August 2012 - Anah Shriners
AUGUST 2012 Save these dates. . . September 13, 14, 15. The Northeast Shrine Association Field Days are being hosted by Anah Shriners on September 13, 14 and 15. Attending this gathering in Bangor is an opportunity that comes around only once every 15 years. If you have not attended a NORTHEAST in the past you will enjoy mingling with Shriners and their Ladies from all over New England and in many cases, beyond. Three Imperial officers will be coming as well. Anah’s Nobles and Ladies are encouraged to turn out and support this year’s Host and Hostess, Potentate Anthony “Tony” Bowers and Lady Carmel. There is a program on page 14 to help in your planning MONTHLY MESSENGER OF ANAH SHRINERS “A Chapter of Shriners International” BANGOR, MAINE AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 Changing Jobs or Retiring? Should you roll over your 401(k) plan account or reallocate your retirement assets? Whether you are changing jobs or retiring, a Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisor can review your situation and help you make informed choices to ensure that your nest egg will be there when you need it. Jeffrey F. O'Sullivan Senior Vice President Financial Advisor Key Plaza, 23 Water Street, Suite 406 Bangor, ME 04401 207-561-2000 jeffrey.o' Call your Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisor today to help you develop an investment program tailored to your retirement needs. A Morgan Stanley Company Tax laws are complex and subject to change. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, its affiliates and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. This material was not intended or written to be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. Individuals are urged to consult their personal tax or legal advisors to understand the tax and related consequences of any actions or investments described herein. © 2010 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. NY CS 6256950 RET010 PSC 05/10 GP10-00936P-N04/10 Drive beatVarney VarneyValue Value Drive5050miles milesor or 500, 500, you You can’t can’t beat anywhere! anywhere! 260 HOGAN ROAD BANGOR, ME 04401 207-990-1200 1-800-288-3071 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Shooting Shooting for for the the STARS STARS The Anahgram Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Anahs 90th year - Chartered June 15, 1922 A Chapter of Shriners International P.O. Box 735, Bangor Maine 04402-0735 Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1944 Website: - e-mail: Volume 80 Number 8 August 2012 Gerald L. Harvey- Editor/Advertising Manager WINNER OF SIX DROMEDARY AWARDS Alan W. Madsen Imperial Potentate 2012 During the 2012 Imperial Session, held in Charlotte, N.C., July 1-5, Alan W. Madsen of Cornelius, N.C., was elected imperial Potentate of Shriners International, making him the highest-ranking Shriner in the world. In this role, he serves as President of the Board of Directors for Shriners International and Chairman of the Board of Directors for Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Born in Manistee, Mich., Madsen served four years in the U.S. Navy, both onshore at NAS Whiting Field in Pensacola, Fla., and aboard the USS Shangri-La (CVA 38) based in Mayport, Fla. In 1966 he received his Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Navy. After graduating from Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Mich., where he received a bachelor’s degree in business with a minor in psychology and journalism, he worked for Cummins En- gine Company in Fostoria, Ohio, Mobile Oil Corporation in Cleveland, Ohio and Midrex Corporation in Charlotte, N.C. In 1975, he and his wife, Jan, established Corporate Personnel Consultants, Inc., in Charlotte. They owned the company until selling the firm in 1998 to the Personnel Group of America (PGA), at which time they both took an early retirement. Raised a Master Mason in Excelsior Lodge #261 in Charlotte, N.C., Madsen is also a member of the Charlotte York Rite and Scottish Rite bodies. He joined Oasis Shriners in 1981, was appointed to the Oasis Divan in 1992, and served as the Potentate in 2000. Madsen is a member of the Oasis Marching Patrol, the Royal Order of Jesters and the Order of Quetzalcoatl. He also has served as Captain of the Patrol Color Guard, Chairman of the Paper and Plaque Sales Project, Editor of “Desert Dust,” Chairman of the Publicity Committee for the Oasis Centennial, and Chairman of Advertising and Promotions for the Oasis Shrine Circus. In 2007 he became the Past Director of the Royal Order of Jesters Court #109 in Charlotte. A Certified Personnel Consultant, Madsen serves on the Advisory Board for Branch Bank & Trust Corporation, and is a former member of the Development Board at Central Michigan University. He served for three years on the Grand Lodge of North Carolina’s Committee for Finance. Madsen is a former member of the Advisory Boards of United Carolina Bank and the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, and he has been a member of several professional and civic organizations. He currently serves as Chairman of the Revenue Cycle Committee for Third Party Pay, and also serves on the Research, East-West Shrine Game, Investments, Information Services, and Special Projects/ Fund Raising Committees. In addition, he has served as the Liaison to Shriners Hospitals for Children at Salt Lake City, Portland, Lexington, Tampa and Shreveport. Madsen has also served on the Budget, Planning, Salary Personnel & Retirement, and Strategic Planning for Shriners Hospitals for Children, Insurance and Information Services Committees. He has served as the Chairman of Educational Seminars, Fraternal Strategic Planning, Salaried Personnel and Retirement, and the Shrine Futures Study (2005-2006). Jan Madsen, First Lady First Lady Jan’s 2012-13 fundraising program, “The Miracle of a Single Seed,” will provide Shriners Hospitals for Children® with funding for needed research opportunities that can develop the seed of an idea into medical treatments and therapies that will greatly impact the lives of children affected by genetic diseases. Learn more and make a gift to her program at http://support.shrinershospitals. org/FirstLadyJan. SEPTEMBER DEADLINE IS MONDAY AUGUST 6TH. YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Rodney Pinkham, P.P., Box 8, Holden , ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916 You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. 2 THE ANAHGRAM 20 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 COMING EVENTS FOR... Aroostook S C Meeting Travel Presentation 1:00pm Shrine Center 12 8 14 15 4 Tri-County S C Summer Bash 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 Aides Picnic Daughters of the Nile Supreme Queens Visit NASCARS Meeting Funsters Meeting 3 Dryden Dutch Memorial Golf Tournament Provost Guard Meeeting 13 SATURDAY Washington S C Meeting 7 6 2 FRIDAY Wash. County Shrine Club AUGUST 2012 5 THURSDAY V J Day 19 20 Bob Smith Memorial Picnic 26 Divan Meeting Anah Association Meeting 27 22 21 Aroostook Shrine Club Meeting 28 Keystone Kops Meeting SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY COMING EVENTS FOR... 2 3 29 30 COMING EVENTS FOR... 31 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 10 FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 SEPTEMBER 2012 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 Second Section Meeting Labor Day 9 Directors Picnic Grandparent’s Day NASCARS Meeting Acadamecians Picnic Northeast Shrine Association Field Days - Bangor FORCES Waldo S C Meeting 17 16 18 Daughters of the Nile Practice for Ceremonial 23 25 Keystone Kops Meeting 30 20 21 22 28 29 Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club 24 * 19 26 Yom kippur 27 Daughters Of The Nile Northeast Days Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday* aroos s c Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor AUGUST 2012 3 COLLETTE VACATIONS TRIP PRESENTATION AT SHRINE CENTER AUGUST 5 Greetings Nobles and Ladies, Well here it is July and what a busy summer so far. I’m sure the units are very busy parading and hopefully not getting too wet. Remember to be very careful out there as our insurance rates have gone up. The June Ceremonial is behind us and what a GREAT TIME, I cannot thank (all the people) that pulled it off. From the beginning to the end you all did a great job. The meals were excellent and served very efficiently. I hear nothing but good words about that and how the timing of things went so well. If you were unable to attend you missed a great ‘County Time’. It made the Town of Houlton happy and proud to have US there and they should be very proud of Bernie Reese, the Millar Arena Director, he was there all weekend helping us with all our needs. A BIG THANK YOU to the Town of Houlton as well for all you did to help us and welcome us, and did you see the banners put up on the poles in the downtown district. Those might reappear again in the future. The Divan was well represented at the Imperial Session in Charlotte, NC by the Bowers, Kaufmans, Clukeys, Thomases, Turners, Past Potentates Pellons and Hersoms and Ralph Robshaw who is on the line for SCAFRA. Also we were very lucky to have Randy Rudge to represent us on the Imperial level was there as always. There were many issues on the floor and many articles passed and some were Anthony “Tony” Bowers Potentate tabled. If you ever get the chance to go to an Imperial Session it would be worth your time to go. You meet new people have a great time and get to see many different Shrine units. There are a lot of Hillbilly Units out there as well as a Coolies Unit which is a unit of little scooters with ice chests surrounding the motors and the driver sets almost on top of them. Also there are steel drum units, horse, fire company units, and a gator unit which is John Deere gators with a roof that looks like the top of a gator that lifts up and closes on the driver while mist comes out the nostrils and many other units as well, some like ours, but not as good. DON’T FORGET - NSA Field Days, Car Raffle and Festival of Trees Remember to “Shrine Safely”. America’s Music Cities Tour featuring New Orleans, Memphis & Nashville. April 14th to April 21st 2013. (Please note, The dates have changed from what was announced previously.) Chief Rabban F. Lee Kaufman and Lady Peggy invite you to join them for a trip presentation on August 5th 2012. This will take place at the Shrine Center at 1pm. Any questions call 631-5100 or 924-6610. Highlights: French Quarter, New Orleans School of Cooking, Swamp Tour, Graceland, Grand Ole Opry Show & Backstage Tour, Historic RCA Studio B , Country Music Hall of Fame, Ryman Auditorium, & Wildhorse Saloon. Stroll world-famous Beale Street in Memphis, enjoy a cultural getaway to the “Jazz Capitol of the World” in New Orleans plus while in Nashville view the State Capitol, Music Row, and the Parthenon! Mark your calendar for the presentation on August 5th, a Sunday, at the Shrine Center. Hope to see you there! Visit our web site for more informationa: Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter Well here we are, August, the last Always yurs in the faith, month of summer. Seems like it was very short this year. Only one parade this month, DoverFoxcroft on the 4th. Hope to have a good Anthony V. “Tony” Bowers, turnout. We had ten trucks in the parade Potentate at the Ceremonial. We have 18 trucks so if anyone is interested in becoming a member you can contact me at 794-6675. On Labor Day part of the unit will be in Sherman, and part of the unit will be in Supporting people and their communities St. Albans. Our next big parade will be September 15th in Bangor, Northeast! Birthdays this month are Neil Hanson, Mary Shead, Mike Havey, and Dan people’s United Bank Leighton. As anyone can see, Mary Shead is proud to support the stands out in that crowd. Anniversaries this month are Jeff and Sandra Perkins, Jim and Jane Russell and Dale and Gloria Blake. With what these girls have to work with, they do a great job. Our golf tournament that was scheduled for June 24, had to be rescheduled for August 25th, on a Saturday. It will be at Jato Highlands in Lincoln. Hope to see all you Call: 207-942-4800 golfers there. Contact Paul Scott at 7945380, to enter a team. Lots of good prizes Click: will be offered. Visit: over 370 branches Just because your Blue Lodge is dark across the Northeast this summer, remember that some Lodges go all summer long. What a great chance to renew old friendships. ©2012 People’s United Bank Member FDIC Until next time, SEE YA! The idea of a man picking a wife is about as absurd as that of an apple picking a farmer. anah shriners 4 THE ANAHGRAM to him. No further business, meeting was closed by the President. EVEN THOUGH THE CEREMONIAL IS OVER, CONTINUE TO WORK ON MEMBERSHIP. YOUR LOCAL BLUE LODGE AND THE SHRINE NEED NEW BLOOD. TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians....................................... 12 Aides........................................................ Aroostook S C ....................................... 5 Athletic...................................................... Band......................................................... Bangor-Brewer S C.............................. 12 Boosters................................................. 6 Calendar................................................. 2 Chanters................................................... Circus....................................................... Clowns (Bangor)................................... 10 Clowns (Aroostook).................................. Convertibles......................................... 17 Daughters of the Nile............................ 14 Directors Staff........................................... Drum & Bugle........................................... Editor........................................................ Flag Unit............................................... 17 Funster Unit.......................................... 13 Go-Karts Unit............................................ Hancock County S C............................ 15 Highlanders.......................................... 16 Hospital News (Springfield).................. 21 Indy Cars.............................................. 20 Kampers Klub........................................... Kanteen Corps......................................... Keystone Kops..................................... 13 Lobster Boat Unit...................................... Mini-Car Unit............................................. Mini-Bike Unit....................................... 11 Mystery Person...................................... 7 NASCARS................................................ Northern Penobscot S C ......................... Obituaries................................................. Oriental Band........................................... Past Masters Unit..................................... Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit............................................. 14 Potentate................................................ 3 Provost Guard...................................... 11 Public Relations........................................ Second Section...................................... 7 Schoodic Shrine Club............................... Sunshine Club...................................... 13 Tri-County S C........................................ 4 Waldo County S C ............................... 19 Washington County S C......................... 9 Wheelers................................................ 9 4x4 Unit.................................................. 3 Remember a loved one with a listing in the BOOSTERS. See page 6 Tri County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 20th of June at Barb’s Village Square Restaurant in Beautiful Downtown Corinna. We only had 22 Nobles show up, but we were treated to an excellent nite of fine food. The appetizers were great, roast pork for the meal and rhubarb crisp for dessert. After the Libation Hour, which was manned by COOTAH the CLOWN, the meeting was called to order by President Doug Dulac. Invocation was led by Noble Lloyd Day, Flag Salute was led by the President. Head table was introduced, President Dulac, Vice President Dan Costain and Secretary Dave Mosley. Treasurer Marty Taylor was recovering from his mishap at the Ceremonial in Houlton. Noble Marty has a long road ahead of him for recovery. The prayers of Tri County Shrine Club and it’s extended family send out their prayers for a steady recovery. Unit Heads in attendance were Doug Dulac of the Second Section. Ambassadors present were Roger Chesley and one of Corinna’s favorite sons, TeBob Buckland. Greeters were Bob McReavy and Aide Ron Green. Directors on hand were Harland Emery and Dan Costain. Representing the Divan was Chief Rabban Lee Kaufman. Winner of the 50-50 was Kasey Fish, a waitress at the restaurant. Chief Rabban Lee brought news from the recent Ceremonial in Houlton. From all accounts it was a huge success. Many sideliners for the Parade. Noble Lee also spoke about upcoming events for Anah Shrine. Noble Lee mentioned his trip in 2013, it will be a trip to the south, sounds like a good deal for the price. First Anah trip in a few years. The Fez was passed for our Treasurer and the collection was taken THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: Website: Available by subscription $12.00 per year. EDITOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Gerald L. Harvey 586 Main Street, P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Tel. (H) 991-9708 Email: MAPA46@AOL.COM Fax: (H)-989-7931 DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Dennis Bryant 1036 Ayers Jct. Rd Charlotte ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 Cel.:214-6522 Dennis Bryant <> ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Bob Hodgkins Home Tel: 938-3864 Cel: 341-0866 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate Antlhony V. Bowers. Chief Rabban F. Lee Kaufman Assistant Chief Rabban Thomas J. Clukey . High Priest & Prophet Donald “Jesse” Thomas Oriental Guide Robert L. Turner Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder Harold W. Crocker, P.P SHRINER’S PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A good beginning and a good ending make a good speech – if they come close enough together. AUGUST 2012 5 Noble Ken Stewart, Reporter The Aroostook County Shrine Club was out in full force for this year’s June Ceremonial. The ASC cooked the Friday night supper and cooked steaks on Saturday night. It was a lot of work, but a good crew of volunteers makes things a lot easier and more fun. Big thanks to all who helped out in any way they could. Congrates to Potentate Tony Bowers for a successful class of candidates. Also, as Tony stated, it can’t be stated enough, but a HUGE “Thank You” goes out to all of the “Ladies” that put up with all of us Nobles all year long and provide a tremendous amount of help in making this such a great organization. The June meeting of the ASC was held on June 28th with 34 members present. A great supper was prepared by the club’s “Klown” Unit. Three FEZ fines were handed out this month and the 50/50 was won by Noble Galen White. The Club would like to wish a speedy recovery to Noble Marty Tyler. Don’t forget the Fall Field Days are in Bangor this year. Hotels are filling fast so get your room a.s.a.p. Should be a good turnout and a lot of fun. The next meetings for the ASC will be held on August 23rd with the “Board of Directors” cooking the supper. For those that don’t know, the ASC stated meetings are on the 4th Thursday evening of the month. Meeting is at 7:00 p.m. with supper available at 6:30 p.m. for those interested. For any information please contact me at or 207-551-3144. Our mailing address is Aroostook Shrine Club, PO Box 1601, Presque Isle, ME 04769, and Attn: Secretary. Thanks again and see you next month. The gent who wakes up and finds himself a success hasn’t been asleep. 6 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Dean & Liz Alley 6/13 W. Robert Averill 6/14 Richard N. Averill 7/13 I M O Dick Bagley P.P. 8/13 Bob Beattie 4/13 Albert & Norma Bishop 10/12 Neil E. Bishop 7/13 David & Betty Bowen 4/13 Tom Breitweg 6/13 Blair & Judy Bubar 5/13 Dick & Kim Carlow 3/13 Sam & Agnes Carr 12/12 Bob Chandler 9/13 I M O Arthur W. Chandler 9/13 Roger & Jean Chesley 1/13 I M O Rodney M. Clewley 12/16 I M O Gregory L. Clifford 6/12 Ron & Evelyn Cook 3/13 Dan & Lanci Costain 6/13 Bud & Fran Costigan 6/13 Sonny & Marilyn Crocker 3/13 I M O Norman P. Dalbeck 7/13 Wayne & Tanya Darling 3/13 June A. 6/13 Davis 10/13 I M O Elmer C. Davis 6/13 Larry Doughty 8/12 Mark Doughty 8/12 Tyler C. Dunning 9/13 I M O Dryden C. Dutch, P.P 8/13 I M O Orville “Obie” Edes 6/13 John & Robin Edes 6/13 I M O Ray S. Edwards 6/13 Robert Emerson 4/13 Wallace & Lorena Fenlason 7/13 Merle & Betty Finley 4/13 Phil & Sandy Finley 4/13 Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 9/12 I M O Hugo Frati 8/12 Orlando Frati 8/12 George & Mary Beth Gaddis 3/13 Dick & Margaret Gardner 4/13 Greg Geagan 12/12 Paul & Diana Giles Goody & Roz Gilman 6/13 I M O Harry F. Gordon 10/13 Arthur & Violet Grant 5/13 Dwynal & Karen Grass 9/13 Ron & Carole Green 6/13 Charles C.W. Hackney 8/13 I M O Edwin W. Hadley 10/12 Dick & Carolyn Hallett 11/12 Gene & Pamela Hamm 6/13 Ed & Bonnie Hamm 8/12 I M O Elbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 6/13 I M O Charles E. Harmon 6/13 I M O Tom Harper 7/13 BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s on separate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. Send check with name as it is to appear to: ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS, P.O. Box 735, Bangor ME 04402-0735 Obed & Faith Hart 1/15 Jerry & Lorraine Harvey 6/13 I M O Mike Haskell 6/13 Richard P. Hawkins 9/14 Chet & Fay Hawkins7/13 I M O Alvin Heath 2/13 Howard J. Heath 2/13 Larry & Libby Hersom 4/13 Ralph & Maggie Hill 4/13 I M O Richard Holt 3/13 C. Ray & Loretta Jones 2/13 F. Lee & Peggy Kaufman 6/13 I M O Harry Kearney 7/2013 Alton & Ellen Kenney 3/13 Bob & Rae Jean Knowles 11/13 I MO Ernest “Bud” Larson 2/13 Larry & Gail Larson 6/13 Charles & Selma Larson 8/12 Allen & Mary Lawrence 7/13 Gordon & Connie Lawrence 7/13 I M O Frank Leighton 8/12 Bob & Perlene Libby 12/12 Janice & “Woody” Littlefield 12/13 Mike & Bonnie London 8/12 I M O Stanley Look 6/13 Robert & Sandi Look 6/13 Dee Dee & Polly Lyons 8/12 I M O G. Urial Martin 6/14 Roy C. & Elizabeth A. Martin 8/12 Douglas & Donna McCafferty 10/12 Douglas. & Candee McCafferty 10/12 I M O Ed Sr. & Evelyn McCafferty 10/12 I M O Terral A. McCafferty 9/12 Welman & Natalie McFarland 6/13 Allan & Lorraine McGown 10/12 I M O Thomas J. McKinney 6/13 Bob & Mary McReavy 3/13 Dick & Betty Nevers 4/13 Harold & Connie Newman 12/14 Barbars & Charles Nolan 4/13 David O’Donnell 6/13 Warren & Velma Orcutt 4/13 “Boomer” & Julianna Palmer 5/14 Jim & Linda Parent 12/12 Herman & Kate Peabody 7/13 P.P. Ed & Esther Pellon 8/12 James & Frances Pinkham 4/13 Circus Spotlight Crew P I 6/13 I M O Bob Pushard, Sr. 8/12 I M O Godfrey & Eliza Quirion 8/13 Al & Charity Richards 9/12 Chuck & Sally Ridlon 9/12 Gary & Glenna Robbins 8/12 I M O Keith B. Roberts 9/13 Ed & Elizabeth Roberts, Jr. 9/12 I M O Sumner Rogers 3/13 YES! THE ANAHGRAM I M O Earl Sands 2/12 Heath & Karen Savage 8/12 Spike Savage 8/12 I M O Clifton R. Scoville 6/14 Todd C. Scoville 6/14 I M O Avon O. Severance 4/13 Marty & Joan Shaw 9/12 Carole & Geddes Simpson, Jr. 8/12 I M O Dorothy M. Sites 9/12 I M O Donald W. Small, Jr 5/13 I M O Ken Smith 3/13 Thomas M & Nadene M. Smith 3/13 I M O Ken Smith 4/13 Roger & Pat Smith 6/13 Sandy & Colleen Smith 6/13 Bob & Polly Snow 2/13 I M O Cedric A. Somerville 11/12 I M O Dale Speed 12/12 Ed & Gayle Sprague 3/14 Roger & Jan Stairs 6/13 I M O Danny Stewart 3/13 Elliott & Joyce Tarbell 4/14 William A. Thomas 8/12 Jesse & Brenda Thomas 9/12 Paul & Joyce Thornton 1/12 Tim & Ann Thornton 4/13 Inez & Reginald Toothaker 3/13 Hank & Gloria Waldron 6/13 I M O Lewis I. “Gene” Weaver 10/12 Dave & Leni Weaver 3/13 Burt & Jackie Weed 8/12 Buddy & Caryll Wheeler 2/14 I M O Wayne Wheeler 8/12 I M O Bob Whited 5/13 I M O James S. Wiggin 12/14 Paul & Phyllis Wilbur 6/14 Lloyd & Jay Willey 8/20 Bob & Norma Winglass 6/13 Don & Felicia Wiswell 3/13 Don & Carolyn Wright 4/13 Duane “Div-it” & Karen Young 3/13 Use the coupon below to support The Anahgram DATES INDICATE LAST INSERTION I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one year. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $_____Name(s) ___________________ If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor. Honor a friend or loved one with a listing on the Booster Page. AUGUST 2012 7 Who is it ??? The person in the July “Who is it” column was not recognized by any of our readers as Noble David Bowen. If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Sonny Crocker at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor at MAPA46@AOL.COM. The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!! years. Date of the night will be October 27, 2012 at the Shrine Center. Our next scheduled meeting will be held Friday, September 7, 2012 at the Shrine Center. August birthday wishes go out to Nobles Krayton Allen, James Buteau, Mike Gray, Alan Hawes, Richard Johnson, Bob Mott, Fred Patterson, Jay Redmond and Larry Sherman and Ladies Allison Braley, Tracy Glidden, Linda Upham Happy August wedding anniversary to James & Christina Buteau, Paul & Tracy Glidden, Bob & Annette Marin, Don & Deanne Merrill, Andy & Linda Upham, Josh & Alison Braley, John & Sylvia Currier & Bill & Donna MacLaughlin and Albert & Norma Bishop. Until next time, have a safe and enjoyable summer. Recruiting is a full time job Every Shriner should recruit at least 2 members in his lifetime. One to replace himself and one for the Shrine to grow on! Come Spend the Day with Us At the ANNUAL BOB SMITH FAMILY PICNIC KELLY’S POINT, JONESPORT SUNDAY, AUGUST, 19 - 11:00 a.m. Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. As I write this article it’s been very warm and humid out. I guess summer is here and feels like it’s ready to settle in for a while. Hopefully the great weather will continue for August as we are scheduled for our Second Section summer outing in August at Noble Bob Mott’s home. As of writing this article, the parking for the Waterfront Concert Series is continuing to go well. Stay tuned to future Anahgrams for details on upcoming shows. The American Folk Festival is also coming up and details are still being worked on that event. Those dates are August 24, 25 & 26 so try to keep these dates open to help out. Contact Director Dulac for information regarding this event. Any new Nobles wishing to join the Second Section in the fall can feel free to come and help at any event. We’re all Shriners working for the same thing, so come on out and help out. The Second Section Nobles Appreciation Night tickets are available from Second Section members or at the Recorder’s office. Tickets are only $15.00 per person for an evening of dinner, silent auction and dancing. This third annual Appreciation Night will be to honor the service that Anah Shrine Clown Mike “Jappo” Samiya has provided to Anah Shrine over the LOBSTERS • CLAMS • MUSSELS • QUAHOGS CORN-ON-THE-COB • STEAKS • HAMBURGERS HOT DOGS AND BLUEBERRY CAKE ENTERTAINMENT FOR EVERYONE MUSIC FOR ADULTS By Lee Southard GAMES FOR THE KIDS • Bouncy House • Kiddie Train • 2 lobsters, Corn, Clams, Chips, Cake $20.00 • 1 Lobster Corn, Clams, Chips, Cake $15.00 • Steak, Corn, Clams, Chips, Cake $20.00 • Hamburgers & Hot Dogs free for the Kids • Camels Milk All Nobles and their families and guests are welcome SPONSORED BY THE WASHINGTON COUNTY SHRINE CLUB AND THE MINI-CAR UNIT Net proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Washington County Shrine Club and the Mini-Car Unit and payments are not deductible as charitable contributions. It takes more than a shoeshine to give a man polish. 8 THE ANAHGRAM HELP RAISE MONEY AFFINITY MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM Open an account at TD Bank and we’ll make a contribution to your organization. TD Bank will make an annual contribution based on the average balance in all members’ accounts. Checking, savings, money market, CD and retirement accounts are all included in the Program. Contributions are calculated at 1/2% on checking balances and 1/4% on savings, money market, CD and IRA balances. Members’ accounts are not affected in any way by this contribution. Your account balances are used to determine the level of contribution and are kept confidential. If you are already a TD Bank customer, vist any TD Bank location and ask to have your balances included as part of your organization’s Affinity Membership Program. NOBLES AND LADIES, Anah Shrine was recently approved for TD Bank’s Affinity Program. Any customer of TD Bank who tells them they want to name Anah Shrine as their Affinity member will help us raise money. TD will pay Anah 1/2 of a percent for checking balances and 1/4 percent on savings, money market, CD and IRA balances. It’s important that you have your bank branch representative flag all of your accounts for this program. This program costs the customer nothing and is totally confidential. No one at Anah will know who has signed up or any account information. The Divan hopes you will consider signing up for this great program soon. The contribution from TD Bank will go towards balancing the Temple budget. If you have any questions on this program, GET $ 25 WHEN YOU OPEN A NEW NON-INTEREST BEARING CHECKING ACCOUNT contact your local TD Branch or call Assistant Rabban Tom Clukey at 764-5553. Thank you in advance. ANAH SHRINE DIVAN Online redemption available at Bank America’s Most Convenient Bank ® Monthly maintenance fee is waived when $100 minimum daily balance requirement is maintained. Bonus offered to new personal checking Customers only. Only new, non-interest bearing checking accounts with initial deposits of $100 or more are eligible. Cannot be combined with any other offer. One bonus maximum per Customer. Bonus will be credited into new account at time of account opening and will be reported as taxable income. Offer may be withdrawn at any time. AUGUST 2012 As usual the weather in Jonesport was about ten degrees cooler than the rest of Washington County. We Wheelers convoyed thru this coastal community to wild acclaim on the 30th of June. It appeared that most of Anah’s units participated. We Wheelers were surprised and pleased to see our counterparts from Kora Temple, The Log Rollers, parading with us. They drove four and a half hours for this event. On the Fourth of July, we Wheelers convoyed thru three towns. Most of the unit paraded in Bar Harbor in the morning and Machias in the evening. That’s a long, hard day for dedicated members. Six Wheelers, me included, were invited to parade in Vinalhaven. This was the first time we were asked to be there and was well worth the three hour round ferry ride. Our hosts were most accommodating and our presence was obviously appreciated. It’s hard to believe there are no anniversaries this August. So stand by for this month’s list of birthdays. So, happy birthday to Ladies Cindy Pinkham, Julie Robshaw, Kim Smith, Wendy Moran, and Jennifer Bridges. The same is offered to Nobles Wade Coffin and David Appleby. Hope you all had a happy Fourth, and please enjoy the rest of your summer safely. Teddy Ta Ta Reporting 9 and Mike Doran from the Membership team, Margaret and Dick Gardner, the cow farmers Teresa and Larry Nichols, Sandi and Greeter Robert Look, Bill Sternbergh, Troy Huffman, our 1st Vice President Bill Cherry Jr. and our 2nd VP John McClure. There were 24 folks from Schoodic Shrine Club which included President Bud Kneeland, VP Ike Winchester, Secretary David Beckett and Treasurer Norm Howe. What a wonderful turn out. Not much to report this month other than PP Ed Pellon wanted to be sure and congratulate all of the Children and Grandchildren of Shriners on their graduation and headed on to the next grade, further education or on to their careers. Washington County Shrine Club wants to wish Eldon Hayward belated happy birthday and Carolyn and Eldon Hayward a belated happy anniversary both were celebrated in June It was great to meet you at this Joint meeting. Our Meeting in August will be held on August 4th at Kelley Point and it’s a ladies night and it will be pot luck. So bring your favorite concoction for us to try. The meeting will be held mainly to plan the Bob Smith Annual Picnic at Kelley Point which will be held on Sunday August 19th. Come and enjoy all of the fun. Those celebrating birthdays in August are Dick Kilton, Ora Farnsworth, Verlan Lenfesty, Rodney Pinkham, Beverly Bagley, Jake Orcutt, Goody Gilman, and Bill Sinford Sr. Those enjoying another year of wedded bliss are Mary Beth and Gaddis, Carolyn and Donnie Wright, Pauline and Robert Wood, Debra and Mike Murphy, Ora and Runtz Farnsworth, Brenda and Donnie Martin. Just think folks, by the time you read this we could have snow in a couple of months, doesn’t that sound great, and Cat is where it’s at. Noble Robert Look, Reporter August is a hot month; remember to wear plenty of sunscreen. We gathered at the American Legion Hall in Lubec for a Joint meeting with the Schoodic Shrine Club. President of the Past Masters Frank Theriault, Jr. along with with 3 other members of Washington Lodge No. 37 put on a great meal of steak and seafood chowder, potato Salad, macaroni salad and strawberry/rhubarb cobbler, and it was delicious. Those that took advantage of this great meal from the WCSC were Gayle and PP Ed Sprague, Esther and PP Ed Pellon, Leni and Assistant Chief Director Dave Weaver, Caron and our secretary Imperial Photographer Dick Kilton, Sandi and our President, Captain of the Mini Cars Todd Alley, Chief Greeter Emeritus Melrose “The Tiger” Beal, Ora and Honorary member of the Lobster boats Runtz Farnsworth, Holly and Honorary member of the Lobster boats Bill Sinford, Jolenne Everything is funny as long as it is happening to someone else. 10 THE ANAHGRAM CLOWNS BANGOR Noble John ”Flip Flop” Kidder, Reporter Since I missed the deadline for the July Anahgram, I have a lot to report. I counted 40 clowns at the Presque Isle Circus this year which included the home team County Klowns Fizz-Ed, Snappy, Jax, Doogie, Papi, Gampy, Moochie, Pinkie, Hearty, Cookie, Buttons, Sprinkler, Ruffles, Mo Kanic, Hemi, Camo, Rainbow, Disco, Jinx, Digby, and Sci; the southern delegation Kora Clowns Turkey Lips, Bow, Bubba, and Lugnut; and the clowns who love to travel north and join the fun