knew better) and I had other plans. This month it is on my birthday so maybe I can squeeze a free meal out of someone. The Daytona 500 has come and gone, Stewart was not first so it really does not Love at first sight can often be cured by a second look! APRIL 2012 13 It’s March 4th. I’m writing this article about the things that happened in February, which will be read when it’s almost April. It’s a pleasure to report that our Annual Anah Wheeler Super Supper was, as expected a, hugh success. Our well-oiled team of Nobles and Ladies pitched in, and with the help of the infamous Anah Clowns and their Ladies created, an evening to be emulated. We Wheelers have voted to accept four new members to our unit. Noble David Applebee and Lady Christy, Noble Dan Holcomb and Lady Sherry, and Noble Greg Forsythe and Lady Johanna all associated with Felicity Lodge in Bucksport. Also joining us from the town of Prospect is Noble Todd Cotier and Lady Lisa. Thank you all for choosing THE premier Anah Shrine Unit. We Wheelers offer happy birthday wishes to Ladies Nancy Wood, Antoinette Calder, Jennifer Richards and Sandie Heath. Nobles and Ladies Todd and Lisa Coltier and Lewis and Kelley Church celebrate their anniversaries in April. May all your special days be memorable. deserts (parade routes) while making that unique eastern sound now so familiar to all who attend our events. Over the years the Oriental Band has participated in almost every Anah Ceremonial and has attended many of the Northeast Shrine events. Depending upon the number of active members at any given time, the band has also competed in Oriental Band competitions. In fact, this unit has captured top honors on more than one occasion! The first such award was earned at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1978. In 1987, after some of the members had taken the Mandarin Degree, the band decided to become an active “tong” and Mandarin Tong #32 was born. Since that time many members of Anah have taken the Mandarin degree and the band looks forward to increasing the Tong membership in years to come. In addition to the music we provide in parades and at Ceremonial events and the work we do with the Mandarin Degree, we also put on Casino nights for local organizations. Members of the unit designed, built, and maintain the equipment we use and there is a big demand for these events in the County. We are busiest around the Christmas season and graduation time. Family has always been important to the Oriental Band. Whenever possible the OB Ladies travel with the band and they are a great source of support. Family picnics, potluck suppers, and annual Christmas parties have been traditional. So, if you have been looking for a unit to join, please consider the Oriental Band. As noted last month, music is not all we do nor is it important that you have a music background. Our horns are simply a recorder with a read and the songs are easy to learn. The other instruments require only some rhythm and coordination. We are also in need of Nobles to assist with casino nights, maintaining the equipment, and learning the fine art of makeup. For your convenience Visa and Mastercard are accepted at the Recorder’s Office Greetings from the County! Since a great deal of time has passed since regular reporting from the Oriental Band I thought I might take a moment to talk about our history as we head into this, our 37th year. That’s right – it was 37 years ago that the Oriental Band became Aroostook’s first unit and today it is one of the oldest units in Anah. In 1975, 25 restless nomads of Anah Temple residing in northern Maine decided that in order for them to participate in a Temple unit, it would be most practical to form one of their own. That same year the Anah Oriental Band was conceived and born! From Caribou to Island Falls and Ashland to Fort Fairfield these nomads traveled on a regular basis to Presque Isle where most of the members lived. During that first year, contacts were made with other Oriental Bands throughout New England. Uniforms and instruments were purchased and members learned how to do make up so that we could accurately portray Arabs of long ago traversing the hot sands of the A friend is a person who knocks before he enters, not after he has taken his departure. 