April 2013 - Anah Shriners


April 2013 - Anah Shriners
APRIL 2013
monthly messenger
Anah Shriners
Bangor, Maine
71 A Center Street
Brewer ME
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You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
for To
The Anahgram
Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners
Anah’s 91st year - Chartered June 15, 1922
A Chapter of Shriners International
586 Main Street, Bangor Maine 04401
Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994
Website: www.Anahshriners.com - e-mail: anahshriners@gmail.com
Volume 81
Number 4 APRIL 2013
Gerald L. Harvey- Editor/Advertising Manager
The Circus
is coming!
April 26, 27and 28
May 2, 3 and 4
More Circus
on page 20
Tuesday, April 5
If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring
a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below.
ORTHOPEDIC: Rodney Pinkham, P.P., Box 8, Holden , ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763
BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124
Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916
You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
Flag Unit
Sunshine Club
Hancock Cty S C
Ladies Night
No. Penob S C
Tri-County S C
County S C
Divan Visitation
Chanters Meeting
Waldo County S C
Funsters Meeting
Bangor Brewer S C
Ladies Night catered by Stevie’s
Keystone Kops
Golf Tournament
Washington Cty
S C at Blue Bird
Hancock County
S C meeting
Downeast Daughers of the Nile Childrens Day
Photo Unit
APRIL 2013
MAY 2013
Daughters of
the Nile Installation
Keystone Kops
Director’s Staff
Chanters Meeting
Tri-County S C
Schoodic S C
Campers Outing
Waldo County S C
Bangor Brewer
S C Steak Feed
Campers Outing
Super Supper
Armed Forces
Island Party
Chanters Meeting
Campers Outing
Keystone Kops
Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity
please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication.
APRIL 2013
A Note from
First Lady
Greetings Nobles and Ladies,
Another month has slipped by and a lot of
things have been happening in Anahland
in the month of February and the start of
Peggy and I spent some time chasing my
grandson in his basketball endeavor and
although his team did not reach the semifinals in western Maine it was fun to observe how he has matured in his play. We
also attended the state finals of the cheerleaders, in which one of our granddaughters participated.
We attended the Wheelers Super Supper and made it to the last ten or so to be
eliminated. It was fun and the food and
entertainment was great. I also attended
the Tri-County Shrine and Waldo County
Shrine Club meetings, the food is always
great but I have to watch how much I eat
or the pounds are going to stick on me.
Noble High Priest and Prophet Robert
Turner and Lady Bonnie traveled with
Peggy and me to Melha Shriners for a
visitation and their Potentates’ reception.
We also had a chance to meet with several
of my counterparts from the Northeast and
discuss some of the happenings going on
in our mutual Shrine Centers. I must tell
you that I am proud to be able to represent
Anah just completed a very successful
Unit Seminar with most all clubs and units
present to hear about the changes in the
way hospitals are now required for referrals and the new types of treatment that
are being developed and put into use. We
started with a presentation from our Public Relations, followed by a presentation
from donor relations from the Springfield
Hospital and Boston Burns. We also discussed the items of interest for Anah. I
was pleased to give out the checks to units
and clubs for the sales of calendars in the
total amount of $ 10,600.00 and explained
that this was a success for not only the
Shrine Center, but also the chance to earn
money for the clubs and units. A new raf-
F. Lee Kaufman
fle was presented which I touched on in a
previous column.
By the time this edition is published we
will have had the Clown Fest in Portland
and I will report on the trip to Cornwall,
Ont. Canada for the Mid-Winter NSA.
Remember the Circus is coming to town
and we will need all the help possible
for this important event. This is the largest fundraiser for the operation of Anah.
Members of Anah will be joining Peggy
and me on our Music City Tour April 13
thru the 21st.
Looking ahead to May will find the Circus in Presque Isle on the 2nd, 3rd and
4th. The Island Party is scheduled for
May 18th and will feature a Jimmy Buffett- style adventure featuring the romance
of island living and fun found on an island
vacation. Palm trees, island drinks and
music for all to enjoy.
On a more serious subject is membership, please make sure that your dues are
up to date and find some candidates for the
June Ceremonial in Newport.
I hope you like the New look of the
Anahgram and watch for more color and
more pictures in future issues. Please
check our (your) website as we are trying to keep new information posted as
quickly as we receive it. You can submit
pictures and articles thru our Editor at any
time by going to the website for the Anahgram or email (mapa46@aol.com) or fax
(989.7931) 24/7 to the editor.
Until next month when the days are longer and spring will be with us.
Potentate F. Lee Kaufman and I were invited to the Anah Shrine 4 x 4 Unit’s meeting in March. This was held at the Happy
China in Bangor. What a great group of
people! They made us feel very much “at
I have been busy with planning the June
22 Ladies Luncheon. This will be held at
St. Martins Church in Palmyra. (About
four miles out of Newport passed WalMart) I hope to see many of you there to
enjoy the meal catered by the Church.
Thank You to those who donated new
and gently-used books for the “Books for
Patients Project”. I have packaged and
mailed these to San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The books will be given to the 600-800
children who are expected to attend the
screening clinic on April 20, 2013. The
Imperial Divan Ladies will be attending
the clinic and will help with the sorting
and distribution of the donated books. We
all know the joy books can bring to people
of all ages! Thank You!
The first day of spring is March 20th
and I think all of us are anxious for that!
Spring means the Circus is just around the
corner. April 26, 27 & 28. This is the 50th
Anniversary of Anah hosting the Circus in
the Bangor Auditorium. Let’s make this
Circus, the best ever!
If any of you ladies would like to volunteer to help at the Circus, please contact
Charles Grindle or Lady Cheryl at 4697422. Many hands are needed to make
this event successful. Whether it is one
volunteer hour or 20 that you have to give,
it will be appreciated.
Have you helped a child recently? I hope
First Lady Peggy
Yours in faith,
F. Lee Kaufman, Potentate
Know-how is supporting the communities where we live and work.
People’s United Bank
is proud to support the
Anah Shriners!
©2013 People’s United Bank | Member FDIC |
Equal Housing Lender
Government needs more pruning and less grafting.
Save the aluminum can
tabs from your beverage cans and bring
them to The Shrine
Center. They will be
sold and the funds
turned over to the Shriners Hospitals for special projects.
Academicians....................................... 19
Aides.................................................... 21
Aroostook S C .........................................
Band....................................................... 4
Bangor-Brewer S C.............................. 22
Boosters................................................. 6
Calendar................................................. 2
Chanters............................................... 14
Circus................................................... 20
Clowns (Bangor)..................................... 9
Clowns (Aroostook)..................................
Convertibles......................................... 23
Daughters of the Nile............................ 13
Directors Staff....................................... 14
Flag Unit................................................. 5
Funster Unit.......................................... 23
Go-Karts Unit............................................
Hancock County S C............................ 12
Highlanders.......................................... 19
Hospital News(Boston).............................
Hospital News (Springfield)......................
Indy Cars..................................................
Kampers Klub......................................... 7
Kanteen Corps.........................................
Keystone Kops..................................... 16
Lady Peggy’s Notes................................ 3
Lobster Boat Unit......................................
Mini-Bike Unit....................................... 18
Mini-Car Unit.............................................
Mystery Person........................................
Northern Penobscot S C ..................... 18
Obituaries............................................. 26
Oriental Band...........................................
Past Masters Unit.....................................
Photo Unit.................................................
Potentate................................................ 3
Provost Guard...................................... 22
Public Relations........................................
Recorder............................................... 14
Second Section.................................... 19
Schoodic Shrine Club........................... 10
Springfield Hospital News........................
Sunshine Club...................................... 10
Tri-County S C...................................... 11
Waldo County S C ............................... 23
Washington County S C....................... 15
4x4 Unit................................................ 21
Support Your Anahgram
Be a ”Booster”
See page 6
Noble Doug Brockway, Reporter
The Anah Band is ready to take on the
spring season! March is turning out to be
a good practice month for us as we gear up
for the Circus and the start of parade season. Practices have been held in Newport
while the weather has been uncooperative, but soon will switch back to Bangor.
Robin Frost and I attended the educational
Seminar at Anah on March 2nd. As newer Nobles we had a great opportunity to
learn the history of our fraternity and most
importantly, we learned the history of the
hospitals; our greatest accomplishment.
We are always looking to add some new
musicians to our group; Big Band music
is much more fun when you have a really big band! Brass, wind, piano, guitar,
bass, or piano. Lessons and instruments
provided to any and all who will be willing to learn something new. We have been
blessed with several friends of the band
who regularly come and sit with us and
add to our sound. Two Mondays a month
for a practice commitment plus some parades to boot.
Our next performance will be at the Circus; this is a special year since it will be
the last time that we are able to perform at
the current Bangor Auditorium before operations move to the new arena. Our condolences go out to our former Wagonmaster Wheldon Wakefield, his wife Arlene
passed away in October. Our thoughts and
prayers are with our brother in his time of
March 21
Smothered Beef Dinner
April 18
Ladies night, Catered
by Stevie’s
New Members Always Welcome
Proceeds benefit Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club
Remember to find that experienced player
or an adventuresome Mason to be a Noble
and take part with us, they are out there.
Watch us grow and play traditional march
music and new music with a modern
Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners
Bangor, Maine
Office of Publication
P.O. Box 735
Bangor, Maine 04402-0735
Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994
Email: anahshriners@gmail.com
Website: http://www.Anahshriners.com
Available by subscription $12.00 per year.
Gerald L. Harvey
586 Main Street, P.O. Box 735
Bangor, Maine 04402-0735
Tel. (H) 991-9708
Fax: (H)-989-7931
Bob Hodgkins
Home Tel: 938-3864
Cel: 341-0866
Dennis Bryant
1036 Ayers Jct. Road
Charolette ME 04666
Home Tel: 454-3514
THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly.Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding publication
unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue.
THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept
or refuse any item for publication.
Illustrious Potentate
F. Lee Kaufman
Chief Rabban
Thomas J. Clukey
Assistant Chief Rabban Donald “Jesse” Thomas.
High Priest & Prophet Donald Robert L. Turner
Oriental Guide
Stephen A. Trimm
Julian S. White, Jr.
Larry L. Hersom, P.P
I pledge allegiance to my flag and
to the country for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.
Weatherman on phone: “My corn hurts too, madam, but we still say it will be clear and sunny.”
APRIL 2013
Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter
A word from our Captain.
First I want to say hello to all Nobles
as your new Captain. I look forward to
the next three years. We do have some
challenges ahead of us. We would like to
thank a lot of our members who started
and brought the unit to where it is now. In
realizing the challenge it is or has become
in marching with us. We are working on
getting permission to use a trailer so that
you may continue in being part of the unit
when we march in authorized Shrine functions.
We do have one new member, Noble
George Beety. Please welcome him into
the unit when you meet him in April.
I would like to remind everyone to start
recruiting new members before June so
that we can have a good marching unit.
Upcoming events: Our next meeting will
be Sunday April 7th. It will be in Ellsworth at the Masonic Hall. I would like to
start the meeting at 3:00 P.M. Thank you
Noble Floyd Hardison for arranging this
meeting. Please bring your parade shirt
and escort for pictures. We have not updated pictures for many years. Also, your
Fez, if not it will be a $5.00 fine. Don’t
forget to bring along your Ladies also. I
will have a calling post on the price before
the meeting.
Tom and I attended a Unit Seminar this
weekend, March 2nd, at the Shrine Center.
Will let everyone know what is going on
in April.
We did an awesome job in selling calendars, a total of 310 guided by the leadership of Noble Gerald Carey and the effort
of Noble Walter Lougee, raising $1,550.
Thank you. The new Potentate caps are
selling like hot cakes. Thank you Noble
Joe Briggs, the point man for the hats
and the new cozies. We will have them at
April’s meeting.
The cake and candles this month are for
the following: Noble Arthur Abbott and
Glen McMannus. The Ladies: Joanne
Dority and Norma Hardison. Birthday
wishes to ALL of YOU.
Happy Anniversary to Nobles and their
Ladies: Leman and Mary Smith and
Thomas and Bonnilee MacDonald and
wishing you many more.
If I have missed anyone please let me
know. I can be contacted at mestore@aol.
We march so they can walk.
Support Your Anahgram
be a Booster
See page 6
Did you hear about the man who gave the church a loud speaker in memory of his wife?
