Illustrious Sir Lynn Georgeson Recognizes Noble Bernie Harris As a


Illustrious Sir Lynn Georgeson Recognizes Noble Bernie Harris As a
May 2015
Illustrious Sir Lynn Georgeson
Recognizes Noble Bernie Harris
As a 50 Year Member
Inside This Issue
What’s Inside page 2
Shrine Event Listings page 2
Contact Information page 3
Pote’s Notes page 4
Update Your Contact Information page 4
Thanking Our Donors page 4
Hare Raising Smiles page 5
Al Malaikah Golf Club Information page 6
Indy 500 Trip Information page 6
Dodger Game Trip Information page 7
Shriners Trail of Fame Information pages 8 & 9
Calling All Elected Lodge Officers page 10
Special Membership Application page 11
Awesome “A” Screening Clinic page 12
Oasis Lodge Founders Wall page 12
Advertise Your Business Here pages 12 & 13
Al Malaikahan Supporters page 14
Black Camel page 14
First Lady’s Luncheon page 15
Al Malaikah Sports page 16
Concert Volunteers Needed page 16
North Valley & LOH POV Pics page 17
Shriners Hospital For Children Golf
Tournament Volunteer Information page 18
Santa Barbara Shrine Club POV Info page 19
What’s In Store For 2015 back cover
What’s On The Horizon
Friday, 1
Wardens Retreat
Friday, 15
Wardens Retreat
Monday, 18
Divan Meeting/Auditorium Co. Meeting
Wednesday,20 thru Monday, 25
Indy Trip
Wednesday, 27
Ground Breaking ceremony/Divan Day
Saturday, 30
Santa Maria Parade
Page 2
Saturday, 6
1st Ladies Luncheon
Sunday, 7
Hosts POV
Wednesday, 10
Santa Barbara Scottish Rite/Santa Barbara Shrine
Club POV
Saturday, 13
Blue Lodge Officers Ceremonial
Sunday, 28
Silver Mounted Patrol POV
Sunday,5 thru Thursday, 9
Imperial Session
Saturday, 18
Stated Meeting
Sunday, 26
Awesome “A” Picnic
Monday, 27
Divan Meeting/Auditorium Co. Meeting
Al Malaikah Shriners • 665 W. Jefferson Blvd. •
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(213) 748-0173 — FAX (213) 746-7417
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Membership Committee Chairman
Raffi Barsamian
818-970-6796 cell
Director of Shrine Clubs
Robert DeJong
818-716-5879 cell
Al Malaikah Shrine’s Unit and Shrine Club Contacts
Unit or Staff Unit
Sahara Patrol
Shrine Band
Silver Mounted Patrol
Motor Patrol
Ritual Cast
Contact & Phone #
Robert Orgen 818-591-0130
Merl Seastrom, P.P. 310-489-2295
Richard Johnson 818-367-2642
Gary Phillips 562-922-3627
Stan Taub 818-998-7224
Dennis Bruecker 818-367-2456
Jeff Bonney 661-317-1924
Stan Higgins 818-892-5100
Harold Shaffer 310-376-5882
Arthur A. Fleisher II, M.D. 818-885-9933
Leo Anselm 661-803-8458
Ken Judd, P.P. 805-217-9343
Shrine Club
Contact & Phone #
Edgar Santos 562 244-9143
Al Malaikah R.V.
