July 2016 - Al Kader Shriners
July 2016 - Al Kader Shriners
A Publication of Shrine Masons. July 2016 - Vol. 116, Issue 7 Pote’s Alaska Trip Photos, Cyclown Parade Takeover, Unit & Club Updates and More! Al Kader OASIS Published Monthly Al Kader, Shriners International 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 Phone: (503) 682-4420 Fax: (503) 685-5080 Email: editor@alkadershriners.org www.AlKaderShriners.org Subscription Price $5.00 / yr Elected Divan I.S. John Nerski, Potentate Ron Gamble, Chief Rabban Art Hermanson, Assistant Rabban Todd Weedman, High Priest & Prophet Carl Thompson, Oriental Guide David Tate, Treasurer Dick Duer, Recorder Appointed Divan Jeremy Ward, 1st Ceremonial Master Albert Martinez, 2nd Ceremonial Master Terry Griffith, Director Mel DeHut, Marshal Kenton Wolfe, Chaplain Carson Bailey, Assistant Chaplain Orin Sundeen, Captain of the Guard Richard Crist, Outer Guard Skip Weisgerber, Outer Guard Bill Quier, Outer Guard Fred Wendt, Outer Guard Carey Huckaba, Outer Guard Gary Dentinger, Outer Guard Dave Simpson, Outer Guard Zack Balylack, Outer Guard Larry Evey, Outer Guard Forrest Hatch, Outer Guard Potentate’s Aides IS Warren Gray ‘12, Executive Aide Frank Brewington, Chief Aide Fred Hardin, Chief Aide Aides; Hap Baldwin, Bob Brown, Jeff Crowder, Keith Leamon, Danny Norgaard, Pete Ohlmann, Larry Philbrick, Bob Swan, Chris Woolcock Temple Unit Staff Dennis Harris, Director of Units Brian Williams, Assistant Dir. of Units Tom Killion, Director’s Staff Dennis DeSanno, Director’s Staff Phil Strothers, Staff Temple Staff Mark Phillips, Temple Attorney (vacant) Temple Auditor Dick Duer, Hospital Transportation Other Appointments Skip Stanaway, Ambassador at Large Ron Ellenson, Ambassador Gary Scott, Ambassador Emeritus Ken Jubb - Photographer Roy Armentrout, Recorder Robert Timm and Ken Jubb, Ambassadors Robert Keller, Treasurer Noel Keister, Chaplain OASIS Potentate I.S. John Nerski, Publisher Patrick Sheehan, Editor Art Thompson, Photographer Items must be received by the 10th of the month to editor@alkadershriners.org for next month’s issue. Advertising Rates on Request 2 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Pote’s Notes by 2016 Potentate I.S. John Nerski Well, a lot has happened in the last month or so and a lot of things are on the agenda for the rest of the summer. It is hard for Lady Pat and I to believe that our term as Potentate and First Lady are half way done already. We have had such a wonderful time with all of the events, the travel and meeting with all the incredible people we have. We wanted to give a huge thank you to both the Oregon Eastern Star and the Rainbow Girls for their financial support of the Al Kader Transportation Fund in their giving sizable checks to us for that fund. We have many people that contribute to the fund and each is considered a precious gift especially when the gifts are like the ones we received from Eastern Star and Rainbow Girls. Thank you. As you may know, we have some pretty serious repairs to the building currently being done. We asked Noble Tony Becket and his crew to come out and look at potential problems with some areas of the building that were showing signs of problems. Nobles Tony’s crew discovered that we have dry rot in several areas of the building structure and have set out to fix it. The repairs are going to be expensive but this is our home and we are obligated to take care of it. A thank you to the clubs such as Legion of Honor and Salem Shrine club and others that have donated to the building fund to defray costs to the Temple and if there are other clubs or units that can help out it would be appreciated. The majority of the Elected Divan will be traveling to Tampa to attend the Imperial Session in early July. Lady Pat and I leave on the first of July and are returning on the 15th of July. I have appointed I.S. Dan Moyer as acting Potentate in my absence and I am confident he will be able to keep things well in order while I am gone. We look forward to the business sessions, meeting up with friends, making new ones, being part of the installation of Imperial Sir Chris Smith and especially greeting the new Shriners International Patient Ambassadors. On Sunday July 17th Al Kader will be participating in a Shriner’s night with the Portland Pickles minor league baseball team in the Lents area of SE Portland. We will have some time before the game to make the public aware of our fraternity and the hospital we serve, display our toys and we are working on having a patient ambassador throw out the first pitch of the game. It promises to be a good time and by the way, this is a fund raiser for our Transportation Fund. Tickets are $10 each and the team owners have agreed to donate half the ticket sales to us to help with the costs of getting the patients to and from the hospitals. We will be sending you tickets in the mail as an opportunity to buy them to show your support of the Transportation Fund and take your family out to the ball game. continued on next page ... Pote’s Notes Continued ... The events at Baker City have changed a little this year. Noble Dave Simpson has volunteered to hold a Movie Night at the Mountain View RV Park after the player’s dinner that is in La Grande on Friday. He hasn’t chosen a movie yet but I am sure it will be good. We will have popcorn, sodas, there may be an adult beverage or two available and the movie starts at 9:00 p.m. On Saturday, the parade line up is at 11:00 a.m. with the parade step off at 12:00 noon. After the parade we will be assisting the Baker County Cattlewomen’s Association in a BBQ lunch at the Geiser-Pollman park where your Divan will be serving the meal and then the game starts at 7:00 p.m. at the high school. Please remember that we always need new members to our great fraternity. This year we have repeated the membership contest where we all have an opportunity to win an all-expenses paid trip to the college East West Football game in St. Petersburg, Florida in January. You need to be the first line signer on five petitions to be entered in the contest so please go out there and get those petitions! Fall Ceremonial Fri-Sat November 11-12, 2016 Al Kader Shrine Center 6:00 pm Friday Nov. 11: Candidates arrive at Portland Shriners Hospital for dinner and a presentation/tour of the Hospital Saturday, Nov. 12: 8:30 am Candidate Check-in 9:00 am Stated Meeting 9:30 am Arch Degree 10:30 am Brunch 11:30 am New Noble and Lady Orientation 12:15 pm Ceremonial 2:30 pm New Nobles Meet with Clubs and Units in Harrington Hall Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 3 Rainbow Girls Installation Past Grand Worthy Advisor Morgan Welch (center) and her Rainbow Girls raised a total of $12,783.83 to go toward the upgrade on the EOS machine at Portland Shriners Hospital for Children. Kaye Webber Ekeya from the hospital joined IS John Nerski to receive the check. 