
Yelduz Shrine
Aberdeen, S. D.
August 2014
Potentates Message
Summer is coming to a close with the reoccurring events of MSA, football
practice and the wheat harvest. Now we move into my favorite time of
year, fall and you will notice the Shrine Calendar keeps moving along with
Gypse Day and the Shrine Football Game.
Congratulation to our four new Nobles as we did a cold sands in Wessington Springs,( Lee Johnson, Eldon Beckman, Tom Shields) and again at the
August Stated Meeting (Richard Mueller). Please introduce yourselves and
make them and their Ladies feel welcome.
OG Ben is wrapping up the Statue project by getting the lighting in place. High Priest and
Prophet Kevin continues to travel the Northeast with Lady Kaye working on membership and
promoting his passion of Shriners Hospitals. Assistant Raban Devin has the new video screen
up and running and at the August stated meeting showed patient videos. Chief Rabban George
continues to work with the Building Committee on the kitchen remodel and developing a long
range plan for our physical plant. Treasure Dennis keeps a close eye on the Temple finances
and we just received our annual Temple Audit. Recorder Kim not only oversees the daily activities of the Temple he works tirelessly on the Cartridge and Can projects. Please be sure to
thank them for their work.
We are looking forward to the Summer MSA in Sioux Falls as El Reid has put in a great
amount of work and has a variety of activities for our entertainment. Thank you to Mark
Christensen for his work on the lining up the Temple's housing for MSA. Mark will also be doing the meal for the NSU football players, staff and cheerleaders on Thursday November 6th
as he has done for numerous years. Please note this date!! It is also Stated Meeting night with
the 2015 budget on the agenda. Plan on attending and watch for an adjustment in our
times. This is our chance to promote our mission to a room full of young potential Shrines.
Thank you to the Past Potentates for taking over this event.
Please keep the office informed of club and unit activities. Remember every event should be a
membership event. Thank you to all as you continue to support in various ways the Mission of
Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Safe Travels
Rod Simons, Potentate
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do it the right thing, the next best thing is
the wrong thing and the worst thing you can do is nothing"
Theodore Roosevelt
Yelduz Chanters Take Top Honors
Picture taken in Hennepin UMC
For the fourth year in a row, the Yelduz Shrine Chanters took first place earlier
this month at the Shrine Chanters Association International Imperial competition. The event was held July 7 in Minneapolis during the 140th annual Imperial
Session of Shriners International.
Later that evening, the Chanters sang a benefit concert in the Hennepin Avenue
United Methodist Church, for the Dignity Center, a group that is focused on helping the homeless in Minneapolis.
The Dedicated Chanters Travel hundreds of miles to practice each Tuesday night
in Aberdeen. The 2014 Yelduz Shrine Potentate is Rod Simons, of Glenham. The Director is Dale Fiedler, of Redfield. The other members of the
Yelduz Shrine Chanters pictured, with the new Trophy, are Dave Siemon, Dean
Feiock, Tom Dafnis, Tony Larsen, LeRoy Farmen, Bruce Redding, Walter Jansen
and Marc Jackman, all of Mobridge; Wayne Hoines and Arlen Nordhagen, both of
Sioux Falls; Dennis Wiedmeier, Ted Williams, Franz Cartner and Marlin Flint, all
of Redfield; Frank Gross of Selby; Lon Gellhaus and Lester Nehls, both of
Groton; Larry Rosenow, Lee Schinkel and Dave Arlt, all of Aberdeen; Jerry
Buechler, of Warner; Jason Lillestol, of Brandon; Scott Roeber, of Tulare; Mason
Brown, of Faulkton and Wayne Erickson, of Sisseton. The accompanist is Missy
Nguyen of Aberdeen.
Clark Larson:
By: David & Twila Kristofferson
Arlo Moeckly
By: Alan & Sandy Grupe
By: Yelduz Race Team
Raymond R Johnson
By: Wessington Springs Fire Crew No.2
Next Stated Meeting Sept 4, 2014
7:00 PM at Yelduz Shrine
Social & Dinner
Social at 6:00 pm & Dinner at
6:30 pm
Drivers: Charlie & Betty Walker;
Ron Jarrett & Steve Kelsey; Jan &
Darol Bjerke; Steve Small & Cody
Donovan; Dennis & Arly Schnabel
Trips with Hospital Van: 5
Airfares this month to Chicago: 0
Deadline for articles for the
Yelduz News is the 10th of the
Month as we try to get it into the
mail by the 15th.
Thank you
Trips that the family drove themselves: 26
Most trips are overnights, but we pay for your
lodging, you drive one of our vans and it will
be one of the most rewarding trips you will
ever take.
