May 2013 - Anah Shriners
May 2013 - Anah Shriners
MAY 2013 monthly messenger Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Of AAA SECURITY COMPANY LOCKS • KEYS • SAFES 71 A Center Street Brewer ME 989-5220 Changing Jobs or Retiring? Should you roll over your 401(k) plan account or reallocate your retirement assets? Whether you are changing jobs or retiring, a Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisor can review your situation and help you make informed choices to ensure that your nest egg will be there when you need it. Jeffrey F. O'Sullivan Senior Vice President Financial Advisor Key Plaza, 23 Water Street, Suite 406 Bangor, ME 04401 207-561-2000 jeffrey.o' Call your Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisor today to help you develop an investment program tailored to your retirement needs. A Morgan Stanley Company Tax laws are complex and subject to change. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, its affiliates and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. This material was not intended or written to be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. Individuals are urged to consult their personal tax or legal advisors to understand the tax and related consequences of any actions or investments described herein. © 2010 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. NY CS 6256950 RET010 PSC 05/10 GP10-00936P-N04/10 Drive beatVarney VarneyValue Value Drive5050miles milesor or 500, 500, you You can’t can’t beat anywhere! anywhere! 260 HOGAN ROAD BANGOR, ME 04401 207-990-1200 1-800-288-3071 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Guiding Children Health Shooting for To theBetter STARS The Anahgram Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Anah’s 91st year - Chartered June 15, 1922 A Chapter of Shriners International 586 Main Street, Bangor Maine 04401 Telephone 207.942.2254 - Fax 207.942.1994 Website: - e-mail: Volume 81 Number 5 MAY 2013 Gerald L. Harvey- Editor/Advertising Manager WINNER OF SIX DROMEDARY AWARDS NOBLES - Let us all honor P.P. Fred by having a large class of candidates. “Top Line Signers” for three or more candidates will earn an Anah Shrine watch. B A > Past Potentate Frederick B. Lunt, Jr. of Clinton was born in Bangor, the son of the late Phyllis L. Lunt and Past Potentate (1977) Frederick B. Lunt, Sr. The Lunt family moved to Presque Isle where he attended Presque Isle High School and graduated from Ricker Classical Institute. He attended Husson College, graduating with a BS degree in Business Administration. Fred married Ellen Larsson of Presque Isle while attending Husson. They have two sons both whom are members of Anah Shriners. F. Bradlee Lunt, III, who is married to Tava Haskell and resides in West Gardiner with four children and Eric L. Lunt, who married Tammy Houghton and resides in Fairfield with two children. Fred’s sister Libby L. Hersom resides in Brewer with husband Past Potentate (1986) Larry L. Hersom, Recorder of Anah Shriners. Fred worked in the insurance business for over 30 years leaving to join the Maine Department of Agriculture as the Agricultural Fair Coordinator. He retired from the Department of Agriculture in 2011 and is employed by the Maine Association of Outer Guard in 1995 by Past Potentate Goodwin O. Gilman and served as Anah’s Potentate in 2005. Fred is presently a member of the Grand Lodge of Maine’s insurance committee and the insurance committee of Anah Shriners. > June 2013 Class of Candidates named in Honor of Past Potentate Fred Lunt Agricultural Fairs as Executive Director. Masonically Past Potentate Fred is a member of St. Andrew Lodge # 83 AF&AM of Bangor, Garfield Royal Arch Chapter #48 of Caribou and Aldemar Commandery #17. Fred is also a member of The Scottish Rite Bodies of Bangor and Maine Consistory 32nd Degree of Portland. He was appointed to the Anah Directors Staff in 1977 and was made Chief Director in 1988. He was appointed to the Board of Governors of the Springfield Shiners Hospital by Past Potentate John Fernald and served three years. Fred was appointed > > > CEREMONIAL PARADE ROUTE FOR JUNE 22 in Newport: Parade will assemble at Gilman Electric (A) on Main Street (Rt.7)and proceed on Main Street to Elm Street, turn left on Elm Street and go to Newport Rec. Center (B)for evening activities. THANK YOU... to the folks at the Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce for their help in securing the map above. Jerry Harvey, Editor ANAHGRAM DEADLINE FOR JUNE IS Monday, May 6 EARLY COPY HELPS YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD If you need help with an application or need any other information about sponsoring a child to our orthopedic childrens’ or burns hospitals contact the Nobles listed below. ORTHOPEDIC: Rodney Pinkham, P.P., Box 8, Holden , ME 04429, Tel. 843-7763 BURNS: Robert Turner, 32 Island Drive, Windham, ME 04062, Tel. 892-3124 Springfield Hospital: 1-800-322-5905 - Boston Burns Hospital: 1-800-255-1916 You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. 2 THE ANAHGRAM SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY COMING EVENTS FOR... WEDNESDAY 6 7 CIRCUS PRESQUE ISLE Washington County S C 9 8 14 13 19 Keystone Kops Golf Tournament 20 Campers Outing 26 15 Tri-County S C Mini-Bikes Meeting Schoodic S C Funsters Meeting Mothers Day 27 SUNDAY 21 Anah Stated Meeting (Special Bylaws Vote) 28 22 CIRCUS PRESQUE ISLE Second Section Meeting 10 16 Bangor Brewer S C Steak Feed 23 SATURDAY 4 CIRCUS PRESQUE ISLE 11 Convertibles Super Supper Regional Clinics at Shrine Clubs 17 Campers Outing Springfield Hospital Clinic at EMMC 24 18 Campers Outing Island Party 25 Chanters Meeting 29 Keystone Kops Meeting Acadamecians Meeting TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MONDAY 3 Waldo County S C Ladies Night Hancock County S C Meeting 12 FRIDAY 2 1 MAY 2013 5 THURSDAY 30 31 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 COMING EVENTS FOR... JUNE 2013 3 2 4 No. Penob. Shrine Cllub 9 10 11 7 6 5 12 Washington County Shrine Club 13 Chanters Meeting 8 Second Section Meeting 14 15 21 22 Waldo County S C Howard Heath’s Lobster Feed 16 17 Fathers Day 23 24 NASCARS Camping Outing 30 18 25 19 Tri-County S C Mini-Bikes Meet Washington County S C Ladies 26 20 ANAH CEREMONIAL 27 28 NASCARS Camping Outing 29 NASCARS Camping Outing Many items for the calendar are provided a year in advance. If your Club or Unit changes a date for an activity please advise the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to publication. Editor MAY 2013 3 Greetings to all, March was a very busy month for Anah as we had a very successful Unit Seminar, which I reported on in an earlier issue. Peggy and I were delighted to be invited to Pittsfield to join the Rainbow Girls, Pittsfield Assembly #15, Waterville Assembly # 21 and Middletown Assembly #25 who hosted degree work. The Grand Officers conferred the degree work on several candidates, and the work was outstanding. Host Worthy Advisor Allison Colson #21 used a theme of Dragnet and Perry Mason for the theme of the day as Grand Worthy Advisor Amanda Redmond is studying criminology at USM. I had the opportunity to travel to Cornwall, Ontario to attend the Mid-Winter NSA meeting. Those traveling with me were Jesse Thomas, Asst. Chief Rabban; Robert Turner, High Priest & Prophet; Roger Grindle, 2nd Ceremonial Master; Andrew Constantine, Director; Earl Seymour, Housing Director and Gordon Smith, Chief Aide. The Imperial Officers in attendance were Imperial Chief Rabban Dale W. Strauss, Imperial Asst. Rabban Jerry G. Gantt, Imperial Marshal Wayne J. Lachut and Imperial Chaplain John H. Stanley. Also attending was our own member, Noble Randy Rudge Director of Membership Development, of the Shrine International Office. They gave us information on the status of our hospitals, membership, and what might be coming up at the July Imperial Session. At the urging of Noble Rudge, I made a challenge to Imperial Chief Rabban Strauss that Anah would beat his Temple, Kem Shriners, in an increase in membership in 2013. F. Lee Kaufman Potentate The winner would concede the birthplace of Paul Bunyan and also wear a shirt announcing the actual birthplace of Paul and Babe the Blue Ox. We were also joined on Friday by Go-Kart Captain Dave Magoon and Craig Clifford to attend the Motor Corps meeting to discuss changes in the competition and the layout of the competition to be held in Cornwall. Our Housing Chairman, along with the Chief Aide, visited the assigned housing at the Nav Center which is on the St. Lawrence River. The Nav Center was formerly used by the Canadian Air Force as housing for the air controllers in training. The Nav Center has all the creature comforts that a person could desire. The rooms are all newly renovated and the prices are very affordable. The price includes breakfast (full) and use of pool, weight room and basketball court. The Anah Clowns and Kora Clowns held center court in the Portland Mall March 22nd and 23rd for the first Clown Fest, which proved to be a great success. There will be more information in the Clown column in this issue. March 30th found the Clowns, Funsters and Highlanders at the Bangor Mall for the annual Easter Bunny Day. Anah had a booth set up to display Hospital awareness and the upcoming Circus. The booth was attended by Jesse Thomas, Donald Gordon and Lee Kaufman. April was a very busy month for 3 Know-how is supporting the communities where we live and work. People’s United Bank is proud to support the Anah Shriners! 207-942-4800 ©2013 People’s United Bank | Member FDIC | Peggy and I, as I joined more than 50 guests on the Music City Tour starting April 14 and returning the 21st, just in time for the Bangor Circus to start. I will be attending the Grand Chapter on the 26th which is being held in Bangor this year. Then it is off to Presque Isle for the second performance of the Circus. Many hands are needed to make the Circus a success, so if you can take time to help please come and help. Remember that the June Ceremonial is in Newport this year and Anah needs candidates, so please start signing them up. It should be a great event. Yours in the faith, Lee Kaufman, Potentate A Note from First Lady Peggy Anah’s Potentate and I visited with the Academecians on March 26, 2013. The meeting was held at the Happy China Buffet in Bangor. As always, company was great and the meal was delicious! We were invited to attend a Rainbow Girls Session in Pittsfield which was very enjoyable. The young ladies performed their parts beautifully and should be proud of what they do. The America’s Music Cities Tour is fast approaching. The trip will be a fond memory by the time the next issue of the Anahgram is released. We wish to thank all the interested people that joined us on this trip. On May 18th we are hosting an “Island Party.” The committee has been busy planning this Jimmy Buffett-style party. We hope to see many of you there in your favorite flowered shirt, shorts, and flip flops. Invite family and friends to join you. Keeping with my “Wish of Helping Children,” I would like to ask each Lady attending the June 22 Ceremonial Ladies Luncheon, to donate an item listed on either of the Shrine Hospital’s wish lists. The lists will be posted on Anahshriners. com and at the Shrine Office. Robyn Dulac, Lady of Anah’s Outer Guard, will collect your item at the luncheon being held at St. Martins Church in Palmyra on Saturday June 22nd. She will make sure these gifts get to either Boston Burns or Springfield Orthopedic Hospitals. Think of how many children/patients we can help by accomplishing this. Equal Housing Lender A good part of success is getting along with those people you can’t get ahead of. Continued on page 4 4 THE ANAHGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS Academicians....................................... 13 Aides........................................................ Aroostook Shrine Club......................... 21 Ahletic....................................................... Band..................................................... 23 Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club................... 7 Boosters................................................. 6 Calendar................................................. 2 Chanters............................................... 20 Circus....................................................... Clowns (Bangor)................................... 12 Convertibles............................................. Daughters of the Nile.............................. 5 Directors Staff....................................... 10 Editor........................................................ Flag Unit............................................... 21 Funster Unit.......................................... 23 Go-Karts................................................... Hancock County Shrine Club............... 19 Highlanders.......................................... 20 Hospital News (Boston)........................ 10 Hospital News (Springfield)...................... Indy Cars.................................................. Kampers Club....................................... 18 Kanteen Corps......................................... Keystone Kops....................................... 9 Klowns (Aroostook).............................. 24 Lady Peggy’s Note................................. 3 Lobster Boat Unit.................................. 21 Mini-Bike Unit........................................... Mini-Car Unit............................................. Mystery Person...................................... 7 NASCAR Unit......................................... 7 Northern Penobscot Shrine Club.......... 24 Obituaries............................................. 28 Oriental Band........................................... Past Masteres Unit................................... Patrol........................................................ Photo Unit............................................. 18 Potentate................................................ 3 Provost Guard.......................................13 Public Relations.......................................... Recorder............................................... 31 Schoodic Shrine Club........................... 27 Second Section.................................... 11 Sunshine Club...................................... 31 Tri-County Shrine Club......................... 15 Waldo County Shrine Club..................... 9 Washigton County Shrine Club............ 27 Wheelers.................................................. 4x4 Unit.................................................. 4 Support Your Anahgram Be a ”Booster” See page 6 Continued from page 3 If you aren’t attending the luncheon and would like to help, please leave your donation/item at the Shrine Office. Mark your item with the following: Helping Children/2013 Ladies Luncheon. Let’s help make dreams come true for Shrine Hospital patients! First Lady Peggy Ken Hanscom Jr. Reporter It is with great sadness that I write this month’s column. On March 15 Noble Tom Tash passed to that unseen Temple after a courageous battle with cancer. Tim had been a member of the 4x4 Unit for about two years and was a pleasure to be around. His great smile and that lime green 4x4 went great together. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Renee and family. Parades this year are Special Olympics on June 7th, Machias on the 13th, and Ceremonial in Newport on the 22nd. In July we have Winslow and Eastport on the 4th, St. Albans, Pittsfield, and Lincoln on the 20th. In August we will be at Dover on the 3rd and Dexter Field Days on the 10th. In September we will be at Harmony on the 2nd, and Ellsworth on the 14th. The Ellsworth parade is the Maine State Federation of fire fighters, and they asked all units to participate. Birthday wishes this month go to Jesse Patterson, and yes, this old Reporter is also a year older. Anniversaries this month are Paul and Rhonda Scott and Bob and Perlene Libby. If you ask me, these fine young ladies got taken advantage of. Would also like to welcome Gary and his wife Ramoa Sudsbury to the unit. He also has a birthday this month. His wife’s birthday was last month. I will give them a little time before I start picking on them. At our annual meeting Potentate Lee informed us that all motorized units must wear helmets, we also must have kill switches close at hand, doing this, Anah is trying to keep our insurance rate down. Blue Lodges that go dark in the summer have a lot of work to finish up and could use your help. If your Lodge does not go dark in the summer, then their work is just beginning, and could still use your help.. THE ANAHGRAM Monthly Messenger of Anah Shriners Bangor, Maine Office of Publication P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Telephone 207/942-2254 Fax 207/942-1994 Email: Website: Available by subscription $12.00 per year. EDITOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Gerald L. Harvey 586 Main Street, P.O. Box 735 Bangor, Maine 04402-0735 Tel. (H) 991-9708 Email: MAPA46@AOL.COM Fax: (H)-989-7931 DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Bob Hodgkins Home Tel: 938-3864 Cel: 341-0866 ASST. DIRECTOR PHOTO UNIT Dennis Bryant 1036 Ayers Jct. Road Charolette ME 04666 Home Tel: 454-3514 THE ANAHGRAM is published monthly.Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding publication unless advertised otherwise in the previous issue. THE ANAHGRAM reserves the right to accept or refuse any item for publication. ANAH’S DIVAN Illustrious Potentate F. Lee Kaufman Chief Rabban Thomas J. Clukey Assistant Chief Rabban Donald “Jesse” Thomas. High Priest & Prophet Donald Robert L. Turner Oriental Guide Stephen A. Trimm Treasurer. Julian S. White, Jr. Recorder Larry L. Hersom, P.P PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. God help the man won’t marry until he finds a perfect woman, and God help him still more if he finds her. MAY 2013 5 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE Caron Kilton, P.Q. Reporter Congratulations to all Ankh Temple Officers on their recent Installation. We have some new officers and some old officers in new positions. Our newly-installed Queen is Queen Teresa Potvin; other installed line officers are Princess Royal Peggyanne Kilton, Princess Tirzah Betty Trimm, and Princess Badoura Donna Wood. Moving over to Junior Past Queen is Jane Ritchie. The line of Daughters of the Nile is a fiveyear commitment. We welcome Pr. Donna Wood to that line. Pr. Donna, as well as the other ladies on the line, have been faithful attending and serving members since their initiation into the Temple. PQ Lorena Fenlason has succeeded PQ Beverly Polley as Pr. Banker and Pr. Susan Bowden has agreed to process the Papyrus, our monthly news bulletin for members. Plans are under way for a Ceremonial in May and also in July with our official visit from Supreme Queen. Fund-raising activities are commencing for the year which include ongoing projects and the annual golf tournament. Several Ladies are traveling to Texas for Supreme Session 2013, 100 years of Nile Texas Style, Grapevine, Texas, June 16-20. There are a week of activities planned for fun and fellowship, for training, a session and election of Supreme Officers for 2013-2014. There will be evenings of special evening performances by the many units. The Ankh Temple Swingers will be performing in their mighty fine Texan Cowgirl costumes. And finally, on Thursday evening, everyone waits in anticipation for the unique entrance of the Supreme Queen-elect and then the beautiful Installation ceremony of the Supreme Officers. If you wish to view the pageantry and Installation, pictures are usually posted quickly to the Daughters of the Nile web site. The Downeast Daughters Club has begun their year of activities with a “For the Kids” fair day in April. The day is as much fun for members as our guests. Children are entertained with crafts and games while their parents have the opportunity to shop at the White Elephant table, Vendor tables, Bake Table, & enter tickets for the many items of the Chinese Auction. The Club thanks the business of the Machias area for their generous donations. Ellsworth Builders Supply donated a picnic table for the raffle. Area restaurants, gift shops, grocery stores gave donations of gift cards or items making our day of working for the children a huge success. This year, there was a “Gift Tree” raffle containing gift cards and scratch off tickets. A youthful figure is something you get when you ask a woman her age. 6 ANAHGRAM BOOSTERS Dick & Laura Adams 8/13 Dean & Liz Alley 6/13 Richard Anderson 12/14 I M O Richard N. Averill 7/13 W. Robert Averill 6/14 I M O Dick Bagley P.P. 8/13 Neil E. Bishop 7/13 Albert “Bucky” & Norma Bishop 10/14 Phil & Sue Black 12/13 I M O David Blood 8/13 Blinn & Joan Boone 11/13 I M O John R. Bradford 11/13 Ms. Anna Bradford 11/13 Tom Breitweg 6/13 Fred & Jennifer Brown 3/14 Dave Bryant 1/14 Blair & Judy Bubar 5/13 Cyr Bus Co. 8/13 Gerald F. Carey 9/13 Dick & Kim Carlow 3/15 Charlie & Shirley Caron 2/14 Sam & Agnes Carr 12/14 I M O Dick Castner 9/13 Bob Chandler 9/13 I M O Arthur W. Chandler 9/13 Roger & Jean Chesley 1/13 Michael Clark 11/13 Andy Constantine 3/14 Dan & Lanci Costain 6/13 Sonny & Marilyn Crocker 3/14 I M O Norman P. Dalbeck 7/13 I M O Elmer C. Davis 6/13 June A. Davis 10/13 Lloyd Day 12/14 Larry Doughty 9/13 Mark Doughty 9/13 Tyler C. Dunning 9/13 Tim & Jean Dutch 3/14 I M O Dryden C. Dutch, P.P 8/14 I M O Orville “Obie” Edes 6/13 John & Robin Edes 6/13 I M O Ray S. Edwards 2/14 Wallace & Lorena Fenlason 7/13 Thomas & Carol Fernald 3/14 Jonh & Betty Fernald 3/14 Wes & Bonnie Ford 9/13 Pete & Carol Jean Forrest 11/13 Orlando Frati 9/13 I M O Hugo Frati 9/13 Clinton & Sandra Fulton 11/13 Paul & Diana Giles 4/13 Goody & Roz Gilman 6/13 Don & Gail Gordon 3/14 I M O Harry F. Gordon 10/13 Ralph & Phyllis Goss 8/14 Keith L. Gove 12/13 Andy & Rose Gove 1/14 Arthur & Violet Grant 5/13 Dwynal & Karen Grass 9/13 Ron & Carole Green 6/13 W. Louis & Judith Greenier II 9/14 Roger & Julie Grindle 1/14 Charles C.W. Hackney 8/13 I M O Edwin W. Hadley 11/13 I M O Jim Halkett 8/13 Ed & Bonnie Hamm 8/13 Gene & Pamela Hamm 6/13 I M O Elbridge M. Hamm, Sr. 6/13 Ken & Donna Hanscom, Jr. BOOSTER RATES One line (single name) $10 for 1 year One line (Mr. & Mrs.) $10 for 1 year If you would like your name and your Lady’s on seperate lines it is $10 for each name or a total of $20 for one year. Send check with name as it is to appear to: ANAHGRM BOOSTERS, c/o Jerry Harvey, Editor, 49 Clewleyville Road, Eddington ME 04428 I MO Bill Harmon, Sr. 9/13 I M O Charles E. Harmon 6/13 I M O Tom Harper 7/13 Obed & Faith Hart 1/15 Jerry & Lorraine Harvey 6/13 I M O Mike Haskell 6/13 Chet & Fay Hawkins 8/13 Richard P. Hawkins 9/14 Sheldon & Sandy Heath 3/14 Larry & Libby Hersom 6/13 I M O Richard Holt 3/15 Lloyd & Kassie Hopkins 10/13 I M O Ray K. Jack 12/13 F. Lee & Peggy Kaufman 6/13 I M O Harry Kearney 7/2013 Alton & Ellen Kenney 3/13 Norris & Barbara Kneeland 11/12 Bob & Rae Jean Knowles 11/13 Larry & Gail Larson 6/13 I MO Ernest “Bud” Larson 3/14 Charles & Selma Larson 11/13 Allen & Mary Lawrence 7/13 Gordon & Connie Lawrence 7/13 I M O Merritt Leavitt 3/14 I M O Frank Leighton 9/13 Skip Lenfest, Jr. 8/13 Skip Lenfest, Sr. 8/13 Bob & Perlene Libby 12/13 Janice & Elwood “Woody” Littlefield 12/13 Mike & Bonnie London 9/13 I M O Stanley Look 6/13 Robert & Sandi Look 6/13 Lee F. Lowery 9/14 I M O Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Lunt, Sr. P.P 6/13 Winston & Frances Mackay 8/2013 Roy Martin 9/13 I M O G. Urial Martin 6/14 Douglas A. & Donna McCafferty 8/13 Douglas K. & Candee McCafferty 8/13 I M O Edward Sr. & Evelyn McCafferty 8/13 I M O Terral A. McCafferty 8/13 Welman & Natalie McFarland 6/13 Allan & Lorraine McGown 11/13 Ed & Nancy McGraw 8/13 I M O Herschel K McIntosh 2/14 I M O Thomas J. McKinney 6/13 Jim & Mae Merrithew 11/13 Dick & Joan Meserve 8/13 I M O Fred P. Murray 12/13 Fred & Althea Newman 8/13 I M O William P. Newman 8/13 Harold & Connie Newman 12/14 Larry & Teresa Nichols 9/13 David O’Donnell 6/13 Bob “Boomer” & Julianna Palmer 5/14 Herman & Kate Peabody 7/13 Anah Photo Video Unit 1/14 Rod & Joyce Pinkham 8/13 Circus SpotlightCrew Presque Isle 6/13 I M O Bob Pushard, Sr. 8/13 Al & Charity Richards 11/13 Chuck & Sally Ridlon 9/13 Gary & Glenna Robbins 9/13 I M O Keith B. Roberts 9/13 I M O Ed Rogers 9/13 I M O Sumner Rogers 3/14 Larry & Donna Rowell 11/14 Heath & Karen Savage 9/13 Spike Savage 9/13Todd C. Scoville 6/14 YES! THE ANAHGRAM I M O Clifton R. Scoville 6/14 Marty & Joan Shaw11/13 I M O John Simpson 9/13 I M O Dorothy M. Sites 9/13 I M O Donald W. Small, Jr 6/13 Roger & Pat Smith 6/13 Sandy & Colleen Smith 6/13 I M O Ken Smith 2/14 Ed Snow 9/13 Ed & Gayle Sprague 3/15 Roger & Jan Stairs 6/13 Ken & Tina Stewart 11/13 Elliott & Joyce Tarbell 4/14 Daniel L. Tarr 9/13 I M O Betty L. Tarr 9/13 I M O Michael Tenedios 8/13 I M O Alexander Theodore 11/13 Jesse & Brenda Thomas 9/14 Paul & Joyce Thornton 12/13 Ronald Thornton 8/13 Inez & Reginald Toothaker 3/14 Alden & Pam Tracy 3/14 Steve & Betty Trimm 12/13 I M O Carroll E. Trimm 12/13 Bonnie & Bob Turner 4/14 Hank & Gloria Waldron 6/13 Dave & Leni Weaver 3/15 Mr. & Mrs. Bert Weed 11/13 Joel & Christie West 12/13 I M O Wayne Wheeler 9/13 Buddy & Caryll Wheeler 2/14 Rusty & Ethel Whitcomb 3/14 I M O Bob Whited 5/13 I M O Eugene “Bud”Whitney 12/13 I M O James S. Wiggin 3/14 Paul & Phyllis Wilbur 6/14 Lloyd & Jay Willey 8/20 Bob & Norma Winglass 6/13 Don & Felicia Wiswell 5/13 Duane “Div-it” & Karen Young 6/13 Have you noticed? The booster list is shrinking, Your participation would be greatly appreciated. Use the coupon below to support The Anahgram. DATES INDICATE LAST INSERTION Recruiting is a full time job Every Shriner should recruit at least 2 members in his lifetime. One to replace himself and one for the Shrine to grow on! I want to be an ANAHGRAM Booster for one year. Enclosed is my check in the amount of $_____Name(s) ___________________ If your Booster listing is omitted or incorrect please advise the editor. What this world needs is more character and fewer characters. MAY 2013 7 Who is it ??? The person in the April “Who is it” column was recognized as Noble Rusty Whitcomb. by P. P. Sonny Crocker. If you know this month’s person, or think you do, call Recorder P. P. Larry Hersom at 942.2254 or e-mail the Editor at MAPA46@AOL.COM. The first one to identify the person wins a free Booster listing for one year. The supply of pictures is low so if you have someone you would like to feature send it to the Editor by email or drop it at the Recorder’s office. This feature can only continue with your help!! Recruiting is a full time job Are you working? Noble Perry Fowler, /Reporter May is once again here and parade season is close. I have been doing the worst job at writing my little column for the NASCARS. I can only improve. The BIGGEST EVENT in the near future is the Ceremonial on June 20, 21, 22 and our NASCARS Timberland Acres Campground weekend JUNE 28, 29, 30. I know it is soon after Ceremonial weekend but the FUN is well worth another weekend of camping. This will be our third year at Timberland Acres. Last year had events that were new and amazing. I strongly recommend not missing this year, so call Timberland Acres and book a site for the weekend. Birthday greetings for May go to Tami Linscott, Meghan Page, Raife Rachon, Jessica Moore, Lorraine Klug, Michelle Miles, David Varnum, Greg Varnum, Katherine Varnum, Vincent McIntyre, Lisa McIntyre and a happy anniversary to Brian and Jan Linscott. Noble Daryl Briggs, Reporter Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club had its meeting on March 21, 2013. There were 31 Nobles, Divan members and guests pres- ent. The meeting was presided over by Vice President Dan Taylor. The Invocation was given by Recorder, Past Potentate Larry Hersom. Welcome to Shriner Galen Young who has moved from the West Coast to Bangor. He is a member of AFIFI Temple and will be joining Anah. The meal was smothered beef, mashed potato, carrots, pickled beets, rolls, and gingerbread with ice cream. The kitchen crew was Denny Smith, George Alley, and Yogi Seymour. Thanks again to everyone who helped with the meal. Past Potentates were represented by Larry Hersom (1986). The Divan was represented by Marshall Don Gordon, Recorder Larry Hersom and Oriental Guide Steve Trimm, Sr., High Priest & Profit Bob Turner, Assistant Chief Rabban Jessie Thomas, and Illustrious Potentate Lee Kaufman. No Secretary’s report as it is in the Anahgram. No Treasurer’s report. No old or new business. The 50/50 raffle of $68 was won by Noble Dean Hoke who donated half back to the Club. Thanks to Assistant Secretary Fred Brown for his help that night with dinner ticket sales and other duties. Illustrious Potentate Lee Kaufman reminded everyone that this year is the 50th continuous Shrine Circus in Bangor. He asked everyone to reach to people who could benefit from the Hospital Clinics on May 11 in Bangor and Ellsworth. The Annual Steak feed is on May 16. Plan to attend and bring a friend. Makes a great gift for every occasion The biggest job Congress has is how to get the money from the taxpayer without disturbing the voter. 