YELDUZ NEWS Shrine Circus 2012
YELDUZ NEWS Shrine Circus 2012
Yelduz Shine YELDUZ NEWS Volume 4 Issue 4 April 2012 Shrine Circus 2012 Circus time is most certainly for the young and the old to enjoy. Just take a look at the happy lady to the left. She is Carol Roettle, former resident of Groton, who is now residing at the Sun-Dial Manor Nursing Home in Bristol, SD. When asked if she wanted to attend the Circus, she replied, “Only if I get to ride the elephant.” Her wish came true. Riding with her is her official escort, Andrea Bloom. THANK YOU! I want to thank all the Nobles, Ladies and Volunteers for working the circuses in Aberdeen and Huron. Without your hard work we could not have had all the successful circuses. With your help it made my job easier and the circuses a big success. Kenneth Erickson, Circus Chairman Potentate’s Message Thank you...Thank you... And ”wunnerful… wunnerful!” If Lawrence Welk were still around, he and I would be expressing these sentiments toward all of the folks whom have helped me, as I have now completed almost 4 months of my Potentate year. We’ve all been busy this year, but this month has been the wildest yet. Before I go any further, let me thank all of you one more time for this opportunity to guide Yelduz Temple thru 2012! Becoming Potentate was something I took great pride in, until I became one. I am finding the real sense of satisfaction, attached to this position, as I observe the accomplishments of others and the success of events for which we all work so hard. This year is ours to share, and so far we’ve got a lot of which to be proud and thankful. This is not my’s OUR year! I’m just the Noble that was entrusted with the position to lead us for 365 days. Imperial has given me the authority to lead, but they cannot give me the POWER to lead. That power comes from earning your respect and I will strive to do so for the next eight months. Since the last Yelduz news letter publication we have had several very successful events to be proud of. The Spring Ceremonial, that brought us five new Nobles, started us off. The Ceremonial was well attended by Yelduz Nobles while the ladies enjoyed an afternoon with my Lady Patti at the Dakota Prairie Museum. Special thanks to Pat Schroeder for inviting the ladies over to share a glass of wine at her condo, at the historic Ward Hotel. Special recognition was given to Kevin Harr for the effort he put in making the ceremonial successful. The wrecking Crew did their part, but you gotta miss the old days. We ended the day with a great meal prepared by Steve Goehring, and PP Bruce Likness lead us thru the Arch Production with professional directorship. A great time was had by all and I know the new Nobles got a good first impression of the Shrine because several attended the April Stated Meeting. Were you there? I asked Nobles at the Stated Meeting to help at both the Huron and Aberdeen Circuses and to wear their fez. I am proud to say that request was granted beyond expectation! I saw at least 15 Nobles from outside the Huron Area helping our brothers from down south and I was told by may of the regular workers that they appreciated the efforts from all. The new circus, Circus Spectacular, was a huge success and I heard nothing but praise from the spectators as they left the arena, both in Huron and Aberdeen. At both venues, the doors of the arena were held open by Nobles, who thanked the people for coming to the circus. This gave us good contact with the crowd and a chance to get both negative and positive feedback.. The overwhelming response was that they enjoyed a fresh, new show! We can all thank Past Potentate Alan Grupe for making the change and Kenny Erickson for finding the new show. Most of all I’d like to thank the James Valley Shrine Club and all the associate clubs & units for going along with the change. I hope you’re as please with results as I was! It took a real leap of faith from everyone but it looks like it was a good one! I enjoyed presenting the flags at our circus and we have a new Color Guard from the Ringneck Shrine Club to assist next year. Aberdeen found the same reception when the new Circus Spectacular performed. We packed the arena four of the seven performances. Hearing nothing but positive feedback, as we Nobles held the doors at both Huron and Aberdeen, gives me 100% satisfaction with the decision to change Circus promoters. This