MONThly MEssENGER Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine
MONThly MEssENGER Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine
JULY 2013 monthly messenger Of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Richard Hallett PP Elected 2013 Chief Rabban AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 Changing Jobs or Retiring? Should you roll over your 401(k) plan account or reallocate your retirement assets? Whether you are changing jobs or retiring, a Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor can review your situation and help you make informed choices to ensure that your nest egg will be there when you need it. Jeffrey F. O'Sullivan Senior Vice President Financial Advisor Key Plaza, 23 Water Street, Suite 406 Bangor, ME 04401 207-561-2000 jeffrey.o' Call your Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor today to help you develop an investment program tailored to your retirement needs. Tax laws are complex and subject to change. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“Morgan Stanley”), its affiliates and Morgan Stanley Financial Advisors and Private Wealth Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice and are not “fiduciaries” (under the Internal Revenue Code or otherwise) with respect to the services or activities described herein except as otherwise agreed to in writing by Morgan Stanley. This material was not intended or written to be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. Individuals are encouraged to consult their tax and legal advisors regarding any potential tax and related consequences of any investments made under such account. © 2012 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. NY CS 7181735 RET010 PSC 10/12 GP10-00936P-N04/10 Drive beatVarney VarneyValue Value Drive5050miles milesor or 500, 500, you You can’t can’t beat anywhere! anywhere! 260 HOGAN ROAD BANGOR, ME 04401 207-990-1200 1-800-288-3071 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Guiding Children Health Shooting for To theBetter STARS The Anahgram Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Anah’s 91st year - Chartered June 15, 1922 A Chapter of Shriners International 586 Main Street, Bangor Maine 04401 Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994 Website: - e-mail: Volume 81 Number 7 July 2013 Gerald L. Harvey- Editor/Advertising Manager WINNER OF SIX DROMEDARY AWARDS Island Party a Fun Event for All! The Island Party sponsored by Potentate Lee and First Lady Peggy on Saturday, May 18th was well received by the many Nobles and Ladies in attendance. Shown above are members of the decorating committee that were available for the photo. L-R Bob Pullen and Doreen, Walter and Nancy Merritt, Gordon Smith and Jackie, Michael Murphy and Debra, Potentate Lee and First Lady Peggy, Denny Smith, George and Sheila Alley. Other photos of the event appear elsewhere in this Anahgram. Photo by Noble Jim Bennett of the Anah Photo Unit. ANAHGRAM DEADLINE FOR AUGUST IS Friday July 5 EARLY COPY APPRECIATED YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Rodney Pinkham, P.P., Box 8, Holden , ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916 You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. 2 THE ANAHGRAM SUNDAY ATTENTION NOBLES AND LADIES!! Summer Shrine Center office hours: Monday – Thursday 8-12 & 1-4 CLOSED FRIDAYS Regular office hours will resume after Labor Day 21 MONDAY 1 2 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 4 3 Imperial Session 4x4’s Meeting 8 Recorder’s Office Closed Provost Guard Meeting 9 11 10 Funsters Meeting 15 16 17 Sunshine Club Meeting 5:30 p.m. Mini-Bikes Meeting 22 23 24 30 Keystone Kops Meeting SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Schoodic S C 31 18 11 12 25 18 19 13 Flag Unit Outing Daughters of the Nile Golf Tournament 20 19 26 27 4x4’s Golf Tournament WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY 2 13 8 14 20 15 27 22 21 9 3 10 Field Day –Dexter 16 Clowns Supper Keystone Kops Steak Feed Campers Outing 23 17 Campers Outing 24 Directors Picnic Mini-Bikes Meeting 28 SATURDAY Second Section Meeting Waldo County S C Dryden Dutch Golf Tournament, Divan Visitation Divan Meeting 26 12 JULY 2013 7 6 Schoodic S C Divan Visitation 25 Second Section Meeting Aroostook S C Meeting Funsters Meeting Campers Outing 6 5 Clowns Supper AUGUST 2013 5 SATURDAY COMING EVENTS FOR... COMING EVENTS FOR... 4 FRIDAY Waldo County S C Washington County S C - Stated Divan & Association Meetings 29 28 TUESDAY 29 30 31 Keystone Kops Meeting Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor JULY 2013 3 Greetings to all, May has been a very busy and successful month, the Circus is complete and a job well done by all. It takes a dedicated team to pull off an event as large as the Circus, from the Chairman to the ushers, all the Nobles, wives, children, friends and others who make this a great venue, Thank You All. I attended Grand Lodge in Lewiston with my traveling companion, Lady Peggy, and it was great to renew old friendships. We also attended the Grand Chapter and Council banquet. The Island Party was a fun time for all who attended. The decorations were great, the food was excellent and the music fit the theme of the evening. The party attendees joined in to dance to the recording done by the Music City Trip members, recorded at RCA Studio B in Nashville. Peggy and I, along with HP&P Robert Turner and Lady Bonnie, were guests of Luxor Shriners at their Spring Ceremonial and Temple Visitation. Luxor Shriners had nineteen candidates who became new members. May 11th Anah supported the Children’s A Note from First Lady Peggy Hello Nobles and Ladies! I can’t believe it is almost time for the June 22nd Ceremonial in Newport. Many of us have been busy preparing for this event. I wish to thank those of you who have volunteered to assist us. I hope to see many of you at the different events planned for that weekend. May 7th Potentate F. Lee and I attended the Grand Lodge of Maine session in Lewiston. We enjoyed our stay with our Masonic family. Anah Clowns prepared a delicious meal for the doctors and nurses F. Lee Kaufman PotentatePotentate Clinics in various communities and several referrals were made to the Hospitals. Always remember that referrals can be made at any time, by any Noble, to the hospitals by calling 1-800-237-5055. Anah will be off to the Imperial Session in Indianapolis when you receive this edition of the Anahgram. The Love of Children Tour sendoff will be at the Shrine Center on July 8th hosted by the Daughters of the Nile, Ankh #160. The Supreme Queen will also be present for the sendoff. The information for the Fall NSA in Cornwall is in this issue and I hope we can have a large turnout of Nobles at this event. 3 Yours in faith, Lee Kaufman, Potentate from the Springfield Shrine Hospital. This was held at the Bangor Masonic Center on May 16th. Those in attendance enjoyed the evening speaking with the doctors and nurses and thanking them for all that they do for the children. Anah’s Potentate, F. Lee Kaufman, presented an award to Dr. Drvaric and his staff for over 20 years of traveling to Bangor for the EMMC Clinics. The clinic was held on May 17th at Eastern Maine Medical Center with sixty plus children/patients attending the one day clinic. The Island Party has come and gone. Those attending enjoyed an evening of delicious food, a Jimmy Buffett atmosphere, great island music, and dear friends. Thank You for supporting this special Island Party! Know-how is supporting the communities where we live and work. People’s United Bank is proud to support the Anah Shriners! 207-942-4800 ©2013 People’s United Bank | Member FDIC | May 29 we visited with the Academicians at the Happy China Buffet in Bangor. They are busy preparing for the June 22nd Ceremonial in Newport. During the evening a new Noble joined their group. It is nice to see young Nobles and their families joining units and clubs. This is the “future” for Shrine. The weekend of June 1st we traveled to Fredericton NB to attend Luxor Shrine’s Ceremonial and visitation. High Priest and Prophet, Robert Turner and his Lady Bonnie traveled with us. Bonnie and I got to meet a Shrine hospital patient, young Mercedes who has Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy. What a beautiful little girl! Shrine Ladies ,do you know you also can have access to as a Shriner’s Lady? This is a very valuable website for Nobles and their Ladies. This is how easy it is to access this site. 1.Click on the link “Register Here”. 2.Select your Shrine Center name from the list. 3. Enter your Noble’s member number a last name. 4. Click verify your identity 5.Select your user type-Lady-enter your name click select type .6. Enter info requested. 7. Click create your account and you are finished! Until next month, First Lady Peggy Equal Housing Lender Noble Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter Here we are, July, the back side of summer. Parades this month will be Winslow and Eastport on the 4th; we will have to split the unit for this one. On the 20th part of the unit will do St. Albans and Pittsfield, while the rest will do Lincoln. Special Olympics was our first parade wearing our new helmets. I think we will live thru it. We will be having our golf tournament on July 27th at the Piscataquis Golf course in Guilford; lot of great prizes plus a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu for a hole in one on the 6th hole. Birthday wishes this month go to Darlene Emmons. I have the number 16 after her name, don’t know if that is her age or birthdate. Anniversaries this month are Craig and Sandy Bussell. It takes quite a girl to put up with Craig! Any new Nobles that would like to join a unit, we meet the first Monday of the month at the Shrine Center, at 700p.m. We would love to have some new members. Remember those Blue Lodge’s that go dark in the winter, they are up and going strong now. Let’s give them a hand and enjoy the fellowship. Until next time, SEE YA! If you remember the days when people had a conscience, you are getting along in years. 