September 2016 - Al Kader Shriners


September 2016 - Al Kader Shriners
A Publication of Shrine Masons. Sept. 2016 - Vol. 116, Issue 9
East-West Game,
Newberg Parade,
Unit & Club updates
and much more!
Al Kader OASIS
Published Monthly
Al Kader, Shriners International
25100 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600
Phone: (503) 682-4420
Fax: (503) 685-5080
Subscription Price $5.00 / yr
Elected Divan
I.S. John Nerski, Potentate
Ron Gamble, Chief Rabban
Art Hermanson, Assistant Rabban
Todd Weedman, High Priest & Prophet
Carl Thompson, Oriental Guide
David Tate, Treasurer
Dick Duer, Recorder
Appointed Divan
Jeremy Ward, 1st Ceremonial Master
Albert Martinez, 2nd Ceremonial Master
Terry Griffith, Director
Mel DeHut, Marshal
Kenton Wolfe, Chaplain
Carson Bailey, Assistant Chaplain
Orin Sundeen, Captain of the Guard
Richard Crist, Outer Guard
Skip Weisgerber, Outer Guard
Bill Quier, Outer Guard
Fred Wendt, Outer Guard
Carey Huckaba, Outer Guard
Gary Dentinger, Outer Guard
Dave Simpson, Outer Guard
Zack Balylack, Outer Guard
Larry Evey, Outer Guard
Forrest Hatch, Outer Guard
Potentate’s Aides
IS Warren Gray ‘12, Executive Aide
Frank Brewington, Chief Aide
Fred Hardin, Chief Aide
Aides; Hap Baldwin, Bob Brown, Jeff Crowder,
Keith Leamon, Danny Norgaard, Pete Ohlmann,
Larry Philbrick, Bob Swan, Chris Woolcock
Temple Unit Staff
Dennis Harris, Director of Units
Brian Williams, Assistant Dir. of Units
Tom Killion, Director’s Staff
Dennis DeSanno, Director’s Staff
Phil Strothers, Staff
Temple Staff
Mark Phillips, Temple Attorney
(vacant) Temple Auditor
Dick Duer, Hospital Transportation
Other Appointments
Skip Stanaway, Ambassador at Large
Ron Ellenson, Ambassador
Gary Scott, Ambassador
Ken Jubb - Photographer
Roy Armentrout, Recorder
Robert Timm and Ken Jubb, Ambassadors
Robert Keller, Treasurer
Noel Keister, Chaplain
Dave Johnson, Oasis Editor
Potentate I.S. John Nerski, Publisher
Patrick Sheehan, Editor
Art Thompson, Photographer
Items must be received by the 10th of the
month to for
next month’s issue.
Advertising Rates on Request
Pote’s Notes
by 2016 Potentate I.S. John Nerski
As I sit here writing the article for
the September Oasis in the back of
my mind I can hear the song by The
Happenings “I’ll See You in September.”
With the approach of fall comes several
events such as the trip to Burns, the
Oktoberfest at Mount Angel, the
Haunted House, the Food Caravan and
the Chief Rabban night. Look for the
email blasts and flyers in the Oasis about
these events and especially for the new
Nobles, try very hard to attend because
you will be rewarded by the experience.
Speaking of events, there were two
recently that were major events for Al
Kader Shriners. Of course, Baker City
is THE event for the summer and this year proved to be as good as it
gets. The Grand Master, MWGM Art Borland, brought nearly all of the
Grand line who joined him in participating in all of the events including
the players BBQ dinner in LaGrande, walking the parade and being at
the game. The game was a great event with the East winning 15 to 12
and there were no lightning strikes to scare off the refs this year. Thanks
goes out to all of the clubs and units and especially to Roger Hood, Greg
Jenkins, Terry Griffith and all of the members of the East/West Shrine
All Star football game committee that helped put the game and all of the
festivities together. A new event was presented at the Mountain View RV
Park by Noble Dave Simpson who had movie night reportedly attended by
some sixty or so people, thanks Dave!!
Mary’s Peak was another great event. The attendance to the rodeo was
up by the participants and spectators alike. The committee did a fantastic
job in organizing it, preparing the meals and getting the prizes. The belt
buckle design was returned to the ones with the Scimitar, which the kids
were very excited about. The meat for the dinner on Saturday night was
cooked by IS Greg Jenkins in our Traeger grill and was as good as it
gets with Lady Mavis working very hard on the rest of the meal. And the
culmination for me was that I received another payday. By that I mean that
after the buckles were given out there was a small boy that went up to the
promoter Bill O’Loughlin and asked who he could thank for the buckle.
Bill pointed to me and the boy gave me a huge hug and said “thank you.”
Big payday!
Other events in August include the Al Kader Shriners Golf Tournament
organized by the Greeters who work extremely hard on it and with limited
resources. We also had the Al Kader Family picnic, what a great time that
always is with 1st Ceremonial Master Jeremy Ward and his Lady Jessica
with Grayson’s helping to make this year’s event very special. Thanks to
all of the clubs and units who helped out and the Divan for serving the
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
continued on next page ...
Pote’s Notes Continued ...
Fez Lunch
Friday, September 30th
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Thirsty Lion - Washington Square, Tigard
It’s what everyone’s been talking about! Join
us for a monthly lunch where we overwhelm
a Portland Metro area restaurant with 40-50
Fez-wearing Shriners to raise awareness of the
Shrine. All Shriners are welcome! Look up “Fez
Lunch” on facebook and join the group to get
reminders of the next event!
