170th ANNIVERSARY - National Shrine of Our Lady La Salette
170th ANNIVERSARY - National Shrine of Our Lady La Salette
SEPTEMBER 2016 M AS SE S , R E C ONC I L IAT ION , & A D OR AT ION MASSES RECONCILIATION EUCHARISTIC HEALING MASSES ADORATION Sunday Saturday & Sunday Spanish - First Sunday of the 12:10pm 1:00 - 4:00pm Saturday Month at 2:30pm 1:00 - 4:00pm Monday Friday Monday - Friday Portuguese - Third Sunday of 1:00 - 2:00pm 12:10 & 6:30pm First Fridays the Month at 2:00pm Wednesday 1:00pm 6:00pm Saturday English - Last Sunday of the 5:00 - 6:00pm 12:10 & 4:30pm Month at 2:00pm “COME NEAR MY CHILDREN, DON’T BE AFRAID.” -Our Lady at La Salette Father Andre Patenaude, M.S. - Superior Fr. Ted Brown , M.S. - Shrine Director Father Cyriac Mattathilanickal, M.S. - Retreat Center Director 170th ANNIVERSARY of the APPARITION of OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE This year, 2016, marks the 170th Anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparition at La Salette, France. We here at the Shrine are using this year to launch a lead up to the great celebration of the 175th Anniversary. To celebrate, we will be looking at Mary’s message of Reconciliation through the various ministries and works of the La Salette Community. There is much work being done because of Mary’s Prayers! We invite you to attend all or some of these events. Here is our schedule: THE GREAT LASALETTE TRIDUUM & CELEBRATION Friday September 16, 6:30 PM Mass La Salette as seen through the Laity Saturday September 17, 4:30 PM Mass La Salette as Healing Sunday September 18, 12:10 PM Mass Bishop Donald Pelletier, MS - Celebrant and Homilist Monday September 19, 12:10 PM Mass Reconciliation in the Emergency Room Tuesday September 20, 12:10 PM Mass Reconciliation on a World Level Wednesday September 21, 12:10 PM Mass Reconciliation Among the Poor Thursday September 22, 12:10 PM Mass Reconciliation Through the Eyes of an Artist Friday September 23, 12:10 PM Mass La Salette Reconciliation in the Market Place Saturday September 24, 12:10 PM Mass International Marian Festival Mass LA SALETTE INTERNATIONAL MARIAN FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 To conclude our celebration of the 170th Anniversary of the Apparition of our Lady of La Salette, we will be hosting an International Marian Festival, which will highlight many of the Apparitions of Mary from around the world. The day will begin with Registration at 10am in the Welcome Center. For more information, see pg 4. SCHEDULE 10:00am, Arrival and Registration 10:45am, Welcome and Opening Prayer 11:15pm, Living Rosary (Rosary done in various languages) 12:10pm, Mass Celebrant and Homilist Bishop Donald Pelletier 1:15pm, Procession 2:30pm, International Cuisine Lunch 3:15pm, International Entertainment 4:45pm, Closing Pg 1 SHRINE CALENDAR September 2, Film: Celebrating the Life of Mother Teresa, pg 4 September 4 12:10 Mass Celebrating the Canonization of Mother Teresa, pg 4 September 3, Boston Haitian Pilgrimage, pg 6 September 10, Brother Paul Jussen’s Ordination to the Diaconate, 4:30pm in the Shrine Church, pg 2 September 10, 5K Nun Run, pg 3 September 11, Catholic Financial Life (French) Pilgrimage, pg 6 September 10-19, La Salette Novena, pg 1 September 16-18, La Salette Triduum, pg 1 September 18, All Northeast Haitian Pilgrimage, pg 6 September 19-24, La Salette Celebrates 170 Years, pg 1 September 24, International Marian Festival, pg 1 September 29, Blue Mass, pg 3 PEACE MEMORIALS DURING THESE VIOLENT TIMES During these violent times with shootings, bombings, and riots, people often need a place to express their grief. We invite you to place flowers, small memorials, and candles at the Saint Francis Peace Garden on the Shrine grounds. Your memorial will stay for about one week and then the area will be cleaned. PRAYER GROUPS Shrine Church & Chapel of Reconciliation La Salette & Divine Mercy Devotions Wednesday at 7:15pm in Shrine Church Intercessory Prayer Group 2nd Thursday of the Month - 7:15pm Leader: Bev Noelte (La Salette Associate) Padre Pio Prayer Group 2nd Monday of the Month - 7:15pm. Lay Leader: Ron Mendes La Salette Pax Christi 3rd Tuesday of the Month - 7:30pm Lay Leader: Ron Holman Pg 2 CONGRATULATIONS TO BROTHER PAUL JUSSEN, MS On his ordination to the Diaconate! September 10, 2016 at the 4:30pm Mass. All are welcome to attend! A SPECIAL THANK YOU... to all those members of the La Salette community who so generously donated their time to assist the Soup Kitchen over the past months! Your support has helped to keep a vital part of the Shrine’s outreach well staffed and available to those who need it most! We’d also like to extend a special thanks to all those who donated plastic bags, school supplies, and vegetables over the past weeks! Pig Roast and Smoke Show BBQ Fundraiser for Sisters Convent OCTOBER 8th, 2016 5:30pm in front of the Welcome Center Following the fun, fellowship, and success of our last Smoke Show BBQ, we’ve decided to do it again - this October, BBQ is coming back to the Shrine! Tickets are $20.00 and can be purchased in the Shrine Church Foyer after Mass or at the Welcome Center any time. Beverages are included in the price of the ticket! BOOK OF THE MONTH The Vision of La Salette: The Children Speak By Fr. Emile A. Ladouceur, MS On September 19, 1846, a beautiful lady appeared to two young cowherds - Melanie Calvat, a girl of 14 and Maximin Giraud, a boy of 11 - on a mountain slope in the hamlet of La Salette in southeastern France where they were pasturing their cattle. Subsequent questioning of the children by both civil