Gary Hall 949-705-7268
Antelope Valley
Rick Stauning 661-965-9338
Apple Valley
Brad Bergman 760-247-5404
Awesome “A”
David Mujica 323-816-8759
Andrew Ellis 760-403-7599
Beach Cities
Paul Galyean 310-480-7261
Jeremy Chongco 818-568-8135
Steve Hale 951-858-1942
Desert Legion of Honor Corps Ben Spolarich 909-210-9404
Shrine Club
Five Cities
Granada Hills High Desert
Kern County
Lake Isabella
Legion of Honor Corps
Los Angeles-Trojan
Los Nietos Valley
North Valley
Old West
Orange Belt
Palm Springs
Paso Robles
Past Masters
San Bernardino
Santa Barbara
Santa Maria
Twenty-First Century
Ventura County
Al Malaikahan
Contact &Phone #
Gary Phillips 562-922-3627
Jerry Deprest 818-980-8370
Cecil Davis 805-929-3207
Tom Sheehan 818-831-2126
Donald Clark 760-799-0636
Steve Worford 661-664-6297
Thomas McKinney 760-376-6962
Marty Morrow 818-510-0440
Fred Holmes 805-733-3685
Donald Kuehne 310-216-6888
Sam Huston 310-328-0457
Joe Goldwine 818-343-1631
‘Gyd’ Gydesen 818-360-2884
Lee Fogle 909-798-1615
Gregg Mandinach 760-327-4575
James Halladay 626-798-1981
Richard Morton 805-238-1454
Dave Chernik, PP 310-679-4066
Ron Marney 661-703-0970
Nick Romano 909-307-8848
Jay Lockwood 805-403-8039
Raymond White 805-347-4774
Mike Mulcahy 949-830-7790
Ryan Warren 805-630-0558
Ronald Hart310-213-0784
Editor & Publisher
Volume 54 Number 5
THE AL MALAIKAHAN (USPS #010-920) is published Monthly by Al Malaikah Shriners, 665 W. Jefferson Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA. 90007, telephone: 213-748-0173. Subscription rates: Membership in Al Malaikah includes a
subscription to The Al Malaikahan. Annual membership dues of $85.00 includes $7.50 for a 1-year subscription to
The Al Malaikahan. Periodicals Postage Paid at Los Angeles, California.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Al Malaikahan, Recorder, Al Malaikah Shriners, 665 W. Jefferson Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90007.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Nobles and other recipients of The Al Malaikahan are asked to notify The Al Malaikah
Recorder, 665 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007, as promptly as possible when decision to change
address is made.
NEWS AND PHOTOS ONLY: Submissions can be expedited by mailing directly to: Editor, The Al Malaikahan,
12175 Marbeth Place, Yucaipa, CA. 92399 (Telephone 909-556-5904.) The preferred method of receiving
submissions is via e-mail. Articles may be submitted in Microsoft word format, or via .PDFs. Photos may be sent as
.jpg files. e-mail all files to:
Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding dateline of issues for which intended
Unless otherwise stated proceeds from any advertising and activities announced in this
publication are for the benefit of Al Malaikah Shrine, its Units or Clubs.
May 2015
117th Illustrious Potentate
MIKE WOLF...............................Chief Rabban
MIKE METZLER..................Assistant Rabban
GUY RICHMOND...........High Priest & Prophet
BRUCE PONOROFF...................Oriental Guide
DALE ST.CLAIRE.............................Treasurer
THOMAS REOCH..............................Recorder
SEB BADOYAN............1st Ceremonial Master
RAFFI BARSAMIAN....2nd Ceremonial Master
JOSEPH CAMPBELL..............Temple Director
KALANI JENSEN................................Marshal
ROBERT ORGEN........................Chief of Staff
BILL FRANKENSTEIN....Commandant of Units
ILL. DAVID WEHMEYER, PP...............Chaplain
John Everson, President
Glen Christensen, P.P., Vice President
Richard Ullman, Real Estate
Dave Chernik, P.P., Investments
Lynn Georgeson, Potentate, ex officio
Mike Wolf, Chief Rabban, ex officio
Dale St. Claire, Treasurer/Investments
with Tom Reoch, Secretary
Aaron Blackman, P.P., Trustee Emeritus
William Froelich, P.P., Trustee Emeritus
David Haldeman, P.P., Trustee Emeritus
Aaron Grossman, P.P., Treasurer Emeritus
(Voting member of the “Iowa” [fraternal] Corporation
and the “Colorado” [Shriners Hospital] Corporation)
     Nicholas Thomas (At Large)
Past Imperial Potentate
Elected Representatives
Lynn Georgeson
Mike Wolf
Mike Metzler
Guy Richmond
Also representing Al Malaikah as voting members,
Colorado [Shriners Hospitals] Corporation only:
Aaron Grossman,P.P., Stuart Wright, P.P.
For Children
Los Angeles
Opened February 15, 1952
3160 Geneva Street
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Telephone 213-388-3151
Fax 213-387-7528
Page 3
Pote’s Notes...
ello Nobles and Friends,
I would like to start out by thanking all the Nobles who showed
up for the Stated Meeting on April 11th, and voted in favor of the
resolution that I had put to the Nobility. This resolution will allow the top
five seated officers of the Blue Lodges to join the Shrine for $50.00. This is
a onetime offer. I truly believe this will be the start of a greater relationship
between the Blue Lodges and the Shrine. Thank you for your vision for the
future and the membership growth of the Shrine.