As we go about our business of being Shriners
and assisting the hospital do its best to help out
the most deserving of people, let us remember
our obligations we all gave at our initiation into the
fraternities of Masonry and Shriners. We all took
an obligation to treat each other with brotherhood
and respect. We don’t need to be best of friends and
I would think that we don’t need to be that involved
with each other’s busy lives. However, we are all
brothers in a great fraternity with an incredibly
important mission of helping those in need. After
all, we are all proud Americans on the same team
working toward a common goal and should at the
very least be tolerant of each other.
Lastly, at the July Stated Meeting we talked a little
about Estate planning. When you are making plans
for your Estate, please remember the Portland
Shriners Hospital for Children and Al Kader
Shriners. With the gifts that both have received in
the last couple of years we all benefit. The inclusion
doesn’t have to be large, but any inclusion will go a
long way to help the fraternity and the hospital. We
will forever need a place to hang our fez and a place
to protect and serve the kids.
Fall Ceremonial
Fri-Sat November 11-12, 2016
Al Kader Shrine Center
6:00 pm Friday Nov. 11: Candidates arrive at Portland Shriners Hospital
for dinner and a presentation/tour of the Hospital
Saturday, Nov. 12:
8:30 am
Candidate Check-in
9:00 am
Stated Meeting
9:30 am
Arch Degree
10:30 am
11:30 am
New Noble and Lady Orientation
12:15 pm
2:30 pm
New Nobles Meet with Clubs and Units in Harrington Hall
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Remembering IS Walter Alley
Our Heavenly Father called
Illustrious Sir Walter D. Alley to
His home on July 29, 2016. He
is survived by his wife Judith,
his son Mark, his daughters
Barbara and Sarah, his brother
Wayne, Grandchildren, Great
Grandchildren, nephews and
nieces. He was born in Portland,
Oregon on September 15, 1929,
graduated from Washington
High School, graduated from
the University of Oregon and
received his Law Degree from
Lewis and Clark College of Law
in Portland. He had his own law
firm in the Portland, Oregon
Ill. Sir Alley was initiated as an
Enter Apprentice Mason on
November 17, 1950, passed as
a Fellowcraft on December 22,
1950 and raised to the sublime
degree of Master Mason on
February 2, 1951, all in Sellwood
Lodge #131. He received his 50
year service award as a Mason
on August 27, 2009. Ill. Sir Alley
became an Al Kader Shriner in
a joint Ceremonial with Hillah
Shrine Temple on November
11, 1960, having his Father Ill.
Sir Leonard Alley as his top line
signer. He was a member of
Portland Valley Scottish Rite,
receiving his 32nd Degree on
November 29, 1960. He belonged
to the Columbia County Shrine Club and Tualatin Valley Shrine Club as well as attending a lot of the Polk
County Shrine Club meetings, having a great many friends in that part of the State. He was a member of the
Insurance Advisory Committee, the Legal Committee, the Million Dollar Club, the Cabiri and was a Circus
Dad. Ill. Sir Alley was an avid member of the Chanters and liked to sing with Noble Bill Gillespie. Although
Ill. Sir Alley was not involved very much in the last few years, in the past he very much liked attending the
Shriners All Star Football game festivities in Baker City and always had a great time in the sea of activities
Ill. Sir Alley served on the Portland Shriners Hospital for Children Board of Directors for several years.
He had a strong sense of dedication to the hospital because of some medical conditions that members of
his immediate family were born with. Ill. Sir Alley always took visitors and friends from out of town to the
Portland Shriners Hospital and gave them tours.
Ill. Sir Alley had a strong sense of humor, although it was a dry sense of humor and sometimes it took people
to realize the joke. He valued the Shrine and its philanthropy very highly and subscribed to the Shrine
tenets. He will be dearly missed by his family, his Shriner family and those that knew him.
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Director’s Corner
Chaplain’s Report
July and August were two of the busiest months
when a came to Parades, I am sure glad the
parade season is winding down so that I can get
some of my own work done.
As I write this we have just returned from Baker
City and the 64th Annual East-West Shrine All-Star
Football Game weekend. By the time you read
this it will be history, and will have been reviewed,
critiqued, rehashed, the results will be in and the
planning started on the 65th.
by Noble Dennis Harris
The Baker City Parade was one of the best
parades of the year. For the month of September,
we have two volunteer parades, one in Burns and
the other in Pendelton.
Burns Parade is on September 10th, if anyone is
interested in going, please contact me so that I can
get the application in on time.
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an
argument when you realize you’re wrong.
The next unit head meeting will be held on
September 22nd.
Oasis will be at 5:30 pm, Meeting at 6:30 pm.
by Noble Kenton Wolfe
As I participated in this weekend full of activities
and file away the Shriner’s schedule of events it
occurs to me what a wonderful demonstration of
Shrine Mason principles this weekend is. A big
WOW and thanks to everyone.
At risk of omitting something or someone with
a list, it takes many people and activities for the
success of this weekend. As I looked around at
each activity I realize how many people were
working together (sometimes all year around)
for the success of the weekend. Shriners (from
five temples) and many other groups and
organizations were all working together as well
functioning machines.
What other organization could accomplish
something like this for almost 65 years? What
other organization could have such support from
so many groups and individuals? What other
group could do so much and have fun doing it?
Many people witnessed who we are and what we
stand for. Our hospitals and the children being
treated there are appreciative participants and
Notice of Stated Meeting
September 12, 2016
5:30 p.m. Oasis, 7:00 p.m. Stated
Al Kader Shrine - Shiners International
Shrine Center - Wilsonville, Oregon
2016 Dues Card Required. Doors open at
5:30 p.m.
As we get back off the summer vacation mode
we need to take time to participate in upcoming
Lodge and Shrine activities. Check the schedules
online and in the Oasis for activities and come join
us. You will find welcoming Brothers and Nobles.
