S p r in g C e r e m o n ia l H o n o r in g J im m y C


S p r in g C e r e m o n ia l H o n o r in g J im m y C
Sands • July 2007
Ju ly , 2007
Spring Ceremonial
Jimmy C. Fischer
June, 1 - 2, 2007
The Official Publication of Egypt Shrine, Tampa, Florida
Volume 65
Number 7
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
6:30 Divan Meeting
6:00 Dinner
11:30 Men’s Lunch
7:30 Stated
1:00 Land O Lutz SC
7:30 Community
Lodge Visit
11:30 Men’s Lunch
11:30 Men’s Lunch
JULY 2007
Imperial Session - Anaheim, CA
No Men’s Lunch
10:00 Brandon Parade
5:30 Dinner hosted
11:30 Men’s Lunch
by Aides
6:00 Leadership
7:30 Council
6:30 Divan Meeting
6:00 Dinner
USA Speedway
11:30 Men’s Lunch
7:30 Stated
Kentucky Colonels
Dinner Cruise
11:30 Men’s Lunch
Cracker Jacks Pig
July 2007 • Sands
6:00 Nobles’
Birthday Party
11:30 Men’s Lunch
7:30 Turkey Creek
Lodge Visit
Shriners Family
Picnic - Hoopers
11:30 Men’s Lunch
Dinner Nite Activities Building
August 2007
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Potentate’s Message
Dear Nobles and Ladies,
I have just left – from the state of Disney World to the state of Disney Land.
During the Divan’s absence at the Imperial Council, please support the Brandon
parade and our Brandon SC. Though July is historically a slow month in terms
of activities, let’s recharge our batteries as in Blue Lodge in celebrating St. John’s
Day – a day of re-obligation to our fraternity.
Why am I a Shriner? Shriners have a 135 year tradition, including many famous political, military, and actor members. Egypt was chartered 89 years ago,
with prominent mayors, police and businessmen. In all those years, Egypt has
paraded in most towns in our jurisdiction. We are involved in all our communities. We meet folks from all walks of life, and we make lifelong friends. We have
fun family parties, and fancy events. Shriners is the world’s greatest fraternity
And, if that isn’t reason enough, for 85 years Shriners have operated the
world’s greatest philanthropy which has helped about 800,000 children live
better lives through our 22 hospitals. Did you meet Leigh Dittman and Angelica
Perez? They are Tampa Shriners Hospital patients and attended our
meetings this year. My, what a delight to meet them and how WE felt.
You should be a Shriner so that SHRINERS continue this work. Shriners own Shriners Hospitals
Isn’t it strange how princes and kings,
It’s only an average $10.42 per month to be a proud Egypt Shriner
and clowns that caper in sawdust rings,
with so much tradition and history, knowing that you are helping kids in
and common people, like you and me,
our hospitals 365 days a year. What could be better than that? Shriare builders for eternity?
ners… Having Fun and Helping Kids
I wish to wrap up with two things: a) please welcome our newest ShriEach is given a list of rules;
ners on the cover of this magazine; and b) my love and thanks to Maria
a shapeless mass; a bag of tools.
on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary.
My Brothers, hop on the ride, it’s up to you. Peace be with you (Es
And each must fashion, ere life is flown,
Selamu Aleikum),
A stumbling block, or a Stepping-Stone.
R. James Rocha, Potentate
R. Lee Sharpe (1870’s – 1950’s)
World's Greatest Fraternity...
Clubs & Units Monthly Meeting Dates
Active Patrol..................................... 2nd Monday
Highlands Shrine Club................ 4th Wednesday
Provost Guard ................................ 3rd Thursday
Amature Radio Association........ 4th Wednesday
Holiday Isles Shrine Club....... 1st & 3rd Tuesday
Railroaders . ................................ 3rd Wednesday
Ambassadors Shrine Club........ 2nd Wednesday
Honor Patrol....................................... 3rd Monday
Ritual Team ......................................1st Thursday
Brandon Shrine Club........................Last Monday
Kentucky Colonels SC............... 2nd Wednesday
Showmen’s Shrine Club .....1st Saturday of Feb.
Camel Patrol......................................4th Tuesday
Keystone Kops.................................1st Thursday
Sun City Center Shrine Club .... 2nd Wednesday
Citrus Shrine Club........................1st Wednesday
Lakeland Shrine Club . ....................2nd Tuesday
Tampa Cabiri Chapter ............... 2nd Wednesday
Classic Car Club...........................1st Wednesday
Land O’ Lutz Shrine Club . ..............3rd Saturday
Technical Staff .................................1st Thursday
Clearwater Shrine Club.....................4th Tuesday
Legion of Honor . ........................ 4th Wednesday
Tin Lizzies ................................... 3rd Wednesday
Cracker Jacks....................................... 4th Friday
Midget Motors ................................ 2nd Thursday
Trike Patrol ...................................1st Wednesday
Director’s Staff.................................Last Tuesday
Motor Corps ................................... 2nd Thursday
Wheels Association . ....................... 2nd Monday
Divot Diggers Golf SC.............. 1st & 3rd Monday
Motor Patrol ................................ 3rd Wednesday
Winter Haven Shrine Club ...... 1st & 3rd Monday
Fun N’ Frolic................................. 3rd Wednesday
New Port Richey Shrine Club ....... 2nd Thursday
Yacht Club ....................................... 3rd Thursday
Greeters........................................ 3rd Wednesday
Oriental Band ...............................1st Wednesday
Zephyr Shrine Club.......................... 3rd Tuesday
Hernando County Shrine Club.........1st Tuesday
Past Masters ......................................1st Monday
Highlanders....................................... 3rd Tuesday
Pharaohs ..........................................2nd Tuesday
Sands • July 2007
monthly (12 times a year) by
4050 Dana Shores Drive
Tampa, Florida 33634-7499
Egypt Shrine Office (813) 884-8381
Fax (813) 884-7412
Pinellas County (727) 443-7597
Office Hours – Monday-Friday 9-5
SANDS Editor: Edmond L. Bidoul, Jr., P.P.
Assistant Editor: Press Corps
Reggie Guier.............................................221
Steve Henderson.......................................224
Rosa Fernandez........................................225
Treasurer/Tom Colestock.........................226
Recorder/Dick Fisher...............................228
Potentate/R. James Rocha........................230
Divan/Chief Rabban.................................231
Divan/A.R.; H.P.&P.; O.G.........................232
Patricia Chillura.......................................234
Hospital Chairman...................................235
Maria Rios................................................238
Oasis Lounge........................................... 240
Sands/Press Corp.....................................253
Reggie: Correspondence, Office Admin.
Steve: Accountant
Rosa: Dues, Crown of Honor, Temple
Function Reservations, Membership
Patricia, Richard Johnson, or Don
Marshall: Hospital Committee
Maria: Rental Agent
EGYPT SANDS is devoted to promoting the interests of Egypt Shrine and its Shrine Clubs and
Units in particular and Shrinedom in general.
Send all information, pictures, and contributions to SANDS Magazine, Egypt Shrine, to be
received no later than the first of each month for
publication the following month.
2007 DIVAN
POTENTATE.......................R. James Rocha
Chief Rabban......................... Frank M. Dyer
Assistant Rabban............... Robert E. Hewell
High Priest & Prophet......Robert W. Goodin
Oriental Guide............ Joseph T. Osborne Sr.