4 THE ANAHGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians....................................... 11 Aides........................................................ Aroostook Shrine Club............................. Athletic...................................................... Band..................................................... 18 Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club..................... Boosters................................................. 6 Calendar................................................. 2 Chanters............................................... 12 Circus....................................................... Clowns (Bangor)................................... 15 Convertibles......................................... 11 Daughters of the Nile............................ 17 Directors Staff......................................... 9 Editor........................................................ Flag Unit............................................... 14 Funster Unit.......................................... 23 Go-Karts................................................... Hancock County Shrine Club............... 20 Highlanders.......................................... 13 Hospital News (Boston)............................ Hospital News (Springfield)...................... Indy Cars.................................................. Kampers Club....................................... 12 Kanteen Corps Keystone Kops......................................... Klowns (Aroostook) Lady Peggy’s Note................................. 3 Lobster Boat Unit...................................... Mini-Bike Unit........................................... Mini-Car Unit............................................. Mystery Person...................................... 7 NASCAR Unit........................................... Northern Penobscot Shrine Club.............. Obituaries............................................. 23 Oriental Band........................................... Past Masters Unit..................................... Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit................................................. Potentate................................................ 3 Provost Guard.......................................22 Public Relations.......................................... Recorder............................................... 18 Schoodic Shrine Club............................. 9 Second Section...................................... 4 Sunshine Club...................................... 10 Tri-County Shrine Club........................... 5 Waldo County Shrine Club................... 22 Washington County Shrine Club.......... 10 Wheelers.............................................. 20 4x4 Unit.................................................. 3 Support Your Anahgram Be a ”Booster” See page 6 Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. For those of you looking for my usual long article, let me apologize right now as I don’t have much to report. First and foremost, I need to inform everyone in Anahland that the Noble of the Year night is still on to honor the life of Chief Rabban Tom Clukey. One big change is that the date is going to be on September 28th and not the date reported in previous Anahgrams. So mark your calendars with this date so you won’t miss the evening honoring Noble Tom Clukey. Tickets are now ready and will available from the Recorder’s office or any Second Section member. The June Ceremonial will be behind us when you read this Anahgram, so stay tuned for the August Anahgram for information on that event. Don’t forget that there are still raffle tickets available for the various sport vehicles being drawn at the Potentate’s Reception on October 26th. Tickets are only $1.00 each. Good luck to all. With the summer months upon us we will not meet again until Friday, September 6, 2013 at the ShrineCenter. Our annual summer party will be discussed at our June meeting and will be posted in the August Anahgram. We still have Shrine glasses and Shrine throws (blankets) available through our Quartermaster Harland Williamson. He can be reached at 458-8084. July birthday wishes go out to Nobles Matthew Clark, Robert Clifton, Jim Dunn, Gregory Currier, Burham Gaff, Gerald Jackson, Kristopher Rideout, Joe B. Rollins, , Andy Upham and Ladies Amy Gaff, Dacia Nason, and Peggy Sisson. Happy July wedding anniversary to Adam & Jamie Beals, Doug & Robyn Dulac, Doug & Gigi Hardison, David & Lynn Scripture, Larry & Sharon Sherman and Richard & Jeanette Tardiff. Until next time, have a safe and enjoyable summer. The June Ceremonial is behind us. . . START LOOKING FOR CANDIDATES FOR JANUARY THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: Website: Available by subscription $12.00 per year. EDITOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Gerald L. Harvey 586 Main Street, P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Tel. (H) 991-9708 Email: MAPA46@AOL.COM DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Bob Hodgkins Home Tel: 938-3864 Cel: 341-0866 ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Dennis Bryant 1036 Ayers Jct. Road Charlotte ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly.Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate F. Lee Kaufman Chief Rabban Assistant Chief Rabban Donald “Jesse” Thomas. High Priest & Prophet Donald Robert L. Turner Oriental Guide Stephen A. Trimm Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder Larry L. Hersom, P.P PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. That tingling, itching sensation that some people mistake for ambition is only inflammation of the wishbone. JULY 2013 5 Tri-County Shrine Club and the Knights of Columbus held their 45th annual meeting on the 15th of May at the K-C Hall in Dexter. That’s right, 45 consecutive years that these two fine groups have been breaking bread together. After a libation hour hosted by the Knights, the meeting was called to order by Grand Knight John Parola. The invocation was given by PP Recorder Larry Hersom. Flag Salute was led by Grand Knight Parola. After an excellent meal put on by The Bakers Table from Corinna, Grand Knight Parola proceeded to introduce the head table. He first introduced President of TriCounty Shrine Club Doug Dulac. President Dulac then introduced the Shriners half of the head table, Secretary David Mosley, Treasurer Marty Taylor, VP Dan Costain and Illustrious Potentate F. Lee Kaufman. Grand Knight Parola then introduced the Knights half of the head table, Nick Grass, Commander of the Maine State Police Tac Team, Chris Tremblay, Maine State Police Tac Team, Randy Keaton, Member of the Maine State Police Tac Team, Chris and Randy are both native sons of Dexter, State Warden John Deetjen, Financial Secretary Richard Bilodeau and Treasurer Lee Hersey. Com- mander Grass gave a very informative talk about what his Tac Team does. There were many questions asked by the Knights and Nobles. One question that is frequently asked of the Team, why do they travel so fast when responding to a call. Commander Grass commented, would you want us to take our time if a member of your family was involved in a hostage or shooting situation? The Black Camel has entered Tri-County again, he has called home to that Celestial Lodge above Noble Nate Driscoll. He will be missed by the members of Tri-County. Winner of the 50-50 raffle was Knight Gaeton Landry. Ambassador T-Bob Buckland was presented with a nice picture of himself; he is going to use it in the distant future for his funeral picture at the funeral home. The staff of The Bakers Table was brought out of the kitchen and given an ovation by the Knights and Nobles for the fine meal they provided. The exchange of checks by both organizations was handled by President Dulac and Grand Knight Parola. This fine tradition of meeting between the two groups started in 1968= in the old American Legion Hall in Corinna. Always work on Membership, not only for the Shrine, but your local Blue Lodge. If you haven’t sent in your tickets for Doug’s Basket, please do so promptly. This is our major fund raiser for Tri-County Shrine. After all is said and done – There is more said than done. 6 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Dick & Laura Adams 8/13 Steve Akerley & Dawn C. George & Sheila Alley 5/14 Richard Anderson 12/14 I M O Richard N. Averill 7/13 W. Robert Averill 6/14 I M O C. Alton Bagley 5/15 I M O Dick Bagley P.P.5/15 Bob Beattie 4/14 Albert “Bucky” & Norma Bishop 10/14 Phil & Sue Black 12/13 I M O David Blood 8/13 Blinn & Joan Boone 11/13 I M O John R. Bradford 11/13 Ms. Anna Bradford 11/13 Fred & Jennifer Brown 3/14 Dave Bryant 1/14 Cyr Bus Co. 8/13 Anah Campers Club 7/14 Gerald F. Carey 9/13 Dick & Kim Carlow 3/15 Charlie & Shirley Caron 2/14 Sam & Agnes Carr 12/14 I M O Dick Castner 9/13 Bob Chandler 9/13 I M O Arthur W. Chandler 9/13 Roger & Jean Chesley 1/13 Michael Clark 11/13 Andy Constantine 3/14 Carl & Joyce Coutts 4/14 Sonny & Marilyn Crocker 3/14 Wayne & Tanya Darling 4/14 Lloyd Day 12/14 Larry Doughty 9/13 Mark Doughty 9/13 Tyler C. Dunning 9/13 Tim & Jean Dutch 3/14 I M O Dryden C.Dutch, P.P 8/14 I M O Robin Moone Edes 5/14 I M O Orville, Bill” Edes 6/14 John Edes 6/14 I M O Ray S. Edwards 2/14 Harlan Emery 6/14 I M O Ina Emery 6/14 Wallace & Lorena Fenlason 7/13 Thomas & Carol Fernald 3/14 Jonh & Betty Fernald 3/14 Wes & Bonnie Ford 9/13 Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 11/13 Orlando Frati 9/13 I M O Hugo Frati 9/13 Clinton & Sandra Fulton 11/13 George & Mary Beth Gaddis 5/15 Dick & Margaret Gardner 6/14 Paul & Diana Giles 4/14 I M O Carroll I. & Gerry Goodwin, Jr. 6/15 Don & Gail Gordon 3/14 Don & Gail Gordon 3/14 I M O Harry F. Gordon 10/13 Ralph & Phyllis Goss 8/14 Keith L. Gove 12/13 Andy & Rose Gove 1/14 Dwynal & Karen Grass 9/13 W. Louis & Judith Greenier II 9/14 Roger & Julie Grindle 1/14 Charles C.W. Hackney 8/13 I M O Edwin W. Hadley 11/13 I M O Jim Halkett 8/13 BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s on seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. Send check with name as it is to appear to: ANAHGRM BOOSTERS, c/o Jerry Harvey, Editor, 49 Clewleyville