Join their enthusiasm and participation in our
great fraternity. What a noble cause to support our
hospitals and have fun doing it.
If a man does not take new acquaintances, as he
advances through life, he will soon find himself
left alone. A man should keep his friendships in
constant repair. -Samuel Johnson
Faith is like a boomerang; begin using what you
have and it comes back to you in greater measure.
-Charles L. Allen
by Order of: Potentate I.S. John Nerski
Attest: Dick Duer, Recorder
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Concert Band
On Sunday, July 10, the Concert Band, in its
Dance Band configuration, traveled to Sandy,
Oregon, where we performed for their annual
Sandy Mountain Festival. Set in beautiful Meinig
Park surrounded by douglas fir and cedar trees,
we presented a two-hour program of dance band
literature. This is the 10th year that we have been
coming here, and we always enjoy this occasion.
After the concert, we went to Les and Kathy
Geren’s home and were treated to a great steak
The next Greeters meeting will be September 7,
2016. This is a different day than usual to avoid a
conflict with Labor Day and the stated meeting.
We will have the results from the golf tournament
by then so you can see what the hard work of a
few people can do. Think what we could do with
more members.
by Noble Clem Norton
More Band news next month. Fine for now.
Lincoln County Shrine Club
by President Mark Phillips
For the second half of the summer, the Lincoln
County Renegades rode in parades in Philomath,
Pacific City, The Dallas and, of course, Baker City.
Let’s not forget the Mary’s Peak Shrine Trek and
Youth Rodeo held in Philomath on August 12-14.
We also enjoyed our annual steak fry at the Wapiti
Park Campground in Lincoln City on August 26.
We are making every effort to create visibility
for the fez, and the feedback has been extremely
By Noble Don Slezak
Remember to keep selling the vacation raffle
tickets. If you run out of tickets please let me
know and I can get you some more. All your
friends and neighbors need to have a chance on
this vacation deal.
Don’t forget about the Stated meeting on
September 12th. Looking ahead we will have
duties at the Food Caravan Social on October 15,
2016. The uniform will be orange shirt with black
pants or shorts.
We need new members!
Tualatin Valley Shrine Club
by President Herb Richardson
Well here it is September already and the summer
time fun, parades, picnics, and time at the beach
are just memories. It is now time to pack up the
toys of summer and get back to business. Oh, and
let us not forget to mind those school speed zones
once more.
Thanks to everyone for coming out to our annual
picnic in August but a special thanks goes out to
the Oriental Band for joining in the fun and for the
entertainment. Much thanks also to the ladies for
bringing those cookies and deserts.
As summer winds down, we continue to sell
vacation raffle tickets and hope that you are too.
Our next Stated Meeting will be held in November
in connection with Donkey Basketball at Newport
High School. More details to follow on that event.
We will wrap up the year with holiday parades in
Albany on November 11, and a doubleheader in
Springfield and Independence on December 3.
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
I really don’t have much else to report on this
month so I’ll just say that our next business
meeting and dinner will be at the Peppermill
Restaurant, 17455 SW Farmington Road,
(Intersection of Farmington and Kinnaman Road),
Aloha at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, September 21,
2016. If anything changes between now and then
I’ll let you know by mail, email or phone call.
My email address is
and my home phone is 503-691-6711
Have a safe Labor Day.
Al Zahrah Court #58
By High Priestess Marjorie Burgher
Greetings from Al Zahrah Court #58. The Oriental
Band, Dancers and Clowns will have their “Garden
Party” on August 20th at the home of Lady Risa
Northway from 1 to 3pm. Her address is 13263
Fortuna Court, Oregon City, OR. Everyone is
invited to attend this fun event.
Our Grand High Priestess, Lady Diana Schmitd
will make her official visit to our Portland Court
on Monday September 5th and 6th. I know it’s the
Labor Day weekend, but we will have our Court
meeting on Monday at 3 pm, for members only,
with a no host dinner at McGraths immediately
following our meeting. On Tuesday the 6th we’ll
tour the Portland Shrine Hospital, and have a
presentation of gifts for the children at the hospital
by our Oriental Band, Dancers and Clowns Unit.
Please mark your calendars for our “Autumn
Tea” on October 8th, from 1:30 to 3:30 pm at the
Milwaukie Odd Fellows Hall. Everyone is invited,
and it’s free! Please call me with your reservations
at 360-609-1511.
On November 5th we will be have our “Bazaar” at
the Milwaukie Odd Fellows Hall. I’m sure we’ll
have lots of things you just can’t live without ...
If you’re interested in reserving a table, please
contact Lady Northway at 503-758-5705. I hope to
see some of our members in Court soon! Have a
safe and fun rest of the summer.
Desert Patrol
by Frank Brewington, Captain
It is really great to see all of our guys going to the
parades. They are going to different parades when
we cannot all go together they went to parades
that we did not sign up for. John Heston went to
Pacific City for the parade and had a great time.
The Desert Patrol has gone to Tillamook, to St.
Helens, Troutdale, Newburg, and Baker City.
Baker was a lot of fun, and there were 12 guys that
came and 10 were in the Parade.
Our big thanks to JB and Linda for letting us use
there pickup to pull the Trailer to Baker City.
The Bend Run is coming up and we have 3 that
are going and possibly more, we hope. Frank is
pulling the trailer with the bikes on it. This is the
Desert Patrols first time over, and we are looking
for a good time.
Our next meeting will be at the Shrine Center, and
it will be pot luck.