Treasurer......................D.T. (Tom) Colestock
Recorder.............................Richard D. Fisher
Treasurer Emeritus...............Roger Langston
1st Ceremonial Master....Andy J Foster, III
2nd Ceremonial Master.......Mark D. Miles
Director.....................Dr. Robert Densmore
Marshal...........................Dwight E. Brown
Assistant Marshal........... John Lee Cornett
Captain of the Guard.............Larry Wright
Outer Guard..........................Harry J. Klaus
Chaplain.................. Robert M. Zegarac, PP
Assistant Chaplain.......................Earl Good
July 2007 • Sands
By Robert Zegarac, PP
Always the Same Always New
Have you ever had those occasions when you said to yourself “It
seems I have done this before.” Yes,
most of the events of our life are repeated. There are many reasons for
this. Anything worthwhile is worth
repeating, good habits are established by doing things again.With
these and many other good reasons
for repetition many assume that
repetition is meaningless. Masonry
is established on principles that exist today not because they are the
natural way of people, but because
over the years the same exemplary
lessons have been repeated. To assume that things are as they always
have been, and will never change
is to fail to recognize the great importance of our own time. Hearing
the same message, seeing the same
scene might seem like a waste, but
it keeps alive an important part of
life and it continues the potential for
effect on those willing to continue
growing. There is the story of the
minister who repeated the same sermon three Sundays in a row. Finally,
one spokesmen for the congregation
asked if he realized that he had repeated Himself the last three weeks.
The ministers response was” Yes,
and when you do something about
that message, I will preach another.”
If you can find other principles that
are better than those we have all witnessed then give yourself to them,
but until you do do not neglect what
we have. The messages are old and
established, but in each repeating
they become new for our day. Those
who believe that all the good things
will be the same fail to accept the
responsibility that is ours to be the
link in life that passes on the true
PLEASE NOTE We Need Your Help…
When you are ill or facing hospitalization, we want to
know. If one of your fellow Nobles dies, we need to
know. Call the Shrine office 813-884-8381 (Hillsborough) or 727-443-7597 (pinellas) and talk to Reggie
at ext. 221 or Rosa at ext. 225. They will make sure
that the Chaplain is notified of the situation.
In Memoriam
Passed within the Unseen Temple
Life is a story in volumes three, The past the present, the yet to be,
The first we’ve written and laid away. The second we’re reading day by day
The third and last of the volumes three. Is locked from sight - God keepeth the key.
May, 2007
Coleman, Allen G.................5/7/2007
Crayton, Wilford H................3/4/2007
Essenberg, Jack R...............5/1/2007
Huerta, Genaro...................5/17/2007
Jacobs, Joseph L...............5/23/2007
Kepner, Virgil D.....................1/2/2007
Witt, Donald A.....................5/14/2007
In This Issue...
Calender...............................................................................Inside Cover
Potentate’s Message............................................................................... 3
Shrine Club News............................................................................ 10-12
Shrine Unit News............................................................................. 12-15
O.G.’s Corner....................................................................................... 15
Circus News......................................................................................... 18
Book Of Gold....................................................................................... 27
Tree Of Life.......................................................................................... 28
Color Photos................................................................................24 & 25
Sands • July 2007
July 2007 • Sands
Shriners . . .
Having Fun
& Helping
Shriners Hospitals combines expert
orthopaedic, burn and spinal cord injury
medical care with outstanding teaching
and research programs. Shriners
Hospitals are among the very best
children's hospitals in the world and all
services and treatment are provided at
no cost to children under 18 years old.
Some of the conditions treated include:
Call toll-free
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Eastern Time
Orthopaedic problems of cerebral palsy
Scoliosis (curvature of the spine)
Spina bifida
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
(brittle bone disease)
Juvenile arthritis
Club foot
Missing limbs
(congenital or acquired)
For more information about Shriners Hospitals, write to:
Public Relations Department • Shriners International Headquarters • P.O. Box 31356 • Tampa, FL 33631-3356
1-5 10
Imperial Session
Divan Meeting
Stated Meeting
Land O Lutz Bowl-A-Thon
Sands • July 2007
July 2007 • Sands
S h r in e r s
Hospital for Children
a g
Newsletter for Donor Relations Directors
Robert Cotner, Editor
May 18, 2207
I had a couple of Clowns in my office the other day, and...
Well, you know how clowns
are: The love to tell stories.
They were Retro and Smurf,
from Egypt Shrine, Tampa,
FL. They were “Scooting” on
their “Iron Horses” to five
SHC to generate pledges, as
members of the International
Shrine Clown Association, for
the ISCa Red Sneaker Fund
- a research program for burn
patients in Shrine hospitals.
Their “Iron Horses” were two
of the most beautiful Harley
her outside - and how should
he pick her up so as not to injure her. She was delighted to
be invited to look at Smurf’s
shiny motorcycle, and Smurf
picked her up as instructed.
When he got her in his arms,
she put her tiny finger at the
end of his bulbous nose and
said, “You be careful with
me. I break easily!” When he
got her outside, tears were
streaming down his cheeks,
and she touched his red nose
with her finger and
said “You’re crying!”
Davidson motorcycles
“I am not,” Smurf
you’ve ever seen.
argued. “Yes you
They had traveled
are! You’re crying!”
2,477 miles, visiting
She said with her
SHC - Tampa, Greenfinger against his
ville, Lexington, Cinnose. “No, I am not
cinnati, and Chicago.
- it’s the makeup.
Retro (Mark Miles)
I got it in my eye,”
conceived the idea as
Smurf said. “Both
a way of celebrating
eyes? You’re crying!”
his retirement from
she said, still touchthe U.S. Army. He
ing his nose. “She
got his buddy, Smurf
was right,” he told
(Lee Cornett) to take
me, “and that’s why
a couple of weeks off
I am a Shrine clown
work and join him in
‘Smurf (l) and ‘Retro’ with their Harleys in
- to hold fragile
clowning around with
children in my arms
the kids at Shrine
and to weep with joy in being a part of something so
hospitals. They expect to raise some $3,500 on
important and so beautiful.” What Retro and Smurf
their trip. Since 1972, ISCA has raised $21 million
are doing for the kids is one of those magnificent
for research in our burn hospitals. Smurf told this
gifts of love and devotion, which we see so often
story before he left. He was visiting a Shrine hoshere at SHC - Chicago. We are grateful to be a part
pital, where he met a beautiful, tiny child who had
of this remarkable enterprise that sets the standard
Osteogenesis Imperfecta - Brittle Bone disease. She
in healthcare - in love - for children.
was so precious, and Smurf wanted to show her his
Harley, so he asked a doctor if it was all right to take
Sands • July 2007
Brandon Shrine Club
By Noble David Jones
Nobles, Greetings from Brandon
Shrine Club members. This past
weekend Frank Goldston our paper
drive chairman and members of the
BSC collected $1828.during one of
our eight scheduled outings. Many
thanks to the following Nobles for
giving part of their weekend to collect for the drive at the various locations: Richard Boettger, John
Fowke, Dr. Bill Martin, Mark Vargo and Robert Stalker. President
Dwight Shingledecker introduced
our May guest speaker, Director of
Clubs Noble William “Bill” Buist
to our membership at the monthly
meeting. Noble Buist gave an inspiring and very motivational talk
on the importance the clubs are to
Egypt Temple. Noble Buist is in the
process of visiting each of our clubs
during this current year. During
the meeting membership chairman
Robert Stalker advised the committee made up of He, Darrel Sowers
and David Jones have been active
in membership visitations to local
lodges and plan more in the future,
to be followed up with a Shrine
Hospital visit for invited blue lodge
brothers.Our Secretary search committee, consisting of Richard Boettger, Rob St. John and David Jones
proudly recommended Noble Mark
Vargo to serve as interim club Secretary, replacing Rob St. John. Director of Clubs Bill Buist installed
Noble Mark Vargo during the meeting. Many thanks to Rob St. John
who did not run for re-election as
Secretary because He is serving in
other Masonic posts this year, but
10 July 2007 • Sands
has continued to serve as Secretary
until a replacement was found .
Nobles, you are always invited to
visit our club, located at 125 Skywood Drive, N of hwy 60, in Valrico. We meet the last Monday of
each month except Dec. this year.
We invite our ladies to the meetings
in the even-numbered months.