and Church authorities established their integrity and the accuracy of their report, which led to a firm and widespread conviction that they had witnessed an Apparition of the Blessed Virgin. From the apparition, the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette were founded and have heeded the call to make known her message of conversion and reconciliation to all her people. Available in our Religious Articles & Bookstore. BLUE MASS September 29, 2016 6:30 PM Mass We have many people in our communities who put their lives on their line daily to keep us safe. Police, Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians all respond daily to protect, help, and serve our communities and they constantly need our prayers. On September 29th, we would like to invite all Police Officers, Firefighters, Medical Technicians, and their families to join us for Mass and prayer. Attendance in uniform is encouraged! For more information, call 508-222-5410 or visit us online at www.lasaletteattleboroshrine.org 5K NUN RUN On Saturday, September 10 at 8 AM we will have a 5K run to raise money for the renovation for the sisters’ house. There is a $25 entry fee. Registration will take place at the La Salette Welcome Center and the run will begin at 9 AM. Get your running shoes on and help the sisters. You can run, walk, stroll or even crawl, as long as you participate. Rain or Shine! SHRINE COMMITTEE FORMATION The La Salette Shrine attracts many dedicated and talented people. We wish to use your talents to help the Shrine grow! Here are some committees we’re developing: ADULT FAITH FORMATION AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE The Faith Formation and Education Committee assists the La Salette Staff in developing programs, classes and educational opportunities that help people grow in their faith knowledge, spirituality, and as human beings. THE FAITH IN ACTION COMMITTEE The Faith in Action Committee assists with the various charitable and pastoral works of the Shrine. It responds to local area, national and international needs. It brings to the Shrine Staff concerns that could be addressed by the larger Shrine community. LITURGY COMMITTEE The Liturgy Committee assists with developing a reverent and relevant liturgy at the Shrine. It works on both Masses and special liturgies. It sees that proper training is done for the committee and various liturgical ministers. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE The Public Relations Committee will assist the Shrine staff in seeing that its many events are promoted throughout the region. It stays on top of the ever changing world of media and promotion. COMMUNITY LIFE AND HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE The Community Life and Hospitality Committee works to see that all who come to the shrine feel welcomed, affirmed and are treated as members of the Body of Christ. It makes known to the staff ways it could make all feel welcome at the Shrine. Please call 508-222-5410 to be considered for a committee. THE LA SALETTE SISTERS NEED YOUR HELP! For the past few years, the La Salette Sisters here in Attleboro have lived as part-time nomads first moving into the Monastery, then to Cumberland, RI, and now to the Retreat Center, never really having a place of their own. We’d like to change that by renovating the old, white house across the street from the Shrine so that they can finally have a home and their ministry can grow. The renovations have been estimated at close to $100,000 so we’ve begun a drive to help raise the money and we would greatly appreciate your support! If you’d like to help the Sisters, checks may be made out to “La Salette Shrine” and sent to 947 Park St., Attleboro, MA, 02703 with the memo: Sisters’ House. Pg 3 A Weekend of Celebration for The Canonization of Mother Teresa MY ONE WILD AND PRECIOUS LIFE Presented by Peggy Patenaude October 18-20, 2016 at the La Salette Retreat & Conference Center God has gifted us with one precious life, living it to the fullest is our gift in return. Although the unfolding of life with its joys and sorrows is unique to each of us, we can each choose to make our lives a masterpiece. Come and join other women for an insightful and refreshing experience in the journey toward inner freedom. The Cost of this Retreat is $225 which includes the retreat, overnight accomodations, and meals. INTERNATIONAL MARIAN FESTIVAL Movie Night: “Mother Teresa: In the Name of God’s Poor” Friday, September 2, 7:15pm in the Welcome Center In honor of the canonization of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, we will be screening this wonderful movie showing how Mother Teresa devoted her life to helping the “poorest of the poor.” This film highlights how she founded the Missionaries of Charity, the challenges she faced as the congregation grew internationally, and the recognition of her charity work with the Noble Peace Prize. Geraldine Chaplin stars as Mother Teresa. Please join us as we prepare to welcome our new beloved saint: Saint Teresa of Calcutta. Mass Celebrating the Canonization of Mother Teresa with quotes, photos, and remembrances of her life. Sunday September 4 at the 12:10pm Mass September, 24, 2016 The La Salette Marian Festival will celebrate the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette’s Marian roots. It will be part of the celebration of the 170th Anniversary of the Apparition of Our Lady at La Salette, France in 1846. The day will include a procession, featuring images of Our Lady of La Salette and images of other apparitions from Mexico, Ireland, Vietnam, the