Shurtah Club
By Noble Ken Hall
As I write this, we’ve just come back from the
East/West Football Game in Baker City, which
again this year was a resounding success! At the
auction for the steer, several Shrine Clubs bought
the steer, and donated it back, raising money for
our beloved hospital. IS Greg Jenkins purchased
the steer for $2000. It was a beautiful steer, and
you’ll see a picture of the steer along with Noble
Bob Barrowcliff, who petted and talked to the
steer. Our dream of having two Shurtah cars
in the Baker City parade was fulfilled, thanks to
Noble Bob Barrowcliff, who drove one of the
Shurtah cars, while I drove the other. Noble Will
Benson of Baker City detailed the outside of our
latest car, hooked up our siren, mirror strobes,
and rear tail light strobes, and PA system. As
Noble Will is one of our Shurtah nobles, he
was able to drive our newest car in the parade.
Lieutenant Will Benson was a Shriners Hospital
patient growing up, and he’s made us proud,
heading the Parole and Probation Division of the
Sheriff’s Department in Baker County.
Since our August parades are over, parade season
is almost over. We have parades in Burns and
Pendleton on September 10th, if Shurtah wants to
participate. Our next all-unit parade is in Albany
on November 11th.
My goals for Shurtah for this year have almost
been met. I prayed that we could get the light bar
on the second car by my birthday, which was July
8th. On that very day, the light bar was installed;
Unit and Club news continued on page 18
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Photos by Art Thompson
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
New Nobles Cross the Cold Sands
From left to right Nobles Blake Boyd, Roger Reed and
James Webb. Roger told us his father, (himself an Al
Kader Shriner), passed away a year before the very
same day Roger became a Shriner, a significant legacy.
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Save the Date for
Chief Rabban Night
November 19, 2016
Al Kader Shrine Center
It will be an old fashioned “hootenanny” with some down home fun. Come
and find out what awaits you for 2017. Dinner is BBQ Brisket, Chicken
& Ribs with delicious sides, country strawberry shortcake and free beer.
Music will be the River City Ramblers—you won’t be able to resist signing
and dancing!
There will be a travel agent there to share the Potentates Trip—you are
going to want to hear about this one. There are other details for the year
that Ron will share with some help from his friends. The final treat of the
night will be the drawing for the Ultimate Vacation Trip Raffle at 8:00 PM.
One of the first dates that Ron and Gail went on was a “Sadie Hawkins”
dance so it seems fitting that they start their year off leading Al Kader with
the same kind of celebration. So dust off those matching outfits and your
dancing shoes and be there for all the fun. Lots more details to come but
for now “Save the Date” for Chief Rabban Night!
Order of Quetzalcoatl Presents
RSVP to:
Join the Q Summer BBQ Social
Al Kader Shrine, September 15th
Cost Per Ticket $20
Chicken and Ribs and all the fixens
Oasis 5:30
Dinner 6:30
Limited to 100
Ted Balestreri Camaxtli
Ralph Jubb
Proceeds benefit Shrine
Transportation Fund
Reservation must be in by September 13th
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Newberg Parade!
Photos by Jackie Newgard
and Velna DeHut
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
by Noble John Smith, Historian
“My grandfather was an Al Kader Shriner. What can you
tell me about him?”
Al Kader has cards on most former Al Kader Shriners.
They may tell his:
Help Wanted:
Part Time
Receptionist, $10/hr
Name: Wolfter, Hiram Edward.
Address when joined, Birthdate, Application Date, Date
he became a Shriner, Occupation when he became a
Shriner, Affiliation Date Temple he affiliated from or
to, Date he demitted, Temple he demitted to or from,
Withdrawn, Withdrawal date, Masonic Lodge and lodge
location, Eastern Star Chapter and location, Consistory
and location, Commandery and location, Notes
If you seek this information, call Al Kader at 503-682-4420
or email Al Kader at alkadershriners@alkadershriners.
Or mail Al Kader at:25100 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville,OR 97070
Part time receptionist position
starting at $10 an hour.
Cut off date is September 14th with a
start date of September 19th.
Contact Al Kader Shrine at 503-6824420 for more information, or email
your resumé to alkadershriners@
Or apply in person at Al Kader Shrine
Center located at 25100 SW Parkway
Ave. Wilsonville,OR 97070
Run for a Child Event in Bend!
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Golf Tournament Results
71st Annual Al Kader Golf Tournament Results
Master of Ceremonies – I.S. John Nerski
It was another great date for our Golf Tournament. It was comfortable at the start but it warmed up fast.
There were 22 teams with 86 players total that enjoyed golf at the Oregon City Golf Club. After golf everyone
had lunch catered by Buster’s BBQ which was great as usual.
Shrine Teams:
1st with a 60
2nd with a 64
3rd with a 71
Art Hermanson
Wayne Dennis
Bud James
Ron Gamble
Don Slezak
Michael Steben
Brian Williams
Bill Hoover
Mert White
Todd Weedman
Mike Hoover
Ron Eggers
Guest Teams:
1st with a 60
John Dixon
2nd with a 60
3rd with a 60
Conner Olsen Kyle Olsen
Brad Smith
Byron Natale
Devin Flemming
Wes Kinyon
Blake Beehler
Tom Smith
Ron Tjaden
Josh Peterson
Aaron Mantell
The winner was determined by using the standard tie breaking method since all three teams had the same
score. There was no Hole In One on Number 9 so the car stays in the Findlay Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge
showroom. Sorry.
#12 KP – Aaron Mantell
#16 contest by the Cyclowns
# 14 Desert Patrol contest
Long Drive by Age:
39 and under – Kyle Olsen
60 to 69 – Tim Deines
40 to 49 – Brian Williams 50 to 59 – Jeff Nerozzi
70 and older – Mert White
Ladies – Shelly Sorem
#10 Straight Drive by Creative Lighting – a case of LED Bulbs – Don Terrell
Remember Al Kader does this every year around this time so mark your calendar and come out for another
day of fun and golf in 2017!