8 THE ANAHGRAM Potentate F. Lee Kaufman “Officially” returns the Northeast Shrine Association Banner to NSA Secretary/Treasurer Guild “Bushie” Hill at the Mid-winter NSA Meetings in Cornwall Ontario. NSA Fall Field Days will be in Cornwall on September 19th through the 21st, 2013. ANAH BYLAWS Anah Shriners attending the Northeast Shrine Association Mid-winter meetings in Cornwall Ontario are (left to right) Gordon Smith, Chief Aide; Yogi Seymour, Housing Director; Bob Turner, High Priest and Prophet; Jesse thomas, Asst. Rabban; Potentate F. Lee Kaufman; Roger Grindle, 2nd Ceremonial Master; and Andy Constantine Director of the Temple. The suggested new bylaws have been updated to be more in line with the Imperial Shrine Bylaws. A copy of the new bylaws are available in the Record’s office for any Noble to review. The proposed new bylaws will be voted on at the Stated Meeting May 21, 2013. ANAH SHRINERS’ 2013 FUNDRAISER This year’s fundraiser is different from past events in that there are a variety of prizes. Instead of a car the prizes will be geared to the outdoor sports enthusiast. • GRAND PRIZE: Your choice of 2, 2012 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Motorcycle, 2013 Kawasaki Mule 610 4x4, 2013 Yamaha YFM 450 4X4 or 2010 New G3 Eagle 176 w/Yamaha 40 hp Motor and Trailer or $10,000 Cash •2nd prize: $1,000.00 •3rd prize is $500.00 TICKETS ARE ONLY $1.00 EACH Tickets may be purchased at the Recorder’s Office or from Club and Unit members. Drawing will be held at the Potentate’s Reception on Saturday, October 26, 2013 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions. A man likes a man best with a will of his own…made out in her name, of course. MAY 2013 9 Noble Ryan Otis, Reporter Greetings from the Waldo County Shrine Club. Our May 9th meeting will be a Ladies Night and will feature a catered dinner served buffet-style. The main course will be prime rib or seafood Newburgh. Try to RSVP to our secretary or President so we can get a headcount so we’ll have enough for everyone. Do you have your 100 token yet? See us on the 2nd Thursday of every month for more details. Summer is fast approaching which means our Summer Ceremonial is just around the corner. Hopefully you have all of your candidates ready for a great time in Newport. Have you paid your Shrine dues? Our great fraternity seems to be losing members for non-payment of dues. Check your dues card and make sure it says 2013. We have lots of opportunity to grow Anah in a positive direction, but we can’t get there if we can’t keep the members we have. Are you looking for something at Anah and can’t find it? Maybe it’s time to explore creating a unit or club with other like-minded Nobles and Masons. why Chief Steve Smith was reluctant to order an investigation of the two incidents. He owned up to the fact that he turned into the “Alligator” after partaking in too much humorous drink. His loud reptilian behavior brought about noise complaints from the neighbors. He also admitted to having agreed to help fix the filter in a swimming pool and then did the backstroke to get out of the deal. He said the water was too cold. The pool was heated. As it turned out, this Reporter’s wife, Candy, completed the task. A real cold reality check for Chief Smith. As Inspector Mason and Chief of Detectives Clarke said, Kops, this case is closed. Now let’s move to the lighter side. Last month’s question was: What did the DRation, introduced in 1937, consist of? Answer: The Hershey’s Secret Weapon! Hershey’ s was approached to create a per- fect indestructible candy. The bar had to fit in a pocket, have enough nourishment to keep troops going, and be capable of withstanding extremely warm temperatures without melting. But most importantly, the chocolate couldn’t taste very good. Hershey’s answered the call with the D-Ration. A chocolate bar that was so hard that soldiers risked breaking teeth by biting it and were treated to a blast of bitterness should they crack into the center. It also played havoc on troops digestive tracts, earning the nickname “Hilter’s secret weapon”. This month’s question is in keeping with the subject of candy… How did Forrest Mars come with idea for M&M’s? Time has come to close the “Blotter” for this month and to remember, “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS”. Noble Fred Beylerian Reporter Today is April Fools’ Day also known as All Fools’ Day. We were fooled into thinking the weather would be sunny and warm and it’s rainy and cold. So, we are All Fools’ for believing the weatherman. Schedule of coming events: Keystone Kops Annual Golf Tournament is May 19, 2013, at Hermon Meadow. BangorBrewer Shrine Club Steak Feed Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. Special Olympics Parade, Friday, June 7, 2013 at 6:00 P.M. There are several more possible parade and steak feed dates being considered and as soon they are confirmed the dates will be reported. Birthday wishes for the month of May… there are none. Wedding Anniversaries: There is one, congratulations to Steve and Jackie Jones and may you have many more. Inspector Mason and Chief of Detectives Clarke were called into action to solve the “The Alligator and The Swimming Pool Incidents”. During initial interviews Inspector Mason and Chief of Detectives Clarke uncovered the reason There are many wrong way of doing a right thing; but there never was a right way of doing a wrong thing. 10 DIRECTORS STAFF Noble Dave Weaver Reporter Just when I think we have crawled out from under the blanket of winter, we seem to get blindsided by another blast of crap. Mike and I attended the HCSC Ladies Night last night in Ellsworth, very happy to be riding in my Town Car, and we were talking about how the weather seemed to have straightened out and the roads have started to lie back down. Then I wake up this morning and the ground is white. What a mess!! Oh well. I’ve always said if we could take the last week of March and the first two weeks of April out of the calendar we wouldn’t miss a thing. Is there anywhere else on Earth where you can stand in mud up to your ankles and have dust blowing in your eyes? Not too much going on with the Directors Staff lately. We joined the Bangor-Brewer Club for a joint meeting on April 18th. Circus assignments were discussed and the June Ceremonial assignments were also discussed. Again I had to get my information about the meeting secondhand, as my wife Leni and myself, along with 50 other Nobles and guests, were accompanying our Potentate Lee and Lady Peggy on their music city tour to New Orleans, Memphis and Nashville. I will write more about that next month. By the time this is published in the May Anahgram Shrine activity will have picked up on April 26, 27, and 28th with our Bangor Circus. This is ANAH’s biggest fundraiser and requires a lot of man- power. Ushering, selling trinkets and tickets and loading and unloading attendees, directing traffic, finding lost kids, making cotton candy and anything else that needs doing is always in big demand. If all Nobles could find time to come and work just one show that would help a lot. Just show up at the front door and someone there will find you a job. If you can’t help in Bangor you will have another chance in Presque Isle on May 2,3, and 4. After the Circus on May 11 come the Screening Clinics. All seven of the clinics will be held from 10 AM until noon on that THE ANAHGRAM Saturday. I have been quite instrumental in starting up a new clinic location in Ellsworth. Maine Coast Memorial Hospital is really on board with this. As most of you know these clinics are held each year to try to reach more prospective patients for our hospitals so let’s all make an extra effort to try and find some kids with orthopedic problems so that our hospitals can work their magic. That’s it for this month. Be good to one another and attend your Blue Lodge. That is where new Nobles come from! NEWS From SHRINERS BOSTON BURNS HOSPITAL Provided By Boston Hospital Board Member Bob Turner and G. Dean Hoke Associate Board Member Your Giving Makes a Difference The Shrine Fraternity has supported Shriners Hospitals for Children® since 1922. As Shriners, you have been there for patients and families from the very start. Saving children and changing the impossible to the possible; from aiding children with the crippling Polio disease to the present day of saving the lives of children who have been tragically burned. We are grateful to you all! Give the greatest gift of all; the gift of life for children at Shriners Hospitals for Children —Boston … It’s like no other in the world. Annual Giving Program By making an annual gift to Shriners Hospitals for Children, you help ensure expert medical care, research and medical education will be provided to children today and in the future. Give In Honor/ Memory Donation A charitable gift is a wonderful way to honor a loved one. Give a Legacy of HOPE When you think of leaving your philanthropic legacy, you search for a cause that is dear to your heart, where you know you can truly make a difference. Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston offers a remarkable philanthropic opportunity to give new health and new hope to children now and in the future. Wills and Bequests Bequests under wills may reduce estate taxes; Life Estate Agreements; Gifts of Life Insurance; Shriners Hospitals for Children can be designated as the irrevocable beneficiary and owner of an insurance policy. Charitable Gift Annuity (if permitted in your state) This is a method of giving which provides the donor (and a second beneficiary, if desired) with a fixed income for life. Charitable Remainder Trusts Receive tax savings and generate income for you and your family. For more in formation on how you can support Shriners — Boston contact Susan Berkowitz, Director of Development, Shriners Hospitals for Children — Boston, 617-371-4746 or e-mail A certain man reports that his wife does bird imitations – she watches him like a hawk. MAY 2013 11 Noble Fred Patterson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies. I know that March of 2012 was in the 80s but this weather we have been having makes everyone feel like we are still in winter. I certainly hope that changes around real soon. The Second Section held our monthly meeting at the Shrine Center with a pretty good showing of Nobles in attendance. Illustrious Potentate Lee Kaufman was in attendance, albeit, around 11 minutes late, but who’s counting. Oh that’s right, I guess I am. As I always say, if you don’t want something reported or posted, be careful of what you do or say at our meetings!! Potentate Lee was great about the ribbing that went on and we were glad to have him in attendance. The 2013 Anah Shrine Circus will be over by this publication. More to follow next month on that event. When everyone receives this article, the June Ceremonial is about a month and a half away. As always we should be in line for a great time. It’s my understanding that the Second Section will be held at Nokomis High School and accommodations are being made to make it easier for us to set up for our work while the First Section is doing their work. As of this publication, there are still rooms available in the Newport area and there are some sites left at the campgrounds around to house those who need it. With regard to the Ceremonial, as everyone should know by now we will be adjusting how that all goes with regard to the Second Section. Meetings of everyone involved will be required so we can pull this off without a hitch. Director Adam Beals and Lady Jaime along with myself and Lady Monica will be attending the 2013 Shrine Directors Association in Knoxville, Tennessee to compete in a stunt competition in hopes to bring back a cash prize for our work. It’s my opinion that you learn a lot about a person when you hang out with them. With the stunt that Director Beals came up with for our inclusion in the competition, I’m not sure about how stable our Director really is!! For those of you who know our Director, you will know what I mean. We all look forward to our trip and hope to bring back some great ideas for the unit. Has everyone seen the shows that are coming to town in 2013 on the Waterfront? As we will be losing our large parking lot for the concerts, we are looking into a better location as we speak and we are in hopes to secure that in the coming weeks as the concerts are right around the corner. Second Assistant Director Tom Breitweg or Noble Mike Gray will be contacting people to help with the parking for these concerts. Ladies are more than welcome to join in on this fundraiser. For anyone 