is a huge relief after some of the negative reaction to my decision to follow thru with the change to Circus Spectacular! We came into this decision with some uncertainty about it’s outcome, and found that change was not only positive, but also more enjoyable for our patrons, who are so valuable for our success. Because of the decision made by some of the members of the Northeaster Shrine Club to go forward with a Non Shirne Circus, I cannot comment beyond this point. This matter will be resolved thru proper, and now eminent Shrine Jurist Prudence. (continued bottom of next page) Chef Unit News We will be preparing the meal for the May Stated meeting which will be Spaghetti and meat balls, salad, garlic toast and ice cream. Come and enjoy a good meal. If there is a meal you would like to have them serve , please call and let them know. RSVP 225-4841. Dance Unit Please join us for some DANCING FUN & GOOD LISTENING At the Yelduz Shrine 802 S Main-Aberdeen, SD Which will be held on Sunday, May 19, 2012 Music to dance to and for your Listening pleasure will be furnished by: The Dakota Rangers COME JOIN THE FUN! ENJOY DANCING & VISITING The proceeds are for the benefit of the Yelduz Dance Unit and are not tax deductable as Charitable Contributions Britton Shrine Club News ANNUAL BRITTON SHRINE CLUB SPRING FLING WHEN: Saturday, May 5th WHERE: Hunters Lounge in Britton, SD -Hotel rooms are available, call 605-448-5723 for Hunters -call 605-448-2438 for Northern Lights Inn (located across from Hunters) Buffet Dinner starts at 6:30 pm—$10.00 per person Free Entertainment starts at 8:00 PM—Midnight Live Band—”The Midnight Cowboy” Everyone is invited, bring the wife, girlfriend (or both) and have a good time! Also, we will be having a membership presentation at 5:00 pm at Alan Grupe’s home, 1208 Main St, Britton, SD. So if you have anyone who is a mason or shriner, please bring them. All potential new members will have their dinner paid for at Hunters. Thank you once again for your help and support. Remember…”NO CHILD STANDS ALONE” Yours In the Faith, Charlie Rea, Potentate 2011 Fast Facts 827 applications approved 753 patients admitted 725 surgical operations performed in-house 4,008 braces (prostheses) made 332 artificial limbs (prostheses) made 8,077 total in-house x-ray exams 1,597 total in-house laboratory exams performed 8,980 physical therapy treatments 5,502 occupational therapy treatments 9,390 clinic encounters For more information or to find out how you can change the world through caring for kids, please call 612-596-6100 or visit Shrine Van Drivers for March 2012 to Yelduz Minneapolis TCU Jim & Jo Sperry (2), Dick & Pat Gooding, Larry & Deb Ihde, Harlan Hoy, Janice Hubbart, Steve Resel and Rich Waldrop A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OUR VOLUNTEER DRIVERS. YOU ARE VERY MUCH APPRCIATED! Trips with Hospital Van: 5 Trips that the family drove themselves: 20 Airline tickets for one patient with 1 parent /guardian: Chicago: 1 Cincinnati: 1 SHRINERS!! BLACK CAMEL WE NEED YOUR HELP IN TRANSPORTING OUR PATIENTS. PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE AND VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME. Most trips are overnights, but we pay for your lodging, you drive one of our vans and it will be one of the most rewarding trips you will ever take. Number of Yelduz Shriners Patients: 467 Challenge to all Yelduz Clubs and Units TV’s for Hospital rooms: Units and Clubs are reminded that if they want to donate money for the Twin Cities Hospital, please have the money in to the Shrine center by May 17th as it will be presented at the hospital days which is May 18th. The cost of a TV is $1,278.15. There will be a plate put on the TV’s as to who donated money to purchase them. The purchase will be supervised by O.G. George Parmeter and the JVSC. Please send your letter of intent to: Rod Simons, Mobridge Shrine Club, 12717 - 293rd Ave., Glenham, SD 57631 Here are a couple of websites that will help any Noble in his mission of “helping Children & their Families,” and will also promote new membership. Shriners Village Shriners Village is a private web community for Shiners. All the information you need to log in is: Your Temple’s name, your member number and your last name. This respective website has the following features: Guided Tours Information about the Shriners A roadmap to become a Shriner