Lakeland Shrine Club
By Noble Wink Dillard
Greetings from the Lakeland
Shrine Club. We have had a very
busy and prosperous spring with
the Detroit Tigers spring training,
paper drive, and participating in
several Egypt Shrine Center activities.
Spring training this year was especially rewarding. Because of
the number of workers required to
properly man the concession stand,
we recruited help from several Masonic bodies.
We had workers from several
Masonic Lodges, Mecca Court #98
Ladies Oriental Shrine, Hi-12 Club,
Eastern Star, Amaranth, and White
Shrine. In addition to the fellowship, several of them asked questions about the Shrine which might
result in new Shriners. The funds
from the games are distributed to
the various groups for their charities.
Several of our members participated in the first paper drive in several years. The workers were so excited that they are talking of having
a bigger and better drive in the fall.
The Lakeland Shrine Club transportation van has been very busy
transporting patients to and from
the Shrine Hospital in Tampa.
There were 15 trips in April and
several more in May. We have trips
scheduled out to June and July. We
have been working with the scheduling department at the hospital
to adjust appointments so we can
transport two patients at the same
We were very pleased to have accompanied several of Polk County’
finest including Nancy Williams,
widow of officer Matt Williams,
and several family members to the
parade of units the Egypt Shrine
Center. They thanked us for including them in the festivities.
Our Lakeland Shrine Club is dark
for the summer months. We will
resume our meetings in September
on a different day. We will meet on
the second Tuesday with social at
5:50, meal at 6:30, and meeting at
National Sojourners
By Noble Robert A. Davis
Chapter #252, does not meet during the months of June, July or August. The next meeting will convene
1800 hours, 20 September 2007,
at Golden Corral on West Hillsborough Avenue, Tampa.
The Chapter welcomes LTC Tom
Clark, USA ret, and Lady Shirley
who were previously with Chapter
366, Cape Canaveral, Fl.
Brother Tom is a Hero with a
colonial uniform. He attended the
last bivouac. He also has indicated
an interest in becoming a member
of the “flag teams”.
Welcome to the Chapter, Tom
And Shirley. Brothers R. St. John
PP, H. Cumber PP and R. Davis
PP, accompanied by their Ladies/
Camp Followers, attended the annual National Sojourners convention in Williamsburg, Va. 12-16
June. A full report of the convention activities will be made during
the September meeting.
The National Sojourners is an organization of Master Masons who
are, or have been, commissioned,
warrant or senior non- commissioned officers of the uniformed
forces of the United States. Honorary membership is extended to very
noteworthy Master Masons who
are veterans of the uniform forces.
Sojourners are organized into local chapters for the promotion of all
patriotic aims and activities in Masonry; for developing true patriotism and Americanism throughout
the nation; and for opposing any
influence whatsoever calculated
to weaken the national security.
Within this organization is an auxiliary degree known as the “Heroes
of ‘76”, whose uniform is that of a
Colonial military officer. Our Ladies, known as” Camp Followers”,
are an integral part of the chapter.
Their attire is appropriate to and
compliments that of their “Hero”.
There is within our Heroes’ camp
a “Build the Flag” team which presents a 45- minute history of the
evolution of our National Emblem.
This program has been presented
in classrooms, civic and church
groups, Masonic Lodges, Shrine
Clubs, Veteran Posts and Senior
Citizen associations. HAVE FLAG,
The local chapter, Tampa #252,
currently has 59 members who
meet, along with their ladies, on
the third Thursday of the month for
an evening meal. The chapter has
among it’s members the Imperial
Recorder, several Past Potentates,
three Past Florida Grand Masters,
several Worshipful or Past Masters,
five 33rd Degree Masons, a member of Egypt Divan, several past
and current line officers in local
Appendant bodies and a National
Sojourner Past President/ Past National Commander for Heroes of 76,
who is a Legion of Honor awardee.
The Chapter is especially honored
to have as a member, the personal
representative, for the Valley of
Tampa, of the Grand Inspector of
Florida. Information regarding details of membership in this unique
Masonic organization, of national
stature, may be obtained from
Brother St. John,, Chapter Secretary, (813) 685-4638.
New Port Richey SC
By Noble Walter Pollak
Ah so, there were no Ladies present at our May meeting but 28 souls
turned out (where oh where are our
northern Brother Nobles??? We
miss you.) A fine time was had by
all. The food was excellent as usual,
that is if you closed your eyes and
thought is it really grouper?nah, not
for this money. The club sandwiches defy description and as Ron says
you get the world’s biggest salad.
You can’t even see the plate. Ron
Moits the VFW chef outdid himself
by serving beef tips over noodles.
That dish was delectable.
Our speaker was John Nagy. He
is the musician at Tampa Bay Lodge,
252 and very knowledgeable in the
history and lore of Free Masonry.
His enigmas and conundrums were
very interesting. He is of the opinion the “Word” is not lost. He closed
using a personal story to emphasize his points about how symbols
and allegories were used throughout history. Noble Ray Halker was
elected a Club Director at the business meeting following the speaker.
He is filling the unexpired term of
Noble Dave Meglay who resigned
for personal reasons.
And so; Sunday school teacher
decided to have her young class
memorize one of the most quoted
passages in the Bible, Psalm 23. She
gave them one month to learn the
verse. Little Rick was excited about
the task but he just couldn’t remember the Psalm. He could barely
get past the first line, On the day
the kids were to recite the Psalm in
front of the congregation Rick was
so nervous that when he stepped up
to the microphone he proudly said,”
The Lord is my Shepard and that is
all I have need to know.”
Sun City center
by Noble Tom Robinson
We are planning to participate in
the annual Independence Day parade in Brandon on the 4th of July;
and as usual, we will be making a
dining experience out of the trip.
Speaking of dining, on the 11th of
this month we have the luncheon
meeting and our speaker will be
from the Sun City Center Emergency Squad. Ms. Robin Watt will
share with us plans being developed for a Fall Prevention Program
in the Sun City Center and Kings
Point communities.
As always, all are welcome to join
us for a great meal and fellowship.
Winter HAven Shrine
By Noble J. Lee Cornett
After a long hot dry spell, Central
Florida is getting much needed rain.
It is great to see the new growth the
summer rains bring to our area. The
evening Social on the 3rd Thursday
of the month brings the opportunity for the WHSC to grow, like the
summer rain. These evenings give
us an opportunity to see old friends
and let the public see just who and
what Shriners are and what we are
about. Call one of our officers for
reservations and the location of the
dinner, as it changes each month,
come have a great evening in Central FL and watch us grow.
Sands • July 2007
By Noble J. Lee Cornett
Director’s staff
By Noble Steve Jones
First off our unit grabbed second place in the stunt competition
during FSA in Sarasota in May.
Congratulations to the nobles who
performed for us there. Great job
nobles. Imperial Session is the first
week in July in Anaheim, CA.
The Director Staff cruise is going well. It was reported during the
May meeting that we had 24 cabins
booked. Remeber that this is open
to all, Shriners, Shriner family,
friends etc.
we stated at the meeting that
we are not having our usual beach
weekend this year due to the cruise.
But we are planning a great Christmas party.
So, as we celebrate our country’s
birthday this July 4th, remember
our courgeous soldiers overseas
who are fighting so we may enjoy
the fruits of liberty. Keep them in
your prayers that God brings them
home safely. keep in your prayers
the families of those who made the
ultimate sacrifice. And say a prayer
for those who choose to demean the
efforts of our men and women of
the best military in the world, that
they will see through their clouded
minds and eyes the meaning of being an American. YITF
12 July 2007 • Sands
Have you heard? Each and every
Clown that attended and competed
- in a category, balloons or skit, at
FSA placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their
catagory. What an accomplishment! That’s right, each clown finished in the top (3) in everything
they entered! Proof, that your
clowns are top shelf!