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
September Birthdays!
Kenneth J Murray
Roger W Allen
Robert C Graham
James J Seitz
Von D Bailey
Lance C Shoemaker
Frank T Jacks
Norman F Day
Derek G Sprague
Aaron B Codiga
Gilbert Groff
Robert M Alegrete
Ralph H Olsen
Robert D Timm
Richard W Garner
Benjamin M Merrill
Traiz A Saenz
James E Black
Thomas H Serface
Milton M Fox II
Wayne E Metz
Albert Morris
Henry E Keith
William F Myers
John J Currie
Andrew Stearns
Wayne R Johnson
James P Caster
Ward W Weissenfluh
Charles F Paul
Walter F McNeill
Jack L Lozo
Matthew A Wand
Leonard L Haldorson
Jonathan E Dyk
Michael R Gates
Arthur R Geary
William G Field
Rodney C Hevland
Zachary A Richard
Vernon D Beard
Darrell S Carter
Larry J Easter
Richard W Mattsen Jr
Durwood C Jaeger
Jack Stocker
Robert W Miltenberger
Roger H Hodge II
Rennie W Johnson P.P.
Walter D Alley P.P.
Gerry E Backanen
William E Rokey
Robert L Fountain
Raymond P Reed
James W Brown
Larry E Lacey
Richard L Blankenship
Shawn T Floyd
Rocky Wagers
Byron A Ward
Roger K Williams
John R Lackey
James W Lehman
Lawrence E Bousquet
Larry M White
James T Leitch
Timothy A Hall
Harold K Clark P.P.
Robert W Banta
Donald J Hayhurst
Gregory J Armstrong
Joseph M Moore
Marc L Strong
Frank A Bradford
Michael A Arnerich
Francis D Sells
Richard A Montee
Wallace M Thompson
Hunt M Compton
Robert J Helton
Daniel L Moyer P.P.
Georg Birns
Carey J Huckaba
Michael E Clements
David L Bergmann
David S Simpson
We do not lose the ones we love,
They only go before.
Where there is everlasting life,
Where sorrow is no more.
And there the soul will always live,
And peace is everywhere.
We do not lose the ones we love,
God takes them in his care.
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Randell C Guyer Jr
Philip W Derby
David D Fuller
Kenneth C Richards
Casey J Garrett
Sheldon I Weiss
John K Gilman
Mark C Phillips
Michael D Drushella
George G Clark
Richard E Bangle
Jay B Dick
John P Smith
John R Perkins
Gary V Bowers P.P.
Richard E Mackinnon
Gene P Stiles
Thomas C Vincent
David V Huguley
William D Seymour
John F Mayse
Bruce G Soulas
John R Olson Jr.
Ralph P Himmelsbach
William L Brunner
Roger L Bishop
Paul K Davis
Robert D Bascom
John Koch
Melvin J Hervey P.P.
Christos Efthimiadis
Peter M Ohlmann
Ron Carr
Herald Reid
Waldron O Lindblad
Robert L Boldt
Donald G Stose
Kris J Trachsel
Richard P Merritt
Brian S Jenkins
Peter G Wylie
Ric A King
Nobles Visited
by the Black Camel:
Thomas H Peterson
Craig E Gorham
Roland N Gillespie
William J Baker
Craig Gorham
Open Labor Day Weekend! Saturday, September 3rd
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Shurtah Continued ....
also, I prayed that we would have both cars in
Baker City for the East/West parade. We did have
both cars in the parade, so another prayer was
answered. My hope now is that we sell enough
tickets for the Shrine Vacation Raffle to replenish
our Shurtah account for the year, and to get
our participation at our meetings up to 15 each
Threats and disrespect toward Police Officers will not
be tolerated. Because of the recent events which have
occurred, our citizens have been made aware of the
problem, and will be more likely to stand up for, and
help protect our Officers in the future. Officers give
simple commands, which have to be followed.
Calliope Corps
by Noble Russ Michaels
Did you know that Al Kader Shrine has a Calliope
The purpose of the Calliope Corps is to provide the
calliope at various Shrine functions, activities and
parades as authorized by the Al Kader Shrine Potentate.
The Calliope Corps has three pieces of equipment. A
locomotive, a large calliope (which is pulled by the
locomotive), and a smaller two person calliope. Each
piece is brightly decorated, is lit up for night time
events and is able to play music. You may have seen
one or all three participating in Shrine events.
This year the Calliope Corps members have
participated in parades in Tillamook, Sheridan,
Newberg, Molalla, Troutdale and many other Oregon
communities. We have been asked to have our calliope
in Canby for the Canby First Friday events. Our
members always enjoy representing the Shrine in the
Starlight Parade each year and had the pleasure of
teaming up with the Hospital club by pulling their float
through this year’s parade. Most recently we had the
pleasure of taking the locomotive and large calliope to
Baker City for the East-West Parade. We love all of the
waves, cheers and smiles (from both young and not so
young) as we travel each parade route.
Our unit meets the third Saturday of each month at
9:30 am at Elmer’s Restaurant in Clackamas. If you
are interested in learning more about the Calliope
Corps please join us for our meeting or call one of our
Russ Michaels – Unit Director
Noble Todd Weedman, of Todd’s Automotive, and
who is our High Priest and Prophet, recharged
the air-conditioner on our new Shurtah car, and
Ryan Miller, of Miller Insurance Agency donated
$100 toward the license and DEQ of that car. I give
these men my heartfelt thanks, as I know they
want to help us as we support the wonderful kids
in our Shrine Hospitals.
Every Noble in our Shurtah group has a right to
be proud for your service to your community.
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Dan Adamson – Asst. Director
Hospital Support Club
by Noble Rod Hevland
Noble Jeff Nerozzi and Sears staff helped us get a
space at Washington Square Mall.
