El Riad Culinary Unit
El Riad Culinary Unit
R ISE A N D GR IN D Ryan@LloydCompanies.com | 605.376.0127 From the POTE Illustrious Sir Thomas Anderson WOW!! May was a busy month for everyone. May 7 we had our Spring Ceremonial dedicated to Bill Anderson. It was a great day ushering in 30 new Nobles! 1st Ceremonial Master, Les Kruse, did an excellent job putting it all together. Food by the Culinary unit was great, as well as the sounds of the swing band. A big THANK YOU to all the units for supporting the hospital, transportation and the building funds. You make all the difference. Hospital Days trip: Job well done 2nd Ceremonial Master Jim Slater. Jim filled two busses with 96 people! It was a great time touring the hospital, kids fish the pond, face painting by P.P. lady Denise Colbert and Lady Jane, not to mention the unforgettable sound of our own Hillbilly Band “The Back Forty Boys”. Thank you to the Pote’s aides for taking care of our travelers on the bus. Wednesday nights have been fun with the Motor Corps mixing it up in May. June 4 will be Shrine Day at the Storm footbal game. Adam Loftesness and team have been working overtime to make this event a success. Proceeds to go towards the Hospitals new EOS xray machine. Please come out and enjoy the game! It’s for a GREAT cause. June 11 is the Pote’s Parade in Hills, MN. Chief of Staff Mark Richard has been working diligently getting all aspects for this event in order. OFFICIAL CALL OF THE POTENTATE: NOBILITY OF EL RIAD MONTHLY STATED MEETINGS Wednesday, June 8 Wednesday, July 13 7:00 p.m. – El Riad Shrine For the Purpose of Old and New Business Your Attendance is Urgently Requested WEAR YOUR FEZ — DOOR WILL BE TILED Attest: David Neiman, P.P., Recorder Photos by Tom & Jane Anderson Jane Anderson face painting at Hospital Day in Minneapolis. El Riad Shriners in the ladies auxiliary toy room during Hospital Day. Everything is a go to step off at 10:30 a.m. and we will be the first through the parade then onto the Oasis for a great culinary experience! Thank you for all you do! Grand Lodge will be on June 16–18 in Chamberlin. Jim Burma, Jr. and I will be attending. Thank you to Don Grey for a great year as Grand Master. Also on June 16 is the circus in Worthington, MN., then on to Yankton and Winner. Please come out and help as it is always great to meet and get reacquainted with our fellow Nobles. Mark your calendars for June 26 to attend the Shrine Family Day at the Zoo. Les Kruse has been getting everything in order for this event including the ice cream! See the ad in the Cactus. Hope to see you there! Imperial is in Tampa, FL, and your voting delegates will be in attendance. July 19 is the Potentates Golf outing at Spring Creek. Come out and have some fun, tee times start at 2:00. Enjoy your summer! Yours in the Faith, THOMAS ANDERSON, Potentate EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 3 INDEX Birthdays ....................................................... 32-33 Black Camel ....................................................... 13 Blast & Cast............................................................7 Cactus Supporters .............................................. 35 Calendar ........................................................... 8-9 Cash Calendar Winners ...................................... 17 Chanters ...............................................................11 Chamber Milestone Ribbon Cutting .....................38 Circus Drawings & Thank You Letters..................34 Circus Photos .................................................22-25 Circus Supporters.................................................15 Classie Autos ....................................................... 7 Culinary Unit.................................................. 26-27 El Riad Shrine Football Game...............................20 Fife & Drum Corps ............................................. 14 Glenn Miller Orchestra .........................................41 From the Pote ....................................................... 3 June Menu............................................................11 Membership Committee .......................................44 Memorials & Contributions ................................ 13 Motor Corps ....................................................... 40 Newest Shriners ..............................................19-21 Oriental Band..........................................................6 Outhouse Boys Unit #1 and Back Forty Boys ....... 6 Parting Shot ....................................................... 47 Pote’s All-Shrine Parade.......................................25 Potentate’s Golf Tournament .................................30 Pote's Pirate Party ................................................35 Recorder’s Minutes ............................................. 42 Ritualistic..............................................................12 Roadrunners ......................................................... 7 Shrine Annual Spring Screening Clinic ................10 Shrine Cup ...........................................................38 Shrine Family Day ................................................18 Shrine Officers ...................................................... 4 Shriners Hospitals for Children Open...................46 Ski Unit.................................................................12 Special Prom ........................................................41 Sprint Cars ...........................................................14 Storm Fundraiser....................................................5 Steel Drums .........................................................39 Stated Monthly Meeting Annoucements ............... 3 Twin Lakes Shrine Golf Tournament .....................20 Unit & Club Contact List .................................... 45 Voices of Summer ................................................28 On the cover... th The 75 Annual El Riad Shrine Circus was a tremendous success as always and these photos only begin to illustrate the majesty that thousands of attendees enjoyed. The shrine circus has multiple showings in Sioux Falls, Mitchell, Chamberlain and across South Dakota. 4 Photos by Jane Anderson & Josh Jurgens El Riad CACTUS Sioux Falls, South Dakota 10 ISSUES A YEAR PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF EL RIAD SHRINE DECEMBER-JANUARY ISSUE AND JUNE-JULY ISSUE ARE COMBINED Shrine Office: 510 S. Phillips Ave., PO Box 1203, Sioux Falls, SD 57101-1203 (605) 336-1117 • Fax (605) 336-3059 • 1-800-477-3574 Office Hours – 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday 2 0 1 6 E L R I A D Tom Anderson, Potentate Executive Committee Chairman S H R I N E Jim Burma, Jr., Chief Rabban Exec. Divan, Circus, Membership, Futures Comm., Pote’s Ball Chm., Football, El Riad By-Laws, Shrine Cup Maury Richard, Asst. Rabban Exec. Divan, Circus, Membership, Futures Comm., Pote’s Ball, Corn Palace Hillbillies, Oriental Band, Fife & Drum, Ritualistic Unit, El Riad By-Laws John Whitelock, High Priest & Prophet Exec. Divan, Hospital Comm., Futures Comm., Clowns, Roadrunners, Dance Club, Motor Corps, Golf Unit, Sprint Car Unit Dave Neiman, PP, Recorder El Riad By-Laws, Executive Divan State Donor Relations Bruce Wallin, PP, Treasurer Executive Divan Al Zahn Oriental Guide Exec. Divan, Futures Comm., Lewis & Clark/Animal Unit, Chanters, Horse Corps, Provosts, Ski Club, Steel Drum Band, Outhouse Unit Les Kruse, 1st Ceremonial Master Exec. Divan/NV, Futures Comm., Spring Ceremonial, Classie Autos, Culinary Unit, Legion of Honor, Director’s Staff Jim Slater, 2nd Ceremonial Master Exec. Divan/NV, Futures Comm., Fall Ceremonial, Big Band, Rickshaws, Parker Shrine Club/ Flivvers, Worthington Shrine, Oaze Cycle Corps, Shutterbugs Board of Trustees David Neiman, PP, Chairman Curtis Kuehn, PP Loren Eggebraaten, PP Edward Anstine, PP Charles Brown, PP O F F I C E R S Leo Baumgart, Marshall Big Bend Shrine Club, Interlakes Shrine Club, Highlanders, Blast-N-Cast Club Doug Kristensen, Captain of the Guard Brookings Shrine Club, Sioux Falls Outhouse Unit, Boondockers, Dive-In Unit Don McCoy, Outer Guard Rosebud Shrine Club, Mystic Brewers Mark Richard, Chief of Staff Ass’t. Chief of Staff, Pote’s Aides, Parades (Ceremonial, Midwest & Imperial) Chris Karr, Assistant Chief of Staff George Hamilton, Chaplain Scott Denney, Temple Director Southwest Minnesota Shrine Club Wade Behm, Membership Chairman Jeff Landborg, Retention/Restorations Rich Osvog, Unit/Club Acquisitions Reid Jensen, Circus Chairman Ken Ward, Football Chairman Doug Schneider, Shrine Cup Chairman Jim Slater Chr., Leo Baumgart, Asst., Sportsman’s Classic Roger Risty, Chr., & Don McCoy, Shrine Hospital Seminars Randy Ingalls Endowment, Wills & Gifts Jim Burma Jr., Pote’s Ball Chairman Al Zahn, Unit/Club Seminar John Pudwill, President, Roadrunners Gail Gustafson, Roadrunner Coordinator Kevin Tomshack, Masonic Relations Tom Johnson, Public Relations Dave Strum, Stop Burns Chairman Ike McDonnel, Rich Osvog, Jim Gould, Speakers Bureau Joel Baker, Building/Events Manager Gail Gustafson, Front Office Assistant Gary Smith, Unit & Club Support Rocky Hayes, Cactus Designer & Editor Josh Jurgens, Photographer-Shutterbugs Mark Richard, Cactus Advertising Sales All articles or comments should be directed to the Editor – cactus@elriad.com – and advertising matters to the advertising sales manager – advertise@elriad.com For information concerning Shriners Hospitals for Children, call 1-800-237-5055 Printed by Leader Printing, Madison, S.D. www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 5 El Riad Oriental Band The El Riad Shrine Circus was a great success this year with the Oriental Band selling more than 5,000 of the 22,000 hot dogs sold this year. This year’s Top Dog competition was won by Lee Lewis, with second place going to Monte Derouseau, third place going to Chris Morrison, and fourth place going to Joe Alick. Looks like the old timers are going to have to watch out as the new guys are taking the field. The Oriental Band made a strong showing at the El Riad Spring Ceremonial as we impressed the crowd with our ability to march, sing, and not fall down though granted not all at the same time. Practice has begun in earnest for the ASOB Midwest Shrine competition to be held at the 2015 MSA session in Marquette WI, from August 3–6. While it is unclear at this time if we will have competition at this year’s MSA session the Oriental Band will still be going in force to show our colors and hopefully encourage the formation or revitalization of other Oriental Bands in the MSA. Due to the length of the trip we will be leaving on Tuesday, August 2 and returning on Sunday August 8. There are planned stops and activities along the way to break up the monotony of the long bus ride. If you are interested in finding out more about the planned festivities, you should come on down to a regular Thursday meeting and practice. As of this writing the Otis Open Golf Tournament will be held on Thursday May 26, at the Bridges Golf Course in Beresford, SD. The