The application forms to get someone started Shrine Circus 2012 Pictured above is the colored guard who presented the colors along with the Chanters who did a great job of singing the National Anthem at the start of the circus performance. Pictured above are children enjoying their rides on the elephants. They were also able to ride the ponies if they wished to. I know Past Potentates are just supposed to fade away, but I have a few comments about our just completed Shrine Circuses. Weren’t they just super. The producer Cindy Migley did a great job. I have heard nothing but favorable comments on it. I think the public was ready for a change. It takes a lot of time and work to pull these events off. I would like to thank Noble Dale Fortin, president of the James Valley Shrine Club and all his committees for pulling together for a very successful Circus. Also I would like to thank the Nobles from the Aberdeen area that went to Huron to help where they could. I’ve been thanking all the Nobles, but you and I know we could not do this without our Ladies. Ladies, thank you very much. One last note. The Circus does not just appear at the Huron Arena or the Aberdeen Civic Arena. It takes many hours of work before hand. This includes truck loads and trailer loads of everything you see there. Namely food, snow cone machines, cotton candy machines and novelties - just to name a few. I know in Aberdeen we do this the day before. And after the final performance it all goes back to the Shrine Center. It is a very big job. Maybe next year we could have more help in getting this job done. As I said before, we are all Yelduz. In closing, I would just like to thank everyone again. If it weren’t for all you Nobles and Ladies of the James Valley Shrine Club and all of the Aberdeen area Nobles and Ladies—we could not do this. I would like to thank all the Nobles and Ladies also of the Britton Shrine Club that helped in any way at the Circus. You did just great—as always. Until next year, may every day be a Circus Day. Alan Grupe, PP Message From the Recorder - Dan Vetter Spring has arrived and the Huron and Aberdeen Circuses are over with. I want to thank all the nobles, ladies and volunteers for their hard work to make them successful. It goes to show that if everyone helps we have fun working together. Past dues notices will be going out shortly and nobles we need your help in getting our nobles who are in arrears current. The Divan request that each unit check over their area’s and clean up the unwanted material and request disposition of the items that are no longer needed or used. Summer is rolling around the corner. Please get your parade request in for the potentate to sign so you are covered by our insurance. Get the requests in even if you are not sure you will be attending. There are a lot of activites coming up by different units and clubs. Please check your calendar for dates and plan on attending. Roadrunner News The May Roadrunners meeting has been cancelled and will be held June 24, 2012 after the pancake breakfast. Please plan on attending the breakfast on April 22nd. We have lots of room so you can sit and visit with your fellow nobles and friends. Dan Vetter, Secretary ONIONS Please turn in your order for onions by May 3, 2012 at the stated meeting. Deliver date is the end of May. Cost of onions is $1.00 per lb. They are sold in 5 lb bag & 10 lb bags. A Note from the Assistant Rabban As this year is quickly being eaten up and the Yelduz Shrine Circus is behind us in the two larger venues, the schedule continues to move along rapidly. I would remind everyone of Hospital Days May 18 & 19. This would be a great opportunity for us to renew our mission. Please make plans to attend. The divan continues to move forward in its effort to bring Yelduz Shrine into compliance with Shrine Law and the Temple by-laws. High Priest and Profit George Parmeter has spent hours preparing a manual for our temple. We have yet to figure out how to format it, so it is most easily updated and also how to dispense it to the nobility. Treasurer David Siemon brought back an idea from the Treasurers Association Meeting and has suggested the Temple look into Auto Pay for dues. This genterated some good discussion at the Divan meeting. Dave and I are to visit with Dacotah Bank and get all the information and report back to the full Divan. Again, this would be another