The interior designer that has
been working on the unit room is
finished, well mayby finished, and
it looks great! The room now tells
everyone that they have entered the
house of Clown. The room is now
a bright happy place where smiles
and laughter rule. Great job and
thank you to Retro and his helpers. Just a reminder, stay in contact with the Boss. Even though it
is supposed to be a slow time of the
year. The Boss is receiving lots of
calls for Clowns. Attend the events
you can and please respond to his
emails and phone calls. When we
respond to the Boss, he can respond to the event coordinators
with good information.
Remember, if it’s not fun..Don’t
do it!
By Noble David Douglas
Spring is spring … summer’s
This spring was exceptionally
busy averaging at least 1 piping
event every week since Jan. This
summer, it’s time to PARTY …and
we’ve planned to party at area Celtic pubs as well as our own Oasis
Lounge, twice each month through
Future highlights include the Oct
13 Tartan Formal and the Nov 25
Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan worship service.
Of course, the Highlanders’ door
opens widely to potential members. Since last writing, we’ve received app’s from Noble Buist and
newly initiated Noble Mark Stanley. Welcome both … and congrat’s
drummer Mark.
So, if you’d like to play the pipes
or drums (we’ll teach you) or simply want to join the HIGHLANDERS fun, --- stop in … we’ll buy
your first pint of “camel’s milk”
by Noble Joe Pheebeetz
Wow ! what a great ceremonial.
Congrats to the ceremonial cast
and ritual team for an outstanding job. Watching the faces of the
candidates, one could see that they
were really impressed. Can’t leave
out the accolades for the directors
staff who were smiling throughtout out the entire second section.
Guess what? So were the candidates who participated in the skits
.Now comes the important part.
We need to follow up on these New
Nobles and their ladies and make
sure they attend the Club and Unit
Temple meetings, and the many
social events which are available
to them. Get them to join a Club or
Unit to keep them interested and
active. If we do that then our ceremonial will have been a success.
Thanks to the ladies of the Kops
who provided the snick-snacks as
we had a nice entourage of new
Nobles and ladies enjoy the Kops
hospitality in our unit room.The
Kops monthly meeting is Thursday
July 5th. At 8:00 P.M. in our unit
room and all interested Nobles
wanting to join a great fun unit are
invited to come and check us out.
Our monthly dinner is Sunday the
15thof July at 2:00P.M. All Nobles
and their ladies are invited to attend.
By Noble Robert A. Davis
Clean sweep----again----four-in
a-row!! How sweet it is. Egypt LOH
owns FSA competition and now all
FSA know it. Some one in our winning Unit reminded the banquet
attendees of that very same fact.
Who was that person who preempted the FSA Commander at
the microphone? In spite of some
friendly trash talk,
by our sister Units at
the icebreaker, those
other three competing
Units fell victim to our
expertise, prowess and
execution. AGAIN. A
lot of credit for our
success must be given
to Color Captain Noble Tom Bishop and to
Unit Commander Noble Jack Kempster. It
certainly did perk up
the front line to have
our cheer leading “Legionettes” on the side lines. Do you
suppose that these very attractive
Ladies had a positive effect on the
judges at the reviewing stand? By
the way, exactly where was that reviewing stand? The Unit “hospital-
ity sweet” (and that’s what it was),
hosted by Commander Jack and
Lady Bea was a favorite “watering hole” for more than just libations. A more than gracious hostess, Lady Bea, prepared breakfast
treats, pastries and happy hour
hors d’oeuvres which were greatly
enjoyed and appreciated.
Welcome to the Unit; Noble Tom
Clark/ Lady Shirley. Tom is an
Army veteran and they reside in
New Tampa. Both Tom and Shirley
were involved with Masonic activities at Azan Shrine Center. Noble
Dennis Hardy/Lady Jeanette. Dennis is an Army veteran and they reside in Riverview.
The photo, taken at FSA awards
banquet, shows Comdr.. Kempster
with first place trophy,. Other Nobles pictured are ; Stan Glantz, Jon
Kueney, PC, Bob Davis, Scribe and
“Boog” Powell, 2nd Lt. Cmdr. Any
Noble of Egypt Shrine, who served
in the Armed Forces of the United
States of America or the Armed
forces of the Allies is eligible for
membership in The Legion of
Honor. As a member of the International Association of Legion of
honor, Egypt’s Unit is one of over
150 other’s scattered throughout
Our Unit has been granted a status of “special Unit” within Egypt
Shrine. This designation provides
that military veterans in other
Units may also be members of this
Unit. We currently have 57 members that represent all branch’s of
the Department of Defense and
ranks or ratings from E-2 to O-6.
Commander Noble Jack Kempster
extends an invitation to all Egypt
Shrine veterans to check us out.
We meet in our Unit room on the
fourth Wednesday and will be happy to make you welcome. Our Adjutant, Past Commander Noble Dale
Goodson, will be glad to discuss
membership at (813) 684-4488.
Motor Corps
By Noble R.L. “Brad” Braddock
“World’s Greatest Fraternity”
July is upon us and the heat is
setting in. The Motor Corps had
the pleasure of escorting the Divan
for the June Stated Meeting. The
Summer Fling was a great success
as we all got to visit with our special friends. The unit isn’t making
the trip to Imperial this month but
you can bet we will be back there
next year.
Motor Corps July Birthday Wishes go out to Noble Harold Cook,
and Noble Bill Lewis, and to Lady
Judy Cook, and Lady Shirley Patz.
May the Great Architect look down
upon you and give you blessings.
Thought for the Month: Our
Freedoms are often taken for
granted. Many great Americans
have given their lives over last
several years combating terrorist
acts. Take time out this month to
remember our great Armed Forces
Sands • July 2007
personnel. Keep those still deployed throughout the world in
your thoughts and prayers. If you
see one of these outstanding Warriors walking down the street, tell
him or her thanks for a wonderful job, well done! Remember our
Transportation Fund and Shriners
Hospitals need you help. Keep our
sick and distressed Nobles and/or
their families in your prayers! And
as always, a tip of the FEZ for being
a part of the Greatest Philanthropy
in the World.
Don’t miss the joy of a child’s
smile. Come be a part of Shrinedom
at it’s best. May the Great Architect
of the Universe look over you and
yours…Keep the Shiny side up!
ing 12 neophytes), Master of Ceremonies Walter Schoepf filled in as
a second Mandarin to help Mandarin Emory Brantley. Dungeon #16
initiated two Ladies in the Dragg’n
Lady Degree.
Yours Truly was elected President
of the FSOBA for the 2007/2008
year, which will be hosted by Bahia
Shrine Center in Orlando, Florida
during 30 April to 3 May, 2008.
I guess with summer approaching, Band activities will slow down
a bit. I trust all will have a nice
None of the Band’s lovely Ladies
have birthdays in July, and glancing at our roster, only Noble Walter Schoepf will be celebrating his
day on 7/16/07. Happy Birthday.
Oriental Band
By Noble Robert E. Stihler
Well, the FSA/FSOBA convention in Sarasota, Florida, hosted
by Sahib Shrine from 3-6 May, is
now REALLY history, and the results of a GOOD time can now be
told. Congratulations to the Sahib
Oriental Band for earning a First
Place trophy for their participation
in the competition. We at Egypt
earned a Second Place trophy, and
Azan and Araba were given Third
and Fourth Place trophies respectively. We had a great time and the
competition was a little “relaxed”,
(????), in that the bands were not
required to play the Imperial Competiton tune. The usual Jam Session was held indoors due to a City
of Sarasota ordinance restricting
“noise abatement”. Still can’t figure out how the city considers our
beautiful music “noise”.
The Band’s Tong #54 presented
the Mandarin Degree and initiated
twelve neophytes in meeting the
Mandarin. As the Inner Guard, I
would like to thank all the members of the Degree Team for a superb presentation. In an effort to
speed things up a bit, (due to hav14 July 2007 • Sands
I am sure you will be seeing more
of me this month since I should be
getting the OK from the doctors to
return to work.