April was a busy month. The Stagecraft Unit and I were in
Savannah, Georgia for 5 days at the annual SDA meeting with
several different Temples around the country. Four days later after
returning home, we were off to Las Vegas for WSA convention
and a joint ceremonial. There were a total of 24 candidates who
walked the sands with 16 being from Al Malaikah. I would like
to thank all the candidates, top line signers, Nobles and their
Ladies who attended this event.
Next, my Lady Carolyn and I leave for the two week
Potentate’s Panama Canal cruise. We have several Nobles and
their ladies joining us for this fun event. Even “Dick the Duck”
will be checking out the Panama Canal.
In May we have our stag Indy 500 trip and then on May 27th we will have the
groundbreaking ceremony at our new hospital site in Pasadena. Joining in the activities will be
many of the representatives from Tampa, our Hospital Board of Governors, our hospital staff
and other Shrine Temples. All are welcome to join the Feztivities on this historical day.
Well, that does it for now. Time for me to go feed the horses. Take care and have a safe
May and we’ll see you down the trail. May the Great Architect be with you and your loved ones.
Lynn Georgeson, Potentate
Hare Raising Smiles at LASHC
oble Christopher Badoyan
A.K.A. the “Easter Bunny”
along with Judy Badoyan went
to the Los Angeles Shriners Hospital
for Children for the second year. They
delivered gift bags filled with candy
donated from the ladies at Daughters of
the Nile as well as some Al Malaikah
Noble’s ladies.
As well as the candy the kids
take pictures with our Noble hare. It is
always wonderful to see how happy the
kids are to see our big Easter bunny.
Doris Price. Carolynn Martin and Jill
Korpal joined in the great day. Just
another example of the wonderful way
Al Malaikahans help the kids and bring
a smile to them. Great to see a young
new Noble doing what we do!
50 Years and Going Strong
We are updating E-MAIL information. This is the time to update your contact information.
PLEASE send your current E-mail and contact information to
Nobles, if you do not want to receive an email from Al Malaikah Shrine, please let us know by emailing or contacting the Recorder’s office at (213) 748-0173.
Thank you.
Fraternally, Tom B. Reoch
Thank You to Last Month’s Transportation Fund Donors
Brownie’s Shrine Crew BBQ Trust, in loving memory of Noble John Schmid
David A. Gorlick
Robert W. Ponder
Joy Clarke
Awesome A Shrine Club
Douglas Bailey
Page 4
Illustrious Sir Lynn Georgeson recognized Noble Bernie Harris for
his 50-years of Al Malaikah membership at the stated meeting. Also
present for the special day was Bernie’s Son, Noble Steve Harris.
May 2015
Page 5
Calling All Noble Golfers
and Want To Be Golfers!
Al Malaikah is starting a NEW GOLF Club and we want YOU to
be part of it !!!
The tentative plan is to play once or twice a month rotating play
between weekends and weekdays.
The Al Malaikah Golf Club philanthropic roll will be to run our
annual Golf Fundraiser tournament to benefit the LA Shriners
Hospital for Children.
Last year we raised over $5500 for our hospital.
So, if you are interested in Fun, Fellowship & Philanthropy
centered around Golf then this is the Club for you.
Please email Noble Guy Richmond at
with your questions, interest and commitment.
Thanks for your support,
Noble Guy Richmond, Golf Club Chair
e are off to the races on Wednesday May 20th and return on Monday May 25th.
I hope you can join us for this truly outstanding event. As this trip is
limited to 32 - Nobles, please respond to Rio Santonil our assistant
recorder at 213-748-0173 as soon as possible.
If you have a Shrine friend you wish to have invited let us know.
Contact David Wehmeyer at 562-544-1788 or Bill Froelich at
310-963-8885 if any additional information is needed.
Page 6
To Order Tickets Online, send an email to
May 2015
Page 7
Page 8
May 2015
Page 9
y Brother Masonic Leaders:
As the 117th Potentate of the Al Malaikah Shrine Temple, I have made it my goal to better
integrate the Shrine with the local Masonic Lodges located in the area that Al Malaikah serves.
As we all know before becoming a Shriner, we are Masons first.