Patient Josie Coronado joined us for the event
helping give out hospital pamphlets and seed
Tillamook County Shrine Club
by Noble Carey Huckaba
For over half a century Tillamook County
Shrine Club has raffled a steer at the Tillamook
County Fair and for all those years the citizens of
Tillamook County have generously supported the
raffle which in turn supports the community and
the Portland Shriners Hospital.
Proceeds from the annual steer raffle are used to
purchase Tillamook Cheese from Tillamook County
Creamery Associaion’s Farm Store for the Portland
Shriners Hospital as well as to support the Al Kader
Shrine Hospital Transportation Fund which provides
transportation to and from Shriners Hospitals for
parents of needy families. Since the raffle began,
Tillamook Portland Freight Line has transported
all that cheese to the Shriners Hospital in Portland
without any charge.
Tillamook County Shrine Club was honored to have
Al Kader Assistant Rabban Art Hermanson and Lady
Lynne present for the steer raffle drawing on the final
day of the fair. Lady Lynne drew the winning raffle
ticket from the 3,800 raffle ticket stubs in the squirrel
cage at the Shrine Steer Exhibit.
The winner of the 2016 Shrine Steer is Linette
Gallagher of Tillamook.
continued on page 20
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Columbia County Shrine Club
by Ron Ellenson
Summer is almost over and now that the days
are shorter and fall is nearly here we resume our
regular meeting schedule of 6:30 pm, on the last
Thursday of each month. Meetings are held at
the St. Helens Shrine Center, and include a casual
light buffet and business meeting.
We have been meeting with 4-6 nobles for the
past (3) months as a ‘work party’ to install our
aggressive lighting project in the lower level of
our building. We have completed the cutouts for
the LED lighting can fixtures and about half of the
electrical wire is strung.
The E-W Shrine football game was a success with
Columbia County showcasing (3) players. They
were featured in the SCAPOOSE SPOTLIGHT
with their coach wearing their game shirts and
no swoosh. Imagine that – just the Shrine game
lettering and no commercial logos. The game was
taped and televised so that many of those who
did not attend were able to enjoy the play and the
Shrine/Masonic advertising spots.
Moving forward, we will participate in the annual
Kiwanis Children’s Fair, in St. Helens, celebrating
Halloween in the community. Noble Treasurer,
Henry Hiemuller and club president Noble Casey
Garrett will command the hayride wagon, which
is always a favorite attraction for the kids. We have
been present at the event for several years and
the Shriners are recognized by the community as
goodwill citizens with our distinctive fezzes always
anxious to showcase our SHC.
We will be on hand at the Central and Eastern
Oregon food Caravan social in October to present
our traditional donation of holiday turkeys to the
Portland Shriners Hospital for Children.
CR and Potentate’s representative, Noble Ron
Gamble, urges everyone to bear down on selling
the fundraiser vacation prize tickets to choose the
ultimate adventure. The winner does not need
to be present for the drawing at the CR social
on November 19th. The unit or club credited for
each ticket sale will receive $1.00 so it makes for
a win-win situation. This fundraiser supports the
fraternal operating budget at the Shrine Center
and does not directly benefit the SHC.
Shriners and their families are invited to our CCSC
meetings, and remember, forget-me-nots and
visitors are always encouraged and welcome to
attend. See you on Thursday, September 29th.
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Al Zahrah High Tea
Please join the ladies of Al
Zahrah Court #58 for High
Tea on October 8th. Enjoy an
afternoon of friendship and
great food.
1:30 to 3:30 pm at the Milwaukie Odd Fellows Hall,
located at 10282 SE Main St.,
Milwaukie, OR 97222.
We’ll be serving a selection of
homemade cakes, cookies and
sandwiches along with a large
selection of tea.
This event is open to the
public. Just call and make your
reservations to (360) 609-1511.
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Tom Peterson - 1930-2016
Originally Published in the Oregonian
Tom Peterson, the Portland icon, passed away
peacefully the morning of July 25, 2016, at the age
of 86 at Emerson House in Portland. Tom was
diagnosed with Parkinsons disease in 1992 and
vowed not to let it take over his life. He continued
to work until 2009 when Tom Peterson & Glorias
Too! closed its doors. Tom enjoyed life, his family
and the love of his life, Gloria, whom he met at the
age of 14 at church camp.
Tom was born Feb. 23, 1930, in Saint Paul, Minn.,
to proud parents Carl and Ethel Peterson. He
grew up with a love of the outdoors, fishing,
hunting, gardening and a bit of mischief. He
graduated from the University of Minnesota with
a master’s degree in business and agricultural
economics. He went to work for Green Giant
in 1951 as eastern regional manager, managing
various production facilities east of the
Mississippi, now making a career of his love
for growing vegetables. He worked for Green
Giant for over 10 years until once on a plane he
met the vice president of sales for Muntz color
televisions built in Wheeling, Ill. Tom convinced
him he was the man for a Muntz TV franchise in
Portland. So, he loaded up the family and they
all moved to Portland to open up Tom Petersons
Discount Centers. The business prospered and
of course it had its challenges. Tom never veered
from the course, full speed ahead in building his
business, a loyal clientele and his dreams. Tom
was the ultimate pitchman and his promotions/
advertisements will never be forgotten by the
generations that grew up watching him on TV.