191 E. Main Street, DoverFoxcroft, ME 04426 Proud Supporters of the Anah Shriners Now with 3 Locations in the Bangor Area! Christmas Tree Shops Plaza 52 Springer Drive 947-9674 Broadway Shopping Center 609 Broadway 942-3146 Hampden 57 Western Avenue 862-2211 Ashland • Bangor • Caribou • Eagle Lake • Easton • Fort Fairfield • Hampden • Houlton Island Falls • Limestone • Mars Hill • Oakfield • Patten • Presque Isle • Van Buren • Washburn reading this article, look us up when you need parking for the concerts you may be going to and help us out. The Second Sections fourth annual Noble of the Year party is set for October 5th at the Shrine Center. The recipient of the honor this year is the Chief Rabban, Tom Clukey. Noble Clukey has been a very active member of Anah for many years and is very deserving of this honor. This party has been an awesome time for the past three years and with this year’s recipient it is sure to be a heck of a time. Stay tuned for further information in upcoming Anahgrams. It was great to see Noble Bill MacGlaughlin at our April meeting and he seems to be doing great in his recovery. He and Lady Donna are well on their way to recovery from their stays in the hospital within the last couple of months. Great to see you at the meeting Bill. The Second Section wishes Noble Doug Hardison a quick recovery from a horse riding mishap he had while on vacation awhile ago. Hope you have a quick recovery. Congratulations to Noble Krayton Allen as he was the big winner of our 50/50 drawing at the April meeting. I’m sure Krayton will buy Lady Carol something nice with his new windfall!! With the summer months rolling around the corner the unit looks forward to seeing the snowbirds as they return from their winter “vacations”. Some of you honorary Nobles should make a point to make it to a meeting; we would love to see you at one of our meetings before you make the trip back to Florida in the fall. May birthday wishes go out to Ladies Trisha Clark, Donna Kitchen, Lois Overlock and Marge Severence and Nobles Adam Beals, Sherwell Littlefield, Greg Patterson, Glen Sherman. May anniversary wishes go out to Chad & Susan Cirard, Paul & Carol Cirard, Jim & Dianne Dunn, Jerry & Denise Hayes, Joe & Donna Kitchen, Jason & Jessica Snowdeal, Dana & Sherry Wardwell and Harland & Carol Williamson. Our next scheduled meeting will be held Friday, May 3, 2013 at the Shrine Center which will be a Ladies Night. Followed by our June meeting on June 7th where the final preparations for the Ceremonial will be completed. Attendance is important at this meeting to make sure everyone knows what to expect at the Ceremonial. A lot will be discussed and everyone should try to attend. The June meeting is our last meeting for the summer and we will resume meetings in September. Until next time, think membership and the Ceremonial. Remember: Be a “Top line signer” for 3 candidates and you earn an Anah Shrine Watch. About the only extravagance most people hate to admit is their mania to spend money on themselves. 12 THE ANAHGRAM CLOWNS Noble John “Flip-Flop” Kidder, It should already be spring, but winter seems reluctant to leave. I guess we’ll just have to be patient a little bit longer. Requests for Clown appearances at various community events are pouring into the unit so it looks like it will be a busy spring and summer. At our unit meeting on March 15 we approved with regret Eddie (EC the Clown) Herbest’s request for Emeritus Clown status. Eddie and Linda are wonderful people who have done a lot for the unit over the years. I’m sure that they will be spending more time with their granddaughter Brooke. Stay well and we will miss you both! Clown Casino Night was held on March 16 and even though attendance was a little less than previous years, people still had a ton of fun. We saw a lot of familiar faces and a lot of new faces as well. Past Potentate and Honorary Clown Norris “Pinkie” Nickerson and our Divan Rep Don Gordon certainly rolled up their sleeves and helped out. They both joined the fun with Norris sporting a long pink wig and Don wearing Piggy’s grey afro Clown wig. Congratulations to the entire unit on a job well done and especially to Spiffy for chairing the event and to Jappo and the kitchen crew for delicious food. Clowns invaded Portland on the weekend of March 22 for the first annual Northeast Klown Fest hosted by Anah and Kora Clowns and held at the Maine Mall. This event was conceived and brought to life by Dave (Busta) Denis with a Board of Directors comprised of Piggy, Petals, and Wow-e from Anah and Dusty, Turkey Lips, Kracker, and Speckles from Kora. Boss Clowns Piggy from Anah, Robo from Kora, and Moochie from the County Klowns capably represented their Shrine Centers. We were very honored that Past ISCA President Ernie (Rollo) Pearlstein of Aleppo Shrine Center, a very accomplished clown and Shriner, made the trip to join the fun and merriment. Kora Potentate Everett Kaherl and members of his Divan attended. Media coverage and online streaming throughout the day on Saturday was provided by WMPG 90.9 FM. Approximately 25 clowns participated in working clown, balloon twisting, and skit competitions to the delight of mall patrons of all ages. Many of the clowns who participated had many years of clowning experience, but this event is designed for clowns of all skill levels and experience. Competition winners included: Single Balloons 1st -Diggah Anah, 2nd-Patches Anah, 3rd-Robo Kora; Multiple Balloons 1st-Patches Anah, 2nd-Gizmo Anah, 3rdDingles Kora; Single Clown Skits 1stPatches Anah, 2nd-Lugnut Kora; Two Clown Skits 1st-Robo and Lugnut Kora, 2nd-Dingles and Kracker Kora; Group Skit 1st-Kora; People’s Choice for Working Clown Award 1st-Lugnut Kora, 2ndGizmo Anah, 3rd-Harley D Kora. The Double Tree Hotel across from the Maine Mall provided comfortable accommodations for the event. Everyone had a wonderful time and can’t wait for next year’s Fest to be held on the weekend of March 28, 2014. For more information, please check out or On March 23, Shamrock, a very charitable clown in our unit, did what he does so well - - organize and participate in a fundraiser in Lincolnville for a first responder battling leukemia. Over 400 people attended and over $30,000 was raised. Shamrock solo clowned at this event where he twisted balloons, entertained the children, and raised $150 in donations to “pie” the Lincolnville Fire Chief. Great work, Shamrock! Three events in a single day happened on March 30. Clowns at Circus Kickoff at Bangor Mall included Piggy, Spiffy, Scooter who did a clown makeup demo, Sluggah, TC Trashcan, Gizmo, Coota, Babycakes, Shamrock, Crash, Jappo, Iggy, and Div-It. Clowns at Home Depot Children’s Workshop included Fou, Iggy, Jappo, Div-It, Babycakes, and TC. Clowns at Family Fun Lanes in Bangor for the Pathfinders Bowling Benefit included Div-It, Crash, Piggy, Sluggah, and TC. An April Fools Day Tip-A-Clown event at Texas Roadhouse to benefit the International Shrine Clown Association (ISCA) Red Sneaker Fund for Burns Research raised nearly $560. Jappo, Pooch, TC Alimony is like paying installments on the car after the wreck. Continued on page 31 MAY 2013 13 Noble Harold Adams, Reporter Our meeting on April 2 was a good one, ten members were present as well as our Divan Rep Noble Don Gordon, and Potentate Lee Kaufman. The treasurers report was read, and then we turn to discussing, of coarse, the Circus’s. As you probably know this will be the last time the Shrine Circus will be in the Bangor Auditorium. Any and all of you that can help out during the three days, any time, will be appreciated. Hope to see you there. We have the Special Olympics coming up Friday June 7, and the Ceremonial Saturday, June 22. The word is that the parade route in Newport will be fairly short, shorter than we usually do, and only one small hill. Hurrah. One Anah Function we haven’t had for a while, Dexter Field Days on Saturday, August 10, the route is not the same as the last time we were there, easier I hope. The 50/50 drawing had no winner this month, then the meeting was adjourned. One couple will celebrate their anniversary this month, and the happy couple is Noble Randy and Lady Chrystal Adams. Congratulations to you both. See you at the Circus, either one of them. Until next time, be safe. Noble Ron Biliancia, Reporter Hello Fellow Academicians, Congratulations to Galen Swan who has been elected as our newest Honorary Lifetime Member. Thanks very much to him for his many years of service to our unit. Welcome to Scott Hoyle from Lakeview Plantation who is our newest member and will be in the Technicians Section. Welcome also to his Lady Maggie. If you still haven’t paid your 2013 dues, checks for ten dollars are to be made out to Anah Academicians and sent to Anah Academicians C/O Ron Bilancia 59 Allison Park, Brewer, ME 04412. The next unit meeting will be Wednesday, May 29th at Happy China Buffet on Stillwater Avenue in Bangor. We especially welcome those who we haven’t seen in a while. All members are greatly valued and always welcome. Just come on ahead. Ladies, kids, grandkids, other relatives, friends, etc. are also always welcome to accompany you. Our Director Steve Mosley has been working on updating our personal infor- mation roster. If you have not yet been contacted and have changes we need to make in any of your contact information, please let us know. You can contact me directly. We would especially like to have updated phone numbers and email addresses. If you are not on the email list and haven’t been receiving unit emails, please send me your email address, and I’ll get you aboard. The March 27th meeting at Happy China was a success with 35 members and Ladies in attendance. It was great to see our Divan Rep. and now Potentate Lee Kaufman and Lady Peggy at our meeting. Lee had several important announcements including the 2013 Anah Shriners Raffle. This year there are several prizes including various motorcycle and ATV vehicles or large cash prizes. Tickets are only a buck a piece, and the unit gets a quarter for each ticket sold. (Make sure to write “Academicians” on the stubs returned to the Recorder’s office.) If anyone would like some tickets to buy or sell, you can get them at the Recorder’s office, or notify any of our unit officers and we’ll get you in touch with someone who can get you tickets. As of yet we have not had the Circus, so more on that next time. The June ceremonial in Newport is coming up right up. If you would like to be involved but don’t have a definite plan or haven’t been contacted, please contact your Section Master or any of the governing officers, and we’ll get you set up. This summer there is a big state Firefighter’s Association Convention and parade in Ellsworth in which Anah Shriners units will also be involved. Please stay tuned as more information will be forthcoming about putting together a group from our unit to participate in this parade. The Firefighters have had this in Ellsworth before. Some will remember when they did it in 1975 and had the two lead actors, Kevin Tighe and Randolph Mantooth, from the TV show “Emergency” in the parade. I was at that parade as a young kid and remember it well. Have a great May everyone. And, as always, don’t hesitate to contact me at 9892617 or with any news, comments, concerns, gossip, jokes, outright lies, or just plain old complete and utter nonsense that you would like to generously share with our Nobles, Ladies, and Anah Shrinedom in general. HOUSING RESERVATION FORM ANAH SHRINERS JUNE CEREMONIAL To Be Held in Newport JUNE 21 & 22, 2013 HOTELS: Lovely’s Motel Newport Holiday Inn Bangor NAME _____________________________________ ADDRESS _________________ CITY/TOWN _______________________ ZIP ___________ STATE _____________ Phone No. _______________ Special requests ________________________________ Arrival Thursday o Friday o Saturdayo Lovely’s Motel Room Rate$57.00 plus tax/Room deposit $60.00 required Holiday Inn Bangor Room Rate $129.00 plus tax Room deposit $130.00 required “ANAH WILL RUN A BUS FROM HOLIDAY INN BANGOR TO NEWPORT” HOTEL CHOICE: LOVELYS MOTEL___HOLIDAY INN___ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ANAH SHRINERS HOUSING OR ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED CREDIT CARD #____________________________________________EXP________ ALL ROOMS ARE ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS MAIL RESERVATIONS TO: EARL“YOGI”SEYMOUR 17 ASPEN WAY BREWER, ME.04412 ANAH CAMPERS PLEASE CONTACT: LYMAN BLYTHER TEL: 321-693-5717 FOR RESERVATIONS Fact: You can’t reduce by just talking about it; you’ve got to keep your mouth shut. 14 THE ANAHGRAM Everyone is invited to An Island Party Saturday, May 18 At The ANAH SHRINE CENTER Celebrate Winter’s End with Anah’s Potentate Lee and Lady Peggy • $15.00 Per Person • Social hour 5 to 6 p.m. • Catered Buffet – “Jimmy Buffett-Style” • DJ for Dancing • Casual Attire (No Fez) • Bussing Provided - Check • Tickets available at the Recorder’s Office s fre Re r Ba t th a elf urs o hy iki eT Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions Talent is wanting something bad enough to work for it. MAY 2013 15 Tri-County Shrine Club held their monthly meeting on the 20th of March at the Dexter Club. The 21 Nobles in attendance enjoyed a fine Steak Suppah served by the crew made up of Nobles Blake, Costain, Green and the Steak Master Steve Hartley. After a Libation Hour under the direction of “Cootah” Watson, the meeting was called to order by Vice President Costain. President Dulac is STILL in sunny Florida. Invocation was given by Ambassador to Al Aska Shriners, Jerry Lewis’ Flag Salute was led by Noble Marty Taylor. Officers of Tri-County present were VP Costain, Treasurer Taylor and Sec. Mosley. Speaker for the evening was Matt Dunlap, who gave a very interesting talk about fishing and the great outdoors. Unit Heads that graced us with their presence were Arthur Herbest of the Flag Unit and Bob Hodgkins of the Photo Unit. Aide Emeritus