4 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Director’s Corner Chaplain’s Report I want to thank everyone who participated in the parades in the month of June. THANK YOU. Years ago some Masons had a poor impression of Shriners. Many Masons who became Shriners didn’t return to their Lodges. This was very unfortunate. by Noble Dennis Harris July is a very busy month for parades, there are 12 total, 4 of which are All Unit Parades. The All Unit Parades are; Molalla July 4th, Philomath July 9th, Troutdale July 23rd, and Newberg July 30th. Remember we would all like to see as many people as we can either riding, walking or even standing on the sidelines showing support, WEARING A FEZ. British General: “Well,” snarled the tough old General Cornwallis to the bewildered soldier, “I suppose after you get discharged from the army, you’ll just be waiting for me to die so you can come and piss on my grave.” “Not me, General!” the soldier replied. “Once I get out of the army, I’m never going to stand in line again!” The next Unit Head Meeting will be held on Wednesday July 28th Oasis 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:00 p.m.. by Noble Kenton Wolfe My observation today is that this phenomenon no longer exists. Shrine Mason has become a popular name and practice. Many Shriners are active in their Lodges. As I visit Lodges, I see many officers and members who are Shriners. The question then comes up - why aren’t all Masons Shriners? There was a similar occurrence with some Shrine Masons and their place of worship. Some Masons became less active in their churches or places of worship as they became active in Lodge and Shrine activities. Again my observation is that presently many active Shrine Masons are also active in their places of worship. In the memorial service that I use there is a paragraph that refers to building our spiritual temples. If we are we practicing our Shrine Mason precepts shouldn’t we be active on our places of worship and our Lodges as well as Shrine? Notice of Stated Meeting September 12, 2016 5:30 p.m. Oasis, 7:00 p.m. Stated Meeting Al Kader Shrine - Shiners International Shrine Center - Wilsonville, Oregon 2016 Dues Card Required. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. by Order of: Potentate I.S. John Nerski Attest: Dick Duer, Recorder “Good Masons make good churchmen. Every clergyman can testify to the truth of this. They make loyal and sacrificing patriots. Our colonial history supplies the proof of this assertion. All Masons are not ardent church members but neither are all church members ardent for the church. Yet the proof is clearly and abundantly evident that the Masonic fraternity is an influence for good in personal and community life.” – The Rev. Bishop Fred Pierce Corson, Methodist Bishop of Philadelphia and President of the World Methodist Council “A man should keep his friendships in constant repair” – Samuel Jackson “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” – John Lennon Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 5 Central Oregon Shrine Club by Noble Terry Griffith Central Oregon Shrine Club held its first ever local partnership with Red Robin Burgers and Brews, in the Old Mill District of Bend in May. This event proved to be very worthwhile with a very sizable turnout (workers said they have never been so busy for a Monday night). A huge thanks goes to all the Shriners that brought their Fez’ and came out for the evening. We also had our E/W player, Chance Halley, along with Payton Gregory (honorary co-captain) and of course Zach Henneous, our Run Ambassador. All chipped in and helped make this a booming success! 30, and Baker City on August 6th. If you know a patient from our Hospital, or a Noble or a friend of a Shriner that would like to ride with us, have them contact our Secretary, IS Bob Walliker (bobwalliker@gmail.com) We are always on the lookout for more members, especially nobles and their families who would like to help us in promoting the Portland Hospital, if you are interested feel free to contact our President, Rod Hevland (hevlandro@gmail.com or at home (503) 649-5764. Just getting the Shriners out in public and talking with the patrons was a great move. Many people contacted us, saying that they didn’t know we were still around and were very supportive of the Hospital. Several came up and told us they had been a Shriner patient or had a family member who was. That made the whole evening very much worthwhile. Red Robin donated 20% of the two hour proceeds and we ended up with over $600, plus the opportunity to visit with lots of local people. This donation was given to the Shriners Run For A Child, which all net proceeds will go to the Hospital. Red Robin-Bend has been very supportive. This will become an annual event for the Run. Hospital Support Club by Noble Rod Hevland By the time you read this the Hospital Support Club will be well into the parade season. On June 4th our float pulled by the Calliope Corp Engine along with the Oriental Band and Nile PDIR participated in the Starlight Parade on a very hot 99 degree day. We were honored to have our Potentate, IS John Nerski and Nile Queen Sharon Kelly riding on the float along with several patients and other members of our club. We had a picnic provided by our club’s ladies with funds from the OB. A great time was had by all. On June 7 the Rose Festival court toured our Hospital and was guided by at least one of our club members. We also participated in the St Helens parade on June 18 and the Tillamook parade on June 25. The Club will be participating in the Troutdale parade on July 23, the Newburg parade on July 6 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Tualatin Valley Shrine Club by President Herb Richardson Our Tualatin Valley Shrine Club is still in darkness which provides us the opportunity to enjoy our summertime activities, but I will continue to make a concerted effort to keep everyone informed as to what is going on in our little Masonic community. The one thing that is up on my radar screen is our Shrine Club annual picnic at Cook Park in Tigard on Wednesday, August 17th starting at 5:00 pm. I think we will keep the same bill-of-fare as last year with fried chicken and all the fixens provided by the club. Ladies feel free to bring a “small” desert of your choosing. As in past years we have again invited the