Units Make Anah Outstanding


Units Make Anah Outstanding
MAY 2012
Units Make Anah Outstanding
Mini Bikes
June 16 CLASS
Oriental Band
Named in Honor of
Guy F. Chapman
Potentate 2003
“A Chapter of Shriners International”
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Shooting for
for the
The Anahgram
Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners
Chartered June 15, 1922
A Chapter of Shriners International
P.O. Box 735, Bangor Maine 04402-0735
Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1944
Website: www.Anahshriners.com - e-mail: anahshriners@myfairpoint.net
Volume 80
Number 5
May 2012
Gerald L. Harvey- Editor/Advertising Manager
On Monday, March 19th some members of the Springfield Hospital’s Board of Governors had the privilege to greet Michael
Severe, SHC Imperial Potentate, for his first visit to the Hospital. Imperial Sir Michael had an opportunity to meet with this
group of board members, as well as with the Administrator and Dept. Managers. Karen Motyka, Donor Development, gave Mike
a tour of the hospital and he was on hand to meet Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown in the afternoon
Board members pictured with guest, left to right: Ben Froggett (Cyprus Temple), Phil Thomas (Emeritus Chairman from Melha
Temple), Jim Spear (Melha Temple), Michael Severe, Imperial Potentate, David Burstein, Esq., Chairman of the Board of Governors
(from Melha Temple), Ralph Semb, Past Imperial Potentate, Board of Trustees Emeritus Chairman, (of Melha Temple), Steven
Behe, Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors from Kalurah Temple and George Sachs of Melha Temple
Illustrious Past Potentate Guy F. Chapman, 2003, will be
honored with the naming of the class of candidates at the
June 16 Ceremonial. Bring your candidates to Houlton on
June 14, 15, and 16 for the Feztivities.
Full program is in the center of this Anahgram.
JUNE: Deadline will be Saturday, May 5 which
is the normal deadline date of the 5th of the
month. Please don’t be late, the editor works
JULY : Due to the Ceremonial coming after the
normal deadline date the Deadline is being set
off until MONDAY, JUNE 18th. So that news of
the Ceremonial can get to the readers in a timely
fashion. Please be on time and if your copy
doesn’t relate to the Ceremonial send it in early.
If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring
a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below.
ORTHOPEDIC: Rodney Pinkham, P.P., Box 8, Holden , ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763
BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124
Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916
Provost Guard
MAY 2012
No. Penob S C E.
Mill Sno Rovers
Anah Association
Meeting 5:00p.m.
Divan Meeting
Mother’s Day
Memorial Day
Tri-County S C
Armed Forces
B B S C Steak
Directors Staff
Campers Outing
Super Supper
Waldo S C
Keystone Kops
Circus Presque Isle
Campers Outing
Aroostook S C
JUNE 2012
No. Penob S C
Hancock County S
C Divan Visitation
Flag Day
Waldo S C Meeting
Ceremonial Activities
Fathers’ Day
Keystone Kops
Tri-County S C
Location TBA
Aroostook S C
Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity
please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication.
MAY 2012
NSA Field Days to be in
Bangor September 15
Greetings Nobles and Ladies,
Can you imagine it here we are already
into April and in southern Maine the grass
is turning green; in Bangor it won’t be
long for the same, and in no-man’s land
the ice is still on the pond and further into
the county they are still sledding (some).
The Screening Clinics are May 12th. See
Advertisement on page 21.
We have the June Ceremonial coming up
in Houlton The last time it was in Houlton was 1967, Herschel McIntosh was the
Potentate. I have seen an old train schedule from the 40s that it was in Houlton
in that time frame and on the ticket you
could get a round trip ticket from Farmington to Houlton for $3.50 and they ran
a special train for the Ceremonial; times
have changed.
Speaking of the June Ceremonial, Kora
has asked Anah to come to their Ceremonial the weekend before ours in Windsor;
they would like to have a couple of our
units come down and I am expecting reciprocation from Kora and the Lobster
Bowl Classic is July 21.
Another BIG function this year is the
FIELD DAYS being held here in Bangor
September 13-17. We (the Committee)
have been meeting for over a year now
on this and it seems to be going well . .
. speaking of that, Anah hosted the NSA
Midwinter meetings in February here
and it was a great success. I can’t thank
all the people who helped with the meetings, meals (Clowns), busing (The Kops),
rooms (Roger and Yogi), hospitality
(Aides), and to Brookings-Smith Funeral
Home for the use of their limo. Also we
had four Imperial officers here which does
not usually happen. So we in Anahland are
blessed with a good reputation throughout
the realm to receive such an honor.
As I have said in the past it just amazes
me how hard everyone works for all the of
their clubs and units and how many people
are in multiple units, I congratulate you all
for a job well done!!!!
We had the Murder Mystery last night
and what a great time. Brad Prout did a
great job lining things up and there were
more people than expected to view the
murder. LOL and there were a few funeral
directors there to help as well.
On a final note I would like to mention to
Shriners that when you are getting along
in years or are ailing and say I don’t go
so I may as well take a demit, please keep
in mind that part of your dues go to help
Anthony “Tony” Bowers
the children and it’s the children that will
be the ones that suffer as well. Remember
it is your dues that help the CHILDREN
and ANAH so we can keep ( SHOOTING
FOR THE STARS) helping the children.
Remember your Blue Lodges . . .
The 2012 Northeast Shrine Association
Field Days will be hosted by Anah Shriners in Bangor, Maine on September 14th
& 15th.
It is with great pleasure that we extend
to you the opportunity to display and sell
your items at our marketplace located in
the Elks Lodge on the Odlin Road. This
location is conveniently located within a
quarter mile of the hotels where the majority of the visiting Shriners will be housed.
For information on the display area, cost,
times, etc. please contact Lee Kaufman
at 207-631-5100 or email at hammerdn6610@yahoo.com. The information
packet will be sent to you ASAP. There is
a cutoff date in August, so don’t be left out
if you want to participate!
We sincerely hope that you join us for the
2012 NSA Field Days in Bangor.
Always yours in the faith.
Chief Rabban, Lee Kaufman and Lady Peggy
would like to extend to the Nobility and their friends,
an invitation to join them on a trip to Tennessee April
6th to 13th, 2013.
They will be visiting Nashville and Memphis with
stops at most of the interesting attractions. Such as:
The Ryman Auditorium, Opry House, Country Music
Hall, Graceland, Peabody Hotel, Sun Studios, Grand
Ole Opry, General Jackson Showboat and a stop in
Tunica, Mississippi for an evening at the casino.
A travel agency presentation will take place in July/
August at the Shrine Center. Please watch your
Anahgram for those details. For more information /
lee at 631-5100 or email at hammerdn6610@yahoo.
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If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he has read.
Academicians....................................... 31
Aides.................................................... 31
Aroostook S C ..................................... 20
Band..................................................... 35
Bangor-Brewer S C.............................. 16
Boosters................................................. 6
Calendar................................................. 2
Chanters............................................... 11
Clowns (Bangor)..................................... 7
Clowns (Aroostook)..................................
Convertibles......................................... 31
Daughters of the Nile............................ 30
Directors Staff......................................... 5
Drum & Bugle...........................................
Flag Unit............................................... 21
Funster Unit..............................................
Go-Karts Unit.......................................... 4
Hancock County S C............................ 24
Highlanders.......................................... 24
Hospital News (Springfield)......................
Indy Cars..................................................
Kampers Klub....................................... 16
Kanteen Corps.........................................
Keystone Kops..................................... 23
Lobster Boat Unit.................................. 21
Looking Back............................................
Membership application....................... 15
Mini-Car Unit........................................... 4
Mini-Bike Unit....................................... 29
Mystery Person...................................... 7
NASCARS............................................ 13
Northern Penobscot S C ..................... 11
Obituaries............................................. 35
Oriental Band...........................................
Past Masters Unit.....................................
Photo Unit............................................. 29
Potentate................................................ 3
Provost Guard...................................... 13
Public Relations........................................
Second Section.................................... 14
Schoodic Shrine Club...............................
Sunshine Club...................................... 12
Tri-County S C...................................... 32
Waldo County S C ............................... 28
Washington County S C......................... 9
4x4 Unit................................................ 30
Craig Clifford
It’s with a heavy heart I am writing this
article as the Go- Kart unit has lost one
of its biggest supporters. Donna Magoon,
our Captain’s captain passed away March
I am sure by now all the Go- Kart members who have passed before her are now
performing much better with her help.
I am equally sure we will suffer the opposite effect without your leadership. Capt,
Dave will be driving us in circles as we all
know he has done before.
Noble Mike Beal, Reporter
Greetings, fellow Nobles. The Mini-Car
Unit has been absent from the Anahgram
while we were in winter hibernation. Just
not a lot to update about. But, as spring
starts to make an appearance, so do we. It
is time to dust off the cars, change the oil
and hit the parades.
Before that, the Unit is looking forward
to hosting the Divan for a steak feed as we
speak. We are hopeful for a good turnout,
but certain that the steak will be delicious.
As members know, the Mini-Car Unit
has been holding joint meetings with the
Washington County Shrine Club, so thank
you to Reporter Robert Look, who has
kept everyone informed about the goingson at those meetings.
The Unit is starting to receive and book
requests for summer parades – so keep an
eye out for us!
Since we have not submitted an article
for the past two months, we would like
to recognize the following birthdays and
anniversaries: another year has passed for
Brian and Agnes Smith, Captain Todd,
Stevie Tibbetts, Jeff Hachey, Scott McKenna and Michelle Alley. Couples cel-
ebrating another blissful year of marriage
include Captain Todd and Sandy and Jeff
and Christina Hachey – good work, guys.
Remember, if you don’t see your name on
the birthday/anniversary recognition, let
your reporter know.
Until we meet again, enjoy the spring
Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners
Bangor, Maine
Office of Publication
P.O. Box 735
Bangor, Maine 04402-0735
Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994
Email: anahshriners@myfairpoint.net
Website: http://www.Anahshriners.com
Available by subscription $12.00 per year.
Gerald L. Harvey
586 Main Street, P.O. Box 735
Bangor, Maine 04402-0735
Tel. (H) 991-9708
Fax: (H)-989-7931
Dennis Bryant
1036 Ayers Jct. Rd
Charlotte ME 04666
Home Tel: 454-3514
Dennis Bryant <dwbryant@myfairpoint.net>
Bob Hodgkins
Home Tel: 938-3864
Cel: 341-0866
THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly
Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding
publication unless advertised otherwise in the
previous issue.
THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept
or refuse any item for publication.
Illustrious Potentate
Antlhony V. Bowers.
Chief Rabban
F. Lee Kaufman
Assistant Chief Rabban
Thomas J. Clukey .
High Priest & Prophet Donald “Jesse” Thomas
Oriental Guide
Robert L. Turner
Julian S. White, Jr.
Harold W. Crocker, P.P
I pledge allegiance to my flag and
to the country for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.
I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island. It turned out to be an optical Aleutian.
MAY 2012
Dave Weaver
We haven’t had a meeting since my last
report so I don’t have much to write
about. Dean called for a few of the Directors to help out with registrations and escort services at the Mid-Winter meeting
of the NESA held in Bangor on March 15
– 17. Dean, myself, Yogi Seymour and
Ryan Otis participated. I also managed to
sell a few car raffle tickets. As you all
know, the Northeast Shrine Association is
made up of 15 Temples. I didn’t get a
count on how many of these Potentates
and their Divans were able to attend but I
thought there was a pretty good turnout. I
do know the Imperial Potentate, Sir Michael Severe and three of his Divan were
present. Also present was our Grand Master of Masons of the State of Maine, MW
W. Louis Grenier, II. We were also fortunate to have four dignitaries from the City
of Bangor; the Chief of Police, The Mayor and two others, sorry, I can’t remember
their names or their positions on the city
staff. They all stated that the city is really
on board for the September 13 – 16 Field
Days and looking forward to helping us
out any way they can.
At our April 19th meeting we discussed
work assignments for the Circus and we
also made some decisions about the
changes to our uniforms, more on that
next month.
I want to remind all Shriners about the
Screening Clinics to be held in various locations throughout ANAH land on Saturday, May 12 from 10 AM to 12 noon. If
you know of any child under the age of 18
who has a physical disability, spinal injury, burns or a clef pallet problem by all
means mention our clinics to them and
perhaps they will attend one. I head up the
clinic for Western Washington County. It
is held on the Down East Community
Hospital Campus in the Robertson (Pediatrics) Building.
Until next time, keep on enjoying the
Shrine and attend the different functions.
Visa and Mastercard are accepted
at the Recorder’s Office
A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.
