September 2013 - Anah Shriners
September 2013 - Anah Shriners
September 2013 monthly messenger Of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Potentate F. Lee Kaufman of Anah Temple congratulates newly elected Imperial Sir John A. Cinoto at the Imperial session in Indianapolis, Indiana on July 5th. AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 Changing Jobs or Retiring? Should you roll over your 401(k) plan account or reallocate your retirement assets? Whether you are changing jobs or retiring, a Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor can review your situation and help you make informed choices to ensure that your nest egg will be there when you need it. Jeffrey F. O'Sullivan Senior Vice President Financial Advisor Key Plaza, 23 Water Street, Suite 406 Bangor, ME 04401 207-561-2000 jeffrey.o' Call your Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor today to help you develop an investment program tailored to your retirement needs. Tax laws are complex and subject to change. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“Morgan Stanley”), its affiliates and Morgan Stanley Financial Advisors and Private Wealth Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice and are not “fiduciaries” (under the Internal Revenue Code or otherwise) with respect to the services or activities described herein except as otherwise agreed to in writing by Morgan Stanley. This material was not intended or written to be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. Individuals are encouraged to consult their tax and legal advisors regarding any potential tax and related consequences of any investments made under such account. © 2012 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. NY CS 7181735 RET010 PSC 10/12 GP10-00936P-N04/10 Drive beatVarney VarneyValue Value Drive5050miles milesor or 500, 500, you You can’t can’t beat anywhere! anywhere! 260 HOGAN ROAD BANGOR, ME 04401 207-990-1200 1-800-288-3071 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Guiding Children Health Shooting for To theBetter STARS The Anahgram Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Anah’s 91st year - Chartered June 15, 1922 A Chapter of Shriners International 586 Main Street, Bangor Maine 04401 Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994 Website: - e-mail: Volume 81 Number 9 SEPTEMBER 2013 Gerald L. Harvey- Editor/Advertising Manager WINNER OF SIX DROMEDARY AWARDS Two events for Anah Nobles and Ladies Coming up! You won’t want to miss two events planned for the participation of Anah’s Nobles and Ladies for September. As fall approaches it is time to get in a couple of outdoor activities while the weather is right for participation. The first is the Ellsworth Field Day being held in conjunction with the Maine State Fireman’s Muster. This event will feature a parade with fire fighters from all across Maine and other states and Canadian provinces along with the Units of Anah Shrine. It is being billed as one of the largest parades held in the recent past that will take at least two hours to pass by the reviewing stand. The Hancock County Shrine Club will host a barbeque after the parade at Lygonia Lodge at 21 Carriage Road, Off the Bucksport Road. (Route 1 South.) The second event taking place in September is to The Northeast Shrine Association Annual Field Days being hosted by Karnak Shriners in Cornwall Ontario. This will be a weekend event covering Thursday September 19th through Saturday September 21st. Bussing and housing will be available as described elsewhere in this Anahgram. For more details contact Noble Earle “Yogi” Seymour at 17 Aspen Way, Brewer or Call 989-1294. A program of events will be available at the Recorder’s office to aid in your planning. Plan promptly as rooms and bus seats fill up quickly on these trips. ANAH BYLAW VOTE Anah Shriners 2013 CASH CALENDARS YIELD $15,425 IN CASH PRIZES A list of recent winners is on page 20 Anah Shriners through the Units and Clubs are selling Calendars as a fundraiser for Anah Shrine. The cost is $20.00 and the proceeds are for fraternal use. The suggested new bylaws have been updated to be more in line with what Imperial wants to see for temple bylaws. A copy of the suggested bylaws are available in the Recorder’s office for any Noble to review. The proposed new bylaws will be voted on at the Stated Meeting Tues., November 19, 2013, 7:30 pm, at the temple. These Calendars feature Anah Shriners in their favorite settings - having fun! Drawings will be made for $300.00 awarded the first Saturday of each month, $100.00 for the remaining Saturday drawings, and $25.00 for each daily draw, excluding Saturdays. You may purchase these Calendars from any Unit, Club, or at the Shrine office. There will be only 3000 Calendars available! Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and proceeds are not deductible as charitable contributions. ANAHGRAM DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER IS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5th EARLY COPY APPRECIATED YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Rodney Pinkham, P.P., Box 8, Holden , ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916 You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. 2 THE ANAHGRAM SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 9 Campers Outing 15 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 4 3 Labor Day 8 TUESDAY Hancock County S C Meeting FRIDAY 6 5 Second Section Meeting Campers Outing 7 Acadamecians Picnic Campers Outing 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 Field Day Ellsworth Funsters Meeting 16 SATURDAY Tri-County Shrine Club No Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club due to NSA Northneast Shrine Association Field Days 22 23 24 Keystone Kops Meeting 25 Schoodic Shrine Club Fish Fry 26 Waldo Shrine Club Lobster Feed 28 27 Second Section Noble of the Year Melrose Beal Golf Tournament 29 30 COMING EVENTS FOR... SEPTEMBER 2013 SUNDAY MONDAY COMING EVENTS FOR... TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 2 3 8 9 10 OCTOBER 2013 6 7 THURSDAY Washington County Shrine Club - Ladies Chanters Meeting FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 5 11 12 Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 18 25 19 26 31 Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor SEPTEMBER 2013 3 Greeting to All: It is amazing how quickly the months fly past and how lucky we are to be on that magic carpet of life. July found some of the members of Anah attending the Imperial Session in Indianapolis. Those attending from the Divan were I and Lady Peggy, Assistant Rabban Jesse Thomas and Lady Brenda, High Priest & Prophet Robert Turner and Lady Bonnie, Recorder Ill. Larry Hersom and Lady Libby, Ill. Rodney Pinkham and Lady Joyce, Noble Ryan Otis and Noble Ralph Robshaw. July 8th the kick-off of the “Love for the Children Tour” was attended by many Nobles, Ladies and guests. Lady Peggy and I had the privilege of meeting the Supreme Queen of the Daughters of the Nile Margaret Ann Risk who spoke on the fundraising done by the Nile for the Shrine Hospitals. July 25th we headed to Newfoundland to visit Mazol Shriners and attend the Potentates Reception in honor of Ill. Potentate Den Billard. I now have a better comprehension of how the Shrine and F. Lee Kaufman Potentate the people of Newfoundland live. No matter when you travel from Newfoundland it is either by way of the ferry(12 to 18 hours) or fly to your destination. There is a building boom of new homes and industry that should be the envy of everyone In North America. It is said that the Potentate’s schedule slows down in the summer, but I am not sure of that saying. By the time this issue is printed we will have had the Field Days in Dexter, the Dryden Dutch Golf Tournament in Belfast, a visitation to Mt. Sanai in Vermont, Bob Jones Picnic, Keystone Kops steak feed, summer picnics and more traveling. One of the larger events to take place will be the Field Day in Ellsworth September 14 in conjunction with Ellsworth Fire Departments hosting the Maine Fireman’s Convention. Then the next week Sep- 3 Know-how is supporting the communities where we live and work. People’s United Bank is proud to support the Anah Shriners! 207-942-4800 ©2013 People’s United Bank | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender tember 20-21, Anah will be participating in the Northeast Shrine Association Field Days in Cornwall, Ont. These are but a few of the events that will surely make the fall very busy, plus the reopening of many lodges and unit meetings. The drawing for the 2013 Anah Shrine Recreation Fundraiser is fast approaching (October 26th) and we need to sell as many tickets on this as possible. Remember, this is not only a fundraiser for the Temple, but also a fundraiser for every unit and club as 25 cents on every ticket is returned as a commission. Please support your Shrine Clubs by attending the meetings, bring along a newly-created Noble or a Noble that has not attended in a long time, as they only need a nudge to make them active again. Fall is the time we all get back together at unit and club meetings for fun and fellowship. Hope to see you soon, Lee Kaufman, Potentate A Note from First Lady Peggy A Note from First Lady Peggy Ladies and Nobles, I don’t want to think about it, but parents are getting their children ready for the opening of school. We all know what that means! I do enjoy the beauty and serenity of fall. What follows is preparing for old man winter, which isn’t as pleasant to think about. Potentate Lee and I visited with the Anah Clowns at their July meeting. It was nice seeing the Clown Nobles, Ladies, and Children again. This group is always busy promoting Shrine while having fun. We had a wonderful trip to Newfoundland several weeks ago. Our Canadian Aides were gracious and gave us a marvelous tour of St. John’s NF. We were pleasantly surprised by how prosperous that particular area is. We hope to return again to Newfoundland to enjoy even more of what that Canadian Island has to offer. Again, thank you to all the Ladies that contributed items at the June luncheon for Shrine Hospital patients. A nice Thank You card was sent to the Anah Shrine ladies from the Shrine Hospital. They really appreciated all the nice gifts delivered. I hope some of you are planning on attending this year’s NSA Field Days in Cornwall Ontario, Canada. The dates are September 19, 20, and 21. The Nobles and Ladies of that area are planning a great time for all of us. If you are attendContinued on page 4 4 THE ANAHGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians....................................... 10 Aides........................................................ Application for membership.................. 24 Aroostook Shrine Club......................... 13 Athletic...................................................... Band..................................................... 23 Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club..................... Boosters................................................. 6 Calendar................................................. 2 Chanters................................................... Circus....................................................... Clowns (Bangor)..................................... 8 Convertibles......................................... 17 Daughters of the Nile............................ 18 Directors Staff......................................... 5 Editor........................................................ Ellsworth Field Day............................... 15 Flag Unit............................................... 11 Funsters ................................................ 4 Go-Karts................................................... Hancock County Shrine Club............... 12 Highlanders............................................ 9 Hospital News (Boston)........................ 17 Hospital News (Springfield).................. 20 Indy Cars.................................................. Kampers Club....................................... 18 Kanteen Corps......................................... Keystone Kops..................................... 11 Klowns (Aroostook).................................. Lady Peggy’s Note................................. 3 Lobster Boat Unit.................................... 7 Mini-Bike Unit........................................... Mini-Car Unit............................................. Mystery Person...................................... 7 NASCAR Unit........................................... Northern Penobscot Shrine Club.............. Obituaries............................................. 22 Oriental Band........................................... Past Masters Unit..................................... Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit............................................... 5 Potentate................................................ 3 Provost Guard........................................... Public Relations.......................................... Recorder............................................... 16 Schoodic Shrine Club........................... 14 Second Section.................................... 14 Sunshine Club...................................... 14 Tri-County Shrine Club............................. Waldo County Shrine Club................... 16 Washigton County Shrine Club............ 15 Wheelers.............................................. 12 4x4’s..................................................... 19 Support Your Anahgram Be a ”Booster” See page 6 Continued from page 3 ing, please remember your passports. A big welcome to Anah’s new Chief Rabban, Past Potentate, Richard Hallett and Lady Carolyn. I wish you both the best during your next year volunteering your time and energy to Shrine, once again! Please take time to stop and smell the roses, spend quality time with your families, and support your Shrine clubs while staying healthy and happy. Until next month, BANGOR-BREWER SHRINE CLUB No meeting on September 19 due to NSA in Cornwall, Ontario Canada Noble Frank Wilson Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies: We just had our July meeting where the secretary’s reports for both May and June were read and accepted, as was the treasurer’s report for June. We sadly read a letter from Bill “Papa Smurf” Spencer requesting to become Emeritus. We accepted his request and extend a huge thank you to both Bill and Olivia for their years of dedication to the Funsters and also for donating Papa Smurf to the unit. We immediately read and accepted an application for membership from George Nelson. By the time I typed this column George already obtained a “Pluto” costume and showed it off at the Carmel Days parade. September birthdays are as follows: Chorleen Billington, Trudy Clarke, Janice Frost, Jake Buck, Attle Smith, Dan Leclerc, Aimee Leclerc and Amanda Frost. George & Sheila Alley, Dave & Donna Hasey, Bruce & Trudy Clarke, Dean & Donna Washburn, Wayne & Lori Foster, Bob & Nancy Buck, and Gary & Jackie Harris have shared another year of matrimony this month. The next meeting will be held on Monday September 9th at the Shrine Center in Bangor with a 6:00 social and 7:00 meeting. THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication Bangor, Maine 04401 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: Website: Available by subscription $12.00 per year. EDITOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Gerald L. Harvey 586 Main Street Bangor, Maine 04401 Tel. (H) 991-9708 Email: MAPA46@AOL.COM DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Bob Hodgkins Home Tel: 938-3864 Cel: 341-0866 ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Dennis Bryant 1036 Ayers Jct. Road Charlotte ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly.Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate F. Lee Kaufman Chief Rabban Richard P. Hallett Assistant Chief Rabban Donald “Jesse” Thomas. High Priest & Prophet Donald Robert L. Turner Oriental Guide Stephen A. Trimm Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder Larry L. Hersom, P.P PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. SEPTEMBER 2013 PHOTO UNIT Noble Bob Hodgkins, Reporter Here it is the end of July, slow in the Photo business but a couple of things. I hope everyone had a great July. I did a month at camp with the grandkids, fishing, tubing and BBQs and some rain. Merland recruited a new member from the June class, Reginald Clement from Carmel. Welcome aboard. More on his bio when I get it.. Merland had good things to say about the video camera. He got good shots of the parade in Newport. When you read this we will have been to Dexter for the summer Feld Days. Don’t forget the big parade in September in Ellsworth. Hope to see you. DIRECTORS STAFF Noble Dave Weaver Reporter Is anyone out there tired of all this rain besides me? It seems to me that it stops raining just long enough for me to mow my lawns and then we get another down pour. Sound familiar? My garden has spent most of the summer underwater. I don’t know how the blueberry crop was; 5 when I looked them over around the 1st of August they looked pretty spotty. Where there were berries they looked really good but there were a lot of voids. Blueberries represent a lot of hard work for the people involved. I sure do like blueberry muffins which my wife makes for me quite often. August is usually a pretty busy month in the Shrine with all the unit picnics, parades and other commitments. This past August was no exception. For the Directors Staff we had the Field Day in Dexter and our own picnic with the Aides at Swan Lake. I’m sure both of these were well attended and a good time was had by all. Our next big events coming up in September will be the Field Day and Fire- men’s muster, in Ellsworth on the14th of September and the NSA Field Days in Cornwell, Ont. on September 19 – 21. ANAH usually has one of the largest showing of Nobles at the Northeast so let’s keep up the tradition this year and all plan to attend. That’s about it for this month; I have to mow my lawns. Be good to one another and shake the bushes for some new master Masons so they can enter the Shrine in either January or June. Support Your Anahgram be a Booster See page 6 6 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Steve Akerley & Dawn C. 5/14 George & Sheila Alley 5/14 Richard Anderson 12/14 W. Robert Averill 6/14 I M O C. Alton Bagley 5/15 I M O Dick Bagley P.P.5/15 Bob Beattie 4/14 Albert “Bucky” & Norma Bishop 10/14 Phil & Sue Black 12/13 Blinn & Joan Boone 11/13 I M O John R. Bradford 11/13 Ms. Anna Bradford 11/13 Tom Breitweg 8/14 Fred & Jennifer Brown 3/14 Dave Bryant 1/14 Galen Call 8/15 Anah Campers Club 7/14 Gerald F. Carey 9/13 Dick & Kim Carlow 3/15 Charlie & Shirley Caron 2/14 Sam & Agnes Carr 12/14 I M O Dick Castner 9/13 Bob Chandler 9/13 I M O Arthur W. Chandler 9/13 Michael Clark 11/13 Andy Constantine 3/14 Carl & Joyce Coutts 4/14 Sonny & Marilyn Crocker 3/14 Wayne & Tanya Darling 4/14 John Davidson 6/14 Lloyd Day 12/14 Larry Doughty 9/13 Mark Doughty 9/13 Tyler C. Dunning 9/13 Tim & Jean Dutch 3/14 I M O Dryden C. Dutch, P.P 8/14 I M O Robin Moone Edes I M O Orville, Edes 6/14 John Edes Edes 6/14 I M O Ray S. Edwards 2/14 Thomas & Carol Fernald 3/14 John & Betty Fernald 3/14 Wes & Bonnie Ford 9/13 Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 11/13 Orlando Frati 9/13 I M O Hugo Frati 9/13 Clinton & Sandra Fulton 11/13 George & Mary Beth Gaddis 5/15 Paul & Diana Giles 4/14 I M O Carroll I. & Gerry Goodwin, Jr. 6/15 I M O Harry F. Gordon 10/13 Don & Gail Gordon 3/14 Don & Gail Gordon 3/2014 Ralph & Phyllis Goss 8/14 Andy & Rose Gove 1/14 Keith L. Gove 12/13 Dwynal & Karen Grass 9/13 W. Louis & Judith Greenier II 9/14 Roger & Julie Grindle 1/14 I M O Edwin W. Hadley 11/13 Dick & Carolyn Hallett 6/15 Gene & Pamela Hamm 8/14 I M O Elbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 8/14 Ken & Donna Hanscom, Jr. I M O Charles E. Harmon 8/14 I MO Bill Harmon, Sr. 9/13 Obed & Faith Hart 1/15 I M O Jeanette Harvey 4/14 BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s on seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. Send check with name as it is to appear to: ANAHGRM BOOSTERS, c/o Jerry Harvey, Editor, 922 Ohio St. Apt. 307, Bangor ME 04401 Wallace Harvey 4/14 Jerry & Lorraine Harvey 8/14 I M O Mike Haskell 8/14 Richard P. Hawkins 9/14 I M O Alvin Heath Sheldon & Sandy Heath 3/14 I M O Alvin Heath 4/14 Howard J. Heath 4/14 Ralph & Maggie Hill 5/14 I M O Richard Holt 3/17 Lloyd & Kassie Hopkins 10/13 I M O Ray K. Jack 12/13 Rick & Cindy Johnson 5/14 C. Ray & Loretta Jones 8/14 Alton & Ellen Kenney 4/14 Norris & Barbara Kneeland 11/12 Bob & Rae Jean Knowles 11/13 Stan & Mary Knox 5/14 Charles & Selma Larson 11/13 I MO Ernest “Bud” Larson 3/14 Larry & Gail Larson 8/14 I M O Merritt Leavitt 4/14 I M O Frank Leighton 9/13 Skip Lenfest, Jr. 8/14 Skip Lenfest, Sr. 8/14 Bob & Perlene Libby 12/13 Janice & Elwood “Woody” Littlefield 12/13 Mike & Bonnie London 9/13 Lee F. Lowery 9/14 I M O G. Urial Martin 6/14 Roy Martin 9/13 Douglas A. & Donna McCafferty 8/14 Douglas K. & Candee McCafferty 8/14 I M O Edward Sr. & Evelyn McCafferty 8/14 I M O Terral A. McCafferty 8/14 Allan & Lorraine McGown 11/13 Ed & Nancy McGraw 8/14 I M O Herschel K McIntosh 2/14 Jim & Mae Merrithew 11/13 I M O Fred P. Murray 12/13 Dick & Betty Nevers 4/14 Harold & Connie Newman 12/14 Larry & Teresa Nichols 9/13 Bob “Boomer” & Julianna Palmer 5/14 Jim & Linda Parent 5/14 Herman & Kate Peabody 7/14 Anah Photo Video Unit 1/14 James & Frances Pinkham 4/14 Don & Linda Potter 4/14 Circus Spotlight Crew Presque Isle 6/14 I M O Bob Pushard, Sr. 8/14 Al & Charity Richards 11/13 Chuck & Sally Ridlon 9/13 Gary & Glenna Robbins 9/13 I M O Keith B. Roberts 9/13 I M O Sumner Rogers 4/14 I M O Ed Rogers 9/13 Larry & Donna Rowell 11/14 Earl Sands 4/14 Heath & Karen Savage 9/13 Spike Savage 9/13 Todd C. Scoville 6/14 I M O Clifton R. Scoville 6/14 Marty & Joan Shaw11/13 I M O John Simpson 9/13 I M O Dorothy M. Sites 9/13 I M O Ken Smith 4/15 George & Lucille Snedden 4/14 YES! THE ANAHGRAM Ed Snow 9/13 Ed & Gayle Sprague 4/15 Roger & Jan Stairs 5/14 Ken & Tina Stewart 11/13 Elliott & Joyce Tarbell 4/14 Daniel L. Tarr 9/13 I M O Betty L. Tarr 9/13 Wilbert & Joan Terry 4/14 I M O Alexander Theodore 11/13 Jesse & Brenda Thomas 9/14 Paul & Joyce Thornton 12/13 Inez & Reginald Toothaker 3/14 Alden & Pam Tracy 3/14 I M O John Tracy 6/14 Steve & Betty Trimm 12/13 I M O Carroll E. Trimm 12/13 Bonnie & Bob Turner 4/14 Hank & Gloria Waldron 8/14 Dave & Leni Weaver 3/15 Mr. & Mrs. Bert Weed 11/13 Joel & Christie West 12/13 Buddy & Caryll Wheeler 2/14 I M O Wayne Wheeler 9/13 Rusty & Ethel Whitcomb 3/14 I M O Bob Whited 5/14 I M O Eugene “Bud” Whitney 12/13 I M O James S. Wiggin 3/14 Paul & Phyllis Wilbur 6/14 Lloyd & Jay Willey 8/20 Bob & Norma Winglass 7/14 DATES INDICATE LAST INSERTION Use the coupon below to show your support for the The Anahgram. I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one year. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $_____Name(s) ___________________ If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor. SEPTEMBER 2013 7 Who is it ??? Second Section t Noble of the Year Nigh Last month’s subject was Noble Ed Nason He was not identified by any of our readers. If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Larry Hersom at 942.2254 or email the Editor at MAPA46@AOL. COM. The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor by e-mail or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!! Recruiting is a full time job Are you working? Noble Scott Forbes , Reporter The Lobster boat unit made the trip to the Yarmouth Clam Festival parade. We were well received during the activities. We also endured some rough weather on the high seas during the Rockland Lobster Festival but all made it through OK. Happy birthday to Nobles Prescott Briggs, Keith Robbins and William Sinford and to Ladies Glenna Ellis and Ora Farnsworth. Happy anniversary to Runtz and Ora Farnsworth, Wilbert and Joan Terry, Perley and Karen Merrick. To Honor The Late Noble Tom Clukey Saturday, September 28, 2013 5:30 – 11:30 PM $15.00 per person for Nobles or guests (Members of the public welcome) The program will consist of: Entertainment Cold hors d’oeuvres Dinner includes Baked Beans, Ham, Lasagna, Salads, etc BYOB – Setups available by donation Dress code: Business Casual Silent Auction Tickets available from Second Section Members or at the Recorder’s Office Until September 13. Music by D. J. Eric Lunt Will be provided SHUTTLE BUSSES Will be running during the evening with pick ups at the Bangor Auditorium Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of The Anah Second Section and contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions. 8 THE ANAHGRAM CLOWNS Noble John “Flip-Flop” Kidder, Reporter How can it possibly be September already? Summer just passes by way too quickly! We’ll recaa[ture apiece of Summer however, by starting this column at the 4th of July. Celebrating America’s birthday at the Bar Harbor parade was Babycakes, Jappo, Coota, Wow-e, Clipper, and Gizmo. A large contingent of clowns paraded in Bangor-Brewer; Patches, Petals, BoBo, Crash, Div-It, Fou, Iggy, Squiggles, Gumpy, Spiffy, Piggy, Yah-Hoo, and Sluggah. The unit was also well represented by Diggah and Busta in Pembroke and Eastport. Children at the July 6th Home Depot Children’s Workshop were happy to have Div-It, Fou, Jappo, and Sweet-P on hand to keep them entertained. Petals and Crash yelled, “Move that bus!” as they and many other well-wishers watched the Daughters of the Nile Love for the Children Tour bus depart from Webb’s RV in Bangor on July 8 to begin its cross country trek. It was a hot time in Corinth on July 13 for their Old Home Days Parade and balloon twisting session with Bo-Bo, Coota, Fou, Fuz, Gizmo, Papi, Pooch, Slapshot, and Ty-Dy. At the July 19th clown meeting the unit approved with regret Shamrock’s request for emeritus status. I have always enjoyed clowning with Shamrock--even those times when the Anah Photo Unit Nobles wanted his picture and not mine. Who could blame them, anyway! The Bucksport Bay Festival Parade on July 27th saw the debut of tramp/ hobo clown Dim Bulb (aka Fou) joined by crowd favorites Div-It, Piggy, and Spiffy. That same day the parade route of the Guilford River Festival was made more lively with the antics of Jappo, Coota, Babycakes, Bo-Bo, Jasper, Papi, Ducky, Swish, Gizmo, and Sweet-P. The Gizmos also hosted a nice BBQ and some friendly rounds of horseshoe competition at their house after the parade. The annual Chapin Park Block Party was held on July 30 in Bangor and countless balloons were twisted that evening by Sweet-P, Scooter, Spiffy, Piggy, Div-It, Papi, and Petals, who while not in makeup and costume, contributed greatly to the balloon twisting capacity. Lots of happy kids went home that evening with great balloons and wonderful memories. SOLD OUT Call to get on the cancellation list The Shiretown Homecoming Parade in Dover-Foxcroft on August 3 was visited by Swish, Ducky, Crash, Coota, Ty-Dy, Bo-Bo, Pooch, Busta, Gizmo, and Dover native and current Aleppo Clown, Fuzzy. Anah’s own Fuz the clown was acting in his official capacity as Dover-Foxcroft Police Chief that day. Meanwhile, back in Bangor---Slapshot, Patches, Fou, Div-It, and Piggy appeared at the monthly Home Depot Children’s Workshop. Sincere sympathy to Julie, Reggie, Rachel, and David Eugley and the entire family on the recent passing of Julie’s dad. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this most difficult time. Your love for and dedication to your father and grandfather during this challenging journey has been an inspiration to all of us. ANAH SHRINERS’ 2013 FUNDRAISER This year’s fundraiser is different from past events in that there are a variety of prizes. Instead of a car the prizes will be geared to the outdoor sports enthusiast. • GRAND PRIZE: Your choice of 2, 2012 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Motorcycle, 2013 Kawasaki Mule 610 4x4, 2013 Yamaha YFM 450 4X4 or 2010 New G3 Eagle 176 w/Yamaha 40 hp Motor and Trailer or $10,000 Cash •2nd prize: $1,000.00 •3rd prize is $500.00 TICKETS ARE ONLY $1.00 EACH Tickets may be purchased at the Recorder’s Office or from Club and Unit members. Drawing will be held at the Potentate’s Reception on Saturday, October 26, 2013 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions. SEPTEMBER 2013 Noble Mike Murphy Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. I’m writing this on August 4th. The pessimist in me is saying that the summer is ½ over. The optimist in me is saying I still have ½ the summer to go. The realist in me has me convinced that summer is ½ as long as it should be. I’m thinking about how truly short and chaotic our summer parade season is. If we have a wet May/June, which is very common, we only have July and August and then we put our coats back on and get the furnace tuned up. It is very common for some people to spend $3,000-$4,000 on home heating. I think that snowmobiling is great for the economy, but imagine how much better the economy would be if we had warmer winters. I’m not advocating global warming; it is just something to think about as we round the corner on our parade season. Besides, warmer winters mean more creepy crawly things that can sting and bite. I’ve seen the effects on a family member who had Lyme disease, and I’ll take our traditional cool winters if it reduces the occurrence of that horrible disease. If you know of someone who has strange flu like symptoms in the summer or early fall, get them checked for Lyme disease and don’t believe the first negative results, because it sometimes gives false negatives. In southern New England if you present with those symptoms, you get the antibiotics to treat it at the same time they take the test, they don’t wait. Waiting for a positive Lyme test can be disastrous. I watched someone suffer 4th stage Lyme before a positive diagnosis was given. Don’t wait. As to the events of the band, we spent a wonderful day in Bar Harbor on the 4th of July. The crowd was enormous. I left the island as soon as the parade was over, as I was convinced that it was going to sink with so many people on it. The next weekend we played a key role in the St. Andrews Society’s Tatoo at Fort Knox. If you have never attended one of these tattoos, you need to. There are five bands that play and march for a total of 1.5hrs. On the 17th some of the members played for the Rockport Masonic lodge. July 20th brought most of the band to Lincoln for its annual Homecoming. As we head into August, we have a busy day on the 10th. We are scheduled to play in Dexter for the field day. Then we head to Bangor to play for the opening ceremony of the Senior World Little League. The Shrine sent out notices to all of the unit heads. It seems that there is an alarm- 9 ing number of Shriners who have NOT paid their Blue Lodge Masonic dues. I was secretary of Nollesemic for 3 years and I saw some of that. If you are having financial problems, go to your Lodge Secretary and he will put you in touch with the charity committee. REMEMBER, our first duty as Masons is to relieve the distressed. If you are not in good standing with your Masonic lodge then technically, you, according to the Shrine and Grand Lodge by-laws are not in good standing with the Shrine and that makes you in- eligible to be covered under the Shrine’s insurance. On a more important note, The Highlanders are in urgent need of drummers. If you would like to involve yourself into an Anah Shrine Unit, the Highlanders is your unit. We need all drumming positions. Please contact me at pipingleprechaun@ I’ll put you in contact with one of our drummers and we’ll have you having more fun than you thought possible in just a few months. HOUSING RESERVATION FORM AND BUSSING INFORMATION FOR NSA FALL FIELD DAYS CORNWALL, ONTARIO, CANADA SEPTEMBER 19,20,21, 2013 HOTEL: NAV - CENTER Cornwall, Ontario PASSPORTS REQUIRED NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________CITY/TOWN_______________ ZIP___________TELEPHONE#_______________________________ ARRIVAL: THUR o FRI o SAT o DEPART: SUN o Guest room rates: ist 1 person $119.00 / 2 people $125.00--plus taxon l ti ****Full Breakfast Buffet is eincluded in rate**** lla c n Make Checks Payable to: a ec ANAH Shrine Housing $135.00thDeposit required on ALL MAJORetCREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED g to #________________________EXP______ CREDIT CARD NAME AND l l a Mail Reservations to: CEarl “Yogi” Seymour 17 Aspen Way Brewer, ME 04412 ALL ROOMS ARE FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS D L O T U O S Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and payments are not deductible as charitable contributions BUSSING INFORMATION FOR NSA IN CORNWALL T U O One bus will depart Bangor, Thursday, 1 bus will t depart Bangor Friday. Busses return Sunday lis on day $100.00 per person for either ati l l ce NAME ______________________________________________________ an c ADDRESS____________________CITY/TOWN_____________________ he nt o ZIP___________TELEPHONE#__________________________________ t ge o t Number of people __________ ll Contact phone No. __________________ Ca for the benefit of Anah Shriners Proceeds from this event are D L O S and payments are not deductible as charitable contributions. ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED CREDIT CARD NAME AND #________________________EXP______ Mail Reservations to: Earl “Yogi” Seymour, 17 Aspen Way, Brewer, ME 04412 Day leaving Thursday o Friday o 10 Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter Hello Nobles and Ladies: The annual potluck picnic is at Bud and Lorna Young’s on Saturday, September . 7th at 662 Bald Mountain Road in Dedham at noon. Their phone number is 8436671 if you need help with directions or have any other questions they can help with. To get to 662 Bald Mtn. Rd. you take the Upper Dedham Rd. right by Dorsey Furniture in Holden. When you get to the intersection at the end of that road, go left onto the Bald Mtn. Rd. Go about three miles, and you will see their mailbox with number, large lot with gardens, barn, etc. Can’t miss it. Folks need to bring hamburgers and hotdogs, buns and rolls, beverages, salads, desserts, condiments, napkins, cups, flatware, etc. Call me ASAP at 989-2617 if you want to reserve lobsters, provided they are available this year. Let’s have a good turnout and lots of fun. Hope everyone has had a good summer. I and mine have enjoyed trips to Bar Harbor, South Addison, Lake Camp up in Sebois, and many summertime activities in and around Bangor and Brewer. The next meeting is at Gilmore’s Restaurant in Lincoln on Wed. Oct. 30th at 6pm. More information will be forthcoming as to directions and phone number for Gilmore’s. I have spoken to several people about it, and they say it is good. Donnie Copeland reports: “Island Falls Lodge# 206 {AKA “Academicians” or quite a bit of the crew} had their usual breakfast during the Island Falls summer fest . The Touresters don’t get the level of cholesterol we present. Baked beanshome fries in bacon grease-bacon-sausage-eggs-donuts . So once a year we get them charaged up to hold until next year.” :-) Thanks Donnie. Sounds like it was a good time with a good ‘ole hearty MaineUh breakfast. Scott Hoyle reports: “The Calliope is alive and well. It had some maintenance this spring and is in good working order. Ronnie Thomas, who will be joining our unit, is the driver. His wife Lady Linda and my wife Lady Maggie attend all of the parades as our cheering section. The last scheduled parade was August 10th in Dexter.” Thanks very much Scott for taking such a leadership role with the calliope which is a great attraction and excellent piece of Shrine history. It really enhances any Shrine event. We look forward to meeting Ronnie and Linda and welcoming them aboard. Second dues notices were sent some THE ANAHGRAM time ago. Anyone still in arrears out there should please send in their dues as soon as possible. It is much appreciated. Please call with any questions or concerns. We do not operate in order to collect money, but we must collect money in order to operate. :-) As a heads-up, we are heading into the fall season, and before you know the Christmas Tree Festival fundraiser will be upon us. Jon Swallow’s very good wife Heather, a most excellent schoolteacher and mother, is graciously heading up the effort on this. She has the tree, and many people have already committed items for it, but we will certainly need more and of course will need those who have committed to get things for it to please follow through when the time comes. Help with setting it up and decorating it when the time comes will also be very helpful. Our theme is “Outdoor Sports and Recreation.” People can put anything related to camping, hunting, fishing, etc. on/under it. This will be our first one so let’s make it a good ‘un. Much more will be coming forward on this as we get a little closer, and all the help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone, and have a great September. And remember, don’t hesitate to contact me at 989-2617 or rbilancia@ with any questions, concerns, news, stories, gossip, jokes, or plain old fashioned lies that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. ANAH FIELD DAY IN ELLSWORTH SEPTEMBER 14 SEPTEMBER 2013 11 Time has come to close the “Blotter” for this month and to remember, “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS”. Noble Fred Beylerian Reporter ODE TO A BROTHER It was the most sad day. For a Keystone Kop had passed away. When the call came, “Oh God” was all we could say. Our dear brother Dr. Dick had passed away. As reality and sadness had come to pass. Of Dr. Dick, we knew we had seen the last. Knowing that eternally he would sleep. Brother Keystone Kops prayed to the Lord his soul to keep. When he was seriously ill. There was hope for a miracle pill. Hope, the feeling that what is desirable is also possible. But for Dr. Dick it proved in improbable. Early on he met Joy and made her his wife. And together they vowed to remain for life. After being wed they could not foretell. That they would have a beautiful daughter and named her Michelle. Of beoming a Doctor he was most proud. And on many an occasion he would say so out loud. If there was something that he did not want to pursue. He would say “That is not something a Doctor would do”. His U.S. Army career to him was a big deal. Even though he hated going to the field. Dr. Dick was a good Man, Mason, and Keystone Kop. And the missing of him will not stop. It is still a most sad day. Because our Brother Dr. Dick has gone away. The poem above was written and provided by Noble Fred Beylarian of the Keystone Kops For this reporter I would like to say, “Dr. Dick was a very dear friend, a comrade in the military and the greatest of fraternal organization ever, and I shall miss him”. Birthday wishes for the month of September go out to Kops Arnold Byers and Steve Smith and Lady Wendy Trojano. Celebrating anniversaries are Kerry and Nina Dalton and Jim and Lynn Stanhope. Congratulations to all and may you have many more. Now let’s move to the lighter side. Last month’s question was: Why is shining shoes in the military more important than just having something to do? Answer: Shining shoes is designed to instill discipline and attention to detail that is required for any member of the Armed Forces. Dr. Dick was a true conservative and republican and once had his picture taken with President Reagan. With that in mind this month’s question is: President Reagan had a full blown addition to jelly beans. What flavor was introduced for his 1981 inauguration? Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter Extra, extra read all about it. We are looking for Nobles to march with us. Did you know that we march so that others can walk. Come in join us for flag wagging FUN! From the Captain -Noble Jerry Cole is working on updating the member list with correct phone numbers. This will help with future calling post messages. I know it is still summer but think about any Noble in our unit who you think should be nominated for lifetime members honors. Get the names to Tom or me, so we can get the names to the committee for review. It is hard to believe that July is almost over as I write this. We participate in the Lincoln parade with 10 Nobles present. In September we will have a field day in Ellsworth. By the time you read this we would have held our annual canoe/ kayak trip. Again I hope we had a good turnout. It has been a good summer for us financially with the raffles and parades. Still need to get members into our unit. I hope you have a great fall and will be in contact about our annual meeting Cake and candles this month are for the following Nobles: Scott Drinkwater, Mike Connolly, and Chris Urquhart. The Ladies: Mary Smith, Brenda McMannus, Beverly Moulton, and Julie Herbest. Birthday Wishes to ALL of YOU. Happy Anniversary to Nobles and their Ladies: Eugene and Gladys Kelley, Cecil and Lucy Sprague, Floyd and Norma Hardison. Just found out that Noble Corey Roberts was taken to the hospital on August 4th suffering from a heart attack. Let’s all wish him a speedy recovery. If I have missed anyone please let me know. I can be contacted at mestore@aol. com. We march so they can walk. 12 It is August as I pen this literary piece of work. Thus far into the season we Wheelers have convoyed in eleven parades, the last two being Bradford on July 20th and Bucksport on July 27th. Dexter, Ellsworth and Cornwall are yet to be thrilled by our presence. Noble Chuck Wood received his new Wheeler wrecker sponsored by Stewart Towing. It’s gorgeous! We Wheelers are also proud to welcome two new members to our unit. Nobles Warren Weaver and Kevin Megno. We are happy to report that Charlie Curtis, Sr. is home from the hospital and is doing well. You just can’t keep a good man down. January obviously was a busy month for this Septembers birthday celebrants. They are Ladies Jenn Lauritsen and Sara Robshaw and Nobles Kevin Megno, Erik Lauritsen, Dan Pride, Eric Moran, Ralph Robshaw and yours truly Ted Russell. (Large bills and Restaurant gift cards gratefully accepted). Noble Walter and Lady Claire Kennedy share Septembers only anniversary. Till next month Teddy TaTa Reporting Those that attended the August meeting were there alone because we were in recess. The next meeting I presume will be September 3rd. Hope to see everyone there. Remember, it’s the first fall meeting so let’s get out, bring a fellow Shriner or Mason and support the President and Vice President of the club. Yours truly got called out of retirement once more to help out the Lobster Boat Unit perform in the