Piggy, Jappo, Flip-Flop, Chopstix, Jasper, Gizmo, Coota, Sweet-P, Bo-Bo, Spiffy, Sluggah, Pooch, Busta, Jiggs, and Babycakes. At Home Depot that same weekend Div-It and Patches capably took care of clown business. On May 12 Spiffy and Flip-Flop appeared at the Arthritis Walk on the Bangor Waterfront, Jiggs appeared at the Calais Regional Hospital Shriners Screening Clinic, and Swish and Ducky showed appreciation to Rowell’s Garage customers in Dover-Foxcroft. A new apprentice clown, Dennis (Fuz) Dyer, Dover-Foxcroft Chief of Police, was introduced and welcomed to the unit at our monthly meeting on May 18. I still think we’ll have to obey all laws as we travel through Dover, though. Fuz has already appeared at two events and he is off to a great start! Fou and Scotty appeared at Families and Children Together Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine summer outing at Fort Knox and Chopstix appeared at the Beth C. Wright Cancer Center Walk 4 Life on May, 19. Owls Head Transportation Museum again hosted the Life Flight of Maine Pediatric Reunion on May 20 with Spiffy, Div-It, Flip-Flop, and Petals in attendance. That same day, Dan (Shamrock) Murphy together with the Brethren of the Low XII Riders Chapter of the Widows’ Sons Masonic Motorcycle Riders Association hosted the first annual Marvin Tarbox, Jr. Memorial Ride. 180 people attended which included Masons and Shriners from MA, NH, ME, NB, and PEI, 117 motorcycles were in the ride, and over $3,000 was raised for the Marvin Tarbox, Jr. Scholarship at Eastern Maine Community College. Quite an accomplishment! Div-It, Fou, and Sweet-P appeared at Home Depot Children’s Workshop on June 2. Many clowns supported Coota on June 5 when he conferred his first MM degree as Worshipful Master of Cambridge Lodge. His Wayfaring Man that evening was “Made in Japan” – our own Jappo. On June 7, Jappo, TC, Piggy, Noble Ray Young, and many other clowns made sure that the docs from Springfield were well fed and our clown ladies appreciated with a delicious lobster and steak dinner at our annual Doctor’s Banquet and Ladies Appreciation event at the Shrine Center. Babycakes, Div-It, Fou, Scooter, and Spiffy made the wait times more fun for patients who attended the Springfield Shriners Hospital Clinic at EMMC on June 8. Pam Spofford and Karen Kidder assisted with registration. Later that evening, Busta, Div-It, Gizmo, Jappo, Jiggs, Piggy, Scooter, Spiffy. Squiggles, SweetP, Diggah, Ducky, Iggy, Jasper, Ko-Ko, Pooch, and Sluggah entertained along the Special Olympics parade route at UMaine Orono. On June 9, Jiggs paraded along the Luxor Ceremonial Parade route in St. John, NB while Slapshot appeared at the Dysart’s Travel Stop in Orrington for a benefit yard sale for Julie Robshaw. There was a good turnout and a substantial amount of money was raised. All of us are keeping Julie in our thoughts and prayers and send our best wishes. Jiggs participated in the Calais Relay for Life On June 16. That same day, Houlton became the epicenter of Anah Shrinedom during the summer Ceremonial. Bringing smiles along the parade route that day were Piggy, Coota, Bo-Bo, Squiggles. Sluggah, Gizmo, Babycakes, Diggah, Petals, Jappo, Chopstix, Spiffy, Sweet-P, Jasper, Wow-e, Fuz (clown debut), and Ducky. June 23 was a four event day. Jiggs paraded in the Cherryfield Days Parade. Fou entertained at the Old Town Housing Authority Summer Kickoff which included a one-clown balloon twisting and clown card distribution marathon at Meadow Lane Assisted Living Facility. Petals, Coota, Pooch, and Gizmo appeared at the Glenburn Community Festival Parade and balloon twisting. Swish, Fuz, Coota, Scotty, Petals, and Gizmo had a great time with festival goers at Dover-Foxcroft’s Annual Whoopie Pie Festival. Petals and Fou made the circus-themed Glenburn School Summer Rec Program come to life when they appeared there on June 25. June 30 was a three event day. Diggah, Bo-Bo, Sluggah, Squiggles, Ducky, Fuz, and Pooch were at the Milo Black Fly Festival Parade where I understand the clown to spectator ratio was high. Scotty and Fou appeared at the Orland River Days Parade and then twisted many balloons. Gizmo, Sluggah, Coota, Piggy, Sweet-P, Wow-e, Bo-Bo, and Jiggs had an awesome time at the Jonesport Parade and fireworks and once again appreciated the warm and generous hospitality of Noble Runtz Farnsworth and Lady Ora. Jiggs appeared in Canada Day Parades in St. Andrews and Campobello, NB. The unit also paraded in Eastport, Pembroke, Bar Harbor, and Bangor-Brewer on July 4. At this time, I can report that 15 clowns helped Bangor-Brewer celebrate America’s 236th Birthday. The spectators lining the jam-packed streets and sidewalks were entertained by Chopstix, Spiffy, Div-It, Sluggah, Squiggles, Fou, Iggy, Bo-Bo, Ko-Ko, Piggy, Flip-Flop, Sweet-P, Patches, Petals, and Pooch. Thanks to Piggy and Brenda for hosting a great after parade BBQ at their camp. Last but not least, congratulations to Babycakes and Patty Gilbert on your 40th wedding anniversary. A great couple cel- The test of a gentleman is his respect for those who can be of no possible service to him. Continued on page 11 AUGUST 2012 11 Continued from page 10 ebrating a wonderful milestone! Congratulations also to Bill (TC Trashcan) Taylor who in July achieved the incredible milestone of 30+ years in the unit, now that’s what you call DEDICATION. Bill is a good person and an award- winning tramp clown who works hard for the unit. Big hugs to Janice Young, we love ya kid! Hope everyone is having an enjoyable summer! Noble Harold Adams Reporter Hello everyone. Nine of us were at the July 3 meeting; we didn’t have a Divan Rep with us at this meeting. This was a short meeting so this will be a short article. Again, thank you to all of you that went to Houlton for the Ceremonial. We talked about the yard sale, which will be a done deal when you get this Anahgram. Our 50/50 winner was Lee Lowery, sorry Lee. I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July. Hope to see all of you at our next meeting, Tuesday August 7, at the Shrine Center. Happy Birthday wishes this month is for Noble Richard Goodness. Anniversary Congratulations are sent to Noble Jerry and Lady Cathy Fratini, and Noble James and Lady Robin Hamilton. Until next month. Noble Michael “Sid” Alley Reporter I’ll start out with apologies to my many thousands of fateful readers. The procrastination bug caught me off guard last month and as you know, I failed to submit an article. The month before that I forgot to list the birthday and anniversary announcements. So I’m sorry if you missed seeing your name in print and catching up with the goings on in the mini-bike unit. There, my conscience is clear, almost. As the parade season continues, we have been continually rained out of much needed practice time. No major accidents to report due to the lack of practice, so that’s good news. So far this year we have had what I consider being record turnout for mini bike riders at the parades. Ten to twelve riders show up for the parades this year as opposed to seven or eight last year. More bikes equals a better show. Many of our Shriner’s Ladies are coming to the parades as well and that’s really great to see. It’s nice to know they support our efforts. Thanks Ladies, we really need you behind us. We just did the Jonesport Parade on Saturday June 30th and it was a great time. The Down East area certainly has some enthusiastic spectators. We really felt appreciated for being there. Nice people in Jonesport. I unexpectedly met some of the local Shriner’s, Alleys and Beals; I know, hard to believe. Who knew? Being an Alley myself, they were a bit confused as to who I was and how come they hadn’t met me before the parade. This was followed by the short version of how my father was born in Jonesport, but was deported at a relatively young age for bad behavior resulting in my growing up in Orrington. Somehow this came as no surprise to them. Their take on this was all Alleys are good Alleys, just some are better than others. I got the feeling if I told them of my father’s bad habits; I may have achieved an even higher status. Anyway, I felt right at home in Jonesport and hope to return and ride again for the kids. We will ride again on July 4th in Eastport and Machias. This will make for a long day I’m sure but worth it in the end. Perhaps I’ll run into a few more long lost relatives there as well. ??? Birthdays for August will be celebrated by Nancy Gerow and Ed Youngblood. Tying the knot in August are Paul and Diane Giles, Welman and Natalie McFarland and Lewis and Barb Merchant. Congrats to all. Nobles - Do you belong to a Unit? Most have openings! Proud Supporters of the Anah Shriners NOW OPEN! New office on Springer Drive in Bangor at the Christmas Tree Shops Plaza! Ashland • Bangor • Caribou • Eagle Lake • Easton • Fort Fairfield • Hampden • Houlton Island Falls • Limestone • Mars Hill • Oakfield • Patten • Presque Isle • Van Buren • Washburn When you buy things for a song, watch out for the accompaniment. 12 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Ron Biliancia, Reporter Hello Fellow Academicians: If you have not yet sent in 2012 dues, please do so at your earliest convenience. THIRD-notice bills have been sent out, and some people are still in arrears. Please send $10 checks payable to Anah Academicians to Ron Bilancia 59 Allison Park Brewer, ME 04412. We do not operate in order to collect money, but we must collect money in order to operate. We are looking for some people who may be interested in working with Paul Kelley to learn about the calliope, how it operates, and how to help maintain it. We could really use a few people to step up for this purpose. Please let us know if you would be interested. The unit picnic is Sat. Sept. 8th starting at noon at Bud and Lorna Young’s once again. If you want lobsters, we are going to try to get them again through Andy Mays. Please let me know if you want lobsters. Email me or call me at 9892617. The next unit meeting will be held Wed. Oct. 24th at Anglers Restaurant in Hampden starting at 6pm. This is a new restaurant for us, so we are going to give it a whirl. It comes well recommended. The June Ceremonial in Houlton was very successful and great fun. Many thanks to all the unit members who participated. Good job and it was much appreciated. Have a great August everyone. As always, don’t hesitate to contact me at 9892617 or with any news, comments, concerns, gossip, jokes, outright lies, or just plain old complete and utter nonsense that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. Noble Daryl Briggs, Reporter Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club had its Annual Steak Feed on May 17, 2012. The Club served 127 steaks. The winner of the 50/50 for $155 was Leroy Jenkins. The winner of the “booze” basket was Russ Kawh from the Rhode Island Shrine. Great turnout!! There was plenty of beer. The cooks were great. There was no business transacted that night. Again thanks to the crew. Thanks to the membership for the great turnout. See you in September on the 20th for the next meeting at the Shrine Center. HOUSING ORDER FORM For Northeast Shrine Association Fall Field Days September 13, 14,15, 2012 ANAH SHRINERS HOTEL: HOLIDAY INN 404 ODLIN ROAD, BANGOR, ME. Room rate is $99.00 plus tax per room per night for room types: 1King, 1 Double, or 2 Doubles Room rate is $109.00 plus tax per room per night for room type with 2 Queens TO ORDER ROOMS PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND RETURN TO: EARL “YOGI” SEYMOUR, 17 ASPEN WAY, BREWER, MAINE 04412 Make check’s