Dick & Laura Adams 7/12
Richard N. Averill 7/13
Clifton P. Barker 7/12
I M O Perry T. Barker 7/12
Bob Beattie 4/13
Albert & NormaBishop 10/12
Mike Blake 7/12
I O M David Blood 5/12
Blinn & Joan Boone 6/12
David & Betty Bowen 4/13
Dick & Kim Carlow 3/13
Charlie & Shirley Caron 6/12
Bob Chandler 9/13
I M O Arthur W. Chandler 9/13
Michael A. Clark 6/12
I M O Rodney M. Clewley 12/16
I M O Gregory L. Clifford 6/12
I M O Earle F. Collins 7/12
Ron & Evelyn Cook 3/13
Sonny & Marilyn Crocker 3/13
Stephen & Christine Cummings Sr.
Stephen & Sarah Cummings, Jr.
I M O Norman P. Dalbeck 5/12
Wayne & Tanya Darling 4/12
Lloyd Day 4/13
Larry Doughty 8/12
Mark Doughty 8/12
Tyler C. Dunning 9/13
Bryant & Joan Dutch 7/12
I M O Dryden C. Dutch, P.P 7/12.
Robert Emerson 4/13
I M O Lewis E. Fenlason 7/12
Wallace & Lorena Fenlason 7/13
Merle & Betty Finley 4/13
Phil & Sandy Finley 4/13
Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 9/12
I M O Hugo Frati 8/12
Orlando Frati 8/12
George & Mary Beth Gaddis 3/13
Dick & Margaret Gardner 4/13
Greg Geagan 12/12
Paul & Diana Giles 4/13
Goody & Roz Gilman 6/12
Bob & Lil Glidden 4/13
I M O Harry F. Gordon 10/13
Ralph & Phyllis Goss 7/12
W. Louis & Judi A. Greenier 6/12
Charles C.W. Hackney 8/13
I M O Edwin W. Hadley 10/12
I M O Jim Halkett 7/12
Gene & Pamela Hamm 6/12
Ed & Bonnie Hamm 8/12
I M O Elbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 6/12
I M O Tom Harper 7/13
Steven & Marilee Hartley 7/12
Jerry & Lorraine Harvey
Dwight & Estelle Haslam 5/12
One line (single name) $10 for 1 year
One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year
If you would like your name and your Lady’s on
separate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of
$20 for one year.
Send check with name as it is to appear to:
Bangor ME 04402-0735
Richard P. Hawkins
Ralph & Maggie Hill 4/13
I M O Richard Holt 3/13
Gerald & Regina Jackson 5/12
C. Ray & Loretta Jones 2/13
I M O Harry Kearney 8/12
Alton & Ellen Kenney 3/13
Charles & Selma Larson 8/12
Larry & Gail Larson 7/12
Skip Lenfest 7/12
Skip Lenfest, Jr. 7/12
I M O Frank Leighton 8/12
Winston & Frances Mackay 6/12
Roy C. & Elizabeth A. Martin 8/12
Doug A. & Donna McCafferty 10/12
Dougl K. & Candee McCafferty 10/12
I M O Edw Sr. & Evelyn McCafferty
I M O Terral A. McCafferty 9/12
Ed & Nancy McGraw 7/12
Bob & Mary McReavy 3/13
Joseph Megquier 6/12
Jerry & Cindy Merritlhew 5/12
Dick & Joan Meserve 7/12
Dick & Betty Nevers
Barbars & Charles Nolan 4/13
Warren & Velma Orcutt 4/13
Circus Spot Lite Crew P I 2/12
Bob“Boomer” & Julianna Palmer 5/12
Herman & Kate Peabody 7/12
P.P. Ed & Esther Pellon 8/12
James & Frances Pinkham 4/13
Rod & Joyce Pinkham 6/12
I M O Bob Pushard, Sr. 8/12
Chuck & Sally Ridlon
Gary & Glenna Robbins 8/12
I M O Sumner Rogers 3/13
I M O Earl Sands 2/12
Heath & Karen Savage 8/12
Spike Savage 8/12
I M O Clifton R. Scoville 6/12
Todd C. Scoville 6/12
I M O Avon O. Severance 4/13
Marty & Joan Shaw 9/12
Amasa “Stubby” & Joyce Sherman
Shane & Barbara Sherman 6/12
Carole & Geddes Simpson, Jr. 8/12
I M O Dorothy M. Sites 9/12
I M O Donald W. Small, Jr 5/12
Sandy & Colleen Smith 12/12
Thom M & Nadene M. Smith 3/13
I M O Ken Smith 4/13
Roger & Pat Smith 6/12
I M O Cedric A. Somerville 11/12
Daniel L. Tarr 6/12
I M O Betty L. Tarr 6/12
Michael & Mary Tenedios 6/12
William A. Thomas 8/12
Paul & Joyce Thornton 10/12
Tim & Ann Thornton 4/13
Inez & Reginald Toothaker 3/13
Diddy & JudyTrecartin
I M O Houston Wardwell 7/12
I M O Phyllis Wardwell 7/12
Dave & Leni Weaver 3/13
Burt & Jackie Weed 8/12
I M O Wayne Wheeler
Lloyd & Jay Willey
Bob & Norma Winglass
Don & Felicia Wiswell 3/13
Don & Carolyn Wright 4/13
Duane “Div-it” & Karen Young 3/13
you noticed?
The booster list is
shrinking, Your
participation would be
geatly appreciated.
Use the coupon
below to support The
I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one
year. Enclosed is my check in the amount
of $_____Name(s) ___________________
If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor.
You can save yourself a lot of trouble by not borrowing any.
MAY 2012
Who is it ???
The person in the March “Who is it?”
column was Noble Sam Saliba. He was
well known for his dance band and his rug
sales and service business. He was identified, almost simultaneously by Nobles
Bob Glidden and Lloyd day. If you know
this month’s person, or think you do, call
Recorder P. P. Sonny Crocker at 942.2254
or e-mail the Editor at MAPA46@AOL.
COM. The first one to identify the person
wins a free Booster listing for one year.
The supply of pictures is running very low
so if you have someone you would like to
feature send it to the Editor or drop it at
the Recorder’s office. This feature can
only continue with your help!!
Noble John
The unit had a great time catering on
March 16 and March 17 for the Northeast
Shrine Association Mid-Winter Meeting
here in Bangor. It was an honor to meet
Imperial Potentate Mike Severe and Potentates and Chief Rabbans from Shrine
Centers throughout New England and Atlantic Canada. Thanks to all of you for
the really neat Potentate and other pins
that you gave us. We look forward to welcoming you back to Bangor in September
for NSA Field Days. It is really cool that
Shrine Clowns Russ Mitchell and Shawn
Kincaid from Melha and Mt. Sinai, re-
spectively, are both serving as Potentate
of their Shrine Centers this year. Our own
Potentate Tony Bowers and the
Divan certainly represented Anah very capably as well. Great job, everyone!
The Old Town Cub Scouts held a circus themed Blue and Gold banquet on
March 18 and Scooter, Petals, Iggy, and
Fou were on hand to entertain and support
our favorite young clown buddy, Squeaky.
Squeaky usually joins the fun of the Special Olympics Parade in Orono and he
does a great job interacting with everyone
along the parade route.
At our monthly clown meeting on March
23, Eric (Tempo) Anderson gave us the
sad news that he is becoming an emeritus
clown. He received a promotion from GE
and is headed to New York in mid-April.
We are all going to really miss him as he is
a great person and an excellent clown. In
the spirit of GE, Tempo certainly “brought
good things to our lives”. We wish him
and his family all the best in this new adventure. The bright side to this news is
that we still have Donnie (Hearty) Anderson of the County Klowns to keep us entertained.
March 24th was our annual Casino Night
at the Shrine Center directed by Spiffy
with great food by Jappo. Attendance
seemed to be down a bit from previous
years, but everyone had an excellent time
as usual. The entire unit really pulls together to make this event a success. Boss
Clown Gizmo was an excellent Master of
Ceremonies—think Norm Crosby with a
twist of Jerry Lewis. Thanks to Petals for
his ability to gather prizes from local businesses, Div-It for shopping Home Depot,
Continued on page 9
Ceremonial Event
FRIDAY JUNE 15, 2012
Entry Fee $50.00 per person
(cart included)
Limited to first 120 players
Mail entry form with fee by June 1st, 2012 to:
George Watson, P.O. Box 1123, Presque Isle, ME 04769
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Phone # ____________Hcp:_______
Phone # ____________Hcp:_______
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Phone # ____________Hcp:_______
Phone # ____________Hcp:_______
If you do not have a foursome, we will match you up with someone.
Amount Enclosed: _______________________
Net proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners
and payments are not deductable as charitable contributions
A dog gave birth to puppies near the road... and was cited for littering.
MAY 2012
Continued from page 7
Julie Eugley for prizes from a well-known
local author, Dan Taylor of the Aides for
staffing a raffle ticket table, Honorary
Clown Norris Nickerson, Pote Tony and
Lady Carmel, Emeritus Clown Charlie
(Chuckles) Grindle and Lady Cheryl,
Emeritus Clown John (Boxcar) Ring and
countless others too numerous to mention.
A tip of the fez to one and all! Make plans
to attend Clown Casino Night next year, I
promise that you won’t be disappointed.
Beech Hill School in Otis had an INCREDIBLE afternoon of balloon twisting
fun when Jeff (Wow-e) Adams appeared
there on March 29 to do a balloon seminar. I bet that lots of neat balloon creations were taken home by students that
Div-It, Sweet-P, and Jappo helped Pathfinders, a local grief support organization
for children, at a fundraising Bowl-AThon held at Family Fun Bowling Center
in Bangor on March 31. They certainly
were out clowning that day for a very
great and worthwhile cause.
Texas Roadhouse once again generously hosted an April Fool’s Day (April
1) Tip-A- Clown Event which raised over
$1,000 for the Red Sneaker Fund, the official charity of all of us as members of
the International Shrine Clown Association (ISCA). What exactly is the Red
Sneaker Fund, you ask. Well, it originally was a fund established in the early
1970’s by Boston area Shrine Clowns to
raise money to purchase sneakers for kids
being treated at Shriners Burns Hospital
for Children. You see sneakers are easy
and comfortable for kids to walk around
in after suffering burns. Since that time
the fund has become the official charity of Shrine Clowns in the US, Canada,
Mexico, and Panama who together have
raised countless thousands of dollars for
burns research that has helped with breakthrough treatments and cures for children
in Shriners Hospitals and people in other
healthcare settings worldwide. As Shrine
Clowns, this Fund is near and dear to our
hearts. Many Anah Shrine Clowns strive
to appear at least 150 hours in makeup
each calendar year because when we do
we receive a Red Nose Award from
ISCA and $150 is donated in our name to
the very same Red Sneaker Fund to support burns research. Those clowns at Texas Roadhouse to support the work of our
great charity were Coota, Wow-e, Babycakes, Sluggah, Piggy, Pooch, Patches,
Fou, Squiggles, Gizmo, Div-It, Sweet-P,
Jappo, Spiffy, Ty-Dy, Slapshot, and Petals. Boxcar was also there in his sharp
looking suit and Fez and sold nearly $100
in circus tickets. Pote Tony and Lady Carmel also came out to support us that day.
We are very grateful to Texas Roadhouse
for hosting this event and their great patrons for such generous support. It’s nice
to know that Texas Roadhouse has such a
community support minded approach to
doing business.
Rumor has it that Teaberry has landed a
neat new job for a large fraternal/charitable organization with an office location in
a small community located on the road to
Bar Harbor. Congratulations, T!
If you see Gizmo, Piggy, Coota, Babycakes, or Spiffy ask them about their recent trip to the Mayan Riviera. After these
modern day conquistadors land in the
country, Mexico may never be the same!
That’s almost all for now. By the way,
Babycakes, did I tell you that you make an
The Bangor version of the 2012 Anah
Shrine Circus will likely be just a memory
by the time you read this article, but we
can still look forward to Presque Isle.
Noble Robert Look, Reporter
I was planning to start out every article
that I write with a safety message, I’ve
neglected to do that lately, so here it is
for this month. Do you know that it isn’t
safe to try to boil water in a microwave?
There have been several accidents trying to do this. Folks have put the water
in a cup, put it in their microwave and
thought it wasn’t hot enough and then
added more time for it to be heating. Water will not boil in a microwave. It will
get boiling hot but will not boil. When
this extremely hot water is taken out of
the microwave it sometimes acts similar
Continued on page 10
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No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.
Continued from page 9
to an explosion and goes all over everything including the person removing it
from the microwave. So be careful, put
something with the cup of water you’re
trying to heat such as a wooden spoon or
tea bag and you’ll not subject yourself or
others to this hazard.