14 THE ANAHGRAM Andrew St.,Amant, Reporter There is not much going this month. We have been busy shoveling thesnow and keeping the fire burning to stay warm. The cake and candles this month are for the following: Nobles Arthur Abbott and Glen McMannus. The Ladies: Joanne Dority and Norma Hardison. Birthday Wishes to ALL of YOU. Happy Anniversary to Nobles and their Ladies: Leman and Mary Smith and Thomas and Bonnilee MacDonald Wishing you Many More. If I have missed anyone please let me know. I can be contacted at mestore@ aol.com. We march so they can walk. The February meeting was held on the 7th at Pat’s Pizza. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Tyler Dunning. Old and new business was discussed. At this time the gun raffle is well under way. I do believe all the tickets were sold. As of this writing, there must be at least five winners with another 26 to go. Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones. There were 30 members present. Mike Clark won the evening raffle. I hope he went home and told Mary he won again. The meeting adjourned at 7:00. ATTENTION: ALL CLUB MEMBERS: The club voted to use an automated phone call to all members notifying them of upcoming monthly meetings. Please call Secretary Joe Marshall at 667-2544 to give him your phone number. If you wish to send it by e-mail, his address is joe@ mjmarshallarts.com. Heard Noble Tom Fernald is taking lessons from Past Potentate John Fernald on how to trap gray squirrels. I hope that isn’t why the gray squirrel population is getting bigger. Also this past month Noble Forrest DeMeyer and I drove out into the back 50 to check on the game population. We did see some pretty good-sized animals along with a few gray squirrels. Also ran into Noble Wayne Butler and he said Phyllis has been keeping him busy checking on his establishment on Molasses Pond. Heard that Noble Steve Fernald is trying to become a truck mechanic. That’s a bad profession to be in. Whoops! Just saw Noble Cecil drive by with four petitions on his trailer. Must be headed to camp. Heard a bunch of Shriners were floating around in the Caribbean this month. Remember, Thursday, April 5th is the Washington County Shrine Club and Divan Visitation at Addison Town Hall. Usually a good time and good meal is had by all. Let’s get out, grab some fellow Nobles and head to the most eastern county in the state of Maine. The next meeting will be at Pat’s Pizza on April 3rd. Get out, bring some Nobles and support Vice President Tyler Dunning. Those celebrating birthdays are Earl Tracy, Wilbert Terry, Ellen Duff, Carole Simpson, Ronald Gross, Don McHenan, Elizabeth Ashmore, Edwin Colburn, Linda Ballard, Mike Madore, Julie Fernald, Larry Wasson, Randy Sawyer, Linda Tracy, Harold Crocker, and “Sped” Seymour. Honeymooners are Phil and Grace Shea, Richard and Mae Landesman, Barry and Ginny Hamilton, Eugene and Eileen Churchill, and Geddes and Carole Simpson. Maybe at the April meeting, we’ll see some snowbirds returning from Florida. Whoops!! Gotta go!! I thought I just saw Cookie floating by on an iceberg! Noble Ryan Otis, Reporter First and foremost let me apologize for Waldo County Shrine Club not making the Anahgram the last several months. We have had lots going on and more activities on the way. Our March meeting was a St. Patties Day theme with corned beef and all the fixings. We hope you can join us in April for Chef Dave Bowen’s creation, rumored to be pork loin. We have kicked off our capital campaign to pay off the loan we took out to complete our building renovations. If you would like to contribute please contact me at info@rollies.me. Don’t forget we meet the 2nd Thursday of the month. See you there! The Noble stopped flirting with the cutie at the bank when he found out she was a teller. Membership App APRIL 2012 Be a top-line signer on three of the petitions above and you will earn an Anah Shrine watch. 15 16 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Ken Stewart Reporter The ASC held its last stated meeting on February 12th with 31 members in attendance. A wonderful prayer was given by PP Richard Hallett and a great breakfast was prepared by the Board of Directors. No FEZ fines were handed out this month, don’t worry “Snappy” I’ll get my dollar out of you next month. The 50/50 was won by Roger Johndro. Boomer spoke a bit on the upcoming 2012 Circus and also the June Ceremonial. The ASC voted in favor of doing the Friday night supper at the June Ceremonial, which will be quite a task, but with enough good volunteers it should go pretty well. The Club’s Oriental Band Unit will be performing the “Mandarin Degree” at the June Ceremonial. I have never seen that degree before, but I am told that it