in attendance was Ron Green. Members of the Directors Staff were Keith Dewitt and Dan Costain. Representing the Divan was Illustrious Potentate of Anah Shrine F. Lee Kaufman. Winner of the 50-50 was Noble Conrad Rollins. Potentate Lee talked about events coming up in Anah Land. The P:resque Isle Circus is coming. ALL HANDS ARE NEEDED ON DECK TO MAKE THIS EVENT A SUCCESSFUL ONE. THIS WILL BE THE LAST CIRCUS IN THE PRESENT BANGOR AUDITORIUM, ALSO ANAH’S 50TH CONSECUTIVE CIRCUS IN THIS FINE OLD BUILDING. The June Ceremonial will be in Newport on the third weekend in June. CANDIDATES ARE NEEDED TO MAKE THIS A GREAT WEEKEND. On August 10th, there will be an Anah Field Day in Dexter. Tri-County will not be hosting a Summer Bash this year, please turn out for the Field Day. No further business, meeting was closed by VP Costain. JUST THINK OF THE CLASS OF CANDIDATES WE COULD HAVE, IF EVERY NOBLE HAD A CANDIDATE FOR THE JUNE CEREMONIAL! Glad to hear that Chief Rabban Tom Clukey is on the mend and doing well. ALWAYS SUPPORT YOUR BLUE LODGE. WITHOUT THEM, WE WOULDN’T HAVE SHRINERS. ANAH’S JUNE CEREMONIAL MEN’S GOLF OUTING N I A R R O NE SHI Palmyra Golf Course Friday, June 21st ON 1PL 44LY AYE R S Palmyra Golf & RV Resort Palmyra, ME $55 Per Player, Includes 18 Holes, Golf Cart, Gift & Lunch Trophies for 1st Net and 1st Gross Registration: 8am Shotgun Start: 9am Sign on Tee $75 Call 944-3554 For More Information Deadline is June 14th REGIsTRATION FORM Name ________________________________________________Phone _____________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ Player#1 ____________________________________________Handicap ____________________ Player#2 ____________________________________________Handicap ____________________ Player#3 ____________________________________________Handicap ____________________ Player#4 ____________________________________________Handicap ____________________ Please make checks payable to Anah Ceremonial Golf Outing Mail to: Steve Trimm • 43 Starlight Dr • Eddington, ME 04428 Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Anah Shriners and donations are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Some people are like blotters, they soak up a lot, but get it all backwards 16 THE ANAHGRAM 100 CANDIDATES WANTED HONORING Fred Lunt, Jr. Potentate 2005 Hear Ye ! ! ! ANAH SH NE 20 ian AY, JU t at Merid .m. D S R THU urnamen 30 p To ort 6: p e g w a e b N • Crib or Lodge Splend per person E 21 $10.00 t at Y, JUN Tournamen on. A D I R s F er per ’s Golf . Men b. $55.00 P ament at m . a 0 n • 9:0 ra Golf Clu Golf Tour sfield t Palmy a.m. Ladies ourse in Pit n at Seio C 0 t 0 lf a : r o t 9 • arks G . . Regis J. W. Pto 6:00 p.m egion C.of CHour at R l 0 0 y ia : c e 1 et ll o • .m. S er Stre ook Va bastic to 7:00 p rea on Wat BBQ at • 6:00 an Legion A . Chicken E Americ to 8:00p.m rea o BIG • 7:00 an Legion Am. Dance t nter . Americ to 11:00 p port Rec. Ce 0 w 0 e : N • 8 unt) at 2 (Eric L UNE 2 able DAY, J akfast avail ort R U T SA . Bre Newp :00 a.m dor Lodge, tors Staff, 9 o t 0 n • 6:0 idian Sple ates, Direc okomis N at Mer a.m. Candid n report to a 0 iv 3 : D 7 e• rs and ool n at S Greete al High Sch . Registratio n Regio - 10:00 a.m l C of C to 0 • 8:0 ok Regionaesentations o r ic p t s it n ba a.m. U • 9:00 *Tickets must be purchased by June 14. Some adjustments may be made to scheduled activities. VISA and MASTERCARD May be used at the Recorder’s Office In Newport J Bussing will be provided Friday from 4:00 Bussing will be provided on Saturday star See schedule on the Anah Web Site or in ATTENTION SPONS Please make sure your candidates are Candidates Ladies are to be guests cheon on Saturday. Candidates and their Ladies will be Feast TICKET Thursday – Cribbage Tournament $10 Friday – Men’s and Ladie’s Golf $55. Friday - Chicken Dinner $18.00* Saturday - Ladies Luncheon $18.00* Saturday – Feast: Choice of Steak Din Nobles - Be a “Top-Line Signer” for 3 candidates and you will earn an Anah watch * TICKETS MUST BE MAY 2013 17 100 CANDIDATES WANTED F. Lee Kaufman Potentate 2013 Hear Ye ! ! ! HRINERS SATURD AY, JUN E June 21 and 22 0 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. for dinner and dancing. rting at 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. for all functions. the June Issue of THE ANAHGRAM SORS OF CANDIDATES: e aware of all activities available to them. of First Lady Peggy at the Ladies Lunguests of Potentate Lee at the Saturday- 22 (CON TINUED Nobles ) and New • 9:30 a C a n didates .m. Tem gional H ple open s at Nok • 10:00 igh School omis Re a gree wo .m. Temple op ens for rk and 2 • 11:30 S n h d rine deSecti a tin’s Chu .m. Ladies Lun on at NRHS c rc h h e on at St. in Palmy • 12:30 ra (B Ma p Kanteen .m. Lunch at N ussing provide rd) R U HS prov • 1:00 p nit ided by .m . Parade Electric line S • 2:00 p upply on Main up- near Gilm .m. Para an S • 5:30 to de Step treet. s 6 :3 o ff 0 p .m. Socia Legion A l Hour a • 6:30 rea t Americ p.m. Lo an America bster or n S L te e g a io k n Area* 8:00 to Dinner 1 at the New 1 Dance to Ro c port Rec king Ro n’s and . Center at SUNDA Y JUNE 23 T Hope a hanks for Co ll had a ming Have a great time in N safe Trip ewport home T PRICING: 0.00 per person .00 per person, includes cart and lunch. nner $20.00* or Lobster Dinner $30.00* PURCHASED BY JUNE14 See map of parade route on page 1 Nobles - Be a “Top-Line Signer” for 3 candidates and you will earn an Anah watch 18 THE ANAHGRAM PHOTO UNIT Noble Bob Hodgkins Reporter When you read this the Circus will be over. Thanks to all who helped at Bangor & Presque Isle. From the Secretary: Check to see if you have paid your dues to the unit. From the Director: Thanks for all you did last month. Lloyd and the Director attended the TriCounty meeting in March in Dexter. Not much from here as I have not heard from many members. That is all from the cold downtown Hartland. Later, the Flashbulb Noble Lyman Blyther, Reporter Well, spring is here, although winter doesn’t seem to want to leave the north. Soon we will be planning our summer camping trips. Since this article is for the May Anahgram, I won’t repeat the contact information for our spring get-together at Narrows Too in Trenton. We received some information regarding the Northeast Camel Caravan. I have already emailed this to those whom I have on my email list. The Caravan was formed to promote fellowship among members of the Shrine who enjoy camping. Membership is open to any Noble, and his family, in good standing in a Northeast Shrine Center. They currently have members from Aleppo, Bektash and Kora Shrine Centers and would welcome newcomers. Membership dues are $5.00 per year. This year’s Annual Meeting is May 31-June2 at Bayley’s Camping Resort, 52 Ross Road, in Scarborough, ME (207-883-6043). It will include campfires, pot luck breakfast and dinner, and a Chinese Auction. Cost is $30 per night plus tax for full hookup. Contact them directly and mention you are with the Camel Caravan. For more information, please call Noble Fred Simmons at 603-475-7410 or email For June Ceremonial, in addition to Palmyra Campground (207-938-5677), we also have been offered an opportunity to dry camp at no charge. It is within walking distance to the Shrine activities that weekend. Call Tom Breitweg at 207-4168267 for details. The NASCARS are having a fundraising weekend with a NASCAR theme at Timberland Campground in Trenton on June 28-30. There should be an ad in this month’s (May) Anahgram with more information. If any Kamper would like to attend, contact Debbie at Timberland (207-667-3600) or and tell them you are with the Shrine. Remember to mark your calendar for the Blueberry Festival in Machias August 1618. Our Fall Business Meeting will be at Balsam Woods Campground in Abbott the weekend of September 13-15. The rate is $35 plus tax for full hookup (which includes cable television this time). They will reserve a block of sites through July 15th. You need to make your own reservations. If you make reservations after July 15th, it will be on a site available basis. Their phone number is 207-876-2731 and let Matt or Jamie know you are with the Anah Kampers. On a more serious note, we have at least 27% of our membership in arrears on their dues, several over two years. Dues can be sent to Don Wiswell 93 River Road, Or- rington, ME 04474. If you have questions if or how much you owe, Don’s phone is 207-989-6828 and his email is If you no longer camp and do not wish to be a member, please let Don know so he can remove you from his list. May birthdays are: Cindy Blyther, Lyman Blyther, Sandra Fulton, Rose Mondville, Doug Monson, Phyllis Watson, Ronald Watson, and Amy Wood. May anniversaries are: Mike & Maria Bagley, Clinton & Sandra Fulton, Ken & Bonnie Whitney, and Tom & Duffy Woods. Any news, errors or omissions, please email me at There is still time to buy an Anah calendar for yourself or as a gift. Drawings every week. Cost is only $20.00 - $15,425 in total prizes to be paid out. Reverse mortgages Reverse mortgages Rae Ann Rice Reverse mortgages for seniors 62 or older Home Mortgage Consultant for seniors for seniors 62 or older 62 or older NMLSR ID: 419094 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Calltoday today for more information. Call today for more information. forPl,more 1Call Cumberland Suiteinformation. 214 Rae Ann Rice Rae Ann Rice Bangor, MERice 04401 Rae Ann Tel: 207 262 5218Place, 1 Cumberland Cumberland Place, 11Cumberland #214#214 Place, #214 Fax: 877 302 081704401 Bangor, Maine 04401 Bangor, Maine Bangor, Maine 04401 Cell: 207 974 8996 207-974-8996 207-974-8996 207-974-8996 Toll Free: 800 318 3182 Ext. 5218 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage isAll a division of is Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2010 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. rights reserved. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2010 WellsN.A. Fargo Bank, N.A.Fargo All rights reserved. AS360980 8/10-8/11 © 2010 Wells Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. AS360980 8/10-8/11 I would rather be able to appreciate things I cannot have than to have things I cannot appreciate.. MAY 2013 19 The March 6th meeting was held at Pat’s Pizza with 29 members present. The meeting was called to order by President Tyler Dunning. Old and new business was discussed. Potentate Lee Kaufman was on hand to give us an update for the coming year. Winner of the raffle was Joe Marshall. The meeting adjourned at 7:00. It was voted to have Ladies Night at Pat’s Pizza on April 2nd. It was a huge success with over 50 people in attendance. I had an opportunity to sit next to Carole Simpson, wife of Past Potentate Geddes Simpson. She asked me not to write anything about her, so I told her I’d be a gentleman and keep my mouth shut. There was a nice presentation of the Daughters of the Nile and Love for Children Tour by Harold and Bev Polley. The ladies received flowers to take home. By the end of the evening some of the ladies were talking to Lady Penny Fernald regarding another Ladies Night. Apparently all enjoyed the evening. Bruce Cameron was the grand prize winner of the fuel raffle. The May meeting will be at Pat’s Pizza on the 7th. P.S. Everyone - write this date on your calendar: June 13th Annual Lobster Feed at Howard Heath’s in Penobscot. Remember, bring a fellow Mason or Shriner and have a good time. Now for the news that nobody wants to hear or cares about. Noble Wayne Butler and Lady Phyllis are the owners of a new Kawasaki side-by-side. I’m not sure if they said it is yellow or camouflage, so I’m headed to Sullivan to check it out. Past Potentate had problems from dropping some wood on his foot. Also heard that Geddes Simpson has been using his wife’s car lately. I guess he’s trying to save mileage on his car. Tom Fernald has been in Florida for two weeks visiting friends. I thought he was going back to Cuba for more cigars. Chuck Bucklin is building a new storage building. Steve and Wanda Fernald will be vacationing in Myrtle Beach shortly. Also heard he has been redoing the master bedroom at camp. P.S. I wonder why he is starting this project so late in life. I would like to thank Past Potentate John Fernald for re-filling my pickle jar. We extend our sympathy to the family of Wesley Rolfe who passed away recently. Wesley was a long-time member and Past Captain of the Lobster Boat Unit. Get well wishes go out to Donnie Wright and we wish him a speedy recovery. Remember, every member just received a letter from Secretary Joe Marshall. Please fill it out and send it back to him. The Shrine Club is still thinking seriously about a degree team. If interested, get in touch with Joe Marshall at 667-2544. His e-mail address is joe@mjmarshallarts. com. Gun raffle winners: Luke Hutchins, Clayton Joyce, Mark Sargent, Richard Stubbs, George Sealey, Rick Sprague, Darren Nason, John Harkins, Bob Berry, David DeWitt, Greg Dunbar, Chuck Grindle, Lawrence Lord, Scott Harper, Sonny Crocker, Billy Mullis, Gleason Allen, Vincent Abbott, Michael Smith, Justin Gray, Tee Trundy, Herb Gordon, Bruce Olsen, Trish Nolan, Chris Chipman, Dencie(?) McEnroe, Ronald Hardison, E.J. Young, Scott Lally, Tracey Gray, and Kerne Roberts. Those celebrating birthdays are Earl Tracy, Wilbert Terry, Ellen Duff, Carole Simpson, Ronald Gross, Don McHenan, Edwin Colburn, Linda Ballard, Mike Madore, Julie Fernald, Larry Wasson, Randy Sawyer, Linda Tracy, and Harold Crocker. Honeymooners are Richard and Mae Landesman, Richard and Gladys Leighton, Barry and Ginny Hamilton, and Geddes and Carole Simpson. Ceremonial Event CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT KAUFMAN MOTORS All Nobles, Ladies and guests are invited to play Thursday June 20, 2013 At 6:30p.m. At Meridian Splendor Lodge, Rte. 7- North Mooshead Trail Newport Get your partner for four-handed cribbage! $10.00 per person CASH PRIZES Used Vehicles Send names and $10.00 per person to: Wellman McFarland, P.O. Box 576, Bucksport ME 04416 Name:_____________________________ Partner _________________________ Amount Enclosed ___________ Phone No. ______________________ 952 Dexter Road Corinna Me 04928 Telephone 631-5100 Lee & Peggy Kaufman Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and donations are not deductible as charitable contributins. The more fingerprints in a home, the fewer on police records. 