Dick & Laura Adams 8/13
Dean & Liz Alley 6/13
Richard Anderson 12/14
I M O Richard N. Averill 7/13
W. Robert Averill 6/14
I M O Dick Bagley P.P. 8/13
Bob Beattie 4/13
Neil E. Bishop 7/13
Albert “Bucky” & Norma Bishop 10/14
Phil & Sue Black 12/13
I M O David Blood 8/13
Blinn & Joan Boone 11/13
David & Betty Bowen 4/13
I M O John R. Bradford 11/13
Ms. Anna Bradford 11/13
Tom Breitweg 6/13
Fred & Jennifer Brown 3/14
Dave Bryant 1/14
Blair & Judy Bubar 5/13
Cyr Bus Co. 8/13
Gerald F. Carey 9/13
Dick & Kim Carlow 3/15
Charlie & Shirley Caron 2/14
Sam & Agnes Carr 12/14
I M O Dick Castner 9/13
Bob Chandler 9/13
I M O Arthur W. Chandler 9/13
Roger & Jean Chesley 1/13
Michael Clark 11/13
Andy Constantine 3/14
Dan & Lanci Costain 6/13
Bud & Fran Costigan 6/13
Sonny & Marilyn Crocker 3/14
I M O Norman P. Dalbeck 7/13
I M O Elmer C. Davis 6/13
June A. Davis 10/13
Lloyd Day 12/14
Larry Doughty 9/13
Mark Doughty 9/13
Tyler C. Dunning 9/13
Tim & Jean Dutch 3/14
I M O Dryden C. Dutch, P.P 8/14
I M O Orville “Obie” Edes 6/13
John & Robin Edes 6/13
I M O Ray S. Edwards 2/14
Robert Emerson 4/13
Wallace & Lorena Fenlason 7/13
Jonh & Betty Fernald 3/14
Thomas & Carol Fernald 3/14
Merle & Betty Finley 4/13
Phil & Sandy Finley 4/13
Wes & Bonnie Ford 9/13
Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 11/13
I M O Hugo Frati 9/13
Orlando Frati 9/13
Clinton & Sandra Fulton 11/13
Dick & Margaret Gardner 4/13
Paul & Diana Giles 4/13
Goody & Roz Gilman 6/13
Don & Gail Gordon 3/14
I M O Harry F. Gordon 10/13
Ralph & Phyllis Goss 8/14
Keith L. Gove 12/13
Andy & Rose Gove 1/14
Arthur & Violet Grant 5/13
Dwynal & Karen Grass 9/13
Ron & Carole Green 6/13
W. Louis & Judith Greenier II 9/14
Roger & Julie Grindle 1/14
One line (single name) $10 for 1 year
One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year
If you would like your name and your Lady’s
on seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total
of $20 for one year.
Send check with name as it is to appear to:
ANAHGRM BOOSTERS, c/o Jerry Harvey,
Editor, 49 Clewleyville Road, Eddington
ME 04428
Charles C.W. Hackney 8/13
I M O Edwin W. Hadley 11/13
I M O Jim Halkett 8/13
Ed & Bonnie Hamm 8/13
Gene & Pamela Hamm 6/13
I M O Elbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 6/13
Ken & Donna Hanscom, Jr.
I MO Bill Harmon, Sr. 9/13
I M O Charles E. Harmon 6/13
I M O Tom Harper 7/13
Obed & Faith Hart 1/15
Jerry & Lorraine Harvey 6/13
I M O Mike Haskell 6/13
Chet & Fay Hawkins 8/13
Richard P. Hawkins 9/14
Sheldon & Sandy Heath 3/14
Larry & Libby Hersom 6/13
Ralph & Maggie Hill 4/13
I M O Richard Holt 3/15
Lloyd & Kassie Hopkins 10/13
I M O Ray K. Jack 12/13
F. Lee & Peggy Kaufman 6/13
I M O Harry Kearney 7/2013
Alton & Ellen Kenney 3/13
Norris & Barbara Kneeland 11/12
Bob & Rae Jean Knowles 11/13
Larry & Gail Larson 6/13
I M O Ernest “Bud” Larson 3/14
Charles & Selma Larson 11/13
Allen & Mary Lawrence 7/13
Gordon & Connie Lawrence 7/13
I M O Merritt Leavitt 3/14
I M O Frank Leighton 9/13
Skip Lenfest, Jr. 8/13
Skip Lenfest, Sr. 8/13
Bob & Perlene Libby 12/13
Janice & Elwood “Woody” Littlefield 12/13
Mike & Bonnie London 9/13
I M O Stanley Look 6/13
Robert & Sandi Look 6/13
Lee F. Lowery 9/14
I M O Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Lunt,Sr. P.P 6/13
Winston & Frances Mackay 8/2013
Roy Martin 9/13
I M O G. Urial Martin 6/14
Douglas A. & Donna McCafferty 8/13
Douglas K. & Candee McCafferty 8/13
I M O Edward Sr. & Evelyn McCafferty 8/13
I M O Terral A. McCafferty 8/13
Welman & Natalie McFarland 6/13
Allan & Lorraine McGown 11/13
Ed & Nancy McGraw 8/13
I M O Herschel K McIntosh 2/14
I M O Thomas J. McKinney 6/13
Jim & Mae Merrithew 11/13
Dick & Joan Meserve 8/13
I M O Fred P. Murray 12/13
Dick & Betty Nevers 4/13
Fred & Althea Newman 8/13
I M O William P. Newman 8/13
Harold & Connie Newman 12/14
Larry & Teresa Nichols 9/13
Barbars & Charles Nolan 4/13
David O’Donnell 6/13
Warren & Velma Orcutt 4/13
Bob “Boomer” & Julianna Palmer 5/14
Herman & Kate Peabody 7/13
Anah Photo Video Unit 1/14
James & Frances Pinkham 4/13
Rod & Joyce Pinkham 8/13
Circus SpotlightCrew Presque Isle 6/13
I M O Bob Pushard, Sr. 8/13
Al & Charity Richards 11/13
Chuck & Sally Ridlon 9/13
Gary & Glenna Robbins 9/13
I M O Keith B. Roberts 9/13
I M O Ed Rogers 9/13
I M O Sumner Rogers 3/14
Larry & Donna Rowell 11/14
Heath & Karen Savage 9/13
Spike Savage 9/13
I M O Clifton R. Scoville 6/14
Todd C. Scoville 6/14
I M O Avon O. Severance 4/13
Marty & Joan Shaw11/13
I M O John Simpson 9/13
I M O Dorothy M. Sites 9/13
I M O Donald W. Small, Jr 6/13
Roger & Pat Smith 6/13
Sandy & Colleen Smith 6/13
I M O Ken Smith 2/14
Ed & Gayle Sprague 3/15
Roger & Jan Stairs 6/13
Ken & Tina Stewart 11/13
Elliott & Joyce Tarbell 4/14
Daniel L. Tarr 9/13
I M O Betty L. Tarr 9/13
I M O Michael Tenedios 8/13
I M O Alexander Theodore 11/13
Jesse & Brenda Thomas 9/14
Paul & Joyce Thornton 12/13
Tim & Ann Thornton 4/13
Ronald Thornton 8/13
Inez & Reginald Toothaker 3/14
Alden & Pam Tracy 3/14
I M O Carroll E. Trimm 12/13
Steve & Betty Trimm 12/13
Bonnie & Bob Turner 4/14
Hank & Gloria Waldron 6/13
Dave & Leni Weaver 3/15
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Weed 11/13
Joel & Christie West 12/13
I M O Wayne Wheeler 9/13
Buddy & Caryll Wheeler 2/14
Rusty & Ethel Whitcomb 3/14
I M O Bob Whited 5/13
I M O Eugene “Bud” Whitney 12/13
I M O James S. Wiggin 3/14
Paul & Phyllis Wilbur 6/14
Lloyd & Jay Willey 8/20
Bob & Norma Winglass 6/13
Don & Felicia Wiswell 5/13
Don & Carolyn Wright 4/13
Duane “Div-it” & Karen Young 6/13
Recruiting is a full time job
Every Shriner should recruit at least 2
members in his lifetime. One to replace
himself and one for the Shrine to grow
I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one
year. Enclosed is my check in the amount
of $_____Name(s) ___________________
If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor.
What this world needs is more character and fewer characters.
APRIL 2013
Who is it ???
The person in the March Who is it” column was recognized as Noble Sherwell
Littlefield by Noreen Holt and Denny
Hill. If you know this month’s person, or
think you do, call Recorder P. P. Larry
Hersom at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor
at MAPA46@AOL.COM. The first one to
identify the person wins a free Booster
listing for one year. The supply of pictures
is low so if you have someone you would
like to feature send it to the Editor by email or drop it at the Recorder’s office.
This feature can only continue with your
Recruiting is a full time job
Are you working?
Anah Campers Club members gathered recently at the home of Campers Lyman
and Cindy Blyther in Florida.
Noble Lyman Blyther, Reporter
I am sorry to report that we lost one of
the Anah Kampers. Wesley Rolfe passed
away unexpectedly on February 27th at
the age of 75. Wesley belonged to the
Lobster Boat Unit and he and his wife,
Marion, have enjoyed camping for many
years. They were one of this club’s first
On a brighter note, some of our Kampers who head for Florida during the cold
weather got together during February.
Eleven of us got together at our new (to
us) home in Ocala on February 7th. Cindy
made a big Seafood Chowder and guests
brought appetizers and desserts. I am
going to try to send in the picture Karen
Merrick took in hopes that it makes it in
this Anahgram also. Thirteen Kampers
met at the Golden Corral in Zephyrhills
on February 14th. Thank you Gordon and
Connie Lawrence for planning that. Always a great meal at Golden Corral and it
Continued on page 9
Makes a great gift for every occasion
The biggest job Congress has is how to get the money from the taxpayer without disturbing the voter.
Just Announced
This year’s fundraiser announced by
Potentate Lee Kaufman is different from
past events in that there are a variety of
prizes. Instead of a car the prizes will be
geared to the outdoor sports enthusiast.
• GRAND PRIZE: Your choice of 2,
2012 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Motorcycle,
2013 Kawasaki Mule 610 4x4, 2013 Yamaha YFM 450 4X4
2010 New G3 Eagle 176 w/Yamaha 40
hp Motor and Trailer
$10,000 Cash •2nd prize: $1,000.00
•3rd prize is $500.00
Drawing to be held at the Potentate’s Reception
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners
and contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions.
APRIL 2013
Continued from page 7
is always great to see everyone during the
winter months.
Our spring camping will be at Narrows
Too Campground in Trenton on May 1719. Reservations may be made by contacting Laura at 207-288-8106. They
are offering a special rate to their regular
campers during that weekend, so make
your reservations ASAP.
For June Ceremonial on the 21st and
22nd, at this time you can make reservations at the Palmyra Campground by contacting them directly at 207-938-5677. If
you get a recording, leave a message with
your name and phone number and they
will get back to you.
The Blueberry Festival in Machias will
be August 16th-18th. This is always a favorite with the Kampers, so make a note
of the date.
Our fall Business Meeting and camping
get-together is planned for September at
Balsam Woods in Abbott. Hopefully, I
will have more information on that in the
next Anahgram.
We have a lot of April Birthdays: Joann
Ash, Irene Blood, Sonny Colburn, Ray
Crowley, Gail Foulks, Paul Foulks, Dottie Herrick, Sue Jones, Thomas King,
Ray Paul, Derward Shedd, Wilbert Terry,
Arthur Watson, Beverly Watson and Tom
April Anniversaries are: Walter & Joann
Ash, Richard & Deborah Dunham, Ron &
Carole Green and John & Deborah Luce.
day workshops.
The residents were sweet on Fou when he
appeared at the Valentine’s Day Carnival
at Ross Manor on February 14.
The February 15 unit meeting brought
sad, but not unexpected news to all of
us—Jappo requested Emeritus Clown status and the unit granted his request with
regret. Jappo is literally the cement that
bonds us in brotherhood. He leads by
example, inspires us, motivates us, mentors us, and provides a tireless reminder
of why we clown—for the children in
Shriners Hospitals. Boss Clown Piggy
summed it up when he said that Jappo
as an Emeritus clown will still clown as
much if not more than most active members in the unit. Words cannot express the
love and esteem that the unit has for both
Jappo and Josie. We all wish you nothing
but the very best in the years ahead and
look forward to spending time with you
both as your schedules permit.