payableto Anah Shrine Housing $100.00 deposit required CREDIT CARD # ____________________EXP date_____________ NAME______________________________PHONE #________________ ADDRESS________________________TOWN_____________________ ZIP___________ ROOM TYPE: 1 King___1 Double___2 Doubles___ Rate is $99.00 per night plus tax. R00M TYPE: 2 Queens___ Rate is $109.00 per night plus tax. SPECIAL REQUESTS: ________________________________________ ARRIVAL: Thursday______ Friday______ Saturday ______ DEPART: Sunday _______ Circumstantial evidence is like a blackberry, which when red or white is really green. AUGUST 2012 13 DATES TO REMEMBER: NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at the Shrine Center HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE: Saturday, November 3, 2012 at the Shrine Center Frank Wilson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies, hope your summer is going well. The Fourth of July parades have come and gone and now we are looking towards the Rockland Lobster Festival and the Pittsfield Egg Festival. We had a good showing at all three Independence Day parades we attended and the rain even held off. Our newest Funster, Tim, made the Bar Harbor parade sporting his brand new Puss ‘n Boots costume which looks awesome, and Aarron who as of the 4th hadn’t even been made a Funster yet rocked the Elmo costume in Jonesport and Bar Harbor. Other than that there isn’t much else to report until next month. As for birthdays and anniversaries this month I have to apologize because I’m currently having a little technical difficulty and cannot find them. And in closing, our next meeting will be August 13th at the Shrine Center in Ban- Noble Bud Bruns Reporter June was a quiet month by the standards of the Kops. We started the month with our first parade for the Special Olympics. It is always fun seeing the participants laugh at our antics. There was a good contingent of Kops at the June Ceremonial in Houlton. There were many locals and Shriners families watching the grand Shrine parade. The weekend was well attended. The food, refreshment bar both nights, and entertainment was great, especially the lobster dinner Saturday night. It was a good tribute to our Potentate, Tony Bow- ers, and his family. The June meeting went fast, maybe because Sonny and Steve Trimm didn’t attend. Only kidding guys. Our newest member attended his first meeting and did he get an earful. Lee Kaufman’s big adventure next year was discussed. We voted to do the Jonesport and Bangor parades. Our resident adventurer, George Mayo graced us with his presence. Nice to see you back George. When asked what he had to say, he couldn’t remember what he had to say— getting older George. We discussed our big adventure at JR’s camp in August. Hope our secretary Dick Levassuer gets better ASAP. Hope all is well, Dick. July birthdays go to Ron Emery and Erica Hughes. Anniversaries celebrated will be Henry and Wendy Trojano and Eric and Amanda Emery. Don’t forget to get your gun raffle and steak feed tickets from a Keystone or Sonny. Anah’s newest Funster Aarron “Elmo Baby Funster” Mower Bonnie Turner Reporting Sunshine Club for Children is happy to announce that Kathy Brown, Darby Road, Durham, NC is the winner of the beautiful quilt that we have been selling raffle tickets on for the past few months. President Peggy drew Kathy’s name out of a small potato barrel during the ladies luncheon at the Shrine Ceremonial in Houlton on June 16. The fellow who continues pulling on the oars doesn’t have much time to rock the boat. 14 THE ANAHGRAM DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE Caron Kilton, P.Q. Reporter Excitement in anticipation of Supreme Queen Susie Schumacher’s visit in August and the Daughters of the Nile Northeast Day’s in September is what is going on for Ankh Temple No. 160 these summer days. A banquet is planned to honor SQ Suzie at the Ralph J. Pollard Lodge in Orrington on August 15 @ 5:30 p.m. Following the banquet a ceremonial will follow with presentations to our Supreme Queen. Supreme Queen Suzie hails from Zeleima Temple No. 13, Ashland/Medford, Oregon. She begins her year long journey to visit each of the 143 Daughters of the Nile Temples in the United States and Canada, as well as all of the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Recently, Ankh Temple members accompanied Queen Jane Ritchie to Supreme Session. Queen Jane said she is honored to have represented Ankh Temple #160 and is proud of the performance of the Ankh Temple Dance Unit. While there they attended Portland, Oregon’s Rose Parade. Following the opening ceremony on Sunday evening, there were four days of business, as well as evening unit performances, breakfast and evening meals to honor Nile Queens of 2012-2013. It ended on Thursday evening with the installation of Supreme Officers. SQ Suzie arrived in a carriage shaped as a woman’s high heeled shoe drawn by two gallant and eloquently dressed men and escorted to a stage draped with a back drop of a castle room. For pictures of the session go to Queen Jane reported that Imperial Potentate Michael G. Severe, as well as other Imperial Officers, addressed the Supreme Session and told of being grateful for the contributions of the Daughters of the Nile Foundation to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. For the fiscal year ending 2011, a Foundation check in the amount of $1,462,317.66 was delivered to Imperial Treasurer, Gene Bracewell. This check together with an additional $15,000.00 given to the Philadelphia Hospital from the Louis F. Meyers Trust brings the annual total from the United States Daughters of the Nile members to $1,477,317.66. The Daughters of the Nile Canadian Foundation check for $203,887.00 which was sent to the Canadian Hospital from Canadian members brings the total cash donation to the Shriners Hospitals for Children® for this year to $1,671,204.66. The total cash giving now totals over $50 million. This amount does not include the value associated with additional monies, services and goods given directly to the hospitals by Subordinate Temples. On July 19th a 3rd Gold Plaque Presentation Ceremony was held at Shriners Hospital for Children, Philadelphia. This is the 2nd time this year a third Million Dollar Plaque was placed on the philanthropic wall of a Shriners Hospital for Children®. Members of Daughters of the Nile have been helping Shiners Hospitals for Children® for nearly 90 years, and we are honored to be a part of the World’s Greatest Philanthropy! Ankh Temple is very proud to have four Supreme Appointees this year. APQ Judy Bourget, Supreme Escort to the Canadian Flag, PQ Lorena Fenlason, Supreme Escort to the American Flag, PQ Beverly Polley, Supreme Action Team, and PQ Peggyanne Kilton, Supreme Ambassador to the Northeast. PHOTO UNIT Noble Bob Hodgkins, Reporter Photo Unit is alive and well but no info from members therefore no real report. I have to spend the month at camp and am in to mow lawns early today, the 7th. Sorry about the fifth. I was thinking of the fifth but not the date on the calendar. Remember photo members, let me know what you are doing so that I can get it in the Anahgram. That’s all from downtown Hartland this month. NSA FIELD DAYS BANGOR, MAINE SCHEDULE* September 13, 14, 15, 2012 Thursday, September 13, 2012 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Golf Tournament – Bangor Municipal Golf Course Registration at various hotels Q’s Hospitality – Holiday Inn Odlin Road Counterparts Dinners Hospitality at The Holiday Inn Odlin Road Friday, September 14, 2012 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. NSA General Business Meeting at Anah Shrine Center 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Market Place at the Elks Club TBA Ladies Scavenger Hunt in Downtown Bangor 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Clown Competition at Bangor Mall 4:00 p.m. Unit meetings and Parade meeting 4:00 p.m. Q’s Hospitality at Holiday Inn, Odlin Road 7:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Hospitality – Holiday Inn Odlin Road Saturday, September 15, 2012 6:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Unit Competition at Freedom Industrial Park. Coffee & Donuts available 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Market Place at the Elks Club 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Ladies Luncheon at Spectacular Events, Griffin Road, Price $30.00 12:30 p. m. Parade Lineup , Penobscot Plaza & Exchange Street 2:00 p. m. NSA Parade steps off 4:00 p.m. End of parade reception for Shriners and Ladies at Bass Park behind Paul Bunyan Statue 6:00 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Lobster Feed at Bangor Auditorium – 2 Lobsters, Clams, quahogs, mussels, corn and dessert. $40.00/person. If you would rather have steak it will be $30.00 /person * Subject to adjustment Thanks for coming, come back soon and have a safe trip home. A man is like a tack, he can go only as far as his head will let him. AUGUST 2012 15 Remember, the next meeting will be September 6th at Pat’s Pizza. On July 4th, we had an invitation to Wayne and Phyllis Butler’s million dollar estate located in the Molasses Pond Campground, where he and Lady Phyllis put on one heck of a picnic. I would like to thank Wayne for inviting me, even though I was assigned to garbage detail. That’s ok Wayne, some of us have to jump up to the plate. Lady Anita DeMeyer has headed west to visit family. I have to check with Forrest to see if she left by wagon train or one of the big birds that fly the skies. Also, took notice one afternoon when I saw Danny DeWitt in his new speedboat with Lady friend Joann and dog, Maggie. Asked him how much horsepower he had. I think he raised one finger which meant he had only one horsepower. Someone sent us a copy of The Maine Mason. It contained a great article about John Edes, who is a member of Lygonia Lodge #40 and the Anah Shriners. Brother Edes was quite a famous basketball player in his day when he attended Ellsworth High School. At that time, the Ellsworth Eagles won back-to-back championships in 1953 and 1954. He is a member of the New England Basketball Hall of Fame. The 1954 winning game was attended by Bob Cousy and Red Auerbach of the Boston Celtics. Brother Edes scored 1,227 points in his EHS career. He continued playing basketball and baseball at Colby College. My wife believes that Brother Edes is the John Edes who coached basketball when she attended Pemetic High School in Southwest Harbor. Brother Edes lives with his wife, Robin, in Greenwich, CT. He worked 25 years for AT&T and is now a financial planner for Equity Services in Warwick RI. Birthdays this time are Cindy Walls, Prescott Briggs, George Torrey, John Kief, Howard Heath, Leni Weaver, Ralph Robshaw, Cheryl (Mrs. Chuckles), Jeni Weaver, Eileen Churchill, and Elaine Jones. Honeymooners are Perley & Karen Merrick, Nelson & Clare Grindal, Wilbert & Joan Terry, David & Sandra Neal, Sam & Agnes Carr, Clarence & Esther Rodick, Eugene & Gladys Kelley, Cecil & Lucy Sprague, and Aaron & Angie Grindal. Oops! Gotta go. Just heard a big splash. I think Cookie wants to go swimming. Hope everyone is having a safe and happy summer. Second Section t Noble of the Year Nigh To Honor Noble Mike “Jappo” Samiya October 27, 2012 5:30 – 11:30 PM $15.00 per person for Nobles or guests (Members of the public welcome) The program will consist of: Entertainment Cold hors d’oeuvres Dinner includes Baked Beans, Ham, Lasagna, Salads, etc BYOB – Setups available by donation Dress code: Business Casual Tickets available from Second Section Members