Happy 4th of July to all. Be safe
and remember to reflect on how
great our country is and pray for the
men and women who have or are
currently serving to protect those
freedoms we enjoy. A little trivia
fact that I found is that it wasn’t
until 1941 that Independence Day
was made an official holiday. Be
sure to fly the U.S. flag on this day
Remember to look for those fellow Masons that would make our
Shrine better by joining our great
fraternity. We need to encourage
these Masons to take the next step
in their Masonic life. Remember
the Potentate has challenged all of
us in this important endeavor.
Till next month remember the
children in our hospitals and keep
the rubber side down. We hope to
see you at future Shrine events.
By Noble Bill DenBleyker
Greetings to all. Hopefully, you
were able to make the Jimmy C.
Fisher ceremonial last month.
Jimmy thanks for everything you
have done and continue to do for
both the Shrine and the Pharaohs.
Those that attended had a good
time and enjoyed the fellowship of
the day. When you get this issue
many nobles will be at the Imperial
Session in Anaheim, California.
Enjoy your self and we look forward to your return to Tampa.
Although I have been absent lately it was great to hear that Wayne
got the new floor installed in our
unit room. Thanks to the others
who assisted in this effort to improve the appearance of our room.
By Tom Edwards PP
What a great Spring Ceremonial
and the ever growing Provost Guard
Unit. Numerous new Nobles have
shown interest in our Unit and we
welcome them to the best fraternity and greatest philanthropy in the
world. The children are the focus
of the Shrine and we as the Provost
Guard always remember them and
our hospitals.
And what about the Covered Dish
Social last month? Lady Georgianna and Marshal Johnie have
definitely made the socials special
for everyone in the Guard. Thank
you to all the ladies who provided
another great meal. Diets and new
clothes will be in order for 2008.
Please mark your calendars for the
2007 Provost Guard Christmas
Party on Thursday December 6,
2007 at 7:00 P.M. at the MainSail
Conference Center & Suites.
This month we are busy again
with the Imperial Session, Lodge
Visits, Parades, and Independence
Day Celebrations. Happy Birthday
Sunday, July 1-5 - Imperial
Session – Anaheim, CA
Thursday, July 19 - Regular
Meeting 7:30 P.M.
Thursday, August, 16 - Regular Meeting 7:30 P.M.
Thursday, September 20 Covered Dish Dinner 6:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting 7:30 P.M.
Saturday, September 29 Country Western Dance
Thursday, October 18 - Regular Meeting 7:30 P.M.
Thursday, November 15 Regular Meeting 7:30 P.M.
Saturday, December 1 - Fall
Thursday, December 6 Christmas Party – MailSail Hotel
& Suites
By Noble Ronald Bart
There’s a wisp of steam from
the cylinders, a big belch of black
smoke from the stack and with
Engineer Tony’s firm hand on the
throttle, the Railroaders rattler has
left the roundhouse and is rolling
on the main line.
The dining car is being prepared
for a special event at the Union Station (Activities building) on October 6, 2007. The Railroaders, with
the Keystone Kops filling in as the
Gandy dancers, will prepare and
serve a great fish fry. The cost will
be only $10.00 per person. It will
be in the manner of the 20th Century Limited. See future issues of
the Sands for more details.
November 24th and 25th will be
the dates for the Paper Drive of the
Egypt Railroad Rattlers.
Now on to Anaheim, Azusa and
Cannonball Bart
eral roles that need to be filled in
order to perform all 3 acts. We can
use your help, and your taking part
contributes to your Crown of Honor points. Please call Len Whalen
at (813) 486-4939 or Wayne Davis
(813) 238-6993 or yours truly (813300-1294) for more information.
We meet in our Unit room in at the
Activities Bldg. at 7:30 p.m. on the
1st Thursday of the month except
July and August when we are dark.
Our next meeting/rehearsal will be
on Thursday, September 6th. We
hope to see you there!
Yours in the Faith, Dwight
O.G.’s Corner
Ritual Team
By Noble Dwight Brown
Greetings Nobles! We want to
welcome the 34 new Nobles who
joined our caravan during the
Spring Ceremonial on June 2nd.
We hope you enjoyed the ceremonial, which was to honor our Marshal Emeritus and good friend Jimmy C. Fischer and his lady Marie.
We hope you will become active at
our Shrine Center. You have numerous clubs and units to choose
from. Remember, you will only
get out of Shrinedom what you put
into it! The more you try, the more
you will do. Your success will lead
to other successes until it becomes
a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The Ritual Team is also in need
of new members. If you enjoyed
the first ½ of the Ceremonial,
then come join us. We have sev-
by Noble Joe Osborne
Correction!!! The Nobles birthday party will be held on Saturday, August 25th. Reservations
for this event are pouring in at
this time. Seating in the Activity
Building is limited so make your
reservation early so that you
don’t get left out. Check the flyer
in this issue of the Sands for full
Nobles, life is good. Be thankful. Be united. United we stand!
Yours in the Faith,
Joe Osborne
Sands • July 2007
16 July 2007 • Sands
Sands • July 2007
The 2007 Circus is now in the history books. We are happy to report that it once again was a successful Circus. Success just does not
happen, people make it happen and our Nobility once again has put on a terrific Circus and continued a long tradition of excellence.
The names of our Circus Daddy contributors are listed in this issue of the SANDS. Many thanks to all who contributed, especially
those who gave a little extra and participated in our Lion Trainer, Ringmaster, and Producer programs.
Our Annual Circus Awards Banquet will be held on Monday September 24, 2007 at 6:00 P.M. in the Activities Building. Invitations
for all of our $1,000 Salesmen, Circus Producers, and Award Winners will be sent out in August. And there will be a lot of surprises at
the banquet this year.
Again, thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s Circus. A special thank you to the Aides Staff and the Fun N’ Frolic Unit for
their efforts this year. We broke the records this year in the amount of special needs children and adults that were given tickets to our
“May all your days be Circus Days.”
George Knauer
Circus Director
A Little Kids Academy
James Abel
Elden Adameit
W. A. Adams. Jr.
Dallas Adkins
James Aiman
John Allen
Joseph Almaguer
Richard Altenhof
Augustus Alvarez
David Anderson
Ernest Anderson
Eugene Anderson
Roy Anderson
Timothy Anderson
Jack Anthony
Thomas Armstrong
Emerson Arnot
Michael Asher
Carl Baisden
Suny Balance
Frederick Baldwin
Wilfred Balter
Frederick Baltes
Charles Baptist
Earl Barker
Gordon Barnett
Mark Barnett
H. E. Barr
William Barrett
David Barrus
Ronald Bart
Bob Bartels
Leland Bartle
Howard Barton
Fred Basehore
R. D. Bass
George Beckham
William Beith
D. E. Belcher
Andre Bellis
George Bellows
Randall J. Benedict
Arthur Benner
J. T. Bennett
William Bennett
William Benschoter
Daniel Bertoch
Orville Bickel
Russell Bickford
Edmond Bidoul Jr.
James Bierce
Mike Bilirakis
Robert Bishop
A. A. Black
Harold Blake
Robert Blaydes
Robert Blazey
Junior Blevins
Walter Blevins
Daniel Block
Howard Bogle
Jack Bolen
Joseph Boulerice
Bruce Bowers
John Bowersox
Robert Boyer
B. T. Bragdon
James Brand
Charles Brewer
Philip Brinen
David Brown
Martin Brown
Max Brown
Daniel Bryson
Chester Buck
Eben Bullock
James Burnett
R. F. Burton
Frederick Buss Jr.
R. P. Butler
Robert Butler
Danny Campbell
Marvin Campbell
Frank Card
John Carey
Edward Carlton
Donald Carlyle
Richard Carter
Forest Case
Russell Casey
Carl Casto
Russell Caughery
Paul Cave
Dan Chambers, Jr.