Road, Eddington ME 04428 Dick & Carolyn Hallett 6/15 Ed & Bonnie Hamm 8/13 Ken & Donna Hanscom, Jr. I MO Bill Harmon, Sr. 9/13 I M O Tom Harper 7/13 Obed & Faith Hart 1/15 I M O Jeanette Harvey 4/14 Jerry & Lorraine Harvey Wallace Harvey 4/14 Chet & Fay Hawkins 8/13 Richard P. Hawkins 9/14 Sheldon & Sandy Heath 3/14 I M O Alvin Heath 4/14 I M O Alvin Heath Howard J. Heath 4/14 Ralph & Maggie Hill 5/14 I M O Richard Holt 3/17 Lloyd & Kassie Hopkins 10/13 I M O Ray K. Jack 12/13 Rick & Cindy Johnson 5/14 I M O Harry Kearney 7/2013 Alton & Ellen Kenney 4/14 Norris & Barbara Kneeland 11/12 Bob & Rae Jean Knowles 11/13 Stan & Mary Knox 5/14 I M O Ernest “Bud” Larson 3/14 Charles & Selma Larson 11/13 Allen & Mary Lawrence 7/13 Gordon & Connie Lawrence 7/13 I M O Merritt Leavitt 4/14 I M O Frank Leighton 9/13 Skip Lenfest, Jr. 8/13 Skip Lenfest, Sr. 8/13 Bob & Perlene Libby 12/13 Janice & Elwood “Woody” Littlefield 12/13 Mike & Bonnie London 9/13 Lee F. Lowery 9/14 Winston & Frances Mackay 8/2013 Roy Martin 9/13 I M O G. Urial Martin 6/14 Douglas A. & Donna McCafferty 8/13 Douglas K. & Candee McCafferty 8/13 I M O Edward Sr. & Evelyn McCafferty 8/13 I M O Terral A. McCafferty 8/13 Allan & Lorraine McGown 11/13 Ed & Nancy McGraw 8/13 I M O Herschel K McIntosh 2/14 Jim & Mae Merrithew 11/13 Dick & Joan Meserve 8/13 I M O Fred P. Murray 12/13 Dick & Betty Nevers 4/14 I M O Frederick S. Newman 8/13 I M O William P. Newman 8/13 Harold & Connie Newman 12/14 Larry & Teresa Nichols 9/13 Bob “Boomer” & Julianna Palmer 5/14 Jim & Linda Parent 5/14 Herman & Kate Peabody 7/13 Anah Photo Unit 1/14 Rod & Joyce Pinkham 8/13 James & Frances Pinkham 4/14 Don & Linda Potter 4/14 Circus SpotlightCrew Presque Isle 6/14 I M O Bob Pushard, Sr. 8/13 Al & Charity Richards 11/13 Chuck & Sally Ridlon 9/13 Gary & Glenna Robbins 9/13 I M O Keith B. Roberts 9/13 I M O Ed Rogers 9/13 YES! THE ANAHGRAM I M O Sumner Rogers 4/14 Larry & Donna Rowell 11/14 Earl Sands 4/14 Heath & Karen Savage 9/13 Spike Savage 9/13 Todd C. Scoville 6/14 I M O Clifton R. Scoville 6/14 Marty & Joan Shaw11/13 I M O John Simpson 9/13 I M O Dorothy M. Sites 9/13 I M O Ken Smith 4/15 George & Lucille Snedden 4/14 Ed Snow 9/13 Ed & Gayle Sprague 4/15 Roger & Jan Stairs 5/14 Ken & Tina Stewart 11/13 Elliott & Joyce Tarbell 4/14 Daniel L. Tarr 9/13 I M O Betty L. Tarr 9/13 I M O Michael Tenedios 8/13 Wilbert & Joan Terry 4/14 I M O Alexander Theodore 11/13 Jesse & Brenda Thomas 9/14 Paul & Joyce Thornton 12/13 Ronald Thornton 8/13 Inez & Reginald Toothaker 3/14 Alden & Pam Tracy 3/14 Steve & Betty Trimm 12/13 I M O Carroll E. Trimm 12/13 Bonnie & Bob Turner 4/14 Dave & Leni Weaver 3/15 Mr. & Mrs. Bert Weed 11/13 Joel & Christie West 12/13 I M O Wayne Wheeler 9/13 Buddy & Caryll Wheeler 2/14 Rusty & Ethel Whitcomb 3/14 I M O Bob Whited 5/14 I M O Eugene “Bud” Whitney 12/13 I M O James S. Wiggin 3/14 Paul & Phyllis Wilbur 6/14 Lloyd & Jay Willey 8/20 Bob & Norma Winglass 7/14 There is room for mor Boosters. Use the coupon below. Mail your name and address and $10.00 to Anah Temple 586 Main Street Bangor ME04401 OR TO: Jerry Harvey, Editor 922 Ohio Street, Apt. 307 Bangor ME 04401 DATES INDICATE LAST INSERTION Use the coupon below to show your support for the The Anahgram. I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one year. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $_____Name(s) ___________________ If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor. The ring of a telephone is irrestible to me, and so I sometimes pray to be deaf. JULY 2013 7 Who is it ??? Last month’s subject was Noble Ron Biliancia of the Acadamecians. He was identified by Noble Steve Mosley who first appointed him to the the Bar Harbor Police Department. If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Larry Hersom at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor at MAPA46@AOL. COM. The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor by e-mail or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!! Recruiting is a full time job Are you working? DRYDEN C. DUTCH MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT AND DIVAN VISITATION • Thursday, August 8, 2013 • At Northport Country Club • Entry Fee INCLUDES LUNCH AND STEAK FEED DINNER $60.00 • Golf only $45.00 SCRAMBLE FORMAT, GOLF CARTS REQUIRED AND INCLUDED ALL MASONS AND SHRINERS ARE INVITED TO PLAY If you don’t golf, don’t miss this Steak Feed for $15.00 per person. LUNCH AT 11:30 AT WSCS • SCRAMBLE FORMAT • CARTS REQUIRED AND INCLUDED • SHOTGUN START AT 1:00 P.M. AT THE NORTHPORT COUNTRY CLUB • 6:00 SOCIAL HOUR AT WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB • 7:00 P.M. AWARDS AND STEAK FEED AT WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB PREPARED BY WALDO COUNTY SHRINE CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS Some of the prize money awarded donated by Dutch Chevrolet-Buick MAIL ENTRY FORM TO: (Please Be sure to use this address) Tim Dutch, 211 Waterville Road Belfast ME 04915 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Waldo County Shrine Club Amount enclosed: No. at $60.00 _______ =$ _________ enclosed Amount enclosed: No. at $45.00 _______ =$ __________enclosed Name/Names Phone ___________________________________ ____________________ ___________________________________ ____________________ ___________________________________ _______ ________________________________________________ ____________________ Make your own foursome or the committee will assign you. Tel: 207.338.4765 - Cel 323-0440 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Waldo County Shrine Club and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions. If the knocking at the door is loud, it isn’t opportunity, it’s a relative. 8 THE ANAHGRAM Photo at right shows students and teachers along with High Priest and Prophet Bob Turner, Second Ceremonial Master Roger Grindle and Anah Director of Public Relations Marty Taylor who visited The Stearns Middle School to receive a large donation of can tabs on behalf of Shriners Hospitals. The tabs shown in the front of the photo will be turned into cash to purchase items needed by The Springfield Hospital. Can Tabs may be deposited in a container at the Shrine Center by individuals who are able to take part in this project. ANAH SHRINERS’ 2013 FUNDRAISER This year’s fundraiser is different from past events in that there are a variety of prizes. Instead of a car the prizes will be geared to the outdoor sports enthusiast. • GRAND PRIZE: Your choice of 2, 2012 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Motorcycle, 2013 Kawasaki Mule 610 4x4, 2013 Yamaha YFM 450 4X4 or 2010 New G3 Eagle 176 w/Yamaha 40 hp Motor and Trailer or $10,000 Cash •2nd prize: $1,000.00 •3rd prize is $500.00 TICKETS ARE ONLY $1.00 EACH Tickets may be purchased at the Recorder’s Office or from Club and Unit members. Drawing will be held at the Potentate’s Reception on Saturday, October 26, 2013 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions. Happiness is paying all your bills and having a comfortable balance left in your checking account. JULY 2013 9 Noble David G. Beckett, Reporter Greetings from Schoodic Shrine Club: Sorry the June column didn’t make it into the Anahgram, it must be lost somewhere in cyber space. We held our May meeting back at the Congregational Church Parish Hall in Dennysville on the 15th. Enjoyed a delicious ham dinner. Our Noble president, Bud Kneeland, welcomed us all and turned the meeting over to our Noble secretary, Dennis Bryant. Noble Bryant informed us of the events going on with Anah Shriners. He also informed us of the untimely passing of Chief Rabban Thomas Clukey. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. Brother Brian Mays and I visited Noble Bud Chaffee at the Calais Hospital the other day. Bud was in good spirits and we had a nice visit. He will be moving back to the nursing home in Machias and I know he would love to have a visit from Nobles and Brethren. The Lodges in the 2nd District have just finished the “Bikes for Books” program and 92 bikes and helmets were given out to elementary students from Princeton to Lubec. If you are not familiar with this program, ask your Lodge Master. I know he will be glad to tell you all about the program. Our July meeting will be held at Eastern Lodge No. 7, Eastport, on July 24th at 5:30 pm. Plan to attend and bring another Noble with you. We are hoping to have our Divan Visitation at the Princeton Rod & Gun Club on a Sunday in August. Will let you know next month. ‘Til next time! DIRECTORS STAFF Noble Dave Weaver Reporter Noble Dave Weaver Reporting. With a deadline of June 5th for the July Anagram there is not much to report on, having the Ceremonial a week later than usual makes quite a difference in time frame of assembling the information that goes in our monthly messenger. Usually when we have a Ceremonial Jerry extends the deadline so we can get the Ceremonial information in the next publication. Having been involved in so many Ceremonials I usually have most of my article written in advance and all I have to do is add the hard figures. Not going to happen this year. I will comment on our performance at the Ceremonial in my August report. In closing Dean, Alden and I do want to thank all of you Directors who helped make this a memorable moment for our newly created Nobles. Whenever I have a chance to address the new Nobles I always encourage them to look around and introduce themselves to one another because it’s very possible that one of them will be Potentate one day. I also want to mention our 2nd annual picnic to be held on Saturday, August the 24th at Richard and Vickie Otis’ camp on Swan Lake . We start gathering around noon for some social time and later we will partake in some burgers and dogs. If any of you have a special salad or dessert you would like to share I will volunteer to sample it Most Blue lodges go dark in the summer but that doesn’t mean you have to stop recruiting for the Shrine. We have to get our numbers up. Until next time, be good to one another, stay out of the hot sun, mow your lawn, weed your garden and swat black flies. HOUSING RESERVATION FORM AND BUSSING INFORMATION FOR NSA FALL FIELD DAYS CORNWALL, ONTARIO, CA SEPTEMBER 19,20,21, 2013 HOTEL: NAV - CENTER Cornwall, Ontario PASSPORTS ARE REQUIRED NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________CITY/TOWN_______________ ZIP___________TELEPHONE#_______________________________ ARRIVAL: THUR o FRI o SAT o DEPART: SUN o Guest room rates: 1 person $119.00 / 2 people $125.00 ca$$--plus tax ****Full Breakfast Buffet is included in rate**** Make Checks Payable to: ANAH Shrine Housing $135.00 Deposit required ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED CREDIT CARD NAME AND #________________________EXP______ Mail Reservations to: Earl “Yogi” Seymour 17 Aspen Way Brewer, ME 04412 ALL ROOMS ARE FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and payments are not deductible as charitable contributions BUSSING INFORMATION FOR NSA IN CORNWALL One bus will depart Bangor, Thursday, 1 bus will depart Bangor Friday. Busses return Sunday $100.00 per person for either day NAME ______________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________CITY/TOWN_____________________ ZIP___________TELEPHONE#__________________________________ Number of people __________ Contact phone No. __________________ Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and payments are not deductible as charitable contributions. ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED CREDIT CARD NAME AND #________________________EXP______ Mail Reservations to: Earl “Yogi” Seymour, 17 Aspen Way, Brewer, ME 04412 Day leaving Thursday o Friday o All you have to do to make the world beat a path to your door is lie down for a nap. 10 THE ANAHGRAM Bonnie Turner, Reporter Sunshine Club For Children will meet at the Shrine Center on Monday, July 15, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. I will have a report about this meeting in the August Anahgram. DATES TO REMEMBER: NEXT MEETING: Monday, July 15, 2013 • MEETING: Monday, October 15, 2013 • HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE Saturday, November 2, 2013 • QUILT RAFFLE DRAWING: Saturday, November 2, 2013 •ANAH SHRINE FESTIVAL OF TREES: November 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 2013 Having a ball at the Island Party under a straw capped table umbrella. Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter It is hard to believe but 2013 is half gone. It is great to have warm weather and fresh veggies from the garden again. And…to be out and about with the side-by-side and back at Schoodic Lake. Summer months are by far the best time of year. The June meeting will not be held until June 19th so that meeting will be reported on in my next article. Please take note that our July meeting was changed to the 11th due to the stated meeting date falling on the 4th of July holiday. It is scheduled to be held at the Lee Pellon Center in Machias. I will report on this meeting in the September issue of the Anahgram. Donnie Wright has gone back into the hospital for more testing but I am told that it will only be for a few days so should be home by the time you read this. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Donnie Johnson and family who just lost his wife Barbara this past week. The June Ceremonial weekend is fast approaching and will be over by the time you receive your Anahgram. I am sure that a good time was had by all who attended. A Field Day is scheduled in Dexter for August 10th. If you are planning to attend, mark your calendar so you won’t forget it. Happy Birthday wishes for July go out to Past Potentate Clyde Reynolds, Runtz Farnsworth, Joyce Pinkham, Velma Orcutt, Esther Pellon, Forrest DeMeyer, Janice White, Bernadette Beal, Suzanne Fox and Robert Wood. Anniversary wishes to Ricky & Bethany Foss, Dick & Judy Farnsworth, Richard & Jolene Farnsworth, Brad & Shannon Prout, Forrest & Anita DeMeyer, Julian & Janice White, and Dan & Janice Thompson. Until next month, enjoy the warm weather and your families and friends. A politician thinks of the next election, the statesman of the next generation. JULY 2013 11 Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter Hello Fellow Academicians: Happy Independence Day! Did you all know that the vote in the Continental Congress in 1776 to separate from Great Britain actually occurred on July 2nd? Yup. Two days later on the 4th they voted to ratify the written Declaration of Independence document which was signed by members at various points in time over the next few months. Many thought that July 2nd would be Independence Day. But they decided to use the 4th. Anyhow, it is all about celebrating independence which is the important thing. A belated customary gift of $25 has been sent to the Springfield Hospital in memory of our departed brother and longtime Academicians member Randolph Adams. He was a veteran, an active member of the Masonic bodies, and a very active member of the community having been involved in several organizations including serving in leadership positions. He is very missed by his friends and family. Congratulations to Ed Leighton who has completed culinary school. Best of luck to you, Ed, in your new profession. As of this writing we have not yet had the June Ceremonial, so more on that next time. We had a very good meeting at Happy China Buffet on May 29th with about 30 Nobles and Ladies in attendance including Potentate Lee and Lady Peggy. One thing they spoke about was the fun spring trip to New Orleans, Nashville, and Memphis with lots of great sites including Graceland, great music, and great food. Lady Peggy even got to play a piano that was played by Elvis. Donnie Copeland and his Lady Virginia went on that trip and reported it was a wonderful adventure. Thanks very much to Barry Woodard who once again has done a terrific job selling Anah. We are looking forward to the upcoming field day’s events, the picnic in September, and the October meeting in Shriners annual raffle tickets for which the unit gets a percentage. Great job Barry! More on all this via emails and Anahgrams to come. Have a great July everyone. And, as always, don’t hesitate to contact me at 9892617 or with any news, comments, concerns, gossip, jokes, outright lies, or just plain old complete and utter nonsense that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. Past Potentates L-R Al Gibson and Harold W. “Sonny Crocker Are collecting tickets at Anah’s 50 th Annual Circus as they have done for many years. Photo by Noble Dick Kilton, Imperial Photographer. Noble Wally Fenlason, Reporter Greetings Ladies & Nobles: I hope all of you are enjoying this fine “Maine Summer”, we all know it will soon be over!! The Convertibles sincerely welcome our new Nobles and their Ladies to the “Anah Family”. If possible, join a unit and get involved…enjoy your membership in this great fraternity!! Those blowing out candles this month include: Ladies Janice White & Carolyn Miller. Those who have taken the “BIG PLUNGE” this month include: Noble Julian White & Lady Janice, and I must thank “MOTHER”, Lady Lorena for dealing with “my antics” for the last forty-four years!! You are the best!! Here’s hoping your “special day” was just wonderful… and wishing you many, many more!! Everyone in the Unit must be healthy, as I have heard nothing to the contrary!! Well, I guess that’s “the scoop” for another month…remember to live each day as if it were your last (as we never know what tomorrow will bring)! MOTHER!…It’s so nice out…LOWER YOUR TOP…and we’ll do some crusin’!! The old timer is one who can remember when a bureau was a piece of furniture. 12 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Lyman Blyther, Reporter I open this report with some very sad news. Barbara Johnson passed away on June 1st. If you would like to contact Donnie, his email is and his mailing address is 948 Main Street in East Machias, ME 04630. Donnie said that Barbara loved going camping with our group in the early days when Donnie came up with the idea of the Anah Kampers and became our “founding father”. He requested that friends donate to the Anah Kampers in lieu of flowers. I am sure we all feel touched by how special they both must think our group is. On a brighter note, Holly Sinford had her hip replaced and, according to Billy, she is home and doing well. Her email is and her mailing address is 179 High Head Road, East Machias, ME 04630. We had our Spring Camping Outing at the Narrows Too in Trenton in May. What a beautiful spot and we had such great weather. They have a beautiful clubhouse and were great people to deal with. We had Bingo Friday night after our Pot Luck Dinner. The next day brought Potty, Hot Dog Lunch, Chinese Auction and a few played Cribbage and Poker. Donuts were provided Sunday morning. In Potty, First Place went to Darrell King and John Currier and Second Place went to Ellen King and Dianne Carter. For the first time anyone could remember in our Potty history, one team got skunked (we won’t name names). In Cribbage, Allen Chase and Bonnie Whitney took first and Sonny and Faith Colburn came in second. In Poker, Sylvia Currier came in first, Cindy Blyther second and Bonnie Chase came in third. Our next event will be the Blueberry Festival in Machias on August 16-18 at the Lee Pellon Center parking lot (behind Subway). The website for the festival is Those who would like usually get together for a Pot Luck appetizer on Friday at 6:00 pm and a Pot Luck supper at 6:00 PM on Saturday night. We do not have any other planned events as most people just want to enjoy the festival. Cindy and I would like to invite those coming in Thursday to come to our camp for a seafood chowder at 5:00 that night. Please give Cindy a call at 321-693-5110 or 207-255-3842 or email us at by August 1st if you plan to come so she knows how much chowder to make. We will give you directions to the camp when you call. Our fall (and annual business) meeting is at Balsam Woods in Abbott on September 6-8. Election of officers is on the agenda so please consider running for an office or persuading a fellow Kamper to do so. Reservations for Balsam Woods should be made by July 15th by calling 207-8762731. Tell Matt or Jamie you are with the Anah Kampers. July Birthdays are: Nancy Bunker, Greg Currier, Ray Ellis, Ron Green, Gil Lanctot, Perley Merrick and Carol Miller. July Anniversaries are: Wally & Lorena Fenlason, Roland & Dottie Herrick, Doug & Cheryle Monson and Dan & Jan Thompson. As always, if there are any errors or omissions or you have any news, call me at 321-693-5717 or email me at chaperone the bus provided by Tri-County Shrine Club to take Greenville students to the annual Shrine Circus. With the Ceremonial behind us we can now look forward to a wonderful summer. Do you belong to a Unit? Most have openings !! CHANTERS Noble Carl Stewart - Reporter The Chanters had a great time at the Special Olympics Parade. It’s always great to see the excitement on the kids’ faces. The parade may be the shortest but it’s by far the best one the Chanters participate in - in my humble opinion. I also wanted to give a tip of the hat to our two newest members, Tom Boone and Tracy Lord, who volunteered to drive and Reverse mortgages Reverse mortgages Rae Ann Rice Reverse mortgages for seniors 62 or older Home Mortgage Consultant for seniors for seniors 62 or older 62 or older NMLSR ID: 419094 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Calltoday today for more information. Call today for more information. forPl,more 1Call Cumberland Suiteinformation. 