proceeds of the tournament will go to benefit the Ladder of Smiles which is the ASOB program for supporting the Shrine Hospitals. Parade Season is upon us so mark your calendars and make arrangements with your boss at home (and your boss at work) to attend the following parades: The Potentates Parade in Hills, MN on June 10; the Czech Days parade in Tabor, SD on June 17; The Booster Days parade in Valley Springs, SD on July 9; and the D-Days parade in Vermillion, SD on October 8. The Oriental Band will also be hosting weddings at the Shrine on June 24 and on August 13. “When people try to rain on your parade...pee on theirs.” Respectfully Submitted Lee A. Lewis, Scribe El Riad Outhouse Unit #1 and Back Forty Boys The Hillbilly Reunion Reunion (installation of new members to the Clan) was held at Don Jensen’s farm. We anticipate between 15 to 20 new “brothers” assuming they passed the rigorous testing placed before them. And the feast provided by our fellow Hillbillies from Mitchell is something to look forward to as well. The Back Forty Boys were asked to perform and be a part of the Make-A-Wish event on Saturday, May 14. Although not a Shrine sponsored event, we received the okay from Pote Tom to be there and thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the activities. Later into the month of May (Saturday, May 21) we had Hospital Days at the Twin Cities Shrine Hospital. All Nobles / family members were encouraged to be there to see what Shrinedom is all about. The Back Forty Boys (B40B) were there (thankfully we were all up and at the Shrine at 5:00 a.m. to catch the bus. Participation from our newly installed Nobles (Spring Ceremonial – May 7th) was strongly encouraged. Looking into the future, the Outhouse Unit has parades to attend and there has even been talk of Outhouse Races. The summer agenda for the B40B: • Corn Palace / Mitchell, SD – June 23 • Union County Fair / Alcester – July 30 • Sioux Empire Fair / Sioux Falls – August 13 & 14 • Turner County Fair / Parker – August 18 Please consider membership into the Outhouse Unit or any other unit for that matter. Contact: Outhouse Raban of the Clan / President – Don McCoy: 366-5062 The philanthropy is successful when the fraternity is successful. Buttons Keeper of the Quill 6 ! s r e is t r e v d A r u O Suppor t www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 El Riad Roadrunners We are continuing year 2016 of the Roadrunner trips with great success due to our incredible Nobles of El Riad. We have had some bad weather for some of our trips but thanks to our drivers, the trips have been safe and successful. Our patients and families are very grateful for our service given by our Nobles and their gratefulness is expressed and that is received with appreciation. We had six trips in March. One overnight trip was driven by Jon Haverly and Freddie Contreras. One day trips were driven by John Pudwill and Dana Schmidt, Jon Hoecherl and John Pudwill. One trip the parents drove in themselves as we had no drivers. Trips to Omaha drivers were Howard Greer and Ken Steele, Ron Goergen and Dustin Johnson. For April we had three trips. Overnight trip drivers were Dustin Johnson and Ethan Jones. Omaha trip drivers were Doug Kristensen and Bruce Jorgensen, Bruce Jorgensen and Doug Kristensen. Two trips one day after the other. Thank you so much. Thank you to all our drivers. We have six trips scheduled for May and the drivors are signed up for five of them. By the time you read this we will have had our spring meeting and breakfast on May 11. John Pudwill Jr., President El Riad Blast & Cast Ceremonial was May 7 and the Blast and Cast unit has raised money for the new x-ray machine for the twin cities hospital by raffling off a custom made AR-15 donated by Roger Mcquisten of SodakTac. We were able to sell almost 800 tickets and all the money was donated at the ceremonial. Thank you to all members selling tickets especially Josh Jurgens, Jeff Landborg and Rolland Stolsmark for setting up the raffle and following through to completion. Our blast and cast sponsored concealed and carry gun class will be taking a break for the summer and classes will resume in the fall. Coming up for the unit will be our annual fishing trip with dates to be determined. Also thank you to all our members who worked at the circus selling hot dogs, ushering, and helping out other units. Bob Vanderlinde Secretary Faux Painting Photo by Josh Jurgens ROADRUNNERS NEEDED! ➤ One day round trips ➤ Overnights ➤ Comfortable vans & precious cargo (our patients) Meet and visit with hospital staff and drivers from other jurisdictions. Nobles’ wives are also welcome as the second driver. Contact Gail at 336-1117 or office@elriad.com Since 1920 ISEMAN HOMES 4733 N. Cliff Ave. • Sioux Falls, SD (605) 336-3270 Joe Wager Dave Driver Ken Ward Ron Tilstra Randall Pohl www.IsemanHomes.com Change of address? If your mailing address or e-mail address has changed recently, please inform the Shrine office. 336-1117 or office@elriad.com JaDecor simply beautiful Certified Dealer Griff’s WALLCOVERING & PAINTING SERVICE A Complete Professional Service Specialty Wall Finishes Gary Griffith Hartford, S.D. EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA Cellular 351-2084 Hm. 605-528-6523 Fax 605-528-6200 7 JUNE 2016 SUN MON TUE WED THUR 1 Happy Hour 4–10pm Boondockers 7pm Legion of Honor 7pm 5 Coin Club 6 7 Highlanders 6pm Chanters 7pm Worthington/ Oaze Cycle Patrol after Lodge Rickshaws 6pm Sprint Cars 6:30pm 13 Fife & Drum Corps 7:30 pm Highlanders 6pm Glenn Miller Band 19 3 Clowns 5pm social; 6pm dinner, 7pm meeting 4 Shrine NIght at SF Storm Game Oriental Band 7pm 9 Oriental Band 7pm 10 Dance Club 11 Pote’s Parade Brookings Shrine Club 7am @ Perkins Hills, MN Steel Drums 6:30pm 14 Chanters 7pm Classie Autos 7pm Lewis & Clark 6pm Sprint Cars 6:30pm 20 SAT Director’s Staff 7pm Twin Lakes Shrine Bldg/Ent Committee Club 7pm Board of Directors 12 2 8 Happy Hour 4–10pm Stated Meeting FRI Dive In Unit 6:30pm Happy Hour & Birthday Party 4–10pm Blast & Cast 7pm Mystic Brewers 7pm Chanters 7pm Dance Club 7pm 16 17 18 Oriental Band 7pm Worthington Circus Winner Circus Steel Drums 6:30pm Yankton Circus Masonic Motor Club 6pm Motor Corps 7pm 21 Highlanders 6pm 15 GRAND LODGE 22 Happy Hour 4–10pm 23 Oriental Band 7pm 24 25 Horse Corps Steel Drums 6:30pm Rock Band Rehearsals 7pm Hillbillies 7pm Parker Flivvers 6:30 pm 26 Family Day Voices of Summer 27 28 29 30 Fife & Drum Corps 7:30pm Chanters 7pm Provosts 7:30pm Happy Hour 4–10pm Corn Palace Hillbillies 6:30 Highlanders 6pm Sprint Cars 6:30pm Shutterbugs 7pm Oriental Band 7pm e. rin Sh ad Ri El the at hts nig ay esd edn W es! rri wo r you m Take a break fro 8 www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 JULY 2016 SUN MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 IMPERIAL 3 4 5 Chanters 7pm Rickshaws 6pm Coin Club INDEPENDENCE DAY Closed Twin Lakes Shrine Club 7pm 6 7 Boondockers 7pm Happy Hour Clowns 4–10pm 5pm social; Legion of Honor 7pm 6pm dinner, 7pm meeting 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 Dance Club Oriental Band 7pm IMPERIAL SESSION, TAMPA — JULY 2–6 10 11 Highlanders 6pm Bldg/Ent Committee Board of Directors Worthington/ Oaze Cycle Patrol after Lodge 17 18 12 Chanters 7pm Classie Autos 7pm Lewis & Clark 6pm Sprint Cars 6:30pm 13 14 Happy Hour 4–10pm Brookings Shrine Club 7am @ Perkins Motor Corps 7pm Stated Meeting Director’s Staff 7pm Oriental Band 7pm Steel Drums 6:30pm Blast & Cast 7pm Fife & Drum Corps 7:30pm Chanters 7pm Highlanders 6pm Hillbillies 7pm Mystic Brewers 7pm Parker Flivvers 6:30 pm 19 Dance Club 7pm 20 21 Dive In Unit 6:30pm Happy Hour 4–10pm Steel Drums 6:30pm Oriental Band 7pm Masonic Motor Club 6pm Pote’s Golf Tourney 24 25 Highlanders 6pm 26 Chanters 7pm Provosts 7:30pm Sprint Cars 6:30pm 27 28 Happy Hour 4–10pm Corn Palace Hillbillies 6:30 Rock Band Rehearsals 7pm Steel Drums 6:30pm Horse Corps Oriental Band 7pm Shutterbugs 7pm 31 Come out of the hot sun! Cool off Wednesday nights at El Riad Shrine... EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 9 Shrine Annual Spring Screening Clinic The El Riad Shrine, in coordination with the Twin Cities the final patient departed about Shrine Hospital and Orthopedic Institute, hosted our annual 12:30 p.m. spring screening clinic at Orthopedic Institute. There were 11 El Riad would like to thank Hospital Staff from Minneapolis, 6 OI Staff (plus a husband Shriner Dr. Walt Carlson, and son) and six El Riad Shriners assisting 80+ existing and administrator Cindy Jacobs potential patients. and Mary White, all of We were also Orthopedic Institute, for making treated to a visit from the screening clinic such a the entire Divan huge success. Cindy rolled her dressed to the nines son, Zack, and husband, after freshly coming Stewart, out of bed to assist from the morning with elevator duties and their Patients with Troy Magneson. Spring Ceremonial at support was greatly appreciatthe Shrine. Staff and ed. I would also like to point patients were greatly out the wonderful job that Mary impressed. White from OI did to help supA big thank you to port and promote the event. Richard Osvog for han- She was responsible for PSAs, Patients and Mari and Mark Jones dling all of the donuts, radio interview and magazine cookies, water and publications. Thank you Mary! lunch for staff and All in all this was one of patients. Almost 14 the most successful screening dozen cookies were clinics El Riad has sponsored. consumed during the Not enough can be said for all Greeter with patients, Mark Jones, Troy and Art. morning. the help and support we Also a big thank received from Minneapolis and OI. The Children of our area you to Paul Buriak, are the true receipients of their time and generosity. AKA Mulligan, the Roger Risty clown for being such a Hospital Chair great hit with the children. Greeter with patients, in the back Mark, Call For Flowers at Our first patient Osvog, Troy and Art. arrived at 7 a.m. and 336-2815 or visit us at youngandrichards.com Photos by Peter Hauff Sophia Jones, Katie Hill, Tyler Phillips, Mari Findley, Josep Feliu, Charlie, Mary Pat Zwack, with shriners Mark, Greeter, Troy, Roger and Art. 10 www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Photos by Bob Uecker El Riad Chanters Bennie Says “Thanks” The circus was once again a great success. I want to thank the Chanters and other brothers that helped me in taking tickets and helping with the front entrance being orderly. You guys made it easy for me once again. National Anthem and Tickets Every year the Chanters have the The Chanters sang the national anthem prior to every circus performance and had the honor of greeting thousands of circus honor of taking tickets and help direct traffic to thousands. goers. We take tickets and help direct the families who remind us why we are shriners. The cherry on top is when we start each performance with our four-part National Anthem rendition. June Menu The Chanters will be hosting the month of June for the shrine Wednesday evening social hour and food. Our menu is below and we look