Black Camels
Dana Vail
Are you looking for a fun unit to join?
Yelduz Classy Wheels
may be the place for you.
Any motorized vehicle, regardless of age
Anything you consider to be classy:
Car, pickup, tractor, golf card,
motorcycle, or doodle bug scooter.
The vehicle must be licensed, insured,
and in safe driving condition.
Noble Tim Hosley 605-380-2858
Our new statue mounted on the
roof of the Shrine Temple at 802 S
Main St
New Nobles Eldon Beckman and Lee Johnson following Cold Sands in Wessington Springs 7-19-14
Yelduz Race Night
Dave Siemon—more fun with bubbles
Dennis Schnable—fun with bubbles
Gary Job & Race Fan
High Priest & Prophet...Kevin Harr
There have been a lot of activities in Yelduz land. We have just finished
ten candidates for the lodges in Redfield 34 and Aberdeen 211 on July 25
in Redfield. There were nine lodges involved in the endeavor, Gettysburg,
Mobridge, Huron, Wessington, Aberdeen, Redfield, Langford, Brookings
and Wessington springs. We finished at midnight, a long drive home afterwards but a very pleasant night was had by all. Thank you to all who
helped put this on.
The following Monday we finished three candidates in Huron for the Fellowcraft degree. These candidates are now ready for the Lyle Rowen
Gulch on the 6th of September. If there are others that have only the Master Mason degree left
you are more that welcome to come to the Gulch to finish their degree work. The Gulch is a
beautiful small canyon on the prairie by Wessington. The degree work will begin at 2:00 PM be on
Yelduz had a Rush party in Watertown July 17. We had four prospective candidates, one signed a
petition. Wayne Erickson is planning a Rush party up in his area Saturday, September 13, I am
looking forward to this. Membership is not only the Lodges biggest concern, but ours also if our
fraternities are to survive.
Yelduz is planning to send at least four Nobles to the Membership Seminar, Tampa, Florida October 2-4, 2014. We feel if we do not spend some money on membership our fraternity is in danger
of disappearing.
Rod and Bev Simons, George and Gayle Parmater, Kim Clausen, Kevin and Kaye Harr traveled to
Wessington Springs on the 26 of July for the James Valley Shrine club camp out and Steak fry and
a cold sands. Yelduz took in three new nobles in the morning at the beautiful new Wessington
springs lodge. Dale Winters and all the nobles treated us to a wonderful day. I personally had a
wonderful day, trap shooting, steak fry, fellowship and taking in the new nobles. Thank you Wessington springs and the James Valley Shrine club.
MSA is coming up August 20-23 in Sioux Falls hope to see all of you there. Ringneck Shrine club
will be holding their Ranch rodeo on Sunday September 14 at 1:oo PM. September 21 is the
Ringneck Shrine club annual picnic at the Rockham Community Center, Rockham, SD at 5 pm.
I will leave you with this thought “ I will make this day a happy one, for I alone can determine
what kind of a day it will be.”
High Priest and Prophet
Kevin Harr
Chief Rabban... George Parmeter
The Property Committee and Divan submits the following BY-LAW PROPOSAL to
the Temple By-laws:
Construction Program and Secured or Long-Term Obligations. Prior
to commencing a construction program or incurring a secured or long-term debt, as
defined by the bylaws of the Imperial Council, the Temple must follow the bylaws
of the Imperial Council. (This is the current by-law)
We propose adding the following section.
Permanent Capital Improvement Fund. Yelduz Temple shall establish a
permanent Capital Improvement Fund for the purpose of setting aside funds for
improvements, major maintenance projects, and emergency repairs to Temple
property. The Temple shall budget for and deposit a sum of not less than $5,000 per year into the Capital Improvement Fund; and individuals, clubs and units may contribute to this Fund to supplement budgeted contributions. Any unspent money remaining in the Fund at the end of the fiscal year will remain in
the Fund for the purpose of increasing the Fund balance to provide for future improvements, major
maintenance projects, and emergency repairs to Temple property. Expenditures from the Permanent
Capital Improvement Fund are intended to supplement funds that are otherwise provided for in the annual Temple Budget.
All Permanent Capital Improvement Fund expenditures (except emergency repairs as specified in 2 below)
shall be included in the annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) prepared by the Capital Improvement Committee and approved with the Annual Budget.
Emergency Repairs paid from the Permanent Capital Improvement Fund shall only include only those items
that require immediate action to prevent further damage to Temple property, items that cannot be paid
from other budgeted repair and maintenance accounts, and items that have been designated as Emergency Repairs by the Divan because action cannot prudently be delayed until the next Stated Meeting. A
description of the Emergency Repair and the need for immediate action shall be posted on the Yelduz
Temple web-site not less than 24 hours before Permanent Capital Improvement Fund expenses are incurred.