Our April meeting was held at the Addison Town Hall and it was our Annual Divan Visitation. There were 33 folks that
purchased a meal of steak, baked potatoes,
salad, roll, pie and ice cream. The meal
was excellent. The steaks were again marinated to perfection by Brad Prout and Bill
Sternbergh, cooked by the Mini -Car Unit
and the kitchen duties were led by Donnie
Wright and Walter Kennedy. The Camel
was taken care of by Todd Alley and Fred
The members of the Divan that made it
were Potentate Tony Bowers, Chief Rabban Lee Kaufman, Assistant Chief Rabban Tom Clukey, High Priest and Prophet
Jesse Thomas, Oriental Guide Bob Turner,
Treasurer Julian White Jr., First Ceremonial Master Steve Trimm, Second Ceremonial Master Brad Prout, Orator Roger
Grindle, Director Andy Constantine and
Captain of the Guard Donald Gordon.
Also present for Dignitaries were Assistant Chief Director Dave Weaver, Assistant Director of Units Bruce Clarke,
Greeter Mike Bailey (Mike did the introductions and an excellent job at that),
Chief Greeter Emeritus Melrose Beal (he
and Betty just got back from Florida),
Assistant Chief Aide Denny Smith, Aide
Walter Merritt, Aide George Alley (says
he is overworked, Shiela makes him
work 4 days a week 3 hours a day, must
be nice), Captain of the Mini-Cars and
WCSC President Todd Alley, Mini-Car
1st Lieutenant Robbi Robinson, Mini-Car
Secretary/Reporter Mike Beal, Mini-Car
Treasurer Fred Brown, Mini-Car Quartermaster Steve Tibbetts, WCSC treasurer
Ryan Richardson, Secretary WCSC and
Imperial Photographer Dick Kilton, Hancock County Shrine Club President Bill
Fernald, Lobster Boat Captain Wayne
Butler, Past Potentate Geddis Simpson, PP
Ed Pellon and PP John Fernald.
I’m sure no one will be surprised that
Carolyn Wright won the annual fuel raffle
put on by the WCSC. Congratulations to
you again. You must not have purchased
a Mega Millions ticket last week.
Potentate Tony Bowers talked about
membership in Anah, Blue lodge and all
other organizations and how membership
is down everywhere. He asked that everyone get out and promote the Blue lodge
and the Shrine. Explain what we do and
the reason we do it.
Our meeting in May will be on May 3rd
and it’s TBA on the call and post. Our
meeting in June will be on June 20th at
the Legion in Lubec, it’s the joint steak/
seafood meeting with Scoodic Shrine
Club. Be sure to attend that one, it is a
great meal.
Birthdays for the month of April were
Carole Simpson, Bethany Foss, Ricky
Foss, Earl Tracy, Linda Tracy, Raymond
Crowley, Lisa Crowley, Julie Fernald and
Bob Young.
Those celebrating Anniversaries during
the month of April are Mike and Jolene
Doran, Larry and Teresa Nichols, Carole and Geddis Simpson, Jada and Barry
Hanscom, Susan and Carroll Chandler.
Birthdays for the month of May are Jada
Hanscom, Chuck Kennedy, Debra Murphy, Robert Look, Elliot Tarbell, Debra
Sternbergh, Nancy Merritt, Betty Beal,
Melrose Beal, Rosemarie Mondville,
Kevin Gardner, Kim Gardner, Claire Kennedy, James Crowley, Darren Prout and
Carroll Chandler.
Anniversaries in May are Sheila and Stan
Mitchell, Linda and Earl Tracy (that’s
strange Birthdays and Anniversaries in
the same month, ET can’t forget them and
he probably get out of it a lot cheaper),
Nancy and Walter Merritt, Caron and Dick
Kilton. We wish you all happy birthday
and happy anniversary.
Well until next time, it is time to get the
4 wheeling Cats out because that’s where
it’s At.
Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
MAY 2012
Noble Carl Stewart, Reporter
Greetings Fellow Nobles:
Now that we are seeing signs of spring it is time for
the Chanters to get away and we need to get
practicing on our music for the occasion. We are
still, as always, looking for new members so please
join us.
I also wanted to offer our congratulations to Carol
and Bob Dion on their anniversary.
Noble Bert Weed, Reporter
The Northern Penobscot Shrine Club
gathered on April 4th at the Molunkus
Valley Snow Drifters in the town of Sherman
The evening started at six o’clock with
a happy/social hour. The Graham boy’s
met everyone at the door with a warm
smile and friendly hand shake. They also
staffed the beverage table and did what
they do best. Accompanying them was the
friendly familiar face of Dale Porter. He is
a member of the 4x4 unit. He is just coming off the sick call list and it was good
to see him back with the group. An hour
of fellowship was enjoyed by all. At 7:00
p.m. the meeting was called to order by
president John Farrington who led the
group in the flag salute. Raleigh Hanscom
then lead the group in the spirit of prayer grace. Twenty Nobles along with seven of
their lovely Ladies enjoyed a boiled ham
dinner with all the fixins. The kitchen
crew did a superb job and topped the meal
off with a large assortment of homemade
pies. No one went away hungry.
At 7:32 the meeting was called back to
order by president Farrington. Jan/Feb
secretary’s report was read and accepted.
Treasurer report was read and accepted.
Sick Nobles - an update on Doc Newman was offered by Tony Bowers and
Don Copeland. Old Doc is coming into
the future with a cell phone and starting to
learn how to text. Jay Nadeau sent around
a card for him. The raffle was won by Al
Bay who graciously gave the prize back
to the group. We all thanked him for that.
No Fez fines were levied. First Time Nobles Potentate Tony Bowers presented his
son Theodore and his lovely fiancé Brittany. Theodore also became the newest
life member of the group. Don Copeland
then announced his recent marriage on
Feb 29th. He seems to have a hard time
remembering dates so figured that way he
only needed to remember his anniversary
every four years compared to every year
for the rest of us. I think if wants a long
lasting relationship March 1st should be
etched into his memory. A show of hands
was offered in support of some type of get
together in the late summer early fall. A
surprise guest speaker was pulled from the
kitchen. Honorable Rick Long member of
the Maine Congress gave an insider report
on what is currently going on during this
last leg of the Legislative Session. He is
attempting to get laws passed to promote
the mining operation of Irving Timberland at Bald Mountain to get many, much
needed jobs into the area. A donation to
DeMolay for a 1/4 page add was authorized by the group. Blue Lodge announcements were made and the floor was turned
over to Potentate Tony Bowers. Updates
on the activities of Anah Temple were discussed. The Temple is attempting to buy
glass ware for activities at the Temple.
$1800.00 dollars is going to be needed to
be raised. It seems like a lot but the rental from outside suppliers is equal to that
amount for three events, then the Shrine
Center would be saving money after that.
The Circus is coming and help is always
needed for that. June Ceremonial is fast
approaching. Keep it in mind and plan to
attend. The next meeting will be May 2nd
at the Snow Rovers Club in East Millinocket , We hope all the snowbirds will be
back by then and are able to attend. That’s
all for now. Just remember all our activities are for the Kids.
Keep looking For those Candidates
Hot Sands Ceremonial June 14-16.
Be a top-line signer for 3 candidates and earn an Anah Watch.
Ceremonial Event
All Nobles, Ladies and guests are invited to play
Thursday June 14, 2012
At 6:30 p.m.
The Miller Arena
Get your partner for four-handed cribbage!
$10.00 per person
Send names and $10.00 per person to:
Wellman McFarland, P.O. Box 576, Bucksport ME 04416
Name: ___________________________ Partner ____________________
Amount Enclosed ________________Phone No. ____________________
All Nobles and Ladies are invited to play this fun game.
Just bring some quarters and join the fun.
It’s easy, fun and enjoyable ! !
Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and payments are not deductible as charitable contributions.
A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.
professionals. All care and services are
provided regardless of the patients’ ability to pay.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 9,
Bonnie Turner
Sunshine Club for Children will meet
at the Shrine Center on Monday, April 9,
2012 at 6:30 p.m. Our speaker for the evening will be from Squeaky Wheel Adventures at 7:00 p.m.
Norene Holt, our Corresponding Secretary has sent out thank you notes to the
following Shrine clubs and units who have
given us donations. They are Tierra-DeOso-Negro-Teocalli # 869 known as the
Q, Tri-County Shrine Club, Anan Shrine
Indy Cars, Northern Penobscot Shrine
Club, Aroostook County Shrine Club,
Anah Shrine Oriental Band, Anah Shrine
Greeters, and Anah Shrine Academicians.
These clubs and units have given us very
generous donations. Their support yearly
is much appreciated.
Our Holiday Marketplace this year will
be held on Saturday, November 3. The
committee is working on their timeline.
They have contacted almost all the chair
people. Sue is getting ready for her report
to be given at the April meeting. Everything is coming together quite nicely. The
committee is finalizing the applications
and letters; they will be in the mail shortly. Help is still needed. During our April
meeting we will again be asking people to
help on committees and also work the day
of the fair. If you cannot attend our April
meeting and could help in any way, please
give Sue Black a call at 338-4142. She
would be very happy to hear from you.
Bob and I just returned from the Oriental
Guide Leadership Conference in Tampa.
As I was looking through Imperial First
Lady Patty Severe’s First Lady’s Program
Folder, I found this very interesting information about the Shriners Burn Hospitals.
As you know we have four burn hospitals
located in Boston, Cincinnati, Galveston
and Sacramento. Shriners Hospitals for
Children is committed to research and is
regarded as a pioneer in developing major
breakthroughs in burn medicine. Some of
the advances made through these research
efforts include: Improved survival rates
for patients with severe burns and shorter
hospital stays, an understanding of the value of immediate wound closure, creation
of pressure garments to minimize scarring, improvements in metabolic and nutritional care, development of engineered
skin substitutes and better wound-healing
Shriners Hospitals for Children is a pediatric health care system dedicated to
improving the lives of children by providing specialty care, innovative research and
outstanding teaching programs for medical
November 3, 2012
Please come and join us at our next meeting.
Sunshine Club President Peggy Kaufman is shown receiving checks for the
Sunshine Club Transportation Fund. Donors represent the Tri-Couty Shrine Club
and theOrder of the Q. Presenters are L-R: Duane Young, Kerry Spofford, Marty
Taylor and Keith DeWitt.
I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.
MAY 2012
Noble Perry Fowler, Reporter
May is once again here and parade season is close. Some big events nearby is
that the unit will hold its May meeting at
the Masonic Lodge in Ellsworth and the
Ladies are invited for a special dinner
by chefs Vincent and Lawrence. By this
meeting we will have stories to tell about
our trip to the Shrine Hospitals April 21.
Next month I will load up your calendar
with scheduled events for the 2012 season.
Evidently I’m getting pretty good at forgetting Keith Swett’s birthday. He called
to complain to me once again. I’m sorry
since it was a real milestone for him to
reach 60 in February. Since he shaved his
beard he does not look a day over 65. (seriously he looked near 70)
Earle Archer is still working as the unit
historian and could really use any old
photos or stories for the scrapbook he is
creating. Who knew he would be such a
cropper. If anyone has any pictures or a
story to share please contact him at 6103970 after 7p.m. or stop by the store in
Surry and see him.
Again no Tony report. I will not continue until he wins another race. So please
everyone say a prayer and cross your fingers for the Master of NASCAR.
Birthday greetings for May go to Tami
Linscott, Meghan Page, Raife Rachon,
Jessica Moore, Lorraine Klug, Michelle
Miles, David Varnum, Greg Varnum,
Katherine Varnum, Vincent McIntyre,
Lisa McIntyre and a happy anniversary to
Brian and Jan Linscott.
up Friday, June 8, 2012. All of you that
can be there are asked to be at the parking
lot at UMO, Orono (same as usual) at 5
o’clock that evening. It is a happy time for
the participants of the Olympics, and we
have fun too.
Noble Dean Pennypacker is still at the
Maine Veterans Home in Bangor and
would like a visit or a card from any of us.
We had no 50/50 winner, we didn’t have a
drawing because “SOMEONE” forgot to
give the new Provost Marshall the key to
the locker.
We don’t have any birthday wishes for this
month but we have one couple with an anniversary and that is Noble Randy and
Lady Chrystal Adams. Congratulations to
you both.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May
1, 2012 at 7 o’clock at the Shrine Center.
Hope to see all of you there.
As always be safe and well.
For your convenience Visa and Mastercard
are accepted at
the Recorder’s Office
Harold Adams
Provost Guard - Reporter
Hello everyone. Our April meeting was
brought to order by our Provost Marshall
Noble Donald Havey with eight members
present, and both of our Divan Representatives, Noble Don Gordon and Al Kennedy. We were glad to have our Provost
Marshall at the reins again. Noble Donald
hopes everyone is feeling well, and wants
to pass good wishes on to everyone and to
the Temple for the year ahead.