News from the 32nd Annual Clown
Casino Night on March 16 and Northeast Klownfest hosted by Anah and Kora
Clowns in Portland on March 22-24 will
be reported in the next Anahgram.
Sincere sympathy to Yo-Yo and Busta
on the loss of your brother and brother-inlaw, Jeffrey L. Smith, and to Patti Gilbert
on the recent loss of your father. Congratulations to Div-It and Karen on the birth
of your grandson, Renaldo on January 19.
Those blowing out birthday candles this
month include Josie, Colleen Smith, EC
the Clown (Hi Eddie!), and Coota.
Anniversary wishes go out to Boss Clown
Piggy and First Lady Brenda.
May all your days be Circus Days!
Noble John
“Flip Flop”
The 50th Anniversary Anah Shrine
Circus and last Circus at the Bangor
Auditorium is right around the corner
and we Clowns are hard at work on our
skit. I wonder which Clown will be the
brunt of the joke this year? Rumor has
it that “Hoke” will turn the big 5-0 during Presque Isle Circus weekend. “Miss
Daisy” better start shopping for a suitable
birthday gift for “her” dedicated chauffer
driver—how does Just for Men haircolor
sound? I’ve noticed that several Clowns,
including myself, are getting a bit gray
under our Clown wigs. Now to the real
Fou, Jappo, Scooter, and TC Trashcan
supported two-year old Camden Bryant
who is battling leukemia by their appearance at a benefit supper at Bangor High
School on January 26. Good work guys.
At the Home Depot Children’s Workshops held on February 2 Div-It, Fou,
Jappo, and Spiffy entertained the children.
On March 2, Div-It, Fou, and Jappo were
joined at this monthly event by Papi. Over
160 kids regularly attend these free SaturMany men might have attained wisdom had they not assumed they already had it.
Bonnie Turner
The Sunshine Club for Children will
meet on Monday, April 8, 2013 at the
Shrine Center at 6:30 p.m. We will have
social time at 6:30 and the meeting will
begin at 7:00 p.m.
Our Holiday Marketplace will be held on
Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the Shrine
Center. If anyone is interested in working
on a committee, please give Sue Black a
call at 338-4142.
Sunshine Club will be holding the drawing for our beautiful queen-size quilt that
Jackie Smith made for us on November 2,
2013. Quilt raffle tickets are available to
purchase and sell.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, April 8,
26, 27, 28, Presque Isle May 2,3,4
MEETING: Tuesday, October 15, 2013
November 2, 2013
Noble David G. Beckett, Reporter
Greetings from Schoodic Shrine Club:
This has been an old-fashioned winter,
but things are beginning to improve.
There was no club meeting in February and the March meeting is scheduled
to be held at the new Friendly Restaurant in Perry. There will be no meeting in
April, but the May meeting will be back
at the Congregational Church Parish Hall
in Dennysville on May 15th at 5:30 pm.
We decided to move the January meeting
at the church to May, because for the past
several years, we have had terrible weather for the January meeting.
It has been quiet during the winter
months in the 2nd District. The Lodge installations are complete and the new officers are settled into their new chairs.
It is now time to get ready for the CIRCUS! The ads are all in and now it’s time
to focus on tickets. They can be sold un-
til the Circus arrives. Remember to buy
or sell your own tickets, and if you need
more, contact Dennis Bryant. The Circus
in Bangor will be April 26th, 27th, and
28th; try to help in some way. This is the
big fundraiser for Anah
Have a great spring and be sure to attend
your Shrine Club and Blue Lodge. Your
attendance and support is needed.
For your convenience Visa and
Mastercard are accepted at
the Recorder’s Office
By Rodney Pinkham and Norris Nickerson
Shriners Hospitals for Children® & Connecticut Children’s
Medical Center Propose Partnership Plan to Enhance Pediatric
Services in the Region
Springfield, MA – A partnership proposal to align the services of Shriners Hospitals for Children,® Springfield, MA and Connecticut Children’s Medical Center,
Hartford, CT was presented to the Shrine delegates at the 138th Imperial Session
held in Charlotte, NC earlier this month. The proposed multi-phase plan outlines
opportunities for both hospitals to combine clinical and financial resources to expand pediatric subspecialty services to children in the New England and Upstate
New York regions.
“Our goal for proposing a mutually beneficial long-term partnership with Connecticut Children’s is to increase operational efficiencies, grow our core orthopaedic volume and expand subsurgical specialty services offered at Shriners Hospitals
in Springfield, while preserving our mission and strengthening our identity,” stated
Charles R. Walczak, Shriners Hospital Administrator. “For its partnership commitment, Connecticut Children’s will be positioned to obtain significant market share
in several surgical subspecialties and expand its reputation outside Connecticut.”
“As these partnership opportunities are being explored, our local board members
want to assure the Shriners Hospital family that securing a viable and sustainable
future for the hospital is at the heart of our discussions with the leadership team at
Connecticut Children’s. Our commitment to future generations remains as strong
as our legacy to the countless children whose lives Shriners Hospital has changed
over the past 87 years,” stated David H. Burstein, Esq., Hospital Board Chairman.
“Both Connecticut Children’s and Shriners Hospital have a distinguished history
of providing the highest level of care to children,” said Martin J. Gavin, President
and CEO of Connecticut Children’s. “We’re looking forward to working closely
with Shriners Hospital to expand this care for more children and families in our
During the Imperial Session, the Planning Committee from the Joint Boards of
Shriners Hospitals for Children unanimously approved the proposal set forth by
the Springfield hospital to pursue partnership opportunities with Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.
Parents or Guardians who wish to get information on admission
to Shriners Springfield may call directly to the Intake Department (toll free) at 800-322-5905
In Keeping your chin up don’t make the mistake of sticking it out.
APRIL 2013
Tri-County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 20th of February at the
Countryside Restaurant in Corinth. The
restaurant is under new ownership, the
Day family, but the service and food supply did not change. Great job from the
owners and wait staff. After the Libation
Hour, under the direction of Noble Scott
Folsom, the meeting was called to order
by Treasurer Marty Taylor. Noble Taylor
was filling in for President Dulac and Vice
President Costain, who both were in the
sunny state of Florida. Noble Taylor welcomed the 31 Nobles in attendance. Invocation was given by Past Boss Clown,
Don “Bobo” Young; Salute to the Flag
was led by Noble Taylor. The buffet meal
was delicious, that is if you could enjoy
it after the spread of appetizers. Seated at
the head table were Illustrious Sir, F. Lee
Kaufman, Potentate of Anah Shrine, Dave
Mosley Secretary of Tri-County and Treasurer Marty Taylor.
We had no speaker this night. Unit Heads
in attendance were Scott Folsom of the
4X4’s, Arthur Herbest of the Flag Unit and
Sped Seymour of the Convertibles. Sped
is also President of the Bangor-Brewer
Shrine Club. Ambassadors in attendance
were Nobles Roger Chesley and Noble
Seth Libby. Noble Keith Dewitt represented the Directors Staff. Past Potentate
in attendance was Illus. Sir, Sonny “THE
KID” Crocker, Potentate in 1983. Representing the Divan was Oriental Guide
Steve Trimm and Potentate Lee Kaufman.
The Treasurer’s and Secretary’s reports
were given and accepted by the Nobles
present. Winner of the 50/50 was Noble
Gary Hanson. The kitchen staff and waitresses were all given a standing ovation
for the fine job they did that night. Thank
you notes were read from the Shrine Hospitals for Tri-County’s recent donations.
A thank you card was read from Potentate
Lee and First Lady Peggy, for the excellent job Tri-County did at the Hospitality
rooms at the January Ceremonial. Potentate Lee gave Tri-County details of the
programs and new events that will be happening this year in Anahland. Potentate
Kaufman hopes to see everyone at the last
Circus to be held in the old Bangor Auditorium. It will be our 50th year of hosting
the Shrine Circus.
No further business, meeting was adjourned by Noble Taylor.
191 E. Main Street, DoverFoxcroft, ME 04426
Proud Supporters of
the Anah Shriners
Now with 3 Locations in the Bangor Area!
Christmas Tree Shops Plaza
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Clip & Save
Potentate Lee’s Schedule for Anah
Shriners for 2013
**(Subject to adjustment)**
This is a re-run of the schedule that
appeared in the February issue with
several adjustments.
Please discard the original version
and use this one.
April 9
Divan Meeting
April 14-21
Music Cities Trip
April 24
Meet the Circus acts (Tentative)
April 26-27-28
Circus, Bangor
May 2, 3, 4
Circus, Presque Isle
May 11
Screening Clinics
Island Party
Anah Association & Divan Meetings
June 1
Luxor Ceremonial
June 15
Kora Ceremonial
June 18
Divan Meeting
June 21-22
Anah Ceremonial in Newport
July 1-4
Imperial Session in Indiana
July 16
Anah Divan/Association Meetings
August 10
Field Day – Dexter
August 17
Anah Divan/Association Meeting
August 20
Divan Meeting, (Stated)
September 14
Field Day in Ellsworth (Muster)
September 17
Anah Association, & Divan Meetings
September 19-21
NSA Field Days in Cornwall, Ont.
October 11-12
Anah-Kora-Bektash Visitation
October 16
Divan Meeting
October 26
Potentate’s Reception
November 19
Anah Association & Divan Meetings
November 21-23
Festival of Trees
November 29-30
Festival of Trees
December 17
Divan Meeting
January 11
Kora Ceremonial
January 18
Anah Annual Meeting & Ceremonial
If you don’t think every American child is receiving a higher education, you’re not a taxpayer.
The Lobster Boat Unit is still looking for
new members. Anyone interested should
contact any member.
Those celebrating birthdays are Earl Tracy, Wilbert Terry, Ellen Duff, Carole
Simpson, Ronald Gross, Don McHenan,
Edwin Colburn, Linda Ballard, Mike Madore, Julie Fernald, Larry Wasson, Randy
Sawyer, Linda Tracy, and Harold “Sonny”
Honeymooners are Richard and Mae
Landesman, Richard and Gladys Leighton, and Barry and Ginny Hamilton.
It’s time for Cookie and I to get the boat
ready for fishing. Oops! Gotta go! Cookie
needs to go shopping for dog bones.
The last meeting was held on February
5th at Pat’s Pizza. The meeting was called
to order by Vice President Jason Snowdeal
at 6:30. Old and new business was discussed. There were 20 members present.
There was discussion about having a Masonic Degree Team. Anyone interested
should get in touch with President Tyler
Dunning. The gun raffle tickets were doing well. The meeting adjourned at 7:05.
P.S. I think our new Vice President did a
great job conducting the meeting on short
notice. Hope Tyler Dunning is on the
mend from his recent bout with pneumoANAHGRAM BOOSTER
Use the coupon
We send get well wishes to those who
have been in the hospital-Tyler Dunning,
on page 6
Tom Clukey, Bob Stanwood, Dusty
Haslam, and Sam Carr. Hope they’re all
recovering well.
News has it that Tom Fernald is in Cuba
visiting friends. I didn’t know he had any
friends in Cuba. He must be there smoking Cuban cigars. P.S. Wouldn’t it be
cheaper to go to the Ellsworth Smoker’s
Shop. John Fernald told me the other day
that the geese have been sighted in Portland, Maine on their way north. That must
mean that Bill Fernald is right behind
them along with all the other “Snow Bunnies” coming home from Florida.
Gun raffle winners: Luke Hutchins of Penobscot, Clayton Joyce of Stonington,
Mark Sargent of Ellsworth, and Richard
Stubbs of Orland. These are the first four
winners for the month. More to come next
I ran into Noble Wayne Butler the other
day. He’s been busy getting his boat set for
fresh water fishing on Molasses Pond. He
told me this is the year for the big one. I
don’t know where he’s been all this time,
because the big one has already been
caught. The only chance he has is that of
being second best. P.S. Yours Truly spent
the last two weeks at camp. Time to move
out because of spring thaw. I know my
dog, Cookie, isn’t looking forward to it,
and I know my better half can’t wait for
me to move home. P.S. I hope I wished her
a happy birthday and the flowers went
where they were supposed to go.