forward to everyone getting out of the heat and enjoy some Dave Bangasser, Jim Gould, Mark Dunn and Bennie Nustad greet circus goers. delicious food and fun! Voices of Summer Enjoy a FREE concert with all good will donations benefiting the Twin Cities Shrine Hospital featuring Shrine Chanters from four states. The concert is June 26 at 3:00 p.m. in the Sioux Falls First Lutheran Church. McKennan Park Concert We will be performing July 11. Bring your favorite lawn chair or blanket and get a good spot at 7:00 p.m. at McKennan Park band shell for a FREE concert. Keeping it falsetto Rocky Hayes EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 11 El Riad Ritualistic Unit 34 Nobels were created as El Riad Shriners at the Spring Ceremonial conducted on Saturday May 7, 2016. We had four new actors on stage in new parts for this performance. A couple of tech glitches occurred, and a few lines were twisted and a couple of words dropped. Only those among the cast really knew the glitches happened. It is a matter of performance pride. Nevertheless, our performance was a solid “B.” Our newly created Shriners seemed impressed with the show. We missed our long-time time unit member, PP Del Kroon, in his role as Muezzin, as he is recovering from a serious illness. He and his Lady, Marlys, are in our thoughts and prayers. New Director Richard Hagler, set a new sartorial standard for Ritualistic Directors, wearing a formal black tuxedo, with patent leather shoes! The unit has procured new backdrop curtains for the areas behind the illusion and the Alchemist’s tent. The mechanical challenge is to figure out a deployment and retraction mechanism. Our illusion, is a source of wonderment to all who see it. If you have not seen it recently, please attend the Fall Ceremonial. That ceremonial, according to Ill. Sir Tom Anderson, will be open to wives, family and significant others. This is the first time that has occurred since 1999. The Inspired Charge, played by Joe Brown gave the best performance of that part I have ever seen. That is a reiteration of my last several reports. Joe picked it up another notch and outdid himself. Emerging from the tomb to music entitled Song of the Desert by Ernst Reijseger & Mola Syla, an exotic contemporary cello piece. Noble Brown weaves a familiar tale about equality among people of all faiths. We are extremely fortunate to have three professional stage, lighting and sound unit members: Garret Hansen, Bruce Crawford, and Scott Denney. Very few Shrine Temples have live music as we do, with the El Riad Chanters and the El Riad Band. Our ceremonial would not be the same without these units. Yours in Faith George Hahn, Secretary El Riad Ski Unit El Riad Ski Unit had another great trip to Deadwood and Terry Peak in March. We had a great mix of people, spouses, and friends all making for a interesting and enjoyable weekend! The weather was warm so we had spring ski conditions with 60 degree days and plenty of sunshine. We had fun on and off the slopes. On the slopes, snow conditions were great, off the slopes we had the oasis room at the Hickok Best Western in Deadwood with cool beverages and plenty of food. Everyone who attended was able to relax, ski, sitesee, and play a few games of chance. The big winners were the Brothers Maxwell, with Paul and Scott shooting craps and Freddie Contreras on the one arm bandit. We make this trip every year and will make sure to let others know about trip next year all are welcome. El Riad Ski Unit is a social unit and we meet from October through March. We also will be planning a summer get together. If you would like to know more or be a member of El Riad Ski Unit contact Tony Bachman at 201-5998. Spread the joy! Ask someone you know to become a Shriner! 12 www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 MEMORIALS & CONTRIBUTIONS TRANSPORTATION FUND Donations by Sheila M. Rozeboom Candy Dish Money In Memory of Beverly Jones Larry & Rose Hornstra In Memory of Bob Goos by Doug & Carolynn Costar Bonnie Irvine Bruce & Dorothy Lease Mary Cozad Arden & Sharon Harberts Clifford Hicks Delores & Lowell Larson Lyle & Verla Sturdevant Bruce & Kristi Wallin Donald & Kara Heilman Marlin & Karen Andernacht Tim & Teresa Bachman Pat & Denise Colbert Rich & Glenna Burns Merlyn & Judy Sundvold Melvin & Judith Dykstra Robert & Larae Zwart In Memory of Cleo Nichols Bill & Ona Anderson In Memory of Ruby Mutch Joe & Karla Alick License Decals by Wade Behm Charles Brown Dana Schmid Scott Denney Jeff Landborg Rocky Hayes Joseph Brown TRANSPORTATION ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of Bob Goos by Ken & Lynne Steele Mildred Blake G. Dale “Hoot” Gibson Arlen & Marcia Knutson HOSPITAL FUND In Memory of Wendell Gnat by Bethel Lutheran Home ROBERT “BOB” GOOS Sioux Falls Feb. 12, 1940 – April 22, 2016 Created November 6, 1993 DONALD L. JOHNSON Canyon Lake, Minnesota Jan. 4, 1938 – Jan. 1, 2014 Created December 13, 1989 DONALD E. WIESE St. Paul, Minnesota Dec. 1, 1923 – March 31, 2013 Created November 1, 1968 Donations by Doug & Marcie Spielmann Bob Andrescik Dennis Jensen Michael Millard Lost in the Desert Have you seen or do you know the whereabouts of these El Riad Nobles who have wandered away from our oasis? If so, please contact the office at 336-1117, gary@elriad.com or office@elriad.com EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA STEWART CHRISTENSEN Rapid City March 25, 1931 – April 15, 2016 Created May 16, 1981 In Memory of Donald Hoffman by Marjorie Hoffman In Memory of Stewart Christensen by Wallace & Doris Johnson El Riad Big Band Gary & Alberta Smith Don & Alyce Dummermuth Harry Beckmann Derwood R. Bessler Ray A. Carter Ralph M. Estwick Francis F. Fodness James D. Fox John W. Grieves Brian Earl Holcomb Michael Lance Johanson Carl A. Johnson Bradley D. Kehn Darwin Dean Larson BLACK CAMEL Donley Wayne Larson Kevin Earl Leapley James A. Melgaard Parnel A. Miller Robert W. Parks Kendyl Peebles James A .Pinkerton Larry L. Sopoci Wayne Spars Steven S. Spawn Donald P. Weiland Robert Winjum We are sorry to say that Nobles sometimes pass away without our acknowledgement. As they are Brothers, they are due the recognition of their passing. Please assist in notifying the Temple when a Noble expires. Phone 605-336-1117 or email office@elriad.com. Are you a Cactus Supporter? 13 El Riad Fife & Drum I am a little tardy in happily reporting our latest little Fifer in Kyler Joseph Lipp. Kyler clocked in at 7.6 lbs and 20.5" in length on March 29. Noble Jordan and beautiful new mother Teresa could not be more proud. So happy for these guys!!! However, I am timely in reporting a huge congratulations to the Fife & Drum contingent that dispensed and dispersed pop on the upper west and east sides during the circus. Selling pop is a physically demanding activity and I feel our conditioning really pays off during circus time. Some of us are older with a protruding middle area, yet we power through each session. Thank goodness for the enthusiasm we generate at the Legion and a big THANK YOU for all the members that helped at the circus!! I am happy to report our Spring Ceremonial contribution totaled $8,000. This is an impressive figure by any measure for an El Riad group and I can tell you each Fife & Drum member is proud to be a part of this amount. We work hard to give back to our beloved philanthropy. Also, I am happy to report our upcoming parade and social season is on full trajectory. We kick off the year with our most important appearance, that being the Memorial Day service at the VA Hospital. I cannot share enough how meaningful it is to honor our veterans. This is an all hands on deck event and we always have a solid turnout. We then press on to the Buffalo Days Parade in Luverne followed by a family pizza party. Nothing like a short parade route, then some pizza, beverages, and time with our families. With all the human regeneration our group has been doing lately, we sure have plenty of kids around and that is great to see. The following weekend is the Pote's Parade followed by a group rush party at John and Sherry Archer's. Nobody can close a new member deal like John and when he's on his home turf, he is especially impressive. Our big trip this year will be to our Okoboji ballyhoo hosted by Dave and Barb Daily. This is such fun and boating around to the different bars and playing makes us feel like rock stars. We segue from that to Mike and Lorna Fitzgerald's for their annual garden party on July 23. We crescendo our summer season with our annual pool party at Darwin and Bev Gunderson's on August 13. This is a legendary event and I argue one of the top five social scenes in the greater Sioux Falls area. As you can see, the Fife & Drum are set for great fun and very proud to represent the Nobles of El Riad in all we do! Respectfully submitted, Bruce Norton El Riad Sprint Cars Hard to believe the circus is already behind us. Once again the Sprint Cars ran the cotton candy and snow cone booth on the upper east side. The Sprint Car members and their ladies stepped up and manned that booth for nine shows, “thank you” to all that helped. It really does take a team effort to cover all the aspects of the circus and Reid Jensen and Larry Miller did a wonderful job as chairman and co-chair of the circus. The following week we brought the cars out of hibernation for the Loyalty Day Parade in Brandon. Prior to the parade we met at Todd and Stacie Long’s house for Tony’s chicken and fixens, note to the unit, we do not need 120 pieces of chicken. We ran through the parade and simply amazed the crowd with our car handling abilities. We then headed back to the trailers but not before stopping back at the Longs to pick up a 14 bag of chicken to bring home. Side note, this parade was also the test for the new motors we will be putting in the cars. Mark Richard ran with one of the new motors and everything seemed to go as planned, so now we can start installing them into the other cars. This will keep us busy, but at least it will give us more time to give Corey Terwee some sh… (by the way did you see how sexy he was in those white coveralls? A regular David Hasselhoff). Like everyone else, I’m sure, the Sprint Cars will be busy in the upcoming months making appearances at the local parades. You will find us at Luverne, MN and Hills, MN the first two weeks of June for sure and I am unable to go out any farther than that because the rest of our schedule has not been set. Until next time. Four wheels on the street to help kids get back on their feet. Longer www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 CIRCUS SUPPORTERS Reported as of April 8–May 6. Our thanks to these Nobles for buying their circus coupons for the kids! It’s not too late to support our circus— our largest fraternal fundraiser. If you haven’t returned your coupons and donation please take a moment and do so now. Thank you for your support. Matt Adams Thomas E Anderson Jason Behrens Dean Christie Andy Christopherson Lloyd Cleveland Roger Coon Dick Costain Homer Daniel Terry Engelland Dale Erickson Wayne Freese Ronald Goergen Gary