A big thank you to all who helped with the
parking lot detail at the Northeast Meetings that was held at the Shrine Center last
month. It must be spring because the Bangor and Presque Isle Circus is over by
now. I will let you know more on that next
We do have the Special Olympics coming
A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: ‘Keep off the Grass.’
Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter
Greetings Nobles and Ladies
Wow, what a month of great weather we
had in March. Felt like breaking out the
camper and heading out to a campground
for rest and relaxation. As I write this
article on April 3rd, I’m thinking back
to last April when we were hit with a
15”snowstorm the night of our meeting.
Hopefully we will be fortunate enough
to not have anything like that this year.
We’ll all have to keep our fingers crossed.
The 2012 Anah Shrine Circus will be
over by this publication. More to follow
next month on that event.
When everyone receives this article, the
June Ceremonial is about a month and a
half away. As always we should be in line
for a great time. The Second Section will
be pretty much taking over Pleasant Point
Campground in Island Falls. We have
all of the cabins rented and quite a few
campsites for all of the Nobles and Ladies. I know of quite a few other Nobles
and Ladies who are also camping out that
are not in the unit and we look forward
to having fun with everybody there that
weekend. Something I like to publish
this time of year for all new and seasoned
members - If anyone needs assistance on
what the uniform requirements are for the
Ceremonial parade and work of the day,
contact any officer for help. Make sure
you purchase any meal tickets that you
may want to attend in plenty of time as
they may sell out. Don’t delay. More to
follow in the June Anahgram with details
of events.
Has everyone seen the shows that are
coming to town in 2012 on the Waterfront? It looks like we will be pretty busy
with the parking. According to waterfrontconcerts.com the following is a list
of shows for May and June so everyone
will have the dates. May 9th is TransSiberian Orchestra with gates opening
at 6:00PM. May 18th is GodSmack and
others with gate opening at 5:00PM. May
27th is Gary Allen and others which is
an all day event. June 2nd is Zac Brown
Band with gates opening at 5:00PM. June
22nd is Beach Boys with gates opening at
5:30PM. This list will get us through June
and further information on later shows
will be in the June Anahgram. Noble Tom
Breitweg or Mike Gray will be contacting
people to help with the parking for these
concerts. Ladies are more than welcome
to join in on this fundraiser. What we did
for parking last year enabled the unit to
donate a hearty check to the Shrine Hospital and hopefully we can continue that
in the years to come as that is why we do
what we do. For anyone reading this article, look us up when you need parking
for the concerts you may be going to and
help us out. We will be in the old Miller’s
parking lot and the Dawson Realty parking lot. It’s just a quick walk to the venue
and an easy exit out when the concerts are
Congratulations go out to Noble Mike
Gray who is the 2012 recipient of the Bob
Mott award for the Second Section. This
award is voted on by the membership of
the unit and is given to that Noble in the
unit who shows unending and unselfish
dedication to the unit. His name will be
placed on the plaque on the Second Section wall. Congratulations Mike, it is well
The Second Section’s third annual Noble
of the Year party is in its planning stages.
The date is set for October 27th and the
DJ Dana Wilson is all set to do the music
again. This has been an awesome time for
the past two years and with this year’s re-
cipient it is sure to be a heck of a time and
I’m sure there will be a lot of clowning going on that evening. Stay tuned for further
information in upcoming Anahgrams.
May birthday wishes go out to Nobles
Adam Beals, Steve McLain, Glen Sherman, Ladies Nancy Babcock, Judith Jewett, Donna Kitchen and Marge Severence.
May anniversary wishes go out to Chad
& Susan Cirard, Paul & Carol Cirard, Jim
& Dianne Dunn, Jerry & Denise Hayes,
Joe & Donna Kitchen, Brian & Holly Savage, Jason & Jessica Snowdeal, Dana &
Sherry Wardwell and Harland & Carol
Our next scheduled meeting will be held
Friday, June 1, 2012 at the Shrine Center.
Attendance is important at this meeting to
make sure everyone knows what to expect
at the Ceremonial. A lot will be discussed
and everyone should try to attend. The
June meeting is our last meeting for the
summer and we will resume meeting in
The midget fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.
Membership App
MAY 2012
Be a top-line signer on three of the petitions above and you will earn an Anah Shrine watch.
Noble Daryl Briggs, Reporter
Bangor/Brewer Shrine Club had its March
15, 2012 meeting at the Shrine Center. The
meeting was called to order by Club President Sped Seymour. There were 72 nobles
and guests at the meeting. The invocation
was given by Imperial Chaplin Greg Ringdone. The meal was prepared and served
by Denny & Marjorie Smith, Yogi & Doris
Seymour, Randy Rudge (he came up from
Florida just for that), Ryan Otis, and Dean
Hoke. A big thanks to all who helped!!!!
The meal was a boiled dinner with corned
beef, carrots, turnips, cabbage, and potatoes. Chocolate cake with vanilla ice
cream for dessert. The 50/50 drawing
was won by Ralston Edwards. The Booze
Basket Raffle was won by Andy Constantine. The Past Potentates were represented
by Harold Crocker (1983), Larry Hersom
(1986), Geddes Simpson (2002), Guy
Chapman (2003), Albert Gibson (2004),
Tyler Dunning (2007), and Chuck Kennedy (2010). The Divan was represented by
Outer Guard Don Gordon, Director Andy
Constantine, Recorder Sonny Crocker,
Oriental Guide Bob Turner, Assistant
Chief Rabban Tom Clukey, and Illustrious
Potentate Tony Bowers.
The Northeast Field Days/Convention is
being held in Bangor this fall. Some of the
Imperial Staff was making a visitation to
Anah since we are host for the NortheastFall Field Days. Representing Shriners International were Imperial Potentate Mike
Severe, Imperial Chaplin Greg Ringdone,
and Imperial Chairman of the Board and
Past Imperial Potentate Douglas Maxwell.
Representing the State of Maine Masonic
Order was Grand Master Lou Grenier.
Grand Masters thank everyone for their
support and continued support of the Masonic order. The Imperial Potentate thanks
everyone for their hospitality. He and his
team were enjoying their visit to Maine.
Noble Daryl Briggs, Secretary
Noble Ken Whitney, Reporter
er’s Place in Houlton. Telephone 207532-6739 or email them at mybrotherspl@aol.com. For those of you who need
a GPS address, it is 659 North Street,
Birthdays this month will be celebrated
by Ron Watson, Cindy Blyther, Lyman
Blyther, Elliott Tarbell, Sandra Fulton,
Amy Wood, Rose Mondville, Doug Monson, and Phyllis Watson.
Anniversaries will be celebrated by Ken
and Bonnie Whitney, Harlan and Ina Emory, Clinton and Sandra Fulton, Merland
and Gilmay Clark, and Mike and Maria
See you all at the Pumpkin Patch.
Well, the Circus just got over and I surely
hope it was a good one. Now we can get
on with the camping season.
First up this year is the Pumpkin Patch and
if you haven’t signed up, do so immediately. The dates are May 11, 12, and 13.
Operators are standing by to take your reservations.
The Ceremonial this year on June 15, 16
and 17, we will be camping at My BrothThe soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.
MAY 2012
Anah Shriners Host NESA Planning Meeting
The Northeast Shrine Association (NESA) 2012 Annual Fall gathering is scheduled to convene in Bangor on September 13-15. The
NESA consists of 15 Shrine Centers including all of New England and Eastern Canada. The host Temple is chosen on a rotating basis
so it is held by each Shrine Center once every 15 years, unless a Temple chooses not to host it when their turn comes up. Photos by
Imperial Photographer Noble Dick Kilton
Anah Potentate Tony Bowers, newly elected President of the
NESA is shown receiving the gavel fromPast Ptentate John E.
Grant, Jr. of Aleppo Shriners who was Potentate of Aleppo
and president of the NESA in 2011.
Bangor city officials attended the NESA Planning Meeting
to help bring information to the visiting committee members
of the NESA. They are L-R Ron Gastia, Chief of police;
Kathy Conlow, City Manager; Potentate Tony; John Porter,
President of the Chamber of Commerce; Jessica Donahue,
Bangor Convention Center & Visitors Bureau.
Photo at left: Noble Ernie Smith, an Anah Highlander
piped the visitors into the meeting of the NESA.
Visiting dignitaries pose with Potentate Tony at the NESA
meeting. They are: Past Imperial Potentate, Doug Maxwell;
Imperial Oriental Guide, Chris Smith; Potentate Tony, Imperial Sir Mike Severe; Lewis W. Greenier II ,Grand Master
of Maine; Imperial Chaplin.
Photo above, Potentate Tony shares the lens with
Imperial Sir Mike Severe at the NESA meeting.
International and Anah member is welcomed home to Anah and the
NESA meeting by Chief Rabban F. Lee Kauffman where he spoke on
In a democracy it’s your vote that counts. In feudalism it’s your count that votes
Guy F. Chapman
Potentate 2003
Hear Ye !!!!
iller A r Arena
at Mil
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E 15
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WA . to 5:30
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Miller 6:00 p.m.
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5:00 k
Arena 7:00 p.m. rena*
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Dinne 11:00 p.m rena
8:00 – at Miller A
NE 16
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0:00 a e
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availaMonument ctors Staff
Break Arena by ates, Dire Arena
Miller .m. Candidrt to Miller
7:00 a ivan Repo
and D
*Tickets must be purchased by June 8th
Some adjustments may be
Made necessary to scheduled activities
May be used at the Recorder’s Office
In Houlton J
Under the powers vested in me as Potentate o
assemble on June 14, 15, and 16, 2012 in Hou
Guy F. Chapmen Class of Candidates across t
Anthony “Tony” Bowers
Attention Sponsors of Candi
Please make sure your candid
available to them.
Candidates Ladies are to be g
Ladies Luncheon
on Saturday. Candidates and
Potentate at
the Saturday evening feast.
Thursday – Cribbage tournament: $10
Friday – Men’s and Ladies Golf $50.0
Friday - Dinner, Chicken or Steak $20
Saturday –Feast: Choice of Steak Din
followed by dance
Nobles who are “Top-Line Signers” for three candidateswill earn an Anah Shrine Watch
MAY 2012
Anthony “Tony” Bowers
Potentate 2012
Hear Ye!!!!
Continue E 16
June 14, 15, &
of Anah Shriners, all Nobles are summoned to
ulton, Maine for the purpose of conducting the
the hot sands of the desert.
Harold W. “Sonny” Crocker
P.P. Recorder
dates are aware of all activities
8:30 a.m.
Ladies da Temple Opens
9:00 – 12 y-long scavenger
Miller Are Noon 1st and 2nd hunt
12:30 Lunna
iller Aren
teen Unit
a by Can
1:30 Ladie
ncheon $
18.00 (Bu
1:00 Para
de Lineu
1:30 p.m.
p at Mille
r Arena
3:00-4:00 Parade step off
el’s Milk
7:00 p.m. .m. Social Hour a
Lobster o
r Steak F Miller Arena
eed at Mil
8:00 – 11
:00 p.m. D
Ripley a
t Miller A ancing to DJ Sha
Thank JUNE 17th.
Hope all s for coming
Have a s ad a good time
afe trip
guests of Lady Carmel at the
d their ladies will be guests of the
Busses will be available to transport the
Ladies to the Ladies Luncheon
0.00 per person
00 Per person, includes cart & Lunch
nner $25.00 or Lobster Dinner $30.00
A bar will be provided at the Miller Arena
Carry-in alcohol prohibited
Nobles, use the membership application in this Anahgram to sign up candidates - make a photo copy if you need more or download some from the Anah web site.
Noble Kenneth Stewart, Reporter
The ASC held its last stated meeting on
March 29th with 38 members in attendance. A wonderful prayer was given by
PP Richard Hallet and a great supper was
prepared by the Oriental Band Unit. You
can’t go wrong with a good hotdog and
hamburger supper. No Fez fines were
handed out this month, “Snappy” this
makes two months in a row I haven’t gotten a $1 out of you.
This was the 1st meeting since moving
the ASC moved its monthly stated meetings from the 1st Sunday morning of the
month to the 4th Thursday evening of the
month. Meetings are now held at 7:00
p.m. on the 4th Thursday of the month
with a supper being ready at 6:30 for those
interested. George Watson spoke a bit on
the upcoming 2012 Circus and handed out
the Circus materials. George needs a few
good men or women to help unload the
Circus trailer on Wednesday morning at
8:30. If you could help for an hour give
George or me a call, it would be greatly
appreciated. Mrs. Caron has graciously
volunteered to head up the Circus lunches
and could use some workers for various
shifts and if you are able to cook a dish
you could contact her at 764-5822 or 5518251. Our Potentate, Tony Bowers was in
attendance and spoke on the upcoming
Circus and also the June Ceremonial. Hotel rooms in the Houlton area are full and
they are now booking just across the border into Canada. It is about a 15 minute
ride from Houlton. Don’t forget your
passport if you book a room in Canada as
we would hate to see you get hung up at
the border. The Aroostook Shrine Club
has volunteered to cook the Friday night
supper at the Ceremonial and will need a
good selection of volunteers to work that
meal. There will be a lot of hungry mouths
to feed. Get ahold of myself of President
Ball if you can help and haven’t already
signed up. The Club’s Oriental Band Unit
will be performing the “Mandarin Degree” at the June Ceremonial. As I said
last time I have never seen that degree before, but I am told that it is one you don’t
want to miss. If you don’t have that degree get in line or even if you have done it
before come and watch it again as it should
be a good time.