The next meeting will be held April 2nd
at Pat’s Pizza. Also let’s not forget the
Washington County Shrine Club steak
feed coming up on April 4th in Addison. A
good time is usually had by all and an excellent meal is prepared by the Mini-Car
Sympathy is extended to the family of
Noble Gordon Robbins who passed away
on January 28th.
Sign at a truck stop eatery: Don’t stand outside and be miserable. Come in and get fed up.
APRIL 2013
Caron Kilton, P..Q.
Ankh Temple No. 160 donates each year
to the wheelchair fund for Shriners Hospitals for Children®- Springfield Unit.
Money is donated from a 50/50 fund held
at each session and from change deposited
in a small children’s handicap boot at each
session. The hospital does not have a budget for wheelchairs, therefore depends
upon donations for this item. There are
many items collected through the year by
Ankh Temple members and sent on the
Boston Burns Unit or the Springfield Unit
– toys, craft items, gift cards, books, underwear, games – just to name a few.
Members collected 60 books for the Imperial 1st Ladies special project of giving
books to the children of Puerto Rico’s
screening clinic.
Pr. Teresa Potvin will be crowned Queen
of Ankh Temple. The open installation of
Officers will be held at the Ralph J. Pollard Lodge in Orrington on April 6. Shriners and their guests are invited to attend
and witness this beautiful ceremony. Share
refreshments following the ceremony and
meet our new slate of Officers for 20132014.
PQ Beverly Polley has done an outstanding job presenting the plans for the travels
of the Supreme Queen in the Motor Coach.
Most of you have probably heard her presentation by now and realize what a lot of
thought and planning this adventure has
entailed and will continue to entail
throughout the year. As the Supreme
Queen often visits a temple each day, the
process of transporting her from temple to
temple has to be well planned in order to
get her to each visitation on time. We will
anxiously be waiting to hear reports of the
travels. Surely, after this year, many more
people will be aware of the Shriners and
their Hospitals for Children. Thank you to
Noble Harold Polley for his support of this
The Dance Unit, Ankh Swingers, is practicing for their performance at Supreme
Session in June. The Supreme Session is
held in Grapevine, Texas this year. The
performances will be entertaining this
year with that Texan fun- loving style!
Downeast Daughters Club will be holding
their annual “Fun for the Children” day on
April 20 in the Holy Name Parish Hall in
Machias. Bake sale, lunch, children’s
games & crafts, balloons, white elephant
table, Chinese auction & vendor tables. A
fun-filled day for the children & adults.
From the memoirs of Mabel R. Krows,
Founder & Supreme Queen: Daughters of
the Nile began as a club of the wives of
Shriners belonging to Nile Temple
A.A.O.N.M.S. The name of the club was
Ladies of the Nile and was formed in Feb.
20, 1913 at the home of Mabel R. Krows.
Having been raised in a Masonic environment and marrying a Noble of Afifi Temple in Tacoma, Wash., her interest was always
Organizations. Noble Charles Whaley
consented to write a ritual for the Nile Ladies. Noble Whaley was a writer of some
note and the Shriners in the Pacific Northwest had given him the title of Poet Laureate. In August, 1913, Noble Whaley had
completed the initiatory ceremony and the
obligation. The opening service, amplified
opening, burial service, closing and Installation were completed by March 1914.
The Ritual was the expression of the elevating thoughts of Charles Faustis Whaley
and his work was a labor of love. The order was called Daughters of the Nile as
Noble Whaley, whenever he addressed
any of the members always said “My
Daughter”. And Nile was for the river
“Nile” as the order pertained to Egypt.
The lead dog in a dog team is the only one that gets a change in scenery.
Dave Weaver
I’ve got to start by saying that I chickened out on our last meeting. It was spitting snow when I left my driveway and the
temperature was 34 degrees. My wife told
me that she had been talking to her cousin in Ellsworth and that it was snowing
pretty well up there. I started out just the
same. The further north I went up Route
1 the harder it snowed and pretty soon it
was accumulating in the road. It didn’t
look good. The temperature had dropped
to 29 degrees. About that time I noticed
that the road was getting that glassy look
and I decided it wasn’t worth it to risk putting my wife’s car off the road to continue.
I called Dean and he informed me that it
was snowing pretty well where he was so
I told him that I was going to turn around
and head for the barn, which I did.
The meeting was attended by Dean, Tom
Frost, Bruce Clarke, Harlan Emery, Walter Ash, Yogi Seymour, Myron Hersom
and two of our newest members, Keith
Dewitt and Bud Morrison. Several ideas
were tossed around for fundraisers but
nothing concrete was decided at that time.
Duties at the Unit Head meeting will be
registration and the coffee and doughnut
set up like we did at the Ceremonial, plus
anything else we are asked to do. The Circus was also discussed. It was decided that
our summer picnic would be held at Richard and Vickie Otis’s camp on Swan Lake,
same place as last year, on August 24.
It was decided that we should have another meeting on April 18th, again in Bangor with the Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club.
I won’t be present at this meeting because
Leni and I will be on Lee’s trip. This will
be a Ladies Night so let’s bring the ladies
and brighten up the room.
That’s it for this month. Be good to one
another and attend your Blue Lodge.
lead the civic parade with Guinness Book
representatives there to authenticate the
record-breaking numbers.
Our office is in the process of updating
member files, as we are missing a number of e-mail addresses, incorrect mailing
addresses, home and cell phone numbers.
If your personal information has changed
please notify the Temple office as soon as
Membership is our number one priority
throughout Shriners International, as well
as Anah. Our Nobles now number around
300,000. We need to retain our existing
members, as well as bring new Nobles
into our Temple and provide innovative
and exciting programs for their whole
family. Anah’s total membership is down
and delinquent dues seems to be a problem. I again wish to stress the option and
convince of purchasing a “Lifetime Membership”. This is a one-time payment
which will eliminate having to remember
to pay by January 1 of each year. Dues
can be paid by cash, check, credit card, or
even online.
Anah’s Yearbook photos for Bangor area
Nobles were taken during the month of
March and will be rolling out to the other
shrine club areas later this spring. I invite
you all to participate in this fundraiser, and
remind you that it is not only for Nobles,
but family photos can be taken - husband
and wife, children, grandchildren, and
even pets!! You will be receiving a call
shortly to set up an appointment in your
area to have your photos taken. Of course
the final product can be purchased in the
form of the Anah Yearbook, as well as individual copies of your photos for gift giving or for other family members.
A little known fact is that the leading
nutritional supplement drink was first
developed by the Research Dept. at the
Shriners Hospital for Children Boston. It
was originally formulated specifically for
burn patients to give their bodies’ added
nutritional boost. Today this supplement
is used throughout the world by many
people, especially the elderly, hospitals,
nursing homes and other health facilities.
Those of you returning money for “Circus Daddy Tickets” make sure you enclose the cover of your tickets with your
check for tracking purposes. Thank you
in advance for supporting Anah’s Circus.
This is Anah’s largest fundraiser of the
year, and we need everyone’s support.
Until next month support your local
Shrine clubs and look forward to see you
Noble Carl Stewart, Reporter
With the Ceremonial behind us the
Chanters have been taking a break and
waiting for spring. We had a dinner
planned at the Olive Garden to show our
appreciation to Sonny Crocker for all the
help he has given us but we picked one of
those messy days of mixed snow, sleet and
rain and, unfortunately, had to cancel. Sorry, Sonny.
Happy anniversary wishes to Bob and
Carol Dion!
I have just returned from a most informative and enlightening Recorders’ seminar.
Recorders from all over North America,
Hawaii and the Philippines were in attendance. I came back full of innovative
ideas and new programs to implement.
The Imperial Session is in Indianapolis
June 30 to July 4 with an evening parade
being planned for Monday, July 1 where
Imperial Sir Al Madsen is looking to set
a Guinness Book of Record for the most
clowns marching in a parade! He is anticipating at least 750 to 1000 clowns to
When you argue with a fool, be sure he isn’t similarly engaged.
APRIL 2013
Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr. Reporter
Our March Anahgram just arrived and
WCSC’s report was not in it, but our information was sent to the editor. (Editor
states that he did not have a record on his
log of receiving it).Sorry about this, don’t
know what happened. So I am incorporating the last two months in this article
and hopefully it will be in the April issue.
One quarter of 2013 is now gone and the
weather will soon be turning warmer once
this stormy period leaves I’m sure. Hopefully the groundhog was right and we will
have an early spring. One can only wish
that this will be the case. It’s time to see
green grass and get into the garden again,
not to mention going to the lake and doing
other outside things of enjoyment.
Those in attendance at the January
WCSC meeting included Past Potentates
Ed Pellon and Ed Sprague; Second Ceremonial Master Brad Prout; Director
Donald Wright; Assistant Chief Director
David Weaver; Chief Greeter and WCSC
Reporter Warren Orcutt; Assistant Chief
Greeter Robert Look, Greeter Mike Bailey; Imperial Photographer Dick Kilton; B
J Cherry, President of Washington County
Shrine Club; Todd Alley, Capt. Of the
Mini-Car Unit; 2nd Lt. of the Mini-Cars
Brian Strout and his handsome little son
Sullivan. Here’s a Shriner in the making!
The tentative 2013 Calendar for WCSC
was handed out.
Todd Alley was presented the Past President’s Gavel by President BJ Cherry and
thanked for a job well done. The Bob
Smith Picnic was discussed and a planning committee will be set up to work on
the details.
Donnie Wright has had triple by-pass
surgery and then went into double pneumonia. At the present time he is at Eastern
Maine Medical Center receiving rehab.
He has had a really rough time and hopefully by he time you read this article he
will be home and on the mend.
Tyler Dunning, Kathy Prouty, and Tom
Clukey should also be kept in our thoughts
and prayers as well. It was recommended
that members send cards to let them know
we are thinking of them.
Our February meeting was held on the
7th at Helen’s Restaurant in Machias with
over 40 people in attendance. This was
our annual Valentines Day Ladies Night.
It is always more enjoyable to have our
spouses or significant others attend with
us, especially in February. And, as usual
Mike gets to kiss all the ladies attending
when he presents them with a rose—with
a big grin on his face!! The ladies love it
The Fuel Raffle drawing was held and
the winner was Ed Degenhart. Congratulations Ed. A letter was read from the
Shrine Hospital thanking WCSC for their
donation to the radiology fund.
Bev Polly, Past Queen Ankh Temple 160,
provided a program in March on the Ankh
Temple Daughters of the Nile Promotion
of Shrine Hospitals and 100th Anniversary of Nile Service and upcoming “Love
for the Children Tour” that will depart
from Webb’s RV in Bangor on July 9th.
The coach is privately owned by Harold
and Bev and leased to the Daughters of
the Nile Foundation for one year for this
tour. It is anticipated that 25,000 miles
will be covered during the tour and Harold will be the sole driver with Bev as
his navigator. The Daughters of the Nile
sole support goes to the Shrine Hospitals
for Children, and a Daughters of the Nile
Foundation was set up to continue the philanthropy forever. To celebrate this milestone year, the motor coach will be used to
transport the Supreme Queen when visiting 97 subordinate Nile Temples and 16
Shriners’ Hospitals. It will also be on display at the Imperial Session in Indianapolis July 1-4. The Coach will be wrapped
and act as a travelling billboard and will
promote awareness and goodwill between
Daughters of the Nile, Shriner’s Hospitals
for Children, and International Shriner’s
collaboration on this project. A goal has
been set to raise $30,000 before May 1st,
the estimated costs associated with running the coach for the next 9.5 months.
Donations will be accepted and four donation categories have been set up. Names
of the corporate and private sponsors will
be added to the wrap by categories. For
more information on how you can become
a sponsor contact Bev Polly, P O Box 274,
Holden ME 04429, 207-299-0527, or
bapoll53@myfairpoint.net What a great
way to raise funds for the hospitals and
educate the public on both the Daughters
of the Nile and Shriners.
I understand that sales on the calendar
raffle have been very good. You can go on
the Anah website to see who the winners
have been so far. If you haven’t received
a check, you know your name is not on
that list.