Greenleaf Howard Greer Steven M Hansen Henry Hauck Alan Hawks Nathan Headley Bill Hobson Don Jensen Jerry Joehnck Jerry Johnson Josh Jurgens Anthony Kirchner John Kittelson Gene E. Kroger Thomas Kucera Brian Lansdowne Rodney Larson Dean Lerdal Bruce Loewenberg Adam Loftesness Leroy Luitjens Arthur Maize Ron Mann Paul Maxwell Lonnie Merriman Larry Narum Jack Nelson Gary Ohnstad Craig Olson William Pay Dallas Pfeifer Fred Schilmoeller Brian Scott Clayton Sloat Ken Steele Johnny Stevens Lyle Sturdevant Joseph Swan Corey Terwee The Shutterbugs & Pixels Unit are willing to attend your Unit/Club events to take pictures and provide them to you. Todd Thoelke Robert D. Thompson Jon Tveidt Richard Viehweg Bradley Vostad Steven E. Walker Donald A Wendt James Westra Duwayne Wohlleber Wyatt Year Al Zahn If you would like our services, please contact us 2 weeks prior to your event to get scheduled. LET US CAPTURE YOUR MEMORIES! Contact Unit President, Josh Jurgens at (605) 261-5963 or josh@jurgensdigitalmedia.com THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 15 Visit www.elriad.org today for news and events, photo albums, and much more! Cactus Deadline July 5 for August issue Notice to All Masons and Shriners (spouses, family members or survivors) If you have a loved one in the hospital, ill or shut in, please call the Masonic center or the Shrine office. We will attempt to make a hospital visit or call you at your home or residence. Details of our greetings will be put in your Lodge and Units mail boxes to update everyone. Anyone who would like to join our visitation committee, please notify one of the offices. Please note: “No meetings just Greetings”. This includes those in surrounding towns. Thank you. — Dennis Bachman CACTUS Advertising Rates: Annual — 10 Issues B/W COLOR Business Card ........$ 240 375 1/8 Page .................$ 375 425 1/4 Page .................$ 635 750 1/3 Page .................$ 850 1,000 1/2 Page .................$ 1,050 1,500 Full Page ................$ 1,900 2,200 Contact Mark Richard, Adv. Sales (605) 360-7870 advertise@elriad.com Every Wednesday night at the El Riad Oasis 4 –10 p.m. Served by your favorite bartenders! And it’s open to the public or the El Riad Shrine office: 336-1117 16 www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 May 2016 Winners: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Winner Sebastian Budde* Audra Smith Joe Wilke Virginia Aguinaga Jerry Kobes Paige Thompson Brian Kjergaard Hannah Nelson* Bryan Palmer Kevin Knetsch Samantha Pedersen Luke Bohnet Dennis Klein Wards Store Joe Worley** Thompson Electric Chas Daugaard Mylee Chambers Jim & Mary Morrison Dave McCoy Ray Henry Susan Shrewsbury* Troy Magnuson Sold By Parker Flivvers Parker Flivvers Sprint Cars Outhouse #1 Motor Corps Fife & Drum Corps Blast & Cast Steel Drums Horse Corps Motor Corps Highlanders Twin Lakes Shrine Club Horse Corps Horse Corps Horse Corps Horse Corps Clowns Horse Corps Oriental Band Outhouse #1 Fife & Drum Corps Classie Autos Corn Palace Shrine Club 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Winner Darla Jean Van Rosendale James Kastner Amanda Peterson Royal Koch Zek Koppang Evan Nolte* Bryan Palmer James Lee Sold By Ritualistic Unit Motor Corps Shrine Office Outhouse #1 Horse Corps Fife & Drum Corps Horse Corps Horse Corps *$100 Winners **$300 Winner M ID -C ITY STORAGE 1400 S. VanEps ✦ Sioux Falls, SD 57105 ✦ (605) 334-1050 ✦ Climate Control ✦ Security Cameras ✦ Residential – Commercial ✦ Units 5´x5´to 12´x40´ ✦ 24-Hour Access Craig Ross – Manager EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 17 18 www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 ewes t N S s h ’ r d i a n i e R r l s! E 30 New Nobles Created Saturday, May 7, 2016 Photos by Peter Hauff Tim Anderson Sponsor: Tom Elliott David Cole Sponsor: Chris Morrison Zachary Else Sponsor: Brad Streich Greg Kerska Sponsor: Brad Streich Scott Ault Sponsor: Don McCoy Scott Corum Sponsor: Ryan Simmons Richard Foltz Sponsor: Scot Mannschreck Levi Long Sponsor: Dale Long EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA James Birgen Sponsor: Rick Brownlee Cole Crittenden Sponsor: Josh Jurgens Loran Frost Sponsor: Tim Boysen Nicholas MacDonald Sponsor: Kendig Bergstresser Brian Broekemeier Sponsor: Josh Jurgens Trenten Elliott Sponsor: Tom Elliott Jason Gross Sponsor: Thomas Elliott Jamie Miller Sponsor: Chris Morrison Rand Carlson Sponsor: Chris Morrison James Ellis Sponsor: Jim Fitzgerald William Gunther Sponsor: Andy Harries Mike Oldfield Sponsor: Paul Maxwell 19 Vikash “Vick” Patel Sponsor: Josh Jurgens David Tronnes Sponsor: James Taylor Hajrudin Piskic Sponsor: Roger Risty Steve Veenhof Sponsor: Chris Morrison Ethan Serck Scott Simmons Sponsor: Ethan Jones Sponsor: Todd Miller Brad Visker Derrick West Sponsor: Tom Elliott Sponsor: Stuart Barns Jeremy Swenson Sponsor: Clayton Wilhelm Frank White Sponsor: Andy Harries Thank you to everyone who made our Spring Ceremonial a success! Annual Twin Lakes Shrine Phone: 605.373.0068 2607 West 41st Street Sioux Falls, SD 57105 (Just West of Best Buy) Phone: 605.275.5660 5229 West 12th Street Sioux Falls, SD 57106 (Corner of W. 12th & Marion Rd.) GOLF TOURNAMENT July 30 th LAKES GOLF COURSE FOUR PERSON TEAMS Registration-1:00pm Tee Off-2:00pm LIMITED TO 18 TEAMS TO REGISTER YOUR TEAM CALL 20 DOUG 480-1583 WAYNE 480-3890 Proceeds will benefit the Twin Lakes Shrine Club www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 El Riad 2016 Spring Class Welcome to our 2016 Spring Class! Our newest El Riad Shrine members, the 2016 Spring Class, May 7, 2016. Photo by Josh Jurgens EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 21 75th Annual El Riad Shrine Circus Photos on this page by Jane Anderson The McDonnels Thinking of BUYING a home or SELLING a home? Go ahead and give one of us a call TODAY! IKE MCDONNEL DAN MCDONNEL 22 359-0188 351-8211 ikemcdonnel@remax.net danmcdonnel@remax.net www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Photos on this page by Josh Jurgens EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 23 Photos on this page by Peter Hauff JERRY SCHOLL PRESIDENT SECURITY, INC. w w w. 3 D S e c. c o m tf. 888-923-5333 p. 605-543-5159 f. 605-543-5179 c. 605-366-8601 e: jerry@3dsec.com 47185 WILD CLOVER CIR., STE. 200 SIOUX FALLS SOUTH DAKOTA 57107 24 Been to our website lately? Visit www.elriad.org today for news and events, photo albums, and much more! www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Mitchell Shrine Circus Chamberlain Shrine Circus The El Riad Circus season started with great success in Chamberlain on April 18 and 19. The crowds lined up around the building to fill it almost to capacity for each of the four shows. The Rose Bud Shrine Club, with assistance from family, friends and members from the Mitchell Shrine Club, once again hosted an event to make all the members of El Riad proud. Photos by Josh Jurgens Photos by Reid Jensen EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 25 El Riad Culinary Unit Kent Morstad Party Wednesday April 6, 2016 We had the great privilege to serve in the celebration of our past potentate and community leader, Mr. Kent Morstad. No one knew which birthday we were celebrating only that it is an annual event. The support of our chefs was fantastic! We demonstrated professionalism and proficiency in serving our guests. The service included pork and beef sandwiches, tortilla chips with cheese and salsa sauce, jumbo shrimp with cocktail sauce, a large variety of fruit and of course deviled eggs. Culinary Fellowship To better know our fellow Culinary Chefs, we are answering some questions to reveal something of ourselves to promote fellowship in a fun, fact filled way. The 75th Annual Shrine Circus April 21–24, 2016 Our friends from CitiBank. Another record setting year! We prepared 23,200 hot dogs for circus goers of all ages. We had a great turnout of help throughout all the shows. Thank you to the Wienie Wenches for their performance and energy. The CitiBank group loaned themselves to the cause with a high rate of interest, their efforts accounted for our high rate of return. And thank you to our best organimation yet and to all our friends and family for volunteering their time and support. As an added bonus Dave Sieler opened his world famous, "Dave's Diner." every morning Dave worked Noble Bruce Boegler, Our Master of tirelessly making wonderful bacon, Ceremonies sausage, ham, cheese and egg sandwiches for our fellow circus workers The Culinary Unit grilled a couple hundred brats for the Friday's dinner we served for the volunteers. Chris P. Bacon Q. What is your home town? A. Bacon Indiana although I was born in Ham Lake, Minnesota! Q. Does your home town have a slogan? A. Home of the Original Piggly Wiggly Q. What is your favorite culinary dish not from the Culinary Unit’s selection? A. I always associate myself with eggs but a close second is cheesy potatoes. Q. What is your favorite cut of meat? A. Chicken Soup Q. Who would you invite to dinner (past, present or future) if you could? A. Sir Oinksalot Why? Because he was my ancestor and a fearless jouster until that fatefull day he was skewered and roasted by Sir Ham of Hock! Q. Who is your favorite chef? A. Chef Boyardee. Why? Anything out of a can is better than me in a pan! Q. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? A. Hormels in Rochester, MN. Why? Hormel is the mecca where my ancestors and I feel compelled to go to complete our life's journey! Off in the distance you can hear the chant, " spam, spam, spam, spam." Thank you from our Tip Jar Many of you know about me and drop Q. If you could witness any event of the in a gratuity in appreciation for our past, present or future, what event would efforts and we thank you! I will explain that be? my purpose to those who don't know. A. Albert Einswine and his discovery of the The Culinary Unit does not have any bacon and egg continuium fundraising events or bake sales. All the gratuity collected along with Q. What was one of your most defining monies collected from our catering moments in life? Shrine and Unit events is given back at A. Staying alive! the Shrine ceremony. Until recently we were never in the position to present Master Chef, Noble Dave Sieler Q. What do you feel most proud of? back to the Shrine. Now, with your gratuA. Giving my all to the Culinary Unit, adding flavor to most ity and support, we are proud to present substantially to our everything we make. Shrine and common cause. 26 www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 These guys are ready for their next act after cooking 23,200 hot dogs! Blue Man Group? Guests enjoying food & friendship. Q. What is a skill you would like to learn and why? A. Learn how to fly Why? I was told that if I could fly then anything is possible! Q. What is your favorite book(s)? A. The classics like Hamlet, The Pig and I, Green Eggs and Ham, Hogzilla but my favorite is The Betty Crocker Cook. Reported by the Culinary Communication Director: Eaton Doolittle Lots of great help from friends & family. *URXS,QVXUDQFH6SHFLDOLVWV It’s about your people, not health policies. phone [605] 338-1489 webULVW\EHQH¿WVFRP Todd P Neuberger Financial Advisor . 