Don’t forget about the Presque Isle
Screening Clinic on May 12th from 10:0012:00. This year it will be held at The
Aroostook Medical Center’s “Millennium
Building”. TAMC is located at 140 Academy Street in Presque Isle. It is just around
the back of the building and just past the
Main Entrance.
On a final note to anyone not receiving a
monthly “Reminder” phone call and email from me that would like to be notified on a monthly basis of upcoming meetings and events please send me your
e-mail address and your phone number,
preferably a phone with an answering machine. 2012 Dues are payable anytime for
anyone wishing to be a member of the
ASC that is not already. The cost is $5 per
year or there is a lifetime option available
For any information please contact myself at Secretary@aroostookshrineclub.
com or 207-551-3144. Our mailing address is Aroostook Shrine Club, PO Box
1601, Presque Isle, ME 04769, Attn: Secretary. Thanks again and see you later.
Santa Claus is Coming to Town!
Welcome to the Anah Shriners First Festival of Trees. Plan now to bring
the whole family and support our last fund raiser for 2012. Our Shrine Hall
will be decorated in a Christmas theme with many trees on display. Beginning
on Saturday Nov 16 and continuing through the following Saturday, Anah will
open it’s doors to the community, with the dining hall ready to serve a light
meal or Christmas goodies. Do not forget to pass by the 50/50 raffle table In
the Main Hall you will find the trees all decorated and ready for you to place
a ticket in the basket. (A real winter wonderland) In another room you will
find items for a silent auction. .There will be something for the entire family to
experience and all for a $2.00 admission.
We hope to see you there.
Anthony (Tony) Bowers:
2012 Potentate
The best reformers the world has ever seen are those who commence on themselves.
MAY 2012
Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter
Extra Extra read all about it. We are
looking for Nobles to march with us. Did
you know that we march so that others
can walk! We are also looking for some
Nobles that can play a drum. It would
be great to have a beat that could match
our fun loving feet. Come and join us for
some flag wagging FUN!
We planned our meeting for the 22nd of
April. Can’t wait to share our upcoming
parade schedule and how great the meal
tasted. Thank You The Star for preparing
and serving us.
There will be cake and candles this
month for the following Nobles: Arthur
Dority, Edwin DeWitt, Leman Smith,
Richard Anderson, and Chuck Kennedy
The Ladies: Violet Grant Birthday Wishes
to ALL of YOU. Happy Anniversary to
Noble and his Lady: Jerry and Marlene
Anah Shriners is sponsoring Pediatric/Orthopedic Screening
Clinics at the locations listed below.
Saturday May 12, 2012*
For referral to Shriners Hospitals
No appointments are necessary and there is no charge for a visit.
Screening Clinic Locations
Anah Shriners 10:00a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
586 Main Street, Bangor 04401 (Norris Nickerson (207) 989-5594)
Aroostook County Shrine Club 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Route 1 (Next toPerry’s Mini-Mart) ,Presque Isle 04769
(Richard Hallett (207) 429-9059)
*Mayo Orthopedicts 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
*May 5, 2012 Dover-Foxcroft
(Martin Taylor (207) 427-9059
Noble Scott Forbes, Reporter
Greetings Nobles it looks like winter is
behind us and spring has arrived!
The Lobster Boat Unit had its first meeting of the new year on March 12th and
welcomed our new Divan Representative
Tom Frost who will be taking over for
Jesse Thomas. We would like to thank
Jesse for all of his time and effort in supporting the units cause and Anah Temple.
Welcome aboard, Tom!
Captain Carroll Chandler is busy getting
our parade season lined up which will
kick off at the Special Olympics parade
in Orono on June 10th. Other parades will
be announced as information becomes
available. We are looking forward to fair
weather and smooth seas season.
April birthdays include Nobles Wilbert Terry and Michael Madore. Happy
anniversary goes out to Captain Carroll
Chandler and Lady Susan and Scott Johnson and Lady Lorie; another year on the
books, congratulations.
Still looking for a couple of hardy souls
who would like to ply the parade routes
of coastal Maine and have some fun with
the unit.
See you on the water!
Waldo County General Hospital 10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
­Education Building
118 Northport Avenue
Belfast 04915
(Ryan Otis (207)338-2604
Downeast Community Hospital 10:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.
Robertson Building
Machias 04654
(Dave Weaver (207) 483-2280
Calais Regional Hospital (10:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.
Calais 04619
(Dennis Bryant (207) 454-3514
Shriners’ Hospital for Children in Springfield, MA – Orthopedic care.
• Club Foot • Legg-Calve Perthes Disease • Metabolic Bone Disease • Chest
Wall Deformities • Cleft Lip & Palate • Myelodysplasia (Spina Bifida) • Juvenile
Reheumatoid Arthritis • Scoliosis and other spine deformities • Hand and Shoulder
Deformities • Ostetogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle Bone Disease) •Neuromuscular
Disorders including Cerebal Palsy Developmental Dysplasia of the hip and other
hip disorders
Shriners’ Hospital for Children in Boston MA Burn Care
• Burn Injuries • Cleft Lip and Palate • Port Wine Stains and Hemangioas • Scarring and Deformities of the Face •Severe Scarring resulting in contractures or
interfering with mobility of the limb.
NOBLES and LADIES Keep an eye and ear poised
to recognize any child that we may be able to help.
The ring of a telephone is irresistible to me, and so I sometimes pray to be deaf.
March 24th a group of Nobles from Anah and Kora Shrine Centers accepted an opportunity to raise three candidates at St. George Lodge in Warren. The letter below is a thank
you from the Secretary of St. George Lodge with a photo of the guest officers representing
Anah and Kora Shriners.
From: Thomas Stevenson <thomasjefs@gmail.com>
To: rip1900@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon, Mar 26, 2012 12:46:30 GMT+00:00
Subject: Thank you
Ill. Bowers:
I am writing on behalf of the Brothers of St. George Lodge # 16, of Warren to thank you, the members of your Divan, and the
Nobles of ANAH Shrine Temple who attended and helped work the MM Degree on 3 candidates Saturday, March 24.
It was a first for St.George Lodge. I have not seen in our records that a triple MM has ever been worked in our Lodge, and I am
certain it is also the first time the ANAH and KORA Shrine Temples have combined their efforts to work a degree in our Lodge,
maybe in any Lodge in Maine.
I didn't realize until this morning that you traveled from Sherman Mills in order to participate in this event. This gives more
meaning to the jest you made about all men being strangers if one is from Aroostook County. I grew up in Presque Isle so I am
well aware that I could probably drive to Boston and back from where I live in Jefferson in the amount of time it took you to
make the trip from Sherman Mills to Warren. All the more reason to thank you for your time, effort, and personal expense for
coming to put on this work.
Please extend our thanks to those who came with you from ANAH Temple. I have seen the MM exemplified many times but it
is never worked in the manner performed by our Maine Shrine Temples. The words are the same but the feeling put into them
seems to come with more power and feeling of commitment.
Again, thank ou very much for coming to St. George Lodge. Ill Gates has asked me to forward photos of the event to you. I
will do so as soon as I receive them.
Thomas Stevenson, Secretary
St. George Lodge # 16, Warren, Maine
Mid-Coast Shrine Club
If the knocking at the door is loud, it isn’t opportunity, it’s a relative.
MAY 2012
for the last few months are Lloyd and
Katherine Hopkins. Hope I didn’t miss
anyone. There can’t be many left. Until
next month—remember, many hands
make for light work.
Bud Bruns
After a few faux pas I will try to give
some info on the comings and goings of
the Keystone Kops. There is not much
going on as far as activities goes—that
does not include the Circus. We will once
again donate a bike or two and man the
novelties booth. According to the hands
flying up to volunteer, there should be
many in attendance. We always have a
good time with the kids and enjoy helping
Anah’s fund raiser. The Kops bought a
table for the Murder Mystery and we will
fill another to support Pote Tony Bowers.
I bet the Kops will figure out the mystery??>?>? The Kops will have Gun Raffle tickets by the Circus. Get them while
they are hot. We will have our annual
Golf event at Hermon the 20th of May at
9am—rain or shine. We can use all you
golfers and non-golfers out there. The parades are coming in fast and furious. Of
course the Special Olympics Parade starts
things off in June. The Kops donated
money to the Hillbilly Unit somewhere
down south. Go figure!!! And also to the
Demolay. We also had some lucky sole
asking to join our unit. I guess he heard
what a great bunch of guys we are yaright. Ron Emery and Steve Smith decided the bus was not fast enough so they
souped the poor girl up. I thought the mag
wheels were a bit much, whatever works.
The motion was passed with flying colors
though. Now that Fred Beylerian decided
to come back from Florida I have my
hands on the birthday and anniversary list.
It is amazing how the unit is starting to gel
after Dr. Dick is back being our Secretary
(although Jimmy Stanhope did great in his
absence) and our esteemed Treasurer is
also back from the sunny south. JR said
he is an accomplished golfer now!!! It
was also nice to see JD back after a short
time off. Even Al Wasson graced our
presence from Lubec at the meeting. Stevie Smith has learned how to use the gavel during the meetings. I am sure the next
two years will be fun though. Birthday
wishes go out to Danny Taylor, Lloyd
Hopkins, Steve and Betty Trimm, Ted
Perkins, Patti Reid, Jim and Lynn Stanhope, Kerry Dalton, Jeff Downing, Amanda Emery, and Judy Walls. Anniversaries
The statesman shears the sheep, the politician skins them.
How many candidates
have you signed up
for the June Ceremonial?
Mike Murphy
Greetings Nobles and Ladies! April is
upon us and we are diligently practicing
our sets for a rapidly approaching parade
season. One of our practice routines is our
annual St. Patrick’s Day concerts. This
year we played at Geaghan’s Pub . As always, they were hanging from the rafters
to get a glimpse of our performance. We
were thankful to have two of our emeritus
members, Dick Trott and Wayne Gifford,
and their Ladies in attendance. St. Paddies is one of the most entertaining and
anticipated of all of our gigs. It is also a
celebration as two of the members have
birthdays and one of the guys celebrating
his birthday also celebrates his wedding
anniversary. He and his beautiful wife
went to Scotland a few years ago and got
married in a wonderful Scottish Castle or
Chapel, not sure which, but it was deluxe.
(I’m not mentioning names as that information could be used by an unscrupulous
individual as part of an identity thief ring)
In May, we have six pipers that will be
heading to New York for training classes
from the world famous Simon Fraser
Pipe Band. Simon Fraser has been world
champions and receiving instruction from
them is almost a once in a lifetime opportunity. I’ve noticed over the years that
the Highlanders are different from some
of the other units. We do all the same
Shrine and Blue Lodge stuff, but most of
the members really embrace the Scottish
Culture. It becomes a way of life for most
of the members. Several of them travel
to Scotland each year to attend the World
Bagpipe Championships. I suppose that
I’d be the black sheep of the family in
that respect. I’ve bugged the Pipe Major,
Paul Hazard, for years about how the band
should learn Yankee Doodle Dandy. Oh
well, someday I’ll get a fit of ambition and
actually learn it and start playing it on the
street in between sets.
I must offer my condolences to Sid Winchester’s wife Lillian and Wayne Gifford.
I’ve known Sid for several years. I knew
Sid from my work more than from the
Shrine. He was a very genuine man, very
intelligent, a man of his word and an all
around great guy. Sid was a great example of what a Shriner should be. He will
be missed by all who knew him.
Others have suffered immense pain and
loss. Words don’t always do much to heal
in such instance, which reminds me of
President Nixon’s final night in the White
House. In an interview years later, he said
that he and his family were in the private
residence having one last supper (ironic
huh) and he commented on how quiet the
dinner was. But he went on to say they
were all sitting there in “Quaker fashion,
saying nothing but saying everything.”
They all knew that words weren’t going to
make his having to resign any easier, but
simply by being there he knew he wasn’t
alone in his darkest hour. (just in case
some didn’t know, Nixon was a Quaker
and even taught Sunday school classes
when he was younger).
The next day, at Nixon’s departure
speech to the White House staff, he said,
“Only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how truly magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.”