Award Winning Al Kader Oriental Band to join us for the picnic and entertainment. You will not want to miss this so get it on your calendar right now. sponsors. We can never have to many. This year in addition to the car the hole in one sponsor will have prizes for a hole in one on any par three. It will be a fun tournament for all. Remember the tournament is open to all. So go out and recruit players. If you missed the May meeting at the Peppermill Restaurant we are so sorry you were not able to make it. We had an excellent attendance with twelve Nobles and eight ladies present. Dr. Aiona from Shriners Hospital was our guest speaker and delivered a very interesting talk about Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). We need new members! Although there are no meetings planned for the next couple of months I will continue to offer these short Oasis articles to keep you informed, as best I can, as to what is going on relative to the Tualatin Valley Shrine Club. So stay tuned and stay informed. With all of that in mind, our next event is the picnic on Wednesday, August 17th and our next business meeting will be at the Peppermill Restaurant, 17455 SW Farmington Road, (Intersection of Farmington and Kinnaman Road), Aloha at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, September 21, 2016. If anything changes between now and then I’ll let you know by mail, email or phone call. Hope to see all of you at the picnic. When you attend the parades and other functions be sure and wear your fez and take raffle tickets and golf signup sheets with you. Don’t miss the stated meeting on July 25, 2016. There will be a report about the Imperial Session. Al Zahrah Court #58 By High Priestess Marjorie Burgher Greetings and Happy Summer from Al Zahrah Court #58 of Portland, Oregon. Al Zahrah Court is going to be very busy, even during the summer months! We have our first ceremonial on Saturday June 11th at the Milwaukie Odd Fellows Hall with a lunch following the meeting at McGraths restaurant. We are scheduling a second ceremonial at our October 15th Court meeting. Greeters Al Zahrah Court is going to have a Yard Sale on Saturday July 9th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the parking lot of the Milwaukie Odd Fellows Lodge, 10282 SE Main St., in Milwaukie. If you have anything you would like to donate to our yard sale, please give me a call at (360) 609-1511, l’d be glad to pick it up. The next Greeters meeting will be July 18, 2016. This will be a combination Greeter and Golf Meeting. We will be going over the duties that everyone will have for the golf tournament on August 18, 2016. We will also be going out to the garage to find all the signs we need to go out to the golf course. This is a lot easier to do with help. Then we will discuss the upcoming duties of the Greeters. There will not be a potluck but an Oasis is a possibility. But more importantly, please come by and see if we have anything in our yard sale that you just can’t live without. Even if you don’t buy anything, come by and say hello. We’d love to just visit. Also in July, we have a regular Court meeting on Saturday July 16th, 11 a.m., at the Milwaukie Odd Fellows Lodge. All LOS members are invited to attend our Court meetings. If you need a ride to court, please give me a call and we’ll arrange for one of our ladies to pick you up before the meeting and take you home after. Have a great and safe 4th. By Noble Don Slezak Remember to keep selling the vacation raffle tickets. If you run out of tickets please let me know and I can get you some more. All your friends and neighbors need to have a chance on this vacation deal. The 71st Annual Al Kader Golf Tournament is looking like it will be the best one in recent years. There are several things that are different this year and we need all the help we can get to make it even better. Keep looking for more players and In August the Court is dark, but we still have things going on! We are having a garden party at the home of one of our members, Lady Risa Northway, from 1 to 3 p.m.. The address for this event is 13263 Fortuna Court, Oregon City, 97045. Everyone is invited to this garden party, and refreshments will be provided by the ladies of the Al Zahrah Court Oriental Band, Dancers and Unit and Club news continued on page 13 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 7 8 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Pote’s Trip 2016 Alaska Cruise! Photos contributed by Albert Martinez, Emily Wheelbarger, Velna DeHut, Duncan Tucker, Pat Nerski, Everett Fitzgibbons, Patrick Sheehan, and Todd Weedman. Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 9 Polar Bear Plunge! 10 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 11 12 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Clowns. We will have all of the toys, games and gifts that the Oriental Band, Dancers and Clowns have purchased to present to the Portland Shrine Hospital in September. Our Grand High Priestess will make her official visit to our Portland Court on Monday September 5th, and will be touring the Portland Shrine Hospital for children on Tuesday September 6. Everyone is invited to join us for the tour and lunch at the Portland Shrine Hospital. More information about this event will be announced at a later date. Another fun and exciting event we will be having in the fall, is our Autumn Tea Party on Saturday October 8. This will be open to the public, and promises to be a lot of fun with great food. If you have any questions about any of our upcoming events, please feel free to call me at (360) 609-1511. Have a fun and safe summer. Concert Band by Noble Clem Norton The Concert Band had no performances during May, but we spent the time preparing for a June concert at the Jennings McCall Center and for the June 18 Veterans social, both of which will be reported upon in next Month’s Oasis. Fine for now. “Music is the universal language of Mankind.