big change. If you have experiences with such, good or bad, please relay them to a member of the Divan. The Spring Ceremonial brought in 5 new Nobles with a special effort by the Ringneck Shrine Club. Thank you to Kevin Harr for his leadership. If your Club or Unit has not planned a “rush party” now would be the time. I have talked to the Mobridge Shrine Club about putting together a golf outing and you all could come up with something as well. What a fun time was had at the Huron and Aberdeen Shrine Circus. The people enjoyed the show and we had many compliments. Some of us were able to greet the people as they arrived and left the event. Everyone was working hard and together which made for a successful and FUN time. Here is a thought; “Occasional failure is the price of improvements.” Rod Simons, Asst. Rabban High Priest & Prophet THANK YOU TO THE NOBLES AND LADIES OF YELDUZ SHRINE FOR THEIR HARD WORK IN THEIR PREPARATION AND PERFORMANCE DURING THE TWO SHRINE CIRCUSES IN HURON AND ABERDEEN. I know that both Aberdeen and the James Valley Shrine Club are grateful for all the work the many volunteers put in over the last few months that culminated in giving the public as numerous people and one lady in particular put it, “one of the greatest, cleanest, and most wholesome family entertainment events she has been to in many years. Another person said it was the best in 38 years. The new show has won overwhelming support from the public which we appreciate very much. These great circuses were the result of Nobles and their families and friends from Aberdeen, Britton, James Valley, Mobridge and Oahe Shrine Clubs, plus several from Watertown, working together to have a fun and fulfilling time. It was a difficult process, that has paid off. I might add that we had Nobles from Mitchell in El Riad territory come to the Huron Circus. I also saw a few El Riad fezzes in Aberdeen. The circuses were a rousing success. We still have the Pierre, Mobridge & Eagle Butte circuses in July and need to turn out to assist them also. A big thanks to Dave Peterson of Huron, James Valley’s “Cotton Candy Man” for the last 20 years who was a “ go to man” in helping the Aberdeen circus with its Cotton candy machines and a couple of emergencies. After the Huron circus, he took unsold cotton candy to community nursing homes for those able to have some, but unable to attend the circus. Dave came to Aberdeen and repaired broken machines and then volunteered to take all the machines back to Huron to clean and repair for when we need them next. Another big thank you is due to those who donated bicycles to give away at the circuses in both Aberdeen and Huron. The smiles on the winning children’s faces spoke volumes regarding the kindness and generosity of the people behind those gifts. Our new circus committee will begin its work to evaluate, share ideas, learn from each other, and get ready for our next round of circuses. We remind each club to appoint two members to sit on the committee that will coordinate the planning of future circuses. The annual Hospital Day is May 18 and we encourage as many people as can, to join us on the bus trip to the Twin Cities for the Hospital tour. The bus will leave Aberdeen the day before and will stop along the way to pick people up. The televisions we have purchased will be given to the hospital at that visit. The cost of a television for a patient room with installation that will be able to be operated from bed controls is $1,278.15. The Televisions that have been purchased will be given to the hospital to use in the Lobby and elsewhere in the hospital. We will pool the money already received to purchase patient room TV’s. Shrine Clubs and individuals wishing to donate money should send the funds to the Temple and mark them for hospital televisions before May 10. Please do not send money directly to the hospital for this project. Give me a call if you have questions. A draft of the Yelduz Handbook for Nobles has been given to the Divan for proofreading and evaluation and will be in the nobility’s hands soon. It’s our hope that it will become a valuable resource for us in the future. Don’t forget membership and our need to find new nobles to share in the fun and fellowship of the Shrine. The more members we have, the more who can have fun helping kids. George Parmeter High Priest and Prophet Ladies Auxiliary News “Pearls from Patti” I am sitting in a lovely motel in Minneapolis at the Women’s Auxiliary Annual meeting. Interesting weather we have had in the past 24 hours! We drove here in rain & fog...we had tornado warnings all evening and now it is snowing!! 