Sometimes, that is all we can do, be there
in someone’s darkest hour. It is hard to
fathom how pain and loss can be part of
God’s plan, but He works in mysterious
ways. I don’t understand it, but I and others find comfort in knowing that God is
in control and all we need to do is ask his
In parting and on a completely different
subject, emeritus Highlander Jim Gillan,
provided me with some British history for
the Anahgram. He said that a lot of people
had questioned him about the significance
of Prince William wearing a “Red Coat”
for his recent wedding. Jim being a native
born Scotsman researched it and then forwarded it to me as he knows that I enjoy
It seems that during the Napoleonic
Wars, a British Colonial was captured by
the French. He was taken to the French
headquarters where he was interrogated.
After a very long interrogation, the French
Generals privately conversed. Then one
of the Generals said to the Colonial, “You
British are so stupid, don’t you realize that
your red coats make you better targets for
us to shoot.” The British Colonial, in true
British fashion calmly replied, “Well good
sir, if you must know, we wear red doublets because if your incompetent marksmen do manage to shoot one of our officers, our men will not see the blood and
they will not panic and will therefore continue to fight.
The April 3rd meeting was held at Pat’s
Pizza. The meeting was called to order by
President Tylerl Dunning at 6:30. Twentysix members were present. Old and new
business was discussed. Ladies night was
cancelled. The gun raffle was a huge success again this year along with the fuel
raffle. The next meeting will be held at the
Annual Lobster Feed on June 6th in Penobscot. Get the word out and see if we
can bring some fellow Masons and Shriners. A good time is usually had by all.
The Shrine club would like to congratulate
all 969 losers of the gun raffle along with
the 31 winners. I guess I wasn’t one of the
winnrs. As usual, I was in the losing cateContinued on page 26
You can have your own miniature potato Barrel Pen/Pencil
Holder for your desk or buy some as gifts for your friends.
Potentate Tony has come up with
the idea of a desk accessory based
on the historical side of potato farming in Aroostook County in the past.
“Potato barrels like this were what I
grew up using, first filling then hooking with tongs, then rolling then moan
and off trucks. I even spilled a few
along the way. HE..HE..These miniatures are made in Island Falls on a
wood lathe by Jim Odgers. I have
burned NSA and Bangor, Maine on
them as well. They are $15.00 each
and can be purchased at the Recorder’s office. The proceeds will be used
to support the Northeast Fall Field
Days in September 2012.
Thank you for your help.
Tony Bowers,
TAll you have to do to make the world beat a path to your door is lie down for a nap.
MAY 2012
Shriners Hospitals for Children:
A History of Innovation and Excellence in Burn Care
Shriners Hospitals for Children®
is noted worldwide as a leader
in pediatric burn care. Since
opening our three pediatric burn
hospitals in the 1960s, our health
care system has been at the
forefront of innovative programs
and treatment techniques that
have both dramatically improved
the survival rate for children with
severe burns and enhanced their
quality of life.
Here is a brief timeline of
the development of our burn
care program:
1960s: In response to the growing
awareness of a need for pediatric
burn care, research and education,
the governing body of the Shriners
organization passed a resolution
at the Imperial Session in 1962
to build and operate hospitals
specializing in pediatric burn care.
The first one opened in 1966 in
Galveston, Texas, followed by
those in Cincinnati and Boston
two years later. The establishment
of these hospitals helped raise
awareness of burn injuries and
appropriate care throughout the
medical community.
1970s: Tremendous improvements
in survival rates were made,
particularly because of innovative
research in excision, grafting, and
intravenous feeding. In addition,
pressure garments that helped
lessen scarring were developed.
Shriners Hospitals for Children —
Cincinnati pioneered skin banking
– a precursor to future methods of
tissue, bone and skin procurement.
In addition Shriners Hospitals
for Children worked with the
United States Fire Administration
and Consumer Product Safety
Commission to identify burn
prevention programs for schools
and fire departments. And finally,
our Boston hospital began the
first school re-entry program
for patients.
1980s: Outpatient clinics were
added at the three burn hospitals
to provide continued care after
patients are discharged. Also,
researchers at Shriners Hospitals
for Children discovered that early
surgical excision and grafting
reduces infections, shortens
hospital stays and improves
cosmetic outcomes for patients.
Finally, Burn Awareness Week, a
national education campaign, was
Top left: Shriners
Hospitals for
Children — Boston
Top right:
Shriners Hospitals
for Children —
Bottom left:
Shriners Hospitals
for Children —
Bottom right:
Shriners Hospitals
for Children —
Northern California
created in an effort to raise public
awareness and reduce the number
of burn injuries in children.
1990s: Services were expanded at
our burn hospitals. Care was made
available for non-burn conditions
such as port wine stains, congenital
ear deformities and other complex
wound and skin conditions. In
addition, new programs were
set up to help burn patients with
psychological and social issues,
including transitioning back to
school and community. And, in
1997, Shriners Hospitals for Children
— Northern California opened in
Sacramento to serve children with
orthopaedic conditions, burns and
spinal cord injuries. The hospital has
become the busiest pediatric burn
center in the western U.S.
2000 - 2010s: Shriners Hospitals for
Children continues to demonstrate
and be recognized for their
leadership in burn care. The hospitals
in Boston and Cincinnati received
the Press Ganey Summit Award for
extraordinary patient satisfaction.
All four burn hospitals have leaders
who have served as president of
the American Burn Association
and three of the hospitals have
hosted or co-hosted the World Burn
Congress, an annual event of the
Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors
that brings together approximately
800 burn survivors and their families,
caregivers, burn care professionals
and firefighters to share experiences
and support one another.
In the years and decades to come,
Shriners Hospitals for Children
expects to continue its leadership
in pediatric burn care, and its longstanding legacy of improving the
lives of children.
Continued from page 24
gory. The fuel raffle was won by Bruce
Clark of Ellsworth. Hope we went home
and told his wife. I don’t suppose that offsets what he left in Vegas. The club 50/50
raffle was won by Noble Tom Frost of
Ellsworth. The meeting adjourned at 7:00.
Winners of the gun raffle were Julian
White, Frank Stanley, Darrell Grover, Peter Cole, Herb Wheelden, Darrell Hurd,
Larry Wilson, John Brown, Penny Fernald, Aaron Rogers, Gerry Martin, Gary
Jordan, Julie Zimmerman, Sam Minervino, Ron Allen, Mike Carr, Steve Watson,
Jessica Bickford, Diane Knowles, John
Porter, Tyler Heath, Adrien Gallant, Lance
Libby, Bill Smith, Floyd Clement, Bob
Bernosky, Todd Alley, Pete McKense,
Robert Hall, and Tony Brown. Once again,
congratulations to all winners and losers.
Stopped by to pick up Bruce Clark for the
April meeting only to notice he had two
snow shovels by the door. Hope he wasn’t
expecting a lot of snow. Heard Nobles
Tom and Steve Fernald have been hitting
the clam flats pretty hard. I wonder if they
are really clamming. Lady Wanda Fernald
is taking her husband, Steve, on a dream
vacation to Florida. Hope they have hot
and sunny weather.
Seems like there is a lot of construction
going on at Molasses Pond on the Roaring
Brook Road. I wonder if it’s a new honeymoon pad. Was talking to Lady Betty Fernald and she said she had just given Past
Potentate John Fernald his license back
and told him to get out of the house and do
something. Anyone in the area with any
free time stop by and say hello to Bud Bordeaux. If anyone is in the Bar Harbor area,
stop in and visit with Putt Walls. I’m a
good one to talk. I guess I’ll make it a
point to get out and visit these Nobles.
Noble Wayne Butler has been leveling up
his portable chalet on the pond. Noble Forrest and I took a ride out in the back and
checked on the squirrel population and
tried a little fishing. As of this writing,
Bruce Clark, Wayne Butler and I are headed to Addison, Maine for the annual steak
feed. Someone asked me if I knew the
way. I said, “Sure, as long as we leave before dark.” The only thing I do remember
is that we have to turn left where we saw
that old Mercedes. Know which one I’m
talking about Bud Morrison? If you don’t,
maybe Tom Fernald does. Checked in on
Noble Gordon Robbins and he is doing
Remember, the May 1st meeting will be
at Pat’s Pizza. Let’s all grab a Shriner and
check it out.
Birthday celebrations are planned for Mae
Landesman, Denny Smith, Charles Kennedy, Irving Smith, Harry Jones III, Cheryl Heath. Honeymooners are George and
Louise Sealy, Steve and Wanda Fernald,
Leland and Frances Lowell, Brian and
Holly Savage, Earl and Linda Tracy, and
John and Judith Driscoll.
The club voted to use an automated phone
call to all members notifying them of upcoming monthly meetings . Please call
Secretary Joe Marshall at 667-2544 to
give him your phone number. If you wish
to send it by e-mail, his address is joe@
Guess I overdid it this time. Cookie has
her bag of bones and I guess we are going
Northeast Harbor
Tel: 800.454.6225
Tri-County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 21st of March at Aunt
D’s in Guilford. Libation Hour and Appetizers began at 6, followed by a delicious
Continued on page 27
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Used Vehicles
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Happiness is paying all your bills and having a comfortable balance lift in your checking account.
MAY 2012
Continued from page 26
meal of Chicken or Fish. The meeting was
called to order by VP Dan Costain, who
was filling in for President Doug Dulac.
The President was said to be on vacation,
likely story. Invocation was given by Noble Howard Weymouth, Flag Salute was
led by the VP. Sitting at the head table was
VP Dan Costain, Treasurer Marty Taylor,
Secretary Dave Mosley, Speaker Conrad
Rollins and Chief Rabban Lee Kaufman.
Unit Heads that were in attendance were
Scott Folsom of the 4x4’s. Robert McGreavy was introduced as a Greeter Emeritious, Ambassador Roger Chesley, Director Harlan Emery. And representing the
Divan was Chief Rabban Lee Kaufman.
50-50 was won by Noble Michael Clukey.
We had 29 Nobles present that night, the
best we’ve had in a long time for the Guilford area. Noble Rollins gave a very interesting and informative discussion on the
Bear Hunting Expeditions that he offers
through his Guide Service. Chief Rabban
Kaufman brought greetings from Illustrious Potentate Tony Bowers. He spoke
about the upcoming Murder Mystery to
be held at the Shrine Center. He also mentioned the upcoming Circus, many hands
are needed to make the Circus a success.
VP Costain called out the Supper Crew
and we gave them a resounding applause
for their efforts that night.
No further business, meeting was closed
by VP Costain. The June Ceremonial
is just around the corner, have you any
new candidates for the Class? ALWAYS
Nobles - Make sure your candidates or potential candidates know
they can use Mastercard or Visa at
the Recorder’s office.
By Rodney Pinkham and Norris Nickerson
Hospital Board Members
What Happens at the Springfield Hospital?
• The facility has 40 licensed beds staffed at the present time.
• In 2009 there were 780 admissions with over 95% surgical.
• Average length of stay is 3-5 days
• Average daily census for 2009 is slightly over 8 patients.
• Two operating rooms, with 4-bed PACU along with a 3 bed extended
post anesthesia care unit.
• Approximately 20,000 outpatients visit clinics annually.
• $1.8 million renovation recently completed, expanding department
capacity by 50%.
• Average waiting time for an appointment is 2-4 weeks.
• All ancillary services are provided on site: OT, PT, child life, nursing,
orthotics and prosthetics, digital-ray and ultrasound, motion lab, pharmacy.
• Conduct outreach clinics in Maine, NY, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico,
Dominic Republic and Cyprus.
• Staff members employed/salaried by SHC include 3.5 pediatric ortho.
surgeons, 1pediatric rheumatologist and .50 plastic surgeon.
• 14 physicians provide services on a regular basis by conducting clinics
and/or surgical services. Comprised of Baystate and community-based
• Approximately 70 other physicians have privileges at SHC and are used
for consults on an as needed basis.
• Affiliated with Boston Univ/Boston Med. Ctr., Albany ed. Ctrl, and Baystate med/peds, with residents rotating at SHC.
OTHER N.E. states and upstate NY and 1/3 come from outside the
continental U.S. In 2009 children from 30 different countries were treated
at Springfield.
• Of the domestic patients 50% have Medicaid and 50% have commercial
insurance. The non-US patients are without insurance.
• Current 100,000 sq. ft. facility opened in 1990.
• Annual operating budget is $25 million dollars.
• Annual capital budget is $400,000 (suspended for 2009 & 2010).
• Hospital employees 230 people.
Parents or Guardians who wish to get information on admission to Shriners Springfield may call directly to The intake
Department (toll free) at 800-322-5905
All you have to do to make the world beat a path to your door is lie down for a nap.