is one you don’t want to miss so if you don’t have that degree get in line or even if you have done it before come and watch it again as it should be a good time. Don’t forget about the Presque Isle Screening Clinic on May 12th from 10:00-12:00. This year it will be held at Trinity Lodge #130. Trinity is located at 230 Church Street in Presque Isle. Congratulations to the ASC’s own newly-elected Potentate Tony Bowers and good luck on your upcoming year of service and also congratulations to Galen White for being named to the Divan line as Outer Guard. The next meetings for the ASC will be held on April 27th at 7:00 in the evening with the “Oriental Band Unit” working the Supper. At the February meeting the Club voted to move the stated monthly meetings from the 1st Sunday of the month to the 4th Thursday of the month starting in April. A supper will be available for all Nobles at 6:30 p.m. On a final note to anyone not receiving a monthly “Reminder” phone call and e-mail from me that would like to be notified on a monthly basis of upcoming meetings and events please send me your e-mail address and your phone number, preferably a phone with an answering machine. 2012 dues are payable anytime for anyone wishing to be a member of the ASC that is not already. The cost is $5 per year or there is a lifetime option available also. For any information please contact myself at Secretary@aroostookshrineclub. com or 207-551-3144. Our mailing address is Aroostook Shrine Club, PO Box 1601, Presque Isle, ME 04769, Attn: Secretary. Thanks again and see you next month. Noble Blair Bubar, Reporter I apologize for missing the last couple of issues of the Anahgram, so I’ll try to bring you up to speed for now. CONGRATULATIONS! CONGRATULATIONS! CONGRATULATIONS! The Anah Indy Unit now has three members on the Divan. Congratulations are in order for Illustrious Sir Anthony (Tony) Bowers. We are sure he will do a fine job filling the shoes as Potentate for Anah Shriners. Congratulations again. Tom Clukey is now Assistant Chief Rabban for Anah Shriners. No matter how you do the math, it adds up to two years away. Tom has already given a lot of his time and efforts for Anah. Congratulations also go out to Galen White upon receiving his appointment, he now holds down the Outer Guard position for Anah Shriners. If anyone doesn’t know Galen and his lovely wife Susan, hang tight for you will know them shortly. Galen will be a great asset to the Anah Divan. Congratulations must also go to Ted Bowers, son of Illustrious Sir Tony. Ted was appointed as the Potentates Personal Aide. The newly-elected Potentate says that this appointment allows Ted to have his own key to the wood shed . . . for whatever that means. Another Indy member, Noble Bart Smith was appointed to the Aides. Congratulations Bart. The Aides are a hard- working group of Nobles, so it is an honor to be appointed. The new Potentate Coins are in. Sales went very well at the Ceremonial. Get yours soon for we will sell out. Contact Galen White at 532-2434 for your coin. The unit has decided to sponsor a table at the upcoming Murder Mystery Dinner. This event was a great time last year, so I would expect no less this year. As of right now it looks like all of our cars have sponsors for the next parade season, so it is up to us to get them spinning around the parade circuit. As far as the Indy Unit, we have been very quiet the past couple of months. We will soon start changing the oil and greasing the cars for the upcoming summer. Until next month, as Illustrious Sir Tony says, KEEP SHOOTING FOR THE STARS Until then, stay warm and pray for an early spring. The reason talk is cheap is because the supply exceeds the demand. APRIL 2012 17 PHOTO UNIT Noble Bob Hodgkins, Reporter No info from the unit members. Must have been a quiet month. Lloyd Day went to the Potentate’s reception and shot some photos. Thanks. In March some of us will attend (or will have) the NE planning season: The NESA Fall meeting will be in Bangor this year. The director will keep us posted on upcoming things. THINK Circus. We will need coverage for all the shows; kids and clowns are what it is about. Pretty quiet here on the Sebasticook. We are catching up on the winter’s snow. Think about this. Only 26 days to open water fishing, it’s going to be tough digging for worms for a while. Hope to see some of the photo members at the Tri-County meeting. No birthdays or anniversaries in my listing for March. I guess everyone waited for spring. Keep