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Desert Patrol by Frank Brewington, Captain We have completed the Dalles and Newport Parade and had a great turnout. Thank you everyone for coming and supporting the Desert Patrol. The Mustang breakfast is coming up on June 4th at Hillsboro Fairgrounds the cost is $6.00. It is 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., so let your friends know to come out and join us. We went to Tebo’s for our meeting and had a great surprise, we ended up having a lady come up and ask us if she could talk to all of our group. We told her yes at the end of the meeting. She told us Thank you for doing what we do. Her sister got polio and they didn’t expect her to live. She needed surgery because she could not walk, so the Shriners Hospital on Sandy Blvd did surgery on her sister, they put a rod in her back. She is now 53 years old and because of the Shriners they got to keep her sister 30 more years She now has a brain tumor and they don’t know how much longer she will be with them. But a Big thank you was given. Art Hermanson, Potentate Rep talked about the repairs that are coming to Shrine center. The mustang breakfast went really good. I want to thank my daughter Kathy Pickett and my Granddaughter Alyssa Pickett along with her fiancé for coming to help us do all of the work. We had a good crew from the Desert Patrol and we served about 200 people in 3 hours. Our Potentate Representative, Art Hermanson also helped us out in clean up, Thank you all for the hard work on the hottest day in June. We have a lot of things going on the next couple of months and it was voted on to go to the St Helens Parade, and some of the Desert Patrol members are going to Sheridan. We also voted to go to the Tillamook Parade. In July there will be a parade in Philomath and we voted to go. We also voted to go to the Troutdale parade, going early and having breakfast at the Troutdale lodge, then do the parade. Some of us have voted to go to Newberg and a few are going to Joseph. We voted to go to Baker City, we will be going to the breakfast Friday morning and supporting the Caravaners breakfast, and then on Saturday morning we will be going to the park for breakfast, and then riding in the Parade, That afternoon we will be going to the park for the BBQ. and then we will be going onto the field before the game. We also voted to do the Bend Run on Saturday, we also have members going to Astoria Parade. The Golf Tournament, we are sponsoring a hole, and we need to remember to work. Then Aumsville Parade, Then we will have a lot of fun going to the Shrine family Picnic at Oaks Park. We voted not to have any meetings in July and in August, so our next meeting is September the 5th. Shurtah Club By Noble Ken Hall July finds us in parades in Philomath on July 9th, the Troutdale parade on July 23rd, and the Newberg Parade on July 30th. Newberg Lodge #104 has invited the Shurtah Club to hamburgers and hotdogs after the parade at their lodge. I need to thank Nobles Jay Carey and Jim Foster for participating in the parades with me, and to Forrest continued on page 22 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 13 14 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Cyclown Parade Takeover! Photos by Lady Jackie Newgard Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 15 History: Politically Active Masons by Noble Bill Blankinship Masons today would have us believe that Masonry is politically and religiously neutral. “Under the usual Masonic restrictions” is part of our oath today, and is meant to set a standard of propriety during our properly “tiled” meetings. What is often ignored is the historic record of Freemasonry that not only was the hotbed of political action, but in fact was instrumental in bringing about revolutions against all forms of tyranny, including the American revolution. The building had been purchased by the St. Andrews Lodge in 1764. There was a square and compass over the front door and a copper Dragon that had turned green through the weather. It was a community center. Downstairs was the Tavern. Upstairs was the St. Andrews Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts (Ancients). It was the largest place for meetings in the north east end of Boston. Historians have called it “headquarters of the American Revolution.” When we meet together as brothers in Masonry and conduct the ancient rituals of Lodge meetings, we do recognize the “meeting on the level” where all Masons are equal and where brotherly love prevails. However, we should also recognize that as “Free” Masons, that we are dedicated to the spirit of ancient Masons who were in fact “Free” of the tyranny of Kings, Priests and tyrannies where men were slaves and subjects to those political states. Today, Freemasons recognize that those ancient founders of our order were Free because of the education they received in a world of ignorance, and we have sought to bring this education to the masses of our nation of which we are citizens. However, again, this comes with a caveat itself, and that is the purpose of education, the paramount purpose of creating a citizenry that is centered on becoming responsible and informed citizens, capable of fulfilling the promise of “being able to govern themselves.” This following article speaks of our early Freemason revolutionists who took on the responsibility of creating a new nation, Under God and with Liberty for all, breaking the chains of Kings, Priests and tyrannical governments. The Boston Tea Party and Freemasonry By Edward M. Gair An artist drew a picture of the Green Dragon Tavern. Below it he wrote these words: “Where we met to Plan the Consignment of a few Shiploads of Tea, Dec 16, 1773” In the upper left hand corner of his drawing he put a square and compass. To this day no one knows who planned the Boston Tea Party. 16 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Here the Boston Committee of Correspondence was formed after a few initial meetings at Brother Joseph Warren’s house a few doors away. Here the Sons of Liberty held secret sessions. They wore a jewel around their necks and were known to have a separate language for recognition. The jewel had a picture of the Liberty Tree on it. The North End Caucus formed the guard here that publicly guarded the tea ships so no tea could be unloaded. Brother Edward Proctor (St. Andrews Lodge) was known to be leader of this guard. Brother Paul Revere served with this guard. Later Brother Paul Revere served in another guard called the Selectmen who walked the streets of Boston, two by two, and observed the movements of British troops before he went off on his famous ride to Lexington. The Selectmen guard met at the Green Dragon Tavern and took an oath of secrecy over a Bible. Dr. Joseph Warren, a 33 year old physician is the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts that meets upstairs. Paul Revere is the Senior Grand Deacon. Both are Past Masters of the St. Andrews Lodge. They are close friends and had come to the St. Andrews Lodge in the same year. It is Joseph Warren who sends Paul Revere to Lexington with a coded message for Brother John Hancock (also of St. Andrews Lodge). Disney Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 17 July Birthdays! Frederick W Raw Peter J Stidd Robert E Schroder George