Noble Dan Murphy, Reporter
Well it looks like I drew the short straw
and I am the new reporter for the Waldo
County Shrine Club. I am not really sure
what Presidenet Ryan Otis was thinking in
asking a clown to do this but here it goes.
Our last meeting was held on Thursday,
March 8 and the club hosted approximately 40 Nobles. Nobles Charlie Plourde,
Dave Bowen and Alfred Reynolds cooked
and treated the guests to an excellent
boiled dinner featuring corned beef, cabbage and all the fixings. Needless to say
Shamrock the Clown was very happy with
the meal. As usual Shamrock was behind
the bar serving the libations for the guests.
Marshall Tim Dutch handled the invocation and introduction of the guests. Divan
members present included Ill Sir Tony
Bowers, Marshall Tim Dutch, Asst Treas.
Rusty Whitcomb, Recorder and Past Potentate Sonny Crocker, and Past Potentate
Chuck Kennedy.
President Ryan Otis opened the business
meeting. Reggie Withee reported on the
dance held at the club in February and reported it was well attended and everyone
had a good time. The club is trying to hold
these dances on monthly basis so come on
down and have a good time. Ryan spoke
about the upcoming capital campaign to
help raise money for the club and all members should watch their mail for information. Rusty Whitcomb spoke about circus
ad sales and reported ad sales up this year
in Waldo County. Congrats to the salesman
and their hard work.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Alan Hayworth.
Finally our potentate, Ill Sir Tony Bowers had the floor. He spoke about the busy
year coming up and finished with a couple
of stories. Let’s all get out and support
Tony and the busy year he has planned.
The next time you see Tony ask him for
directions to Waldo County. Seems he got
a little lost coming to the meeting and had
a scenic tour.
By the time you read this, our April meeting will be in the books and I will report
on all the fun and games had by all. We
will have also had our first Comedy Night
fundraiser. Yours truly looks forward to
seeing everyone at the Bangor Circus and
Shamrock will be there for all 7 shows to
see his fans. The big question is Who will
get the pie this year. Hmmmmmm, Ryan
Otis be nice to me. Seriously let all the
Nobles come out and volunteer and support this event, our biggest fundraiser.
Looking forward to everyone coming out
to our next meeting. The Waldo County
Shrine Club meets on the second Thursday of every month. See ya then.
The old timer is one who can remember when a bureau was a piece of furniture.
MAY 2012
Noble Sid Alley, Reporter
The weather lately has been a bit discouraging to say the least. Just last week,
we had temps in the eighties and bikes
were everywhere. Inspired by such great
weather, I got the iron pig out and got in a
ride myself. The iron pig by the way is a
term of endearment reserved for my bike.
It’s not big enough to aspire to hog status;
therefore, pig it is. Using that logic would
suggest that my mini would be the iron
piglet. Anyway, the weather this week
has been snowing and cold and the pig is
in the sty. The good news is that warmer
days are coming. People will get out and
celebrate. They will have parades, and we
mini-bikers can do our thing.
At our March meeting, Captain Jason informed us that our monthly indoor meetings are over for now. We will start practicing our routines with the minis twice a
week sometime in April. I got the impression that the guys are looking forward to
it. Just in time too. Our parade calendar is
starting to fill up and we have a few guys
still on training wheels. With any luck, we
may pick up a new rider at the Ceremonial
in June. New riders are always needed.
A motorcycle license is not required and
previous riding experience is a plus, but
also not needed. Send me an E-mail if
you think you might be interested in living dangerously. Send mail to sidalley1@
yahoo.com or call me at 404-1072.
May birthdays are Kevin Chase, Larry
Hersom, Ralph Hill, Chuck Kennedy,
Cheryl Long, Dottie McLeod, Jim Ryan
and Ellen Woodall.
Congrats go to Kevin and Karen Chase
and Jim and Nancy Ryan. Both couples
tied the knot in May.
not forgotten, just inadvertently left out.
Like my baseball days when I played left
bench and left out.
So here is what I have for members: Dennis Bryant, director. Bob Hodgkins Asst.
Dir. Merland Clark, Sec/Treas. Members.
(in no special order) Chester Davis Jr.,
Lloyd Day, Jim Bennett, Steve Summerson, Sheldon Ellis, Hermon Littlefield,
Russ Barber, Ted Webersinn, Phil Phillips,
Life Members: James Small, Ricci More,
Joseph Byrne and Bernie Hammond.
Thanks guys, keep in touch.
When this is printed the Circus will be
over. Thanks to all who assisted.
The Director will be in touch about the
June Ceremonial and the Northeast Field
Days in Sept.
in Bangor.
Let me know if you are/or what you have
covered so I can get it in the column.
Till later it is back to fishing and scouting
turkeys.The toms are starting to strut in
front of the hens, it looks like some of the
boy basketball players strutting in front of
a group of cheerleaders.
That’s all from downtown Hartland.
Bob Hodgkins
Hi members: March out and about.
The only info I have is that Merland
Clark and Bob Hodgkins attended the
NE Shrine Association planning meeting
in Bangor for planning on the September
NE that will be held in Bangor. Look for
later info from the director and staff in
the Anahgram. It was good to see Randy
Rudge up from Florida. He gave a talk on
membership for the Shrine.
Speaking of membership, except for the
officers, our members were left out of the
2012 “Nutshell” be assured that you are
If a man still has his appendix and tonsils, the chances are that he is a doctor.
Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter
Well here we go again, the Circus is over
and the parades are ready to go. We will be
having a cleanup-get the trucks ready day
at Scott Averill’s on May 12th, starting at
8:00 A.M. We will be having our Annual
Golf Tournament, June 24, at Jato Highlands in Lincoln. This tournament will be
open to all.
Our parade schedule for 2012 will be
Special Olympics, on June 8th, Ceremonial, on June 16th, Dennysville, on July
3rd, Lubec, Eastport, and Winslow on July
4th. We will be at Lincoln, July 20th, St,
Albans, July 21st, Dover-Foxcroft, August
4th, and Harmony and Sherman on Labor
Day, We all will be at Bangor September
15th for Northeast Shrine Association
Field Days.. As you can see we are a busy
unit and could use more members. If anybody is interested you can attend our regular meeting the first Monday of the month,
at 7:00, at Anah Shrine Center/ You can
also contact me at 794-6675.
Birthday wishes this month go to Jesse
Patterson, and this old reporter. Anniversaries this month go to Bob and Perlene
Libby, and Paul and Rhonda Scott. There
are two young ladies that deserve a PAT
on the back.
Blue Lodges that go dark in the summer
have a lot of work to finish up, and could
use your help. If your Lodge does not go
dark in the summer, then their work in just
getting started, and could still use your
Deanne Merrill, installing Musician, PQ
Caron Kilton, APQ Dorothy Marston, installing Attendants and PQ Gayle Sprague
assisting installing Marshal.
After receiving her crown, Queen Jane
was presented a bouquet of white roses by
her husband and welcomed by the Temple. Queen Jane addressed the Temple,
thanked all who attended and said she is
looking forward to her year serving as
Queen of Ankh Temple No. 160, Daughters of the Nile. She expressed her gratitude for the members serving as officers
and on committees this year. Queen Jane
then introduced her family and friends.
Among those introduced from Anah
Shrine were Past Potentate Geddes Simpson, 2nd Ceremonial Master Steve Trimm,
Imperial Photographer Dick Kilton, and
Convertible Unit Wally Fenlason. Elec-
tive Officers introducing their family and
friends were Pr. Royal Teresa Potvin, Pr.
Tirzah Peggyanne Kilton PQ, and Princess Badoura Betty Trimm. Welcome to
Pr. Betty as she begins her journey on the
line. Each office of the line holds a unique
and inspirational story to turn her journey
into memorable one.
PSQ Eleanor spoke to us of the only
mission of the Daughters of the Nile Organization is to work for the greatest
philanthropy on earth, Shriners Hospital
for Children®. Each year, the Daughters
of the Nile Foundation contribute over
$1,500,000.00 to the Shriners Hospitals.
Every Shriners hospital has two gold
plagues pressed into a donor wall each
representing a million dollars. The Daughters of the Nile is now working on a three
million dollar plaque for each hospital.
Caron Kilton, P.Q.
It was a beautiful spring day, when
Queen Jane Ritchie and other officers of
Ankh Temple were honored to have 2007
Past Supreme Queen, Eleanor Green, install them for the 2012- 2013 year. PQ
Eleanor is from Ahlem Temple No. 84,
Springfield MA.; it is always a pleasure to
have her visit our Temple. The Entrance
of the Bible was presented by Pr. Teresa
Potvin; the entrance of the Crown was presented by Pr. Donna Wood. PQ Faye Ward
as Mistress of Ceremonies gave a welcome address, introduced and presented
Supreme Officers, reigning Queens and
Past Queens. Other installing officers were
PQ Lorena Fenlason, installing Marshal,
PQ Ellen Kenney , installing Chaplin, JPQ
A politician thinks of the next election; the statesman of the next generation.
Continued on page 31
MAY 2012
Continued from page 30
On February 24, 2012, a THIRD GOLD
PLAQUE was pressed into the wall of the
Shriners Hospital for Children®– Tampa
by Foundation President, Linda Trible and
Supreme Queen Laura Richardson. They
were joined by Imperial Sir Mike Severe
and Past Imperial Sir and Chairman of the
Board of Trustees for Shriners Hospitals
for Children®, Douglas Maxwell.
Before retiring to the Banquet Room
for delicious refreshment and fellowship
with our new officers, the Ankh Temple
Dancers entertained with their latest dance
steps to the tune of “It’s a beautiful day”.
Noble Wally Fenlason, Reporter
Hello Ladies & Nobles,
Here it is May already…the birds are
singing and the flowers are blooming!!
Our “Snowbird Members are returning
just in time to help with the “Annual Anah
Shrine Circus”. This is always a great
time and your help would be greatly appreciated!! Also this month is Anah Convertibles 28th Annual Super Supper on
May 12th at the Shrine Center. I certainly
hope you have your ticket by now!! If not,
contact any Unit Member ASAP!!
Our parade season is going to begin very
soon; and it will be very nice indeed to
“get our cars out” for the new season.
Looking forward, to the June Ceremonial, we need candidates; so we need you to
go to your Blue Lodges and “round ‘em
up!! The more…the better!!
Those “blowing out candles” this month
are Lady Elaine Goss and Noble Ron Jordan…we hope you two have a wonderful
birthday celebration (together maybe!!)!!
Well, I guess that’s the “scoop” for this
month. Remember to live each day as if it
were your last!!
Crusin’ Wally
Anah Aides
Noble Gordon Smith, Chief Aide
Hi Nobles:
I want to thank all of the Aides and Aides
Emeritus that helped make the
Mid-Winter NESA Planning Meeting a
great success. You can be very happy with
your performance, everything went really
well for us. We had very good comments
from the Temples that were here. They
said “if they wanted anything or needed
to ask The Yellow Shirts”. We had a good
turnout for the libation hours and the
Clowns did a fantastic job at helping us.
The Murder Mystery will be a thing of
the past when this comes out, and that
should be well attended by the unit.
April Birthday greetings are extended to
Paul Thornton, Bart Smith, and Beverly
Noble Ron Biliancia, Reporter
Hello Fellow Academicians.
If you have not yet sent in your 2012 dues,
please do so at your earliest convenience.
All remaining bills have been sent out, and
some people are still in arrears. Please
send $10 checks payable to Anah Academicians to Ron Bilancia 59 Allison Park
Brewer, ME 04412.
The next unit meeting is Wed. May 30th
starting at 6pm at HAPPY CHINA BUFFET in Bangor. It is the last meeting before summer where we will debrief the
Circus and discuss other important issues
such as the June Ceremonial.
In March, Steve Mosley and family went
to Cancun Mexico. Steve reports that it
was spring break and they had a great
time. The weather was good and they did
some snorkeling, cave exploration, and
zip lining. They met many nice people
and it was fun to really get away with no
phones or emails for a week. Steve also
reports that he and Julie have moved into
their new home in Franklin.
Continued on page 32
ANAH Shriners Dues Subscription
would like to purchase a dues subscription to ANAH Shriners. I
that my dues (currently $45.00) will be charged to the
credit/debit card listed below each December and my membership card mailed
to me. I also understand that I may cancel this subscription at any time by contacting ANAH Shriners office at 207-942-2254. I understand that no other charges will be made to this card by ANAH Shriners without my permission.
Name ____________________________________ Member Number ____________
Email address ______________________________________
Billing Address _____________________________ Phone Number ____________
Billing City _________________________ State ___________ Zip_____________
Credit Card Type ________________ Card Number ____________ Exp._______
Signature _________________________________________
Please cut this out and mail to Shrine Center. P.O. Box 735, Bangor ME 04402
Most husbands develop into pretty decent animals considering the material their wives have to work with.