Nemo hit the Down East area with vengeance two days after our February meeting. Most areas received over 12 inches
Continued on page 16
To Be Held in
JUNE 21 & 22, 2013
HOTELS: Lovely’s Motel Newport
Holiday Inn Bangor
NAME _____________________________________ ADDRESS _________________
CITY/TOWN _______________________ ZIP ___________ STATE _____________
Phone No. _______________ Special requests ________________________________
Arrival Thursday o Friday o Saturdayo
Lovely’s Motel Room Rate$57.00 plus tax/Room deposit $60.00 required
Holiday Inn Bangor Room Rate $129.00 plus tax Room deposit $130.00 required
CREDIT CARD #____________________________________________EXP________
It’s not enough to love flowers, you have to hate weeds.
Continued from page 15
of snow, with many hitting upwards of
18 inches. Winds were between 40-60
MPH and the snow was drifting everywhere. Mike and Robert liked the looks
of the new snow so they could ride their
CATS to Island Falls for the week. They
joined Shriners Warren & Velma Orcutt,
Mike and Debi Murphy, and other friends
who annually spend this week there and
have been for over 25 years now. And we
all spent an evening with Past Potentate
Tony Bowers and Lady Carmel at their
home for dinner. Great evening Tony and
Carmel and the food was excellent.
The Annual Shrine Circus will be in
Bangor on April 26, 27, and 28 and your
help is needed. Sign up and volunteer
your time to help with this worthy event.
Remember we all work for “the Children”.
Screening Clinics will be held in Machias on May 4th so be looking for potential
candidates to attend and get referred for
help with their issues.
We welcome Past Potentate Larry Hersom, who has some really big shoes to
fill, to his newly-elected position as Recorder, and to Doug Dulac for his appointment to Outer Guard.
Belated happy birthday wishes for
March go out to Past Potentate Ed Pellon, Teresa Nichols, Faye Geel, Richard Farnsworth Sr., Richard Farnsworth
Jr., Lendal Espling, Betty Fernald, Brad
Prout, Shannon Prout, Dick Gardner,
Walter Kennedy, Brenda Thomas, Todd
Alley, Lynn Huffman, and Barbara Gibson. Belated anniversary wishes go to
Bill & Debra Sternbergh, and Adelbert
and Cindy Pinkham. I hope that each of
you enjoyed your special day.
Happy birthday wishes for April go out
to Carole Simpson, Bethany Foss, Ricky
Foss, E.T. Tracy, Linda Tracy, Raymond
Crowley, Julie Fernald, Bob Young, and
Carolyn Hayward. Anniversary bells
rang out for Past Potentate Geddes Simpson and Lady Carole, Larry & Teresa
Nichols, Mike & Jolene Doran, Carroll
& Susan Chandler, and Barry & Jada
Since our March meeting is after the
deadline for this issue, you will get a report on that meeting in the May issue.
Get your new candidates lined up for the
June Ceremonial in Newport.. It will be
here before we know it.
Fred Beylerian,
As this reporter begins this month’s column the sun just came out. It’s the first
time in five days. The thermometer on the
back deck reads 45 degrees. How sweet it
is! A week from today is Daylight Saving
Time. A sure sign spring is on the way.
Schedule of coming events: Keystone
Kops Annual Golf Tournament is May 19,
2013, at Hermon Meadow and the Anah
Shrine Circus is just around the corner on
April 26, 27 and 28, 2013. There are several possible parade and steak feed dates
being considered and as soon they are
confirmed the dates will reported.
The Keystone Kops have voted Noble
Arnold Byers to Emeritus status. Arnold
has a long and honorable service record
and is most worthy of the award. Arnold,
“THANK YOU!” and may you enjoy your
new status. Birthday wishes for the month
of April go out to Kops Kerry Dalton, Jim
Stanhope, Harold Sherwood, Steve Jones
and Ladies Amanda Emery and Marlee
Spaulding. Congratulations to all and may
you have many more.
There are no wedding anniversaries during the month. The four have returned
from the Sunshine State. Chief Smith was
a bit reluctant, to say the least, to order an
investigation into “The Alligator” incident
and another we’ll call “The Swimming
Pool” incident. Could he be covering for
someone and if so, why? This called for a
vote to investigate by the entire Keystone
Kops Unit. A vote was taken and over-
whelmingly approved. Inspector Mason
and Chief of Detectives Clarke were at
the ready as the cases were turned over to
them. More to follow…
Now let’s move to the lighter side. Last
month’s question was: This is a quote
from an actress who once said during
an interview, “No woman ever loved a
man more than ________________loved
_____________.” Fill in the blanks. The
answers are: Kitty Russell and Matt Dillon of Gunsmoke fame and to this day the
longest running western in TV history.
The actress in the interview was Amanda
Blake who played Kitty Russell.
All former Military personnel are familiar with K-Rations, C-Rations and MRE’s.
There was another known as D-Ration
which was introduced into the Military in
1937. With that in mind…
This month’ question is: What did the
D-Ration consist of?
Time has come to close the “Blotter” for
this month and to remember, “IT’S ALL
The next Keystone Kops meeting is
March 26, 2013.
At the Circuses in Bangor
and Presque Isle
APRIL 2013
Dear Fellow Nobles,
Lady Jan and I would like to invite you to join us and a group of fellow Shriners in discovering the treasures
along Russia’s storied Volga River. We’ll travel aboard a comfortable private river ship, visiting historic cities
and towns — including the revitalized capital city of Moscow and glittering, historic St. Petersburg. We
would be honored if you would come with us for what promises to be a memorable journey
We hope you’ll take part in this exclusive voyage — available for one departure only — during which you’ll
share in the warm camaraderie of fellow Shriners. Traveling aboard the M/S Rossia, we’ll cruise from
Moscow into the heart of Russia. We’ll unpack just once upon boarding, with all meals on the ship included.
Enjoy conversing with new and old friends in the bar and lounge, or watching the riverside scenery unfold
from the panoramic Sun Deck.
Throughout our trip, we’ll be attended to by Grand Circle’s dedicated, English-speaking onboard staff and
gain invaluable knowledge from an expert resident program director. In addition to helping us get to know
our fellow travelers, our program director will give us a candid, insider’s perspective on Russia’s fascinating
history and culture. We’ll enjoy tours of iconic locales like the Kremlin in Moscow and the expansive
Hermitage Art Museum in St. Petersburg, as well as visits to lesser-known gems like Goritsy, Svir Stroi, and
the inspiring open-air museum on Kizhi Island.
Traveling is always exciting, and we’re eager to share this River Cruise experience with you. For more
information on this unique event, contact Grand Circle at 1-800-866-6561 and select option #2 . We hope
that you choose to join us — we’re in for a special treat.
Information can be found on www.ShrinersVillage.com under the SHOP tab on the right side.
Russia Revealed: Moscow to St. Petersburg
Departure Date: May 30, 2013
16 days — including international airfare — from only $4495
Yours in Faith,
Alan W. Madsen
Imperial Potentate
Shriners International
Photos courtesy of
Grand Circle Cruise Line
Noble Michael “Sid” Alley, Reporter-
Greetings all.
The end is near, the end of winter I mean.
Spring can’t come soon enough. The iron
pig needs ridding, my camper is still in
storage, and my boat is begging for a little
fish slime, but most of all, that Mini-Bike
is in need of a parade.
I’m a little short on news these days; I’m
not able to get to our meetings because
I’m working nights again. However, our
unit secretary would like your help. Herb
Libby is looking for any Honorary, Lifetime or Member of the Mini-Bikes that
are not, but would like to receive e-mails
from your Mini-Bikes unit secretary. Herb
would like to keep you updated on what
we are up to. Please send your current email address to hlibbys@gmail.com. The
only reason you are not receiving e-mails
from Herb now is that he lacks a correct
address for you. Thank you. Herb goes on
to say that out of 47 Nobles on his current
list, he has only 25 addresses that work.
March birthdays were celebrated by Diane Benson, Bruce Estes, Betty Nevers,
David Pelletier, Ray Sanborn and Lynn
Tyler. Congratulations all.
In April, Shirley Billings, Sonny Crocker, Weldon Long, Frank McGillicuddy,
George McLeod, Phillie Pushard, Ellen
Sanborn and Pam Spaulding all added on
another year. Bruce and Diane Estes are
celebrating an anniversary this month.
Thats all for now.
Noble Bert Weed, Reporter
The Northern Penobscot Shrine Club
met Wednesday, January 2nd at the East
Millinocket Snow Rovers Club with
19 members present for this event. The
meeting was called to order at 1900
hrs. by President Carl Segee and led the
group in the Flag Salute. Raleigh Hanscom led the group in the spirit of prayer.
The group then enjoyed a turkey dinner.
After dinner the group reconvened for
the business portion of the meeting.
The Northern Penobscot Shrine Club
met on February 6, 2013 at the Grass
Roots Catering in East Millinocket . Our
meeting was called to order by President
Carl Segee promptly at 1900 hrs.
had 20 members present even though the
weather was less than desirable. Carl led
the group in the Flag Salute and Chaplin
Ken Perkins offered the Prayer. We all sat
down and enjoyed a fine roast pork meal
that was fit for a king. A big thank you
went out to the kitchen crew for a meal
well done. There was no information on
sick Nobles offered by the membership.
Dignitaries present were Aide Paul
Thornton, Asst. Chief Greeter Emeritus
Derward Shedd, and our local Circus CoChairs Raleigh Hanscom and Jerry Anthony. Our first Fez fine in a while was levied
against Dean Bradbury. Supper raffle was
won by Bryon Sanderson who turned the
proceeds back over to the club. It is greatly appreciated. Secretary’s report was
read and accepted. The Treasurers Report
was read and accepted.
Old Business: The Daughters of the Nile
program has been moved to May so the
Ladies of the group can be present to enjoy.
Our December meeting has been at the
Elks Club in Millinocket, however the
head cook is retiring and they cannot
guarantee that they will able to continue
this tradition. Members are encouraged
to look around for a possible alternate location and bring information back to our
next meeting. We still have plenty of time
before we have to decide on and/or commit on a location.
There was no new business to be brought
before the group. We did review the proper Fez and the Flag protocols.
Our next meeting will be held at the
Sherman Snowmobile Club on April 3rd.
James, Debbie and the group always put
on a fine meal and James usually gives us
a heads up on what is going on down at the
Capitol in Augusta.
Since we were dark in March, I hope everyone can venture out of their dens and
enjoy a night out with friends in the spirit
of fellowship. Reminder to everyone that
the Circus is up and coming April 26, 27
& 28 and much help will be needed and
many hands make a light load. This will
be the last year the Circus is being held
at the Bangor Auditorium. Come enjoy a
final page in history and help us help the
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APRIL 2013
Mike Murphy,
Greetings Nobles and Ladies.
Another month is upon us, but winter’s
torturous grip has time on hold for many of
us within the People’s Republic of Maine.
Never fear though, your Highlanders
know that spring is near, so the kilts are
at the cleaners and we are practicing our
concert tunes ahead of our first gig. As
you read this, we will have finished our
St. Patrick’s Day gig at Geaghan’s Pub
in Bangor. It is one of our most intense
events. The room is wall to wall and we
have to perform in amongst the tables in
the crowd. They love us!! We have been
doing that event for about 10 years. We
perform for about an hour. When we first
started we had a hard time to stretch 45
minutes, but the band has added so many
tunes that we easily eclipse an hour now.
It is worth noting that several of our catchy
tunes were penned by pipe corporal Ernie
Smith. He wrote tunes in honor of several
departed Shriners: Lament for Herschel
Macintosh, Robert McLeod’S Divan, and
Tarbox’s Go-Cart.
Your Highlanders continue to push existing members into developing their talents,
while at the same time training and molding new prospects into future Masons,
Shriners and Highlanders. All Masonic
bodies need to have a mechanism to grow
future members. We have found that the
lure of learning the pipes or drums works
well. Many of the motorized units can
have new members ready to perform in
weeks, but we sometimes require years to
have a piper’s skills sharp enough to play
a majority of the bands tunes. I started
taking lessons in October and was on the
street in Greenville for the next year’s Ceremonial, but I was a couple years before I
could play all the sets in sync and march
in step with the other members. I say this to encourage you. I have two
left feet and absolutely no musical ability.
I couldn’t carry a tune if it had handles on
it. All of the band members encourage and
teach each other. Almost anyone with the
desire to play can learn. It is hard work,
but it is fun. Once you learn the pipes, noone can take that from you. Playing the
pipes and/or drums is more than a hobby;
it is a way of life. We look forward to parades and concerts. You can be a High-
lander!!! Ask not what your Highlanders
can do for you! Ask what you can do for
your Highlanders!!