Dennis Chaney
Adrian Chapman
Jack Chastain
Roger Chesbrough
Claude Chester
James Christman
Jimmie Ciccarello
Wilbur Clarke
Norman Cluff
Thomas Cobb
Ted Cocheu
Tom Colestock
Ellwood Collamore
Edward Collins
Lance Connors
Clarence Cook
John Cooper
Corinthian Lodge No.191
Beatrice Cornes
George Corson
Marshall Corson
H. F. Couche
Paul Courtney
Betty Cox
Clinton Crabtree
W. P. Crane
Robert Cribb
Robert Crissman
Herbert Crowell
Clif Curry
Ronald Dahmer
Richard Daniel
Maynard Davies
Authur Davis
David Davis
Charles Dean
John Dean
Garrisons Decorating
Richard Delaney
John D’Ella
Elmer Dellmire
Arthur Demaree
Kurt Denzel
Norbert Didier
James Dillinger
Alfred Doherty
Richard Donnan
Charles Downie
Joel Drawdy
John Duce
Milton Dudley
Margaret Duffey
18 July 2007 • Sands
Roger Dunn
Theodore Duprey
Anthony Durban
George Dwyre
Frank Dyer
Lois Dykers
Charles East
David Eaton
James Edmiston
Brooks Edwards
Tom Edwards
H. C. Eisnaugle
Lee Elia
Clayton Eller
Henry Embach
Frank Engelhardt
Melvin Engelke
Lees Environmental Svc.
Ralph Evans
Joseph Farr
James Favata
Lenny Fink
Robert Fisher
William Fisher
William Fleece
Roland Flinton
Jerry Fogarty
Monte Ford
David Forrest
Robert Foster
John Fowke Jr.
Joseph Fowler
Peter Francisco
Ed Freeh Jr.
Jack Fry
Norman Fryzelka
William Gaeth
George Gage
Laurence Gallaghe Jr.
Toby Gant
James Gardner
Burton Gelbman
Donald Gessert
George Getman
Kenneth Giesow
Kirk Gladwin
R. E. Glasscock
Terry Gosnell
Earl Grace
Carl Graham
Hugh Grant
Frederick Gray
Kenneth Green
Anglo Guida
John Gunn
Robert Gunn
Elmer Gustafson
Robert Gutzwiller
Roger Hall
H. T. Haller
Donald Hammond
Charlotte V.
William Hargett
Roy Harper
G. G. Harrington
Ronald Hartley
R. V. Hartsell
Charles Harvey
Illian Haslinger
Austin Hatcher
Alan Heeter
Gary Heller
William Heller
Martin Herr
George Heyen
Theodore Hibbs
William Hiltz
Louis Hinman
Ernest Holcomb
Roger Homer
Earl House
Audrey Houston
Owen Howard
Mary Hribik
Mark Huff
Stanley Hughes
Winfield Hunsberger
Gary Hunter
Louis Irizarry
Raymond Jacobs
Owen Jarrett
William Jeter
Fred Johnson
Richard Johnson
B. J. Jones
Donald Jones
Douglas Jones
Harold Jones
James Jones
Robert Jones
Wayne Jones
Erik Juleen
William Kadow
Harry Karup, Jr.
Donald Keator
James Keaveny
Charles Keith
Ed Kellner
Ronald Kelly
Fred Kenfield
Walter Kessler
Robert Kille
Louie King
Robert King
Roger Kirk
Josephine Kixmiller
Edward Klein
Gary Knappick
Kent Knaus
Earl Knox
Rudolph Kohler
George Krissinger
John Kubek
Jon Kueny
Howard Kuntz
S. La Fuente
Richard Lagrou
Gerald Lake
George Lanphear
Richard Lantz
Raul Lavin
A. L. Lawrence
Angelo Lazzara
Robert Leaphart
Jesse Ledford
James Legge
John Lehner
David Letsche
Phillip Levine
Raymond Lienhart
Francis Liesche
Eliot Lincoln
Harry Lister
James Locke
Robert Lofley
D. Lopez
Leo Lorenzo
John Lowe
Paul Loy
Leo Lubinski
Ralph Lupton
Lee Lyvers
Richard Maha
John Mallicote
Jason Maloney
Edward Manney
Donald Marshall
William Martin
Jewell Matlock
Richard Matre
G. B. Mazuc
Merle McAlpin
R. F. McCallister
James McCann
Olen McCutcheon
James McDonald
Joseph McFalls
Erle McGough
Donald McIlvenna
John McKane
George McKay
John McKeage
Charles McKenzie
William McPeek
Arnold Meach
Branty Meadows
Jerome Meguiar
Joseph Melchiorre
Yolanda Menendez
David Merens
Neil Merrill
Robert Merrill
James Messier Jr.
Arlie Michaels
Donald Millard
Warren Miller
Robert Milnes
Albert Minor
Lyle Mitchell
Allen Monauni
Frank Mongiovi
Roger Monsour
Ricardo Montemayor
Dean Moore
William Moore
George Moreau
William Morgan
Gale Morris
John Morris
Frank Mortellaro
George Mott
H. G. Mozian
Maurice Murray
Dale Myers
Robert Myers
Wayne Myers
Mykonos Ambassador
Donald Naja
H. J. Navon
James Neel
David Nelson
Virginia Nelson
E. Netscher
Vernon Newberne
Paul Newman
Larry Nieukirk
Jerry North
Anthony Noto
Michael Obal Sr.
Charles Oberlander
Matthew Obinger
Stephen O’Grady
James O’Hara
Robert O’ Harold
Chester Okopski Jr.
Jess Olesen
Angel Oliva Jr.
Glenn Olsen
W. Dennis Osborn
Sherman Pace
Donald Paddock
Jim Paige
Victor Palmer
Martin Panak
Robert Parker
Wayne Parr
Joseph Patterson
Les Manuel
Pearl of West Lodge
Mrs Allen Pearlstein
James Pearson
F. D. Pedrick
Pepin Distributing
Nelson Perez
Richard Perez
Gerald Peters
Gordon Peters
Oswald Phillippy
Hugh Pickering
Martin Pierce
Donald Pierson
Delbert Piper
Harry Podmore
Walter Pollak
Jeff Pollard
Dale Pope
Julis Porter
Eugene Posey
Charles Poston
Gary Powell
M. J. Powell
Mike Prentice
Arthur Price
John Price
Ronald Princler Sr.
J. W. Pritchard
George Puckhaber
Otto Quick Jr.
Dolores Quinette
Robert Quinn
Anthony Raffa
James Rardin
Dennis Rawls
Ronald Read
Charles Reagle
Minaret Realty
Joseph Reed
James Reeder
R. Wayne Reedy
Queen Replogle
Owen Reuterwall
C. L. Reynolds
Michael Rice
Everett Rieck
John Rio
Robert Rippa
Michael Robbins
Lyle Roberts
Melvin Roberts
Doris Roderick
James Rooney
Edward Rose
Frank Rosenblatt
John Ross
Stephen Ross
Harlan Roth
Robert Russel
George Russell
Ronald Ryder
Harold Rynerson
N. Sadowsky
Demetrios Sakiotis
Dan Samargya
Rose Sardella
Roger Sarka
Patrick Sarsfield
Tom Scanlan
August Schaper
William Schindler
John Schooley
Elmer Schroeder
Thomas Schutte
David Schwartz
Ralph Scott
Brian Seeger
George Seifert
Charlotte Semeyn
M.W. Shaw
Edgar Sherrick
Dwight Shingledecker
James Shingledecker
Kenneth Shreve
Victor Shul
David Sickler
Leon Sikes
Sid Silverstein
Robert Simpson
Jonas Sirotowitz
Robert Skinnell
Arthur Slade
William Slaughenoupt
Glenn Smith
Maxine Smith
Paul Smith
Terry Smith
William Smith
W. S. Smith
James Snellgrove
Joseph Snoll
Lawrence Snyder
Jacob Soll
Gary Somerville
Darrel Sowers
Ed Spector
Francis Spinks
William Sprouse
David Starling
Ray Stephens
Charles Stiham
Robert Stihler
Donald Stillson
Dale Stillwagon
Gerald Stoner
William Storm
Howard Stout
Malden Stout
Richard Stower
Bud Strawn
James Suarez
Charles Swan
Robert Sweezey
Glenn Swenson
Aden Swinehamer
Charles Talley
W. Allen Taylor
Raymond Temple
Rick Terrana
Rachel Terzino Enterpr.