3614 S Southeastern Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57103 605-371-0375 EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 27 28 www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Todd Nelson Team Helping you achieve your goals has always been ours Todd Nelson Senior Vice President – Wealth Management Senior Financial Advisor Senior Portfolio Advisor 605.335.0548 Congratulations to Todd Nelson for being recognized on the Financial Times 400 Top Financial Advisers and Barron’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors lists. todd_nelson@ml.com Merrill Lynch 110 South Phillips Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Life’s better when we’re connected® Source: The 2016 Financial Times 400 Top Financial Advisers (FT 400) is an independent listing produced by the Financial Times (FT), March 2016. The FT 400 is based on data gathered from firms, regulatory disclosures and the FT’s research. As identified by the FT, the listing reflected each adviser’s performance in six primary areas, including assets under management, asset growth, compliance record, years in existence, credentials and accessibility. Neither firms nor their employees pay a fee to the Financial Times in exchange for inclusion in the FT 400. Source: Barron’s magazine, March 7, 2016, America’s Top1,200 Financial Advisors list. Advisors considered for the “America’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors” ranking have a minimum of seven years financial services experience and have been employed at their current firm for at least one year. Quantitative and qualitative measures used to determine the advisor rankings include: client assets, return on assets, client satisfaction/retention, compliance records and community involvement, among others. Barron’s does not receive compensation from advisors, participating firms and their affiliates, or the media in exchange for rankings. Barron’s is a trademark of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Merrill Lynch Wealth Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, a registered broker-dealer and Member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. Investment products: Are Not FDIC Insured Are Not Bank Guaranteed © 2016 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. May Lose Value AR37CQNC | AD-05-16-0318 | 471003PM-1215 | 05/2016 JOHN EGAN Broker/Owner Cell: (605) 360-3954 Email: realpro.pre@midconetwork.com Over 35 Years of Residential & Commercial Real Estate Experience Loyalty Days Parade On May 1, the El Riad Big Band participated in the Loyalty Days Parade in Brandon. Back row left to right: Garret Hansen & Mark Johnson; front row left to right: Mike Kirkeby, Craig Holmen, Rock Nelson, & Ken Rahn. Get noticed. Advertise in the Cactus ! EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 29 30 www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Ashrama Temple #97 Daughters of the Nile 5th ANNUAL Craft and Vendor Fair OCTOBER 2nd, 2016 Event will be held at the El Riad Shrine. Contact Jessica Buus for Vendor Information. 605-370-2072 Phillips Centre 300 S Phillips Ave 331-4000 Silver Valley 1707 S Marion Rd 361-5636 Dacotah Town Centre 3302 E 10th St 336-7700 57th & Cliff 1209 E 57th St 334-8500 dacotahbank.com EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA Smart Marketers advertise in the Cactus! 31 Happy Birthday! Chad D Abbas – 6/21 Terry A Adams – 6/14 Courtney W Anderson – 6/19 Matt Arps – 6/6 Stuart Barns – 6/2 John Bayer – 6/3 Paul B Bechtold – 6/9 Louis D Bergner – 6/24 Bruce A Boegler – 6/4 Sid A Bostic – 6/15 Adam L Brink – 6/30 Alan F Brooks – 6/29 Jason K Bryant – 6/8 Alan E Buresh – 6/24 Paul L Buriak II – 6/25 Bryon Burke – 6/25 William P Butler – 6/16 Phillip Caslin – 6/19 Lloyd H Cleveland – 6/9 Keith B Coacher – 6/20 Eric Covrig – 6/28 Gerald LeRoy Davis – 6/28 Ronald R Droge – 6/9 Don Dunham III – 6/21 John Egan – 6/11 David Eiesland – 6/1 Dale L Erickson – 6/23 Nicholas D Fosheim – 6/15 Donald J Freese – 6/7 Chad Goldsmith – 6/1 Richard F Gordon – 6/30 John E Gores III – 6/8 Steven M Graff – 6/9 Brent D Granberg – 6/6 Howard E Greer – 6/23 Christopher Grieve – 6/20 Daniel C Griffith – 6/25 32 JUNE BIRTHDAYS Darrell Griggs – 6/21 Clifford G Groseth – 6/7 John H Gunderson – 6/3 Kenneth D Gunderson – 6/2 Joshua Haar – 6/27 Glen Hansen – 6/26 James L Hansen – 6/18 Steven G Haugen – 6/16 Aaron R Hess – 6/5 Shawn Jaminet – 6/13 Troy Jansma – 6/15 Kenneth A Jerden – 6/23 Ralph Jessen – 6/12 Magnus P Johnsen – 6/27 Max R Jones – 6/7 Dennis L Kaarup – 6/24 Teryl Kelley – 6/7 James D Kettwig – 6/20 Jayden Kettwig – 6/1 Kenneth Kluver – 6/30 Jerry W Kobes – 6/10 Paul T Kringen – 6/22 Kevin J Kuper – 6/19 Bryan R Laible – 6/12 Thomas S Laird – 6/3 William J Lamprecht – 6/23 Jeffrey J Landborg – 6/4 Richard R Larson – 6/30 Vernon Lyle League – 6/15 David L Lewis – 6/21 Ryan Likness – 6/11 Robert L Lindquist – 6/19 Jordan J Lipp – 6/4 Bruce A Loewenberg – 6/25 James W Loomer – 6/17 Larry F Luetke – 6/14 Leroy W Luitjens – 6/10 Brandon M Manchester – 6/7 Ronald Mann – 6/5 Ron Mathison – 6/30 Douglas C McFarland – 6/21 John McInroy – 6/24 Donald L Merrill – 6/14 Merlyn W Miller – 6/16 Parnel A Miller – 6/4 Dale W Miskimins – 6/11 Daryl Mitzel – 6/11 Shane P Molitor – 6/5 Arvid E Monson – 6/3 Donald E Munson – 6/13 Franklin " Murray – 6/18 Milton G Mutch Jr – 6/7 Glen Nachtigal – 6/17 Larry H Narum – 6/23 Lennen E Nelson – 6/2 Stanley W Nelson – 6/22 Oliver J Nicholas – 6/19 Ryan J Noonan – 6/25 Larry Olsen – 6/23 Travis Olson – 6/5 Douglas N Papendick – 6/12 Dan Paradis – 6/21 Arond Peil – 6/22 Jay Pifer – 6/26 Christopher J Pilch – 6/26 William D Polzien – 6/16 Ervin C Pribyl – 6/13 Ronald F Randall – 6/25 Michael J Renken – 6/27 Dennis K Rens – 6/18 Duke Requist – 6/9 Todd E Rezac – 6/6 Paul James Richards – 6/22 George E Rieken – 6/3 Paul M Riley – 6/5 Roger R Risty – 6/30 Edward Rogich – 6/17 Michael J Schei – 6/2 Fred A Schilmoeller – 6/6 Brian B Schmidt – 6/8 Harold G Schramm – 6/12 Larry L Schweigert – 6/20 Jeffrey Searles – 6/12 Jeff Seaton – 6/14 David Sieler – 6/15 James M Slater – 6/9 Clayton K Sloat – 6/27 Ronald R Smidt – 6/28 Brent P Steffens – 6/2 David W Stverak – 6/25 Jeffrey Sutter – 6/7 Robert D Thompson – 6/1 Dale W Tiggelaar – 6/10 Greg R Tilberg – 6/25 Ronald G Tilstra – 6/2 Elwood L Truman – 6/9 John Vocker – 6/13 Jamie Voigt – 6/30 Bradley D Vostad – 6/27 Keith Foster Walker – 6/19 Steven E Walker – 6/13 Donald L Webb – 6/8 Douglas W Weeks – 6/21 Kevin Wentzel – 6/16 Cal D Wheeler – 6/29 Justin T Wildfeuer – 6/5 Dean M Wilson – 6/19 Robert Winjum – 6/24 George Woodhouse II – 6/13 Isn’t it Time You Joined the $100 Million Dollar Club? Give $100 and Feel Like a Million! For complete details see the form on page 37 or call Dave Neiman, PP, at 605-376-6745 or email dneiman0315@ yahoo.com. www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Happy Birthday! Gene G Abdallah – 7/16 Brian D Adix – 7/18 Daryl O Anderson – 7/11 Jacob Anderson – 7/17 Rodney R Anderson – 7/28 Thomas E Anderson – 7/20 Arnold W Appelt – 7/31 Douglas Axelson – 7/14 Marvin K Bailin – 7/21 Brian L Baker – 7/22 Richard C Baker – 7/22 Aaron M Barritt – 7/3 George A Beaudette – 7/27 Dick D Behl – 7/4 Donald Bender – 7/18 A Lawrence Berg – 7/29 Jason Boddicker – 7/27 Brett Bolte – 7/12 Tim Borger – 7/25 Everett Brandenburg – 7/28 Benjamin R Brandt – 7/7 Ron Brandt – 7/7 Laurence Breslow – 7/16 Travis J Breuer – 7/20 Leon A Brink – 7/12 Joseph Brown – 7/31 Robert F Bucknell Jr – 7/4 Jerus J Campbell – 7/25 Duane Carr – 7/24 David J Carroll – 7/14 Ricky D Cobb – 7/27 Donald Lee Cohoon – 7/10 James Collingwood – 7/4 Roger Coon – 7/7 Douglas Costar – 7/2 Bruce Crawford – 7/31 Luverne Crosser – 7/16 Jason T Curry – 7/15 Kieran P Denney – 7/20 Monty Derousseau – 7/14 Jeffrey J Deutscher – 7/3 Derek B Douglas – 7/27 Jeffrey Dresch – 7/20 Bruce Duba – 7/7 Oakley Eide – 7/23 Adam L Ericsson – 7/15 JULY BIRTHDAYS Harry C Fleming – 7/29 A Donald Gass – 7/23 Richard Glanzer – 7/15 David Graham – 7/16 Scott Green – 7/9 John W Grieves – 7/27 Mike Hagedorn – 7/4 Eric M Hagen – 7/4 Gene A Hamaker – 7/10 Jess Hamman – 7/22 Arvin Hannemann – 7/6 Jens H Hansen – 7/21 Cal Hanson – 7/6 Dee J Hanson – 7/25 Travis Hanson – 7/12 Rodney L Harms – 7/16 Troy Helleloid – 7/3 Kerry Hofer – 7/15 Richard L Hoffman – 7/26 Richard D Holter – 7/26 Allan W Howard – 7/16 Scott Hoy – 7/10 Noah E Hughes – 7/7 Michael Huitt – 7/1 Mark W Ingalls – 7/31 Maurice E Jamison – 7/1 Jared J Jankord – 7/2 Dennis Jensen – 7/14 Richard A Johnson – 7/8 Roland E Johnson – 7/27 Robert A Joyce – 7/20 David A Kemper – 7/27 John E. Kittelson – 7/19 Richard A Klingaman – 7/23 Jason Klocker – 7/25 Bradley L Kooiker – 7/3 William M Kratochvil – 7/21 James E Lancaster – 7/15 Christopher Larson – 7/27 Donald Laurila – 7/1 Kevin Bruce Lease – 7/17 Mark J Leesch – 7/9 Allen L Lewis – 7/4 Shane D Lien – 7/7 Dale Lofswold – 7/20 Warren Lotsberg – 7/17 Robert J Maher – 7/7 Gordon L Marquardt – 7/9 Todd A Matthies – 7/23 David R Matzen – 7/18 Donald L Maxon – 7/7 Boyd L McMurchie – 7/9 Jerome McNary – 7/13 Kelly Mergen – 7/10 Ted P Mickelson – 7/5 Steven L Moeller – 7/29 Harold L Mostrom – 7/8 Steven D Munro – 7/3 American International Investigative Consultants P.O. Box 87972 • Sioux Falls, S.D. 57108 Phone: 605.553.5270 • Fax: 605.271.3919 Arthur G. Temple Private Investigator Retired Federal Criminal Investigator Over 30 Years Investigative Experience Specializing in Corporate Financial Fraud, Employee Misconduct, Insurance Fraud and Pre-employment Background Investigations Sam G Nachtigal – 7/24 Adam T Nash – 7/29 John C Nelson – 7/28 Travis T Oehler – 7/20 Craig A Olson – 7/6 Randy M Osmond – 7/5 Jerry Palleschi – 7/7 David Peterson – 7/30 Raymond W Pierson – 7/10 John Pudwill Jr – 7/28 Virgil A Rauch – 7/10 Charles A Reimer – 7/30 Maurice R Richard – 7/27 Bryan L Richeal – 7/22 Daniel J Roby – 7/26 James D Roden – 7/3 Please support Cactus advertisers! EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA Dennis A Roning – 7/30 Walter G Schaefer – 7/26 Randy Schilling – 7/28 Jason R Schlechter – 7/26 Jared Schroeder – 7/7 Josh H Schuety – 7/27 Brian E Schultz – 7/10 Nicholas Seliski – 7/21 Dwain Arthur Shay – 7/7 Brian S Slack – 7/13 Michael S Smith – 7/30 Todd Smith – 7/18 Steven S Spawn – 7/16 Troy Stavig – 7/12 Scott Stegenga – 7/31 Troy W Steinbeck – 7/14 Randal C Stenson – 7/13 Mark M Sundvold – 7/24 Arthur G Temple – 7/23 Corey Terwee – 7/31 Grant Thompson – 7/18 Kevin Tomshack – 7/21 Jon Tveidt – 7/12 Ernest S Tyler – 7/19 Robert Ulrich – 7/24 Ebenhaezer Venter – 7/16 Jonathon E Vermeulen – 7/21 Frank N Weaver – 7/11 Stuart J Webster – 7/11 David Lloyd Wegner – 7/25 Paul D Weiland – 7/17 Bruce R Wentzel – 7/26 John R Wightman – 7/26 David A Wilson – 7/23 Jerry Zeimetz – 7/29 33 Circus Drawings & Thank You Letters Editor’s Note: These circus thank you letters are from kids and parents to the Shrine and businesses that supplied tickets. We left in some