20 THE ANAHGRAM CHANTERS Noble Carl Stewart, Reporter The Chanters finally did get a chance to thank Past Potentate and retiring Recorder Sonny Crocker for all he has done for us by treating him to a dinner at the Olive Garden. Twenty eight years of service is a long time. Thanks Sonny. I’m sorry that I couldn’t make it but, you see, the trout were biting up at Northeast Cary. Happy birthday wishes to Alexander Phillips. We are looking forward to you rejoining us. Noble Mike Murphy Reporter To borrow from Paul Harvey, “You’ve heard what the news is. Now stand by for the Rest of the Story.” Greetings Nobles and Ladies another month is upon us and Global Warming had temperatures in Northern Maine skyrocketing up to nine degrees on the morning of April 3rd. Stay tuned for the second half of my article, as it may be the most controversial yet. I may lose friends, because of the divisive nature of the subject matter. But first, I have to update you on our infamous St. Patrick’s Day performance. We had the crowd at Geaghan’s Pub rocking to the harmonies of Pipe Major Paul Hazard and his Highlanders. We played several Anah Highlander original tunes penned by Ernie Smith, and the drummers played an original drum salute. The crowd went wild when the rhythm of the drums rat-a-tat-tatted during the mid-concert solo. People of all ages enjoyed the festivities, and more importantly they had a very positive exposure to the Shrine. March 30th took us to the Bangor Mall for the annual bunny hop. We were pleased to see the large crowd that the Anah Clowns and Funsters were entertaining. There were a lot of kids smiling. Some may have been smiling because we moved our performance to another part of the mall, but we will never know. I saw a couple of people (a father and his son) who drove down from Millinocket just to see us perform. The lad has been taking pipe lessons for a little over a year. I can say that if he continues, he has the potential to be a competition piper. Some people followed us around the whole mall during our near hour-long performance. Our next performance will be at the Husson University graduation in May. We will follow that with the Special Olympics, College of the Atlantic graduation, Machias’ 250th Anniversary, and the June Ceremonial in Newport. That is just part of our summer schedule. “And now, the Rest of the Story.” I was thinking about the Waltons. A fabulous TV show from the 70s. Have you ever wondered if the Waltons were Shriners what unit they would be in? I have. Heck the family is so big; it could be its own unit. I think Grandpa and Cousin Boone would be in the Moonshiner’s Unit, and if there wasn’t such a unit, I think they would work on the Camel’s Milk trailer. John (the father), is more difficult to pinpoint, but I’m thinking that he would make a good Hobo the Clown. He wouldn’t even have to change his clothes. John Boy was too lazy to be in a unit. Besides after he sold “John Boy’s Meadow” I think Grandpa would have black balled him anyway. Jason would be in the Shrine Band. Ben, given his ambition, would most likely be on the Divan. Jim Bob would either be in the Motor Corps driving a motorcycle or in the NASCARS. Stay tuned for next month’s article when I analyze the Dukes of Hazzard! Don’t you dare miss it. In the meantime, if anyone would like piping or drumming instruction, please contact me at And as always may Gott segne euch. VISA & MASTERCARD ARE ACCEPTED AT THE RECORDERS OFFICE The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one has to do. MAY 2013 21 Noble Milo Cropley, Reporter Greetings from the North Is Spring ever going to get here? The April Shrine Club meeting was held on a recent Sunday, with a great breakfast that was prepared by the Oriental Band. The main topic of the meeting was “Circus”, along with the Gun raffle ticket sales. The club has been busy hosting the Kids party and the OTC Winter Outing. This year marked the 24th year that the Shrine has helped with this project. All the Nobles are getting ready to do their part to help out at the Circus. We appreciate all the help we can get from the Nobles and Ladies. One of the Bangor Clowns visited us at our meeting. I am not sure why. Maybe he made a wrong turn on 95 or was he still here from the December Christmas Party? We were graced with the presence of two Past Potentates, Richard Hallett and Tony Bowers. Tony usually has some comments and a story or two to tell, we caught him off guard and he had to read Joke off someone’s cell phone. We then asked PP Dick Hallett if he had anything to comment on about the Temple. Dick mentioned that Clinic will be held in Bangor on May 17th and the regional Clinic will be held in Presque Isle on May 11th. In closing, think Circus, Membership, and support your Blue Lodges. There will be cake and candles this month for the following Nobles: Arthur Dority, Edwin DeWitt, Leman Smith, and Corey Austin. The Lady, Violet Grant. Birthday wishes to ALL of YOU. Happy anniversary to Noble and his Lady: Jerry and Marlene Cole. Wishing you many more. If I have missed anyone please let me know. I can be contacted at mestore@aol. com. We march so they can walk. boat! Really, we need a couple of capable captains to keep the unit afloat! No pun intended. Happy birthday to Wilbert Terry and Michael Madore. Happy anniversary to Captain Carroll and Lady Susan as well as Scott Johnson and Lady Lorie. Noble Scott Forbes, Reporter The Lobster Boat Unit kicked off the 2013 season with its first meeting of the year in March at our new meeting location in Machias. We are just starting to get some parades lined up; more on that later. The unit was very successful with its calendar sales and big thanks goes out to all the members for doing a great job with those. We are in serious need of a couple of new members to strap on a helmet and parade a Noble Andrew St. Amant, Reporter Extra, extra read all about it! We are looking for Nobles to march with us. Did you know that we march so that others can walk! We are also looking for some Nobles that can play a drum. It would be great to have a beat that could match our fun-loving feet. Come and join us for some flag-wagging FUN! We planned our meeting for the 7th of April. Can’t wait to share our upcoming parade schedule and how great the meal tasted. Thank You, the Star for preparing and serving us. No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish. 22 THE ANAHGRAM It’s not to late to get in on the fun and prizes. REMEMBERwinners’ names are put back in the drawing so a person could win more than once. Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners and donations are not deductible as charitable contributions. Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Boston hosts Baystate Hand Group Networking Seminars Katie Siwy MS, OTR/L, occupational therapist at Shriners Hospitals for Children – Boston, is playing a key role in the professional organization, the Baystate Hand Group, a hand specialty interest group and professional network for Occupational and Physical Therapists. Katie (pictured: left) has been participating with the group for two years and is emerging as an influential member, currently acting as the group facilitator. When asked about her experience with the group, Katie said “It has allowed me the opportunity for increased networking with people who are specialized in hand and upper extremity rehabilitation and are excellent resources. Being part of this network allows me to share ideas with other specialists, which in turn enables Shriners to provide the best care for our patients. It’s about staying fresh and current.” Baystate Hand Group is a Massachusetts based network of hand therapists with approximately 80 active members. The group meets monthly for continued learning and to exchange cutting edge ideas. Areas of discussion include new techniques, research, and technology. The group also serves as a networking platform for members’ questions and referrals. As group facilitator, Katie generates topics and coordinates speakers for the monthly meetings. Recently Shriners Hospitals for Children – Boston’s Dr. Anthony Perrone presented on surgical reconstruction of upper extremities. Other topics that Katie has coordinated include treatment protocol for complex hand transplantation, hand reconstruction and elbow fractures. Because of Katie’s role, Shriners Hospitals for Children - Boston has become the site host for Baystate Hand Group’s meetings since this past September. Serving as the host site has been an honor for the hospital and has provided a great opportunity for Shriners Hospitals for Children – Boston to gain more exposure within the medical community. CALENDAR WINNERS January 1, 2013 through March 14, 2013 DATE WINNER AMOUNT 1/1/13 Fred Clarke, Jr. $25.00 1/2/13 Ed McKenna $25.00 1/3/13 Guy Chapman $25.00 1/4/13Pat Gurette $25.00 1/5/13 Marilyn Crocker $300.00 1/6/13 Vasant-Croll $25.00 1/7/13Judy Jewett $25.00 1/8/13Chester Davis, Jr. $25.00 1/9/13Jeff Dyer $25.00 1/10/13Terry White $25.00 1/11/13Mike Giles $25.00 1/12/13Claudette Deeves $100.00 1/13/13Andrew King $25.00 1/14/13Gary Cote $25.00 1/15/13David Rioux $25.00 1/16/13Steven Parker $25.00 1/17/13James & Annette McFarland $25.00 1/18/13Mike Linscott $25.00 1/19/13John Edes $25.00 1/20/13Andy Mays $25.00 1/21/13John Fernald $25.00 1/22/13Pat Crawford $25.00 1/23/13Selene Dinapoli $25.00 1/24/13Stacey Nickerson $25.00 1/25/13Angela Cosette $25.00 1/26/13Louise Hardison$100.00 1/27/13Jackie Grant $25.00 1/28/13Peter Cole $25.00 1/29/13Jeff Nelson $25.00 1/30/13Carrie Alley $25.00 1/31/13Greg Hoke $25.00 2/1/13Geof Mountain $25.00 2/2/13John Burpee$300.00 2/3/13Gary Trafton II $25.00 2/4/13Ryan Pickard $25.00 2/5/13Pamela Donahue $25.00 2/6/13Floyd Donahue $25.00 2/7/13J. R. Tozier $25.00 2/8/13Heidi Corkery $25.00 2/9/13Richard Goodwin$100.00 2/10/13Balack Ade $25.00 2/11/13Jeffrey Durkee $25.00 2/12/13Hugh Reynolds $25.00 2/13/13Cindy Strouse $25.00 2/14/13Lou Harper $25.00 2/15/13Milton Blake $25.00 2/16/13Kristina Smith$100.00 2/17/13Wayne Alley $25.00 2/18/13Harland Williamson $25.00 2/19/13Brittany Woods $25.00 2/20/13Frank Robinson $25.00 2/21/13Randy Davis $25.00 2/22/13Gary Goss $25.00 2/23/13John Michie$100.00 2/24/13Richard Kilton $25.00 2/25/13Ronald Amero $25.00 2/26/13Frank Mitchell $25.00 2/27/13Jaimee Batchelder $25.00 2/28/13Catherine Blake $25.00 3/1/13Jim Spraggins $25.00 3/2/13Danielle Liscomb$300.00 3/3/13Daryl Spaulding $25.00 3/4/13Rae Hewitt $25.00 3/5/13Willie Giles $25.00 3/6/13Pine Tree Hospice $25.00 3/7/13Laurie Barnard 25.00 3/8/13Harley-Judy Bryant $25.00 3/9/13Joe Bailey$100.00 3/10/13Helen Snowman $25.00 3/11/13Larry Rackliff $25.00 3/12/13Bryant Dutch $25.00 3/13/13Debbie Girsa $25.00 3/14/13Stephen McGinnis $25.00 The man who questions opinion is wise; the man who quarrels with facts is a fool. MAY 2013 23 Noble Doug Brockway, Reporter Anah Band is moving at a fast pace to prepare for Circus and summer parades. April has made us really earn our pay with weekly practices in Newport and at the Anah Shrine Center in Bangor. We have been fortunate to add several friends of Anah to our band that are very well versed in their instruments. We have two clarinets, a tuba, two extra trumpets, and we even have a xylophone keeping time in the background! We are always looking to add some new musicians to our group; big band music is much more fun when you have a really big band! Brass, wind, piano, guitar, bass, or piano. Lessons and instruments provided to any and all who will be willing to learn something new. We have been blessed with several friends of the band who regularly come and sit with us and add to our sound. Two Mondays a month for a practice commitment plus some parades to boot. Special thanks to Noble Jon Lessor for kindly donating a vintage sax to our group, now we need a person who is willing to step up and honk on it for us. Remember to find that experienced player or an adventuresome Mason to be a Noble and take part with us, they are out there. Watch us grow and play traditional march music and new music with a modern mode. with a 6:00 social. Not much else to report on at this time but we do have some birthday wishes going out this month to Brian Alley, Les (Dino) Stratton, Ann Batson, Denny (Tigger) Smith, Chad Thomas, Shawn Grindle, Corace Bunker, Elizabeth Joyce Frost, Skip(Garfield) Wilson, Kameron Gray, Jean Wilson, and Elizabeth Frost. Anniversary wishes go out to Tom & Ja- nis Frost and John & Judy Driscoll. BE AN ANAHGRAM BOOSTER Coupon on page 6 Anah Can Tabs For Kids Did you know that the aluminum tabs used to open your favorite drinks also have the power to help kids defy the odds? Shriners Hospitals for Children® provide medical care to children with spinal cord injuries, cleft lip and palate, or are in need of burn or orthopedic care, regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. You can help make a kid move again, walk again, smile again just by collecting your can tabs and dropping them off at the Anah Shrine Center. A Shriner will pick them up and the proceeds will be forwarded to Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Noble Frank Wilson, Reporter Greetings Nobles and Ladies, spring has finally sprung! Which is great since I’m a big wimp when it comes to thin ice and I can finally fish again. Recently some Funsters were at the Bangor Mall for the circus kick-off. And coming up on May 17th at 9am some Funsters will be at EMMC for the screening clinic. We have some parades we need to vote on at upcoming meetings so the more we have to give input and cast their vote the better. Our