Continued from page 31
Donnie Copeland reports the following:
“I got a new job teaching for a company
that assists companies to comply with
Haz-Mat OSHA requirements. How?
Well I was talking with Bobby Jackson,
who is working part- time for Allen Industries, and inquired if Carl needed some
help. Well, I’m in. There aren’t many of
us who have the background training to do
it.” Congratulations on the new gig Donnie. I hope the stuff you deal with isn’t as
hazardous as my homemade spaghetti
The unit meeting on March 28th went
very well with 23 people there. Next year,
when Lee Kaufman is Potentate, the interim Divan Rep will be Don Gordon who
was introduced. We thank Lee for his
many years of great service to us, and we
look forward to working with Don who
will do a great job during Lee’s year.
Longtime member Bob Lobley was has
been voted in as a lifetime Honorary
Member. Congratulations Bob.
If you need accommodations for the June
Ceremonial in Houlton, hotels and motels
are about full, so make sure you do what
you need to do to make some arrangements if needed. As to the ceremonial,
please let your Section Master or a governing officer know you want to participate if you are not directly called. We’ll
put you to work and will appreciate the
help very much.
Everyone is reminded that the new Grand
Lodge offices are now in Holden.
Have a great May everyone. As always,
don’t hesitate to contact me at 989-2617 or
rbilancia@roadrunner.com with any news,
comments, concerns, gossip, jokes, outright lies, or just plain old complete and
utter nonsense that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and
Anah Shrinedom in general.
Scott Folsom of the 4x4’s. Robert McGreavy was introduced as a Greeter Emeritious, Ambassador Roger Chesley, Director Harlan Emery. And representing the
Divan was Chief Rabban Lee Kaufman.
50-50 was won by Noble Michael Clukey.
We had 29 Nobles present that night, the
best we’ve had in a long time for the Guilford area. Noble Rollins gave a very interesting and informative discussion on the
Bear Hunting Expeditions that he offers
through his Guide Service. Chief Rabban
Kaufman brought greetings from Illustrious Potentate Tony Bowers. He spoke
about the upcoming Murder Mystery to
be held at the Shrine Center. He also mentioned the upcoming Circus, many hands
are needed to make the Circus a success.
VP Costain called out the Supper Crew
and we gave them a resounding applause
for their efforts that night.
No further business, meeting was closed
by VP Costain. The June Ceremonial is just
around the corner, have you any new candidates for the Class? ALWAYS WORK
Things Happen
The Editor is offering an apology to
both the NASCAR Unit and the Indies
Unit for an error that occurred on the
cover of the April Anahgram. The
NASCAR Unit was pictured but
identified as the Indy Car Unit. I don’t
know where to hang the blame for the
error as photographs sometimes go
through so many hands it is impossible
or next to it, to find out where it got off
the track. I hope everyone involved has
it in his or her heart to forgive and forget
and move on.
Jerry Harvey
Marvin Tarbox Memorial Motorcycle Ride and BBQ
Sponsored by the Low XII Riders Chapter
Widows Sons Motorcycle Riding Association
Date: May 20, 2012 - Registration at 1200 noon
Kickstands up 100 pm - BBQ to follow ride at approx. 300 pm
Tri-County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 21st of March at Aunt
D’s in Guilford. Libation Hour and Appetizers began at 6, followed by a delicious
meal of chicken or fish. The meeting was
called to order by VP Dan Costain, who
was filling in for President Doug Dulac.
The President was said to be on vacation,
likely story. Invocation was given by Noble Howard Weymouth, Flag Salute was
led by the VP. Sitting at the head table was
VP Dan Costain, Treasurer Marty Taylor,
Secretary Dave Mosley, Speaker Conrad
Rollins and Chief Rabban Lee Kaufman.
Unit Heads that were in attendance were
Cost of ride is $20.00 per bike or
auto. Price for BBQ only is $10.00
per person. Additional riders pay
10.00 for BBQ.
Place: Anah Shrine Center. This
ride is open to both motorcycles
and automobiles who wish to go on
the ride. All proceeds to benefit the
Marvin Tarbox Memorial Scholarship
Fund to be set up by the Low XII
Vendor tables will be set up with
merchandise for sale. BBQ to be put
on by the Anah Shrine Clowns. This
event is to be held rain or shine.
One big trouble with doing nothing is – you can’t stop and rest.
MAY 2012
Healthy Bones, Healthy Bodies:
It Takes a Lifetime of Commitment
You may not spend much time thinking about your
bones, but they play a significant role in your overall
health. Strong bones help prevent musculoskeletal
conditions, such as arthritis, osteoporosis and back
pain. According to the Burden of Musculoskeletal
Conditions, 48 percent of the American population
over the age of 18 is affected by these ailments.
Even though bone and joint issues mainly affect
adults, the most effective prevention occurs
during childhood.
Bones are a living tissue that change constantly,
with bits of old bones being removed and replaced
by new bones. They are similar to a bank account;
you make “deposits” and “withdrawals” of bone
tissues. During childhood and adolescence, more of
your bones end up being deposited than withdrawn
as the skeleton grows in both size and density. Up
to 90 percent of peak bone mass (the amount of
bone tissue in the skeleton) is acquired by girls at 18
years of age and by boys at 20.
The most efficient way for children to reach
their best possible peak bone mass, is by being
active and exercising and ensuring adequate dietary
calcium and vitamins. This is why Shriners Hospitals
for Children® believes physical activity and a healthy
diet are the most influential things your child can do
to promote lifetime bone health.
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests
that children should get up to 30 minutes of exercise
on a daily basis.. When bones are put to work,
especially in weight-bearing activities such as
walking, jogging, aerobic dancing, gymnastics and
playing sports, they respond by becoming stronger
and denser. Even though some activities like
swimming do not involve weight-bearing benefits,
they still build strong muscles which in turn help to
build strong bones.
In order for kids to be physically active their
parents need to be good role models. Typically,
active children have active parents. It’s important for
parents to help their kids find a variety of physical
activities or sports they enjoy. Also, there should be
a firm time limit established for sedentary activities
such as television, being on the computer and
playing video games.
In addition to proper exercise, a child’s diet
also plays a critical role in having healthy bones.
Calcium is one of the most important nutrients
because our bodies continually remove and replace
small amounts of calcium from our bones. By
obtaining enough calcium from foods, a child’s
growing body doesn’t have to take calcium from
your bones. Calcium also has the ability to help the
heart, muscles and nerves to work properly, and is
important to dental health.
Although calcium is extremely helpful, it is not
enough. Vitamin D, Vitamin K and magnesium all
help your body absorb and retain calcium. A lack
of adequate Vitamin D, can results in rickets, a
disorder that softens children’s bones. Fortunately,
all your child needs is 15 minutes of sunlight to get
the recommended daily dose of Vitamin D. Also,
Vitamin K helps the bodies regulate calcium and can
be found in green and leafy vegetables like spinach,
kale, collards and turnip greens. The body needs to
store magnesium, so it’s important to incorporate
nuts, seeds, whole grains, seafood and tofu into your
daily diet.
As a leader in pediatric orthopedic care,
Shriners Hospitals for Children is raising awareness
for children to develop a physically active and
nutritionally health lifestyle during National Bone
and Joint Action Week, Oct. 12-20. The 19 Shriners
Hospitals for Children specializing in orthopedics can
provide expert information on topics such as this and
several other pediatric orthopedic concerns.
National Bone and Joint Action Week is an
extension of Bone and Joint Decade, which is
supported by many organizations like Shriners
Hospitals for Children that specialize in pediatrics.
During National Bone and Joint Action Week,
organizations around the globe design events and
projects to increase public understanding and
awareness of musculoskeletal health issues.
For more information about Shriners
Hospitals for Children, please visit www.
shrinershospitalsforchildren.org. For information
about Bone and Joint Awareness Week, visit
A good time was had by all at the
Murder Mystery
Photos by Imperial Photographer, Noble Dick Kilton
Super Sleuth
Potentate Tony at right with Aides who helped put on the Murder Mystery
Dinner winners
MAY 2012
No. 9320 Noble Donald E. Swazey of
Brownville Junction was born March 19,
1928 in Brownville Junction and died on
March 28, 2012.
He served with the U. S. Army in Korea
and upon discharge began a career with
Canadian-Pacific Railroad for 34 years.
He was a member of the Brownville
Junction United Methodist Church and
the Chaisson American Legion Post No.
41. He was an ardent hunter and fisherman and enjoyed NASCAR and other
His Masonic affiliations included membership in Pleasant River Lodge No. 163
AF & AM of Brownville Junction. He
was a member of the Tri-County Shrine
Club. His enrollment in Anah Shriners
was recorded as June 15, 1985.
No. 5259 Noble James E. Scripture, Jr.
81 of Bangor and Bradenton, FL died on
Noble Earl Lord, Reporter
Carl Gray’s letter is continued here
from January.
“I recall the Northeast at Halifax in 1965,
again a chartered bus and wives with us.
The parade stepped off near the waterfront so it was up hill to a field behind the
Citadel. I was playing against an asthma
condition and managed to finish, but director Ray Annis, excused me from playing for Arab Patrol marching.
Carl then continues with a list of band
secretaries or historians. Carl further
says “I was band director only in 1979,
the year my father and mother passed on
three days apart in June. I had to call on
Lew (Fitts) to fill in for me on a parade
or two. Still I have fond memories of an
outdoor concert I conducted at Westgate
Manor nursing home: also a concert we
did at City Hall Plaza in Ellsworth.
I still play piano and have weekly Saturday night gigs at Crocker House, Hancock Point for two seasons. I hope my
old friend David Breau is well and active
and I wish I could be. Band history is
important but its future more so.
April 1, 2012 in Florida.
graduated from Bangor High School, class
of 1948, where he lettered in football and
basketball. After graduation he enlisted in
the U.S. Navy for four years as a signalman during the Korean War. After the military, he attended Husson College before
being hired by Bangor Police Department
in 1954. He worked through the ranks and
completed several training sessions, the
most memorable being the FBI National
Academy in 1966. During his career he
was involved with several well-known
cases, including the Morris murders and
the Bangor House murder. He completed
his career as deputy chief in 1977. He then
went to work at Bangor Daily News in the
circulation department, retiring for good
in 1991.
He was involved in many community
activities during his lifetime. He was an
avid sports enthusiast who served as a
coach for Bangor East Little League and
for youth basketball at Bangor YMCA. He
loved his family and friends very much,
and memories of the time spent together
won’t be forgotten. He was especially
fond of holidays spent with family and
will never be the same as well as summering at the lake. The trips to Fenway Park
and spring training games were adventures. Trips to the Lobster Pound will never be the same. He was always ready for a
family gathering. He had a way of making
friends no matter where he went. He and
Joan spent their winters in Florida. When
home for the summer, he would make sure
to get his early morning walk in with “The
Mall Walkers” before heading to McDonald’s for a cup of coffee with his brothers
and the “coffee crew.” He will always be
remembered for being soft spoken, having
a good-natured soul and always willing to
help someone in need.
His Masonic affiliations included over
50 years of membership in Rising Virtue
Lodge No. 10 AF & AM of Bangor and
the Scottish Rite Bodies. He was a member of the Anah Second Section. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as
June 27, 1959.
Memorial Day Parade, Special Olympics
Parade, Ceremonial starts the summer
schedule with more events and fundraisers scheduled through September.
Every member, please send us your
memories to be placed in the archives and/
or printed for the rest of us. Find musi-
cians and invite them to join the friends
and telling them how to be a Mason.
Anah band seeks a truck driver for the
band for scheduled events. Please contact
We supply the truck, trailer - you do the
driving AT the EVENT only.
Your wishes for the type of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one can be outlined in
advance like a will, prearranging a funeral is part of putting your affairs in order, yet it costs you
nothing. Call us to set up an appointment.
1.800.667.2595 - Mount Desert Island • Ellsworth • Blue Hill
Do you need an application
for a new Noble?
See page 15
Join us at the 3rd annual New England Walk for
Burn Awareness
Saturday, May 19, 2012
at Castle Island in South Boston!
Support our hospital and our kids!
Bring along your family and friends and join burn
survivors and firefighters for a wonderful event that supports survivors
of burn injuries, raises funds and brings burn prevention to the public.
Participants will walk for two miles around scenic Castle Island. Festivities will also include a performance by the Greater Boston Firefighters Pipes & Drum band, Shriners Clowns, local celebrities, a
water show from Massport’s Fire Boat, children’s activities, and refreshments and tee shirts for all
participants. The entrance fee is $25, with children under 12 free.
Are you working?
Membership applications available
at the Recorder’s Office
You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
Anah Shriners
P.O. Box 735
Bangor ME 04402-0735
MAY 2012
You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.

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