in touch. Till later that’s all from downtown Hartland. The Flashbulb. You can have your own miniature potato Barrel Pen/Pencil Holder for your desk or buy some as gifts for your friends. Potentate Tony has come up with the idea of a desk accessory based on the historical side of potato farming in Aroostook County in the past. “Potato barrels like this were what I grew up using, first filling then hooking with tongs, then rolling then moan and off trucks. I even spilled a few along the way. HE..HE..These miniatures are made in Island Falls on a wood lathe by Jim Odgers. I have burned NSA and Bangor, Maine on them as well. They are $15.00 each and can be purchased at the Recorder’s office. The proceeds will be used to support the Northeast Fall Field Days in September 2012. Thank you for your help. Tony Bowers, Potentate “Bingo Spells Murder” A great evening of fun Saturday April 7, 2012 $25.00 per Person Tickets available at the Shrine Center Prime Rib or Baked Stuffed Haddock Dinner Dancing until 11:00p.m. after the show Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and donations are not deductible as charitable donations. If you look forward to Monday more than you do to Friday, you are in danger of becoming successful. 18 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter Here it is April, open water fishing, camping, and SHRINE CIRCUS! At our April meeting we will be designating times for the Circus. Our golf tournament will be June 24th at Jato Highlands in Lincoln. Our Divan Rep., Steve Trimm volunteered to help us get it going. On March 3rd we had our annual meeting at the Oriental Jade. We had eleven members and their ladies, plus Potentate Tony Bowers and his lovely Lady Carmel, and our Divan Rep. Steve Trimm and his lovely Lady Betty. A great time was had by all. Anniversary this month goes to Dan and Suellen Leighton. Last fall they opened their new business, Leighton’s Stove Shop. Its seems that Suellen is at the store more than Dan! Birthday wishes go to Sandy Bussell, Renee Tash, the ELDERLY WARREN CURTIS, and Rhonda Scott. Don’t know how she stays so young looking while putting up with Paul. If there is any Noble that would like to be part of the 4x4 unit just give me a call at 794-6675, or come to our regular meeting April 2nd. We meet the first Monday of the month at 7:00, at Anah Shrine Center, April thru November. Attend your Blue Lodge meeting and enjoy the fellowship. Just maybe you will meet a future Shriner and he could become part of the unit. Until next time, SEE YA! tain of the Mini-Car Unit and our President Todd Alley, 2nd Ceremonial Master Brad Prout, Assistant Chief Director Dave Weaver and Assistant Chief Greeter Robert Look. We stuffed envelopes with two tickets for our annual fuel raffle and a meeting schedule. Please purchase the two tickets or sell them to someone. This is a great fundraiser and the more tickets that are sold the better we do. I understand George Alley got a bonus with his letter. Hopefully he’ll have good luck with that. This year we are going to be doing the lobster feed at the June Ceremonial in Houlton and at the Northeast Field Days in Bangor. We have decided not to offer steak as the lobster feed will be enough to do, another club or unit will have to do the steaks if it’s decided to offer them. Brad told us that there are several Nobles that haven’t paid their Blue lodge dues and they need to get current with them so they can stay in the Shrine. These folks will be notified and worked with to keep them in both. He also talked about the upcoming Murder/Mystery that’s going to be held at the Shrine Center in Bangor on April 7th, sounds like a great time. The last thing that was discussed was the Shrine Circus that is in Bangor April 27, 28 and 29, in Presque Isle May 3, 4 and 5. Please come and work as many shows as you can, all the help that can possibly make it can be used. During February a few of our members have been on vacations in the Caribbean. Mike and Debi Murphy went there on a cruise and attended the wedding of their niece. Mike and Nancy Bailey went there on a vacation. They all had a wonderful time. Mike Bailey was the first per- son that I’ve ever known that was able to drink all of the Bud Light a cruise ship can haul. He had to switch to a different brand. I wonder how much that sail and sign bill was??? I have to apologize this month. I have been under the weather and I have left my anniversary and birthday list at my office in Machias so I will have to