of the interesting spelling. We also sharing some childrens’ circus drawings. Enjoy! Dear Sponsor: Thank you for my circus ticket…my favorite part of the circus was Rowley and his dog. I bought a monkey and I ate a snow cone. Thank you. I’m Alayla. Thank you for giving us tickets. My favorite part was the tiperope and the Barbie twins. The Barbie twins were so cool. – A Jane Adams student Thank you for the tickets. I had a awesome time! You guys are the best. From your All City friend. Dear Sponsor: Thank you for the ticket and the pony ride and the food. – Del’Lyn Dear Sponsor: Thank you for my circus ticket. My favorite part of the circus was trapeze. I ate a snow cone. I bought a light up toy. – Caitlyn Dear Sponsor: Thank you for my ticket. I was not able to go to the circus this year. My teacher bought me a light up monkey toy. – Stevi Dear Sponsor: Thank you. My favorite part of the circus was the tiger. I ate a hot dog. I rode a camel. Thank you from Lucy. Thank you for the free circus ticket! It was crazy awesome. I LOVED the tight rope walkers. – Diego 34 Thank you for giving us circus tickets. My favorite is the lion and the horse! – Jane Adams student Dear Sponsor: Thank you for my circus ticket. My favorite part of the circus was a elephant. I ate a cotton candy. I rode a horse. I bought a monkey. Your friend, Vella Dear Sponsor: Thank you for my circus ticket. My favorite part of the circus was the tigers and the trapeze. I ate a popcorn and I rode a camel and a horses. I bought a light up toy. Thank you! – Daylynn www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Cactus Supporters PLEASE…if you haven’t made your $20 contribution as a 2016 CACTUS SUPPORTER, there is no time like the present. Your donation will help ensure the continuation of this great, informative publication. Stop by the office or mail to: El Riad Shrine PO Box 1203 Sioux Falls, SD 57101 A big thanks to all of those who have helped so far. Dean B. Christie Mary J. Cozad Bob Henley Smart Marketers advertise in the Cactus! EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA Been to our website lately? Visit www.elriad.org today for news and events, photo albums, and much more! 35 Date Rec’d: _____________________________ [Office Use Only] Ex: _____________ DONATIONS AND MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Donation in honor of _______________________________________________________________________________ Memorial in memory of _____________________________________________________________________________ El Riad Hospital Transportation Fund El Riad Hospital Transportation Endowment Fund El Riad Keith Rose Building Fund Shriners Hospitals for Children Unit and Expense Loan Fund Hospital? Twin Cities ___ Chicago ___ Cincinnati ___ $100 Million Dollar Club $ ________________ $ ________________ $ ________________ $ ________________ $ ________________ $ ________________ $ _100.00 _______________ TY: __________ *Given by: _______________________________________________________________ ACK: ____________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________ Phone # ______________________________________________________ *Please acknowledge my gift to: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________ Heritage Funeral Home MATTHEW J. PEPPER JAMES A. JONES DARIN CORCORAN Funeral Directors 4800 S. Minnesota Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Phone 605-334-9640 Fax 605-334-4186 nice just ask around To advertise your business in the El Riad Shrine CACTUS 36 Located at I-29 & W. 12th Street 605-221-2000 • luxuryautomallofsiouxfalls.com contact Mark Richard (605) 360-7870 From left to right: Ryan Simmons, Bruce Heitman, Mark Jones, Denny Wasmund, Marv Lovro advertise@elriad.com www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Give $100 and Feel Like a Million! Join the Shrine’s $100 Million Dollar Club Todd (TJ) Person Kent Alberty Luanne Alberty 4320 South Louise Avenue, Suite 105 Sioux Falls, SD 57106 Ph 605.271.5627 F a x 605.271.3343 www.employmentedgesd.com Are you a Cactus Supporter? The $100 Million Dollar Club is a way for Shriners and non-Shriners alike to provide a gift of hope for a child in need. It’s an excellent opportunity to personally participate in the “World’s Greatest Philanthropy” – Shriners Hospitals for Children. The Shriners operate 22 hospitals in North America dedicated to treating children with orthopaedic problems and burn injuries. There are 18 orthopaedic hospitals, three burn hospitals and one Shriners Hospital that provides orthopaedic, burn care and spinal cord injury care. All care and services provided by Shriners Hospitals are totally without cost to the patient or family. Since the founding of Shriners Hospitals in 1922, about $5.5 billion has been spent to provide quality and compassionate medical care to more than 675,000 children with orthopaedic problems, severe burn injuries or spinal cord injuries. Most of these services are paid for by the Shriners Hospitals for Children endowment fund. Without this fund, Shriners Hospitals would not be able to ensure optimum and compassionate patient care. In order to meet the needs of thousands of children in need of the expert care Shriners Hospitals provide, the endowment fund must continue to grow during these times of increasing cost of medical care. Since approximately 95 percent of the annual Shriners Hospitals for Children operating budget will be spent in direct support of the 22 hospitals, your gift to its endowment fund is a gift to one of the world’s “purest” philanthropies. Visit our Web site: http://www.shrinershq.org Application for membership $100 Million Dollar Club ❑ ❑ 24-Hou Emergenr c Service y THE COMPLETE SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING SERVICE FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE DEPEND ON US WHEN YOU NEED HELP IN A HURRY REASONABLE COSTS TO CLEAR ANY DRAIN KITCHEN • BATH • LAUNDRY • BASEMENT • YARD COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL FREE ESTIMATES YOU KNOW THE PRICE BEFORE WE START TRUSTED, RECOMMENDED SINCE 1935 JERRY L. COZAD OWNER/MANAGER JACK N. COZAD FOUNDER 605-336-8505 EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA ❑ ❑ Yes, I (we) want to Share in the Care of SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN. I have previously made a Will leaving a Bequest (of $100 or more) to the Shriners Hospitals for Children endowment fund. I have added a provision in my Will leaving a Bequest (of $100 or more) to the Shriners for Children endowment fund. I prefer to make a cash donation at this time (of $100 or more). Make your check payable to: SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN Signed ___________________________________________________________ Temple Member? ___________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________________ State _____ Zip _________________ You may give a $100 Million Dollar Club Membership in another persons name, as a special anniversary, birthday or appreciation gift. Please have the membership certificate read: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO EL RIAD SHRINE TEMPLE PO Box 1203 • SIOUX FALLS, SD 57101-1203 37 Chamber Milestone Ribbon Cutting On April 21 at the 2016 circus, the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce honored the El Riad 75th Anniversary of our Shrine Circus with a milestone ribbon cutting. The following is how the proclamation read: “El Riad Shrine is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. They have been an active participant and strong supporter of the Sioux Falls business community for the past 128 years. Part of the fun and fellowship that the Shrine brings to Sioux Falls is most eveident in their largest community out reach event – namely the Shrine Circus. For the past 75 years, El Riad Shrine has brought the thrill and excitement of the “greatest show on earth” to the Sioux Falls area. In recognition of their dedication to creating memories and continuning the tradition, we are here today to recognize their diamond anniversary milestone.” Photo by Jane Anderson Members of El Riad, the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, and Sioux Falls Mayor, Mike Huether, were part of the shrine circus milestone ribbon cutting. 72''7+2(/.( %URNHU 7RGG#+HJJFRP /RFDOO\2ZQHG6LQFH (VW6WUHHW_6LRX[)DOOV6' H)D[ _ZZZWKRHONHFRP 38 www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 El Riad Steel Drum Well by the time this article hits the newsstand (JuneJuly issue) more experiences will have taken place than what is presented here but let's discuss what has happened. The biggest news in April was the circus. The Steel Drum has been honored by having several past Circus Chairmen as our members; Rolfe Cole, Todd "taco" Gophers and Corn Dog tired after a great circus. Tiger Man meets Batman at the cotton Thoelke, Bruce candy stand. "Stumpy" Cadwell apparently likes salt so much he was Wentzel and next recently seen salting his potato chips but don't tell Mary. year's Larry "Fluff" Miller. Fluff was seen discussing the next The Brandon parade was extra special due to the increased two circus years with George Cardin as well as George amount of time Fluff appearing at some other event for Fluff that I really don't has been spending recall what that was but George was adamant about coming out in that fair city. to it. We had a great turnout of our members at the circus. I As such he was am pretty sure we had everybody but one member who will able to point our remain nameless (Sid Pederson) show up. A shout out goes various points of to Billy "One of a" Klein for being our captain at the snow interest to the other cone/cotton candy Westside stand. Besides manning the band mates during snow cone/cotton candy stand our other volunteers worked the course of the in finance, popcorn, floor management and ticketing. Keith parade. Thank you, "Dwain" Backer really looks good in his white onesie. Steve Fluff. "Candy" Cain was a first year ticket sales person. He started Aside from our out a little slow but came up to speed in handling the tickets usual practice for a set of twins. nights we also had Thanks goes out to Rob “Chip" Angerhofer for feeding our annual golf outthe troops at our last meeting and then following it up with a ing at Garretson on great batch of ribs for the Brandon parade on May 1. May 26. A good Special thanks to Dwain for again hosting our oasis that day. time was had by all Dwain was able to participate because his son Bryce "had who attended. no game". Speaking of food, one of our members Stan Our ambulance/tow vehicle update is that it is moving forward in a timely manner. After reflecting on the past health issues involving our members, heart, knee, eyes, etc., it makes sense that we have this as our vehicle. Respectfully Submitted, Scribe Pro Tem EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 39 El Riad Motor Corps Wow, how time flies when you’re having fun! It’s hard to believe that we are already halfway through the year. The Motor Corps had the pleasure of hosting the bar for the month of