next meeting will be May 13th at the Shrine Center in Bangor at 7:00 Be sure you are right – then ask your wife what she thinks about it. 24 THE ANAHGRAM Aroostook Klowns Noble Shawn “Disco” Dube, Reporter By the time that you read this the Bangor circus will have come and gone and we should be right in the middle of the PI circus. What a wonderful time the circus is. The Klowns certainly enjoy making hundreds and hundreds of balloons for all of the kids. It is not hard to believe that one simple thing such as a balloon will make a smile appear. The Aroostook Klown unit is starting to get busy during this time of year. On February 24th Jeb, Moochie and Camo had the fun at the Shine Kids Winter party. On March 6th Rainbow, Jeb and Disco partied with the clients of the Opportunity Training Center. Sprinkler was also there but he was on snowmobile detail driving around the clients. The unit had their monthly meeting on March 17th at the Aroostook Shrine Club. Mochanic led the Nobles in the Clown prayer. At the meeting the circus was discussed. We will be working with the Bangor Clown unit to put on one combined skit. I wonder which Klown or Clown will be the joke of the skit. The unit also discussed doing a tree for this year’s Festival of Trees. I am not sure of what we will come up with but with a theme of A Walk Through the Forest I am sure that we will come up with something creative. One of our upcoming calendar items is on June 4th. The unit will be putting on a steak feed supper for the Trinity Masonic Lodge in Presque Isle. Parade season will be here before you know it and the Klowns will be out in full force. Until next time remember - A clown sees life simply, without complications. Gerry’s Used Cars BUY HERE / PAY HERE Gerry & Barbara Marshall, Owners Serving you from four locations Ask about our extended warranty! • Cheryl & Karrie - 266 Newport Road, Corinna, 278-2205 • Shelly - Oakland 465-9566 • Rose - Main Street, Veazie 990-2206 • Tiffany - Skowhegan 474-6700 Noble Bert Weed, Reporter The Northern Penobscot Shrine Club held its last meeting on April 3 at the Sherman Snowmobile Club with 35 members and ladies present. Not too shabby considering the snow birds haven’t flocked north yet returning to their breeding grounds. The meeting was opened promptly at 1900 hrs. by President Carl Segee who led the group in the flag salute. Raleigh Hanscom led the group in prayer. A boiled dinner complete with apple pie and ice cream for dessert was enjoyed by all. It was overheard by one person stating it doesn’t Continued on page 25 ”Hear no evil , see no evil, speak no evil,” and you’ll never be successful at a tea party. MAY 2013 Continued from page 24 25 get any better than this. After the meal the kitchen crew was thanked for a job well done by everyone. No information on sick nobles was received which is a good thing. We don’t want any of our brethren to be down on their luck. Dignitaries attending; Tony Bowers, P.P., Asst. Chief Greeter Emeritus Derwood Shedd, Circus co-chairs Jerry Anthony and Raleigh Hanscom. NO fez fines were assessed. The raffle was won by our president Carl Segee. No the drawing was not rigged. He won the bounty fair and square and in the spirit of Shrine promptly returned the proceeds to the club. We appreciate all that anyone does for the club. The secretary’s report had to be deferred. He was out on an educational leave. Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. A new committee was formed for Nominating Officers for the upcoming year. Jerry Anthony , Tony Anthony, Robert Libby, Paul Thornton, Raleigh Hanscom. Knowing the individuals involved it was stepping up to the plate and volunteering. They all have the best interest of the club in mind. Under Old Business and no it wasn’t about all the members that have been around for more than 30 years. We are losing our December meeting spot at the Elks Club in Millinocket. Grass Roots Catering has volunteered to offer a meeting spot for us. Her facilities (hall) are a little small for the December meeting however she can obtain space in the town office building and can cater the event. She has always done a good job for us in the past. Unless anybody has any objections we should give it a try. Soda can pull tabs are still being collected for the Shriners hospitals. Bring your donations to the regular-scheduled meetings. Angel Flight is offering free rides for patients being treated at our hospitals in Boston and Springfield. Pilots have to clock a certain number of air hours each year to maintain their certification. Instead of just flying around in circles burning up fuel, They try to help by offering free air transportation to clients utilizing our services. The spirit of giving and helping our fellow man. That is what the Shrine is all about. Our program was Sherman’s Representative Rick Long. He gave an overview of the current state of affairs down in Au- gusta. His straight talk no holds barred approach was reassuring. Our next meeting will be held May 1st at the Sno Rovers Club in East Millinocket. This night is Ladies Night and a program will be presented by the Daughters of Nile. Hope to see everyone there. Maybe I’ll pick up some bird seed to spread out to help entice the snow birds to come north a little early this year. Keep an ear out for information of sick Nobles and lend a hand when you can. As always, let’s keep doing it for the kids. Ceremonial Event ANAH SHRINERS 2013 JUNE CEREMONIAL LADIES 9 HOLE GOLF TOURNAMENT FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2013 CANDIDATES’ LADIES WELCOME!! AT J. W. PARKS GOLF COURSE IN PITTSFIELD TOURNAMENT STARTS AT 9:00 A.M. PRIZES AND SURPRISES ! ! ENTRY FEE: $30.00 w/CART - LUNCH AVAILABLE Mail entry form with fee by June 12 to: LADIES CEREMONIAL GOLF, P..O. Box 735, Bangor ME 04402-0735 Contact person: Phyllis Merrill, Tel. 944-0088 _____________________________ _____________________________ NAME NAME ____________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________ PHONE (W) HOME (H) ____________________________ PHONE (W) HOME (H) _____________________________ NAME _____________________________ NAME ____________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________ PHONE (W) HOME (H) ____________________________ PHONE (W) HOME (H) AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ _______ IF YOU SO NOT HAVE A FOURSOME, WE WILL MATCH YOU UP WITH SOMEONE. Net proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Anah Shriners And payments are not deductible as charitable contributions. Your true religion is the life you live, not the creed you profess. 26 THE ANAHGRAM Divan Visitation at Washington County Shrine Club Always Fun! Photos by Imperial Photographer Noble Dick Kilton Washington County Shrine Club President William Cherry Welcomes “Pote” Lee to Divan Visitation George Alley, Robert Look and Brad Prout attended the visitation. Robert Wood, Dick Gardner and George Gaddis came for the food. Orator Tim Dutch Talks to the group. Cooks: Dave Weaver, Mike Bailey and Mike Doran. Director Andy talks about upcoming Ceremonial What this country needs is an administration that will trim taxes, and not the taxpayers. MAY 2013 27 the time our next article is written. Velma and I stopped in to see him and he is gaining strength but is still having an issue with pneumonia and fluid on his lungs. Our best wishes to he and Carolyn and hope that he will soon be back in Milbridge. The April 14-21 Music Cities Trip was very well attended and I am sure a fun time was had by all. Lady Velma and I would have loved to make this trip but April did not fit into our schedule. Happy Birthday wishes for May go out to Jada Hanscom, Chuck Kennedy, Debra Murphy, Robert Look, Elliot Tarbell, Debra Sternbergh, Nancy Merritt, Betty Beal, Melrose Beal, Rosemarie Mondville, Kevin Gardner, Kim Gardner, Claire Kennedy, James Crowley, Darren Prout, and Carroll Chandler. Anniversary bells rang out in May for Stanley & Sheila Mitchell, Earl & Linda Tracy, Dick & Caron Kilton, Walter & Nancy Merritt, and Thomas & Wanda Fernald. WCSC’s Fuel Raffle was a big success, as usual, with Ed Degenhart’s name drawn as the winner. The Annual Shrine Circus is now behind us and hopefully both the Bangor and Presque Isle Circuses did well. The May Screening Clinics will be held in several locations on May11th and referrals made to help children in need of medical treatment. The Potentate’s Island Party will be held on May 18th at the Shrine Center. As a reminder to all, the WCSC meets the first Thursday of the month, unless otherwise noted in their yearly calendar. The locations vary from month to month so you need to contact a fellow Shriner for the location if you plan to attend and do not know where the meeting is being held. If you are not at home or do not have an answering machine on your phone, you may miss the calling post reminder for the meeting. Mark your calendar and try to attend some meetings. Several of them are Ladies Nights. Noble Warren Orcutt, Sr., Reporter Boy do the months fly by. It is time for the May issue of the Anahgram already, Noble David G. Beckett, Reporter And, snow season and cold weather are a Greetings from Schoodic Shrine Club: thing of the past, we hope. The CAT’s are Spring has finally arrived and everyone is back sleeping until next winter and it is breathing a big sigh of relief. time to get out our four-wheelers and sideNo meeting was scheduled for April, but by-sides and enjoy some riding with felwe will meet at the Congregational Church low Shriners and friends. Remember to Hall in Dennysville on May 15th beginkeep yourselves safe when out riding. ning at 5:30 pm. This move has been made Trails usually open by mid-May, dependto avoid the winter storms that usually ocing on the conditions. Green grass, garcur on the night of our January meetings. dening, and time at the lake will be welThe food is always excellent, so plan on comed. joining us on May 15th. We know the Our March meeting was held on the 7th weather will be much better. which missed the deadline for the April We did have a very enjoyable meeting on Anahgram. The meeting was held at the March 20th at the New Friendly RestauBlue Bird Ranch Restaurant in Machias. rant in Perry. We had 13 members and LaThose in attendance included Past Potendies and eight new friends who joined us. tate Ed Sprague; Assistant Director David Our Noble President, Bud Kneeland, Weaver; Ambassador BJ Cherry, Presiwelcomed all and reported that pictures dent of Washington County Shrine Club; will be taken for the 2013 Shrine YearLobster Boat Captain Carroll Chandler; book on April 29th at the Legion Hall in Todd Alley, Capt. Of the Mini-Cars; 2nd Woodland (Baileyville). Noble Norm Lt. of the Mini-Cars, Brian Strout and his Howe reported that we received a thank handsome little son Sullivan; Imperial you from the Springfield Hospital and Photographer Dick Kilton; and Warren from the Daughters of the Nile for donaOrcutt Sr.,Chief Greeter and WCSC Retions made from the club. porter. A moment of silence was observed in Bev Polley made a presentation at the honor of Past Master Phil McDowell who February meeting on the Love of the Chilpassed away in March. Our condolences dren Tour. The Washington County also go out to the family of Past Master Shrine Club voted at their March meeting Alton Ward. He too passed away in March. to make a donation to help with tour exRemember to support your Shrine Club penses. and your Blue Lodge. Looking ahead, our The April 4th meeting was the Divan June meeting will be at the Lubec Legion Visitation held at the Addison Town Hall, on June 19th. Get out and enjoy the beauwith steak, salad, and homemade apple tiful spring. pies from our Ladies. In attendance from ‘Til next time! the Divan were Potentate Lee Kauffman, Assistant Chief Rabban Jesse Thomas, VISA and MASTERCARD Oriental Guide Steve Trimm, High Priest ARE ACCEPTED & Prophet Robert Turner, Assistant TreaAT THE surer Russell Whitcomb, Orator, Roger RECORDER’S OFFICE Grindle, First Ceremonial Master Brad Prout, Orator Tim Dutch, Director Andy Constantine, Past Potentates Sonny Crocker, John Fernald, Ed Pellon, Geddes Simpson, and Ed Sprague, Past Potentate and Recorder Larry Hersom; Aides Michael Murphy, Walter Merritt, George Alley, Denny Smith, and Bob Stanwood; Greeters Warren Orcutt, Mike Bailey, Robert Look, and Fred Brown; Directors Staff: David Weaver, Darwin Morrison, Tom Frost; Mini-Cars: Capt. Todd Alley, 2nd Lt. Brian Strout & Sullivan; Ambassador and Washington County Shrine Club President BJ Cherry; Lobster Boats: Capt. Carroll Chandler; Convertibles: Tom Fernald; Imperial Photographer Richard Kilton Donnie Wright is still in rehab as of this Cooks work their magic at a recent meeting of the Waldo County Shrine club. writing but is hoping to return home by Anyone is welcome to use our lawnmower, provided they don’t take it out of our yard. 28 THE ANAHGRAM PASSED TO THE UNSEEN TEMPLE Bangor and died suddenly March 11, 2013, surrounded by his loving family at a Bangor hospital. He was a hard worker and started working as a truck driver, was a member of Teamsters Local, as well as being a dairy farmer. He enjoyed traveling and there are many fond memories of trips to Florida. He was very sentimental and cherished antique furniture that was passed down through the family that he collected and cared for. When he was younger he enjoyed hunting and fishing and was an avid reader throughout his life. He was a dedicated Mason. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as May 30, 2007 PASSED TO THE UNSEEN TEMPLE THOMAS R. TASH No. 12402 Noble Thomas R. Tash of Dover-Foxcroft was born January 11, 1969, in Dover-Foxcroft and passed away March 15, 2013, after a courageous battle with colon cancer. He graduated from Foxcroft Academy, class of 1987. He worked for many years for Jack’s Tree Service and most recently worked for McKusick Petroleum. He enjoyed camping, playing cards, ice fishing and snowmobiling with his son. He loved spending time with his family and friends. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Mosaic Lodge No. 52 AF & AM of Dover-Foxcroft. In Anah Temple he was a member of 4x4 Unit. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 18, 2011 RICHARD S. HEWES No. 4487 Noble Richard Stanley Hewes of Bangor was born September 21, 1930, in Bangor and died March 12, 2013, at a Bangor health care center. He was a graduate of Bangor High School, class of 1948, and received a Bachelor of Science degree and master’s degree in education from the University of Maine. He was a well-known and respected guidance counselor for many years. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War, and a member of First United Methodist Church, Brewer where he had been a member of the choir. His Masonic affiliations included 60-years of membership in Rising Virtue Lodge No. 10, A.F. & A.M., Bangor and the Scottish Rite Bodies. He was a member of the Bangor-Brewer Shrine Club and was a former Captain of the Horse Patrol. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 26, 1953. ALLEN A. ROSS No. 11433 Noble Allen A. Ross of Dexter, 77, was born June 22, 1935 and died peacefully in his sleep at home on March 10, 2013. He was known to everyone as Al. From the age of seven his uncle and aunt, Clifford and Hilda Corson, raised him. He graduated from Bloomfield Academy, Skowhegan, in 1954; he then attended Farmington Teachers College until 1956 and graduated from the University of Maine Orono in 1958 with a bachelor’s degree and a master’s in school administration. He went on to be an educator in Milo, Winterport and Dexter, retiring in 1995. He was a man of many talents; he was a police officer, deputy sheriff, bus driver, and carpenter, State of Maine court mediator, negotiator, and school board member. He was an avid hobbyist, which included woodworking, woodturning, gardening and painting. Because He was a man of a giving nature, he made and donated many of his works to various charities and organizations for fund raising. He was the first man to take the victims response course for WomanCare and at the time he was an active board member. He was a member of Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Service, a former member of Dexter Kiwanis, and a member of Dexter Christian Community Church. He was the host organizer of Center Pond Quake Society and number one of Robinson’s Three A’s Coffee Club. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Piscataquis Lodge No. 44 A.F. & A.M. of Milo. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as November 21, 2000. ROBERT J. TRUNDY No. 12109 Noble Robert Joseph Trundy of Bangor was born January 1, 1934, in MITCHELL-TWEEDIE FUNERAL HOME 28 Elm Street Bucksport 469-3177 THOMAS A. KING No. 12405 Noble Thomas A. King of Jonesport and Northport died after a 7 month battle with cancer Saturday, March 30, 2013. He was born October 30, 1937 in Boston MA. and was raised in Needham , MA where he attended schools until entering Norfolk Agricultural School, Walpole, MA graduating in 1956. He furthered his education attending UMO, Orono and The Thompson School of Agriculture, UNH, Durham, NH where he graduated in 1960. His working career began at H.P. Hood & Sons, Charleston, MA as a dairy technologist working there for several years. He was then employed by Stop & Shop as a food technologist in Readville, MA and continued on with them Continued on next page YOUNG FUNERAL HOME 31 West Main Street Searsport 548-2545 Serving Bucksport-Searsport and surrounding towns Albert Levesque, Proprioter MAY 2013 in the florist department. In the late 60s he entered a management training program and became manager of the Brighton, MA. Stop & Shop, which he ran for five years before retiring to move back to Maine. In 1975, he moved his family permanently to Jonesport, where he and Katherine purchased property and opened and operated T.A. King & Sons for 25 years. He was a member of the Rotary Club in Jonesport; he also served for many years on the Jonesport Ambulance Service. Tom and Katherine retired to Islesboro in 2000, where they had built a small cottage, leaving young Tom to run the business. His Masonic affiliations included membership in several lodges because of his moving frequently. He transferred his Hyde Park Lodge membership to the Jonesport Masonic Lodge #188, after ten years out on the island, they returned to the mainland in 2010 residing in Northport. Later he transferred his Masonic membership to Island Lodge A.F & A.M #89 in Islesboro, where he is a lifetime member and was quite active He was a member of the Waldo County Shrine Club. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 18, 2011. KENDALL V. FARRAR No. 4476 Noble Kendall V. Farrar of Brownville was born October 20, 1927, in Brownville Junction, 85, , and died March 25, 2013, at Hibbard Nursing Home, Dover-Foxcroft. He graduated from Jonesport High School, class of 1946, and Husson College, Bangor. He retired from CanadianPacific Railroad with 35 years of service. His Masonic affiliations included membership in Pleasant River Masonic Lodge No. 163 AF & AM of Brownville, and the York Rite Bodies. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 26, 1953. 29 Lodge No. 78 AF and AM of Pembroke, for more than 50 years. He was also a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 21, 1986. ROBERT LAWRENCE GILFILLAN BAR HARBOR – No. 5641 Noble Robert Lawrence Gilfillan of Bar Harbor was born May 19, 1927, in Bar Harbor and died March 25, 2013, at a Bar Harbor hospital. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy in December 1945, and served as a pharmacists mate. Upon his return home, he went to the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, graduating in 1951. After graduation he came home to work at the family’s pharmacy, West End Drug Company, founded by his father in 1917. The family enjoyed boating every weekend on the “Sea Dog” along with their two Newfoundlands and winter skiing at Sugarloaf. He loved people and spent 56 years serving the community at the family store. He will be missed by his lifelong friends, Dick Libby and Joe Kirk, with whom he spent many mischievous adventures. He became a director at Bar Harbor Bank and Trust in 1958, retiring in 2002, having served as chairman from 1994-1999. He served with the Bar Harbor Police Reserve for many years. A 50 year member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. He, along with his friend, Larry Closson, started the navigation safety course taught at Mount Desert Island High School. 2004 marked his 50 years of practicing with Maine State Pharmacy, one of five registered pharmacists in the state at the time. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 13, 1964. WILLIAM “BILL” POMEROY No. 6373 Noble William “Bill” Pomeroy of North Belgrade and Stockton Springs He was born July 27, 1920, in Stockton Springs and died February Springs and died February 16, 2013, with his family at his side. He grew up and lived for years on Cape Jellison in Stockton Springs, where he was an avid outdoorsman, enjoying hunting, fishing and lobstering. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II. During that time he was stationed in Huntsville, Texas. It was there that he was a military policeman and cook at the German prisoner of war camp. He worked at many different trades until settling into a 29-year career at St. Regis/Champion Paper Co. He was a great provider for his family, sometimes working two or three jobs. He was a stone cutter and cut the first corner stone for Colby College. On Jan. 10, 1977, he married the love of his life, Leola Drake. After Leola’s death Bill lived at home alone in North Belgrade until his recent hospitalization. He enjoyed cooking, playing cards and reminiscing with family and friends about days gone by. He was a faithful Deacon of North Belgrade Baptist Church. He was particularly proud that during 2012 he had read his Bible in its entirety. He enjoyed singing hymns and Christian fellowship. He was associated with the Oakland Senior Citizens, where he immensely enjoyed being an adoptive grandparent to two special youngsters His Masonic affiliations included membership in Pownal Lodge No. 119 AF & AM of Stockton Springs and other Masonic Bodies. His enrollment in Anah Shriners was recorded as June 20, 1970. ALTON H. WARD No. 9506 Noble Alton Hugh Ward of Dennysville was born August 5, 1929, in Dennysville and passed away after a brief illness March 28, 2013. He enjoyed hunting, fishing and cutting wood. He was an avid Red Sox fan and spent many years playing for Dennysville, Cutler and Eastport. He was a licensed customs broker for more than 30 years and held several elected offices in Dennysville over the years; town clerk, selectman and treasurer. His Masonic affiliations included membership in and Past Master of Crescent CARING FOR GENERATIONS J o r d a n - F e r n al d FUNERAL HOMES Your wishes for the type of funeral you want for yourself or a loved one can be outlined in advance like a will, prearranging a funeral is part of putting your affairs in order, yet it costs you nothing. Call us to set up an appointment. 1.800.667.2595 - Mount Desert Island • Ellsworth • Blue Hill 30 THE ANAHGRAM Bangor/Brewer Shrine Club Annual Steak Feed 2013 Where: Anah Shrine Center/Main Street When: Thursday, May 16th Social Hour: 5:30p.m. Supper 7:00p.m. What: Steak, Corn, Potato, Etc.. . . Camel’s Milk 5:30 – 7:00p.m. Non-Shriners Welcome! Bring a Friend! Join us for a GREAT TIME and Feast on Steak & all the fixings! $15.00 per person, Tickets available from Bangor/Brewer Shrine Club Members, at the Recorder’s Office or at the door. Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of the Bangor/Brewer Shrine Club and contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions. We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give. MAY 2013 31 Continued from page 12 Trashcan, Babycakes, Papi, and Piggy enertained the generous Roadhouse patrons at this event. A Tip of the Fez to Past Potenate and Recorder Larry Hersom for supervising the Red Sneaker and selling circus tickets. A tip envelope from one table said it all, “Thank you Shriners for what you do. The Shrine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky did my daughter’s back surgery.” On April 2, Iggy and Fou did a makeup workshop for the Amicus Community Life Program and then visited several classrooms of the Amicus Bouchea Center. Until the next Anahgram, Think Spring! Membership applications can be obtained at the Recorder’s office. Return your June candidates’ membership applications as soon as possible. Until next time, a reminder to support your local shrine clubs. The clubs and units are the backbone of our Temple. Look forward to seeing you at the CIRCUS! Bonnie Turner Reporting Our Holiday Marketplace will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the Shrine Center. If anyone is interested in working on a committee or the day of the Marketplace, please give Sue Black a call at 338-4142. Sunshine Club will be holding the drawing for our quilt raffle, a beautiful queensize quilt that Jackie Smith made for us, on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the Holiday Marketplace. Quilt raffle tickets are available to purchase and sell until the drawing. DATES TO REMEMBER: CIRCUS in Presque Isle, May 2, 4, & 4 - NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE: Saturday, November 2, 2013 - FESTIVAL OF TREES: November 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 2013 For your convenience Visa and Mastercard are accepted at the Recorder’s Office Excitement is in the air as Anah’s 50th Anniversary Circus makes its final appearance at the Bangor Auditorium under the leadership of Charlie Grindle and his Circus Committee. We look forward to holding the performances in a beautiful new facility next year. Units and Shrine Clubs - you have a wonderful opportunity to increase your own treasury by selling ads in the Anahgram. You will receive 20% of each new ad you sell. This really mounts up when selling multiple ads for the Anahgram. Speaking of selling – another unit and shrine club moneymaker is the raffle ticket sales for Potentate Lee’s incredible 2013 fundraiser. Units and clubs can earn 25 cents per each ticket sold. In the past units and clubs have earned as much as $2000 with previous raffle programs, and with the assortment of amazing prizes offered this year, I am sure many more tickets can be sold than ever before. See the ad for more specifics. I hope you all will take notice of the beautiful wax shine on the Temple floors. Our building maintenance supervisor, Bill Taylor, really outdid himself. You can see your face in those floors! He asks units and clubs not to use tape on the floors or walls to secure posters, electrical cords, etc. Speaking of cleaning . . . unit storage rooms and Temple closets are bulging!!! We have been thinking about bringing a dumpster into the parking lot and organizing a “temple & unit cleanout day” sometime early this summer. Watch for the dates to be posted in the Anahgram when we can all get together and weed out our storage areas. A gold ring was found in the parking lot. It appears to be a man’s wedding band, and is being held in the Recorder’s office. Soon after the boss’ wife discovers he has a beautiful secretary, he usually becomes shorthanded. 32 THE ANAHGRAM RECRUITING IS A FULL TIME JOB Are you working? Membership applications available at the Recorder’s Office ALWAYS LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY DIAMOND JEWELRY 3 IN HOUSE JEWELERS You can help make THE ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do. Anah Shriners P.O. Box 735 Bangor ME 04402-0735 MAY 2013 � � NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO. 912 You can help make The ANAHGRAM successful by using it for your advertising and patronizing those who do.
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