214 Rae Ann Rice Bangor, MERice 04401 Rae Ann Rice Rae Ann Tel: 207 262 5218Place, 1 Cumberland Cumberland Place, 11Cumberland #214#214 Place, #214 Fax: 877 302 081704401 Bangor, Maine 04401 Bangor, Maine Bangor, Maine 04401 Cell: 207 974 8996 207-974-8996 207-974-8996 207-974-8996 Toll Free: 800 318 3182 Ext. 5218 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage isAll a division of is Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2010 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. rights reserved. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2010 WellsN.A. Fargo Bank, N.A.Fargo All rights reserved. AS360980 8/10-8/11 © 2010 Wells Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. AS360980 8/10-8/11 The reason that talk is so cheap is that the supply exceeds the demand. JULY 2013 13 Noble Mike Murphy Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies: Another month of fun and excitement is upon us. The Lads and I had a great time at the Husson Graduation. It was held in the Bangor Auditorium. Husson has grown so much that the Graduation services no longer fit inside the Husson gym. Because Husson has a desire to keep graduates and guests dry and our weather being so unpredictable, they have reserved the new Auditorium for the next several years. I’m not sure how the band made out during our traditional College of the Atlantic performance. They traditionally have guests and graduates sit under a large tent. We march them in, and then march out. So I suspect that the Lads got wet in the process. Our next event is a weirdly early parade considering the amazingly remote nature of the community. I’ll be getting up around 4am so that I can leave before 5 so that I can be on the ground in Machias by 8am to dress and tune. We follow that up with the Ceremonial in Newport and then the 4th of July in Bar Harbor. We are going to participate in the annual Scottish Tatoo on July 13th. Scottish Tattoos are a military style performance that involves quality bagpipe music instead of ink. As promised a couple months ago, I am going to try to determine which Shrine Unit would the cast of the Dukes of Hazzard be in. I’ll start off with my ol’ pal Boss Hogg. Boss being a moonshiner would be right at home in the NASCAR unit in his younger days, but given his leadership qualities and prominence in the community Boss would make a great Potentate. I think Roscoe and Enos would be great in the Keystone Kops. Cletus (Bosses nephew and one of the deputies) would make a great clown. Cooter would defiantly be in the one of our fine motorized units. I can see him driving the tow truck hauling the little cars that broke down. I’m thinking about Bosses nephew Hewie Hogg; he was too useless to be of any service to anyone so he wouldn’t be in the Shrine, because it would help others. Sheriff ‘Big’ Ed Little was only in 10 episodes, but who can deny that he would be great Oriental Guard. He’d look right in place with a sword in his hand. On the other hand he always wore a motorcycle helmet, so maybe he would have been a key member of the Motor Corps. Finally, what you have all been waiting for, which unit would Bo and Luke be in? They wouldn’t be in a unit. While they practiced charity and were the Robin Hoods of Hazzard county, at what point did they ever patiently submit to the rule of law. Observing the rule of law is one of the most valuable tenants of civil society and is a characteristic of what makes men Masons. Sure you are saying Boss and Roscoe were crooks and how could they be in the Shrine and not Bo and Luke? While Boss and Roscoe had ethical issues, they were elected by the citizens of Hazzard County. Bo and Luke never respected that and I don’t think they would be good examples of what makes us Masons. Which brings me to a point, one of the most important tasks that we have as Masons is voting in our lodges. We are obligated to vote for new members, to make sure that they are just and upright members of society. We are also tasked with voting for the normal business of the lodge. We have the ability to vote or not vote to reimburse the Secretary for postage for the Trestle Board. Of course if you decide to do that, he’ll quit and someone else will have to be Secretary. Given what I know about the job and most lodges, if the lodge Secretary wanted a heated massage chair he’d get it, because no one else wants the job. Our fraternity offers much, and asks little. I played for a departed brother a few weeks ago and his widow hugged and thanked me. She said that her grandson wants to join our lodge when he is old enough. Our departed brother was a fine man; he and his wife raised a really nice family. He has 3 sons who joined the craft and his grandson may join. It all starts with a vote. We can all participate in the process. Until next month, be safe and be blessed. If anyone would like to inquire about piping or drumming instruction, please contact me at pipingleprechaun@hotmail. com. L. O. “Skip” House IV Consultant SQLServer, Microsoft Access & VB. Net Developer 219 Washington Street • Brewer ME • 04412 855- 316 -2111 A woman always has a reason – but not always the one she gives. 14 THE ANAHGRAM Photo at left -Noble Doug Dulac, Outer Guard and President of the Tri-County Shrine Club is shown with John Parola, Gand Knight of the Knights of Columbus exchanging checks for their charitable work at the 45th annual Tri-County/Kinghts of Columbus Joint meeting. Photo by Merland Clark of the Anah Photo Unit. Frenchie know. I can be contacted at Enjoy the summer to its fullest. We march so they can walk. Noble Armand St. Amand Reporter We have been holding our Flags high marching in the parades that were scheduled for June and a full report on the participation of the parades will be in next month’s report. We are still looking for Nobles to join in our Flag Unit as many of our members have had the Flags for many years and it is their time to step back and let others triumph with pride. Upcoming parades in July will be Bar Harbor, in August we will be attending Dexter and in September it will be in Ellsworth. We are planning our annual cookout and kayak trip on the 13th of July. We will go down the river in Brownville Junction with a cookout at Arthur and Julie’s house after. Just a reminder about selling the raffle tickets, we make 25 cents per ticket. Noble Joe Briggs went in for shoulder surgery in May. By now he should be doing well but let’s wish him the best. The candles are glowing for the following Nobles: Hortense Abbot, Keith DeWitt, Stanley Reed, and Corey Roberts. the Ladies are Elaine Fernald and Sheila; Burgess. Birthday Wishes to ALL of YOU and Happy Anniversary to Noble Greg and Lady Linda Russell. If I have missed anyone please let 191 E. Main Street, DoverFoxcroft, ME 04426 Proud Supporters of the Anah Shriners Now with 3 Locations in the Bangor Area! Christmas Tree Shops Plaza 52 Springer Drive 947-9674 Broadway Shopping Center 609 Broadway 942-3146 Hampden 57 Western Avenue 862-2211 Ashland • Bangor • Caribou • Eagle Lake • Easton • Fort Fairfield • Hampden • Houlton Island Falls • Limestone • Mars Hill • Oakfield • Patten • Presque Isle • Van Buren • Washburn One big trouble with doing nothing is you can’t stop and rest. JULY 2013 15 Photo at left - Potentate Lee addresses the the 45th annual Tri-County/Knights of Columbus joint meeting. Photo by Merland Clark of the Anah Photo Unit. Noble John “Flip-Flop” Kidder, Reporter Families of Maine (Families and Children Together) picnic at Fort Knox in Prospect. Gizmo reports it was hot, hot, hot at the First Annual Piscataquis Heritage Hot Air Balloon Festival on June 1 when he, Pooch, Fuz, Ducky, Swish, and Coota appeared at this event to twist balloons and walk about to entertain the crowd. Unfortunately, no clowns got lifted skyward in the basket of a hot air balloon—what a bummer! Better luck next year, guys. Meanwhile, back in Bangor---Fou, Piggy, Sweet-P, and Ted EB entertained a large crowd of children at the monthly Home Depot Children’s Workshop. As I write this, the Special Olympics Summer Games parade will step off at UMaine in Orono in just two days. This event certainly represents the starting point of the summer parade season. Let’s all get out there and raise some serious donations to support the World’s Greatest Philanthropy—Shriners’ Hospitals for Children. Remember, no one stands so tall as when they stoop to help a child. Until the next Anahgram, get out there and enjoy Summer 2013 before it, too, becomes just a memory. Summer is here and both the weather and requests for clowns at various events are really heating up. Weekends are really beginning to book up. By the time you read this, the Newport Summer Ceremonial will be but a fond memory. Hope we created a lot of new Anah Shriners that day. The unit donated and catered the annual banquet for visiting doctors from Springfield Shriners Hospital and their staff on May 16 at the Bangor Masonic Center. I understand that about seventy people were in attendance and everyone had an excellent meal and enjoyed themselves. The very next day, Babycakes, Div-It, Fou, Papi, Petals, and Scooter got up very early to entertain the children who had appointments with the Springfield docs at EMMC for the hospital clinic. Clown ladies Janice Young and Karen Kidder were kept out of mischief that day registering patients and running x-rays back and forth. Rumor has it that Karen racked up five miles on her pedometer. On May 17 at the monthly unit meeting, Dennis (Fuz) Dyer was voted from apprentice to full clown unit membership. Congratulations! It always seems that apprentice clown years go by very fast when you are not the apprentice! That same night Chopstix did an excellent job entertaining the children at an event at Newport Elementary School. Dysart’s Travel Stop in Lincoln held a very well attended grand opening event on May 18 and adding to the festive atmosphere were Slapshot and Diggah. That same day Fou, Scotty, and Ted EB appeared at the annual Adoptive and Foster They say that old age is nearing when you wish you hadn’t accepted that social engagement. 