W Foster James L Morgan Arthur N Sorenson Donald A Rhodes Gerald L Crawford Duane E Fandrem Robert D Timm II David P Johnson Douglas A Neville Job H York Willard K Leamon Floyd G Rewey Lavern L Beito Bradley P Fudge Bruce L Nguyen Daniel S Jordan Dennis J Mattson Sterling K Hanakahi Forrest L Hatch Michael L Sanders Gordon C Williams Wade W Robley Thomas B Goringe Robert G Creech John A Torwick Charles A White Chris W Woolcock Everett F Fitzgibbons Michael A Spurling Zane R Harper Albert F Laurie Kenneth L Hall Thomas C Golden Jerry W Adams William J Hinkle 7/1 7/1 7/1 7/1 7/1 7/2 7/2 7/2 7/2 7/2 7/3 7/3 7/4 7/4 7/4 7/4 7/4 7/4 7/5 7/5 7/5 7/5 7/5 7/5 7/6 7/6 7/6 7/7 7/7 7/7 7/7 7/7 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/9 7/9 7/9 We do not lose the ones we love, They only go before. Where there is everlasting life, Where sorrow is no more. And there the soul will always live, And peace is everywhere. We do not lose the ones we love, God takes them in his care. 18 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Melvin K Frice Hugh S Adams Victor Y Kee Richard C Komraus Ryan J Robinson Donald L Wright Victor C Morton Benjamin C Lamb Leroy D Ahern George H Starbuck Louis E Westwick Garry W Weiner Charles E Kreider Kenneth L Briggs Milton A Preisz Tommy L Colvin Jr Jack L Carrico Martin A Kennedy John D Pifher Averitt R Giddings Ralph K Jubb IV Earl E Tradup Richard B Eiden Richard A Martin Thomas S Andrews David H Mathews Steven L Lindley W. F Jordan Wm Otis C Orr Steven R Newgard Brad J Henry Richard R Pickwick Merl T Holmboe Joshua D Bush Don Stein John W Stortz Ralph M Bankston Edwin L Spears 7/10 7/10 7/10 7/10 7/10 7/11 7/11 7/12 7/12 7/13 7/13 7/13 7/14 7/14 7/15 7/15 7/15 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/17 7/17 7/18 7/18 7/18 7/18 7/19 7/19 7/19 7/19 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/22 7/22 Steven L McCabe Dale B Palileo Charlie M Lewis A R Anderson N. H James P.P. Stephen D Wolfe Mark D McNabb James R Westerfield Dennis L Desanno George W Evans Jr. Robert L Montgomery David C Lawson Dennis A Stephens Michael A Benson Robert C Kelly Ivan W Gordon Robert C Ponder III Wayne M Trumbull Ronald A Cooper Larry J Williams Weston B Aanderud Craig W Johnson Terry S Franks Richard A Sewell John F Pinckney Daniel A Longhorn Dale D Addington Eric R Peterson James C Sanders Jack C Conley Horace L Logan Dean E Becker Gary W Kuney Lloyd W Haatia Keith D Pratt George M Currin William J Haynes Jeffrey Nerozzi 7/22 7/22 7/23 7/23 7/23 7/23 7/24 7/24 7/24 7/24 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/28 7/28 7/29 7/29 7/30 7/30 7/30 7/31 7/31 7/31 7/31 7/31 Nobles Visited by the Black Camel: Garry D Lienhard 5/23 Ladd F Hunt 6/1 See you at the Speedway! by Forrest Hatch, Outer Guard Greetings from the grass seed capital of Oregon, also known as Linn County! As we all know the parade season is going strong. The other day at the Lebanon parade I had an elderly gentleman come up to me who said, “I just want to shake your hand and say thank you, over eighty years ago the Shriners helped me.” What a wonderful feeling this type of encounter brings, I am sure you all understand. We all know and hear about the various parades going on however what you may not know is the racing season is in full swing and going strong at the Willamette Speedway in Lebanon, Oregon. The fourth annual Shriner’s Cup Race is rapidly approaching. The news of this event may not have traveled any farther then Wilsonville, so I wanted to let the nobles and ladies know of another fine event taking place right here in Lebanon. The fourth annual Shiners Cup Race will be held July 23, 2016 with the race starting at 6pm. Nobles get in free if they wear their FEZ, ladies are admitted at half price. The net proceeds go to the Al Kader Transportation Fund. How can this be you may be asking yourself, well I will tell you. Nobel Buzz Mitchell, an upstanding member of the Linn County Shrine Club had an idea several years ago about raising funds for the Linn County Shrine Club and the transportation fund. You see he is an avid race fan who has been going to the track for more than ten years. No he is not a driver, at least not yet but he knows many of the speedway drivers. Noble Mitchell brought his fundraising idea up at a stated meeting, got the go ahead and then he followed through. How great is that? As a result, the Shriner’s Cup Race was started. The Linn County Shrine Club rents the race track for the night, a 50/50 raffle is held. The club sells advertising to the local businesses and their names are placed on a banner which is displayed at the track. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Nobles of the Linn County Shrine Club for their dedication to this wonderful event, especially Buzz not just for his idea but for following through and his dedication. Come One, Come All - Join Us at the Speedway!! Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 19 A Virtual Tour of Portland’s Shriners Hospital for Children by Noble John Smith This is the fourth in a series of articles by Noble John Smith, who now volunteers at the front desk of our hospital and is a member of the new Hospital Support Club. Floor 4: Many Nobles have not visited Portland’s Shriners Hospital. This, for them, is the next article in our floor-by-floor “tour” of that house made by Shriners to care for children needing a renewed life. You exit the elevator onto the “deer” or “mountains” floor – Floor 4. It is where Surgical Services, Human Resources, Graphic Arts, Clinical Research, Material Management and Rehabilitation Services reside. One of the first things you see after you exit the elevator and turn right, is the Surgical Services waiting room, with some of the best views in the building. The doorway to Surgical Services (access restricted) is just before the waiting area, behind which are eight pre-and-post operation rooms and four operating rooms. The Hospital averages about 100 surgeries a month; about 70% of these, in 2015, were outpatient procedures. You may need to know where Human Resources is located if you wanted to be employed at Portland’s Shriners Hospital. It is further on down the hall and on your left. Clinical photography and graphics services are processed across the hall in the Graphic Arts department. Clinical Research is further down the hall and is on your left. It is there that a patient’s can opt into 20 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 research studies to help evaluate the effectiveness of various treatments. This differs from the more general “Research” on Floor 6. Walk further and you begin