or at the Recorder’s Office Until October 12. Music for dancing Will be provided SHUTTLE BUSSES Will be running during the evening with pick ups at the Bangor Auditorium Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of The Anah Second Section and contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions. Let’s not be too critical of our relatives, remember they had no choice in the matter either. AUG 2012 16 Noble Mike Murphy Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies! Wow, we are off and running. Your Highlanders have been busy; on the 4th of July we performed in front of tens of thousands of spectators in Bar Harbor. Our new drummers and pipers performed very well and we are glad to have them. We were all very pleased that the rains held off. A Noble from Virginia told me that he was very impressed with our Temple, as there were so many Shrine units in the parade. July 14th brought us to Fort Knox for the annual Tattoo and then on the 21st we were in Lincoln for the annual Home Coming. It doesn’t look like we have much scheduled for August. We have had several late inquires, but were unable to commit because we have had several members that have already made plans. One big future plan for the Northeast!!! The Highlanders are going to be hosting a ceilidh (I think pronounced kay-lee) on Friday Sept 14th. We are intending to have several performers, including Highland dancers. Highland piper Ernie Smith has invited all of the other Highland bands in the Northeast to perform. As of right now, we have procured Peaks Auditorium at Bangor High School, so it should be a fabulous evening, and best of all YOU are all invited! One more bit of information. It was brought to my attention that our bass drum was heavy and hard to play in a long parade. We just purchased a new drum that is 8 lbs lighter than the old one. That doesn’t sound like much, but the old drum was 25 lbs compared to 17 for the new one. Team Smith (Ernie and his son Tony) went to Massachusetts Monday to pick it up. It sounds great and it is easier to carry. I made the motion to buy a light bass and we voted on it in 2008. The result was a new bass that was as heavy as the old one. I made the motion again this spring and finally Brent, our bass drummer, will get the lighter bass drum that he was promised four years ago. Finally in closing, I was inspired when I saw a copy of our Declaration of Independence on one of the Funsters’ Facebook page. In order to provide some background information, I would like to review Proverbs 14:34, which states, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” Proverbs 14:12 states, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” The key to the whole passage and where I’m going with the Declaration is Proverbs, 14:2, “He whose walk is upright fears the lord, but he whose ways are devious despises him.” The US Declaration of Independence has four direct references to God. The most famous of the four is “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…” Our Constitution’s First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The words “Separation of Church and State” are NOT in the Constitution. The intent of the founders was to prevent the creation of a U.S. version of the Church of England. The King is the head of the Church of England, so therefore it is in essence part of the government. I feel the modern interpretation of the First Amendment has morphed into something that would shock the founders, because the Constitution was signed “In the year of our LORD.” THE ANAHGRAM Based upon our countries founding documents and reverence that the founders had for our Creator, the single greatest thing that a citizen can do is vote for people who fear the Lord. Voting for anyone else creates a system whereby the elected officials and the government becomes God. The Declaration of Independence clearly states that God gave us the Rights. Our Constitution clearly states that WE THE PEOPLE have lent some of those rights to the government. Do we really want to vote for people who claim they or the government is giving us rights and benefits? Ask yourselves, “Have we completely perverted the greatest element of our Republic?” It isn’t too late. We have a new chance every November to improve our great nation. Will you be part of the revival? It isn’t a party issue; it is an individual commitment to something that is bigger than anyone can comprehend. I don’t understand everything in the Bible, but I’m amazed when I read something that was written 3,000 years ago and it is as relevant today as it was then. There is a wide difference between seeing through a thing or seeing a thing through. Continued on page 17 AUGUST 2012 17 Continued from page 16 Until next month, if anyone wants to learn how to play the pipes or drums please contact me at pipingleprechaun@hotmail. com. God bless and keep smiling. Noble Wally Fenlason, Reporter Greetings Nobles & Ladies, Not a lot to write about this month as most of our members are very busy with their families and vacations. We do have some birthdays to celebrate: Lady Roberta Wessel, and Nobles Terry Wessel and Dale Nelson. Anniversaries this month will be celebrated by Gaylord & Lorraine Sundt and Walter & Leona Gurschick. We hope you all have a very wonderful day. That’s the “scoop” for this month from “Convertible Land”. We look forward to seeing everyone next month in Bangor for the annual NESA Field Days!! Mother!, PUT YOUR TOP UP… THERE’S-A-STORM-A-BREWING! AND YOU KNOW…THAT HAIL CAN HURT SOMETHING WICKED!! Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter I would like to apologize for missing last month’s report. We lost a Great and Wonderful Noble, William Harmon Sr.; our deepest sympathy is extended to his family. What a grand time we had marching for the Special Olympics at the University of Maine on June 8th. Twelve of our Nobles marched during this special event. Even the rain did not dampen their enthusiasm as we marched by; smiles and hands were waving high. We even gave back some high fives. There were 11 Nobles that carried the flags during the June Ceremonial. They never missed a beat when walking through the town of Houlton. We did miss the drum beat though; we are still looking high and low for a drummer. Come and join our Flag wagging unit for the kids. We march so they can walk. The candles that were blown out by the following Nobles during the month of July: Hortense Abbot, Keith DeWitt, Stanley Reed, and Corey Roberts. The Ladies are Elaine Fernald and Sheila Burgess. Birthday Wishes to ALL of YOU. Happy anniversary Noble Greg and Lady Linda Russell. Who is blowing out candles this month? It would be the following Nobles: Herbert Carey, and Floyd Hardison and the Ladies Marlene Cole. Birthday wishes to ALL of YOU. Happy anniversary Noble Stanley and Lady Barbara Reed and Noble Joe and Chari Briggs. Looking forward to seeing everyone during the Dover-Foxcroft Days on August 4th and Winter Harbor on August 11th. We will be doing a news flash on how our annual canoe trip went next month. If I have missed anyone please let Frenchie know. I can be contacted at Enjoy the summer to its fullest. We march so they can walk. VISA ® and MASTERCARD ® Are accepted at the Recorder’s Office for your convenience Thank you, Ahah Shriners, for all of the good work you do in our communities! • 1-888-853-7100 MAKE IT SIMPLE ANAH Shriners Dues Subscription YES! I would like to purchase a dues subscription to ANAH Shriners. I understand that my dues (currently $45.00) will be charged to the credit/debit card listed below each December and my membership card mailed to me. I also understand that I may cancel this subscription at any time by contacting ANAH Shriners office at 207-942-2254. I understand that no other charges will be made to this card by ANAH Shriners without my permission. Name ____________________________________ Member Number ____________ Email address ______________________________________ Billing Address _____________________________ Phone Number ____________ Billing City _________________________ State ___________ Zip_____________ Credit Card Type ________________ Card Number ____________ Exp._______ Signature _________________________________________ Please cut this out and mail to Shrine Center. P.O. Box 735, Bangor ME 04402 NOTE THIS IS FOR YOUR 2013 DUES AND EACH YEAR THEREAFTER. If you buy things on the installment plan, you can save the same way. 18 THE ANAHGRAM Shriners Hospitals for Children: A History of Innovation and Excellence in Burn Care Shriners Hospitals for Children® is noted worldwide as a leader in pediatric burn care. Since opening our three pediatric burn hospitals in the 1960s, our health care system has been at the forefront of innovative programs and treatment techniques that have both dramatically improved the survival rate for children with severe burns and enhanced their quality of life. Here is a brief timeline of the development of our burn care program: 1960s: In response to the growing awareness of a need for pediatric burn care, research and education, the governing body of the Shriners organization passed a resolution at the Imperial Session in 1962 to build and operate hospitals specializing in pediatric burn care. The first one opened in 1966 in Galveston, Texas, followed by those in Cincinnati and Boston two years later. The establishment of these hospitals helped raise awareness of burn injuries and appropriate care throughout the medical community. 1970s: Tremendous improvements in survival rates were made, particularly because of innovative research in excision, grafting, and intravenous feeding. In addition, pressure garments that helped lessen scarring were developed. Shriners Hospitals for Children — Cincinnati pioneered skin banking – a precursor to future methods of tissue, bone and skin procurement. In addition Shriners Hospitals for Children worked with the United States Fire Administration and Consumer Product Safety Commission to identify burn prevention programs for schools and fire departments. And finally, our Boston hospital began the first school re-entry program for patients. 1980s: Outpatient clinics were added at the three burn hospitals to provide continued care after patients are discharged. Also, researchers at Shriners Hospitals for Children discovered that early surgical excision and grafting reduces infections, shortens hospital stays and improves cosmetic outcomes for patients. Finally, Burn Awareness Week, a national education campaign, was Top left: Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston Top right: Shriners Hospitals for Children — Cincinnati Bottom left: Shriners Hospitals for Children — Galveston Bottom right: Shriners Hospitals for Children — Northern California OSMAR12SHFC created in an effort to raise public awareness and reduce the number of burn injuries in children. 