post those next month. This is a sad time of year, it’s time to put away the snowmobiles and dig out the four wheelers. Whether you’re riding a sled or a four wheeler, Cat is where it’s At. Noble Robert Look, Reporter Tis’well here, it is the first of April, the year is ¼ gone. Hard to believe how fast time flies by. Another year and it’s time for our annual Divan visitation in Addison on the 5th at the Addison town hall be sure and come and enjoy the fun and delicious steaks. Also Todd will be asking for some help for this event with set up, kitchen, cooking, cleaning, making pies, etc. This is a joint meeting with the Mini-Car Unit. Our last March meeting was held on the 1st and it was at Ed Pellon’s meeting room in Machias. There was a snowstorm and the turnout was small but we did have nine Nobles and Mr. Joe McBrine of the Maine State Wardens Service was a guest speaker. Those that attended were Bill Sternbergh, PP Ed Sprague, PP Ed Pellon, Imperial Photographer and our Secretary Dick Kilton, Greeter Mike Bailey, CapNo man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar. APRIL 2012 19 Noble Harold Adams, Reporter Greetings everyone, and Happy Easter. To our new Potentate Anthony Bowers and his Lady Carmel, congratulations. We are looking forward to working with you this year, it should be a lot of fun. I guess the big topic for everyone is getting ready for the Circus. So, you don’t want to miss the next two meetings. Noble Ralph Trafton is in the hospital after having surgery (at last report) we all wish him well and a speedy recovery. Our Provost Marshall Donald Havey has not been feeling the best since he has been home. Let’s keep both of them in our thoughts and prayers to be feeling their old selves soon. On a lighter note, congratulations to Noble Jerry Fratini for being the new owner of Freedom Power Equipment; Good luck to you from all of us in the Provost Guard. We have a lot of birthday wishes going out this month; PM Donald and His Lady Dorothy Havey, Lady Judith Pratt, Noble Carl Drew, Noble Richard Castner, Noble Jerry Fratini, and Lady Jean Segee. Best wishes to all of you. Congratulations to our anniversary couples this month, PM Donald and his Lady Dorothy Havey, Noble Galen and his Lady Nancy Adams, Noble Thomas and his Lady Nadene Smith. That does it for this month. See you at next month’s meeting, as always the first Tuesday of the month at 7 o’clock at the Shrine Center. If not there at the Circus and any and all help is greatly appreciated. Until next time keep safe and well. This is Sue’s report. At the annual meeting in January, Co -Chair Sue gave her report and at that time introduced new features which will make the 2012 show a more smoothly run event. It was noted in the annual report that in the past, Sunshine Club has been very fortunate to have had as the Holiday Market Show chairman, women who have been the “be all – end all “and most especially “DO ALL” … They left no stone unturned . . . these were big shoes to fill and cochair Sue and Karen were and are unable to follow in those footsteps, so we needed to make some very significant changes for the good of the show. A list of the different ‘chair’ positions and their duties were passed out – happily all the positions were willingly filled. The different ‘chair’ people will be needing helpers, so please step up and offer to help. Another change was made and that is an addition to the team of Black and Lannon. We have asked Dottie Wellman to join us – we felt it would be very helpful to have someone who is not trying to wear two hats during the day of the show. Dottie will not only be available on the day of the show to ‘put out fires’, but will be the “Relief” chair for vendors throughout the day. At today’s meeting, the co-chairs made a Time Line of the ‘happenings’ for the next eight+ months. At the April Sunshine Club Meeting we will again be asking for people to sign up to help on the day of the show if you cannot be there, please do not hesitate to call Sue Black at 338-4142 and just say “I’d like to help out wherever and whenever I’m needed,” and we will get your name and number to different ‘chairs’ and you may expect a call to request your assistance – for whatever time you can give us – we will appreciate it. This is a VERY important event, please support it in any way you can . . .Remember, we are doing this for the children. IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: QUILT RAFFLE DRAWING: June 2012, MEETING: Tuesday, October 