2012 is proving to be quite a learning experience for me! I’m learning to be a new wife; relearning the ropes of a new town; trying to learn the in’s and out’s of “Shrines and Nile;”not to mention attempting to fulfill my duties as the Potentate’s wife and Ladies Auxiliary President. I worked 7 circuses; (prepared a million nachos) and now am in Minneapolis at the auxiliary meeting. This meeting will prove to gain more understanding of the Ladies Auxiliary for me. A check for $2,671.87 from our Yelduz Ladies Auxiliary was donated to the general fund for the auxiliary in Minneapolis on April 16th. Another check for $2,804.82 was donated last December. I was so impressed of the inner workings of running the circus. I had NO CLUE, as most of the general public wouldn’t. What a devoted group of wonderful individuals who come together, donating countless hours of hard work, Mark Christensen-you are my hero! Kenny Erickson- ”hats off” to you. My heartfelt thanks to all of the volunteers who worked to achieve the 7 successful circuses that were held. I have heard myriad comments on what an exceptional circus Yelduz put forth this year. Circus Spectacular was a great hit! Change has proven to be a good thing. Spring Ceremonial was a lot of fun. Fourteen gals (pictured above) went to tour the Dakota Museum; had a little wine at Pat Schroeder’s temporary “digs” at the Ward Hotel; and that was followed by a good meal & fellowship at the Temple. At the April program I followed up the “historical” theme of “Life in the 1500’s” and a Mother Goose game to test the ladies’ memory of their childhood nursery rhymes. Continuing this history concept…our program on May 3rd (Stated Meeting Night) will be given by Sherry from the Dakota Museum on “Fan communication.” This was of particular interest to those of us who went on the museum tour. I hope to see many of you that evening. Thank you! Patti Rea Yelduz Shrine was well represented at the Ladies General Auxiliary meeting held in the cities on April 16th & 17th. Not pictured, but also attending were: Julie Feiock, Linda Mork, Bonnie Dailey, Cathy Stavig, Lois Cole & Pat Kitterman. Pictured above are Potentate Charlie Rea & Lady Patti, Ron Jacobson & Lady Carol, Chief Rabban Joe Juve & Lady Theresa, and PP Del Bertsch & Lady Judy. Calendar winners for March 2012 DATE WINNER SOLD BY 3/1/12 Shana Wright Wrecking Crew 3/2/12 Allen J. Logb Wrecking Crew 3/3/12 Brent Bodenhomer Britton Shrine Club 3/4/12 Bill Bohn Foot Patrol 3/5/12 William Wuttke Gettysburg Shrine Club 3/6/12 Russ Brick Chanters 3/7/12 Carolyn Pitzl Chanters 3/8/12 Tim Schumacher Band 3/9/12 Jim Taubel Chef Unit 3/10/12 3/11/12 Montfred Likness Blake Wrigley Air Patrol Air Patrol 3/12/12 Janet Terry Chef Unit 3/13/12 Jay Esser Ringneck Shrine Club 3/14/12 Harold Hadrick Ringneck Shrine Club 3/15/12 Doug Lassle Wrecking Crew 3/16/12 Kevin Anderson Elks 3/17/12 Jean Carrico Wrecking Crew 3/18/12 Charlotte Graves Elks 3/19/12 Ray Johnson Mobridge Shrine Club 3/20/12 Peggty Wenat Mobridge Shrine Club 3/21/12 Tammy Schaffer Roadrunners 3/22/12 Richard Peterson Roadrunners 3/23/12 Stuart Olson Race Team 3/24/12 Sara Ronshaugen Race Team 3/25/12 Kevin Raap Race Team 3/26/12 Gwendi Krause Race Team 3/27/12 Darla Larson Race Team 3/28/12 Cody Lee Lake Region Shrine Club 3/29/12 Craig Hammitt Lake Region Shrine Club 3/30/12 Charles Fischer Ringneck Shrine Club 3/31/12 Phil Meyer Ringneck Shrine Club Chanters Notes The Chanters are very busy working on their new music that they are preparing for the Imperial Session this July 2012 in Charlotte, NC. We have been doing a lot of fundraising to help with the costs that will be incurred. Some of the events started last year in October when the Chanters put on a concert for the Potentates bus trip from Michigan., which was traveling through on their way back home. We had a ball with them. Next we had a Dessert Bar concert in December. It was greatly attended and will become an annual event with many new Christmas tunes planned for next year. Along with a special Christmas CD planned. The Chanters started practice again this March. We have added some new faces and unfortunately