1990s: Services were expanded at our burn hospitals. Care was made available for non-burn conditions such as port wine stains, congenital ear deformities and other complex wound and skin conditions. In addition, new programs were set up to help burn patients with psychological and social issues, including transitioning back to school and community. And, in 1997, Shriners Hospitals for Children — Northern California opened in Sacramento to serve children with orthopaedic conditions, burns and spinal cord injuries. The hospital has become the busiest pediatric burn center in the western U.S. 2000 - 2010s: Shriners Hospitals for Children continues to demonstrate and be recognized for their leadership in burn care. The hospitals in Boston and Cincinnati received the Press Ganey Summit Award for extraordinary patient satisfaction. All four burn hospitals have leaders who have served as president of the American Burn Association and three of the hospitals have hosted or co-hosted the World Burn Congress, an annual event of the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors that brings together approximately 800 burn survivors and their families, caregivers, burn care professionals and firefighters to share experiences and support one another. In the years and decades to come, Shriners Hospitals for Children expects to continue its leadership in pediatric burn care, and its longstanding legacy of improving the lives of children. AUGUST 2012 19 NORTHEAST CAMEL CARAVAN The Northeast Camel Caravan held its annual camping weekend at Bayley’s Camping Resort in Scarborough, Maine, on June 1-3. Although the weather did not cooperate this year, an enjoyable time was had by those attending. Our numbers have grown from four couples in 2008 to seventeen this year. Our membership includes Nobles from Aleppo, Bektash and Kora. We would welcome more campers from any of the Northeast Shrine Centers. Friday night the group headed for Ken’s Seafood Restaurant for some of Maine’s best and then settled back around the campfire. Yes, we did get a campfire in before the deluge of rain on Saturday and Sunday. Portland got over 7” of rain in a 24 hour period. All of our activities on Saturday were under cover thanks to Tom Bayley and his staff. Their hospitality was outstanding. The boat trip we planned got rained out, that will have to be for another time. Noble Ryan Otis, Reprter Summer is surely flying by. I would like to take a minute and thank our Illustrious Potentate and his Ceremonial Committee for a great weekend. Lots of exciting things happening in Waldo County, we just had another dance last month, and look for more in the future. August 9th is our Annual Dryden Dutch Memorial Golf Tournament, Divan Visitation, and Steak Feed. Lots happening in September as well, on top of our regular meeting on September 13th, we are having our 1st Annual Lobster Feed being held at Young’s Lobster Pound. Hope you can make it. We also will be having a Hunter’s Gun Raffle; we will be selling tickets for your chance to win a shotgun, or a couple rifles. Tickets will be 1 for $5, 3 for $10, and 10 for $20. Proceeds will benefit the Waldo County Shrine Club Charitable Trust. We hope you can join us in the coming months. Recorder “Sonny” recently received a note erom Noble Randall Roof who is active in the Great Falls Shrine Club in South Carolina thanking our Keystone Kops and other Anah members for their support in a gun raffle the club held recently. Great job guys! Officers elected for the coming year were Camel Herder - Glen Lalumiere (Kora), Trail Boss - Mike Collins (Kora), Scout Tom Hargreaves (Aleppo) and Secretary/ Treasurer - Fred Simmons (Bektash). New members welcomed to the Northeast Camel Caravan from Kora were John & Cindy Berrill, Tom & Theresa Casamassa, John & Pat McAlevey, David & Pam St. Pierre, Gerard “Red” Therrien and from Bektash Bob & Dottie LaPlume Leonard. We will be camping again at Bayley’s on September 7-9. Those members attending the NESA Field Days in Bangor, Maine, will be camping at the Pumpkin Patch Camping Resort in Hermon, Maine. Any Noble and his Lady interested in joining us is welcome. Call Fred Simmons at 603-625-9509 for more information. You can have your own miniature potato Barrel Pen/Pencil Holder for your desk or buy some as gifts for your friends. Potentate Tony has come up with the idea of a desk accessory based on the historical side of potato farming in Aroostook County in the past. “Potato barrels like this were what I grew up using, first filling then hooking with tongs, then rolling then moan and off trucks. I even spilled a few along the way. HE..HE..These miniatures are made in Island Falls on a wood lathe by Jim Odgers. I have burned NSA and Bangor, Maine on them as well. They are $15.00 each and can be purchased at the Recorder’s office. The proceeds will be used to support the Northeast Fall Field Days in September 2012. Thank you for your help. Tony Bowers, Potentate Always do right – This will gratify some people – and astonish the rest. 20 THE ANAHGRAM Noble Blair Bubar Reporter What a year! Have you ever seen so much rain? Luckily we haven’t been rained upon during a parade yet, although we did get wet after the parade in Presque Isle. Our last meeting was held on June28th at the Aroostook Shrine Club. President Mike London asked if any unit member is going to the Northeast Field Days to notify him, so he can make your room reservations. We also discussed BINGO. We are planning on three nights of Bingo. Hopefully we could make a little money, and if not we can have fun trying. We also voted on four new members. WELCOME ABOARD goes out to Tom McAfee, Jody Anderson, Craig Clossey and Harry Howe. The 4th of July took us to Limestone. Had a pretty good turnout for a very good parade. The rain was of great concern, but it did hold off. Although there were no rain drops, there were plenty of horse droppings to steer around. We have plenty of parades coming, and one that we all look forward to is the Island Falls parade. Illustrious Sir Tony and Lady Carmel Bowers have invited the unit to their house for a picnic afterwards. This is always an enjoyable afternoon. July 26th will be our next meeting. The Indies are cooking for the Aroostook Shrine Club supper that evening. Should be good. The 28th we will be serving for fellow unit member Bill Bussee and Lady Sue. They are tying the knot. Congratulations and the very best to you both. Congratulations also go out to Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Stewart. They got married on the 23rd of June. Best wishes to all of you newlyweds and newlyweds to be. Don’t forget! Make your plans for the Northeast. Until next month, if you don’t participate in the parades, please show your support for those that do. Shriners International Experiences Worldwide Interest and Expansion and Europe. Thanks to new worldwide interest in the organization, the number is increasing. As a result of the great work by the international development committee, the fraternity has been expanding overseas at a rapid pace. “I’m very excited about the international interest we’ve had the past year and I look forward to seeing membership continue to thrive,” said Past Imperial Potentate Nick Thomas, chairman of the committee. In the past two years, there have been three new temples added. At the 2010 Imperial Session two temples – one each in Puerto Rico and the Philippines – received their charters. This past July in Denver, at the 2011 Imperial Session, Emirat Shriners of Heidelberg, Germany became the 194th temple. In addition, legislation was passed allowing dispensation – one of the first steps toward forming a new temple – for Agila Shriners of Mindano, the Philippines. In addition to the new temples, Shrine Clubs have formed in Puerto Rico, The Philippines, Brazil, Bolivia, Germany, Italy and Australia. There is also growing interest in forming Shrine Clubs in several other countries. In order for these clubs to one day be chartered as temples, they must show a gain in membership and create nobles of the Master Masons who signed the petition required to obtain dispensation status which lasts a year. This past year, the number of established international Shrine Clubs rose from 33 to 53. On an individual level, the number Continued on page 21 KAUFMAN MOTORS 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Used Vehicles Lee & Peggy Kaufman Reverse mortgages Reverse mortgages Rae Ann Rice Reverse mortgages for seniors 62 or older Home Mortgage Consultant for seniors for seniors 62 or older 62 or older NMLSR ID: 419094 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Calltoday today for more information. Call today for more information. forPl,more 1Call Cumberland Suiteinformation. 214 Rae Ann Rice Rae Ann Rice Bangor, MERice 04401 Rae Ann Tel: 207 262 5218Place, 1 Cumberland Cumberland Place, 11Cumberland #214#214 Place, #214 Fax: 877 302 081704401 Bangor, Maine 04401 Bangor, Maine Bangor, Maine 04401 Cell: 207 974 8996 207-974-8996 207-974-8996 207-974-8996 Toll Free: 800 318 3182 Ext. 5218 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage isAll a division of is Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2010 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. rights reserved. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2010 WellsN.A. Fargo Bank, N.A.Fargo All rights reserved. AS360980 8/10-8/11 © 2010 Wells Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. AS360980 8/10-8/11 For many years, Shriners International consisted of 191 temples in four countries: the United States, Canada, Mexico Many politicians are like quicksilver, if you try to put . your finger on him, you will find nothing under it. AUGUST 2012 Continued from page 20 21 of creations internationally has increased from 118 to 1,193 since 2007. “The relationships developed overseas are an integral part of the fraternity’s future and success.” Said Imperial Potentate Mike Severe. “I really appreciate everything Nick Thomas and the rest of the committee have done to spread the work about our wonderful fraternity.” A New Flag is Created After the fraternity’s official name change to Shriners International, a new flag was designed. In response to the global growth, changes to protocol regarding the display of flags and playing on national anthems at Shriners events were made. These changes were communicated to all temples in a revised protocol pamphlet that can be found on the Shriners Village website. Communicating at an International Level To better serve our current international members and to aid recruitment efforts, we are continuing to develop appropriate communication items. Some printed materials are now available in English, Spanish and French; can be viewed in English, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese, and we are working toward having Shriners Village available in multiple languages. In addition, one of the biggest challenges – and accomplishments – of the international development committee this past year was the creation of a handbook for temples sponsoring international Shrine Clubs. The handbook includes sections about the vision and mission. KIMBALL TERRACE INN And MAIN SAIL RESTAURANT Northeast Harbor Tel: 800.454.6225 NEWS FROM YOUR SPRINGFIELD SHRINERS HOSPITAL By Rodney Pinkham and Norris Nickerson Hospital Board Members The Value of Outreach Clinics Definition: Outreach - The act of extending services, benefits, etc., to a wider section of the population. For over three decades the physicians and staff at Shriners Hospital for Children in Springfield, Massachusetts have conducted offsite outreach clinics to bring specialty orthopaedic care to children. These hospital sponsored outreach clinics are staffed by a team of doctors, nurses, therapists, orthotists, prosthetists, support staff and members of the Shrine fraternity. The team works together to provide follow up care to existing patients and to examine prospective patients for future care. Existing patients are monitored for how their orthopaedic condition may or may not be progressing along with their normal growth and development. Patients who were recently operated on at the hospital and have returned home are also seen. Over 2,000 children are seen in outreach clinics each year. Some of these clinics are held within ninety miles of the hospital while others are held halfway around the world. The facilities in these locations can mirror our own hospital or be a make-shift exam room in an office building with or without electricity. Seeing children and families in their own community provides the medical team with an appreciation and understanding of the environment our patients live in. Outreach clinics are an extension of our services that take into account the hardships families face with a sick child and the costs associated with travel expenses and time off from work. Additionally, the goodwill outreach clinics bring to the hospital, the fraternity and to the community at-large is positive and pays dividends many times what the actual clinic costs. Currently outreach clinics are conducted in New York, Maine, U.S. Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic and Cyprus. The hospital will soon expand outreach clinics to include locations in Western and Central Massachusetts and other New England states. Parents or Guardians who wish to get information on admission to Shriners Springfield may call directly to the Intake Department (toll free) at 800-322-5905 When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. 22 THE ANAHGRAM Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Boston hosts Baystate Hand Group Networking Seminars Katie Siwy MS, OTR/L, occupational therapist at Shriners Hospitals for Children – Boston, is playing a key role in the professional organization, the Baystate Hand Group, a hand specialty interest group and professional network for Occupational and Physical Therapists. Katie (pictured: left) has been participating with the group for two years and is emerging as an influential member, currently acting as the group facilitator. When asked about her experience with the group, Katie said “It has allowed me the opportunity for increased networking with people who are specialized in hand and upper extremity rehabilitation and are excellent resources. Being part of this network allows me to share ideas with other specialists, which in turn enables Shriners to provide the best care for our patients. It’s about staying fresh and current.” Baystate Hand Group is a Massachusetts based network of hand therapists with approximately 80 active members. The group meets monthly for continued learning and to exchange cutting edge ideas. Areas of discussion include new techniques, research, and technology. The group also serves as a networking platform for members’ questions and referrals. As group facilitator, Katie generates topics and coordinates speakers for the monthly meetings. Recently Shriners Hospitals for Children – Boston’s Dr. Anthony Perrone presented on surgical reconstruction of upper extremities. Other topics that Katie has coordinated include treatment protocol for complex hand transplantation, hand reconstruction and elbow fractures. Because of Katie’s role, Shriners Hospi tals for Children - Boston has become the site host for Baystate Hand Group’s meetings since this past September. Serving as the host site has been an honor for the hospital and has provided a great opportunity for Shriners Hospitals for Children – Boston to gain more exposure within the medical community. ABA International Outreach to Zambia By Maggie Dylewski, PhD, RD The International Outreach Program is sponsored by the American Burn Association (ABA) and Children’s Burn Foundation (CBF). Members of the International Outreach Committee organize volunteer medical missions to hospitals in several developing countries. Team members include physicians, nurses, dietitians, and therapists. The primary goal of each mission is to provide education and hands on training to establish effective and sustainable burn care. In August 2011, an ABA burn team traveled to St. Francis Hospital in Katate, Zambia. Maggie Dylewski, PhD, RD of Shriners Hospitals for Children-Boston was a member of this team. This was the 4th visit to this hospital by an ABA burn team, and Maggie’s second visit to St. Francis Hospital. Scald burns related to cooking and flame burns due to open fires are the primary cause of burns in this part of the world. Due to the lack of medical resources, burn injuries > 20% total body surface area (TBSA) are life threatening. Throughout 3 weeks, team members delivered lectures and clinical demonstrations, developed protocols and educational posters, and provided support to the clinical staff at St. Francis Hospital. Continued on page 23 Getting together to serve you better And CARPET WORLD Of Holden Now at One Location 689 Wilson Street Brewer, Maine 989-2208 - 1.800.696.2208 Visit us on the WEB at Neglect a personal grievance for forty-eight hours and it will die of starvation. AUGUST 2012 23 Continued from page 22 Of particular interest to Maggie was establishing the availability and provision of nutritional supplements to all burn patients. Sustainable supplements, donated by UNICEF, are available for the patients at St. Francis Hospital. These include Plumpy Nut, a peanut-butter like food supplement and F100 a milk-based liquid supplement. The team observed an increase in knowledge and clinical practice since the previous visits to this hospital. However the ultimate goal was to reduce mortality and morbidity, and progressively move towards a more independently functioning burn service. The ABA and CBF with continue to send burn teams to Zambia until this goal is achieved. For more information about the International Outreach Program or becoming involved, please refer to the ABA web site (www. cians. Dr. Fuzaylov finds that a drawback of these medical missions is the fact that there is “nothing left behind,” in terms of knowledge and infrastructure. He is determined to bring the “forces together” in terms of international outreach, with the program with Dr. Driscoll in the Ukraine being an initial step toward progress. As a result of this outreach, Dr. Savchyn, one of the physicians from the Ukraine, was able to come to Boston and give a case presentation on plastic surgery grand rounds. Additionally, 12 patients travel from Ukraine to Shriners Hospitals for Children – Boston to be treated every year. To continue his dedication to internaContinued on page 24 Dr. Fuzaylov Shows Commitment to Shriners and International Outreach Outreach “As a professional, you cannot say no. It’s unprofessional because even if you think it’s no, the hope should die last. ‘No’ should not be in your vocabulary at all.” This is the philosophy that not only guides anesthesiologist Dr. Gennadiy Fuzaylov’s treatment of patients at Shriners, but also his international outreach endeavors. Along with many medical missions around the globe, Dr. Fuzaylov traveled to the Ukraine to treat patients this past summer along with Shriners surgeon Dr. Dan Driscoll. Coming to the United States 20 years ago as a political refugee, international outreach is both a personal and professional mission for Dr. Fuzaylov. Attending medical school in Uzbekistan, he was re-trained once he arrived in the United States at UMass and Children’s Hospital. Originally trained as a pediatrician, Dr. Fuzaylov received further training as a pediatric anesthesiologist here in the United States. Since 2001, he has been a pediatric anesthesiologist at Mass General and here at Shriners. He says that his extensive educational background impacts his work greatly, giving him a perspective that enhances his approach to treating patients. Along with treating Shriners patients for 10 years, Dr. Fuzaylov has traveled around the globe on medical missions to various locations including China, South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, to both treat and educate. While patients received much needed treatment, the knowledge that visiting physicians possess does not translate into training for local physiThe trouble with a small town’s alcoholics is that they are not anonymous. 24 THE ANAHGRAM Continued from page 23 tional medical outreach, Dr. Fuzaylov founded Doctors Collaborating to Help Children, along with Dr. Driscoll. The mission of this foundation is to educate and train physicians to increase the medical capability of underserved nations, in order to improve lives. “The foundation is about sharing, not about money.” Dr. Fuzaylov says. “It’s not about how much money you can give. . . What I need is your compassion, your time, your understanding.” The culture of compassion and understanding here at Shriners is what Dr. Fuzaylov says he truly enjoys most about the hospital. He says Shriners is a “very dedicated place, where people care about what they’re doing.” Dr. Fuzaylov says that people working in burn care are special, and people who work in pediatric burn care are super special. “Just to see the suffering of burned kids and trying to establish a connection, trust, and treatment, they are special people and it’s amazing, everyone involved, not only as medical professionals, but as human beings.” are interactive and illustrate to patients, through pictures and further explanation by the Child Life Specialist staff, what they will see, smell and feel. Bradbury further explains that “we can clear up a lot of misconceptions” regarding a patient’s fears. example, Bradbury likes to spend a lot of time looking through photos of the To be continued next month CLAY FUNERAL HOME Lincoln, Maine BARTLETT CHAPEL Danforth, Maine Christmas Came Early for the Child Life Dept Shriners Hospitals for Children® - Boston received four very high-tech and trendy iPads from the Boston Firefighters Burn Foundation at last year’s Christmas in July celebration. These generously donated iPads have proven to be effective and fun tools that assist our patients with their recovery. “Each year Santa comes and brings presents for the children in the units and the outpatient clinic,” explained Dennis Costin, President of the Boston Firefighters Burn Foundation. “We also donate items needed to help maintain the playroom. Sometimes it is arts and crafts, compute ink, or MP3 players and sometimes it is Wii games and the like,” Costin said. Senior Child Life Specialist Christen Bradbury said that the iPad was on their ‘Wish List’ and that she was absolutely thrilled when the Boston Firefighters Burn Foundation surprised them with their first iPad. Costin stated, “This year we chose gifts that would take the kids’ minds off of their procedures. The iPads and another tablet were purchased with this in mind. Bradbury explained that the iPad has been a valuable go-to support tool since the applications may be used for education, therapy, or distraction. To help patients prepare for a surgery, for example, Bradbury will use the different applications available on the iPad to educate the children on what to expect before, during and after the procedure. The presentations CARING FOR GENERATIONS J o r d a n - F e r n al d FUNERAL HOMES Your wishes for the type of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one can be outlined in advance like a will, prearranging a funeral is part of putting your affairs in order, yet it costs you nothing. Call us to set up an appointment. 1.800.667.2595 - Mount Desert Island • Ellsworth • Blue Hill The one time man finds his credit good is when he starts to borrow trouble. RECRUITING IS A FULL TIME JOB Are you working? Membership applications available at the Recorder’s Office ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Anah Shriners P.O. Box 735 Bangor ME 04402-0735 JUNE 2012 � � NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
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