I personally think that computers are one
of Satan’s greatest tools. Nothing can
make me cuss and swear quicker than a
computer. Computers often don’t work
as intended, and who has time for that?
Computers are also a mechanism that
makes people more dependent on the system. Each generation seems smarter than
the previous one, but the ability to perform essential skills like basic math and
forming a coherent sentence are becoming
increasingly lacking. When computers
become so ingrained in our society that
they are doing most of our thinking, we
are increasingly at risk for collapse. What
seems unthinkable is rather probable.
In closing, if anyone would like to take
piping or drumming lessons, please contact me at pipingleprechaun@hotmail.
com. May you all have a blessed Easter
and remember the significance of the day.
Noble Ron Bilancia, Reporter
Hello Fellow Academicians,
Happy Spring
As of this writing we have not had the
March meeting, so more on that in the
next issue.
The next unit meeting will be the last
Wednesday in May, location TBA, so
please stay tuned.
2013 dues are due. It is $10 payable
to Anah Academicians and sent to Ron
Bilancia, 59 Allison Park Brewer, ME
Our VP Jon Swallow attended the Unit
Leadership Workshop at the Shrine Center
on March 2nd. I’m sure he learned many
great things for us, and we thank him for
attending on our behalf.
On March 2nd Dave Ballard reported the
following: “Linda and I have been having
a great time at The Villages in Florida this
winter. We’re spending about 6 months
in Florida and 6 months at home. At the
moment however, I’m at Sugarloaf skiing. Part of the deal when we bought our
Florida house was that I get to come home
each winter to ski. Plus I get to visit with
my daughter and her family which is a bonus.” Thanks Dave. So glad you are able
to enjoy the sun AND the slopes.
The Circus is coming up. If you are interested in working the Circus and need a
placement, please let us know and we’ll
get you situated.
Well, that’s all for now folks. Have a
great April, and remember, never hesitate to contact me at 989-2617 or at rbilancia@roadrunner.com with any news,
jokes, gossip, nonsense, or just plain
outright lies that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and
Anah Shrinedom in general.
Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter
Greetings Nobles and Ladies:
As I write this article I am wishing the
groundhog had just stayed in his hole and
not predicted six more weeks of winter. I
don’t know when the last time I have seen
snow so often. Well we’re soon to be in
nicer warmer weather and with the Circus
right around the corner we will be busy
with that.
The Second Section served the gathering
at the Wheeler’s Super Supper on February 16th and we had a great showing of
members in attendance. A special thank
you to the Noble Bob Marin and family
952 Dexter Road
Corinna Me 04928
Telephone 631-5100
Used Vehicles
Lee & Peggy Kaufman
There is no cure for birth or death so save to enjoy the interval.
Continued on page 20
Continued from page 19
who were there all day and into the evening. Noble Bob, Lady Annette, Noble
Brad and his wife and their daughter Jessica and her guest were all there to make
things go as smoothly as they did. Thank
you to them and to all who helped to make
this a success for the unit.
The Circus is right around the corner and
will be held on April 26, 27 and 28th in
Bangor. This will be the last time we have
the Circus in the current Bangor Auditorium. The Second Section’s primary job at
the Circus is to sell programs outside the
door and inside the auditorium. Check the
Anahgram for the show times and time
slot discussions will be discussed at our
April meeting. We also do a considerable
amount of cooking for all of the Circus
workers and Ladies. We need help with
serving, running, cleaning, etc. during this
time to make things run as smoothly as
possible. We feed a lot of people during
this time and it is a lot of fun for everyone.
Finally, we are in need of Nobles to help
out on Sunday after the last show to take
inventory of, and pack up the novelties for
the Circus in Presque Isle. All Nobles are
asked to help out with this weekend as this
is Anah’s largest fundraiser to support the
Noble Bill MacLaughlin is home recuperating from his heart attack that he had
in February and he is doing pretty well
from what I hear. Bill would love to hear
from anybody if they want to call him.
The Second Section wishes our Chief
Rabban Tom Clukey well as he has been
under the weather lately. Tom and family,
if there is anything that the Second Section can do, please don’t hesitate to let us
April birthday wishes go out to Ladies
Gigi Hardison, Denise Hayes and Nobles
Paul Cirard, Gary Jordan, Bob Marin, Don
Merrill, Todd Miller and David Scripture.
April anniversary wishes go out to Dacia
& Darren Nason, Peggy & Charles Sisson,
and Monica & Fred Patterson.
Our next scheduled meeting will be held
Friday, April 5, 2013 at the Shrine Center.
Remember, if you can’t make it to the
meeting, contact an officer or any member
to be excused.
Until next time, think membership so we
can have plenty of candidates at the Ceremonial.
Assistant Director, Dennis Hill
The ads are in, the Programs are printed,
the acts are warming up for what looks
like the best Circus Anah has had in the 50
years of doing it. We will be having bears,
dogs, an act showing incredible strength
and balance and other acts that are truly
amazing. The Circus Staff and Anah
Shrine needs you all to support this event.
We need you to buy tickets, tell all your
friends about it and if you can, show up to
a show or two.
There is always something to do to help
out. This is the biggest fundraiser to date
that we do. The Second Section will be
putting on the meals again upstairs at the
Civic Center between shows and those
who have eaten there know what a treat
that is. As everybody knows this is the last
time we will be in the Bangor Auditorium.
Along with the great job the folks from
Presque Isle always do, let’s make this a
record-breaking Circus for 2013.
See you there and THINK CIRCUS!
1. No use of the word temple when referring to Anah, 2. Shrine now known as
Shriners International and 3. All motorized units will wear helmets in parades.
Screening clinics are posted in the Anahgram. Members try to attend the nearest
clinic to you to be available to take photos
of patients and/or doctors.
Unit meeting at auditorium April 27, at
8 am: if you can make it. I’ll be touch
with the County gang. We don’t expect
you to make a Bangor meeting. Please try
to cover the Presque Isle Circus. Many
thanks in advance.
Continued on page 21
Bob Hodgkins
Yep: I waited to the last day to write my
column, been ice fishing with the grandsons.
The Director attended the Potentate’s
Unit Head and Club Presidents’ Seminar
on March 2nd many new things learned
and review of Shrine rules and protocols.
Nowadays when a person remarks he’s going to stop at the cleaners, he may just be buying the groceries.
APRIL 2013
Continued from page 20
At the Seminar we also had updates on
the Hospitals and a nice briefing on the
Springfield by Karen Motyka, Donor Development.
Thanks to Lloyd Day and Merland Clark
for covering the Tri-County Club in February.
Some of us old guys are thinking about a
new unit, a motorized wheelchair Unit the
helmets will be old metal bed pans.
There is talk of a real new unit about
Shrine Facts/Figures look for info in the
Great trip with grandkids ice fishing on
Sabbattus Pond, lots of Pike, a real good
Back to the couch.
That’s all from downtown Hartland.
The Flashbulb
Noble Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter
Here we are, April, where did the winter
We had our Annual Meeting in March
at the Happy China restaurant. There were
21 Nobles and their Ladies present, which
included Potentate Lee and his lovely
Lady, Peggy.
Our next regular meeting and first for this
year will be April 1st, and this is no April
fool’s joke. At that time we will need volunteers’ to work the Circus.
Captain Scott will have a list of this
year’s parades.
Anybody interested in joining the 4x4
unit can attend this meeting at the Shrine
Center at 7:00 p.m.
Birthday wishes this month go to Sandy
Bussell, Rhonda Scott, Renee Tash, and
the elderly Warren Curtis.
People who get married in April must not
fish until May. Anniversaries this month
go to Dan and Suellen Leighton. Also congratulations go to Dan and Suellen upon
the arrival of their new granddaughter,
As you can see, I am not a very good
reporter as the column is quite short. Will
try to do better after we get going again.
Attend your Blue Lodge meetings and
see if there is a future Shiner there. Maybe
he could be part of the unit.
Until next time, SEE YA!
Anah Aides
Noble Gordon Smith, Chief Aide
Hello to all Nobles and Ladies,
February has gone, along with some of
the snow, this month has been really quiet,
now March is here.
The Circus will be here in Bangor on the
26th, 27th and the 28th of April. One of
the jobs at the Circus that the Aides are
asked to do is to work on Cotton Candy.
The help is needed on Friday afternoon
and evening. If you can do one or the other, or both, it will be greatly appreciated.
Even the Ladies can help or the Kiddo’s,
I could use help on ushering also at any
of the shows, by any of the Emeritus or
active Aides. It’s not a bad job and can
be very interesting. The yellow and black
looks good along with the Fez, then people don’t have to look far to find us for
information or help.
This will be the last Circus at the Auditorium as it will be gone shortly after the
Circus gets packed up.
I want to personally congratulate Noble
Doug Dulac on his appointment to Outer
Guard. He and Lady Robyn will be a great
pair working up the Line.
Thank you Asst. Chief Bob Pullen, Asst.
Chief Denny Smith and Aide George Alley for setting up the March 2nd Unit
A birthday I missed In February was
Aide Danny Taylor. (Sorry about that).
Birthday for March is one and only Asst.
Chief Denny Smith.
Must have been a bad month for marriages as there are not any anniversaries
unless I missed someone.
The bylaws are being
reviewed and updated to be
more in line with the Shrine
Imperial bylaws.
A copy of these new bylaws
will be in the Recorder’s
office for any Noble to
The new bylaws will be
voted on at the Stated
Meeting in May 2013
Abilitly will enable a man to get to the top, but character is the only thing that will keep him there!
Harold Adams
Hello everyone
My apologies for the lack of the last few
Anahgram articles. When winter weather
descended on us all I have done is plow at
night, keeping the airport open, and sleeping all day; in fact, I have had only two
days off in the last 5 weeks. We had no
meetings in February or March, therefore,
no Unit news. But, as we all know it is
time to gear up for the Circus. This will
be the last year the Circus will be in the
auditorium. Since this is the year in the old
auditorium it would be nice to have everyone join in the last hurrah. See you there.
I haven’t heard but I assume we will have
a meeting Tuesday, April 2nd. Watch your
mail for the reminder card. Our main topic
will be the Circus, I’m sure.
I hope all of you have had a good winter
and are in good health. March and April
birthday wishes to Nobles Harold Adams, Keith Cousins, Provost Marshal Don
Havey, Carl Drew, and Jerry Fratini. Our
Ladies, Dottie Havey, Judith Pratt, Susan
Adams, Marion Campbell and Jean Segee.
Happy anniversary wishes to Noble Dan
and Lady Dottie Havey, Noble Galen and
Lady Nancy Adams, and Noble Thomas
and Lady Nadene Smith.
Spring IS around the corner, let’s hope.
I’ve had enough snow for this winter, how
about you?
Hoping everyone had a BLESSED and
HAPPY EASTER. Until next time stay
Noble Daryl Briggs, Reporter
Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club had its meeting on February 21, 2013. There were 27
Nobles, Divan members and guests present.
The meeting was presided over by President “Sped” Seymour; the meal was spaghetti, salad and rolls. The kitchen crew
was led by Denny Smith. Thanks again
to everyone who helped with the meal.
Past Potentates were represented by Harold Crocker (1983), and Larry Hersom
(1986). The Divan was represented by Recorder Larry Hersom and Oriental Guide
Steve Trimm, Sr.
No Secretary’s report as it is in the Anahgram; no Treasurer’s report.
No old or new business.
The 50/50 raffle of $68 was won by Noble Walter Ash from Belfast .
Thanks to Assistant Secretary Fred
Brown for his help that night with dinner
ticket sales and other duties.
Anah Shriners is sponsoring Pediatric/Orthopedic Screening
Clinics at the locations listed below.
Saturday May 11, 2013
For referral to Shriners Hospitals
No appointments are necessary and there is no charge for a visit.
Screening Clinic Locations:
Anah Shriners 10:00a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
586 Main Street, Bangor 04401 (Norris Nickerson (207) 989-5594
Aroostook County Shrine Club (10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
Route 1 (Next to Perrys Mini Mart) Presque Isle 04769
(Richard Hallett (207) 429-9059
Mayo Orthopedicts 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Martin Taylor (207) 427 9059
Waldo Country General Hospital (10:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.)
Education Building
118 Northport Avenue
Belfast, Maine 04915
(yan Otis (207)338-2604
Downeast Community Hospital (10:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.)