16 THE ANAHGRAM Shriners Hospitals for Children – Boston Celebrates the 10th Anniversary of the Music Therapy Program At Shriners – Boston, the music therapy program was first introduced in 2001, as the patient care team was researching additional services to improve pediatric burn care and pain management. The program began small with one therapist and has grown into a department with two full time music therapists as well as student assistants. Shriners – Boston is committed to providing the best and most innovative ways to address the needs of the patients. With this commitment, the Music Therapy program has become an integral part of the care plan for the children who are treated here. Music Helps to Heal. Four-year-old Estiven receives musical therapy to help heal his burned arm. While he plays along with an ipod, a physical therapist stretches his arm and readjusts his cast. Later, he will practice reaching and hitting a drum as a way to improve his mobility. Three-year-old Angelina sustained burns to most of her small body. Her parents say the music therapy she receives in her hospital room lifts her spirits and helps takes the focus away from her severe injury. The significance of music therapy also helps the staff at Shriners-Boston. Music therapy has been known to ease anxiety levels and distract from the pain of an injury. It provides comfort to both staff and patients alike. Shriners Hospital Changed My Life Forever By: Stephanie Thibault From the time I started walking my parents could tell that there something wrong with my legs. I still remember crying myself to sleep every night and waking up from a dead sleep screaming in agony. After many of doctor’s appointments and countless referrals to specialists I was finally referred to Shriners; however the diagnosis was the same: “It’s just growing pains.” Defeated my family and I gave up on finding a diagnosis and I realized at the age of eight that I would have to live with pain for the rest of my life. A year later we received a phone call, the message was simple: “I have been thinking about your daughter, and I think she has rickets.” Dr. Lawrence Zemel, a doctor who I had only met once was still thinking about my case a year later. After a simple blood test it was confirmed, I had x-linked hypophosphatemic rickets. I remember that day so clearly; I sat on the beach with my mother and cried with joy. My pain had a name. Ever since that day, Shriners Hospital and its staff, especially Dr. David Drvaric, made it their mission to give me the quality of life I deserved. They spent countless hours creating a treatment plan: deciding which medications I should take, making a leg brace and performing surgeries to correct the bowing of my left leg. Shiners allowed me to go from standing on the sidelines, watching my childhood flash by my eyes, to participating in my childhood. For the first time in my life I was not in pain. I can honestly say that Shriner’s Hospital for Children changed my life forever. JULY 2013 17 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE Caron Kilton, P.Q. Reporter Wishing for two sunny days in July: #1 The “Love for the Children Tour Bus” will be in Maine for the kickoff celebration on July 8th at Webb’s RV in Bangor at 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. A light lunch will be served. This celebration event is hosted by Ankh Temple and Anah Shriners. Hoping many Shriners and Daughters of the Nile members can be there and witness this motor coach enveloped by a beautiful complete wrap which will promote the Daughters of the Nile Foundation, the Shriner’s Hospitals for Children®, the Shriner’s International & the Daughters of the Nile. The motor coach has been exhibited inside the Gaylord Texan Convention Center during Supreme Session in Grapevine Texas and on display in Indianapolis during Imperial Session. Following the kickoff celebration and the Official visit to Ankh Temple on July 8th, Supreme Queen Margaret Ann Risk will be traveling to 97 subordinate temples and 16 Shriner’s Hospitals for Children®. The remainder of her visits will be done in the traditional mode of travel, by plane & car. The travels of the Supreme Queen cover a 9.5 month time span and will cover in excess of 25,000 miles. Stated Linda Trible, President of the Daughters of the Nile Foundation, “This is the first time something of this magnitude has been done by the Daughters of the Nile in cooperation with Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals for Children®, and we are hoping for a great response.” As Past Queen Bev and Noble Harold Polley will be operating this motor coach, all in Maine will anxiously await news and pictures of their travels. We anticipate that the traveling “Billboard” will be seen by many across the country and will promote awareness of the Daughters of the Nile Foundation and the International Shrine and the Shriner’s Hospitals for Children®. #2 ATTENTION: ALL GOLFERS: July 13th, Barren View Golf Course in Jonesboro, the 14th annual golf tournament for Ankh Temple - the 5th year at Barren View, join us for a fun day of golf and friends. Registration is 9:00 a.m. with tee off @10:00 a.m. The tourney is a scramble format and includes lunch. Prizes for first place, closest to the pin, longest drives (man & woman) and all who participate receive a chance for a prize of their choice & New Car for a” Hole in One” sponsored by Darling’s Chevrolet in Ellsworth. Ankh Temple Queen Teresa Potvin was excited to ride in the Special Olympics Parade in Orono. The ride was courtesy Noble Earl “Yogi” and Lady Marilyn are in the serving line at the recent Island Party. Photo by Noble Jim Bennett of the Anah Photo Unit. of Noble Wally Fenlason in his convertible. Queen Teresa has also represented the Daughters of the Nile at Eastern Star Grand Chapter and Grand Rainbow Assembly. The Downeast Daughters Club ladies walked in the 250th Celebration parade in Machias. The Club Daughters have new shirts and the Club has new banners. The members passed white chocolate rose candy (made by Princess Ora Farnsworth) and informational pamphlets to the ladies on route and candy to the children. For your convenience - The Recorder’s Office accepts Visa and Mastercard. How many tickets have you purchased on the Recreational vehicles in Anah’s 2013 Fundraiser. They are available from Club, Unit members and at the Recorder’s Office. Only $1.00 each. KAUFMAN MOTORS 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Used Vehicles Lee & Peggy Kaufman Research shows that sleeping outdoors will cure insomnia. So will sleeping indoors. 18 THE ANAHGRAM Summer has arrived at last, and Anah Nobles and their Ladies are busy . . . unit activities, parades, Special Olympics, barbecues, summer outings, Ceremonial, and preparations for the Northeast Shrine Association in Cornwell, Ont. I came across some interesting material the other day while sifting through some old Anah historical documents. We were under the assumption that this year was Anah’s 50th Anniversary Circus at the Bangor Auditorium. However, while cleaning out a closet full of old dusty documents I discovered a Bangor Daily News Circus insert, such as we now distribute at Circus time. This was dated October 18, 1924 under the leadership of Ill. Potentate George W. Wescott. The headlines read “SPECIAL NOBLES EDITION ANAH TEMPLES THIRD ANNUAL INDOOR CIRCUS Oct. 20 to Oct. 25, 1924 AT THE BANGOR AUDITORIUM”. It featured circus stunts, Barney the dancing horse, January the unrideable mule, Jesse Lee the contortionist, Rae & Rae on the revolving ladder, cyclists, springboard artists, dogs, horses and clowns. So we now know there were circuses during the first three years that Anah was chartered, 1922, 23 & 24. In that same edition an ad for John T. Clark Co., a men’s clothing store, advertised for men to “come in and pick out your finest suit and overcoat so you can look your best to attend the Circus”. A big contrast from today’s “jeans and a Shrine t-shirts”, the price of the Bangor Daily News, Oct. 18, 1924, Saturday edition was three cents! I am going to continue my research to see how many years we have actually sponsored a Circus. Important announcement: Through a collaborative decision by Anah’s Divan, it was decided to initiate new office hours for the summer months. During the months of July and August the Shrine office will be closed on Fridays. However, it will continue to be open Monday – Thursday from 8-12 and 1-4 pm. Regular office hours will resume after Labor Day. Wishing you all a healthy, happy and safe summer! Noble Doug Brockway, Reporter Anah Band has been very busy starting off for our season of Parades and Festivals. We had a wonderful time in the Special Olympics parade at the University! The skies threatened rain but not a drop fell on us as we rolled down those tightly packed streets. The