rough seas at Yarmouth Days. Recruited Noble Forrest DeMeyer as my stern man and we headed out to sea with Captain Carroll Chandler. A great day was had by all, and the crowd lining the dock was pleased to see us. Since it was the Yarmouth Clam Festival, I asked someone what the main course was for the day (does anyone want to take a guess)? Also, I’d like to take the opportunity to say the Lobster Boat Unit is looking for new members along with a number of other units. They really need our support. Even if you are retired from a unit, you might consider volunteering for a day. They would really appreciate it. THE ANAHGRAM I heard the other day that Geddes and Carole (with an e) Simpson have been vacationing in Canada. They also have been doing a lot of entertaining lately. Someone told me that Noble Cecil Fernald and Lady Julie are vacationing at camp on Molasses Pond. Haven’t seen too much of them – maybe they are honeymooning. Heard he lost the gas tank off his truck. He must have been traveling down “Pothole Lane”. Also have seen Noble Chad Terry, Lady Mindy and family have been vacationing on Molasses Pond. Last weekend, we heard what we thought was a large vehicle coming in the camp road. When it came into sight, we realized it was a fire truck and who was driving but Chad!! Have been talking with John Fernald about his wild geese problem. He is hoping Noble Bill Fernald will head to Florida soon and take the gaggle with him. John also mentioned that his cucumbers are ready to pick. Talked to Noble Wayne Butler. He has bought a new Chevy, not sure what the color is. It could be the same color as his side-by-side but can’t remember what color that is either. I asked him how he thought that would make his boat go any faster down the road. They are enjoying summer at the Pond also. Had the pleasure of visiting David Hooper Lodge where Noble Forrest DeMeyer received his 50-year award that he can wear proudly. What an honor to have served his lodge for so many years. He is also the oldest living past master of David Hooper Lodge. Congratulations Noble Forrest! We extend our sympathies to the families of Ellen Jordan and Marilyn Bagley who passed away recently. Birthday celebrations are for Cheryl (Mrs. Chuckles), William Abbott, Jeni Weaver, Elaine Jones, Leland Lowell, Eugene Churchill, M. Michael Billings, Chris Urquhart, Scott Ford, Cecil Fernald, Wendy McKim, Joyce Wasson, Donna Malloy, Bill Geel, Brian Hamor, and Bud Bordeaux. Honeymooners are Clarence and Esther Rodick, Eugene and Gladys Kelley, Cecil and Lucy Sprague, Aaron and Angie Grindal, Michael and Nancy Madore, Steve and Julie Mosley, and George and Ruth Torrey. Now remember, anyone with any news, call my home phone number; it is in the phone book. Oops!! Gotta go!! My wife wants to try out her new bionic hip and I want to see if she can go faster than me. Cookie and I are enjoying the lazy days of fishing on the pond. PS Hope to see everyone at the September meeting. Reverse mortgages Reverse mortgages Rae Ann Rice Reverse mortgages for seniors 62 or older Home Mortgage Consultant for seniors for seniors 62 or older 62 or older NMLSR ID: 419094 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Calltoday today for more information. 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AS360980 8/10-8/11 SEPTEMBER 2013 13 Tom Clukey Memorial held at Northern Maine Fair Photos by Noble Steve Summerson of the Anah Photo Unit Tom Clukey, Chief Rabban who passed away on May 1, 2013 after a brief illness’ was honored with a public memorial service held by his fellow Shriners and friends at the Northern Maine Fair. Reporter Noble Milo Cropley July has been a very busy month, with several parades and events taking place. Our last meeting was on July 25th at 7PM. A great meal was prepared by the Klown unit. All the units were to gather at the Northern Maine Fair on July 26th for a short ceremony honoring the late Tom Clukey. Unfortunately the event was rained out, and was rescheduled for 4 PM on July 29th at 4 PM. All the units and members from Aroostook Shrine Club were well represented, along with members of the Anah Divan. A couple of Bangor Clowns showed up as well. Speeches were given by Chief Rabban Richard Hallett, a speaker representing the Northern Maine Fair and Gail Clukey, all honoring Tom Clukey. It was easy to see how well Tom was liked in the Shrine, his business, and by the people of Aroostook County, by the number of people that attended the event. A blanket with Tom’s name on it was presented to the winner on the first race of the day. A lunch was served by the fair association after the event was finished In closing, remember what Shriners are all about, and support your Blue Lodges. Left photo: L-R Speakers at the Tom Clukey Memorial were Noble Fred Parsons, MC, Past Potentate Dick Hallett and Carol Bell representing the Northern Maine Fair Association. Right photo, Gail Clukey is surrounded by Anah Nobles during the presentation of the memorial horse blanket honoring Tom. Photos by Noble Steve Summerson of the Anah Photo Unit. L. O. “Skip” House IV Consultant SQLServer, Microsoft Access & VB. Net Developer 219 Washington Street • Brewer ME • 04412 855- 316 -2111 14 Noble David G. Beckett, Reporter Greetings from Schoodic Shrine Club: The July meeting was hosted by Eastern Lodge No. 7, Eastport. A great steak feed was prepared by Rocky Archer and the members of the Lodge. It was great to see Roger Conti, our former Divan Representative, in attendance. The steaks from his establishment, the R & M IGA, were superb. After the feed, a short meeting was conducted by our Noble Secretary, Dennis Bryant. He informed us that the check from the Circus ads had arrived and had been turned over to our Noble Treasurer, Norm Howe. Norm’s father, John Sr., and his brother, John Jr., were also in attendance. Noble Bryant discussed the “Festival of Trees” to be held at Anah Shrine Temple in December. We were saddened by the passing of Noble Lawrence “Gus” Gillis. Noble Gillis died on July 16th. He was a member of St. Croix Lodge for 64 years and a life member of Schoodic Shrine Club. Our condolences go out to his wife of 65 years, Nora, and his family. Also, on July 14th, Noble Philip “Bud” Chaffee lost his wife, Maurice. They had been married for 66 years. Bud is still a resident of Marshall’s Nursing Home in Machias. Our condolences go out to Bud and his family. Remember our September meeting is the now famous “Fish Fry” which will be held at the Alexander Snowmobile Club on Wednesday, September 25th at 5:30 pm. Ladies and Blue Lodge guests are welcome, so plan to attend and bring your best lady. Keep in mind also that Blue Lodge guests might just want to join the Shrine when they see how much fun we have at our meetings. ‘Til next time! Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter Greetings Ladies and Nobles: Time is drawing near and we will be right back at it at when you receive this article. It also means that the summer of 2013 is about over as fall begins on the 22nd of September. Ready or not winter will be upon us soon. The Second Section would like to thank Noble Tom Breitweg for hosting the family day at his house this year. There were around 15 or so that showed up and had a great meal of hamburgers, hot dogs, salad, etc. Thank you to all who brought something, especially the ladies who provided the salads. A great time was had by all. We have done limited parking details for the Waterfront Concerts at the Shrine Temple THE ANAHGRAM and I’m told it has been pretty successful. Thank you to all who have participated and helped with this fundraiser. The fourth annual Second Section Nobles Appreciation Night is right around the corner. Tickets are still available from Second Section members or at the Recorder’s office. Tickets are only $15.00 per person for an evening of dinner, silent auction and dancing. The recipient for 2013 is Noble Tom Clukey who will be posthumously honored on September 28th at the ShrineTemple. Silent Auction items are still needed, contact Noble Jerry Hayes for information or what is needed for items. Participation of as many unit members and ladies is needed to make this event a success, come on out and help out. Our September meeting is scheduled for the 6th at the ShrineTemple. After that we will meet on Friday, October 4, 2013 at the Shrine Temple. If anybody has any news or something they would want to share with our Nobles, contact me anytime at 944-0340 or email me at Any new Nobles wishing to join the Second Section should plan on attending our September meeting and get your application in to be voted on. We start our meetings at 6:30 PM so you should plan on being there around 5:45 or so to get everything taken care of before we start our meeting. September birthday wishes go out to Ladies Noreen Holt, Vicki Jordan, Gail Nason, Jeanette Tardiff, Gail Wallace, Sherry Wardwell and Nobles big Ed Nason, Tim Guerin, Phil Joy and Harland Williamson. September wedding anniversaries go out to Vicki & Gary Jordan, Irene & Sherwell Littlefield and Robert & Tracy Clifton Until next time, have a safe month. 191 E. Main Street, DoverFoxcroft, ME 04426 Proud Supporters of the Anah Shriners Now with 3 Locations in the Bangor Area! Christmas Tree Shops Plaza 52 Springer Drive 947-9674 Broadway Shopping Center 609 Broadway 942-3146 Hampden 57 Western Avenue 862-2211 Ashland • Bangor • Caribou • Eagle Lake • Easton • Fort Fairfield • Hampden • Houlton Island Falls • Limestone • Mars Hill • Oakfield • Patten • Presque Isle • Van Buren • Washburn SEPTEMBER 2013 Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter Sadly to say, fall is fast approaching and the leaves will soon be turning color. It is a beautiful time of the year but we all know what is to follow in a few months. Enjoy the weather while we have it. Hopefully we will have a nice warm fall. Our meeting in July was held on July 11th at Helen’s Restaurant with a very small turnout. Present were Past Potentate Ed Sprague, Brad Prout, 1st Ceremonial Master, Ambassador BJ Cherry, Warren Orcutt, Chief Greeter, Melrose Beal, Chief Greeter Emeritus, Richard Kilton, Imperial Photographer and Troy Huffman, Lobster Boat Quarter Master. Our August 1st meeting was a Ladies Night and was held at the Degenhart Campground in Jonesport. I was unable to attend so have no report on the meeting. I do know that they were making the plans for the Annual Bob Smith Picnic on August 18th. We are hoping for another beautiful day in Down East Maine for this event, not the weather that we have been getting. A Field Day/Muster is scheduled for September 14th in Ellsworth. I mentioned this in the August issue as an early reminderjust in case the September Anahgram did not arrive prior to the date of the event. 