Robertson Building
Machias, Maine 04654
Dave Weaver (207) 483-2280
Maine Coast Memorial Hospital (10:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.)
32 Resort Way
Terry Wessel
Calais Regional Hospital (10:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.
Calais, Maine 04619
Dennis Bryant (207) 454-3514
Shriners’ Hospital for Children in Springfield, MA – Orthopedic care.
• Club Foot • Leg-Calve Perthes Disease • Metabolic Bone Disease • Chest Wall Deformities • Cleft Lip & Palate • Myelodysplasia (Spina Bifida) • Juvenile Rheumatoid
Arthritis • Scoliosis and other spine deformities • Hand and Shoulder Deformities •
Ostetogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle Bone Disease) •Neuromusculafr Disorders including Cerebal Palsy Developmental Dysplasia of the hip and other hip disorders
Shriners’ Hospital for Children in Boston MA Burn Care
• Burn Injuries • Cleft Lip and Palate • Port Wine Stains and Hemangioas • Scarring
and Deformities of the Face •Severe Scarring resulting in contractures or interfering
with mobility of the limb.
NOBLES and LADIES Keep an eye and ear poised
to recognize any child that we may be able to help.
Research shows that sleeping oudoors will cure insomnia. So will sleeping indoors.
APRIL 2013
Noble Wally Fenlason, Reporter
Hello Ladies & Nobles,
Whew!! I think we have survived the
winter of 2012-2013!
The “Maine Snowbirds” are returning,
flowers are starting to sprout, and soon
we will be “uncovering” our cars! But before the “heat of summer”, I repeat, before
the “heat of summer” is the famous Anah
Convertible Super Supper! This event is
taking place on May 11th at the Shrine
Center. Tickets are now available (from
any Unit member), but only in “limited”
quantities. Be sure to get yours very soon!!
To my “knowledge“, no one in our Unit
is experiencing current health issues!
Those that have taken the “BIG
PLUNGE” this month are Don & Elaine
Goss and Dick & Deb Dunham. Enjoy
your special day and we all hope you have
many, many more!
That’s the “scoop” for another month…
remember to live each day as it were your
Until next month…MOTHER, DID
Crusin’ Wally
Harris, Shayna Grindle, Lindsey Spencer,
Libby Lindsey, Tom (Goofy) King, Kurt
(Dopey) Gray, Emma Frost and Hannah
We would also like to send out anniversary wishes to Harold and Ann Batson and
also to Brent and Jean Wilson.
In closing, remember our next monthly
meeting will be Monday April 8th at The
Anah Shrine Center in Bangor at 7:00
with a 6:00 social.
Noble Ryan Otis, Reporter
Lots going on in the mid-coast.
Our April Meeting will be catered by
Chef Brent and our May meeting will be a
catered Ladies Night.
We would like to apologize for canceling
the St. Patties Day party, but the tickets
just weren’t selling. We’ll definitely try to
host a great event next year.
Make sure if you haven’t paid your club
dues that you do so that you are on the tip
of the entire goings on at our Shrine Club.
Do you have your 100 club token? Remember we are raising money for 2017.
It’s only a $10 a month, we’re splitting the
pot every month.
Our Summer Ceremonial is fast approaching; get your candidates ready for
a great weekend.
Looking ahead: Making plans for our
Dryden Dutch Memorial Golf tournament
in August.
Anah Can Tabs
For Kids
Did you know that the aluminum tabs used to open your favorite drinks also have the
power to help kids defy the odds? Shriners Hospitals for Children® provide medical
care to children with spinal cord injuries, cleft lip and palate, or are in need of burn or
orthopedic care, regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. You can help make a kid
move again, walk again, smile again just by collecting your can tabs and dropping
them off at the Anah Sshrine Center. A Shriner will pick them up and the proceeds
will be forwarded to Shriners Hospitals for Children®.
Noble Frank Wilson, Reporter
Well, it’s time for another report. The
Funsters have had their February monthly
meeting but before the meeting opened
we heard a presentation by Bev and Harold Polley from the Daughters of the Nile.
They were promoting the “Love for the
Children Tour” where they will cruise the
U.S. in a motor home wrapped in Daughters of the Nile logos. When the meeting
opened the secretary and treasurer reports
were both read and accepted. We also talked about the circus lift-off on March 30th
at the Bangor Mall.
The Funsters would like to send out
birthday wishes this month to, Stacie Alley, Melissa Cammack, Takeena Billington, Dean Washburn, Tom Frost, Dave
Thomas, Mike Clark, Mary Clark, Brian
Abilitly will enable a man to get to the top, but character is the only thing that will keep him there!
Shriners Hospitals for Children®:
Experts in Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury
There are 12,000 new cases of spinal cord injury (SCI) in the
U.S. each year; approximately 10 percent affect children under
age 16.
In the mid-1980s, Shriners Hospitals for Children®
established the nation’s first SCI rehabilitation programs
specifically designed for children and teenagers.
From the point of injury down to the toes, a spinal cord
injury can affect every function of the body. Patients
participating in these programs – available at the Shriners
Hospitals for Children® in Chicago, Philadelphia and
Sacramento, Calif. – receive the complete range of services
needed in order to recover to the fullest extent possible.
Patients in the SCI programs have access to a wide range of
therapies, exercise programs, activity-based rehabilitation and
adaptive sports. These activities build strength and stamina
and increase social interaction, confidence and independence.
Some of the hospitals also offer specialty camps emphasizing
aspects of health, fitness and independence.
“Shriners Hospitals for Children® are recognized worldwide for our expertise in caring for children with SCI,” said
Lawrence C. Vogel, M.D., assistant chief of staff, medicine
and chief of pediatrics for Shriners Hospitals for Children®
— Chicago. “Our recognition as experts extends to the
professionals who work with the SCI patients in all the key
disciplines, including nursing, psychology, social work, child
life, therapists, dieticians, and physicians.”
Shriners Hospitals for Children® shares its expertise in SCI
care and research with the medical community in many ways.
One very notable venue is the Howard H. Steel Conference.
Initiated in 1995 by Shriners Hospitals for Children®, the
conference – which is named for an emeritus chief of staff
of Shriners Hospitals for Children® — Philadelphia – is held
every three years. Subsequent meetings have been funded by
the health care system and several Shriners temples, especially
Saladin Shriners of Kentwood, Mich.
The Steel Conference is recognized as the definitive
international pediatric SCI meeting. As the organization
responsible for providing this educational program for
physicians, therapists, nurses and other health care
professionals from around the world, Shriners Hospitals for
Children® is clearly recognized as the leader and expert in
the field.
Approximately 170 medical professionals from North
America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden,
the United Kingdom, Ireland and Puerto Rico attended the
December 2009 meeting, which also received funding from
the Shriners Hospitals for Children® Research Advisory Board.
Topics at the three-day conference included upright mobility,
rehabilitation and outcomes and orthopaedic considerations.
“The conference, chaired by representatives from the three
Shriners Hospitals for Children® with SCI programs, is the
only meeting anywhere that is entirely dedicated to the care,
research and education associated with children with spinal
cord injury,” said MJ Mulcahey, director of rehabilitation
services and clinical research at Shriners Hospitals for
Children® — Philadelphia. “The meeting provides an avenue
to discuss how best to translate research findings into practice,
and gives researchers and clinicians the opportunity to discuss
ways to build evidence-based practice.”
Discussions during the conference also bring to light the
questions and issues in pediatric spinal cord injury that remain
unanswered, and needs that remain unmet, providing direction
for future efforts.
“The Steel Conference highlights Shriners Hospitals for
Children®’s extensive work in caring for children with SCI
– including our clinical, research and educational
accomplishments,” said Dr. Vogel. “It is also an incredible
opportunity to bring together many different disciplines from
many different parts of the country, and the world, to discuss
issues critical to the well-being of children with SCI.”
Development of and participation in the Steel Conference
is one more way Shriners Hospitals for Children® strives to be
aware of and provide the best, most innovative care possible.
The organization depends on the generosity of donors to
support its mission of caring for children. To learn how you
can help, please visit www.donate2SHC.org.
APRIL 2013
There are Heroes Among Us
at Shriners Hospitals for Children®
Taylor Long
Shriners Hospitals for Children®
patient Taylor Long, 19, of Halifax,
Nova Scotia, made a surprise
appearance at the 136th Imperial
Council Session – the Shriners’
annual international convention – in
Toronto on July 7. Danny Happy,
13, of Cincinnati, Ohio, provided a
video message to the crowd of several
thousand Shriners.
Danny and Taylor are featured in
the Shriners Hospitals for Children®
patient success video “Heroes Among
Us,” which premiered at the event.
Immediately following the video,
Taylor sang for the audience.
The program was an opportunity
for the kids to thank the Shriners
for the pediatric specialty care they
receive at Shriners Hospitals for
Children®. The expertise and support
provided by the health care system
has given them the strength and skills
needed to make their dreams
a reality.
Taylor Long
Taylor was born with bilateral
fibular hemimelia, which means he
is missing the calf bones in his legs.
Doctors initially told Taylor’s mother,
Karen, that he would probably never
walk. Luckily, a friend of Taylor’s
grandfather, a Shriner named Bryce
Gibson, recommended Shriners
Hospitals for Children® — Canada.
Taylor became a patient when
he was just one month old; his
family and doctors decided the best
Danny Happy
treatment was to amputate his feet
and have him use prosthetics to walk.
He was provided extensive physical
therapy as a young child to help him
learn to walk and balance.
Despite multiple surgeries to
correct the growth of his legs, Taylor
enjoyed an active childhood. The
rehabilitation services department
at Shriners Hospitals for Children®
— Canada played a central role in
supporting his interests, designing
special prosthetics for each activity
he pursued. He learned to swim with
the help of special swimming legs
that drain water and help him walk on
sand. When he began riding horses
at age 9, they made him prosthetic
legs especially for horseback riding.
In 2007, Taylor competed with riders
from around the world at the Lendon
Gray International Dressage Festival.
The confidence Taylor gained from
these experiences has helped him
pursue his greatest passions, drama
and singing. He is currently working
toward a bachelor’s degree in voice
and drama at Dalhousie University in
Halifax and is studying opera.
Danny Happy
When a plane crashed into Danny’s
Sanford, Fla., home in 2007, his life
was changed forever. He sustained
second- and third degree burns over
95 percent of his body and tragically,
his four-year-old sister Gabriela
was killed in the horrific accident.
Only hours after the crash, Danny
was airlifted from a local hospital
to Shriners Hospitals for Children®
— Cincinnati. The burns on his
body were so extensive he was not
expected to survive.
During the next seven months,
which he spent in the hospital,
he underwent multiple surgeries
and grueling physical therapy. His
medical team was pleased to see
tremendous progress as time went
by, and was thrilled when he became
well enough to become an outpatient.
Danny and his mother relocated
to Ohio so he could continue his
treatment at Shriners Hospitals for
Children® — Cincinnati. When he
was ready to return to school, the
hospital’s school re-entry program
eased the transition, providing his
classmates with lessons on empathy
and acceptance. Danny, who is
extremely outgoing, has made
friends easily and is enjoying life as a
student. With the help of his teachers
and fellow classmates, he started a
program to collect aluminum can tabs
to benefit the health care system.
More Surprises
Taylor’s mother joined him onstage
after the premiere of the video to
personally thank the Shriners for the
expert medical care provided to her
son. Then, 2009-2010 Imperial Public
Relations Committee Chairman
Mike Severe presented Taylor with a
handheld camcorder to thank him for
sharing his story. He also sent one to
Danny prior to the event.
At Shriners Hospitals for
Children®, we are proud to have
heroes like Taylor and Danny among
us every day.
No. 7318 Noble Wade Richardson of
Plymouth was born January 8, 1933, at
home in Plymouth and died at home February 5, 2013, surrounded by the love of
his entire family. He lived the majority of
his adult life within two miles of where
he was born and in his words “the apple
didn’t fall far from the tree.”
He graduated from Newport High School,
class of 1951. He served his country in the
U.S. Air Force from 1953 to 1957. After
leaving the Air Force he was employed
for more than 30 years at Maine Central
Railroad performing various jobs in the
mechanical department, where he formed
lifetime friendships. He also served as
shop superintendent in Waterville, and
foreman of the Bangor engine house.