to see the Rehabilitation Services rooms. Rehabilitation Services includes Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Recreational Therapy and Speech Therapy and is second only to the Outpatient Clinic in patient visits with over 8000 appointments each year. The first room you come to houses the assistive technology equipment, various power chairs and communication devices for patients to use. The next two rooms are used primarily for Occupational Therapy, helping children improve upper extremity function in order to accomplish activities of daily living, like dressing and feeding themselves. Next is the Physical Therapy gym, a room full of exercise equipment and mobility devices where therapists help patients improve their strength and mobility to maximize independence. Photos across the hall from the gym highlight some of our more fun Recreational Therapy activities like skiing, horseback riding and kayaking. You’ll see Rehabilitation’s reception area around the hall corner. Patients needing therapy which can best be done in water will find the hydrotherapy pool inviting and near the Rehabilitation Services office. Lining the right side of the hallway are the Speech Therapy rooms, followed by the door to the sky bridge linking Shriners Hospital to OHSU. Return to the public elevator. Floors 5 and 6 are “staff only” floors so the next article will reveal them to you via a “read-only” tour. July 6 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 21 Shurtah Club Continued .... attendance - including his older brother and father. Hatch for obtaining a newer light bar for our second Shurtah car. The protesters grew, as a mob of people claiming to represent the interests of the Desert Patrol arrived via ATV. Newgard gestured at the window and said, “You see these guys? These Desert Rats? They only understand one thing - and that’s strength. We’re going to bring parade participation back to the Cyclowns. No more outsourcing to the Desert Patrol because you know what? These guys are the real clowns. We can do better - and we can make Cyclowns great again.” IS John Nerski informs me that a Noble has offered to install the light bar. We are now owners of a third Shurtah car, and it is being refurbished. As any used car, we need to go through the brakes, battery, and steering components, etc. to be sure it is safe, and ready for service. Earlier in the year, we voted to donate $125 for a ¼ page Shurtah ad in the East/West Shrine game program, and our Secretary, Noble JB Dick, has sent in the money. Hopefully, we will attract other Shriners who are or were Peace Officers to join our ranks. For those of you who have not ridden in the parades, you are really missing out on a lot. You get to see first-hand the appreciation of parents whose kids have been helped by Shriners Hospitals, and also adults that were helped. Al Kader Shrine gets many “thumbs up,” and smiles from the by-standers. If the sideliners at the parade don’t warm your heart, it’s time to check your pulse. I humbly ask for more Shurtah Club Nobles to attend our meetings, and participate in our parades. If we are going to have three parade vehicles, we need drivers and riders. All the units and clubs that participate in the parades collectively do more to put Al Kader before the community than any commercials. See you on July 27th, at the Clackamas Denny’s at 11:30am. Our Shurtah Club needs you! Cyclowns by Noble Patrick Sheehan The June meeting of Cyclowns was disrupted by unruly Kader Clown sympathizers in protest outside Chan’s in Milwaukie. The confused membership wondered what all the fuss was about, until David Newgard - fresh from his latest tour of flying biplanes for the Merchant Marines, burst through the door in front of a hail of eggs, lettuce and bottles thrown in his direction. Adjusting his “Make Cyclowns Great Again” red baseball hat, he addressed the members present with an enthusiastic and spirited speech. It focused on building a wall to keep the Kader Clowns out - which they will pay for, and was met with cheers from the crowd of Cyclowns in 22 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Cap’n Brant continued the meeting. Because our next regular meeting date will be on the 4th of July, we are tentatively scheduling a replacement meeting for July 12 at 5:30 p.m. at Chan’s prior to the Milwaukie 109 stated meeting - pending the Potentate’s approval. The August meeting will be our annual break from Chan’s to Rosie’s in Linton on August 1st at 5:30 p.m.. Later, the Potentate’s aid was interrupted by Newgard, who said, “I know the Potentate - he’s a good guy. A good guy! And what he and I have planned is going to be huuuuuge. Believe me - you don’t know it now, but by this time next year you’re going to be really astounded - I mean really amazed at how huge this is.” With that, Newgard waved to the Cyclowns in attendance with a thumbs-up gesture and left through a back entrance. Four Cyclowns were hospitalized trying to get to their cars in the parking lot afterward. No arrests were made, but video footage of the incident is widely available on youtube. Clatsop County Shrine Club by Carey Huckaba Pictured (L to R) Clatsop County Shrine Club President Victor Kee, Long Beach Elementary School Teacher Pat Knapp, Noble Lowell Cook, with $3,000 check to Portland Shriners Hospital. Clatsop County Shrine Club reached out across the Columbia River to Long Beach Washington to sponsor elementary school teacher Pat Knapp’s ‘Math Day 2016’ a fundraiser for Shriners Hospitals. A Patient’s Story by Noble Rod Hevland It was our honor to have our patient JJ & his mom Dena ride our float at St Helens parade. Local folks & classmates called out his name, cheering him along the route. What better example of our parade theme “helping children reach their goals” could there have been? This year, Math Day raised $3,000 for Shriners Hospitals. What’s more, with extensive local press coverage and local publicity, the communities in southwest Washington and Northwest Oregon were reminded of the significance of Shriners Hospitals, “The World’s Greatest Philanthropy.” Clatsop County Shrine Club President Vic Kee announced that plans are already being made with Mrs. Knapp for the 2017 Long Beach Elementary Math Day. Columbia County Shrine Club by Ron Ellenson The CCSC hosted a very successful country breakfast before the St. Helens community parade, and a well-attended picnic style lunch after the parade for the units and Divan. Thanks to President Noble Casey Garret and crew for staging the day at our Shrine Center. The “tips for Kids” jar collected over $350.00 in donations for the patient