9, 2012, HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE: Saturday, November 3, 2012. KIMBALL TERRACE INN And MAIN SAIL RESTAURANT Northeast Harbor Tel: 800.454.6225 www.kimballterraceinn.com KAUFMAN MOTORS 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Used Vehicles Lee & Peggy Kaufman Reverse Mortgage Financing Options for YOUR RETIREMENT FUTURE for Active Adults age 62 or older. Bonnie Turner, Reporting Our next meeting will be on MONDAY APRIL 9, 2012 at the Shrine Center. We will begin with a social time at 6:30 and then the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Please plan to join us. This month we have a report on the progress of the Holiday Marketplace. Cochairpersons, Sue Black, Karen Lannon and Dottie Wellman met at Sue’s Home on February 22, 2012 and spent time going over the “face Lift” for the 2012 Show. Call Today for more information Rae Ann Rice 27 State Street #65 Bangor, ME 04401 (207) 974-8996 rrice1@metlife.com NMLS 419094 It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice. 20 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Frank Wilson, Reporter Well, it’s time for another report. The Funsters have just had their March monthly meeting. At the meeting the secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted. We also voted to have our March meeting at Dan’s Pool Hall in Carmel on March 12th. Nice to change it up once in a while. Well it’s been pretty slow for the Funsters lately so there isn’t much else to report on. The Funsters would like to send out birthday wishes this month to Stacie Alley, Melissa Cammack, Takeena Billington, Dean Washburn, Tom Frost, Dave Thomas, Mike Clark, Mary Clark, Brian Harris, Shayna Grindle, Lindsey Spencer, Libby Lindsey, Tom (Goofy) King, and Kurt (Dopey) Gray, Emma Frost, and Hannah Frost NOBLES . . . It may seem like the June Ceremonial in Houlton is in the distant future but look at the calendar. The Ceremonial is only about ten weeks away. We all need to pitch in and spread the word about Shrinedom to our Masonic friends. Top-line signers for 3 candidates will earn an Anah Shrine watch. Get your candidates signed up before they get away! By Rodney Pinkham and Edward Pellon, PP’s Hospital Board Members SHC Springfield’s Food/Nutritional Services Department - Bon Appétit ! by Eric Roger, Director of Food Services When someone has to go to their area hospital, usually one of their biggest complaints is the hospital food served there, but that is not the case when patients, families, staff, board members and visitors are at Springfield Shriners Hospital for Children. We have visitors stay a little longer during their day’s visit, just to be able to enjoy the lunch specialties offered. The Springfield Food/Nutritional Service department provides meals, beverages, & nutritional supplements for our in -patients at the hospital, as well as serving meals to staff, board members, visitors and patient families, seven days a week. The following highlights the talented employees that make up the Food Service Department, who have 101 combined years of service. The Director is Eric Rogers. Eric is the newest member of the team (1 ½ years), but in that short time he has made many enhancements to the department. He is always there to lend a helping hand by doing anything that is needed in his department. The other members of the team are:. Angela Lis has been with SHC for six years as it’s Chef Supervisor. Candace (Candy) Rawson has the most tenure in the department with 30 years. She started working in the Food Service department in the original Springfield Hospital building when she was just a teenager. Candy has worked on just about everything that food services offers, from catering, patient meal service and is currently the café supervisor. Susan Carroll’s twenty-one years of services shows as she is very strong with café service, production, & baking. The department operates a patient Room Service Program which has been very successful since its introduction in February 2009. With this program the patient calls the patient meal service specialist and places an order; we prepare the meal and deliver it within 20 minutes. We also provide meals for families staying on the south unit if needed, as well as snacks during transit from the airport during late night pickups. Bouasy Sivongxai is a patient meal service specialist and kitchen assistant with eleven years experience. He is very good with patients and families, ensuring they have everything they