Authorized projects that may be paid from the Permanent Capital Improvement Fund include Temple, club
and unit projects including vehicles, real estate projects and other approved projects.
Administration of this fund shall comply with Imperial and Temple Bylaws.
We read this at the August meeting and will discuss it further and vote on it at the Sept or Oct. meeting.
Money is beginning to come in for the kitchen remodeling. Several gifts have already been received and I’ve
learned that the James Valley Shrine Club is donating $20,000 for the Walk-in cooler and freezer. A big thank
you to all who are responding to the call.
The next Property committee meeting will be on Monday August 25 at 6:00 pm at the Shrine Center.
The Auxiliary is hosting a Scrapbooking weekend Sept. 12-14 at the Shrine Center. Contact the office or Gayle
Parmeter to register for the event. Applications can be picked up at the office or from Gayle.
Please send me or the office your 2015 schedules so we can list them in next year’s calendar by Oct. 1 at the latest.
George Parmeter
PP Del & Judy Bertsch
Bernard Blume
Clair & Marlys Bonebright
Karen Bremmon
Lyle & Mardell Brown
Jerold & Amy Buechler
Ray “Buzz” & Kathy Burkhardt
James & Carol Bush
Franz & Jane Cartner
Charles & Virgina Chilson
Kim & Diane Clausen in memory
of Jessicia & Roberta
Greg Crady
Tom & Cindy Dafnis
Kent & Jane Duerre
LeRoy & Mavis Erickson
Wayne & Ann Erickson
Leroy Farmen
Dean & Patti Feiock
Gary & Donna Fischer
Fischer Family in memory of
Charles J Fischer
Marlin & Lyn Flint
Neil & Shannon Foote
Rodney & Glenna Fouberg
Marlys Freeburg in memory of
Robert Feeburg
LeRoy & Janet Friemark, Sr.
LeRoy Friemark, Jr.
Joe & Lisa Fritzsche
Juanita Geranen in memory of
Fred Geranen
Ward & Georgia Goodell
Richard & Pat Gooding
Adam & Jordann Hansen
Mario Hansen
Robert J Harris
Blair & Yvonne Healy
Curtis Healy
Richard & Inara Hicks
Charles & Holly Hoffman
Verna Hoffman in memory of
Robert Hoffman
Willard Hoffman
Wayne & Carol Hoines
Douglas & Janet Hupke
Chuck & Arvilla Ingerson
Marc & Fay Jackman
Richard & Gwen Jackson
Lester & Shirley James
Christopher Jansen
Wesley & Lorraine Jarman
Kitty Johnson in memory of
Duane Johnson
Robert B. Johnson
Don Jondahl
Phyllis Kent in memory of
Daisy Kent
Harold Koch
Lois Koester in memory of
Ted Koester
Barbra Kuske in memory of
James Kuske PP
PP Floyd & Carrie Lashly
Richard & Vi Lillestol
Frank & Joanne Lockner
Kurt & Barb McKane
Terry Meek
Martin & Julene Micko
Roy & Marjy Milliken
Doug & Carol Miller
Dale & Linda Mork
Irma Mork in memory of
Clyde Mork
Mark Nelson
Michael & Marlene Nelson
Gail & Mary O’Donnell
Clark & Marilyn Overbey
Harley & Carrie Overseith
Jeffrey & Patricia Payant
Clayton Perman
Harold & Peggy Permann
Betty Pinkerton in memory
Dick Pinkerton PP
David & Gwen Planteen
Keith & Alice Pulfrey in
memory of Arlene Pulfrey
Mary Jane Rea in memory of
Wendell L. Rea
Dean & Jeanie Ritter
Gerald & Anna Mae Rix
Melvin & Julie Roesch
Larry & Sharon Rosenow
Larry & Deanne Rowen
& Hazel Rowen
Lyle & Hazel Rowen
Dennis & Arly Schnabel
Arnold Schurr in memory of
Jeanne Schurr
Steve & Dian Schurr
Terry & Christy Serr in memory
of Xavier Serr
Karen Severson in memory of
Gordon Severson
Harold & Dee Sharpe
David & Rubye Siemon
Rod & Bev Simons
Neil & Denice Smith
Marion Starr in memory of
Daryle Starr
DeWayne Storley PP
Steven & Michelle Swanson
Phillip & Phyllis Testerman
Wayne & Betty Testerman
Charles & Nyla Thornton
Uncle Matt
Mary Ulrich in memory of
Rodger Ulrich
Dan & Viv Vetter
Tom & Lori Wagner
Bob & Gina Williams
Vollie Ann Williams
Ralph & Judy Winegar in
memory of Lowell Behrens
Dayle & Rosemary Winter
Ruth Yada in memory of
Leland Yada
Thank You..