lost a few. Our deepest sympathy to their families and friends. They will be greatly missed. The Chanters (West) we’ll call it, held a Dinner theater along with the New Hope Foundation (Cancer Support). Our crew, under the supervision of Rod Simons, was in charge of preparing dinner. They did a great job and this will also be an annual event. The Chanters are will be singing this summer at churches in Huron and also entertaining at the Grand Lodge held in June. If you are looking for a group for entertaining at an event, keep the Chanters in mind, we would love to help. Also, if you or any clubs or units, would like to help the Chanters defray some of their travel expenses to Imperial., give a call to: Tom Dafnis at 605-848-1906 or Bruce Redding at 605-845-8908 Or you may call the Yelduz office at 605-225-4841 Shriners and Race Fans Would you like a Yelduz Racing Shirt or Yelduz Racing Cap? The Yelduz Race Team has them for sale. Check their website at You also get your name on the race car and get your name on the car and show car. Calendar of Events May Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 3 Divan & Stated Meeting Afternoon Rental 6 7 Nile at 7pm 8 Chanters 13 o M 14 James Valley SC 4 Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon Friday 5 Britton Shrine Spring Fling Wedding Rental 9 10 Foot Patrol y Da s ’ er th Thursday 11 12 Nile Luncheon (————Public Relations Seminar————-) 15 Chanters 16 Greeters 17 Provost Oahe Shrine Club 18 Hospital Day At TCU in Minneapolis 19 Rental Evening Rental 20 Yelduz Dance with The Dakota Rangers 21 Lake Region SC 27 Road Runners Pancakes 28 Memorial Day 22 Chanters Wrecking Crew 23 24 Northeastern SC 25 Ringneck SC 26 Britton SC 29 30 31 Chanters Office Closed June Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 Nile Foot Patrol 5 Chanters 6 7 Divan & Stated Mtgs 8 9 Rental Shrine Golf Tournament @ Rolling Hills 10 11 James Valley SC 12 Chanters Mobridge SC 13 14 Flag Day 15 16 17 Father’s Day 18 Lake Region SC 19 Chanters 20 Summer begins 21 Provost Northeastern SC 22 Ringneck SD 23 Rental 25 26 Chanters 27 Britton Sc 28 29 30 Imperial Session Charlotte, NC (———Wedding Rental————) Yelduz Dance Wes Schieble 24 Roadrunners Pancakes Memorials Don’t forget to join us every 4th Frank Josephson by: Sunday of the month for panWilliam Neale cakes. Del Ripley by: William Neale We can always use Volunteers!! Raymond Huss by: turn anyone down!! We would never Louise Brown Lester Dennis by: Duane Riedel P. M. Eppele Ed Rowen by: Arthur & Annette Olsen Robert “Bob” Dedrickson by: PP Alan & Sandy Grupe Wendell Lewis by: PP Alan & Sandy Grupe Lorraine Blachford by: Philip & Phyllis Testerman Betty Snyder by: Roy & Marjy Milliken Don Fordham by: Duane Riedel Jessie Lamp, Jr by: William Neale Marlys Simonson by: Dale Hieb by: Leighton & Kath Getty Donation to the Yelduz Hospital Transportation Fund by the following units: Yelduz Foot Patrol Donations to the Yelduz Shrine Chanters in memory of: Walt Williams by: PP Alan & Sandy Grupe Business Financial Group Memorials given to the Silent Messenger Fund for: Walt Williams by: PP Bruce & Jean Likness PP Ryan Likness Lucille Kerl by: PP Bruce & Jean Likness PP Ryan Likness Charles Hadrick by: PP Bruce & Jean Likness PP Ryan Liknesss Donation to the Silent Messsenger Fund by: Lori Wagner Donations to Shriners Hospital in Minneapolis in memory of: Lucille Kerl by: Byron & Sandra Whitaker Carl & Joan Olson Wayne & Ann Erickson At the right is Potentate Charle Rea with one of the lucky winners of the bicycles given away at the circuses. The winners were: 4/12/12 at 4:00 pm: Chelsy Bailly & Connor Jackson 4/12/12 at 8:00 pm: Kansas Larson & Jenna Zantow 4/13/12 at 4:00 pm: Nicholas Groeblinghoff & Cassandra Quinlan 4/13/12 at 8:00 pm: Faith Crissman, Reese Heier & Dilyn Swingler 4/14/12 at 11:00 pm: Jackson Garstecki,Will Ronshaugen & Trey Fontenell 4/14/12 at 3:00 p.m. Tobias Ely, Jeff Zeigler & Gavin Lane Donation to the Hospital Transportation Fund in Memory of: Walt Williams by: Louise Brown Doug & Carol Miller PP Del & Judy Bertsch PP Alan & Sandy Grupe Chuck & Virginia Chilson Business Financial Group Terry Ramirez Verna Hoffman Leland & Ruth Yada Wayne & Carol Hines Ardyce Hadrick Marlene Hammen Harold & Margaret Jones Keith Johnson Evelyn & Dale Borchard Donald Bradley Joan Williams Gail & Mary O’Donnell Marlin & Lynette Flint