15 On September 28th the Annual Melrose Beal Golf Tournament will be held at the Barren View Golf Course in Jonesboro. We hope that this event is well attended so get your teams lined up. Also in September is the Northeast Shrine Field Days in Cornwall, Ontario from September 19-21. Happy Birthday wishes for September go out to Barry Hanscom, Donnie Wright, Bill Sternbergh, Phil Mondville, Leni Weaver, Napoleon Beal, Nancy Chapman, Vernon Scott, Skip Pennell, James Cox, Cecil Fernald, and Sandy Alley. Hapy anniversary to Past Potentate Guy and Nancy Chapman, Walter & Claire Kennedy, Mike & Dawn Gooch, Dick & Margaret Gardner, Napoleon & Bernadette Beal, Tom & Bobbie Foss, Vernon & Gail Scott, Mike & Nancy Bailey, William & Ruth Smith, and George & Sheila Alley. Ellsworth parade information for September 14 Field Day Parade Assembly Area The parade will line up across from the old Morse School using Sterling, Central and Third Streets if necessary. The parade route will proceed down State Street, through City Hall Plaza, left onto Main street, right onto High Street and disband at the Maine Coast Mall. There will be a barbeque after the parade at Lygonia Lodge located off the Bucksport Road in Ellsworth at 21 Carriage Road (Rte. 1 South) 16 THE ANAHGRAM DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE Caron Kilton, P.Q. Reporter In June, several ladies traveled to Supreme Session in Grapevine, Texas and all reported that they had a great time learning & sharing. There is always anticipation of the entrance of the soon- to- be crowned Supreme Queen. On the evening of June 20th, a huge white rose centered on a carrier & pulled by Shriners entered the arena. Emerging from this white rose was Margaret Ann Risk. Margaret Ann was then installed in a beautiful ceremony as Supreme Queen. Ankh Temple is pleased to announce that our Supreme Appointments for this year are PQ Beverly Polley, Supreme Attendant and PQ Carole Simpson as Goodwill Ambassador to the Northeast. On July 8th, the “Love for the Children Tour” kick off celebration was held at Webb’s RV in Bangor. The event went very well under the Chair Committee of Past Potentate Tony Bowers and Lady Carmel. Refreshments, tables, chairs, staging, etc. were provided by Oriental Guide Steve Trimm, Princess Tirzah Betty Trimm, Queen Teresa and the Ladies of the Household. The press coverage was great. It was wonderful to have two Shrine Hospital patients tell us about their experiences and love for the hospital and how their lives are so different as a result of their treatment and care. Thank you Illustrious Sir, F. Lee Kaufman, for bringing greetings, as well as Past Potentate, Larry Hersom, representing the Boston Hospital and Anah Chaplain, Alton Kenney, representing the Springfield hospital. Follow the travels of SQ Margaret Ann Risk and Nila by visiting Later on the evening of July 8th, Ankh Temple was pleased to host the first visitation of Supreme Queen Margaret Ann. To begin the evening, a banquet was held in the banquet room of the Ralph J Pollard Lodge in Orrington. Following the meal, dignitaries were introduced by Mistress of Ceremonies, PQ Faye Ward, Queen Teresa then introduced the officers of Ankh Temple. Greetings were brought from Potentate Lee Kaufman, followed by remarks from Supreme Queen Margaret Ann. Ankh Swingers Dance Unit then entertained us all with their “Texas style” performance. The gentlemen were dismissed and the Ladies of the Household retired to the Masonic Hall for the ceremony of welcoming a new princess into our temple. In honor of SQ Margaret Ann’s visit contributions were made to the Daughters of the Nile Foundation. On July 13th, the annual golf tournament was held at Barren View Golf Course in Jonesboro. As in past years, a great turn out and a good time was had by all who participated. Special THANKS to Lenny Espling, for his assistance in making this tournament a huge success and THANK YOU to all Shrine units, clubs, etc and area business for sponsoring our tournament. First place team winners are Barrett Graven, Mike Fergerson, Mike Franz, and Travis Graven, First place mixed team winners are Jeannie Wright, Lyn Bjornson, Rick Bjornson, and Lenny Espling. All participants receive a prize regardless of placement – making it a fun tournament for everyone. Ankh Temple does not meet in August, but members have not been idle – a yard sale was held in the Holden area by local members and the Downeast Daughters Club held a yard sale in the Machias area. Other projects have been a gown sale, sale of Rada products, “Lucky You” lobster ticket sale, and the collection of gift cards & games for the Shriners Hospitals in MA. Ankh Temple No. 160 is saddened by the loss of Noble Wally Fenlason, husband of Past Queen and Princess Banker Lorena Fenlason, and business partner of Princess Badoura, Donna Wood. He did so much to help out Temple every chance he could and will be missed by all. Wally drove Queen Teresa Potvin in his convertible at the parade for Special Olympics in Orono in June. Noble Lyman Blyther, Reporter As I write this, we are still looking forward to the Blueberry Festival in Machias. As you read this, it is all history. I do not have much for news this month. Cindy and I are enjoying our summer at Bog Lake, although the summer seems to be going by much too fast, as it always does. When this article gets in the September Anahgram, we will be making plans for our trip back to Florida!! If I am not mistaken, I think I saw Joann Ash on the news the other night handing out lobster dinners at the Rockland Lobster Festival. Hope she got some for her and Walter. Our last meeting will be at Balsam Woods in Abbott September 6-8 and then our Christmas Party on December 22nd at the Shrine temple in Bangor. I will have details about the Christmas Party at our fall meeting in Abbott and in the next Anahgram. We do have the location reserved and the Clowns to cater, but still have the exact time and menu to work out. September birthdays are: Keith Antworth, Dale Clifford, Faith Colburn, Bernice Currier, Deborah Dunham, Marie Harmon, Rachel Jack, Don Johnson, Louise Lanctot and Phil Mondville. September anniversaries are: Allen & Bonnie Chase, and Arthur & Phyllis Watson. As always, please contact me with any errors, omissions or any news you would like to share. SEPTEMBER 2013 Bonnie Turner Reporting The Sunshine Club met on July 15, 2013 at the ShrineTemple President Ellen Kenney invited two guest speakers from Patient Airlift Services to come and give the membership information about this free program. Annie Beaulieu and Pilot Jim Platz told us that this service is for all people in need with medical problems – even cancer patients. The pilot covers the northeast and there are 6 seats in the plane. There is no limit on how many flights patients need. They feel that their program needs to be promoted. More information is available at or on facebook. We want to thank the Anah Shrine clubs, units and organizations for their donations to the Sunshine Club. We are very grateful for these donations to help children travel to the Shrine Hospitals. The new Nobles from the June Ceremonial held in Newport will be receiving an invitation to join the Sunshine Club. DATES TO REMEMBER: NEXT MEETING: October 15, 2013, HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE: November 2, 2013, QUILT DRAWING: November 2, 2013, ANAH SHRINE FESTIVAL OF TREES: November 21, 22, 23, 29, 30 Noble Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter September, and the parades are just about over. We will be doing Harmony on Labor Day and all will be in Ellsworth on the 14th for the Maine State Federation Firefighters convention and Anah Field Day. After that we will put the trucks to bed for a long winters nap! Would like to welcome new member, Charles Libby Sr. and his wife Karen to the unit. WELCOME! Birthday wishes this month go to Craig Bussell, Charles Ryder, and the elderly Dale Blake, anniversaries this month are Scott and Betty Averill and Lewis and Jill Overlook. Where would those two old guys be without those fine young ladies to keep them straight. On July 27th we had our annual golf tournament at Piscataquis golf course. What a great bunch of people to work with. We didn’t have a lot of teams because it was also River Fest Days there and there was another tournament in Dover-Foxcroft, but a good time was had by all. The winning team was Kelley Greg, 17 and Bard Jordan, all brothers, plus brother in-law Bill Pinkham. Kelley also won the 50-50 raffle and donated it back to the 4x4 unit. A big thank you to all that participated. Anybody that would like to join the 4x4 unit, please contact me at 794-6675, or e-mail at Same goes if you have something to put in the Anahgram. Can’t you just see the lights coming on in those lodges that have been dark all Summer. Let’s all find a young or old candidate and introduce him to Masonry. Until next time, SEE YA! Do you belong to a Unit? Most have openings !! ANAH BYLAW VOTE The suggested new bylaws have been updated to be more in line with what Imperial wants to see for temple bylaws. A copy of the suggested bylaws are available in the Recorder’s office for any Noble to review. The proposed new bylaws will be voted on at the Stated Meeting Tues., November 19, 2013, 7:30 pm, at the temple. 