crowd went wild over our parade favorite “It’s a Small World”. That parade also introduced our backup Wagon Master Noble Jon Lessor to our group. He was kind enough to volunteer to fill in as needed and we will need him soon due to Corey Smart’s upcoming knee surgery. It’s great to have the volunteers that we have to help out as needed. Certainly cannot forget all of our friends that join us with their instruments on our parade float either, we couldn’t do it without them! Machias’s 250th celebration was a great opportunity for us to travel and to spread our music throughout the state. We played the traditional music that goes well at a town’s anniversary such as; When the Saints go marching in, Bill Bailey, Rock Around the Clock, You’re a Grand Old Flag, Yankee Doodle, and Tie a Yellow Ribbon. Always a good time travelling and raising money for the hospitals with our music. Ceremonial was also a great time as we got to celebrate in my hometown of Newport. Very proud to have been a part of the fun. Our thoughts remain with our wagon master Corey Smart as he prepares for knee surgery, he always does a great job Continued on page 19 The inventor who would make safes more burglar-proof should contact the bird who bottles olives. JULY 2013 19 Continued from page 18 of safely navigating the band through the Continued from page 9 city streets during our parades and a wonderful job of setting us up! We are very thankful to have Noble Lessor ready to step in to assist, now if we can just get him to pick up an instrument! We are still looking to add some new musicians to our group; we desire to play some more diverse music and more members would make that job a little easier! Brass, wind, piano, guitar, bass, or piano. Lessons and instruments provided to any and all who will be willing to learn something new. Two Mondays a month for a practice commitment plus some parades to boot. Practices are currently being held in Bangor at the Shrine Center Remember to find that experienced player or an adventuresome Mason to be a noble and take part with us, they are out there. Non-Shriners are allowed to perform with us for any unofficial events so if you know someone who would like to play that is not a Noble, have them call us. Help our advertisers realize that their advertisement in the Anahgram is a valuable tool. Noble Frank Wilson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies, by the time you’re reading this the June Ceremonial will have come and gone. The Funsters extend a huge welcome to all the new Nobles and their respective Ladies and we look forward to getting to know all of you. At our May meeting we discussed which upcoming parades we are attending and which ones we regretfully cannot make. We also passed around a backup Circus attendance sheet to see who made what at the Circuses on an honor system-type of thing. If you haven’t checked your attendance off, please come to the next meeting or call Todd to let him know! Birthday wishes for the month of July go out to Maeghen Clark, Stephen Batson, Ellain Frost, Jennifer Cookson, Gabriel Arnold, Lois Goddard, Lori Foster, Sam Buck, Mike E. Clark, Daniel Clark, Marc Leclerc, Darlene Allen, Judy Driscoll, Susan Spencer, Charlie (Cookie Monster) Lindsey, Todd Foster and Ellie Jordan. Anniversary wishes this month go to Gary & Diane Clark, Robert & Nancy Hasey, Denny & Margorie Smith, Bill & Olivia Spencer, Charlie & Beth Lindsey, Kurt & Jessica Gray and Josh & Susan Frost. And remember our next meeting will be held Monday July 8th at the Shrine Center in Bangor with a 6:00 social and a 7:00 meeting. SPEED LIMIT: That’s what a lot of drivers observe while driving behind a police car. 20 THE ANAHGRAM JULY 2013 At this writing, the Special Olympics in Orono is only two days away. This traditionally begins our parade season. Much last minute cleaning and maintenance of our wheelers is yet to be done. Like many other Anah Units, our calendar is filling rapidly and requests are still coming. Many of our new members will be assigned a wheeler of their own as senior members place themselves on spare status. The June Ceremonial in Newport is rapidly approaching. We Wheelers will be ready. As always, on behalf of Anah Shrine and Potentate F. Lee Kaufman, we Wheelers will “ride with pride”. Best wishes and a happy July anniversary to Nobles and Ladies Chuck and Nancy Wood, Ralph and Julie Robshaw, Jerry and Carla McLean, Bill and Louise Holyoke and Sheldon (the mayor of E. Orland ) and Sandie Heath. We also offer happy July birthdays to Lady Louise Holyoke and Nobles Warren ( Sugar Bear ) Calder and Jerry McLean. Jane T., hope you’re feeling better. ‘Till next month, Teddy TaTa reporting and forth to Portland quite a bit. Whoops!! I should have said driving--everyone knows I can’t run that fast! P.S. She’s doing great. After this, I probably won’t be able to catch up with her. Heard a rumor that Wayne’s new boat goes about 60-70 MPH and then one Noble told me - Bill - that’s when he tows it behind his truck. Then I realized he drives a Chevy so it can’t even go that fast. Also heard he has moved to his castle on the pond. Hope Noble Forrest DeMeyer has a lot of fireworks on is birthday--the 4th. Also was talking to Capt. Carroll Chandler of the Lobster Boat Unit. They are looking for a few good seamen to fill some vacant spots in their unit. Check with any member to join up. Gerry’s Used Cars BUY HERE / PAY HERE Gerry & Barbara Marshall, Owners Serving you from four locations Ask about our extended warranty! • Cheryl & Karrie - 266 Newport Road, Corinna, 278-2205 • Shelly - Oakland 465-9566 • Rose - Main Street, Veazie 990-2206 • Tiffany - Skowhegan 474-6700 The May 7th meeting was held at Pat’s Pizza with 27 members present. Old and new business was discussed. The meeting adjourned around 7:10. About ten members attended the June 4th meeting not realized it had been cancelled. Sorry about those Nobles, I guess I wasn’t informed either. At this time, the club is in recess for July and August, and I guess June fell into that category. I hope everyone is looking forward to the lobster feed at Howard Heath’s. Will have more news in next month’s report. I’ll try to keep everyone informed of the next club meeting. Not much news to write about this month. I guess everyone forgot my phone number -- I guess I should look it up myself in case it’s changed. Sorry I have to run - my wife just had a hip replacement. I have been running back The problem with competition is that it brings out the best in products and the worst in men. JULY 2013 21 Nobles, Ladies and Friends of Shriners and People who want to help Children Are you a member of the Shrine 100,000,000 Dollar Club in support of Shiners’ Hospitals? Membership supports an endowment fund to keep the hospitals on a firm financial footing in the future! Only earnings are used each year. A perfect Gift for any Noble or Shrine Lady on any occasion MEMBERSHIP IN THE SHRINE’S 100 MILLION DOLLAR CLUB Not only will you be participating in the “WORLD’S GREATEST PHILANTHROPHY,” but also in the “WORLD’S PUREST CHARITY” as 98 cents of every dollar contributed to Shriner’s Hospitals for Children is used on direct patient care. A statement to the Recorder that you have left $100 or more in your will, or are making a cash contribution of $100 or more, will earn you a handsome membership certificate for your office or den…and you will help insure the future operation of Shriners’ Hospitals for Children. All memberships will be recorded, and reported to the Imperial Council through your Temple Recorder. Do not send your membership directly to a Shriners’ Hospital. HOW TO JOIN THE $100,000,000 CLUB I WANT TO BE A MEMBER OF THE 100 Million Dollar Club for the benefit of SHRINERS’ HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN AND BURNS HOSPITALS. I have made Shriners’ Hospital a beneficiary in an insurance policy in the amount of $100 or more. I have a provision in my will leaving a bequest of $100.00 or more to the hospitals. I prefer to make a cash contribution at this time of at least $100.00 which is tax deductible. Make your check payable to: “SHRINER’S HOSPITALS” Complete this form and mail it to ANAH TEMPLE, ATTN: RECORDER, 586 Main Street, BANGOR, MAINE 04401. If You have any questions or concerns please call Recorder, Past Potentate Larry Hersom at 207.942-2254 Signed ________________________________________________________ Address_ ______________________________________________________ City_______________________________State__________Zip___________ Amount of your donation $_______________________ Please have the certificate read: (Please print) ___________________________________________________ 22 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Harold Adams Reporter Hello everyone: I hope all the Ladies had a great Mother’s Day and all the Nobles had a terrific Father’s Day. Our June meeting had eight members attending, thank you for coming, our topics were of course the Special Olympics, and the Summer Ceremonial now both in our past. Parades that are in the future are Dexter Field Days, Saturday, August 10, and Ellsworth Field Days, (Muster for Firefighters as I understand it) Saturday September 14, and of course the Northeast in Cornwall, Ont. Canada, September 19-21. These should all be fun times so mark your calendars and please come join in on the fun. The 50/50 winner was Thomas Smith, sorry Tom. Our meeting was closed at this point. Here are some Happy Birthday Wishes being sent to Noble Galen Adams, and Noble Dean Pennypacker, and anyone else celebrating July birthdays. Couples marking another year together are Noble Rick and Lady Kathy Goodness, Noble Harold and Lady Susan Adams, and Noble Dean and Lady Frances Pennypacker, Happy Anniversary to all of you and to all the other couples celebrating this month. Our next meeting is Tuesday, July 2nd at the Shrine Center, see you there. Enjoy your summer and be safe. Noble Ryan Otis, Reporter Nobles and Ladies, Hopefully your summer has been full of fun. Things on the coast have been busy, we did not have our June Meeting due to some conflicts with scheduling. There was a caravan of