For Supporting the
Yelduz News!!
Business and Professional Directory
Shriners—please support these services.
Thank you.
Hair Designs & More
Dixie Mattern
709 S Main St
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Building Materials/
Home Improvement
Campbell’s Town &
Country Bldg. Supply
15236th Ave SW
P.O. Box 147
RAberdeen, SD 57402-0147
Business Equipment/Services
A&B Business/Office
Equipment Co.
1600 North A Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD
Office Equipment Co., Inc.
108 S Main St
PO Box 576
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Fax 605-225-4076
2014 Advertising rate $50.00 annually for a business or professional listing which will be published monthly with the Yelduz
News. Contact the Shrine Center office if you would like to
Crady’s Radiator
212 S 2nd St
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Toll Free”1” 888-753-6620
Roslyn Elevator
611 1st St
Roslyn, SD 57261
Winkler Chiropractic Clinic
803 S Main
Aberdeen, SD 57401-6018
Funeral Services
A-G-E Corporation
704 W Hwy 14 & 34
Fort Pierre, SD 57532
Jarvis Construction
1207—11th Ave NE
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Commercial Printing,
Embroidery & Advertising
Western Printing Company
701 Enterprise St N
PO Box 1555
Aberdeen, SD 57402-1555
Schriver’s Memorial
Mortuary & Crematory
414 5th Ave NW
Aberdeen, SD 574012742
Market/ Bakery
Ken’s SuperFair Foods
2105 SE 6th Ave
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Quarve Drug
710 Main St
P.O. Box 27
Britton, SD 57430
Safety Service Inc.
38380 W Hwy 12
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Karlen & Associates Inc.
634 S Roosevelt Suite #1
P.O. Box 187
Aberdeen, SD 57402-0187
Hardin’s Photography
717 S Main St
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Plumbing, Heating &
Air Conditioning
RDR Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
14 5th Ave SW
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Travel Agency
Travel Leaders
221 So. Lincoln Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
September 4, 2014
7:00 PM at Yelduz Shrine
Social & Dinner
Social at 6:00 pm & Dinner at 6:30 pm
Attest: Kim Clausen, Recorder
Yours in Faith,
Rod Simons, Potentate
Recorders Message
MSA in Sioux Falls is upon us. It looks like we will be well represented at the parades in Tea and Brandon. This will be a great time for fellowship and fun. Hope
you have your reservations in.
The Shrine Football Game kickoff was August 7th. We need strong support from
the Nobles to get all the football packets out. Revenues from the football fundraiser has declined steadily over the last few years. We really do need your help and support on this
endeavor. Remember that it is all about the kids that need our help.
Pecan sales is just around the corner. The office will be ordering pecans within the next month. This is
a very good fundraiser for the Temple. Again your help is needed.
The Kitchen Renovation Project has started a beef jerky fundraiser. The jerky sells for $8.00 per bag.
All proceeds from the jerky sales will go to the kitchen fund for the first year. This will be an ongoing
fundraiser and will be a big help for the renovation of the kitchen.
Annual elections are drawing near. We need a noble for the Oriental Guide position. This is an excellent opportunity to help the fraternity of Yelduz Shrine grow and prosper. If you have an interest call
the office to get your name in.
Budget time is upon us. If you have ideas or suggestions for the budget, please let one of the Divan
know. Clubs and units should be working on their budgets for the coming year.
If you are going to Sioux Falls for MSA, drive safely and have a great time. See you at the Stated meeting on September 4, 2014.
Yours in Faith
Kim Clausen-Recorder
Here are a couple of websites that will help any Noble in his mission of “helping Children & their Families,”
This respective website has the following
Guided Tours
Information about the Shriners
A roadmap to become a Shriner
The application forms to get someone
Shriners Village
Shriners Village is a private web community for Shiners.
All the information you need to log in is: your Temple’s name,
your member number and your last name.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 314
Yelduz Shrine
802 South Main St
Aberdeen, SD 57402
Phone: 605-225-4841
Fax: 605-229-0285
Visit our website at
August 2014
Sept 2014
12-17 Brown County Fair
1—Foot Patrol
18—Lake Region Shrine Club
4—Divan & Stated Meetings
8—James Valley Shrine Club
20-23 MSA Sioux Falls
21—Oahe Shrine Club
12-14-Hospital Aux Scrapebooking
21—Northeast Shrine Club
15-Lake Region Shrine Club
22—Ringneck Shrine Club