Joseph & Alisa Lutter Gerald & Joan Marlette Lyle & Joan Crook Mary Torgerson Geri Heim Lenora Shult Kevin & Kaye Harr Marlis Freeburg Marion Starr Dr. E. J. Perry Sarah Fleischer Martha Cranor Mason & Julie Brown & Family Lucille Kerl by: Janice Rott Ruby Rylance Arnold & Jeanne Schurr Steven & Diane Schurr Charles & Caroline Kormann PP Mark & Renae Christensen Charles Hadrick by: Ardyce Hadrick Louise Brown Richard & Jean Wik Lloyd & Marie Bellack Roger & Sharill Dwyer Nick & Kristy Bourassa Patricia Brown Patrick & Darlene Keefe Delores & Susan Ford Kellly & Dawn Melius G Corinne & Joseph Bowar R & D Redden Sherry Carlson Mary Stanley Donna Welch Pat Wilhelm Mason & Julie Brown & Family And his many friends Donald Thompson by: Dayle & Rosemary Winter Wessington Springs Fire Crew Loren & Elizabeth Walker Roger & Betty Cudmore Donna R. Larson Nancy Thomas Wendell Rea by: PP Del & Judy Bertsch Leighton & Kathleen Getty Yelduz Greeters Vern Roeber by: Kevin & Kaye Harr Gail & Mary O’Donnell Doug & Carol Miller Michael Ronayne by: Duane Riedel Arnold & Jeanne Schurr Steven & Diane Schurr Business and Professional Directory 2012 Advertising rate $50.00 annually for a business or professional listing which will be published monthly Shriners—please support these services. Thank you. Auctioneer Charles & John Fischer Haywire Ave R-239 Long Lake, SD 57457 605-577-6600 800-888-1766 Beautician Hair Designs & More Dixie Mattern 709 S Main St Aberdeen, SD 57401 605-229-2310 Building Materials/ Home Improvement Campbell’s Town & Country 15236th Ave SW P.O. Box 147 Aberdeen, SD 57402-0147 605-225-1575 House of Glass, Inc. 2 N State St PO Box 228 Aberdeen, SD 57402-0228 605-225-2010 Business Equiment/Services A&B Business/Office Equipment Co. 1600 North A Avenue Sioux Falls, SD Office Equipment Co., Inc. 108 S Main St PO Box 576 Aberdeen, SD 57401 605-225-4072 Fax 605-225-4076 Equipment/Services Crady’s Radiator 212 S 2nd St Aberdeen, SD 57401 605-225-0533 Toll Free”1” 888-753-6620 Feed/Seed Safety Service Inc. 38380 W Hwy 12 Aberdeen, SD 57402-2071 605-225-4792 Roslyn Elevator 611 1st St Roslyn, SD 57261 605-486-4551 Construction Winkler Chiropractic Clinic 803 S Main Aberdeen, SD 57401-6018 605-229-8288 Insurance Karlen & Associates 634 S Roosevelt Suite #1 P.O. Box 187 Aberdeen, SD 57402-0187 605-225-9011 Lodging Funeral Services A-G-E Corporation PO Box 697 Ft. Pierre, SD 57532 605-223-2732 Nordling Construction Co. 1124 S 2nd St PO Box 1791 Aberdeen, SD 57402-1791 605-225-2793 Commercial Printing, Embroidery & Advertising Specialties Schriver’s Memorial Mortuary & Crematory 414 5th Ave NW Aberdeen, SD 57401-2742 605-225-0691 Groceries/Meat Market/ Bakery Ken’s SuperFair Foods 2105 SE 6th Ave Aberdeen, SD 57401 605-225-3572 Days Hotel University 2407 University Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612) 623-3999 Photography Hardin’s Photography 717 S Main St Aberdeen, SD 57401 605-225-5344 Plumbing & Heating Midstates Printing PO Box 940 4820 Capital Ave NE Aberdeen, SD 57402-0940 605-225-5287 or 800-658-3354 Kessler’s 621 6th Avenue SE Aberdeen, SD 57401 605-225-1692 RDR Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 14 5th Ave SW Aberdeen, SD 57401 605-225-5708 Health Travel Agencies Western Printing Company 701 Enterprise St N PO Box 1555 Aberdeen, SD 57402-1555 605-229-1480 Quarve Drug 710 Main St P.O. Box 27 Britton, SD 57430 605-448-2471 Travel Leaders 221 So. Lincoln Street Aberdeen, SD 57401 605-225-7555 OFFICIAL CALL OF THE POTENTATE: NOBILITY OF YELDUZ MONTHLY STATED MEETING Thursday, May 3, 2012 7:00pm at Yelduz Shrine Social at 6:00pm and Dinner at 6:30pm Attest: Dan Vetter, Recorder Yours in Faith, Charlie Rea, Potentate Yelduz News Supporters Burdette & Joyce Anderson PP Del & Judy Bertsch Doug & Cheri Bjorke Bernard Blume Gerald & Joyce Boller Clair & Marlys Bonebright Karen Bremmon Lyle & Mardelle Brown Jerold & Amy Buechler Ray “Buzz” & Kathy Burkhardt William Buol James & Carol Bush Norman Cameron Franz & Jane Cartner Charles & Virginia Chilson Lois Cole Wayne & Irma Cornelius Greg Crady Gary Cutler in Memory of Frances Cutler Mike & Bonnie Dailey Robert & Shirlee Drew Kent & Jane Duerre Dean Duxberry Douglas & Anita Eilers Wayne & Ann Erickson LeRoy Farmen Dean & Patti Feiock Jim & Julie Feiock Mark Feiock David & Marlys Fie PP Charles & Lucy Fischer Leona Fischer in Memory of Alfred Fischer David & Shirley