Philippines and India. Schedule of the day: 10:00 AM Registration 10:45 AM Welcome and Opening Prayer 11:15 AM Living Rosary in different languages 12:10 PM Mass 1:15 PM Procession 2:30 PM International Meal 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM Cultural Programs 4:45 PM Closing Remarks and Dismissal Please join us for this special day. We at the Shrine are grateful for the generosity of so many who make our work possible. We depend on your goodness. Please make donations to the Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette, Inc. at the address below. IN YOUR WILL: As you do your estate planning, remembering us in your will is a way of creating a lasting legacy of your life and helps continue our good work. Our legal title is: Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette, Inc. 947 Park St. Attleboro, MA 02703 Pg 4 RETREAT CENTER 947 Park St. Attleboro MA 02703 Office@lasaletteretreatcenter.com (508) 222-8530 GOD THE FATHER DEVOTION & ADORATION Every 3rd Sunday of the Month 12:10PM in the Shrine Church Devotees of God the Father Apostolate will lead Novena prayer in honor of God the Father and pray the Divine Mercy chaplet at the Adoration immediately following the 12:10 Mass on every third Sunday. For the month of September, we’ll gather in prayer on September 18, 2016 at 12:10 pm at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette, in Attleboro, MA. Blessed Sacrament will be exposed and Benediction will take place at the end of the prayer. Everyone is welcome! D AY S O F P R AY E R GRIEF EDUCATION & BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT The loss of a loved one in death is the greatest loss one faces, and the most piercing pain one will ever experience. Grief Education is a safe, compassionate, and confidential forum where you will be given the opportunity to learn, share, explore feelings, and . . . find ways to accept and to cope. Cost: $10 per session Pre-registration required. To register please call Sr. Judith Costa at 508-345-2660 The Bereavement Support Group meets on alternating Tuesdays from 10:00am - 11:30am. They will meet next on September 6th & 20th. Check our website at www. lasaletteretreatcenter.com under “Brochures & Flyers” for a complete list of dates. For more information, please contact the Retreat Center. Join us for monthly guided Days of Prayer during the summer at the Welcome Center of the Shrine. Each month a specific program themed around this year’s SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Papal theme of “Merciful Like the Father”, will be Meeting with a Spiritual Director or Spiritual Companion presented by one of the La Salette Priests or Spiritual can often help you discover God’s movement within Directors. The next day of prayer will be taking place on your life journey and encourage you to draw closer to God. It can help you integrate spirituality into your September 10th. The day will be led by Anna Rae-Kelly, daily life, discern and make difficult choices, and share OCDS and will be themed: “Mother of Mercy”. A free your hopes, struggles and losses. Spiritual Companions will donation will be collected. To enroll or to gather include ordained, religious and lay people trained in helping you discover what God has been waiting for you more information about the programs, please contact to seek in a closer relationship. To learn more, contact the Retreat Center at 508-222-8530. the Retreat Center at 508-222-8530. Pg 5 Make Your Weekly Offering Online You are now able to set up automatic giving online. Go to lasalette-shrine.org, click the ‘Weekly Giving” button. You will see a gray ‘monthly recurring or weekly recurring’ button. Choose how you would like to give. Your choice will darken. Click that button with the amount you wish to give. It will be automatically paid from your credit card or bank account. Once we receive your first payment, we will send you coupons you can place in the basket so you will have a sense of offering your time and talent to God. You no longer have to stop at the ATM or worry about forgetting your money. We are using a very trustworthy company called “Blue Pay” which has twice the security of Paypal. As always we thank you for your generosity. 2016 ETHNIC PILGRIMAGES September 3 Boston Haitian Apostolate Pilgrimage September 11 Catholic Financial Life Pilgrimage (French) September 18 - Haitian Pilgrimage September 24 - La Salette International Pilgrimage September 25 - Portuguese Pilgrimage October 18 - Hispanic Rosary Pilgrimage SNACK BAR OPEN YEAR ROUND Wednesday to Sunday - 12:00 - 4:30PM The Snack Bar in the foyer of the Welcome Center is a great place stop when visiting the Shrine. Sandwiches, small meat pies, pizza and soup as well as soft serve ice cream, chips and candy are featured. Brother Roger Moreau, M.S. Snack Bar Manager Pg 6 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES & BOOKSTORE The La Salette Religious Articles and Bookstore is the perfect place to find a gift for every occasion! Our selection includes rosaries, crucifixes, medals, statutes, Willow Tree Angels, jewelry and music boxes. Books include a variety of Bibles, Missals and prayer books, spiritual reading and self-help books. With some Confirmations and Christmas quickly approaching, we’re getting new items in every day! Come visit us in the La Salette Welcome Center! What occasion do you need a special gift, book, or greeting card for? YOU’LL FIND WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR HERE, AT LA SALETTE.
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