I extend my hand in friendship to you, my Masonic Brothers who are the Leaders of our Masonic Blue
I have created a special one-time offer for the “2015” sitting Worshipful Master, Senior Warden Junior
Warden, Secretary & the Lodge Treasurer, to become Shriners, if they are not already members of our Shrine
Temple. This offer is open only to those Brothers that currently hold these positions.
We have scheduled a special Ceremonial for this group of Masonic Leaders on June 13, 2015 at 10 AM.
To be held at the “Shriners Hospital” in Los Angeles. No other Masons will be initiated on that day, but this
special group. This special Ceremonial is to be held honor of Noble Russ Charvonia, Grand Master of Masons
of California, and a Noble of Al Malaikah.
The cost to you as a Leader of your Lodge is $50.00 which includes your initiation fee and your 2015
Shrine dues, the purchase of a Fez is extra. That’s a 66% discount from $150.00, which is the normal cost of
joining our Shrine. This is too good to pass up and may never be offered again. I assure you, it has never been
offered before.
For those Leaders that have already crossed the sands, I offer you a unique bonding experience to be
able to cross the sands as a Lodge Team, with the other members of your Lodge Leadership, at no charge.
Attendance by existing Nobles is not mandatory.
Make your reservations by completing the special application for this ceremonial and charging the
$50.00 fee to your credit card or send a check to Al Malaikah Shrine, C/O Membership 665 W. Jefferson Blvd,
Los Angeles, Ca. 90007.
**Please make your check payable to Al Malaikah Shrine.
Lynn Georgeson, Potentate
Page 10
May 2015
Page 11
Awesome “A” Shrine Club Hosts
Second Successful Screening Clinic
or the second consecutive year, Awesome A Shrine Club hosted another outstanding
Screening Clinic for Los Angeles Shriners Hospital for Children. On Saturday,
March 28 took over the Senior Citizen Center in South El Monte with 20 volunteers
in an effort to find more children who would qualify as patients for Shriners Hospital, LA.
The clinic was open from 9:00AM to 1:00PM and 12 patients were referred to the hospital.
This was twice as many as last year and shows continual growth in the attendance at these clinics.
Awesome “A” Shine Club President Vrej Yepremian led a great group of members
and volunteers that included Levon Kavlakian, Peter Kupelian, David Olmedo, Francis
Zuragoza, David Mujica, Raffi Bedrossian, Chris Badoyan, Albert Khachikyan, and
Michael Ycaza. Also present were Noble Doctors Arthur Fleisher and Illustrious Sir Ron
Schem P.P. , Chiropractor Chris Tsai, First Ceremonial Master Seb Badoyan, Second
Ceremonial Master Raffi Barsamian, Director of Shrine Clubs Robert DeJong, and Past
Potentates Dave Chernik and Fred Bernhardt. Representing the Los Angeles Hospital
were Faviola Ramirez and Public Relations Director Carla Valenzuela. Potentate Lynn
Georgeson and his Lady Carolyn stopped by and were greeted by El Monte City Council
Woman Vickie Martinez, who was so happy to have the Screening Clinic in the Area. All
present are committed to the success of this project and its continuation in the years ahead.
Calling all
Units, Clubs
& Nobles!
n case you haven’t heard...
in addition to the various
units and clubs that meet
at the Shrine, Al Malaikah
now has a blue lodge under
our roof. Fledgling lodge
Oasis #854 needs your
support! We have created the
“Oasis Lodge Founders Wall”
to memorialize those who
support this noble endeavor.
For a donation of $50 you
can have a plaque on this
wall with the name of your
unit, club, lodge, a loved one
or even yourself! Space is
limited and will run out so act
now and send a $50 check or
money order today. Be sure to
include what you want your
plaque to say (written clearly)
and include your contact
information so we can verify
with you.
Law Offices of Marc J. Brauer
Law Offices of Patrick Frawley
21243 Ventura BL., Suite 210, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Office (818) 363-3999 Cell (818) 970-4254 Marc Brauer
Office (805) 380-9147 Cell (805) 587-1289 Pat Frawley
Both offices are full service Law Firms
FREE initial consultation to all Al Malaikah members
Emphisis on Personal Injury, Wills, Trusts, Family Law, Corporate,
Bussiness, Real Estate
Oasis Lodge thanks you for
your support!