transportation fund. The Al Kader units were invited to participate in the parade and are always appreciated by the community. Our fairly new entry of units was the hospital support trailer with hospital volunteers and select patients who enthusiastically greeted he parade watchers Thanks to I.S. Bob Walliker P.P. and the hospital’s Kay Weber Ekeya and others for making this entry possible appearance possible. The St. Helens Masonic Lodge has a very attractive float donated from a Lodge in Washington, which featured Rainbow girls and local lodge members. We will meet informally on Thursday, June 30th for a ’work party’ at the St. Helens Shrine building and then dark for July and August. Our next regular meeting will be on September 29th (the last Thursday of September) when we will finalize our participation at the St. Helens annual Children’s Fair at the high school commons. We will co-host a tractor pulled hayride trailer with the St, Helens Lodge #32. Wagon master Noble Henry Hiemuller will be at the controls. JJ is still our patient at Shriners. As a toddler he was victim of shaken baby syndrome by his babysitter (later arrested & convicted in Columbia County). JJ almost died and had severe injuries. As a detective in Portland, I used to specialize investigating such cases. His recovery is miraculous. Over 15 yrs. Shriners has been a part of helping JJ through rehabilitation efforts to “reach his goals” -he has overcome even other challenges, including bullying. This past football season his coach made him a special kicker in a final game locally (watch on YouTube). JJ also just graduated High School. It is very humbling to witness how Love to the Rescue by a loving parent, his family & Shriners truly make a difference. Thanks to those who joined in the parade Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 23 LOCATION: Oregon City Golf Club 20124 S. Beavercreek Rd. Oregon City, Or 97045 DATE: Open to the Public A fun day of Golf with Friends & Supporters of The Al Kader Shriners “The World’s Greatest Philanthropy” Great Prizes for Men & Women August 18, 2016 TIME: 8:30am-9:15 registration driving range open 9:30AM Shot Gun Start/Scramble Format Win a car to use for two years from Busters BBQ Lunch to Follow Findlay Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Hole in One Contest on #9 Register by phone 503-682-4420, fax 503-685-5080, email info@alkadershriners.org or at www.alkadershriners.org Registration form on Back Net Proceeds are for the benefit of Al Kader Shriners. The sponsor fee is not deductible as a charitable contribution. 24 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 Al Kader Shrine 71st Annual Golf Tournament August 18, 2016 at Oregon City Golf Course 20124 S. Beavercreek Road, Oregon City Scramble Format – Shotgun Start – 9:30 AM Limited to first 144 players – 36 Teams $90.00 per person - $360.00 per team Entry fee includes 18 holes of golf, cart, 2 drink tickets, lunch and raffle tickets. Everyone is welcome! Prizes and trophies awarded for Low Gross, KP’s and Long Drives. 1. Team Captain’s Name __________________________________________ Shriner Y/N Address _____________________________City ______________ St ____ Zip __________ Email___________________________________________ Phone ____________________ 2. Name __________________________________________ Shriner Y/N Address _____________________________City ______________ St ____ Zip __________ Email___________________________________________ Phone ____________________ 3. 3. Name __________________________________________ Shriner Y/N Address _____________________________City ______________ St ____ Zip __________ Email___________________________________________ Phone ____________________ 4. 4. Name __________________________________________ Shriner Y/N Address _____________________________City ______________ St ____ Zip __________ Email___________________________________________ Phone ____________________ Full amount due with your entry form. Deadline for entries is August 1, 2016 Late Entry Fee is $100.00 per person or $400.00 for a team. Please make checks payable to: Al Kader Shriners Visa/Master Card number ____________________________________________ Expiration Date: Month _______Year _______ Zip Code ________ Submit your entry by E-mail: sarah.gourde@alkadershriners.org, Phone 503-682-4420, Fax 503-685-5080 or mail your entry to: All net proceeds are for the benefit of Al Kader Al Kader Shrine Center, Shrine. The entry fee is not deductible as a 25100 SW Parkway Ave charitable contribution. Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 25 2015 Membership Drive Incentive Program A Noble who is Top Line signer for: (1)new Noble will receive A Silent Messenger T-Shirt (3)new Nobles gets one comp Social for Two (5)new Nobles gets name in drawing for trip to St. Petersberg, FL to the E/W All Star Football game (not transferrable) (6)new Nobles gets one year Paid dues (10)new nobles gets free Socials For 2016 Calendar year for Noble & Their guest. (not transferrable) 26 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 PETITION FOR INITIATION & MEMBERSHIP AL KADER SHRINE - 2016 Shriners International 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, Or Office 503-682-4420 Fax 503-685-5080 Email: info@alkadershriners.org To the Illustrious Potentate, Officers and Members of Al Kader Shrine, Oasis of Wilsonville: I am a Master Mason in good standing in _______________ Lodge No. A. F. & A. M. and have been since (Date) ______________ Address __________________________________________ City/State __________________________ which is recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than six months, as required by the Bylaws of the Imperial Council. I respectfully pray that I may be made a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, and become a member of Al Kader Shrine. If I be found worthy and my request granted, I promise to conform to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of The Imperial Council and the Bylaws and ceremonials of your Al Kader Shrine. Have you previously applied for admission to any Shrine Center of the order? _____ Name? _________________ When? __________________ SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________ DATE ________________________ CANDIDATE INFORMATION PRINT FULL NAME ____________________________________________________ SPOUSE NAME ________________________ RESIDENCE __________________________________________________ CITY ___________________ STATE _____ ZIP _______ HOME PHONE (___)_____________ FAX (___)___________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________ BIRTHPLACE CITY _______________________ STATE _____ DATE OF BIRTH: MONTH _________ DAY ________ YEAR ________ HAT SIZE _______ PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION _______________________________________ BUSINESS ADDRESS ________________________________________________ CITY ________________ STATE___ ZIP________ BUSINESS PHONE (___) _____________ FAX (___) _______________ EMAIL: __________________________________________ Send Shrine mail to: Residence ____ Business ____ Are you Sr DeMolay? ______ Member of Scottish Rite? _____ York Rite ____ SPECIAL NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR CURRENT BLUE LODGE DUES CARD This petition must be signed by two (2) Nobles in good standing in Al Kader Shrine Top line signer Noble _____________________________ Print Name _________________________ Member # ________________ Home Phone (____) _____________ Fax (____) _____________ Email ______________________________________ Second line signer Noble _____________________________ Print Name _________________________ Member # ________________ Involve yourself; Get active. Join a Shrine Club or Committee. If you are interested in any of the following, please make a mark next to the group you would like to learn more about. Patrol ____ Oriental Band ____ Legion of Honor ____ Volunteer Chaplain ____ Callipoe Corps ____ Flag Patrol ____ Ritualists _____ 21-40 Club ____ Hospital Guide ____ Classic Cars ____ Greeters ____ Hospital Driver ____ Concert Band ____ Kader Klowns ____ Shrine Club in my area _____ Cyclowns ____ Motor Escort ____ Caravaners ____ Desert Patrol ____ Shurtah (police club ____ Hospital Support Club ____ Haunted House Club ____ Golf Tournament ____ Initiation fees, in full, must accompany Petition and may be paid by Visa, MasterCard or American Express. The special 50/50 fee is $50*. The first year’s dues will be prorated based on date of initiation. 2016 dues are $104.00. *Cost of Fez not included (Felt-$140.00, Velour $170.00, Fez Case and Accessories $49) Ceremonials will be held on April 16th and November 12th 2016 Anyone desiring to schedule additional Cold Sands initiations, please contact The Recorder or Potentate Total 50/50 Fees for Initiation – Shrine Year 2016 $50.00 Enclosed is payment in the amount of $ ______________ Check No. _________ Please charge my Visa/Mastercard No._______________________ Exp ________ For Office Use: Recorders Record: Elected _________ Check $ __________ Created _____________ Member No. ________________ Al Kader Oasis - July 2016 27 CHANGE of ADDRESS Name _____________________________ Old Address ________________________ City ______________State ___ Zip ______ NEW Address ______________________ City ______________State ___ Zip ______ The OASIS - Al Kader Shrine Shrine Al Kader Shriners International Shriners International 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 497 PORTLAND, OR 25100 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 Dated Material Please Rush Please add Telephone # ( ) __________ SEND THIS COUPON TO: Recorder, Al Kader Shrine Center 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 (503) 230-0500 www.lifetimewindows.net Your Home Window and Door Specialists Locally Owned and operated NO Subcontractors Need New Windows? Call US, your local window guys, estimates are FREE We are locally owned and operated sales & installation specialists. We provide quality vinyl, fiberglass, wood and aluminium products from a variety of manufacturers. We are now offering Roofing, Siding, Window and Door replacement Take advantage of our FREE in-home consultations and no-obligation, zero-hassle estimates. We accept all major credit cards, and offer financing to qualified buyers. We use our own staff of experienced installers - no subcontractors. 14710 SE Lee Avenue, Portland, OR 97267 (Corner of Oak Grove Blvd and Lee) CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Calendar of Events Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice January March 2015 Please note2015 that all dates and eventsFebruary shown here2015 are subject to change without notice. Friday, January 2 Divan Fellowship 6:00-8:00 PM Saturday, January 3 Rehearsal Installation Officers 5:00 PM July of2-8 Sunday, January 4 Imperial Session Caravaners Breakfast - 11:30 AM Wednesday, July 6 Saturday, January 10 DONInstallation Stated Meeting Hillah of Officers 5:00 PM Monday,July January Monday, 18 12 Stated meeting6 pm 5:30 PM Board Meeting Friday,January 16 Tuesday, 19 6:30 PM Club/Unit/ DivanJuly Networking Divan Meeting 6 pm 17 Saturday, January Club/Unit/Divan Training Monday, July 25 8:00 AM Monday, January 19 Stated Meeting Board 6:007PM Oasis 5:30 pm,Meeting Meeting pm Saturday, January 24 Wednesday, 28 Meeting East/West FootballJuly Committee Unit / Club Head Meeting 5:30 pm Prineville8:00AM Monday, January 26 Divan Meeting 6:00 PM Thursday, January 29 Unit Head Meeting 6:00 PM Saturday, January 31 Oriental Band Crab Feed 5:00 PM Nile Shrine Center Potentate’s Ball 6:00 PM July Sunday, February 1 Big Game Day Party 2:00 PM Saturday, February 14 Mardi Gras Social 5:00 PM Wednesday, Aug. 316 Monday, February Board Meeting 6:30 PM DON Stated Meeting February 19-22 Saturday, Aug. 6 Winter PNSA East-West Football Seattle Game Baker February City Monday, 23 Divan Meeting Monday, Aug 15 Dinner 6:00-PM Board Meeting 6:00 8:00 pm Meeting 7:00 PM Tuesday, 16 26 Thursday,Aug. February All Unit Divan Meeting Head Meeting Dinner 6:00 PM Wednesday, Aug.PM18 Meeting 7:00 Golf Tournament 8:00 am 28 Start Saturday, February DeMolay Grand Thursday, Aug.Master 25 Reception 12:00 PM Unit Club Head Meeting 5:30 pm August Sunday, August 28 Picnic 11:00 am - 4For p.m. Sing Out Oaks Park New Members! Sunday, March 8 DON Installation-9:00 AM Monday, March 9 Stated Meeting Wednesday Doors open Sept. 5:30 PM7 DONMonday, StatedMarch Meeting 16 Board Meeting-6:30 PM Saturday, Sept. 10 Saturday, March 21 Burns Parade Potentates Ball Oasis-5:00 Monday, Sept.PM12 Monday,Meeting March 23 Stated DivanMeeting Meeting 7:00 pm Oasis 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:00 PM Monday, Thursday,Sept. March19 26 Board Meeting 6-8 pm Unit Head Meeting 6:00 PM Saturday,Sept. March20 28 Tuesday, Al Divan Kader Kids Easter6-8 Egg pm Hunt All Meeting 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM September Thursday, Sept. 22 Unit / Club Head Meeting 5:30 - 8 pm Saturday, Sept. 24 Social TBD For all club/unit meeting dates and times, visit AlkaderShriners.org Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 20 28 Al Kader Oasis - July 2016
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