H. Thompson
Paul Tomasino
Kendall Tompkins
Andrew Trakas
Trilby Lodge No.141
Max Trout
Charles Trulock
Thomas Ttee
David Turner
John Turner
Lyle Tuttle
Dorothy Valencic
Edwin Van Valkenburg
G Raymond Vance
Jesse Varnedoe
Carl Vincent
Hattie Vlcek
Walter Vogler
Mark Wallace
Ralph Wallen
Brian Walters
Donald Ward
Charlotte Warfield
Muriel Webb
Richard Wesch
Gordon White
Warren White
G. F. Whitley
William Wiggs
William Wileman
Ronald Wilkerson
Peter Williams
Charles Williams Jr.
Martha Willoughby
Carroll Wilson
David Wilson
Robert Wilson
William Wilson
Donald Winsted
H. Wissel
Christopher Wistrom
Kenneth Witt
Larry Wooten
Marjorie Wulff
Yates Electric
John Yoder
William Young
Robert Zegarac
Zephyr Lodge No.198
Delmer Davis
Ben Griffin
Harry Halbersleben
John Harned
John Darling No.154
Sam H. Killebrew
Stephen Kolesar
Richard Levy
Gulf Beach Lodge 291
O. K. Marks
James McDermott
Henry McInturff
Arthur Nash
Louis Ortt
Henry Pardo
Albert Rimes
Dale Rossman
Barrett Smith
James Soleau
Nick Spiridellis
B.W. Sprague
Jacqueline Strom
Tidwell Electric Co.
Stephen Voytko
C. P. Warren
Ben Zimmer III
Howard Angeloni
David Brischler
David Brown
F&J Transport
John Cornett
W.A. Crenshaw
Randel Crites
Robert Elder
Lester Gehman
Robert Goodin
Cyrus Hart
John Head
William Jackson
Stephen Jacobson
John Janusz
Billy Joyce
Arthur Kessler
Richard Kitchen
George Knauer
William Koehler
Phillip Legault
James Lich
Kayworth Mann
Alestius Miller
Edward Mott
Hubert Allen
Nitram Lodge No.188
Larry Carey
Terry North
Floyd Chappell
Gerald Pittman
Larry Coleman
Clyde Riley
George Feaster
Grant Samargya
Frank Hoover
Lewis Schoonmaker
K.O.T., Inc
Bryan Shuler
Robert McIntyre
Ted Simon
William Moore
Thumper Simon
Carl Regenhardt
R. L. Spaulding
Richard Sanaom
Presley Talley
William Seaver
Richard Weaver
Serenity Meadows
Jerry Weber
Memorial Park
Stephen Williams
Henry Tumini
Mackinley Zewalk
Victor Crist
Sands • July 2007
Daughters of the Nile is a benevolent international organization for women who are related
by birth or marriage to a Shriner/
Master Mason/Daughter of the
Nile. We were founded in 1913
by 22 progressive women with
strength of purpose and vision.
We have 149 Temples throughout the US and Canada with over
43,000 members. We are proud of
our heritage and are most grateful
to the Shrine of NA for allowing us
to assist at the 22 Shriners Hospitals. Each year we contribute over
a million dollars to the hospitals,
including sewing items, providing
toys, and logging many volunteer
hours in the hospitals. Imperial
Shrine Headquarters arranged
for the DON to place gold plaques
on the donor recognition boards
of each hospital which represents
$1,000,000.00 or more, emphasizing the concerted effort our
members continually make for the
children. Our pride and strength
is achieved by having enthusiastic
Membership is gained by being
proposed for same and we welcome questions and interest in our
organization. We stand tall and
strong in our efforts, and pledge to
make a difference as a society for
women who care enough to extend
themselves beyond the limits of
our own personal world to assist in
the world’s greatest philanthropy:
Shriners Hospitals for Children.
If you or someone you know is
interested in becoming a member,
please contact either Queen Olivia
Hewell at 727-320-8343 or 727687-6074; or Membership Chairman Jackie Strom at 727-822-9107
Come One – Come all
to one of the Grandest event’s this year.
What you Ask?
When you Ask?
August 18th 2007 11:00 A.M.
Where you Ask? Hooper’s Hollow
on the waters edge
What is this all about you Ask?
This is an event where we are asking all the members of your family, children/grandchildren, to come on out and have
fun playing Horseshoes, Volleyball and other games. Complimentary Hamburgers and Hotdogs with the fixing will be
provided. Beverages and Adult Beverages will be available in the Gazebo. Contact Noble Reggie Guier at the Shrine
Office, 813-884-8381.
Please, Call Today with the total number in your family who will be attending.
Hope to see you out at hooper’s hollow for a fun filled day !!!!!!!
20 July 2007 • Sands
How This Picture Came To Be
Once upon a time, a little girl with cerebral
palsy, a patient at the Shriners Hospital in St.
Louis, went to a picnic held by Hadj Temple in
Evansville, Indiana. At the end of the day, the
little girl had trouble crossing the gravel to
leave, and Shriner Al Hortman picked her
up and carried her to the car. A nearby
newspaper photographer happened to
point his camera in their direction after they had passed him and snapped
a quick photo, the last one on his roll of
The rest is history. Since the picnic that
day, Bobbi Joe Wright and Albert Hortman
have become widely recognized as the subject of the photo know as the “Editorial Without Words.” Depicting Hortman as he carries
Bobbi Jo and her tiny crutches, the photo has
come to serve as a symbol of commitment
of the Shrine and its philanthropy, Shriners
Hospital for Children
Sands • July 2007
Suncoast Keep on shrining through
Tampa Carriers deliver good news for sick children
Until his recent retirement, Frank Dyer
had two great aspirations. One was to
serve to the best of his ability as the
Suncoast District’s manager of Labor
Relations. The other was to help children
get better access to medical care.
Dyer belongs to the Shriners of North
America, which sponsors the Shriners
Hospitals for Children, a network of 22
pediatric hospitals in the U.S., Canada
and Mexico providing free care for
orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord
injuries and cleft lip and palate.
Since Florida Highway Patrol officers
routinely carry referral cards on the Shriners Hospitals for Children, Dyer thought
letter carriers could perform a similar
service and broached the idea with former
District Manager Michael Jordan.
Dyer also contacted Jim Good, president
of the National Association of Letter
Carriers (NALC) local branch. This led to
22 July 2007 • Sands
a presentation to the NALC
executive committee, which
gave him the green light to
go ahead.
As part of a pilot project,
500 Tampa area letter carriers delivered patient referral
cards and treatment options
to customers on their routes.
Eligibility for care is not
based on financial need or
relationship to a Shriner.
(Additional information can
be found at: www.shriners.
Back row, from left: Jim Good, president NALC Branch 599,
former Labor Relations Manager Frank Dyer and Tampa
“This worthwhile referral
Postmaster Nancy Fryrear. Front row: Joshua Levison with
project is something our carLetter Carrier Waymon Hayes
riers can provide to families,
who might otherwise never
years of federal service says he’s proud to
know what services are available,” said
have been part of an organization like the
Tampa Postmaster Nancy Fryrear.
Postal Service.
Dyer, now enjoying his retirement after 41
Scottish Rite News
When was the last time you attended a Scottish Rite meeting?