18 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Ryan Otis, Reporter Nobles and Ladies: Hard to believe summer is over. I can’t really report on the Dryden Dutch Memorial and Divan visitation, but I am sure everyone had a great time. Please remember our 2nd Annual Lobster Feed is September 26th at Young’s Lobster Pound. It’s an open event so bring your Ladies and other Shriners and Masons, and even your non-Masonic friends. Our event might spark their interest in our Fraternity and philanthropy. We hope you’ll join us for a great time. We have initiated a capital campaign if you are at all interested in helping us reach our goal of building our capital account please let a member of Waldo County Shrine Club know. We also are always looking for donations to build our Scholarship account. As we progress into fall your Christmas party schedule will fill so make sure you mark your calendar for the 2nd Thursday in December. See you on the coast. Circus and getting ready for next year. It is very easy to forget about your annual dues, so I thank the many Nobles who sent in their delinquent payments after receiving a friendly reminder from the Membership Committee. We certainly would hate to lose any of our valued members. The summer months have proved to be very quiet in the office, but we are already starting to gear up for the holiday season. The Festival of Trees Chairman, Don Gordon with the assistance of Andy Constantine, are busy contacting those who participated last year, along with perspective units, clubs and businesses to sponsor trees for this year’s holiday show. A reminder of our previous request that if anyone has an outdoor animated Christmas theme display which you would be willing to have us set up inside the Festival showroom during those few days, please contact the Recorder’s office. The decorating committee would greatly appreciate any contribution to help enhance their holiday theme. Anah’s activities will soon be in full swing for the year again, so I hope you will all plan to attend as many temple functions as possible and support your local Shrine Clubs. A reminder to the firstline signers to invite the many new candidates to join us and start participating in some of the fun and fellowship. For your convenience - The Recorder’s Office accepts Visa and Mastercard. CALENDAR WINNERS As Potentate Lee mentioned previously, some of your Divan members traveled to the 139th Imperial Session held in Indianapolis. While there I attended the Recorder’s seminar, which proved to be very informative. Recorders from most Shrine temples International were present. After hearing discussions and comments, I can truly attest that Anah is in very high regard, function properly and keeping abreast of the latest changes and Imperial rules and regulations. Anah’s office staff is continually updating and re-organizing files and especially focusing on membership. We are also winding down the final details of the 2013 KAUFMAN MOTORS 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Used Vehicles Lee & Peggy Kaufman June 17, 2013 through July 10, 2013 DATE 6/17/13 6/18/13 6/19/13 6/20/13 6/21/13 6/22/13 6/23/13 6/24/13 6/25/13 6/26/13 6/27/13 6/28/13 6/29/13 6/30/13 WINNER John Marchese Daniel Webb Lori McKenzie F. Patricia Thoma Glenda Savage Jeff Snyder Kenneth Bell Douglas Anderson Jerry Cole Carl Marsh Ronald Hanson Mike King Galen Wale Clayton Walker PRIZE $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $100.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $100.00 $25.00 7/1/13 7/2/13 7/3/13 7/4/13 7/5/13 7/6/13 7/7/13 7/8/13 7/9/13 7/10/13 Scott Clark J. Chad Thomas Barry Curtis Michael Linscott Todd Leighton Fred Clark, IV Rick Buschur Jennifer Mower Ryan Moore Carol Goldsmith $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $300.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and donations are not decuctable as charitable contributions. SEPTEMBER 2013 Noble Gaylord Sundt, Reporter This will be my first attempt to fill in as reporter for the Convertible Unit since the tragic loss of Noble Wally Fenlason. As I sit here wondering where to begin I am filled with a great sense of loss and emptiness. I still find it hard to realize that Wally is gone I was away when the heart breaking accident occurred. Not being a native Mainer I suppose I’ll always be from away, but I was never made to feel that way whenever I was at a gathering where Wally was. He was one of those people who when you met for the first time, it was as if you had always known him. He always went out of his way with a smile and a handshake to make me feel welcome. His interest was genuine. Wally will be greatly missed by me, his fellow Convertible Unit members, the entire Anah family as well as the many lives he touched and are better off for it. Our hearts, thoughts, prayers and sympathies are with his Lady Lorena and his entire family as we all struggle with his loss. Our last Unit meeting was held on July 11 and was attended by 12 members. It’s a tough time of year to have a full house! A lot going on and the time going by very quickly. Busy…Busy…Busy! Several activities in August and the parade coming up in Ellsworth on September 14 and the Convertible picnic on September 15. Did I miss anything? Birthdays celebrated in August were Lady Roberta Wessel and Nobles Dale Nelson and Noble Terry Wessel. Anniversaries coming up are for Noble Walter and Lady Leona Gurshick and Noble Gaylord and Lorraine Sundt. (Again already)? With fond memories of Wally, Remember “MOTHER PUT YOUR TOP DOWN” 19 NEWS From SHRINERS BOSTON BURNS HOSPITAL Provided By Boston Hospital Board Member Bob Turner and G. Dean Hoke Associate Board Member Andrew’s Story By Hannah Jurgens and Victoria Cruz, Public Relations Interns Recently we sat down with Victoria Krukowski whose 3 year old son Andrew is an outpatient at Shriners Hospitals for Children – Boston. Victoria was very enthusiastic to share Andrew’s story and to express her gratitude about Shriners. Can you tell us about Andrew’s injury? My husband Dennis and I adopted Andrew when he was 1, from China. He is now 3. Andrew has a facial and hand burn of unknown origin, as he was abandoned with the burn as a tiny infant and was rescued by Chinese police. He lived in an orphanage until his adoption. How did Andrew become a patient at Shriners Hospitals for Children—Boston? Andrew became a patient when he arrived in the U.S. after his adoption, in January 2013. Prior to his adoption, we researched the best places in the country to come for pediatric burn care. We chose Shriners Boston and applied, and were approved for care before Andrew came home. We were so very happy. Do you have a favorite person at the hospital? Why is he or she your favorite? Sue Brogna, the staff photographer, always remembers our names. Dr. Liao, our surgeon, is very kind hearted and superbly talented at reconstructive surgery. The music therapists are wonderful and Sandy Barrett, our Nurse Care Coordinator, frequently calls us at home. She is very helpful and kind. Andrew’s infectious personality touched our team, as well as the rest of the staff at Shriners Hospitals for Children – Boston. Andrew is a reminder that through our expert care and healing power our patients go on to live productive, happy lives despite their injuries. For formation on how you can support Shriners — Boston contact Susan Berkowitz, Director of Development, Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston, 617-371-4746 or e-mail 20 THE ANAHGRAM CALENDAR WINNERS June 17, 2013 through July 10, 2013 DATE 6/17/13 6/18/13 6/19/13 6/20/13 6/21/13 6/22/13 6/23/13 6/24/13 6/25/13 6/26/13 6/27/13 6/28/13 6/29/13 6/30/13 WINNER John Marchese Daniel Webb Lori McKenzie F. Patricia Thoma Glenda Savage Jeff Snyder Kenneth Bell Douglas Anderson Jerry Cole Carl Marsh Ronald Hanson Mike King Galen Wale Clayton Walker PRIZE $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $100.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $100.00 $25.00 7/1/13 7/2/13 7/3/13 7/4/13 7/5/13 7/6/13 7/7/13 7/8/13 7/9/13 7/10/13 Scott Clark J. Chad Thomas Barry Curtis Michael Linscott Todd Leighton Fred Clark, IV Rick Buschur Jennifer Mower Ryan Moore Carol Goldsmith $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $300.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and donations are not decuctable as charitable contributions. Springfield Hospital Board Members Go the Extra Mile in Support of the Hospital It was thought to be a typical Board Day at Springfield Hospital but the staff met in the morning with news that a pipe had broken in the middle of the night resulting in no heat or hot water for the hospital! When the Engineering Department researched where this critical part could be obtained, it was discovered that the closest location was Syracuse, NY. That is when board members Bob McManus and Lance Ward stepped forward to offer their help. Bob called his Temple (Tigris) and asked the Potentate Jim Wojnovich if he would pick up the part and bring it to the Syracuse airport. Jim graciously agreed. Vance Ward, a pilot who flies his plane into Westover Air Force Base every month to attend the monthly Board meeting, cheerfully agreed to fly his plane to Syracuse to pick up the part. He returned just in time to deliver the part to the Engineering Department and attend the afternoon board meeting. The hospital’s heat and hot water were restored by later that afternoon. These are just two of our exceptional Springfield Board of Governors members, who wouldn’t hesitate to go the extra mile in support of their hospital. SEPTEMBER 2013 21 Strengthening our Fraternity through the Legacy Program For many men, being a Shriner is a family tradition. To honor these family traditions, Shriners International created the Legacy Program as a way to show pride in having generations of Shriners within one’s family. The Legacy Program is open to all male Shriner family members including uncles, fathers, grandfathers, sons-in-law, etc. The program also honors and recognizes existing legacy families who started their Shrine heritage prior to the program’s establishment in 2011. All families that meet the legacy criteria must complete the application on To recognize Legacy families, Shriners International designated February as Legacy Month to honor those who display a keen sense of pride and commitment to the Shriners’ fraternity within their own family lineage. Members of the program receive a gold Legacy pin and signed certificate from the Imperial Potentate and Imperial Recorder to commemorate their membership in the program. During Legacy Month, temples were encouraged to host Legacy Nights with family members and fellow Nobles to honor members of the program and educate families on the importance of furthering their own Shrine lineage. Profiles of legacy families were posted on Shriners Village throughout the month to further recognize fraternity members who continue their Shrine legacy and values of the fraternity. This year, the legacy stories of the Madsen and Sugden families were shared on Shriners Village. John Sugden, of Aleppo Shriners in Wilmington, Mass., is part of a Shrine lineage that dates back more than 90 years – his grandfather joined the fraternity in 1919. Now an employ- ee of Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston, Sugden proudly displays his grandfather’s Fez in his office. Imperial Potentate Al Madsen became part of the Legacy Program when his son, Paul, joined El Kalah Shriners in Salt Lake City in the summer of 2012. The Madsen family expects to con- tinue their legacy as Paul’s son hopes to become a Master Mason and Shriner one day. As we learn of legacy families, we will continue to share their stories as a way to showcase the program and strengthen the fraternity. To learn more about the program, visit Gerry’s Used Cars BUY HERE / PAY HERE Gerry & Barbara Marshall, Owners Serving you from four locations Ask about our extended warranty! • Cheryl & Karrie - 266 Newport Road, Corinna, 278-2205 • Shelly - Oakland 465-9566 • Rose - Main Street, Veazie 990-2206 • Tiffany - Skowhegan 474-6700 22 THE ANAHGRAM PASSED TO THE UNSEEN TEMPLE WALLACE L. “WALLY” FENLASON No. 10737 Noble Wallace “Wally” Lewis Fenlason of Holden was born December 24, 1949, in Caribou and passed away in an unfortunate accident July 4, 2013, doing something he loved, riding his treasured antique John Deere tractor in a parade. Always a farmer at heart, he was born into a farming family. He grew up in Caribou and graduated from Caribou High School in 1967. He was a member of the National Guard and very much wanted to pursue potato farming as a lifelong career. After high school, he met and married the love of his life, Lorena M. Plourde. Beautiful children, daughter, Amy, and son, Wally, soon followed. The realities of life necessitated career changes and a move to Bangor. It was a bright new day for the young family in Bangor. With his natural attention to detail, He began his successful cleaning business, Doo-it-Rite Services. He was very devoted to providing for the needs of his customers. He was a people person who dearly loved the organizations he was a part of. Good Sam, Eastern Maine Snowmobile Club and the Maine Snowmobile Association. He was also a member of the Antique Tractor Club, the Curran Farm Homestead, President of the Herman Levi Rounders, and a member of Bangor First United Methodist Church. His greatest joys included spending time with and taking care of his wife, camping with his family and friends, being silly with his grandchildren, square dancing and doing for others. He found grooming snowmobile trails by the light of the moon to be absolutely soul enhancing. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Howard Lodge No. 69 A.F. & A.M. of Winterport, and he was a lifetime member of the Scottish and York Rite Bodies. He was a lifetime member of the following organizations: the Anah Temple Shrine-Convertible Unit, Former Wagon Master of Anah Kampers, a Past Patron of Star in the East, OES, and a present officer of Millwee Chapter OES. He was created a Noble of Anah Shriners on June 22, 1996. Dr. RICHARD M. LEVASSUER, “Dr. Dick” No. 11814 Dr. Richard M. “Dr. Dick” Levasseur of Carmel was born June 8, 1946 and passed away peacefully in his sleep, at home. Dr. Dick was destined for greatness, Graduating from Southington High School, Connecticut, in 1964 he soon signed up for the U.S. Army. Shortly after, he enrolled in the American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Services, graduating in 1969. While skating semipro with the roller derby he met a sweet woman named Joy and they were married Dec. 11, 1976. He then furthered his education with a bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University in 1979. 1980 brought a degree from Oakland University. In 1983 he packed up the family and moved to Maine. His interest in psychology peaked, and he earned his doctorate in education psychology from American International College in 1997. He became a professor of psychology at Husson University, owner of Central Maine Evaluations, and he worked as a psychological evaluator from 1988, until his illness in 2012. His Masonic affiliations included membership in the local lodge where he attained the Maser Mason Degree and loved being a Keystone Kop in the Anah Shriners. He was created a Noble of Anah Shriners on June 12, 2004. GALEN S. SWAN, SR. No. 7164 Noble Galen S. Swan Sr. was born April 29, 1926, in Hampden and died peacefully July 3, 2013, at a local hospital surrounded by his family. He was a life- MITCHELL-TWEEDIE FUNERAL HOME 28 Elm Street Bucksport 469-3177 long resident of Hampden. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. After his military service, he was appointed a rural letter carrier for the Hampton Highlands Post Office, Dec. 26, 1946. He also operated a family sawmill and lumbering business as well as Highlands Auto Sales used car dealership. He was a member of the Odd Fellows, He enjoyed solving crossword puzzles and most of all will be remembered for his love of food, particularly shrimp, pies, and above all, ice cream. He will be remembered as a loving father, grandfather and friend. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Mystic Lodge No. 65 A.F. & A.M. of Hampden, and a lifelong honorary member of the Anah Temple Shrine Academicians. He was created a member of Anah Shriners on June 7, 1974. ARTHUR L. ABBOTT, Jr. No. 8592 Arthur L. Abbott Jr. of Seal Harbor was born April 20, 1944, in Bar Harbor and passed away peacefully July 2, 2013, at Mount Desert Island Hospital, Bar Harbor, with his loving daughter by his side. He grew up in Bar Harbor and enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1962 and served in Germany where he was awarded the Army Good Conduct Medal and the M14 Expert Medal. He worked as a caretaker for many years Continued on next page YOUNG FUNERAL HOME 31 West Main Street Searsport 548-2545 Serving Bucksport-Searsport and surrounding towns Albert Levesque, Proprioter CARING FOR GENERATIONS J o r d a n - F e r n al d FUNERAL HOMES Your wishes for the type of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one can be outlined in advance like a will, prearranging a funeral is part of putting your affairs in order, yet it costs you nothing. Call us to set up an appointment. 1.800.667.2595 - Mount Desert Island • Ellsworth • Blue Hill SEPTEMBER 2013 Continued from previous page for Jane Zirnkilton of Seal Harbor and Eleanor Greenan, also of Seal Harbor. He also helped his wife with their business, First Express. He was an avid gardener and enjoyed golfing, hunting and boating. He was a mentor for everyone and an example for all. He will be dearly missed by family and friends. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Northeast Harbor Lodge No. 208 AF & AM where he was a 30 year member He held many offices including Master and was a representative of the Grand Lodge of Maine as district deputy grand master for the 21st District. He was a member of The Scottish Rite Bodies. In Anah Shiners he was a member of the Flag Unit. He was created a Noble of Anah Shriners on June 5,1982. LAWRENCE “GUS” GILLIS No. 5039 Lawrence “Gus” Gillis of Bangor and Bailyville and was born May 15, 1926, in Oakland passed away Tuesday, July 16, 2013, at a Bangor health care facility. He attended Calais Academy, and graduated in June 1943. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, enlisting when he reached the minimum age of 17 years. He was initially in the Navel Air Cadet program at Dartmouth College. He served aboard the USS Sangamon, CVE-26, when it was struck by a Japanese kamikaze attack May 4, 1945. He also was part of the initial crew and maiden voyage of the USS Midway, CVB-41. June 19, 1948. He worked at St. Croix Paper Company, later to become Georgia Pacific. He retired after 44 years in 1991, as the maintenance supervisor in the GP Woods Division in Princeton. He served on the Baileyville Fire Department for 52 years and retired in 2006 as the Baileyville fire chief. He had also served on the Baileyville school board multiple times, the Baileyville planning board, the Baileyville school trustees, and various other town committees throughout his life. He was a member of American Legion W. T. Wren Post aand St Anne’s Episcopal Church, Calais. He will be especially remembered for his love of flying. He grew up in an age when flying and air travel was being pioneered. He started as a boy building gas-powered model airplanes. He had owned several aircraft and survived a plane crash due to engine problems in 1964. He was most proud of his Cessna 172 Skyhawk. He was a certified flight instructor and taught several local people to fly. Throughout his life, he enjoyed playing the trumpet and used to play with the Calais City Band, performing concerts in the Calais City Park in the 23 years after World War II. His Gus Gillis Orchestra dance band performed in the late 1950s and early 1960s before guitars dominated most musical groups. Gillis Radio and TV Repair Service operated in the early 1960s during a time when electronics weren’t disposable, but would be repaired. Gus was especially proud and never shy of bragging about his family. He is Masonic affiliations included membership in St. Croix Lodge No. 46 AF & AM. and other Masonic bodies. He was created a member of Anah Shriners on June 25, 1957. Noble Doug Brockway, Reporter Anah Band has been winding down our season of parades and festivals. So far it has been a great summer of music for us, seems like we had a couple of shows a week for some time there! We had the great opportunity of performing three times for the Pittsfield Egg Festival, which was a great time for all of us. The Saturday night performance drew in quite a crowd! Of course it was pouring rain out and we were under a nice dry tent, but who’s keeping track? The parade itself was unbearably hot, but a nice crowd came to see us all anyway. It’s great to have the volunteers that we have to help out as needed. Certainly cannot forget all of our friends that join us with their instruments on our parade float and bandstand either, we couldn’t do it without them! I personally had the honor of playing with my elementary school band teacher, Mr. Bruce Brown. He is an incredible musician and without a doubt the reason I play today. We had a chance to play the Dover parade again this year; we always enjoy being a part of their celebration. Some of the band members and friends were quick enough to finish with us and then join up with the Sebasticook Valley band on their float, which takes some sheer determination to pull that off. We are still looking to add some new musicians to our group; we desire to play some more diverse music and more members would make that job a little easier! Brass, wind, piano, guitar, bass, or piano. Lessons and instruments provided to any and all who will be willing to learn something new. Two Mondays a month for a practice commitment plus some parades to boot. Practices are currently being held in Bangor at the Shrine. Remember to find that experienced player or an adventuresome Mason to be a Noble and take part with us, they are out there. Non-Shriners are allowed to perform with us for any unofficial events so if you know someone who would like to play that is not a Noble, have them call us. SAVE CAN TABS FOR KIDS Turn them in at the Recorder’s Office Proceeds from their sale benefit Shriners Hospitals 24 THE ANAHGRAM RECRUITING IS A FULL TIME JOB Are you working? Membership applications available at the Recorder’s Office ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Anah Shriners P.O. Box 735 Bangor ME 04402-0735 SEPTEMBER 2013 � � NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
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