He offered free Tom Peterson haircuts, free Tom Peterson Clocks and Watches, free Poodles, free Tom
Peterson Masks at Halloween and his famous Wake-up! Hey Wake-up! and Free Is a Very Good Price
commercials. He had cameo appearances in many movies such as Drugstore Cowboy, Even Cowgirls Get the
Blues, To Die For, My Own Private Idaho and Mr. Hollands Opus. He also sponsored Portland Wrestling for
many years, doing many of his commercials live from the arena. Tom was a man of great faith and was very
active in New Hope Community Church before the progression of his Parkinson’s. He was also a Shriner and
recently received his 50-year pin. Tom was an avid gardener, and with his best friend, Charlie Wells, received
his Master Gardener certificate.
Tom is survived by his wife, Gloria Peterson; son, Keith Peterson; daughter, Kathy Peterson; grandchildren,
Tiffany Condon-Shirley, Erik Peterson and Chelsea Condon; great-grandchild, Olivia Shirley; and sister, Janet
Gutzmann and her children. All will sorely miss the man, husband, father, brother, uncle, grandfather, greatgrandfather and friend for his wisdom, advice, friendship, unconditional love and not to be forgotten, his
incredible ability to remain positive and to Never Give Up! There will be a public viewing from noon to 8 p.m.
Monday, Aug. 1, 2016, at Lincoln Memorial Park and Funeral Home, 11801 S.E. Mt. Scott Blvd., Portland, OR
97086. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to Shriners Hospitals for Children in Portland.
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
What are the odds?
by Noble Dave Simpson
I had been thinking of having a “Friday Night at
the Movies” for over three years at Baker City.
This year, I finally decided to do it and several
unusual things happened.
When I approached I. S. John with the idea,
he was very enthusiastic. He not only gave his
approval but indicated that he would purchase the
snacks for the event - pop, chips, dip, popcorn etc.
I brought one of those “pull up” screens which I
was trying to balance on a picnic table so it would
be higher off the ground and hopefully easier to
be seen from the back. I was really worried that it
would fall off the table if the wind increased. As I
was struggling trying to tie down the screen, an
RV was pulling into his spot less than 10 feet - 10 FEET, from where I was working. Mr Robert
Medley asked me what was going on. I explained
that we were going to have a movie under the
“stars” that evening and invited him and his family
to attend; and that is why I was working with the
screen. He indicated to me that he might have a
solution to my problem. It just happened that he
had a 9 X 12 foot inflatable movie screen that he
would be happy to let me use. Amazed, I quickly
accepted his offer. In less than ten minutes, the
screen was inflated and secured. This got me
to thinking - how many campers travel with a
inflatable movie screen in their RV - and PULL
IN AND SET UP LESS THAN 10 feet from - and
at the exact time - as I was trying to set up my
While thinking about this, I started listing the
coincidences and circumstances that were taking
place to make this event happen.
• My choice of movie subject
• I.S. John supplying the “snacks”
• The weather becoming warmer later in the
• A wonderful screen supplied at the exact time
as needed - Robert was setting up his RV at the
same time I was struggling with my screen.
• Why did I choose “this year” when I had the
idea for the last 3 years which never happened.
My Brothers and sisters, I sincerely believe that there
was a reason that this should happen THIS YEAR! I
believe that one or more of the folks who attended
the show was DESTINED to see, and NEEDED
to see; that exact movie. I was just the facilitator to
make it happen. I will say that I felt a real sense of
accomplishment after it was over - way more than just
“showing” a movie.
I must say “thank you” to all who helped make this
happen. I.S. John Nerski for supplying the goodies,
to Mel and Vel De Hut for setting up and using
their campsite, Fred and Rebia Hardin, and Phyllis
Brewington for doing the shopping; and of course
MrRobert Medley, for the use of the screen; and
of course, to my Lady Chie for putting up with my
worry about something going wrong and all the other
baloney she puts up with on a daily basis.
OK - will this happen again next year? I “think” I
would like to do it again next year, so time will tell.
One thing I have learned about this adventure, if it
should happen - it will. This is the second year in a
row where I have received real blessings at Baker
City. I can’t wait for next year to see what will happen.
To all who missed it this year, and maybe for several
years now, I encourage you to make the trip to Baker
City. Besides knowing that you are supporting one of
the largest fundraisers for the Shrine
Hospital in the United States, but at the same time that
you are having fun doing it!
• Mel and Vel volunteering their larger site so
we would have more space for visitors.
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Membership Drive
Incentive Program
A Noble who is Top Line signer for:
(1)new Noble will receive
A Silent Messenger T-Shirt
(3)new Nobles gets one comp
Social for Two
(5)new Nobles gets name in drawing
for trip to St. Petersberg, FL to the
E/W All Star Football game
(not transferrable)
(6)new Nobles gets one year
Paid dues
(10)new nobles gets free Socials
For 2016 Calendar year for Noble &
Their guest. (not transferrable)
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Shriners International
25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, Or
Office 503-682-4420 Fax 503-685-5080
To the Illustrious Potentate, Officers and Members of Al Kader Shrine, Oasis of Wilsonville: I am a Master Mason in good standing in _______________ Lodge No. A. F. & A. M. and
have been since (Date) ______________ Address __________________________________________ City/State __________________________ which is recognized by or in amity with
the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than six months, as required by the Bylaws of the Imperial Council. I
respectfully pray that I may be made a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, and become a member of Al Kader Shrine. If I be found worthy and my request granted, I promise to conform to the
Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of The Imperial Council and the Bylaws and ceremonials of your Al Kader Shrine.