Oasis Lodge Founders Wall
556 S Fair Oaks AveSuite
101, #459
Pasadena, CA 91105
If you would like to place an advertisement for your business
in the Al Malaikahan Magazine please mail your BUSINESS
CARD with your check to:
Al Malaikah Shrine 665 W. Jefferson Blvd
Los Angeles, CA. 90007
ATTN: Blanca Alvarado or Rio Santonil.
The rates for 12 issues are as follows:
Full page: $1800.00
Half page: $1200.00
¼ page: $700.00
Double Business card: $360.00
One Business Card: $200.00
If you have any questions please contact Blanca Alvarado at the
Al Malaikah Shrine office 213-748-0173
Page 12
May 2015
Page 13
TJ, Benny and Madi Elliott
Gayle Lewis, in loving memory of Gil Lewis
J. D. & Lela Skaggs, in loving memory of Dwight & Millie Waddington
Carl F. Watson
Rosa & Fred Holmes, Lompoc
Ed Cameron
Kaarin Driggers, in loving memory of Ned Driggers P.P.
Shirley Houghland, in loving memory of her loving husband Erv. Houghland.
Bob and Geri Kirklin
Capt. Sandbar Orr
Steven and Fidelia Klein
Michael and Vera L. Murphy
Beth Ferris, in loving memory of Noble Bert R. Ferris
John Morrison, in loving memory of Elaine
Eluterio “Luther” Rivera
Bob Haynes, in loving memory of Dale Kanagy
Albert M. Quon
Jim and Tracey Oswood
Fred and Paula Bernhardt
Charlie & Barbara Chastain
Hilda Chapman, in memory of Noble James M. Chapman
Stan & Bobbie Gold
Larry & Edie Dobbins
Stan & Bobbie Gold
Mildred Schinazi, in loving memory of Noble Len Schinazi
Mary F. Sharp
Dennis R. Pearson, in loving memory of Rollin E. Pearson
Bill Humphreys. Host Unit
Jeanne C. Barks
Robert J. Martin
CAPT 95 Wayne Landis, in loving memory of Carolyn Landis
Charles R. Lovin
George Anderson, in loving memory of Sue Anderson
J. W. and Amelia Van Holst
Tom & Shannon Ray
Bob Dietrich, in loving memory of Sue Dietrich
Tom Rogers
Morris Lazar & Markie Theriot
Show your support for The Al Malaikahan!
For a minimum donation of $25.00 (Larger donations gratefully accepted) you can have your name appear in each 2015 issue and benefit your publication!
YES, I will be a Publication Supporter: Enclosed please find my check for $_____.
I would like my name(s) to read ________________________________________
Proceeds from Publication Supporters will only be used to better The Al Malaikahan Magazine.
Please mail your check to:Al Malaikahan Supporter c/o Al Malaikah Shrine 665 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles CA. 90007
“God rested them in Peace”
To the land of promised rest,
Their work is done and the setting sun
Has sealed their life’s request.
They have left this earthly strand
For the house beyond the sea,
Though the past is gone,
They will still live on
To us all- Sweet is our memory.
Page 14
Harold L. Baily
Roger T. Bishop
Robert J. Eichenberg
Gayle E. England
George K. Goland
Harry L. Martindale
Sanford J. Ring
Aaron L. Shepard
Thomas E. Sykes
May 2015
Page 15
North Valley Shrine Club and
Legion of Honor Shrine Club POV
Page 16
May 2015
Page 17
Page 18
May 2015
Page 19
Address Correction Requested
2015 Pote’s Jewelery From
YourAl Malaikah Temple Store
These items and others are available from the
Al Malaikah Temple Office.
Temple Maroon Temple size S,M,L,XL .._____ X $30.00 = $____.__
Shirt Maroon Temple size 2XL,3XL,4XL,5XL..____ X $35.00 = $____.__
2015 Bolo Tie............ _____ X $20.00 = $____.__
Ladies Butterfly Pin .......................... _____ X $20.00 = $____.__
Gold 2015 Tie ............ _____ X $25.00 = $____.__
Temple Tote Bag ............ _____ X $2.00 = $____.__
2015 Bolo
Sub total $____.__
Shipping and handling.............. $
7.00 Total $____.___
Temple Tote Bag
2015 Ladies Pin
Make checks Payable to Al Malaikah Shrine and Mail to:
665 W. Jefferson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90007. Attn: Temple Store
Master Card / Visa #__________________________________ Expires ___/___
Signature _________________________________________________
Name:____________________________Daytime Phone _____/_____/_______

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