May. Thank you all that came out to help bartend and serve food, plus a special thank you to Steve Haase and Chuck Ihlen for organizing our menus for the month. Steve also showed off his grilling skills by cooking some great hamburgers and chicken. Jim Slater and Steve also need a shout out for thinking outside the box and brining something new to our repertoire with My Place Café, the first ever food truck at El Riad. Then a big shout out to our “Fry Masters” who once again out did themselves by slaving away over the deep fryers, frying the fish and making shoestring potatoes for our annual fish fry. 40 We also need to thank Bruce Bigler of the culinary unit for bringing out their official fryers and helping us with this great event. This makes things go a lot smoother and easier for us allowing you to have the best fish and fries possible. If you missed out on our annual fish fry you need to mark you calendar for the last Wednesday in May as this is a spread you do not want to miss. This is the time of the year as we dust off our bikes and cobwebs getting ready for parade season and competition. If you want to see us strut our stuff on the streets, and put on a good show for the crowd, ask any Motor Corps member where we will be parading and come check us out! Til the Wheels Fall Off Aaron Neiman, Commander www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Special prom to be held in Chamberlain By Caitlynn Peetz on Apr 29, 2016 CASCO Storage Units We Offer… • 5 x10 • 10x15 • 10x20 • 10x25 New Facility - Outside Storage Security Fence Located in Sioux Falls at 1700 E. 39th St. N (605) 321-7060 El Riad Big Band Presents th 3 1 e n u y J a d n o PM M AT 5:45 S AT 6 S OPEN N R O S O S O E D NCE L 928 630-0 (605) erson d e P Mark calling all le by kets C vailab a s r le o F Tic ed tab Reserv ver A FREE D John and Sherry Archer EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA Must r O be 21 o CHAMBERLAIN — People with developmental disabilities in the Chamberlain area will have the opportunity to dance to a day specifically for them. Approximately 70 people are registered to attend a special prom event scheduled for May 28 at the AmericInn in Chamberlain. "In the past, a lot of them didn't have the opportunity to go to a prom, so a lot of them I've talked to are excited to go," event organizer Jessica Meagher said. "It just gives them something special to do." There will be a dinner provided, a dance, a photo booth and a grand march, all things Meagher wanted to incorporate to create an authentic experience for attendees. The ballroom at the hotel will be decorated in a "Hollywood Nights" theme. The idea, Meagher said, is a spinoff of a similar event put on by the Shriners Hospitals for Children — Twin Cities in Minneapolis. Meagher's daughter, Morgan, was formerly a patient at the hospital, where a prom event was held for the patients. In past years, Meagher and her boyfriend, Dennis Reed, sponsored a fishing tournament in Chamberlain, with the funds raised being donated to help put on the prom in Minneapolis. But, this year, Meagher put the money toward creating the same opportunity for people in South Dakota. "The community has been really supportive in our fundraising, and people have stepped up to help," Meagher said. People of any age with a developmental disability are invited and encouraged to attend, and nobody will be turned away, Meagher said. In fact, she said there are children as young as 10 years old planning to attend, as well as adults well into their 70s, and plenty in between. With such a wide age gap comes one problem, Meagher said, and that is finding music everyone will enjoy. So, while attendees are searching for dresses, tuxes and corsages leading up to the prom, they are also choosing and submitting their favorite tunes to be played throughout the night. That, in turn, gives everybody at least a sampling of what they want to hear, Meagher said. "There's certainly a wide variety," Meagher said. "It's something really unique." Highlighting that she hasn't heard of any similar events in the region, Meagher said the event is a special opportunity for people with special needs, or who need special accommodations, to experience a prom, whether that be for the first time or not. If all goes well in May, she hopes to make it an annual event. Anyone interested in attending the event should call Meagher at (605) 234-4007. 41 Recorder’s Minutes EL RIAD SHRINE MONTHLY STATED MEETING April 13, 2016 EL RIAD TEMPLE – SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA The meeting was opened by Chief Rabban Jim Burma Jr. at 7:00 p.m. Chaplin George Hamilton gave the invocation. Chief Rabban Burma then led the Nobles in the Shrine Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the 2016 Stated Meeting, held March 9, 2016 were, upon proper motion and second, approved as printed and distributed. There were no General Orders. Treasurer's Report Treasurer, P.P. Bruce Wallin gave the Treasurer’s Report. Upon a proper motion to accept and proper second, this report was approved. Building & Entertainment Committee Report Chief Rabban Jim Burma Jr. gave a progress report on projects completed, current projects and projects under consideration, with the most important including: 1. The new roof top units were installed on the roof. The gas lines that moved during the winter are now under the roof. The project came in under budget. 2. Maury Richard has the wood needed to make 40 new picture frames for the past Potentate pictures. He is now working on matching the stain on the existing frames. 3. The new Ritualistic backdrops will not be available for the Spring Ceremonial. The committee is trying to determine the actual size needed and how they will be raised and lowered. 4. We are moving ahead with providing ADA access at our front door and securing and weatherproofing our east door. 5. The seven recycling containers and carts that will be used by the units to bus tables during events are now in place. 6. The committee is receiving bids to install security cameras for our building. Chief Rabban Burma moved approval of his report. Upon proper second, it was approved. Correspondence: None Open Business from the floor The Blast & Cast is having a raffle for an AR. The Sportsman’s unit is having a raffle for a Masonic Henry 45. Drawing will be held on Oct 4th. The Cactus is in a transition stage. Maury told the group that Units should not try and schedule a band that another Unit has been scheduling. 42 COMMITTEE REPORTS Chief of Staff Chief of Staff Mark Richard reported on upcoming Shrine events. The Spring Ceremonial will be held on May 7th. June 4th is Shrine night at the Storm. Proceeds from this game will go to the Hospital. . The all Shrine parade will be held in Hills, MN on June 11th. Lineup is at 9:30 with step off at 10:30. The oasis will be in the park. Shrine family day will be held on June 26th at the Great Plains zoo. He reminded us that registrations for the Summer session in Marquette, MI must be in by April 15th and that the Nobles should register through their Unit. People wishing to register for tours can do that themselves online. He reminded us that Units need to submit their parade requests to the Potentate. Circus Report Over 3,500 tickets have been sold on line so far. That is a 10% increase over last year. Ticket sales start at the Shrine tomorrow. Please buy your book of tickets for $30. Hospital Reps Potentate Anderson asked the Units to consider donating some of their Ceremonial money towards the EOS machine for the Twin Cities Hospital. The cost of the machine is $750.000. He also reminded us that the screening clinic will be held on May 7th. Membership Jeff Landborg told us that Chairman Wade Behm is doing a great job. Our membership goal for this year is 100 new Nobles. We presently have 87 men in the pipeline and 29 have signed their petitions. We are hoping for 50 new Nobles for the Spring Ceremonial. We currently have 1,757 members in El Riad Shrine. Masonic Relations Jeff told us that 47 new Masons were raised at the Masonic one day on April 2nd. The black camel has claimed 23 nobles so far this year. The Scottish Rite Spring party is tomorrow night from 5:00- 6:30. The Scottish Rite Reunion will be held on April 30th. The Masonic building now has new carpet and a new flag pole. They are working on the front steps and would like to remodel the 4 bathrooms. The preliminary cost estimate to do the work is $148,000. The Masonic futures committee is considering the possibility of starting a $500,000 fundraising campaign next year. Cactus Josh reported that they are working on some changes. www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Public Relations: No report. Trip Reports: No report. Stop Burns: No report. Unit & Club Development: No report. Internet Rocky is working on a new look. Liaison Reports We need help from the Units selling tickets for the Shrine Storm game. The cost is $10 per ticket and the Shrine gets $5.00. The deadline for Unit funding requests is May 1st. The Twin Cities Hospital trip is May 21st. The bus will leave at 5AM. One bus is already full. It’s a great time to see the hospital. Friends and relatives are welcome to come with us. THE SINGING BOYS OF SIOUX FALLS PO Box 88053 • Sioux Falls, SD 57109 www.singingboysofsiouxfalls.org Del Hubers Artistic Director Follow Us on 605.789.1524 singingboysofsiouxfalls@gmail.com Diana Kappen Executive Director 605.201.0628 dkappen27@yahoo.com Other: The last 6 days our facebook page has been viewed by over 75,000 people. That is up 200%. The Shrine web page has been visited 26,000 times. There being no other business to come before the body, the Chief Rabban then thanked the Provosts for tiling the doors. A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm. It was approved. The next Stated Meeting will be May 11, 2016. Respectfully Submitted David W. Neiman, P.P. Recorder GREEN CLEAN “When Only the Best Will Do!” “Disco the Clown” – Owner 605-357-8711 Carpet Cleaning / Water Restoration Furniture & Rug Cleaning / Duct Cleaning 24-Hr. Emergency Service / Commercial & Residential 2921 West 41st St., SIOUX FALLS, SD • 605-336-3244 1157 21st St. HURON, SD (605) (605) 352-4038 605 Main St. GREGORY, SD (605) 835-8711 1201 Broadway YANKTON, SD (605) 665-2604 2291 Colorado Blvd. SPEARFISH, SD (605) 642-8604 413 S. Main St. WINNER, SD (605) 842-2541 400 W. Sioux PIERRE, SD (605) 224-0439 1832 W. Main RAPID CITY, SD (605) 343-3610 1801 9th Ave. S.E. WATERTOWN, SD (605) 886-2017 EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA Ronald L. Fox President 27164 - 470th Ave., Suite 1 Tea, SD 57064 Ph. (605) 368-5557 Fax (605) 368-5572 43 Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Cincinnati 2016 Open House & Divan Day Weekend FRIDAY NIGHT SOCIAL New Orleans Jazz Dinner Cruise Friday, August 26, 2016 Friday, August 26th | Saturday, August 27th The Staff and Board of Governors of Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati are thrilled to invite all Divans, Nobles, Masons, Ladies and Guests to attend our 2016 Cincinnati Hospital Open House and Divan Day Weekend. This two-day event will be held on Friday, August 26 and Saturday, August 27. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Two days of fun, fellowship, meeting and greeting of friends, old and new is planned. SATURDAY All aboard! A fun-filled riverboat cruise is planned for Friday evening. Join us in taking a New Orleans Dixieland Jazz Dinner Cruise to kick-off our Open House and Divan Day Weekend. Guests will board the River Queen from 4:30-5:30 pm. for a journey along the banks of the Ohio River. A cash bar is available and a New Orleans style buffet dinner will be served. Guests will be entertained by the delightful sounds of a Dixieland band. Dress is casual. The cost of the dinner cruise per person is $40 and includes all fees. Please send payment with the RSVP. Checks can be made out to Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati with “Divan Day 2016” noted on the memo line. 4:30-5:30 pm 6:00 pm Divan Day Program and Tours Saturday, August 27, 2016 8:00 - 9:30 am Hot buffet breakfast in the Atrium 8:30 - 10:00 am Hospital tours 10:00 - 11:30 am Presentations in the Atrium 11:30 am Hot buffet lunch for all guests in the Atrium 12:30 pm Gift Presentations 1:00 - 3:00 pm OPEN HOSPITAL BOARD MEETING All nobles are invited to attend the hospital’s August Board meeting 1:00 - 3:00 pm TOURS resume 3:00 pm Boarding and Cash bar Buffet Dinner Activities & Board meeting conclude by 3 pm. Accommodations are available at the Hampton by Hilton Inn Cincinnati Riverfront (Free shuttle to the hospital). 101 Riverboat Row, Newport, KY 41071 800-261-8586 | 859-261-8500 www.bbriverboats.com Map and Directions: www.bbriverboats.com RSVP F ORM Please register by Friday, July 29, 2016 200 Crescent Avenue Covington, KY 41011 (859) 581-7800 When making your reservations, be sure to mention the special “Shriners Rate”: $141.10 Deadline to make reservations is Friday, July 29, 2016 Name: I will participate in the following events: Shriners Hospitals for Children - Cincinnati Spouse / Guest: (if paying by credit card please call BB Riverboats to make your reservations & let Sherry Helen Kappel know that you did) YES, I am planning on attending the Open House and Divan Day Weekend Make checks out to: Temple / Group: Mail registration & check with “Divan Day 2016” noted on the memo line to: Address: Sherry Helen Kappel Administration, ML #180 Shriners Hospitals for Children 3229 Burnet Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45229 (Please indicate the number of attendees for EACH event as appropriate) Friday Night Social # of attendees: $40 per person Saturday Divan Day Program & Tours # of attendees: Open Hospital Board Meeting # of attendees: 44 City, State and Zip Code Phone (daytime): e-mail address: For additional information or questions, please e-mail Sherry Helen at skappel@shrinenet.org or call 513-872-6207 If you require any of the auxiliary aids or services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act, please include these requirements in writing with your registration. www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 2016 El Riad Unit & Club Contact List All cities are in South Dakota unless otherwise noted. Area Code for all South Dakota phone numbers is 605. BIG BAND / SHRINE SWING BAND – Parade Unit (Unit meets for Ceremonials) President - John Bayer (Janean), 1511 Riverdale Rd., Sioux Falls 57105 C: 360-1204 Email: jbayer253@aol.com BIG BEND SHRINE CLUB – Parade Unit President - George Martin, 411 Scotts Lane, Chamberlain 57325 C: 730-0099 B: 234-6009 E: martin@midstatesd.net (Meeting dates as called) BLAST & CAST President - Randall Jensen (Barbara), 2513 E. Stanton Cir., Sioux Falls 57103 C: 212-0608 E: moogld@juno.com (Meets 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00pm) BOONDOCKERS President - Mike Archer, 1712 S. Wayland Ave., Sioux R: 321-5459 Falls 57105 (Meet 1st Wednesday @ 7:00pm) BROOKINGS SHRINE CLUB – Parade Unit President - Glen Nachtigal, 916 Arrowhead Pass, Brookings, SD 57006 R: 692-5184 E: dnachtigal@fastmail.com (Meets 2nd Thursday, 7am @ Perkins) BYTES & BOARDS President - Josh Jurgens, 5012 S. Cliff Ave. Sioux Falls 57108 C: 261-5963 E: jdjurgens@msn.com CHANTERS – Parade Unit President - Dan Jones, 315 E. 15th St., Sioux Falls 57104 C: 715-271-1419 E: jones.drj@live.com (Meet every Tuesday @ 7:00pm) CLASSIE AUTOS – Parade Unit President - Vince Jones (Sandy(, 45975 - 267th St., Hartford 57033 E: dogpatch51@aol.com C: 366-3178 (Meet 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00pm) CLOWNS – Parade Unit Big Clown - Dave Saunders (Beverly), 2105 W. 16th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104 C: 359-2704 E: saunderd@msagroup.com (Meet 1st Thurs. @ 6:30pm) CORN PALACE SHRINE CLUB – Parade Unit President - Brandon Manchester (Molly), 312 S. Isadore St., Mitchell 57301 C: 770-1057 E: brandonmanchester@hotmail.com (Meets last Thurs. @ 6:30pm) CULINARY UNIT President - Steve Hauff (Sue), 904 Ridge Rd., Sioux Falls 57105 R: 338-9625 B: 332-2131 C: 376-2452 E: steve@dakotasportsonline.com (Meets as called) DANCE CLUB (Meets 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00pm) President - Chris Karr, 7421 W. Luke, Sioux Falls 57106 C: 695-0391 E: ckarr@silveradostud.com DIRECTOR’S STAFF President - Ron Knott (Diane), 1602 S. 1st Ave., Sioux Falls 57105 E: notinphx@gmail.com C: 413-7053 (Meets 2nd Thursday @ 7:00pm) DIVE-IN (Meets 3rd Wednesday @ 6:30pm) President - David Daily (Barb), 1616 Cameo Way, Sioux Falls 57105 C: 370-3672 R: 334-0851 E: bddaily@gmail.com FIFE AND DRUM CORPS – Parade Unit Brigadier (Pres.) - Wade Behm (Tera), 9105 W. Lakeside Dr., Sioux Falls 57107 C: 366-6252 E: wade@lloydcompanies.com (Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 7:30pm) EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA GOLF UNIT President - Dave Skancke, 2305 Pepper Ridge, Sioux Falls 57103 C: 553-3351 E: dskancke@sio.midco.net GOPHER SHRINE CLUB President - Andy Harries (Mari), 1224 - 3rd Ave., E: andyharries32@gmail.com Windom, MN 56101 (Meets 2nd Tuesday of January or as called) HIGHLANDER PIPE & DRUM – Parade Unit President - Bob Sorensen (Sherry), 3109 S. Holly Ave., Sioux Falls 57105 R: 338-9387 E: rlssherry@yahoo.com (Meets Mondays @ 6:00pm) HILLBILLIES OUTHOUSE #1 – Parade Unit President - Don McCoy (Trudy), 100 S. Sunshine Ave., Brandon 57005 E: donm@alliancecom.net C: 366-5062 (Meets 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00pm) HORSE CORPS – Parade Unit Trail Boss (Pres.) - Tim Boysen (Peggy), 24237 - 310th Ave., Presho 57568 C: 360-3615 E: tboysen@kennebectelephone.com (Meets last Saturday @ 10:00am) LEGION OF HONOR – Parade Unit Cmdr. (Pres.) - Kevin Tomshack (Robin), 4106 E. 21st St., Sioux Falls 57103 C: 521-9280 E: krtomshack@sio.midco.net (Meets 1st Wednesday @ 7:00pm) LOH FOOT PATROL – Parade Unit Captain (Pres.) - Ethan Jones, 325 N. LaSalle Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57110 C: 370-8588 E: ej091991@gmail.com LEWIS & CLARK SHRINE CLUB – Parade Unit President: Doug Kristensen (Julie), 401 E. Grant St., Wausa, NE 68786 R: 402-586-2534 C: 402-360-3492 E: boneskr@hotmail.com (Meets 2nd Tuesday @ 6:30pm Social/eat; Mtg. @ 8 MOTOR CORPS – Parade Unit Cmdr. (Pres.) - Aaron Neiman (Rachael), 217 S. Sunshine Ave., Brandon 57005 C: 521-9186 E: aaronneiman@gmail.com (Meets 3rd Wednesday @ 7:00pm) MYSTIC BREWERS Brew Master - James Rollason (Emily), 809 N. Spring Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57104 C: 310-7952 E: james.rollason@gmail.com (Meets 3rd Monday @ 7:00pm) OAZE CYCLE PATROL – Parade Unit President - Robert Demuth (Sandra), 1404 Indian Hill Rd., Worthington, MN 56187 R: 507-376-6470 B: 507-372-2919 (Meets 1st Monday after Lodge) ORIENTAL BAND – Parade Unit President - Todd Miller, 712 S. Walts Ave., Sioux Falls 57104 E: miltod@hotmail.com C: 321-5257 (Meets Thursdays @ 7:00pm) RICKSHAWS – Parade Unit Emporer (Pres.) - Chad Goldsmith (Cindy), 5904 S. Galway Ave., Sioux Falls 57106 C: 940-4310 E: chad.goldsmith@graybar.com (Meet 1st Tuesday @ 6:00pm) RITUALISTIC UNIT President - Harland Danielsen (Lori), 3504 E. Micah Ln., Sioux Falls 57103 C: 321-9091 (Meet as called) E: harland.danielsen@sio.midco.net ROADRUNNERS President - Johnn Pudwill, 702 S. Tama, Rock Rapids, IA 51246 R: 712-472-0040 E: jpuddy@premieronline.net C: 605-660-0000 (Meet as called) ROSEBUD SHRINE CLUB – Parade Unit President - Richard Ringstmeyer (Janet), 27968 - 318th Ave., Winner 57580 R: 842-2092 B: 842-3732 C: 842-5537 SHUTTERBUGS President - Josh Jurgens, 2601 S. Minnesota Ave., Ste. 105, Sioux Falls 57105 C: 261-5963 E: josh@jurgensdigitalmedia.com (Meet last Wedensday @ 7:00pm) PIXELS President - Jane Anderson (Tom), 47948 Copperwood Cir., Harrisburg 57032 C: 310-5461 SKI CLUB (As called) President - Tony Bachman (Stacey), 1005 N. Sycamore Ave., Sioux Falls 57110 C: 201-5998 E: tonybachman@sio.midco.net SPRINT CARS – Parade Unit President - Tim Meirose (Vicki), 1001 S. Joliet Ave., Sioux Falls 57110 R: 336-9063 C: 553-1810 E: timscbx@sio.midco.net (Meet 2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 7:00pm) STEEL DRUM BAND – Parade Unit President - Richard Ericsson (Sue Olson), 609 W. Ave. N., Madison 57042 R: 256-3046 C: 270-9456 E: rleric@ericssonlaw.com (Meets 2nd, 3rd, 4th Thursdays @ 7:00pm) SWING BAND President - Wally Johnson (Doris), 1812 Edgewood Rd., Sioux Falls 57103 B: 334-7160 B: 336-2932 E: dwjjohnson62@yahoo.com TWIN LAKES SHRINE CLUB President - Wayne Wetzbarger, 915 Jennifer, Madison, SD 57042 C: 480-3890 (Meets 1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm) WORTHINGTON AREA SHRINE CLUB President - Bob Demuth, Jr (Sandra), 1404 Indian Hill Rd., Worthington, MN 56187 R: 507-376-6470 E: bobdgonefishin@yahoo.com (Meets 1st Monday after Lodge) PARKER SHRINE CLUB/FLIVVERS – Parade Unit President - Don Budde (Roberta) PO Box 725, Parker 57053 R: 297-6742 C: 338-7634 (Meet 3rd Tuesday @ 6:30pm) PROVOSTS – Parade Unit Chief (Pres.) - Doug Monzat (Terri), 2301 E. 29th Pl. N., Sioux Falls 57104 C: 212-5478 E: monzatdouglas@yahoo.com (Meet 4th Tuesday @ 7pm) 45 46 www.elriad.com • e-mail: cactus@elriad.com • JUNE–JULY 2016 Photo by Josh Jurgens t o h S g n i t Par Donated by Naja Provost, this bowl is from May 16, 1911, and has traveled the world but recently returned home to El Riad. Potentate, Tom Anderson, is holding the bowl and card that reads “Traveled East to West and from West to East again.” Joining him is High Priest & Prophet, John Whitelock; 1st Ceremonial Master, Les Kruse; and Oriental Guide, Al Zahn. EL RIAD SHRINE • SIOUX FALLS • SOUTH DAKOTA 47 El Riad Shrine PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE 510 South Phillips Avenue PO Box 1203 Sioux Falls, SD 57101-1203 PAID MADISON SD PERMIT NO. 32 Please support Cactus advertisers! ' ( 6 , * 1 ( ' 7 2 % ( BANK LOCAL 3DVVLRQDWHVSLULWHG DQGEHDXWLIXOO\XQSUHGLFWDEOH We value the achievements and goals that are important to you – from home ownership, to a new business idea, to planning for your future. 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