Have you previously applied for admission to any Shrine Center of the order? _____ Name? _________________ When? __________________
SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________ DATE ________________________
PRINT FULL NAME ____________________________________________________ SPOUSE NAME ________________________
RESIDENCE __________________________________________________ CITY ___________________ STATE _____ ZIP _______
HOME PHONE (___)_____________ FAX (___)___________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________
BIRTHPLACE CITY _______________________ STATE _____ DATE OF BIRTH: MONTH _________ DAY ________ YEAR ________
HAT SIZE _______ PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION _______________________________________
BUSINESS ADDRESS ________________________________________________ CITY ________________ STATE___ ZIP________
BUSINESS PHONE (___) _____________ FAX (___) _______________ EMAIL: __________________________________________
Send Shrine mail to: Residence ____ Business ____ Are you Sr DeMolay? ______ Member of Scottish Rite? _____ York Rite ____
This petition must be signed by two (2) Nobles in good standing in Al Kader Shrine
Top line signer
Noble _____________________________ Print Name _________________________ Member # ________________
Home Phone (____) _____________ Fax (____) _____________ Email ______________________________________
Second line signer
Noble _____________________________ Print Name _________________________ Member # ________________
Involve yourself; Get active. Join a Shrine Club or Committee. If you are interested in any of the following, please make a mark
next to the group you would like to learn more about.
Patrol ____
Oriental Band ____
Legion of Honor ____
Volunteer Chaplain ____ Callipoe Corps ____
Flag Patrol ____ Ritualists _____
21-40 Club ____
Hospital Guide ____
Classic Cars ____
Greeters ____ Hospital Driver ____
Concert Band ____
Kader Klowns ____
Shrine Club in my area _____
Cyclowns ____ Motor Escort ____
Caravaners ____
Desert Patrol ____
Shurtah (police club ____
Hospital Support Club ____
Haunted House Club ____ Golf Tournament ____
Initiation fees, in full, must accompany Petition and may be paid by Visa, MasterCard or American Express. The
special 50/50 fee is $50*. The first year’s dues will be prorated based on date of initiation. 2016 dues are $104.00.
*Cost of Fez not included (Felt-$140.00, Velour $170.00, Fez Case and Accessories $49)
Ceremonials will be held on
April 16th and November 12th 2016
Anyone desiring to schedule additional
Cold Sands initiations, please contact
The Recorder or Potentate
Total 50/50 Fees for Initiation – Shrine Year 2016 $50.00
Enclosed is payment in the amount of $ ______________ Check No. _________
Please charge my Visa/Mastercard No._______________________ Exp ________
For Office Use:
Recorders Record: Elected _________ Check $ __________ Created _____________ Member No. ________________
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016
Name _____________________________
Old Address ________________________
City ______________State ___ Zip ______
The OASIS - Al Kader
Shrine Shrine
Al Kader
Shriners International
Shriners International
25100 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600
25100 SW Parkway Ave
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600
NEW Address ______________________
City ______________State ___ Zip ______
Dated Material
Please Rush
Please add Telephone # (
) __________
Recorder, Al Kader Shrine Center
25100 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600
(503) 230-0500
Your Home Window and Door Specialists
Locally Owned and operated
NO Subcontractors
Need New Windows? Call US, your local window guys, estimates are FREE
We are locally owned and operated sales & installation specialists. We provide quality
vinyl, fiberglass, wood and aluminium products from a variety of manufacturers.
We are now offering Roofing, Siding, Window and Door replacement
Take advantage of our FREE in-home consultations and no-obligation, zero-hassle
estimates. We accept all major credit cards, and offer financing to qualified buyers.
We use our own staff of experienced installers - no subcontractors.
14710 SE Lee Avenue, Portland, OR 97267
(Corner of Oak Grove Blvd and Lee)
Calendar of Events
Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice
that all dates and eventsFebruary
shown here2015
are subject to change without
Friday, January 2
Divan Fellowship 6:00-8:00 PM
Saturday, January 3
Installation of Sept.
Officers75:00 PM
January 4
DON Stated
Caravaners Breakfast - 11:30 AM
Sept. 10
Saturday, January 10
of Officers 5:00 PM
12 12
Stated meeting
Meeting 5:30 PM
16 pm
Oasis 5:30 p.m.,
Meeting 7:00
Club/Unit/ Divan Networking 6:30 PM
19 17
Meeting Training
6-8 pm8:00 AM
20 19
All Divan
Saturday, January 24
22 Meeting
Unit / Club HeadPrinevilleMeeting8:00AM
5:30 - 8 pm
Monday, January 26
Divan Meeting 6:00 PM
Thursday, January 29
Unit Head Meeting 6:00 PM
Saturday, January 31
Oriental Band Crab Feed 5:00 PM
Nile Shrine Center Potentate’s Ball 6:00 PM
Sunday, February 1
Big Game Day Party 2:00 PM
Saturday, February 14
Mardi Gras Social 5:00 PM
Oct. 516
Monday, February
6:30 PM
July 15
Winter PNSA
Food Caravan
6 pm
Monday, Oct
17 23
Divan Meeting
Board Meeting
6-8 pm
Dinner 6:00 PM
6-8 pm26
Unit HeadOct
Dinner 6:00 PM
Unit / Club Head
5:30 pm
Meeting 7:00 PM
Saturday, February 28
DeMolay Grand Master
Reception 12:00 PM
Sunday, March 8
DON Installation-9:00 AM
Monday, March 9
Stated Meeting
Doors open 5:30
Friday, Nov. 11PM
21 pm
Visit 5:00
Potentates Ball
Fall Ceremonial
am 23
- 3:00 pm
Divan Meeting
Dinner 6:00
Wild Game Dinner
pm26- 9:00 pm
Thursday, March
Head Meeting
Nov 6:00
14 PM
Oasis 5:30
pm 28
Al KaderMeeting
Kids Easter
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sing Out For
New Members!
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 20
Saturday, Nov 19
Chief Rabban Night
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Monday, Nov 21
Board Meeting 6:00 pm
Tuesday, Nov 22
All Divan Meeting
For all club/unit meeting dates and times, visit
Al Kader Oasis - September 2016