Nobles who joined our Brethren to the south at a Mid-coast Shrine Club meeting as well as a caravan of Nobles who headed east to Hancock County’s lobster Feed. Speaking of lobster feeds, our Second Annual Lobster Feed will be held Wednesday, September 25th. Social 5:30-7pm with Dinner at 7 consisting of A choice of 2 lobster with clams, steak tips, or baked haddock; all served with corn, coleslaw, rolls and butter with cake for dessert. All of that for $20 per person. We are pre-selling tickets and will have tickets available at the door. Please bring your ladies and other Shrine and masonic friends. The more the merrier. Our July meeting will be a family picnic with games for all ages. Bring your Ladies and your kids or grandkids. There might even be a bounce house to play in. Please bring a dish to share the main course will be provided. Let our secretary know if you will be coming and how many you’re bringing. Happy summer! See you on the coast Shriners International Experiences Worldwide Interest and Expansion For many years, Shriners International consisted of 191 temples in four countries: the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Thanks to new worldwide interest in the organization, ha number is increasing. As a result of the great work by the international development committee, the fraternity has been expanding overseas at a rapid pace. “I’m very excited about the international interest we’ve had the past year and I look forward to seeing membership continue to thrive,” said Past Imperial Potentate Nick Thomas, chairman of the committee. In the past two years, there have been three new temples added. At the 2010 Imperial Session two temples – one each in Puerto Rico and The Philippines – received their charters. This past July in Denver, at the 2011 Imperial Session, Emirat Shriners of Heidelberg, Germany became the 194th temple. In addition, legislation was passed allowing dispensation – one of the first steps toward forming a new temple – for Agila Shriners of Mindano, The Philippines. In addition to the new temples, Shrine Clubs have formed in Puerto Rico, The Philippines, Brazil, Bolivia, Germany, Italy and Australia. There is also growing interest in forming Shrine Clubs in several other countries. In order for these clubs to one day be chartered as temples, they must show a gain in membership and create nobles of the Master Masons who signed the petition required to obtain dis- pensation status which lasts a year. This past year, the number of established international Shrine Clubs rose from 33 to 53. On an individual level, the number of creations internationally has increased from 118 to 1,193 since 2007. “The relationships developed overseas are an integral part of the fraternity’s future and success.” Said Imperial Potentate Mike Severe. “I really appreciate everything Nick Thomas and the rest of the committee have done to spread the work about our wonderful fraternity.” A New Flag is Created After the fraternity’s official name change to Shriners International, a new flag was designed. In response to the global growth, changes to protocol regarding the display of flags and playing on national anthems at Shriners events were made. These changes were communicated to all temples in a revised protocol pamphlet that can be found on the Shriners Village website. Communicating at an International Level To better serve our current international members and to aid recruitment efforts, we are continuing to develop appropriate communication items. Some printed materials are now available in English, Spanish and French; can be viewed in English, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese, and we are working toward having Shriners Village available in multiple languages. In addition, one of the biggest challenges – and accomplishments – of the international development committee this past year was the creation of a handbook for temples sponsoring international Shrine Clubs. The handbook includes sections about the vision and mission, approval processes, responsibilities, ritual and protocol. Clearly our fraternity is meeting a need around the world, it is wonderful to be a part of the enthusiasm and commitment of our international Brothers. If weather bureaus were really honest, they’d refer to themselves as non-prophet organizations. JULY 2013 23 PASSED TO THE UNSEEN TEMPLE JAMES L. McHALE No 10318 Noble James L. McHale of Brewer was born September 25, 1936 in Bangor and died May 5, 2013 at a Bangor hospital, surrounded by his family He attended John Bapst High School and served in the U.S. Army as a paratrooper with the 11th Airborne Division. He worked most of his life as a security guard for different organizations. He always had a joke to tell and a smile on his face. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Ralph Pollard Lodge, No. 217 AF & AM, and Anah Shriners. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 13, 1992. ber of the Sauu Nessu Unit and Indy Unit for a time SCOTT W. STANHOPE No. 10339 Noble Scott Wayne Stanhope of Hampden was born November 26, 1958, in Bangor and passed away unexpectedly May 21, 2013 at his home surrounded by his loving family. He grew up in Hampden and was a grad- uate of Hampden Academy. He worked for many years for the Bangor and Brewer Water Districts before working as a selfemployed carpenter, and most recently for J.M. Brown Construction. He was a true outdoorsman and loved what each season brought, be it hunting or fishing. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Ralph J. Pollard Lodge No. 217 AF & AM. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 13, 1992. IVAN E. KEITH No. 7487 Noble Ivan E. Keith of Mapleton 78 was born Sept. 24, 1934, in Kossuth Plt. and died May 21, 2013 at a Presque Isle hospital, with his granddaughter, Amy, by his side. He was a lineman for ME Public Service until his retirement. He loved cutting wood. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 19, 1976. DANIEL B. STEWART No. 10106 Noble Daniel B. Stewart of Presque Isle was born March 25, 1955, in Houlton, and passed away May 18, 2013, peacefully at his home, after a long courageous battle for the fight of his life. His passion was his family. He loved spending time B B Q ing, making his “famous” spaghetti sauce and just hanging out. He enjoyed hunting and fishing in his earlier years. He had a love for trains as he worked for the Bangor & Aroostook Railroad, 1974-2003, as a heavy equipment operator. He was also a member of the Presque Isle Elks Lodge. He recently participated in the Relay for Life in 2011 and 2012 as he was fighting leukemia and then was taken with lung cancer. He was a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 23, 1990. He was a mem- MITCHELL-TWEEDIE FUNERAL HOME 28 Elm Street Bucksport 469-3177 YOUNG FUNERAL HOME 31 West Main Street Searsport 548-2545 Serving Bucksport-Searsport and surrounding towns Albert Levesque, Proprioter CARING FOR GENERATIONS J o r d a n - F e r n al d FUNERAL HOMES Your wishes for the type of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one can be outlined in advance like a will, prearranging a funeral is part of putting your affairs in order, yet it costs you nothing. Call us to set up an appointment. 1.800.667.2595 - Mount Desert Island • Ellsworth • Blue Hill 24 THE ANAHGRAM PETITION FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP TO THE POTENTATE, OFFICERS AND NOBLES OF ANAH SHRINERS, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF BANGOR, STATE OF MAINE. I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a Master Mason in good standing in ____________________ #___________ located at ____________________________________ __________________________________ City State Which is a Lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than 6 months, as required by the bylaws of Shriners International. I hereby make application to become a Noble of the Order, and a member of your temple. If granted membership, I promise to conform to the articles of incorporation and bylaws of Shriners International and the bylaws and ceremonies of your temple. Have you previously applied for admission to any temple of the Order? □ Yes □ No If yes, what temple ____________________________________________ When? __________________________ Were you ever a DeMolay? □ Yes □ No If Yes, what Chapter? (name and location) __________________________________________________________ Profession / Occupation _________________________________________________________________________ Employer _________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ Birthplace ________________________________________ Date of Birth _________________________________ Residence: ____________________________________________________________________________________ State Zip Street County City Phone: ________________________________________ E-Mail: ________________________________________ Business: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Street County City State Zip Phone: ________________________________________ E-Mail: ________________________________________ Mailing address – Please Use: □ Residence □ Business Lady’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Date _________ 20 ___ Print Full Name; ________________________Signature: ___________________________ RECOMMENDED BY: NOBLE _________________________________________________ MEMBER # ____________________________ NOBLE _________________________________________________ MEMBER # ____________________________ Fee: $150.00 Office Use: Fee Pd: ___________ Paid By: (Cash/Check/CC) ________________ FEZ SIZE: ________ Fee must accompany application. Check payable to Anah Shriners. Payment not applied until initiation date. Visa, MC, Discover, Exp. Date; _________ Card # ______________________________CVC Code ______________ RECRUITING IS A FULL TIME JOB Are you working? Membership applications available at the Recorder’s Office ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Anah Shriners P.O. Box 735 Bangor ME 04402-0735 JULY 2013 � � NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
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