We all need to be reminded of how
important our attendance is for all
our fraternal groups. As I began to
think about this I remembered the
following poem. I don’t know who
wrote it or where it came from, but
it does provide us with a gentle
reminder of what we should be
Are you an active member?
The kind that would be missed
Or are you just contented
That your name is on the list?
Do you attend the meetings
And mingle with the flock?
Or do you stay away from them
And criticize and knock?
Do you take an active part
To help the work along?
Or are you satisfied to be
The kind who just belongs?
Do you ever work on committees
To see there is no trick?
Or leave the work to just a few
And talk about a clique?
So come to meetings often
And help with hand and heart.
Don’t be just a member.
But take an active part.
Think this over, Brother,
You know right from wrong.
Are you an active member
Or do you just belong?
Remember – your Scottish Rite
meets all summer on the second
Monday of the month with dinner
at 6 p.m. and the meeting at 7:30.
Ladies are invited to join the men
for dinner, after which some special entertainment will be provided
for them while the men are in the
Thursday’s Men’s Luncheons
Citrus Shrine Club receives Traveling Scimitar for the month of
May, 2007, at Temple Meeting May 9, 2007
Fellowship begins at 11:00 AM
Lunch at 12:00 noon
Reservations must be made by noon
on Wednesday.
Call Rosa at 813-884-8381, ext 225
Come join us for fellowship, lunch, and a
short program
Sands • July 2007
Ladies Luncheon 06/02
24 July 2007 • Sands
Sands • July 2007
Hillsborough Memorial
Gardens Masonic Area
(Sold Out)
2 Lots Side by Side
2 Openings & Closings
Companin 36” x 10” Bronze
Head Stone
Seller to pay All Transfer Fees
$ 8,600.00 Value
Price $ 5,000.00
Gary Rinhart 941-729-2312
8317 Nancy Lane
Ellenington, FL 34222
20% Off Purchases
$10 Off Rentals
Donation made by:
Joseph M. Long - Sun City SC
Potentate’s Award
Dennis Hardy
From Sands Editor
Sands Magazine
All articles are due on the
Please keep the article within
250 words or less.
Please email your article in
word format. If we have not
received your information by the
first of the month, please do not
assume your article will be in the
The email address is
Keep up the good work and thank
you for the great articles you have
been submitting. If you have any
questions or if you need help with
an article, please call Illustrious Ed
Bidoul, P.P. Editor, Patricia, or Al
Church at 813 884-8381, ext. 253.
Thank You!
26 July 2007 • Sands
Lets keep the promise we made to the Illustrious Sir and Mike Andrews. We must continue to
bring in new Nobles and to hold on to the ones
we have to remain the Worlds Greatest Fraternity. If you need help getting new candidates
contact anyone on the membership team. On
October 2nd, bring a prospect to the Hospital
night. If anyone has any ideas how we can keep
our present Nobles and to get new ones please E
Mail egyptshrine@tampabay.rr.com Next month
we be a list of 1st line signers and the club or unit
receiving the credit
Contact Frank Dyer
Rich Leger
When: August 4th
September 1st
October 6th
November 3rd
January 26th
Where: Lakeland
I-4 exit 38, SR-33
Sands • July 2007
Countdown to One Million Dollars
Larry & Linda Coleman Brandon Shrine Club
Showmen’s Shrine Club
Charles & Helen Miller
I.S. Don and Mary Millard
Ladies of Director Staff
Only the income from this fund can be used, and
solely for maintaining our buildings and facilities.
As of end of April 2007, this endowment values
about $ 960,000.00 WE ARE ALMOST THERE!
Please consider ways for you, your Club and your
Unit to support the effort to put Egypt over the top.
Return to this spot each month for the latest status
toward our goal which was envisioned in 1995 by
Ill. Sir Don Millard.
Jim Rocha, Potentate
28 July 2007 • Sands
We are starting a new informal group of Shriners
that will be called on when the Tampa Shriners Hospital has an event which requires attendance by Fez
wearing Shriners. These are typically public events
and in some cases involve media exposure. All of
these events create awareness for Shriners and Shriners Hospitals for Children which results in patient
referrals, donations, and membership prospects.
Participation in these events may require you to perform tasks which will contribute to the success of the
event. As Shriners, we have a responsibility to grow
our fraternity and strengthen our philanthropy. We
realize that many of you may already be active in other temple/hospitals assignments or responsibilities;
however, if you are one of those Nobles that are not
involved as much as you like, or you want to get more
involved directly with our hospitals, then e-mail me
your contact information. I will put you on a communication list for the purpose of informing you of up-
coming hospital events that could benefit form your
participation. By signing-up, we hope that you will
make a concerted effort to help when you are called
on to do so. Your support will be recorded and proper
recognition will be give to you based on your support.
I look forward to hearing from you in this regard. The
next step would be an informal meeting at the Tampa
Shriners Hospitals at a date to be determined for the
purpose of clearly outlining responsibilities for this
group. I hope you see this as an important initiative
toward continuing the tradition of helping children.
Remember, without Shriners in Shriners Hospitals all
you have is just another hospital.
Fraternally, Wayne
Associate Executive Administrator
Shriners International Headquarters
Sands • July 2007
Wait a second. Aren’t you forgetting something? Before you
toss that soda can in the wastebasket or recycling bin, you might
want to pop off the tab. It’s just a little scrap of metal, you say?
What difference can it make? For patients at several Shriners
Hospital for Children, it makes a big one.
The Shriners Hospitals in Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati,
Houston, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Sacramento, Salt Lake City,
Springfield and Tampa all benefit from aluminum-tab recycling
projects. In most cases, hospital volunteers, Shriners Temples or
Shriners-related organizations coordinate the programs.
Since 1990, Kaaba Shriners in Davenport, Iowa, has coordinated the collection and recycling of more than 268,000 pounds
- that’s 134 tons - of scrap aluminum, amounting to nearly
$128,000 in donations to the Chicago Shriners Hospital. In 2005
alone, Helma Court #64 of Ladies Oriental Shrine raised $22,000
for the Springfield Shriners Hospital through its can tab project.
Collection methods, recycling and donations vary according
to each project; but it all starts with individuals and organizations
- from schools to churches to business - gathering can tabs. Some
coordinating groups ask that collectors mail or drop off tabs at a
designated site, while others offer to pick them up.
Rajah Shriners Noble Dick Bortz, who began a tab project
to benefit the Philadelphia hospital in 2003 and has raised more
than $9,000, personally gathers tabs from participating groups.
He stores the tabs by barrels-full in his basement before dropping
them off for recycling.
Recycling plants buy scrap aluminum at a per-pound rate.
It takes more than 1,000 tabs to equal a pound, but it adds up
quickly over time. Money earned from recycled tabs is donated
to the hospitals or used to buy medical and non-medical items for
Bona Court #8 of Ladies Oriental Shrine raises at least $2,000
every month through its can tab project. These funds are used to
purchase a variety of items for the Cincinnati hospital and its patients, including burn prevention brochures, Spanish magazines,
Evelyn Jordan, Past Grand High Priestess of the Ladies Oriental
Shrine of North America, gathers tabs to benefit the Cincinnati Shriners
toys, clothes, and DVD players for patients’ rooms.
And, as the Tampa Shrines Hospital suggests on its tab-program flyer, individuals and groups can take their own collection
of tabs to the recycling plant and make a monetary donation
directly to the hospital. Egypt Shriner Red Russell and his Lady
Doris, a member of the Ladies Oriental Shrine, have been collecting tabs for several years and so far have raised more than
$7,000 for patients at the Tampa hospital.
If you would like direction on how to start a can tab project
to benefit your nearest Shriners Hospital, please contact Cherie
Girard at Shriners International Headquarters at (813) 281-0300.
30 July 2007 • Sands
Sands • July 2007
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32 July 2007 • Sands