From 1989 until his retirement in 1997,
He was a safety inspector for the Federal
Railroad Administration - FRA. He was
also a certified presenter for Operation
Lifesaver, a railroad safety program.
If you visited with him for any period
of time you would learn pretty quickly
that he loved to tell stories and recall
days gone by, usually involving people
he loved from the town of Plymouth. He
was an unofficial historian since he lived
here for most of his 80 years and was
proud to be involved in town politics as
the first selectman. He also served on the
SAD 48 School Board. Most mornings, in
his retirement, he and his beautiful bride
Gerry - whom he married June 13, 1964 could be found at the Village Store, Plymouth, sharing coffee and fellowship with
some great friends. He loved time spent
outdoors and enjoyed each season and
what it had to offer. Spring and summers
would find him mowing lawns or in the
garden, rototilling, planting and weeding,
while sharing his love of gardening with
his grandchildren, all in anticipation of the
first fruits of his labor ... the first radish of
the season. He also enjoyed bird hunting,
especially duck hunting, and had a great
love for every one of his dogs throughout
the years. In winter months he and Gerry
would set off on snowmobiling day trips
and just enjoy the beauty and nature of
God’s creation. He shared and stressed
the importance of a good sense of humor
throughout his life and has given us many
numerous funny poems and stories to
cherish and share with future generations.
He loved music his entire life and could be
heard many times a day singing or whistling tunes he loved. As a result of his love
for music He joined the Mainely Music
Barbershop Chorus in 2011 which ful-
filled his musical “hankerings.” If he had
one regret in life it would be that he didn’t
join them sooner. He thoroughly enjoyed
every aspect of being part of that group of
fine gentlemen who became great friends
to both Geraldine and him. Although he
accomplished much in his lifetime and
had many creative interests that enriched
his life, nothing could compare to the gift
of being “Grumpy” to his eight grandchildren who have been thoroughly blessed
to have his love and guidance as he has
shared his love of music, humor, stories,
creativity and, most importantly, the role
model of a man that personifies integrity,
honesty and humility. He was a great example of a “life well lived” by a man of
quiet gentle strength.
His Masonic affiliations included more
than 55 years of membership and was a
Past Master of Meridian Splendor Lodge
No. 49 A.F. & A.M. of Newport. He also
had belonged to York Rite Masonic bodies and was a member of Anah Temple
His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 14, 1975.
No. 7475 Noble Perley Howard Hartley
of Corinna was born at the family farm in
Corinna, Dec. 16, 1926, and passed peacefully Friday, Feb. 1, 2013, with his daughters by his side. He was surrounded by his
family and caregivers during the last days
of his life.
At age 19, he opened his first business, a
Tydol filling station. After his return from
Europe in 1952 as a sergeant in the Army,
he married the love of his life, Marie.
Just a few years later, he started offering
Massey Ferguson tractors. In 1960, he became a dealer for Plymouth automobiles,
the area’s first auto dealership. Throughout the years, the business kept growing
through his efforts, his family and those
around them. Hartley’s Chrysler, Dodge,
Jeep-Ram is still operating strong today.
Beyond developing his business, He was
involved in the community, and enjoyed
many hobbies. He served as a selectmen
for the Town of Corinna, held a board seat
with Key Bank, as well as a member of
the Corinna United Methodist Church,
American Legion Post No. 73 He and his
wife were also instrumental in the development of the Corinna Health Center. As
an accomplished pilot, he thoroughly enjoying flying his plane. He enjoyed spending time with his family, engaging in construction projects, and traveling.
His Masonic affiliations included membership in Parian Lodge No.160 AF &
AM and other Masonic Bodies. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded
as June 19, 1976.
No. 7237 Noble Amasa “Stubby” E.
Sherman Jr., of Dover-Foxcroft was born
May 18, 1937 and passed away peacefully
Continued on next page
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APRIL 2013
Continued from preceding page
Feb. 9, 2013, at a Local hospital.
Stubby was a 1955 graduate of Orono
High School, where he played football
and was involved in several clubs. After
high school he attended attended Gorham
State Teachers’ College and the University of Maine, earning a degree in industrial arts. After graduation he began his
teaching career where he taught industrial arts at Hall-Dale High School and
then Orono High School. His love of for
cooking brought him into the restaurant
business where he was the head chef and
part owner of High Seas Restaurant, Bar
Harbor. His cooking was enjoyed by all,
and his specialty shish kabobs were featured in Bangor Metro Magazine. Stubby
retired in 1998 as the owner and operator
of Prouty Auto Body, Dover-Foxcroft. He
enjoyed flying his plane, driving around
in his Mercedes kit car that he had built,
as well as being outside playing countless
rounds of golf at Foxcroft Golf Club and
putting thousands of miles on his snowmobile during the winter. He enjoyed
many summers on Sebec Lake, working
around camp and playing captain of his
party boat. He was well-known for his
story telling ability. He will always be remembered for flying with the geese, sharing biscuits with hungry squirrels, and
controlling those darn seagulls. Always
wanting to help others. He was also a
member of Foxcroft Golf Club and Piscataquis Valley Snowmobile Club.
His Masonic affiliations included membership in Mosaic Lodge No. 52 AF
&AM, Dover-Foxcroft, the Scottish Rites
Bodies, Tri-County Shrine Club, and
Court No. 150 Royal Order of Jesters.
His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as January 10, 1975.
No. 10708 Noble HUDSON - Alton J.
Bouchard of Hudson died unexpectedly
February 17, 2013, at a Bangor hospital.
He was born Aug. 7, 1953 in Waterville .
He loved fishing, snowmobiling, hunting
and enjoyed the outdoors tremendously.
At a very young age he held a passion
for planes, especially seaplanes. He
owned more than a hundred of them in his
lifetime. His dream was to write a book
about seaplanes one day. He loved being a
jokester and laughing. He especially will
be missed by his buddy Maxx the dog,
who he loved teasing mostly. He served
in the U.S. Army in Vietnam from 1972
to 1974, and was honorably discharged.
He was the owner of PK Floats, Lincoln,
since 2000, where he manufactured and
engineered floats for planes. Alton was a
member of Seaplane Pilots Association,
Airplane Owners and Pilots Association,
General Aviation Manufactures Association, Maine Snowmobile Association, National Rifle Association.
His Masonic
affiliations included membership in Sebasticook Lodge No. 146 AF & AM, Clinton. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was
recorded as June 22, 1996.
No. 3725 Noble Richard “Dick” Nathan
Averill of Bangor and Stillwater was born
November 2, 1922 and passed from this
life February 19, 2013, at a local health
care facility. He and raised in Stillwater
moving to Bangor in 1934.
He was educated in Old Town and the
Bangor school systems. He graduated
from Bangor High School, class of 1940.
He served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II and was discharged as a
F4U Corsair Fighter airplane specialist.
He was a pilot and enjoyed flying in his
Piper Cub in his younger years. He was an
outdoor enthusiast - from flying in the sky
to scuba diving in the ocean. He was the
owner and operator of Dick’s Esso from
1946 to 1950. As a master electrician Dick
owned and operated Averill Electrical Service for more than 30 years and also retired from the U.S. Postal Service as a rural free delivery carrier. He was a member
of Veterans of Foreign Wars and American
His Masonic affiliations included
50-years of membership in St. Andrews
28 Elm Street
Lodge No. 83 AF & AM and the York Rite
His enrollment in Anah Shriners was
recorded as August 13, 1948.
CLINTON – No. 9976 Noble Richard Arthur Goodwin of Clinton was born January 17, 1933 and died early Saturday,
January 5, 2013, at his home, in Burnham.
He was educated in the schools of Clinton and Fairfield. He served in the U.S. Air
Force from 1950 to 1954. After owning a
dairy farm in Skowhegan for several
years, he opened a grocery store on Main
Street, Clinton, in 1961. He expanded his
business in 1969, building a new store just
down the street from the first store. Dick’s
passion was his grocery store and he took
great pride in providing a full-service grocery store for the people in the town of
Clinton. Even though his son, Sanford,
managed the store, Dick was in the store
nearly every day. Dick bought a grocery
store in Unity in the early 1990s, but sold
it eight years later after turning it into a
profitable business. He served for 17 years
on the board of directors for Associated
Continued on next page
31 West Main Street
Serving Bucksport-Searsport and surrounding towns
Albert Levesque, Proprioter
Continued from previous page
Grocers of Maine and four years as chairman of the board. He was a recipient of
the Spirit of America Award from National Grocers Association. He was a member
of Brown Memorial United Methodist
Church, Clinton. He believed that one
should support their community and
served on various town committees, as
well as a director on the board of Clinton
Water District.
He was a 50-year member and past lion
king of Clinton Lions Club; 50-year member of American Legion Post No. 186,
Clinton; member and past president of
Maine Grocers Association; member and
past patron of Fireside Chapter No. 103,
Order of the Eastern Star and a former
member of the Jaycees.
His Masonic affiliations included
50-years of membership and Past Master
of Sebasticook Lodge No. 146 AF & AM,
and the Scottish Rite Bodies.
His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as January 20, 1990.
No. 9470 Noble Wesley H. Rolfe of
Gouldsboro was born March 13, 1938, in
Gouldsboro and passed away unexpectedly February 27, 2013.
He belonged to many organizations, but
enjoyed Anah Temple Shriners and
Knights of Pythias Lodge the most. He
also worked for the Maine state Department of Transportation for many years.
His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 21, 1986.
CHARLESTON No. 5356 Noble Thomas
J. Popham of Charleston was born March
19, 1924, in Hodgdon, and passed away
February 8, 2013, at the Maine Veterans
Home, Bangor. He lived at his beloved
Red Farm home for 63 years as a resident
of Charleston.
He was educated in the schools of Hodgdon and a 1941 graduate of Houlton High
School. He attended Higgins Classical Institute and graduated from the U.S. Maritime Service Officers School, Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn. He was
commissioned an ensign upon graduation
and later promoted to lieutenant. He received his engineering license in both
steam and diesel unlimited horsepower.
During World War II, he sailed with the
U.S. Merchant Marines on Liberty and
Victory ships, C3 tankers and troop ships,
seeing considerable action. He received
the Atlantic, Mediterranean and the Pacific War Zone Bars for his loyalty and
dedication to his country and freedom.
Following service to his country, He
moved back to Charleston, where he built
a dairy comprised of registered Ayshire
cattle and later, with his parents, he operated a successful truck farming business.
The Red Farm offered fresh produce to local folks as well as the Boston Market,
during which time he drove truck for Triangle Produce of Hampden. He also
served as town selectman, first director of
SAD 68, was instrumental in the formation of Charleston Fire Department and
served on the board of directors of Higgins Classical Institute.
His Masonic affiliations included 50
years of membership of Olive Branch
Lodge No. 114 of Charleston. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as
June 18, 1960.
Invite a Brother
Mason to your
Shrine Club or
Unit Meeting, He
may find it interesting and want
to take part!
A perfect Gift for any Noble or Shrine Lady on any occasion
Not only will you be participating in the “WORLD’S GREATEST
as 98 cents of every dollar contributed to Shriner’s Hospitals for Children
is used on direct patient care.
A statement to the Recorder that you have left $100 or more in your will,
or are making a cash contribution of $100 or more, will earn you a handsome membership certificate for your office or den…and you will help
insure the future operation of Shriner’s Hospitals for Children.
All memberships will be recorded, and reported to the Imperial Council
through your Temple Recorder. Do not send your membership directly to a
Shriner’s Hospital.
HOW TO JOIN THE $100,000,000 CLUB
 I WANT TO BE A MEMBER OF THE 100 Million Dollar Club for the
I have made Shriner’s Hospital a beneficiary in an insurance policy in
the amount of $100 or more.
I have a provision in my will leaving a bequest of $100.00 or more to
the hospitals.
I prefer to make a cash contribution at this time of at least $100.00
which is tax deductible.
Make your check payable to: “SHRINER’S HOSPITALS”
Complete this form and mail it to ANAH TEMPLE, ATTN: RECORDER,
P.O. BOX 735, BANGOR, MAINE 04402-0735
Please have the certificate read:
(Please print) ______________________________
Are you working?
Membership applications available
at the Recorder’s Office
You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
Anah Shriners
P.O. Box 735
Bangor ME 04402-0735
APRIL 2013
You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.

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