Flinn Marlin & Lynn Flint Neil & Shannon Foote Ken & Marlene Forgey Robert & Marlys Freeburg LeRoy Friemark, Jr. LeRoy & Janet Friemark, Sr. Roger & Jane Fritzsche Joe & Lisa Fritzsche Maurice & Gloria Garmen PP Fred & Nita Geranen Ward & Georgia Goodell Dick & Pat Gooding Roger & Olive Grimsrud Duane Grosek PP Alan & Sandy Grupe Charles & Ardyce Hadrick Adam & Jordann Hansen Mario & Gloria Hanson Bruce Harding Kevin & Kaye Harr R. Jeffery Harris Charles Hart Ralph Hayes Blair & Yvonne Healy Curtis Healy Dennis & Diane Healy John & Lucille Heilman James & Farol Hendrickson Richard & Inara Hicks Charles & Holly Hoffman Verna Hoffman in Memory of Robert Hoffman Willard Hoffman Wayne & Carol Hoines Don Houghtaling Harlan Hoy Douglas & Janet Hupke Walter Hupke Larry & Deb Ihde Chuck & Arvilla Ingerson Marc & Fay Jackman Eric Jackman Richard & Gwenneth Jackson Lester & Shirley James Pat James in Memory of Derald James Jim Jameson Wesley & Lorraine Jarman Robert B. Johnson Jeanne Johnson Don Jondahl William Keller Bob Klein Marvin & Vickie Kopecky Robert & Michelle Lambert PP Floyd & Carrie Lashly Ryder & Amanda Lemler Richard & Vi Lillestol Dustin Maher Kurt & Barb McKane Dennis & Jackie McMurtry Terry & Jerry Meek Alan & Marion Mettler Martin & Julene Micko Doug & Carol Miller Clyde & Irma Mork Dale & Linda Mork Bill Neale in Memory of Donna Neale Mark Nelson Michael & Marlene Nelson Gail & Mary O’Donnell PP E “Ike” & Frankie Oleson Harley & Carrie Overseth Clayton Perman Betty Pinkerton in Memory of Dick Pinkerton PP David & Gwen Planteen Virg Polak Keith & Alice Pulfrey in Memory of Arlene Pulfrey Burl & Dorothy Rathbun Mary Jane Rea in memory of Wendell Rea Dean & Jeanie Ritter Gerald & Anna Mae Rix Roger & Pam Rix Melvin & Julie Roesch Larry & Deanne Rowen Lyle & Hazel Rowen Ruby Rylance in memory of PPAllan Rylance Jerry & Claudia Sanderson Charlotte Schmidt in memory of Bevin Schmidt Dennis & Arly Schnabel Kenneth & Lora Schultz Arnold & Jeanne Schurr Steve & Diane Schurr Terry & Christy Serr in memory of Xavier Serr Karen Severson in memory of Gordon Severson Harold & Dee Sharpe Jasper & Patricia Shaw David & Rubye Siemon Neil & Denice Smith Steve & Janel Smith PP Jim & Jo Sperry Alan & Diann Steinheuser Lloyd & Lorraine Stellner Kirk & Janelle Swanson Arvon & Diane Taylor Phillip & Phyllis Testerman Wayne & Betty Testerman Charles & Nyla Thornton Dean & Bertha Turnquist Mary Ann Ulrich Dan & Viv Vetter Duane & Eleanor Wanner Kenneth Watson Dale & LaVonne Weischedel Vollie Ann Williams Walt & Joan Williams in Memory of Chad Williams Dayle & Rosemary Winter Leland & Ruth Yada Jerold & Joyce Zeross Nobles, Ladies & Friends— Thank you for supporting our Yelduz News Join us for Hospital Day Friday, May 18, 2012 Enjoy a day socializing with old friends, meeting new ones and hearing about the Twin Cities Hospital. Meet the 2012 Rainbow of Hope Award Winners To assist with planning, please RSVP to 605-225-4841 By May 14 so final arrangements can be made. If we have enough people interested. We will have a bus leaving on Thursday, May 17th. No charge for riding the bus, but you will be responsible for the cost of lodging. A donation of $7.00 per person is recommended to help cover the cost of meals at the hospital. Morning Program Afternoon Program 8:00 Continental Breakfast 8:00 Department Presentations 9:30 Welcome & Introductions 9:40 Board of Governors Report 10:00 Womens General Auxiliary 10:15 Patient Stories 11:15 Mat Sha Temple #62, DON 11:30 Lunch & Department Presentations Orthotics & Prosthetics (Clinic) Rehabilitation Services (Rehab 1:00 Medical Staff Presentation with Patient Participation 1:30 2012 Rainbow of Hope Awards 2:00 Adjourn This is a great opportunity to see how we help the children with a helping hand along their road of many accomplishments in their life. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID ABERDEEN, SD Permit No. 314 Yelduz Shrine 802 South Main St Aberdeen, SD 57402 Phone: 605-225-4841 Fax: 605-229-0285 Email: ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Visit our website at Golf Reminder Mark this date on your calendar! The Elmer Diedtrich Shrine Golf Tournament will be held on June 9, 2012 at the Rolling Hills Golf Course in Aberdeen, SD. More details will follow. Any questions? Call Mark Luitjens at 605-229-4363 or email at
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