need while here. Candice Brown, with six years of experience at SHC, is a patient meal service specialist who is great with the kids. Parents or Guardians who wish to get information on admission to Shriners Springfield may call directly to The Intake Department (toll free) at 800-322-5905 The fattest knight at King Arthur’s Round Table was Sir Cumference. APRIL 2012 21 The photo above shows L-R Chief Rabban F. Lee Kaufman, Doug Dulac, Tri-County Shrine Club President and speaker Doug Dulac, (Could he be talking about fishing) Dan Costain, Vice Presidenet and Treasurer Marty Taylor at a recent meeting of the Tri-County Shrine Club. Photo by Noble Merland Clark of the Anah Photo Unit. It is those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular. 22 THE ANAHGRAM Photo above shows L-R Jeff Bouchard, and Brian Bouchard, representing H.O. Bouchard presenting a new unit to Wheelers Captain Rick Robshaw. Photo by David Appleby, Secretary of the Wheelers Unit. Continued from page 1 nieces, Jeanine York, Eleanor Goodine, Robin Reed, Candice Winslow and Joyce Jones; three nephews, Larry Winchester, Sidney Winchester and Carl Merrill Winslow; other nieces and nephews; a sister-in-law, Virginia Winchester; and a brother-in-law, Merton Clough. Also to be remembered are his many brothers-inlaw and extended stepfamilies, including Wayne and Dick Giffard. He was predeceased by two brothers, Lawrence E. Winchester and Eugene P. Winchester and his wife, Frances; and a sister, Marguerite Clough. He was known and loved by all as “Uncle Sid.” He became a Master Mason in Ralph J. Pollard Lodge No. 217 AF & AM, Orrington. Sid was also a member of York and Scottish Rite Bodies. He joined Anah Shriners in 1965. In 1966 Sid became a member of the Motor Corps, of which he remained a member for 16 years, and was captain for six years. In 1972 he served as president of the North East Shrine Motor Corps and served as an aide for two years prior to being appointed outer guard in 1983 by Potentate Harold W. “Sonny” Crocker. Sid served as potentate of Anah Shriners in 1993. He helped organize and served as vice president and president of the First Football Lobster Bowl Classic. As potentate in 1993 he authorized to have the first East-West College All Star Hockey Games. Sid also was a member of all Anah Shrine Clubs, Anah Shrine Cabiri, Royal Order of Jesters, and the Kachina Klub . To ignore the facts does not change the facts. APRIL 2012 23 PASSED TO THE UNSEEN TEMPLE ROLAND N. PETERSEN No. 6742 Noble Roland N. Petersen of Newport was born Nov. 19, 1928, in Wilmington, Massachusetts and died Jan. 31, 2012, at a Pittsfield hospital. He moved to Newport with his family at a young age, after his father purchased the local blacksmith shop. His family was very proud of their Danish heritage. He graduated from Newport High School, class of 1946, and served a tour of duty in the Army of Occupation in Germany. He was a pasteurizer at Hood’s Dairy for more than 30 years. He attended Newport United Methodist Church. He was also a member of Newport Historical Society. He was a Boy Scout and Cub Scout leader in Newport for many years. Roland was a longtime vice president of Sebasticook Valley Snowmobile Club. He and Alma enjoyed traveling extensively, having been to all 50 states, Canadian provinces and numerous other countries. His Masonic affiliations included 50-plus years of membership in Meridian Splendor Lodge No. 49 AF & AM of Newport and Nokomis Chapter Order of the Eastern Star. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as August 12, 1972 KEVIN ALAN AUSTIN No. 12223 Noble Kevin “Lugnut” Austin of Bradford was born Nov. 11, 1962, in Bangor and died unexpectedly Feb. 13, 2012, at his home. He enjoyed working at the Department of Transportation as a field heavy vehicle equipment technician His Masonic affiliations included membership in Mosaic Lodge No. 52 of DoverFoxcroft. He was A member of the Shrine Clown Unit, “Lugnut” brought smiles to many people as “Kissy” and will never be forgotten. His life purpose was to make people laugh by being mischievous and clowning around. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 20, 2009. FRANCIS S. HARVEY No. 6761 Noble Francis S. Harvey of Kenduskeag, was born Aug. 27, 1926, in Bangor and passed away Feb. 14, 2012. He graduated from the University of Maine, Orono, with a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering. He was a registered professional engineer and a registered land surveyor. He worked for Eastern Fine Pulp and Paper Standard Packaging, Brewer, for 16 years and later was assistant director of facilities for the University of Maine System, Bangor, for 23 years. He was a former member of Mystic Tie Grange, Kenduskeag. He was a member of SAD No. 64 Board of Directors for 45 years, 30 years as chairman. He was president of Kenduskeag Cemetery Association for 23 years and moderated the town meetings in Kenduskeag for more than 40 years. He was a lifetime member and honorary deacon of Kenduskeag Union Church, and treasurer for 25 years. He was also the Kenduskeag fire chief for 13 years His Masonic affiliations included membership in and was a 50-year member, Past Master and secretary from 1967 to 2012 of Kenduskeag Lodge No. 137 AF & AM, Kenduskeag. He was a past district deputy and a past senior grand warden of Grand Lodge of Maine. He was a member of York and Scottish Rite Bodies and Millwee Chapter No. 198 Order of the Eastern Star, Orrington. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as January 12, 1973. RICHARD IRVIN HOLT No. 7069 Noble Richard Irvin Holt of Hampden. Richard was born Nov. 15, 1928, in Clinton and passed away peacefully Feb. 18, 2012, at a Bangor health care facility. He grew up and attended schools in Clinton and graduated 10th in the class of 1947 at Clinton High School. He then served in the U.S. Army with the 175th Military Police Battalion during the Korean War. He worked for 35 years at New England Telephone, retiring in 1987. He was a 52-year resident of Hampden and the past commander of Whitcomb-Baker Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 4633, Hampden. He loved spending Saturday nights at Hampden Snowmobile Club’s baked bean suppers, talking with longtime friends. Richard and Norine spent many great times with the Shriners, including two great trips to Branson, Mo., to see wonderful shows. He was known for being handy, building his own home and keeping a perfectly manicured lawn His Masonic affiliations included membership in Mystic Lodge No. 65 AF & AM and the Scottish Rite Bodies. He had served Anah as a member of the Second Section and was an Aide at one time.He was a member of the Bangor-Brewer and Waldo County Shrine Clubs and a life member of the Sunshine Club. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 7, 1974. 24 THE ANAHGRAM NOBLES Do you need an application for a new Noble? See page 15 A perfect Gift for any Noble or Shrine Lady on any occasion MEMBERSHIP IN THE SHRINE’S 100 MILLION DOLLAR CLUB Not only will you be participating in the “WORLD’S GREATEST PHILANTHROPHY,” but also in the “WORLD’S PUREST CHARITY” as 98 cents of every dollar contributed to Shriner’s Hospitals for Children is used on direct patient care. A statement to the Recorder that you have left $100 or more in your will, or are making a cash contribution of $100 or more, will earn you a handsome membership certificate for your office or den…and you will help insure the future operation of Shriner’s Hospitals for Children. All memberships will be recorded, and reported to the Imperial Council through your Temple Recorder. Do not send your membership directly to a Shriner’s Hospital. HOW TO JOIN THE $100,000,000 CLUB I WANT TO BE A MEMBER OF THE 100 Million Dollar Club for the benefit of SHRINER’S HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN AND BURNS HOSPITALS. I have made Shriner’s Hospital a beneficiary in an insurance policy in the amount of $100 or more. I have a provision in my will leaving a bequest of $100.00 or more to the hospitals. I prefer to make a cash contribution at this time of at least $100.00 which is tax deductible. Make your check payable to: “SHRINER’S HOSPITALS” Complete this form and mail it to ANAH TEMPLE, ATTN: RECORDER, P.O. BOX 735, BANGOR, MAINE 04402-0735 Signed_______________ Address__________________ City__________State__________Zip___________ Please have the certificate read: (Please print) ______________________________ SPRINGFIELD SHRINERS HOSPITAL RECRUITING IS A FULL TIME JOB Are you working? Membership applications available at the Recorder’s Office ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Anah Shriners P.O. Box 735 Bangor ME 04402-0735 APRIL 2012 � � NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
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Website: http://www.Anahshriners.com
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Bangor, Maine 04402-0735
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